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A girl gets selected to live in the temple and serve the God. One night during her chores she hears a voice telling her how to be even more submissive and what other ways there are for a pretty young girl to serve her God.
The New Acolyte

Each May the priests came, the went into the country in their blue and golden robes and visited all the schools in the country. When I was in the lower classes it was always a happy celebratory day, we made decorations to welcome the priests, we stood on the playground and cheered as they walked in, and we got to eat special celebration lunch, even if they didn’t pick anybody from our school.

They only selected five girls each year to come and serve the God. It was a great, great honor, you got to live in the temple and your days would be filled with cleaning and praying and studying the will of the God.

Ever since I was young I wanted to be selected. I wanted to be deemed special. I wanted to be swept away by those fancy looking priests and brought into the temple. I would sweep the floors and pray and be the best damn acolyte of them all. I would be the first ever from my school that was selected, the entire school would be so proud of me, they would hang a picture of me in the hallways.

This year, this may, I was finally old enough. I had just turned nineteen, I was part of class K, the final year. That was the year they choose from. Two priests came. We waited on them on the playground, we cheered and waved the blue and gold flags we had crafted. I stood on my toes and tried to get a glimps of the priests. I could only see one of them, she was a woman of about thirty years old maybe. Once they entered the school and were welcomed by the director, we also entered the school. Most of the children went back to their classrooms but the girls from my year went to the auditorium.

My teacher said we had to change, that we had to put on our ceremonial robes now, I already knew that, we’d already rehearsed everything. I went and try to get the prettiest ceremonial robe, but apparently I wasn’t the only one that wanted to make a good impression. All the girls dived onto the pile of robes, tugging and fighting.

Last week in our church there was a sermon about not fighting and being kind towards each other, so I just waited till the other girls were done fighting but then I was left with a lousy faded robe. I undressed myself. The robes kind of looked like ballet leotards except they didn’t have a crotch. It was just a tight lycra top which barely covered our bum. Mine was a bit too big though, so I didn’t have to uncomfortably tug on the fabric like the other girls. I ran my hands on the metallic smooth lycra. It was nice soft and cold against my skin, I kind of wanted to dance but I kept standing up straight. We had to stand in one big line, all in our bright blue robes, we had to be quiet and then the priests came in.

They wore long robes all the way to the ground, in the same bright blue but theirs had beautiful golden stripes and ornaments on it. One of the women I’d seen outside already, although she was way more pretty up close, the other women was younger, maybe in her early twenties, she had angelic blond curls and friendly cheeks. I briefly made eye contact with her and she nodded. Maybe that was a good sign, was it a good sign?

The priest just strolled along the line looking at us. Now and again they pulled a chin up high, or they twirled a girl around. I did my utmost best to stand up straight and pretty eagerly I awaited them, and then they finally stood in front of me. It was overwhelming, those women were priests, they had been in direct contact with our God, they had met him, they spread his message here on earth, they were almost holy by association.

I didn’t notice I had been holding my breath until one of the priests said: “Breath girl” to me. They hadn’t said anything to anyone else. I didn’t know whether to feel special or to feel ashamed of myself. One of the priests turned me around. They looked at my backside, there hands around my waist, tugging on my ceremonial robes. For a moment they whispered amongst each other, they nodded then they asked my name.

‘Vivi.’ I said.

‘Named after Vivianne?’ The priest asked.

I nodded. According to our Solfin, the book that contained all our holy stories, Vivianne was the first girl ever to be selected to come serve God in the temple. She was handpicked by God himself when he saw her feeding some stray-cats in the street. According to legend she was so beautiful you’d faint when you saw her, and her kindness and servitude were so overwhelming you’d felt ashamed and compelled to be more kind in the future. But that happened thousands and thousands of years ago. Three girls in my class were named after Vivianne. I was Vivi S.

The priests whispered some more. The tension in the auditorium was almost palpable, from the look on our teachers face and the look on our principles face I could deduce this wasn’t normal. My hearth was pounding like crazy. They would pick me, they would have to pick me. I didn’t dare to fold my hands and start praying so in silence I send up a little message to our God.

‘Please Sir, let them pick me, tell them to pick me please.’ I said.

