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THe black baby arrives and Caroline's life takes wild turns

The next morning was a race. I was awakened by the cute “candy striper” bringing in my breakfast. I was starved. It tasted so good I just gulped everything down. As my tray went out the door, a maternity nurse brought the baby to me. She instructed me to get up...which was surprisingly easy...and get comfortable in a large chair by the window.

Breast feeding was such a treat. Already, we both knew exactly what to do. He was hungry and my breasts were so ready for him. A contented feeling came over me as I sat holding him, looking out over the parking lots from the fourth floor. It was magic. The world seemed so right.

My mother’s parting admonition came back to mind and I smiled. This was my baby. He was exactly where he belonged. There was no way I would even think about giving him up for adoption. He was mine. One look at his cute face also said he was Jamal’s. What a cute little black guy.

I looked at the end of the nursery cart in front of me. There was a large, computer generated, card with our credentials. I was shocked by the information.

NAME...Robert Dickson Jr. Yes that was his given name on the side of his nursery cart. When and how did he get that? I am sure I agreed at some point during all the activity, but I could not remember.

Mother...Caroline Webster

Father...Robert Dickson. Another shock-a-roo; why would Dickson be listed as the father? Where was Jamal?

The sign provided other information, but I was lost in thought following revelation of the names of the baby and the legal father. I did like that both names matched the tattoo on my lower tummy which was undoubtedly viewed by the entire medical delivery team.

I rested back in the big chair. Little Robert Dickson Jr. had a way of forcing me to relax. He felt so good. I smiled down at the way his little black, perfect, hand found its way up to my breast. I brought him closer.

Moments later my doctor came in with a case worker and a nurse to start procedures for my release. They stood near me with several open PC files and reviewed things. I quickly realized that all questions had already been answered. All I really had to do was agree, listen to some verbal instructions, which were also given to me in writing, sign a couple documents, and receive the congratulations of my medical “team”. I was warmly told both the baby I were doing remarkably well. I was being released a day earlier than I might otherwise have been. I was delighted I still disliked hospitals even though everything about this experience had been wonderful...even the food.

One parting remark from the doctor caused me to stop for a moment. The team had all said goodbye and were ready to leave. As he turned toward the door he stopped and turned back,

“I know we will see you again real soon, Caroline. Stay healthy and take care of that little guy.”

He smiled broadly, turned and went out the door. What was he saying? Was it just a friendly way of saying goodbye...or did he know something about my future?

My mind was still pondering that statement, as Dickson walked into the room. He kissed and hugged me warmly and then pulled the chair over very close beside me.

“Hey Caroline this is wonderful. We just got the call about an hour ago that you were going to be released today. Great! I think we have everything set up. I brought a neat outfit for you to wear...hope you like it. They tell me they will be up with a wheel chair in ten minutes. Are you ready to get dressed?”

I nodded... thanked him and took the small bag he had brought with me into the bathroom. Everything seemed so problems down below...just bulbous breasts that were large and heavy.

The “outfit” consisted of black bikini panties and a flowing dark blue gown/robe that tied just under my breasts. It smelled new. It looked great. It really emphasized my breasts and deemphasized my remaining little tummy. I was thrilled with how I looked. I was thrilled with how I could move about with no pains or problems...and I was doubly thrilled by the way Dickson looked at me as I went back to sit beside him in the big easy chair.

We sat looking at one another. His face was filled with delight and pride. What a good looking guy. Finally, I had to ask the question,

“You are a neat guy and all, but why are you listed on all the paperwork as the father of Robert Jr.?...and who is paying all the bills here...and who gave my baby that name...and where was I through all this...and what else don’t I know?”

Without further prompting Dickson moved closer and quietly went into an explanation.

“Caroline we had a little planning meeting at Bobby’s place right after you went into labor. Jamal was in charge, but he listened to a lot of good suggestions from the rest of us.

It was decided that I should be listed as the father. My age was right. Jamal felt his age would be embarrassing for you. My name was right. Bobby is tattooed on your body. Further, my being the father would make everything very complex if your parents or anyone else got vindictive and wanted to take legal action. No DNA tests would stand up.

Bobby and Jamal are handling all the medical bills. They both have a lot of money as you know.

You and the baby will be moving to one of their condos today. I guess it is a real nice place on the edge of the hood. It was decided you and I will live there and you will have my support for as long as you want.

Jamal has to go back to Panama to finish his tour.

Donna, whom you know, may be living there for a while as well...she will be having another baby soon. I don’t know that entire story, but we will find out.

Moments later a very small black guy arrived with a wheelchair. He introduced himself and automatically explained it was hospital policy that he give me a ride to the main entrance, even if I felt good enough to go down on my own...which I did.

I turned toward the door just as Jamal came in along with Reggie, Miles and Trevor. All four of them were dressed so “black” it was almost comical. This was going to be a grand parade down, out through the lobby, and out to the front door to a waiting limo.

The attendant helped me into the wheelchair...I didn’t need it but I didn’t refuse. A nurse brought me Robert Jr. He was wrapped in a very colorful native African baby blanket. I snuggled his little blackness against me as our caravan headed out into the hall toward the elevators. Dickson walked on one side carrying my things...Jamal on the other...Reggie, Miles and Trevor followed. I was white and all others in the entourage, from Robert Jr. to the hospital attendant, were black.

Dear Reader I do not need to describe the procession. You can imagine. Grady Memorial Hospital is as white as a hospital can get. We made quite a spectacle as we moved out of the room down the hall and into the elevator.

As the elevator doors opened and we moved out into the lobby we stopped everything. It was such a busy place, but things got very quiet, and every eye turn as our procession came into view

During this whole process I kept a broad smile on my face. Every one of these black guys escorting me, including the attendant pushing me, had a look of unmitigated pride as they moved me out through the curious throng to a waiting long black limousine. I did not see a single black face in the curious crowd in the lobby. I did see a lot of startled expressions.

Jamal and Dickson hustled about assuring I had the most easily accessed seat in the limo, and that I got in safely with the baby. When all of us were in the back of the limo the driver moved away. Within a mile, Jamal turned to me with a curious question.

“Caroline, Matt’s brother is about your age and he was telling us that there were three other girls that were always roaming around with you teasing the black guys at the shopping mall. What were their names?”

I know I must have looked surprised but I quickly offered the names,

“Sybil, Sandy and Emily...we were known as the four amigos. Sybil is my closest friend.”

We drove along a mile or two before Jamal responded.

“As soon as we get settled Bobby would like to meet them. Once you and Little Dickson are settled we want you to invite Sybil over to see the baby.”

He said nothing more. Things went silent and my mind went into overdrive. I was surprised but not shocked by his comments. I knew what motivated black men. I understood the taboo. I understood the unmitigated pride and feeling of accomplishment they achieve by blacktizing a young white girl, knocking her up and getting together to support her. I had witnessed it all first hand. I had looked at the pride in their eyes when they visited me in the they wheeled me through the hospital I took my black baby home. I was living their game for them. I knew how they felt. Did Bobby simply want to extend the game a bit by being with me when Sybil met Little Dickson? Or was he setting me up to take their game even further. Either way they wanted my closest friend to see how wonderful this whole taboo thing could be.


It took most of the weekend for me to get settled into a beautiful master bedroom suite in a large condo that Bobby owned. Little Dickson was right across the hall in a cute nursery bedroom and our master bath was shared between the rooms. Our rooms were at the end of a long hall which passed several doors to other bedrooms along the way.

On the very next Monday afternoon I called Sybil as Bobby required. She was delighted to hear from me and equally delighted to be invited over to see the baby. Every word she said convinced me how curious she was. She was very anxious to learn all she could about me and my life, so she could carry juicy stories back to the others. It was clear in her eyes I was the poor white girl who had gotten all knocked up by a black guy and was now a circus curiosity. She so wanted to demote me to a lower form of life in the eyes of all our friends.

I set everything up for seven that evening just as Jamal and Bobby had instructed. Sybil was to go to the shopping mall and park at the north entrance where a limo would meet her. The idea of a limo ride was exciting for her in its own right. Her life was so boring, particularly now that I had been unavailable. This was going to be a real adventure.

Jamal told me to tell her to arrange to stay with me over night in case things got late. She agreed. She would cover with a story about spending the night at Emily’s. It was easy to do. Sybil’s home life was a wreck. Mother and dad divorced, fighting and completely out of touch with her.

I had her on speaker phone. Jamal listened to the details and nodded agreement with everything. That was it. My best friend was going to see my wonderful little guy, and get to learn more about my new low life as well.

I heard the limo pull up at the condo at about eight. Dickson answered the door. He was such a gentleman playing the role of father and concerned husband. I was seated on the couch, wearing a new bright African caftan Jamal had brought over in the afternoon. I had just finished feeding little Dickson and was holding him closely with my gown still open a bit. I loved these moments as the baby and I bonded. His very black skin was such a contrast to my very white breasts. It was an immediate turn on just to look down at him. He certainly had Jamal’s handsome broad features.

Sybil’s face lit up as she walked toward us. She was a study. I could tell instantly she was so very impressed and curious about everything to do with me, the baby, and my surroundings. I certainly did not look mistreated or low life.

Without hesitation she started into all the questions you would expect. I started by telling her how delighted I was with the baby and my life here. Her questions continued, but the answers were easy. I was a happy young white girl with a very cute, very black, baby that everyone loved. How I got to the position in life had to largely remain a mystery for the time being, but what I emphasized over and over was how wonderful it was to have a purpose in life. I was no longer a bored high school girl looking for thrills. I had faced the ultimate sexual taboo and now had real reasons to live each day... the adoration of my black male friends and my baby.

Dickson brought in drinks. Two sips later I could tell the content of our drinks was quite different. Mine was a lovely mix of fruit juice while Sybil’s drink had her quite happy and talking freely within a couple minutes.

Sybil continued to ask question searching for any opening that would prove my unhappiness as the mother of this little black baby. Twenty minutes later Sybil was feeling no pain as Trevor and Miles arrived. I introduced Sybil and right away, any doubt I might have had about her visit was removed, it was clear Bobby had a game under way for her. I knew Bobby and the rest of these men...I knew what they could do to a young girl...I was living proof of their ability and I watched as Sybil received the benefits of their charming ways. Her drink was refreshed. Trevor immediately went to her side, took her elbow, and together they moved to a comfortable couch across the room. Sybil was all smiles as Trevor continued to charm her.

Sybil asked to hold the baby. Jamal smiled and nodded...yes.

I went across and gently placed the baby in her arms. What a little charmer. He won her heart immediately. You could see it so clearly in her eyes and hear it in her voice as she looked down into his cute little face and cooed quiet baby talk to him.

Trevor had his arm around Sybil gently cradling her and the baby in a protective fashion.

Jamal stood back with the others for a while observing and then moved across the room to sit close to me on the couch. He smiled at me and whispered,

“I think Sybil should have one of her very own. What do you think, Caroline?”

It was such a low whisper. It was his way of bringing me on board.

I looked up into his eyes,

“Yes. She would be the perfect mother...once she got over the initial shock.”

Jamal looked at me as we smile together.

“You know better than anyone we can arrange that for her, don’t you?”

“Yes sir. I sure do.”

I smiled up into his face.

I didn’t know who in the room could hear him, until there were quiet high fives among the black guys sitting nearby who obviously had heard us. I didn’t know what Sybil had heard across the room, but there was an indication of big progress with her when she looked across the room at me with an obvious glow in her eyes. Was her reaction in response to our comments or the cute black baby in her arms? Ultimately it did not matter.

Trevor did not leave her side for even a moment. Her drink was refreshed again. Some short time later I got a nod from Jamal to go over and get the baby.

Bobby arrived moments after I had returned to the couch. Sybil was standing with Trevor and Miles, sipping her latest drink and talking. The excitement in the room was electric. I was aware of quiet music for the first time...Lou Rawls. The lights dimmed automatically.

Sybil was introduced to Bobby who immediately charmed her with complements about the skirt she was wearing. (It was a skirt that had teased the shit out of the boys in the shopping mall on several occasions.) Sybil glowed all over.

Back when we did the mall safari, I got most of the attention from the black guys, but she actually was a bit more curvaceous than me. Before my black breeding her breasts were larger than mine. (She was a C while I was a B.) Her hips and little tummy make her skirt very attractive, but my butt and legs were winners in those categories. My face was cuter and my hair was much nicer, but she was not as shy as me.

But, right now I had no time for further comparisons; she was the center of attention and these black brothers were enjoying her immensely. For right now, I was the lactating mother on the sidelines, and Sybil was the center of attention. The level of excitement was electric; a game was afoot for my amigo Sybil

I heard Trevor tell her he wanted to show her something in his room. She turned to him with a smile of agreement and took his hand as she turned unsteadily toward the hall.

I could hear Trevor quietly reinforcing Bobby’s complements as they disappeared. Sybil steps were a bit unstable, and cautious, but there was no hesitance. She had Trevor’s support. His comments faded as they reached the bedroom.

Bobby turned and smiled at me. I was seated on the couch with the baby in my arms. A most possessive look came over his face as he walked over, sat down, opened the top of my Caftan, and warmly brought my enlarged breasts up and out together for inspection.

Bobby then had me bring little Dickson up from my lap to where he found my bare left breast and began to feed vigorously.

Miles and Jamal and the small group of black brothers sat across the room quietly watching and obviously enjoying everything going on with me. Bobby used his index finger to slowly outline the tattoo on my lower tummy for all to see. As he did he looked across at the black guys with pride...a pride that was instantly reflected back. They shared his pride, they had all shared me.

The room went quiet except for some contented sounds from little Dickson. It seemed like we were all sitting quietly, waiting, for something to explode.

About twenty minutes later it did. A loud scream came from the back bedroom...followed a moment later by another... and then two more.

There was raucous laughter and high fives among the black guys.

