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Would you go?

"Very simply put, we offer the finest oral, vaginal, and anal sex in the world."

My mouth dropped open as I stared at her. She didn't blink. She didn't grin. She was profoundly serious. She had made what she believed was a statement of absolute fact in answer to my question. I closed my mouth and swallowed the saliva that had accumulated in it as I pondered the possibilities of the transaction that I was considering. I couldn't help glancing again at the large notebook which she had set on the small table in front of me. It contained a portfolio of the women available to provide the remarkable services she had described.

"All of our agents have been trained in various erotic techniques solely for the purpose of maximizing the sensual pleasure of our clientele. Obviously, because of the time and money we have invested in them, they are required to work exclusively for our agency. But, perfection demands a high price."

She crossed her right leg over her left, her skirt rising a few inches above her knee. She reached forward, and grasped the cover of the notebook between the perfectly manicured index finger and thumb of her left hand. "Would you like to review our portfolio? All of our agents have included personal profiles which describe particular personality traits and special talents which they possess."

My heart was racing at the prospect of seeing the profiles. It hadn't occurred to me in the ten days that it had taken to get this far that I would be so excited by merely looking at a notebook.

I'd been having lunch with Matt Gilmore who was trying to convince me that I should retain his company to create our materials distribution software program. We'd known each other for several years, although our contacts had been more business than social in nature. Matt is around my age, just past forty, average in looks and build, and had always seemed like the typical, upstanding businessman.

Like me, Matt had been married for twenty years or so; had kids, a suburban Chicago home, and seemed relatively satisfied with his life. I had already decided that I would go with his proposal for the software and was pretty sure that he knew that. Therefore, our conversation had rambled to the typical topics of cars, sports, and eventually, when he commented on the stunning legs of our waitress, sex.

"Yes," I agreed, watching the young waitress walk away from our table, her hips swinging provocatively, "very, very nice."

He sighed deeply, and I could see that his thoughts had briefly wandered far away someplace. "Mmmmm. Might be time for another vacation," he commented, taking a drink from his beer mug and returning his eyes to me.

"Yeah? Where’re you going?"


I took a bite of my sandwich and waited for him to elaborate. When he didn't, I pushed the subject. "The Bahamas? Virgin Islands?"

"No. Much closer to home than that." He peered discretely to either side of our table and leaned toward me a few inches. "Have you ever..," he paused momentarily, as if deciding whether to continue, "wanted a little variety in your life?"

It was obvious he was referring to women. Assuming there was no real harm in a little man-to-man confession I responded, "Sure. Who hasn't?"

"Have you ever had any?"

"Variety, you mean?" When he nodded, I continued. "No. Kind of difficult. Also, kind of dangerous." I stuffed French fries into my mouth and elaborated as I chewed. "With my luck, I'd end up in one of those nightmarish situations like in the movies. Besides, who has the time to do it?"

Matt smiled as if he knew the solution to a difficult mathematical equation. "That's how I felt about it, too. But, it's really a matter of money, not time."

"Well, that too, I guess."

"No," he said shaking his head thoughtfully, "I mean paying for it."

I lowered my head slightly and furrowed my brow at him, showing disapproval at his suggestion. I would never have expected such a comment from him.

"Paying for paradise," he explained, his eyes open wide.

"You're kidding." I poured a mound of ketchup onto my plate and dipped two fries it, not taking my eyes off of him. "That's just not real smart, Matt."

He leaned a little closer to me and lowered his voice. "I don't mean street walkers or the escort services in the phone book. That is pretty stupid."

He had finished his lunch and pushed his plate off to the corner of the table, giving him room to lean on his elbows even closer toward me. "Two years ago I got a big contract with…well the company doesn't really matter. Anyway, I went out drinking one night with the vice president of programming. He was getting pretty bombed and started raving about the incredible night he'd spent with this girl that another software company had arranged for him to meet in a hotel room hoping that he would buy from their company.

He showed me the business card that the girl gave him and ended up so drunk that he left it on the bar when he staggered out to his car. I picked it up when he left and stuck it in my coat pocket. I didn't even think about it for a month or so, until one day I reached into my pocket and found it again."

I finished the last of my food and leaned back in my chair. Matt's eyes were becoming wider and brighter, almost gleaming as he continued his story. I smiled wryly at him. "So, you're going to fix me up with a hooker to try to get my business, huh?" I jested.

"Not hardly. I'm giving you the best deal you can get, and you know it. Besides, I don't work that way."

"Good, because I wouldn't do it."

"The card just had the girl's name on it, Cindy, and a phone number. I'd just landed a big account that I'd been chasing for several weeks and felt really good, so I called the number. I talked to a woman with a real sexy voice for quite a while, just chatting, until she asked me how I'd gotten the number. She could have been anybody, you know? She wouldn't say a whole lot unless I gave her the name of the guy I'd gotten the card from. Man, that was scary. But, I did. They don't advertise. They only take clients who are referred from previous customers. She said that if I was interested in talking more, I'd have to pass their screening."


"Yeah. It took about a week. I don't need to go into that. Anyway, it was sort of exciting just finding out what it was all about."

"So, did you see Cindy?" I asked, amazed by his confession.

Matt snorted through his nose. "Hell, no. I saw her picture though. She's not my type. But, the other women I have seen are utterly unbelievable."

I was shocked. "You've done this more than once?" I must have sounded absolutely dumbfounded to Matt. He raised his eyebrows and glared at me defensively.

"Wes," he was shaking his head slowly back and forth, "you just wouldn't believe it."

The waitress returned to our table and cleared the dirty dishes. In response to her inquiry, we told her that we were through and wanted our check. I noticed again how attractive she was, particularly her shapely legs.

"Yes, indeed," I commented. "That is one nice lady."

"Her?" Matt jerked his head toward the young beauty as she retreated. "She's not even in the same league as the women I'm talking about."

I tilted my head to one side and studied Matt's face as he downed the last of his beer. I had never had anyone admit to me before that they had done what Matt had. He set his mug down, took his wallet out of his pocket, and threw a wad of money on the table.

"Paradise, man. I'm not kidding. I've done it about every four or five months. I can't afford to do it more often. But, if I could, I certainly would."

"You've got to be crazy, Matt. How do you know one of those prostitutes isn't going to smack you over the head and rob you? Or worse, threaten to blackmail you?"

"Well, Wes, I guess you'd have to enjoy it to understand. Prostitute is last word I'd use to describe any of the women I've been with."

My discussion with Matt haunted me for the next several weeks. I found myself gawking at beautiful women on the sidewalks, in stores, everywhere; wondering whether they were in the same "league" with the women Matt had paid for. I wondered whether it would be worth the risk and money to appease my ego with such a gorgeous creature.

Eventually, I telephoned Matt at his office and asked him for more information. He gave me the number and told me that I could say that he had referred me. The one thing I needed to do, he said, was be patient. Once I was in, it would be worth it.

It took me another two days to get up enough nerve to call. I waited until everyone else in my office had gone. My hands were trembling as I dialed the number.

"Hello?" The female voice sounded mature, sexy, and confident. My voice cracked as I responded with the same greeting.

"How are you today?"

"I'm, ah, fine, thank you. A friend of mine gave me this number and suggested that I call."

"That's nice. Who is your friend?" I told her. "Oh, Matt is such a darling. Is he well?"

"Well? Ah, yes, certainly."

"Good. Tell me about yourself."

This seemed odd. I had been prepared to ask her about her agency, and she had completely thrown me for a loop. I gave her my age, described my appearance, and gave her a vague description of what I do for a living. Intermittently she would make a comment or unintelligible sound of approval as I spoke to her.

Finally, I told her, "I'd like to know more about your service."

"Excellent." She sounded as if I had offered her a winning lottery ticket. "Are you free tomorrow evening at six?"

Wow, I thought. That was quick.

"Well, I'm not sure I actually want to..."

"Please," she interrupted me. "I'm just suggesting that we meet in person to continue our discussion. You're certainly under no obligation."

