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Becky and Melody have decisions to make about what they want from their brothers!
Public Incestuous Passion

(An Incestuous Harem Story)

Chapter Five: Little Sister's Exploding Love

By mypenname3000

Copyright 2018

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this!

Melody Samuels

I burst from the pool room reeling.

Behind me, the student body of my college were shouting and screaming. My bare feet slapped on the floor. My naked breasts bounced and heaved. All the pleasure, all the exhilaration, from having my pussy licked by Becky while the entire student body, including my half-brother and lover Clint, watching me was gone. Vanished in a single moment.

A single kiss.

Tim kissed me.

I liked it.

The world spun around me, bent and twisted to weird angles. I stumbled for a moment with a drunken lurch. I grabbed a locker for support, my heart screaming in my chest. My breath came so fast as I remembered Tim's kiss. It wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to love Becky, his little sister. He just took her cherry while she ate my pussy. Then he kissed me!

Was this my fault?

I kept calling him cutie. I was teasing him, trying to seduce him into incest with his sister. I didn't mean to make him like me. Right? Was I attracted to Tim? I mean, he was a cute guy. He wasn't as muscular as Clint, but Tim's swimmer build had a lean and virile quality about it. And when combined with his green eyes and dark hair, he had a boyish handsomeness. He paid attention to me and...

Did I encourage him?

My lips burned with the memory of his. If he had only kissed me and I flinched back, that was one thing. But, for a moment, I enjoyed it. I returned it for a single heartbeat, wanting to melt into him. Wanting to be loved by him. Even if Clint wasn't watching, I would feel terrible about doing that. Right?

Would I have gone farther if Clint wasn't there?

A wave of nausea washed out of my guts. I groaned, running faster. The world grew blurry. The back of my throat grew tight. My shoulders shuddered. I slid to a stop before my locker. I blinked my eyes, the tears almost spilling out as I spun the combination on my locker.

Right 13. Left 51. Right 9.

I ripped my locker open. I threw my purse in here before going to the school's pool. It swung on my shoulder as I kept running. I had to get away. Think. What was wrong with me? How could I betray Clint? Alicia must be freaking out. Pam must hate me. And Clint...

I was his queen!

I barreled out of the school building. I was naked, breasts bouncing before me as I raced through the parking lot. I wove through the parking lot. I grabbed out my keys. I jammed the key into our car. I twisted. The lock clicked. I hopped onto the car, started it, and backed out as fast as possible. I shifted the car into to drive. I had to get away.

My phone was beeping in my purse. Text messages. I couldn't look. I knew who they were from: Pam. She would want to talk. She would probably understand how I could kiss another guy. How I could do something so whorish like that. How I wanted to kiss Tim.

Fuck Tim.


Becky Yates

My brother's cum leaked out of my newly deflowered cherry. I sat up, feeling so naked. I just had sex before the entire student body, and now I was self-conscious. I hugged myself as I turned around, trying to cover my small breasts, my thighs pressed tight to hide my shaved pussy. I thought Tim loved me. He came in me, after opening me up, and then he kissed Melody.

That hussy instead of me.

Her pussy juices stained sweet on my mouth. Tim stood up, watching Melody race out of the pool room, the entire student body whooping and hollering, doing that shocked, “Ooohhhh.” My cheeks burned with embarrassment.

Tim chased after the fleeing Melody and... such an anger surged through me for my older brother. I just gave him my body, my virginity! He was the first guy to ever enter me—I thought he would be the only guy to enter me—and then he kissed Melody! That utter slut.

“Melody!” Tim called, his cock flopping before him as he darted after her. “Wait, Melody!”

I ground my teeth as he got about a dozen steps after her when Clint, bursting from the bleachers, crashed into my brother. Tim hit the ground hard with a grunt. My brother rolled onto his back as Clint kicked him while he was down. The shouts of the watching students changed, burning with such vicious enthusiasm.

“Kick his ass, Clint!” roared from the stands.

“Don't be a pussy, Tim!” shouted someone else.

“Your girlfriend's a slut, Clint!”

“Beat him bloody, Master!” screeched Lee.

My brother gained his feet, blocking a body blow from Clint. Tim threw a punch, but Clint deflected it with his forearm before slamming his fist into my brother's face. Bright blood spurted. Tim's head snapped backward as he reeled. He groaned, stumbling. Before he could recover, Clint punched hard, planting his fist in my brother's solar plexus. My brother grunted and managed to crack an elbow into Clint's jaw.