Then the priests turned around, they send out the other girls but they told me to stay. They told me that I was a very special girl and that they had selected me to come live in the temple. I grinned like and idiot from ear to ear and didn’t know what to say. I was so happy I could jump or scream or kiss the priests, but I didn’t want to do anything indignant that made them change their minds. So I just grinned like the Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland and thanked them from all of my heart.


Everyone was so proud of me. My parents, my neighbors, my teachers, the people at my church, some people came to me to ask me with special prayers. Some of my classmates were jealous, I could see it in their eyes yet they didn’t dare to tease me or be mean to me. I had to attend school till the first of June. Then me and the four other girls would be part of the big Intrabis, a ceremony that was televised each year, I had watched it obsessively each year and it was kind of hard to believe that now I would be part of it. I would be one of the five.

I already had my special dress and I couldn’t wait till the big day. I had to sit on a carrier chair and in a big procession with music and flower petals they would carry me and the other five girl from the great Obelisk over the cobblestone road to the entrance of the temple.

It was so surreal and a bit overwhelming. Before I climbed on the carrier chair one of the priest gave me a little wafer that I was supposed to melt under my tongue. It kind of resembled the wafers we got at churched only this one tasted different, it had a bitter after taste that clung to my tongue.

‘Don’t worry.’ The priest said, she was stroking my hair and readjusting the blue flowers in my hair. ‘I know it tastes different than what you’re used to, this is a special wafer only for the selected five. It’ll help you.’

I nodded and climbed up on the carrier chair. I hadn’t met the other four girls yet, and I could only see them from a distance climbing onto their own chairs. One of them had the blond hair I saw and an other one seemed to be Asian, although maybe I was being racist. Once I sat on my chair it was lifted high up in the air. It was quite wobbly. We had to wait for a little while but eventually the procession began.

People were cheering us on, they were throwing flower petals and rice, there was music playing. I felt weird, like my head and limps were tingling somehow. There was so much noise and everybody was so happy. Except for one lady, she pressed up against the barriers and was crying and screaming.

‘Don’t take my June,’ she begged. ‘Please don’t take my June.’ She was dragged away by some cops. The crying lady made me sad for a little while. She probably was the mother of one of the other girls, my mother had been a little bit sad to that we wouldn’t see each other for a very long time, but overall she was proud of me.

Maybe on any other day I would’ve been more sad to, saying goodbye forever. But I was in heaven almost, being cheered on by a crowd, it numbed my thoughts and feelings a little bit. It all want by in the blur. There was a ritual we had to do on the top of the stairs before entering the temple and then finally we walked in.

Once the doors closed behind us, it got eerily silent all around us, drowning out all sounds, there was a faint smell of incense and it was slightly cold in the enormous entrance hall. I looked all around me, the curved ceilings were painted with flowers and naked girls, there were lots of columns. We didn’t know where to go. This part had never been televised, I didn’t know how the temple looked or what was expected of us now. I didn’t even know if we were allowed to talk. One of the girls was crying silently. She had brown curly hair and a few freckles on her cheekbones.

I went over and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

‘Are you June?’ I whispered.

She nodded.

‘Don’t be sad. It’s an honor. It’s a great honor to serve our God, you should be proud of yourself.’

The other girls imitated me, they compiled themselves around June and tried to comfort her.

Eventually another priest came. She told us to follow her and she gave us a tour through the temple and she explained our chores and what our day to day life would look like.

There were different groups just like in school. Since we were new they called us primogena’s or usually PG’s we would be PG’s for a year and then next year when the new girls arrived we would automatically be bumped up to the second group and have new rules and responsibilities.

We had to wear our primogena’s robes at all times, to serve and honor our God, it was either wearing our robes or nothing at all. Our robes again looked like leotards, light blue it was a bit shine through I’d could see Laura’s nipple one time, and I could see June’s buttcrack, but that didn’t matter we all had to shower together so I knew what they looked like naked anyway.

