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Tina and her brother are on their own with the mob after them. To keep them safe, Tina agrees to work in her sadistic bosses new gentleman's club in exchange for room, board, a place to hide, and support for her to help her little brother enter high school and have a "normal life".

Things degenerate quickly as her sadistic boss forces her to new levels of depravity and explores various taboo topics with each show! Look for Tina to continue losing her innocence with each passing day.
Tina and the Stuffed Pussy

By: Jujun

DISCLAIMER: Below is a work of fantasy and fiction and in no way reflects actions or intentions of real people or the views or preferences of the author. Characters and scenes within this work do not relate to any individuals or events in real life.

Writing feedback and ideas for subsequent chapters are very much appreciated! I started writing this 8 years ago and only recently have started adding more chapters so look for future additions in the coming weeks!

I looked at my boss in disbelief. My brother and I have worked for Eddie for almost a year now and, while a little lewd and creepy at times, I couldn’t believe he would even think about something as over the top as what he just told me.

“Tina, while you consider my offer, you should know that a couple of interesting gentleman came calling after you last night. We had a long conversation and... I’m not an expert, but it sure seems that you better find a place to hide. A real shame with your brother finally settled into school and making friends.”

I froze and looked at the door, panicked now. It seemed inconceivable that they could have followed us across the country to this little town in Iowa. There was no trail that we could have left.

Ours is really a long story but the short of it is that our parents were killed while under the “protection” of the witness protection agency. When I was 14, my parents and I had witnessed a brutal mob style execution related to drugs and illegal weapons and our Federal “Protectors” turned out to be under the influence of the same mob organization that we were to testify against. My 12 year old brother managed to escape but somehow was declared as dead due to witnesses reporting seeing him when the home exploded. I on the other hand, am known to be alive because I wasn’t in the house and am now being searched for by Witness Protection, Federal Marshalls, Child Protection Services, murdering mob agents, and god only knows who else. Based on my experience with corrupt government agencies, getting found by one is as bad as getting found by another!

I looked at Eddie, now truly scared and suddenly exhausted. “What is it you’re trying to say Eddie? I can’t go back to work at Eddie Z’s and I can’t stay here. I’m only 16, which is too young to work in your new X rated supper club even if I wanted to consider your proposal.”

“Well Tina, the way I see it, age is only a matter of the ID you carry. No one in town knows who you are since you don’t seem to be going to school with your brother. Seeing as how you have the tits of an 18 year old, no one is going to question your age after you start working at the new place. Besides, this group will never think to look for you in an 18+ club since they know you’re just going on 16. Here’s the deal, I give you and your brother room and board at the club outside town, we make up some fake IDs for the records, and in exchange, you help me fill the club every night by displaying your hot little body”

I looked at Eddie with pleading eyes, “Eddie, you know me. I work hard and try to do anything I can to help out, but I can’t do what you’re asking. I don’t even like the guys looking at me in the uniform you have me wear at your non-X rated diner. I’ve been a great worker for the last two years and I work for you for cheap. Can’t you find something simple for me to do at your other place that is PG? I can’t go on the run again.... I don’t have enough money saved up after paying all of Toby’s school things.”

Eddie got up and walked over to where I was still standing on trembling legs trying to think of other options to make this nightmare go away. “Tina, you’re going to be just fine. Make no mistake, I am going to torment your hot little body in every nasty way imaginable, but we’ll start off slow and even let you wear clothes on your first night working at The Stuffed Pussy. Now, I have some shopping to do but why don’t you pack up your things and I’ll stop by your place to move you into your new apartment at 2:30. We can pick Toby up from school on the way. Otherwise, those gentlemen did imply something about a reward for information...”

With that he let loose with a big full handed slap on my butt causing me to give a little yelp and walked out the door, self-assured that I would go along with his perverse plan. What choice did I have?

Tina’s First Night

“You said you’d let me wear clothes. That’s not clothes, that’s underwear!” We had picked up Toby and moved our meager belongings to the apartment next door to The Stuffed Pussy. Now it was 5 o’clock on Friday night and Eddie was standing in the kitchen of the Stuffed Pussy with a shitty grin on his face holding out my new “uniform”. The uniform consisted of a pair of yellow bikini panties with a screen print of a fat sassy cat holding a beer mug centered over the crotch. There was a matching yellow stretchy shirt with “Property of the Stuffed Pussy” lettered across the breast. The shirt wasn’t extremely low cut but it did have an open back with short cute sleeves and would end a couple of inches above my belly button and be a tight stretch across my breasts.

