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Sorry about the delay between chapters but I've been having issues with my word processor app.
Chapter 03

A warning to readers.



This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on.



Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be considered under eighteen years of age. With a story of this nature I will not be able to list the ages of every character or make specific notations regarding ages of groups. Please do not read something into the story that wasn't intended by the author.



Chapter three



Part one

The discovery of the Oracles and an encounter with a Goddess



The day had started as I had become accustomed to lately. I woke to the sensation of Kita sucking my cock. I could hear the Temple Guardians giving the Priestesses of Artimos their morning violation. The sounds of worshipers in the temple having their way with their own bitches could be heard amongst the priestesses' whimpering. Finally there was the sight of the High Priestess of Caros curled up at the foot of my bed.



While it wasn’t but three days ago but the surrender of the Domain of Caros was still being celebrated. These celebrations had been initially rough on them but they seamed to fare well. Even the queen had taken to her new role in the brothel better than her counterparts had. Our forces had been bolstered yet again. But best of all of the women in the domain of a another one of the goddesses were now not only bitches but willing bitches.



It all started a week after the fall of Artimos when the messenger arrived. It was Princess Amanda of the Kingdom of Fenanda. Several of the escaped bitches had brought word of the enslavement of Artimos and the rest of the bitches in the domain. Knowing that the knowledge of their peoples' status as slaves to the followers of Artimos was known to us they were left with two choices. One submit to the followers of another goddess or submit to us.



The treatment they faced at the hands of the other goddesses followers would probably end in execution and eternal damnation. While with us their ingrained nature of submissiveness would more in likely be rewarded. So after much thought they sent the princess as a emissary. Now they wanted better terms then unconditional surrender but upon their surrender we granted them special privileges over their former mistresses. Which was still better conditions than our secret ally wanted or would eventually receive.



Now as to the arrival of Princess Amanda. We were surprised when the first thing she did after she arrived was strip of her cloak to reveal she traveled all of the way almost completely naked. In fact knowing how Princess Alexandra was attired during her enslavement had influenced how she chose to arrive. That’s why she journeyed the whole way wearing only high healed shoes, stockings, a corset that incorporated her garter belt and her finest tiara. Now besides several fully naked female servants she was accompanied by the High Priestess of Caros and three of the other priestesses.



Since Apollon hadn’t yet journeyed back to the Realm of the Gods they offered to summon Caros so she could personally surrender to Apollon immediately as well. Now this made us concerned of a trap but we eventually went ahead with it and got the privilege a watching one of the goddesses, her priestesses and a princess publicly masturbate without being controlled by collars or control jewels. Now we held off on violating the priestesses until we marched into their kingdom. However both Caros and Princess Amanda volunteered for a public violation following their little performance. They even volunteered to be paraded through the streets in chains afterwards. Princess Amanda even submitted to walking ahead of our army secured in stocks as we marched on her homeland. Granted technically all of what happened to her and the others would have any way but having them be willing participants in their public humiliation and violation was something else all together.



Now the march to and from Fenanda was technically uneventful militarily with the people of the villages we passed through welcoming us like saviors instead of conquers. They even had all the finest bitches from the villages kneeling naked for us to ravage during our respites. Even after our departures from the villages they could be heard from miles away continuing the bitches' violations. Then on our return trip the bitches were given a break from harvesting the crops to have the privilege to be ravaged by us again. Though this reuse of the bitches wasn’t really necessary since quite a few bitches were being lead in front of our forces alongside their queen and princess.



Now this trip to Fenanda gave us just a small taste of what life was like when the Allfather was worshipped. The bitches willingly submitted themselves for use whenever a male wanted. The sight of the banner of Apollon traveling throughout the countryside was cause for celebratory orgies. I must of fucked twenty different bitches along the way there and twice as many on the way back. Though as much as I enjoyed it I suspected many of the bitches didn’t.



