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Thanks again for thoes who have stuck with my little story, I hope the ending makes it worth the wait. And there is plenty more to come. Thanks again Jay for your input!
Lindsey chapter twelve.

The week dragged on and on with no weekend. The guys were exhausted come that Friday. We had managed to build the the parts in record time and I shipped them air freight to insure the customer was happy. Cost me an arm and a leg but it’s worth it to keep this particular car builder as a customer. The guys were at their morning break and I let them know they could knock off at lunch and I would pay them for the rest of the day.

That Friday Katie and I were going to have lunch, most Fridays we at least had lunch together. At the restaurant while we waited for food Katie asked if I had talked to Lindsey during the week. “I texted her a few times, asked how she was, if she was ready to talk. But I only get one word answers. “Fine, Okay, yes. No.” I guess I should be happy she answers me at all.” Katie just sighed. “Maybe you should let me talk to her. She needs to know that she isn’t the only one hurt during all of this.” “Please don’t,” I asked her. I worry about that, I know Katie has her number and address. After all she tracked her down for me. But with Katie’s temper that would no doubt end badly. Especially being pregnant, Katie was a hormonal mess.

That Saturday I decided to take a drive down to see Lindsey. I had to be in Huntington Beach Monday morning to pick up parts anyway, I figured I would jump in my pickup and kill two birds with one stone. I threw some beach blankets in the cab. I wanted to see if Lindsey wanted to spend the day at the beach. I figured maybe if I got her to let her guard down she would be willing to give me another chance. I arrived at my hotel about ten o’clock, got checked in and gave Lindsey a call. She agreed to meet me at her apartment. She had left my name with the security guard so I could just walk in. When I knocked on her door, a young man answered. “Uh.. is Lindsey here?” I was a bit confused. “Hold on a sec, HEY BABE! SOME GUY IS HERE FOR YOU!” After he shouted he shut the door in my face. A minute later Lindsey answered, “oh hey, come in.” When I got in this young good looking guy was on Lindsey’s couch playing video games. Lindsey didn’t say a word just sat on the couch and was cheering him on as he played. Immediately I was sizing this guy up. I was not about to go down without a fight. I just stood by the door not sure what to think. “Dale sit down.” Lindsey said in an annoyed tone. I sat down, blood boiling. Then this guy out the controller down, and said.” I gotta get going, I’ll see you later?” He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. It took an incredible amount of restraint to keep from grabbing that guy and showing him the door, the hard way. He left and it must have shown on my face. “Doesn’t feel so good does it?” Lindsey asked sarcastically. “Relax Dale! That’s my neighbor Steve, he’s gay.” I could feel my blood pressure go down instantly. “Imagine if I went along letting you believe we were together.” She added. She wasn’t done punishing me. “Well that’s simple. He’s younger but he had better not underestimate an old guy with experience!” For a brief moment she cracked a smile. But soon as she smiled she corrected herself. “What was so urgent that you felt the need to drive all the way down here?” She asked, but it almost seemed like she was trying too hard to be angry. “ I just wanted to start, again by saying how sorry I was for letting others convince me that letting you go was what was best for you.” She cut me off. “What was best for YOU, you mean.” I got down on my knee in front of her and grabbed her hand. “What the hell are you doing Dale!?” She panicked. I put her hand to my chest, “there is a gaping hole right here, a hole from the moment you were ripped from my life. There is only one thing that can fill this hole, I need you back in my life Lindsey.” Looking into her eyes, I could see the ice melting, but something kept pulling her back. “Lets go, talk a walk on the beach, or at the harbor. Let’s talk. Tell me what’s on your mind, for fucks sake! If you need to, beat the shit out of me again!” She couldn’t fight back a chuckle.

