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Our weekend away on an adventure holiday turned into a filthier adventure than we could have imagined
Hi I would like to share an experience that me.and my wife had recently on an outdoor pursuits holiday we went on.

It was three days, three nights,

  First day;       mountain climbing,

Second day ;        abseiling,

 Third day;        canoeing,

I am addicted to my wife's cunt,  well I am addicted to her body, lips, arse, looks, personality, and every fucking part of her in between, I especially love that she knows I prefer her no knickers, bald cunt, and a nice short skirt,

But while doing Outdoor pursuits?  I didn't fancy my chances, but when I dared her and she instantly agreed, I got an instant hard on and stuck it straight in her pussy. I didn't last to long thinking what a filthy time we was going to have with my Sexy wife flashing her beautiful cunt at practically everyone, I thought, I didn't realise how much I actually underestimated the fun we were about to have.

We were up and out at daft o clock. we had to be there for 7am and it was about 2-3 hour drive,

When we arrived at the set up point we were surprised to see only 5 people, 2 of them instructors, the other 3 people were all together, so when we were all told to make 2 teams it was easy enough, ha ha we have our own personal instructor said my wife buzzing, how cool is that?

We all went to the bottom of the mountain together, we set up on one part, with the other team right next to us, only round the corner from us,

Phil, our instructor, was a small stocky fitness freak, who was a really funny guy and great to get along with,

I had seen him checking out my wife's hot arse  and beautiful body, about 4 times in the first hour, but you kinda had to, she is that Sexy,

Once set up Phil shown me which route to take, pointing out the easiest way to climb, up I went with my Sexy wife straight after me and Phil straight after her, my wife caught up to me straight away, but Phil stayed behind us. ( thats what instructors have to do) "bollox" I said quietly to the wife. "Phil the crafty bleeder, he's nicked my view"

Oh fuck, yelled sky slamming her legs shut  pretending she forgot he was behind n could almost touch her arse he was that close, I had to straighten myself a couple of times as I was getting turned on watching our instructor get turned on because my dirty wife allowed him to go after her, climbing a mountain, with no knickers on, but I loved it,, I knew he loved it even more, my Sexy wife's bald cunt right in his face, and he probably thinks I don't know, he's probably fantasising about sneaking off with her, without me knowing, fucking her then sending her back to me unawares, ha ha she told me everything, regardless if it was an innocent brush past at the shops; that touched her tit, or if was a full on fuck session with some stranger who's cock she sucked on the way home to get a lift,  she loved cock, the bigger the better, sucking it, fucking it, or just holding it,

Anyway we did the mountain, and escaped the instructor, just, he was like somebody in a hypnotist chair, with one thing on his mind,

My wife's cunt, he wanted it so bad it was obvious,

When we finally shut the hotel door, we both laughed at how obvious he was,  my wife was eating my cock with gusto as we talked  of how awesome today's climb must have been for him, we fucked for two hour's, jumped in the shower and hit the kitchen to make something to eat, I'm taking a sleeper babes so I can sleep after we eat, ok I said, sometimes she slept before I was finished, but she was still so inviting with a big smile on her face, n her legs as far open as I could get them, so I would just fuck her for hours while she slept, I loved molesting her all night, I loved how she was as inviting as she was awake,

I was just dishing out dinner,


Did he I said, acting upset, about four times she giggled, he kept grabbing my arse letting his thumb just enter my cunt, he tried to pull me on to his cock but I said no, he was begging me baby she said, I so wanted to she said, slurping away on my cock,

Slowly but surely she started falling asleep,

I got up cleared the pots and sat my wife up with her arse and feet at the end of the chair with her legs open as far as they would fall on their own,

My favourite view of my wife, I set the camera up and pressed record, she loved watching what I did to her later on in the week, I had just knelt between her legs and started kissing her inner thighs when the doorbell went, I was ignoring it but it was persistent so I put my wife's legs on the floor and pulled her skirt over covering her up, ish

I opened the door and there stood Phil, really drunk holding a bottle of vodka,

I thought I would come have a last drink with, he slurred, as he pushed past and sat on the chair facing my wife,

Oh come on, just a little one, then it's straight of to sleep so I can teach in the morning, he laughed, talking to me but his eyes never leavin my wife’s skirt. A1 drink I said, I went to the kitchen with the bottle and took my time pouring them, giving him a good 5 min perv on sky, when I brought the drinks in he was stood up and sat straight down, I passed him his drink and  knocked mine back really quick to get rid of him when I looked at my wife, her skirt looked higher than I left it, and looking where he was sat I knew he could see her bald cunt, I went instantly hard, knowing he had altered her skirt while I was getting drinks, wow you finished your drink quick he said, I'm not drinking on my own, ok I said 1 more, just as I I got up he sculled his, here get me one please he said handing me his glass, I again took my time and poured two more drinks, I wondered if he would go as far as touch.