“I’m not wearing that, it’s worse than Hooters”

Eddie walked up to me and got right in my face. “Tina, I am not going to explain your situation again. The Stuffed Pussy is much more risqué than Hooters and you are The Stuffed Pussy’s new, 1-and-only attraction. If you don’t wear what we say, do what we say, and say what we say, we will make you. If you don’t like it, you can leave and I will collect my reward.” With that he reached out 2 figures and gave me a viscous titty twister through my bra

“Aieeeeeeeee stoooop!” I shrieked and tried to back away which only served to stretch out my breast and make him tighten his grip. “I’ll wear it just please let go!”

“Good” Eddie said with a smug smile and handed me the small pieces of fabric that would be my new attire for the evening. “We will introduce you at 7:00 on the stage and after that your duties will be serving tables and taking orders the same as at Eddie Z’s”.

Eddie left the back. I quickly went into the restroom and put on the panties. They fit snugly and left nothing to the imagination leaving me more exposed than my skimpiest swimsuit. There was no way I could wear a bra with the top and I knew that everyone would be able to clearly seem my nipples all night which was probably my perverted boss’ intent.

When I walked back into the kitchen I could feel my face burning as everyone stopped what they were doing to gawk and leer. Eddie looked up from his conversation with his head bartender Phil and said “that will keep the boys coming back.” If possible my face got even redder.

“Eddie, please don’t make me do this, I don’t know if I can do this, I, I…” I couldn’t help it, I started shaking and the tears started coming. I had been through too much and my world had gone from safe and secure to traumatized in the space of one afternoon. I started to sob and Eddie rushed over to me and pulled me into a close and sympathetic hug. For a moment I thought he would relent and let me put my clothes back on but instead he said “Tina, you’re my cash cow and I’m going to look out for you and take care of you. There’s going to be lots of stuff you don’t like but that’s what will keep bringing in the money. In return, I’ll make sure you and your brother wake up each morning fine and dandy with just some momentary discomfort and a little bruising to your pride and modesty. Now… clean your face, fix your make-up, and hang out behind the curtain on the stage… you have 20 minutes or so to compose yourself before your big debut!”

7:00 PM

“Ladies and gentlemen; mostly gentlemen, without further ado I present to you our new waitress and star attraction Tina.”

With that the curtain opened and there I was standing in a bright spot-light, dressed like a slutty teenager ready for bed in my uniform with 20 men ranging from 21 to 65 staring at me. I instantly turned bright red again from the top of my breasts to the tips of my ears. I could feel my pulse pounding in my cheeks and my vision blurred.

Eddie turned and called to me “come on out and wave to all of our esteemed guests that have turned out to welcome you to the Stuffed Pussy.” With that he took my arm and led me to the front of the stage. “I think its time we got you to work because judging by the looks, these boys are hungry! If you know what I mean…”

There was a collective chuckle at my expense throughout the room and with that I was led to the floor and a small pad and pen were thrust in my hand. Eddie gave my panty covered bum a slap/push and said “Get to work.”

I hurried over to the first table thankful to have something to do to take my mind off my state of dress. “Good evening, my name is Tina and I will be taking care of you tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?”

And so the first couple of hours passed. It wasn’t so bad. There were a couple of innuendos thrown my way and I constantly felt the burn of lewd stares directed at my ass, crotch, and boobs. Every once in a while someone would squeeze past me and cop an accidental feel but I had some experience avoiding and redirecting the worst of this behavior from my last year waitressing at Eddie Z’s. Around 9 o’clock the mood started to change. Some of the tables were getting more forward and the comments were no longer veiled behind clever innuendos.

Table 8 was the worst. It was a group of 6 thirty somethings that were downing drinks at a steady pace. “Can I get you boys another round?”

“You are one fine slut aren’t you” one of them slurred at me. I went to take a step back but he corralled me with a long arm around my shoulders and pulled me back to the table. Then he pulled me up onto his lap and said “why don’t you have a seat here while we discuss whether I’ve spent enough in drinks to fuck that hot little honey hole of yours or whether I have to tip you too!”

I was to surprised and stunned to speak for a moment but then I recovered and whirled around slapping him in the face as hard as I could and then flailed out of his lap ending up getting caught up in his legs on the bar stool and falling in a pile on the floor.

