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When we find ourselves ensnared by horror's cold grasp, knowing our lives and the lives of those we love could be stolen at any moment, it is our actions which define us as people. What is kind may not always be so wise, and the wisest of choices may not always be ideal.
The world was drowned out by the sound of her own rapidly pounding heart, the fortitude of her long overused muscles steadily failing and surging with twinges of pain from each galloping stride. Carna's mighty arms tensed around the two women she carried, her fire haired lover grasping her form as she stared into the shrieking distance, the now unconscious Sunflower hanging limply over the amazon's shoulder; Lily screamed, "Oh god, Carna don't stop!" Her voice was terrified, her body trembling as the fine hair on the back of her neck stood on end at the sight of something unknown to Carna, but it was this very fear that carried the fleeing woman to renewed vigor and hastened her charge to greater heights than she had known her body capable of. The deafening rhythm of erratic pulsing flooding her ears had been dissolved by the sound of terror in Lily's voice, and now the ever closer cries and screeches just on her heels echoed through the night and made her skin crawl. Suddenly Lily cried out, "Carna!"; a burning sting jolted through her veins from the back of her straining thigh, the warm flow of blood painting her leg as another gashed the small of her back. The redhead whimpered as she watched her partner's flesh being opened before her, her towering figure wincing with each swipe, her gait growing off balance with each step and feeling as though she would collapse at any moment; Lily wanted to do something, anything to help her lover, but tears filled her eyes at the overwhelming sensation of helplessness. Another violent claw raked its way across Carna's back, a spatter of blood streaking across the grass behind them, and their momentum ever so faintly began to slow.

Lily's tears drifted through the air as lash after lash bore into her lover, her heart breaking further at the ever growing futility of their situation, her body trembling at the realization of what she must do. The fiery haired girl planted her hands firmly against Carna's shoulder, and with all her might she began to force herself from the mighty grip in hopes to relieve burden; an attempt quite short lived. Tensing her powerful muscles at the sudden resistance, the amazon jerked the form of her partner securely to her torso, her voice booming over her labored breaths, "What the hell do you think yo-..." The freckled girl's eyes, shimmering with sorrowful tears, gazed lovingly into Carna's own, and with a timid and desperate tone she spoke, "...You'll m-make it without me....." Instinct cried for the bronze woman's movements to halt at the sudden revelation, terrified at the mere implications of what she was hearing but doing all she could to resist, knowing if she stopped it would be the end of them. Biting her lip, her eyelids shutting so tight it hurt, the fearful determination of the towering woman's visage melted away into a look of deeply pained sadness; she knew Lily was right about one thing, "...I'm sorry..." With no time to hesitate, and with a guilt ridden heart, Carna planted a foot into the grass like an anchor, and in a single powerful heave she pulled the helpless girl from her shoulder and tossed her aside, immediately bolting from the reduced weight far ahead of the lashing shrieks behind them. Sunflower's trance-like state writhed on the ground as she was abandoned, the sobbing cries of a red haired girl fading into the darkness beyond, drowned out by the sounds of bestial screeches closing in from all directions.

"...Y-you left her behind....." The first words to escape Lily's mouth took a vacant tone as she stared over Carna's shoulder into the blackness that had long grown silent, still unable to quite comprehend the reality of what had transpired only minutes earlier. The shame plagued woman's heart broke at the sound of her lover's voice, knowing she had hurt her in a way she could never heal; the fact remained however, the two of them were alive, and as soon as they had lost Sunflower the shrieking too had faded into a bad memory. Taking refuge behind the first ivory formation large enough to provide comfort, Carna placed Lily's feet to the ground, wrapped her strong arms around her soft and pale shoulders, and quietly cried under her whispering breath, "...Better than leaving you." The two of them stood there without a word to be said, the tall woman's large frame dropping to her knees before Lily and embracing her by the waist, burying tears into her stomach as if begging her to understand such a heartless action. The redhead's eyes gazed down at the collapsing figure of the woman she had known to be so fierce, her unbreakable exterior wilting into vulnerability she never knew Carna to have; blood streaked down the dark skin of her back and legs, dripping into the damp grass below, and doing her best to put aside the contempt rapidly filling her heart Lily placed her arms around her partner's shoulders and comfortingly stroked dark hair. Abandoning Sunflower had been unforgivable, a vile act she thought even the worst of people would resist the urge to commit, yet she had begun to understand exactly why the woman she loved had done it. Kneeling into the grass and properly embracing her beloved, the two women held one another close and wept.

