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As this is the first story I've written, I am learning as I go. I will now be adding part numbers to this and future chapters, making it easier for readers to know the order of each chapter. Chapter 1 was 'A Family Man: Awakenings', Chapter 2 was 'A Family Man: The Journey Home' and this is Chapter 3 'A Family Man: Part 3 Detour'
Mel and I were back on the road around 8 am the following morning. I had half expected to get a knock on the door by the police or some of the friends of the guys I beat up last night, but the coast was clear. I should've known better than to fight those guys considering we were trying to keep a low profile. The last thing we needed was police involvement and me getting arrested, leaving Mel to fend for herself. I admonished myself for being so foolish, reminding myself that I needed to be smarter if we were going to pull this off. We weren't even four full days out and I nearly threw it all away on a hunch those guys would keep their mouths shut... Stupid!

Poor Mel. She was risking everything betting on me. Sure, her marriage was a dead-end, but at least she had security. I took that away from her and may have even planted a child in her. She was incredibly intelligent and capable, but she lacked the kind of attitude one needs to make it on their own. She needed someone to obey, someone to lead her, to give her purpose. She needed someone who had her best interests in mind and appreciate her true value. She was an exceptional woman, so utterly giving and selfless to a fault. Last night, I really hurt her and could've injured her, yet she was grateful to me for doing it. What drives someone to surrender themselves to another so completely? What kind of person do you have to be inside to descend to such levels of sub-humanity and allow another to do whatever they please to you? I've known abuse growing up and I'd gladly do it all over again before I'd allow half of what I've done to Mel to be done to me, yet she delights in it. Such a delicate and tender creature she was and it was almost like she expected me to treat her like something you use to scrap dogshit off of your boot with. The scariest part about it was, I was liking it. I was scared that if I became the kind of man she wanted me to be, would I retain the humanity necessary to see her as the perfect creature I saw her as right now?


We entered the tiny unincorporated village of Milton around a quarter after 9 am. Milton had two intersecting county routes that acted as the main streets of the town. In addition, it had a handful of side streets, a gas station, a diner, two bars and maybe forty houses. I thought it would be easy to remember which house I lived in, but many of them looked the same and I started to question if what I was remembering was a different house altogether. Since we hadn't had breakfast yet, we decided to pull into the diner and get something to eat.

A full-figured, woman somewhere in her early to mid forties with a heafty bosom and bubbly personality named, Bonnie, came to our table.

"Welcome to Milton, what can I get for you two fine young people?" She said with peppy voice. Clearly, Milton was so small she knew right away we were from out of town and she hadn't gotten a good enough look at Mel to see she wasn't quite as young as her diminutive size would suggest.

"Two of your breakfast specials, please." I ordered.

"Uh-huh and what to drink?"

"Two coffees, please?"

"Sure thing, Honey. Anything else?"

"Yes, actually. Do you know if a Bill and Audrey Olsen still live here?" I asked.

"Who wants to know?" Bonnie countered, suspiciously, her brow raised. I guess the community here looks out for their own.

"I'm trying to get in touch with them. I, uh, used to be their foster kid a long time ago." I knew how outlandish that sounded as I was saying it.

"Foster kid?" Bonnie questioned, thinking for a moment. "Davey?" She asked, much to my surprise. "Davey, is that you?"

"Yeah?" I answered, cautiously.

"Oh my God! It's little Davey Olsen!" Bonnie laughed and jumped with joy, her massive tits jiggling under her uniform. "Oh my God, boy, I didn't even recognize you! Give us a hug!" She practically yanked me from the bench and threw her arms around me. I had to bend at the waist a bit because the feel of her bountiful udders pressed across my chest immediately caused a stir in my jeans.

Bonnie was about five inches taller than Melanie, but easily outweighed her by probably 40-50 lbs. Still though, Bonnie wasn't what I would call obese. She had a bit of a gut, thick legs and big, plump ass to go with her mammoth tits, but she seemed to wear it well around her frame, considering she didn't have flabby arms or a double chin. She had blue eyes and a long, thick, black mane that she had pulled into a ponytail and could've easily pulled off the slutty cowgirl look. After her excited display of affection, Bonnie calmed down enough to release me from her clutches.

"Oh, Sugar, you probably don't remember old Aunt Bonnie, do you, poor thing?" She asked, placing a surprisingly well manicured hand against my cheek.

"No, I'm sorry, I don't. The Olsens surrendered me when I was only 4. I'm surprised I remembered the town, actually." I lamented.

"Oh, Sweetheart, they didn't want to, trust me." She corrected me. "It broke their hearts."

"Huh?" I asked, looking for clarification.

"Shoot, you sit down and let me get your order placed. I need to tend to a couple of tables and then I'll come over and chat you up, okay, Sugar?" She offered.

"Yeah, sure. That sounds great, Bonnie, thanks." I accepted, taking my seat back in the booth.

"Great, you just wait right here and I'll get your food out to you lickety split, okay?" She said before looking me over and sighing, "Little Davey Olsen, all grown-up!" Bonnie chuckled, as she scurried off.

"She knows you, Baby! This is great!" Melanie beamed, taking my hands in hers.

"Yeah, I know, but what I'm interested in is what she said about the Olsens not wanting to give me up." I responded.

"I'm sure there is a reason for it, but from Bonnie's reaction, it doesn't seem like they were bad to you. Maybe they'll be more inclined to help you find your parents." Melanie hoped.

"Perhaps." I considered, "In either case, this is a good sign." I said, smiling at the gorgeous woman sitting across from me.

"I think she was surprised to see how sexy and handsome you turned out though, judging by the way she was checking you out." Mel smirked.

"What?" I asked, skeptically.

"Oh, don't tell me you didn't notice." She teased.

"I don't think so, Mel. Remember, the last time she probably saw me, I was around four."

"Oh, I know, but I also know how a woman looks at a man she finds sexy and she was definitely looking at you that way."

"Well, I didn't see it and besides, I'm already spoken for." I said, squeezing Mel's hand and smiling at her.

"Well I do and I think it would be hot to see that thick stick of yours in action." Mel said bluntly, her other hand disappearing below the table.

"Jesus, Mel." I fired back, shocked by her statment.

"What?" She asked, innocently, "You don't think she's kinda sexy?"

"That's not the point, Mel." I protested, "I'm with you."

"Baby, don't think you have to keep that beast caged on my account." She said, "That dick is too beautiful not to be enjoyed."

I stared at Melanie in disbelief.

"Besides, I think she's big enough to take it all in any hole, especially that big juicy ass, don't you?"

"I..." I was lost for words.

"You're concerned about hurting my feelings, are you?" Mel inquired.

"Well, yeah, I love you and all." I said.

"And I love you too, David, but you have a gorgeous cock and I want to see it pleased."

"You do please my cock AND me, Mel."

"It makes me feel good to hear you say that, but don't feel you have to pass up opportunities just because you're worried about me getting jealous. Personally, I'd like to see what that thing looks like when it splits a woman in two, because I already know what it feels like." She winked.

"Ah, that whole, 'I belong to you, David' thing again, huh?" I mocked.

"Well, yes." She answered, bluntly. "That's exactly what it is. I belong to you, but you don't belong to me."

"Look, Mel, I'm still not sure what all that means. What I do know is, is that I love you more than anything and the last thing I want to do is hurt you... Well, break your heart kind of 'hurt you', in any case." I said with a devilish grin.

Melanie chuckled, "I know, Baby, that's why I'm opening up to you about this. Your happiness, your pleasure, is all I care about. You can have whatever you want. You can do whatever you want, so long as I have a place in your world. That's all I ask. All I want is to live the rest of my life with you."

"I guess, I'm just skeptical is all. I can't comprehend how anyone could feel the way you say you do. For instance, I'd likely kill you and your lover if I ever saw you with another man. That's just how I'm wired. What's mine is mine and mine alone."

"And I wouldn't have it any other way, David. Last night, I watched from the motel window while you beat the stupid out of those men. There were four of them and yet, they didn't stand a chance against you."

"They were drunk, overconfident and I got the drop on them, Mel. I got lucky. Had they been sober or prepared, I might not have come off so well."

"No, you didn't see what I saw, David. The fight was over too soon for me to get off, but I was well on my way to an orgasm just watching you."

"Bullshit." I laughed in disbelief.

"I'm serious." She said adamantly, "David, why do you love me?"

"That's easy. You're kind, gentle, caring and easily the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You give everything of yourself to those you love and ask for nothing in return. Growing up, I felt like I was the center of the universe. You gave me a life that I'd never known before, that I never even knew could exist. You gave meaning to the word 'Mother' that I had all but dismissed."

"I feel like you would give anything to protect me, David. Is that true?"

"Of course, Mel. How could you even question that?"

"Well." She smiled, "You still question me."

"Uh-" I cut myself off. Fuck, she had me there.

"Baby, listen." She said softly, bringing my hand to her lips to place a kiss, "While I was raising you, I saw you growing into the man you are now, so I've had plenty of time to come to terms with my feelings, just as I'm sure you have about yours. My point is, I gave up my 'man' to be with you, because he wasn't you. Just your presence sends my ovaries into a frenzy. Remember our biology lessons?"


"Remember how the need to propagate drives all creatures in the world, even humans?"

"Yeah, but were not exactly in the same realm as the rest of the animal kingdom, though."

"That's true, but you also know that we are not immune to our primal instincts, either."

"I suppose not, no." I agreed.

"Imagine that we didn't know each other. If I came into this diner and saw you sitting here, you can rest assured I would be thinking what it would be like to have sex with you all throughout the day. My primal instincts would size you up as a potential mate and then my mind would fixate on that, increasing my desire to make it a reality. It's only our evolutional enlightenment that allows us to decide whether or not I can go on about my day, maybe seeing your face next time I have sex or giving into my animal instincts, tearing my clothes off in front of everyone and presenting myself to you like a cat."

"Yeah, that makes sense, I guess."

"However, we also know one another and I have an emotional attachment to you as well. So instead of just wanting to have your babies, I NEED to have them."

"So how does that translate into you wanting to see me with other women though?"

"That, I'm not exactly sure about, although as wet as it gets me, I can only assume it has to do with some sense of primal pride in knowing that my mate's seed is desired by others and yet, I got there first or I can count myself among the fortunate few, I don't know, really. Perhaps it has something to do with actually wanting your genes to dominate over other potential males. All I know is that when I think of other women reacting to you as I do, it drives me up the wall with lust, to the point that when I look at other women, I often imagine what they'd look like with your baby inside them and I get so fantastically wet."

"Christ, Mel, you want me to knock-up other women?" I gasped, shocked and embarrassed.

Mel chuckled insincerely, "It's fucked up, I know, and I'm not saying you should go around impregnating everyone, but I can't deny that the thought turns me on."

"Yeah, but that's what I don't get. I have to admit, part of the reason I didn't like Robert is because you were married to him. Even before I knew I wanted you, I always felt a tinge of jealousy when you would have to spend time with him. Like I said, I'd probably kill you and your lover if I found out you were cheating on me. I just feel like a hypocrite when I feel the way I do compared to the way you do."

"There's nothing wrong with the way you feel, David, that's part of what makes you desirable. Like I said about those men you beat up. I didn't see you as a man, David, I saw you as a beast, the king of the jungle, defending his Pride. I saw you protecting YOUR territory against all odds. Perhaps 'protecting' isn't the right word." She said, thoughtfully. "The way you actively went after those men, you weren't protecting your territory, you were asserting it. I always knew you were that kind of man, but to see it in action was overwhelming, to say the least. You see, it's a competition for men, David, and only the strong survive. Women don't respect men who let them sleep around, who won't stand up for themselves and lay claim to her. That's what I mean when I say, 'I'm your bitch', David. I'm yours and yours alone, but I never said that you were mine."

