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I hope you enjoy this story.
Our story begins with me witnessing my friend being knocked out by a girl. The girl was a new transfer student and she was mean. She often got into fights with boys and girls from other schools and disrespected the teachers. I couldn't believe what I had seen, she punched the shit out of him, knocking him out instantly. I've never seen a woman that strong before. She hit him like a fucking man, which was impressive. The transfer student was a hot tomboy with long light brown hair, beautiful freckles, light skin wearing a black shirt blue jeans. She was also slightly muscular, which was also a turn on. I often imagined her pulling up her shirt to show her 6 pack. She wasn't big or anything that she was definitely firm. I wanted to feel her sexy body unfortunately, I would have to talk to her, but I don't want to risk being knocked out. The girl looks at everybody, is she smirks while cracking her knuckles. “now anybody else got a problem with me? No, I didn't think so.” she started walking pass everybody even walking past me, not even glancing at me. A lot of people in the entire school were scared of her, except for me, I was the only one who was actually sexually attracted to her. They saw her as someone intimidating, but to me, I saw her as someone hot. To me, I didn't care how strong she was. She's still a female. The only thing I know about her is she likes to work out, which is why she has muscles. Thinking about it now, it was no wonder she was aggressive because of all of that testosterone in her body. She would wreck me in the bed, thinking about it gives me a boner. I was still shocked by how she did my friend, he went over and starting shit, and she stood up and just hit him, and it was over just like that. One thing is clear, she likes fighting. I just witnessed her strong strength, but instead of being scared, it made me want her more. Who was she, you may wonder? Her name is Jamie Williams and she has been attending this school since 2 months ago. Her being at this school is such a turn on for me because it was very rare to find muscle girl ass, especially ones as sexy as her. My name Kyle delson. I'm just a scrawny guy with a big dick who is about 5, 10. Kind personality into kinky shit and treat people with respect, something she doesn't do, but even then I still like her. Why was I so attracted to her? One thing's for sure, I couldn't let anyone know that if they would say, I'm crazy. As I said, they are scared of her, but I'm not. Hard to believe it's been 2 months and I still have yet to say one word to her. I've been keeping my distance, don't know why, but perhaps I'm nervous. I had to snap out of it because I need it to help my friend. I quickly picked him up, taking him to the infirmary. I was small, but I still had a little strength to me. Jamie enjoyed playing video games, getting into fights, drinking a huge amount of alcohol, skipping school, hanging around a lot of boys that she only liked. Yep, Jamie was a girl, but very manly. And she displays her masculinity all the time, when she comes to school. Jamie probably was the toughest girl in school. I wish I knew why she was so angry all the time, but maybe she's just horny. The nurse told me he was gonna be ok, but if she had hit him any harder she would have killed him. The nurse didn't like that one little bit, so she went to go look for Jamie, which was a bad thing. And yet nothing happened to the nurse, so I went after her. Jamie was in the hallway drinking a bottle of whiskey. And nurse slowly approached her, and I hid watching. “miss Jamie, did you attack that student? Yep, he was getting on my nerves.” looking from a distance, Jamie was kind of big, just a little bit, especially for a female. “I'm gonna have to please ask you not to assault any more students. If you kill anyone I'm gonna have to get the police involved, which means you will be arrested for attempted murder. Shut up, bitch. Before you are the next one laying on the floor. Look, all I'm asking is that you lay off of the students, ok? Sure, if they stop fucking with me, then I'll leave them alone. Anyway, I'm about to go look for some boys to fuck up.” Jamie walks away, drinking her whiskey going in a different direction. She was not allowed to be drinking in school, but she doesn't care based off of how she talks to everyone. At that moment, I realized that Jamie also had a nice rack. Why did I just now noticed that? Perhaps I wasn't paying attention. The Nurse almost shit herself. That's how scared she was. I slowly went up to her. “shit talking to her is like talking to an angry man. She's not at all ladylike. That might be true, but she's hot. Wait what did you say! Oh, I mean, yeah, she can be scary.” I didn't want the nurse to know my feelings about her, so after that, I went to go look for her. And I went to the back of the school. I saw Jamie getting into a fight with one of the boys. She knocks him on the ground and rapidly starts punching his face.

“who is a bad bitch?! You are! Yeah, that's right!” Jamie hardly ever lost a fight, and she was a skilled fighter.

