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I get to know my Aunty
Well I guess the best place to start is to give you an Idea of how it all came about. I just turned 18, Just brought my first car after busting my arse of at my job. I live in Australia so I finally had my freedom, It went down hill from here for a while. I worked all week, when my weekend came about I spent them doing all the good things in life women, booze, and drugs. This went well for about 6 months, that was until I crashed my car in a booze fuel weekend. I was the only one in the car, I had rolled it down an embankment. Lucky Only my pride and car were damaged apart from some cuts and bruises I was unscathed. I was done for DWI went to court got community service, a fine and suspended licence. I was lucky to get off lightly. When I got home after receiving my punishment I was informed by my parents that I am to be moving to my Aunt and Uncles who I had not seen since I was about 2 years old, I thought at the time it was going to suck.


So after what seemed to be the longest bus ride being next to what I assumed to be the decaying body of a Golgathan (Watch the movie Dogma). I arrive I step of the bus collect my bags. As I look around I get a tap on my shoulder, it is my Uncle, a complete military type, as I sit in the car for the next 30 minutes it is a non-stop lecture about what is going to happen. Up at 4am work, community service, chores, every conceivable activity to "keep me out of trouble". We finally arrive my uncle grabs my bags, I stand at the entrance my Aunty comes says Hi, I pay no attention at this point. As I am shown my room my uncle heaves my bags onto the bed starts to open them. I was about to stop him when he told me to step back so I did.

"What the fuck is this shit" my uncle bellowed, He had found my stash of weed and booze. "This is the kind of shit I won't allow and was talking about in the car" ..."I'll make this simple, Fly straight I'll show you how much shit you can be in"


Over the next few weeks my days were pretty much the same up at 4am work all day except for meal breaks church and church activities on Sundays. I made minimum effort with my Aunt and Uncle, I wanted this is be over as soon as possible. It went pretty quickly even though I hated it and my Uncle, didn't really get to know my aunt didn't have time and I didn't care. Finally I finished my punishment all community service completed fine pained in full. But to my disappointment, I was not allowed to leave for a few weeks. My uncle felt that I needed to repay him for his time but on a positive note he was going away for 3 months so he just gave me a bunch of jobs that needed completing before he returned.


My uncle finally left, there I am stuck with my Aunty who is all but a strange to me because I paid zero attention. I grab the Job list head to my room, lots of bullshit task, I lounge around wasting the day, I get called to dinner. To my surprise and delight it "the family recipe spaghetti.

I sit quietly eating dinner

"Thank god he had gone hey" my Aunty says

"What" I reply

"Thank god he has gone, I don't get to cook this often your uncle is a meat and two veg person' she tells me "I bet you're happy to be left in peace, have a week or two break before you tackle that list'


After dinner I did the dishes my Aunty walks off. She returns with a bottle of Congac and 2 Winston Style cigars

She looks as Me "Look I don't care that you drunk or smoke as you can See I enjoy both too, Few Rules though 1 Don't tell your uncle he doesn't know 2. Don't do anything stupid just sit and enjoy it. I am not going to punish you any further so long as you can show me you have learnt from your fuck up'

I nod in agreement

She hands me a glass, "You drink that as is don't spoil it with coke" then hand me cigar and the cigar cutter, I cut it as instructed. We spend the next few hours watching TV talking shit. I find that my Aunt isn't to bad of a person and is good to be around. After I finished my cigar I retire to bed.

The next day I managed to sleep, I walk into the kitchen I notice my Aunt is happy she pours me a coffee and offer me breakfast, She is humming I ask her what she was so happy about

" I don't get the chance to have a smoke and a drink, only when your uncle is way. So when he does I take the opportunity. You know your uncle is a harsh so this is my chance to unwind relax and reset" She replies

"Fair enough I respond" I shrug my shoulders

I spend the day again relaxing not doing anything much. We sit down watching usually evening bullshit TV having a beer, we weren't really talking too much as the weather came on, It was found out that we were going to be hit by a heat wave 40 degree days, 25+ nights

My Aunty pipes up "Well supply run it is then, fuck doing anything for the next we days"

The next day we go out shopping, beer, ice, soft drink. We come home after putting everything away she goes out again tells me she will be back in a few hours, it is stifling hot when she get back, She walks in, says hi grabs a beer I can see her panting in the hot weather, I notice her cheat moving up and down I pay far too much attention to a bead of sweat roll between her breasts, I notice that her breast are a good size, still firm looking for her age.


