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Hi sexstories readers! I've been a long time lurker and fan, and I would really appreciate any sort of feedback (criticism, requests, etc.).
A student in the last year of college gets his hands on a virus that, when sent through a simple text, will issue an irresistible command. Will the girl of his dreams succumb to its power, or will she be able to resist?

Disclaimer: All characters are entirely fictional and all resemblances to anyone in real life is entirely coincidental. If you are under 18 or offended by sexual material, don’t say I didn’t warn you.


by Sinistra

Part V

Isabelle sat in that room for a long time. She felt like she wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn’t come. Her insides felt knotted and cold, and she felt like she was going to be sick. She was calm, and she hated herself for it. She hated that she enjoyed swiping her finger through her labia, licking her fingers to clean herself up. She hated that she would never tell anyone about her condition, and would have to bear this curse alone. She hated that, if Darius were to walk in again and demand her submission, she would spread her legs for him without thinking.

She held the cold phone in her hand. Isabelle sat, blinking, empty.

When she returned home that night, the cum on her inner thigh dried by the cool evening air, her dinner was waiting for her.

‘Hi, darling’ her mother called as she opened the door. She walked into the hallway. ‘You’re food’s on the table. Dad and I - oh honey what’s wrong?’ she said, pulling the pale, wide-eyed Isabelle into a tight hug.

‘Um, I’m not feeling very well.’

Her mother pulled back, frowning. ‘Well, there’s paracetamol in the cupboard, and if there’s anything else you need you just have to ask. Would you like me to make you a lemon and honey drink?’

Isabelle brushed a hair out of her face with a meek smile, and her mother beamed at her.

‘There’s that smile. Come now, you’re dinner’s getting cold.’

Richard and Molly, her parents, shared a concerned look as her and Isabelle entered the room, but after a warm meal of roast chicken, pasta, and vegetables, some of the usual warmth and colour returned to Isabelle’s face. She said goodnight to her parents, cuddled up on the sofa, and her sister, doing her homework by the light of her desk-lamp, and made her way to bed. She fell into sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, her mind and body exhausted.

* * *

Isabelle tried to keep her mind off things as she got ready for school. As she got changed she suddenly panicked when she reached for her panty drawer. Should I open it? What if I can’t bring myself to put them on? What if I really am a slut? Isabelle thought it better not to take the risk. She felt a calm wash over her. After all, she couldn’t be a slut if she hadn’t succumb to the temptation not to wear panties. Right? Better to leave them.

She tried not to notice the look her father and mother shared as she walked down the stairs, her high heels clacking on the kitchen tiles as she entered. Her new, inspired dress sense had not gone unnoticed. As she sat down for breakfast her sister Ellie looked up and down Isabelle’s body, raised her eyebrows and smirked. Isabelle blushed, but kept her gaze, smirking back.

Isabelle couldn’t deny her embarrassment. After all, who wants to be thought of as sleazy by their own family? Especially a girl such as Isabelle with such a stellar academic record, as well as always being a stickler for the school dress code. But she couldn’t deny the sense of confidence that welled up from within whenever a head turned, a gaze lingered a few seconds too long, or the boys struggled to keep their eyes from slipping downwards to her chest. She had always viewed skimpy clothing with distaste, a perversion of the woman’s right to choose, which her feminist idols had fought so hard to create.

She now looked the type of girl that she would have thought, even a few days ago, Ok, maybe she’s pretty - but why would a guy go for a girl who dresses like...that? But as long as Darius liked it, and the school didn’t do anything about it, what was the problem?

* * *

Scarlett sat in the canteen, thumbing the phone under the table, making idle conversation with her friends. She was never one to procrastinate, and her attitude was no different towards seducing her friends. She sat there, weighing up her options.

She had entertained ideas on the way to school of what to send. She had begun to feel guilty thinking about it, but she quickly reassured herself that it was only temporary, and that she could just ask Darius to reverse the conditioning like he was going to do for her. She would check with him.