She hit him one more time except for this time not as hard.

“fuck for a girl, you hit like a man. Must be embarrassing to be beaten up by a woman. Shit, you're not a woman. You're a fucking man.” she hits him again and knocks him out and she got up looking over at me. Stares for a few seconds and then she walks away, surprisingly, she hadn't told me anything. I wonder if I even existed in her World. Jamie keeps on walking but looks back at me for a second. At that moment, I was able to get a good look at her firm, ass, and boy, was it amazing. Slowly, but surely she was out of view, and it was time to go home. When I went home, I went into my room and started listening to music. I ended up falling asleep, only to have a dream about her fucking me. I was scrapped down to a table, couldn't do anything but sat there and take it. Saying kinky things like. “yeah, you're my bitch now.” morning quickly came as he woke up from a wet dream, so he had to change his underwear. He changed his underwear, got ready and headed out the door. Today he was wearing a white shirt with a tie black and black pants. When I got to school, I saw my friend trying to challenge her again. “Oh no!” I quickly ran up trying to stop my friend. “ I want a rematch this time I'm going to beat. You just caught me off guard last time, but not anymore. You idiots never learn, do you? Do I really have to knock you out again? I normally don't go for knockouts, but if I don't feel like fighting, I'll knock out someone. Last chance to back down bitch. You don't want to be treated like a bitch again, do you? Yo, Josh, back down, it's not worth it.” he quickly went up to him panting while, looking at her. “funny how I keep running into you. Tell me, little boy, what is your name? My name is Kyle. Anyway, I'm just here to get my friend. Your friend is actually pretty stupid. he just got his lights knocked out yesterday and already he's looking for another fight. Hey, shut up this time, I plan on feeding you. Back down, little man, you're not even worth it.” she was about to walk away, but Kyle's friend keeps on provoking her, after already being knocked out once. he truly has guts. He threw the first punch and she grabs his arm, throwing him to the ground. He was surprised at how easy she put him to the ground. “I told you, you're no match for me, so just leave me alone, ok? Also.” Jamie stares at me as a smirk appears on her face. “you're kind of cute.” that was all she said to me as she stood up, walking away, it made me blush. I was the first person to be complemented by her. I was literally the only one, so I felt special while my friend was laying on the ground embarrassed. I looked down at him as I helped him up. “ I can't believe she got me a again, I should go after her. No, dude, it's not worth it, just be lucky she didn't hit you again. I honestly think she's cheating. No, she's not cheating, she's just really strong and no one hasn't beaten her yet. Just leave her alone before she accidentally kills you one day. By the way, why did she call you cute? I have no idea anyway, just be grateful. You're ok. I suppose.” we went into the school headed straight for the classroom room. Everyone in the classrooms talking about Jamie and how to put a stop to her. They were getting tired of her bullshit and wanted it to end. I sat down at my desk listening in on the conversation. “Jamie is out of control she already put a teacher in a hospital 2 weeks ago. Yeah, but what can we do? She has unbelievable strength. She just won't stop until someone whoops her ass. Yeah, you are right, but we better stop talking about her before she hears us.” all I could think about was her complimenting me, but why? Maybe she likes me, I don't know. After class was over, I was in the hallway drinking a Gatorade. At that moment, I saw Jamie passed by and decided to follow her. I needed to try to find something out about her. I went through the hallways with her following without her aware of my presence. She had gone out to the top of the roof as I followed. She went over to the edge as she started looking down. “man I'm bored, never nothing to do at school, except beat people up. I guess after school is over, I'll go to the gym to workout. I feel like working on my biceps. I need to do something anything to help me keep my mind off of that cute boy.” I couldn't believe it, it's not a coincidence. She really thinks I'm cute. I just stayed there quiet while blushing to observe her. When I noticed she was about to turn around, I went downstairs so she wouldn't see me. I didn't want this manly beauty to see me because I don't know what she would do if she catches me. When she went downstairs, she started walking off headed to the show as I followed her. I really wanted to see her workout because I know she would be so sexy doing it. I followed her, but I didn't go inside. I stayed outside watching her run on the treadmill. I watched her for a bit and to my surprise, she looks at me, noticing that I was checking her out. She smiles as I ran off because my cover was blown. I couldn't believe she actually caught me, maybe the old saying is true, you always feel like someone is watching you.