Jamal moved across the room to sit on the opposite side of me from Bobby. His arm went around my shoulders,

“Well Caroline Sybil just joined the club. Another white gal just learned what can happen when she wears those sexy outfits to the mall and teases black guys. I am not the only big black buck that succumbed to the temptations, am I?”

I looked down at a contented Little Dickson and then up into Jamal’s black face and smiled,

“You certainly succumbed, sir.”

Jamal reached over and gently stroked Little Dickson at my breast.

Miles moved over to the wide screen TV and within moments he brought up live video of Sybil and Trevor in the back bedroom. Trevor had her spread on her back, propped up appropriately by two large pillows. He was firmly mounted deep in her young white body, pumping load after load of his semen down deep into her vagina. She was weakly protesting, but the combination of his forcefulness, the drinks and her lack of resistance...had won the day. She was being screwed royally.

Everything out in the living room went quiet as activity and noises from the bed room increased. My amigo had become the entertainment. Trevor continued to work on her for some time and honestly, dear reader, I can’t give you much detail. I was so turned on. It seemed he took her every way possible, her protests quieted and then turned to murmurs. Slowly we watched as her young body became accustomed to the enormous black cock and she began to respond. Soon she was arching upward to meet his thrusts.

I was so captured by my emotions I lost track of everything except Bobby and Jamal seated next to me, little Dickson feeding, and the continuing reactions of Miles and Dickson across the room. Their horny faces were such a turn on. It was sometime later when my attention returned to the TV and Sybil’s plight.

It was obvious the game had moved to a new level. In the low light we could see Sybil standing absolutely nude facing the camera with Trevor behind her holding her in an embrace. Her arms were pinned backward. Her breasts were dark red from his abuse and we could clearly see moisture making its way down her upper thighs.

Sybil’s face told the entire story. She was the only one of the four amigos that had a serious boyfriend but so what; Now she had been really taken...screwed...fucked for the first time in her life...and as with was by a very big black cock. She was visibly shaking all over, but as she turned to look backward at Trevor her expression was very revealing. She was shaking because of the exposure. She tried feebly to move him back to the warmth of his bed.

Trevor held her in position in front of the camera looking over her shoulder with a Cheshire cat grin. He nodded and I watched in amazement as Miles got up and headed down the hall. Sybil’s position had been a signal.

A moment later he came into view behind Trevor. Miles erection was an enormous work of art. The exchange was perfectly timed. There was no evidence that Sybil even knew that Miles had replaced Trevor. Gently Miles returned her to the bed as Trevor slipped out leaving the open door behind them.

I have to admit I was very aroused by the blacktizing of my good friend. In some strange way it explained so much about my fall from grace in the white community. I had made a mistake and everything happened to me as a result of my criminal activity and the seductive outfit I was wearing...Sybil had fallen victim to a cute black face, a strong drink or two, a seductive outfit, and a loving black charmer who moved her along quickly. Clearly, I was the one with the firmer constitution. It had taken so much more for the black guys to get me.

Bobby and Jamal had move out to the kitchen for drinks just as Trevor returned up the hall. I was still seated on the couch still breast feeding little Dickson. Trevor walked over to the side of couch and presented a very flaccid phallus for my inspection. I reached for it with my free hand and within in moments Caroline Webster was appreciating one large soft black dick, while breast feeding her black baby, while watching the TV monitor, as her closest friend was flat on her back in bed taking on her second black lover of the evening. I was literally shaking with erotic emotion. The four or five black brothers still lounging across the room were obviously torn between watching Sybil on the monitor and watching Caroline in real life.

Miles was doing Sybil vigorously. He had placed her missionary style on the bed as he gently kissed her deeply. I watched as he drove into her aggressively after a little foreplay. Her moan could be heard both on the TV and coming down the hall from the room at the same time.

In a matter of minutes they were working together on the bed and I was matching with Trevor working his cock in my mouth.

The bedroom door had been left open. Sybil’s moans came floating down the hall interrupted only by Miles grunting from time to time as he deposited his black seed deep in her white belly. This went on for some time...over and over Miles climaxed, she moaned, until finally everything came together in one very large release for both of them.

Miles looked at the camera with a most exhausted expression.

Bobby was the last to go down the hall to meet Sybil and offer his condolences on her condition. Our last views on the TV were of Sybil standing absolutely nude in front of Bobby as he sat on the side of the bed bringing her most sensitive parts directly to his waiting lips. Her moans went out of control and no one knew better than I what he was doing to achieve these results. Finally, Bobby directed her as she meekly moved into the bed on top of Bobby and onto his beautiful erection.

The lights faded.

Sometime later there was a shuffling noise in the hall and Bobby reappeared. He was smiling from ear to ear. His pride was absolutely glowing.

He walked over to me and opened the front of my Caftan completely. I had finished breast feeding and had placed little Dickson in his crib in the other room, but my nipples were still distended and damp. One at a time he consumed them as I stood there. Bobby pulled back a little and smiled,

“What a lovely young lady your Sybil is...for good reasons she is resting. Fell sound asleep. All I had to do was lie down beside her and gently rubbed her back. I think she may be in bed for the night.”

Just then Jamal came up the hall from the bathroom. It was clear Jamal was in charge when it came to me,

“Guys Caroline needs a good night’s rest. I think she and I are going to call it quits for tonight.”

His simple statement brought everything to a halt. The TV was turned off. Dickson picked up the empty glasses and head to the kitchen.

Miles was slowly drifting off to sleep in the chair.

Jamal led me back the hall toward my bedroom while Trevor followed along as far as the door to the room where Sybil was sleeping.

Jamal and I hesitated in the hall to watch as Trevor slid his clothes off and moved into bed with Sybil. She murmured as he turned her toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck. We quietly shut the door and continued on our way to the back bedroom. All was quiet in the condo.

I was certain my good Amigo was going to wake up in the morning with one big surprise followed by another. She would quickly begin to realize, as I did...she was now a very different woman.

Together Jamal and I checked on our baby. All was well so we went directly across the hall to my room leaving both doors open so I could hear little Dickson if he need me in the night.

Jamal quickly showed me how loving he could be. He was attentive to my every need and desire, spoken or unspoken. We showered together, he dried me carefully from top to bottom, literally, and we made our way into the large bed. Neither of us wore a stitch of clothing.

Jamal quickly proved several things to the new mother of his baby boy. First on the list he proved she had lost absolutely no sex appeal. I turned toward him as he found my enlarged breasts and distended nipples. I cannot describe the contentment as he tenderly embraced them. His enormous member found my vaginal lips and gently separated them as we climaxed together.

We drifted off to sleep together with my right nipple lost between his lips and our arms locked around one another.

I did hear some shuffling later, during the night, but it was not sufficient to wake me and Jamal was out like a light.

Around three in the morning I was awakened by a combination of my uncomfortable breasts and little Dickson’s quiet noises from across the hall which were telling me he was hungry. I wanted Jamal to rest. I knew how tired he must be. I snuck out of bed, put on the little blue robe, went across to find the baby, and move out to the living room to feed him. You would be amazed how in tune this little black guy and I had become.

As I passed down the hall I could not help but stop and check on Sybil. Her bedroom door was standing part way open. She was nude and soundly wrapped around Trevor. I could see little else, but I could hear heavy breathing. They were asleep together.

In the semidarkness I found the big easy chair and little Dickson and I began our loving little process. In no time, he was wrapped in my arms and I was actually half asleep as he fed.

As I sat there enraptured by his feeding, my eyes adjusted and I became aware that several guys were now sleeping on the couches or the floor. There must have been five of them, at least.

It took twenty minutes to finish with little Dickson and slip back down the a happy little Dickson in his crib...and quickly returned to the comfort of Jamal’s enormous arms. That was it for the night.

Morning light was streaming in the window when I was next awakened by stirring across the hall. Once again he needed me. Nothing he did was annoying. His were little noises of love. He needed me and I needed him. Even changing him was a delight. He was mine. I looked forward to being with him...and my breast appreciated his attentions as well. There was a large easy chair in his room so I opened my Caftan completely, sat down, and brought the little black lover to my breast. It was so private. I looked down at this perfect face in the morning light. I was still startled by the contrast of his little black body against mine. His blackness was a shock. His perfection was a reward.

No outsider seeing him for the first time would say he was anything but black and yet I could so easily pick out my features in his face...for example, the set of his eyes was Mandingo, wide and big and dark, but his nose was mine. His lips surrounding my right nipple said he was definitely related to Jamal, but his cute ears belonged to me.

Twenty minutes later little Dickson was comfortable and asleep. I place him back in his crib, wrapped my Caftan around my large beasts, and headed out of the room and down the hall toward the kitchen to get some breakfast.

There were three younger black guys still lounging on pillows in the living room. They startled me. I could not tell if they were sleeping or not. I quickly passed on through, without a word, to get a much needed cup of coffee from the kitchen.

Upon my return with the coffee one stood up and offered me a seat on the couch. Although no one had said a word it was clear it was best for me to stay. I rewrapped my Caftan around my nude body and sat down carefully. The one who had offered the seat sat close beside me, while one at a time the other two moved pillows over and lounged against the couch at my feet.

Nothing more was said. They seemed contented to just be close to me and watch as I sipped my coffee. There was no question that pride was written all over their faces.

I tried to recall if I knew them. After some study, I began to remember having been with each of them somewhere before, but couldn’t place it. As I continued with my coffee, I went through a very large inventory of black men who had sexed me and loved me during my summer at Bobby’s. None of them fit. These were strikingly younger with a rap gangsta look.

I was half way through my coffee before the one next to me identified himself as Matt’s younger brother, Charlie. I “knew” Matt very well from my summer “program”, but I Charlie was much younger.

Just that one piece of information began to tie thing together. A light bulb came on in my head. These were some of the black guys who had frequently approached the amigos at the mall. These were the young guys we teased, titillated and rejected many times. These were the young “criminal types” we had tittered about. “No way would any white girl ever do anything with something as low as them”.

I quietly asked a question of Charlie,

“Do all of you know me from the shopping mall?”

His face lit up.

He moved closer.

“We sure do.”

Then he began to talk about the many times they had followed my group at the mall. Charlie moved even closer as he began to describe how we white girls made them feel. He went on about how tempting our outfits we we flirted and yet how unapproachable and untouchable we were. He went on about how tempting our outfits we we flirted and yet how unapproachable and untouchable we were.

They would come on to us hoping they could get to know us, but they knew we would treat them like dirt. They knew we looked at them as the lowest form of life, black hoodlums, but they were so drawn to us and turned on they continued the chase, with the vain hope one of us would weaken and fall into their trap.

Charlie was not being mean in any way as he talked. In fact it was a sad story. They had very little to impress us with except their swagger and they so wanted to know us.

His comments turned to how things had changed. A smile crossed his face as he reached over, opened my caftan and found my breast. The two others seated on the floor moved closer. Together they described how conceited and distant we white girls had been in days gone by as they moved my legs apart and let their fingers play upward. A quiet moan escaped my lips. I knew they could do anything they wanted with me and I could not protest. The situation was such a turn on for me.

It was such a victory for them. I had been blacktized...knocked up black...sexed by a lot of different black guys...and had finally given birth to a black baby. I was sitting their nude under a very thin robe, having just breast fed my baby and now open and spread to their will. It was clear the tables had turned...Bobby had made sure that the blacks in the hood now owned me. I shuddered.

I could feel my face getting flush with erotic emotion.

There was such satisfaction in their voices as they remembered that I was the leader of the gang of conceited girls...the most seductive...the one in the middle...blond, blue eyes...a consummate flirt...the one that antagonized them the most and now I was the young mother of a black baby. They found it rewarding that with a nod from Bobby they could have me whenever they wanted.

While they were talking another tall young black quietly walked in from the bedroom and slid into an empty chair. He looked at us with a broad smile and fell back exhausted. One of the two fellows, resting on pillows at my feet, got up and headed back the hall toward the bedrooms. It was just too obvious. I had to say something to Charlie sitting beside me,

“Is he going back there to take a nap? Have you guys been here all night?”

He moved even closer and his right hand slid further under my Caftan to take my breast even firmer. I felt like his property. I had no desire to stop him. His hand gently lifted my enlarged breast and used it to turn me toward him a bit. The two guys on the floor looked up avidly as he took my distended right nipple between his fingers and gently pulled. I shuddered automatically and wrapped his black head in my arms positioning him the way I held little Dickson. His lips found me immediately and he tenderly worked away at me. After several minutes he released and looked up with a smile,

“My you taste good, Caroline. I could so easily take a nap right here in your beautiful arms. We are a tired bunch of niggers here this morning. Bobby has a train rolling in that back bed room which has been running all night. Every nigger here has been a passenger on the Sybil express. Mel there just went back to use up his third or fourth ticket.”

He laughed and settled down even closer to me.

I needed no more. It was clear my best friend, Sybil had been thoroughly blactized and was being used by all of them. In fact, now that I was more aware of what was going on, I could distinctly hear moans and other erotic sounds coming up the hall from her bedroom.

I asked Charlie.

“Is Bobby still here? Did he spend the night also?”

He snuggled to my breast,

“Naw...he got the train moving...and then went on his way after the third or fourth passenger had paid for a ticket. He knew she was on automatic pilot and the train would keep rolling all night. Tickets were free.”

He laughed and dropped his head to consume my breast again signaling the conversation was over.

The realization that these blacks now dominated me so completely, and the new knowledge that Sybil had joined me, created such erotic feelings for me.

I moved closer to Charlie making room for one of the others to join me on the other side. My hint was obvious. A moment later, I was between two very young, very black, very energetic, young men each treating me as if I were the most precious woman on earth. They opened my robe completely and came to my breasts like a pair of twins. I cuddled them lovingly as they enjoyed. I could not have found more kind considerate lovers and by the looks on their faces...they were most proud of their positions.

It was amazing how inconsiderate black gangstas thugs at the shopping mall could change into such gentlemen when loved. I looked down into their faces...their eyes were shut...slight traces of my lactate escaped around their lips...their black hands cradled my enlarged beast to the position they desired. Occasionally one would look up at me. Their expressions exhibited such pride. A blacktized white girl was such a prize, such a trophy and being close to her gave them such a personal promotion. They were winners. It seemed to change their entire outlook on life.