"So you think she has the hots for me?"

"Maybe not in the way I do, but I can assure you, you've had her attention since the moment you walked in here."

"That doesn't mean anything, Mel. It's her job to notice customers."

"Come on, David, I know you're smarter than that." She miffed, "You haven't seen it because you're so caught up in me."

"And there is a problem with that?"

"No, I'm just making a point of fact. I took your virginity a few days ago so it's not surprising I'm the only woman you see right now."

"Right now?" I asked.

"Yes, right now." She answered, "Had the novelty of sex worn off, I have no doubt you'd pick up on the subtle hints. That's what you do, David, you see things."

"What subtle hints?"

"Well, I already told you that she's been checking you out since we arrived, but there is also the fact that she has yet to acknowledge my presence, aside from when she sat us down and called us 'two young people'."

"Well, then she noticed you, didn't she?"

"No." She chuckled. "I may look younger than I am, but if she was paying attention, it would be easy to see I'm still older than you. Subconsciously, she doesn't want to acknowledge me, because deep down inside, she doesn't want to admit that you're taken."

"Wow, you picked up on all that in the few minutes we've been here?" I said, sarcastically.

"No, David. Clearly I'm speculating, but I know how I think and she's doing exactly what I would do if I were in her shoes."


"Yes." She answered, "Women compete against each other too, David. At the end of the day, we're all just animals and we want the Alpha's attention as much as the next."

"Personally, I think your hormones and fetishes are getting the better of you."

"Maybe, but do me a favor and pay attention to how she behaves around us."

"Okay, I will."


About five minutes later, Bonnie came back to our table and unloaded our orders from the serving tray before us. Perhaps there was something to what Mel had been talking about, because I noticed some very interesting things about Bonnie that I hadn't before. For starters, she must have undone another button on her uniform because she seemed to be showing more cleavage. Also, rather than stand at the end of the table to serve us, she stood more on Melanie's side so when she bent over to put our food down, I had a nice view down her chest. Furthermore, when she placed my food and drink down, she made sure to set it down more slowly and deliberately than she did Mel's, making sure to slide my items directly in front of me while just placing Mel's 'within reach'. She also directed her attention to me when she spoke, even when she was addressing the two of us and not once did she look at Mel, but she sure as hell made sure to catch me looking down her tits, though she made no effort to avoid it.

"I hope you find everything to your liking." Bonnie said to me, not us, "If there's anything you need, you just let me know. I have time right now if you want to talk about your aunt and uncle, but the lunch crowd will be starting up here in an hour or so, so I might not be available later, until my shift ends later today."

"Wait, what? 'Aunt' and 'Uncle'?" I asked, puzzled.

"Yeah, your Aunt Audrey and Uncle Bill, Sweetie." She said with a smile, as if it was common knowledge.

"They were my fosters, not my relatives." I corrected her.

"Oh no, Sweetie. They were family. They adopted you from your parents."

I turned to see that Melanie had the same stone cold look of shock as I.

"Huh!" Bonnie gasped, as the realization hit her. "Oh, Sweetie, you actually thought they were foster parents?"

"Well, yeah. Foster parents are all I've ever known."

"No, Sugar, they agreed to adopt you, but then Bill was diagnosed with cancer." She explained, somberly. "He couldn't work and since he was the sole breadwinner, they were going to have a hard enough time with the medical bills that they thought it unfair to burden you. That's why they put you up for foster care. They wanted you to have a shot at a decent childhood." Bonnie looked at the clock quickly before continuing, "Look, it's pretty clear that this is going to need a lot more explanation than what I can do in a few minutes. I'm sorry, Sweetie, but is there anyway you can stick around until around 3 this afternoon? That's when I get off and we can discuss this in a more comfortable setting."

"Uh, yeah... Sure." I said, still dumbfounded.

"Oh, Davey, I'm so sorry you didn't know, but you're here now, that's what matters." She consoled me as she rubbed my forearm, her voice perking back up, "Besides, Audrey will be so excited to see you!" She beamed.

"So she's still in town?" I asked, snapped out of my funk.

"Just come back at 3 pm and we'll go see her, okay?" Bonnie requested.

"Yeah, ok. I guess we can hang out until then."

"Great! I'm looking forward to surprising Audrey with her long-lost nephew and his..." She finally looked over to Mel who until then had all but been invisible.

"Melanie, I'm his girlfriend." She said, smiling, without a hint of animosity toward effectively being ignored this whole time.

"You and Melanie." She said, immediately disregarding Mel's presence to return her attention toward me.

"Great, we'll be here." I said.

The look on Bonnie's face flashed between concern and joy as she looked at me one last time before excusing herself back to her duties. Once she was gone, Mel and I took our time eating as we discussed the bombshell that had been dropped.

"She knows your parents, David!" Mel said, excitedly.

"Yeah, kind of amazing isn't it?" I wondered.

"Yes, but everything about you is amazing." She praised.

I gave her a quick smile, but she couldn't feel what I was feeling. I had a family, a real family, and I was given away to another real family, only to be given away again. I was given or taken away from everyone until I got to Melanie. She was the only family I really knew and now that we were so close, I wasn't sure I wanted to know any more family. It's kind of like, how you never want to meet your idols, because they will never be able to live up to your expectations. Melanie already surpassed any of my expectations and I reasoned she would be an impossible act to follow. Still though, we came all this way and it wasn't to reunite with my family, but to get my name, to become my own man, to escape Robert with his wife. However, Melanie seemed very excited to explore my history further, so I was willing to indulge her in this pursuit. After all, she had been right about so many things and she had only my best interests in mind.


With the anticipation building of finally getting in-touch with my roots, Mel and I had forgotten the discussion we were having about how Bonnie may have inadvertently been flirting with me. With nowhere to go and a few hours to kill, we took a drive out of town, looking for a quite place to be alone. We came upon a small access road, more like a trail, that peeled off down into a wooded glen and stopped at what could only be described as some sort of wildlife monitoring station that no longer seemed to be in use. There were a couple of empty feeders, my guess, they were for deer and some other types of broken down feeders that appeared to be used for various birds and scavengers. Perhaps it was part of some now defunct wildlife initiative used to determine approximate populations based on traffic and consumption. Whatever the actual use, by the degredation of the units, they hadn't been used in a long time.

"It's really pretty out here." Melanie admired, walking around the car to my side, with her arms extended out from her sides as she inhaled deeply the various fragrances of the wild.

"Yes, it is." I agreed, but for a different reason, as I watched Melanie's golden locks glow, illuminated by the sun caught within her flowing strands. In that instant, I remembered what she said about how she imagines other women pregnant with my child and immediately, thought about her having a large swollen belly sticking ridiculously off her tiny frame. I began to become aroused. "Here. Now, slut." I ordered, warmly.

"Oh, right away, Sir!" She sang as she seemed to glide across the ground to me. "You're slut awaits her duty." She cooed, looking up eagerly at me.

I reached down to unfasten her jeans. Melanie tried to help, but I slapped her hands away. "You are not allowed to touch me, slut." I scolded her, "Put your hands behind your back."

"As you wish, Sir." She moaned, tucking her arms against one another behind her.

I roughly jerked her pants and panties down past her ass, but only far enough for me to have access to what laid beind them. I reached up, firmly grabbing Melanie by the back of the neck, giving it a solid squeeze with my vise-like paw. With the other, I slid my middle finger down over her clit, drawing a gasp from Melanie, before continuing between her folds to find her already soaked.

"Damn, you're so wet. How long have you been this wet?" I asked.

"Aah. A better, que... question wou... would be, Ugh. 'Whe... When am I... Ooh. Not wet?'" She stammered, as I massaged her sticky mound with my digits, her breath labored and rapid.

"Have you been like this all morning?"

She nodded emphatically.

Melanie began whimpering and grinding on my hand as I slipped a couple fingers into her breeding tube. I forcefully pulled her against my chest as I manipulated her from the inside, causing her to moan and rub vigorously against me. I could feel her lust as it ran down my fingers, pooling in my palm as I poked and prodded her, up and down, back and forth, stretching and pulling, making the hole bend to my will.

"Huh, ho, ugn." She moaned, slamming her hips back and forth on my hand.

"Do you want to cum?" I asked.

"YES! OH, GOD, YES!" She cried, "SO CLOSE NOW!"

I slipped my fingers from her twat, much to Melanie's dismay.

"PLEASE!" She begged.

I began swatting her slimy slit causing wet echoes to bounce off the trees all around us.

"EH! MAH! UNF! MHM!" She yelped with each strike.

"Silence, whore. Did I tell you to speak?" I gave her a solid whack right on her clit, nearly doubling her over.

She cried out a muffled moan, biting her lip to keep them from opening as she shook her head vigorously.

"Slut's don't get to cum without permission, do they?"

She shook her head again.

"I thought since we have time, I might continue seeding my cow. Do you want to be seeded, cow?" I teased, alternating between rubbing and slapping Melanie's crying cunt.

She screamed from within as she nodded, nearly jumping up and down as her hips thrust uncontrollably, desperate to receive the 'tough love' I was being so generous with.

While banging away on her pussy, keeping Melanie on the edge of orgasm, I yanked her head back violently so I could look into her helpless eyes. "Take my cock out, but that's it."

Before she finished nodding in compliance, I could feel her little fingers deftly at work getting my jeans down and fishing out my enraged erection. Once free, she quickly returned her hands to where they belong, behind her back. Her eyes bulged with desire and need for orgasm as tears ran freely from the corners of her eyes, that were responding to punishment I was administering to her womanhood.

"You're fucking sick, do you realize that?" I barked at her.

Melanie eked, as she nearly lost control of herself. My hand now literally splashing her juices with each strike.

"You're a dirty filthy animal, Mel." I continued to berate her. "I must be out of my fucking mind to want to put my majestic cock in a worthless cow like you."

"I'M SORRRRRRYYYYYY! AAAAAHAAAAHAAAAHAAAA!" She belted out, bawling her eyes out as her orgasm gushed from within spilling all over my hand, splashing and dripping everywhere.

I held her close again, holding her up, as her legs buckled beneath her. Her hips on autopilot, continuing to hammer away on their own as the rest of her body convulsed and shook. I ceased spanking her pussy and instead, held it and massaged it gently as Mel laid crumpled against me, whimpering and sobbing in her pain and humilation induced orgasm. Although she disobeyed me and orgasmed anyway, I had to give her credit as she did manage to keep her hands behind her the entire time.

With my ragdoll still recovering, I released her pussy and took my cock in hand. I brought it to her battered hole and began slathering her juices all along it. Weakly, Melanie tried to grind against it, feeling her Master, her God, so close to her once again. When I was sufficiently lubed, I reached behind her with both hand, taking her tiny ass near the top of her thighs and lifted her up. I made sure to lean back so I could keep her weight over me, not sure if she had the where-with-all to maintain her own balance. With my hands where they were, her legs naturally bent and I was able to bring her knees up so her pants would be out of the way when I was ready to insert. I pressed her against the side of the car, holding her in place while I stabbed blindly with my cock, seeking her cunt. I wasn't sure if Melanie was still riding her orgasm or was just playing limp for my sake, perhaps to feed some sort of drunk rape or necrophilia fantasy, but either way, she provided little reaction when my tip found purchase in the cleft of her readied hole.

My questions about her awareness were answered when I began pushing inside her, bringing about a sharp gasp and body twitches as she reacted to the intrusion. As before, I slid up carefully, but deliberately. until I pressed against her cervix, then I pressed even more, pushing it upwards.

"AAAAHHHH!" Melanie cried out.