Lindsey agreed to go down to the harbor. She drove; when we pulled up, she suggested we go get lunch - there was a nice restaurant there and we sat down. Steve was our server. His entire demeanor had changed; he was, well, a bit flamboyant you might say. Even he had put on an act at her apartment. However his attitude toward me was rather cold. We ordered drinks and while we waited Lindsey said, “Be nice to Steve. He has helped me through some tough times.” “Oh I don’t have a problem with him, now. But I don’t think he likes me very much.” I really didn’t have a problem with the guy, I just thought he may have the wrong idea about me. After our lunch came I asked Lindsey how she came across my old car. “ It was just after I got recruited by my company and got a pretty big signing bonus. I went to take my parents out to lunch and saw it sitting in some guy’s yard with a for sale sign on it. Even though it reminded me of all the bad stuff...” she paused, she was getting choked up trying to finish. “Well it was a good deal, the guy offered to show it to me.” Again she choked on her words. “You know soon as he opened the passenger side door I knew.” She stopped and took a sip. “Do you remember at Josh’s graduation when I slipped you that note?...” she took a long drink and collected her self. “Well, about two days earlier I put another one in your car, you’re terrible about leaving your car unlocked by the way.” “Where?” I asked, genuinely curious. “ In your sun visor, there is a little tear in the fabric, I slipped it in there, but it went too far and I couldn’t get it out. The school security guard was coming and I had to go before I could fish it out.” She was looking down at her plate, trying to keep it together. “ I slid over to the drivers seat, pulled down that sun visor, and there it was, that little inch and a half tear.”

It was obvious to me that she still cared, I reached out for her hand on the table, she let me take it but only for a brief moment. She shrunk back to her defense mode. Lindsey cell rang, “Yes? What is it? Yes I’ll be down right away.” She hung up looking worried. “Look I have to run, I’ll call you a cab if you need one.” She offered. “No, that’s fine, I’ll just sit here, maybe take in the sights.” She apologized once more and ran out of there. I wondered if it was a rescue call from a friend. The restaurant had a bar, I went up and ordered a beer and a shot of whiskey. “Tell me something, what do you want from her?” Steve was standing behind me. “I just wish she would let me back in her life. Tell me something Steve, what has she told you about me?” Steve told the bartender her was going on break and sat down next to me. My shot and beer showed up. “Tell me something Mr Anderson, do you love her?” I just shook my head, “I have done everything I could think of to let her know, and to say how sorry I was for not fighting to keep her,” my words now got caught in my throat. Steve said “When I met Lindsey she was broken, she was quiet, she didn’t talk to anyone. She just hid in her dorm whenever she wasn’t in class, hell, we all thought she was mute till the second year!” “That was my fault… I didn’t fucking push back. I let one arrest and a restraining order keep me from the one I loved.” I ordered another shot. Next thing I knew I was pouring my guts out to a complete stranger. “If you were me what would you do? You love them so much but what if being with you jeopardizes their future?” I ordered another shot. The rest of that afternoon was a blur. I remember Steve giving me a ride back when his shift was over. I remember getting extremely drunk at his place, crying like a baby at some point. I woke around five am on Steve’s couch, a rip roaring headache and needing to vomit. I spent the next hour in his bathroom, still drunk from the night before puking my guts out. I laid back on his couch and passed out again. I dreamt of Lindsey yelling at me to get up, she was kicking me. “Get up!” She was yelling. I couldn’t. But it wasn’t a dream. I managed to open my eyes, Lindsey was handing me a cup of coffee. “So, I find you sleeping around the second I turn my back!” She made it sound so serious. “Steve says he doesn’t know what all the fuss is about, apparently your not that good!” I had no idea what she was talking about. “Yeah, he just laid there the entire time..” they were fucking with me. I sat up and took the cup of coffee Lindsey was handing me. I was sick as a dog but didn’t want to show it so I did my best to play it off.

They offered to get me some breakfast but the thought churned my stomach, they took off leaving me there to gather myself, I splashed water on my face, drank more coffee and stumbled to my truck and somehow made it back to my hotel. After an hour in the shower I began to feel human again. I got a text from Lindsey asking how I made it back. I told her I wasn’t that bad and not to worry. By noon I was back to normal, almost. Lindsey and Steve were shopping, I didn’t feel like intruding on their girls’ day, I asked Lindsey if I could take her to dinner. We agreed to meet up at a restaurant halfway between my hotel and her apartment.