Now after the first few breedings several of the bitches did seam to be getting quite a bit of enjoyment out of us taking them. For instance both Princess Amanda and her mother enjoyed being bred so much they could wear out multiple partners. The priestesses weren’t much better. In fact after I had fuck the High Priestess three times last night and even then Kita ended up eating her out for more orgasms while I fucked her twice in between. Of course the High Priestess was all to happy to return the favor during her fuckings.



Now how the priestesses treated Kita and the other descendants of the Sisters of Junus was another surprise. From what I’ve seen in the temples so far they were either servants or in the case of the worshippers of Artimos full blown sex slaves. In the Temple of Caros the priestesses served them in their private chambers. In fact the Priestesses Caros were extremely protective of the Sisters of Junus amongst them even going as far as to take punishments meant for them back when they were under the control of the followers of Artimos. Though this trend continued once they had our collars on them as well.



Apollon saw this too and told me it had something to do with the fact both orders had already been serving as slaves for a while side by side. This created a bond of mutual respect between the two temples of priestesses. Though I could see a bit a rivalry as well. Like they competed against one another as to better serve their masters.



Now both Apollon and I felt as long as the focus of both groups remained on how best to serve males then the camaraderie was alright. Yet should their focus ever deviate from the only purpose of their existence then plans needed to be put in place. We needed to be prepared to avoid another rebellion of the slaves.



While I would’ve preferred to have the plans in place before continuing the crusade time wasn’t on my side at the moment. A new threat had been exposed once Caros was enslaved. Part of me wished that I had a say in what happened next but as long as the Oracles were free we had little control over our own fates.



Now until Caros had confirmed their existence we all thought they were just a legend. This was understandable considering the way they were described. They were priestesses that foresaw the future with no allegiance to any of the goddesses but would come to their aid in times of need or crisis.



Now I had never believed in a group of priestesses that served all of the goddesses while at the same time they served none of them. My experience told me that the goddesses all had one thing in common. That was they wouldn’t allow anyone with that sort of power not to be under their complete control. Yet all of the legends said they lived in a secret location and would only make their presence known in times of need.



This secrecy was another factor in my doubts about their existence. They had to have some way of supporting themselves. Usually this was through offerings and other tributes as with any other temple. Yet other than the stories of their predictions I had yet heard anything but a various veg locations for their temple. Since I just had their existence proven by two different goddesses I now had to take the stories seriously. So after conducting the morning violation of the priestesses in the temple I would set out in search of the Oracles of Desperation Pass with the Wolf Scouts.



A week later I was sort of disappointed with Desperation Pass and I was having doubts about the existence of the Oracles. While the Pass was considered in the domain of Caros it was widely used as a trade route between the domains of her sisters Vestus and Pallus. As such the both of them also laid claim to it as well. Now being in disputed territory also meant that there was more military resources placed in and around the area.



With all this military activity around them I was now wondering about if we would be able to find the Oracles when they’ve been able to remain in hiding. Us moving unseen by all the military patrols and caravans of trade goods was problematic at best. In fact the Wolf Scouts were having to remain in their canine forms due to the threat of discovery. I on the other hand had been keeping to the base camp while working on an idea I had back during the campaign against Artimos.



I was in the very back of a large network of caves chanting in the sacred tongue as a pile of crystal shards were spread around me. With each new phrase of the spell the crystal shards began merging and reshaping themselves as they glowed brighter and brighter. Soon as I finished the first part of the spell the glow began to fade until I was surrounded by several dozen crystal fireflies. The second required me to summon my staff as I began to modify the spells I used to create the seeing crystal. Once these spells were done I was able to see everything the fireflies saw.



I would’ve preferred to be doing this part under better circumstances. Mostly since learning to control all the fireflies at once and keeping up with all the dozens of images they were sending directly into my mind was the most difficult thing I had ever done. In fact I was quickly overwhelmed by it all and had to end the spell.