Am I really going to do this? Am I really so cold as to sacrifice one of my friendships - maybe ruin my entire reputation - just in the hopes that Darius keeps his word? I take it he wouldn’t want me fucking another guy...Mmm, but I’ve never been with a girl before…

She looked at her friends. They were studious, confident, and independent women. And that’s why it would be so naughty… Isabelle shivered. She had to. Granted, it was fun, but she couldn’t be Darius’ slut forever. I need to find a way out. I could go for someone I don’t really know...may then it wouldn’t be so bad. But Darius said it had to be one of my friends...hadn’t he?...maybe Naomi? Scarlett? They’re so boring, they could definitely stand to...well, have some fun.

Naomi sat next to her. She was cute. Today her raven black hair was tied back in a neat ponytail, and she was wearing a black skirt to match. Her sapphire eyes were always bubbling with excitement, as if she was always on the brink of laughter. She was sat now, chattering away to a girl called Caitlin, a honey-brunette haired girl who was equally as pretty. Every few seconds she would tilt her head and tuck her hair behind her ear. She was listening intently, nodding every few seconds earnestly.

Scarlett was idly flicking through her phone on the other side of the table. Her gorgeous fiery hair tumbled behind her, thick and wavy. Her eyes, like Naomi’s, were also an entrancing blue. Scarlett and Isabelle attended the same gymnastics class on the weekend, and regularly had coffee afterwards, but despite their friendship she had never expressed any interest in boy - or girl for that matter. She hadn’t had a Christian or strict upbringing, but she was undeniably prudish when it came to talking about boys or sex. She reminded Isabelle of herself - well, her old self. Maybe that could change… mused Isabelle. She just needs to loosen up a me. Maybe she’ll enjoy it. If I had to make love to any would be her.

‘Scarlett!’ Isabelle said across the table.

She looked up from her phone. ‘Yes?’

‘Scarlett, I was thinking - you know the homework for Miss Burne? Well, if I came to yours after school today and worked together on it we could easily get it done in half the time.’

‘Yeah, of course.’

‘Great! I’ve got to change first, but I’ll be round as soon as I can.’

‘Nice. Oh - before I forget - you’ll never believe what Abby told me...’ Isabelle nodded, but she was barely listening. Her heart fluttered, restless with giddy anticipation. Hope this works…

* * *

Isabelle shivered, strolling briskly through the chill wind. The first tendrils of winter had crept up on Isabelle by surprise. She noticed the frost on the grass as she walked briskly through the suburbs.The wind was suddenly imbued with an icy sting, and she shivered, her miniskirt fluttering around her legs. She wasn’t even wearing stockings, and her bare legs were fully exposed. She stared up at the grey sky gloomily, wrapping her fur coat around her torso and clenching her jaw. Daylight was fading fast, already overcast by rolling clouds.

She finally arrived, and knocked on the door. She was greeted by a smiling Scarlett who was wearing a burgundy halter top under a grey cardigan, and faded blue jeans.

‘Hi!’ They hugged. ‘God, you must be freezing! Come in. My parents are out watching Eddie’s football game tonight so they won’t be back till later. I’m just going to make some hot chocolate, so get comfortable in my room and I’ll be up in a sec’

Isabelle vaguely remembered Eddie as Scarlett’s young brother. He too had a shock of ginger hair, but he mostly shied away from her whenever she was round. She hung up her coat, revealing the orange, tight fit winter cardigan she wore underneath. She made her way upstairs, her eyes glued to Scarlett as she did so. The tight denim accentuated the curve of her ass with each step, and Isabelle couldn’t help but stare. She entered Scarlett’s bedroom, the peach wallpaper and fairy lights creating a wonderfully warm decor. She slumped onto the bed, her back resting against the wall. She swung her legs up and rested her book on her lap, and twirled her pen idly - even though she had no intention of working. Soon Scarlett returned with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate, and they sat in silence, Isabelle on the bed and Scarlett at her desk.

Isabelle let out a deep breath, her insides warmed by the delicious cocoa. ‘Scarlett you’re fab. This was just the ticket.’

Scarlett smiled. ‘Thanks. It’s horrible out there. And it’s only getting colder.’ She took another sip.

