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Elunaraa is about to have the encounter that will change the course of her life forever.
Elunaraa stepped off the path, her hooves sinking into the soft ground of Zangarmarsh. She cursed softly to herself, bemoaning the need to travel this far out of Shattrath to find the herbs she needed to craft and sell her potions,

“Great idea Elunaraa, just a fantastic idea. Walk yourself all the way out here because all those damn adventurers are taking up all the easy to find herbs. Get this filth all over your legs. Ugh! It’s going to take weeks to get my legs properly clean again!”

Having finished the small tirade to herself, Elunaraa futilely shook her leg and took another step

“Well, If I’m going to do this, may as well get straight into it.”

Elunaraa bent over, feeling her shorts tighten around her ass before adjusting them with the tip of her tail. She began brushing aside lichen as she spotted the unmistakable purple hue of a Dreamfoil blossom, expertly plucking the blossoms, she left the stem to regrow for the future. The Dreamfoil went into her herbalists pouch as she stood again, shaking her hands clear of the mud that they’d quickly picked up.

Elunaraa strode onwards, her worries regarding the cleanliness of her lower legs washing away as she spotted more and more herbs, moving with a small bounce in her step as she moved between them. It didn’t take Elunaraa long before she had filled her small herbalists satchel and was beginning to squeeze herbs in to her backpack. Wiping the back of one arm across her forehead Elunaraa placed her pack down, quickly wiping the worst of the mud off of her hands on a nearby leaf and retrieving the lunch that she’d wrapped in some oiled paper.

Elunaraa washed down the flatbread with a long swig of her water, balling up the oiled paper and placing it back into her pach to be used later. She squinted as she caught a glimpse of a hunched figure through the tall mushroom trees of the marsh. Taking a moment to rub at her eyes she looked again, seeing only a gnarled old log where she had convinced herself of another marsh denizen. Elunaraa smiled to herself and finished packing up her lunch,

“You’ve been alone for all of half a day Elunaraa and you’re already going crazy and seeing things.”

She started as her small comment was replied to,

“Girl not alone. I watch girl.”

Elunaraa whipped around, watching as a Broken stepped from around a nearby mushroom tree. She’d seen many of them around Shattrath but had always stayed away, and even those ones looked as if they had the trappings of civilisation about them. The Broken that stood before her was enormous, as tall and as wide about the shoulders as a noble male Draenei of her kind, but instead of the noble and handsome visage of a Draenei, this creature was malformed and twisted. As if some cruel God had reached down and corrupted all that was good about her people.

The Broken was clothed only in a dirty loincloth covering its groin and was holding a long spear of basic wood. Elunaraa took a moment before replying, internally wincing at the lance of fear that stabbed through her voice

“Uh - Thank you for - uh watching over me.”

Elunaraa glanced around at the surroundings, slowly realising that she was hopelessly lost in the marsh

“Could you - ah maybe show me the way back to the Terokkar forest border? I can pay you! I have a small sum of money on me.”

The Broken stared at her for a few moments before nodding

“Girl come with me.”

The Broken turned on his heel and strode away, leaving Elunaraa to quickly snatch up her pack and follow. It took Elunaraa a few moments to catch up to the Broken, his spear lending him aid with moving through the marshland. As she caught up, the Broken increased his pace, forcing Elunaraa to pay all of her attention to her footing if she wanted to keep up.They walked onwards, the Broken keeping ahead of Elunaraa by a couple of steps, forging forward with a pace that left Elunaraa thoroughly out of breath.

Elunaraa grunted as without warning the Broken raised its arm to the side, causing her to walk into it. As Elunaraa realised that the Broken’s hand was resting over one her breasts, he seemed to realise it too, squeezing her chest hard for a moment before dropping his hand


Elunaraa could barely contain her outrage, keeping it tempered only through her fear of the Broken and the situation. She looked up from the muck that she had been staring at for the last few hours and was startled to find herself on the outskirts of some form of small Broken village. Elunaraa looked around for a few moments, blinking in confusion before managing to utter a small response


Elunaraa’s question was cut off as she felt a loop of rope encircle her neck. Pulling her to the side and off balance.

“Scout do good. Bring back breeder for clan.”

“Me go tell chief.”

Elunaraa barely had time to register the word breeder before she was pulled forward. Another Broken that she hadn’t seen sneak up on them was pulling her along, the marshy ground keeping her off balance as she saw the Broken that had brought her this far striding away further into the camp. As she was yanked along Elunaraa could hear Broken emerging from their huts and moving towards her

“New breeder.”

“Want fuck breeder.”

“Breeder has pack, take, take!”

With the last comment she felt one of the Broken grasp her pack and herb satchel, tearing them off of her body.


