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Alex is a billionaire who is used to getting whatever he wants. And right now, he wants Meeka.
A knock at the door broke Alex’s concentration on his paperwork and he looked up.


His personal assistant, Miles, opened the large oak door and stepped into Alex’s office, a white folder stuffed with papers in his hands.

“Evening Miles,” Alex said, putting his pen down.

“I have all the material you asked for,” Miles told him, handing him the folder.

“Already?” Alex said, taking it from Miles and opening to the first piece of paper. “I’m impressed Miles.”

Taking his time and reading through all the papers, Alex was even more impressed with everything he read. Miles was able to find all the information he had asked him for and more. One document, in particular, really peaked Alex’s interest. He held it up, reading over the consult from the health clinic multiple times before looking towards his assistant.

“How did you get this?” he asked him, indicating the note from the doctor.

“Made a friend who works at the clinic,” Miles informed him.

Alex leaned back in his desk chair as she read every word. “I thought this may be true but I wasn’t 100% sure.”

“If you draw your attention to the back pages, you can see the plan we have in place for her removal.”

After reading over the proposed plan and approving it, Alex skimmed through everything a second time. “This is incredible work, Miles. You did a fantastic job.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Alex closed the file and looked up at his assistant. “When can it be completed by?”

“We have confirmation of her location on Saturday night. I have a team standing by and waiting. We are just awaiting your okay.”

Again, Alex was fansicanted by Miles work ethic. “See that it is done,” he told him, handing back the file folder.

Miles took it with a nod of his head, and exited Alex’s study.


Saturday night could not have come any faster. Between group assignments, homework and studying for exams, Meeka was so excited for a night out with her girlfriends to celebrate the end of finals.

She stared at herself in the bathroom mirror as she touched up her makeup. She was wearing a brand new outfit she bought the previous weekend and was thrilled for the opportunity to wear it out. She wore a dark green crop top with long sleeves and a shallow V-neck. The crop top cut off just above her navel, showing off the piercing she had in her belly button. Her skirt was also new. It was a black mini skirt that sat loosely on her rear. Perfect for dancing in. As were the black ballet flats she wore on her feet. Even though she was showing off a bit of cleavage, her stomach, and was wearing a shorter skirt, Meeka was still the most conservatively dressed out of all her friends.

“Have you seen anyone you might be interested in?” Meeka’s friend, Ellen, asked her. She was at the sink beside her, washing her hands.

Meeka put her lip gloss back in her purse and looked at her friend. “Not really,” she told her. Meeka had recently ended things with a boy she had been seeing for a few months. They weren’t ever officially boyfriend and girlfriend so Meeka wasn’t to upset over the whole thing, but her friends had taken it upon themselves to decide she needed to find someone to rebound with.

“The bartender is pretty cute,” Ellen pointed out.

Meeka looked at her friend like she was crazy. “The one with the ponytail?”

Ellen threw her arms up in defeat. “Well, you know what, Meeka? You might want to stop being so picky if you don’t want to die a virgin.”

Meeka gave her friend a look and looked around the public restroom to see if anyone had heard. “Ellen, shut up.” Ellen was by far Meeka’s closest friend, therefore, she was the only one that knew Meeka was still a virgin. She wasn’t ashamed of it or anything, just something she was a little self conscience about especially considering how experienced all her other friends were.

Not that she hadn’t had the chance before. She was a attractive young girl. She had naturally wavy dirty blonde hair that she grew out just below her shoulders. Despite being quite thin, she had a good sized chest and was proud of her small, but perky B32 breasts. She had a very serious boyfriend in high school and thought she was ready to bite the bullet and sleep with him, until she found out he had been cheating on her. That ended that, and she had been to busy with school and studying to really look for something serious. But now, exams were over, the summer was right in front of them, and Meeka was ready to meet someone.

After leaving the bathroom and meeting up with the rest of their group, Meeka and Ellen enjoyed drinks, free shots from strangers and dancing together on the dance floor.

While dancing in a circle, Meeka felt a tap from one of her friends. Meeka leaned in close to hear what she was shouting at her.

“That guy,” Rose told her, “has been staring at you for like 10 minutes straight.”

Turning to look in the direction of Rose’s eyes, Meeka saw a good looking guy leaning against the bartop staring at Meeka. As soon as she made eye contact with him, he grinned at her.

Turning back to Rose, Meeka asked, “how do you know he’s looking at just me?”

“Because,” Rose replied, “I’ve been watching him and he is totally fixated on you, and did you not just see his smile when he saw you looking at him.”