I was sitting between two of them, with two on the floor at my feet enjoying my spread legs, when Jamal came into the room from the hall. His wide smile quelled any anxiety I might have had. He came over, kissed me gently, and continued on to the kitchen for coffee.


It was early afternoon when Bobby returned to the condo. I was in the living room on the couch. Baby Dickson was sound asleep back in his bedroom. I stood up as he came into the room and Bobby acknowledged me with a gentle hug and a sweet kiss.

He then greeted the young guys in the room with a series of high fives. Right away he began to question them about what happened during the night and effortlessly he got details of Sybil’s activities. The group of guys seem delight to get embarrassingly frank with Bobby about all that had gone on back in the bedroom with Sybil.

After a few minutes he turned to me and asked about Jamal. I told him he had come out for coffee but was back asleep. He asked about Trevor. I told him I had not seen him but I assumed he was sleeping somewhere in a back bedrooms as well.

Bobby stepped over and turned on the TV. The picture was dark, but one could clearly make out Sybil flat on her back with her white body contrasting with the outline of a very black young male slowly working very gently and very seductively between her spread legs. They could not be more locked together...lips...arms...bodies...and legs.

Bobby came back to sit beside me. He watched the monitor for a short while and then turned to Charlie,

“Was she able to keep it going all night? I hope you guys got all you wanted, but more important I hope she got what she needed as well.”

Bobby received assurances from several of the young black guys. Sybil had received plenty of attention during the night.

Miles spoke for the group,

“Trevor told us her tight little pussy took the initial plunges with a lot of difficulty, but once he had her under one else had a bit of a problem. Things went just as you wanted. She got every dick here at least twice. We went after her all night and you are going to find one very well serviced girl back there this morning.”

He laughed.

Bobby reached down and enclosed one of my distended nipples between his thumb and forefinger. He gently massaged, I moaned and brought him toward me just as he murmured,

“Caroline, forgive me, but I have got to go back and get thing organized for Sybil. It is going to take a while.”

He turned toward the group,

“I want this girl to get attention while I am gone.”

He smiled at the two guys waiting for me, got up and walked away toward the bedrooms.

Everything went very quiet in the room. My two young lovers returned to the couch and encased me between them as they gently returned to my breasts.

Once again this warm comfortable feeling came over me. I was sitting between two loving black guys. I was embracing both of them to my breasts like lovers. They were relaxed, about half asleep, in the comfort of my arms. There was only a slight murmur, now and then, as they nuzzled at my breasts. I felt so secure.

A third had move up between my bare legs and was tenderly nuzzling by body just below my tattoo. He was obviously exhausted from the events with Sybil. He was so gentle. He moved higher and I felt his erection come against my body right where it belonged. I moaned he moved inward and we climaxed immediately. Finished he slipped back down to the floor between my legs.

I started to slowly reflect on events in my life. It was amazing how far Caroline Webster had come. All that had happened to me this past year could be very disquieting if it were not for my beautiful black baby and the many black men who now treated me like absolute royalty.

Bobby was the main man in my life. He was in charge of everything. He was a pimp, a promoter, a businessman, and the man with contacts throughout the hood. He called all the shots, he was very busy, but there was no question I was his main interest. One way or another he assured that my needs were all met and I was a busy happy lady.

Jamal also played a very important role in my life. He was little Dickson’s biological father. He owned this condo and insisted I live here. He supported me in every way and was a so proud of me and our baby. There was one pending complication with Jamal. He was scheduled to go on active duty with the army very soon and leave for a tour in Panama. As far as I knew he would be gone for over a year, minimum. This gave me a haunting feeling. He was the man that started all this and he provided a solid rock for me. He was mature and successful. It worried me that he had to leave for a while.

Then there was Dickson. He was the legal father of Little Dickson and very close to us in every way. He was at my side as a husband and father should be. He was about my age, aggressive, and very proud to be associated with a cute white girl as his wife. To my knowledge he had been more than willing to sign the birth certificate. It made everything look so much better for me at the hospital. My tattoo...his name...his age all were far less embarrassing than if my real breeder had signed. Only one major drawback...the baby and I had no legal connection to Jamal anymore and Dickson was way young and unemployed. None the less...he was here for me without question.

Travis was another go-to black guy for me. He had been part of my blacktizing and was now a permanent part of my world. He had paid a big you be with me. His face was filled with pride and emotion whenever he was around me. He was my black man in waiting...always ready to assist me...literally.

In addition, Matt, Charlie, Miles and Trevor were all closely involved in my world. With Bobby’s permission, each had regular access to me and in return would do anything I asked.

It was about twenty minutes later when Bobby reappeared and slid down beside me on the couch giving me in a hug and ending my reflections on my existence.

It was clear the night was over. One after another the black guys lounging around the room came over to kiss me goodbye, and departed.

After the last was gone, Bobby looked down at me with his salacious smile,

“Hey sweetheart, your girlfriend is awake back there in the bed room. I left her sitting in the bed in a daze. I am going back to “help” her get a shower and put something on. I brought new things for her to wear. I am afraid the stuff she had on yesterday is not suitable anymore. She is a new girl and needs to dress appropriately. You know what I mean.”

He tugged at my caftan, and smiled widely as he stood up.

“After I am done with her, I am going to be on my way. I got lots to do down in the hood. I will catch up with you here later.”

He hesitated and looked back at me,

“She will probably be loaded with questions for you. Remember, you know nothing...nothing about where you are...nothing about what happened...nothing about who made it happen...understand? You are to be kind and considerate and help her anyway you can. She will be going through quite an adjustment today as you well know.”

I looked at him and smiled,

“Yes, sir... I understand exactly.”

I did understand exactly. My amigo was now a fully blacktized white girl and it served no purposed for me to discuss this with her. I would simply be her sweet friend and let little Dickson’s charms reaffirm the wonderful possibilities of her new role.

Bobby turned and disappeared down the hall toward Sybil’s room. Over the next twenty minutes there were a few muffled sounds emanating from back in the bedroom area. I slipped back the hall to make sure everything was ok with my little family. Jamal was still asleep. Little Dickson was as well.

Sybil and Bobby were the only other people here in the condo so my return back to the living room was quite slow as I let my ears spy on what Bobby was doing with my good amigo. It was entertaining to say the least.

I hesitated outside their bedroom door as I could clearly hear sounds that I recognized from my past; sounds that are forever indelibly etched in my memory. Sybil was getting a very special wake up experience from Bobby. Her moans were deep and somewhat muffled. My imagination went wild with visions of how he had her...what he was doing to her...and a strong jealousy grew within me. I could not help it.

Bobby is nothing but the lowest form of pimp, and what he did to me over the past many months is legendary in the hood, but in that moment, spying there in the hall, I realized how close I had become to him, and how much I needed continuing assurance from him. I needed what only he could provide. Standing there in the hall, I slowly opened my robe...looked down at my nude beautiful body...and studied the tattoo just above my blond pubic area. It gave me such reassurance to see his name forever right there. In every way Bobby owned me. I continued on my way to the living room with a calm resolution.

Bobby was the one who took care of me when I needed it. He is the one who ultimately put together the program that provided the correct answer for my black pregnancy. Rather than going through with a terrible decision to end my pregnancy, I became a blacktized young white girl with a beautiful black baby. It was such a wonderful thing; such a source of pride. Bobby was proud. I was a source of pride for every black guy...young and old...who now knew me. My role was irreversible...nothing would change it...nothing could change it.

I found a good book...a good cup of coffee...and a great place in the corner of the large couch to relax. My gown fell open revealing my nude sex including my tattoo. I left it that way enjoying the relaxing feeling of my connection to Bobby gave me.

About thirty minutes later I heard quiet noises and Bobby and Sybil slowly came down the hall. He was carefully supporting her as her steps were very hesitant and uncertain. His smile was remarkable, possessive...scandalous.

Sybil was looking down at the floor as they move along. Everything about her was startling. Her dark hair was brought up on top of her head, held in place by a wide African head band. Her makeup was “colorful”, but very becoming. It was obvious considerable had been done to hide “love” marks on her neck and face. She was wearing a caftan; bright red, and very short; held in place by a woven narrow belt and cute small sandals.

Sybil had been blacktized in a most remarkable fashion.

Bobby brought her over to stand in front of me. I made no effort to cover up. My breasts and my tattoo were on display. I knew it was what he would want and, honestly, it was what I wanted as well. I wanted Sybil to know I belonged to Bobby. One glance at Bobby told me I had done the right thing.

I had, had an unjustified jealous response to Sybil’s involvement. Displaying my body and seeing Bobby’s reaction placated that for me.

Neither, Sybil or I said a word.

After displaying Sybil in front of me Bobby turned her to sit next to me. He stood in front of us and reached out for my right hand and brought it over to enclose it in Sybil’s hands which were resting in her lap. She held it warmly. That communicated so much. We were still amigos.

Bobby stood looking down at the two of us.

‘Ladies, my ladies...I am way late...I have got to get down to the hood. Caroline, I have a limo coming to run an errand with this beautiful girl and then take her back to her car. It will be here shortly, have a lookout for it and make sure she gets on her way, ok?”


I whispered.

“Sybil, my love, you have my cell number, call me tomorrow as we discussed, understand?”

She nodded yes. I then heard those famous words I knew so well,

“None of that nodding shit girl...I want to hear that beautiful voice.”

“Yes, sir I will call you as you want. Thank you for helping me this morning.”

In that moment...with those few words...I knew all I needed to know about my amigo. She was blacktized, and fully on board with Bobby and his perverted ways.

Bobby bent down and kissed me thoroughly on the lips, mouth throat; his hands opened my caftan further and found both my enlarged breasts. Right there, in front of Sybil, they both received a long wet kiss. There could not have been a more reassuring greeting on his part. His kisses told me I was still number one, for sure.

He then moved one step over to Sybil and delivered the same message. When finished with her he turned and made his way out the front door.

Sybil and I sat in stunned silence; not a word, not a movement, for several minutes. Finally, she turned toward me on the couch and tightened her grip on my hand.

“Caroline, do you know what they did to me last night? There were so many. They were so big. They were all black.”

Her eyes filled with emotional tears, she went silent and just looking off into space. I became worried she would be asking a lot of question I was not allowed to answer. That was not the case.

We sat in silence. There was nothing to say. There were no questions to ask. We both knew what had happened last night and what we now shared as two white girls in a very black world. I held her in my arms against my nude breasts and she rested.

There was a knock at the front door. I crossed the room to answer it. A tall black driver I had seen before was standing in front of me with a broad smile.

“I’m here to take Sybil to Treys Gallery and then deliver her on to her car at the mall when they have finished with her. Is she ready?

I looked over my shoulder to watch Sybil trying to keep her Caftan closed as she stood up. It was clear she had nothing on under it. Her much abused body was momentarily visible to me and the driver as well. It was a shocking picture of what a night in bed with black men can do to an attractive white girl.

I looked straight at the driver and smiled,

“Yes, I think she is very ready, sir.”

He grinned at me and audibly murmured as she came toward him...then they were on their way out the door into his waiting vehicle.

The driver glanced back toward me...his face was filled with that taboo pride I now knew so well.


The weeks began to pass swiftly in an easy wonderful way. My life became predictable for the first time since I was in high school, but it did not have the one previous negative element...boredom.

My parents and the entire white world were no longer a factor. I had no contact with my parents after the day my mother told me I was welcome to come home after I “got rid” of the black baby. In addition, the one conversation I had with the amigos at the mall that day and the night when Sybil visited here at the condo...were the only times I had talked to any people from my white life. I had no idea what happened to Sybil after her night at the condo. No one including Sybil knew how to get in touch with me and I was not out in public enough to run into anyone.

Little Dickson was the center of my world. He was growing like a little weed. He seemed to have jumped forward every time I stopped to study him. I loved to be with care for feed him. He was such a stable influence in my life.

Bobby made sure Little Dickson and I had the best medical care. The limo came each week to take us to an appointment at the Woman’s Health Clinic. We were both doing fine.

My doctor recommended I continue breast feeding as long as possible. That was fine with me. The doctor assured me that continued breast feeding was a fairly good form of birth control and the only one he was “permitted” to recommend for me.

I was healthy, little Dickson was healthy and the process of feeding him was an absolute sensual joy.

My shape had returned quickly and it was a new wonderful normal. I was once again the very cute, slim girl I used to be...with a couple very attractive improvements. My breasts were remarkably bigger and shapely, my hips were a little wider and I had a little attractive tummy. Bobby clearly approved of the subtle changes in my shape and told me so frequently. Jamal and Dickson also complemented me very often.

Jamal and Bobby frequently brought me new outfits which seemed designed to emphasize my new shape. They provided lovely options in my limited wardrobe.

The weeks passed quickly. I loved this attractive big condo. It was spacious. Little Dickson had the cutest nursery. My room was Jamal’s lovely master suite and bath. Jamal was here with me frequently...when his Army duties allowed. There were four other bedroom suites...smaller and for the most part unoccupied except for one room which had been organized for Donna and her new born. Travis told me Donna and her new baby would be in and out as dictated by her home life.

In addition to Jamal’s attentions, Bobby had his man Travis on assignment to look after me. He came and went frequently and assured I had anything I asked for.

Travis knew me well going clear back to the time he got in trouble dancing with me. On more than one occasion he told me his one misstep that day had cost him dearly. I did not know exactly what that meant, but he certainly was dedicated to my well being. He was assigned to assure that everything in my life was in accord with Bobby’s desires. He was so kind but he had strict limits when it came to anything physical. He would often kiss me including my breasts, but beyond that my body was off limits for him. I wondered if it would continue once it was ok for me to have sex again.

Bobby came over almost every evening to check on things and be with me. If Jamal, Travis, or Dickson were here they always found necessary activities outside the condo once Bobby arrived.