“Bitch!” he yelped

Eddie was there in an instant “Tina!” He scolded. “That’s no way to treat our esteemed guest. Bill is a regular and an extremely valued customer!”

I looked up at Eddie from the floor “he was molesting me.”

“He was just showing his appreciation and stating what we are all thinking about and that is how much we’d like to stuff your slutty little pussy. Bill, to make it up to you maybe you can help me teach Tina a lesson about how we greet guests at the Stuffed Pussy.”

With that Eddie dragged me to my feed and over to a carpet covered ceiling column just off to the side of the entrance to the club.

“Wha... where are you taking me?” I asked, worried they were going to drag me outside in my underwear and molest me. But they stopped at the column and Eddie turned to Bill and said “think that hook will hold her”. Bill looked at me evilly and said, “not sure what you have in mind but I would sure love to find out.” Eddie said, “hoist her so her ass is level with the hook and you’ll see.”

The hook in question was an old 2 pronged coat hook with about 5 inches between prongs and about 6 feet off the ground sticking out of the 2 foot diameter ceiling column. Needing no further encouragement, Bill grabbed my arms, pinning them to my sides, and easily lifted my 110 lb frame up half bent over his shoulder until I felt the hook pressing into my bottom. Then I felt Eddie’s hand pull my panties up giving me a hard wedgy and slipping the bunched up waste band above each of my butt cheeks over one of the prongs on the hook.

“Ok Bill, you can let her down”

Bill backed away and suddenly I was hanging by my panties. I felt the crotch pull painfully tight into my pussy as my bikini bottoms became a thong. I quickly lost my balance with my feet 3 feet off the ground and my head slumped forward.

"Ayaheee heeeelp!" I yelled in pain, surprise, and panic as I fell forward.

Luckily Bill caught my head and shoulders before they slammed into the pole, holding me up with a solid hand between my breasts.

“Hah! Eddie laughed, “see you owe Bill now, he just saved you quite a headache” “Hold on Bill, I can fix that. Hand me her shirt

“What no” I shrieked as I flailed my legs wildly trying to get free. “I’m not wearing a bra.”

“Perfect” Bill cheered as he easily pulled my top off over my head and handed it to Eddie. There was suddenly a loud chorus of cheers and whistles and I realized that the whole bar had surrounded the column to get a better view of my humiliating situation.

“Nice tits!”

“Shake them”

“Kind of large for a strip pole ain’t it?”

My C-sized breasts were now exposed and Eddie pulled my arms back around the column and then used my shirt to tie them in place. I was on humiliating display and hung there mortified in front of the cat-calling customers. My shoulders were pulled back by my restrained arms causing my breasts to stand out proudly. My panties were pulled so far into my pussy that I was sure that everyone could see every detail my vagina and my ass was all but on display with my panties disappearing into my butt crack.

“Please let me down, I didn’t mean it. I’ll apologize, I’ll do better.” I sobbed. I kicked my legs weakly trying to get my panties unhooked but impossibly they held.

Then it seemed that the gathered crowd all remembered that they had cell phone cameras and the flashes and clicking started as the crowd jeered and recorded my misery.

“Tina, your job is now official Stuffed Pussy greeter. For the rest of the night you have hostess duties and if you do a good job then you can go back to waitressing tomorrow night.”

“Hah," Bill laughed, “she is definitely suited for the job! Look how stuffed her pussy is. Talk about a camel toe, I don’t know how those panties are holding up!”

“Man that is one fine pussy! I would like to try a piece of that!”

“Eddie!” I pleaded. “It hurts really bad. You can’t leave me here!”

Eddie looked up at me and I despaired at the snide look on his face.

“What hurts really bad Tina?”

I looked at him stupidly. “What do you mean? My panties are digging in and hurting me!”

Eddie reached up and started to trace a finger over my panty covered pussy. I gave a little squeal and closed my legs. Almost in unison Bill and one of his friends each grabbed one of my ankles and spread my legs straight out going past spread eagled towards a splits. Eddie reached back up and traced his finger back down my crotch over my little sensitive button and across my vagina.

“Does your pussy hurt.”

I thought it was impossible but now I was even more exposed with my legs spread and only a thin scrap of cloth protecting my final modesty. I really am flexible and can do a full splits and more so spreading my legs didn’t really cause my legs any pain but somehow in seemed to intensify the pain by causing my panties to pull harder into my vagina and over my clit. This new helpless exposure spurred a new round of clicks from the amateur paparazzi surrounding me.