Meeka looked back at the man. He was average height, probably only a little taller than Meeka’s 5’4 self. He had deep chestnut hair that was shaved short at the sides, a little longer at the top of his head. He was wearing dark jeans and a black bomber jacket. Meeka had to admit, he was very good looking.

“He’s so hot,” said Sarah, another one of their friends who had joined in on the conversation

“Go talk to him,” urged Ellen.

Looking back at her friends, Meeka said, “Okay, wish me luck.” The three of them cheered for her as she turned towards the bar and approached the handsome gentleman at the bar.

His smile got wider and wider as Meeka got closer to him. She smiled back at him shyly, tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

“I was hoping you’d come over,” he said to her, once she was in close enough range to hear him. “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked her.

“Sure,” she said. She ordered a drink from the bartender then looked back at him. Now that she was close, she noticed he had sparkling blue eyes and a diamond stud earring in his right ear. “I’m Meeka,” she told him.

“Miles,” he said, introducing himself. “Do you come here often?”

“Yeah,” she nodded. “I’m attending NYU so my friends and I come here a lot.”

The bartender put a glass of rum and coke on the counter for Meeka. As she took it, Miles handed the bartender a large wad of cash.

“Whoa!” Meeka exclaimed. “What? Did they use golden rum in here?” she joked, looking at the contents through the clear glass.

“Just paying my tab,” Miles explained to her.

She looked up at him, flirtatiously. “And how many other girls have you got on that tab?”

He grinned down at her. “No girls, just myself and some friends.”

Glancing over to the dancefloor, he said, “Speaking of friends.” Meeka looked in the same direction he was looking, and saw her three girlfriends very obviously staring and watching as she talked with Miles. “Think we could go somewhere we can talk without your friends giving me the third degree?”

She nodded, sipping on her drink. “Sure.”

Miles wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close against his side as he led her away from the watching eyes of her friends and to the doors that led outside to the smoking area.

The cool evening air hit Meeka’s face and body making her shiver a little as they stepped out onto the pavement. The smoke pit was normally packed with people but somehow, they were almost completely alone. There were only a few people huddled in corners, enjoying a cigarette. Meeka counted 6 people outside including herself and Miles.

“You okay?” Miles asked her, seeing her wrapping her arms around her body.

“Yeah,” she answered, “just a little chilly.”

Taking off his jacket, Miles wrapped it around her shoulders.

Meeka looked up at him, smiling. “Well aren’t you a gentleman?”

She leaned back against the outside wall of the club. Her friends and herself had enjoyed many drinks and shots prior to the rum and coke she was currently drinking, and all of a sudden, she was feeling the effects of the alcohol, but she tried to keep her cool. She didn’t want Miles to be turned off by how tipsey she was.

“What are you taking in school?” he asked her.

“Umm,” she found she was having a hard time understanding him. “Oh, umm I’m taking history and sociology,” she told him. “Are you in school?”

“No,” he answered, resting a hand against her. Meeka hadn’t even realized she was leaning to the side and his hand was keeping her from falling over. “I work as a personal assistant for a billionaire.”

Feeling extremely dizzy, Meeka tried to keep herself straight. “A billionaire?” she asked, shirling her words. “What kind of work does someone do for a billionaire?”

“Normal stuff,” he answered. “Pick up dry cleaning, bring him coffee, follow around a university student for months to gather information on, then drug her at a local club to knock her out and bring her to his residence without any resistance.”

Meeka was having an impossible time concentrating and every second, Miles was becoming more and more blurry in her vision. Slowly, though, her brain did play out his words, but not soon enough for her to notice the few other men standing around in the smoke pit with them were slowly approaching her and Miles.

“What are you talking about?” she asked him.

At this point, she was struggling to even keep her eyes open. She began to tilt further to the side and one of the men was there to grab her before she completely hit the ground. She looked up at him, then looked around, seeing she was surrounded by men she had never seen before. Miles stood back, hands in his pockets as he watched everything play out.

“Miles,” she said quietly, finding it impossible to make out any words, “what’s going on?”

Miles didn’t answer her and the last thing she saw and heard before the darkness overpowered her, was a inside of a van, and the doors closing.


She didn’t know if it had been hours or even days, but eventually Meeka awoke from her unconscious state. She felt incredible groggy and it took awhile for her to open her eyes completely and adjust to the light.

After a long time of blinking back the light, everything started to fall into focus and Meeka looked over her surroundings.

