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Another Christmas party at the Rugby Club
My Boyfriend likes to expose me

or perhaps it should be called

The exhibitionist no longer in denial

by Vanessa Evans

Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the earlier parts. They will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable.

Part 31 – Enjoying my new found liberation ---------------------------------------------------

Naked at Work


Work just gets better and better. Where else can a girl flaunt her naked body, get fucked and have countless orgasms; and get well paid for it as well?

Daisy was my next work challenge; she’d just agreed to join my team but there were a few obstacles to overcome before she transferred into my team. When I told Tim of her decision he’d agreed to delay her start until she was ready. I told Tim that she wanted to do the job and everything that goes with it but she was shy and nervous and wanted to take things one step at a time. I didn’t tell Tim that she was still a cock virgin.

Once I told Daisy that she would soon be a member of my team she said,

“OMG; I’ve done it, it’s going to happen, I’m going to be naked at work. Shit, I’m so nervous.”

I asked Tim for the use of his office and got Daisy a coffee.

“Right Daisy;” I said, “what’s the first thing that we have to organise?”

“I guess that it’s somewhere to live. As I’ve said, I just can’t still live with my parents. They just couldn’t cope with what is going to be my new lifestyle.”

“Have you told them that you are thinking of getting a place of your own?”

“Yes, they agreed that someone my age shouldn’t really be living with their parents.”

“So you can go home tonight and tell them that you’re moving out tomorrow evening?”

“Yes, I can’t see any reason why not.”

“Right then, write your address on a bit of paper, pack your stuff tonight and Ryan and I will be there at 7 pm tomorrow.”

“Thank you Tanya, I’ll pay you the going rate for a room.”

“No you won’t, I’d rather that you save your money towards a flat or a house of your own. You can earn your keep by doing housework. Now what’s the next challenge?”

I don’t want to lose my virginity to Tim in the stationery cupboard.”

“Yes, I can understand that and I can tell you that it will not happen. Trust me, it will not happen.”

“Thank you Tanya.”

I don’t know if Daisy thought that she’d remain a cock virgin or what. I has planning on Ryan taking that from her.

“Next challenge?”

“I guess that the only other thing is the initial embarrassment of getting naked in front of the people that I’ve worked with for so long; and those medical examinations.”

Daisy shivered as she said that last bit so I re-assured her saying that we’d take it slow and that Grace, Emily or I would be with her all the time for the first few weeks.

“Can I come to the gym with you again? That err ‘experience’ certainly helped.”

“Yes it did, by the end of the night you looked like you were enjoying yourself.”

“I was.”

“There you go then, this place will be just the same. Maybe we should force you to get naked in front of everyone here.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that.”

“Don’t worry Daisy, I can guarantee that in a couple of weeks you’ll want to rush to work each morning, get naked and walk all around the guys out there.”

“I hope so.”

“You will; now, anything else?”

“No, I guess not.”

“Right Daisy; back to work, relax and think of the future good time; and the money. I’ll let you know when anything changes.”

As Daisy left the room she said,

“I can’t believe that I’m doing this.”

Later that day I spoke to Tim and asked if the announcement about Daisy could happen at the next monthly meeting which was in 2 weeks.

“Will she be ready by then?” Tim asked.

“No, it will be a case of jumping in at the deep end. She’ll be mortified at the time but an hour later she’ll wonder what on earth she was worried about. ” I replied.

Tim smiled, probably realising what I was planning.

The following evening Ryan and I arrived at Daisy’s parent house and were introduced to them. I was wearing a coat so they couldn’t tell that I was naked underneath. I couldn’t help but compare them to my own parents that I haven’t now seen for quite a few years. We loaded Daisy’s cases into the car and set off.

“So Daisy, how does it feel to be escaping after all these years?” Ryan asked.

“Good and bad; I’m going to miss them but I think that I’m ready for my new life.”

“You’re bound to miss them, but you can go back and visit them you know. You don’t have to throw away all your clothes, only the ones that you’ll never wear again.”

“Like knickers and bras you mean Ryan.” Daisy replied.

“Yes, you won’t need those any more. Your breasts are young and a nice small size so you’ll never have to support them, and your pussy is beautiful so it would be a crime to hide it.”

“Stop it Ryan,” I said, “you’re making the poor girl blush.”

“No it’s okay Tanya,” Daisy replied, “I guess that I’ve got to get used to comments like that.”

“They weren’t comments, they were compliments Daisy.” Ryan said, “Has Tanya told you about our house rule?”

“No, what’s that?”

“That all females have to be naked at all times.”

“Shit, is there any grace period for new residents?”

“Nope, not even visitors, well, if their skin needs ironing they are exempt. Hey, it isn’t as if I haven’t seen your body before is it?”

“I guess not.”

“And you are going to keep going to the gym with Tanya aren’t you?”

“Yes she is,” I said, “that is one of the compulsory parts.”

We soon got home and got out of the car. Each of us carried one of the small cases into the house, me putting mine down as soon as I got through the door, and took my coat off.

Daisy put her case down and just stood there.

“I guess this is it, time to get naked.” Daisy said.

“Yep,” Ryan said, “come on, get ‘em off girl.” Ryan said.

Daisy just looked at us for a couple of seconds then slowly started taking her clothes off.

“No need to be embarrassed Daisy;” Ryan said, “we’ve both seen you naked before.”

Daisy continued but stopped when she got down to her bra and knickers; both of which could never be called ‘sexy’.

After a moments pause the bra came off and Daisy put her hands over her bare tits. I’m sure that Ryan was about to say something, but Daisy rubbed her nipples, then pulled them both before putting her hands into the top of her knickers and pushing them down.

“That wasn’t too bad was it Daisy?” Ryan asked.

“I guess not.” Daisy replied.

“Right, I’ll take these cases upstairs whilst you go and get the last case.”

“What! Go outside like this?”

“Yep!” Ryan said as he climbed the stairs.

“It’s okay Daisy” I said, “do you want me to come with you?”

“No, I’ve got to get used to it. I’m sure that I’ll be okay, after all, it’s dark out there.”

Literally seconds later, Daisy was back with the last case and I locked the car door using the remote.

Upstairs in Daisy’s room, I kicked Ryan out and Daisy and I sorted through her clothes. About 30 minutes later I was carrying a bin bag containing all Daisy’s underwear and all her trousers and shorts, downstairs.

“Charity shop?” Ryan asked.

I nodded, then got all of us a drink. Putting them on the coffee table I asked Ryan to select a movie for us all to watch.

Five minutes later, Daisy came downstairs and sat the other side of Ryan who responded by putting his other arm round Daisy’s shoulder.

“You 2 are going to have to feed my drink to me.” Ryan said.

“Maybe we’ll let you die of thirst.” I replied as I pressed ‘play’ on the remote control.

About half way through the movie, Ryan pressed the pause button then went upstairs. When he came back down he too was naked.

Sitting in between us girls again, Ryan looked at Daisy, saw her surprised look, and said,

“Get used to it girl, you’re going to get a lot of that thing.”

“Hey, stop calling you penis ‘that thing’;” I said, “it’s beautiful isn’t it Daisy?”

“Err, yes, I guess it is.”

“You can touch it whenever you like Daisy.” Ryan said, “TT won’t mind.”

Daisy looked at me and I nodded.

“Everything is shared in this house Daisy.” I said.

“Everything!” Ryan replied.

Daisy hesitated a little then slowly moved her hand to Ryan’s flaccid cock. At first she just touched it with her index finger then she slowly wrapped her hand round it. As it started to respond, Ryan pressed the ‘play’ button on the remote and the movie resumed.

For a good 5 minutes, Daisy just held Ryan’s hard cock then I noticed that she was looking at me. Guessing that she was looking for my approval, I smiled at her then nodded my head.

Ryan was obviously watching both of us because as soon as Daisy’s hand started going up and down he pulled both of us closed to him. My hand slowly moved over to Ryan’s balls and the movie was soon forgotten and both us girls gave Ryan a hand job.

I could see that Ryan wasn’t too far from cumming so I stopped playing with his balls and said,

“Daisy, stop doing that and climb on top of him. Fuck him please.”