"Oh," I said, assuming this was the first step of the screening process. "Tomorrow at six, sure."

That started the journey that ultimately ended in anxiously anticipating the opening of the notebook. The next day after work I met a woman who identified herself as Elaine at a very nice suburban restaurant. I was somewhat disappointed. She was probably in her early forties, quite attractive for her age, very professional in her manner and dress, but not at all what I had expected. As we talked, she wrote notes on a small pad she had taken from her purse. She didn't ask me anything too personal, but her inquiries still seemed a bit invasive.

She asked about my hobbies, about my major in college, about my favorite foods - innocuous things like that. Never once did she touch on my income, my job, or my family life. Nothing in our discussion could have been considered remotely associated with sex.

Each time I tried to pose a question about the agency, or the women I might see if I became a client, she would very graciously steer the conversation back to me by explaining that, if everything worked out, all my questions would be answered. After chatting for nearly an hour, she put her pad in her purse, arose from her chair, and offered me her hand.

"I think I have everything I need. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me."

"Well, thank you," I responded, as I allowed her to gently grasp my hand. I was somewhat flabbergasted that I had learned absolutely nothing about what I was getting myself into. It also struck me that I had actually said very little which could be screened. "What happens next?"

"I'll be in touch with you; probably in the next few days." She smiled cordially as she slipped her coat over her shoulders. "Goodbye, Wes." She turned and walked out of the restaurant.

As soon as she had gone out the door, I wanted to run after her. How would she get in touch with me, I wondered? I hadn't given her a phone number to call. In fact, she knew my name, and I hadn't told her what it was.

Over the next week I ran my conversation with Elaine through my head repeatedly. I had come to the conclusion that something I had said or done, or something about me, had disqualified me right from the start. It was a blow to my ego, almost like not getting a job fore which I'd applied. To think that there was something about me that would cause prostitutes to reject me had certainly affected my self-esteem.

Several times I thought about telephoning Matt to ask him if the screening should take this long, but didn't want to embarrass myself. If he ever brought it up again, I could just tell him that I didn't call the number he'd given me. Unless, of course, Elaine had asked him about me before my interview.

Three days later, I had pretty much put the whole thing out of my mind. In fact, I felt silly for having called Matt in the first place. What could be more stupid than taking a risk that could screw up my life for good?

At about six o'clock I was sitting at my desk finishing up some work before heading home when my cell phone rang. I assumed that it was my wife calling to ask me to pick something up from the store.

"Hello?" I said cheerfully.

"Hello, Wes." It was Elaine's voice. "I hope you're well."

"Yes, I am." My palms became wet with sweat immediately.

"Whenever you'd like to utilize our service, please feel free to give me a call to arrange an appointment."

There was a lump in my throat. The sound of her voice had completely changed my attitude. "Well, ah," I stuttered, trying not to sound too impatient, "anytime."

"I'm available to meet with you this evening."

"For..?" I inquired.

"To answer your questions and give you the opportunity to review our agents and make your choice."

"Oh. Great." I was relieved. Having no excuse not to be home within the next half hour, I arranged an appointment at Elaine's office the next morning.

It was in a newly constructed stone and glass building conveniently located just off the freeway. The directory in the lobby listed a variety of professional offices, including accountants and employment recruiters. On the second floor the small sign next to the door displayed EDT Planning.

When I opened the door, a pleasant chime began automatically. I entered a small reception area elegantly furnished with comfortable chairs and decorated with very expensive-looking framed oil paintings. I didn't have time to sit before Elaine opened the inner door and greeted me. She led me into a large office, just as elegantly furnished as the reception area.

"It's good to see you again," she told me with a smile, indicating that I should have a seat on a large, tufted, red leather couch. I declined her offer of something to drink, and she sat down next to me. "We're always delighted to welcome new clients. If you ever have a special request or a question about our services, feel free to call me. Of course, every effort must be made to maintain the strictest confidentiality. So, please arrange an appointment before coming to this office."

"Of course." That all made sense. It could be ticklish meeting your next door neighbor in the hallway outside. "What is EDT Planning?"

She smiled sweetly and fluttered her eyelashes. "I'm a licensed financial consultant. I handle most of the investment accounts for our agents as well as several of our customers. If you're ever interested in relocating your investments, I'd be glad to discuss new strategies with you."

I was amazed. I guess I shouldn't have been. After all, Elaine appeared to be a very competent individual.

"I'm not sure how much Matt told you about us. Our rates are based upon time and the number of agents with whom you wish to spend it. Our minimum encounter is two hours. The maximum is up to you. Interludes of more than eight hours will require at least three days advance arrangements. Also, if travel is involved we expect you to furnish transportation, lodging, and meals. Did you have an idea of the length of encounter you'd like?"

"Ah, the minimum to start with, I suppose."

"That's usually what our new clients prefer. Why don't you let me show you the portfolio of agents who are currently available?"

That's when my attention was first drawn to the notebook on the table in front of us. From what I had seen of her office there was nothing in it other than that notebook, presumably, which would give any indication that it wasn't the work place of a successful financial advisor.

"Our minimum fee is one thousand dollars, payable in advance, in cash," she stated as she reached for the notebook.

Matt had mentioned that it would be expensive, but that amount of money for two hours seemed astronomical. "For what?" I blurted out involuntarily.

My question prompted the answer, more like a promise, that had made my mouth drop open in disbelief: "The finest oral, vaginal, and anal sex in the world."

My heart rate was easily over one hundred per minute when she opened the notebook. The first of the pages was a color photograph, obviously professionally produced, of a stunning blonde in a red evening gown. Her name, Lori, was emblazoned across the top in red and gold letters. The quality of the page easily equaled that of an advertisement in a fashion magazine.

"Lori is twenty-six. She's been with us for nearly four years now." Elaine turned to the next page, which was a photograph of the blonde in a very small bikini on a tropical beach. She was absolutely mouthwatering. "She would be an excellent choice for your first encounter."

She turned another page and I saw a full face shot of one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. Near the bottom of the picture was what Elaine must have characterized as a personal profile, apparently in Lori's own handwriting: "To fully enjoy the erotic adventures I can give you, let me take control. But, if you'd rather to take the lead, I'll follow you anywhere you want to go." `Anywhere’ was underlined.

"Wow." I said, almost under my breath. "Can I look back at the previous page?"

"I'm sure you'll want to review all of our agents." She immediately turned to the next page.

I was dumbfounded. In all, there were fourteen ravishingly gorgeous women in the portfolio of different ages, races, and sizes. The overriding constant was that each one was virtually perfect in physical appearance. However, the pictures revealed no more than you would see in a bathing suit or lingerie catalog. The astounding thing was that the women were not in the typical promiscuous poses you would see in men's magazines. The suggestions of sexual delights, however, flowed like rivers from the personal profiles.

The array of feminine perfection I had seen had captivated me. Half way through the notebook I sensed a pleasant tingling in my scrotum. I fought back an erection, but could feel that seminal fluid was trickling out of me, my body ostensibly preparing for sexual activity.

Near the end of the portfolio, I saw pictures of Cindy. She was a luscious brunette with large, round breasts and voluptuous hips. Although I would have been overjoyed with her, I agreed with Matt that many of the other choices were more attractive.

"Well," Elaine asked, "did you find anyone you'd like to spend time with?"

I looked at her and smiled. In my mind her question was utterly ridiculous. "That really is a silly question, you know."

She smiled back, knowingly. "The beauty of it is that the choice is entirely yours."

The ironic truth was, among all the unbelievably fine women pictured, I did have a choice: a lovely, petite blonde who was the epitome of my sexual fantasies when I was younger. "May I see Dawn again?" I asked somewhat sheepishly, feeling as if I had revealed something about my psyche by stating my choice.

"Of course. An excellent choice." She somehow knew exactly which page to turn to. Immediately I was staring into the radiant blue eyes of a golden-haired nymph whose fetching expression promised worlds of pleasure. Her complexion was flawless. She looked like she could have been anywhere between nineteen and twenty-five.