That night we had a nice dinner, she talked about the following weekend she was headed up to see her parents, I begged for her to let me take her out, maybe dinner and dancing. She countered with lunch. That night we said our goodbyes in the parking lot. I pulled her in for just a hug, but she looked up and I stole a kiss. At first it felt like she would go with it, she leaned into me and I felt her guard drop. But she cut it short and off she went. The next morning I drove south, picked up a custom built engine and trans and headed home that same day. Only now Lindsey’s texts were much more friendly, other than the running joke of me sleeping with Steve.

That next week was another slow one. Lindsey was going out to lunch with me the next Saturday, it couldn’t get here fast enough. Katie showed around lunch on Friday, and brought me some of her incredible lasagna. We sat down and she asked about my plans for when Lindsey came to town. I told her we had planned on having lunch and maybe taking a drive. After lunch I realized I was going to need parts for a car that was scheduled to be in on Monday morning. Andy was still there and said he would look after the place till I got back. I ended up taking about two hours to get everything I needed. When I came back Lindsey’s Chevelle was there parked next to Katie’s SUV. Shit! This couldn’t be good. I backed my truck to the loading dock and Andy came out. “Well, they’re not yelling, anymore.” I made my way past Andy but he grabbed my arm. “Just give them a minute boss, trust me.” I asked and what the hell was going on. “Well your girlfriend showed up soon as you left, she went in and Katie came out of your office, and asked Lindsey to have “a little talk.”. Next thing I know they’re in there yelling at each other about you. I went in to try and defuse the situation but I was told in no uncertain terms to kindly get the fuck out, it got quiet, then I peeked in the window and they were hugging.” I insisted he let me go, he did.

When I walked in the two of them were laughing, Katie was sitting holding her belly as she chuckled. Lindsey was leaning up against my desk. They both had red eyes and noses like they had been bawling. They both got up when I walked in and exchanged a look, nodded and Katie said she was happy to finally meet Lindsey in person and gave her, then me a hug and excused herself. When she left I asked Lindsey what the hell happened. “Nothing, I’ll tell you later. But now your guy probably thinks I’m crazy.” She chuckled. “That’s okay, he already knew Katie was bat shit.” We laughed. “I thought you were coming later?” I asked. “I was but my car is making a noise and I thought you should look at it.” Just then Andy came in and said my truck was unloaded and he was headed home. Lindsey looked embarrassed when he walked in.

We went outside to look at her car. The noise happened when she accelerated so we went on a test drive. It sounded minor and once I got it on the lift my suspicion was confirmed. It was an easy ten minute fix. As I worked on the car Lindsey sat silently in the shop. As I let her car down she walked up behind me, “I’m sorry Dale, I’m sorry for not finding a way to get free and come see you, I’m sorry for,” I cut her off, “No, it’s not your, “ she cut me off. “Dale! Let me finish!” “Look I don’t know what Katie told you...” “God damn it Dale! will you stop?!” I just sat and listened. ”for four or five months I couldn’t go to the bathroom without my aunt by my side. Even at school, my cousin worked that area and he made sure if any teachers or staff saw me try and sneak off they would let him know. Nobody would talk to me after Sean changed schools. Karen Sullivan was the only one who could have helped me but she wouldn’t. I gave her a dozen notes to pass on to you, and she just handed them back and said I should move on.” Tears welled up in her eyes. We sat in silence for a few minutes. “I never knew you went to my house, Katie told me about what my cousin did. I’m sorry, I had no idea, and most of all, I’m sorry I believed you had moved on.” I pulled her in and held her as she cried in my chest. The time clock rang indicating it was five o’clock and time to clock out. Lindsey looked up at me, “what time is it?” I told her. “I have to get going, I was supposed to be at my parents’ at five thirty for dinner.” I pulled her car out of the shop and handed it off. She kissed me before she drove away.

After I got home and cleaned up I got a text from Katie,

Katie:” How did it go?”

Me: “good. What did you two talk about?”

Katie: “nothing”

Katie wasn’t going to give anything up, Lindsey at least said she would tell me later. I made myself dinner, I sat out on my back porch and had a cooler full of beers, these last couple of weeks I’ve drunk way too much, I decided I would cut down and maybe even hit the gym a little harder. I put some music on, and just closed my eyes on my back porch and had a few more beers. Bad Company’s “Ready for Love” came on; all I could picture was that night in my kitchen, Lindsey leaning in for what would have been our first kiss, had I not come to my senses. As the song played on I closed my eyes, swaying my bottle to the melody, then the sweetest voice in the world said, “ I’ve always loved this song.”