Her fist clenched around the phone. Could she really do this? I don’t even like girls that way...She felt an uncomfortable lump in her throat, but she remembered why she was here. She had to free herself above everything else.

Her heart hammered in her chest as she entered Scarlett’s phone number onto her new gadget. She rubbed her thighs together involuntarily. Don’t get carried away, Isabelle...remember who you are. Now, for the text...It can’t just be ‘slut’. I don’t want to ruin the poor girls life. Obey? Horny? Mmm, horny sure would be fun... Isabelle had her reservations...but the more she stared at Scarlett, the more she found to admire. She knew that she loved her own body, enjoyed the exhibitionist thrill of miniskirts and heels...but on other women? She began to feel uneasy, but she pressed these thoughts out of her mind. She had a job to do.

Isabelle opened her phone, her heart thumping in her chest. She wasn’t sure how it would even work, but each time she punched in another letter, H...O...R...N...Y the phone would freeze and vibrate for a second, the power tangible, all in her hands. She pressed send.

A faint buzz came from Scarlett’s pocket, and she whipped her phone out to check her screen. As soon as the pale glow hit her eyes, they glazed over, her head rocking back and forth. Isabelle tensed up, cringing. Was that what I looked like? She tried to remember what had happened when she received her own text. She couldn’t.

‘Scarlett. Scarlett?’ Scarlett slowly lowered her phone, furrowed her brow, then began to blink rapidly.

She looked up. ‘Huh?’ Her pupils were dilating, but returned to focus. She looked at Isabelle. Scarlett knew Isabelle she was an attractive girl, but looking at her now...

‘Who...who was it from?’

Scarlett’s brow furrowed. ‘What? Was what from?’

Isabelle smirked. ‘The text, silly.’

‘Oh yeah, that. I think it just…uh...’ Scarlett trailed off, looking out her window, looking as if she would find answers in the sky.

Isabelle’s heartbeat quickened. It’s working! It’s really working! ‘Scarlett!’ She said in mock surprise. ‘It wasn’t from...a boy? Was it?’ A massive grin was plastered on her face.

Scarlett flushed, her porcelain skin coloured a rosy red. She’s so adorable… Isabelle thought.

‘No!’ She squirmed in her seat, suddenly feeling uncomfortable, a strange itch underneath her clothes. What on earth…‘Don’t be silly Issy. Don’t talk about that kind of stuff. We should really get to…’

‘A girl then?’

‘No! I’m not like that…I’m not a...y’know...lesbian.’ Scarlett mumbled. Her throat was becoming dry, and she felt a rising sense of panic. But what at? She didn’t like girls. Sure, she could sit here and look at Isabelle, admire her perfect legs and her gorgeous hair…but that doesn’t mean I’m into girls…

‘I’m not a lesbian, Scarlett - but I can still enjoy the beauty of a woman. Don’t you think I’m pretty?’ Isabelle looked up at her with innocent doe-eyes, twirling a curl of her hair. She pressed her arms into her chest, not-so-subtly emphasising her cleavage.

Scarlett involuntarily licked her lips. Why did I do that?‘Um, yes, of course I think, uh, that you’re pretty, I just don’ girls in that way.’ She blushed even further, a warm feeling washing over her skin. Why do I feel so awkward? I’m telling the truth for God’s sake! And Isabelle is pretty. Look at the way her bosom casts a shadow. Look at her legs. Oh, I bet they’re nice and smooth…

‘Oh Scarlett - I think you’re gorgeous - it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, it doesn’t mean anything.’ She watched as Scarlett blushed and squirmed in her seat.

Isabelle frowned. ‘Scarlett are you alright? You don’t look very comfortable in that cardigan.’

Scarlett shivered. She realised Isabelle was right. Her breasts were strained against the fabric, and they were so warm. But she didn’t want to take the cardigan off. She wanted to keep it on. Wasn’t it wrong to take it off? ‘I like it.’ She said, dumbly.

‘Well - I’m just saying that with all your layers, and the heating on, and the hot chocolate - you must be really warm. I’m feeling warm, and I almost froze to death on the way here!’