Hours went by as Carna slept, her body slashed and strained to its very brink having been all she could bare, and as the grief and sadness had taken her mind even someone so mighty had eventually collapsed. Lily sat beside her partner's resting form, her own mind reeling and flooded with countless thoughts and emotions, any of which threatening to scar her; her eyes studied Carna's body and the wounds upon it which were already beginning to close at an unnatural speed. They had been through so much, each of them in a nightmare that none of them had asked for, and in the face of such horrors there is no telling what our hearts will tell us to do to survive and protect those we love. In truth, Lily knew that if one of them had not been sacrificed then they all would have been, but to have the guilt of her own survival nailed into her was something impossible for her to endure. Had they truly saved Sunflower only to throw her away like bait? They had rescued a helpless woman from a cruelty none should ever face only to abandon her to something even worse, all in the name of self preservation; it should have been her that remained behind, she had tried to make it so, and it had been that very failure which willed Carna to dictate Sunflower's fate. This wretched place had fed upon all within it, and more than ever she just wanted to escape its reaches, though she knew not if such a thing would ever be possible. Tears overwhelmed her and she began to shiver as the emotions welled up inside, the shock which armored her fading to allow all to ensnare her heart, and her knees grew weak and began to buckle. Her legs giving out beneath her, Lily shifted her weight towards the ivory structure and planted her palms against it to catch herself with a soft thud; just as the tears flooded outward, a faint rumbling could be heard from just in front of her, and the hard white surface upon which she rested gradually dissolved to dust.

Lily stared as the ivory structure before her crumbled to the grass below to reveal an acutely sloped passage descending into an impossible darkness beyond. An intense wave of dank scent violated the redhead's senses as she peered in, its potency briefly choking her and making her recoil back with a heavy cough that stirred Carna; "You okay...?" Lily cleared her throat, "Y-...yeah. I just uh... I found something." The red haired girl nodded towards the strange opening as she took a deep breath. Carna winced as she lifted her heavy frame from the ground, stumbling a moment and grasping the edge of the passage to compose herself. "Please don't get up... you need more rest." The freckled girl whimpered as she saw her partner struggling to maintain posture, her hand reaching out to rest upon Carna's side. Though it could not be seen, Carna blushed at the tenderness; "...Do you not hate me, Lily?" Another whimper, the redhead's view averting to the side, "I hate what you did... I don't think I could ever hate you." The paler of the two took the other's hand and guided her back towards the ground, the two of them sitting side by side with their backs to the outer edge of the structure's gap. The mask of the red haired girl rested softly against the larger woman's shoulder, their fingers woven tenderly together, their bodies pressed against one another in perfect harmony.