I twitched as Eddie’s finger retraced over my sensitive spots and shouted “yes damnit my pussy hurts. Please let me down.”

“No” he said with finality. “You have a job to do, get use to your new position.” He winked evilly and walked away.


Eddie looked across the floor to where Tina hung by the door. The day had gone better than he could have hoped. A steady stream of patrons were making their way over to Tina to taunt, fondle, take pictures, and even, it appeared, to tuck a couple of singles inside her tightly stretched panties. Eddie knew that tonight’s activities and word of mouth would keep his club filled and the money flowing into his pocket. That is if he could maintain his control of the hot little teen that fate had dropped into his lap.


My time hanging from the pole was terrible. I have never felt so helpless. Patrons came up to leer and make fun of me. Every time the front door opened the cool night air washed over my naked breasts keeping my nipples pointy. I dutifully greeted each guest with a “welcome to the Stuffed Pussy,” not wanting to be taught any additional lessons. As the night went on, the patrons became bolder; taking turns fondling my breasts or running their hands up my thighs and over my panties. One guy took a single and roughly worked it under the crotch of my panties which spurred a couple more patrons to work dollar bills into my waistband and anywhere else they could reach. Shortly after I was hung up on the hook, my panties started to cut off the circulation in my legs. I tried to wiggle and stretch my legs to restore circulation. Phil noticed this from behind the bar and yelled out “look boys, she’s started dancing on that pole!”

Bill looked up from his table off to my left and shouted, “Thatta girl! Give us a show.”

Not wanting the renewed attention, I tried to hold still but it was too late. Bill got up and stumbled over to me. I could smell the beer coming off his breath as he reached up, cupping and squeezing both of my breasts together. “You stick with Bill and he’ll show you how to be a proper slut and keep earning the cash.”

I closed my eyes and whimpered “I don’t want to be a slut, please leave me alone.” Then I heard Eddie speak up from somewhere behind me.

“So you think you’ve learned your lesson then Tina?”

I strained my neck around to look at Eddie with Bill still rhythmically squeezing and pawing my breasts. “I’ll be good and be nice to the customers. Please let me down, I can’t feel my legs anymore,” I sobbed.

Eddie laughed and winked at Bill, “I’m not sure I believe you, you don’t seem to be enjoying Bill’s attention. Here he is worshiping your boobs and you haven’t even thanked him yet.”

I panicked and practically thrust my breasts into Bill’s busy hands “thank you for petting my boobs Bill; I’m glad you like them.”

“That’s better!” Eddies said. “Bill you think you can pick her up if I untie her?”

“Sure thing Ed!”

And like that I felt my arms freed from around the pole and I was unceremoniously slumped over Bill’s shoulder again. My shoulders and arms were asleep. I felt Eddie unhook my panties from the hook and then Bill was walking me back over to his table with my ass bent over his shoulder. I was beyond caring and just hung on and whimpered as the feeling came back into my limbs.

“Tina, when you can walk again, start cleaning up tables, its getting close to closing time and I don’t want to be here all night.”

I looked over at Eddie from the chair that Bill had dropped me in and gave a meek “ok”.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Eddie started... I looked up at him with fear approaching panic in my eyes. Eddie dropped a roll of yellow extra strength duct tape on the table next to me and said, “tape your panties up, we don’t want you exposing yourself before you turn 18.”

I stared at him in disbelief as Bill tore off a hefty piece of tape and secured my stretched out panties to the small of my back.

There I sat topless with my panties barely hanging on to my hips, after being put on display next to the front door for the last 4 hours, and he’s worried about me exposing myself! “Can I have my top back?” I asked.

“Hah, I think the boys have seen your tits plenty tonight, I just think we need to hold out a little longer before they get to see the rest of my new cash cow! Maybe tomorrow you can wear a shirt again. On the bright side… if they don’t fall out, you can keep your tips at the end of the night.”

I looked down at the paper currency hanging out from the waistband and crotch of my panties. It was so absurd that I almost started laughing. Here I sat with my modesty in shambles and on the bright side I got to keep the $10 odd dollars that the guys had molested me with! Great!

And so my first night as a 16 year old, working at The Stuffed Pussy ended with me cleaning tables topless with what was left of my panties taped up to maintain what little modesty I had left.

****End of Chapter 1****
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