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A young girl gets a job in a lesbian bar. She gets more than she bargained for when instead of selling drinks, she is SOLD to the highest bidder.
So you want a job here in my bar? Do you think you can handle
customers pawing at you all night every night?"

"I got pawed at my last job, so there won't be a problem here. I really
need the money. So do I have the job?"

"I called your former employer and she spoke highly of you. She was
sorry to see you go. I checked over your references and based on the
interview we had last week I think you will fit in nicely."

"You have the job but only IF and I do mean IF you survive the training
I have set up for tonight. Be here at 8pm sharp.

"Yes ma'am I will be here, thanks so much, you won't be disappointed"

"I hope not, I already have a lot of time invested in you."

Sherry left the bar a little confused. Why did she need to pass an
initiation to work in a bar? I mean how hard could it be? You served
the customers their drinks, make sure they got the right change back,
and put up with the men pawing at her young body. She was only 19 and
had left home to go to the big city. She hated small towns and never
wanted to live in one again. She wanted the freedom to explore a new
place and get off that godforsaken dirt farm and away from her drunken
father and his slimy friends.

She was only in the city for about two weeks, she tried to get a job
being a secretary, but she knew nothing about computers. She got a job
at an answering service, but the first call she took wanted her to
pretend she was a pony so the guy on the other end could ride her. Not
in this lifetime pal. She hung up the phone and walked out.

Her prospective boss was also confusing her, she was about 5'8" tall and
built like a truck driver. Sherry would have bet her bottom dollar,
which was about all she had, that her new boss was male. She lost that
bet as soon as her boss spoke and told Sherry that her name was Josie.

Sherry arrived for work promptly at eight that night. She walked in and
the bar was surrounded, but it was all women. She didn't think much of
it, but the women were pawing at her just as much as they did at her
last job. The major difference was the fact that Sherry was getting
turned on by this unwanted attention.

Woman of all shapes and sizes were present. Some were wearing strange
outfits. One of the women was wearing a dog collar around her neck and
the other woman had the chain tied around her waist and carried a
riding crop. Every so often she would smack the crop against the
woman's ass that was wearing the collar. Sherry never saw the woman
flinch as a particular nasty smack came across her left ass cheek.
Sherry had asked the woman if she wanted something to drink, but she
just shook her head no.

Whatever floats your boat, Sherry thought to herself. She continued
working and catching little snippets of conversation.

"She was so bad, I had to give her forty lashes before we came here
tonight. I will have to teach her a lesson when we get home."

Forty lashes? What was this, the pirate age revisited?

"Mine is still hanging in the dungeon at home. She did not finish her
work in time, so she wasn't allowed to come tonight."

Sherry, was getting more confused by each passing hour. She tried to
talk to the other girls that were working that night, but they barely
acknowledged Sherry's presence. They kept their eyes to the floor
even when asking the customers for their drink order. Sherry wasn't
sure if she like this job; she had not gotten one tip. Maybe they were
rich snobs and didn't like lowly bar maids.

A short time later, she approached a woman standing in the corner.

"May I get you a drink ma'am."

"I will have a vodka gimlet."

"Yes ma'am I will be right back."

When she got to the bar Josie told her she was doing a marvelous job and
all the customers said she was very polite and well mannered, then
handed her the drink.

"Here is your drink ma'am."

"Here is your tip," and the woman reached out and tweaked her nipple.
She pinched it very hard and pulled on it even harder.

"Ouch that hurts, are you crazy?"

The woman only tugged and pinched it even harder, then using the nipple
she had firmly in her hand she pulled Sherry to her and kissed her
savagely on the mouth. Their lips crashing together and Sherry
struggled to get free. When the woman let her go, Sherry blushed and
the woman laughed. Sherry didn't even think to tell Josie and thought
she would be better just to ignore that woman for the rest of the

God, was everyone in here a dyke? She was no lesbian. She had had sex
with a few guys, and even almost married Jimmy, but then she caught him
cheating with her best friend. That's when she decided to leave town.

A short time later, Sherry asked Josie if she could go into the alley
for a quick smoke. Yes you may. She told her, just put the block in
front of the door so you can get back in. Otherwise the door will slam
and you will have to walk around the block to get back in.