I looked up and she was standing there, all dressed up like she was out on the town. I got up and offered her a seat. “Thank you, do you have another beer?” She asked graciously. “I wanted to talk, spend some time with you.” She said accepting the beer bottle I handed her. I pulled over another chair and sat across from her. “Nice place you got here.” She said looking around. “It’s not bad, not half the size of my last place, but it’s home,” I said making small talk. “You’re Looking gorgeous! You headed out?” I asked. “Actually I just came from dinner with my parents.” It was eight o’clock already and I hadn’t noticed it had gotten so late. “I actually left them at the restaurant if you can believe that.” She chuckled. Curious, I asked what she was talking about. “Well my dad and I sort of had a fight. I told them I went to see you, they didn’t even know I bought your car till I pulled up. Ha! You should have seen the look on my dad’s face!” She was trying to act like it was all funny but you could hear the hurt in her voice. “What, did he expect me to get out of the car with you?” I chuckled. “Dale, can we start over? I mean is it even possible?” She asked softly. “Absolutely it is! I want nothing more than to start over.” She reached for my hand, “let’s take it slow, let’s be smart about this, last time was wonderful, don’t get me wrong. But things are a little different, I’m not the same girl I was back then,” she said looking into my eyes in a way I haven’t seen in years.

Slow music stated playing.

She stood up taking my hand, I pulled her in and we danced slowly out on my porch; Lindsey’s head on my chest holding me tightly. “I’m sorry it’s taken me this long, It is a lot to process. I spent the last four years believing something that wasn’t true. And even when I found out the truth, the pain didn’t just go away.” The air began to get damp and muggy, the the smell of rain was in the air. Swaying to the music the first few drops of a summer shower began to fall on us. Lindsey looked up at me, “we should go inside.” She led me by the hand, I grabbed my Bluetooth speaker and brought it inside. We took a seat on my couch. Lindsey leaned in for a kiss. I caressed her cheek and pulled her in. We kissed softly, Lindsey seemed now much more reserved. She was much more down to earth and practical now.

Something was off with her that much was clear, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Things did become heated, but she backed off. “Can I get you another drink?” I asked. “Do you have any wine?” She asked. I poured her a glass and we sat in each other’s arms listening to the rain fall. To have Lindsey in my arms again was all I have ever wanted. If we lay like this for ever I would have been content.

It was getting late and I was beginning to wonder if Lindsey planned on spending the night, then she sat up. “It’s getting late, I’ve drunk a little too much, I need to call a cab.” I was more disappointed that she was leaving than that she didn’t want to sleep with me, I offered her my bed and I would sleep on the couch. “You can even lock the door if it makes you feel better.” She kissed me on the cheek and said “I’m not sure I could sleep knowing you were right out side the door and not in bed with me. Keeping it slow, remember?” She called a cab and we waited on my front porch. We talked a little about our date for the next day, she and Katie were now going to lunch, and we were going to have dinner. The cab showed up and the goodbyes were hard, we must have taken ten minutes to say them. I walked her to the cab, one last kiss and I closed her door. I slowly walked to my front door on the wet sidewalk. The rain had stopped and I was almost at my door when I heard hurried foot steps on wet concrete, I turned just in time to see Lindsey running to me! The cab sped away and she jumped onto my arms!

Kissing her the entire way I carried her back to my bedroom. I gently laid her on my bed; Lindsey stared up at me lustfully. I moved over the top of her, making sure my body weight was on my knees and elbows. Lindsey reached between us and began to remove my pants. She got me unzipped, pulled my pants partly down and pulled my shirt off. I could tell she wanted it badly, her movements were hurried and sloppy. She was shaking like she was nervous. To relax her, I turned the music up enough that we could hear it from the other room. We stood back up and Lindsey turned and pulled her hair to the side, and I unzipped her dress. I slid my hands down her shoulders, helping her drop her dress to the ground. I kissed the back of her neck as she reached back and freed my cock from my boxers. Kissing her neck, ears and shoulders, Lindsey rubbed my cock up and down and against the crack of her beautiful cheeks. I reached down, pulled her panties down. On my way back up she pulled me in by the cock, bent over the side of my bed, put one leg up on my bed frame and guided me into her.