As I collapsed to my knees I began to think about what had happened. I was thinking about coming up with a different plan as I thought about all I had seen. The images had all been different but also the same. Mostly due to the fact I was seeing the same thing but from different positions around the cave.



I knew that all of these images would be to much for my mind to handle and I probably had no choice but abandon the spell. Unless there was a way to filter out all of the overlapping images. It would also be better for me if this happened before the visual input reached my mind but how to do this and have the level of control over the fireflies I wanted. I was wishing this whole mission hadn’t been rushed as I began to think about the various options available to me.



It would be later in the night as we all were eating rations and briefing each other on what we had found out. The Wolf Scouts had seen numerous caravans and patrols accompanying them moving about the pass. We all agreed that unless the caravan was unaccompanied by a patrol it was unlikely used to bring supplies to the Oracles or their followers. We had been assuming the oracles temple was in some cave away from where those traveling through the pass would be likely to discover them.



The Wolf Scouts then told me about a piece of information that left me wondering if I made a error when we assumed where the oracles were hidden. All caravans moving through the pass had to pass through a way station towards the middle of the pass. This due to the fact that the way station sat between two rope bridges that spanned ravines cutting through the pass.



Hearing the way the Wolf Scouts talked about this place made me want to see it myself. Especially since it was the one place in the pass that we couldn’t scout without revealing ourselves made me decide to take a chance and leave the safety of the camp. I figured if nothing else once I layed eyes on it I would know if my suspicions were correct and we could make plans about how to get inside of it.



They next morning the Captain of the Wolf Scouts and I were crouching behind some rocks as we looked upon the way station. To lesson the risk of discovery we had set out from the camp well before the sun had rose. Granted moving along the edge of the canyon in the dark wasn’t easy. However as the horizon began to brighten we had found a suitable hiding place to observe the way station unnoticed.



Now once I saw it I realized that calling it a way station didn’t give it the credit this place deserved. I had been expecting a small fort with maybe around a couple of dozen permanent residents that occupied it. Yet once I saw it was actually more of a small city or a large town that was before us. Unfortunately I was also able to see for myself that the Wolf Scouts were correct in their assessment that it was impossible to gain access without being noticed.



The way station sat on a narrow ridge that rose from the center of the canyon’s floor. While the two rope bridges running to each side of the settlement were the first line of defense they weren’t it’s only form of protection in place. All along the ridge tall mud brick walls had been built and guards could be seen patrolling along it’s top.



Yet while I look upon this settlement I saw several other things that made me think this was the place we were searching for. First was this was definitely not meant to be a temporary encampment for travelers journeying through the pass. Based on the multi-story buildings within the walls people lived year-round within the walls. More over based on the lights we saw in several caves within the ridge there was people occupying tunnels beneath the settlement.



It was these tunnels that made me send the seeing crystal towards across the canyon. While the Captain set up a tarp camouflaged it with rocks and dirt to both conceal and shield us from the sun I began to chant the necessary spells. Since getting our forces within the walls would be of prominent importance the first place I wanted to see was the gateways by the bridges.



Once I got a close look I realized that a direct assault would be useless. Not only would anyone attempting to cross the bridges be vulnerable to bowmen on the walls but they had axes positioned next to the bridges. These had but one purpose to cut the ropes holding up the bridges and send any attacking force to their deaths on canyon floor below.



Knowing that there was no way to get a suitable assault force here unnoticed let alone across either of the bridges before they cut the ropes was going to be impossible. That made me realize that taking this settlement by a direct assault was going to be impossible. About the only way I could see of taking this place with standard military tactics was with protractive siege and that wasn’t an available option.



With the gates ruled out I instead focused on the caves I had seen earlier. Seeing these gave me an idea about how at least I could get inside. All I needed was to find someplace where I could transport myself to unnoticed with my magic then gaining access would be the simple matter of casting a spell. Though this would also be taking a serious risk on my part and a didn’t want to take it unless I had no other choice. Unfortunately at the moment I couldn’t see any other alternative and I needed to be sure that I wouldn’t be transporting myself right into the middle of the quarters of the settlement’s guards.



