Really my first experience writing anything like this, so I hope you enjoy it. Any Criticism is welcome.
As was often the way, a slight political spat over land ownership between two minor lords of the Asatarian and Sevonian nations had developed into a heightened state, each lord gathering his troops to his banner to fight for what he considered to be his god-given right. Whether whatever God was watching cared for the whole sorry affair, Alice preferred not to question. Such question were better left to the philosophers while she worried with the here and now. As her home county prepared for war, it was inevitable that she would be called to battle, given her status as a mercenary of some repute; Sevonia was a place where everyone could throw their lives away in search of glory, no matter their creed or background. Sevonia was a place where strength was the only currency that mattered, and she had it with some to spare. The bastard daughter of a mercenary and a camp follower, she had been with Sevonian soldiers her whole life, and it seemed some of her fathers knack for killing had been passed down to her. Unlike her father though, she had also been gifted with her mother’s cunning, a trait that kept her alive when many of the company was slaughtered, including their Captain, her father. Devoid of leadership, the mercenaries had floundered until she grabbed a hold of the reigns, turning them from internecine brawlers into one of the finest fighting forces this side of the Azur. When the call to arms had come, so too did the responsibility of the mercenary forces under the Sevonian banner fall to her. So it was that she found herself marching alongside the bulk of Lord Alastair’s forces, at the head of one arm of the force that made up the Sevonian retribution against Asatar.
Despite the footslogging, the miles went by relatively quickly, every man and woman present at least somewhat used to marching. As the sun began to sink low into the sky, camp was called. The carts following up the main column of troops was messily pilfered by the soldiers, setting up tents and fires in good time. Lord Alastair called to her as she walked by.
“Miss Endera, set up your tent over here if you will.” He gestured to the section of the campsite where his own tent and his retainers tents were. The benefits of leadership, a voice in her head snarked as she dumped the pile of poles and fabric onto the ground.
Sometime later, after the tent had been assembled and the sun had almost dipped below the horizon line, she finished piling the firewood in a ring of stones. She stood up to look for Enukai, the mage that had been assigned to her, surprised when she caught him already approaching from the corner of her eye.
“Stand back a moment, if you will?” He requested, Alice dutifully rising to her feet and stepping back. He extended his hand with a wordless grunt, the tinder sparking into a glowing conflagration with an audible poof. Alice lowered herself to the ground, crossing her legs in front of the fire. She gestured for him to sit too, and he obeyed.
“I hope Lord Alastair has more in store for me than being a glorified fire lighter.” He laughed, gazing into the flames.
“Even if he doesn’t, I do.” Alice replied, tossing another twig onto the fire.
“My company had quite a few mages in the past. Commanding them is nothing new to me.” She reached into her pack, pulling out a wrapped loaf of bread and tearing a chunk from it.
“It is good to know I am in good hands.”
“So, tell me a little about what you can do.” She asked, taking another bite. “Before that though, do you have food?”
“Yes, I do. I am not hungry right now, though.”
“Make sure you eat before you sleep. We won’t be sticking around long in the morning. But that aside, tell me about your own skills.”
Conversing with Enukai about the vital role he played in tomorrow’s battle plans served to calm her nerves somewhat, but failed to quash them entirely. Her father had once told her than the man who does not fear battle is simply mad, but even this level of discomfort felt too high for her liking. The night wore on in conversation, exhaustion began to creep into Alice’s frame, and she began to make her excuses, placing her discomfort down to tiredness. But as she stood, she suddenly clicked on to what the feeling might be.
“I’m afraid I must retire for the night, if I am to be of any use as a commander tomorrow.” She laughed, hauling herself to her feet and brushing dirt and detritus from her backside as she did so.
“Indeed, it is most late. I shall go to my tent.” Enukai responded, rising to his feet with a spinning motion. “Good night, Miss Endera.” He nodded his head and began to walk away, pausing when he felt a grip at his wrist. “Yes?” He inquired.
“Instead of going to your tent, perhaps you could… come to mine?” She ventured, refusing to let her own nervousness show.
“I could do that. Would you like me to?”
“I would.”
“Then lead the way, Miss Endera.” He gestured.
“Please, call me Alice.” She responded, sliding her hand around his and pulling him gently along.
When they arrived at her tent, she ducked inside, and as he followed, she pulled and pinned him to the ground, locking her lips to his in a probing kiss. Stubble roughed against her skin as she explored his mouth, and he hers. As she did so, nimble hands unbuckled his belt, sliding his leather trousers to his knees. With her right hand she gripped his semi-erect shaft loosely and began a gentle stroking, feeling it harden at her touch moment by moment. He broke the kiss apart, planting several smaller ones along her jawline and down her neck, before biting down upon the skin of her neck. She groaned slightly, and he used to momentary distraction to flip them both over, pinning her underneath him, her dirty blonde hair splayed around her head like a halo.
With a sweeping motion he lifted her shirt to the top, exposing the pale flesh of her stomach and breasts to the open air. A well toned midriff pitted with a myriad of old scars greets him, before he hungrily locks his mouth around her right nipple, sucking and biting to soft coos from the woman beneath him. His right hand reaches up and begins to knead her left breast, while his left gently trails his fingers along the contours of her stomach. Enamoured with his ministrations, she simply whimpered for a few moments before regaining her composure, grasping him by the shoulders and rolling them both back over.