That night was still hot, As I drank another beer my Aunty enters the room In her hand was a bong weed.

"This is what I popped out for, hope it helps us sleep in this shitty heat" Says Aunty

I raise and eyebrow

"What?" She question "you think you are the only one who like the green"

She packs me a bowl hand me the bong and the lighter

We smoke away chatting drinking having a laugh. She was a smart mouth when she relaxed, like inappropriate comments, It was good I was starting to click with her, it was about time I found a family member that I liked,

It was about 12am before I retired to bed, I fell asleep I woke up about 3am busting for a piss, Still slightly inebriated, I walk past my Aunties room Her door is half ajar, I hear slight moaning, Heavy breathing a low hum, I peer around, the room was lit enough that I made out my Aunties silhouette. There she was laying on the bed, her legs spread fingers exposing her clit, as she rubbed a vibrator around her pussy, I caught myself staring at her, I notice I was half erect, It was hot to watched but a voice in my head reminded me that I was watching my Aunty. I walked off went to the toilet, back to bed, I got up early again the next day was far to hot, I was offered breakfasy but far to hot to eat, I Just down OJ is was cold, I noticed my Aunty was earring a low cut top, and short shorts everything hugged her figure, She was bigger but carried it was and made her curvy.

It came to night time, My Aunty and I order Pizza, after a few rips of the bong, a few beers My Aunty disappears, It was again stupidly hot, My Aunt returns wearing a form fitting Negligee it was black, just long enough to cover her, it was see through enough that I could see underneath. See caught me staring in.

Gruff tone"What? it fucking hot this is comfortable"

"Nothing" I reply asking my head

She smiles "Good, besides it is my house I can wear what I want"

"Hey it okay, I don't mind"

"OH! Really" she winks and laughs

We watch some TV movie. As we watch I get asked to pass the bong, I do so she takes a long draw, as we watch the movie a sex scene starts, she holds it in her lungs for a a few seconds she she breathes out "Fuck, it's beeeeen so long since I have had actual sex, I can't remember the last time, I got laid'..I was stunned. "Well it is true, What can't I make a statement that true". I stammer as I try to answer She laughs out loud.

"Don't worry, I am having a laugh..besides you know what they say"

"No, what?" I replied confused as to what she was talking about

"Take a photo, it lasts longer" She replies in a cheeky tone

I shake my head not knowing what the hell she was on about

She tilts her head and looks at me "Really Mister, you sure about that"

"I have know Idea what the hell you are on about" I said slightly irritated

"So it wasn't you that watched me Play with myself?" With a accusing tone

My stomach dropped " Um ahhh yeah ahh sorry"

"Well we need a chat about this" She sat up straight he tone was serious

I just wanted to leave at that point I skulled a beer.

"Let me tell you that it was wrong of you to watch. I wanted to bring this up but I wasn't sure how" He arms where crossed on her chest, her look was serious.

"I'm very disappointed in you and you know why?

I murmur in a low voice "Because it was wrong to watch

"Exactly. And watch it worse. Is that you didn't even offer me a helping hand" Her face went from serious to happy as she laughed

"Don't worry she tells me, I was just messing with you I should have closed my door" she claims

I sat there awkwardly for a few minutes before she breaks the silence.