Being on guard the way I was I was totally unprepared for what I saw as soon as the seeing crystal entered the first cave. Upon entering the cave I saw while on the outside this looked like a natural cave. Once inside it was actually a series of man made tunnels carefully carved throughout the ridge. More over the only ones occupying these tunnels were about a dozen bitches that for some reason were on edge.



After going through several curves within the tunnels the seeing crystal came upon a bathing room where the bitches were gathered. I could easily see they all were highly attractive as they washed one another. However I could also see they kept watching the other doorway into the room almost as if they were expecting someone to enter at any moment. Still it was the expression of fear on several of their faces that I easily recognized from other bitches I had taken in the past.



The way they seamed to be almost expecting something horrible to happen to them at any moment made me realize these were the oracles or at least had some sort of contact with them. My suspicions were almost confirmed when I saw several of them began to start to cry and being comforted by the others. Unfortunately since the seeing crystal didn’t allow me to actually hear what was being said by the bitches I couldn’t be sure. For all I knew these bitches were awaiting sacrifice for some ritual I wasn’t aware of yet and the fear I saw wasn’t even related to the purpose of us being here. Realizing I still needed more information before I jump to conclusions about why these bitches were acting this way I continued to watch what they were doing.



Granted I was enjoying watching the bitches washing each other’s bodies and then going through the process of brushing each other’s ankle length hair. I even got enjoyment out of watching them dress each other in the short transparent outfits similar to those worn by temple priestesses. Seeing the way they were dressed was pushing me towards believing these bitches were the oracles again. Though what happened next left me with even more questions.



An fat man suddenly entered the bathing room and immediately started yelling at the bitches. While once again I was wishing that I could hear and not just see what was going on in there. I could tell the bitches were definitely afraid of this man. This based upon the way they rushed from the room while at the same time keeping as far away from the man as possible.



Adding to my confusion was the fact that when each of the bitches rushed through the door next to the man he would strike each of them several times on the ass with a switch. I didn’t need to hear their screams to realize that these blows were painful for the bitches. As each bitch was struck she went from the fast walk I had considered rushing to actually running away from the man. That is everyone of them except the bitch with the misfortune of being the last one to pass the man. This unfortunate bitch wasn’t given the opportunity to get clear of the man.



As she passed the doorway he actually grabbed her by the hair and rained a procession of painful blows upon her body. I could tell this bitch's suffering hadn’t concluded once the barrage of blows did stop. Still keeping ahold of the bitch's hair the man lead her from the room while fallowing the others.



Given with my own experience with the treatment of temple priestesses I was seriously confused by what I had just seen. Never before had I seen priestesses not only subservient to males but being beaten by them. In fact with the exception of those we had enslaved ourselves I hadn’t even thought it possible priestesses could be treated this way. Granted even we rarely whipped those we enslaved. Sure we frequently humiliated then violated them and yes would inflict some pain upon them but we never used such physical abuse to keep them in check.



Left with more questions then answers all I did know in that moment was that I needed to get into those tunnels regardless of the risk to myself. Still as much as I wanted to just transport myself over there and get my answers I couldn’t. While I was now committed to taking whatever risks necessary to learn the truth about what I saw. However I wasn’t going to ask that of the others let alone risk them on such an impulsive action.



No we would continue to watch the settlement until nightfall then I would enter. In the meantime I would use the seeing crystal to scout out the tunnels and learn what I could. Especially a good place to transport myself to unnoticed. Especially since I had a strange feeling I hadn’t been the only one watching the bitches wash themselves in that room.



I didn’t know if I was imagining it but I could have sworn the bitches were acting like they were being watched. Now I partly wondered since I was now certain they were at least connected to the oracles they had foresaw that I would be watching them. Yet their quick glances around the room was never towards the shadows where the seeing crystal was. In fact these glances were actually focused on what I had first believed to be vents in the ceiling and walls.