I pulled back, "Did that hurt?" I asked, disingenously.

She quickly nodded.

"You want me to do it again, don't you?"

She nodded even quicker.

"Yeah, that's right. You know your place, don't you, cow?"

She nodded again.

I pressed upwards, again pushing her cervix up into her uterus. I could hear Melanie's muffled shrieks of pain as she was determined not to cry out and instead, let me ruin that which was mine to ruin.

"Good girl, I might make a decent breeder out of you yet." I whispered sharply into her ear.

I could feel her essence running down my shaft, trickling over my balls as I slowly pulled my cockhead back to her entrance. I stabbed up into her sharply, ramming her cervix yet again. Melanie threw her head back grunting in her suffering, her face contorted by agony. I then sped up my pace, bringing my cock to bump it lightly rather than smash into it, sending Melanie into fits.

"That's my hole too, slut." I said, as my cock tapped away on the gateway to her uterus.

Melanie, still not allowed to speak, could only grunt her enthusiastic agreement.

"You want to cum again, don't you?" I asked, "I can feel you clenching on me."

More nodding and grunting.

"Listen, slut. Listen closely." I said before becoming silent.

I leaned back a bit, allowing the sound to pass up between us. Soon, all that could be heard was the sloppy, sloshing and plopping as my piston pushed and pulled in and out of her vaginal cocksocket. Melanie leaned her head forward, resting it on my chest, listening to the sound of our sex.

"That's the sound your babyhole makes when it's getting fed." I whispered, "Right now she's salivating and it's getting churned up into a creamy white froth by my cock. Poor thing is literally gagging on her owner, isn't she, slut?"

Melanie whimpered, desperate to cum, nodding furiously against my chest.

"Such a greedy and hungry little babyhole, isn't she? Should I give her her milk?"

Melanie answered with growling moans, her head banging on me as she struggled against her bodies desire to be satisfied.

"You can cum and you can talk, but only when she gets fed, understood?"

Muffled screams of anguish eminated from within Melanie, she needed release, badly... And so did I.

I picked up my pace, my balls tightening, my cock swelling, preparing to bathe her womb in my seed. Melanie matched my breathing, synching with me, ready to explode when I did.

"UGH!" I roared, as my first blast seemed to fire in slow motion through my length before speeding up to realtime as it splashed the back of Melanie's cunt.

"AAAAAAAH!" She screamed, finally free to release in more ways than one.

Without use of her hands, Melanie rubbed her cheek against me rapidly in a desperate attempt to have contact with me. I felt her own blast of fluids pulsing out from her urethra with each wave of her orgasm matching my own ejections deep inside her. By the time we had both returned from our orgasmic bliss, I could feel her fluids literally dripping off of my balls, almost like water. I lifted her off of my cock and gently put her back on her feet.

"Show me what a well-trained mommy you're going to be, slut." I told her.

"For you, the best mommy... Daddy." She smiled slyly, dropping to her knees to clean me.

As Melanie tended to her 'motherly duties', I enjoyed the show of watching globs of my semen that had worked its way down her gaping hole drip into her pants and panties. "Maybe I'll need to find a second slut. Someone to clean your holes while you clean me, eh?" I said, smiling and stroking my lovely girl as she sucked and slurped.

"Mmm, maybe Bonnie?" Mel moaned.

I laughed, "She's my aunt, Mel, that kind of makes her off-limits."

"Meh, if you say so, Daddy."

"It's 'Daddy' now, huh?"

"You keep filling me up like this, it will be, Daddy."

She finished her duties, but there was still the incredible mess we created that had pretty much soiled our jeans and underwear completely. In addition, Mel was probably going to be leaking me from her pussy for the rest of the day, so we decided to pull a change of clothes and a towel for Mel. She changed into a denim mini-skirt, which wasn't that out of place here in the country. By wearing the skirt, she would be able to go commando, and sit on the towel with the skirt hiked up. As long as we weren't pulled over and she was allowed to put panties on and pull the skirt down before getting out of the car, we'd be fine. As we were making our way back to town, there was a little point of issue that I needed to discuss with Mel.

"So what was with the 'meh' when I mentioned that I couldn't fuck Bonnie?" I asked.

"I just don't see why you couldn't." She answered.

"I don't know, maybe because she's family?" I said, sarcastically.

"So? I think it would make it even hotter."

"That's incest, Mel. There are laws against that besides, it's wrong."

"Says who?" She asked, turning to face me and proping her leg up, giving me a nice view of her tiny slot, sticky with cum that she'd ocassionally dip a finger into before bringing to her mouth.

"Wow, uh, society and pretty much everyone and didn't I just mention that it was against the law?"

"Yes, you did, but as long as you don't tell the police you're doing it and if she's up for it, no problem. As far as society goes, who cares? Society is just a bunch of people who think they know better than you, about what is best for you." Melanie argued before bringing a scoop of goo to her mouth and sucking it off her fingers. "Mmm, this is good. I can actually feel your seed sliding down my vaginal walls, Daddy."

"Daddy? Really? While we're talking about incest, you call me 'Daddy'?"

Melanie shrugged her shoulders before sticking her hand back down between her legs for more of her tasty treat. "I thought it fitting, Daddy." She said, flashing a wicked smile.

"This topic is starting to wierd me out, Mel."

"Why is that, David? You've had no issue banging your foster mother."

"That's different. Keyword being 'foster'."

"You've mentioned on more than one ocassion that you see me as your mother, not foster mother, David." She said, matter-of-factly, as she brought another helping of clam chowder to her mouth.

"It's still different, Mel, and you know it."

"David, even if you were my biological son, I'd still want to fuck you." She said with assertion, catching me offguard, causing me to swerve a bit.

"What!" I exclaimed.

"Think about it, David. We were able to share a very special bond as mother and son, while you were growing up. You were my world then and you're my world now, nothing has changed in that regard. It's just now, I love you as man and woman and it's only strengthened our bond, has it not?"

"Well, I guess so." I said, sheepishly. I knew I was losing this argument, because Melanie was totally right. I did love her as a mother and a lover. She and I did have a special bond that could only be known between a son and his mother. And that bond did grow and strengthen when we became lovers. I had nothing to refute her argument other than meaningless talking points like society. "But what if it goes too far?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She responded, sucking another glob from her fingertips.

"Well, you're probably pregnant, Mel, and there's equal chances it's going to be a girl."


"AND, she's going to look a lot like you and have similar personality traits and I'm desperately in love with you and desire you..." I trailed off, leaving Melanie to pick up the scent.

"And you're worried you'll want to screw your daughter?" She asked, giving me both barrels of bluntness straight to the face.

"Well, yeah."

"So what?" She said, "Do you have any idea what I'd give to be your birth mother? To share a bond of flesh and blood with the man I worship and not one written on some legal document? Wouldn't you rather I be your real mother and not a foster?"

I tried to think about it, but the answer was really just too simple, "Yes."

"So why on Earth would I want to deny that kind of bond between our daughter and her Father, why would you?"

"I don't know, it just seems, off."

Melanie put her leg down and sighed, "Baby, I love you more than life itself. I know it sounds fucked up and as you said, most people would be against it, but most people never give themselves the change to have that bond. I am who I am mostly because of you, David. I've always been submissive, but you brought out so much more of me that I never knew was there. My relationship with you, past and present, opened my eyes to things that I never knew I wanted before. I never wanted to watch Robert have sex with another woman, let alone, impregnate her and I certainly never entertained the idea of incest, but since you came into my life, all that has changed. I see love in a whole new light and frankly, I can't imagine life any other way now. Even though you were not born from my womb, David, you ARE my Son AND my Master."

"I..." I had nothing to add, there was no point, she was right, as she always was.

Melanie put her hand on my forearm and squeezed, getting my attention. She took my arm and guided my hand down over her womb. "I want you to have whatever you desire, Daddy. No one will ever love her as much as I know you will and no one will protect her as much as I know you will. She, like her mother, belongs to you." Melanie took my hand and raised it to her lips, kissing softly all over, nuzzling her face against my palm. I stroked her.


We pulled into the diner at a little before 3 pm. As small as the town was, we were pretty sure Bonnie walked to work, but we were going to offer her a ride anyway. Mel and I got out and made room in the backseat. Being that Mel was the smallest, I had her sit back there. Not that Mel would argue with me, but she seemed more than willing to do so if only to put my busty aunt in the front seat with me, sitting over the same area she had been leaking cum onto for the past half hour. Bonnie stepped outside to holler at us that she was about to get off and would be out in a few minutes. True to her word, she was exiting the diner and walked over to the car where Mel and I were standing.

"Wow, I can't get over how much bigger you are than your little girlfriend there, Davey." She observed. Given what Mel had told me earlier about Bonnie, I assumed she was taking a dig at her size to mean 'inadequate'. "She looks more like your little sister than girlfriend. Give aunt Bonnie a hug."

Feeling bold, I accepted Bonnie's embrace and closed my arms around her quite a bit tighter than I did before, letting my hands drop to her lower back. I wanted to see how long she would hold the embrace before breaking it. Even though I had just emptied my balls into Melanie's sweet honeypot less than an hour ago, the feeling of Bonnie's massive chesticles and the image of stuffing my club up her ample dumper had me stirring again. This time though, I let her feel it growing against her. To my surprise, she didn't break the embrace. Instead, she looked up at me, smiling.

"You must spend a lot of time hugging this hunk, huh, Melanie?" She asked, looking at me, a gleam in her eye before turning to look at Mel.

"Oh yeah, it's one of my favorite spots." Mel responded with a heafty dose of enthusiasm.

"I bet." Bonnie said, finally breaking the embrace, but drawing her hands across my body as she brought them back around, up my chest, over my shoulders and down my arms. "Holy shit, Davey, you're built like a goddamn tank!" She admired, her eyes and hands getting their fill. "You still have that cute face though and those pretty blue eyes." She added, rubbing her hand on my cheek. "You're one lucky little girl, Melanie." Bonnie said, turning her body to face her, but I think she did it so she had a reason to press against my half-hard cock again.

"You have no idea." Melanie answered, her innocent smile concealing the filthy thoughts of incestuous acts between Bonnie and I.

"I know you probably don't have that far to go in such a small town, but we'd like to give you a ride to Audrey's, Bonnie." I said, ushering her to the passenger side. Melanie led the way and was getting ready to hop in the backseat.

"Oh, Audrey doesn't live in town anymore. She had to sell the house after Bill died and moved in with me." She said, taking the hand I offered her as I held the door open to help her in. The look on Melanie's face didn't help my libido as she was more eager for me to fuck Bonnie than I was. "That's my truck over there." She said, pointing to an old beat up Ford.

"Oh, well, would you rather drive and we follow?" I offered.

"And turn down a free ride?" She smirked as I caught her glace toward my bulge. I swear, at that moment, I had to be the only one that was actively trying to not think about sex.

Melanie got in the backseat as I walked around the car and got in. As the car started up, the radio had already been set to the local classic rock station, which made Bonnie happy.

"Nice taste in music, Davey." She nodded with a smile.

"He prefers David now that he's a man." Melanie chimed in, emphasizing the word 'man', the little minx.

"Oh, okay, David." Bonnie corrected herself. "I guess your girlfriend is right, Davey isn't a man's name, is it?"

"Yeah, I guess not." I said, slamming it into gear and pulling to the exit. "Which way?"

"Right, David." She said, another smirk on her face and another peek at my thigh.

"So, you and Audrey are sisters?" Melanie piped in from the back.

"Yep, she's my big sister. She just had her forty-sixth birthday last month, old hag." Bonnie chuckled at own joke. "I won't be celebrating my forty-first, until January."