"Have a bong and relax would you. A beer too"

She lays down on the floor. I notice her breast again they sit well. She catches me, she lifts her negligee "Here have a proper look" I turn away

She sits up and puts her back to the wall

"What aren't they good enough? Or do you only perve in secret" she asks

"Um well yeah I don't have an answer'

She laughs again "God I love this. Messing with you. It is so much fun way"

"Please relax" she asked me "I'm sorry but I enjoy your company I can relax around you and have fun" we sit in silence for a few more minutes

My Aunty spoke quietly "Can I be 100% honest with you for a minute"

I reply "sure" not knowing what to expect

"Look, I was harmlessly flirting with you. I enjoy sex, I didn't mearn anything by it, I just needed a release some of my built up tension. Your uncle can be too ridged at times and well having you around has help me relax, I am having fun for the first time in a while sorry to put you in that position, I shouldn't have it was wrong of me, I know you seeing me was an accident we will leave it at that"

I saw that my Aunty was slightly saddened.

"It's okay I tell her, Beside it was hot to watch you play with yourself. And well you do have a nice set of tits so that a bonus"

My Aunty perks up again she looks and me and gives a gentle smile


She comes over sits next to me. I can see her smiling

She looks down 'Yeah I have got good tits don't I"

I nod "They look like fun" I tell her

"HEY! Look how is flirting now" she snaps in a friendly tone

"Look if it is harmless fun then sure I'm okay with it"

A sly smile creeps across her face. She gets up walks off as she is walking she is wiggling her bum cheekily, She looks over her shoulder "what if I am not interested"

She make her way back rubbing a cold beer on her nipples. They stand firm she looks down "Hmmm My nipple are so hard and cold" a smile creeps across her face

Seeing her nipples erect under the negligee started to make me hard, My Aunty notices "Looks like my nipples aren't the only thing getting hard" She sits next to me I shift over.

"Glad I still have it" States my Aunty

"Well Yes you do" I tell her, she goes shy. I laugh at her shyness

"Why you laughing me?" She asks

"Well not used to seeing you shy, You have been forward up until know" I tell her

"Well It is your fault, I wasn't expecting you to flirt back and I like being told I still have it, I Feel good" she responds

"I don't know if you do feel good"

With Puzzled Look oh her face "Yeah I said I feel good"

"No I said I don't know if you FEEEL good" I made a squeezing motion with my hands

"OH" she cups her tits a shakes them a little. I think I do

We have another drink together, I just really look at her, This is the first tim I actually take notice of my Aunty. She was shorter than me but the right height, Her short brown hair framed her face, She had Deep green eyes and plump lips. Hour glass shape body but everything in proportion, firm tits with with a matching arse thick thighs nice legs a tattoo on her inner thigh of a sugar skull.

It was about 1 am, TV still on nothing to watch, Just me and my Aunty enjoying the silence, I would catch her playing with her nipples every now and again, The booze and weed was starting to wear off and the heat was still unbearable.

"Jesus it fucking hot, I wish you had a pool I need to cool down" I tell my Aunty

"Well now that you mention it, I do have a spa in my bedroom" she responded

"Well show me" I ask

We walk to the bedroom and then into the Bathroom attached there is a huge 4 person spa.

I turn to my Aunty "You have had this the entire time and you didn't tell me why not?"

"Well, To be honest I didn't expects to be inviting you in here, and it would be rude of me to come alone and let you suffer in the heat" she exclaimed

I put the plug in turn the cold water on, my Aunty asks 'what do you think your doing?"

"Cooling down, fuck this heat" I reply

"Oh and what about me? Did you think to ask?" She asks with her arms crossed

"Well would you like to join me?" I ask her.

"That not what I meant, but okay this heat does suck" was the reply

My Aunty disappears into the bed room I can hear her rummage around, the Spa is mostly full I turn on the Jets and hop in, about 2 mittens later my Aunty walks in turns the mood lighting on it a soft blue just enough to see, as My Aunty steps in the Bath she is wearing a black form fitting top and black bottoms as she passes me, I noticed it is a G-String thing piece of cord splitting a nice size arse, the Kind of Arse that was built to be pounded doggy style, with out think I give her a firm slap on the bum. She turns around.