The next day, people could hear Jamie arguing with another female teacher about her grades. “I don't care if I haven't done shit bitch. you are going to change my grades, do you understand me? I'm sorry, but I can't change your grades. That would be against the law. You're gonna have to get them up on your own. You really are a stupid bitch” Jamie quickly knocks out the female teacher, and all they heard was a body hitting the floor. Great, that was just enough evidence that was needed to put her away for a while. Not long after the police arrived, but they didn't do shit because they were scared, which is very crazy. Nothing happens to Jamie because they were too scared to try to arrest her. Yeah, the teacher was sent to a hospital where they could take care of her wounds. Thinking about it now, I wonder if she would hit me if I provoked her. The police were so useless and didn't do anything. How could you let someone get away after assaulting a teacher? So what you're telling me is Jamie is above the law. That's fucking insane, and she needs to be stopped. A few weeks later, I was sitting in a library writing down my love for her. She was crazy but at the same time, can't blame a guy for who he is attracted to. Jamie still continues to beat up on people and no one stops or does anything. She's Probably fighting someone right now. Her masculine nature, her sexy body type, the way she talks to me and everyone else, I find that irresistible. I love strong women. By her calling me cute, and that tells me I have somewhat of a chance with her. Don't think she knows I like her though, but how which she react if she knew? Little did I know that on the other side, Jamie was sitting there, drinking whiskey on her phone. Jamie didn't care, she drunk her alcohol just about everywhere in the school. It could have even been in the principal's office. Oh yeah, Jamie sure does enjoy drinking whiskey because it was strong, something that was meant for men. By her being so manly, she was able to take it. Jamie drunk just about anything, as long as it tasted good to her. Whenever boys judged her as a girl, she was willing to show them just how manly she was. She often did things that only a man would do. just to show them she wasn't an ordinary girl. Of course, once she did, they would immediately assume that she was a boy trapped in a girls body. Just because she acted so much like a guy. Jamie always spoke with power, not afraid to speak with a masculine voice. Don't get me wrong, she still had a female voice, but when she spoke, she spoke to you like a man. She put power in her speaking like a guy. Plus whenever she said something, she meant it. If no one knew any better, they would say she was a guy, even though she kind of looks like one. They could still tell she was female though. Her rough speaking, was that of a guy. Jamie stayed to herself while drinking and plan on her phone. The silence was so nice until the librarian approached her. “ Umm, excuse me, but alcohol is prohibited at school. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. Do you think I give a shit?” Jamie said still playing on her phone, not looking at the librarian. No one scared her, it was almost like she knows no fear. Not even her father scares her, and he was a crazy killer who killed 67 women. Later, he died in prison after being beaten to death. So if he didn't scare her, what makes everyone else think they will? “ listen, young lady, I'm asking you nicely to leave. And I'm asking you nicely to leave me alone. Excuse me. You don't seem to understand English. Leave me the fuck alone! Oh, maybe I need to get the police. Go ahead, not gonna make a difference. They are not going to do shit anyway. Now fuck off before you get hurt.” librarian stares at her getting pissed, and I could hear the aggression in Jamie's voice. I have to quickly intervene before she attacks someone else. Jamie was a girl, of not many words, so she could attack at any moment I quickly ran up getting in front of Jamie. What was I doing? There was no way I was getting her to stop, was I? Jamie looks at me not giving off an expression. “ listen, Jamie, no need to attack someone, ok?” she looks at her phone and then looks back at him. “I won't attack anyone, just as long as no bitches fuck with me. But if this librarian bitch keeps fucking with me, I will knock her out. What did you say! Young lady! You heard me bitch.” there's gotta be a way to get her to back off. She already stated that I am cute, maybe I could convince her to leave this woman alone. It's worth a shot, right? “listen, I'm gonna have to ask you to please leave for a along. No, I'm not gonna leave her alone because she's fucking with me. Could you please just for me?” Jamie looks at him for a minute thinking about it. She stood up, looking at him and she was much solid else she was about 6 feet. So she was able to look down at him. Holy shit that's even hotter. A woman taller than me. She starts walking off and she says. “fine just for you, but don't get used to it.” my eyes lit up, I couldn't believe that actually worked. I was the only one to get Jamie to back down. The only one at the school who could do it. I felt like a high-level God or something. She probably did it because she secretly likes me, I don't know. I guarantee if I was somebody else, the chances of her backing down would have been zero percent. She only did it this time just for me. Of course, she just went somewhere else to drink. I wonder if Jamie was an alcoholic. Seems like every time I run into her, she has a beer or something in her hand. I guess she just really likes drinking. As she was walking, I looked at her ass as I started getting turned on. Imagining her slamming on my cock fucking shit out of me all night long, telling me kinky things. Jamie could feel someone staring as she looks back at me, a smug appears on her face as she left the library. It was almost as if she knew I was looking at her ass. What are the odds she knows? Despite her rough nature, Jamie was very intelligent. even though she didn't do shit, it doesn't mean she was dumb. Chances are she was smirking at me, because she knew I was looking. I'm starting to be convinced she really likes me, because anybody else would have gotten beaten up for staring. I didn't know for sure, so I had no other choice but to go to my friend Jacob. When it comes to stuff like this, he's an expert. I left the library looking for Jacob. Found him in a club room, playing video games on his phone with him what was up. He didn't mind talking about Jamie as she didn't hear him talking about her. Jamie hated people talking about her behind her back. “Umm, based off of what you're telling me, it sounds like she likes you. Yeah, it feels like that too. I mean, I was able to get her to back down today, not to mention she keeps smiling at me. Yeah, if a girl keeps on smiling at you, it's a sign. However, manly girls is another matter. What do you mean?” he turns his phone off and puts on his glasses looking at Kyle. “I mean manly girls or tomboys act like boys, so it's kind of hard to say if she likes you. Women are very predictable, but women who act like guys, aren't. If you think she likes you then you need to find out somehow. Perhaps you should spy on her. I tried that and it didn't work. If she's aware of you spying on her, then she would be expecting it more often. If you're gonna do it, you have to be more clever now. Sorry, but I can't say more than that.” Jacob puts on his backpack walking out of the room. Now it's up to me to figure out if she likes me or not.

