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I'm confused by what the difference between my intro and synopsis is. So this is the first part of a story I may or may not choose to continue to write.
So, there I was covering my ears with a pillow as my ass hole roommate rams the girl of my dreams.

Everyone gets laid in college. That was the solace that me and my group of nerdy friends took as it became more and more apparent that we would be leaving high school with our virginities intact. Once you get to college there's a chance for a new start, no one knows who you are. We messed up our chances of getting laid in high school back in middle school at the eighth-grade dance. How were we supposed to know that playing Pokémon cards the entire dance would label us nerds the rest of our time in school? We were kids.

Collage would be different we could ditch the nerd persona and be our nice normal selves and we were guaranteed to snatch ourselves a nice normal girl. Only thing is I didn’t want a nice normal girl. I wanted the stupid hot chick with long hair, a fat ass, and tits that stick out like perfect melons. Then I want her hot friend, and her friend and her mom. I wanted to be a fuckboy, and not just any fuck boy I wanted to be the fuckboy that other fuckboys look up too. I want to be that guy who just got bitches, he can just call, and they come over cause the dick is that good. I want to be the fuck boy extraordinaire.

My names Cole Harrison , I'm 5’ 10, 120 pounds of skin and bone and as of my first day of collage I am officially a former nerd. See in high school, no fuck that the world, there's two types of men the alphas and the betas. The jocks and the nerds. Personally, I don’t think there’s anything wrong being either, your almost born that way. Back in the medieval period the alphas were these big strong dudes that got all the women because they were so physically dominant it just shouted at the women this is the guy who can protect you, this is the guy who can make you feel secure. Now days you can be the smallest, nerdiest, ugliest guy, but if you go to school get a nice job and make a lot of money you can still get a hot wife. Your still offering security, same as back in the old days just a different type. Plus, your wife never has to worry about you running off with some other chick because you’ll never do better than her. That's the path I currently was on and I didn’t like it I'm not trying to wait till I’m thirty to start fucking baddies I wanted to start now.

That brings us to the start of this story my first day of collage. I made a very lonely 5-hour drive from my house to my new school/ home for the next 4 years. My parents not the emotional types told me that would be a ten-hour drive for them both ways and I had my own car. What good reason was there to for them to drop me off? To spend 5 more hours with me? Not worth. So, we said our goodbyes and I left them. I wasn’t sad about it in the least my reimagined persona of fuckboy extraordinaire did not need parents cramping its style. The school had people outside to help me unload my stuff and I got busy filling up my small dorm room. When I say small, I really mean small. It's one little rectangle with two bunk beds lines up against each wall. The bottom bunks removed and there’s a small desk and chair where the bottom bunk would be. The top bunk is the actual bed. Other than that all that’s there is a little closet and a small mini fridge.

I unpacked my few belongings, mostly cloths. All I put on my desk was a lamp, my laptop and an alarm clock (which it later occurred to me I wouldn’t even be able to see from my bed) and a picture of my dog, Q. I swiveled around in my chair, looking at my room. If this is where I spend most of my time collage is going to be very boring. I need to get out, meet some women. I get up and am about to head out when my door booms inward.

“Yo what’s good bro, I'm Nathan” says this tall light skinned dude that just walked into my room holding a gym bag on his shoulder. Now look I’m gonna get this out of the way right now I’m not the slightest bit gay. That said let's be real for a second tho sometime, not all the time, but sometimes we can tell when a dude was good looking. Nathan was definitely a pretty ass dude. He was at least 6’4 and extremely built. He looked like one of those fitness model/body builders and I could tell that with his shirt on. He was light skinned with caramel eyes and his hair was cut short into almost a buzz cut. That’s how I knew he was actually good looking If you got long hair you could be basic but fool people into thinking you look really good. If you got short hair you actually have to look good or it’s not gonna work out.

“What’s good man, Cole” I said pausing for dramatic effect before stating my name. This is it my first chance to reinvent myself as someone cooler then I actually was. I stick out my hand and he daps me up then swings his gym bag up onto his bed. “So, I guess this side is mine?” he says “

“Yeah I just kind of put my stuff down over there so I guess you got the other half.” I say

casually sitting back down in my chair.

“Fine with me” he says and starts taking things out of his bag and putting them on the desk. “Man have you seen that girl that lives next door.”

“What? I knew these dorms were co-ed, but I thought It was a thing where there was like a boy floor and a girl floor. How’s that even going to work we got one public bathroom, what are we supposed to share.” I say imagining some super-hot girl hopping out of our co-ed shower and her towel slips just enough for me to see something.