Sherry went out to the alley, remembering the brick. She was facing the
fence and just taking a few deep breaths.

Suddenly she felt huge arms grab her from behind, her arms were twisted
behind her. She was pushed up against the fence. The wire links
cutting into her breasts.

Sherry had a surge of panic, working its way through her body, her mouth
wanted to scream but a large hand covered her mouth tightly.

The mouth of the person pinning her up against the fence, took her ear
and bit the earlobe. This caused Sherry to moan. The hand then
reached inside her top and firmly grabbed her breasts, pinching the
milky white skin, immediately causing the skin to turn purple. The
skin on the hand was very rough, like sandpaper. The person's hand
(she didn't know if it was male or female) flattened their palm against
her nipple and crushed it, then ran the palm over and over the nipple
causing it to harden and swell.

Sherry was mad at her body, it was betraying her. Her body loved the
sensations that were being sent through her nipple and down to her
clit. But her mind was fighting this intrusion.

The hand then found its way into the waistband of Sherry's panties.
Pinching and pulling on her clit, thrusting a finger or two inside and
fucking her. Sherry bucked against the fence, making it press harder
and harder into her breasts. Lips found her ear again and just as the
person bit the ear; Sherry bucked one last time. The fingers in her
had worked her into an orgasm that felt wonderful to her body, but
clouded her mind.

When the weight of the other person was lifted, Sherry whirled around,
but found no one there. It had happened, didn't it? She looked and
saw her shirt was untucked and her hair was a disheveled mess. Her
pussy was throbbing and juices were still flowing as Sherry put herself
together and walked back into the builiding.

When she stopped at the bar, Josie took one look at her and laughed.

"Looks like the Bandit got a hold of you."

"What do you mean, Bandit," Sherry asked?

"A legend in this bar, no one knows who the person is, and it's just fun
and games. But that person always finds someone to cop a feel from."

"Listen we have a private party going on downstairs and it's your job
tonight to waitress it. Consider it part of your initiation."

"Take this tray of drinks downstairs."

When Sherry got downstairs, the door slammed, she turned to see Josie
standing there with a very evil grin on her face.

"Welcome to the dungeon."

Sherry turned and slowly looked around the room. There were weird
contraptions hanging on the walls and placed around the room. They were
fake cocks, dangling from chains in the ceiling. As she slowly turned,
she saw three women from earlier strapped to huge crosses, naked. Two
were facing the room, while the other had her face to the wall.

In the middle of the room was a huge conference table. Seated were some
of the woman from upstairs and a few faces she didn't recognize. The
one face she did recognize was the woman who ordered the Vodka Gimlet
and abused her breasts.

"Sherry, on this night you will be initiated into the Dungeon. You will
be asked to show your worthiness for us to allow you to serve. You
will be examined and asked to perform certain duties. If you fail to
carry out any request, your contract will be terminated without pay.
However if you succeed in pleasing our every need, you will have
employment as long as you desire and be paid ten thousand dollars for
your work tonight. We ask that you do this freely, and that you sign
this contract stating that no one is forcing you into anything you do
not wish for. If you fail your task tonight, this contract will be
binding in a court of law should you wish to report us to authorities.
The choice is yours Sherry. We will give you 3 minutes to decide."

Sherry's head was swimming. She should just get up and walk away. But
the lure of all that money, she could buy some new clothes, get a
better place to live. All she had to do was let a few women paw at her
body and perform some tasks. Her thoughts drifted back to a few
minutes ago when she was molested in the parking lot. As much as it
disgusted her, it was just as exciting. What the hell, I don't have
much to lose except my job. She signed the contract.

"You've made a fine decision. I am sure no one in this room will be
disappointed. Let me introduce you to the fine ladies you see gathered
before you."

"Good evening ladies, May I introduce our recent addition to our

"Sherry, welcome to your initiation to the `Ladies of the Realm

"Seated before you are Lady Dianna, Lady Christina, Lady Jillian, Lady
Amanda, Lady Marie, Lady Katherine, Lady Victoria, Lady Elizabeth, Lady
Frances, and Lady Gabrielle. On the crosses around you, you will see
our last inductees, Brandie, Candie and Randie.

