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The third continuation of Robert & Alexis
"Hey! Time to get up, you lazy bum!"

I felt something slapping me in the face, which woke me up. As soon as I sat up, I felt a sharp pain deep inside my head.

What the hell happened? Where am I? Was there someone here?

Squinting my eyes, I scanned my environment. After realizing where I was, it all came back to me.

Last night...

"Alexis?" I said, hoarsely. "Alexis, where are you?"

My hangover prevented me from standing up. I laid back down. I realized I slept on one of Alan's nice couches the whole night. The last thing I remember was seeing Alan and Alexis going at it in the pool.

"I said," Alan grabbed a hold of my ear, "it’s time to get up!" Alan threw me off of his couch by the ear. The pain hurts a lot on top of the hangover I was feeling. I fell on the floor face down. Even though the floor was carpeted, it still hurt like hell.

I heard a loud "clink" next to me.

"Here," Alan said. "This will help with your hangover. I need you at 100% in a few minutes. We have a big day today!" His voice trailed off as he exited the room.

Big day? What did he mean by that?

Still on the floor, I looked up to my right to see a drink on the edge of the glass coffee table. For some reason, the thought of using a coaster crossed my mind.

I slowly started getting up with the help of the couch I was still on. I pulled myself up until I was sitting down on the couch. It was then that I realized I was still naked. I nervously looked around for anything to cover myself up with. To my relief, there was a towel underneath me. I quickly covered my privates with it.

I stared at the drink Alan had left for me, debating whether I should drink it or not.

"Where's Alexis?" I called out. Even talking loudly gave me a headache.

"She's fine," Alan said from another room. "After another great night with me, she went back to your room. I told her I would have you sleep here for the night!"

That seemed...pretty nice of him? But at this point, I knew Alan well enough that he had something else up his sleeve.

"She said it was very sweet of me. Even gave me a kiss for it!" Alan laughed.

It made my head hurt even worse.

"Last night was amazing. Alexis couldn't get enough-" Alan was talking as he entered the room, but then stopped when he saw me. "Hey! Hurry the fuck up and drink that! You don't have all fucking day. We need to start the next phase in our plan!"

Alan walked away and entered another room.

What next phase? What plan? Our plan?

I wanted to press the issue further but I thought it best to drink Alan’s mystery concoction before he gets really upset.

Upon first glance, it looked like it could be sweet tea, with its dark brown, yet transparent, complexion. It's cold when I picked up the glass. I took a small sip. The taste was revolting.

I gagged, dry heaving a little. I covered my mouth in fear of throwing up in Alan's room. Alan must've heard me.

"It tastes like shit, but it'll knock out anything bad in your system. You'll feel better within the hour. Just in time for you to get ready."

I didn't know what he meant by that, nor did I want to drink his “special” concoction. But if he was telling the truth, then I wouldn't mind. Just as long as it could get rid of this awful hangover.

Taking sips was not going to work. It still tastes just as bad as if I took big gulps. I resigned to chugging the whole thing while pinching my nose.

Ugh. Why was there so much?

Even after I drank it all, the aftertaste lingered. It took all of my willpower to keep the questionable substance down. And that wasn't easy.

I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths until I felt okay.

"Now there's a good boy," Alan said, entering the room. He had on a white dress shirt in with khakis and shoes to go with it. "I have to take care of some business this morning before I start the day." He was fixing the buttons from his left wrist collar.

"In a few minutes, you'll be on your way back to Alexis. When you see her, you're going to tell her you have this incredible idea. That after talking with me and how you discovered I never married, you want her to marry me and live like a married couple for 24 hours. Got it?”

Alan gave me a moment to let his words sink in. I must still be drunk because I don't think I heard him correctly.

"Wait, what...?" I mumbled.

"I thought about it and you know what? She's never going to know what it's like to be married to a real man. It seems like a damn shame. And unfair to the poor girl. So I figured, why not give her a taste of what it's like to be married to a man like me." Alan grinned.

That's what I thought I heard.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Alan, you-"


He slapped me across the face with his backhand, making me fall back down on the couch. I massaged my cheek as Alan spoke again.

"It's going to hurt worse every time you fuck up. Keep it up." Alan resumed fixing his wrist collar.

" can't marry Alexis," I said meekly.

"Why not?"

His reply bewildered me.

"Because she's...ya know...married to me."

"Right. For now. Just get your marriage annulled."

He said it so "matter of fact" -ly, it almost made me speechless.

"You want to marry...Alexis?"

"Sure, why not? I've never been married before. I've always been curious what the hype was about. What better opportunity than now."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Alan wanted to marry Alexis. My Alexis. Was it even possible?

"She'll never go through with it. I know her." I remained seated, looking down at the floor in astonishment.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I mean, no sane proper woman in the 21st century would ever do something like that. Not even for her husband." After finishing the buttons on his wrist collar, he stuck his hand in his right pocket, only to take something out of it. "But with these," he continued, "she'll be more than happy to oblige."

I looked up to see what he had in his hand.

My heart sank.

The "special" pills.

"I've already put some in the same type of drink I just gave you, for her. I told her to drink it as soon as she wakes up which shouldn't be long now."

What was he doing? Why was he so bent on breaking up my relationship with Alexis? If we already passed the point of no return, we just passed through another dimension.

"Because the idea is a little extreme, I recommend you double the dosage. Don't worry, it won't hurt her but she will be more susceptible than usual." Alan walked over to a nearby mirror to check himself.

"I-I-I don't think I can do this," I felt sick.

"Sure you can, bud. You have no choice. Remember?" He smiled at me through the mirror.

"But I love Alexis. You don't."

"Of course not. This is just hitting two birds with one stone. Well, more like three birds, to be exact."

I started taking deep breaths again, controlling the sickness I was feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"First, Alexis will know what it's truly like to be married to a real man, for a change. It's only fair for her, right?" He asked rhetorically.

"Second, I'll get to experience being a husband for a day. When my time comes, I can leave this earth saying I've tried the married life,” he joked. “And third, and I think this is the most important," Alan turned around to look at me, "this is a part of your punishment."

I was on the verge of crying. I didn't know what he meant by that. As if reading my mind, he helped me remember.

"I told you already that being married to a woman like Alexis is wrong. It messes up the order of evolution. I feel it is my duty as the alpha male to put others below me in their proper place."

This was insane. He's insane. I couldn't let him do this. I couldn't let him get away with it.

"So you're going to help me. Not just because I'm blackmailing you," Alan walked up to me and kneeled down.

"Look at me."

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Because you know, that deep down, you feel the same way. That you don't deserve a woman like Alexis. It's wrong. If we're being honest with each other, I really am helping you realize that. Right?"

His question was not rhetorical this time. Alan waited for me to answer him.

I just nodded weakly.

In some messed up way, he wasn't wrong. I knew I was lucky being with Alexis. I don't know what she sees in me. Maybe being married to someone like Alan will realize her mistake. Maybe not.

"Good. Now, after she's on board, head over to the courthouse to get your marriage annulled. She'll probably want to talk to me first just to make sure I'm okay with it. To which I'll morph back to my gentleman self.”

At least he doesn't want to make a big thing out of it. I can’t imagine if he wanted to do a ceremony too That reminded me of my own ceremony. All of Alexis' family and friends were there. My family was smaller than hers, especially friends, but it was still a very nice ceremony and reception.

“After that, we'll spend the rest of the day on the island doing whatever the hell newlyweds usually do."

Alan had everything planned out. It's no wonder why he's in the position he is in now. Such confidence and discipline can give a lot of power to one man.

"And we'll end the night with a bang. I promise you she won't forget it."

It worried me a lot that I had no idea what he had in store for her. What else could he possibly do?

"And you know what, buddy? You're going to be with us the whole day too. I need someone to document our magical day together."

My god. He wanted me to record the whole thing too? That means there will always be evidence today actually happened.

"You promise you'll annul your marriage to Alexis after this is over with? Tomorrow morning?" I asked.

"I didn't promise anything. But yes I will annul my marriage with Alexis tomorrow. As hot as Alexis is, I don't think the married life could ever be something permanent for me."

Alan treated marriage like a suit he wanted to return to the retailer because he changed his mind about it. This man was cold and heartless.

"C'mon, you have to get going. My Skype meeting is about to begin soon. I'll text you and Alexis more details later."

I stood up slowly, expecting it to hurt both physically and internally, but it didn't. Did Alan's strange concoction actually work?

I was about to head towards the elevator until I realized I was still naked, except for the towel that was covering me up.

"Umm...?" Was all I could say.

"What is it now?" Alan said with annoyance.

"Can I...get some clothes...?"

"You mean my clothes? I don't think so. What's wrong with what you have now?"

"This towel? It's too small. It barely covers my front and back."

"You want to wear something? Alright, hold on. Stay right there." Alan walked out of the room with a grin on his face, presumably towards his bedroom where all his clothes are.

I waited patiently, feeling better by the minute, thanks to that disgusting drink Alan made me drink.

A second later Alan came back, tossing something very small at me. I caught it with one hand, dropping the part of the towel that was covering my butt.

It was Alexis' underwear. From the first night she slept with Alan.

It felt like it hadn't been washed. Which means her juices were still on it.

"I was going to keep it as a souvenir but it looks like you need it more than I do. I even used it to jerk off into. Her pussy juice had me reliving that night."

"You can't be serious. I can't wear this?" I pleaded.