“Ha nah man, that’s a rape case and a lawsuit waiting to happen. So apparently the school fucked up and assigned to many girls to this dorm. They are supposed to separate us by halls but since they had to many girls, they had to put some on this hall with us.” Nathan explained. The girls have to go downstairs to one of the other girl halls to use the bathroom and stuff.”

“Shit, sucks for them. So, this girl next door Is she hot or something?” I ask

“Bruh, she bad as fuck. Like I ain’t even playing. Most girls aren't even worth mentioning but this girl, shit.”

Damn well If she’s that bad and she seen Nathan and Nathans clearly seen her I probably have no shot with her. Hold up, hold up, FUCK THAT. That’s not how I’m thinking anymore I’m Cole Fucking Harrison, fuck boy extraordinaire. As of this moment there's no girl on this campus I can’t get.

“Damn man can’t wait to meet her then.” I say

“Yeah man you’ll know her when you see-” He says when his phone starts ringing.

“Hold up its my dad.” He says answering the phone “Yo pops what’s up? Yeah, I’ll be down in a second, I was just talking to my roommate.” he says hanging up the phone.

“I got to go let my dad in, he can’t find the room.” He says

“Alright man I’ll be here.” I say as he walks out. Collage is already starting off good my roommate Is cool as fuck and he’s a good looking guy. Hopefully that means he's gonna fuck some good-looking girls. Good looking girls have hot friends that could potentially come over to the room, where I’ll be waiting. “What's that Kanye line? When you chase the pussy it’s a sin but when it falls in your lap it's a blessing. Nathan could potentially bring the pussy right to me all I have to do is close the deal. Wouldn’t it be crazy if he’s fucking a chick in his bed and I’m fucking her best friend in mine and we reach over and high five, now that’s friendship. Wait no that’s weird. Add that to the list of things you don’t tell people you thought. Actually, fuck thinking like that I’m Cole Harrison fuckboy extraordinaire. Nathans lucky to have me as a roommate because I’m gonna bring the bitches, and their hot friends to the room. He’s the one who will have to seal the deal.

The door swings open again, and Nathan and his father walk in carrying boxes. I introduce myself to his dad and ask if they need any help carrying more stuff up, but they decline saying they got everything this.

“Hey man I'm gonna walk my dad to the car but after that we should hang out, explore the campus. I’ve only been here once when I toured the campus and currently, you’re the only person I know here.” Nathan says.

“Alright man, bet.” I say and he and his dad walk out. That was at 5pm. I sat around and scrolled through instagram for 15 minutes. He still wasn’t back. I opened up my laptop to see what was up with my classes. He still wasn’t back. I watched YouTube videos for an hour still no sign of Nathan. I didn’t see him again until 2 am.

I was laying down in my bed watching one of my fav youtubers do a let’s play of some game. I know, I know I said I wasn’t gonna do all the nerdy shit but there’s legit just me in here who's gonna know.

I see the door start to slowly creep open and Nathans deep voice whisper “Shhh my roommate might be asleep.”

I sit up in my bed “Nah I'm still up I say.” looking at the door trying to see who it was that who whispering to. I swear he said he didn’t know anyone here.

‘’Oh nice, I'm glad you like to stay up late. Hey, you remember that girl I told you about earlier.” He says pointing behind him.

In behind him walks Emily. Now you may be wondering how I already know her name without her needing to introduce herself or anything. Well if your memory is any decent you may remember when I said this “I want the stupid hot chick with long hair, a fat ass, and tits that stick out like perfect melons.” I get that a lot of girls could fit that deion but when I said it, I had one specific girl in mind, and that girl was Emily.

“Oh shit, Cole I didn’t know you went here, I figured you would be at M.I.T. or something.” She said, “Hey Nathan your roommate and I went to high school together, I had no idea he was going here though.”

Technically it was elementary, middle and high school, but I'm gonna let that slide considering she also left out the part where I beat my dick ferociously thinking about her every night for at least the last six years.

“Oh really,” Nathan says casually picking Emily up and throwing her onto the bed. “Maybe I got some competition” he whispered into her ear, but it was loud enough that I could still hear him. Nathan makes an impressive hop and lands on top of Emily. No longer whispering in her ear but kissing the spot on her neck. Simultaneously his hand reaches down, and he starts slides it into her pants she moans out “Fuck.”