Physically, Bobby established his own limits with me and somehow they were exactly what I needed. He was back to everything except actual intercourse.

Frequently, Bobby exposed me to black male visitors...Trevor, Raymod, Isaiah, Rashid and others. Most often he was with them but sometimes he permitted them to come alone like an actual date for me. They were wonderful guys. I was the center of attention and to a man they approved of everything about me.

Our little “dates” were unusual. We mostly stayed in the condo, but occasionally one or the other would take me out to the park or a store. When they were with me they were overcome with the black taboo pride.

They took me out in public more and more and I was always accompanied by a very black, very cute, little baby boy. It was remarkable how Little Dickson changed how the world looked at me.

For example, Trevor took Little Dickson and me to the shopping mall one bright sunny Wednesday. Every person we saw went out of their way to stare at the three of us. They would actually come clear across the corridor to examine the baby more closely in his carriage. The looks they gave me were like poison...however they were probably far better than the looks the Amigos and I had given the fat white ladies with half breed kid during our safaris.

Eventually, Bobby wanted me to spend a full afternoon at the mall with a group of young black guys. It was nice to be out for a while. I will never forget how they acted around me. Each of them had a most obvious, possessive, proud smile. They treated me like such a lady. They insisted on holding my hand as we walked along. They carried Little Dickson while simultaneously leading me. What a nice memory.

I had become accustomed to the “tribal way” these handsome black guys handled me. They were so proud. I felt so loved


Three months at the condo passed so quickly. Soon it was late spring. The weather had turned very nice for upstate New York.

Little Dickson was nine weeks old when Bobby arranged a special appointment for the two of us with his Doctor. Bobby’s limo took us to the clinic for a checkup for Little Dickson and a complete physical for me. It took most of the day, but it was worth every minute.

The results were grand,

...both of us were in excellent health.

...Little Dickson was the ninety six percentile in both height and weight.

...I was completely back to normal and told I could return to full sexual activity.

...I asked about contraception and the doctor told me to continue breast feeding as he had indicated before.

Jamal’s army guard unit had been transferred to Panama just as he expected. He had been promoted and was going to be down there for a lengthy tour...maybe as much as eighteen months.

Jamal departed the day after my doctor appointment and just after he left there was a major change in our living arrangements. Donna moved into the condo with her new-born daughter and her two year old daughter. Both of her kids were very black and very cute.

There was plenty of room for them. She had a two bedroom suite with a bathroom between. Her rooms were at the other end of the hall and, if no effort was made, I would never see them. I had Jamal’s master suite and Little Dickson had a nursery across the hall from me.

My routine continued with frequent visitors but no changes in the “rules”. I loved these guys and frankly started to go wonkers wondering when Bobby would allow someone to return my sex life to normal.

It was a Saturday morning in late May when Travis came over to take me out for a while. Bobby had sent for me. Travis instructed me to put on a dark red caftan he had brought along.

We were headed to Bobby’s place in the hood. I was excited. It took just a few minutes for me to shower, fix my hair, and get dressed. I had not been out of this lovely condo very often...short walks with Little Dickson, a few shopping trips to the mall, and a couple drives over to the park for longer walks. This was going to be a real change of pace.

Donna was going to look after Little Dickson while I was gone and that was such a relief. She was so competent, so loving and she was able to breast feed him at the proper time if I was not back. I was free for a little adventure with Travis and Bobby. What else could I ask for?

Travis used Bobby’s black limo and driver. This had to be a special event for sure. It was warm for early July and the thin Caftan I was wearing was comfortable as well as attractive. I felt very sexy from the moment I slipped it on, and Travis, being Travis, assured that every inch of the trip was further sexual titillation. When we arrived at Bobby’s Travis led me into the house, seated me in the sun porch, and continued on inside, ostensibly to let Bobby know I had arrived.

I had not been here at 2247 West Branch in a long time. I got up and moved around studying things on the sun porch and into the living room. I was reassuring that nothing had changed. Everything was just as I remembered and the place still had that strange sweet odor.

In about ten minutes Bobby came walking in to take my hand as we sat down together on the couch I knew so well. He was dressed impeccably black and smelled incredibly good. He seemed so serious, so business like.

“Caroline, thank you for coming over. I have something very important I want to do today.

Upstairs in your old room Travis has laid out an outfit for you. I had it purchased for you yesterday. Go up now and change clothes. When you are finished come down for a little conference. I will be right here.”

I acknowledged his instructions with a kiss on his cheek, but I had so many additional questions as I got up and headed up to the bedroom.

What a short disappointing conversation. Didn’t he know I missed him? Didn’t he know I was approved by the doctor for physical contact? Didn’t he realize how damn sexy I looked and felt wearing this caftan. Why did he do little beyond holding my hand and sitting beside me at a distance?

My room looked exactly as it had when I was last here. Its Spartan furnishings had not changed a bit. A large comfortable bed, a large dresser with big mirrors opposite the foot of the bed, a TV monitor up in the corner, and other small items were all that occupied the room, but in a strange way it felt like home. I took a moment to look around and study myself in the mirror.

So this was the cute white girl who had sex month after month, with well over sixty five different black guys in this little room. What a wild erotic story when you look back at it. She was outrageously naive. In the beginning Bobby convinced her, these guys came here to pay for her pills so she could get back her normal life. But reality was there were only false pills and no bills. She was just a scrupulously, beautiful, whore for Bobby. Jamal had knocked her up and Bobby kept her that way for many reasons, but one was definitely to profit from here condition.

What a grand deception Bobby had pulled off. As I looked at my image in the mirror it actually caused me to break out in a smile. My decision to have a termination had been overridden by Bobby’s determination. He won but I won in the end. Little Dickson had a smile that stole my heart. It was such a joy to watch him trying to smile and breast feed at the same time. He filled the room with such joy. He won the heart of every single person who looked at him. I loved him more than I ever thought I could love anything or anybody.

A new very attractive outfit had been laid out on the bed; a tailored light blue suit that highlighted my eyes, expensive beige blouse, fancy light hosiery and black four inch heels. It all fit perfectly. Twenty minutes later I looked like a million as I headed out of the room.

Bobby was coming down the hall. It was clear he had heavy things on his mind. He took my hand and turned leading me down the hall toward the front of the house. My excitement grew as he led the way into his master bedroom. But I had to admit a little disappointment as he continued across the room to the window that looked out over the driveway. He put his arm around me and moved me forward until he could point out my blue mustang parked below.

My car looked like new, all clean and shiny. Someone had really detailed it. I had not seen it for over a year. I knew it was stored somewhere. Bobby had told me a couple times it was safe and under cover.

Just seeing it now brought back a flood of thoughts about the other dad, school, driving to the mall with the amigo. This car had played such a role in my last year of high school. Along with everything else I had to recognize a little panic. Each of the memories associated with this little car was accompanied by a reminder of the boring meaninglessness of my life in the white world. I was nothing, my tittering friends were nothing; we did nothing worthwhile. Dad really bought this fancy little car for me because it showed me off and all he did for me.

Now I had so much....I was so much. This car was meaningless to me.

I was brought back to reality as Bobby spoke,

“Caroline, when I met you that first day in Mallmart I promised you a solution to your problem and a road back to your suburban white life. Here it is. All is set for you. Your car has been checked out and is ready to go. There is a small blue purse on the front seat with some transition money. All you need to do is give me one final hug, go down there and drive home.

Your other life is waiting for you. Remember Bobby knows everything. He has many sources of information. There are black coworkers at the charity where your mother works. They keep me informed and up to date. Your mother is at home today. Your mother will greet you warmly, as will your dad. College starts in a couple months. Your application from last year has been reactivated by your dad. You are all set to go.

I know little Dickson is a question on your mind, because there is no place for a little black baby in that other life. Your parents have made that very clear, remember. They want nothing to do with him so I have everything set up for his care. Donna and her husband have parted company. He just couldn’t deal with her having a second black baby. She will be living at the condo full time now with her two.

For a while Donna will be taking care of little Dickson as well as her own. She is excited about the whole thing. She will be supported is every way she desires. She will breast feed both babies for a while and transition them from her breasts when told to do so.

I am sure you want to do what is best for your baby. We all do. Remember he is black and he belongs in the black world. Jamal and I have worked out a program to assure he has a stable home and a real chance at a good life. We have people who will love him and love his blackness.

When you pull out that drive to return home you are moving on to those things that are very important to you and your parents. It is your white world and a black baby is not welcome there.

Caroline, I have done what I promised. We took care of the problem. I am very proud. Together we did the right thing for you and for one small black life. Now, it’s all behind you. You are dismissed at this point. It is over.”

I looked up into Bobby’s eyes. He was taller, blacker and far more emotional than I had ever seen him. His eyes were clouded with misty tears.

I turned to hug him and went up on my very tip toes to kiss his lips. He held me warmly for a moment or two then released me and turned away into the bath room and shut the door. I knew that was my signal to leave.


My Mustang ran smoothly. I turned out of his drive and started down the street through the heart of the hood. One street at a time I made my way along noting only that the buildings got so much more attractive and modern, and my heart got so much emptier and lonely as I departed the hood.

I had not driven for many months. It seemed so strange. I really needed to pay close attention but I couldn’t stop looking down over my body.

What a beautiful, conservative outfit. I looked like a million dollars. I glanced around my little small and how empty I felt. I had to force myself to concentrate back on the street ahead.

I had not gone ten miles when I was overcome with panic. I need the reassurances I routinely received at Mr. Bobby’s. I was so upset being alone. I needed the excitement. I needed the attention. I needed his arms around me with the assurance that everything was alright.

I also need Little Dickson. It was his feeding time. I loved him so. I wanted him with me at any cost. I couldn’t begin to make the transition to thinking white.

My trip home was short. I pulled down the street, up the drive and into the garage without thinking. I sat still in the car, mustering my courage to go inside. Bobby’s face was constantly in front of me. His final words kept reminding me of all he had done to make my world right again. Everything was set up for my return to the white world and all it offered. I only needed to buck up and get on with it all. One step at a time and right now that meant getting out of this Mustang and going inside.

My mind just went into overload and quit. The world took on a will of its own. The Mustang backed out of the garage and turned toward the hood and Bobby’s condo. I had lived there for these many weeks with Little Dickson and others who came and went as their schedules dictated. Right away, everything seemed to be right.

The Mustang arrived back at Bobby’s with no problem. I stopped in the driveway and walked up the steps like I owned the place (maybe I did). There was no one to greet me so I went in without knocking. After all I lived here until this morning. I had been gone less than an hour.

As I walked into the kitchen area there was a rustle of activity in the main room and Travis came out to greet me. I was dumbfounded. I had not seen Travis for weeks...ever since the night he took advantage of my condition and was subsequently punished by Bobby. Whatever Bobby had done to Travis had kept him at bay ever since.

Today he seemed happy to see me. It was like he was waiting for me. Like he knew I would be coming over. After all anyone who knew about me would suspect I would turn up in an effort to get back to Little Dickson.

I hesitated for a moment, not saying a word to Travis. I really didn’t trust him. All I wanted at this point was to go back to the condo, get Little Dickson and then try the thing back at home with my mom and dad. The problem was I did not know the how to get to Bobby’s condo.

But then, I also wanted to talk to Bobby. I wanted to thank him for so much and make sure he understood my decision to take Little Dickson with me. There was no way I would go anywhere without my baby and I wanted him to understand that. I had been with Bobby right here less than an hour ago, he should still be around.

I turned quietly opened the door to the main room. I stepped in and shut the door behind me. It was very dark as usual. It took several moments for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. The same Lou Rawls music was softly playing.

As my eyes adjusted from the sunshine I began to see at least a dozen black brothers lying around the room; some on the floor, some on the furniture. In the dark I couldn’t identify anyone, but the excitement was immediate. From the murmurs and comments, they all obviously knew me. One of the guys seated in a lounger across the room got up and came toward me. I turned toward him, but the only person I could pick out was Travis moving through the “bong” haze.

Travis was obviously surprised I had come on into the main room on my own,

“Caroline get with it...what are you doing back here? Bobby released you to go back to your world and that is where you should be. It is the opportunity you have wanted all along and it will be the only chance you get.

It is very unlike Bobby to release anyone and I am sure he will not release you again. You know he loves the shit out of you. Now get back out there in that car and get the hell out of here before you’re into something you will never get out of.”

I stood sort of dazed not knowing what to say. What in the world was my next step? What did I want for my life...for Little Dickson?

Travis looked at me with an expression I didn’t fully understand. He finally took my hand to lead me toward the pile of pillows and the bong. As I dropped down beside him I was able to see the TV monitor that was the center of attention.

There was quite an x-rated show as usual. A young white girl was in bed with a very large older black man. The girl was on top, performing quite vigorously. The black had her arms pinned beneath his as his hands had gone down to spread her across his body. Her back side was beautiful and from the camera angle it was obvious his member was fully mounted in her vagina.

This young girl was vigorously working on the black guy. Each time she slowed, even a little, his right hand moved up and gave her a swat on her butt. She moaned and her pace picked up as he wanted.

Travis pulled me close to him, brought his hand up between my thighs, drew me even closer and whispered directly in my ear.

“Caroline, that video was made a couple weeks ago. That’s the white girl Bobby moved out to take your place. She is working like hell to take over your duties. I guess it is quite a process.”

As Travis was whispering in my ear there was a lot of loud moaning, the young girl finished her activity and slowly rolled off her breeder. The big black laid there watching with a satisfied smile as she struggled to stand up...

I was jolted beyond belief...

It was Sybil. She was clearly pregnant, showing a significant baby bump. I looked at Travis. He smiled from ear to ear.

Willingly he began to tell me that a lot had happened to my friend Sybil during the four months since I invited her to the condo and Bobby “trained” her with all the young black thugs.

The next day she had been tattooed just like me and then taken back to her car in the mall parking lot. She had no idea where she had been or who she had been with; no addresses, no telephone numbers, no contacts. No way to reach me.