She noticed she was still wearing the same outfit she had worn out to the club with her friends, with the exception of her shoes. Her feet sat bare on against the white carpet. The walls of the large room were painted light grey, there were no windows that she could see and only one white door to her right. There were a few pieces of furniture scattered throughout the room. A chair, a dresser, a bookshelf filled with books and a cozy looking king sized bed. The bed was made up with light grey sheets and was covered in tons of fluffy looking pillows.

Looking down at her hands, she realized she had been restrained to the chair, thick ropes had been masterfully knotted around her wrists.

She choked out a sob as she saw this and desperately tried pulling herself free, the ropes stinging her in the process.

After pulling against the ropes for what felt like hours, she gave up, the burn on her wrists hurting too much to continue and dropped her head down, crying.

While she sat there, she ran through her mind everything she could remember from the club. It made no sense to her with the amount of drinks she had had that her body reacted the way it did. But then, she recalled that man’s words right before everything went dizzy. ‘Drug her at a local club to knock her out.’ She couldn’t remember his name, but that must have been what happened. He drugged her drink. Meeka thought back, trying to remember if there was ever a moment she wasn’t watching him where he could have slipped something in her glass.

Closing her eyes, she envisioned herself there, the bartender put the drink up on the bar top and she took it. She never let the drink out of her sight. When did he ever have the chance to drug it? Then it hit her. The money he had given the bartender. What if he had paid the bartender to put something in her drink?

‘You idiot,’ Meeka thought to herself. ‘How could you have been so stupid.’

The sound of a lock clicking startled Meeka and she jolted up, staring towards the door.

The door slowly opened and Meeka watched as a tall handsome man made his way into the room. After closing and locking the door behind himself, he turned and faced Meeka. She stared at him, not speaking as he grabbed another chair from the corner of the room and sat down in front of her. Once he was sitting, she got a good look at him. He had jet black hair that had been slicked back. He was wearing a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showing off his incredibly muscular arms. Though she was terrified out of her mind, she couldn’t help being totally attracted to this man. Almost instantly, she found herself lost in his sparkling grey eyes. There was something about those eyes that at first seemed familiar to Meeka, but she just couldn’t place it.

They stared at each other for a long time before he finally spoke to her.

“Hello Meeka,” he said in a deep voice.

Meeka felt as if her heart had just stopped.

“How do you know my name,” she whispered out.

“I know a lot more about you than just your name,” he told her. “Would you like some water? The drugs tend you give you dry mouth.”

Just then, she noticed in one hand, he was holding a bottle of water and in the other hand, he held a white folder.

She looked up into his eyes again, absolutely terrified. “Who are you?” She asked him.

“My name Alexander.”

“What did you do to me? Where am I?”

Standing up, he walked over to her chair and expertly began undoing the knots that had been tied around her wrists. Meeka continued to stare up at him as she felt the ropes get looser.

“You are in my home,” he told her as he untied. “I had my personal assistant bring you here.” Once her hands were completely free of the bonds, Meeka massaged her sore wrists, still staring at him. “Here,” he said, picking up the bottle of water he had left on his own chair and handing it to her. “Drink this.”

Meeka looked from the bottle in front of her face, back up to his. “How do I know you didn’t drug it like the drink at the bar?” she asked him.

“Why would I drug you again? You’re already here,” he pointed out.

Despite her thirst, Meeka didn’t take the water, continuing to stare at him, demanding answers he wasn’t giving. It didn’t take long though for the temptation of the cool drink got the better of Meeka, and she reached out and snatched the water bottle from him, opening the sealed cap and downing half the bottle in one gulp. She took a deep breath of air after finishing her drink and wiped her face. Alexander was sitting in his chair again and he was still staring at her.

Meeka took a moment to catch her breath before questioning him again. “Why am I here?” she asked him.

“Because I wanted you,” he told her. He said it as simple as if she was merely a piece of clothing at a department store that he saw and wanted for his wardrobe.

“What do you mean, you wanted me?” she asked him.

He shrugged. “I saw you and thought you were beautiful. So I made arrangements for you to come and stay here with me,” he explained.

Meeka stared at him in complete and utter confusion. Who was this man? He just thought he could keep her here like he owned her in someway?

Finally after a few moments, Meeka got up the courage to ask, “What do you want me here for?” She felt a tear fall down her face as she spoke.

He grinned at her and scooted his chair closer to hers. Meeka sat frozen in her chair as she felt his knees touch the bare skin of her legs. “You’re a smart girl, Meeka,” he said, circling his fingertip on her thigh. “I’m sure you can figure it out.”