Her profile read: "I think of myself as a delicate flower. If you treat me like one, I will blossom with passion for you. Only you. Let me bathe you with my warmth, then I'll spread my petals and surround you until you glow with fulfillment."

As I read the profile again, Elaine elaborated further. "Dawn is twenty-three, 5-6, one hundred ten pounds. She's a natural blonde. She has a wonderful, endearing personality. Her particular specialties are her remarkable oral techniques. In fact, Dawn has taught her extraordinary talents to several of our other agents."

My arousal increased as I listened to her and stared at the photograph of the beautiful young woman. I began to fantasize about her lovely pink lips wrapped around me. I was suddenly hooked. I had to find out if the hype Elaine and Matt had given me was true. The problem was it would cost me a thousand dollars.

"What if I'm not satisfied with Dawn after meeting her?" I asked. It seemed to be a reasonable question, in view of the amount of money I would be investing.

Elaine smiled that knowing smile again and quietly cleared her throat. She spread her fingers apart and placed her palms together in front of her chest, almost as if she were praying or giving a solemn testimonial. "Our clients are always satisfied with all of our agents.” She chuckled wryly and continued, “With Dawn, usually several times."

Oh, my God! What interesting possibilities, I thought to myself. "Where will we..?" My voice trailed off, not knowing exactly how to phrase my question.

“Your home, your hotel room - anyplace that's safe and comfortable."

That was that. I left the issue open with Elaine, letting her know I was interested and that I would get back to her about a definite date. The next two days were anxious ones as I tried to decide where I could arrange the meeting with the least possibility of detection. I concocted a story for my wife that I would be meeting a prospective client for dinner after work and wouldn't be home until probably after nine o'clock. I found a moderately priced hotel and reserved a room with a cash payment, not wanting to risk using a credit card.

After telephoning Elaine, I went to her office and paid the fee. I was afraid that she would balk at the hotel I had selected, but she gave no indication that it was beneath her agents to make a visit there. We agreed that I would need to give her my room number by four o'clock, two hours before the time Dawn was to arrive for our interlude.

I was on pins and needles the rest of the day. My mind was occupied with taking care of every loose end in order to avoid any detection of what I had planned. I left my office early and picked up a couple liter bottles of soft drinks, a bottle of white wine, a bottle of scotch, a lemon, and some apples and oranges. I had no idea what Dawn would like to drink or eat, or even whether she would want anything, but thought that I had chosen a good variety. I also picked up a package of condoms. It was the first time I had bought them in eons.

The room was typical for a contemporary hotel. It was essentially filled by the king size bed, but a small desk and two upholstered chairs were crammed into it to make it look like more than just a cubicle to sleep in. The first thing I did was telephone Elaine to give her my room number. She told me that she would call Dawn and added that she was excited about meeting me. When I mentioned that I was somewhat nervous, she assured me that I had a very enjoyable evening to look forward to.

I filled the ice bucket before setting the drinks and snacks on the top of the dresser. Then, I showered and shaved, using a disposable razor I had sneaked out of the house that morning. The anticipation was killing me. I had hoped that the shower would relax me, but I felt more butterflies in my stomach that I could ever remember.

I poured myself a scotch and water and turned on the television set, thinking that it would take my mind off Dawn's expected arrival. By five forty-five, I had looked through the peep hole in the door at least a half dozen times, getting accustomed to how the hall looked through the fish-eye glass. If someone else was in the hall when Dawn arrived, I wanted to know before opening the door.

Ten minutes later, my nerves were in knots and paranoia had begun to set in. Every possible horrible situation was creeping into my brain. What if this was actually an elaborate police sting? What if someone walked down the hall and recognized me as I opened the door? What if Dawn had a heart attack? What if I had a heart attack? What if, despite all the assurances from Matt and Elaine, Dawn turned out to be a drug addict, or worse.

I thought of calling Elaine to cancel the deal, but realized that Dawn was surely already on her way to meet me. Of course, I could always just thank Dawn for coming and tell her to go away. I'd be out the thousand dollars, plus the ninety bucks for the room, but I would minimize the risk.

My thoughts stopped swirling immediately when I heard a knock at the door. She was here. I took two steps toward the door, then vainly stepped back to check myself out in the mirror. Curiously, I didn't even think to sneak a peek at her through the spy hole before opening the door.

In real life, standing there gazing at me with the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen, she was far more beautiful and alluring than her photographs. She smiled and displayed perfect, glistening white teeth between her full lips which were meticulously adorned with a shiny, red coating of lipstick. Her tiny nostrils flared almost imperceptibly as an expression of delight at seeing me appeared on her youthful, beautiful face. Soft blonde curls, a slightly different style from her photographs, framed her head and fell lazily against her shoulders.

"Wes?" Her head tilted half an inch to the side as the sweet sound of her voice flowed from her throat. She was wearing a dark blue coat that covered her from the base of her lovely neck to just above her knees. A large, leather hand bag hung just above her right hip from a strap over her shoulder. Her shapely, slender calves tapered into slim well-defined ankles. Her dark blue pumps, which matched her coat, had three inch heels.

"Yes. Hi." I knew I was staring, but couldn't help it. I moved backwards, almost tripping over myself, to allow her to enter the room. She came in a few steps and turned toward me as I closed the door.

I could swear from the look in her eyes that she was admiring me as much as I was her, or at least making me think as much. She raised her right hand slowly. I raised mine in response, assuming we would shake. But instead, in probably the most graceful move I'd ever seen, she placed her fingertips on my cheek, arose onto her toes, and kissed me gently on the lips.

"I'm already glad I'm here," she told me as her lips left mine. "You're even more handsome than Elaine had led me to believe."

What a gracious way to break the ice, I thought. "And you're even more beautiful than your pictures." I was stunned that my voice didn't crack.

"Why, thank you, Wes." She glanced into the room and her eyes opened wider. "Ooo, a king size bed. My favorite."

The butterflies in my stomach were surely dizzy by now from their incessant flight in such a confined space. "Let me take your coat," I proposed, extending my arm toward her. She placed her bag on the dresser and unbuttoned her garment.

"Scotch," she declared, seeing the bottle and slipping her arms free of the coat. "Are you sharing?"

"Of course," I responded, eying her angular, bare shoulders as I helped her off with her coat.

She wore a simple, dark gray slip dress, cut straight at the bodice and back, with thin spaghetti straps. I couldn't tell if it was silk or not, but it was tailored precisely to accentuate her petite body. It fit tightly against her breasts and upper torso, then flared elegantly at her waist, draping over her narrow hips. I was considerably underdressed in comparison, wearing casual cotton slacks and a long sleeved knit polo shirt.

"I have white wine, too. I really had no idea what to have available."

"Scotch is just fine. With water?" she asked as she moved to stand close to me in front of the dresser. She smelled fresh, sweet; not like any perfume I'd ever smelled before.

"I hope you don't mind my fingers," I said as I started to reach into the ice bucket.

"Let's see," she said, grabbing my hand just before I reached the ice cubes and raising it in front of her face. She studied my hand for a second, then placed the tips of each of my fingers between her lips in slow succession, making faint slurping sounds as she removed her them from her lips. "Nope, not at all," she said with a satisfied grin, her magnificent eyes glancing up at me suggestively.

The butterflies immediately flew south and congregated between my legs, flapping their wings faster than they had when they were in my stomach. Her unbelievably sexy gesture had suddenly put me at ease and made me remember why I had decided to do this in the first place. Under no other conceivable circumstances could I possibly be in a hotel room with such a beautiful, young woman. The anticipation that I would soon be having sex with her was an extraordinary boost to my ego.

I filled the glasses with ice and poured approximate shots of scotch into each one. As I did, I felt her left hand lightly stroking my back in large circles. Numerous valves and spigots inside me were adjusting themselves automatically, routing blood to my penis. I was nearly rock hard by the time I moved to the bathroom to add water to her glass.

I returned and she stood close, facing me, as I handed her drink to her. She took a sip, leaving a delightful red imprint of her adorable lower lip on the rim of the glass. After passing the tip of her tongue between her lips, she stated, "You like hockey."