We had to eat breakfast at dawn, then attend a service to honor our God and eat a wafer, the wafers here tasted weird, well not weird, but different from the wafers in our church, although I got used to the new taste quite easily. Then we all had our individual chores, like cleaning the temple, tending the garden, sowing, cooking, then there was lunch, after lunch we had studies, not just with our owh group but with the four youngest groups combined. We read the Solfin word for word and the older priests explained to us how to life our live, how to serve our God, how to spread his word, how to honor and celebrate him, they just thought us how to be good human beings that our God would be proud of. Then there was silent hour, in which no one was allowed to speak, then it was dinner time, followed by another sermon. At the night sermon we not only eat a wafer, but we also drank from a special concoction, after that another hour of chores and then it was bedtime.

I got used to the rhythm of living here. Eventually the novelty whore of. I learned which shower was always cold and with a sad drizzle instead of a powerful beam, I learned which were the good chores and which were the annoying chores. Most of all I liked the sermons, I loved the singing, the monotone chanting, it always made me feel euphoric and humble and small and filled with the desire to serve and submit.


The first time it happened right after the night sermon, I still not sure what happened exactly, all of the other girls had left the chapel to do their chores, it was my job to clean the chapel. I was still elated and happy after the sermon, my mind seemed to be dizzy with happiness and euphoria. I walked through the benches and checked whether all the kneepads were tidied away, and then I pulled the mob out and I started cleaning the floor, still softly humming one of the songs we’d sung that night.

Then I heard a voice. The voice said that if I put the mob aside and cleaned the floors with a floor cloth while sitting on my knees that I would look way more subservient and humble to our God. At first I looked around, I thought maybe one of the girls was playing a joke on me, but it was a male voice, there wasn’t any man in this temple, we did everything ourselves, and it clearly had been a male voice.

‘Obey me.’ The voice said, and I dropped to the floor instantly. Like I couldn’t even think, as if I was bewitched somehow, my body just obeyed that voice and my own mind had become superfluous. I started scrubbing the floor with a cloth even though my knees were hurting. I worked my way all the way up to the aisle when I heard the voice again he ordered me to step onto the altar.

I know we aren’t suppose to, the elders have told us time and again, that we shouldn’t even touch the altar to clean it, that we aren’t humble and subservient enough yet, that we have to wait until we’re in the forth or the fifth group. But I couldn’t disobey that voice, it was physically impossible to disobey. I fought the impulse to touch the white marble, to climb up on the big marble table, but my body just did it anyway.

The marble was really cold against my legs, I sat on the altar and looked up at the oval shape, the oval shape was the symbol of our God, we all had oval shaped ornaments in our house. In the past I even had an oval shaped necklace, but in here we weren’t allowed to have jewelery.

As I stared at the oval I felt my body tingling, my mind tingling, there was still a whiff of incense lingering in the chapel. My eyes were warm, they started to sting, almost as if the oval was exuding this blinding bright light, my eyes even started watering and then suddenly a shadow appeared in that blinding light, a shadowy figure that came closer and closer, bigger and bigger. It was a man, but not really, it was bigger than a man, it was God. God himself. He didn’t need to introduce himself I just knew, I could feel it in every being of my body.

He walked towards me, becoming less and less translucent and more and more real. I could only stare at him, in awe, I was bewitched. He walked towards me, real footsteps, footsteps I could hear stepping on the stone. The tip of his index finger touched my forehead and everything went black. I must have fainted or something.

When I came to, I was laying on the alter, stretched out, the shining bright lights were gone. I sat up straight. I wasn’t sure what had happened, but I didn’t forget I had met God. I looked around to see if he was still there. He was rumbling around stirring the concoction.

‘Hey there Vivi.’ He said, he came towards me. ‘You’re scared, don’t be scared.’ He said. He flicked his hand and pointed at me. Almost as if he was a magician, but instead of a wand he just used his index finger, as soon as he pointed at me there was a wave of calmness, a soothing confidence flowing through my body.

‘You want to serve me right?’

I nodded. I didn’t know if I had to say yes sir, or yes your highness, or yes your holiness. I shyly bit my own lower lip. ‘Yes your holiness.’ I said.

He smiled bemused. ‘Good.’ He said. He nodded, his eyes went up and down my body and then I told me that he only let the most humble and most subservient girls serve him. He didn’t want to create any arrogant priests. He had me do some chores, he had me kneeling on the floor again and I was rubbing the floor cloth again over the tiles. He sat on top of the alter looking down on me, dangling his legs back and forth. He first had me finish the chores which I did with great enthusiasm, and then he ordered me to come close.