I was expecting / hoping that she’d kneel either side of his legs, facing him, and lower herself down on to him but instead, she got up then sat back on to him with her back to him and waggled her butt over his cock until it slid in to her. She moaned and lowered herself until she bottomed-out on him.

No sooner than she was down she started shaking and said,

“Oh fuck, I’m cuuuuummmmingggggggggggg.”

Meanwhile, Ryan’s hands had found her tits and were massaging her tits and nipples. About a minute later, Daisy got her composure back and she turned to look at me and said,

“Sorry Tanya, I just couldn’t help myself; I hope that you don’t mind?”

“Daisy,” I replied, “I’ve told you, we share everything in this house. You can fuck Ryan whenever you like.”

Daisy smiled, but didn’t lift herself off Ryan’s cock; and Ryan said,

“Come on ladies, we’re missing the movie.”

I slapped Ryan’s leg then slid my hand back up to his balls. His cock had softened a little but soon got hard again as I played with those 2 wonderful balls. As I did so my hand deliberately wandered up to Daisy’s still spread pussy and I gently rubbed my fingers all around Ryan’s cock where it went inside her hole. I kept going to Daisy’s clit and rubbing that just to keep her aroused and Ryan hard.

After about 15 minutes of that, Daisy’s chest started rising and lowering a lot more, pushing Ryan’s hands up and down as he kept playing with her tits, and her breathing got a lot heavier.

Then she orgasmed again.

“Oh fuck!” Daisy said, and I felt Ryan’s cock jerk as he too came.

As she came down from her high Daisy said,

“Sorry Tanya.”

“If you don’t stop saying sorry,” Ryan said, “I’ll have to spank your bare bottom Daisy.”

“That’s a good idea Ryan,” I replied, “Daisy needs some spanking experience ready for when that machine spanks her at work.”

“Don’t remind me Tanya, that thought really scares me.”

“Daisy,” I said, “I’ve told you, nothing that happens to you at work will be bad; okay. It may hurt a bit a first but you WILL enjoy it, I promise you.”

“Tanya has some of her best orgasms when she’s being spanked, don’t you?” Ryan said.

“That and when I ride my sybian and when you fuck me lover.” I replied.

“What’s a sybian?” Daisy asked.

“You’ve never heard of a sybian Daisy?” Ryan asked.

“No, what is it?”

“I’ll show you, I’ve got one in the garage.” I said.

“Not tonight ladies, if you get started on that you’ll be late to bed, very late; leave it until tomorrow will you? I need to get some sleep. If you lift that pussy of yours off me I’ll go to the bathroom, then to bed.”

“Okay, I’ll join you. It’s a bit small for 3 of in there at once but you’re welcome to join us Daisy.”

“No, it’s okay, I’ll let you 2 get done first.”

We did, then Daisy went there. By the time Daisy was done Ryan and I were in bed, but as she came out Ryan shouted,

“Daisy, you can join us in here if you like.”

“Oh, err, if you don’t mind I’ll sleep on my own tonight, I’ve had a bit of a hectic day and evening and I could do with a good nights sleep.”

“Sure, no problem.” I said, “If you change your mind just push Ryan over to me and climb in.”

I woke-up, on my side, to Ryan thrusting in and out of my pussy from behind, and at first I was a little surprised to find an extra hand on my hip. As I became more awake I realised that it was Daisy that had joined us sometime in the night. I put my hand on top of hers and squeezed it as Ryan brought me to my first orgasm of the day.

“That was nice.” I said when I was able. Then continued, “come on, we don’t want to be late for work.”

“Yes, I need to get showered then dressed.” Daisy said.

“No Daisy, you’re going to work wearing just your shoes and coat.”

“Does that mean that I’m starting working for you today Tanya?”

“No, put your clothes in a bag and you can get dressed at work. We’re going to take it slow to start with; Naked here, naked at the gym and travelling to and from work in just a coat. I’ll let you know when I think that you’re ready to change desks and loose the clothes.”

“Hmm, okay, I like the idea of taking it slow; being naked in front of all those guys at work will be hard for me.”

“Not as much as it will be for the guys that you work with.” Ryan added, “they’ll be hard all the time as soon as they see that body of yours.”

“Stop it Ryan;” I said, “you’ll make her blush.”

Just before we left I heard Daisy shout,

“Tanya, where are all my underwear, I forgot that I’d need some to go to work.”

“No you won’t Daisy,” Ryan said, “let those guys see your nipples trying to burst through your blouse.”

“Well; okay then, I guess that it’s a good start.”

“This feels weird Tanya.” Daisy said as we sat down on the bus.

“That feeling will soon go Daisy, and you’ll soon be looking for chances to tease these strangers by flashing lots of skin to them.”

“Maybe.” Daisy replied.

The rest of the week was quite uneventful unless I tell you that Daisy abandoned her bed and ours got a little crowded. Also, I introduced Daisy to my sybian and, unsurprisingly, she loves it.

On the Saturday morning, just as we were having breakfast, the front door opened and the twins walked in. By the time they got to the kitchen, both girls were naked.

“Hi Tanya, Ryan, We’ve just come round to play in your garage. Oh hi Daisy, I didn’t know you were coming round as well. Shall we have a little competition?”

“Kate, Jude; Daisy is going to be living with us for a while until she can find a place of her own.” I announced.

“Okay,” Kate, or was it Jude answered; “welcome to the sexy mad house.”

“Hey you 2, this is NOT a mad house.” Ryan added.

“So you 2 have come here just to play on the sybian?” Daisy asked.

“That and the bike; and maybe that thing between Ryan’s legs.” Kate, or was it Jude, replied.

“Tell you what ladies,” Ryan announced, “Tanya and I have to go to the supermarket but when we get back how about we all go to the gym. I know how much you exhibitionists want to show-off your fit bodies and I hear that Darren has got those 2 exercise cycles with the dildos back from repair. You ladies really were hammering them.”

“Just like I’m going to hammer the one in your garage.” One of the twins replied.

“Hey Daisy, do you want to come with us?” I asked. “It’ll be good for you wandering around the supermarket in just a coat. You can unfasten some of the buttons and see how many men you can flash. No, I’ve got a better idea, we can just put a short dress on, we’ll only be outside for a couple of minutes, we won’t get too cold.”

“Are you sure Tanya, it looks cold out there.”

“Yes, we’ll be fine, come on.”

I dragged Daisy upstairs and picked out a dress for her. It’s a short one that buttons right down the front. Just after I’d got one of my short dresses on I picked-up a pair of scissors and bend down in front of Daisy.

“What are you doing Tanya?” Daisy asked.

“Just levelling the playing field.”


“My dress is open up to my pussy so I’m making yours the same.”

“Oh, okay, I guess.”

“Tomorrow, the 3 of us are going shopping to get you some new dresses Daisy, all those in your wardrobe are way too long.” I said.

“Well, I suppose that I could do with some new clothes, and now that I don’t have to please my mother I guess that I can get some short ones; but not too short now that I haven’t got any knickers to wear.”

“The only dress or skirt that is too short Daisy, is one that doesn’t go below your neck.” Ryan said.

“I wish that that were true.” I added.

Ryan dropped us outside the front door of the supermarket and we rushed in with Daisy saying,

“Shit, that’s a cold breeze between my legs.”

“Nice isn’t it?” I replied.

We got a trolley and started shopping. I deliberately got Daisy to get the things from the bottom and top shelves hoping that someone would see her butt and pussy as her dress rode up. I saw 2 men looking at her and I hoped that there were others.

Not wanting to miss out on the fun, I got Daisy to pass everything to me and I bent over the handle to put them in the trolley. With a bit of luck someone was behind me each time that I did it and they got a good look.

Back at home we unloaded the car then dragged the twins off the machines in the garage and went to the gym.

As always, Darren was happy to see us and he warmly greeted us as the naked Poppy checked us in. We had the usual great time and each of us came at least 4 times. Daisy is now more relaxed and getting to enjoy the exposure as much as the other girls. She even ‘spotted’ a guy who was bench lifting and put her pussy right over his face. She now does the standing splits almost as good as I do now and she’s looking at the men that are staring at her gaping pussy as she does them.

