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Synthia goes out to a local club for just a simple drink....
Synthia moved forward, blinking suddenly as a neon coloured holographic woman appeared opposite her on the other side of the bar. She’d heard that Exxhaust was the highest tech club in town, but this was a step past what she’d expected. The woman flipped her hair over her shoulder while blowing out a pink bubblegum bubble, biting down on it to pop it as she leaned forward, the projections shirt designed such that its ample cleavage could be clearly seen as it leaned towards Synthia.

“What can I get ya sugar?”

The synthetic voice issued from in front of Synthia, tinged with a heavy dose of femininity. Synthia stammered as her cheeks reddened, as much as she hadn’t expected the holographic bartender, she expected the display of the holograms generous chest even less.

“Ah, j-just a gin and tonic p-please.”

The holographic bartender winked at her as automatic machines within the bar churned, producing her drink. Synthia picked up the drink and turned, looking to find a less explicit view. The dance floor stretched in front of her and as her eyes adjusted to the strobing lights flashing across the club her hopes of a more modest sight were dashed.

People gyrated against each other, some kept modest only by small scraps of material glued to their bodies, others having had their modesty removed, dress straps pulled to the side to unveil breasts as their dance partners touched and squeezed. Elsewhere, people had their hands at their partners groins, dresses pulled up, or zippers undone to allow the grasping hands free reign. Here, it seemed, lust reigned supreme.

Synthia turned back around, heat rising in her body as she greedily started drinking, desperate to hide herself from the rampant debauchery happening in the club. She began rapidly reconsidering her decision to come here, she was a tech geek for God sake, not some kind of wild slut like the rest of the people here. Cementing the idea in her mind, she placed her drink back on the bar and turned to leave.

As Synthia turned, she felt her bag smack into something, hard. Glancing back to see what she'd hit she was taken aback to find herself staring at a large muscled young man. Blindingly obvious was the chromed arms that he was sporting, the metal biting into his flesh at the shoulder. He was lightly touching her bag as it had hit against his clearly toned stomach beneath his tight shirt.

Smiling down at her he let his hand drop from her bag, proceeding to move his arm over a small scanner built into the bar as a disguised panel in his arm lit up. He leant onto the bar, his eyes locking with hers as the machinery in the bar spun, producing a drink that he smoothly took into his hand.

Synthia abruptly realised she'd been staring at him for the last few moments, enraptured in the movements of his body and the thrill of being so near an Augment. She let out a small nervous laugh,

“S-sorry. I was just, um, leaving. I didn't mean to ah, hit you there.”

The man smiled wider at her, replying with a voice that sent small shivers down Synthia’s spine,

“It's not a problem. You were leaving? A shame, I was just coming to offer you a drink.”

Synthia felt her cheeks redden impossibly further, the thought of an Augment offering her a drink sending her into a spiral of surprise and denial. Catching herself, she managed to choke out a response

“Me? But there's all of… “ she gestured towards the dance floor, where the participants seemed to be in full swing of their revelry, “That.”

The man chuckled softly in reply,

“Ah, but each person desires something different yes? However, talk of desires isn't something for the bar. Please, what can I get you?”

Synthia couldn't help but let her mind get drawn slightly into what his desires may be, she could almost feel the juxtaposition of his cold metallic hands holding her close against his warm chest. She hastily redicided her plans, placing her bag back down on the bar seat that it had been resting upon and moving a step closer to the Augment.

“Gin and Tonic? If that’s okay?”

The Augment smiled wide back at her, scanning his arm back over the sensor on the bar and collecting the drink as it was dispensed. Synthia was slightly amazed that even with the obvious power his arms must have, he was able to delicately collect the drink and hand it to her. She touched his hand lightly as he passed over the drink, feeling the cold, smooth metal as it shifted and moved beneath her hand. Letting her hand drag slightly back over his as she took the drink Synthia smiled up at the Augment, feeling another shiver pass down her spine as she noted him watching her intently with a small, intrigued smile. She took the drink, moving back a half step

“Thank you, uh. What can I call you?”