The colour drained from Meeka’s face as she realized what he was implying. She tried to pull her knee away, but he was so close, she was unable to move. She still continued to wiggle around in the chair, trying to get away.

“No,” she said, frightened. “You can’t do that.”

She shook around in the chair trying to free herself and run away, but he was quick and grabbed onto her arm. He held her there with a crushing force that scared Meeka into trying to move anymore.

“Meeka, you need to understand,” he said, matter-of-factly. “I can do whatever I want, and right now,” he began standing up, still holding onto her with a death grip, “I want you.”

Before Meeka could even think straight, Alex had kicked back the chair he had been sitting in, grabbed Meeka’s arms and lifted her up. She shrieked as he placed her body over his shoulder and carried her across the room.

“Put me down,” she yelled, pounding her fists in his back. “You can’t do this!” she screamed as loud as she could through her sobbing eyes.

Slamming her down onto the bed, Alex climbed on top of her, straddling her and putting his hands on either side of her head and got down so his face was barely an inch from hers.

“The more you fight Meeka,” he told her, “the harder it’s going to be for you.” Backing off slightly, he began unbuttoning his shirt. “I don’t want to hurt you, Meeka, but I will do whatever it takes to make you mine.”

His shirt was completely off now and Meeka could see from the size of his muscles she really had no chance of fighting him off. He was in incredible shape, his arms and 8-pack looked like they had been sculpted from marble. Meeka was so small, she felt like a child underneath him. All she could do to stop him, she realized, was beg.

“Please,” she cried softly, “please don’t do this.”

He grinned down at her, and pushed a strand of her loose hair behind her ear. “I’ve been waiting almost three months for this moment,” he told her. “Why do you think I would stop now?”

Three months? Meeka tried to think back. What happened three months ago? When had he first seen her?

Her thoughts were cut short by the sound of a drawer opening. She watched as Alex pulled a pair of scissors out of a night side table. Her eyes shot open and she again tried to wiggle away from him. “What are you doing?” she screamed at him.

As calm as one could be, Alex said, “Don’t move.” He placed the scissors underneath her shirt and slowly began cutting away at the fabric. She was to frightened of getting cut to try and shake away from him, all she could do was lay there. Meeka’s body trembled as the scissors got closer and closer to her face and her new crop top peeled off her body as it was snipped away. Finally making the final cut, Meeka pressed her lips together and looked away from Alex, unable to look at him as he stared down at her chest. She was mentally kicking herself for her choice of undergarments. When she had been getting ready with her friends, wanting to feel sexy, she chose to wear lacey, almost see-through items. The black lace bra left nothing to the imagination, the design of it barely concealing her areolas and nipples.

She felt Alex’s hands on her breasts, squeezing them gently, his thumbs pressing over her nipples, making them grow harder.

‘Fuck, stop,’ Meeka thought to herself, begging her body not to respond to his touch in the way it was. No one had ever touched her like this and she hated that it actually felt good. The most intimate she had ever been with someone was when her high school boyfriend grabbed her through her shirt, and he definitely wasn’t gentle about it.

She felt Alex’s hot breath in her ear as he leaned in towards her and whispered, “I can tell you’re enjoying this.”

Tears leaked out of Meeka’s closed eyes and she felt the cold steel of the scissors on her skin again, slipping their way underneath the front of her bra and clipping away at Meeka’s last remaining piece of dignity.

Putting his head down, Alex took one of Meeka’s peaked nipples in his mouth, using his thumb and middle finger to play with the other one. Meeka bit down on her bottom lip, trying to keep herself from moaning in pleasure. He teased her nipple, flicking his tongue over it and circling around it, before pulling it into his mouth and sucking hard on it.

Meeka couldn’t contain herself any longer. She opened her mouth and gasped out in a passionate moan.

Alex looked up at her, a devilish grin plastered on his face. “Would you like more?” He asked her.

Returning to reality, Meeka looked at him. “What? No, of course not!”

He flicked his tongue again, then using one hand he lifted himself up slightly, and moved his other hand down her body, slowly making his way up her thigh and under her skirt. Using his knee, he pried her legs apart, giving himself better access to her and Meeka gasped and she felt him stroke her sex through her panties.

“You sure about that?” he teased. “I can feel how wet you are.”

“Stop it!” She forced out. “Please,” she cried!

“Why should I?” He asked her, still rubbing her.

Meeka blushed, hating the fact that she was having to admit this to him, but maybe it was her only chance at escaping.