"You know what you are? You are one ungrateful motherfucker. I try to help you and you reject my help. Just because you're a picky little bitch. Beggars can't be choosers!"

"But Alan, I just can't wear-" I stopped and covered my mouth immediately, even though I made the mistake already.

Alan just gave his evil smile.

"Guess what your punishment is now?"


I finally reached the door to my room. The humiliation to get to my room was unbearable.

After putting on Alexis' dirty underwear in front of Alan, he took a picture of me with his phone. More evidence of my predicament. Part of the punishment was that I couldn't take the towel with me either. My only hope was that no one else would be up at this time. As I got inside the elevator, I prayed really hard that no one will see me like this. The only silver lining is that even if someone does see me, there's a high chance I will never see them again. But even that thought wasn't enough to assuage my embarrassment when, only after going down two floors, the elevator stopped. I steeled my nerves as best as I could when the doors opened.

It was a man, his wife, and his son, who looked to be twelve. The wife saw me first when she gasped out loud. Luckily the son was looking somewhere else when his mom quickly covered his eyes, pulling him away until they were out of sight. The father looked pissed off when he saw me. He waited until his wife and son retreated.

"Grow the fuck up, asshole!" The father said under restrained anger. He rejoined his family, I assume to wait for another elevator.

"Sorry," was all I could say but I don't think he heard me. I pressed the “closed doors” button frantically before anyone else came in. I breathed a sigh of relief when the doors finally closed.

The elevator went down another 5 floors when it stopped again.

You've got to be kidding me, I thought.

Again I steeled my nerves when the doors opened again

There were three attractive women in bikinis. I only needed to look at them for a second to see they all had exceptional bodies. They were all slim, tanned, and nice chest sizes.

The one in front let out a yelp when she saw me. She covered her mouth and stifled a laugh. Her girlfriends were curious what she was reacting to until they saw me. They gave the same reaction, more or less.

"Oh my God!," Attractive female #2 said.

"What the? Wow," attractive girl #3 said. She had sunglasses on, which she lowered to get a better view.

I just stood there covering myself as best as possible with my hands while trying to make very little eye contact.

They all slowly entered the elevator, still giggling and even whistling.

"No fucking way!" I heard a man say.

I guess there was one more to the group. And it was a guy. A masculine guy who was wearing swim trunks, sunglasses, and a hat.

He looked back at the girls then at me. He did this repeatedly to make sure the girls were seeing what he was seeing.

"Are you fucking seeing this, Rose?" The guy asked attractive girl #1.

"Yes, Jeff. C'mon lets just go." She responded.

"Aww, man, I wish Mikey and Seth were here. They would flip the fuck out."

The douche known as "Jeff" was still standing on the pathway of the elevator doors, preventing them from closing. I was so embarrassed I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"Yeah, Jeff, would you just come on!" Attractive girl #3 said. "We gotta go see my parents before we go to the beach!"

"Hold on, hold on hold on!" Jeff said, rummaging in his pocket. "Just let me take a quick picture!"

Without asking my permission, Jeff took several photos of me in my wife's dirty underwear. I guess the girls could sense my embarrassment, for they were still urging Jeff to hurry up.

"Not cool, Jeff!"

"Yeah, he obviously doesn't want you to take his picture!"

"Well, then he shouldn’t have worn chick’s panties in public. I mean, how do you not take a picture?"

Satisfied he took plenty of pictures of me, he finally came inside, letting the doors finally close.

The rest of the way down, the embarrassment continued. Jeff couldn't stop talking to me, asking me questions.

"So what happened, man? Did you lose a bet or something?" He asked me. The whole time, the girls insisted that he shut up. I didn't answer any of us questions. When I didn't answer, he assumed some of the answers.

"Wait. Do you like dressing like this? You do, don't you? Oh my God, I fucking knew it!" He exclaimed.

I really hated Jeff.

To my relief, the elevator reached my floor. Jeff had his phone out ready to take more pictures and videos as I exited. I heard him laugh out loud when he recorded me leaving, presumably because he was able to see my backside. I was so eager to reach my room, that when I went around a corner, I almost ran into another family of four who was coming around the corner too.

"Jesus Christ!" The mom said.

"Watch where you're fucking going!" An old man, I assume the grandfather, said.

Like the first mom I ran into back at the elevator, this one tried to cover her kids' eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" I said quickly, as I practically jogged towards my room, still trying to cover my crotch and butt.

Even as I stand just outside my room, a realization just hit me. The color on my face drained.

I don't have my room key.

The only other way to get another copy is if I go to the front desk. That would mean more humiliation as I passed more people. Hell, the people at the desk might kick me out.

But even if I do go to the front desk, I would have to provide identification to let the resort know I am me. And my wallet was inside the room. But I can't let Alexis see me like this. This can't be happening.

When I thought all hope was gone, I heard something to my left. I saw another door opened with the cleaning cart housekeeping uses to clean rooms. Just then a middle-aged black woman came out and noticed me quickly. She looked me straight in the eyes.

"Ma'am, could you please help me? I've had a long night and really need to get in my room. I know this is strange-"

"Stop," the cleaning woman said with her hand up, signaling me to shut up.

With a heavy sigh and head shaking, she reached for her universal card key. I got really lucky she was American and not a native of the island.

"Oh thank you! Thank you! I really do appreciate this!" I said.

"Yeah, yeah. Funny thing is, this isn't the weirdest thing I've seen so far."

"Really? What have you seen?" I asked.

"Do you want to get in your room or not? C'mon I don't have all day!" The cleaning woman said, agitated.

"Sorry, sorry! Yes, yes! Thank you, thank you!"

Why the hell did I ask her that? What's wrong with me?

Just then I realized Alexis could be on the other side of the door. But it was too late, the cleaning lady already inserted her card and opened the door.

I grabbed for the handle, just to make sure it didn't open all the way. I almost knocked her down when I did so. I apologized but she just walked away mumbling something under her breath. Probably something derogatory.

I listened inside the room, trying to catch any sign of Alexis. When I didn't hear anything, I took a deep breath and went in.

Trying not to make any noise, I slowly walked in and shut the door carefully. She wasn't in the living room or the small kitchen. Through the process of elimination, that could only mean one other place she could be.

If she wasn't in the bathroom which was in the bedroom, then I'm done. There's no way to explain why I was wearing one of her dirty panties from the other night.

I peeked in the bedroom to find it, to my relief, empty.

I heard commotion in the bathroom. Thank God she was in there. Looks like fate is looking out for me.

I didn't know how much time I had, so I quickly took off my wife's dirty underwear. It was on the floor when the door opened.

Alexis walked out to find me completely naked. She was wearing a white maxi skirt with a matching crop top. The skirt was transparent I could see the underwear she was wearing. I also notice her skin was getting darker thanks to the hot sun. Yet, I was still looking like my pasty self. I’m not surprised. I haven’t been able to get a decent tan for as long as I could remember.

Alexis was finishing tying her hair up in a bun, as she was getting out of the bathroom when she stopped after making eye contact with me.

Fortunately for me, I was on the other side of the bed that was between us. Which meant the bed was blocking her view of her panties on the floor around my ankles.

Thinking fast, I came up with an explanation.

"Oh, hey babe. Got back a few minutes ago. Just changing."

"Oh? I didn't hear you come in?" She inquired.

"Really? Cuz, I called for you and you didn't answer. I thought maybe you went to get breakfast or something."

Alexis’ expression relaxed. I guess that was good enough for her.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me, walking around the bed to get to me.

"I-I'm okay. Just a bit hungover." I managed to sweep her underwear under the bed, out of sight, before she came over.

When she reached me, she put her arms around my neck and planted a long kiss. I felt a little silly standing naked next to her. Knowing her, though, she probably didn’t mind.

“I bet. You need to hold your liquor a little bit better, hon’,” Alexis joked.

“You’re tellin’ me,” I chuckled nervously.

“Did you see us?”


“From last night? Where we found you, I thought maybe you were watching us like a weirdo and passed out from the booze.”

“Honestly, I don’t remember much from last night. I think I blacked out around the time we made it to the pool,” I suggested.

“That makes sense,” Alexis scoffed.

“What does that mean?”

“It’s nothing. You were just acting...a little weird, that’s all.”


I think she was talking about how I couldn’t perform in front of Alan with her. I hope she doesn’t bring it up. Hell, I hope it doesn’t happen again!

“So I take it you and Alan got a little busy last night again?” I asked, knowing full well what the answer was.

“Yes, we did,” Alexis answered, looking a little embarrassed. “Are you still okay with that?” She looked me in the eyes when she asked me, waiting to see if I was about to answer honestly.

“Yes,” I said, forcing a smile. “I just want to make sure you’re okay with it too.”

“I am...surprisingly.”

“No regrets?”

“None so far. I know, I’m surprised myself. I never thought in a million years I would go for something like this. I still think it’s crazy! But I have to admit, it’s a lot of fun!”

“Well, that’s good.”

“But the only reason I’m doing this is because of you. I want to make you happy on our honeymoon. I like to think you would do anything for me to make me happy.”

Thinking about her doing this to make me happy made me feel a little sick. This is the last thing I wanted her to do. She was supposed to be just for me. That’s what marriage means.

I must’ve looked sick too because it prompted Alexis to ask me if I was feeling okay.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Still feeling a little hungover,” I lied.

"You should've had what Alan gave me. It's this special drink that's suppose to make you feel better if you're hungover. It tastes like shit, but it worked. I feel much better now."

She drank it already! How long has it been then?