My brother paid for it, doubling over from another hard blow from Clint. Such anger twisted the bigger guy's face. Clint punched again, but my brother managed to just block it and stumble back a pace. Clint charged in after.

A part of me took a vicious pleasure in my brother getting his ass kicked, but another part of me...

“Stop hitting my brother!” I shrieked, gaining my feet.

Water splashed behind me. Tim's swim team, who were watching from the pool, darted past me dripping wet. They raced towards the fight. Other students were pouring from the stands. A pregnant Lee appeared, stepping before Todd, blocking the dripping swimmer from interfering in the fight. Clint stuck my brother again. Tim stumbled back into his team mate. Clint rushed after him. He was a bigger guy than my brother and hit hard.

“Asshole!” someone shouted.

The students swarmed around, blocking the fight from my view. I caught a glimpse of the swim team grabbing Clint, hauling him back. Lee was punching Todd in the back now, screeching like a wild animal.

“That's enough!” Ms. Samuels, a history professor, shouted. “Both of you stop it right now!”

Her voice cut over the student's. I caught a glimpse of the shock on Clint's face as he whipped his head around to stare at the teacher. She was Lee and Melody's mother, and, from what I gathered, Clint's sex slave.

“Now!” roared the older woman, her black hair sweeping about an angry face. “Break it up both of you!”

Clint threw off Todd holding his arm. He glared at Ms. Samuels, then he pushed through the crowd and stalked out of the hallway. Pam scurried to catch up to him. They vanished out of the hallway, Pam fumbling with her phone. My brother looked around, seeing everyone staring at him. He clutched a hand to his nose, blood flowing. He pushed past his friend and raced naked towards the locker room.

Angry, I stalked after him.


Melody Samuels

I had no idea where I was going. I drove naked out of the college's parking lot. I was on the verge of crying. I made a right turn, not even sure why. I pulled into the traffic, just driving to get away from everything. My breasts rose and fell, the seatbelt tight between them. My heart pounded so fast, thundering beneath my ribs. It pulsed through my veins.

Why did I do it? I glanced down at my naked breasts. I... I just had sex with Becky before the school. I had never done anything so wild, so risky before. What was wrong with me? It used to be just the thrill of getting caught, being spotted by a few people. Now I was craving so much more. If Clint wasn't there, would I have let Tim fuck me?

Let the entire school witness me cuckolding my brother?

What sort of terrible person was I? Did I truly want that? Was that the real reason I went down this game with Becky? Just to get some attention from a guy. Any cute guy. The way Tim looked at me while he watched me with his sister, his eyes drinking me in like I was the only woman in the world, filled my mind. My cheeks burned. Clint used to look at me like that.

What happened?

My hands worked the steering wheel. I don't know why I turned here. I had no idea where I was going. Not the house. That lay in the opposite direction. My vision misted again, my eyes burning. I blinked back the tears. I had to think. To figure this out.

I took another turn and...

I blinked at what was before me. Flashing Glitter's sign, well, flashed at me. Pink letters proclaiming the strip club's name next to a silhouette of a busty woman in a seductive pose. This was where my sister, Zoey, worked with her girlfriend as an 'exotic dancer.'

Why was I here? Did I want to be a stripper? Did I just want to abandon all pretense and shake my stuff before a bunch of horny men. To be bathed by their dollar bills. To let them touch me while giving them lap dances, grinding my ass on their dicks through their pants. I know they would cum sometimes. Zoey blanched at that but me...

A weird thrill ran through me. To have guys getting off from watching my body dance and twerk, to get so turned on from me. They would shower me with attention. With dollar bills and orgasms from getting dry-humped.

Flashing Glitter was where a whore belonged who kissed other boys.

My pussy grew so hot as I stared at the club. My thighs rubbed together. I licked my lips, my heart beating so fast. I proved what I truly was today. It made me feel so empty inside. I needed to feel that with something.

Why not this?

Clint hated me now. My shoulders shook. Despite the lust flaring through my pussy, I pressed my face into the steering wheel. The horn blared as my shoulders shook. The tears finally came. They spilled hot down my cheeks.