"The rules are simple:

Do not speak unless asked a direct question. Do everything asked of you
without hesitation. Show respect to the association members by
addressing them as My Lady and nothing else. Do not look anyone in the
eye unless asked to do so. You will not speak to Brandie, Candie or

"Disobeying any of these rules, or specific rules issued by the
individual members will result in severe punishment."

Josie then approached Sherry and leaned forward to attach a dog collar
to her neck. She took a very short chain and fastened it the collar.
She whispered in Sherry's ear.

"Relax and everything will be fine."

She stood back and gave Sherry a one-word command.


Sherry looked at the ladies seated around the room. She thought that
she should just turn around and walk away from this.


Sherry hesitated once again; she cowered in fear when Josie shouted the

Lady Victoria got up from the table angrily and removed a cat-o-nine
tails from the wall. She walked to Sherry and pulled on her chain
towards Brandie hanging on the cross.

"You WILL learn to obey every command. When you do not obey quickly
enough one of these slaves will be whipped five times. Since you were
told twice to strip that is ten lashes. You must choose who is to be

"I. I. can't. I. won't do that to any human being."

Without warning Sherry felt the cat-o-nine tails slash across her
breasts, tearing the silky material and cutting into her right breast.

"Owwwwwwwwww" bellowed Sherry as she tried to cover up.


Sherry was torn, she did not want to choose but she also didn't want to
feel that pain again. She pointed to Brandie with a shaky finger.

Lady Victoria planted both feet in front of Brandie. Brandie was a
diminutive woman, she was only about 5'1" tall and weighed about 90
pounds or less. Her breasts were obviously fakes as they were grossly
disproportionate to her size and stature. They were at least 40dd.
She was shaved. Her nipples and her clit were pierced and they had
alligator clamps with what appeared to be small weights hanging from
them. Causing her nipples to be elongated. There was a tattoo just
above her pelvic that said "Lady Elizabeth".

Lady Victoria pulled on the clamps and you could see Brandie struggling
to hold in a yelp or two. Lady Victoria raised her hand and brought
the tails crashing across her left breast.

"One My Lady, May I please have another."

Again the tails slashed at Brandie focused on her right breast.

"Two My Lady, May I please have another."

Then her left again

"Three My Lady, May I please have another."

The next one slashed on the inside of her right leg. Brandie let out an
audible gasp, but no one but Sherry seemed to notice.

"Four My Lady, May I please have another."

Brandie glared at Sherry and secretly wished that Sherry were the one on
the cross getting whipped. Since she had been inducted last weekend
her body had been whipped over every inch of her body. She seemed to
be the perfect target for Lady Victoria even though she belonged to
Lady Elizabeth.

Sherry was watching Lady Victoria slash away at the inner thighs and
legs of Brandie, she tried to look away but her head was held firmly in
place by Josie's large hands. She was being forced to watch the
whipping. Sherry's mind was reeling. Her brain was telling her that
this was horrid and that the women in this room were sick and deranged.
They should all be thrown in jail. But her body was doing something
completely the opposite. Every nerve ending seemed to be connected to
her nipples or her clit. She felt herself growing moist.

"Ten My lady, May I please have another."

Lady Victoria turned to Sherry and slashed against her breast again.

"One My Lady, May I please have another."

Sherry was shocked; why had her mouth said that. She didn't want to
have another, but her mouth had betrayed her. Again came the slash.

"Two My lady, May I please have another."


Sherry removed the tattered remains of her blouse and bra. She
unsnapped her jeans and lowered them down her legs. She hesitated a
second too long and felt a slash strike her left nipple sending searing
pain through her breast. She removed her panties quickly.

Lady Victoria replaced the cat-o-nine tails where she had found it and
took her seat at the table.

Josie tugged on Sherry's chain and pulled her to Brandie.

"Lick the blood from Brandie's wounds. It is because of you she was
whipped and now you must care for her like you would for a wounded

"Yes My lady as you command."

Again with the mouth, when would her mouth learn to keep quiet.