"Actually, Alan did give me some when I woke up. It's probably just taking awhile to kick in. When did you take it?"

"Not that long ago. Like 10, 15 minutes ago, maybe?"

If she's accurate then I have at least 15 minutes to convince her to....oh, God. I just remembered what I have to persuade her to do. I got a little sick again.

"Are you sure you’re okay, babe? You look a little sick. Are you sure you drank the same stuff Alan gave me?"

"No, no, I did. I just remembered something I wanted to run by you."

"Oh, yeah! Alan texted me just a minute ago, right before you came in. He said you had something big to tell me, and that he wanted me to tell him what my thoughts were. So what is it, babe?"

For a few seconds, I forgot how to breathe.

Of course he would do that. It's his way of making sure I'd go through with it.

"Uhhh...sit down, will ya? Let me put something on real quick. Feel kinda silly being naked in front of you like this, ya know?"

"I don't mind," Alexis winked at me, as we broke from our embrace and sat down on the edge of the bed.

I chuckled nervously as I put on whatever clothes I could find.

"So here's the thing. I spoke with Alan this morning. He opened up to me. A lot. I think he felt obliged to do so since we've been...I mean since you..and know what I mean, right?" I said putting on one of my boxers.

"Right?" Alexis answered suspiciously.

"Uhh, yeah, anyway, ummm...did you know he’s never been married before?" I said putting on some socks.

"Yeah, he mentioned that to me. It surprised me. I mean a guy like him. Makes you wonder?"

"Right. Anyway, he seemed pretty upset when he mentioned it. I felt pretty bad for the guy. I thought what could I do to help him, ya know?"

"Umm, well I like to think that letting him sleep with your wife seems plenty enough, don't you think?" Alexis laughed.

"Right." Damn, didn't see that coming. I put on my favorite Star Wars t-shirt before continuing. "But, then I thought of something else. Something better that would make him really happy."

Alexis gave an inquisitive look, not knowing what I was about to say.

"What?" She asked.

Here goes nothing.

"How would you feel...about being...his...wife...for about...24 hours?"

I held my breath waiting for Alexis to say something. She didn't react at first. It was only when she realized I wasn't going to say anything else, did she finally talk.

"Are you kidding?" She asked me, smiling a little as if she was ready to laugh when she heard me say it was just a joke. I really do wish I could say that.

"" I put on one of my cargo shorts.

Alexis again didn't say anything again. She just stared at me, waiting for me to say something else.

Then, she laughed a little, thinking maybe that would prompt me to laugh and say it was all a joke.

I remained expressionless.

"But I'm already married. To you," Alexis added.

"Right, well, that's another thing. We...would have to," oh god how am I saying this, " we would have to get our marriage annulled."

I don't know how I was able to say any of that. I must be either dedicated or desperate. Or both.

"Oh my God, you're not kidding," Alexis said. She stood up, getting into offensive mode.

"Look, after your day as his wife is over, you'll annul your marriage with him and we can get married again. And, and this time here at the resort. Wouldn't, wouldn’t that be romantic?"

I approached her trying to hold her but she avoided me, trying to get away from me.

"That has got to be the most fucked up thing I have ever-" she stopped mid-sentence. Alexis grabbed her head as if she was getting a headache.

When she thought the pain subsided, she continued.

"I mean, what husband would ever," she quickly stopped again, massaging her head.

Alexis sat back down on the bed, using both hands to massage her head.

"Are-are you okay, babe?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah, just my head. It hurts all of a sudden."

"Here why don't I-" I tried reaching for her head but she flinched.

"Don't. I'm okay." Alexis continued to massage her head for a bit before speaking again.

"Do you have any idea how crazy your idea is?" Alexis said calmly this time. "I mean, it's sweet but..." Alexis didn't know how to finish her sentence.

I wonder if her headache was just a coincidence, or was it a result from the drug? I fully expected for her to go bat-shit crazy on me, but she didn't. I've known her to argue and fight even when she's sick. It's that Mexican passion that keeps them hot-blooded. But it looks as if Alexis was giving up her argument, and resorting to a compromise. How bizarre.

"I know it's asking a lot. But like I said: Alan and I spoke a lot about it this morning. I suggested this idea to him and, like you, he was very reluctant. But after I explained the plan more thoroughly, he came around. But he said he would only go through with it if you're okay with it. What do you think?"

Alexis finally stopped massaging her head. She turned to face me. Alexis had a sympathetic look.

“I’m not sure I like you talking about me like that with a stranger. Even if it is with Alan,” she said.

But it’s okay for you to sleep with him, I thought. I didn’t want to make the situation more intense so I decided not to speak my mind. Plus I knew I was in the wrong with that one.

“Sorry,” was all I said.

"Honestly, I think this is a crazy idea. I never thought you would ever suggest something like that. I can't think of any husband who has ever done something like that. And for good reason!" Alexis looked at me like I was crazy. "But the more I think I about it...the more I can’t help...but think it’s an act of kindness.”

I felt a mixture of relief and agony. Not a great feeling, overall.

"Really? You think it's a good idea?" I pressed on.

"I don't know about that, but I can't help but feel like it would help Alan out a lot. He's had a rough past and after what we three have been through already, I guess it would be alright."

I can't believe it worked. I had hoped and dreaded that it wouldn't work. But here she is, sitting next to me, telling me she's ready to end our marriage so she could marry my sadistic boss, thinking it's my idea. I felt sick all over again.

Alexis grabbed a hold of my hand, unexpectedly.

"Do you promise me, we'll be married again as soon as it's done? You still love me, right?"

I felt like crying now. I can't believe she still loves me after messing with her opinions and thoughts. Hearing her say that, however, has made me feel a little better.

"I mean, Alan is good-looking and a gentleman, but it's you I'm in love with. Not him. I'm doing this crazy idea because it’s your idea. And also to help a really great guy out."

Hearing her say that this was all my idea hurt me. But all that mattered was that she still loved me in the end. Nothing else mattered.

"Of course, Alexis. This is just temporary."

Yeah. “Temporary,” I thought. It’s only temporary.

Alexis leaned in to kiss me to which I gladly accepted and returned. I peered over at the bedside clock to see it was 8:03 am.

I broke our kiss and told her we had to get going.

"Why? What's the rush?" She asked.

"Well, we have to go to the courthouse and get our marriage annulled," I said, looking for my sandals.

"Wait, you want to do this today?"

"Yeah. When did you think we want to do it?"

"I-I don't know, but I didn't think today."

"Well don't you want to get this out of the way so we can enjoy the rest of our own honeymoon?"

"I...guess...?" Alexis said with uncertainty, grabbing her head once again. The drugs probably kicking in again one last time before the effects wear off.


The next two hours went by in a blur. Alexis, me, and Alan went to the courthouse to get my marriage with Alexis annulled. She went back to her original name: Alexis Mariana Ortega.

Getting our marriage annulled was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. Alan explained the island we’re on belongs to a nearby foreign country whose diplomatic relations with the United States was a little rocky. Apparently, our laws didn't hold much weight in this country, therefore making our marriage easy to terminate. I thought the whole process was ludicrous.

As soon as we were done with that, we had to go to a different room for marriage certificates.

The marriage process was just as painless as the annulment. Alexis kept glancing at me, making sure I was okay with the whole thing. Every time she looked my way, I sport a wide smile, erasing any doubt she had. Alan, on the other hand, was thrilled the entire time. I can’t imagine how he gets off from this twisted plan.

When both Alan and Alexis signed the last of the papers, they were officially married. There was now documented proof that my Alexis was married to my evil boss, Alan. This was going to haunt me for a long time. The icing on the cake was that I had to sign my signature on the marriage certificate as a witness. Now, anyone who sees the certificate will think I was a willing participant.

As soon as all the documents were finalized, Alan grabbed my- I mean his, wife, dipped her, and planted a long, passionate kiss. Some people nearby who saw them clapped and cheered.

"Congratulations," Alan said to Alexis, "you are now Alexis Mariana McCarthy. Has a nice ring to it, don't ya think?"

"I still can't believe we went through with this," Alexis said in disbelief. “I must be out of my mind to let you two talk me into this. But...I have to say, I'm glad we did this.” Alexis was in Alan's arms as she spoke. I stood next to them not sure what to do. Or how to feel, even.

"I'm doing this for you, Alan. Now you'll know how what it's like to be married for a day. I hope it will be everything you expected."

"Oh, I know it will, Mrs. McCarthy," Alan confirmed. Alexis then turned her attention to me.

"And I'm doing this for you too, babe. This is so sweet and romantic of you to do."

Alexis stepped away from Alan to come towards me. She put her arms around my waist, and mines hers.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed I caught the attention of several people who were in the courthouse. They were all looking at us with grim faces.

"Thanks, babe, for doing this," Alexis said, breaking my thoughts. "I'm glad you talked me into doing this."

As I was ready to accept a kiss from her, a commotion occurred from behind us. One of the officers of the court stepped in between us, forcefully pushing me away from Alexis.

Another officer was about to push away Alexis when Alan stepped in to stop him.

"What's going on?" Alexis cried out. Several natives in the courthouse started arguing in their language as if they were angry about something me and Alexis had done.

One of the officers who spoke English approached us.

"You," the officer pointed at me, "are not allowed to touch her in that manner. She is not your wife. It is forbidden on this island to behave that way with another man's wife. You can go to prison," he explained.

"Are you serious? But she's...I mean..."