"...Really hate these masks... I wasn't claustrophobic before but now... kinda starting to get to me." Lily nuzzled her head against Carna's shoulder, her thumb gently drawing little circles on her partner's hand; Carna gazed down upon the red haired girl, her hand squeezing securely upon Lily's, "...Want it off?" Lily's body shifted suddenly at the thought, her eyes staring in Carna's direction with a hidden expression of shock; why had she never considered the thought? Sunflower's mask had been partially torn away during the attack, and Carna herself destroyed the plates restricting her hands. Nodding with a sudden rush of enthusiasm, Lily repositioned herself, resting her weight on her knees just before the amazon, her large breasts pressing against one another between her arms as her hands came to rest upon her thighs. "C-could you? I... I can't really stand it anymore," Lily looked down to the ground, the big toe of either of her feet bashfully fiddling with the other as a slight flush covered her cheeks. Carna's reached out as she shifted her posture to tower over Lily, one of her powerful hands taking firm hold of the left of the redhead's mask as the other delicately stroked the fiery strands themselves before clasping the opposing side of the binding. Taking a deep, slow breath as she braced her mighty bronze frame, Carna clasped with all her strength upon the indents of the mask's exterior; robust arms flexed with all of their might as they began to pull in contrast with one another, the ivory plate sounding a loud pop as cracks began to form down the center. Slivers of intimidation made their way into Lily's mind at the sight of her lover's immense strength, a slight touch of fear at the loud cracking filling the interior of her confines, and just as her nerves began to overtake her a luminous clarity befell her visage, and the mask's halves crumbled violently to either side.

As the remnants of bone plating withered to dust, a mane of wavy red hair cascaded freely downward, framing Lily's subtly round face and coming to rest along her neck and collar. A cute button nose rested between two slightly plump cheeks flush in a gentle rosy hue, all dressed in a belt of freckles running across just beneath a pair of eyes blended blue and green. The pink heart of the husky girl's lips half hid beneath pearly white teeth as she bit softly upon the lower of the pair; Lily averted her eyes, a sudden wave of nerves coursing through her at the realization that the woman she loved was seeing her for the first time. Carna gazed longingly upon her lover's enchanting features, her tan fingers gingerly gracing the contour of her jaw and guiding her to look ahead once more, "...Don't look away, beautiful." Eyes widening, the redhead perked up and blushed a deeper shade of red as she stared affectionately forward, "W-well... you saw me... Y-your turn?" Looking away at the sound of her words, as with some sense of shame, Carna paused a moment in silence; Lily reached out and took her hand, "...Please?" Giving a hushed nod, Carna tilted her head down, placed a hand upon each side of her own mask, and with the same ferocity as she had done for Lily the white plating was torn away, shards scattering across the grass to either side and crumbling to dust. A face consistent with the contrasting femininity of her otherwise mighty form stared off to the side as if in hiding, its unexpected beauty threatened to spoil by the unsure expression it held.

Lily studied every detail of Carna's face in longing, reflecting her lover's own actions as her hand turned the amazon to look upon her in full view. A sudden jolt of surprise swept over Lily which she dare not show as the other side of Carna's beauty came into view; a deeply broad scar lined her cheek from just beneath her eye to far beyond the curtain of dark hair, her eye peppered in a cruel myriad of tiny gash marks. Clearing what was left to uncover of her beloved's visage, Lily swept her long and silky hair back to tuck it behind her ear, and in her most passionate of demeanors she leaned up and pressed her lips tightly to Carna's. A blush filled Carna's scarred expression as the chubby girl with the most sensual of curves she had ever seen took control; Lily pressed forward with great intensity, her thick milky thighs climbing into the amazon's lap as arms curled around the back of Carna's neck to pull her ever closer. Losing herself in the passion Carna allowed her insecurities to melt away, sliding her sturdy hands up and down Lily's sides before coming to rest on her broad hips; their lips moved in perfect synchronization with one another, fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle as they unleashed their deepest passions. Two large pairs of breasts melded together as the lovers tenderly embraced, Lily's hands exploring the bronze goddess now grasping her round ass, squeezing its soft and pale flesh and pulling her hips closer.