Meanwhile I am just sitting there staring at the two of them quite awkwardly.

“So, I'm just gonna go back to my movie now.” I say laying back down facing them. My laptop covers half my face, but I move it down low enough that I can still see what's going on.

“Nathan looks over at me smiles with a smile and says, “You do you bro.” and returns back to his work griping at her tits with one hand while fingering her with the other. “

“Quit teasing me Nathan” Emily moans.

“Okay well you asked for it” Nathan says and pulls down her pants and panties in one swift motion.

He slides down the bed and spread her legs wide open. I know Emily was a cheerleader freshman year of high school. Clearly some of the flexibility training she did back then had was being put to use here because she was practically doing a split.

Nathan bent down and started to attack her pussy with his tongue. I couldn’t see exactly what he was doing but I could hear loud almost slurping motions that I would have assumed meant he had no idea what he was doing if not for Emily whimpering the whole time.

After ten minutes or so Emily started to pant really fast “Fuck Nathan, you really know what you’re doing. She says as Nathan continues to chow down on her pussy. “I'm gonna cum.” she says.

“Okay.” Nathan takes his first break in ten minutes to say and goes back to licking her clit. “Fuck, Nigga, shit.” She screams and blast Nathan in the face with her warm pussy juices.

“You said you were gonna cum, you didn't say you were gonna squirt all over the place.” Nathan says.

“Sorry, I didn’t know I was gonna. The boys at my high school didn’t eat pussy like that. She says “I’m not sure but I think they both glanced over at me when she said that. For the record though she could not have been talking about me because I have never eaten a pussy so ha take that bitch.

“Well are you gonna return the favor.” He says standing up on his knees, his head almost scraping the ceiling.

“With pleasure Emily says tugging down his shorts letting his hard dick spring free. Now Nathan had a pretty decent sized dick, maybe 7 and 3/4ths of an inch. I’m not sizing up his dick or anything but as a guy who only sextual experience is porn they make it seem kind of important. It also made me feel good cause I’m a bit bigger than he is at 8 ½.

Still it wasn’t my dick that was getting ferociously sloped, on it was his. Emily dick sucking skills were not quite porn star level, but she definitely was gonna get an A for trying. She grasped his dick with one hand and licked around the head of his cock before sliding half of his length down her throat. Nathan grabbed her head and started to gently thrust further and further into her mouth.

At this point I grabbed my dick, still inside my boxers and started to slowly stroke myself. This is literally the image I've been jerking myself to for years was right in front of me. I just never imagined it as another man’s dick.

Nathan continued started to fuck her face harder and harder, but it was too fast for Emily. He got 3/4ths of his dick in her and she gagged hard, spitting up all over his dick and some seeping onto the bed.

“Wow someone's messy. It's a good thing I haven’t put the sheets on the bed yet.” Nathan said. Emily just laid down on her back looking up at him, spreading her legs.

“Say less.” He said bending down and sliding his cock into her.

He started of slow at first pushing his dick into her going slightly deeper each time. He got it all the way inside and of her and stared at her for a quick second before pulling all the way out and slamming back into her full force.

“Fucccck, that shits big.” Emily screams but he doesn’t relent and keeps slamming his dick into her faster and faster. Her tits were bouncing back and forth with each thrust and he grabbed one of them and started licking her nipple which seemed to set her over the edge.

“Fuck I’m gonna cum.” Emily screamed and I was about to too. At this point I no longer cared if they could see beating my dick under the sheets I was to close. It took me three more strokes and I blast my seed all over the inside of my boxers.

Emily wasn’t far behind me moaning as her pussy juices gushed out from around Nathans cock. Even in my fantasies she wasn't a squirter.

So, my natural post nut reaction is sleep and that was what I wanted to do now. I looked at the clock on my laptop it read 2:20, which sounds like a perfectly good time to go to bed. Only issue was Nathan wasn't done.

“Bend over.” He said and Emily got up sticking her plump booty at him. He got back to his work giving her a steady supply of back shots. Emily was loud panting and moaning as she got fucked. She started on her hands and knees, but was forced to her elbows, then finally she had her face on the bare mattress and just let herself succumb to the penis.

At this point I was really tired, and this was some bullshit. What type of people just fuck with another person in the room? Fuck Nathan, this could have been me pounding the shit out of Emily, but he never came back to the room. I wasted my whole first day of collage sitting around waiting for him because he said he was coming back. How would he feel if he came back to the room and I was gone and he was all alone? Then I’d be the asshole. Fuck Nathan.