Becky Yates

I marched into the boy's locker room. I didn't care that I shouldn't be in here. I was naked and unafraid. The one thing that Melody had taught me was to be bold, to seize my pleasures when I wanted them, and to throw myself into it with passion. It was the way she'd seduced me. The way she'd fucked Lee up the ass with a strap-on in the girl's bathroom.

I found my brother sitting on a bench, looking down at the cement floor, his elbows resting on his knees. Blood dripped from his nose, splattering in drops of crimson on the gray cement. I sighed, wanting to be so angry at him, but he looked so sad and hurt right now.

I snagged a towel from a shelf stacked with them as I marched to him. My footsteps slapped the cold floor. I slammed the towel into his hand. He looked up at me, blinking. Already his cheek was swelling up. He pressed the white terry cloth to his nose.

“Thanks,” he muttered.

I slapped his cheek. The stinging sound echoed through the locker room. I felt the force of the blow in my hand. The burning gave me such a satisfying, vicious delight.

He blinked at me. “What was that for?”

“You kissed her!” I hissed at him, wanting to slap him again. “Not me! HER!”

“You wanted me... to kiss you?” he said, brow furrowed. “But you're my little sister.”

“And?” I snarled. “That didn't stop you from fucking me in front of the entire school.”


“I'm so humiliated! You just took my virginity—I gave myself to you utterly—and then you kissed Melody? That whore? Everyone saw it. Everyone knows who you like more.”

He blinked. “What? I—”


I slapped him even harder. My blood boiled.

“Stop that!” he groaned. “Why are you so mad at me?”

“I love you, you idiot!”

My hand streaked at his cheek. He caught my wrist. His green eyes stared up at me in shock. He blinked. “What?”

“Why do you think we were doing this?” I demanded.

“What...?” He frowned. “You love... me? You're my sister!”

I folded my arms beneath my naked breasts. “And?”

“I just thought you were Melody's girlfriend or something. She's into all that free love crap. I thought she wanted me and was having fun, you know? Seeing how much she could get me to do before we... I just—”

“Idiot!” I snarled. “I love you. And she's Clint's girlfriend! She's just... naughty.”

“Yeah,” he said. “I mean... I took your virginity before our college. I mean... That's something a pervert like Melody would do and... I just thought she wanted to end it with a bang or something.”

“No, I did that so the entire school could see how much I loved you.” The pain my anger was covering burst through it. My face tightened, scrunching up. “It was supposed to be special, and you ruined it!”

He flinched, looked down. “I... I didn't know.” He swallowed shifting. His eyes flicked up at me. “You really... love me?”

“I did,” I said, itching him to slap him again. He couldn't pout his way out of this. Not after what he did. He kissed her!

“Maybe...” Tim swallowed. “Ugh, I'm sorry I ruined it.”

“You did.”

He gave me a look, lowering the towel from his nose, the bleeding had stopped. There was something in his eyes, something... that looked shocked. He flicked up and down at me and... it felt like he was truly seeing me for the first time. I suddenly felt my nudity again. I wanted to cover myself but...

I liked how he was looking at me. I shouldn't. I wanted to unleash my anger on him, but... Why did I have to have all these feelings in me? It would be so much easier if he hurt me to just hate him and not be all confused and hopeful and aching and longing.

“I could... make it right.” His eyes were almost pleading. They were full of... re-evaluation. Consideration blossomed in them. He... appraised me. The way a man appraised a woman. A wave of heat shot through me. “Please, Becky.”

“In front of everyone?” I asked him. “You have to prove to them because... because... You just do! Or I'll hate you!” I glared at him. “And you don't want me hating you, do you?”

He forced a half-hearted smile. “You slap hard.”


Melody Samuels

I bit my lip, staring at the strip club. There was this part of me that just wanted to go in even though I was twenty. I wanted to go in there apply for a job. To get naughty. I just wanted to make this pain go away. Clint would never take me back. How could he?

I kissed Tim.

Ugh, why was I so stupid? I could make this right. Clint can't be that mad but...

He was the type of guy who expected his women to only love him. And I was his queen. I was supposed to be the best, an example to Alicia and Lee, to my own daughter Christie, to even Pam. To those Japanese twins that fawned over Clint. Even to my mother and my aunt and Mrs. Hiragawa. I let them all down.

My phone kept beeping and ringing. They called me. Texted me. Messaged me. I ignored my cell, leaving it in my purse. I didn't know what to do. The entire family would hate me. They would despise me. We had this amazing harem, and I just had to be a horny, disgusting slut and ruin it.