As they landed, she placed both her hands upon his chest with a wolf-like smile, slithering down his body to the erect member and stroking it with her right hand, with more force this time. She ran her tongue around the head, tasting it for the first time. It was a decidedly neutral taste, no real difference from any other she had encountered, excluding the slight taste of sweat generated by the days march. She slipped the head into her mouth, filling her mouth with saliva as she did so, increasing the pace of her hand working the shaft. Her left hand retreated to her own body, undoing her own belt and crawling inside her wet panties, pawing gingerly at her clit. She sank her head further down, feeling the tip of his cock touch her tonsils. Her body screamed out to gag, but she suppressed it by force of will, pushing it back even further into her throat. She held it for a second, before bringing it back to a more manageable position, bobbing her head up and down as her thumb and forefinger worked the base. The taste of precum was becoming more prominent in her mouth with every bob of her head. She pulled her wet fingers from her own crotch and moved it to play around his balls, the occasional testing finger brushing up against his asshole as she fondled him. Her eyes met his with every test, searching for any sign of disagreement, but none was forthcoming. As she pushed her head down once more, she slipped the index finger of her left hand inside his puckered ring to the first knuckle. As her nose almost touched his mass of black pubic hair, he placed a hand of her forehead and lifted her away. She pouted slightly as she met his gaze, denied of her enjoyment, but the rational part of her knew why she had been stopped. The look on his face told her that he was mere moments away from blowing his load in her mouth, and she didn’t want that yet.
“Not yet.” He commanded. “Remove those trousers.”
She gladly obeyed, dropping her left hand to her pussy again, more vigorously this time. He beckoned her over to where he lay, before pulling her over his head and burying his tongue within her. He lapped like a hungry dog, his tongue exploring the inside of her love cave as well as flicking over her clitoris like a scenting snake. She moaned openly, her face falling slack and her breath panting as she drew close to finishing. His right hand crept up and slid two fingers inside her with ease, pumping back and forth as they massaged her inner walls. The world seemed to go silent for a moment, before a quickly stifled cry ripped out of her throat. She clamped her hands over her mouth as Enukai continued to tongue fuck her, her chest heaving in the aftermath of her orgasm. She slid her ass back so that she sat upon his chest.
“I can’t wait any longer. I need it.” She panted, rolling off him onto her back and spreading her legs. He rose to a kneeling position and placed the top of his cock against her soaked slit, when she reached out and placed a hand on his chest.
“Wait. It’s not a safe week for me.” She admitted. Enukai nodded, trying not to appear somewhat disappointed. She turned her gaze away from his slightly. “But I want you to go lower.” She murmured in a mouse-like tone. Her face may have blushed was it not already bright red.
“Are you sure?” He asked, tilting his head slightly.
“Yes. I have only done this once before, but I do not wish to deny you.” Her voice gained more confidence as the sentence went on. “Please, fuck me.”
He nodded his understanding with a lascivious smile, spitting onto his hand and working it around the shaft of his cock. Some of Alice’s saliva had dried out in the chill night air, and he thought it best that he did not hurt her. She would have to fight tomorrow after all. After he was satisfied with the preparation of his own weapon, he bent his head down and spat again, the globlet landing atop her winking asshole. He worked it in and around the hole with a forefinger, pushing it in up to the third knuckle. She moaned as it entered, but her face betrayed no pain. He pushed in a second finger alongside it, spreading them slightly inside her. She groaned as he stretched her, her face a mix of pleasure and the occasional pain of adjustment. Satisfied with his work, her crawled close to her once more, pressing the head of his cock against her now-widened ass. It pushed back of him as he slowly thrust, but in a jerky motion the tip disappeared inside the ring of her ass, eliciting a sharp whimper from her.
“Are you okay?” He asked, pausing his invasion of her. She met his gaze again with slightly watering eyes, biting down upon her knuckle. She nodded. He pushed again, inch by inch sliding inside of her gut. After a few moment he was as deep as he was going to get, her firm ass pushed hard against his thighs. He shot her an unspoken question, and she nodded again. He pulled backwards, pulling most of his shaft from her until just the head remained. With slow, deliberate movements he pushed back in. Despite her teary eyes, her free hand began to slide in and out of her pussy at a pace matching his own. With each thrust he increased the tempo; the slapping of his thighs against her asscheeks like a heavy drumbeat. Her eyes had begun to roll back into her head as her ass was speared on his cock relentlessly, her fingers becoming a blur as she pumped herself. She began to pant again, her back arching from the double penetration she was experiencing. Another orgasm washed over her again, but this time she came slightly more prepared, biting down onto her knuckle so that her squeal became more of an extended whimper. The orgasm wracking her body caused her sphincter to lock down on his cock, the extra pressure pushing him over the edge. With a grunt he emptied his load deep into her gut in several great spurts. He thrust a couple more times to ensure his balls were fully emptied into her, before slowly pulling away from her. Her asshole made an audible sound as the head of his cock popped from it, cum still leaking from the tip. Alice lay still for a second, slowly rubbing at her gut and revelling in the warmth of having her ass pumped with cum. Satisfied, she rose into a kneeling position, and crawled towards him like a cat, lapping up the beads of jizz that still dripped from the head of his dick. She slipped it into her mouth again, pushing the tip deep into her throat and drinking what was left of his load like a beggar drinking drips from a tap. He tasted slightly different; her own taste, she supposed, ignoring his slightly groans of protest for a moment before retracting her head.
“Can’t waste a drop.” She chimed, licking her lips in response to his exasperated look.
“Your reputation proceeds you, but this reputation did not.”
“Nor will it.” She said, pulling him close and whispering into his ear. “Not if you want this to happen again.”
“I understand.” He smirked. “I will see you tomorrow.”
“Indeed you will.” She returned the smile as he left the tent, closing the door behind him. She lay back on her straw bed, feeling Enukai’s cum begin to leak from her ass. She reached down a finger, scooping up the offending drop and placing it into her mouth as if sampling a fine food. She lay her head back and pulled over her blanket, all nervous thoughts of tomorrows battle drowned in the afterglow.