Sherry reached out with the tip of her tongue to lick the blood from a
nasty wound that stretched across her right breast. A small almost
inaudible moan escaped Brandie's mouth. The blood had a metallic taste
to it and Sherry reached out for another lick. She ran her tongue down
her stomach and to the inside of her right leg. The animal scent was
an exotic smell to Sherry's nose, she had never been this close to a
woman and her curiosity soon found her tongue licking at the clit.
Brandie felt the cool tongue touch her clit and it sent her into a
frenzied orgasm. Her legs were twitching against the binds. She
longed to tell Sherry to continue but knew to speak was against the
rules. Sherry drove her tongue deep into Brandie's pulsating cunt.
Licking and sucking the sweet cum flowing from her.

Josie pulled on the chain and you could almost see the pout forming on
Sherry's mouth.

"Get on the table for inspection. Keep your hands at your side. Step
up on the step stool and slowly walk the length of the table and return

Sherry got up on the table. Like a bride walking down the aisle she
cautiously took one step at a time.

There were a few comments as she walked. She noticed all of the ladies
looking at her except Lady Frances. That's strange she thought. She
almost acts as if she didn't want to be here. She remembered the
feeling she got when Frances had pinched her nipple upstairs and
forcibly kissed her. When she got to the end of the table where
Frances was sitting. Sherry smiled at her. Frances just waved her
away as if she was swatting a bug away. Disappointment appeared on
Sherry's face.

"She has nice long legs"

"Yes she does, they must be at least 40 inches long"

"She could use a breast implant. She won't be able to take much

"But her ass is very firm and shows promise of being able to take a lot
of whipping."

"She will have to be shaved of course, but she has passable body."

"I still have my doubts."

"Is she a virgin?"

Josie looked at Sherry and said, "Are you a virgin."

"No My Lady I am not."

"Well I wanted a virgin said Lady Katherine, but I will remain to cast
my vote."

Cast her vote? What vote? What did the fact of whether she was a
virgin or not have to do with anything?

"Has she ever been with a woman?" asked Lady Marie.

"No Lady Marie, I have not."

"Has she ever had anything other than a finger in her ass?" Spoke Lady

"No My Lady, I have not."

"How old is she?" asked Lady Christina.

"I am 19, My Lady."

"I think we would like to see her examined further."

"Yes I agree, have her crawl the table this time."

Josie nudged Sherry just a bit and Sherry slowly crawled the length of
the table. Again when she reached the spot where Frances was sitting
she tried with her smile to get a response. Frances just looked away.
As soon as Sherry turned her back to start crawling back, Frances got
up from the table and removed a ping pong paddle from the wall.

Sherry was crawling along the table and lost sight of Frances but
seconds later heard a loud SMACK against someone's flesh. Sherry's
heart lurched in her chest. Her mind screamed silently. I should be
the one getting the paddle against my ass. Sherry's mind was reeling,
was she secretly wishing to be treated like this. Why was her body
being aroused at seeing pain? She should be feeling humiliated,
ashamed and dirty.

"I don't know I really can't tell much by looking. Have her crawl
again, only this time she is to stop in front of each of us for
inspection." Lady Amanda said.

Sherry crawled to the first woman, Lady Amanda. Sherry tried to focus
on what Lady Amanda was doing, but her eyes went to Randie who was
getting literally paddled to death. One smack after another struck the
firm cheeks of Randie's ass. There wasn't an inch of her white ass
that had been missed. Her ass was now red. Welts were bubbling up on
both cheeks. Sherry failed to hear a question being asked of her and
screamed when a paddle struck her with such force that she landed face
first on the table. Her breasts bruised instantly by the force. Her
cunt throbbed.


Sherry struggled to get to her hands and feet before answering.

"Three months ago, Lady Amanda."

"Was everything satisfactory?"

"Yes Lady Amanda."

"You may proceed to the next association member."

Sherry tried to concentrate on crawling but her ass and pussy were on
fire. Her nipples were hard and firm. When she crawled to Lady
Gabrielle, she felt Gabrielle pinching her right nipple. She pulled
and twisting it. Sherry had to bite her lip to keep from screaming.
She again managed to glance over at Frances who was now working a
small, round, long object in and out of Randie's inflamed ass.

"You may proceed to the next association member."

Sherry crawled forward and was in front of Lady Elizabeth.

"So you enjoy watching other people get whipped and paddled."

"Yes, I mean no My lady."

"I DID NOT ASK YOU A QUESTION. You must be stupid not to know the
difference between a statement of fact and a question. Do you know
that when you pointed to Brandie to accept YOUR punishment you were
choosing MY property? Now she will take days to recover."