"Yes!" the officer interjected. "It is a serious offense. If you are caught with another man's wife in an inappropriate manner, you will go to prison. Do you understand?"

I was shocked. I didn't know this island took the sanctity of marriage so seriously like that. If only they knew what Alan had done to me. To Alexis. Then he would be the one being threatened with jail time. Not me. The whole thing was absurd.

"Sir," the officer turned his attention to Alan. "Would you like to press any charges against this man, for acting inappropriately with your wife?"

I almost lost it when I heard that. I felt so powerless and small. The law in this county was going to be on Alan's side from here on out.

"No, wait, you can't be serious!? He didn't-" Alexis was about to defend me until Alan interrupted.

"That won't be necessary, officer. We were unaware of that law and wouldn't have done so had we known. I promise you it won't happen again."

"See to it, it does not." The officer warned.

Alan thanked the officer and exchanged handshakes. The officer shot me a threatening look before walking away, calming down other people who witnessed me and Alexis embracing.

"Is that a real law?" Alexis asked Alan.

"I guess so. I've never been married before so I never knew that law existed. We're going to have to be careful from here on out. Alexis, Robert: I think it's best you interact as little as possible so that no one gets the wrong idea. The last thing I want is for either of you to end up in jail here."

Alexis shot me a sad look but nodded without saying a word. My heart had been broken already and now it's being grounded to dust. I wasn't allowed to be with Alexis in any physical way, as long as she was married to Alan. This was a whole new level of torment.

I think Alexis was feeling the same way. She just stood there with her arms crossed, looking sad. In the verge of tears even. I wanted to comfort her and was about to damn the law about being with another man's wife. But Alan beat me to it. Legally speaking, he was the only one who can touch her.

"Hey," Alan said, grabbing her by the waist, "it's going to be okay. You two will be together again, I promise. I can't thank you both enough for doing this. I'll make sure everything gets set right when we're done. Okay?"

Alexis smiled sheepishly. She let Alan put his arms around her, as he hugged her.

"I actually have the whole day planned out already. That is if you still want to go through with this. What do you say, Mrs. McCarthy? Ready to be my wife for a day?"

Alan raised her head up by the chin. There was a single tear coming down from her right eye but she still gave him a smile. Alan wiped the tear away, as she nodded.

"Do you still want to do this?" Alexis asked me.

Alan looked at me with satisfaction, already knowing what I was going to say.

"Of course. It’s my idea after all, right?" I smiled my practiced fake smile.

Alexis smiled her genuine smile.

"So what now?" She asked both of us.

"Well, like I said, I have the whole day planned out. There's more to see and do on this island, believe it or not."

I'm not aware of his plan today but I did not want to know. In fact I really didn't want to go. I just wanted to be back in the room and just wait til the whole thing was done. But I had a strong feeling that was not part of Alan's plan.

"And I think it's only fair that Robert comes along with us. His presence is just as important. In fact, he mentioned he wouldn't mind documenting our time together."

Alexis looked worried. Alan had his arm around her shoulder but she had her arms crossed.

"I think I want Robert to come too if he wants, but I don't think it's a good idea if he takes pictures of us. I just don't want the wrong people to see it."

That made sense. If any of our family and friend's ever find out what happened here, everyone would go ballistic. Especially Alexis'. Coming from a close-knit family, they wouldn't understand and would probably blame me for it. I wanted to mention to Alan that it wasn't such a good idea but he reassured me and Alexis.

"Any videos or pictures from today will only be for me to see. I also can't afford anyone to see what we've done today. It would affect my business negatively and most likely ostracize myself from family, friends, and colleagues as well. Alexis, Robert, you have my word that I will not share whatever happened today with anyone else. I promise you." That was more directed towards Alexis. She gave him a relaxed smile and nodded in agreement.

"Excellent! Before we get started, there is something else I want to mention." Alan offered. "I feel that it would be disrespectful to Robert if you wear his wedding ring while you're

married to me. That ring is a symbol of your matrimony. Wouldn't you agree?"

Alexis looked at the wedding ring I gave her. It was my mother's. It's only one carat but its sympathetic value was worth even more. Alexis loved it when I put it on her the day I proposed.

"Oh, I guess...that makes sense," Alexis said sadly.

"Don't worry. I'm sure Robert won't mind holding onto it until this is over. Right?"

Alan was not making it any easier for me with every passing minute. I fear I'm nearing my breaking point. Seeing Alexis with my mother's wedding ring meant everything to me. Now she's being told to take it off? Then again, it's probably better that she does. I don't want her to wear it while she's legally married to Alan.

"Yes, absolutely. I'll keep it safe. I promise, Alexis."

Alexis examined her wedding ring, feeling reluctant to give it up. But I guess she reached the same conclusion as I did, and took off her wedding ring and handed it to me. I put it in my pocket for now, where I'll have it ready for Alexis to put it right back on.

"Thank you for that, Alexis. I guess since we are married, I must be honest with you about something. To both of you really."

Where's he going with this?

"While it is true I have never been married before, there was a special lady in my life for awhile. I was going to marry her one day until..."

Am I crazy or did he look like he was about to cry?

"...a terrible accident took her away from me."

"Oh my God, Alan, I'm so sorry!" Alexis rubbed his big shoulders as she consoled him.

"It's okay. It has been a long time now. My only regret was that I never asked her to marry me. I even had a ring which she never saw. I held onto to that ring after all this time. So I figured..."

Alan fished out a ring box which made Alexis gasped, covering her mouth.

I was at a loss for words myself. Besides the fact that Alan had a wedding ring at the ready, the ring itself looked really expensive. I mean there were three diamonds on top with the middle one being the biggest, and the band was covered with smaller diamonds.

"Alan...I can't..."

“Sure you can. I am going to ask this back from you, I’m afraid when this is all done,” Alan joked.

"I know this seems like a lot to ask of you, but it would mean the world to me. I won't ask again. If you can't then that's more than fine, Alexis."

Alexis just stared at the fancy ring. She examined it some more, her eyes widening. She glanced at me to see my reaction and at Alan. With a sympathetic smile, she positioned her hand for Alan to put the ring on her.

Alexis examined it again wearing it. Her eyes widened even more. I hate to admit it, but it suited her. I could never afford a ring like that.

"It looks amazing on you. It means so much to me you're wearing it. Thank you, Alexis," Alan grabbed her hand with the ring on and kissed it. Alexis blushed.

"On that note, why don't we head back to the hotel and get this day started, shall we?"

When we arrived back at the hotel, Alexis and I were on our way back to our room when Robert stopped us.


"Yeah?" She responded.

"There's no need to go back to your room with Robert. Everything you need for today will be in my suite. I already have a spare room key for you." Alan fished it out of his dress pocket and held it for Alexis to grab.

"But my things are back-" Alexis began.

"Trust me, hon'," Alan interrupted, still holding the card key.

Alexis looked at me with a surprised look. I didn't know what to say. It was amazing and disturbing just how meticulous Alan is when it comes to planning.

Alexis took the card key from Alan.

"Okay, Alan. Whatever you say."

Alexis walked up to me with Alan's key card in hand.

"Are you sure you still want to go through with this?" She asked.

I couldn't help but look at Alan who just smiled his friendly smile, knowing all too well the meaning behind that smile.

"Yeah, babe. I do. This'll be great for all of us." I said, confidently.

Alexis hugged me. "You are the best man I know." After her hug, she instinctively leaned in to give me a kiss before she stopped herself. She looked over at Alan, who was scanning our surrounding making sure no one was looking at us. But Alexis didn't want to take any chances.

"I'll see you in a bit, yeah?"

I nodded.

"I'll meet you in the room, Alexis. I'm just going to talk with Robert for a bit." Alan informed her.

Alexis nodded and went on her way to Alan's suite. I wish I could follow her until we had to part ways at the elevator. What did Alan want now?

I felt a hard grasp on my shoulder from Alan.

"Alright, Robert. Time to go over the game plan with you, me, and my wife," he sneered.


Alan and Alexis spent the rest of the day like any newly-wedded couple on their honeymoon would do. Except Alan and Alexis weren't your typical married couple.

Since we haven't eaten yet, Alan took us to brunch at a restaurant we haven't been to yet. Apparently he knew the chef there personally, so we managed to eat at the chef's table. Under any other circumstances it would've been a real treat.

I was surprised that Alan let me eat with them. For the majority of the day, for that matter, he made sure I was there to witness their time together as much as possible. Making me watch was an important part of his plan for today.

It was very hard for me to watch them act like husband and wife. The whole thing was surreal. A nightmare, really.

Everywhere we went Alan did a lot of the talking. He would make sure to introduce Alexis as his wife. And, of course, people would refer to her as "Mrs. McCarthy".

I noticed it bothered her a little at first. But she relaxed more as the day went on and flushed every time Alan would show her off.

"...and this is my beautiful wife, Alexis..."

"Meet my better half, Alexis..."

"...and this here is the reason why I'm the luckiest man in the world..."

It made me relax a little bit too when Alexis was feeling more comfortable. At least she was enjoying herself.

I didn't care much about myself throughout the ordeal. I felt guilty for putting Alexis and me in this situation. In a sick way, I deserved this. I deserved Alan's treatment. No man would ever put their wife in this position. My only regret is having to put Alexis in the middle of all this.

It didn't take much to explain my presence. Saying I was their personal photographer seem to do the trick. Alan gave me a small Nikon camera to take pictures with. He was adamant that I take actual photos of them together. He even gave me plenty of memory cartridges so that I never stop taking pictures.