It was pretty clear what Melanie had said was true about women competing against one another. Bonnie had only looked at Mel when she wanted Mel to see her pressed up against me and she felt a sense of superiority by riding shotgun with Melanie in the back. Now, she was pre-emptively setting herself up over her sister by making it clear she was the younger of the two. Furthermore, she must have shifted the hem of her waitress uniform up while I was walking around to the driver's side because I could clearly see the bottom of the fringe on the stockings she wore and she had another button undone. Bonnie crossed her legs so the hem would ride up just a little bit higher and shifted in her seat to face me more. It was clear she knew how to seduce a man, but I'm sure most of the men she seduced would probably fuck anything with a pulse, judging by what must have been available in such a small town.

"So, Bonnie?" Mel chimed in, "You said Audrey lives with you? That's got to be a bit inconvenient for you and your husband?"

I loved Mel. She knew just what to say and just when to say it. By asking that question herself, she made sound sincere and not like a come-on if I were to ask it, although, given the signals Bonnie had been sending, I doubt she would've been offended had I asked.

I could feel Bonnie's eyes burning into my groin when she answered, "No, I'm not married. I divorced the S.O.B. about ten years ago when he tried sleeping with Audrey and boyfriend selection has always been pretty weak around here."

I hadn't realized until we got back in the car just how much it smelled of sex. There was no way Bonnie could miss it, especially since she was sitting right where the smell had originated. Furthermore, Melanie was still wearing her skirt and was most likely still leaking and her poor panties wouldn't come close to being enough to hold back the moisture. It also didn't help that when I looked over my shoulder at Mel, she had her legs wide open and was reaching in between them, getting a little more of her 'treat' to stick in her mouth. Christ, I was in a bad way. I needed to redirect the conversation.

"So, Bonnie, are you and Audrey my mom's or my dad's sisters?"

"Neither, we were in-laws. Bill was your mother's brother and Audrey married Bill. So technically, we're not really related." Bonnie said with a bit more enthusiasm than she might wished.

I knew half of Melanie's lust-bubble was burst by that revelation, but it made me feel better, until I realized that she might not even have contact with my parents anymore.

"So, do you know my parents then? Do you or Audrey keep in touch?"

"No, I'm afraid I don't and I don't think Audrey has either, though she might know where they lived when you were born and they might still be there for all we know."

"I'm sorry, I can understand that maybe you don't know much about Bill's side of the family, but how is it that Audrey doesn't?" I asked, concerned about the lack of family knowledge.

"Bill was always pretty distant from his family. He didn't talk about them, he didn't maintain any sort of relationship or connection with them. I mean, he didn't speak ill of them either, but you could certainly tell there was no love lost between them."

The conversation soon drifted away from the topic, back to subtle flirting and Bonnie trying to learn more about my relationship with Mel. She thought she was being sly as she would ask seemingly nonchalant questions, but was actually probing our bond, looking for weak points that she might use to her advantage later. Melanie was more than happy to oblige her by playing along.

Melanie was quite a bit smaller than Bonnie, looking more like an early to mid-twenty something with the body of a developing teenager, while Bonnie was all woman with just a bit more tacked on. I noticed in this part of the country men did seem to prefer women with a little meat on them as opposed to the Southwestern part of the country where fit women like Melanie were in higher demand. Bonnie, assuming she was the wiser, more mature and more womanly of the two, used her perceived advantages to make herself appear to be more desirable. If Melanie had been a typical woman, she might not have noticed what Bonnie was up to or become catty with jealousy, but Mel wasn't a typical woman. Using her young looks and diminutive size, she played along with Bonnie, stroking her ego, making her feel like the Alpha bitch. It was clear that Mel wanted me to have the best possible shot at banging this chick so she made sure Bonnie had a false sense of security. I even played along as well, by giving Bonnie my attention and hanging on her every word as if I was enchanted by her womanly charms. Melanie and I made a great team.


After about twenty minutes of driving, I pulled onto a gravel drive that led to a rather large and nice looking farmhouse. Bonnie explained how she could afford such a nice place on a waitresses pay, because it was her ex-husbands family home. He was a forth generation farmer and had inherited the property from his father. John wasn't interested in keeping up the family business and sold most of the arable land, planning on living a life of comfort. Bonnie admitted that she married John for the money and as a result, forgave his regular extra marital affairs that he tried to hide from her. I had to give her credit, at least when it came to self-preservation, as she had kept tons of evidence of his infidelity stashed in hiding, should the day come that she needed it. That day came a little over ten years ago when she learned that he was planning on trading her in for a younger model. Bonnie acted pre-emptively by getting her sister to flirt with John, hoping he'd make a move. When he did, Bonnie caught him in his attempt at seduction and had him served soon after. With the mountain of evidence and the testimony of her sister, it was a slamdunk case. She was awarded the house and property and most of his savings, for emotional damages resulting from harrassing her sister who was still mourning the loss of her own husband. It was bullshit, of course, but the courts bought it and the last she heard of John was that he squandered what he had left on booze and bitches and was living on the streets of Saint Louis.

It occured to me then that Bonnie was not to be underestimated, despite how simple she came across as. Perhaps she was like me, smart, but preferring to play dumb so people would overplay their hand. Of course, from her deion, John didn't seem like much of a Garry Kasparov and pulling one over on him didn't sound like much of a feat. Still though, I needed to tread carefully going forward, as I certainly didn't trust Bonnie, regardless of how sweet and sincere she sounded.

"Here we are." Bonnie said, as I pulled behind what I assumed to be Audrey's car parked in front of the garage, next to the house.

"I love your home." Melanie said, getting out of the car and looking around. "This is like heaven."

"Yep, it's real quiet out here too. Hardly ever any traffic on these roads, unless it's planting or harvesting time, then it can get a bit noisy." Bonnie informed, as she walked around the car to my side.

Bonnie wrapped her arms around my right, nearly dragging me along, as she led me to the door at the back of the house, leaving Melanie to bring up the rear, forgotten.

"Audrey's going to lose her shit when she sees it's you, David!" Bonnie said, excitedly.

Bonnie opened the back door to the house which led into a small utility room that doubled as a foyer, leading to a dining room and the kitchen with a door that led to the basement. From what I could see, everything looked clean, but it was clear a lot of the original structure was renovated. The kitchen had tiled floors, but the mini-foyer and dining room had old, but refinished wood floors. It was a mix of modern appliances and luxuries with century old architecture. A fine mix of old and new worlds.

"HEY, AUD!" Bonnie belted out at the top of her lungs, "WHERE ARE YOU?"

"I'm upstairs!" I heard Audrey yell back, though not nearly as unnecessarily as loud as Bonnie was.

"HURRY DOWN TO THE KITCHEN! I HAVE SOMETHING TO SHOW YOU!" She hollered, as we moved into the kitchen, Bonnie offering us seats at the breakfast table.

"I'll be down in a minute, Jesus!" Audrey shouted back, obviously annoyed by Bonnie's over-the-top voice.

"NO, GET DOWN HERE NOW, IT'S IMPORTANT!" Bonnie yelled, her patience wearing thin.

"FINE!" Audrey answered, "I'll be right down."

Smiling broadly, Bonnie turned to face us, doing a small jump, like a child eager to show off their 'artwork' from school. "Can I get you something to drink? A beer, perhaps?"

"No, I've never drank before. I'll take a soda if you have one, though." I said.

"Nonsense, a big guy like you can handle a brew, no problem." She protested, heading to the fridge.

"We don't drink." Melanie chimed in.

"Who are you, his mother?" She joked back.

Bonnie's tone suggested she was just kidding, but for a female contending for the attention of the Alpha male, it was clearly intended to be a shot across the bow. Melanie and I couldn't help, but smile at each other at just how close Bonnie's slight was to the mark. It was clear that Melanie chose that opportunity to come between Bonnie and I, but not out of jealousy per se. No, she did it to mildly rile up Bonnie, to spur her jealousy, to goad her into such a reaction, forcing her, though ever so slightly, to commit more of herself to her desire to want me, to fight for me.

When I said Mel and I made a great team, I did so without a lot of explanation. From the time I came to live with the Hensons, Mel and I have always had incredible chemistry. We had an ability to ad lib better than most could with a . With a wink or a look, we could easily exchange thoughts and ideas. We were so well in-tune and of like mind that it was easy to see how Mel had been manipulating Bonnie this entire time in my favor. Just by her little remark and a look on her face, I knew what she was trying to accomplish.

Bonnie closed the fridge door and had three bottles of Bud in her mitts. She used an opener that was mounted on the counter, I guess they drink a lot of beer here, and brought them over to us.

"Come on, it's not like you get reunited everyday is it?" She asked.

"No, I suppose not, thanks." I said, taking my beer.

Melanie didn't say anything, but then again, Bonnie just set her beer on the table, forcing Melanie to reach halfway across it to get it anyway. Bonnie took a rather large gulp of it, letting out a satisfied, "Aaaaaahhh!" afterward. "That hits the spot."

As Bonnie kept watch of me, I took the beer and brought it to my lips. I filled half my mouth with it and swallowed, cringing at the bitter taste. Bonnie broke out in laughter at my reaction.

"You'll get used to it." She chuckled. "Drink up!" She took another couple gulps, leaving her with a half empty bottle. I took another sip. Mel... I honestly didn't know what Mel did. I wasn't paying attention, I was formulating a plan that required me to distance myself from her.

Bonnie's attention towards taking my beer imbibing virginity, was broken by the sound of someone coming down the stairs. She pulled the bottle away from her lips and came over to stand next to me. Her arm around me, pulling me against her hip as we faced the doorway out of the kitchen into the living room.

"What the hell is the emergency?" Audrey bemoaned as she entered the kitchen in bra and panties, her vision obstructed by the towel covering her head as she dried her hair. "HOLY SHIT!" She barked, as she bolted from the kitchen upon seeing the three of us and stood behind the wall in the living room. "WHAT THE FUCK, BON? YOU DIDN'T SAY WE HAD COMPANY, FUCK!"

It was obvious that Audrey had a slimmer body than her sister, but still thick in her own right. Her sheer, light-blue, lacy panties and matching bra did little to hide their treasures as they were clearly see-through. Because I only caught a glimpse, it was difficult to decide what was darker, her nipples and areola or her muff from behind the thin blue fabric. Her skin was pale, but not as alabaster as Melanie's and no where as taut. She had meaty thighs and calves, and a small ponch on her gut, but massive tits by comparison, if perhaps just a bit smaller than her sister's. My cock either got a better look than I or believed it did, because it was rapidly growing in my pants. Bonnie burst out into laughter as her sister cowered in the living room.

"Oh, it's not like you have anything worth getting worked up over." Bonnie teased, as she left my side to go check on her sister. It did not go unnoticed by me or my cock, however that as she started walking away, she didn't just lift her hand off my shoulder. Instead, she pulled it across my shoulder, the back of my neck and across my cheek as she walked. Clearly it was an intentional attempt to feel me up if even in a tiny manner.

I heard Audrey running across the hardwood floors and stomping up the steps and down a hallway.

"I'll be right back." Bonnie said, still laughing and followed her sister upstairs. I seized the opportunity to speak to Mel.

"You okay?" I whispered, so not to be overheard.

"Oh, yeah, Baby." She answered, giving me a wicked smile. "Are YOU okay?"

"I want to fuck them both." I said.

"Together?" She asked, her eyes as wide as her cheshire grin.


Melanie closed her eyes and swallowed hard, stiffling a moan as she fended off an urge to touch herself. "That's so hot."

"I need to distance myself from you though." I added.

"I get it." She nodded, "How do you want me to be?"

"I liked the motherly approach." I told her, referring to her interruption over the beer. "Try to henpeck me, a bit. Try to come off as controlling and unsatisfying. I might be able to play to their sympathies."