Free of their facial restraints the lovers now unleashed their inner most passion, their bodies pressing and shifting together in a beautiful rhythmic display that tumbled to the grass. Carna slipped her hand along the exterior of the Lily's supple thigh as her knee lifted it skywards, slipping between the redhead's legs and pressing her own muscular thigh into the fire haired groin of her partner. Heavy panting puffed hot breath between lips, two tongues wrestling and writhing in throws of bliss as a dark muscular frame took control of the softest and most tender freckled body. Lily's swelling mound, now flush red and dripping warm nectar, rocking and grinding against Carna's powerful thigh, the pressure sending blissful pulses through her body and making her shiver. The amazonian beauty gripped her lover firmly and planted her back against the grass, pushing her knee upward between the red haired girl's blushing thighs and leaning down to take the puffy inverted bud of Lily's plump breast into her mouth and sucking deeply upon it. Lily gasped, her fingers exploring her lover's jungle of dark hair, pressing her deeper into her breast as her nipple hardened between the amazon's lips and began to poke forth. Mighty hands clenched her squishy breasts, massaging them eagerly while Carna's mouth kissed from one breast to the other, taking the remaining nipple in and feasting upon it. Moans fled heart shaped lips at the intense suction upon Lily's breasts, her juices flowing thick against the pressing muscles against her heated, parting vulva; then Carna began to kiss lower.

Down further and further her lover's brown lips explored what felt like every inch of her cushioned stomach, her tongue twirling briefly around the navel before her mouth further explored down to Lily's abdomen and then finally her pelvis. The eel like muscle of Carna's tongue flicked and teased around the redhead's puffy, hot mound without mercy, powerful kisses exploring the inner reaches of her groin and along the milky expanse of her thighs without once touching her most tender areas. Nectar flowed heavily from just beneath the fiery hairs of the heated woman's tamed bush, her lust now overwhelming her and driving her wild; "Y-you tease... Please, Darling... stop taunting me." Carna smirked devilishly, quite pleased with herself at Lily's begging. Lifting herself high upon her knees, the hard-bodied woman took sturdy hold of her lover's thighs and lifted her lower body upward until her delicious scent was only inches from her face. Blushing a deep, intense shade of red Lily gazed upon the looming figure taking full control of her vulnerable body; a hearty gasp filled the air at the sudden rush of pleasure as Carna stroked her broad tongue along the engorged gap of Lily's womanhood. The sound of her lover's uncontrollable moaning was pure divinity to Carna, urging her lips and tongue to greater depths as she sucked and lapped the sweet flower's nectar. "O-oh my god, Carna... how are y-you so good at this...!?" Lily's eyes rolled into the back of her head which pressed against the grass, her back arching instinctually as the beautiful titan between her thighs orally made love to her. Carna dug deeper into her lover, her tongue curling and twirling within her sugary depths; reaching her hand closer she gently teased Lily's clitoris, rubbing and massaging the nub in varying patterns and occasionally taking each labia into her mouth with intense suction. Lily felt faint, the rush of blood to her head with the surging pulses of bliss between her legs far more than she had been ready to handle, and then ecstasy; the red haired girl's moan was almost a scream as the orgasm spread throughout her entire body like magic, her every nerve in pure elation as wave after wave coursed to every extreme from her most sensual of places. Carna continued to kiss as the climax faded, her tongue thoroughly cleaning each and every drop of nectar from rose flushed skin matching that of Lily's freckled face panting for air, her large breasts heaving above her racing heart. The flex of bronze muscles eased the fairer of the two's hips gently into the grass, and Carna took position beside her lover; pulling her close and kissing her neck with delicate little pecks that sent shivers through Lily's body, the two of them snuggled close and securely in the sanctuary of the ivory structure's overhang, and slumber took hold once more.

Far in the distance, eclipsed by the void of unnatural shadows, an unseen figure drifted just beyond the line of nearby trees. Not even the slightest of sounds could be heard from the mysterious silhouette drifting only a few yards away from the women whom slept ahead, their nude forms entwined with one another just at the foot of the ivory passage that had beckoned the figure near. As the two of them had made love they had been so distracted it never occurred to either of them that perhaps they were not alone, and neither of them noticed the eerie presence. It had been there since before their passion had taken hold, watching every move they made in silence; watching and waiting.
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