In fact, I was a hockey nut. But, I hadn't mentioned that to Elaine. It was either an uncanny deduction or the screening process was far more detailed than I had ever dreamed. "I certainly do."

"I've only been to a few games, but I think it's great."

Her eyes beamed at me as if she thought I could explain to her all the nuances of the game as well as the most mysterious secrets of life in a matter of minutes. I knew in my heart that this was all artificial - all bought and paid for - but I hadn't had a woman make me feel the way I felt at that moment for over twenty years. I took a huge gulp of scotch as she continued.

"It's so fast: no pauses like other games." She was just inches away from me. Everything about her movements, her eyes, and her voice said that she was mine: that I could take her whenever and however I wanted. She was so young, so virginal, so obviously willing. We chatted about hockey as we sipped our drinks and gazed at each other. Every square inch of her skin that I could see was absolutely perfect.

She was drawing the best of my personality out of me. I found myself being quite witty, making her laugh with almost every comment I made. And when she would laugh, she would reach out and touch my arm or my hand. I'm no expert on body language, but her stance and movements were yelling volumes in my direction. We could have stood there talking for hours, I suppose, the sexual drama building inside us. Well, in me at least.

But, I was ready for more than just talk. When neither of us had said anything for a few seconds, she swiveled her right leg to the side, her foot pointed away from her. She held her glass close to her face and rubbed the top of it against her lower lip, extending the tip of her tongue and licking the smooth bead on the rim. It was a magnificent, erotic invitation.

I leaned my head toward her, and she met my mouth with the most delicious lips I'd ever tasted. Her kiss was not passive. Her moist lips moved against mine eagerly, opening wider ever so slowly until her tongue slipped into my mouth. I heard the sound of her glass meeting the top of the desk as she set it down behind her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and fell against me. The fabric of her dress was so sheer that I could feel her fantastic contours, the firmness of her breasts and the separation of her legs at her crotch, press against me. Even though I held a glass in one hand, I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer, savoring the phenomenal shapes of her lovely form.

I groped behind her until I found the top of the dresser and placed my glass on it. She continued to kiss me, becoming increasingly more passionate by the second. Soft whimpers of pleasure began to escape from her nasal passages, seemingly beckoning me to suck her tongue into my mouth. She began to undulate her hips, slowly at first, rubbing her pubic mound against my thigh.

Our lips parted, and she ran her tongue across my cheek, finally nibbling on my earlobe. I felt the sweet, moist, warmth of her breath on my neck. Her entire body was writhing in erratic arcs and circles against me. I ran my hands down her back and felt the enticing, firm curves of her buttocks. In response, she flicked her tongue into my ear.

The fluttering between my legs was reaching the point of no return. Another thirty seconds of feeling what she was doing to me would inevitably result in orgasm, even though we both still had our clothes on. I pulled away from her and reached for the straps at her shoulders. At the same time, she pulled the tail of my shirt out of my pants and yanked it over my head. I raised my arms to allow her to complete her objective, after which she tossed the shirt on the floor.

"What a nice chest. I love this," she said softly, stroking me lightly and bringing her mouth to my neck, working her lips down farther. I couldn't remember the last time a woman had commented on my chest.

I pulled the straps of her dress off her shoulders and reached behind her to find the zipper. I also arched my hips back, trying to avoid any contact between her body and my organ, which would surely squirt like a geyser if any part of her brushed against it. Her lips encircled my left nipple as I slid the zipper down to her waist.

Her dress gaped open, and she placed her arms at her sides momentarily to allow it to fall from her body. What an incredible sight. Her delectably round breasts were snuggled tightly in a white lace bra. A minuscule, white lace thong covered the V of her pubic area, just above thigh-high nylons with white lace bands at the tops. The vision I was beholding was nearly enough to make me lose control.

I stepped back and glared at her. "Wow," I commented. I was nearly panting.

"I'll take that as a compliment," she said, starting to approach me again.

I had to calm down, or my thousand dollar investment would be spent in a matter of seconds. "Wait!" I didn't want to shout, but couldn't help it.

She backed away a step and gave me a quizzical, disappointed look which quickly developed into an expression of understanding. Then she inclined her head, looked at me from under her lovely, long lashes, and smiled, biting her lower lip.

"Come here, Sweetie," she said, taking me by the hand. She led me across the room. Watching her nearly naked young body move gracefully as I followed her was certainly not helping me calm down. She turned me so that I was standing in front of one of the upholstered chairs. Kissing me sweetly, she gently pushed me until I sat down. Ever so careful not to touch my throbbing erection, she loosened my belt, unbuttoned my pants, and slid them down to my ankles. Nestling on her knees on the floor, she slipped my shoes and socks off and pulled the pants over my feet.

"This is your time, Wes." She was staring earnestly into my eyes as she tucked her fingers into the waist band of my underpants. "We can go as slow or as fast as you want. But, let me just do this." She pulled the waist band so that it would stretch over my bulging, hard penis. "Please? It might change your outlook completely."

In one fluid motion, she pulled the underpants off of me and focused her brilliant eyes between my legs. "Oh, what a beautiful, big, cock," she said softly and slowly, caressing my inner thighs with her fingers. I knew it was flattery. The size of my organ is average at best. But, it still felt fabulous to hear such a gorgeous young beauty say those words so convincingly.

She lifted her eyes slowly to mine as her hands went higher, slowly approaching my scrotum. It felt like minute jolts of electricity were flowing from her fingertips to my skin. "I want you, Wes. I want to take you in my mouth."

I wanted exactly the same thing. I'd wanted it since looking at her picture and reading her profile nearly two weeks ago. The problem was I felt like I would come as soon as she touched me. It would be heaven, I knew, but a little embarrassing as well. I kept telling myself that, if I could just slow down and get control of myself, I might last longer. That was merely self-deception.

She licked the inside of my left thigh and my organ pulsed involuntarily. "Just enjoy this," she urged, her eyes never glancing away. "And, don't worry. I'm sure we'll have lots more fun together."

She peered again between my legs, stroking my inner thighs with the tips of her meticulously manicured red fingernails. As she lowered her head and began to nibble on my scrotum, I felt my prostate begin to tingle. I also felt an instantaneous pang of horror which flushed the orgasmic sensations away.

"Wait," I said again, nearly out of breath. "Don't you want…there are condoms in my pants pocket."

She glanced up at me with a solemn look of concern. "Do you really want to cover up this gorgeous, big cock with a condom?"

I stared down at her lovely face; just an inch behind what I wanted to thrust into her beautiful mouth. I realized that I had begun rocking my hips, inching my cock toward her luscious lips.

"Do you have anything I could catch?" she asked plaintively.

I shook my head slowly from side to side. My mind was spinning at the prospect that she would put her mouth on me, a complete stranger, without protection, and that I would let her to do it.

"I don't have anything you can catch," she told me softly, and very convincingly.

Staring directly into my eyes, with the same provocative expression as in one of her portfolio photographs, she slurped her tongue up the underside of my organ. It pulsed and stiffened.

"But, if you'd be more comfortable?"

I knew the risks. Or, I thought that I did. In a flash I made up my mind that, at least at that moment, it was worth it. "No. No, that's... fine."

She raised her hands slowly up my thighs until they encircled the base of my erection. Her tender red lips teased my scrotum, kissing each of my balls in succession. Tilting her head to the side, she ran her mouth down my sack and kissed and sucked my perineum. Thunder began to rumble deep inside me in response to the soft, wet sensation. While she continued to embrace my shaft, she ran her mouth back up over my balls, then up the underside of my shaft so slowly that it took her nearly a minute to reach the sensitive hollow just under the crown.

"Don't worry, Baby," she whispered. "Just enjoy."

My eyelids closed to slits and I inhaled deeply as she lowered her warm mouth over me. The softness was beyond description. As I watched more of me disappear between her beautiful lips, it soothed me, taking the edge off my uncontrollable urge to come. Her soft hair felt wonderful brushing on my abdomen and thighs. I kept expecting her to stop her descent and raise her head, but she continued to slide down farther and farther; taking me deeper than any other woman ever had before. It was amazing.