"I love it, Baby, and I love you." She smiled, batting her eyes.

"I love you too, slut. You're a good girl for Daddy." I praised her, causing Mel to sigh and fend off another urge.

"Now I want to fuck you, Daddy." Melanie pouted.

"If all goes well, I might let you in on round two, babygirl."

"babygirl..." Melanie swooned as her heart melted.

After about ten minutes of yelling back and forth, the upstairs became silent and was soon followed by the sounds of the two women coming back down the stairs, crossing the living room and entering the kitchen. They had taken the time, during their arguing, to change clothes.

Bonnie was the first to enter, wearing a pair of ridiculously small cutoff jeans. They looked almost painted on and the legs were cut off in almost a bikini style as they were so short you could see the very bottoms of each juicy ass cheek sticking out. The inner thigh portions were cut so close to the crotch that I was surprised her labia wasn't gushing out over the sides. There was no chance she could wear underwear under those without the gusset being visible. To top it off, she wore a white wife-beater and the thinnest, strapless, bra possible as it was easy to see her hardened nipples pushing out what little fabric there was. She still had her hair in a ponytail, but she added a little flowery red barret in place of the hair band she was using. She had also wore a little black lace choker, earrings and bracelets to complete her ensemble. Bonnie looked like white trash in her outfit and my cock couldn't be happier.

Audrey was quite a bit more conservative in her dress. She too wore cutoffs, but they came halfway down her thigh and were fit to size. She had on a black tank blouse that covered half her ass. Since she didn't have time to fully dry her hair, she wore it in a loose bun. Because it was wet, it looked darker than what it would be, but it was still clear that she was a true brunette compared to her raven haired sister. Her eyes were a bluish-grey compared to Bonnie's dark blue. She had also put on earrings and a couple bracelets, but no choker. However, she was wearing an anklet and a toering, which was something I'd never seen before.

Once again, Bonnie took up her place by my side, but instead of sitting, I rose to meet Audrey. This didn't stop Bonnie from putting her arm around my back, taking the opportunity to quickly run her hand across my lower back/top of my ass on her way to embrace me and holding firmly to my toned obliques. Audrey, still embarassed and upset was not as eager for this introduction as Bonnie, so I understood why she was standing there with a frown.

"Audrey, meet David!" She gushed.

"Hi, David. I'm sorry for earlier, my sister-" Audrey said, receiving my handshake before getting cut off.

"No, this is Da-vid!" Bonnie said again, emphasizing my name.

"Yes, I know. You told me. What the hell is wrong with you?" Audrey asked in bewilderment over her sister's antics.

"Ugh!" Bonnie said in frustration, "David! Davey! Little Davey!"

Audrey looked at Bonnie quizzically before turning her gaze to me. It was like time stood still as I saw the realization hit her. I saw her face being to transform as she became aware of what Bonnie was driving at. Immediately, her eyes began to well up and her face become contorted as she discovered the man she was staring at was once her little adopted boy.

"Davey?" She mouthed, too caught up in emotion to speak, as tears streamed down her face, her arms extended toward me as she slammed into me.

I couldn't help, but be moved to tears myself, as memories and emotions I had long forgotten were unsealed and welling up inside me. I clutched my dear aunt Audrey in my massive arms, holding her shaking, wailing body close to mine. Where there was once lust in her touch, there was now only love as I felt Bonnie turn into us, sharing our embrace as she became overwhelmed by the infectious emotional outburst from Audrey.

"Oh, David." She cried, rocking side to side. "Oh, baby, you have no idea..." She trailed off, overcome with emotion.

We stood there holding one another for about ten minutes before the tears were under control enough to speak. Audrey broke the embrace, reaching up to take my face in her trembling hands. We stared at each other through our tear-stained eyes before she pulled me down to her, kissing me repeatedly on the lips and cheeks. She threw her arms around my neck and squeezed me tightly. I responded by enclosing my arms tighter around her as we shut out the world around us. Even Bonnie had been pushed aside in all of this, sending her to her chair at the table as she took in the loving exchange before her. She even managed to turn and hug my dear, crying Melanie as she too had become caught up in the tsunami of emotion.

Audrey once again broke the embrace and stepped back, putting her hands on my outer shoulders, looking me up and down, "My God, you've grown so big! Has it really been that long?"

"I'm afraid so." I answered.

"I know, Aud. I remember when little blonde Davey was still coloring on the walls." Bonnie joined in, "Now look at him. One hundred percent all man."

Welp, Bonnie was back to her old self.

"I can see that. Quite the departure from your uncle's genes." She said as she led me back to the table to sit down.

I had both sisters on either side of me and poor Melanie across the way, completely left out. I know it was part of the original plan for her to be the odd person out anyway, but I couldn't help, but feel bad for her that she was not a part of this emotional reunion. Internally, I was upset with myself that I had allowed myself to forget about her. Although I know Melanie would tell me that I was all that mattered, that would be true only as far as she was concerned and not representative of my personal feelings. She mattered, she mattered most and in what was easily the most emotionally charged moment of my life, I forgot to include her.

Bonnie had gotten up and looked at our beers before walking to the fridge, polishing off hers and returning with two cold-ones. She passed one to Audrey and began working hers over.

"I can't get over the fact that you're here, David." Audrey said, her eyes glimmering as she looked at me. "I can't believe you even remembered me."

"It was tough, but we probably would've missed you entirely if it were not for running into your sister, Bonnie." I told her.

"Yeah, they came into the diner this morning and just happened to ask if I knew you and Bill." Bonnie added.

The mention of Bill did bring a slight change in Audrey, but it had been over ten years since his death and while she never remarried, and would miss him from time to time, she had pretty much been able to get on with her life with the help of Bonnie.

"I'm sorry about Bill." I said, apologetically.

"Thank you, David, but that was a long time ago. Don't worry yourself over it." She pat my hand before taking a drink of her beer. "So, who is this lovely girl over here?" She asked, setting her beer down and turning to Melanie.

"I'm Melanie, David's girlfriend. Pleased to meet you, Audrey." Melanie said, extending her hand.

"I guess I have you to thank for keeping my Davey on the straight and narrow then?" She asked, shaking Mel's hand.

We both laughed at the reality of Audrey's question, drawing a bit of a strange look from the two sisters.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." She said with a wink toward me.

"How old are you?" Audrey asked, now realizing that Mel did infact look older than me.

"She's thirty-two." I interjected, causing Bonnie to nearly spit her beer out and generating a similar reaction in Audrey.

"No way!" Bonnie scoffed, "There's no way you're thirty-two." Turning to Mel.

"Yep." She said, finally taking a sip of her beer, "And I'll be thirty-three in a couple months."

"So you got a thing for older women, huh, David?" Bonnie slyly asked, taking another gulp from her bottle.

"Oh, well, that's nice." Audrey said, struggling to find words that couldn't be misconstued as negative and taking another drink from her beer.

"Yes, he does." Melanie answered Bonnie's question, but with a hint of animus, hoping to stir Bonnie's jealousy again now that she knows that Melanie is real competition.

"So, what posessed you to come looking for me, David?" Audrey intervened, picking up on the tension between her sister and Mel.

"Well, I'm looking for my parents." I answered.

"Yeah, I told him that we didn't know much about Bill's side of the family." Bonnie inserted herself back into the conversation.

"Yes, but I was hoping you'd know something, anything about them that might help me track them down." I added.

Audrey sighed, "I wish I could help you, but Bill was very adamant about distancing himself from your family. Every time I would ask him about them, he would become very agitated. I learned early on to let it go."

"So how did I come to end up with you then? I thought you two were just foster parents like everyone else."

"Bill got a call from his sister, your mother, one day and I guess she asked him if we would adopt you. I don't know for sure, Bill wouldn't tell me the details. He just told me that we needed to adopt you and that was the end of it. A couple months later, he left for the day and arrived later that night with a new born you."

"But Bonnie said that Bill developed cancer and you had to give me up. Didn't you at least try to give me back?" I asked, my feelings a little hurt.

"Of course we did, David." She smiled, genuinely as she took my hand in hers. "But Bill told me that they didn't want you. I was mortified, but please understand, we had no choice. Without Bill working our insurance wouldn't last long and even though I took a job to help, it wasn't going to even come close to covering his medical bills. Not to mention, that I needed to care for him. He decided that the best chance you had at a decent life was to give you up." Her eyes began to well up again, "I wished to God every day that I didn't have to do that, but I was left with no choice. The worst part was, we didn't know exactly how advanced Bill's cancer was. He died a few months after we gave you up and it was too late for me to get you back." She started to cry.

I slid off my chair and she fell immediately into my embrace. "It's okay, Audrey, it really is." I consoled her, "As you can see, I turned out fine, more than fine." I stroked her hair and cheek, "You did what you had to do and while my childhood was no picnic, I am stronger and better for it."

I took Audrey's face into my hands this time, looking into her eyes, relaying my understanding of her situation and my forgiveness. I leaned forward and kissed her on the lips and then on the cheek. She kissed me on the cheek multiple times, in gratitude, whispering 'thank you's' into my ear. I stood back up again, caressing her cheek and chin as I rose before taking my seat. As I sat down, I felt pressure on my waking cock and realized that I had just exchanged sensual touches and kisses under the guise of consolation. In that instant, I began replaying what had just transpired and it became very clear that my caresses and my kisses were not at all sympathetic and I wasn't even aware I did it.

I looked around the table and I knew I didn't just imagine it. Mel looked at me like, 'Holy shit, you're going for it now?', while the puzzled look on Bonnie suggested she wasn't sure of what she just saw. It was the look on Audrey that was the most interesting. She didn't seem at all upset by what had just happened, quite the opposite, in fact. She stared right back at me, a hint of a smile on her lips, but it was her eyes that revealed the most. Even though I looked nothing like him, something about me triggered her memories of Bill, my uncle, and she liked it. The way she was looking at me was like she was asking me to do it again. I grabbed my beer and took a couple gulps... This stuff isn't so bad.

Sensing that this was not the moment that I wanted, Melanie broke the tension, "So there's nothing you can tell us then, huh?"

"Uh... No, I'm sorry, but Bill kept that part of his life closed from me." Audrey said, snapping out of her fugue.

"Well, I suppose we should be going then, Dear." Melanie said, "We still need to find a motel for the night." She added, testing the hospitality of our hosts.

"Shit, why not stay here?" Bonnie seized her chance to jump back into the conversation.

"Yeah, there's plenty of room." Audrey added, hopefully.

"Well, I don't want us to be a burden to you." I said, running with Mel's audible.

"Hell, it's not a burden at all. In fact, you might as well stay here until you can figure out where your parents are, right, Aud?" Bonnie offered, so pleased with her 'quick' thinking.

"Yeah, it will be nice to have family here." Audrey agreed, but by the look in her eye, 'family' took on a whole new meaning.

"As long as were not imposing, I think Mel and I would love to get off the road for a bit." I said.

Detecting the authority in my voice and the fact I made the decision for both of us, Mel knew I had changed the plan, "Sure!" She agreed, with a smile.

"Great! How about you get your things from the car and I'll whip us up some dinner." Bonnie offered.

"Yeah and I can set up your room." Audrey added.

Like a football huddle, we broke up and went about carrying out our tasks. When Mel and I got outside, I explained how I wanted to do this differently than before. I told her how I was completely unaware of my exchange with Audrey and how it just came out naturally, much to her liking. When our leaving was protested by the sisters, that's when the idea struck me and besides, it would be nice to have a roof over our heads while I planned our next move. I told her that I would still like her to not be present when I made my move and I told her what signal to look for when I felt the time was right. She agreed and we began bringing in the luggage up to the bedroom Audrey was preparing.