"I am sorry My Lady I did not know she was your pro. prop. property."


She kneeled in front of Lady Marie. Lady Marie turned her body around
so that she could examine Sherry's ass. She pulled her ass cheeks
apart. Kneading the flesh as if she was squeezing fruit at a market.
She pinched the flesh to see if welts would appear. She stuck a finger
in her hole and twisted it inside. A moan escaped Sherry's mouth
betraying her again.

"You may proceed to the next association member."

Lady Jillian also examined Sherry's ass, only she didn't bother with the
preliminaries, she thrust three fingers in the tight ass and fucked her
for about 30 seconds. She stopped just as Sherry was about to cum.

"You may proceed to the next association member."

Lady Katherine examined her mouth, opening it up and checking her teeth,
prying her lips she stretched Sherry's mouth first one way then another
making her mouth sore. She pulled on her tongue causing Sherry to gag
and tried to pull away but Lady Katherine just held on.

Sherry was slowly being examined as if she were a piece of meat. She
prayed that this would all be over soon. While Lady Katherine was
examining her mouth, she felt fingers fucking her clit. Lady Katherine
let go of her mouth and Sherry saw Lady Christina probing her cunt.
Lady Victoria was teasing her clit with a long fingernail. Sherry's
body deceived her once again and an orgasm shuddered though her tender

"I can never tell by examination, I want to see how she fucks."

Josie helped Sherry down from the table.

"What device would you like used Lady Dianna?"

"I think we shall use "The Probe Machine" tonight Lady Josie."

"Good choice Lady Dianna."

Josie tugged on Sherry's chain and lead her to an innocent looking stool
in the corner.

"Stand with your feet apart and your hands over your head."

Sherry did as was instructed. She glanced over at Candie and saw that
Candie was caressed with a wand that seemed to glow. It looked like a
child's toy but by the way Candie was squirming and thrashing about
Sherry guessed that it was something else entirely. Frances was
running the wand over her nipples and once in a while she would touch
her clit with it. Each time it touched her clit, Candie arched her
hips and her legs convulsed.

Josie had attached some sort of leg irons to her ankles and inserted a
long thick bar to each leg iron. A bar lowered from the ceiling and
handcuffs were place on her wrists. The handcuffs were clicked to the
metal bar and Sherry was left standing there. Josie went to a cabinet
and brought a remote to the table. She handed the remote to Lady

All of the women who were setting around the table got up and moved
towards a blank wall. Josie pressed a button and the wall slid back to
show a viewing area. The ladies took their seats in the front row.
Dianna pulled a stool near Sherry and grinned evilly as she licked her
lips. Frances stopped playing with Candie and took a spot near the
corner so she could get a closer look at what was about to happen.

Sherry was in the midst of a great panic, when she saw the audience
appear she looked at them and recognized them as customers from
earlier. She tried to twist free of her binds but of course it was
useless. Her mind was still reeling as she felt her self being lifted
by her wrists. The entire weight of her body was straining the muscles
in her arms. Then she cried out from the pain.

Lady Dianna took the stool and placed it underneath Sherry's dripping
cunt. She lowered Sherry until her ass was barely touching the soft
leather. At least the pressure in my arms has eased off.

Lady Dianna took a seat directly in front of Sherry and pressed a button
on the remote. Sherry felt something pressing against her ass hole.
Before she had time to think, her ass was subjugated to an object being
forced into a virgin hole.




Sherry couldn't see because of the tears that were streaming down her
face, she was alternating between screaming and moaning. Her asshole
was being split apart. It felt as big around as a bottle bottom.
Sherry didn't know that it was just the head of the dildo.

Dianna pressed another button and little by little the dildo entered her
ass, Sherry felt as if the dildo was going to shoot from her ass right
through her pussy and out her body. Deeper and deeper the dildo went.
Sherry looked over at Frances and pleaded with her eyes to help.


Lady Dianna just laughed as she pressed another button and the full
length of the dildo rammed her ass. It was thirteen inches long and
two inches around. When Lady Dianna pressed another button the dildo
started to slowly pump in and out of her ass. The speed was agonizing
slow for Lady Dianna, so she pressed the button for pumping to the max.
It was like a battering ram in Sherry ass. Forcing her off the stool.