How was I going to do it now that she's on to me? I got a perfect idea. I'll try to be out of sight as best as possible. I quickly went out of the room looking for Jamie. I had forgotten that I left my book in the library. The book I used to write down all my feelings. I was looking Jamie and for some reason or another, she went back into the library only to see my book. She walks up, grabbing my book as she opened it up and started reading. It talks about how sexy, I think she is and I love masculine women, it also goes on to speak of her muscles. It had my most arousing kinky shit in there. Reading some of that made Jamie blush, which is something that rarely happened to her. She likes him now she definitely knows he likes her. She closed the book still blushing. “I had no idea someone could be so passionate. And here I thought I was unlovable. He's so cute now, I really want him.” Jamie's heart fills up because she knows he likes her. Jamie had always liked Kyle, she kept her distance from him. And never told him how she felt about him. Because she was nervous, but she didn't show it. She wanted to keep the tough girl persona. Not long after she put the book away, she heard footsteps and quickly went to hide. It was Kyle, he came looking for his book, in the room. his book was sitting on the table. Jamie watches him from the shadows, blushing even more since she saw him. “Ah here is my book! Now I gotta find Jamie, where could she be? Why is he looking for me? I guess I'll keep listening in.” Kyle walks to the window. Wanting to get some fresh air since the window was open. “Jamie is so sexy and I need to find out if she likes me. I can only imagine her using her, manly body on me. Jamie blushes more because he was talking about her. She whispers to herself. “Hehe, so he's into masculine women? Then I have a chance with him. Why the fuck am I hiding? I'm a strong girl.” Jamie came out of hiding as she came up to Kyle. “hey, I need to speak to you. Jamie, where did you come from? Don't worry about that, just follow me.” Kyle follows behind her. She was taking him up to the rooftops. A perfect place where they could be alone, to talk. When they got up to the rooftops, Jamie looks at him blushing. “Umm, I read your book, Kyle. Did you really mean what you say? Yes, I am. I think you are really sexy, Jamie and yes, I am attracted to strong women. R-really? Are you for real? Yes, I am Jamie I'm attracted to you. I'm attracted to you as well, Kyle.” without hesitation, she ran up, grabbing him, and she started kissing him roughly. That was to be expected from a manly girl. Jamie was kissing him so passionately as her blushes deepen. I had no idea a woman could kiss me with such passion. After about 20 seconds, Jamie pulls away, smiling. “You're so cute! Hehe, thank you! Kyle, you want to ditch this school and go to my place. Sure!” if she's that rough at kissing, imagine how rough she is in the bedroom. I was getting turned on again, thinking about it. We went on our way, about to leave the school when we were interrupted by a teacher. “just where do you to think you're going? Leaving school now fuck off. If you leave with her Kyle, you will get the detention and your grades will die. If something happens to his grades, I'm coming after you teacher. Do I make myself clear? Umm, yes” he complied because he was scared and didn't want to get knocked out.