Bobby’s guy called her three days later to “see how she was doing” and she wanted to come back and “talk”. A limo was sent back to the mall to pick her up again. All Bobby had to do was treat her right. She was back in the game. She took on the black guys as he wanted. In no time she was knocked up and completely on board.

Bobby offered to solve her problem. She was so grateful. He took her into one of his condos and started her on his “program”. She lived at his place so it was even more intense.

At one point she had tried to go back home but her mother threw her out. She came back to Bobby with a lot of remorse. He took her back and made arrangements for her to move out to his “ranch”.

Once at the ranch she learned there would be no program. She would go to term with her breeding. She was upset and tried to run away. She was caught and branded. Her severely burnt ass taught her a lesson to remain where she was. She would not run away again.

I knew from talk at school, her home life had never been stable. Her dad was never home...he worked overseas a lot. He mother was a bit eccentric and always in a panic about something. She was always first to try to get out of the house and get the Amigos together and always last to go home. She had never had a real boyfriend, just a lot of interest in boys.

Well she was sure going to have enough boy friend now.

Sarah had learned shortly after arrival at the ranch that she was one of six young white girls who lived there. Each of them had been bred black at least once. Bobbie’s real program was one in which these white girls were kept “fresh” in dairy cattle terms. They were visited frequently by black men who paid to fuck them. As long as they were breast feeding there was a reasonable chance they would not get pregnant again, but as soon as they were done breast feeding they were knocked up quite quickly. It was a wild game in which Bobbie profited at all levels.

He charged the black guys big time to breed with one of the girls. Then he made a profit after the black babies were weaned and old enough to be adopted by a waiting family. Healthy biracial babies were in such demand.

Travis fell silent and looked at me. “You see lover there is a lot about Bobby you don’t know. You were only one of many and you are the only one that he let slip away. Better take full advantage of it.

Travis looked at me after he finished the story. He moved very close to me and took my had as he walked me out of the main room toward my car.

“Unfortunately, since you were no longer going to live here, Bobby quickly moved Sybil in and moved your little one and his keeper, Donna, out to the country.

Travis stood with me on the back porch. He was in deep thought. He motioned for me to sit down on that love seat where it all started.

“Give me a minute Caroline, I want to call Bobby and see what he wants us to do. I will be back in a minute

He turned and left me there deep in thought. I didn’t know what to do now. I never trusted Travis and I knew he held a grudge toward me from way back. I had to get away from him and try another way to get to Bobby.

It was about ten minutes later when he returned and dropped down beside me.

“Hey Caroline, I got the word from the man. He put together a plan.

You remember Sparkie from back when...he is here down the hall collecting a few more things to take out to the ranch. Bobby wants you ride to out with us. He is out there and wants to discuss things with you. I will be coming back into the hood later this evening and will bring you back.”

I never trusted Travis and never more than now. I declined his offer and turned toward the door not at all sure what my next move would be. As I turned he refused to let go of my hand and pulled me toward him. At the same time this Sparkie guy bolted into the room. Travis held me tightly and Sparkie covered my nose and mouth with a very wet rag. I remember a short struggle with the two of them and then blank. My last thought was I could smell chloroform, and yet I had no idea what chloroform smelled like.

Travis’s Ranch

I awoke sometime later completely constrained on my tummy over what could only be described as a padded wooden headless pony. It extended from under my chin to my pelvic area and it was about four inches wide. I was laid out on it nude. My arms were tightly bound down either side to the front legs. My legs were bent at the knee jockey style and bound down to the rear legs. My neck was pulled down firmly with a strap such that my chin rode on the very end forcing my face forward. A tight strap at my waist pulled me down tightly which forced my bottom upward behind me over the back end.

It could not have been more uncomfortable. I was bound tightly. I could not move. My face was forced up on one end and my bottom at the other.

The room I was in was completely dark except for a bright light immediately above me. I could see nothing outside the bright circle it created.

I tried to yell but something had been mounted deep in my mouth depressing my tongue into my throat. I got nothing but a low grunt no matter how hard I tried. Panic!

I tried to struggle. I sensed motion in the darkness. Travis walked out of the dark right in front of me. He wore a robe and apparently nothing else. He stood right in front of my face staring at me.

“Bitch before this goes any further I want you to know why you getting the works from Travis. I want you to see the results of your mouthing off to your Bobby back when I wanted fuck you that time.”

“Look at what that bastard Bobby did to me, woman”.

With that he spread his robe like a theater curtain and lifted his penis. In the bright light it was obvious Travis was a eunuch. He had a penis but absolute nothing below. He was smooth. His testicles and scrotum were gone.

“That’s what the bastard did. He had me castrated right there that night all because you wouldn’t keep your fucking mouth shut. Every black asshole in the hood was fucking you. All I needed to join them was a little money I didn’t have.

A dozen guys had done you that night.

You made it obvious you wanted more, woman. You know it. You really wanted me to give it to you. You were tempting me like shit, but when I fucked you he had me castrated.

You were nothing but a knocked up white slut but Bobby thought you were a princess; his special precious piece of ass; his personal white girl.

Well you were his precious girl all right. You are the first and only girl he ever fell in love with enough to take through the process and send back to the white world. He’s been crying his ass off ever since you been gone.

Well babe Travis has been plotting a dozen ways to get back at you and that black son-of-a-bitch that did this to me. I got it all set up now. I am going to solve that princess problem for asshole Bobby. Travis is going to assure he never want to be close to you again. Travis been planning this ever since he had me cut. You are going to be his precious piece no more.

I watched your every move. I have my guys too. I knew you would come back to Bobby. You got the need. I knew I could catch you running free if I was smart. Free on the range.”

He laughed,

“Well girl I caught you. You belong to Travis from now on.”

With that he nodded at Sparkie telling him to get behind me.

“Things for you are going to start right now with my man Sparkie. He is going to do you good right here, right now. Sparkie is going to do what I can no longer do. Bobby had me nutted, but Sparkie is a nigger with a big cock and big balls that has paid me real big to do Bobby’s princess. You’re going to enjoy it. This got to be the first dick you have had since you gave birth to that black buck.

There was nothing I could do. My body was in perfect position. The wooden pony had been designed for that purpose. He could even adjust the height of the back legs to elevate my vagina as he desired. I couldn’t move or protest in any way. This Sparkie simply walked up behind me and very forcefully drove his manhood deep into my captured vagina. My only response was a muffled moan which clearly added to Travis’s glee.

Once deeply mounted into my body, Sparkie bent over my back and went to work and, in spite of the situation, I started to moan through the ball gag. I could not help it. Slowly and forcefully he fucked me. I had not had sex in a long time. I was lost in what this black man was doing in my body. In spite of my dire circumstance he was driving me wild.

I could sense something being rolled up beside the wooden pony, but I could not see what it was. I was bound so tightly there was no way I could turn to see what was happening.

Then Travis bellowed,

“Sparkie keep up the good work. I am going to take this around in front so this little white whore can see how I’m going to make her ass mine. She will enjoy things so much more if she knows what’s happening.”

With that Sparkie worked even more forcefully as Travis rolled a small gas fire forge around in front of me. I could immediately feel all kinds of heat on my face.

It was a small forge like a glass blower would use. It had a small door into a propane inferno.

Travis removed a branding iron from the door that was glowing red hot. He brought it close in front of my face. The brand was a thick circle about three inches in diameter with a large thick “T” in the middle. He held it there laughing like he was going to burn my face with it. The heat was intense.

He laughed loudly,

“I want you to enjoy this action you little whore. I use this on all the horses here at my ranch, but this the first time we use it to brand a lady. You had me nutted, you got it coming.”

Smoke and fumes rose upward as he took it back along my right side;

When he arrived behind me three things happen immediately. My position on the wooden pony had my ass elevated and exaggerated. Sparkie drove into my to the limit and climaxed with a loud moan...In spite of the situation I had a full grand mall climax as well... and, just as I climaxed, Sparkie moved from me and Travis firmly planted the red hot branding iron on my once perfect proud ass.

I cannot describe the pain. I was bound and gagged tightly in this jockey position over the wooden pony. I could not move. I could not scream. I could only snort and moan.

Travis held the branding iron there as the most excruciating pain passed through my body and the smell of burnt flesh and smoke filled the room. He was cooking me.

Finally, he came back to the front and returned the branding iron to the forge. I was barely conscious.

He looked at me with a savage grin,

“Now your ass belongs to Travis. We just made damn sure you no good to Bobby anymore; you in my stable now. Bobby is going to know when he sees video of what I did to your ass.

Top that off, I tell him Sparkie knocked you up at the same time. He was trying hard. Wouldn’t that just be the best fucking payback to that bastard Bobby? He had me cut big time for touching his princess without his approval. Now his princess is my branded bitch with maybe another black buck baby on board.”

Travis continued to laugh and lecture me as Sparkie returned to driving into me and deposit more of his semen.

While talking, Travis kept watching the forge. Finally he removed the red hot branding iron and disappeared back my right side. I could feel the tremendous heat as he carefully aligned the red hot iron with what he had done on my left side. Once again Sparkie gave it to me then moved aside as Travis branded me.

I passed in and out of consciousness from the pain. Both times Travis had held the iron in place as long as it was hot enough to do damage.

At one point I came back enough to realize that Sparkie was done fucking me and had begun rubbing something like salt into the burning areas on my bottom.

I remember he looked over at Travis,

“What’s this stuff for boss?”

“That stuff will make those brands stand up big around as rope when they healed. When that stuff does its thing and she heal, she going to show her Travis brand to the whole fucking world. Her ass branding is going to be outstanding like on a brood mare.”

There is no way do describe the additional pain. I passed out completely.

Sometime later, I became somewhat conscious in a strange grey haze. I was lying on my stomach in a bed with a cool damp cloth over my bottom and the rest of me covered with two small horse blankets. I tried to move, to get up, but fell back in place quickly. There was a three inch metal collar locked around my neck. A short heavy chain secured the collar over the top of the bed to a metal ring on the floor.

Being locked didn’t change anything. My lower body said, don’t move. Everything hurt horribly, my bottom hurt like it had been completely cooked. The room smelled like badly burnt meat. I cannot describe how my bottom hurt. There is something about flesh being burnt so badly that human senses sometime reverse the pain. At times my bottom felt like it was terribly frozen.

I had no idea how long I had been unconscious. Sparkie came in with another black guy I had not seen before. Both of them had big toothy grins on their face. I tried to tell them I was in horrible pain and needed to get to a hospital. Sparkie just kept laughing and teasing me as he unlocked the chain from my neck and together with the other black guy they lifted me into a standing position between them.

“You got to stand up, girl don’t try to sit on that fine ass. It’s too precious now to use that way.” He laughed.

They walked me toward the bathroom. I hurt like I cannot describe. My bottom felt like my skin was gone and I was cooked clear through to the meat. When finished standing over the toilet I was given a chance to wash my hands and face.

Sparkie gave me a glass of something that was cold and tasted like lemonade. I could tell there was something in the drink.

We walked back to the room with the wooden pony. My brandings throbbed, but for the first time I could deal with it without screaming. It had diminished a little but it had moved throughout my body.

Sparkie came toward me with a large hand mirror.

“Travis wants you to see what you got girl.”

He held the mirror such as to reveal first one and then the other matching brands exactly opposite one another on either side of my bottom. They were big, burnt black, and already very elevated into circular welts enclosing big black letter “T”s. I could tell the branding had gone completely through all the levels of my skin and cooked clear into the tissues beneath.

I looked away. It was too much. In made me nauseas.

Sparkie grinned.

“You’re one well branded bitch. Look at these too. He saved you some real pain. He got this all done after you passed out on us.”

With that he brought the mirror up to reveal “T” brandings on each of my breasts just above my nipples. They were the same circle pattern, smaller but every bit as deep...about an inch in diameter...and already welted up black.

I tried to get away in terror but he yanked the chain lead he had attached to the collar. Instability caused me to fall to my hands and knees on the floor. Incredible pain coursed through my body.

Laughing, Sparkie lifted me to my feet and led me back to the wooden pony.

“Lay back down over this, women. This pony is the only place your cute ass stands a chance of being comfortable for a while. He was right. I was too tired and unstable to stand and I sure could not sit or lie anywhere.

I went back onto the wooden pony. The horse was about four inches wide which allowed my sore branded breast to hang down on each side. He snapped the chain back to the ring in the floor, covered my back with a horse blanket, leaving my branded bottom exposed as he walked out of the room.

It was quiet. I began to sense that the lemonade had a sedative in it. The pain was subsiding some. It seemed like I was semi consciousness.

To my vague memory I think I remember my legs and arms once again bound to the legs of the horse before I completely lost consciousness.

Sometime later, I have no idea how long. I was awakened by one of the black thugs working for Travis. He released my arms and legs and helped me to move backward and stand. With his support I went to the bathroom. I cannot describe the increased pain cause by moving. There was terrible sharp pain in both my breasts and my bottom. It was clear the sedative they put in the lemonade had quit.

I couldn’t sit so I stood over the toilet. As I used some toilet paper I was amazed at how wet my vagina was and how much semen remained in me. My abductor watched every move I made even standing over the toilet, with a big toothy grin,

“Travis sure got himself one beautiful, well branded bitch now.”

He laughed loudly,

“We got to get you ready to travel. We going to put some more special salve on your ass and get you back on your pony. Travis got some big traveling plans for you.”

My memory of the next hours is very vague. I remember being tied back on the padded horse, arms and legs constrained down each side as before and neck and waist belted down securely. I could not move.

I remember someone putting the ball gag back deep in my mouth. I remember being pushed out of the room on the wooden pony. I remember being lifted into the back of a van and riding for several hours out of town.

It was late at night and my mind had cleared enough to know we had arrived in another city. Three black thugs unloaded me from the truck still mounted on the wooden pony and carried me up several steps into a warehouse. I was nude except for a horse blanket that had been tossed over me. The blanket kept me warmer but it rode on my brandings causing so much painful irritation.