He said there were more chores I could do for him, there were more ways to serve him. I had to kneel in front of him.

‘In order to serve me like a good girl you will eventually have to touch me. Now as we’ve discovered you’re to new and inexperienced yet to touch me, just the tip of my finger on your forehead will bring you into this deep divine sleep, but as you’re serving me I can’t have you falling asleep or fainting everytime I touch you or you touch me, so we have to practice a little bit. Understood?’

I nodded.

First I had to kiss the floor on which he had just stood. My lips were tingling like crazy, it was as if his divinity had seeped into the floor and was now still touching my skin. I became light headed and I felt a weird strange tingle in between my legs as well. I’d never felt anything like it. It was pleasurable, but also a little bit scary.

We tried it a few times, he stepped aside and I had to kiss the floor were he’d just stood.

‘How does that feel?’ He asked.

‘Good, your Holiness’ I said.

‘Tell me more?’ He ordered, he snapped his fingers and suddenly it was as if my mouth couldn’t stop talking. I rambled on about the feelings in my lips about the feelings in between my legs, he smiled almost with a boyish mischief on his face.

‘Now shush.’ He said tenderly. When he raised his arm up he could make the pleasures in my slit so immense I was panting and squirming on the ground so overwhelming the sensations were, and then when he lowered his hand again, the pleasures didn’t really fade but they sank down to a background tingle. It was as if he was controlling the feelings in my body, playing with them for his own amusement, raising them up and then letting them fade away again.

‘Good girl.’ He said. ‘Take of your robe.’ He said.

With a little hesitation, that wasn’t disobedience but mostly shame and insecurity, I took my clothes off. He pointed at the robes and they started floating, just... floating as if they were weightless, they floated towards him and he picked it up between thumb and index finger, then he kissed my robe, he threw it back at me and told me to put it back on. I’d not seen exactly what part of the fabric had touched his lips, but when I put it back on my entire body started trembling.

Then he took of one of his own shoes and handed that to me. I had to kiss and admire his shoe, but that was easy there wasn’t anything else I wanted to do. His foot, the foot of God himself had been in this shoe. It was magical. I hugged the shoe and kissed it and licked it. I pressed it against my chest and even in between my legs. It was something that happened automatically, without me thinking about it. I felt a bit insecure and uncomfortable when I realized what I was doing. I didn’t understand why I was doing it, but it felt good and God said it was okay.

When I’d proven I could adequately worship God’s shoe, he let me worship his other shoe, the one that still contained his foot. I could feel his warmth, his divinity shining over to me. Being so close to him made me a bit light headed, but I tried my hardest not to faint, I wanted to prove myself to him. It didn’t matter that my head was spinning with euphoria, that I couldn’t think anymore. God was all knowing, all mighty, he’d know what to do, he could bewitch me, he could make me faint or not faint, whatever happened was exactly what he wanted to happen.

I didn’t faint. I kissed his shoe. I licked his shoe. I pushed my face against it, I tried to put the entire shoe in my mouth. I was so dazed and intoxicated by his presence.

After a while he took his shoe off and asked me if I was ready to kiss his sock. I wasn’t sure, but still I nodded enthusiastically. God could read my mind, right? God was a wizard. I kissed his sock and did exactly as he told me to do. Then my cheek brushed passed his calf. His warm divine skin touching my skin. I wasn’t prepared for that, a rush of energy through my body. My mind was just shut off. I don’t know if I fainted or not. It didn’t feel like fainting. It felt more like falling into some catatonic state of shock. God talked to me. He explained something, but I didn’t know what he said, until he snapped his fingers, the moment he snapped his fingers suddenly my catatonic state was over and I was myself again.

I was feeling limp and dizzy, but like myself. God showed me a piece of black cloth. He said it were his underpants, that before he would show me his penis I would have to practice by touching a piece of fabric that had touched his penis. He handed it to me. The fabric seemed to glow in my hands, and just like with his shoe I wanted to rub it all over my body, I wanted to kiss it and put it in my mouth, I wanted to rub it in between my legs.