A few seconds later, I felt something I had never felt before. Her throat opened, and the head of my cock slipped gloriously into it. When her lips reached my pubic bone, she began to swallow, the muscles and tissues of her throat massaging my foreskin just below the crown.

"Amazing," I mumbled. "Oh, God. Absolutely amazing." I cupped the back of her head with my hands and ran my fingers through her hair.

"Mmmmmmm," she moaned, rotating her head in slow arcs. Her tongue moved up and down and back and forth against me, adding several other dimensions to the exquisite tenderness I was feeling. After probably thirty seconds of the greatest feeling I'd ever had, she raised her lips slowly. I gasped as I felt the head of my cock pull out of the tightness her throat. She stopped her ascent when only half of my hardness was in her mouth. Then, emitting a sigh of satisfaction, she plunged down a little faster until she was swallowing me again.

Semen was churning in my prostate. I could feel the energy of my body flowing like lightning bolts toward the pleasure centers between my legs.

"Dawn!" I realized it was the first time I'd said her name since she'd arrived.

She raised her head suddenly and began pumping her mouth up and down on me, her lips nursing the upper half of my length. She threw her head from side to side, moaning as she worked on me. She wrapped her right hand around the base and stroked, matching the rhythm of her mouth. I felt the tension reach a pinnacle, and my prostate clenched like a fist. At the same time, she placed her left hand behind my scrotum and pressed hard against the internal root of my cock. Her right hand squeezed the base, pushing it upward and against my pubic bone.

I felt an immense internal rush and the intense sensation of a tremendous orgasm. But, nothing shot through my trembling, throbbing cock. Over and over, strong contractions rocked my prostate, bringing waves of pleasure, causing me to grunt in ecstasy. But, incredibly, Dawn had held back my ejaculation. Her mouth and lips never wavered in sucking up and down on me wantonly, as if coaxing the come to pump through my urethra in forceful spurts into her mouth.

She had probably only had her mouth on me less than two minutes, but I thought it would never end. Either my orgasm lasted longer than I ever thought imaginable, or I experienced a series of profound, separate orgasms in quick succession. It was better than heaven. Yes, I had to admit. It was paradise.

As my contractions subsided, she slowed and caressed my organ delicately with her lips. She glanced up at me, and our eyes met.

"Mmmm," she moaned in a tone of delight. She gently released me and slithered up my body until her lovely face was just an inch from mine. The firmness of her lace covered breasts compressed against my chest. "How was that?" she whispered. "I told you not to worry."

I kissed her passionately. As I did, I became aware that my cock was still as hard as ever, and that she was straddling me, rubbing her lace covered vulva against it. "Amazing," I responded, feeling as if I had regained control.

"I'm glad. I love your cock. I love to suck it.” She was undulating and rocking her hips. "I'd like to suck it some more; over and over. And, when you're ready, I'd like to swallow your pretty cock and feel you shoot your come down my throat."

Oh, my God, I thought. She really knew how to get a guy in the mood. She kissed me again, sucking my tongue into her mouth, then withdrew an inch or so.

"I want to taste your come." Her whispers and the sweet smell of her breath were driving me crazy. I rocked my hips, pressing my hard cock against her smooth softness. I could feel that the lace patch which covered her had become slippery from her lubricating wetness soaking through it. "I want to taste it, Wes."

I shifted my body, indicating to her that I wanted to get up from the chair. I had caught my second wind and had an overwhelming desire to taste her as well. She arose with me, and I placed my finger tips under the straps of her bra.

"Oh, yes," she sighed, "get that off me."

Once the straps were at the side of her shoulders, I reached behind her and released the flimsy clasp. She let the bra fall to the floor and backed away from me toward the bed, stripping her thong down her legs and flinging it away with the toe of her shoe.

What an absolutely gorgeous body. Her breasts were not extremely large, but were magnificently round and firm. Her nipples, engorged and stiff, pointing straight ahead and slightly upward, had a youthful, reddish pink glow. She was truly a natural blonde. Her pubic hair looked as wispy and soft as down. I could see her labia, pink and spread wide apart, protruding through the small patch of golden silk between her legs.

She quickly went to the wall and switched off the light, then turned off the television set. She trotted to the bathroom, switched on the light above the vanity, and pulled the door partially closed so that the room was dimly lit. As I stood at the opposite side of the bed, she climbed onto it and approached me slowly on her hands and knees. As she came closer, she glanced up at me again from under her long eyelashes and licked her ruby red lips seductively.

I reached down and cuddled my hands at either side of her face when she reached me. Still gazing up at me on her hands and knees, she kissed the head of my cock. I watched in awe as she licked and nibbled on me, sucking more and more of me into her mouth, her hips rotating and wiggling with what appeared to be unrestrained desire.

As she took me deeper into her luscious, wet mouth, she swung around and reclined on her left side on the bed perpendicular to me. She brought her hands up to my balls, stroking and kneading them, her lips sinking down on me more with each plunge of her lovely face. Her legs slowly separated, giving me an inviting view. While my right hand rested at the back of her head, I ran my left hand over her smooth hip. She responded by twisting until her lower body was lying on the bed while spreading her shapely, long legs wide apart.

Her skin was the smoothest I had ever felt. She moaned provocatively, bent her legs at the knees, and raised her feet into the air as my fingers descended over her abdomen. The lush lips of her pussy were splayed open, glistening, even in the subdued light, with her lubrication. I dipped my fingers between them, immediately becoming coated with her secretions.

She moved her mouth off my cock quickly; her lips making an erotic slurping sound. "Oh, yes, Wes," she said fixing her half-closed eyes on mine, "it feels so good to have you touch me there."

With a whimper of enchantment, she engulfed me with her mouth again, her tongue flicking wildly over my sensitive cock. I rolled my fingers around in her velvety slit, then moved them higher to her clitoris. It was huge! By far the largest, most prominent love button I'd ever felt. There was a clear definition between the sheath of skin covering the cylindrical root and the firm bud which protruded nearly half an inch out from under it.

The instant I made contact, she dug the heels of her shoes into the bedspread and arched her back, lunging her hips higher into the air to give me unfettered access. At the same time, squeals and moans of elation vibrated from her throat and up through her nasal passages. Either my touch was driving her to ecstatic heights, or she was a phenomenally good actress.

She repaid me by sucking my cock with wanton abandon. Tossing her head in every direction, her entire body undulated and squirmed as I watched in delight. I'd never seen a woman react so frantically to any sort of sexual stimulation.

The visual feast coupled with the exquisite maneuvers of her mouth and lips were bringing me close to the edge again. I'm not sure whether she sensed it or not, but she abruptly slid her mouth off of me and rotated on the bed until her luscious spread legs were poised in front of me.

“Lick my pussy, Baby," she pleaded, raising her hands above her head luxuriously. "Make me come with your mouth."

If I had been chained to the wall, I would have broken loose. There was nothing in the world at that moment that could have kept me from dropping to my knees and burying my face between her smooth shapely legs. The fragrant aroma emanating from her hot opening was intoxicating.

I grabbed her ankles and lifted them into the air. Starting at the inside of her knee, I ran my wet tongue up her inner thigh, marveling at its softness through her sheer stocking, then sighing with delight as my lips passed the lace garter top and felt her tender flesh. I paused when my face was just inches from her pussy to gaze at the fleshy, bright pink lips which flared open to invite me to taste her. Lowering my head, I extended my tongue and slowly licked upward tasting the sweet, viscous, discharge that had oozed from her.

"Oh, God, yes," I heard her sigh as I licked across her perineum and sunk into her wet groove. I was amazed at the fine, light viscosity of her natural lubrication. "Stick your tongue in me, Wes, deep inside me."

I gladly complied with her demand, wiggling it around as I lapped at her tender folds. I loosened my grip on her ankles and let my hands slid over her calves until I was caressing her inner thighs.