We had sat down to a delicious homecooked meal that rivaled Melanie's skills in the kitchen. It was clear that beer was not the sole reason for the size of these women as I could easily see myself expanding several pant sizes if subjected to this on a regular basis. During dinner, I put out some feelers in our conversation, testing the waters of what Audrey and Bonnie were thinking about me. Mel was more than happy to sit back, out of sight, out of mind as I worked. Knowing that we were going to be there for a time, both Bonnie and Audrey seemed to be vying for my attentions. As the conversation progressed, I would alternate my attentions between them. When Bonnie was getting too close, I would divert my attentions to Audrey. When she seemed to have the upper hand, I went back to Bonnie. I was putting them at odds with each other, but I was also very careful not to be overt with my intentions. It was proving easier than I thought, but then again, I was a hot young stud, the only man in the house and most likely the best piece of meat either of those two would ever hope to get.

Audrey and Bonnie were not ugly or fat by any stretch of the imagination. They were just thick women, thick juicy women that would jiggle when they moved. They didn't have the natural beauty that Melanie had, but with a little makeup and attitude, they could easily turn the heads of many a man and probably did in this neck of the woods. However, they couldn't hold a candle to Melanie in the looks department and I was totally out of their league under normal circumstances and they knew it. That just meant they had to take greater risks, be more outgoing, if they hoped to curry my favor. Melanie was right, women will compete for the attention of the Alpha and I was, in no uncertain terms, the most Alpha they'd ever get a shot at. It didn't matter that Audrey called me son or Bonnie called me nephew at one time. It didn't matter that my lovely girlfriend was sitting right there at the table. What mattered was that I triggered a primal urge within both of them and I nutured that urge, making it impossible for them to get past it, until being my 'chosen one' was the only thing that mattered to them.

After dinner we had moved out onto the porch to relax. The house had a porch that ran across most of the front of the house and wrapped around down the side opposite the driveway. From this side of the house, our view was not obstructed by clunky vehicles or structures and we were offered an expansive lawn that ran about a hundred meters to a densely wooded area. Even the valuable farmland that had been sold was out of sight from this perspective giving us the feeling that we were in the middle of nowhere. The night sky was awash with stars, unaffected by the light pollution that comes from living in a town or city. Crickets and other insects could be heard across the landscape as there were no other mechanical or human influences remotely nearby to disrupt the sounds of peace and nature. This place was a haven from the world and I was quickly falling in love with it. I gave my signal to Mel.

"I'm really tired, I think I'm going to turn in." She spoke through her fake yawn. "You coming to bed, David?"

"I think I'd like to stay out here and catch up on history a bit, Mel." I told her as our little group came to a halt near the porch swing.

"Well, I guess if you want to stay up." She said, mocking a bruised ego.

Seeing Mel start toward me for a kiss goodnight, Bonnie interrupted. "Oh, you have to come see this, David." She said, hooking my arm in hers and pulling me down to where the porch wrapped around the house, as it was modelled like a gazebo. "Goodnight, Mel." She said, as we walked away.

"Goodnight, Melanie." Audrey said, turning to her, "It was a pleasure to meet you." She smiled.

"Goodnight, Audrey." Melanie smiled, limply, as she turned and moped back into the house.

The gazebo was actually pretty nice and made for an interesting twist on most wrap around porches. Rather than being attached directly to the house, it actually extended out from the house, with the entrance being where the railings of the porch would normally intersect. Being in the gazebo you were far enough away from the house that you could see so much more and didn't feel as confined. When I saw the porch swing, I was hoping to get all three of us on it and use that to create friction between the sisters. Although the gazebo would've been a perfect place to have a threeway, compared to the porch swing, I needed a reason to reunite all three of us and it was apparent that Audrey wasn't the fighter Bonnie was.

"Isn't this just gorgeous, David?" Bonnie whispered in the night air as she leaned over the railing, causing her already undersized cutoffs to ride deep up her crack exposing about a third of her ass cheeks. She looked at me over her shoulder and I made sure she knew I was looking at her ass, even in the dark of night.

"Huh, what?" I asked, pretending I was too caught up in what she was putting on display for me.

"Were you just checking out my butt?" She giggled, shaking it at me.

"Maybe." I said, plainly, as I approached her.

"Mmm, and?" She cooed.

"And what?" I answered, stepping right up to her.

"What do you think?" She asked, biting her lip, her big blue doey eyes waiting impatiently for my answer.

"Where's Audrey?" I asked, matter-of-factly, turning my head to look, breaking the mood.

"I don't know, over there somewhere." She said quickly, irritated. Grabbing my cheek, she turned my face back towards her. "What were you saying about my ass again?" She inquired, her voice boiling in seduction.

"Get me a beer." I said, turning away again and stepping back, as if to look for Audrey, who was clearly sitting on the porch swing with her head down, but I wanted to give the impression that I was more interested in her sister at that moment.

"What?" Bonnie asked, stunned by my actions.

I didn't say a word, but made my way back down the porch toward the swing at the far end. I listened to for the 'Hmphf!" from Bonnie as she stormed passed me to head into the house. I walked up to Audrey who was slowly swinging, but perked her head up as I approached.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked, motioning to the empty space beside her.

"It's all yours." She smiled.

I took my seat next to Audrey on the swing, leaning back and spreading my arms across the top of the backrest. I made myself comfortable, spreading my legs wider than I normally would so that my leg was pressed up against Audrey's thigh. She turned her head to gaze at me as I looked straight ahead, as if I was just enjoying the night and not noticing her looking at me. She shifted in her seat a bit, pressing her thigh harder against mine.

"She's a pretty girl." Audrey said, as I felt her eyes licking and sucking me all over.

"Who, Mel?" I asked, as if I didn't know the answer.

"Yes. How long have you two known each other? It couldn't have been that long, you're what, only eighteen? I'm sorry, I don't remember your birthday."

"We've known each other for a while, but only recently became intimate." I said.

"Oh." Audrey responded with a hint of disappointment and I immediately knew I chose the wrong word in 'intimate', as it had positive connotations about our relationship.

"To be honest though, I worry she'll break at any moment." I said, hoping to infer I might prefer a more robust woman, like Audrey. It worked.

"Well, she is quite small compared to a guy like you."

At that moment, Bonnie came back outside, beers in hand. She walked over to us and it was easy to read the resentment on her face when she saw us sitting close together on the swing, my arm over the backrest behind her sister. Thinking quick, she extended the beer to me in front of her sister, hoping I would reach out with my left hand to grab it, thereby leaving her to sit next to me under my right. Unfortunately, for her, I was running the game and I took my right arm off the backrest and took the beer.

I didn't say 'thank you', but just brought the bottle to my lips and took a couple gulps. Once she realized she wasn't getting praise for completing her task, Bonnie shot me a frown before taking her place on my right. I finished my swallows and brought my arm down so my forearm was resting on her thigh and, like her sister, I pressed my other leg against her. Bonnie, soon realized she was coming off better in the exchange, as now she could lean up against me a bit, pressing her massive tit against my bicep and feeling my flesh on her thigh, unlike her sister, who only had my arm behind her, not exactly touching her. Bonnie made it a point to shift herself ocassionally, rubbing her breast on my arm. I could already feel her hard nipple beneath her clothes pointing into my skin.

"Don't I get a beer too?" Audrey asked.

"Mhm mmm." Bonnie mumbled as she was taking a drink of her beer. "You want a beer, you know where they are." She told her sister.

"You can share mine." I offered and pulling my arm out from behind the udder that was molesting it to offer the bottle to Audrey.

"Thank you." She said and took the bottle from my hand, her fingers caressing my hand as she took the beer, her eyes never leaving my face, though I still hadn't turned to look at her.

"I brought that out for you." Bonnie steamed, my ploys at triggering her jealousy paying off.

"And if you didn't have one, I'd offer you the same thing. There's more than enough for everyone." I said, throwing out the not so subtle, but easy to dismiss, hint of my intentions.

I wasn't sure how my innuendo was being received so I decided to test their reactions. I took another gulp of my beer and returned my arm to where it was. If Bonnie was bothered by it, she didn't let on as she shifted once again, allowing my arm back to its warm home behind her heavy tit. She had even brought out her own arm to rest on the backrest behind me before pressing her tit against me. This new position allowed even more sweatermeat to cover my upper arm and with greater pressure. Now to test Audrey's reaction.

I turned to face her finally, meeting her gaze, before lowering my hand that I had behind her down onto her shoulder. She jumped a little as my large paw came to rest on her bare shoulder, but calmed soon after. I turned to look ahead again and as I did, I gently pulled Audrey toward me. She accepted my invitation and leaned into me. She looked straight ahead as well when I began rubbing her shoulder, caressing her skin. I could feel her breath quicken under my ministrations, her chest rising and falling in rapid succession.

Now that I had Audrey warming to my attention, I decide to return to Bonnie. Gripping the base of my bottle, so as not to cause her to jump by incidental contact between the cold glass and her bare thighs, I slid my hand off my thigh and over hers. She slowly spread her legs, allowing my hand to pass between them until it came to rest on the swing cushion. Then I relaxed my arm, letting it too slide down her skin, until my arm was embracing her thigh. Her breath sped up like her sister's as I shifted my arm, 'trying to find a comfortable spot', but in reality, just rubbing her thigh. She responded by using the backs of her fingers to slowly caress the back of my neck and leaning her head on my shoulder. All three of us now staring into the night. All of us knowing where this was heading, but no one wanting to risk saying anything that might break the moment.

It was then that I leaned my head back a bit, pressing into Bonnie's hand that was caressing me and turned to face her. "Thank you for bringing me my beer, Bonnie." I whispered, our faces only a couple inches from one another. I could feel her body tense as I stared deep into her eyes. Meanwhile, my other hand moved from Audrey's shoulder and began rubbing her neck gently, stroking her cheek, causing her to tense up as well.

"You're welcome." She whispered back, her breath labored with anticipation.

I turned away, over to Audrey and in doing so, used my hand to guide her to face me. The look in her face was equal to her sister's as I pulled it just as close. "Thank you for wanting to raise me." I whispered to her.

Audrey didn't say anything as I felt her shaking like a leaf on a tree in my hand and against my leg. I then started moving my other arm, the one between Bonnie's legs, back and forth, stroking my fist and forearm up and down her thigh, bringing it as close to her cunt as possible before drawing it all the back down to her knee. Bonnie responded by closing her thighs around my arm as I drove back and forth.

I felt Bonnie shift again, as she had to lean away enough to set her beer on the floor. She followed that by taking the beer from my hand and doing the same, freeing my hand up to work her flesh. She kept stroking the back of my neck, but also brought her other hand over to feel up my chest and abdomen. I pulled Audrey to my lips.

Audrey put up the slightest resistence at first, but only for a second before she was parting her lips to accept my tongue into her hungry mouth. She turned her body toward me more and brought her left hand up to my face, stroking my cheek, running it through my hair as we engaged in passion's kiss.

I could sense Bonnie's jealousy brewing at this action so I immediately ceased my ministrations on her thighs and instead, brought my hand up behind her head, holding it in place. I broke my kiss with Audrey and turned to face Bonnie. I pulled her to me and she melted into my lips, even moaning with desire.

I knew Bonnie would be easier to involve in this than Audrey. Audrey was more reserved and more mature than Bonnie. However, I sensed a submissive side in Audrey that I saw in Melanie and knew if I could break down that wall, she would naturally bend to what I ultimately had planned. A plan I didn't bother to tell Melanie. That's twice I forgot about her.