We went off going to her house, I'm so excited. 25 minutes later we went into her house, and she made me sat down on the couch with her. She took off her shoes and everything, revealing her beautiful bare feet. They were the nicest I had ever seen, and I don't even have a foot fetish. I did enjoy looking at her feminine feet. Jamie looks over at me and smiles, trying not to blush because she was so madly in love. I didn't know what we were watching, but we were watching some movie. About when aliens crash lands on earth. It was an interesting science fiction movies, and I was happy to be right next to Jamie. I now know that she would never hurt me maybe other people, but not me. Jamie looks at me as she smirks and whispers in my ear. “since you like muscular girls, Would you like to see my body? Usually, I don't show off my body to anyone, but you're an exception.” Jamie giggles, looking at his face knowing he was eager to see. She stood up slowly, taking off her shirt before him. Revealing her beautiful 6 pack right in front of him. “Oh wow, so nice. You can touch them if you want.” Kyle started feeling over her biceps and abs getting turned on. Never had he seen a woman, so built before. “Hehe, you like them don't you Kyle? Yes, I do. I know you've been dreaming about fucking me based off of your book. Would you like to see me naked? Yes, you will be the first and last boy to see my body. But if you ever take a picture of my body and show it to everyone, I will knock your head off.” I immediately got just a little scared as she started giggling.

“Hehe, I'm just kidding baby. I know you wouldn't do that. Besides some guys don't want to see girls with muscles, but you are different.” she takes off her clothes as Kyle's eyes lit up when he saw her naked. He was amazed by her sexy, muscular body. Her Huge rack made it even more impressive. He went up to her as he slowly placed his head between her crotch and begins, eating her out and sucking on her large clitoris. Jamie couldn't help but moan in pleasure looking down at Kyle. “oh my God, feels so good. That's right, baby suck that little cock. And eat me out and doing a fantastic job. Kyle was sitting on his knees, eating her out, Jamie, placed her hands against his crotch, lightly rubbing him. He was giving her pleasure so she might as well give him pleasure. Jamie's body was so firm so he can only imagine what she could do. Jamie made me take my face away as she slowly unbuckled my pants, pulling out my huge cock. “Mm, this is quite a cock you have Kyle. You are small, but you have a very big cock. Let me show you just what I can do.” Jamie starts sucking his cock, roughly moving back and forth. Holy shit, she was even sucking his cock, so good. She was sucking him off so well and he was loving it. Bobbing her head back and forth better by the second. She pulls away after 5 minutes and smirks. “no, I'm not ready to milk you yet. Better not cum, we've only just begun. And I don't fuck weaklings, so you better give it your all kyle.” she said to him, hoping he has endurance. Worries for my very powerful, and she meant what she said. She only wanted to fuck a boy who could last a while. Jamie giggles and takes him to the page so they could fuck. When they got to the bedroom, she pushed him on it, taking off his clothes. Jamie's pussy was very wet and she was ready to fuck. “Hehe, you know, I haven't been turned on in so long. It's been forever since i've had a wet pussy. Are you ready to enter a this muscle hole? You know, i've always been working out Kyle, so my pussy is very tight. Last chance to back, I hope he does want to get started, I'm not stopping until I break.” I had fantasies of fucking this girl, so I'm not backing out now. Can you looks up at her? Is he smirks. “i've been dreaming about having sex with you for so long. Do you really think I'm gonna back out now? Good boy, then this will be fun.” her expression was very lustful. as she got into position. once she positioned herself, she slams down. immediately. Taking his entire cock inside of her, makes her scream out a little bit. She stays like that for a moment and then bends over to kiss Kyle. “ congratulations you just awoken my dog form. My animal nature.” she giggles and rapidly starts pounding away. She felt so good finally having a cock in her, after so long of not getting any. Jamie gets faster and faster, the more turned on she is. They sound amazing, happy his cock in muscle pussy, and her pussy is very tight. “Ahh it feels so good! I can finally use my hole. Thank you for making me feel like a woman again Kyle. Ahh” he could speak because it is intense pleasure, he was in. Jamie was bouncing on him so hard and fast, his body is almost bouncing to. Kyle stayed taking her humping. She was definitely banging and he loved it. “Oh fuck! It's so good! I'm gonna crazy! Watch this.” she smirks and bounces faster, causing Kyle to scream out. Not long after Jamie Started squirting all over him. She moves upwards and starts making out with him while holding on to his body so she could pound him harder. Jamie notices that he looked like he was passed out, she smacked his face. “don't tell me you're done already. Sorry, it just felt so good, I got tired, that's all. i y