“Take to shaman.”

Another of the Broken moved towards her, roughly grabbing her tunic and ripping it off of her body, leaving her breasts bare to the rest of the camp, the rough pull tugged slightly on the small metal bars that she had payed a healer to put in. Shame rose in Elunaraa as alongside the fear and the anger that she felt at her situation, lust was the primary thought running through her head. The idea of being kept and used as this tribes breeding whore had been snowballing in her mind, and with it, her arousal had been building.

The Broken brought her to the center of the village where they had set up a pair of stocks that they forced her head and arms through before moving back from her. The Broken formed a large circle around Elunaraa, staring and talking quietly to each other about her, which only served to further embolden her mind’s secret fantasies. It didn’t take long for a Broken to walk up in front of her, followed by the scout that had brought her here. This Broken was taller than the others and seemed slightly less corrupt. However, as he reached her, he circled her slowly, his fingers trailing along her body. As he returned to her front he moved his loincloth to the side, revealing his quickly hardening cock. Easily 10 inches long, it had been corrupted as much as the rest of his body, covered in hard ridges, it hung heavy in the air in front of Elunaraa’s face.


The words cut through the silence of the camp with a weight to them, from the voice of one clearly used to being obeyed. Elunaraa screwed up her face, as much as her mind was conspiring against her here, she wouldn’t give in and go down without a fight. She gathered as much spite as she could muster in her voice and replied

“Light take you abomination!”

Silence reigned in the camp for long seconds following her proclamation. Finally broken by the Chieftain’s laughing reply

“So be it. You have brought us a great boon in the herbs. With these, my Shaman will brew a potion for you that will change your mind. None here are to breed the Draenei until I have had my turn!”

With that proclamation, the Chief turned and strode from the village center. The scout that had brought her likewise scuttling away to a large hut with smoke pouring from an opening in the roof. Most of the Broken that had been watching her turned and went back to their huts and jobs with the Chief’s departure.

A pair of broken moved towards her,

“Chief say no breed. So we not breed.”

“Yes, we no breed. But we have fun without breeding.”

Elunaraa struggled in the stocks as she started to grasp what they meant, desperately trying to free herself

“Look. She try run.”

“No no. She ours now. We breed her, she help make us strong.”

One of the Broken came around to her side, hands rubbing along her breasts and roughly pinching at her pierced nipples. Elunaraa had difficulty replying with her breathing becoming more coarse

“Light -ugh- curse you.”

The other Broken, had moved behind her and replied instead of the one touching her

“She say this. But I see. Her cunt has soaked through clothes. Will be good breeder.”

Elunaraa squirmed as she felt the Broken’s hand grab her ass, his fingers touching the wet patch where she’d soaked through her shorts. Elunaraa gasped in response and flicked out with her tail, smacking the Broken’s hands away from her. He grunted and grabbed her tail, holding it away with one hand while moving his other hand back to rub at her aching cunt through the shorts. This time all Elunaraa could do was moan and thrash her tail ineffectually as the Broken’s large finger rubbed up and down her soaked shorts.

The Broken that had been grabbing her tits moved around to her front, pulling out his long cock and stroking it in front of her face. She could feel the heat coming off his dick and the tiny flecks of his pre-cum landing on her face. The Broken behind her continued to rub his large finger over her hot and wet cunt, Elunaraa’s breathing becoming more ragged as the stimulation brought her unwillingly closer and closer to orgasm. She was barely conscious of the Broken in front of her as his breathing became shorter and sharper, small grunts coming from him. Elunaraa felt her legs start to shake as her orgasm swept over her, the Broken’s finger relentlessly rubbing over her engorged clit. Her jaw dropped open and she felt her eyes rolling back as she panted from the force of her orgasm, in time for the Broken in front of her to erupt, his hot cum splashing into her mouth and covering her face. Sputtering in her attempts to push the cum out of her mouth, causing it to instead roll down her chin, Elunaraa indignantly spat at her captors

“Light - ugh - take you. Beasts.”

The Broken in front of her moved forward, pushing out the last drops of his cum onto her cheek before walking away. Behind her, the other Broken hooked his fingers into the slightly loose fabric around her tail, tearing her shorts open and leaving her wet cunt open to the air. Elunaraa gasped in the further indignation, her tail thrashing in an attempt to free itself and punish the Broken. She felt her tail slip free of his fingers, immediately whipping it down to slap his fingers away from her cunt at the same moment as she felt the Brokens fingers slide into her. Elunaraa felt an instinctive moan escape her lips as instead of slapping aside his fingers, her tail wrapped around them, squeezing lightly.