‘Go on then.’ God said. It was as if he took away all my boundaries, all my self respect. I felt like an animal almost, well compared to something so divine as our God I was an animal off course. I just followed my instincts, my impulses, they were too overwhelming. Until God told me that it looked like I was getting used to it, then suddenly I could think somewhat more clearly again. I started blushing, suddenly ashamed of what I did.

Now I was ready to start touching his skin, he said. First I was allowed to kiss his bare foot. I was lying flat on the ground my lips pressing against the divine skin. God was stepping onto me, pushing me even further into the ground, telling me what a small human I was and how unneccesary and meaningless my thoughts were in the face of his all knowing mind.

Then he told me to roll over. I was lying on my back now and God pressed his bare foot into my face. Then he ordered me to hurt myself. I had to squeeze my nipples real hard as I was kissing and his foot. I was so overwhelmed and dazed I didn’t question him. He was God. I just obeyed. It hurt terribly, but yet I couldn’t stop, God was in control. God was in total control. He seemed to like that. He told me I was paralyzed unable to move and then his foot ran over my body, he stepped on my nipples that were just two puffy bumps in my chest, he pushed my legs further apart and rubbed his foot against my pussy, all the while he was speaking to me in this mesmerizing voice, he was explaining about pussies and penises. I’d never heard of any of that. He said he was God and he had a penis and that it was my job as his servant to pleasure his penis. That that was a great honor, a great pride.

He told me to kneel and then he took his pants of. Reassuring me, that while I might get a rush of hormones, a rush of horniness and dizziness that I was ready, that I wouldn’t faint and he was right. Off course he was right. It was amazing and wonderful to see his legs, his underpants, he suddenly wore underpants again, although I didn’t know when he had put it on again, or maybe he never even get them off, maybe the practice underpants were a different pair of underpants.

God said he needed to tie me down, so I wouldn’t loose control, and turn into this animalistic maniac that started to willy-nilly grope him. He didn’t need any rope to tie my down, he just used his words, snapped his fingers and bam, I couldn’t move my arms anymore. Everything was a haze. I don’t know, maybe I’m skipping things, or maybe I’m not telling them in a right order, but I was just so overpowered with admiration and devotion that my mind didn’t work anymore.

I remember I eventually got to see God’s penis. That it took me a while to get used to seeing it, and then I was allowed to kiss it and lick it and after a while God trusted himself in my mouth. His hand grabbed my hair and moved my head back and forth. I kind of remember laying on the altar with my head backwards and God thrusting his cock deep in my throat. His skin rubbing past my lips, my tongue. His presence. His voice. His body. I was sucking on his body, it was as if his divinity enveloped me, swallowed me, as if his horniness and arousal was directly reflected in my own body. As if I was a mirror, no, not even a mirror, less than a mirror, I was just an empty vessel and empty mind filling up with the excess of his divinity, feeling whatever he was feeling, and then something happened.

God warned me this could happen, that some white stuff could come out of his cock. It filled my mouth. The feelings were overwhelming, my mind just went blank, my body took over, my body was trembling and squirming and panting and moaning. I felt ecstatic, like I was in heaven, like I was part of God, and God was part of me. I was orgasming, it was too much, it felt so good it didn’t fit all into my body and then I just melted I guess, the excess pleasure just seeped out of me.

I think I fainted. Although I vaguely remember God putting his finger on his forehead and telling me to sleep. Almost as if his fingers were injecting some sleepy stuff directly into my brain. When I opened my eyes I was tied to the altar. At least it felt as if I was tied, but I couldn’t see the robes.

God told me he wanted to make sure I was humble and submissive and completely obedient. I wanted to say that it was scientifically impossible to disobey God, but he kept on talking and eventually I forgot what I wanted to say.

He handed me the wooden spoon that was used to stir the concoction with, and told me to slap myself on the ass. Quite curiously and quite amused I obeyed him. It was quite painful, but something else happened that I didn’t know how to describe. It was as if my body surrendered. Each time I spanked myself on the ass, my body became more and more his, my mind turned blank, until I was such a completely submissive devoted limp puppet that I couldn’t hold the spoon anymore, I tried to hold it. I squeezed my hand around the handle. I wanted to prove to God how submissive I could be, how humble and devoted, but eventually I couldn’t anymore and the spoon just slipped from my fingers. God chuckled and picked it up, he gave me another few swats and then his hand cupped my bum.