The Augment took a moment to raise his drink, replying slowly.

“You can call me Xavier. But I can see that I intrigue you, yes?”

Synthia felt her face flush again, knowing by now that her face must have been a beacon even in comparison to the bright lights flashing throughout the club.

“Ah. I'm sorry. It's just I've never met… I mean, sorry. I can go? I'm sorry.”

Xavier grinned at her, shaking his head slowly

“No, no. Stay, drink.”

He gestured at her, nodding as she took a gulp of her drink.

“If you'd like, we could finish our drinks, get away from this… intense place and you could have a closer look at what intrigues you?.”

As he spoke, his arms twisted and clicked with various small panels and tools coming into eyesight for mere moments before shifting once again beneath the metallic skin. Synthia could feel her eyes grow wide as she watched the display, knew she was letting her curiosity conquer her anxiety and worries.

Synthia threw back her drink, feeling giddy as she watched Xavier gulp back his. She grabbed her bag and gestured towards the door. Xavier smiled and shook his head, holding his arm out for her to hold on to and began leading them towards a side door. Synthia could feel his arm, smooth and cold to the touch, shifting against her own arm as she let him lead her from the bar.

Xavier led Synthia out from the club area of the building and down a set of stairs, the sounds of music from the club falling away as sound cancelling came into effect. Synthia glanced around the smooth white walls and unmarked doors in confusion.

“Wh-what is this place? How do you differentiate the doors?”

Xavier smiles down at her, replying slowly

“Apartments. For people like us…” he touched his face just below the eye “we tell them apart using ultraviolet light.”

Synthia stared around at the walls, desperate to know what hidden messages were surrounding her as Xavier opened a door, leading into what was clearly his apartment. He dropped his arm, moving off towards the kitchen,

“Another drink? Gin and Tonic again?”

Synthia followed as she watched him subconsciously drop the tension from his back and shoulders, moving into the kitchen and taking bottles from shelves. He reached up to a cabinet to remove a pair of glasses, and she watched as his shirt lifted up slightly, revealing the muscled small of his back. Synthia realised she had been distracted watching Xavier again and hurried to stammer out a response

“Ah. Y-yeah. A drink would be good. Thank you, again.”

Xavier turned and smiled at her, placing two glasses on the tabletop as he began making the drinks. He spoke to her while keeping his attention on the drinks in front of him

“So. I intrigue you then? You'd like to get up close and check me out?”

Synthia almost missed a step, taken aback by his forwardness.

“Ah I suppose yes? Is that bad? I don't mean to offend.”

Xavier turned, holding out a drink to Synthia and waiting for her to take it before replying.

“No offense taken. You… Intrigue me too.”

It was only now that Synthia noticed Xavier eyeing her up and down, his eyes lingering on the pale skin of her chest where it was visible above her dresses neckline. Synthia smiled back at him, before attempting to hide her face behind her drink. She felt, rather than saw, Xavier move forwards, until he stood right in front of her. She shivered slightly as he leaned forwards, placing his lips next to her ear and softly whispering

“If you want me to stop, all you need is to say the word.”

Synthia could barely think, with everything going so quickly she couldn’t keep up. She desperately wanted to say no, to thank him for his interest and excuse herself, go home and hide from the crazy world. But, even as she let herself follow that fantasy, her mind took it to the next step, and all she could picture was herself alone in bed, touching herself to the thoughts of being with Xavier. She could feel herself becoming more and more aroused as thoughts of him filled her mind.

Xavier broke into her reverie, his cold metal fingers lightly brushing down her chest, following the line of her dress. She felt him take her drink and place it on the counter as his fingers pushed her dress to the side slightly, exposing her basic black bra to him. She felt Xavier’s lips touch against her neck and let out an involuntary moan, emboldening him further. Xavier let his hands drop to the bottom of her dresses neckline, holding it tightly as he suddenly jerked his arms back, tearing her dress open down the front.