Every step they took jostled me and caused pain in my breasts and buttocks. Each jolt caused me to scream, each scream was silenced to a moan by the ball gag suppressed into my throat.

It was dark. I must have passed out again. I was startled to consciousness when lights came on brightly and a group of black men moved in around me. They stood there staring, laughing and talking for some time. They circled me in disbelief touching me here and there.

Then they went to work. Each of them had something to do to me. Two of them began painting my skin from head to toe with a darker brown dye. Another soaked my hair with a material that stiffened it, and dyed it dark brown. A heavy brown covering was fitted over me and the wooden pony. It fit snugly covering my body arms and legs together with the pony. It left just my breasts and elevated buttocks bare.

The last thing they did was force a dildo into my butt very deeply. It hurt like hell until they got it all in and my sphincter could close around it. An attached horse’s tail hung out behind me. I began to realize that they were making me look like a small horse.

It was late, late at night when they finished. At least I was covered with the horse hair thing and warm. Finished with me, the six of them departed the room leaving me alone.

Sometime later a black guy came in and went to work applying a sticky brown substance all over my face and neck. It dried quickly leaving my skin tight and rigid. I literally could not even change expressions.

Just then Travis came into the room. It seemed like it was the first time I had seen him for days. He was laughing with two thugs that followed him. He came up behind me laughing and slapped my right branding,

“Well, my mare. You are looking good. You are about to get the big payback for having me nutted. You are going to be the star of my arena show tonight. You will be making me some real good jack and at the same time making a little video for me to send to your pimp, Bobby. That asshole took my manhood because he thought your precious ass was too good to share with me. Well, I am going to show him what your ass is really good for.”

With that he turned and walked out the door.

With Travis gone things started to move fast. Two blacks came in dressed like Arabian slaves. They lifted the wooden pony with me mounted on it and put large caster wheels on each leg. A tight harness was mounted around my head.

It was about a half hour later when the door opened and I was pulled out into the hall by a short lead attached to the harness. I could hear loud rap music and laugher coming from a door across the hall. The music and noise rose to a fever pitch as I was pulled through the door into a large area.

The arena a concrete floor covered with sawdust. Everything was dark except for a very bright spotlight that followed me. The arena was a horse training area surrounded by a solid white fence.

A fellow who was dressed like a ring master came in through a gate in the fence with a horse whip and a strange looking device that looked like a small megaphone. He came over and removed my ball gag only to bind this thing deep in my mouth in its place. For the first time in a long while I could breathe freely through my mouth, but each breath I took sounded strange and loud like horse breathing heavily after a run.

He walked back behind the fence and everything went quiet except for the party noises of a crowd on bleachers around the outside of the fence. The noise from the bleachers started to grow with anticipation.

There was a drum roll as a large white wooden gate opened and four young black thugs came in to the arena with short ropes leads. They came over to me, two to my harness and tow high on each side of back of the wooden pony. The drum roll stopped, circus music started and the four of them began to swing me around the arena. Colored lights began to flash around and there were gales of laughter and applause as they circled the fence pulling me along as if marching to the music.

Once they had completed several turns around the arena the music increased and I heard a gate open. My face was frozen forward so it took several moments until they pulled me around enough that I could see that several young little horses had been released into the arena with me. They were about the same height as I was mounted on this wooden pony. They started to gallop around inside the fence urged onward by the crack a whip from the ring master. They made our parade take on a new look. I was being pulled along as part of a herd of horses.

Finally, the music changed and I was pulled to the center of the arena and slowly turned for the audience. The other little brown mares huddled across the way.

As all this went on I noticed black thugs were moving around the bleachers collecting money and handing out wager stubs. There were a lot of raucous comments and high fives as they transacted their business.

Finally they turned me to face a gate in the fence and departed as a larger brown horse came out of the gate right in front of me. It was clearly a stallion. His enormous organ hung semi erect almost to the ground. Another spotlight came on to follow him. The group of fillies all huddled together across the way. The stallion stopped, excitedly looked over at them; then snorted and turned back toward me. There were gales of laughter and high fives as the stallion came rapidly toward me with the most enormous erection I have ever seen. He had been put in this arena for one reason and he knew exactly what that was. He circled me several times, snorting and bucking with excitement, until he turned behind me and mounted me like I was a brood mare. His weight crushed down upon me. I screamed with pain and the device in my mouth converted my scream into the piercing whinny of a horse. The audience responded with gales of laughter.

This horse knew exactly what to do to me. The wooden pony had been adjusted until I was in exactly the right position. He rammed at me a couple times until he found my vagina which was perfectly positioned and spread for him. He drove into me with a force like I cannot describe. The audience heard me scream like a mare through the device as he pounded into me. The wheels on the pony allowed it to move as he came at me. Time after time came at me, driving me across the ring. It felt like he had split me open. I could feel him ramming way up inside me.

Finally, he unloaded time after time. He was as far into me as he could be.

Then just like that, it was over. He came out of me with a strange sucking noise and dropped to the arena floor. He hung almost to the ground. He continued to leak as he snorted several times and turned toward the gate. Coming in the gate, the handler caught up to him gave him some kind of treat and led him back toward me.

To continued gales of laughter from the audience the handler turned the horse beside me, lining up our back ends to show them he was branded on each flank exactly as I was. Identical Big, black, rope like, brands were burned deeply on each flank of both of us.

He released the stallion and it ran briskly out through the gate. Mission accomplished. The audience roared.

The black ring masters came up to my harness and used it to turn me back toward the center. Finished, all lights went off except the spotlight on me. There was another drum roll. The audience applauded, stomped, and roared as he turned me slowly and then struck my branded right flank with his riding crop. I screamed in pain and I gave the audience a mare’s scream which delighted them.

Finished with this act the ring master ran for the white gate in the fence as another slightly larger brown stallion was released into the arena. This horse came over and mounted me. He never so much as looked across at the herd of real mares.

I screamed through the device as his enormous weight came down upon me and he drove his enormous penis toward my distended vagina. Time after time he pounded. I screamed again and again. It took this one much longer. It was like he had more experience. His lunges moved me all around the arena before he found my vagina, snorted loudly, and delivered deeply. Finished he dropped to the sawdust floor and was lead away exhausted. I had been completely fucked by a second horse.

I started to lose consciousness from all the pain.

My memory of the next hour or so is unreliable. I think I was actually giddy from the drugs they had given me and the relief that I could handle what was required. A couple more stallions were released into the arena to do me. Each left only after they were completely exhausted. I remember them charging across the ring toward me; the weight as they mounted, and the feelings deep in my body as they drove into me again and again. I do remember so wild erotic feelings as they took me, but mostly I remember giddy things I thought when each had finished.

I remember being pulled out of the arena into the little room across the hall. I remember black thugs coming and going, money being tossed about. The black thugs would slide erections into my vagina, but I honestly couldn’t feel them. I do remember gales of laughter as they pushed me about and slapped me on my very sore flanks.

It was early morning before they were done with me. I was back in the room across the hall. I was still mounted jockey style on the wooden horse with all the shit they had put on me to make me look like a pony. My entire body hurt like I can’t describe. My branded breasts had been severally abused by the front legs of each stallion as they worked on me. My buttocks hurt in an inhuman way. I looked like a horse. I smelled like a horse. My vagina was distended and very wet. I was completely exhausted breathing heavily through the thing they had put deep into my mouth. Each breath made me sound like a work horse.

Travis came walking in with two of his thugs and released me from the horse hair “costume” and the binding that held my legs and arms in place. When they were finished, I was just held down by the tight straps around my neck and waist. Travis walked up close in front of me and looked at me with a smile,

“Well, the princess of every nigger in the hood is now my brood mare. That black buck baby you had for Jamal sure got your twat ready for my stallions. I got some good video to send that asshole Bobby.”

Travis inspected my bottom then walked around.

“You are looking great but you are one well fucked filly.

I’m going to let you up. You are going to stand up and let my guys clean you up. I want them to put more of that salve on these beauties. They got them brands puffing up black like I want, but you can do with more.”

Travis left the room.

His two thugs released me and then went to work cleaning me up. Two things were particularly difficult. The brown goo they had place on my face and hair was like plastic. It took real effort to get it off. The other was my vaginal area. I was a different girl now. My vagina was very swollen and abraded. It looked like it had tightened back up but would still drain frequently. Every time they thought they had me clean and dry there, things would happen and they would have to go back to work.

Finally, the two thugs led me to a room down the hall which was like a little hotel room with an attached bathroom. I showered in warm water endlessly. When I came out of the bathroom the two of them were gone and I found the door was locked. I brought a clean hand towel from the bathroom, place it up between my battered legs, fell into bed nude on my tummy, and slept like I was dead.

Much later I was awakened when I heard the door unlocked. Travis came into the room. I tried to get up but found it was impossible to do anything except struggle around on my tummy and moan. I was so stiff, sore and charred. Travis sat on the edge of the bed with a big toothy grin for a while and watched me struggle. I finally manage to get over to the edge of the bed where he got under my arms and lifted me to a standing position. He examined my body from top to bottom. It was evident that he was pleased with what he saw.

Travis went in to the bathroom and came out with a big square tin of “UDDER BALM”. He applied liberal amounts of it to my breasts and buttocks. It felt good as he rubbed and manipulated it into my skin. While working on me he gave me backhanded compliments about my four brandings and my swollen vagina.

“My stallions did you good woman. Bobby going to know you’re no good for his army of goons to fuck now. This twat will only be a pleasure to my big boys.”

By the time he finished I felt somewhat stable on my feet. He asked if I could walk. I said I thought I could. He put a light blanket over my shoulders and walked me out of the room to another where the wooden pony was located. Each step was painful. All four of the Travis brandings felt like my skin couldn’t move. They were stiff and very sore. He watch me gingerly walk and smiled,

“I sure got you good woman. Those brandings will assure you never forget having me nutted.”

He looked at me carefully,

I am having some food brought to you. We will prop it up on a tray in front of you. You can lie down on this wooden pony to eat. Other than standing, that will be the only position you can tolerate for a while when you are out of bed.”

Travis left. Food came. I went down over the wooden pony and actually found it least more comfortable than standing. I lay across the pony and ate and drank some tea from the tray in front of the wooden pony. Afterward, I slept lying on the pony.

Later I awoke, tried the door back to the room and found it was open. I went back and dropped into bed where I slept again. There may have been something in the tea but it didn’t matter, I was exhausted. I have no idea how long I slept.

When I finally awoke I could see through a slit of a window that it was getting dark. At least one day had past, maybe more. A short thin beige skirt and top were piled on the floor for me. I put them on, but I could not wear them. The brandings could not be touched. I put a light blanket around my shoulders and walked around nude. Where Travis had branded me it felt so strange and stiff. When nothing touched them they didn’t hurt like before, but if felt like my flesh had all been cooked together and did not move right.

I made my way into the other room and lay down over the wooden horse. It was the most comfortable position I could find other than going back to bed on my tummy. I started to doze off. I had survived the most humiliating, painful experience that a woman could go through. The stallions were the only thing that were reliable good and predictable. They were beautiful. I loved them.

For the next two weeks my days became a routine. I would wake in the little bedroom, eat a good breakfast, and put on clothing I would find piled on the dresser. I would walk around, watch a little TV, eat and sleep. I saw no one except the two black young thugs who came and went bringing me things.

Finally late the third week, the branding welts on my flanks and breasts had hardened enough that I could sit if I was careful.

Mid afternoon one of the little thugs came in to tell me Travis was going to visit me. It made me nervous as a cat. My mind went wild. What did he wanted of me now and was there any way I could convince him to let me go home.

Travis came in dressed very black and immediately ordered me to take off my clothes so I could be “inspected”. He had a little fat back guy with him dressed in a white lab coat. Travis simply introduced him as his “vet”. Travis was carrying a short riding crop and I learned why quickly. He asked me to undress a second time and as he did he touched right flank with the whip. I cannot tell you how it hurt. My clothes came off quickly.

Travis had me turn in front of them. I knew what he wanted and I knew what he would find. I had carefully inspected the damage to my body many times. Together they looked carefully at my branded breasts and handled both. I had healed to the point they could manipulate them without excruciating pain. The same was true with the enormous brands on my flanks. All four of the brandings had become raised and very black but they could be touched without much pain. The vet looked at Travis with a grin,

“You got her branded right man. All that experience with your know what to do. Her scabs will come off over next couple weeks. As deep as you cooked her they will end up black and all ridged up. Is that what you wanted?”

Travis laughed,

“The blacker the better!” He offered with a gig toothy grin.

Lastly, they examined my vagina. Hereto I knew what they would find. I was a different girl. My vagina had been fucked by several horses. My vagina looked swollen and quite red. I looked down as the vet guy put three fingers into me. He moved them freely around my vaginal lips and then went on inside me and checked me there for quite some time. No pain. I danced and moaned in response. After his inspection he looked at Travis with a laugh,

“Your big boys got her good, but she has come back fine. She has got some real good equipment here.”

Travis grinned,

Doc is she ready for baiting my Stallions when we pull the semen out of them? I don’t want to rush things but those big boys made it clear that they prefer her to any of the other young mares I got out there.”

I listened as the doctor assured Travis that I was ready for anything he wanted me to do.

Travis hesitated to a moment and then looked at me,

“Well sweetheart, that being the case, you are going to go back to work tonight.” I know my face filled with panic. “You are going back in the arena for another show. These niggers have been all over me for more entertainment out of you and a chance to lose some money. They get off betting on what my big boys are going to do to your ass.

I am scheduling you back in the arena tonight. I am going to give you a choice. You can ride in tied to the wooden pony as you did before or if you will behave, I will let your ride in on your wooden pony, dressed like a woman. I will let you stay as a woman as long as you entertain my niggers in the stands. When the stallions come for you, you got to go down on the pony and take the position so that stallion can get to you. If you excite my big boys and get the rides out them while being loose, I won’t have you tied down. One slip on your part, one unhappy stallion, and you will be tied to the wooden pony and dragged around like they want.”