“Oh, yes, Wes. That's good. God, that's so good, "she whispered.

As I worked my tongue in and out of her, wiggling it wildly within the softness of her labia, my upper lip barely grazed against her clitoris, causing her hips to rock gently and evoking a soft, shrill moan from her throat.

"Lick my clit, Baby. Suck on it, please? Please?"

She gave every indication that she was becoming lost in passionate lust. I raised my head two inches and licked the very tip of her bud. Incredibly, it had swelled even larger, easily the size of her nipples. She responded with a gasp of appreciation and pulled her legs up even higher, spreading them even farther apart, pitching them back and forth and from side to side.

When I wrapped my lips around it and sucked gently, flicking it with my tongue, Dawn's reaction was inspiring, to say the least. She brought her elbows to her sides and raised the upper part of her body so that she could stare down at me while I strived to please her. Her wonderful breasts heaved and, with every breath she exhaled, she moaned in increasingly higher pitched squeals.

"That's it, Wes!" she cried, a look of primal hunger on her face. "Oh, Baby, don't stop. God, yes!" She opened her lovely mouth and extended her lips, breathing heavily through her throat. "You're going to make me come like that, Wes." Her eyelids opened wider, as if she were watching an orgasm approach her from a distance like a slow freight train. "Oh, yes. God, Wes. Suck my clit!"

Suddenly, she plunged her legs downward. She arched her back and elevated herself off the bed, supported by her elbows and the heels of her shoes digging into the mattress. Her body seemed to float for a few seconds, then she threw her head back and screamed. It was the most erotic sound I think I've ever heard.

"Oh, my God! I'm coming, Wes!" She ground her pussy against my face in tight, quick circles. "Oooh, oooh, oh, yes! Yes! Yes!"

I could gladly have spent the rest of my life in that position, caressing her lovingly with my tongue. I watched her firm, round breasts rising and falling with her gasps for air as she reveled in orgasmic release. I suppose it's possible that she was faking, but if so, she would have fooled every man in the world.

As she quieted and her movements slowed, she dropped her head back onto the bed. My face was covered with a slippery film of her fragrant lubrication mixed with my saliva. Her clitoris shrank just a bit and receded partially into its protective hood. Her labia and the entrance into her vaginal duct had become even softer, wetter, and warmer than before.

I anticipated how divine it would feel to sink my cock into deep into her. The question I was pondering was whether I, or she for that matter, would be willing to do it without a condom. It would certainly be a shame to diminish the sensation of her downy tissues by encasing myself in latex, but once again, I was considering the risks.

After nearly a minute, she raised her head and looked at me. The dreamy look of afterglow on her pretty face made me feel like I could go out and slay a dragon. "Thank you, Baby," she said, lovingly grasping the sides of my head with her hands.

She pulled gently, inviting me to slide up over her magnificent body. Our lips met, and she kissed me with as much passion as any woman could convey. She brought her legs up and wrapped them around my waist as I held my weight on my hands and knees; feeling her erect nipples stab me in the chest. I knew that my cock was precariously close to her luscious vaginal opening and that all I had to do was thrust forward to penetrate her.

Just as my will power drained away and I prepared to experience the wonders of her interior, she rolled me over onto my back, reversing our positions. For several seconds I enjoyed her tongue darting into my mouth as she showered me with wet kisses. Then, raising her right leg, she swung around until she knelt at my side, running her mouth slowly over my chin and down my neck.

I stroked her fine ass and slender thighs as she trailed her mouth down my body, kissing and tonguing my chest and nipples. I couldn't keep my hips from involuntarily rocking as she nibbled her way down my belly to my abdomen, her supple hands at the sides of her face caressing my skin and her silken hair brushing over me, teasing my nerve endings.

Eventually, she poised her lovely mouth just above my taut erection. I could see a drip of seminal fluid that had leaked from it and had begun to run down over the head. She licked it off, leaving a thin strand of glistening liquid trailing from my cock to her tongue, then raised her eyes and flashed a satisfied smile at me.

"Mmmm, that tastes good, Baby. I want more." She scooted around until her knees rested on the bed next to my shoulder and lowered her face between my legs. I arched my back and bent my knees, giving her maximum access to my scrotum. With my cock nestled in the soft crease between her breasts, my eyes rolled back in their sockets when she started to lick and suck on my balls.

What an amazing, confident mood she had put me in! She had given me a tremendous orgasm, although I hadn't actually "come," with the best blow job I could ever have dreamed of. I had brought her, such an incredibly beautiful creature, to the heights of passion. And now, as I relaxed like a sultan, she was tenderly nibbling and licking between my legs like a servile concubine. At that point, I felt like I was capable of making love to her all night long!

With my hand on the inside of her left thigh, I nudged her gently, and she raised her leg over me, placing her irresistible pussy over my face. I grasped her firm hips near her waist, and pulled her back toward my open mouth. She released a falsetto sigh of joy when her wet cleft settled on my lips, and I again went to work on her magic button of pleasure.

I felt her slide her lips up the underside of my shaft, then plunge them down, sucking my cock deep into her mouth. She massaged and kneaded my balls with her hands as she moved faster and faster on me. Her clitoris began to swell and throb between my lips and against my tongue. We were moving in unison on each others' genitals like hungry animals.

All of a sudden, she forced her mouth down farther on me and took me into her throat again. In this position, it seemed that my cock entered her even deeper, causing incredible sensations of pleasure as the muscles in her throat caressed me. After what seemed like several minutes of feverish oral loving, she raised off of me.

"Are you ready, Baby?" She sucked half of me back into her mouth and swirled her tongue around lasciviously on the head of my cock. "Hmmmm?" she moaned. She lifted off again, but stroked my slippery wet shaft rapidly with her hand. "I'm going to come again, Wes. Come with me this time, Baby." Her voice cracked as she stated her intimate desire.

Instantly, she began bobbing her head up and down on me again in swift, urgent plunges, taking me fully into her throat, then sliding up nearly to the rigid crown at the top. I couldn't believe the remarkable prowess she displayed! And with such remarkable speed!

She rocked her pussy back and forth as I sucked her clitoris in cadence with her tempo. Her entire body writhed as if she had lost control. We were both moaning and grunting as we extracted pleasure from each other.

I felt her hand, slippery with saliva, glide lower, and she pressed firmly just behind my scrotum, massaging the root of my penis. Then, as it slid even lower, I felt her finger rubbing my anus, lubricating it. Within seconds, her wet finger popped through my sphincter and slid easily into me. In no time, she found my prostate through the thin lining of my rectal canal and rubbed it in small circles, pressing it gently.

The sensation of her direct stimulation of my gland caused lightning flashes of rapture in my brain. Dawn was truly a skilled expert. She knew exactly where and how to touch a man to induce the utmost in sexual pleasure.

The first signal of orgasm was a feathery tingle just behind my balls which grew more and more intense and radiated outward as my prostate prepared itself for duty. The sensation began to increase exponentially as I concentrated on the exquisite feeling of her lips, tongue, mouth, throat, hands, and finger palpating me internally. I was going to come and had no intention of holding back. I only wondered if she was going to perform her miraculous exercise and keep me from ejaculating again.

The pleasant tingle gradually encompassed the entire area between my legs, then my prostate contracted violently, pumping a massive stream of semen through my cock. At the same instant, I heard Dawn's muffled screams radiating through her nasal passages as she erupted for the second time. I was delirious with pleasure as stream after stream of hot fluid rushed through me. The awesome sensation of each heavenly spurt was accentuated by her manipulation of my prostate. It's hard to imagine an orgasm more powerful and satisfying than the one I was experiencing. Judging from her physical and vocal reactions, her climax was just as overwhelming as mine.

As the force of my internal contractions waned, she stopped moving and held me deep in her throat. I could feel her teeth pressing against my pubic mound. Then, to add to what was a truly extraordinary experience, she swallowed repeatedly, the tissues of her throat massaging my foreskin, milking me delightfully.