Told you, I don't fuck weaklings, so don't give out on me. I'll fuck you harder to keep you awake.” she said that she bounces faster and he looked up at his screaming. “Hey, don't break my dick! You made your point when I need to over do it! Oh, fuck, I'm sorry, Kyle, this feels incredible.” she relax is just a little bit while bouncing on him, getting closer to another orgasm. Feeling a little horner, I decided to take the lead. I made her roll over as I spread her legs and started pounding her instead of her pounding me. I was enjoying it so much, just pounding in and out of her. She had her way with me now it was my time to shine. It was music to my ears to hear jamie moaning while taking my dick. I kept helping her, but I was careful because I knew if I climax inside she will get pregnant. I just had to be careful and take it easy and not bust a nut. Jamie looks realizing I took control and she looks at me. “ok, it's time for James to be strong again.” she stood up and she pushed me down, grabbing one of my legs as she started to hump into me creating extra pleasure. She was moving back and forth like a machine, and it felt amazing. I wanted to suck her big tits, but I have to wait until she's ready. I just looked at her, holding my leg up, moving back and forth.

“you like that, don't you baby? Yes, I love it continue.

Jamie got faster and faster while holding my legs. It was like she was a dog humping me. I couldn't complain I enjoyed it so much, no reason to be upset.

I placed my hands out trying to reach her arms so I could feel her abs. I tried too, but Jamie didn't let me. she wanted me to relax and take it. Slowly watched her as she was building up speed, not caring if it hurts, me not. That's how turned on she was. that she was willing to hurt me for pleasure. When she sees my sexual expression, she smiles still moving. “Hehe you like my? Manly pumping? Yes, I do. You're such a naughty little animal, Jamie.” he looks at her beautiful body moving against him, checking out her ass while she moves. “Hehe, you can feel my muscles anytime you like, baby. Do you like my manly muscles? Yes, your muscles are so sexy! I thought, you say so, you're the only one who is fascinated by my Muscles. I know. It's just hot to see a woman with muscles. By the way, don't get tired on me because i've only just begun. You thought I was lying when I said I wrack you? Fuck no, we only just begun.” she smiles still going and after a minute she looks at me and smirks. “can I do push ups, Kyle? I don't know how you are gonna do that but ok?” she let's go of his legs and lays on top of him, and she starts fucking him doing pushups and it felt great.

“Hehe, fun fact having sex with muscle girls are the best because we try to do kinky positions. This is how we do things and you are loving it. Yes, baby, it feels incredible.”

I couldn't believe she was actually fucking me while doing push up and it was the kinky shit I have ever seen. She started moving faster and better by the minutes not caring if it hurts him. That's what k I was able to withstand pain that wants to case. She gradually gets faster and faster, not slowing down. I slowly started closing my eyes because of the pleasure. Jamie looks at me as she smiles still fucking me. “kyle are you closing your eyes because of how good it feels? Yes, baby your pussy feels so good. You should consider yourself lucky, Kyle. You are the first boy to ever catch my heart. And the first one to fuck me. “ oh my God, kyle I love you so much!” She said to me while going faster and better. Not long after, she started squirting all over me. Jamie stood up and she starts bouncing on me once again. “Be my boyfriend Kyle. Ok, baby girl.” it felt good to have her in my life. After all, I had a strong rough girl as a girlfriend. What else can a guy ask for? Wanting to take control again, I roll her over, spreads her legs and starts working it again. 3 hours later, she was finally finished and I was knocked out. Not long after it was known that we were dating, so anybody who was messing with me would have to answer to her. She was like my personal bodyguard here to protect me and keep me safe. I couldn't be happier.
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