I decided to see for myself what about these vents had been worth the bitches' attention. Sending the seeing crystal through the nearest vent lead me into a room directly above the bathing room for the bitches. While this room was a little larger than the one below it wasn’t as tall. In fact it’s ceiling wasn’t even tall enough for a person to stand up fully. This told me this room served one purpose. To allow some one to watch the bitches bath themselves unnoticed.



Exploring farther I would find similar observation rooms over the bitches’ sleeping quarters next to the bathing room and their toilet facilities that bridged the two rooms. Given the way the man had treated them this gave me a good understanding of why the bitches had been so scared. They obviously were aware they were being watched and we’re subject to brutal punishment for the slightest infraction. Yet once again this didn’t fit with the way the rest of the world worked.



Since the overthrow of the Allfather bitches weren’t subservient to males except of course where Apolon had control. Then there were those bitches that were subservient to other bitches namely the descendants of the Priestesses of Junus like my own prized bitch Kita. Plus all it took was a quick look to tell these bitches weren’t of the same bloodline as Kita. Though I definitely saw that there were some relation to the followers of Pallus as well as the followers of Doinus & Dionus since several were definitely twin sisters.



However what I was seeing didn’t make any sense to me. There was no way that any of the three of the goddesses would allow their followers to be treated this way even with how impregnable location as this was. None of this place's defenses would stop an angry goddess bent on destruction especially one as powerful as Pallus was. It also made me wonder about the fact it was do to another goddess that we were here. I had to now be concerned that Caros had sent us into a trap since I was now certain that she knew what was going on here and that alone begged the question if Artimos was aware of this as well.



Not only had she enslaved Caros and her followers but there were her network of spies to consider. It wasn’t a major jump to believe that Artimos had to have known about this place. Then there was the fact that the bitches I had seen definitely were related to the priestesses of the other goddesses. So something unknown to us had to be going on at this place.



With all of these what ifs floating around I decided to consult with Apollon before I took any action beyond spying with the seeing crystal. For any wrong move could result in dire consequences for more than just myself and the Wolf Scouts. Let alone the fact we still didn’t know the extent of the power of the oracles' ability of foresight.



With a newfound since of caution I decided to use a spell that I’d been reluctant to use until now. Pulling a crystal orb from my robes I started to chant in the sacred tongue. As each part of the chant progressed the orb I was holding started to glow. Until finally the spell was completed and everything the seeing crystal saw was now being shown on the viewing crystal I was holding.



This wasn’t the hard part let alone the part of the spell that I been reluctant to use. Actually that part involved the chant I was starting next. Just before I started I warned the captain to be on guard. For once the spell was in place I would be helpless until I released the spell. With my warning concluded the sacred tongue began flowing from my mouth once again and my consciousness left my body.



I found myself in the other realm and was greeted by a welcome sight. Before me was the Goddess Artimos on her hands and knees crying in shame. This shame was do to the fact that not only was Apollon in the process of ravaging her ass hole in his canine form but the fact she was also being forced to pleasure the Goddess Caros at the same time. A quick look around told me Artimos wasn’t the only bitch being violated.



Ghostly images from his domain could be seen all around the room. There was both of the Goddesses' High Priestesses being brutally fucked back in their temples like all proper bitches should be. Then I saw that Prince Daniel was currently having his way with Princess Alexandra in the city square. I could also see King Edward sitting on his throne while one of his bitches knelt between his legs while she pleasured him.



Finally there were scenes of the three queens in the brothel. Granted since King Edward's throne now sat in the common room of the brothel I was certain that he was also watching what was happening to the three queens. Especially the torment currently being inflicted upon his treacherous former queen.