He smiled a fake friendly smile,

“Do you want to give it a try?”

I took no time for me to answer. I wanted to be free. Being dressed like a horse with the butt plug and everything was terrible. Anything would be better.

“Travis I will try to do what you want.”

Cooperation seemed my only sensible choice.

Two hours later his thugs brought in a flowing white gown. They put it over my head and I must admit it looked elegant. It was thin enough that the big dark tattoos showed clearly. They also brought in a complete make up kit and told me Travis wanted me to look like be a real woman. I never used much makeup, but this time I used color rather freely. I turned in front of the bathroom mirror and was surprise by how sensual I looked.

Just then, there was a knock at my door. It was the black thug that dressed like a ring master. He walked in came over and simply opened the front of my gown to inspect me like an animal. He looked at me with a big toothy grin,

“What a unit you got there woman; it is some kind of big and beautiful.”

With that he took the riding crop he was carrying and rubbed it firmly up between my legs. He came against my most sensitive spot and I reacted by bending forward toward him and moaning loudly.

“Sure looks like you ready, girl.

Understand what Travis wants. I am going to lead you in there tonight. You going to strut around with me and show those niggers what you got. You will swing this gown around such as to really show all those horny bastards what a branded lady looks like. Then a nice stallion will come in for you and the fun will start. You get to the wooden pony in the middle of the arena, and take care of that big boy. That all Travis wants. As long as you get that stallion off, and put of a good show Travis says you run free.

But, you fuck up and don’t get one of those big boys off and we will bring you back here, strap you back on your pony and decorate you for the rest of the show. You understand?”

I nodded. I was shaking all over.

With that he turned, took my hand and led me out of the room and across the hall. As the door came open to the arena I could tell there had been a lot of partying going on. The bleachers were filled with black thugs drinking and smoking and making a lot of noise. As they saw the ring master walk in leading me it turned into absolute nigger bedlam.

The last thing I wanted was to be strapped to that wooden horse again. I had to put on a show. There was a drum roll and loud music started. I walked with the ring master around inside the fence. This time I wore little slippers. My white gown flowed open in the front and out behind me. I turned and danced trying to give them the show Travis wanted.

The music was completely different...more like a Miss America pageant.

As the ring master walked me around the arena the tempo of the music increased. On the third circuit a gate opened and the ring master stepped out. I was alone. I continued the same movements as I came around the fence. I knew Travis wanted a show. I tried to match my steps to the music and turn frequently to move the gown such that the drunks in the stands could clearly see Travis’s brands on my breasts and flanks.

There was another drum roll, the music stopped, I stopped, and a beautiful brown stallion came in. I knew him from before and he sure knew me. His erection became enormous immediately as he walked toward me snorting. There was uproar from the bleachers.

It wasn’t very complicated. I moved toward the wooden pony swinging my gown about in an enticing way...the stallion followed me snorting and pawing at the ground...I moved my white gown out of the way and went over the back of the wooden horse on my tummy. I move up into the jockey position with my Travis’s brandings high in the air. He mounted me and drove directly at my vagina. The music got much louder. The stallion came at me time after time and each time he did, he moved the wooden pony around the arena. The thugs in the bleachers were coming unglued.

The stallion wasn’t quite able to find my vaginal lips although he was very close and making me very wet. I was in the jockey position so I could move my vagina a little higher where things were perfect. He took me.

I could feel his enormous member move deep against my cervix. There was no pain. We fit together perfectly. I could not help but moan and snort. He had me completely. I could feel his enormous testicles coming against me. Fully engaged with my body he seemed to slow down. I climaxed wildly, moaning and snorting out of control as thrust after thrust we moved together until he delivered.

Once finished I was overcome with a sense of pleasure. Travis had to be pleased with me. This stallion and I had given the audience exactly what he wanted for them.

The stallion backed out of me with a loud sucking noise and stood behind with his enormous unit swinging almost to the floor. I moved backward off the wooden pony and stood beside him. Some of his semen was running down from both of us into the sawdust of the arena. I had been royally fucked and he was a contented stallion for sure.

The stallion snorted and sniffed at me for a moment. I wrapped my arm around his neck and brought him toward me as the audience roared. Finally the stallion headed across the arena as the ring master came in the gate. The ring master snapped a lead on his harness and turned him to come back toward me. He brought the horse up beside me...opened my gown...and turned the horse and me together such that we displayed our identically tattooed flanks. There was an unbelievable roar of applause and laughter. When the ovation slowed down the ring master led the stallion away leaving me standing by the wooden pony.

When the first stallion was out the gate, another horse was released into the arena. I left my gown open and simply turned to the wooden pony and came over it with my arms and legs down the sides and my tattooed enlarged breasts on display on either side.

This stallion knew me as well. He actually galloped over to me, reared up into the air, whinnied wildly, and came down on me. He drove the air completely out of me causing a loud sustained moan. The thugs in the bleacher went wild as he drove his maleness into me with little effort. Right away I could feel him slamming my cervix.

I looked back to see the astonishing amount of his penis that he had gotten into me. There was no pain. My tattooed flanks felt stiff and strange as he hit them but I could deal with it. My distended vagina did what was required to house him. He released volumes of horse semen into my body as I gave the audience another grand mall screaming climax. I had been royally fucked again and this time they knew I loved it.

There wasn’t a nigger there that didn’t know I was a horse whore. I had really taken this one and really enjoyed him. Travis had to be please.

After this stallion came off me the ring master brought him back to line up with me for the approval of the crowd. We slowly tuned around without coercion so the audience could all see that the stallion and I had the large identical Travis brandings.

As the ring master led this guy away I stood supporting myself on the wooden pony. I knew there were more to come. I only had to wait a moment until I was joined in the ring by a bigger brown quarter horse stallion. There was an announcement that I could not quite hear. This big guy came across the ring under the control of two handlers. It was clear he knew me and knew what to expect with me. I came around the wooden pony to get up on it as usual. They led this stallion up behind me as I was getting into position he reared up, snorted, and mounted me. Five or six lunges later he found my wet vagina and went to work.

I could tell he wasn’t going to take much time; he had been outrageously aroused ever since seeing me across the ring. I felt him start to unload and I could not help myself, once again I began moaning with a climax. The only problem was...this time one handler quickly pulled the stallion’s organ out of me and drove it into a tubular mitten he had in his left hand. The horse reared up but there was nothing he could do. His fertile sperm was all being delivered into the device rather than my body where he wanted. I was left lying across the wooden pony in complete frustration.

The audience was roaring their approval as the ring master came across to snap a lead on my collar, cover me with a small horse blanket, and lead me out of the arena. My white robe covered most of me but I knew Travis’s brandings showed clearly. The stallion was rearing and whinnying and pulling toward me as he was taken off in the other direction. Our Friday night show was over.

My room seemed friendly for the first time. I had performed of my own accord and that level of freedom felt so good. I made my way to the bathroom, threw the white gown in a clothing chute I had found, and went into the shower. I smelled like a mare, but I was getting used to it. I washed from head to toe, noting that my vagina was enlarged and damp with horse semen.

Finished with the bathroom duties, I took a pill provided, and dropped into bed nude with the normal hand towel up between my legs.

It was Monday before I was next visited by Travis. He came in early when the little thug delivered my breakfast. I was wearing a pretty blue gown that had been provided that morning. I immediately stood knowing he would want me to take it off. Instead he motioned for me to join him at a little table that had been brought in at some point. He was on a mission and he started right in.

“I got a real good thing going with you now girl. You know why I got nutted that night at Bobby’s well what you don’t know is that right away I put about arranging my revenge. And, this is it. Bobby always thought you were the most special piece of ass he had ever known...well that’s over. I sent him some tapes of you entertaining my stallions and flaunting your branded flanks to the gamblers. I was going to use the one with you decorated like a mare, but the other one with you in the white outfit was so much better at getting me what I wanted. It showed how you were fully cooperating; offering your pretty branded ass to my stallions.

Well, Bobby saw that tape and shit. With that one video tape I got all the revenge I could have dreamed of. They tell me he went ballistic for a while, but when he calmed down he came to reality. No way, he could change things. You were now one pretty princess with my brands deep in your ass and you were willing breeding with my horses.

He had his little shitty kid get in touch with me and tell me he understood. Nutting me and been a terrible thing to do. He said he was done with you when he set your ass free to go home. He understood why I did what I did to you when I caught you. He thought I was entitled to some revenge for your having me nutted. He even wants to come up some weekend for a show.

How do you like all that, Caroline. You now officially belong up here at my ranch. You belong to me and I got big plans. We are scheduling two shows in the arena for you every week from now on. The rest of the time you are going to help my handlers with the stallions. They got a nasty dangerous job extracting the semen from these big guys. It’s sold for big bucks for the artificial breeding. These special stallions I have are really the stock these horse owners want, but as you know, they so rough they can kill a little mare. You can think good things about what you going to make life much easier for a lot of pregnant mares.

If you don’t perform well for me I have an alternative for you. I am not going to mention it unless I need to. You understand?”

I was shaking all over. I knew what he could do. I was already a victim of it. I just nodded.

“My handler will be over here to get you in about an hour. Be ready.”


As he told me, a tall black guy showed up at my room about an hour after Travis had gone. It was clear from the moment he walked in that he was in charge and knew all about me. Without a word, he walked over to me. He turned me around, bent me over, lifted my gown over my back, brought out his member, and entered me. He was outrageously horny. He delivered after fifteen strokes. When he was done he backed away, my gown fell back into place and he stood there smiling at me.

“That was good woman. You going to work for me now and it look like we are going to get along great. That is a nice unit you got there. No wonder my herd came from your arena show all charged up. They were a happy bunch after the shows they were in with you.

Here, I brought you a working outfit. Put it on.”

He stood there watching as I slid out of the blue gown and into the short brown skirt and beige blouse he handed me. His eyes were wet with horny emotion as he stood there watching me. I was far beyond seeking any privacy. I knew what Travis wanted and I saw nothing to be gained by fighting this guy.

When I was finished he walked me out the long hallway into the daylight, the across a small courtyard into his Jeep. Ten minutes later we arrived in front of a very attractive barn. I got out as he came around to snap a lead onto the gold band around my neck. He was carrying a short riding crop and made sure I saw it. He turned and walked toward the entrance with me behind him.

He opened a sliding barn door and we walked into and immaculate horse operation. Horse stalls surrounded an exercise center yard. There were five stall boxes on three sides with four and the entry where we walked in.

I could tell that I was recognized as I walked in. At least a half dozen of the stallions set up a ruckus in their stalls.

Jeb, my handler, looked at me with a smile,

“They love you woman. That’s good. That’s why you are here. These stallions are kept here for one reason and it is not that show you going to do. They are busy big boys for me. They are special horses called trotters. We take them every other day for their semen. They are very special guys, and there stuff is sold frozen at a very high price. The ten oldest in here have over three hundred fifty healthy colt to their credit.”

“Now here is how it goes for you. Our customers want the colts these guy sire. We breed artificial because these big boys will ruin a mare getting to her. A mare will put up a fight and when these guys are ready they will mount her viciously if she plays around with them. Some of these expensive mares have been killed.

Historically, we get their semen by tying them up tight, enticing them a little with a mare outside the fence then putting a shocker up their ass and whapping them on the big gland in there. They hate it but makes them pump out the semen into our “catcher’s mitt”.

Problem is it gets more and more dangerous and difficult. These boys are smart cookies. They learn to hate us and hate the process.

So here is where you come in. We have a breeder who took us down to Mexico where they use a girl to help things. We studied how they do it and we like the results. So when Travis get you he tested things. He made his test into a show so he could make some jack off of it. Everything with you tested real good during that show.

You will go into the breeding room with me. We will clean you up and you will go over what we call the barrel. We throw a horse blanket over you and lead a big boy in. He will sense you want it and won’t fight and kick so he come over you gentle. It’s simple. It will go just like with that last stallion in your first show. He goes to work on you until my man takes what he wants with the “catcher’s mitt”. You do a couple three of them and your bills are paid for a while with Travis. You go back to your pretty room.”

He looked at me and had to notice I was shaking all over.

“Come on now, let’s get to it, we got two of them all cleaned up and ready for you.”

He took the short lead to my collar and walked toward a door in the far wall. I was dizzy with concerns. I could hear several of the horses stomping around and acting up in their stall boxes as they sensed I was moving out of the arena.

Through the door we walked into a smaller room with the barrel device right in the middle. It was somewhat like the wooden pony only broader like a barrel. He walked me up behind it and pointed,

“You know what to do...get your ass on it. I stood frozen for just a moment. I was filled with guilt, concern and doubt. I was allowing myself to get scared silly when he tapped me on my right flank with his riding crop.

“Sister you don’t want to know how much this can hurt. Get on there.”

I went onto the device on my tummy without a pause.

He lifted my skirt over my back. My branded bottom was left bare and elevated. He put a horse blanket over my back

There was a rustle and I turned to see two black trainers coming in with a beautiful brown stallion on leads between them. This big boy knew me and knew why I were there.

Jeb took his entire right hand and swiped some lubricant up between my legs. The stallion was lead up behind me; held securely so he could not jump as he mounted. His padded hooves went on either side of me right against my branded breasts. As he came down on my back he snorted and drove his very ready organ at me twice and he was into my vagina. It was one smooth move. He felt so good in there. His erect organ went all the way to my cervix on the first thrust. He came at me just four times before I felt the first of his semen hit me. Right away His enlarged organ was abruptly pulled out of my body and slipped into the mitt held by the trainer on my right side.

The stallion and I shared a horrible moment. He was kicking, bucking and snorting as his testicles pumped into the “catcher’s mitt. There was no question where he wanted it to go.

For me, I was left over the barrel with the most unsatisfactory feelings coursing through me. I really needed that animal. I had to admit it. What he had been doing to me drove me nuts.