“Because,” she whispered to him, tears streaming down her hot red cheeks as she confessed, “I’m a virgin.”

Alex was silent. Meeka waited for something, for him to say something or do anything. But nothing happened. Finally, she looked up at him.

He was staring down at her. The smile on his face was almost evil. “Oh, Meeka,” he said, pushing her panties to the side and slowly sliding a finger inside her. “Did you really think that I didn’t already know that?”

‘No,’ Meeka thought to herself as she felt the entire world around her stop. ‘No, no, no, no!’ This couldn’t be happening! Now she was fighting. With all her strength, she pushed at his chest. He barely budged. “Get off of me,” she screamed at him.

Taking both her hands in one of his, he held them up above her head, holding her still while she continued to cry and yell. He withdrew his finger from her and allowed her to scream for a few minutes, sitting patiently and letting her drain herself out.

As she her energy running out, Meeka looked up at Alex. He was watching her, for the first time since he had walked into the room, he had a look of concern on his face.

“Meeka,” he said softly. “You need to calm down or you will hurt yourself.”

Meeka choked back a sob. “Why are you doing this to me?”

Gently caressing her face, he said, “I had to have you,” he told her.

“Please don’t hurt me,” she whispered.

“If you stop fighting, I promise I will be gentle with you,” he said, as his hand crept slowly back down her leg. His hand went back up her skirt and he began to massage her pussy through her panties. Meeka pressed her lips together again, hating and loving all the sensations running through her body.

Leaning in, Alex kissed her neck. Unintentionally, Meeka craned her head to the side, allowing him better access to her skin. His lips slowly worked up to her face, placing light kisses on her chin and along her jawline, finally landing on her lips. As if he was a puppet master, controlling her by touching her under her skirt, she kissed him back, even opened her lips, allowing his tongue to plunge into mouth. She found herself knotting her fingers into his hair, holding his face close to hers. Their tongues played and Meeka moaned into him as she felt him push her panties away again, gently worming his finger back inside her.

Despite her head screaming at her, telling her this wasn’t right, all she felt was her body crying out for more. More kisses, more touching, more skin, more pleasure. Her body tensed up and she felt herself losing all control as she felt Alex slip a second finger inside her.

Releasing his lips and throwing her head back, she cried out as he worked his fingers inside her, thrusting in and out as his thumb rubbed her clit. “Fuck,” she cried out.

“You enjoying this?” he teased her, nipping her neck.

“Oh my God, don’t stop!”

He obeyed, even inserted a third finger into her wet snatch. It didn’t take long for her juices to start flowing as she began to orgasim. Alex stared at her face and watched her come apart as her body gave in and surrendered itself to him.

Gasping for breath, Meeka slowly came down from the pleasure she had just felt. It wasn’t until he was down to only his boxer shorts that Meeka even noticed he had gotten up off the bed and started undressing himself. Propping herself up on her elbows and slowly crawling back further onto the bed, Meeka watched him.

Meeka tried not to look, but her eyes were suddenly drawn to the huge bulge in Alex’s pants and she couldn’t help but stare as he lowered the waistband. Her eyes widened at the sight of his long and thick cock. It was at least 10 inches long. Meeka may have been inexperienced in the sexual department, but she had seen dicks before, mostly from watching porn, but she had never seen anything this size.

The expression on her face made Alex chuckle and Meeka pried her eyes away from his manhood and looked up at his face. That terrifying grin had appeared on his face again.

Reaching forward, he grabbed for the skirt that Meeka was still wearing and pulled it down her legs. Next came her panties, soiled in her own juices. He pulled them off her body and after tossing them on the floor, he grabbed Meeka’s ankles, pulling her so her ass was sitting right at the edge of the bed.

They both stared into each others eyes for a moment before Meeka swallowed and asked, “What are you going to do to me?”

He grinned even wider. “Now,” he told her leaning closer to her, pushing her back down onto the bed, “I’m going to fuck you until you scream my name.” She body winced, and he as he began kissing her neck, he whispered. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”

He climbed onto the bed, kissing her as he pushed her further back onto the bed until her head was laying on one of the pillows. He kissed her lips as he ground his naked pelvis into hers. Her body responded, lifting herself up to meet his.

Everything came crashing down the moment Meeka felt the tip of his cock connect with her opening. Her eyes shot open and her breathing became heavy, remembering the situation she was in. She felt so conflicted knowing this man was basically raping her. He had drugged, kidnapped, and brought her here with the soul purpose of fucking her. Every touch, kiss and feeling he gave her was a manipulation to get her exactly where he wanted her. Everything inside was telling her to fight harder, don’t let him do this. But that small part of her that actually wanted him was in the driver's seat.