The next couple of week went quickly with Daisy settling in at our house and getting used to travelling to and from work wearing only shoes and a coat. On the Friday morning I called Grace and Emily to go with me to the conference room. It was the monthly review meeting again.

As we all marched in I winked at Daisy. She had no idea what was about to happen.

The meeting went just the same as the previous ones with Grace, Emily and me having our medical examinations by yet another doctor that Mr Chang had brought with him, and only me getting spanked by the machine because Grace and Emily had met their targets. What no one knew was that I had being doing some of their work so that they’d meet their targets and I wouldn’t.

Just as everyone was expecting the meeting to wrap-up, Tim announced that Daisy was joining my team. I looked over to her, her head was down and she looked like she was trembling.

“Daisy, would you come over here please?” Tim said.

As she slowly walked over, Tim continued,

“Tanya, Emily, Grace, would you stand up and come over here as well please?”

Then he continued,

“Daisy, I know that you are very nervous and apprehensive about being naked for the first time, and that it’s usually best to just jump in at the deep end so we are going to help you do just that. Guys, would some of you like to remove Daisy’s clothes for her?”

There was nearly a stampede as about 8 of the guys stepped forwards and nearly knocked me over.

I knew that this was the best way for her to get over the embarrassment of being seen naked by her colleagues for the first time, but right at that moment I felt a little sorry for her.

A couple of the guys commented on her lack of underwear, and then again about her bald pubes. All the time Tim, Mr Chang and the doctor were just watching Daisy get stripped.

“Up on the table.” Tim said when Daisy was naked.

The guys lifted her up then lay her spread eagled on the table. Daisy just lay there and didn’t move as the guys backed away; all of them staring between her legs.

“Doctor,” Mr Chang said, “If you would please.”

The doctor stepped forward and gave Daisy a good check-up, although he did linger on her B cup tits for longer than I expected. The internal exam took a long time as well; and he made her cum twice as she lay there.

I think that all her inhibitions had disappeared when she was getting her tits examined because she never once started to close her legs.

The next thing that the doctor did surprised me a little because none of the previous doctors had probed up our butts; and Daisy looked as though she was about to cum again when his finger went in.

It didn’t last long, and Daisy lay there, still spread wide, as the doctor changed his latex gloves then opened his bag. I saw Daisy’s face cringe a little as the doctor produced a hypodermic needle and she closed her eyes as he injected the anaesthetic into her clit.

As it took effect, everyone watched as he got a clit ring out of a little box, and with the help of a pair of tweezers, he pulled on her clit and let the ring slide down the tweezers and onto her clit. Still pulling the tweezers with one hand, he used the other to push the ring down as far as it would go.

Releasing the tweezers, the doctor said,

“All done, you may like to try it to make sure that it works whilst she’s still numb. I don’t want to have to give her another injection if it doesn’t work.”

Mr Chang took the control out of the box and worked the buttons. Then he said,

“Tim, can you put your hand on it please; Daisy isn’t responding to anything. I’m hoping that it’s just the anaesthetic; I don’t want her to have no feelings there for the rest of the day.”

Tim put his hand on Daisy’s clit while Mr Chang played with the controls again.

After a couple of seconds Tim pulled his hand away quickly and said,

“Ouch; I don’t know how you girls stand that; and in such a sensitive part as well.”

“We don’t have a lot of choice do we Tim? But it is nice.” I said.

Daisy just lay there as Tim dismissed the meeting and as the last of our colleagues, Mr Chang and Tim left, one of the Mr Shifters that I’d seen before came in and said,

“All done, the new desk is in place and everything is connected up.”

As he was saying that I looked at his eyes and saw that they were staring at Daisy’s still spread pussy. I let him look for a few seconds, wishing that it was me up there on the table; then I thanked him, twice. It took the second one to wake him from his trance then he turned and left.

Turning to Daisy I said,

“Well Daisy, I decided as soon as you accepted the job that I’d have to throw you in at the deep end; you’re still alive and you don’t look embarrassed any more, especially as your legs are still spread wide, so I guess that you are now a fully fledged member of the team. How does it feel?”

“Not quite Tanya,” Grace said, “she hasn’t been fucked by Tim yet.”

“Oh don’t worry about that Grace, I’m sure that she’ll take that in her stride.”

“In her pussy you mean.” Grace replied.

“Yes Grace, thank you for that. I’m sure that she’ll be just fine. What say you Daisy?” I said.

“Daisy!” I repeated.

“Oh yes, bring it on. Can you ask him to fuck me this afternoon please?”

“There you go ladies; she’s as keen as you are to get Tim’s cock inside you.” I said, “Daisy, you can shut your legs now and let’s get back to work. You may not have heard, but we’ve got a desk for you in the goldfish bowl. I’ll come with you to your old desk to get your belongings.”

As we walked into the main office Daisy got a few compliments and congratulations from the guys. I was expecting her to be a little shy and embarrassed but she walked in head held high and nipples rock hard.

As we collected her belongings she turned and looked at the guys and said,

“Okay guys, who’s got my clothes, come on, give them to me.”

As her blouse and skirt appeared one of the guys said,

“Where’s your knickers Daisy, can I have them?”

“I haven’t won any knickers for days now, and you didn’t even notice; and didn’t you notice that I wasn’t wearing any when you guys stripped me?”

“We noticed your nipples Daisy but you didn’t flash your knickers to us like Tanya flashed her bald pussy.” Another of the guys said.

“I wasn’t quick enough to get to you when Tim asked for volunteers to strip you.” The guy who’d asked for her knickers said.

“Well,” Daisy replied, “I guess that you’re going to see a lot more of me from now on guys.”


As we walked out and into Daisy’s new office I said,

“You handled that well Daisy, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m great. I think that your ‘in at the deep end’ method has killed-off all my inhibitions. Thank you Tanya, you’re looking at a new, liberated Daisy.”

“I like liberated girls Daisy.” I replied.

Just then Tim walked in with a camera in his hand.

“Daisy,” he said, “I heed to take some photographs of you for your ID card.”

After she’d posed for him he left, telling her that her card should be ready in a couple of days.

As Daisy started putting her things in and on her desk she suddenly said,

“Oh, no modesty board.”

Looking around she then said,

“None of the desks have one, I didn’t notice that before; and are those cameras screwed under the desks?”

“Yes they are, just ignore them for now, I’ll explain everything later.”


Tim and Mr Chang went out for lunch and after Mr Chang had left I went to see Tim and asked him if he could fuck Daisy before the day was out. I told him that I wanted her to become a fully fledged member before she left to go home.

“Didn’t you say that she’s moved in with you and Ryan?” Tim asked.

“Yes, it’s only temporary until she can find a place of her own.”

“So she isn’t a virgin any more.”

“Tim, are you suggesting that I’d let my boyfriend fuck a member of my staff? Yes, of course Ryan has fucked her; and I’ve tasted her as well. Satisfied? …… You men.”

“Does she taste nice Tanya, I might sample that later.”

“Yes Tim, she does.”

“Okay, let me get her camera, egg and her clit ring sorted out then I’ll switch the egg off when I’m ready.”

“So who’s got her egg?” I asked.

“Oh, yes, here it is, can you get her to insert it right away. I’ll sort that out first so that she’ll have a bit of time to get used to it before I switch it off.”

“Thanks Tim.”

I left and went back to my office and told Daisy to get up on her desk.

“Spread ’em girl, I’ve got another present for you.” I said, then gently pushed the egg into her.”

I then explained how the eggs and clit rings have 2 controls, one that I gave her, and another ‘master’ control that Tim can control from his PC or smart phone. I also pointed to the camera and told her who could be looking up her legs (well not everyone, I left out Ryan and whoever he’s given the App to). Then I explained what it means when your egg stops vibrating.

“So Tim will be fucking me this afternoon.”

“Probably, are you looking forward to it?”

“Well both Grace and Emily say that he’s good, so yes, I am. Oh, when do we go to the shoe shop? You 3 have some real nice shoes.”

Tim did fuck her in the middle of the afternoon, and while she was in the stationery cupboard Grace said,

“I hope that we’re not getting anyone else in the team, I’ve just gone down from getting fucked by Tim every third day to every fourth day.”