Grasping back ahold of her senses firmly Elunaraa used her tail to pull the Brokens fingers out of her. The Broken seemed to finally relent, laughing softly to himself

“You be good breeder. Already halfway broken and Shaman hasn’t worked on you.”

Elunaraa could only stand there in shame and anger, the tight grip of the stocks holding her steadily as she could hear the Broken behind her moan and stroke his cock. Her tail thrashed as she felt his hot cum burst forward and land on her ass and upper thighs, slowly rolling its way down her legs as the Broken grunted, wiping his cock on the side of her ass before walking away.

Elunaraa stood there, her legs slowly beginning to ache, as Broken went about their lives around her. Some would walk behind her, roughly tweaking her nipples as her tits hung freely beneath her, or taking a moment to grab her ass, some grabbing either side and pulling them apart, gaping her cunt open and making her gasp each time. Some others walked up to her and stroked themselves in front of her, covering her face and ass further in cum.

As the sun began to set, the Chief of the Broken strode up to her, this time flanked by an old hunched Broken covered in small bones and bunches of herbs. As they moved towards her the Shaman handed the Chief a small vial of red liquid and took a step back, content to observe. The Chief uncorked the vial, inhaling deeply as he walked towards Elunaraa. She watched as his pupils dilated and his cock engorged, the loincloth being pushed to the side as his cock grew to its full length and pre-cum began to drip from the tip.

“Strong. You’ve outdone yourself Shaman.”

The Shaman bowed in response, quietly thanking his Chief. As the Chief drew close, Elunaraa began to smell the elixir, even the scent from a few meters away beginning to make her knees week and her cunt ache and drip.

“Wh-what is that?”

“This is something that will help you change your mind about serving us. Soon you will beg to serve us as our breeding whore.”

The Chief moved up to Elunaraa, softly placing his fingers under her chin and tilting her head up. Elunaraa desperately wanted to close her mouth and look away, but the proximity of the potion was driving her wild and Elunaraa felt her body moving of its own accord. Her tail coiling around so that the tip was working its way into her wet cunt, she let the Chief guide her and opened her mouth wide as he began pouring the liquid into her mouth. She greedily gulped the liquid, feeling heat suffuse her body as her arousal spiked, her tail diving deeper into cunt. The Chief moved forward, the tip of his cock resting against her lips.

“Now suck.”

Elunaraa wasted no time in pushing her head forward, licking at the head of his cock and tasting the hot pre-cum that continued to drip out and cover it. The Chief moved forwards, letting Elunaraa suck and worship at his cock, reaching out a hand he trailed his finger through the cum covering her face

“I see my people wasted no time in taking advantage of you. Good, as long as none have bred you before I have had the chance.”

Elunaraa pulled back, punctuating her words with licks up the Chief’s cock

“Mmm - No - Breed me - Give me - Your seed.”

The Chief ran his fingers along her long curled horns as Elunaraa continued to pleasure him. He could see as she continued to fuck herself with her tail, the long tail desperately plunging in and out of her wet cunt. The Chief moved back, walking around Elunaraa as she made soft mewling sounds, noting her hard nipples he reached out to roughly squeeze one of her breasts, eliciting a moan of pleasure from the mind broken breeder. As he reached her rear, he noted the small puddle of fluid that had dripped out of her with her rough self-fucking.

Elunaraa moaned as she felt the tip of the Broken’s cock touch the lips of her cunt. She desperately pushed herself back onto him while wrapping her tail around the base of his cock and pulling him into her, feeling her cunt being filled with his huge cock until the stocks blocked her from moving any further back. The Chief fulfilled her wishes, along with the insistent pulling of her tail, and moved forwards, his cock pushing deeply into her. As Elunaraa felt his cock fill her up she let her jaw open wide, tongue lolling out as her eyes rolled backwards, blind to everything in the world that wasn’t bringing her pleasure.

Elunaraa’s tail deftly wrapped further around his cock, the very tip curling around to the top of her cunt, flicking and rubbing her sensitive clit. She heard the Chief moan lowly, and slowed her rubbing of her clit, trying to time it to cum with him. At the same time as she slowed rubbing her clit, she doubled down on softly squeezing and rubbing her tail around the Chief’s cock. As she felt his cock begin to twitch, Elunaraa’s own orgasm built, breaking through her body as she felt wave after wave of hot cum flood into her. Elunaraa felt the Chief pull back, his cock dragging against the sides of her cunt, causing her to twitch further.

The Chief reached over and opened the stocks, letting Elunaraa stand and rub at her wrists. She turned to see a watching crowd of Broken, each of them with clear erections and waiting for their turn. As she saw their eyes rove over her, she felt the heat in her body rise again and gestured for the closest to come to her.

The Chief smiled to himself as his Broken moved on the girl, she would make a fine addition to his tribe.
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