I deserved to be a stripper. Just shaking my ass and twerking on stage. I would bend over and let the patrons shove dollar bills in my pussy like Zoey did. Only she wasn't Clint's queen. She was just his sister he liked to fuck.

My stomach twisted. People were going in and out. Girls were arriving. No one glanced at me or realized there was a naked, twenty-year-old slut in the car. My fingers drummed on the steering wheel. I whimpered, wanting to just march my nude ass into the club and just let the guys go wild. I deserved to have them all touch me.

The passenger door opened.

I screeched in shock, flinching as someone slipped into the passenger seat and—

“Zoey?” I gasped, staring at my older sister.

Her brassy hair spilled about her shoulders, a look of amusement on her face. Amusement! “So, you're going to be a stripper, Melody?” She arched her eyebrows. “Make the big bucks?”

I flushed, my cheeks burning. I just shrugged.

“Well, I hear you like to flash your stuff,” Zoey said, shifting in the car. “I get it. It's hot when everyone pants after your body. Makes you feel like a woman.”

“What are you doing here?” I demanded, anger and shame burning through me. “How did you even find me?”

“GPS on your phone,” she answered. “When we saw where you were, I volunteered to come talk to you.”

I swallowed, not sure what to do. My hands squeezed the steering wheel.

“So you kissed this guy Tim. Want to talk about it?”

“He kissed me,” I said quickly. Then my cheeks warmed. “But... I liked it. I don't know. Maybe I liked the attention. Maybe I'm just a filthy girl who's not good enough for Clint.”

“Good enough?”

“Not... not patient enough.” That frustration bubbled up through the humiliation and shame, smothering it. “He has so many other people who need his help. So many other women who want him, so I can't monopolize his time, but I want to. And then... Tim...” My brow furrowed. “There was a moment where I wanted him to keep kissing me. To do other things with him.” I burst out with a bitter laugh. “I kept calling him cutie, and the way he kept looking at me... It made me feel good. What does that make me, Zoey?”

“A girl who needs attention,” Zoey said. She glanced at the strip club. “So let's go get it.”

“What?” I blinked.

“On stage, shaking your stuff.” She gave me a leering look, glancing down at my tits. “You got the goods, sis.”

“But don't even work here!”

“Details...” she said as she climbed out of the car. She marched around it, her big boobs bouncing in her tight, beige sweater. She opened the driver door and seized my arm. “Let's find out what you truly want.”

I blinked as she dragged me out of the car.


Becky Yates

His face cleaned up, I dragged my brother out of the locker room, both of us naked. My stomach fluttered, but I had to be bold. Things were changing at our college. Thanks to Melody and Clint, incest was percolating through the school. Bit by bit more and more people were embracing it. And now it was exploding. People could be open about it.

I realized I was pioneering this newfound openness. One of the first besides Melody to be open about it. And I would hold my head up high. Melody might be a whore who tried to steal my brother—anger spiked through me at remembering their kiss—but she taught me this wonderful lesson. Boldness. I could do anything. I could proclaim to the world what my heart wanted.

Tim stumbled after me. He still felt dazed. But his hand squeezing mine felt strong. I felt his eyes flicking over my body. Finally, he saw me as a woman. As something desirable. Something he could enjoy.

There were plenty of students still milling around the pool and sitting on the bleachers. The room echoed with their conversations. People glanced at us. A rippling wave of embarrassed silence spread from them. They glanced at me, shifting, biting lips, shrugging shoulders. My cheeks burned, but I lifted my chin high as I marched into the midst of them.



“Everyone, this is my brother, Tim,” I said. “And I love him!”

People shifted. The murmurs began. I caught my friends' eyes. Kristi, Rhea, and Belinda all nodded at me. Rhea was particularly enthusiastic. She had a brother. I hoped she would throw herself into incest.

“Well, you all saw what happened,” I said. “He... misunderstood the situation. He didn't realize that I loved him and thought this was all some game with Melody.”

“That got him his ass kicked!” a guy shouted from the back.

Tim squeezed my hand.

“Right, Tim?” I said, glancing at my brother.

“Yeah,” he said. “It was... She's... Well, my little sister is kinda growing on me. I'm really seeing how cute she is.”

“Whipped!” another guy shouted.