“Bloody hell Grace, if you’re that desperate come home with me and I’ll ask Ryan to fuck you.”

“Maybe you just need to get yourself some new toys or one of those sybian things or another type of fucking machine.” Emily added.

“Tanya, please can you ask Mr Chang if the Nuwa Corporation make any fucking machines, and if they do can do we get a staff discount on them?” Grace asked.

Daisy came back from the stationery cupboard with a big smile on her face and she said,

“I wish that I’d said that I wanted to start my new job just as soon as you offered it to me Tanya.”

Daisy sat at her desk and shortly after that she squealed a little as her egg burst into life.

At the end of the day Daisy put her clothes into her bag and said,

“I guess that I won’t be needing to bring these to work any more.”

“Yes,” I replied, “you’ve got to stick to the Nuwa Corporation dress code from now on.”

“What dress code?” Daisy asked.

“Birthday suits only whilst at work.”

“Oh that one; I guess that I’ll be saving on the clothes buying then.”

“And the shoe buying.”

“Do I have to get my nipples and clit hood pierced Tanya?”

“No you don’t have to, it’s entirely up to you Daisy.”

“Maybe later, I’m still getting used to working and being at your house in my birthday suit. I don’t want to start covering even tiny bits of it yet.”

Ryan’s formal works Christmas dinner ---------------------------------------------

Yes, Christmas was coming and we were going to his works Christmas bash. It was a very formal one with a few of Ryan’s bosses there from their head office. Ryan was up for a potential promotion and he really wanted to impress all of his bosses. I offered to go naked and to fuck all of them, but Ryan said not. What he said was that he wanted me to dress to impress, have some deliberate, accidental wardrobe malfunctions, and to tell them that I was Ryan’s one and only lover. He wanted me to give them the impression that I was ‘off-limits’ to them, but at the same time tease them with flashes of forbidden flesh.

That left me with the challenge of finding a dress that was, and wasn’t, very revealing.

We spent most of one day going round the shops looking for the right dress and enjoying a bit of flashing fun as we did so. I finally found the dress that I was looking for on the internet.

A couple of days later I got home to find a package had come through the letterbox. Not believing that a package that small could contain a dress I slowly opened it. When I saw something black I thought,

“The idiots have sent me a pair of black stockings by mistake.”

As I unfolded the material I realised that maybe it was a dress. The fabric was so thin that you could almost see through it even before I put it on, and it was like a long scarf; so thin. Puling it sideways I saw that it was stretchy and decided that ‘yes, it really was a dress.’

I decided to wait until Ryan got home to try it on and went to the kitchen to help Daisy start the meal.

When Ryan saw the dress on the table he said,

“Wow TT this is going to be interesting; is that really a dress?”

After we’d cleaned-up Ryan held up the dress waiting for me to try it on.

“You’d better take out all your jewellery first TT; we don’t want anything for it to snag on.”

After we’d eaten I did remove all my jewellery, but, of course, not my clit ring. It would take some anaesthetic or a lot of pain to remove that.

I gently spread the garment at the waist, stepped into it and slowly pulled it up my legs. As I was doing so, it became obvious that there were 2 thickness’ of material there; the top was thinner and consists of 2 very deep triangles going up from the waist. I twisted the dress round so that the triangles were at the front. I then pulled the triangle up over my breasts and Ryan fastened the strings behind my neck. The triangles of the backless top covered my small tits and would have left a lot of cleavage – if I’d had a cleavage.

Looking in the mirror I saw the material hugging my erect nipples, even showing some of the little bumps on my areolas; and I could easily see the shape of my tits and the different colours of my nipples, areolas and tits.

“That’s going to knock them dead.” Ryan said.

“Yes, perfect for the look that I want.”

Looking down to the skirt part I was a little disappointed that it wasn’t quite as see-though as the top, but it was extremely thin. If I shut my eyes the whole dress was so light that I felt that I had nothing on.

I twisted the waist part round so that it was properly in line with the top and the waist to ankle split was just where I wanted it to be, half way between my pussy and the front of my right leg.

Just standing there, my pussy was covered, but as soon as I moved my left leg forwards the gap opened up and anyone to my right would be able to see my bald pubes; just the look that I was after.

Sitting down, both sides of the dress fell away leaving my legs naked, right up to my waist. I stood up, held the front of the dress in place and sat down again. The dress didn’t fall as far apart, but more than enough for me to realise that I’d need to hold my purse in front of my pussy if I didn’t want to flash whoever was in front, and to my right, all night.

As I stood admiring myself in front of the mirror Ryan said,

“I’m always amazed just how a girl can go from being total naked to looking a million dollars just by putting on 2 shoes and a flimsy dress. That dress puts a whole new meaning on ‘that little black dress’ phrase TT.”

The big night came and we walked out to the taxi. I wasn’t paying too much attention to the dress until I saw the taxi drivers face. Looking down I saw that the dress was wide open right up to my waist.

“Hmm, I’ll have to watch that.” I thought.

For the rest of the walk to, and later, from the taxi, I held the left side of the skirt part with my right hand.

The dinner was at a big hotel, in a room reserved for Ryan’s company, and as we walked in I saw quite a few people looking over to me. We mingled with the other couples, with Ryan steering me to meet all of his bosses one by one.

I really felt quite naked walking around that room and whenever I got introduced to a couple I looked at their eyes to see just what part of me they were looking at. Most of the men weren’t looking above my neck. I could have pulled all sorts of faces at them and they wouldn’t have had a clue.

Of course, my nipples had been rock hard ever since we opened our front door, and with all those men staring at my body they were tingling as well.

Just before we were all going to sit down for the meal I went to the ladies room to dry my pussy and on the way back Ryan’s top boss stopped me and said that I was brave to go there in a totally see-through dress without any underwear.

I managed to blush and say,

“No it’s not, I checked myself in the mirror at home and I couldn’t see through it.”

“Maybe you didn’t have the lights on at home?” the man replied.

“Now that you mention it, my bedroom certainly isn’t as bright as it is in here. It’s not see-through is it?”

“Actually, it is. I can see everything.”

“OMG, I’ve got to find Ryan, I’ve got to go home and change.”

“No you don’t my dear, you look absolutely divine; and I’m sure that no one here will complain.”

“But everyone will be able to see me.”

“Don’t worry my dear; everyone has already seen your assets and no one has said anything have they? And if they do, you just come and tell me and I’ll shut them up.”

“Well, that’s very kind of you sir, but I should really go and change, it’s so embarrassing.”

“Nonsense my dear, you are staying here and that’s the end of it.”

“Well, if you’re sure?”

“I am; now go and find that man of yours and come and sit at my table. I want you to tell me what you do with all your time.”

I quickly found Ryan and as we walked over to the dining tables told Ryan what had happened.

“Excellent,” Ryan replied as we looked for the man and his wife. “Old Mr Moore has a reputation for the young women.”

As we walked up to the table Mr Moore steered me to the chair to his right with Ryan and Mrs Moore opposite us. Another of Ryan’s bosses, Mr Wilson, sat on my right with his wife opposite.

As I sat down I didn’t attempt to hold the dress to cover my legs and I was soon bare up to my waist. I put my handbag on my lap but as soon as Mr Moore saw it he said,

“Put your bag on the floor my dear; it will be safe there and it won’t get in the way.”

I did as I was told, wondering what my bag would get in the way of.

I didn’t have to wait long to find out. Even before the first course was served I felt Mr Moore’s right hand on my left thigh.

“Naught, naughty Mr Moore, I’m a good girl.” I whispered to him as I lifted his hand off my thigh.

Two minutes later, just as I was being served, the hand was back. As the waiter moved away I whispered,

“I’m a good girl Mr Moore.”

But I didn’t lift his hand off my thigh.

“I certainly hope so my dear.” Mr Moore whispered back.

I opened my serviette and covered his hand.

As we ate, drank and talked, and that hand kept returning to my thigh, getting higher and higher each time it came back. By the time we were well into the main course, Mr Moore’s right little finger had touched my pussy. When it first made contact with my clit ring, Mr Moore’s hand froze for a couple of seconds and he turned and looked at me. He smiled at me and without even thinking about it, I spread my legs enough for him to gain better access.