"What was that for?" She asks in an annoyed tone,

"Bad girls need to be spanked" I reply with out thinking

"OH am a bad girl am I, How." She inquires

It just occurred what I had said thinking on my feet "That G-String is a tease, it is wrong to tease people"

"Oh okay well I guess I deserved it" my Aunty tells me in a slightly flirt voice

I put my head back and close my eyes, the relief from the heat was relaxing, with the jets from the spa making it further pleasant, I started to really enjoy the spa. I hear my Aunty move around fidgeting

*SPLOSH* I get hit int the face with something, I Take it off and open my eyes it is my Aunties top, I look at her, she looks at me back shrugs her shoulders

I lay back again, I slightly open my eyes and watch my aunties Tits bobbing up and down in the water, every now and again I see her nipple erect from the water, My eye catches something a piercing. I can't help but to look and confirm what I taught I saw.

With a shocked tone I ask "Your nipple pierced"

She looks up at me" Yes they are" She looks down

She winks at me "So you are perving again, what happened to harmless flirting only hmmmm" "

"Well they were bobbing in and out the water, I didn't mean see them" I respond

Her sly smile returns "Her is me thinking the bubble would hide my nipples"

I look at her with questioning look .

"She feigns innocence "what I did, I guess they didn't hide them like I thought, Oh well I guess you know now"

I put my head back again and close my eyes

"hey" She calls I look at her "well since the bubble did such a bad job, since you now know and I am a naughty as you have told me here you go"

She list up he tits are fully exposed out the water, he tits sit well on her chest, dark large areolas with nice large firm nipples, a thick silver ring. I harden up

I look for a minute before "shows over" she sinks her tits below the water, I feel her foot. Slide up my leg into my crotch, She smirks. "Glad that you approve, but this keeps popping up she wiggle her foot"

Once again with out thinking I reply "Well what are you going to do about it"

"Me?" My Aunty asks as she slide around next to me. He wraps her hand around my cock "Well" she stops she shift back to her chair

" We can't, I'm your Aunty, Lets just keep it at flirting"


I'm tired I'm going to bed" My Aunty hops Out I follow she dries herself off and disappears into the bed room. I give it few minutes to my hard on to stop, I give her a hug and make my way to bed, I laid in bed could sleep I made a decision that fuck it I don't care she is my Aunty and I'm sure she feels the same

The next day was pleasant if a little awkward not flirting just going about our day, after dinner we sat in the lounge in separate recliners. We didn't talk that much as we watched TV. I grabbed a beer and the bong.

"After last night maybe we shouldn't" My Aunty said with sad tone in her voice.

I sat on the lounge " I enjoyed last night and I have been thinking"

"Yeah? What about? she says

"I want you" I tell her

Yeah but" Interupt her

" I know but you are my mum sister, So we are like only a quarter related so right"

A look of curiosity came across her face "okay, go on,"

"And cousins get it on and that's okay"

With slight excitement in heart voice "Yes, Okay"

"Do you want sex with me or was it all bullshit? I ask

"Fuck yes I do, I am horney as, which it 100% your fault by the way" she quips

"Well I'm not going to let anyone know, I don't if you would?"

She shakes her head.

"Well what's stopping us then" My Aunty jumps up comes over to me

I move to the centre of the lounger she straddles me

"Nothing, Oh My God I am so excited"

Our eyes lock, Our lips meet we share a slow passionate kiss, He full plump lips meet mine het tits pressed against my chest.

"Oh I'm so giddy" My Aunty tells me.

"Well what are we waiting for" My Aunty jumps off me leads me into her bed room.

She fidgets "Looks at me what do you want to do then?"