They did spend most of the day checking out more features the island had to offer. Including an underwater aquarium, and dinner at an outdoor restaurant that was located in the middle of the ocean water.

Alan mentioned he left clothes for her to wear for the day and different clothes for dinner. I guess it made Alan feel superior knowing Alexis was wearing clothes he bought for her, symbolizing how she belongs to him now. I did notice several men looking her way wherever she went. She drew that kind of attention wherever she went but there was a big difference now. When the men saw who she was with, they would quickly look the other way. One look at Alan and they knew not to try anything around him. Unlike me, I was not intimidating enough to stop even catcalls made to my wife. Those guys had very good reasons to be afraid of Alan.

And I can imagine the conflict she must be going through. Alan was by her side almost the entire day. When she was next to him, he would always touch some part of her body. He would place his hands on her shoulders, waist, thigh. It was as if he literally couldn’t keep his hands off her.

As the day went on, Alexis increased her body contact with Alan. Especially holding hands.

I was going through my own conflict when I saw the two of them together like that. A pang of jealousy and hurt went through me, mixed with content. They did look like the perfect couple together.

I didn’t make Alexis hold my hand when we were together. My palms would easily sweat in a short amount of time. She said she didn’t mind but I was too embarrassed by it.

During dinner, Alexis confessed that she did not want me to be in the same room with them when they had sex. Only she couldn't finish that last part, but we knew what she meant.

It didn’t bother me. Somewhat. The upside was that I didn’t have to be there to watch her and Alan go at it again. The downside was that Alexis will be alone with him. Without me. I always thought she would look at me as her protector. But compared to Alan, I guess he could do a much better job than I can.

After dinner was over, we made our way to the elevators.

I never thought of looking at an elevator would give me such a relief. We approached the elevator, with me walking behind Alan and Alexis walking together, hand in hand. The view may have bothered me but I couldn’t help but think in the back of my mind, how great they look together.

The perfect man with the perfect woman.

“Well, here we are,” Alan said after reaching the elevator. “Hey, hon’, why don’t you go up ahead to the room first. I left a surprise on the bed for you.”

Alexis looked curiously at Alan.

“What are you up to, mister?”

“You’ll see,” Alan replied.

She smiled her killer smile until she looked over at me. She replaced with uncertainty and embarrassment. I don't blame her. It's not every day you marry someone completely different on your honeymoon and about to consummate the marriage with your original husband present and aware.

Alexis looked back at me with an unsure look. I knew what she was thinking. But she returned her attention back to Alan.

“Aren’t you coming with me?” She asked him.

“In a bit.Go ahead and relax. Take a bath to wash away today. Plus, I want to know what you think about my gift when you see it. In the meantime, I’m going to talk with Robert. To thank him profusely for what he is doing. Okay?”

Alexis smiled and nodded.

“Also, are you sure you don’t want me to come back with Robert?" he added. "I have a feeling Robert might like to watch.”

Alexis looked like she wasn’t going to change her mind. In fact, when she looked at me, she gave me a look as if she wanted me to answer for the both of us.

“No, it’s alright. I think I’m going to call it a night. I’m pretty tired as it is. It’s been a long day. Besides, this is your day,” I referred to the both of them, “and I wouldn’t want to disrupt it.”

I laughed a little inside after saying that last part. If me coming with them to watch them have sex was considered disruption, I wonder what Alan’s actions here would be called. The irony was not lost on me.

Alexis looked relieved from my words.

“I feel like that’s what I did with you two when you were married!” He laughed. “But that’s very thoughtful of you, Robert, thank you,” Alan said.

I noticed Alexis looking a little relief after that topic was settled.

“On that note, I’ll let you two say your goodbyes before you head on up.”

Alan took a few steps away from Alexis while I approached her.

Alexis and I just stood there facing each other, not really sure what to say next. What could any two people say who were supposed to be on their honeymoon, but instead are no longer married anymore?

“You really are an amazing person to do something like this, Robert,” Alexis broke the silence. She even took my hands into hers. “I can’t wait to marry you all over again and live out the rest of our lives together. I truly am a lucky woman to be with someone like you.”

I couldn’t help but start tearing up from her words. It was what she said and how guilty I feel for putting her in this position. I may not feel like I deserve her, but I do deserve what Alan is doing to me. I feel ashamed of the kind of person I am. It's something I can take solace in. That even though Alexis will never know what I did, I'm being punished for it.

“No, I’m the lucky one. I’m happy to share what makes me very happy with those who aren’t as lucky. I love you, babe.”

“I love you, too.”

Instinctively, Alexis and I were leaning in to kiss until my eye caught a couple of security guards eying us suspiciously. I think they might’ve seen us walking in. Which means they probably thought Alan and Alexis were the married couple. Which they were.

Alexis noticed the guards too and retreated back, stopping our embrace.

“I’ll call you if I need anything,” she said.

“Thank you. Have a safe night,” was all I could say.

Alexis slowly turned around and walked briskly towards Alan, who was holding the elevator doors open for her. With her inside, Alan let go of the doors and said a quick goodbye before the doors shut.

Alan walked briskly towards me before slapping my chest, hard, walking past me.

“C’mon, Robbie, drinks are on me,” he said.

Soothing the burn I felt from my chest, I reluctantly followed him.

We sat down at the same booth in the bar the day he gave me those special pills. Once again, there was no one nearby as we had another private conversation.

“I just wanted to take this time to talk with my favorite cuck. Or should I say former cuck?” Alan chuckled, taking a sip of his brandy. “So, how does it feel to not only lose your wife, but marrying someone else and about to have her first night of sex with her new, and better, husband, on YOUR honeymoon?”

I didn’t know how to answer that. I’m pretty sure Alan wanted me to tell him the truth. I just didn’t want to say it out loud. But he was content on humiliating me as much as he can.

“Okay...I guess,” I said, taking a sip of my own drink.

“No, no, no, c’mon now. The truth. I’d like to hear what you have to say. It’ll make my night better.”

I struggled whether or not to tell him the truth. Even with permission, I was afraid to be honest. But he wanted to hear something.

“I doesn’t feel good,” I said meekly.

“Why not? Aren’t you glad Alexis is going to be fucked by a better man than you? And I don’t mean physically speaking. I mean everything. What kind of man lets his wife sleep with another man when he doesn’t her want to?”

I looked down in shame. He has a point. He already knew the answer. He just likes to see me squirm.

“I...don’t...” was all I said before Alan interrupted.

“You don’t want her to? How selfish can you be? No wonder it wasn’t that hard for Alexis to be with me.”

Yeah, right! It was those damn pills! She would never do something like this! This is all your doing, I thought. No way was I going to say that out loud.

“I gotta tell you. If Alexis was really with me, I wouldn’t let any man touch her in any way. I wouldn’t even let them look at her funny. But you, you offered her to me on a silver platter.”

Because you’re fucking blackmailing me!

“Is that anger I see? It is, isn’t it? I can see it in your eyes,” Alan said.

Oh, shit.

“Are you finally going to be a man, and win back your wife. Cuz if you are, I won’t make it easy for you. So, c’mon, Robbie. Make your next move.”

Alan’s look was dead serious. He was ready for me to actually make a move. I couldn’t even bring myself to look him in the eyes. I took quick glances to see he was staring at me like he’s ready to wipe me out of existence.

“No, no, A-, I mean, sir. I’m just worried about Alexis. I just want her to be safe. That’s all.”

“So that’s a ‘no,’ then?”

“No. I mean, yes, I mean, no I’m not going to stop you from being with Alexis,” I stammered.

“Well, that was anti-climatic,” Alan scoffed, taking another sip. “I was hoping you’d surprised me. For a moment there, I thought you were going to do something. You had this look. I’m not sure but I thought it was a look of defiance. Oh, well,” he sighed.

Would I have done something if Alan went too far? Am I capable of retaliating? It scares me to know just how much Alan would have to do for me to snap. I hope that day never comes.

“It’s just as well. Even if you wanted to do something, the law is on my side. I’m legally married to Alexis now. If you interfere in any way, I can have you arrested. How would Alexis feel about that? You wouldn’t want that, right?”

I shook my head.

“Exactly. Now, since you’re still a pussy and will wait for me to return Alexis instead of taking her back, tonight will go as planned.”

I said nothing. Just listened.

“It’s not my intention to disobey my recent wife’s requests, but I would very much like for you to be there to witness how a man is supposed to please his wife on their wedding night.”

Oh, no. He still wants me to watch? But how can I? Alexis was against it.

“With that being said, I also left a surprise in your room.”

Alan motioned the waitress for another drink. What did he leave in my room? When did he have time to leave something in my room? I was with pretty much with them the whole day.

“I think I’ll have one more drink before I go see my bride. You should probably head back to your room and get ready. It’s almost time,” Alan said smugly.

I wanted to ask what he meant but I was too scared to hear the answer. The waitress was dropping off another drink for Alan as I stood up to leave. I left without saying a word. Alan didn’t seem to mind. He just smiled as I departed.

I had a strong feeling whatever surprise he left for me in my room, it was not good. It made me walk a little faster to the get to my room.

I practically sprinted down the hallway towards my room as soon as the elevator doors opened. I was so anxious I had a hard time putting the key card in the slot. I had an image of Alexis tied up and being tortured in the most gruesome way.

After cursing out loud, I finally managed to get the door opened. I ran inside, hopping from room to room, looking for anyone or anything.