“Fuck Nathan.” Emily screamed “That’s so fucking good right there, that's it. Don’t stop don’t stop, I'm gonna fucking cum again.”

I covered my ears with a pillow and tried to go sleep but they were to loud. So there I was covering my ears with my pillow as my ass hole roommate rams the girl of my dreams from behind. I guess I’m my same old lame self, change must not happen overnight. How the fuck is he still going anyways I must have came over ten minutes ago and I wasn't even in the pussy.

Emily screams out coming again and I realize there's no way I’m gonna go to sleep while there still fucking so I might as well watch.

Emily pushes herself up back onto her hands and knees and starts fucking Nathan back. Throwing her ass back and forth on him. Her ass doing that thing that fat asses do where the sit just jiggles every time it moves, and it was driving me insane. My dick was fully hard again, but I didn't want to jack off because it was kind of stuck to my boxers thanks to me cumming earlier.

Nathan must have been enjoying it too because he was completely entranced with that ass.

“Fuck bitch if you keep throwing that ass back like that, I’m gonna cum.” He says

“Oh yeah, cum for me daddy, Cum for me.” Emily moans

I almost came again right there, I don't know what it is about that word but it does something for me. I had no idea Emily was so nasty.

“Alright you asked for it.” He says and starts to match her stroke for stroke making her ass make that loud clapping sound.

“Fuck yes daddy that your fucking pussy. Take that pussy” Emily screamed “I’m gonna cum again.”

Nathan pounded her as hard as possible for about another minute until her legs started to shake and as she spasmed all over his dick. He then slid his cock out and bust all over her ass and lower back.

“Fuck that was amazing. Emily said getting up and kissing Nathan. “Do you got any wet wipes or something. I don't want to walk all the way down to the girl’s bathroom with cum dripping off my ass.” She said

“Nah,” Nathan said “Hey Cole you got any wet wipes.” he said.

Does this nigga really have the nerve to talk to me after he just kept me up all this time with his loud ass sex?

“Nah man I’ll have to add it to the list of shit we need to get for the room.” I said

“Alright cool.” he said “Here use this he said and took his shirt and wiped the cum off her ass. “I was gonna have to wash it anyways.”

“Thanks bae,” Emily says hoping off the bed tugging on her shirt and pants but leaving her beautiful body on full display for a few seconds. “I’m gonna go clean up, I’ll see you later.” and heads for the door. Right before she exits, she turns and looks at me.

“Bye Cole, I'm glad there's someone else from high school here with me.” She says giving me a smile as she leaves.

Nathan pulls on some boxers and gets down using the same shirt he used on Emily to wipe down his mattress. He gets some blankets and a comforter out of one of the boxes he brought in with his dad and made his bed.

He hops back in it shouts out “Fuck, collage rocks.” And drifts immediately to sleep.

Did he really have the nerve to fall asleep before me after he was the one keeping me up. Man, fuck Nathan. How did I get stuck with the worlds shitiest roommate. This is not how college was supposed to start off for the fuck boy extraordinaire. I clearly still have work to do.

*Authors note* I have been in debate about about whether or not I should do these little notes to explain some stuff, but I figured I'm just gonna try it out. First off, I know my weak points as a writer and grammar is one of them, I don't mind the occasional hey you can do this better but please don't go crazy grammar police on me. Second, I want to be kind of vague with the character deions because A deion is not one of my strong suits and B because this is a sex story, I want you guys to kind of choose the girl you want to see in my story within some limited confines. That said I will almost always have a girl I am imagining when writing and if you want to know who that is you should DM me, I’ll link her IG. Wait does this site have DM’s I got no idea. Third thing I kind of just freestyle wrote this. It’s meant to have more than one part, but I have no plans for what I actually want to write, no storyboard nothing. I got a few ideas about where I want to take it but this story is far from complete in my head. I say all that to say I could decide to just scrap it especially if it's not that popular. Last thing I (as in me the author) am black, I live around mostly black people. We all use the “N-word” It sounds weird just saying that. I didn’t make it very clear because of reasons previously stated but most of my characters are black or mixed (To be fair right now I only have three and I’m thinking about one more but idk what she is yet) . So, I may use the word I definitely cut down on it to write this but it’s going to pop up. Bitch too, if that’s going to make you uncomfortable then I’m sorry this story’s not for you. Anyways I think that's everything, thanks for reading.
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