I look at her, She is pulsing with excitement. "You tell me? What works for you"

"Oh god really it's up to to me. God umm' I can see she is overwhelmed

"Stop" I tell her

I start making out with her gentle kisses on the neck. Lightly dragging my fingers up an down her. She finally settled I grab her arse firmly and puller her towards me

"I know what I want. Hang on a second" I wait for her she returns, she is naked I finally get to see her in her entire Glory

Awesome curves, tanned skin green eyes, short brown hair, A small patch oh Hair above her pussy the lips thick and meaty, Her engourged clit just visible. Thick thighs, Tits with pierced nipples. She walk over to me

She pulls out a small vial, it cocaine. Places on the bed side table, she take my shorts off, my erect cock pop up she smiles she slide then mounts me, I stop her

"Ladies first" I lay her down spread her legs to expose her pussy. He clit pulsates with excitement. I grab the vial and pour a bump onto her clit....I snort it a rush fills my body

I run my tongue over her clit. She shiver and let's out a long quiet moan. I slowly run the tip of my tongue round the lips of her pussy. I look up at her, her hands squeezing her tits I make tighter circles of her pussy, sometimes parting her lips to enter her, I change it up. I start a long slow drag of my tongue, I pass her anus, She shake "OH GOD YES" she says. I continue up I slide my tongue deep into her pussy the juices flowing over my face. Her hips start to move in rhythm with me, my tongue slide up and over a clit, I Kiss it " as I make multiple passes her rhythm gets faster. I can feel her tensing up. I apply more pressure with my tongue, she is grabs the sheets, her legs tense up, I start sucking lightly on her clit. Her breathing gets more laboured. I slide two fingers in her, "FUCK YES, KEEP GOING" she yells I do as I am told, she twist and contorts as wave after wave goes from he clout through the her body, finally she shakes she lets a long moan, she has collapsed

I make my way up and lay next to her, I watch as she caught her breaths tits moving up and down, She turns her head looks at me, she rolls on her side, She smile at me..Her hand wraps around my cock, she cuddles into me, slowly her hand starts to slide up and down, she keeps the slow pace until she has finally caught her breath, She get up on her knees, she mounts me, the head of my cock just touching he pussies lips.

This time she grabs the vial takes bumps. She is reinvigorated, A huge smile appears on her face. She lowers light "Mmmm You feel good" She states sexily. She gyrates slowly lowering. I feel her tits they are firm, Her hand go on top of mine she squeeze.." "So Do I feel good?" With a cheeky grin she asks I reply "Yes"

I slide my hand away and slap her arse " Ohh I do deserve that" she learns forward kisses me before lowering on my entire cock.

She just sits there staring at me " I just want to enjoy you inside me for a minute or two"

The look on heart face changed "Hey you know how I said I know what I want' she gyrates again

"I want you to be the first to do something" she claims

"Oh yeah! What?" My interest was peaked

She slide off my cock lays down next to me, she plays with my cock as she tells me that she wants me to cum on her tits

"Okay" I tell her

"Look, I don't usually like cum on me, I can barely handle it in me, but I feel god with you. I want yours" she tells me

I smile at her she tells me to stand up. I do an she kneels in front of me. She drags her tongue along my shaft the grabs a firm hold. She give my knob a little kiss as she starts to move her hand back and forth, her pace get faster I feel my nuts begin to tense. I begin to nut, 6 to 7 times I south across my aunties tits and face.

She looks at me shocked, I see she is covered in ropes of cum."Well you could have warned me. I wasn't expecting so much" She dips her finger in a pool of cum on her tit, she has a taste.

"Well I am happy and sad right now" she tells me as she gets up

As she walks off I ask why

She is cleaning her self with a towel. "Well I am happy that I enjoyed that, I am sad that I tasted it and well I kinda wanted to swallow it because it doesn't taste to bad but at the same time. That would have been a bit much for the first time into the back of my throat since it was a large load"

I laugh we crawl into bed she cuddles up to me, she is fondling my cock, maybe next time I might give my first blow job. We fall asleep with her in my arms from there until my uncle returned other than the chore list. We spent having sex and me cumming on her. I never received that blow job but I don't care I had fun

My Aunt and uncle drop me off I shake my uncles had knowing What I did. My Aunty gives me a huge hug, she whispers in my ear "there is a surprise in your bag"

About half way home. I decide I can't wait I search my bag. I find an envelope with a note on the front "I told you to take a photo it will last longer" I look in and find a bunch of photos of my Aunt in various ways and states of undress. The last photo was her naked with another note, until next time
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