We remained that way for a minute or so when she slowly raised her mouth until her lips encircled just the head of my cock. I screamed with joy when she started sucking it, like a straw, feeling her drawing the last globules of come through my urethra and into her mouth.

I decided at that moment that the thousand dollars was well spent. Even if she hurriedly jumped off the bed, threw on her clothes, and left, she was worth every penny. I doubted whether I would be able to get hard again for a week after the ferocious orgasm I'd just had. And, to tell the truth, I didn't care.

My eyes were closed, but I felt her change position. She cuddled against me with her head resting on my shoulder and stroked my chest with her hand. Her body was damp with perspiration, which caused even more her sweet scent to drift into my nostrils. The calm, secure feeling of her shapely, slender body against me was sublime.

“God, Wes. That was wonderful, almost too intense," she cooed in my ear. "I love the way you make me come." She sucked my earlobe into her warm mouth. "I want you to make me come again."

We must have stayed like that for ten minutes or so, just cherishing the contentment of post-orgasmic bliss. I thought several times of saying something, but words failed me. Finally, I opened my eyes and gazed at her beautiful face. "I've never felt anything so fantastic before."

She smiled sweetly, and her eyes sparkled like blue diamonds. "Well, it takes two, you know? I'm certainly not dissatisfied." She chuckled like a little girl who had made her first joke.

My God, I thought. Not only is she surreally gorgeous and an incredibly gifted sex technician, she knows exactly what to say to make a man feel important. And I did, indeed, feel important.

After a few more minutes, she raised onto her elbow and asked, "Would you like a drink?"

"I'd love a drink."

She kissed me softly and left the bed. I heard ice tinkle in glass, and soon she brought me a scotch with a twist of lemon. I arose onto my elbows and she held the glass to my lips. After I had taken a healthy gulp, she moved the glass away and kissed me again.

"I'm going to rinse off in the shower if you don't mind?"

"Not at all," I told her with a smile. She handed me the glass, kissed me invitingly again, and headed toward the bathroom. I heard the water cascading in the tub and struggled to sit up. I glanced at the clock and saw that our escapades had taken almost an hour. Finishing the scotch she had poured for me, I started toward the dresser to pour another one when I heard the water stop running.

A few minutes later, as I sat in the cushioned chair, I heard the sound of the blow dryer. I sat and sipped scotch, anticipating Dawn's return, visualizing her naked body. Mentally, I was making preparations for enjoying her again, hoping that the finale of our time together would be furious intercourse. But, judging by the numbness in my shriveled member, I certainly wasn't physically prepared.

I glanced at the clock again. She had been in the bathroom for nearly fifteen minutes. A mild twinge of anger swept through me, feeling somehow cheated that she had used the time I had purchased to take a shower. On the other hand, how in the world could I complain? After all, it wasn't likely that I would be capable of doing anything sexually with her for the remainder of my time.

She emerged from the bathroom wearing only a shimmering red nightgown which draped loosely over her body and extended to the middle of her thighs. She was carrying her purse, which she placed on the dresser. She had obviously applied new makeup and lipstick and looked as ravishingly beautiful and fresh as she had when she first arrived.

"I kind of thought you might join me," she said as she approached. I spanked myself mentally. I should have thought of that! It would have been invigorating to take a shower with her, running my soapy hands over her superb body. I guess I just don't take hints very well.

"I've been recuperating."

"Mmmm, me too! My legs are still shaking from what you did to me. Twice." She leaned toward me and gave me a welcoming kiss, then moved behind the chair. Placing her hands on my temples, she began to give me a soothing massage. Without speaking, she worked her hands down my neck, outward over my shoulders, and eventually kneaded my chest. Nothing she was doing had overt sexual overtones. I assumed that she understood that I was finished for the day but felt that she at least owed me some form of physical contact.

The pressure of her touch became progressively softer. After just a few minutes, she seemed to be teasing me with her fingertips and nails. I sensed her face coming closer to the side of my head, then felt her warm, moist breath against the back of my ear. At the same time, she took my nipples between her thumbs and forefingers and pinched them delicately. Next, I felt her lips on my earlobe.

The gradual change in her massage technique was certainly uplifting. My heart beat quickened, and I started squirming in the chair. I brought my hands up and covered hers as she played with my nipples, appreciating the smooth skin of her fingers. Suddenly, I felt her tongue dart into my ear.

"I want you to fuck me, Wes," she whispered softly, then licked the furrows between the folds of my ear. "I want to watch that pretty cock of yours slide into me, deep into me." She licked some more, breathing heavily, leaving my ear wet with saliva. She moved her hands down to my belly, then lower, softly stroking my abdomen. "Please fuck me, Wes? Fuck me hard and deep and make me come on your big cock."

I wish that I had a tape recording of her pleas. They were the sexiest sounds of desire I'd ever heard. I closed my eyes and listened intently, basking in the delight of her touch.

"I need your cock, Wes. Don't you want to fuck me?" She sighed heavily between whispers. "I want to spread my legs wide for you and feel your big cock pounding in and out of my hot pussy. I want you to make me come again, Wes,” she stated with a more throaty edge in her voice. “Then, I want you to use me. I want to fuck however you want.” The pitch of her voice fell an octave. “I want to feel you spray your hot come deep inside me while I come hard on your wonderful, big cock."

It was unbelievable. I could feel a stirring between my legs. I imagined that my cock was standing stiff, straight, and tall, ready to give this lovely young beauty what she wanted. Her hands went lower, and I felt her wrap her hand around my shaft. To my surprise, it throbbed as soon as she touched it.

"Oh, Baby," she murmured, "this is my cock. I want to ride this big cock until I come. That's what I want. Please fuck me with it, Wes?"

It was a miracle. She had talked me into what was fast becoming a bona fide erection. I rocked my hips up and down, sliding my shaft through her encircling fingers.

"Take me to the bed, Wes. Fuck me. I want you to fuck me." She whispered.

She moved from behind me, and took my hand. Stepping backward gracefully, she beckoned me toward the bed. With her other hand, she grasped the covers and peeled them away, exposing the soft, crisp, white sheets. Still pulling me by the hand, she stepped onto the bed and crouched on her knees. I was putty in her hands.

I got onto the bed, and she turned me around, positioning me on my back. She fell into my arms and began kissing me passionately as if we were lovers who had been separated for a year and just reunited. Almost instantly, she began writhing lasciviously, undulating her hips erotically.

Without breaking her lock on my lips, she raised her leg over me and straddled me. The condom issue again raced fleetingly into my mind, and departed just as quickly. I was fortunate to have gotten hard again. There was no sense restricting the benefits.

She raised her head and crouched upright on me. Taking my nearly rigid shaft in her hand, she held it up and rubbed the tip between the wet, slippery lips of her pussy. Her mouth fell open and her eyes closed, giving every impression that the mere touch of my cock was sending her into a state of bliss. Once the end of it was wet with her lubrication, she rubbed it against her swollen clitoris, inhaling deeply in response.

"Oh, God, Baby," she moaned, rocking her hips provocatively. The feeling of her softness was all I needed to convince my fatigued organ that it should spring to life. I was hard again and thrusting toward her, craving the sensation of her wet vagina clutching me.

Ever so slowly, she inserted me into her and lowered her hips. The warmth and softness were amazing. She took only an inch or so at first, then raised slightly. She slid down farther, and raised again. Then, with her mouth open wide and her eyes fixed on mine, she uttered a low, joyous moan as she slowly sank all the way down on me until our pubic hair matted together.

Although I was jerking upward to meet her strokes, I allowed her to set the pace. She worked up and down on me lovingly, increasing her speed almost imperceptibly. She felt tight and snug against me in comparison to what I was accustomed to with my wife. The texture of her vaginal sheath was magnificent. Her internal ridges played magically on my tightly stretched skin.

Before I knew it, she was riding up and down on me in rapid, full strokes, her hands on my chest for leverage and balance. Without breaking stride, she grabbed the skirt of her nightgown, hoisted it over her head, and tossed it aside. What an incredible vision! Her breasts bouncing wildly above her narrow rib cage and waist begged to have me caress and squeeze them.