On my other side, it took until I had finished my main course for Mr Wilson’s left hand to find my thigh. He too froze for a second when he first touched my clit ring.

I don’t know if there was some sort of telepathy between Mr Moore and Mr Wilson, or they’d pre-planned their assault on my body, or they’d had lots of practice doing it to other young women; but, without even looking, one hand came up to the table as the other came down to my pussy. The net result was that my pussy had a hand pressing and rubbing it all the way through the meal.

I did have one orgasm, but fortunately I managed to have it without making a noise or shaking all over. Ryan noticed though, and he gave me that knowing grin of his.

During the meal I was asked about my job. I told them what I did, and that I’d been on 2 trips to China to learn more about the Nuwa Corporation and the culture there. I also told them that I had to wear a uniform at work, but I didn’t tell them what that uniform consisted of; nor did I tell them about the medical check-ups or the punishments if we fail to meet our targets.

When I mentioned the Nuwa Corporation, Mr Moore looked at me and smiled, but he didn’t say anything. I wondered if he knew anything about the Nuwa Corporation.

By the time that the meal was over, I’d stopped thinking about my dress. I still felt naked but I was used to that. The wine also stopped me thinking about my dress when I got up to dance with Ryan.

As we danced close, Ryan said,

“It’s nice dancing with a naked girl.”

I had to look down to check that I was still wearing the dress because I couldn’t feel it.

“You do know that Mr Moore wants to fuck me don’t you Ryan?” I asked.

“Yes, he’s made that quite clear, but are you happy with that TT?”

“If it will help you get that promotion I am.”

“If you’re happy to fuck him them I’m happy to let you. I just hope that he’s not expecting me to fuck his wife, she’s fat and ugly.”

“I’m sure that you’ll find a way of avoiding that lover boy.” I replied.

A couple of minutes later Mr Moore came over and asked to dance with me. Ryan stepped aside then disappeared, probably thinking of finding a way of avoiding Mrs Moore.

Mr Moore was quick to put his hands on me and they soon started wandering. I didn’t stop him and his hands were soon grabbing my butt.

“So you work on the Nuwa Corporation contract do you? I’ve heard about that company, they have some unusual ways of encouraging their female employees don’t they? “

“Well, if you mean that they pay well, then yes they do.”

“That wasn’t what I meant Tanya; I was thinking more about their unusual dress code and that ring that you’ve got on your clitoris. As soon as I felt it things began to fall in place. You’re used to being naked all the time aren’t you?”

“I don’t know what you could possibly mean Mr Moore.”

“I think that you do Tanya. I’ve been thinking about visiting your company to discuss some business collaboration, maybe I should do that quite soon. Would that be a problem for you Tanya?”

“Okay Mr Moore, you’ve got me, yes, the Nuwa Corporation demand that all females who work on their contracts work in the nude. So what, it’s no big deal; it’s the Chinese version of the Japanese Naked Mailgirls programme.”

“Maybe not for you my girl, but I’d love to get one of those programmes working in my company.”

“I don’t think that I can help you there.”

“Possibly not; but there’s something that you can help me with right now Tanya.”

“And what would that be Mr Moore?”

He put his hand in his jacket pocket and pulled out a room door lock card. Putting it in my hand he said,

“Five minutes, okay?”

“What about your wife Mr Moore?”

“Don’t worry about her, it’s a free bar so she’ll be happy trying to find a toy-boy for the night.”

With that he turned and walked off leaving me just standing there. As I collected my thought, I realised that the lights had been turned up. In fact there were spotlights moving around the room. When one came over me I looked down and could see the front of my slit. My dress was virtually invisible.

On the one hand I wanted to stay and let everyone see my body through the dress, but on the other hand I wanted to help Ryan by letting his boss fuck me.

Reluctantly, I chose to help Ryan and walked off the dance floor and out of the room.

When I got up to Mr Moore’s room I knocked and got no reply so I let myself in. I was puzzled, then I realised what was wrong. There was no luggage or clothes; the room was ready for new guests.

I was about to turn and go back downstairs when the door opened and Mr Moore walked in.

“What’s going on? I thought that this was your room.”

“It is, when I go to dinners like this I always book 2 rooms; just in case I get lucky.”

“Hmm; a bit presumptuous.” I thought, as Mr Moore unfastened my halter top and let the whole dress drop to the floor.

It turns out that Mr Moore likes it a bit rough. Before I knew it, I was face down on the bed and he was spanking my butt. He hit my butt hard and long; enough to make me cum. When he was done he flipped me over and looked down at me.

There was sweat all over his face as he stared at my pussy.

“Is that a Nuwa clit ring? Is it switched on?”

“Yes and no.” I managed to say before he put his fingers on it and tried to pull it off.

I screamed and he let go.

“So, the centre is quite small; how did they get it on you?”

“Anaesthetic and a doctor.” I replied.

“Is it as good as they say?”


“Maybe we should get our girls to wear one.”

I smiled to myself, thinking about Karen.

“I thought that you got me up here to fuck me Mr Moore.”

He didn’t answer me; instead he flipped me over again and pulled me up onto my knees. It was a good job that my pussy was well self-lubricated as he dropped his trousers and thrust deep into me in one fast move.

I gasped and then felt his hands grabbing and squeezing my little tits.

About 10 thrusts later, he squeezed my tits so hard that they hurt like hell, as he shot his load in to me.

Then he rolled off me and landed flat on his back beside me. I lifted my head off the bed and looked at him; fast asleep. I laughed to myself and thought,

“I hope that Ryan has more stamina when he gets to your age buster.”

I got up, went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. Then I put my dress back on and went back downstairs.

I quickly found Ryan who said,

“Thank goodness TT; that damn Moore woman keeps following me all around.”

“Maybe you should fuck her Ryan; her husband is done for the night.”

“Shit no, she’s fat and ugly. I’m going to hang on to you until it’s time to leave.”

We got another drink then went to dance. The spotlights reminded me just how see-through my dress was and a few of Ryan’s colleagues tried to butt-in but I declined the offer.

After a while we went and sat with Karen and Emma and they both complimented me on my dress.

“I hear that you’ve finally admitted the truth Tanya.” Karen said.

“Yes, I’m no longer the exhibitionist in denial.” I replied.

“So where are we going to take you Tanya so that we can show-off your cute little body?”

“Don’t take too long thinking of somewhere ladies, but please remember that it’s the middle of winter.” I said.

“And you both look good as well.” I continued, “Those dresses really suit you.”

We all got up to dance some more and we’d only been up for a couple of minutes when Mr Wilson came over and asked me to dance. I accepted and turned to dance with him thinking,

“I wonder if he’s got a second room as well?”

Mr Wilson is a lot more energetic than Mr Moore and he danced all around me, his hands wandering all over me. At one point he was behind me and pulling me back in to him with his left hand. His right hand was round me and under the split I my dress. He was caressing my bare stomach and the front of my slit as we danced.

When the tempo slowed Mr Wilson also handed me a room card key and whispered,

“Five minutes slut,” before walking off.

I found Ryan and as I whispered where I was going he grabbed my butt and squeezed it.

As I entered the room I saw Mr Wilson sat on the bed.

“Strip slut.” He commanded.

I did, and then just stood there completely naked looking at him.

“Nice; I see what Ryan sees in you, cute and young looking, very young looking; my 12 year old daughter looks older than you do; I bet that you’d look good in a schoolgirl uniform.”

“They tell me that I do Mr Wilson, especially one that has a skirt this short.” I said, holding my hand on my pussy.

“Are you sure that you’re not 12 or 13 Tanya, you look more like Ryan’s little sister or daughter.”

“I assure you Mr Wilson, I have been to university, I have got a degree, I have qualified as an accountant and I have been working for the last couple of years.”

“Good, so Tanya, do you want Ryan to get this promotion?”

“Yes, of course I do.”

“So what will you do to help him?”

“Anything Mr Wilson; absolutely anything.”

“Good, get on the bed and get those legs behind your shoulders.”

As I did as I was told I was glad that I went to the gym and got into all those revealing poses. They’d kept my body supple and I could easily do what I had been told to do even though it left me quite helpless.