“At least he's getting some,” a girl retorted back. “More than you're getting. And paying to fuck Mrs. Umayyah doesn't count.”

Laughter rippled through the crowd. I saw more smiles. I swelled up. It was just a misunderstanding. I wasn't clear with my brother that I loved him. I mean, he just thought Melody was a kinky slut—which she absolutely was—and he misread the situation. But he had a chance to make things right. To prove to the student body that he loved me.

And to prove to me that he loved me. I wanted that so much. He just had to see it. To understand that I would give him everything. That he was lucky to get to enjoy my fine, nubile body. How many guys get to prove they were studs by fucking their little sisters before their college's entire student body?

My brother did.

“So, he is going to apologize by eating my asshole and making me cum,” I declared.

“Hot!” a girl moaned.

“Give her a rimjob, Tim!” shouted Todd.

“Make her explode!” someone else shouted.

“Definitely whipped!”

“I'd be whipped if a girl wanted me to do that,” another guy said.

“After he eats my asshole, he should be so hard for me,” I said, my pussy clenching. His cum leaked out of me, running down my thighs. It was such a naughty feeling. I reveled in it. “As his reward, he gets to enjoy my last virgin hole. He's going to fuck me up the ass while all of you watch.”

“Damn!” a guy groaned. “I wish my little sister would let me do that.”

“Maybe you should ask her,” I told him. “You'd be surprised. Little sisters often have crushes on their big brothers. You should enjoy it. She'll be so thrilled with you. She'll do so many naughty things to you because she'll be so happy.” I glanced at Tim, not caring that his cheek was swelling and his nose was still puffy. “Right, Tim?”

“Yeah,” he said, this awe in his voice. “Damn... I really had no idea. But you are hot, Becky. I'll make you cum so hard.”

“Good,” I said and lowered myself to my hands and knees. Then, feeling utterly depraved, I swiped up the cum leaking out of my pussy and running down my thighs. I brought the pearly jizz to my mouth and popped it in.

“Yes!” Rhea groaned. My Black friend shuddered, her head casting around like she was searching for something. She grinned when she saw Isaac and sidled towards him.

I shuddered, loving the flavor of my brother's salty cum. It was mixed with my own fresh pussy juices. It made me shudder. I wiggled my hips, nursing on my fingers while the students all whooped and cheered around us.

“Eat out her ass, Tim!” a girl shrieked.

“Do it, man!” groaned a guy.

“Fuck, I am going to fap to this for the rest of my life,” another guy groaned.

“Gross!” a girl hissed. “Stop ruining the mood. He's about to make love to his sister.”

“By rimming her ass?”

“Make love,” she sighed, making such a breathy, girlish sound.

I grinned at them while I kept sucking on my finger. Then I groaned as my brother's hands grasped my butt-cheeks. He parted them, exposing my asshole. My pussy clenched, forcing out more of his cum to run down my thighs.

So I scooped it up.

As I sucked off his salty spunk, his face nuzzled into my crack. I shuddered, feeling his shaved-smooth cheeks rubbing on my flesh. I trembled, remembering the sight of Melody fucking her little sister Lee up the ass with the dildo during lunch today. How Lee had squealed and moaned. How much she loved it.

I knew I would, too.

My brother's tongue found my asshole. He rimmed my dainty, little sphincter. I shuddered, groaning around my fingers. I sucked on them like they were my big brother's cock. My tongue danced and swirled, scooping up every trace of his jizz while he teased me.

He felt so incredible. I loved it. My entire body shook with utter delight and rapture as his tongue swirled around my asshole. He fluttered against it, making me groan and whimper. I had to pop my fingers out of my mouth so I could brace both my hands on the rough, cement surface by the pool.

“Oh, Tim, yes!” I groaned. “That feels so... wicked. Ooh, I can't believe you're licking my asshole.”

“What does it feel like?” asked Belinda.

“It's this strange, fluttering sensation,” I groaned. “It makes my pussy clench and tingle. It shoots right to it and...” My eyes widened. “Oh, wow, he's trying to work his tongue into me.”

“Go, Tim!” Rhea shouted, clinging to her brother's arm. She was pressed so tight against him. Isaac had such a foolish look on his face.

The Black stud knew he was getting some little sister pussy tonight.