"Oh, yeah!" she commented through her panting breaths. "Oh, God. Your cock is so good, Wes. So good."

Without warning, she stopped sliding and pressed her pussy tight against me; grinding her bloated clitoris against my pubic mound. "Wes, you're so deep in me," she panted, "soooo deep!"

After a few seconds, she resumed her bouncing, the tissues of her vagina milking my cock, then stopped to grind against me again. I was thankful, really. Without her pauses, she would surely have made me come much too quickly.

"Oh, God, Wes! I'm going to come! Ooooooh! Oh, yes!" She was screaming as she grated against me. She took an amazingly deep breath then exhaled powerfully; a low moan of satisfaction rumbling in her throat. I hope I never forget the beautiful expression of total release on her face.

"Ooooooooh! Ooooooooh, God!" Her voice was several octaves lower than I had thought possible.

She held still and close against me, her body trembling. The muscles in her vagina began to roll in spasms again and again, constricting on the base of my cock, then rippling upwards, as if trying to pull me deeper into her. I'd never felt such astounding, intense evidence of a female orgasm before.

When the contractions subsided, she collapsed onto me, searching around in my mouth with her tongue. "Oh, Wes," she mumbled through our joined lips. "God, that was good."

She rolled off of me onto her back, raised and spread her legs until they were nearly at right angles to her body, and held out her arms, inviting me into her. "Fuck me, now. Fuck me hard and fast and come inside me." She rotated her hips slowly and provocatively. "Please fuck me, Wes?"

I wasted no time in positioning myself between her legs. She pulled my face to hers and our lips met. With one thrust, I buried my cock in her waiting sleeve.

The next few minutes are difficult to describe. I kissed, felt, squeezed, and massaged every inch of her that I could. I thrust in and out of her as if this were the last time I would ever make love to a woman. During the entire process, she remained submissive, almost subservient, letting me control the speed and depth of penetration, but continuing to coax me on.

"Yes, Baby. I'm all yours, Baby," she assured me, a desperate, earnest tone in her voice. "I want your cock. Use me, Baby. God, fuck me hard."

I was vaguely aware that sweat was dripping off of me. I had entered a rare zone of carnal consciousness. The sound of her voice and her wanton, sultry words of desire rang in my ears. I was only faintly aware of the grunts and groans that were coming from deep within my chest. The entire experience became a blur of unrestrained passion.

"That's it, Baby. Fuck me. Make me come!” she cried. “I'm going to come again for you, Wes! Fuck me! I'm going to come again!"

I had my hands wrapped around her breasts, kneading them, pulling them. My lips were sucking her right nipple into my mouth. I was thrusting all the way in and out of her.

"Oh, my God, Wes! I'm coming, Baby!" she shouted, arching her back and undulating her body under me suggestively, enhancing the luxurious friction that was sending me over the edge.

My cock felt like it had swelled larger and harder than humanly possible. A surge of pleasant tingles exploded between my legs as hot floods of semen gushed out of me. Dawn's inspiring cries of excitement grew even louder and filled the room.

"Yes, Wes! I can feel you come inside me! Fill me up, Wes!"

I kept driving in and out until I had drained myself into her. It felt like all my strength had been sapped from me, but my hips were still grinding against her, savoring her wet heat. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, but was probably no more than a few minutes, I slumped onto her in exhaustion.

Without hesitation, she rolled us over and lifted herself off of me. Sliding down my body and kneeling between my legs, she lowered her mouth over my withering erection. Just as she had done before, she sucked me, expertly siphoning through my cock what little semen remained in my sensitive duct.

I was floating on a cloud as I relaxed in silence. When she was satisfied that I was empty, she licked and kissed my cock lovingly as it softened. I reached down and took her head in my hands. "Come here," I told her, pulling her onto me.

Our lips met in a tender embrace. "I don't know what to say," I admitted as I gazed into her eyes.

"Then, don't say anything."

She nuzzled her face in my neck and we cuddled while we regained our breaths. My mind was full of outlandish thoughts and ideas. Why hadn't I found a woman like her twenty years ago? What was it about Dawn that made her such an incredible lover? Why hadn't my wife ever perfected the techniques Dawn had mastered in our nearly twenty years together? Why hadn't my wife ever dreamt of doing some of the things that Dawn had done to me in the last two hours?

My revelry was interrupted when Dawn raised up and kissed me. "Thank you, Wes." She kissed me again. "You're absolutely wonderful. But, our time is about up. I've got to be going."

She paused and looked at me, waiting for my acknowledgement of the inevitable, I guess. Reality slammed back, causing a sinking feeling in my stomach. "I know." I ran my fingers through her hair. "Yes, I know."

She gave me a short peck on the cheek and arose from the bed. Quickly, although not hastily, she gathered her articles of clothing which were scattered around the room, picked up her purse, and disappeared into the bathroom. I stayed on the bed, not knowing whether proper protocol dictated that I should get dressed or not.

After a few minutes, she came out of the bathroom with her dress on. She looked fresh, energetic, and beautiful. She walked over to me and sat on the bed. Stroking my cheek with her fingers, she grinned at me, focusing her marvelous eyes on mine.

"Will I see you again?" she asked, tilting her head to one side. "I'd really like to."

The feeling was mutual, obviously. Tomorrow wouldn't be too soon, if I could afford it. "I certainly hope so." It was all I could think to say.

"Me, too." She got up and went to the closet. Thinking back, I realize that I should have helped her with her coat. But, at that moment, I was suffering from post-orgasmic paralysis.

"I won't forget you, Wes," she said. And with that, she opened the door and was gone.

I eventually staggered to the bathroom and rinsed off in the shower. It was funny, but I didn't feel guilty about what I had done. However, I wanted to be sure to remove any sign of my escapade from my body before I went home.

As I was dressing, the phone rang. My first reaction was a flash of paranoia, wondering who would be calling the room. I let it ring several times before I mustered the courage to answer. When I did, I waited for the caller to speak first.

"Hello?" It was Elaine. The anxiety evaporated from me. "Who's there?"

“Hello, Elaine."

"Oh, hello, Wes. I hope you're well."

I grinned. "I certainly am."

"Are you alone?"

"Yes, she's gone."

"Were you satisfied with your interlude?"

I laughed. I laughed loud and hard. "Honestly?"

“Of course."

"Satisfied beyond my wildest dreams."

"I knew you would be. Well, please feel free to give me a call if you'd like to arrange something in the future. I have two new agents that you might like to consider."

"I will. Thank you, Elaine."

"Goodbye, Wes. Thank you, again."

Over the following few weeks I had fleeting feelings of regret. I regretted that I had cheated on my wife. But, then again, my transgression had been purely physical rather than emotional. I had regrets about being so chauvinistically selfish, but I consoled myself by rationalizing that I deserved to be pampered a little bit while I am still capable of enjoying it. I also had regrets about the amount of money I had spent to be pampered.

About a month after seeing Dawn, I telephoned Elaine again. It took another month before I invested in another interlude. I do it now about every two or three months. I couldn't testify that what I've had is the finest sex in the world. But, it would be difficult to imagine that there is any better.

I've found that I push harder to succeed in my business in order to be able to afford it. I've also entrusted about half of my investments to Elaine's judgment. To my surprise, she has out performed my regular broker. Plus, I get a discount on my trips to paradise.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-06-21 03:03:10
damn great story............ sexy but written beautifully.........

anonymous readerReport 

2010-08-19 01:11:45
this storey is the best piece of writing I've read in a long time. Even though it is on a cheap porn site lol

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-11-28 08:20:12
Man, I am unable to read the full story without blowing it... Anal part is missing, though..


2007-06-20 16:48:23
Aw man, that was awesome! Top story! 11/10


2007-05-20 19:35:03
If that was fiction it was damn good fiction. I have read this one and the "Kitten" trilogy. this is better. this is good stuff. looking foreward to reading more of your work 10/10

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