Sherry was babbling out of her mind with a crazed lust. Dianna pressed
a few more buttons as the dildo battered her asshole, it started
vibrating and making small rotations. Streams of sweat were dripping
down her breasts; drool and spit were coming from her mouth. Her head
thrashed about wildly.


Her body unable to stand much more erupted into a volcanic like orgasm,
her juices flooded out of her cunt, forming a small puddle on the
floor. She wasn't even aware when she was lifted and was lowered onto
the dildo with her convulsing cunt.

"Yessssssssssss, FUCK MY PUSSY, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME." She shouted
over and over.

Her eyes were glazed over as if she was drugged, her cunt tried to force
the dildo deeper but it was in as far as it would go. Sherry looked
over at Frances and was stunned to see her acting as if she was
watching a boring documentary. She looked as if she was analyzing a
procedure rather than watching a woman being ravaged by a machine. It
was only a few minute more before a surge of lust took over her body,
it seemed to enter her bloodstream, it wanted out, it needed an escape.
It found it and shot out of Sherry's cunt.


Her body thrashed wildly, her arms felt as if they were being pulled out
of her sockets. Wave after wave of passion engulfed her body. Shock
waves of orgasm ravished her young body, her mind couldn't take it, and
she lost all inhibitions.. She screamed like an injured animal. She
was almost epileptic before the orgasms started to slow down. The
remote had been shut down. Her arms were lowered. He head flopped
forward and her breathing was ragged.

Brandie, Candie and Randie had been removed from the crosses and they
brought a stretcher out and laid it on the floor. They removed the leg
irons, the spreader bar and the handcuffs. They wrapped the bleeding
and withdrawn Sherry into a thermal blanket and put her on the
stretcher. The audience applauded and shouts of Bravo and well done
could be heard. The three young ladies carried Sherry off to care for

The audience departed and the Ladies of the Realm took seats around the
conference table.

Josie pounded a gavel and spoke to the entire room.

"The weekly meeting for The Ladies of the Realm shall now come to order.
The auction of Sherry J. will now begin. The opening bid is fifty
thousand dollars U.S. "

"Lady Dianna bids fifty, do I hear sixty?"

"Sixty, do I hear seventy?"

"Seventy thousand dollars, do I hear eighty?"

The bidding was progressing and did not slow down until it reached one
hundred twenty five thousand dollars.

"The bidding is 125k do I hear anymore bids?"

"I have a bid of 175k do I hear any more bids?"

"Going once."

"Going twice."

"Sold, to Lady Frances for one hundred and seventy-five thousand
dollars. Congratulations Lady Frances."

"This concludes the weekly meeting of The Ladies of the Realm. Thank
you for coming this evening. Next week we have a set of twins for
initiation. Lady Frances you may take your property when she is

The ladies all hugged and kissed one another; they congratulated Lady
Frances on an outstanding purchase.

Josie then went into the back room. Sherry was still in a daze when
Josie grabbed her by the hand and led her back to the main room.

"Lady Frances, May I present to you your purchase this evening? Slave
Sherry J."

"Sherry you have been sold to Lady Frances you must go with her now."

"S.S.Sold?" That was the last word out of Sherry's mouth before she

To be continued.

Authors notes: Would you have signed the contract? If you were a Lady
of the Realm, what would have been your highest bid? There are many
types of probe chairs ( now called fucking machines)out there. This stroy was written 7 years ago and fucking machines have come along ways. Now if they would just come down in price. This one is my own creation in my
mind only. Have you tried a similar chair? If so, would you share
your experiences? This story is dedicated to several friends who will
read this, you know who you are. I love you. Feedback is most


2010-07-16 16:41:11
Is it realy fiction Dahkme?

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-02-23 21:54:56
Well done, altough it seemed a little too graphic.

Not tellingReport 

2008-05-19 12:27:52
Please, please, PLEASE write another chapter or something, I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my mother fucking god, that was great!!!!!!!!!!


2008-03-03 02:27:35
kinda weird


2007-09-27 19:08:37
Awesome! I love extreme lesbian stories...Where else can one truly take the extreme of fantasy beyond that which is allowable, but sooo exciting for us to enjoy reading...Thanks! Keep it up!

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