As I lay there watching Mr Wilson get undressed I wondered what he was going to do to me and I made a mental note to get in to that position at the gym and then have to ask one of the guys to release me. Mr Wilson’s cock was hard and pretty average from what I’ve seen.

“Does your 12 year old daughter do this for you Mr Wilson?” I asked.

“I wish.”

“Maybe you should ask her. Little girls like to please their daddy.”

“Yes, she is quite cute. Her little tits are a bit bigger than yours.”

“Have you seen them Mr Wilson?”

“Not like I’ve just seen yours.”

“Maybe you should ask her to undress for you; give her a bath like you used to when she was a little girl. Rub her tits and her pussy; I’m sure that she’d like that. Would you like to do that Mr Wilson?”

“Yes I would, but right now I’m going to spank that pussy of yours Tanya, then stick this champagne bottle in it.”

“Is it still full Mr Wilson? Shouldn’t we drink it first?”

“I’ll drink it out of your pussy. I wonder how much it can hold.”

“I think that we’re about to find out.” I said.

Mr Wilson was stood there looking down at my pussy.

“So Tanya, that clit ring is from the Nuwa Corporation is it? So is that how people can tell that you’re a Nuwa girl?”

“Yes, I guess that it is.”

“I’ll have to get Ryan to tell me all about it.”

“Mr Moore knows all about Nuwa girls, he told me so earlier.”

“Maybe I should discuss a potential merger with Mr Moore then.”

As soon as he’d finished saying that Mr Wilson’s hand came down on my butt. He likes to hit hard and it hurt.

“Ouch!” I said.

Then his hand swung down again, and again, and again.

My butt hurt like hell for the first 6 or 7 swats but then it started to get numb and warm. I was starting to enjoy it. After 4 or 5 more swats I started to cum. My body wasn’t in any position that it could jerk about but Mr Wilson certainly knew that I was cumming.

“So you’re enjoying this are you Tanya, let’s see if you enjoy this.”

The swats changed from landing on my butt to landing on my pussy. It was on fire by then and although the swats hurt, they also intensified my next orgasm, and the next one.

“Fuck Tanya, you’re a real pain slut. Let’s see how how you like this.”

Mr Wilson took a swig from the champagne bottle then lay the bottle neck along my slit. In one swift move he tipped the bottle up and the top of it disappeared into my hole. Unfortunately, not quick enough to avoid some of the champagne spilling out and running down my front and back.

Mr Wilson fucked me with the bottle as it emptied inside me. I couldn’t see the level in the bottle decreasing, but I could feel my insides filling up. Just as I was beginning to think that I couldn’t take much more the pain stopped getting any worse but the fucking with the bottle didn’t stop. Mr Wilson was determined to get as much of that bottle inside me as he could.

As it went in and out the bottle gradually went further and further into me. Just after the widest part of the bottle started to disappear I screamed in pain. Thankfully, Mr Wilson stopped pushing but still fucked me with it until I started to cum again.

He realised that I was cumming and whipped the bottle out of me. As it came out some of the champagne came out in one quick squirt. It landed on Mr Wilson’s face because he was bending down to put his mouth over my pussy.

Glad that I can control my pussy muscles, I managed to not let any more out until the waves of pleasure receded then I released the champagne in a series of little small squirts. Some of it must have gone into Mr Wilson’s mouth but some leaked out and ran down my front and back.

I kept squirting until it was all out and Mr Wilson stood up.

“That was good Tanya; not many girls can control the release as good as you did. You must have been practicing.”

I smiled at him as he leaned over me and released my legs.

“On your hands and knees slut.”

No sooner than he was happy with my butt facing him, he rammed his cock into me.

I moaned, then said,

“I bet that you’d like to do that to your 12 year old daughter Mr Wilson?”

He rammed his cock into me even harder and kept going until his jism filled parts on me previously occupied by champagne. He just stood there until I felt his cock start to soften then he pulled out of me.

“You can go now slut.”

“I need a shower first, that champagne has made me all sticky.” I replied.

Mr Wilson lay back on the bed and I went into the bathroom.

I was pleased to find that the shower head was detachable from the mounting and I managed to shower without getting my hair wet. I held the shower head under my pussy and had another orgasm as I washed out the remains of the champagne and Mr Wilson’s jism.

Back in the room I saw a sleeping Mr Wilson so I put my dress and shoes on and left to go and find Ryan.

I found him still with the others. As I sat next to him he whispered,

“So have I got the promotion?”

“You better have, it’s cost me 2 fucks and a sore butt so far.” I whispered back. “Did you know that he’s got a thing for young girls?”

Before anyone else could say anything, one of Ryan’s colleagues came over and asked me to dance. As I turned to face him I realised that when I’d sat down I hadn’t held my dress in place and it was open right up to my waist.

“Nice.” Ryan’s colleague said as he looked down at me.

I looked down pretending not to know what he was talking about.

“Oops, sorry about that.” I said as I stood up.

“Don’t be Tanya, it isn’t as if I haven’t seen it, and more, before.

I looked up at his face and realised that he’d been to some of our parties and that he’d seen me having golf balls, and other things, pushed inside me.

As we danced he leaned down and said,

“Nice dress Tanya, you may as well be stark naked, I can see everything. Pity you didn’t wear any of your jewellery, it really draws peoples attention to your tits and pussy.”

I should have been annoyed at his comments but I wasn’t; I felt good. I was really pleased with my choice of dress.

“Thank you,” I replied. “I’m pleased that you like the dress. I wanted to wear my nipple jewellery but I was worried that I’d snag the dress, it’s so thin and delicate.”

I wanted to take the dress off and dance naked but I didn’t; it’s a posh hotel and there were a lot of Ryan’s colleagues and their partners there. Some of them may be prudes and could make life difficult for Ryan. Instead I found the man’s hands, pulled him close and put his hands on my butt.

“Nice and firm.” He whispered to me as he squeezed my cheeks.

When a slow number started, I pulled away, turned round and pulled his hands to my hips. We were right in front of, and facing the table with Ryan and Karen and Emily and no one else seemed to be looking at me so I moved his hands to my pubes and pulled the left side of my dress under his hand so that he had 2 hands on my flesh.

The man didn’t waste any time and as his left hand rubbed my stomach, his right index finger found my clit. I was in heaven as I watched Ryan, Karen and Emily watch one of their colleagues make me cum right in front of them.

When I’d calmed down I thanked the man and sat next to Ryan again. This time I sat with my knees apart and lay back in the chair.

“God I’m knackered.” I said as I picked up Ryan’s beer and finished the half pint in one go.

“I’m not surprised,” Ryan said, “It’s getting late and you’ve had a bit of a hectic night.”

“Hey Karen,” I said, “did you know that Mr Wilson likes little girls, he wants to fuck his daughter.”

“Maybe I should start going to work dressed as a school girl.” Karen replied.

“I like the new, true you Tanya.” Emily said; “I think that I’ll have to organise somewhere for you to flash all your goodies to lots of people. Maybe another trip round town with plaster casts on all your arms and legs?”

“Yes, that was fun wasn’t it?”

“You didn’t think that at the time.” Emily replied.

“How stupid could I have been?” I said.

We all laughed then Ryan got up and said,

“Come on Tanya, time to get you home and to bed.”

“Your turn to fuck your girlfriend is it?”

“Karen, I didn’t know that you were like that.” Ryan said.

“I’m not, and you know that Ryan.” Karen replied.

“Yeah, I know, sorry about that Karen, but this young lady is knackered.”

“Go Ryan, take her home, put her to bed and fuck her while she sleeps.” Karen said.

“And be careful with that dress Ryan,” Emily added, “I’m sure that she’ll want to wear it again.”

Ryan did take the dress off me carefully, and he did fuck me after I went to sleep on him (so he tells me). The he woke me up the next morning by fucking me whilst Daisy watched. She later told me that she wanted to be woken up that way every day.

The Rugby Club


I love my Ryan. One night in November he told me that he’d booked me to be the fairy on the top of the Rugby Club’s Christmas tree again. I squealed with delight and gave his cock a little squeeze. I squealed again when he told me that there was going to be a gang bang after the meal – again. I asked him how many girls Mike wanted as nude waitresses and then to take part in the gang bang. He said that 3 or 4 would be enough and we started suggesting names for 2 of them. It was a given that the twins would be 2 of them – again; but this time it would be legal as they’d recently turned 16.