I needed to keep Audrey in the moment, being less adventurous than her sister, she would grow cold quickly if given the chance to analyze the morality of all this. I broke my kiss with Bonnie and grabbed her hand, guiding it to my massive package swelling in my pants. By the sound of her gasp when she realized its size, I knew that would keep her occupied long enough for me to bring Audrey around as I turned back to her.

Once Bonnie had found my manhood, she began digging at it with her hand, trying to feel as much as she could through the restricting denim. She also had begun grinding her tits against my back and shoulder, disregarding any pretense of discretion. With both of my hands free, I took Audrey by the face and returned to kissing her. I got there just in time as she started to pull away, her lust giving way to reason at the madness she found herself in the midst of, but that battle was lost when my powerful tongue shattered her resistance and soon she was giving back as good as she got.

I moved my left hand to the back of her head, holding her to my mouth and with my right, I slid it down, taking one of her mammoth orbs into my impressive grasp, squeezing and pulling it to and fro. Her nipple felt like a rock beneath her bra and shimmery satin blouse. She moaned loudly into my mouth as I hefted that meaty mound about her chest. Like a Master Chef, I knew I had two pots boiling and had to make sure neither spoiled. I needed to get Audrey more active into this and less passive before Bonnie's fire died down. I released her breast from my grasp and took her hand in mine, guiding it to explore my tool with her sister.

They both froze momentarilly when they felt each others hand on my cock, but only for a moment. The allure of such a magificent beast was too much for either to ignore over the lewdness of cooperative stimulation. As you would expect from two women who grew up together, sharing many of the same genes, they joined in a concerted effort to please the snake god. Now with both hands free once again, the Master Chef set to work at stirring both pots at the same time.

I used my weight and right arm to push Bonnie away from my shoulder enough so that I could put my arm around her, like I had her sister. I then brought it up to the back of her neck, like I had with Audrey, turned to face her and brought her to my lips once again. As we kissed, I pulled Audrey forward, bringing her lips to my neck, which she promptly began feasting on as she and Bonnie groped my rope.

After kissing Bonnie, it was time to switch, I broke the kiss, turning to face her sister and re-engage in oratory stimulation while bringing Bonnie close to work my neck. After a couple more exchanges back and forth, I moved my hands away from their necks down their backs to see if they understood the routine. I had to say, I was pretty impressed with my management skills as both girls took to the routine like ducks to water. I would kiss one while the other would kiss my neck and vice versa. Each was eager to await her turn by dining on the Alpha's neck while he was busy with her sister. Even their free hands moved behind me, stroking my back, my head, my neck and even sometimes, I could feel them holding and rubbing their hands together. The moans and groans between us I'm sure could be heard by Melanie up in our room, poor girl, but I couldn't think about that. It was time to move things along.

"Take me out." I hissed between kisses as I lifted my ass off the cushion.

Both sisters moaned an eager giggle as they ceased their work on my cock and went straight for my button and zipper. By now, I was just sitting back and looking up, both sisters licking and sucking each side of my neck. I looked down as they worked as one, undoing my jeans and pulling them down to expose my cock. I gently pushed their bodies away from and me and kept pushing until they had both left the swing and onto the floor.

"All the way off." I told them before sitting my naked ass back down.

They both stared in amazement at the essence of masculinity before them. As if posessed, they each undid my shoes, pulling them off soon to be followed by my pants. Like obedient dogs, they knelt on the floor at my feet, glaring at their tasty meat snack, but unwilling to move without permission. I reached down, caressing each on the cheek to which I received the reaction I was seeking when the both nuzzled the palm of the man who now ruled them. With the lightest of pressure, I guided Audrey up to begin her attempt at inhaling my rod, while I led her sister to nurse on my balls.

Although she was able to get more of my dick in her mouth initially than Melanie, it was clear that Audrey was too out of practice at deep throat to take me much further and I wasn't about to fuck around with forcing her tonight. She clamped her hands around my shaft and began pumping it vigorously as she bobbed her head up and down, her saliva quickly coating my shaft. Soon I was feeling it dribble down to my balls to mix with her sister's as she licked and sucked my sack. As much as I was enjoying the sensation of both my cock and balls getting sucked, it wasn't as pleasurable as listening to the desperate moans of the two sisters working together to bring their Alpha stud off. Still though, I wasn't anywhere near finished with my plan. I wanted these bitches. I wanted to own them like I owned Melanie. I was the Alpha, the king of the jungle and I wanted my Pride.

"You like that dick, slut?" I spat at Audrey, who moaned her affirmation as she continued to ram the back of her throat. "What about you, cunt, how do those balls taste?" I directed at Bonnie.

"I love them." She mewled, holding my heavy sack in her hands as she licked like a kitten.

"Switch, bitches." I commanded. Both sisters snapped to, swapping duties.

Bonnie was much better at giving head than her sister, though I assume that was because she probably kept in practice. Despite that though, she had never encountered something like me before and had to call it at just a bit over half way. Still though, I was more than happy with that as it was right in the area that I like having stimulated when I want to cum.

"Take off your clothes and bend over the railing, Audrey." I ordered.

She gave my balls one finally big slurp, sucking off as much saliva as she could before standing up and starting to undress. I observed how Audrey was watching her sister suck my dick as she pulled off her clothes. She appeared aroused seeing her sister at work.

"You like watching your sister sucking me off, slut?" I asked, but she didn't answer. Instead, she turned away to finish undressing. "Don't turn away from me when I'm talking to you, slut." I growled, causing Audrey to startle and quickly turn back around, though not looking at Bonnie this time. "I asked you a question."

"Y...Yes." Audrey stammered.

"Yes, what?" I said, demanding clarification.

"Yes... I like to watch my sister suck you." She admitted ashamedly.

"Come here and bend over toward me."

She stepped forward and bent over. I grabbed her by her bun and forcibly yanked her to her knees.

"Ah! Ow!" She protested, drawing a quick strike of my hand across her cheek, causing her to cry out. I then yanked her forward bringing her head to my chest, looking up at me.

"I don't have to tell you twice, do I, slut?" I hissed.

"no." She answered softly, humilated. I struck her again.

"I didn't hear you, slut."

"No!" She yelped, wincing in anticipation of another strike.

I put my other hand on her throat and held her head up, staring directly into her eyes. "You deserved that, didn't you, slut?"

"Yes!" She quickly answered, figuring that was the only safe answer.

"Are you going to be a good whore and do as you're told when you're told to do something, slut?"


I reached down, taking her heavy tit in my hand, digging my strong fingers into the flesh and pulling as I did so. "Don't you fucking say a word, slut." I warned her.

Audrey grimaced in pain, groaning her displeasure loudly from within, but was able to keep her mouth shut. I released the hanging orb and whacked it hard with my hand, causing Audrey to jump and hum a tune of suffering as she fought the urge to cry out. I whacked it again and again, each time harder than the last. Her eyes screamed at me to stop as the tears flowed down them, her lips quivvering and body shaking.

"Are you happy that I'm playing with you, slut?" I asked in a condescending tone.

"Mhm hmm." She nodded rapidly.

"You want some more, don't you?"

Again she nodded, knowing full well she didn't, but she also knew better than to defy me.

I switched my hold on her hair with my other hand and beat the right tit a half dozen times. Audrey was wailing inside from the burn on her sensitive flesh, her tears dripping from her cheeks onto my chest, but she refused to open her mouth.

"You can thank me now, slut."

Audrey let out a handful of sobs before she could get a handle on her words, "Thank you."

I pulled her head to the side, away from me and reached down with my free hand to feel her pussy. Audrey let out a deep gutteral groan as my hand explored her sopping cunt.

"You did like that, didn't you, slut?"

"Yes." She answered, humbly, knowing it was the truth.

I pulled her back over, forcing her to lay her head on my belly, inches away from where Bonnie had been working me over dutifully with her mouth, moaning as she watched her sister being handled by me.

"Does Bonnie look pretty with my cock stuff in her mouth, slut?"

"Yes." She said, but also nodding. Perhaps it was a subconscious response from her body verifying the truth in her words.

"Tell her."

Audrey sniffled a couple times, suffering in her humiliation, "You look pretty with your mouth stuffed full of David's cock, Bonnie."

Her admission caused Bonnie to moan loudly and drive her to suck harder and faster.

I held her head there for a few minutes as she watched Bonnie suck. Again, her body told me everything I wanted to know as I could feel her hands exploring my flesh that she could reach. I felt her hand rubbing over my balls, rolling them around tenderly in her fingers, sliding her digits down my taint and between my ass cheeks, feeling my anus. I heard Audrey breathing heavily through her mouth as I noticed her other hand between her legs, playing with herself.

"You're sister is quite the whore, isn't she, cunt?" I asked, checking to see if they each remembered the new names I had given them.

"Mmmm, mhm hmm." Bonnie responded, never taking her mouth off of me.

"Now, go bend over the railing, slut." I said, releasing her head, "And stop playing with yourself."

Audrey moaned her frustration as she got up and walked to the railing, bending over it.

"Hands behind your back, slut." I added, to which she complied.

I reached down and took Bonnie by the ponytail and yanked her off my cock. The force and surprise in which I did it caused her to fall away onto the floor unceremoniously.

"Strip, cunt and join your sister on the railing." I ordered as I got up from the swing and walked up behind Audrey. I took my wet cock and began rubbing it against Audrey's fat pussy.

Unlike Melanie, Audrey didn't bother shaving, at all. Thick growth was made to look even thicker with her dark pubic hair that ran around her pussy and up into her cheeks. In the darkness of the night, it completely concealed her vagina entirely. Still though, there was a hole there and my cock parted the folds and bush that hid it. Although she probably knew better, she just couldn't restrain herself and began bucking her hips back against my head, begging it to impale her. I thought about beating her ass for it, but I had plans and she had already delayed them long enough.

"Uh, God!" Audrey bellowed into the night air as I shoved my cock into her, well past the head.

I figured a bigger girl like her could handle it, but I was surprised to feel just how tight she really was.

"Holy shit, slut, you're pussy if fucking tight!" I grunted, "When was the last time you got fucked?" I shoved another couple inches in.

"GAH!" She heaved, "I... I don't... remember." She responded, struggling with speech due to the bat splitting her open.

I looked down at Bonnie, who was still getting her clothes off, too distracted by size of the tool I was inserting into her sister. I didn't say anything. Instead, I just slowly pushed into Audrey until I either bottomed out or hit a dead end. Fortunately, she was deeper than Melanie and while I felt her cervix, it had pulled back enough that I could pass by it and seat my entire length inside.

"Jesus!" Audrey called out, as her legs trembled beneath her. "Yes!"

"Oh, looks like I'm all the way in, slut, how about that?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Was about all she could muster, as I felt her pussy convulse on my shaft and her fluids running down my balls like water.

"Such a hungry little bitch, eh, slut?"

"Give it to me, please!" She begged.

I drew my cock back a bit and then thrust back and forth rapidly, rubbing my head over her cervix. Audrey's upper body and head began flailing about wildly as I knocked on the door to her womb. I looked back down at Bonnie, who was finally undressed, but was frigging herself stupid.

"I thought I told you to join your sister, cunt, are you both fucking retarded?" I chastised her.

"I, uh..." She started to say, as she tried stumbling to her feet, but it was too late. This was what I was waiting for.

"Uh uh, no." I snapped my fingers at her, "Too late for that bitch." I snapped them again and pointed at the spot next to my foot.

Uncertain, Bonnie walked on her knees over to me, her enormous tits swaying back and forth as she went. Although she had a more pronounced gut on her, I could still see her bush. As expected, it was darker than her sister's, but I was pleased to see that she at least maintained it. It was still a full patch, but it was trimmed short and she did shave her pussy and ass.

"I'm sorry." She looked up at me, throwing herself at the mercy of the court. Yeah, right.