It was as if all the pain faded away, as if he instantly had healed me. He started stroking me. He caressed my thighs, and my pussy, but he seemed most interested in my asshole. Telling me that when he put his cock in my asshole I would almost definitely be overcome by his divine power, so therefor he had to numb my asshole so I wouldn’t feel it all that intensely.

First he squeezed and pinched my butt for a little while saying the pain would cause my own body to create some numbing hormones, and then he used some utensils putting some beats in my ass and pulling them out, then when he said I was sufficiently strechted and prepared he asked me if I thought I was ready for his cock.

I told him I was, but he wasn’t convinced. I had to really beg and try to convince him. I wanted to feel his cock so bad, I could feel it press against my bum, sliding up and down in between my butt cheeks. I squirmed and begged and eventually God trusted his cock inside of my ass.

He told me that it was as if I had a switchboard on my back, that he could control me. He could completely control what I was experiencing. His fingers on my back, when he pushed the one switch up and down he could make me feel everything including the pain or he could make me feel really numb down there, anesthetized almost, and with the other switch he could either make me like it or make me hate it and with yet another switch he could make me really horny.

He had fun adjusting those switches for a little while, until eventually he let me have pain, he let me squirm and hate it, and yet he let me be very very aroused about it, so aroused that he eventually forced me to orgasm.

I was exhausted, but we weren’t ready yet, after God himself had orgasmed inside of my ass and removed his cock, he handed me a silver plug shaped device and he told me to stick it up my ass. He said it was a device that he controlled with a remote control. He said he could either order the device to release some sort of numbing cream into my ass so to relax a bit from the pain, but that he could also release an aphrodisiac into my body that would make me horny all over again.

He smiled and told me not to worry, that he would give me a few moments to come to. I wasn’t sure why God needed a device though. He could control me and my body with just his will, but the plug had some fancy sparkly stone on it, so maybe he just thought it was prettier like this.

He told me to get him something to drink because he needed a little break, and he also told me to get some towels and washcloths and soap and then while he had his little drink I had to clean up his cock. It was a great honor to do so, because by now I was getting used to be in his divine presence I didn’t even faint or feared I would faint. I just washed and cared for his cock. He told me to clean his cock so thoroughly it would be clean enough to lick and put in my mouth again. I worked hard, but also securely. I wanted to do it so good, but I also wanted to drag it out as long as possible. I liked being around him, it felt good to obey him, to have my own thoughts be obsolete and to just trust him and surrender to him.

When his penis was clean I still wanted to keep on washing it, but somehow my mouth magnetically was drawn to his penis, I tried to fight it but I couldn’t. I was licking and sucking his cock. It seemed as if my body had been programmed to react like this, or as if God was controlling me, although he didn’t seem to pay me any attentions, he was just panting and sipping from his drink.

Eventually he turned on the device making me very very horny and then he told me to go lie down on the altar. He tied me down and first his fingers were playing with my pussy. He said it didn’t matter if I fainted or not. It didn’t matter if I orgasmed or not. It just mattered that he could use me, that I was there for him to use as he pleased.

He fingered me for a little while and then he shoved his cock inside of me. It was a marvelous feeling, indescribable really. I felt euphoric and it was almost an outer body experience. It was just so many pleasurable sensations, all being controlled by him, by God himself. I didn’t really register what happened, I may have passed out, multiple times, I may have orgasmed so much I squirted a little bit of arousal out of my body, because it was simply too much.

‘Feel my cock. Focus on my cock’ God said. ‘Feels good doesn’t it. Must feel unbelievably god for such a young virgin like you.’ And then... bam... I went over the edge again, and every time he said how good it must feel for me it did feel amazingly good.

Until eventually God orgasmed too, receiving his sperm in my pussy was simply too much for me. I was out of this world. When I came to, God was gone. I was nakedly lying on the altar. The oval symbol was slightly glowing still, as was my pussy still throbbing. I hurried to clean the altar, I hurried to dry all the squirting puddles I’d made, and then I hurried to hop in the shower and brush my teeth with the rest of the girls.

From that day onwards I always knelt and used to floorcloth instead of using the mop.

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