When I walked into the room he again sat down, this time her skirt was higher and her legs were spread quite far, I could clearly see her cunt from the door,

Right you cheeky cunt I said, fucking out before I knock you out, grabbing him by his collar and dragging him to his feet, what's up with you he begged, I didn't do anything, I threw him out and said I'll see you tomorrow, as soon as he was gone I walked over to my wife lifted her feet and put them back at the edge of the lounge, then rewound the camera, oh my god, as soon as I went out of the room he lifted her skirt, when he seen her bald cunt he got excited, and jumped up and down, he touched her just at her opening just enough to feel her wetness, leaving a couple of the tips of his fingers inside her, with his other hand he opened her legs slightly, just then he stood quickly pulled her skirt down a little and stepped back just as I walked into the room, he sat down, I forwarded it to the part where I left the room the second time. as soon as I left, he got up lifted my wife's skirt, spread her legs wide, stuck his fingers in his mouth to wet them and then started rubbing her cunt while pulling out his cock with his other hand, wanking it furiously, then grabbing my wife's hair and steering her head to the tip of his cock which he slid straight into her mouth, then pulled it out and jumped back as I again walked into the room and then threw him out, I fucked sky for half hour carried her to bed undressed her which I can't do without fucking her. Which I did for about an hour and then fell asleep,  I woke up to her sucking my cock and slowly stroking up and down my length with both hands, Slowly and quietly I told her what had happened to her the night before,  she was like no fucking way, so I showed her the video, she was really angry and really Horny, before it had got to the bit where I leave the room the second time she said, we're going to fix that cunt, she jumped on my cock and started fucking like a crazy woman,

Next morning bright and early we met Phil and the others at the top of the mountain, he looked like shit, but as soon as he seen me and sky he straightened up pretending he didn't remember anything from the night before, we acted like we didn't know any different, as soon as he seen we didn't know anything he was a different person, back to the cocky, smarmy, perv that we had got to know, with a sly smirk across his face, right he said, we do it exactly the reverse of yesterday he said, I'll go first, sky second, so on,

my girl was amazing, it went exactly as she planned it,

Phil went off the edge first and totally disappeared of the edge, 15 minutes later, he signalled over the radio it was the next person to go, sky dropped of the edge and disappeared, 15 minutes later, over the radio for the next person, and off I went. after I landed I snuggled up to my wife as she told me what happened,

She stepped off the edge and about 5 foot later she landed perfectly on Phils tongue, he had waited for her to clear the ledge where nobody could see and waited for her to slide down the rope to where he was, she slid straight onto his face where he grabbed her and ground his face into her cunt holding her legs wide apart, I let him lick me for about 5 min then told him the plan, he jumped at it, we finished our day then headed home for a shower and food,

Sky was jumping about, quite excited about our plan to fuck our instructor, what was turning me on most was the fact that. Exactly as we planned it. she had told Phil the opposite, she said while they was dangling from a rope eating her pussy, he told her he was going to fuck her there and then, my wife said.  she pulled his head into her cunt, saying, I want it Phil, I really do, but not here. Not now

when he said getting quite forceful, tonight she said, while we have dinner I'll slip a couple of my sleeping tablets in with his food, he'll be in a deep sleep by 8 o clock, she said he excitedly agreed and slid down the rope,

8 o clock came and like clockwork Phil come a knocking, pissed already, ish he sleeping he slurred, like a baby she said, pointing at me slouched in a chair, pretending to be asleep,

Right let's fuck he said, grabbing sky and roughly trying to get her skirt off,

Not so fast she said, knocking his mauling hands away, he's going to be asleep all night so there's no rush, first we have a few drinks, I'll let you eat my cunt out till I cum, then it's your turn, ok ok Phil said grabbing the drink my wife had just drugged with sleeping pills and a Viagra. when she poured it, sculling it down in one,

sky sat in the chair, Phil she snapped, get over here and eat my cunt, now she commanded, I heard Phil get up walk over to my wife and kneel, 10 seconds later I heard the sound of my wife moaning the way she does when she has a tongue in her cunt, I had never heard her talk like that before.