Synthia gasped in shock, feeling her exposed flesh shiver as Xavier stepped back for a moment to look her up and down. She could barely believe what he was doing, let alone how she was allowing it, and just how fucking horny it was making her. Synthia bit her lip, feeling the booze in her system make her slightly wobbly as she let the torn dress drop to the ground and softly asked


Synthia barely had time to blink as Xavier moved to her, hands wrapping around her ass and lifting her as he slammed her into the wall, hard enough that Synthia felt her breath release in a gasp, but not as hard as to hurt her badly. She was torn between demanding an answer of him and letting herself go into the moment as suddenly Xavier’s mouth was against hers, a low moan escaping his lips as she felt his fingers curling around her ass. Synthia wrapped her arms around Xavier’s back, digging her nails into him as his strong hands massaged and pulled at her ass, her pussy stretching open slightly with the movement.

Synthia moaned back into Xavier’s mouth as they kissed, before he lowered her to the floor, raising one large hand to close around her throat, pinning her to the wall still while the metal making up his other hand spun, the tip of one finger elongating until it had a bladed tip. Xavier slowly extended his hand, touching the blade against Synthia’s skin lightly and trailing it down her chest until it hooked against the gore of her bra, he pulled slightly and the fabric split open, the front of the bra falling to either side to reveal her bare breasts as Synthia felt heat rising in her body, centered on her groin.

Xavier kept her pinned there as he continued to run his finger down her body, Synthia shivered as his finger traced down past her belly button before it changed from its straight path that Xavier had been tracing. Instead, his finger moved to the side, finding the shortest section of her panties before cutting through it. Xavier moved his finger back across Synthia’s front, hearing her heart hammer in her chest as goosebumps erupted across her navel. His finger moved to the other side of her hips, again slicing through her panties effortlessly. Synthia raised her hands to pull off the remnants of her bra as Xavier’s finger reformed, moving his hand to pull her panties forward as they unstuck from her wet cunt.

Xavier smiled as he leaned forward, fingers frozen, resting on her skin mere centimeters above her aching cunt. He tightened his grip around her throat as he softly whispered to her, his lips feathering the lobe of her ear as he spoke

“You’re this wet already? I haven’t even touched you yet.”

Synthia could only mewl in response, her arousal overcoming any lingering threads of brainpower she had left. Xavier smirked at her, before exerting slight pressure downwards onto her shoulder, giving a single command


Synthia sank to her knees, her eyes hungrily devouring the large bulge that was now evident in front of her eyes. Instinctively, hungrily, she reached out, hands going to his belt as her lust grew ever stronger. Smirking down at her Xavier chided her

“Ahh, you are a desperate little slut aren’t you? Patience. Hands above your head.”

Synthia obediently raised her hands, feeling a tremor run through her body as he called her a slut, desperate to please him. Xavier tapped on his arms, sending mechanisms in the wall churning until a hook emerged from the wall above Synthia’s head. Xavier tapped lightly on a section of the wall and a small compartment opened up. He retrieved a pair of handcuffs and wasted no time in cuffing Synthia’s wrists together, looping the chain over the hook to hold her arms up.

He retrieved a blindfold from the compartment, sliding it into place. Once the blindfold was in place he kneeled in front of her, tracing his fingers down the front of her body and roughly grabbing her breasts as he leant forward to passionately kiss her. Leaving one hand clasped firmly on her breast he let the other trail down, feeling Synthia shudder beneath his fingers as he brought his hand once again to the top of her cunt, holding it there for a brief moment before running his fingers across her soaked labia.

He ran his fingers back and forth, each time pushing his fingers another fraction further into her until he could feel her hot, wet vagina beneath his fingers. Synthia bucked under his hands, the breaths she could draw when their lips weren’t passionately locked short and ragged, her back arched and her hard nipples pointing at him. Xavier pushed a single finger inside her as his thumb moved to lightly brush against her clit.