‘I mean, yeah, I guess so, but…’ Why is it so hard to think all of a sudden? What’s going on?

‘It can’t be comfortable to be getting so hot under your clothes.’

Scarlett mewled desperately. ‘Stop’re making me all…’ she shrugged helplessly. This isn’t fair! Why am I feeling like this? How does Isabelle know?

‘Don’t you think you’d be better off without so many layers?’

Scarlett bit her lip. ‘Ok...’ She said, almost like a question, and then brought her hands to her chest. She began to undo the buttons of her cardigan, her palm gently brushing her soft nipples through the material., they’re sensitive today. A warm tingle shot through her chest, the nubs becoming harder. Oh...I hope Isabelle doesn’t notice how, mmm, hot I’m getting…

Isabelle couldn’t help but admire the stretch of the linen against Scharlett’s bosom as her delicate fingers popped each button free.

Scarlett placed the cardigan on the back of her chair. She sighed. Much...better…

‘Now, um, where did we get up to…’ Scarlett looked down at her chest. No, her desk. A number of books and folders were splayed out, but her eyes refused to focus. Her eyes were being dragged down, and she tried to resist, but it took all her will to not stop and admire how her breasts swayed softly with every breath. For some reason her top felt incredibly tight, her breasts irritated by the fabric. She tugged at the material, but it only fanned her arousal. What has got into me?

‘I’m sorry, Isabelle. I’m not usually like this. I’m just, uh, not feeling so well…’. She felt empty, queasy. A numb warmth soothed her mind and body, but even so her skin was so sensitive, crying out for a...touch, a caress. Focus,’re not like this.

‘You poor thing.’ Isabelle cooed. ‘Come here, sit on the bed.’ She patted the mattress.

Scarlett gulped. She tried to think, tried to resist, but she was losing control, her mind was being rewritten, reprogrammed. She tried to navigate the fog of her arousal, because that’s what it was, but she was lost. ‘We should really…’

‘Really what, Scarlett?’

‘ know, the books, the work...that!’ She pointed at the desk. Scarlett felt dizzy. The growing itch between her thighs was becoming painful, and with every heavy breath her chest heaved, her soft tits cramped and tight against her halter top. It was becoming impossible to ignore. Maybe it’s better just to do what she says, go along with it until I feel better. With a tremble in her lower lip, she stood up, but the blood rushed out of her head and she cried out, lurching forwards into the soft lap of Isabelle. Isabelle caught her, her hands wrapped around Scarlett’s waist.

‘Oh Issy, I’m, mmm, not sure what’s happening...I’m not this.’ She said breathily.

‘It’s ok Scarlett, it’s ok.’ she sung softly into Scarlett’s ear.

Scarlett felt her warm breath on her skin, and suddenly felt all nice and tingly.

‘How do you feel? Maybe talking about it might make you feel better.’

Scarlett whimpered, her head resting on Isabelle’s shoulder. ‘Issy, I really, really don’t want to, um, talk about it…’

‘Scarlett, don’t be silly now. We’re good friends. Good friends talk to each other about their problems. Isn’t that right my horny sweetheart?’ Isabelle was slowly starting to relish in the power. There is definitely something...exquisite about dominating such a specimen. Isabelle was gently rubbing her hands up and down Scarlett’s waist, grazing her fingertips across her flesh, sending little tingles of electricity across her skin. Her glorious strawberry-blonde hair was fanned out behind her, radiating a flowery fragrance.

No, that’s not right. This doesn’t make sense...oh but it feels wonderful...‘Mmm, Isabelle...I don’’m not like this...whatever you’re, uh, doing to me...make it stop…’ Scarlett’s voice was distant and fragile.

She’s about to crack, thought Isabelle. Delicious. Is this what I’m like?

‘Wow, Scarlett, you sound so horny. It must be so hard wearing such an itchy, uncomfortable bra when your breasts are so sensitive, and all you want to do is touch your lovely tits...’ Suddenly she pulled backwards, Scarlett sliding off her legs and onto the mattress. Her hands shot up Scarlett’s top, under the fabric which, in reality, was very soft.