Phil started to doze.

not so fast you fucking idiot she said pulling Phil by his hair to stop him falling asleep with his head on her cunt.

he shuck his head trying to get his head together.


she slapped him around the face. take your clothes of. I want to see your cock she said.

I was watching through squinted eyes. Phil was falling all over the place taking his clothes off. my wife pushed him over n came over to me pulling my cock out. Which was allready throbbing from my squinted view n slammed her cunt down on it.  what are we going. to do with him baby. she said.

anything you want. I said to her with a cheeky grin. he's your prisoner to do with what you please.

she got up n walked over to the now naked Phil sprawled on the lounge fast asleep.

She rolled him over so he was sat normally.

she picked up his limp dick. which was fucking huge by the way.

so you would be ok if I did this she said ''slowly sliding her hand up n down its length,

your prisoner I said.

Phil's cock reacted to being slowly wanked and started to harden. sky's eyes lit up as she tried to put both hands around its girth but couldn't touch them together. hard' it looked the size of my forearm.

fuckin hell she giggled. It’s huge

so you wouldn't care if I did this she said

lifting the tip of his cock up to meet her lips.

slowly her lips were wide with just the tip of his cock inside her mouth.

your prisoner I repeated.

She sucked and licked his cock like a woman possessed trying to get it in her mouth.

she grabbed his cock by the base. n aimed it at her cunt hole. fuck she moaned as she tried to force the tip of it inside her tight cunt hole. Baby get me some oil then come and fuck my face while I going to try to fit this thing in my cunt she said.

I passed her the oil then grabbed her hair and pulled it down to meet my cock. She had hold of my cock with one hand and Phil's with the other. Desperately trying to fill a hole with each of our cocks. The way she was scrunched over I couldn't see anything so I got up and sat in the chair opposite.

Oh my god she kept saying as she tried and tried to fit his cock up her cunt.

Bend over I said. Grabbing her by the hair pulling her up.

Suck him and I'll loosen you up I said pouring baby oil over her arse so it slid to her cunt, as it did I rammed my cock in. Then pulled it all the way out,

And repeated the movement.

I did that about a dozen times then slid her dildo up her at the same time as my cock. Ramming her hard with both.

Ok I said. He'll fit now baby. I slid out of her with a pop and sat down.

I had never been so turned on in my life as I watched her straddle our instructor which we had drugged so my wife could rape him.

She squatted above him holding his massive cock at the dripping entrance to her cunt,

She tried a little then rubbed his cock up and down her clit.

For fucks sake baby just sit on it I said,

With that she pushed down hard with a scream as his helmet slipped into her cunt.

Oh my god she said, just squatting there holding his cock not moving, oh my god she kept saying,

I jumped up and stuck my cock back in and fucked her face hard, trying to fit my whole cock in her mouth. She was trying, coughing and spluttering. My plan worked, choke her and she forgot the cock stretching her cunt, and was sliding down a cm at a time, but she had half that thing up her cunt, as soon as I looked down I cum in her mouth, her hair, and all over her face. I had never cum so hard in my life, Ever,

I pulled out my cock and wiped the remnants on her face,

Oh my god was right, look at you baby I said, you look so hot, my hot Sexy, filthy slut

I grabbed my camera and started filming,

Fuck him hard baby, cum all over his cock,

She did the second I said it but could only rise up and down slowly, fucking hell, my cock went hard as a rock the second I seen it, she was slowly sliding down half his cock, then slowly sliding up and completely of him with a plop every time his helmet left her cunt, I got really close with the camera as I watched this huge cock slide in and out of my beautiful wife's cunt,

She moaned, throwing her head back. Oh my god I'm cuming she said now screaming obscenities while bucking away on his cock,

Oh my god she said again rising up of his cock and flopping on the chair,

Paybacks a bitch. Thank you so much baby she said to me, flopping onto me on the chair, that was lovely, she was sat on me with her back against my chest and her legs wide open. Sliding down my cock slowly. gripping my cock as it shrunk back down to envelope my cock but I  could feel she had been smashed, Fuck dressing him she said, I'm exhausted, throw him out as he is, which I did. Got in bed beside her and we both fell straight to sleep, spooning with my cock up her,

I only slept for about an hour. I awoke and noticed I was alone in bed. I sat up and was just about to shout my wife when I heard her talking. With raised voice and quite a lot of swearing.  