Lindsey was already drenched, as soon as I slid partly in, she looked back and said, “take it slow, it’s been a while.” She straightened up, turned her upper body and pulled me down for a kiss. We made out while I began to slowly work in and out. Even though she was very wet, it was a bit of a struggle to move in and out, I’m not sure if it’s because of how long it had been or Lindsey’s nerves. But soon her breath became very heavy as our lips were pressed together. She was trembling in my arms, soon she broke away, laid over on my bed and I brought her to a enormous orgasm. Lindsey was clawing at my sheets and screaming. Pulling the sheets over her own face as she came, she managed to even pull the fitted sheet off. I slowed and let her come down.

Soon as Lindsey came back around she stood back up and I slipped out of her. She turned around reached up with one hand and pulled me in to kiss while the other hand worked up and down my shaft coated with her juices. She picked up one knee and I knew without speaking what she wanted. With my forearm I picked up one leg, then the next. Lindsey always loved this position, I lifted her just a bit and she guided me in her. We kissed deeply as I raised and lowered her onto me. She is so tiny I could do this for hours. It didn’t take but a minute or two and her next orgasm came. In a rush of pleasure her nails dug into my shoulders. The pain in my shoulders and the hot tight grip she had on my cock nearly made me cum. But I managed to hold back this orgasm I’ve been holding for over four years just a bit longer. Lindsey now had her arms around my neck hugging tight with her face buried in my shoulder as number three came on quickly. At this point all I could do is hold my forearms out and she did the rest. I brought her to the bed and she laid back, at this height was perfect. I put her legs on my shoulders and pushed in. She winced as I bottomed out. I only went in the next few strokes within her comfort range.

My speed picked up and she began to cum again. She pulled a pillow over her face and muffled her screaming. I slowed, leaned in, pulled the pillow away and whispered, “it’s okay, we don’t have to hide anymore. “ “I love you so much!” she responded, her voice trembling with emotion, looking deep into my eyes. “I love you more than I could ever hope to show you.” And she yanked me down and kissed me with renewed fire. I moved us all the way in the bed and we made love with a slow intensity.

Another Bad Company song came on, “Feel Like Making Love”. Lindsey reached over to my night stand grabbed my phone and turned up the volume. It was so wonderful finally being back with Lindsey, I almost didn’t notice there was something not quite right. There was something missing. She was loving and passionate, but missing something. It wasn’t till that song ended and the next track started, the moment I heard their old music teacher introducing the piece, I panicked. I was scared this would stir up bad memories and kill the mood. Lindsey looked up at me with a curious look. Her intro began and it was at that point I realized what was missing. But I didn’t get the reaction I expected; “You have this in your playlist?” She asked. “Yes, I feel your playing right here,” holding her hand over my heart. As we kissed something triggered in her, an emotional out pouring from her soul. We broke our kiss and she looked up at me with a tear in her eye. “I want to show you something. I want to show you where I was while playing this on stage.” This was the last performance she had when we were first together.

She had me roll over and climbed on top of me just as her intro faded and the rest of the orchestra came alive. As she worked up and down slowly in time with the music I watched her grace come back to her. The music poured through her, and when her solo came she closed her eyes, running her hands all over her body, and mine. She rocked and swayed in a way I haven’t seen in years, I could feel her performance being communicated through our bodies. As her part came to an end we locked eyes again and kissed deeply. As the piece came to an end , she leaned and softly said “Thank you” into our kiss. Afterward laying in bed, Lindsey laid across my chest, running her fingertips over my arms and chest, asked me if I listened to her performances often. “Yes, they kept you close in my darkest hours. I I would listen, just starting at,” I caught myself before I mentioned her ring, “back into my memories of you and how graceful you are, how much you captivated the entire audience, me most of all.” Lindsey dozed off and I lowered the music volume. It was past midnight. And I was exhausted but couldn’t sleep. I didn’t want to miss a moment of having my Lindsey back.


2018-07-08 18:32:45
more plz


2018-06-27 23:02:41
Awesome story. Please write more


2018-06-27 22:48:10
Awesome story. Please write more

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