Daisy over-heard us talking about it and asked if she could be one of the girls.

“Are you sure that you want to do it, it’s not just the naked waitressing, these dinners usually end with a gangbang. You’ve only been fucked by Ryan and Tim so far.” I asked.

“And what better way to put that right than a gangbang with lots of hunky men?” Daisy replied.

“Well, if you put it like that then you’re in. Now that leaves one other girl. Any suggestions?” I asked.

“How about whats-her-name?” Ryan asked, “the one with the permanently gaping hole.”

“You mean Ella; she helped us last time if you remember Ryan.”

“Oh yes, I remember; she was as bad as you for wanting the gangbang to go on all night.”

The next time that we were at the gym when she was there I asked her and she was up for it. I reminded her of the address and a time to be there.

“What shall I wear?” Ella asked.

“Nothing, me and the others will be arriving there naked so it’s up to you.”

“I’ll be there.” Ella replied.

The twins got a sleepover pass from their parents and the 5 of us, 4 naked girls and Ryan, piled into our car and drove to the rugby club.

When we arrived Mike smiled as he looked at the 4 naked girls.

“Ready for action I see girls; I remember you 2; that makes 3 of you who don’t look old enough to be here.” Mike said looking at the twins. Just how do I tell you 2 apart?”

“You have to look here.” Kate said as she spread her legs a bit. “I’m the one with a mole just below my pussy.”

“And you are?” Mike asked.

“I’m Kate and she’s Jude.”

“Okay, each time that one of you wants to talk to me you have to show me that part of your body, okay?”

Both Kate and Jude giggled a bit, then in stereo the said,

“Okay Mike.”

“And who is this gorgeous young woman?” Mike asked as he looked at Daisy.

“I’m Daisy, I’m new to all this being naked all the time thing so please excuse me if I get a little shy at times.”

“Don’t you worry about that Daisy, by the time you go home tonight being shy will be the last thing on your mind. Now, has Tanya told you that she’s going to be our fairy on the top of our Christmas tree? We have to get her ready. Come on, you 3 can help me.”

Mike led us to the ‘home team’s’ changing room where he’d got everything that we needed. He stood me on a big polythene sheet and gave me 2 little bits of cotton wool telling me to stuff them up my nose. Then in 10 second bursts he sprayed my face and neck with gold paint; allowing me to breathe between each burst.

“Going gold this year are we Mike?” I said.

“Yes, I really wanted gold paint a couple of years ago but I couldn’t get any then.”

“How do you get it off?” Daisy asked. “Do we have to get some big scrubbing brushes and scrub her all over?”

“You’re not taking big scrubbing brushes to my body.” I replied. “If it doesn’t wash off I’ll be going to work like this.”

“I can just see you walking into work covered in gold paint. Maybe you could travel to work like that then no one could say that you weren’t wearing anything.” Daisy said.

Mike told me to hold my arms out and he continued spraying me. As he got lower I stopped him and asked Ryan to get a tissue for me. When he got back I wiped my pussy telling everyone that I wanted the paint to stick to me.

As Mike got to nearly finishing me he told me to bend over and spread my legs. He then put the finishing touches on my pussy and between my butt cheeks.

“Right Tanya, don’t touch anything for 10 minutes.”

“Have you got a First Aid kit?” One of the twins asked.

“Yes, why?”

“Are there any circular plasters in there?”

“Probably, have you cut yourself?”

“No, can you go and get them please?”

A couple of minutes later Mike returned holding a handful of plasters. Giving them to the twins they quickly removed the backing and stuck them on their nipples.

“Can you spray our little tits please Mike?”

He did then one of the twins said,

We’ll remove the plasters in 10 minutes.

Mike laughed the said,

“And I thought that you were going to hide them from us.”

“Hell no, just make them stand out a bit more.”

While the paint was drying Mike showed everyone the rest of my outfit for the first part of the evening. The wings were the same ones as from a couple of years ago.

“Where’s my wand?” I asked.

“No wand this time Tanya, you’ll need your hands to hold on.”

“Hold on to what?” I asked.

“Don’t worry, it will become obvious later.”

Just then there was a banging on an outside door.

“That’s probably the food arriving.” Mike said; “Can you come and help get it in and into the ovens?”

“Not you Tanya, I don’t want to risk damaging your delicate outfit; but you can come and watch, I’m sure that the caterers will enjoy the sight.”

Judging by the looks on the 2 caterers faces they did enjoy the sight of 4 naked girls. Daisy and the twins listened as the 2 men explained what was what. Just as they finished a naked Ella walked in.

“Bloody hell, how many naked girls are going to be here? Maybe I should take up rugby.” One of the guys said.

“Thank you guys, the empty container collection is scheduled for noon tomorrow right?”

“That’s right.”

“Okay then see you tomorrow.”

The caterers left and Mike asked Ryan and me to follow him to the tree. I looked up at it and saw that on the top was a bigger dildo and above it, about 4 or 6 feet apart, were 2 small loops of rope.

“They’re for you to hang on to when you go up and down on the dildo and to stop you falling off when you lose control.”

“You mean when I cum Mike?”

“Yes, and I think that you’ll be cumming a bit more often this time. I’ve made a couple of minor changes.”

“I can see one of the changes, it’s bigger.”

“That’s not the only change. Come on, let’s get you up there; we’ll bring your wings and tiara once you’re in place.”

Mike had left some big step ladders next to the tree and I climbed up and slowly got onto the first one, then both of the little platforms that were screwed to the wall.

I put my hands through the rope loops then said that I was ready.

“Do you want to impale yourself first?” Ryan asked.

“I’ll do that whilst Mike is getting my wings.”

And I did. Yes, the dildo was bigger but my lubrication was enough for me to take it easily, and while Mike carried my wings and tiara up I went up and down on the dildo a couple of times.

“This is nice.” I said as Mike put the tiara then my wings on me. “Did you say that there was another change Mike, I cant see anything.”

“You’ll feel it when I switch it on.”

“That sounds fun.”

“I’ll switch it on when the first people arrive. In the meantime, you relax, you’re going to be up there for about 90 minutes.”

Mike climbed down and moved the steps away while I slowly fucked myself on the dildo and watched Ryan smiling at me.

“Hey Ryan,” I said, “I’ve just had an idea.”

He came over to me and I told him to tell the girls to do some of the exercises that they do on the mats at the gym in between serving the courses; that they could do them on the little stage below me.

“Good idea TT,” Ryan replied; “that should improve some appetites. I’ll go and get the big box of condoms out of the car ready for later. Have fun up there lover.”

Ryan went and got the condoms and put the box at the bottom of the tree.

“Nice Christmas present for the guys.” I thought as I started going up and down again.

The girls came out to have a look at me and one of the twins asked Ryan if he’d brought his camera. He then took some photos of me and the girls lined-up on the stage. It was one of the twins ideas for the girls to spread their legs and thrust their pussies at the camera.

Just then Mike told the girls that the first people were arriving and that they should get back into the kitchen. He went behind the bar and poured drinks for the girls and Ryan while he greeted the arrivals.

It was 2 couples in their early twenties.

“I see that we’ve got our fairy back this year.” One of the young women said to Mike when they went up to the bar.

“Popular demand Tracey.” Mike replied.

“Isn’t that the girl that fucked half the team last time?” The woman asked.

“Her and and 5 others; and it was the guys that fucked them. All the girls did was provide a willing receptacle.” Mike replied.

“Yeah right,” The woman said; “I suppose that this evening is going to tun into a fuck fest as well?”

“Probably. You can get up there and join them if you like Tracey.” Mike said in a mocking voice.

“In your dreams mate.”

Just then the door opened as a lot more people arrived. The noise in the room got louder but not loud enough to drown my scream as Mike switched something on.

I’d had a quick electric shock from the dildo, much stronger than any I’d had from anything before; and the dildo was now vibrating as well. Mike was right, I would need those rope loops to hang on to. 90 minutes of that dildo would leave me totally knackered.