Tim's tongue forced into my asshole. My little sphincter surrendered enough for him to wiggle into my depths. I gasped at the increased stimulation. It melted my pussy. More and more of my cream flowed, carrying more and more of my brother's cum out of the depths of my snatch. I wiggled my hips, my entire body shaking as he pleased me.

My moans burst from my lips. My black hair swayed about my face. I whimpered and moaned. I shoved my right hand back down to scoop up my cream and his jizz. I brought it to my mouth over and over, savoring it. Loving it. My brother's spunk mixed with my juices...

What a wonderful treat!

Tim squeezed my butt-cheeks as he groaned and growled, kneading me, making me shake and shudder. It was such a delicious thing to enjoy. I groaned and whimpered. My eyes squeezed shut as the pleasure shot through me. My entire body trembled. My heart thundered in my chest as my brother loved my asshole.

He ate me.

He swirled his tongue around inside of my butt-hole.

He made me feel so good.

“Yes, yes, yes, Tim!” I moaned, my eyes fluttering. Rushes of velvety delight washed through my body. “Ooh, you're so good. I... I... love you so much.”

“You taste so good, Becky,” he groaned between licks. “I... I... Damn, you're amazing!”

The girls all chorused, “Awwwwww!”

“Whipped!” that one asshole shouted again then grunted. “The fuck?”

“Dick!” a girl said, satisfaction in her voice.

I don't know what she did to him, but I beamed, so happy that most of the people saw our incestuous love as beautiful. I shuddered, my hips wiggling, Tim's tongue probing deeper into my asshole, stimulating my walls, my pussy rowing hotter and hotter.

Then something wonderful happened. His right hand drifted from my butt-cheek, down to the bottom swell of my rump. He traced the curve to between my thighs and slid up. My skin drank in his touch, turning it into a fiery caress that burned before him, reaching my pussy in moments. My cunt drank in the heat, loving it.

His fingers reached my thick labia.

“Tim!” I purred, feeling as happy as a cute, sexy kitten. “Yes, yes, yes! Thank you! Ooh, you're such a stud!”

His fingers stroked up and down my fat pussy lips. He caressed my folds, the tingling stimulation meeting the velvety delight coming out of my asshole. His digits found the deflowered entrance to my pussy. Only his dick had been past there.

He thrust two of his fingers into my cunt.

My snatch clenched down on him. I groaned, my small tits jiggling beneath me. I squeezed my pussy down on him. I groaned, loving this moment. I had lived nineteen years, and I knew this was the best day ever. Even with the misunderstanding, I had my brother's love.

“Yes, yes, yes, Tim,” I groaned. “Finger my cunt! Ooh, you're stirring me up. You're going to make me cum.”

“Good,” he growled, sounding more assertive, more confident. “I want you to explode, Becky. My little sister gets to erupt with pleasure.”

More “awwws” came from the girls. They were starting to sound jealous. I beamed, wiggling my hips, stirring my pussy around his thrusting fingers while his tongue licked and swirled at my asshole. It was incredible. Such delight surged through me. My entire body shook, my breasts jiggling.

I groaned louder and louder as my orgasm built and built in me. This was incredible. Every swirl of his tongue, every thrust of his fingers, drove me towards my climax. My pussy clenched on his fingers. My asshole squeezed about his tongue. I drank it in while everyone watched me.

“Look at her face,” a girl whimpered. “She's about to explode.”

“Yeah, she is,” groaned a guy. “Fuck, Tim, your little sister's hot.”

“So hot,” groaned a girl with a Latina accent. Was that Juana? I caught a glimpse of her with her older sister, Carmelita, and... They were fingering each other. I swear they had their hands down each other's jeans. Everyone was focused on me and my brother and hadn't noticed their lesbian incest. “Make your sister cum, Tim!”

“Yes!” Belinda groaned. “Do it! My friend deserves to explode!”

“Uh-huh,” Rhea, clinging to her brother, groaned.

All their attention swept through me. My head threw back. My butt-cheeks tightened about his face. Tim's fingers jammed deep into my cunt's depths. I groaned, my pussy drinking in the friction of his digits. It met the strange rush of pleasure from my asshole rimmed by his tongue. The two sensations swirled through me.

My orgasm detonated inside of me.

Pussy juices gushed out around his fingers. Pleasure flooded through my body, filling every inch of me. My toes curled. I quaked and quivered. Spots of darkness burst across my vision, joined by celebratory stars. I screamed out in delight as my cunt writhed about his digits. My asshole convulsed around his tongue swirling through my bowels.