Alex must have felt her body tense up because he leaned in and whispered seductively in her ear, “Don’t be scared, baby,” he flicked her earlobe with his tonuge, inserting his tip into her. “My giant cock is going to feel so good inside your tight virgin pussy.” And then he drove himself into her, stealing away her virginity.

Meeka’s back arched up as she felt him penetrate her, breaking through her hymen and she cried out in pain. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but she didn’t expect it to be so painful.

“No,” she cried, again, trying to push Alex off of her. “It hurts, please stop.”

He didn’t move off of her, just continued thrusting in and out, going a little deeper each time.

“It’s okay, baby,” he growled. “Your body will adjust.”

Tears leaked out of her eyes as she shook her head. “No it won’t. Please, please stop.”

Taking her chin in his fingers, Alex held her face to look into his eyes. He continued his slow thrust as he spoke. “You’re okay, just calm down.”

Meeka pressed her lips together and closed her eyes as she felt his length inside her. He was so huge and she didn’t understand how he still had more to put inside her. But he was going slow, only putting a little more of himself inside of her at a time, until she adjusted, then adding a little more.

“Fuck, Meeka,” he groaned. “You are so tight.”

The more he moved in her, the more wet she became and soon, through a mixture of her juices and a little blood, the pain eased away and soon, all Meeka felt was incredible pleasure.

“Oh God,” she moaned.

Alex grinned. “That’s my girl.” He kissed her forehead. “I told you you’d love it.” Sitting up, his smile became sinister again. “And now that you’re used to it, I’m going to really fuck you.”

Pulling out his entire length, he slammed himself into her 100%. Meeka threw her head back on the pillow and shrieked. She couldn’t believe how full she felt. Alex’s huge cock felt like it was going to split her in half and yet, she wanted more. Wrapping her legs around his body, she urged him on.

Alex smiled, feeling her legs knotting behind him. “Oh yeah, baby,” he groaned. “Take all of me.”

Leaning forward, Alex grabbed onto the headboard, and used it as leverage to drill himself further and further into Meeka’s warm, wet pussy. She was so tight, it was as if her cunt was sucking him in and holding his dick inside her.

Her nails dug into the cotton bed sheets as he pounded her harder and faster than ever before. She screamed out every time she felt his entire length inside her. “Oh my God,” she screamed. “You feel so good.”

Reaching a hand down, Alex pulled on one of Meeka’s rock hard nipples, sending a whole other sensation through her and making her squeak like school girl.

“Tell me you love it,” he grunted. “Tell me you love my cock inside you.”

“I love your cock inside me,” she repeated through moans and cries

“Scream my name,” he ordered her, twisting her nipple.


“Cum all over my cock like the sweet girl you are,” he told her, pounding her with every bit of energy he had left.

It only took a few more seconds before another orgasim overtook Meeka’s entire body. Her whole body shook as it rocked through her. Starting at her cunt and working it’s ways to the tips of her toes and the top of her head. She screamed out in pure ecstasy and pleasure.

Her climax tightened her snatch even more than it was before, and it massaged Alex’s cock, sending him into a screaming and moaning fit.

He pulled Meeka’s body up against his, their sweat making them stick together and he whispered to her through his gritted teeth, “I’m going to cum inside your delicious virgin cunt.” And before Meeka had a chance to even think that he wasn’t wearing and sort of protection, he ejaculated his entire load into her. She felt his hot cum squirt through her womb and then his massive cock pulsing inside her as it emptied itself.

Alex held her against his body as they both came down from their incredible highs. Meeka breathed deeply in and out into his broad shoulder while he rubbed her back, waiting for his cock to soften inside her.

Laying her back down, slowly, Alex pulled out. A combination of both their juices leaked out of Meeka. It stained the light grey sheets and Alex noticed a touch of red blood mixed in with the discharge. The sight made him smile. ‘My little virgin,’ he thought to himself.

Meeka rolled over to her side and instantly fell asleep, exhaustion completely overtaking her. She felt Alex’s hand softly rubbing her back as she breathed peacefully in and out.

As she slept, she dreamt. She dreamt of Alex, the night she was kidnapped, losing her virginity, and she finally remembered where she had first seen Alex, 3 months ago.


2020-08-25 03:49:01
OK a little rushed but lets see the next parts of the story

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