I vaguely remember hearing a couple of comments from people arriving but that dildo sent me to heaven in seconds. The vibrating was continuous and the electric shocks must been about a minute apart. The result was that I had orgasm after orgasm after orgasm.

My body was jerking about and I remember my hips rotating. I’m not sure if I was seeking relief or more pleasure. I also remember my legs turning to jelly and sliding off the little platforms that Mike had screwed to the wall. My whole weight was hanging on those 2 rope loops and the dildo had gone further in to me. I was glad that it had been a bit of a struggle to get my hands through the loops because I was hanging on by my wrists.

I vaguely remember seeing the naked girls on the stage spreading their legs and displaying their pussies to the audience like they do at the gym and I vaguely remember Daisy calling out my name; but I didn’t answer, I couldn’t.

Then the dildo stopped vibrating and stopped giving me electric shocks.

After a couple of minutes I saw Mike move the steps over to me then I got hit with a little after-shock orgasm.

“Tanya, Tanya, are you alright?” I heard Mike say.

My head was bent forwards, blankly staring into the audience, most of whom were talking and laughing amongst themselves.

“Tanya.” Mike almost shouted.


“Are you okay?”

“Can you switch it on again please?”

“No Tanya; you need to lift your feet up and stand on the platforms.”

I looked at Mike blankly for a few seconds then I pulled up with my arms and lifted first one, then the other foot onto the platforms. Slowly, I transferred my weigh back onto my feet, lifting myself off the dildo.

“When you’re ready Tanya, I need you to stand up straight then get your left wrist out of the loop, then swing your left side round so that your left foot is next to your right foot.”

I did that then felt a little more ‘normal’.

“Okay Mike, I think that I’m okay now, you can climb down and I’ll slowly follow you.”

As soon as I was on the floor Ryan gave me a pint glass full of water. I downed it in one.

“I don’t know whether to count that as one 90 minute continuous orgasm, or about 60 or 70 different ones, sorry, but I lost count of the number of times that you went over the edge, and it didn’t help when your feet slipped off those platforms.” Ryan said.

“That’s okay Ryan, I certainly know that it was a record for me, and I doubt that I will ever beat it.” I replied.

“How about next year we leave you up there for 2 hours?” Ryan replied with a big grin on his face.

“Can we go and touch up the paint please, Some of it has come off where my juices were running down the insides of my legs.” I asked.

As Ryan helped me to the changing room I looked round and saw the naked girls wandering around the room and and getting into lots of poses that the prudes of the country would call obscene but the rugby club players and their partners certainly didn’t call obscene. They were cheering them, photographing them and reaching out and touching them.

It didn’t take Ryan and Mike to touch-up my gold paint and I had regained my energy (well most of it) by the time that we went out into the main room. I was about to join the other girls letting everyone have a close-up look at my pussy when Mike announced that there was a virgin in the room.

That of course, got lots of cheers then Mike asked the virgin, Oscar, to join him on the stage. To lots of raucous cheering, the embarrassed Oscar walked up and stood next to Mike.

By that time, all us naked girls were up on the stage and standing behind Mike and Oscar. Mike embarrassed Oscar with a couple of stories about times that Oscar had failed to lose his virginity; then he announced,

“Tonight is your lucky night Oscar. By the time you go home tonight you will have lost your virginity and fucked more girls than a lot of men fuck in their whole lives. Which of these lucky girls would you like to turn you into a man?”

Even though Oscar had obviously had a few drinks he was still a bit embarrassed as he turned round and looked at all us girls. After looking at us for a few seconds he said,

“The golden one.”

I was a bit surprised because I’d expected him to pick one of the younger girls, someone nearer his age which looked to be 17 or 18. Anyway, there were lots of cheers then Mike asked the girls to strip Oscar.

We pounce on him and as we stripped him I heard a man in the audience say,

“I bet he can’t manage more than one of them.”

Then another say,

“I bet that he will, I slipped a couple of viagra into his drink.”

As Oscar’s hard-on sprung out of his boxers there was some more cheers from the audience and one of the twins put her hand on it.

“Careful girls,” Mike said, “we don’t want it to end before it’s even started. Get him on the floor then let our golden fairy turn him into a man.”

Half a dozen girl’s hands pressed on Oscar until he was flat on his back. As he went down I steered him round so that his feet were facing the audience. I wanted the audience to get the best possible view of me taking that rock hard cock.

Ella got one of the condoms out of the big box and rolled it down his average sized cock as I straddled Oscar and squat down so that my pussy covered his face. I felt his tongue lick my pussy so I lifted up a bit so that his extended tongue just couldn’t reach my pussy then I tormented him by going up and down for a few seconds before going down his body and kneeling over his cock.

Holding his cock straight up, I teasing him some more by lowering myself until his cock was touching my pussy; then I went up a little. After I’d done that a few times I felt a girl’s hands on my back. Glancing over my shoulder I saw Ella lowering her gaping hole down onto his face.

Then I went straight down onto his cock all the way. I bottomed out for a couple of seconds before riding him, leaning back a little so that the audience got the best possible view of my pussy going up and down.

I rode Oscar until I had another orgasm. It didn’t take long because my pussy was still super sensitive from my time on the top of the Christmas tree.

All 5 of us girls took it in turn to tease Oscar’s face with our pussies then move down to ride his cock for a while. I guess that it was the viagra that was stopping him from cumming but we were half way through round 2 before he suddenly groaned then filled the condom that was inside one of the twins at the time.

The audience had realised that he’d cum and there was lots of raucous cheering.

From somewhere in the audience I heard a man shout,

“I’m still a virgin, can I have the same treatment.”

Mike answered,

“No Bob, you can’t, and I watched you fucking one of these girls a couple of years ago. Haven’t you had it since?

Oscar, can you hear me? Are you back in the land of the living yet?

Well Oscar, you’ve just become a real man but don’t you go believing that it’s going to be like that every time. There aren’t many places where you will find 5 girls to do what they did to you; well, not without you having to pay them a small fortune.

Bob, what you can do, is to grab a condom and start the gang bang. These girls can’t wait for you guys, and you girls, to get up there and start fucking them.”

Some of the guys didn’t need to be told again and there was nearly a few spilt drinks as a whole bunch of them got up and moved forwards.

Within seconds all 5 of us girls were getting taken in all all holes and in lot of different positions. Our bodies were getting put moved about like rag dolls.

I don’t know how long the gang bang went on for but I do know that I, for one, was knackered and a little sore; there were some ‘big’ cocks stretching my pussy.

When things finally came to an end there were 5 exhausted girls laying on their backs on the stage, all with their legs spread wide; and the guests were starting to leave. Mike appeared with a tray of shots and beers which soon disappeared then there were requests for some more.

We’d all sat up to have the drinks, and when I’d downed mine I looked up and saw Ryan looking down at me.

“Enjoy that lover?” Ryan asked.

“Pull me up and hug me please?” I replied.

“No chance, not until you’ve washed that paint off, then I’ll hug you and fuck you, without a condom.” Ryan said, putting his arm out to help me get up.

A few minutes later, and another round of drinks, 5 naked girls were in the communal showers with Mike and Ryan watching and holding some towels. The other 4 helped me get rid of all the paint then as we went to get the towels one of the twins said,

“Come on girls; these two haven’t had their turn yet.”

Mike and Ryan didn’t stand a chance and before long they were flat on their backs on 2 of the benches with their clothes scattered around and one of us trying to smother their mouths with our pussies and another one of us riding their cocks.

We took it in turns to fuck them and give them blowjobs until they got hard again, and kept going until all 5 of us had fucked each of them.

Then it was 7 of us in the showers.

Mike thanked us all for a very entertaining evening, and with a promise for a repeat in 12 months time, the twins got into Ella’s car and we all drove back to our house where we got a few hours sleep wherever we could. The only exception being that Ryan, Daisy and I were in our bed.

The next morning Ella gave the twins a lift home after Ryan got us all some breakfast. Neither Daisy or I got fucked before we got out of bed but we went back to bed later and made up for it.


2024-04-26 16:12:43
heaven for girls! I want a clit bring! crissy


2018-07-30 09:44:27
Your stories are amazing

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