“Tim, Tim, yes!” I howled.

My pleasure had me groaning and gasping. I wanted to collapse. It was so good. My brother gave me such delight. He was amazing. I could tell he would love me so much. My asshole quivered, eager to be filled by his cock now.

“Fuck her ass!” a guy shouted.

“Fuck her ass!” someone else cried out.

“FUCK HER ASS!” the other students picked up. “FUCK HER ASS!”

I beamed as Tim lifted his face from between my butt-cheeks.


I threw a look over my shoulder, my mind buzzing from my orgasm. My brother licked his lips, his green eyes meeting mine. A wave of heat washed out of my pussy, still full of his fingers. I beamed at him and moaned, “You heard them, big brother. Fuck my ass!”

“Gladly,” he groaned. “Roll over.”

“What?” I blinked. “Onto my back? How can you fuck my ass...? Unless... Do you want to fuck my pussy again?”

“Oh, no, I want your asshole,” he said. “I just... I want this to be different. I took your last cherry doggy style while staring at—”

“Her!” I said, not wanting to hear that skank's name right now. I probably shouldn't be angry at her, but... Tim kissed her, not me! He was my big brother! She had her own!

“Yeah,” he said. “This time... I want to stare into your eyes.”

I melted into a puddle of giggling, girlish passion. I had him. My brother loved me. I rolled over onto my back, his fingers popping out of my snatch. His hands spread my thighs wide. My pussy felt so exposed to him. If he wanted to plunge into there, I wouldn't mind. Not for him.

He mounted me, lowering his body while his cock nudged at my pussy. I shuddered, his right hand grabbing it, sliding his dick's crown up and down my thick pussy lips, just nuzzling into my pussy. I groaned, loving it. Pleasure flooded through me, my labia hypersensitive from my orgasm. He nudged my clit.

Hot sparks showered through me.

I whimpered, squirming, so eager for this.

His cock moved lower while he lifted my rump. His dick slipped past my taint to nudge at my asshole. It was wet and sticky with my pussy juices... He lubed himself. I groaned as he pushed on my virgin asshole, lowering his body to me. He was strong and hairless, shaving himself to be as hydrodynamic as possible for the swim team. It made him so... so sexy to me.

Nothing between me and feeling his muscular chest as he kissed me. I shuddered, tasting my own sour musk on his lips. Our tongues dueled. The cheers of our classmates swelled and swelled as I hooked my arms around Tim's neck, holding his head in place, my nipples throbbing against his pecs.


Tim fucked my ass.

I squealed into his kiss as his cock pressed against my sphincter. My pussy clenched. I groaned as he used so much force. He wouldn't be denied entry into the pleasure that was my bowels. My anal ring stretched and stretched, surrendering to him, welcoming him into my depths.

The tip of his dick popped into my asshole. I whimpered, my bowels clenching around his girth as he pressed deeper and deeper in. After a few inches, he surpassed how far his tongue had reached. And he was so much wider. So much harder. Thicker. It was incredible. Velvety friction burned around his thrusting shaft, the inferno's heat igniting my pussy.

I shuddered beneath him as he pressed deeper and deeper into me. And then... his shaved crotch pressed against my equally shaved pussy. My naked labia rubbed against his pubic mound, drinking in the feel of him. My clit throbbed while my bowels clenched down on him. I clutched to him with my arms and thighs, holding my brother tight.

I loved him so much.

I could feel how much he loved me as he kissed me with such passion. His tongue played with mine as he drew his cock back through my asshole. Such a wave of incestuous passion rippled through my body. I whimpered into his mouth. Stars burst across my vision.

He rammed into me again. And again. He made love to my asshole.

My hips moved, stirring around, increasing the stimulation of his dick plunging into my bowels. My labia and clit rejoiced every time he buried into me, loving the feel of his shaved crotch caressing them. It spilled such delight through my body. I never wanted this to end.


Tim broke the kiss. His green eyes sparkled as he stared down at me, his dick plundering into my bowels again and again. “Damn, Becky.”

“Uh-huh,” I whimpered. “Oh, Tim, it's incredible. I love you so much!”

A boyish grin spread across his lips. “I love you, too!”