Synthia pulled away from his lips, gulping in air as he circled his thumb around her clit, shuddering as her orgasm built and she felt Xavier’s mouth close on her neck and his fingers squeeze on her nipple. Softly, Xavier kissed his way back up to her ear, whispering to her with a tinge of desire in his voice

“Cum for me like the good slut I know you are.”

Xavier’s words were all that Synthia needed to send her over the edge, her body twitching and spasming as she came. Moaning deeply as Xavier continued to kiss her neck until her orgasm had passed through her. Xavier withdrew his hand from her crotch and brought his finger up to her lips. Hungrily Synthia licked and sucked at his finger, tasting the mix of the trace of her orgasm along with the metal of his hand until he withdrew his hand. Standing, Xavier moved from the room, returning in short order and placing a small padded triangular rest between her legs. He pushed it in towards the wall until Synthia felt a length of rubber touch her pubic mound. Grasping the situation, she raised herself up over the dildo, lowering herself onto it slowly with a low moan.

Synthia felt Xavier fasten some form of belt around her waist as she began gyrating on the rubber cock beneath her. Xavier slipped a length of plastic through the belt, adjusting it until she felt a round rubber surface touch against her clit. With a flick of a switch, the machine flared to life, vibrating against her clit. Synthia moaned deeply as she heard the clinking metal of Xavier undoing his belt, the dual feeling of the dildo deep inside her along with the vibrator rubbing at her clit was swiftly bringing her close to another orgasm. It was all Synthia could do to draw in a breath to beg Xavier

“Please. I need your dick. Fucking please.”

She could smell Xavier mere inches from her, his cologne and the musk of his pre-cum driving her even wilder. His voice came back, playfully teasing

“I suppose you have been such a good slut. Good sluts deserve a reward.”

Synthia opened her mouth, stretching her tongue out and tilting her head back. She felt the tip of his engorged cock touch her tongue and closed her mouth around it, immediately moving her head back and forth as she licked and sucked at the head of his dick. The taste of his dick and pre-cum in her mouth along with the dildo and vibrator immediately pushed Synthia into another orgasm that racked her body. Each shuddering twitch moving the dildo inside her and bringing her clit back into contact with the vibrator.

Synthia opened her mouth, releasing Xavier’s cock, and moving to lick up and down his shaft. Coating his dick fully with her saliva before hungrily taking him in her mouth again. Synthia pushed her head forward, feeling his dick move into the back of her mouth and to the edge of her throat, holding him there and licking at the bottom of his shaft until her head started to cloud over due to lack of air. Synthia pulled back, gulping in air as she felt loose strands of saliva connecting her mouth to Xavier’s cock. Synthia moaned as she heard Xavier begin to rub his dick, desperately begging

“Yes, please cum on me. Fuck. I want you to cum on me oh my god please.”

Synthia then stuck her tongue out to occasionally lick at the head of his cock when he brought it close enough. As the vibrator and dildo brought her closer and closer to cumming again Synthia could hear Xavier moaning and gasping, his own orgasm building with hers. Xavier moaned out

“Oh fuck, I’m gonna fucking cum - ugh.”

Synthia felt a spurt of hot cum hit her tongue and splash onto her face. The taste of Xavier’s cum pushing her over the edge and into her next orgasm, moaning and shuddering on the dildo as she felt more spurts of his cum land on her chest. She swallowed his load as she felt him lifting up her blindfold, smiling at her as he knelt in front of her, leaning forward to unhook her arms from above her and pulling her forward to kiss him. Switching off the vibrator as their tongues flicked against each other, she felt the cold metal of his hands lifting her up off the dildo as he brought her to him, pulling her close against him. Synthia smiled coyly as she ran a finger down his chest

“We should do this again sometime.”
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