There was nothing.

Everything looked the same just the way I had left it. This made me look under the couch, bed, chairs, behind tables, dressers, etc.

There was nothing to be found. My heart was still beating fast when I stopped searching my room.

Was Alan messing with me? But why? Why would he lie about something like that? Just so I can feel anxious and hopeless. I thought Alexis was in trouble or something.

I took a few deep breaths as I made my way to the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face to calm down.

I looked in the mirror to examine the guy who was looking back at me.

Who are you?

How did you let this happened?

How are you going to fix it?

I dropped my head down in defeat, wallowing in my misery.

Spending the whole day with Alan and Alexis left me fatigue. I stripped off my clothes to put on something more comfortable for bed.

I decided to drink some of the shooters from the mini bar as a nightcap.

The liquor felt much needed as the burning sensation coursed its way through my system.

I laid down on my bed, taking a minute to relax and ease my tension. I tried to empty my mind, taking deep breaths to take the edge off.

I then opened my eyes to look up at the ceiling. I replayed the events that led to my current position. Could it all have been avoided? Could I have done something differently? How can I rescue Alexis from Alan?

I couldn’t answer any of them. All these thoughts going through my head made it impossible for me to relax. With a heavy sigh I sat up and placed my laptop from the side table to my lap. I figure I could get some work done if I’m not getting any sleep.

When I opened my laptop, there was a piece of paper taped to my screen.

I carefully took it off my screen and read what was on it.

It wasn’t a message. It looked like a web address. But the name had a mixture of numbers, letters, and symbols followed by, ".com".

It looked unfamiliar but I had a sinking feeling Alan was behind this.

I opened my browser and typed in the website address.

I expected to land on a website but instead it looked more like CCTV footage.

It was a little dim but I immediately recognized where the footage was taking place.

It was Alan’s bedroom from his suite.

It was made more evident when I saw Alan sitting at the front of his bed with his shirt completely unbuttoned but still wearing his pants.

He looked relaxed just sitting there. I saw his lips were moving but I couldn’t hear any sound coming out. I assumed the video feed didn’t have audio until I remembered I had it on mute.

After I unmuted it, I still had a hard time hearing what he was saying. I quickly hopped off the bed to fetch my headphones.

Using the headphones made it better to hear him.

“...looks good on you. I saw it at one of the shops and imagined what you looked like in it. It’s even better than I imagined,” Alan said.

Out of the view of the camera, I could hear Alexis’ voice.

“This must have been expensive. There’s no way I’m keeping this. I’d feel too bad.”

“Well, that’s too bad. Because I’m not taking it back. I guess you’ll have to throw it away or give it away,” Alan responded.

“Oh my God, you are crazy,” Alexis laughed.

“Maybe just a little,” Alan said. “Why don’t you come a little closer?”

Alexis let out a nervous laugh.

“God, what am I doing?”

“Are you okay?”

“I am. I just...gah

I let out a deep exhale. It didn’t do anything to slow my heartbeat. Not knowing what they were up to already had me worried. I mean, I knew what they were going to do but I somehow felt more relax knowing Alexis was fine.

Are you sure it’s fear you’re feeling? And not jealousy?

Why would I be jealous?

Because you’re not there to see your wife in action again with Alan?

No, not at all. I just want to make sure she’s safe. That's it.

Yeah, right. Admit it. You want to see her get fucked again. By him. The thought of it is driving you crazy.

Absolutely not. Why would I want to see them go at it again?

Then I guess that must be a banana in your pocket then, huh? Oh, I mean plantain.

I looked down to see I had an erection. I ignored it as best as I could.

"Come here," Alan demanded.

Alexis walked into view with her back towards the camera. She was wearing a very sexy red chemise that went down to her mid-thighs. Maybe made out of polyester or satin. She looked breath-taking wearing it. She even let her hair down, looking like she was ready for bed. But not to sleep.

She walked right up to where he was sitting.

"Do a little spin for me." Alexis giggled before she complied.

When she turned around I could see how happy and relaxed she was. If she was nervous, she wasn't showing it. Alan wanted me to see how beautiful Alexis was. Just for him.

When she did a complete 360, Alan told her to turn around facing the other way. When she did, he finally stood up.

He was still fully clothed too. He was right behind her when he stood, putting his arms around her waists and giving her small pecks on the neck and face. He eyes closed, taking in the pleasure from his touch. She held onto the back of his head as he applied more gentle kisses.

Satisfied, Alan then flipped her around so that they were facing each other. He kissed her passionately on the lips with his hands still on her waist. Alexis returned his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.

I could hear their lips smacking each other. Moans exchanging, with heavy breathing between kisses. This looked like how a newly wedded couple should begin their consummation as husband and wife.

It made my first time having sex, ever, with Alexis as her husband a sad joke. It pained me to think that everything I envisioned my first time with the woman I love was being shown right in front of me. With my wife, er, I mean Alexis being the woman.

Alan stopped their make-out session. I could see Alexis’ confused expression. Maybe she didn’t want it to end so soon.

“Take off your dress,” Alan said. No, commanded. His tone was so authoritative it intimidated me. And I wasn’t even in the same room with them!

I think Alexis felt the same way. With her back turned to me, I couldn't tell.

Yet, with ease, she reached for the straps on each shoulder and sling them off her shoulders. After that, the chemise fell to the floor, around her feet. She was left completely naked, again, in front of Alan.

“Don’t move,” Alan commanded.

He then walked around her slowly. He examined her body carefully. It did look scary to watch him do that. The way he looked at her resembled a predator sizing up his prey before attacking.

“You have an incredible body, Alexis. The kind of body to worship,” Alan said, still circling her.

“Thank you, Alan,” Alexis responded breathlessly.

“There isn’t going to be a single part of your body that won’t be touched by me. After tonight, I’ll make sure to leave my mark on you. Something to remember me by when you go back to Robert.”

Alexis didn’t say anything. She just stood there and listened.

When Alan was behind her, he leaned in next to her ear and whispered, “and you’re gonna know mine too.”

Man, the audio of this recording device is impeccable!

“Turn around,” he said next.

Alexis turned around slowly to face him. I could see she finally looked a little nervous. But watching her stand there naked in front of another man made her look incredibly sexy. I started to feel a slight discomfort from the bulge trying to escape in my pants.

I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me whenever a guy checked her out or hit on her. I’m not the confrontational type, so I prayed I would never have to stand up for Alexis or me.

Unfortunately, there had been times where I had to do just that. Every situation ended the same way: Alexis stepping up to defend me after my pathetic attempt to man up didn't give the guy the message. Alexis was never bothered of my lack of confidence.

She said it made her glad I wasn’t like the other guys she’s been with before. Apparently, almost every guy felt that she was the type of girl who brought out all their ego and “macho bullshit,” she says.

I definitely wasn’t that type. I respected her and cared about her thoughts, interests, etc. It’s what I promised her when I proposed to her. I still plan on keeping that promise. Even if we’re not married at the moment.

I felt conflicted watching the two of them through my laptop screen. It seemed intrusive, even after Alan allowed me to watch.

"Take off my clothes," he instructed next.

Without hesitation, Alexis took off his shirt first.

In the past, I'd imagine Alexis being with guys who looked like Alan. I mean, I've seen plenty of girls like Alexis who would be with guys like Alan. Tall and muscular. I used to hate guys like him who always get the girl. I wondered if I could have that effect on girls if I took the time and day to get ripped. I think if guys take the time and effort to exercise constantly and eat better, then maybe they do deserve to be with attractive women. Too bad I don't have the discipline to follow through.

After taking off his shirt, Alan sat back down on the bed so that Alexis could take off his pants. Alexis had to rest her knees on the floor to do so.

Sitting down with no shirt on, Alan’s six-pack was more profound. I can only dream of having those kind of abs.

After unbuckling his belt and taking his pants off completely, she took his socks off with ease. Alexis was making her way towards his black briefs until Alan stopped her.

“Not yet. I want to enjoy your body first. Get on the bed. Lie on your stomach.”

Alan watched as Alexis stood up and got on the bed. She obediently hopped on his massive bed once again. Their marital bed.

I keep forgetting they’re legally married. I guess technically I’m not considered a cuck anymore. Yet, the humiliation was still there, if not more.

Just yesterday I was the one married to Alexis. My last name was hers. Now, here she was. Divorced her husband of not even a week during their honeymoon, only to marry a complete stranger, celebrating their own honeymoon. This whole situation has to be unprecedented.

Alexis laid comfortably on Alan’s bed on her stomach. She stretched out her arms wide and kept her legs straight. Her head was facing away from the camera, so I couldn’t see her facial expressions.

With her in position, Alan crawled onto the bed. He moved over her body, with each knee next to her hips. He leaned forward to rest his hands on each side of her head.

With his massive body hovering her, it reminded me of a predator claiming its prey. After briefly examining her backside, Alan leaned in to whisper something in her ear.

I missed the first few words he said until I increased the volume on my laptop.

“ do the same to me. Okay?” Alan asked.

It was faint, but I think Alexis said, “okay.”

Alan then started kissing her firm back beginning at the top. As he continued his kisses, Alexis remained still. He made a trail of kisses all over her back before covering her arms.

Alan moved to her ass, giving it softer kisses. I could hear Alexis make small moans and slight gasps as he kissed her. But what made her gasp out loud was when Alan grabbed both of her cheeks, slightly spread them, and gave a kiss!

What must she be thinking? Or feeling?!