I didn't even bother holding her. I just whacked her hard across the cheek, sending her reeling in pain against the railing. She cried out, but was desperate to get back to the spot I ordered her to be in. As soon as she got there I struck her again. She cried out again, but was able to brace herself enough not to be moved.

"Do you even want this dick, cunt?" I asked, scolding her for making the same mistake of disobeying me that her sister made.

"YES! I DO, PLEASE! I'M SORRY!" She plead, grabbing the hand that struck her and bringing it to her lips, kissing it all over.

"Who owns this pussy, slut?" I called out to Audrey, who was still riding the chain of mini-orgasms I started in her when I first filled her up.

"Y... You do!" She gasped.

"Who owns this ass, slut?"

"You do!"

"Who owns that whore mouth of yours, slut?"

"Oh God, you do!"

I ripped my hand from Bonnie and took Audrey by the hips, as it was time to seal the deal, as it were, with these two. I continued to fire away into her hot slot and quickly changed the length my thrusts from rubbing her cervix to plowing the entire length of her cocksock, making sure to slam into her chunky ass each time.

"My tits! Please, let me hold my tits, they're hurting me!" Audrey begged as her body pillows swung wildly, slapping against themselves, her chest and even her face and throat.

"Go help your sister, cunt." I snapped at Bonnie.

"What?" She questioned in surprise, causing me to bring my hand up. "But I can't, she's my sister!" Bonnie begged, which was met with the back of my hand.

"Wrong answer, cunt." I scolded, "She's your sister, slut, straighten her out." I resumed my pounding.

"Please, Bonnie, it hurts, bad." Audrey begged her little sister.

It took a few moments for Bonnie to come around, but eventually she got to her feet and crawled over the railing to the ground below. She stepped in front of Audrey, closed her eyes and reached up with her hands, holding Audrey's tits steady, while I rocked her cunt.

"What do you say, slut?"

"Thank you, Bonnie." She moaned.

"Tell her you love her, slut."

"I love you, Bonnie."

"Keep telling her until I make you cum." I demanded.

Audrey started repeating over and over, 'I love you, Bonnie', as I hammered away.

"Tell your sister you love her too, cunt."

Bonnie looked up at Audrey, "I love you, Audrey. I love you, Audrey." Joining in her sisters chant.

I slipped my hand under Audrey's belly and worked it through her jungle of hair to her clit. Audrey howled as I began rubbing it and I was amazed at how big it was as it felt like it stuck out by about a half an inch. I would alternate between rubbing her clit and massaging her swollen labia which was quickly bringing Audrey home.

"I'm going to cum!" She cried, "I'm so close!"

"Is that tired old pussy still fertile, slut?" I asked, speeding up my pace on both her pussy and clit.


"Good, I'm going to put my seed right inside your fertile womb. Do you want that, slut?"

That was all it took for Audrey, as what came out of her mouth was beyond deion. At best, it was a concoction of garbled syllables, at worst, it was just noise. She arched her back and her knees began to buckle. I moved my hand back to her hip to help hold her up, but also to stablize her so I could cum as well. I flexed my hips, changing the angle of insertion just enough to get every bit of myself inside her as I felt my balls jump in their sack and began pumping her full of healthy seed.

Without my steady thrusts keeping her anchored, Audrey nearly tipped over the railing. She quickly brought her arms out from behind her back, reaching for Bonnie to stop her progress. Bonnie, seeing her sister beginning to tip, stepped into her and held her sister up. The two embraced there as I flooded her womb to overflowing and filling every possible empty space within her vagina. Bonnie was being very tender with her well-fucked sibling, rubbing her naked back and holding her head close to hers. She had a look of happiness on her face, appreciative of the satisfaction her sister had.

I reached over Audrey, grabbing her by the back of the neck and pulling her back over the railing, Bonnie aiding me. I told her to put her hands on the railing and hold herself up and she complied.

"Your turn, cunt." I called down to Bonnie.

She quickly climbed back over the railing and assumed the same position her sister had, next to her.

"Are you ready to have my cum-stained cock rammed up your juicy hole, cunt?" I asked.

"Fuck, yes!" She exclaimed, sticking her thick butt out at me.

"Are you fertile?"

"Nope, I'm on the pill." She said with pride.

"That's a shame, I guess I won't be fucking you then."

"WHAT?" She quickly turned around, "WHY?"

I just looked at her, waiting for her to realize I had already explained why.

"You won't fuck me because you can't get me pregnant?"

I stood there.

"Please?" She begged, dropping to her knees, reaching out for me.

"Who owns you, slut?" I called to Audrey.

"You do, David." She responded, peacefully, as she gyrated her hips, oozing my seed around inside her.

I looked at Bonnie.

"Who owns your pussy, cunt?"

She bowed her head, putting her arms behind her back, "You do, David."

"Who owns your ass?"

"You do, David."

"Who owns that whore mouth of yours?"

"You do, David."

"Prove it, cunt." I told her, "Prove to me that your whore mouth belongs to me."

She began to lean forward to accept my slimy cock into her mouth, but I backed away.

"No, it won't be that easy, cunt." I said, "Do you love your sister?"

"Yes, I love Audrey." She said, unsure where this was leading.

"Give her a kiss."

Bonnie looked up at me, puzzled. She thought about it a moment and then shrugged and began to get up to go give her sister a kiss.

"No, a kiss on the lips." I said.

Bonnie looked even more perplexed as that was what she figured I wanted and was trying to do just that. Again she tried to rise and again, I cut her off.

"No!" I snapped, grabbing her by the ponytail and dragging her behind her sister, bringing her face to within a few inches of Audrey's leaking pussy. "On. The. Lips, I said."

She was stricken as she realized I wanted her to lick her sisters pussy. She hesitated.

"I... can't..." She whispered, sadness filling her eyes.

I forced her head to the floor and stood over her, putting my foot on her neck to keep it there. Bonnie began to cry.

"Ass up, cunt."

Bonnie inched her knees under her as much as possible, arching her back and raising her ass high into the air behind her.

"Do you love your sister, slut?"

"Yes, I love Bonnie, David." She cooed.

"Give her a kiss."

Audrey straightened up and casually walked around behind her sister. She then got down on all fours and leaned in to begin kissing, licking and sucking Bonnie's pussy.

"Who owns that whore mouth of yours, slut?" I asked Audrey.

"You do, David." She said with confidence as she started getting into eating out her sister.

"Is she wet, slut?"

"Oh, very much so, David."

"Do you like kissing your sister?"

"Yes, I do, David."

I reached down spreading Bonnie's thick ass cheeks. "Tongue her asshole, slut."

Audrey obediently moved up and began pushing her tongue into her little sister's shitter. Bonnie gasped in pleasure from it.

"Finger her as well, slut." I told Audrey as I lifted my foot off of Bonnie's head and kelt down next to it. "Look at me, cunt."

Bonnie groaned as Audrey began sticking fingers inside her pussy, she turned to look at me. While tears still ran from them, her eyes were also filled with lust and humiliation.

"What is your sister doing, cunt?" I asked, Bonnie, stroking her cheek gently.

"She's licking my ass and fingering me, David."

"Good girl, cunt. Do you like it?"

Bonnie, too humiliated to answer, closed her eyes tightly, pursed her lips and nodded.

"Tsk, tsk. That's not the answer I was looking for, cunt. Try again."

Bonnie gasped, overwhelmed by the pleasures from her sister's tongue plugging away up her butthole and her fingers crawling around inside her snatch. "I like it, David. I love it, David!" she yelped. As Bonnie gave into her lust, she began to grind her ass on Audrey's face, side to side, up and down, gyrating, all in an effort to get her sister deeper inside her body. Her hands clenched and unclenched. Since they were attached to her arms, they were searching in vain for her sister's head to hold and grind into her. Bonnie was moaning loudly as she rocked back and forth against Audrey's face.

"Now, who owns your pussy, cunt?"

"GAH! You do, David!" She pledged.

"And who owns your ass?"

"Ugh, ugh, ugh. You do, David!" She affirmed.

"And that whore mouth?"

"FFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK!" Bonnie came all over her sister's hand and chin.

I waited patiently as Bonnie rode out her first orgasm by her sister, until finally she was able to speak, "You... do... David..." She promised, panting.

"Do you love your sister, cunt?"

"Yes, I love you, Audrey. I love you, so much."

I rose to my feet and snapped my fingers, pointing at the railing. Audrey immediately ceased tonguing her little sisters ass and returned to her place.

"Now, go give your sister a kiss."

Bonnie crawled up behind Audrey. She rose up on her knees before leaning forward, her hands on her sister's ass and spread it wide. She then tucked her face into Audrey's matted clump of pubic hair and began licking and slurping madly. Audrey groaned loudly her approval of her obedient little sister. Audrey wasn't the only one to groan though, as Bonnie quickly became enamored by her elder sister's gooey secretions.

I got down on my knees behind Bonnie and rubbed my cock against her slit.

"Yes, fuck your cunt, David!" She moaned, egging me on.

I slid much easier into Bonnie's pussy, but it was still tight, nonetheless and drew an similar shock from the unexpecting recipient. Like her sister, she was able to take me to the root and I was able to perform the same tactic I used on Audrey. I had already cum hard twice today and the last one was just within the last fifteen minutes so I needed help if I was going to cum anywhere close to Bonnie's orgasm. I was aided by a couple of images however. The first being the sight of the reluctant Bonnie, now broken into my willing whore, licking and sucking my cum from her sister's mess hole. The harder I pounded into her, the more desperate she became to drain Audrey of my cum. Audrey aided in the effort as well as she was getting off on Bonnie's ministrations. Her juices were flowing from her and carrying with it globs of my thick semen to the point I could audibly hear Bonnie swallowing. I still needed more so I closed my eyes and envisioned my goal.

I was standing naked in a room. My three willing women kneeling before me, worshipping their Alpha at his alter of cock. They held each other close, each in love with one another and each in love of their Owner, their Master, their Alpha. As they knelt there, paying homage to me, I looked down on their swollen bellies. My women, eager for their feeding, so that they may nourish the offspring of their beloved Alpha growing in their wombs. This is what I wanted, this is what I would have, I was the King of the jungle and they would be my Pride.

At that, I began filling Bonnie's cunt, as I imagined three hungry mouths, cheek to cheek, open to receive their precious seed. I reached foward, grabbing Audrey by the hips and pulling her ass back into her little sister's face, muffling her screaming orgasm while I filled her up. All three of us collapsed into a pile of sex and humanity, my cock still pumping it's essence into Bonnie as we lay there.

Audrey crawled around to face her sister, taking each other into their arms. I watched as Melanie's words came back to me in my head. These two, these sisters, were sharing a bond that had remained dormant their whole lives. All these years, they shared a bond of blood and tonight, I showed them the bond of the flesh. They were experiencing a love, an understanding they had been denied their whole lives. As they lay there kissing and caressing one another, I heard them softly exchanging words of love, as they cried tears of joy in each others arms.

"You both belong to me, now." I told them.

"Thank you, David." Audrey said, leaning across her sister to kiss and nuzzle my chest.

"Yes, thank you, David." Bonnie added, "I will never disappoint you again."

"And you are done taking the pill, Bonnie." I added.

"Never again, David, my womb is yours." She said, taking my hand to lick and kiss, a demonstration of her submission.

Once we had recovered, I led my women to my new bedroom, Bonnie's former bedroom, stopping to pick up Melanie along the way. Even though it was a king sized bed, it was barely big enough to fit us all, but we made due. As a reward for Melanie's efforts in helping to bring our new 'family' together, I allowed her to clean us all before curling up in my arms to sleep.

To be continued...
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