I crept out of bed and tiptoed to the lounge where I peeped round only to get a view of my wife's cunt as she bent right over. She still had her skirt on. Well it's more of a belt really. She can't bend at all without showing anybody whose looking her clean shaven, knicker less cunt.  I love it and was just thinking to myself if phil would have any idea what happened tonight. When I heard a mumble in a males voice. Then SLAP.

Come on, wake up you big dick bastard she said. I haven't just dragged your creepy arse through my lounge by your feet so you can sleep. SLAP. I DID IT SO I CAN FEEL YOUR BALLS SLAPPING MY CUNT AS YOU SMASH THAT BIG DICK IN ME. SHE GRABBED HIS DICK AND PULLED IT UP TO MEET HER LIPS. JUST THEN. I NOTICED PHIL WAS NOW AWAKE AND HARD.






HER ATTACK ON PHIL DIDNT LET UP ANY. SHE GOT OF HIS COCK and jumped on the chair holding her legs open wide enough you could call it the splits.

Get up now you piece of shit and I want your cock fucking me that hard you split my cunt. PHIL compiled got up and fed that huge cock into my wife's cunt and starts smashing her hard. I had an awesome view to film and could see that huge cock sliding in and out of my wife's cunt and she was fucking loving it. Sounds of my wife's moans and phials balls slapping against her cunt echoed through the house. My wife was practically screaming in pleasure." Stop now" she said to PHIL. Now slowly pick me up she said. I want carrying round the house on your cock. "YES, YES" she shouted as PHIL walked round the lounge supporting my wife's arse with her legs spread wide over his forearms.

Sky had her arms wrapped tightly round Phils neck and was using him to pull herself up and down that huge cock. Slowly all the way up till the base of his helmet was visible at her cunt entrance.  She would then push herself down hard and fast. Then slowly all the way up. Fuck my cock was throbbing but I didn't want to reveal myself just yet. I had never seen my wife be so filthy or speak so filthy. I thought she might of just been a bit reserved because I was there. Probably worrying what I would think if I seen n heard her talking like a true slut. She needn't have worried. I like slut sky. In fact it got my mind racing thinking what other horny filthy shit we could do together. I love my wife's cunt more than anything. Sliding my cock up her cunt for days is my favourite pastime. Having other cocks sliding in and out of her cunt with me, my second. But only if they are huge. It only turns me on because I know how she loves her cunt filled.

Oh my god she said again. Take me to my husband.  He"ll fuckin love this. And film this shit for us to fuck to later. Now she demanded. I was going to reveal myself. But thought I would see how she handled it if she thought I was really asleep.

I tiptoed back to bed n jumped under the covers just as PHIL carried my wife into the room n next to the bed. As he neared the bed he stopped lifting her up n down his cock and went to put her down. Don't you fuckin think about it she said to PHIL.

" baby she shouted at me. Leaning down n shacking me. Baby wake up she shouted. You really want to see this she shouted. Still shaking me. I got Phils big cock smashing my cunt n I want you too. Cmmmmmon  baby she said. She grabbed my cock hard till I sat up. Fast. Ow u bitch. What are you doin I said. I thought PHIL went home.

No she said. When we got in bed. My pussy was aching from fucking you both all night. I put my hand between my legs n as soon as I felt how soaking wet and swollen it was. I wanted more. You wouldn't wake up. N I knew his big cock was just out the front door. ALLREADY naked. So I went out tried to wake him. As soon as as I shook him his cock twitched. So I dragged him in by his feet and fucking jumped on it. You didn't mind did you baby. No I said. I knew all along. Got out of bed right behind you n filmed the lot. She climbed of Phils cock and jumped on my cock. She wrapped her arms round my neck giggling. What I smiled.

I want to go ab-sailing now she said.

It's 3 o clock in the morning baby I told her. " I know" she said. That's why I want to go. Cause we're not wearing clothes n your both going to fuck me dangling of a mountain till the sun rises.

I’ll leave that story till I see if you guys like this one first

Let me know what you think.

Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-07-05 18:24:11
"Sorry, too many votes today" Several misspelled words, tense, & other grammar errors. Nice scenario, good premise, & funny. Gave Phil mixed signals & confusion. A little confusing to me. Sorry

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