I did see her head twitch in response to his touch. No doubt she was surprised herself what Alan did.

That moment passed by quickly as Alan resumed his kisses on her legs.

It was an erotic sight, I have to admit. I would never have thought of something like that. Everything I know about sex I learned from porn. I’ve never seen anything like this in porn. Then again, most porn I watch is just animalistic or primal. Like what I saw last night.

But tonight is different. It’s different because it’s a man making love to his wife.

The thought of that did hurt me, yet it also excited me as well. I can’t explain it but watching Alan making love to Alexis was a rush!

I reason that legally he is allowed to sleep with Alexis since they are married. I couldn’t stop this even if I wanted to.

I didn’t have to watch them either but I just couldn’t resist.

Besides, Alexis deserved this. Our first time having sex was such a letdown. I couldn’t perform like a newly wedded husband should have for his beautiful bride. Now Alan can do what I failed to do with Alexis. Maybe he can show me some pointers after he’s done with her.

After Alan finished kissing both her feet, he flipped her body over. Alexis yipped when he did that. He did it so fast it startled her. She laughed a little from the shock, to which Alan laughed as well.

Alan then started kissing her feet again but this time working his way up on the front side of her body. I really want to try this type of foreplay in the future.

As he made his way up to her first leg I thought he was going to plant a kiss on her pussy. I think Alexis thought so too. Her breathing quickened. Her chest going up and down from the anticipation. But Alan stopped when he reached her hip and moved down to give the same treatment to her other leg.

Alexis noticeably calmed down.

I thought for sure he was going to kiss her pussy as he made his way up again. Instead, he hovered over it. He was so close he could probably smell her. And he did. Thanks to the excellent audio, I could hear him inhale.

Afterwards, he gave a gentle blow on it, which was enough to excite Alexis. She gasped and groaned from the hot air she felt from Alan.

Then, Alan leaned down to resume his kisses but on her smooth stomach.

Alan knew how to play Alexis’ body like an instrument. I’m not surprised. A guy like him has been with lots of women and has learned a thing or two about the female body. In that field, I didn’t stand a chance against him.

He gave her front side more kisses, making sure not miss a spot. Just like he did with her pussy, Alan didn’t touch her nipples. He just kissed around them, giving big kisses for her impressive chest. He only blew on her nipples, which I could tell from my view were erect.

After spending some time on her chest, he moved on up to her face. When he reached her neck, he kissed it all over. Alexis turned her head over to one side so that Alan could have better access to her neck. She was facing towards the camera which meant I could see her face and expressions.

After covering her neck with enough kisses, he turned her face so that she could face him. Alexis opened her eyes to stare at him and made a move to kiss him. He stopped her by gently placing his hand on her lips.

“Wait,” he said.

Alexis looked confused for a second before Alan made his way back to down to her pussy. Without any more kisses.

When he maneuvered himself down so that his head was right in front of her most intimate area, he wasted no time going down on her.

Alexis let out a guttural groan, as soon as Alan’s mouth made contact with her pussy. She arched her back as, I assume, waves of pleasure coursed through her body.

She gripped the bedsheets tightly with both hands, still moaning from the treatment she was getting from Alan’s mouth.

I didn’t have a clear view of Alan going to town on her down there. All I could see was the back of his head between Alexis' spread legs, moving slightly. But I had no problem imagining what he was doing.

He had both hands wrapped around each leg from underneath, to keep her still as he ate her out.

At least I know what it was like to go down on her. I’ll never forget the first time I did that for her. It was incredible. I’m not sure it’s the same for other women, but Alexis tasted amazing.

The first few times she had to teach me how to do it right. She would give me pointers and direct me on how to use my tongue and lips. When I was able to suck and lick her just the way she liked it, Alexis always enjoyed it.

I could get at least five orgasms out of her whenever I go down on her. And every session would last over 10 minutes. Alexis was always concerned if my mouth was too tired after eating her for so long, but it never bothered me. Heck, I could go down on her for hours if she’d let me.

I feel obligated to make her feel extra good whenever I do go down on her though. Besides the fact that we didn’t have sex before we were married, every time she would give me a blowjob, I would barely last two minutes.

Again, Alexis said she didn’t mind.

Alan going down on her for the first time was very different from my first time with her. She wasn’t giving him any pointers on how she likes it. It seemed Alan knew just how to use his tongue to make Alexis feet good. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was doing it better than me.

In my defense, Alan was the type to be with plenty of attractive women and know exactly how to pleasure the female anatomy. Whereas I have only been with Alexis and just recently had sex with her once. This was Alan’s third time with my...I mean Alexis. His wife. Legally.

The thought should’ve bothered me, but I was too busy concentrating on what was being played in front of me.

Alexis kept squirming as Alan continued his oral assault on her. I couldn't take it anymore. I quickly unzipped my pants, whipped out my already-erect cock, and began to stroke it.

I made sure to go slow so I didn’t cum to fast. I wanted to last as long as they did.

I lost track how long Alan ate her pussy. It felt like a long time had passed before he finally stopped.

Alan raised his head up and crawled back up to be face to face with Alexis. Alexis snapped out of her sexually fogged state of mine and looked back at him.

“Kiss me, now,” Alan commanded.

Again, without hesitation, Alexis leaned in and passionately kissed Alan on the lips. The very same lips that were on her other lips. That made me stroke faster.

I know how wet Alexis can get, so I can imagine how much of her juices she is tasting from Alan’s mouth. She has never done that for me. I assumed she thought that would be gross. I thought it would be erotic but I thought about her and how she would feel about it. I guess I should’ve asked. Now I know.

After a considerable amount of kissing, Alan broke from her kiss and whispered something to her. I couldn’t hear what he said this time but I didn’t have to wait long to find out what it was.

Alexis crawled out of the way for Alan to take her spot. He laid down comfortably with Alexis at his legs. I could the big tent he was sporting through his briefs. He had her take off the last article of clothing. Alexis had trouble at first because his hard-on was making it difficult for her to slide the briefs off. She laughed some more as she had no choice but to grab a hold of his cock in order to pull the briefs over it. Alan smiled at her clumsiness. He lifted his ass then legs up for her as she finally took off his underwear, tossing them on the bedroom floor.

I hated myself for secretly thinking he did have a perfect body. But you can’t blame a guy for eating healthy and exercising regularly. I only have myself to blame for being out of shape.

It’s crazy what kind of muscles are shown from a masculine body. Even when lying down, he looked like he was flexing.

Alan flipped over on his stomach, presenting his back to her.

And Alan definitely didn’t skip leg day. His butt was evident that he has performed endless squats to pretty much give it the perfect ass for a man, according to most women. I always thought men with round butts just looked plain weird. But I’m sure guys like Alan do not give a damn what guys like me think.

Alan rested his hands under his face comfortably, as he waited for Alexis to start. Just like Alan when he was on top of her, I couldn’t see her face. Judging by her delay in response, she probably hesitated. Thinking about doing to him what he did to her, might be freaking her out.

But then she made a move towards his upper back and proceeded to do the same thing he did to her.

Alexis started off slow, giving small kisses. It was one thing to see a man like Alan performing foreplay on a woman like Alexis. I always thought man should worship a woman like a prized possession.

But to see Alexis kissing his whole body like she was worshipping him was different. I wonder if she even wanted to that or if she felt obligated to since he did it for her.

It took her longer to cover his whole back with kisses since he had a much bigger upper body. When she reached the end of his lower back, she stopped momentarily.

The next part of his body was his ass. I held my breath wondering if she was going to do the same thing Alan did to her on that area.

She lowered her head and resumed her kisses, making sure not to miss a spot. I finally exhaled when I saw she moved on to kiss the back of his legs.

I’m not sure if I was relieved or disappointed. I thought Alan was going to protest but he never did. My guess is he didn’t want to pressure her into doing anything she didn’t want to do.

After finishing kissing the soles of his feet, Alan returned to laying on his back. Besides his equally, if not more, impressive frontside, I mistimed his semi-erect penis.

It occurred to me that if she was going to do the same thing that Alan did for her, she was going to give him a blowjob! My heart quickened at the thought.

I didn’t want her to do that for him. Call me weird but I think giving head is way more intimate and personal than having sex. I was relieved that she hasn’t done it for him so far. That was probably naive on my part.

She kissed his feet again, working her way up on his body. Alan had his hands crossed underneath his head in comfort. He smiled in satisfaction as he watched Alexis kiss his entire body. I notice him looking at the camera, no doubt knowing I was watching. I hated how he knows me so well.

When she reached his groin area, she too gave it a soft blow before moving on to kiss the rest of his body.

Her kisses covered his six-pack, his chest, including his nipples. Alexis only gave a few kisses on his neck before Alan stopped her, grabbing a hold of her head with both hands. She gasped in surprise.

Alan said, “ Show me how much you love your husband,” followed by a quick kiss.

I’m not sure if he meant me or him. Either way, it was not a good feeling. Without further instruction, Alexis crawled back down to his groin area, grabbing a hold of his full hard-on.

“Wait,” he stopped her again.

“Kiss it first,” he ordered.

Another few seconds went by before Alexis leaned in closer to his manhood and started giving it kisses. She started off on the side of his shaft. Her kisses were soft and quick, making sure to cover his head. It was a little difficult to see from the camera's angle but my imagination painted me a perfect vision.

“Don’t forget my balls,” Alan reminded her. Alexis laughed a little before making her way down lower. She pulled his tool back for better access to his sack.