‘Ooh Issy! No, nooo…’ Scarlett was all but paralysed, her arms hanging limp by her sides and her breathing heavy under Isabelle’s roving touch. Her mind was subdued, eroded by the wonderful sensations in her boobs and her pussy. She gulped, and her body stiffened as Isabelle’s cool hands crept tantalisingly closer to her warm, needy breasts.

‘Noooo…not right, not, mmm, good’ she whispered faintly, arching her back in a poor attempt to escape the promise of Isabelle’s soft fingers. Scarlett was almost lost to the pleasure, but she needed Issy to...stop. ‘I don’t, mmm, want to…’

She felt her bra, stroking the surrounding skin, then unclasped it. Scarlett gasped, writhing on the bed. ‘No Issy, it’s not right, you shouldn’t be...ooh’ her protest was halted by Isabelle’s palms cupping her firm tits, gently rubbing the soft flesh.

Her C-cups were a perfect handful, and as Isabelle’s fingers slowly stroked circles around Scarlett’s nipples, she gasped, the gentle touch sending her over the edge. Her thighs quivered and her pussy clenched, as the wonderful pleasure sent a glossy pleasant joy over her entire body. She rode the waves of delight, shuddering in her friends tender embrace. ‘Oh!, uh, Oh my God…’ Isabelle’s touch sent electric pleasure coursing through her blood, and her panties grew wet with moisture. ‘Mmm...we shouldn’t have done that…’ But it felt so goooood…

Isabelle’s breasts pushed into her friends back, the fleeting sensation driving her own passions. She began to feel awkward, getting excited from another girl - I don’t have to like girls to enjoy how hot this is … she reassured herself. Her pussy was trickling juices underneath her skirt, but she knew the rules. If only Darius was here…

She continued massaging Scarlett’s breasts, urged by the coos of pleasure, her soft moans, her feeble protests. ‘Nooo, Issy we...mmm...we shouldn’t...oh please, I’m not...I’m not a, ooh a slut, pleeease...why won’t you listen…’ But Isabelle did listen. She listened to the soft tremors of her body, the slow rhythmic tensing of her muscles, and the excited hardness of her nipples. She teased the sensitive nubs, rubbing circles with her fingers, pinching with her thumbs, tender tugs, soft squeezes.

Scarlett found that she couldn’t struggle, even if she wanted to. Her mind was utterly washed away by the cascading waves of pleasure that rocked her mind. She was self-aware enough to realise that she was behaving just like a brainless, horny little doll. She felt so naughty, so free. At least I’m not in control...ooh, it feels so good to be horny, to be dominated…

‘This feels really nice, doesn’t it Scarlett?’

‘Mmm, yeah, I, oh, I suppose…’

‘I bet your pussy is begging for some attention…’

Isabelle squirmed and squealed. ‘No no no…’ she whined. ‘This...ooh, can’t be happening…’ her voice was barely a hoarse whisper now. Scarlett had almost forgotten why she was protesting, but hearing her own feeble cries ignited the fiery passions between her thighs. Isabelle grinned.

‘Issy. Please please listen. We’re friends...this isn’t normal.’ Suddenly she took a deep sharp breath, as if about to cry out, but Isabelle’s hand snaked down her thigh, and instead she merely whimpered. She undid the front of her jeans, then reached down to her white panties. They had pretty pink flowers on them. Scarlett melted, leaning back against her friend, cushioned by her breasts and thick cardigan. Isabelle propped her back against the wall with a couple of pillows, Scarlett’s hands reaching up to grope at the fleshy mounds of her tits.

Issy ran a hand up her friends panties, pressing her pussy mound and absorbing the juices through the dark, damp patch at the front of her panties. She brought her hand to Scarlett’s lips, but she tossed her head to the side, shaking no. ‘Issy...please! It’s, mmm, It’s soo wrong…so dirty...’ but Isabelle teased her lips with the tangy dew, and Scarlett’s will was finally bent to the whim of her horny pussy.’s so good to just...submit… Scarlett relaxed as she realised there was nothing she could do to evade the onslaught of pleasure. Just enjoy it…

Issy slowly inserted her finger into Scarlett’s parting lips, feeling her tongue swirl around the digit, tasting the sweet and tangy flavour, the lust, the submission. Scarlett savoured the taste, and her eyelids fluttered shut in a sublime, aroused serenity.