He kissed me again, my sour asshole still lingering on his mouth. It was such a naughty taste. I kissed him hard, thrusting my tongue past his lips this time. I whimpered as my next orgasm swelled and swelled inside of me.

He drove me wild. He gave me such bliss.


Our bodies worked together. He stroked my sides while my fingernails clawed his back. Such rapture shot through me. It was incredible. I whimpered beneath my brother, shuddering and groaning, my pussy clenching as his dick hammered my bowels.

The heat built and built in me. The pressure surging me towards a wonderful explosion of rapture. I craved it so badly. My hands shot down to his naked ass. I squeezed his muscular rump, loving how his glutes flexed as he hammered into my bowels' depths. I pulled on him, propelling him into my depths.

“Becky!” he groaned. “Oh, damn, Becky.”

“Yes, yes, spill your incestuous seed in me, big brother,” I moaned up at him. “Love me!”

“I do!” he grunted, hammering me so hard. He fucked me without any reservations. I could see it in his green eyes. “I love you so much!”

“Yes!” I whimpered as he buried to the hilt in me and erupted.

Hot cum spurted into the depths of my bowels. I felt it splashing inside of me while my brother grunted. His face twisted with such pleasure. His back arched, pressing his hard pecs into my nipples. They throbbed, shooting delight down to my pussy and cock-stuffed asshole.

The warmth of his jizz flooding me thrust me over the edge into my incestuous orgasm. I fell fast and plunged into rapture. It engulfed me. The ecstasy swept through my body, reached my mind. It hugged me in euphoria, smothering me in bliss.

“My brother's cumming in my asshole!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, my fingernails biting into his meaty butt-cheeks.

The watching students cheered and whooped.

“You're a stud, Tim!” a girl moaned.

“My brother is totally fucking my ass tonight!” another girl shouted.

“Damn, Tim, you lucky fucker!” a guy groaned.

“Look at her face,” a guy groaned. “Damn, she's in heaven!”

“Treat a girl right, and she gives you that same look,” a girl moaned.

“¡Mierda!” howled Juana, her orgasmic rapture thick in her voice.

My bowels rippled about my brother's cock. My pussy squirted juices that bathed his flesh and soaked down to my butt. I whimpered and moaned, squirming against him. I kissed him again as the last blast of his cum fired into my bowels.

As my orgasm peaked in me, I reveled in my incestuous love for my big brother. I clung to him as he devoured my mouth. I didn't know what we would do at home when our parents were around, but when we were at our college...

At our college we could love each other without reservation.


Melody Samuels

“Give it up for Melody!” the MC for Flashing Glitter boomed. Music exploded. My Darkest Day's Porn Star Dancing thudding through the club with that catchy beat and pulsing rhythm.

I couldn't believe I was doing this. My heart pounded in my chest as Zoey pushed me towards the beaded curtains. In moments, I was stepping onto the stage. Guys whooped and hollered as they crowded it. The stage thrust out into them, a peninsula plunging into a sea of horny men waving dollar bills.

I found myself sauntering forward, my hips swaying to the beat of the music. I wore a cheap schoolgirl outfit, borrowed from a stripper named Dandelion. The tartan skirt was so short the bottoms of my asscheeks flashed. People would see the thong I borrowed from Zoey. It was buried in my butt-crack and seated against my dripping pussy. My breasts bounced and jiggled in the white blouse tied off beneath them, leaving my stomach exposed. I had a lacy garter on my left thigh for collecting the dollar bills.

I felt so cheap. All these men wanted me to be their whore. They were showering me in attention. Was this all I craved? Just men looking at me. Did it matter who? Did I even need Clint when I could have these horny guys throwing dollar bills at me.

A grin crossed my face as I strutted farther out on stage. I spun around, shaking my ass, guys groaning as my skirt flared up to flash my rump. My pussy grew hotter and hotter, juices soaking my thong.

I smiled and fluttered my eyes as my body moved to the music. I was a porn star dancing before these guys, an utter slut. My pain melted away. I could do this. I could just soil myself in the club, degrade myself.

I deserved this. To be here. I was like Zoey, not Pam. It was better this way. Clint didn't need—

Clint stood at the back by the doors. His arms were folded before him, his eyes intent as he watched me. Zoey's words rippled through my mind as my body kept moving and the dollar bills kept raining on stage.

What did I truly want? Attention or Clint?

To be continued...
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