The two black guys led that beautiful stallion away, snorting and pawing at the ground.

Jeb put his riding crop against my right branded flank and told me to remain over the barrel. Another stallion was led in by two new black handlers. Jeb straightened out the horse blanket on my back and gave my bare bottom another touch of the riding crop. I froze in place. The second horse mounted me. There was no question this time. He had developed such an erection as he came across the room toward me and I needed what he was going to do to me.

I moved up a bit so his very long hard organ could find its place at my vagina right away. Once, twice and he was deep in me against my cervix. He went to work and I started to whimper terribly loud. I was having a massive sexual buzz.

Thoughts started to sweep over me that made things even more erotic and my turn on even greater.

I gave birth to a very big, black, baby just a couple week ago so my vagina and cervix are not as tight. That is why these big stallions can take me and I enjoy it. Are they opening me even more? They are about three times as big around as some of my black breeders, but oh so very much longer. After these stallions will I ever be the same again?

Also I have not had a period since the baby. Am I overdue? Am I fertile? What does that mean when I am getting so much horse semen in me?

I am snapped out of my erotic thoughts by the biggest climax possible. I moan and scream as this stallion snorts time after time and delivers, ramming deep into me. This time they did not take him away. They allowed him to put everything into me. He continues as long as he wants. Finally, he pulls from me with the sucking sound I now understand and drops down behind me. I lay on the barrel exhausted, my vagina and womb filled by this stallion.

Jeb brings the back of my skirt over my bottom and moves up beside me. I turn just as they lead the big brown stallion out the door. The big boy is looking back at me still shorting.

Jeb laughs,

“That big boy really is in love with you. Down in Mexico I learned that the easy way to get these guys off is to let them go for it every now and then. It really pisses them off when we grab them away when they ready to drive it all into their filly. That is why trying to do them over an old leather barrel got really hard. They got more and more pissed and wouldn’t produce. With you they really get to do it and love takes over. They ready to produce for us when they come through the gate and see you.

Jeb gave me a light whack across the flank with the crop. It stung like furry.

“You’re done for the morning. I want you over there in the clean up room where the handlers will take care of you.”

He waived his crop toward my flank and I moved quickly toward the gate on the end of his lead. He led me into a small area where the last stallion was held with two leads tied to opposite walls. Two of the handlers were just finishing his rub down.

Jeb and I stood for a few minutes until they released the stallion and one of them led him away. The other came toward me and without speaking buckled a leather band around each of my wrists. By the time he had finished the other handler had returned. One stepped to each side of me and snapped a lead to the wrist band on that side. Jeb led me into the middle of the room where the concrete floor was all sloped toward a big drain.

In moments I was in the same position as the horse ahead of me. My arms had been extended and tied off by the leads to opposing walls. Jeb took my head lead and tied it off on the front wall. I couldn’t protest. He constantly swung the riding crop about and I now knew what that felt like.

I was fixed in exactly the same position as the stallion had been. The trainers put leather bands around my ankles and Jeb lifted me slightly as the two trainers pulled my legs apart with leads that were also attached to the opposing walls.

Jeb came around behind me and gave my left branded buttock a light warning brush with his riding crop.

“Do what these guys tell you to do. They are used to handling the horses in here so believe me they can handle you. Don’t go up against them and you will be just fine.”

With that he reached up to my blouse and with one tug removed it. He reached for the waist band of my skirt and it followed my blouse into a trash bin. They had been ruined by the stallions.

I stood there completely nude as Jeb turned and walked out of the room and the two trainers approached me; one with a tall bucket of soapy water then other with a common garden hose.

I was being treated exactly like a horse.

One trainer went back came up behind me pulling a clear plastic hose with an attachment on the end that looked like a two foot sausage with a rubber sword hand shield. He said the first word either had muttered when he told me to bend forward. I didn’t move. He brushed my right flank with the riding crop he kept in his belt. I bent as far as I could while he inserted the unit deep into my vagina from behind. He turned to his fellow trainer,

“She took this better than the fillies do; no kicking or jumping around. She handled this real good. Do you want me to give her anything special after a normal warm wash out?”

His partner looked at him with a smile,

“Nothing more required; but you can give her anything your little pecker desires after you finish. The boss just wants all that all cleaned up to help her stay fresh for the big boys.”

With that I felt him begin a torrent of water into my body. It drove me insane. I swear the rounded tip of it fit right against my cervix; such that it pressured the fluid deep into my womb. They kept me bent forward such that I could see my stomach being distended by the pressure. He began to pull the device briskly in and out and back and forth washing my vagina; a torrent of fluids flooded from my body into the floor drain.

I couldn’t move, but very quickly I had no desire to move. The sensation was unlike anything I had ever even imagined. I have to admit I had a remarkable climax; not nearly as big as those with the stallions, but certainly enormous.

When he finished inside me he stepped back and his partner drenched me with warm water from head to foot. Sponges and a soft hand brush came out of their bucket and the two of them scrubbed everywhere. Warm water flowed over my entire body. Soap was added to my it was washed as well. Not a spot on my body was missed.

Finally they dried me thoroughly with clean towels and applied a starchy powder all over me while going using soft brushes.

When I was finished both of them looked at me from a distance with smiles began taking pictures with their cell phones.

I was still constrained by the five leads going to the walls. The smaller of the two came up in front of me and lifted my enlarged beasts. I was pleased that even with his touching them, the brandings did not hurt. He played with them freely and for the first time I noticed an erection through the fabric of his blue overalls.,

“Just wanted to make sure you were dry underneath these beauties.”

He offered with a smile.

My morning at the breeding palace was finished. Jeb reappeared with a short lead, and I was released from the wash room. He threw a light horse blanket over my shoulders and walked me back to his jeep.

Minutes later I was back in my room across the horse farm. Someone had brought in sandwiches. I ate and then tumbled into bed for a quick afternoon nap.

My mind was calm which allowed me to fully realize how horny I really was. I was one very strange girl now...actually more trotter mare than female girl. This morning two stallions had been terribly aroused when they sensed I was in their presence and then sexed me. One was allowed to finish everything deep in my body. When finished with them, I was washed and taken care just as a filly would have been had she been used to entice a couple breeding stallions.

Sleep came over me like a black warm blanket.


It was late afternoon when I was awakened by Jeb standing beside my bed. His ever present riding crop was used to brush my back. He simply told me to get up, eat what the trainers had brought me and get dressed in what he had piled on my dresser. I did as I was told. That riding crop had made an indelible mark on my memory.

The tea has something in it. I drank it quickly and immediately felt a bit tipsy wild. The food was great.

The outfit he brought for me is worth mentioning. It included fancy cowboy boots with noisy steel plates on the heels. A vest like top made out of buckskin with tassels. It came around under my arms but no further. I was completely open in the front displaying my enlarged branded breasts. It did protect my back down to just below my waist. There was nothing for my lower body, but there was a lightweight horse blanket that I could throw around my shoulders and it covered me to my knees.

I sat on the end of my bed and waited for Jeb to come back. The drug in the tea kept making me sillier and sillier. Finally, I could sit no longer. I stood and started to move around the room to music from the TV.

Finally Jeb came in and snapped a short lead to my collar. He said nothing just touched my flank with the riding crop when he was ready for me to move. I move quickly as he led me out of the room and down the main hall that led to the show arena. The steel plates on my boots made each step resonate like a horses hoof.

He took me into the small room that I already knew so well from the first show when the bound me to the wooden pony and branded me. This time it was altogether different. Two black guys came in. one took off my blanket and the leather vest. I was standing there nude in my cowboy boots.

The one black trainer threw a full bridle over my head complete with a bit and two long leather reigns. He brought the bit up against my mouth and when I did not open I received a firm strike on my flank from Jeb’s riding crop. My mouth popped open and the bit was brought back between my jaws while a strap was buckled behind my head holding it firmly in place.

The other trainer threw a leather harness over my head and down onto my shoulders. He buckled it into place. The wide horse collar around my neck was connected to by two leather straps that crossed between my branded breasts to a cinch around my waist. They ran from the sides of my horse collar across my front down to the sides of the waist cinch. These straps separated and exaggerated my breasts as they crossed in front of me. Two additional wider straps came down my back. There were two leather traces that hung beneath my arms on either side.

Leather cuffs were buckled around my wrists and short leather leads from each were snapped to rings on each side of the horse collar. My arms were drawn up tightly and I could not lower them.

Finally, a brown sarong was wrapped around me at the waist. It was very thin but it covered me down to mid thigh.

My hair was brought down my back in a stiffened mane and finally a decorative tiara was added to the top of my head with leather pieces that extended upward. They were covered with small sleigh bells and tassels.

There was no mistake, I was a cart pony.

Jeb removed his lead to my collar and a very colorfully dressed black jockey took the reins to my bridle and walked ahead of me leading me out of the room and down the hall toward the arena. He was dressed like a professional jockey in silks with riding pants and black boots

Down the hall toward the arena loud rap music and ruckus laughter got louder.

The jockey stopped me right outside the arena door and a very colorful sulky cart was pulled up behind me. The shafts were attached to my harness and traces from my harness were drawn back and attached to the cart whiffletree.

The door to the arena swung open. In one move the little black jockey jerked the sarong from around my waist and vaulted into the cart behind me.

I received a strike on my branded flank from his long whip. It hurt like hell. I screamed and vaulted forward into the arena.

The thugs in the surrounding bleachers went wild.

It was the most humiliating position you could imagine. I was essential nude. The traces were connected to my harness in such a manner that I had to lean way forward to move the sulky. My enlarged, branded, breast; exaggerated by the crossing leather straps, hung in front of me. My branded flanks were bare for all to see behind. And, the final humiliation was the sleigh bells on my head that rang and jingled with each step I took.

I had gone just a short distance into the arena when there was a drum roll, louder circus music started and I got my first order from the jockey,

“Prance, you are going to prance.” And with that I heard his long whip snap in the air.

I pranced out toward the middle of the arena. The metal plates on my boots struck the floor with the sound of a pony hoof. The black thug audience roared. The drunken din in the room became unbearable.

I tried to turn back to get out. The bit was wrenched into my mouth and the long whip landed on my right flank with a snap that could be heard everywhere. The thugs roared with laughter as I turned back toward the middle.

In the middle of the arena I was stopped and then slowly turned for all the black thug spectators to enjoy. I was turned around and around as the music got louder.

I was eventually driven over to the fence and required to circle just inside the fence.

The music got faster and I got my second order from the jockey,

“Pick it up... I want a trot or you will feel my whip again.”

I heard his long whip snap in the air beside me and I really picked up the pace.

To do that I had to bend forward even further moving my bare branded flanks back even closer to the Jockey. The shafts from the sulky cart were quite short. He had a clear access to strike my branded flank any time he wanted.

The cart and jockey were light but you can’t imagine the work running at a trot with them attached.

After several circuits of the arena a gate opened and one after another these young fillies were released to run with me.

Another gate opened and the wooden pony was pushed into the middle of the arena.

The jockey stopped me right by the wooden pony as the fillies continued around the fence. He gathered his reins up as he got out of the cart and came to my head. He spoke into my ear.

“We are going to unhook the sulky now. We are going to leave the harness on you for later. Get on that pony like you done before and take what comes your way. Do you understand or do I have to give you one more reminder with this whip before I leave?

I nodded, and the bells on my head rang freely.

The sulky cart was unhooked and rolled out of the arena. My arms were released. I mounted the wooden pony with my feet up on the jockey pegs and my bottom in the position.

The music came to a stop and an extended drum roll began. I knew what was coming and I had no fear anymore regarding this stallion.For an eighteen year old girl to be in this position was humiliation beyond understanding. These stallions were the only living thing that treated me kindly and did not humiliate me.

The main gate opened and a brown stallion stepped into the arena. He was very aroused. His member hung down within an inch of the floor. Strangely he did not charge at me. I recognized him. He had sexed me several times before. The crown roared as he walked directly toward me without so much as a glance at the three fillies over near the fence.

Rather than coming up behind me he came up to my face. I lifted my right hand and stroked him on the forehead as he brought his beautiful muzzle up against my neck. His erection was so obvious but he wanted to be close to me first.

He stood and nuzzled me for several minutes before he moved around me, mounted me forcefully and began the dance I was so familiar with.

Moments later I lifted slightly to make the alignment perfect and he drove into me as only a full blooded stallion can do. I moaned loudly with ecstasy. The audience broke loose with a stunned response. They were watching a small blond school girl willing breed with a two thousand pound stallion trotter horse.

I could feel him way deep in my body. I was convinced that my vagina and uterus had not returned to normal after birthing that big black baby and now these stallions had altered me considerably. They had move my cervix and opened it to their desire

His weight was tolerable. His body gave my nudity some privacy. He stroked into me wildly time after time as the music intensity increased. Finally, he unloaded. Oh! My!

His semen flooded me. His snorting and my moaning gave the audience the sound effects they wanted.

They could all sit there assured that a woman can be fucked by a horse. That is what Travis wanted to show Bobby. That is what Travis wanted to prove my decadence. That is what the black audience wanted.

The stallion came off of me and stood beside me with his limp unit hanging to the floor. I slowly dismounted from the wooden pony to stand beside him. The audience of thugs went wild as I turned us together to put our branded flanks on display.

The black thugs outside the fence continued the ruckus as we turned together time after time.

I looked down and realized that I was retaining all that this big horse had put in me. My body was now able to adjust to the enormity of his member, the depth to which he entered me, and the amount of his semen deposited. I had sealed his massive deposits inside.

I was lost in a haze until the ring master came out of the gate and walked toward us brandishing his riding crop.

He snapped a lead onto the stallion and then turned to snap a similar lead onto me. The music tempo picked up as he led us toward the gate. The thugs laughed and roared their approval. Just before the gate he stopped us and turned us together so our matching branding were obvious.

We walked out. A trainer took the stallion in one direction toward the stalls, while the Jeb took me in another toward the famous little room.
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