‘Say hi to Darius!’

Scarlett’s eyes came wide open and saw that in Isabelle’s outstretched hand, she was holding her phone. She turned her head to look at her friend, her eyes pleading. Darius? Who is...Why is she...Darius? What?

‘Are you...why are you…’ Scarlett melted as Issy smiled and leant forwards, locking Scarlett in a passionate kiss as her other hand crept its way under her panties. Her mouth, parted in a moan of delight, was wonderfully soft on her lips, and her pussy, covered in a thin layer of fur, was wonderfully warm and moist. She planted several delicate kisses on Scarlett’s lips, nibbling on them, duelling with her tongue.

‘Mmm...Darius, look what I’ve got...mmm, that’s right, you better come over here and...ooh, fuck poor little Scarlett here, or she’s going to go, um, crazy! Isn’t that right Scarlett?’

Scarlett mewled softly, Isabelle’s fingers tracing circles around her wonderfully sensitive clit. She was still clothed in her burgundy halter top, but the pale skin of her waist and hips teased the camera. Her elegant neck and her ‘o’ face was perfectly presented to the camera as she rested her head on Isabelle’s shoulder.

‘You love being filmed, don’t you Scarlett. You get so horny showing off your body. Why don’t you show us your gorgeous tits.’

Yes yes yes! God I’m does Isabelle know exactly, mmm, what I like… Scarlett thrust her chest out, tracing her forefingers over her nipples, the small bumps pressing through the fabric. Her pussy walls clenched as Issy slipped a finger into her warm depths, her knuckle lightly grazing her clit.

‘Yesssss…’ Her hips thrust forwards, and her hands slowly pulled up her top, inch by inch, revealing more pale, unblemished skin. ‘Oh my god oh my god oh my god’ she whispered as she revealed the swell of her breasts to the camera.

She wasn’t quite sure who Darius was, but she was far too horny to care. She mumbled in a throaty drawl, ‘Mmm, do you like my tits? You wanna, mmm, see my, oooh, my pointy nipples?’

The last few inches were the most tantalising. Slowly the fabric moved further up her chest, dragging against her ultra-sensitive nipples. Oh yes, it feels so good, so good to show my body, mmm, so horny...yes… Issy was still working away, pistoning two fingers inside her needy pussy, her thumb pressing her hot little love button. She could feel her passion rising.

‘You better stop or I’m gonna come…’

Scarlett gasped and bucked in delight as suddenly her lovely pale nipples sprang free as her top was pulled up to her neck. ‘So good, so so so good, oooh…’ she trailed off, mumbling incoherently. Her palms squeezed her breasts together, releasing some aching pressure, her thighs clenching on Issy’s fingers as she surged with pleasure. Her wild fiery hair was splayed out behind her as she shook, limp and beautiful, succumbing to her orgasm, a blissful smile etched on her pale face.

‘Mmm, oh yes Issy don’t stop, I’m com- oh yes! Oh yes, oh I’m coming! Watch me come, mmm…’ moaned Scarlett, coating Issy’s fingers with juices, utterly lost to the throes of her pleasure.

Isabelle hit send. Immediately Darius replied.

Holy shit. 5 minutes. Don’t move.


2018-12-11 20:28:08
One of the best stories i've read in a while. I love how you manage to bring across the mind-breaking pleasure. I jope you post more!


2018-11-17 13:40:04
Great stories so far definitely enjoying them.
When a character is speaking, don't put the actiions of another character on thr same line.
For example ‘Don’t you think you’d be better off without so many layers?’ Scarlett bit her lip. Isabelle is the one who said this but from how its written you would think it was Scarlett.
Otherwise, great stories and I hope you continue.

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