Alexis had to teach me how to pleasure down there with my mouth, now Alan is giving her a few pointers how to go down on him. I couldn’t help but rub and massage my own balls as she kissed his.

Alexis went on to give more kisses to his cock and balls until Alan gave her another command.

“Now lick it.”

Alexis transitioned from kisses to licks smoothly. She licked his whole shaft like it was a popsicle. They were long and slow licks, making sure all her saliva covered him. When it came to his balls, she flicked it rapidly, making them bounce.

“Mmm, that feels good babe. Now take me in your mouth.”

The moment I feared most was about to happen. Yet, I was also still excited. Having a woman put a penis in your mouth is a sign of trust. If she wanted to, she could bite it off or at the very least do some very serious damage. I’ve heard women don’t particularly enjoy the act itself, but more from the power they have over the man.

I knew Alexis was going to make him feel real good with her blowjob. She trusts him. She thinks this is just an “innocent” favor for a man who has never married and wishes to know what it felt like to be with a woman who he can call his wife.

The idea would’ve outraged any sound-minded person. Alexis certainly would’ve thought it to be absurd and ridiculous. But thanks to that damn drug Alan and I have been giving her, she doesn’t realize the severity of the situation.

Alexis held his cock steady at the base and lowered her lips around it. She started sucking on the head first. After sucking on the head, take more of his length into her mouth. His girth was big, filling up her mouth.

I was surprised how much of him he could fit in her mouth. It was at the halfway mark before she gagged a little.

After that, she was giving him the most passionate blowjob I’ve ever seen. It seems like she wasn’t driven by lust but, actual love. It’s crazy, I know, but something about how she blew him made it seem like she really cared about him.

I can't believe she has her lips around another man's cock! I wish I could say it angered me. That it was enough for me to stop watching, head over there and put a stop to it.

But I couldn't.

I felt the exact opposite.

It was fascinating to watch. The whole thing was fascinating. I think the idea of it is unheard of. I never thought something so taboo would actually interest me. I was starting to realize, there's a side of me I don't know about.

Alan looked like he was having the time of his life. He just kept watching her suck on his member, savoring in the feeling from her mouth. He would close his eyes and leaned his head back as pleasure coursed through his penis.

When Alexis was busy sucking on him, Alan looked at the camera giving me an evil smile. He knew I was watching. I know he wanted me to know it was another task he had achieved thanks to me. Even if he had nothing against me, there was no way I could ever tell this to anyone. What worse is that Alexis will probably bring this memory back up in the future and say how fun this whole experience was.

As disturbing as that thought was, it did not deter my own stroking. I haven’t felt this excited in a long time. I knew that when I come I was going to cum a lot. That only happens when I’m super horny. I already had to stop a few times from cumming too early. I could feel it coming from my balls only to go back down when I stopped my movements.

I would have to lay perfectly still when I edged. I wanted to cum so badly but I was determined to cum the same time Alan came. I had to prove that I could last just as long as he can.

Finally, Alan sat up straight and grabbed Alexis by the shoulders. He quickly, yet carefully, twirled her whole body so that she returned to laying on the bed on her back.

This time she gave a loud but quick yelp from the sudden movement. It wasn’t until Alan was on top of her again did she laugh. Alan laughed with her for a bit before closing in to kiss her once again.

Alexis wrapped her arms around his back as she embraced him. From my view, it looked as if he had his whole weight on her. His body almost covered hers, that I could barely see her arms and legs.

They rolled around on the king-size bed, where Alan would have Alexis on top of him, never stopping their make-out session.

To me, this definitely looked like how a newly wedded couple should consummate their marriage. I definitely saw the romance between the two.

This was nothing like the last two nights where the sex stemmed from lust. The passion between the two of them was obvious. I mean, I understand this is their first night as husband and wife, but they were acting like they were in love.

Oh God. Could it be? Could Alexis be in love with Alan? I know Alan wasn’t the loving type, but what about my Alexis? I felt horrible that I knew Alan better than Alexis. More proof that I am a despicable husband. Sorry. Was a horrible husband.

Alan stopped their makeout session to pull down the bedsheets. Alexis had to prop her body up so that the sheets can pass underneath her. Alan pulled it far enough to get in the sheets. He covered the lower halves of their bodies with the blanket.

Why did he do that? Did he finally get shy and wanted to cover up as much as possible? It didn’t seem like Alan to turn conservative all of a sudden.

I could still see the outline of his ass and legs, as well as Alexis’ legs which were spread wide for him.

It seemed like something from a romantic movie. Where a couple has sex on a bed with the bed sheets covering their lower halves.

That’s it! Alan covering half their of their bodies was supposed to look more like an intimate moment.

It made sense followed by all the acts they’ve done in his bed so far. He wanted to make this a special moment. But for who? For me? For her? Probably both.

I had to admit, everything that I’ve seen thus far, looked like two lovers making love. This wasn’t the passionate sex they’ve had the previous nights.

Mixed emotions were going through me. I wanted to hate Alan for everything he has done to me and Alexis. It was cruel and unusual. All because he thought me being with a girl like Alexis was atrocious.

Yet, on the other hand, I felt excited for what I was witnessing. I felt like a voyeur who was watching something he wasn't supposed to be watching. It felt wrong to watch them. It was thrilling. What a rush!

For a moment, it didn’t matter Alan made me annul my marriage with Alexis before legally marrying her. It didn’t matter he has had more sex with her than me in my honeymoon.

God, what’s wrong with me? Why am I getting off from this?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Alan talk.

“Put me inside you. Make our marriage official.”

Alexis looked like she was in a trance, staring straight into Alan’s eyes.

I did see her right arm go inside the covers towards the area of their crotches.

It wasn’t difficult to tell the moment when Alan had penetrated her. Her eyes widened followed by a soft gasp, still keeping her eyes on his.

This may have been the third time Alan has had sex with Alexis, but I still wasn’t used to it. Don’t get me wrong. I may not be able to help myself as I jerk off watching Alexis and Alan having sex again, I did feel the shame that came with it.

I knew that I loosely fit the definition of a man. The only thing that barely categorizes me as a man is my gender.

I took comfort in the fact that, as long as I play by Alan’s rules, no one will ever know what happened here. What will also help me get through this, that's if Alexis was being honest with me, is Alexis will still be by my side when this is all over.

If I had to be grateful for anything, is that Alan doesn’t actually plan on making Alexis leave me. If he is being honest too, then all he has planned for me is punishment and humiliation. That, I can live with.

Alan wasn’t pounding her like he did the last two times. His rhythm was slow and long. There was no doubt in my mind, he wanted to make love to her.

Alexis moaned, holding onto his strong back to hold onto as Alan continued to penetrate her.

I had to stop stroking my penis. I think I’ve edged so much that breathing on it will cause me to cum!

I laid still watching a real man make love to his beautiful wife. If Alan wasn’t such a prick, they would’ve been the perfect couple. Maybe that’s why a small part of me sees nothing wrong with this. It looked natural. But Alan and I knew better.

Alexis moved her hands to his broad shoulders. She gave him a quick rub before moving her hands underneath the sheets. I could see the outline of her hands through the sheets as they made their way to his ass.

She grabbed onto him there as he never once stopped his strokes. Alexis widened her legs a little for Alan so he had better access.

Her moans were slowly getting louder.

Alan lowered his body to hers so he could kiss her neck. I had a better view of her face as she rested her chin on his shoulder. As he kissed her neck, Alexis brought her left hand back up to hold onto the back of his head, making sure he didn’t stop kissing her sweet spot anytime soon. She kept her right hand still on his ass.

Alexis closed her eyes, as the pleasure Alan was giving her, rose.

I didn’t want to but I touched myself again. I desperately wanted to feel the pleasure she was feeling. It’s one thing to give yourself your own pleasure, but it was incredible to see someone expertly give it to another.

Then I saw him slightly raise his head higher so that his mouth was next to her ear. He nibbled on it for a bit which Alexis clearly got a kick out of.

I still couldn’t believe Alan was still pumping into her. I don’t think he even slowed down! Here I am ready to burst like a dam!

Without breaking his stride, he whispered something to her. Because of Alexis’ moans, I didn’t quite hear what he said.

Whatever it was, it made her eyes shot open. She looked like she was surprised by whatever he had just whispered to her.

He raised his head higher so he could see her expression. She still had that surprised look on her face mixed feelings of pleasure Alan was still giving her.

“...for me...,” was all I could hear Alan say.

A few seconds had passed before Alexis gave into the ecstasy she couldn’t ignore. Her expression went back to lust right after she nodded.

Alan increased his rhythm a little, which made Alexis moan louder.

“ you...”

What? What did she say?

“I love you,” Alexis said breathlessly.

Am I hearing right? Did she just say-

“...Alan...,” she said breathlessly again.

I thought I heard Alan say something. If he did I couldn’t tell what he said since his face was buried in her neck.

“I love you, Alan!” Alexis said loudly this time.

This made Alan stop his movement altogether and prop his body up by the elbows to look at her.

“What did you say?” Alan asked.

“ you, Alan,” Alexis said clearly.

Alan didn’t say anything else. He just leaned in to kiss her again. He kissed her for a bit before going back to his love-making.

“Keep saying it,” Alan ordered.

“I love you, Alan,” Alexis said. “I love you so god damn much.” She said, crying from the pleasure.

That was it. The straw that broke the camel’s back.

I have never cummed so hard until that very moment in my entire life.
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