She was laying on her stomach with her arms shackled behind her back like all the other bitches in the brothel. She had one customer underneath her fucking her pussy. While two other customers had transformed into their canine forms and were fucking her mouth and ass hole. While the look of horror on her face as she fearfully shot glances at the line of men waiting to take their turn did intrigue me some as I checked out what was happening with her royal bitch counterparts.



Queen Catherine was face down on her knees with her ass in the air. Her arms were still secured in the stock that had been locked around her neck since we marched her back to the kingdom in front of the army. Though I couldn’t actually hear her screams I knew she had to be screaming her lungs out at the moment. This was due to the fact that she was currently tied ass to ass with one customer’s canine cock trapped in her pussy. While another massive customer in canine form was on her back having his way with her ass hole.



Lastly Queen Marie of Fenanda was bouncing up and down on the cock of the customer beneath her. While at the same time she took turns sucking on the cocks of three other customers. Based upon the amount of semen coating her face and body these three weren’t the only ones the queen had pleasured this way. Add in the fact like all of her counterparts there was a line of customers waiting she would have even more semen coating her body before she got locked into her cage for the night.



As much as I would’ve wanted to enjoy the debasement of the bitches longer I had journeyed there for a reason and I couldn’t delay it any longer. Kneeling before Apollon I asked forgiveness for my intrusion and began to explain the reason for my presence while using the viewing orb to show him what I had seen.



Now based on the way Apollon was growling at Caros I wasn’t the only one doubtful of her intentions when she gave us the information about the oracles. Still the way she started sobbing as she pleaded with Apollon had use both convinced she definitely had been holding back information. Finally as Apollon finally painfully knotted a screaming Artimos's ass hole we heard the whole truth from the divine bitch.



It seams the oracles are drawn from the priestesses of the goddesses. While most come from the priestesses of Pallus. Though with the exception of Vestus and Artimos others among the Goddesses’ priestesses were occasionally born with the ability of foresight. Then once the ability was known the priestesses turned oracles were sent to their sisters within Desolation Pass. Once there the oracles were then at the mercy of order of cruel eunuchs that were supposedly the only ones capable of interpreting the visions of the oracles. (However I later learned they weren’t the only ones that could interpret the visions.) Since the apparently the oracles were incapable speaking in anything but the sacred tongue. I also learned the reason for only eunuchs being allow around them.



Apparently if the bitches were taken by a male they lost the ability of foresight. (Though once again I would later learn this was also false information. However unlike in the case of the eunuchs creating the lie it was actually the oracles themselves as a way of protecting each other from the cruelty of the eunuchs.)



Needless to say neither Apollon or myself was happy about what we heard from Caros. Even Caros realized she had seriously angered her owner and began to back away from Apollon in a futile attempt to reach safety. I suspected she figured since I wasn’t physically there and Apollon was still tied with Artimos. So she probably believed neither of us would be able to make a move to stop her as she sought out a corner to cower in.



What Caros didn’t count on was the fact that Apollon would take off after her while still knotted with Artimos. I found it quite entertaining to watch Apollon drag a screaming Artimos behind him while chasing a pleading Caros. In next to no time Apollon had caught Caros and brought her back to where they had started from.



Again I found the sight of Apollon dragging the both of them back just as entertaining. Especially considering both were now loudly crying while at the same time pleading for mercy from him. Artimos from the agony of the knot still firmly trapped in her ass hole and Caros in absolute terror as Apollon held her tightly by the neck in his powerful jaws.



Only after issuing a series angry growls that left Caros crying out, “Please Master anything but that!” did Apollon finally release her. Another angry growl easily interpreted as “Do it now bitch or you will suffer greatly!” had Caros crawling behind Apollon. After another angry growl I watched as a sobbing Caros began to lick Apollon's ass hole.



While I initially didn’t find this act that repulsive enough of a punishment that quickly changed when I saw this wasn’t the actual punishment. With another angered growl Caros stopped licking and just knelt there with her mouth wide open behind Apollon’s ass hole. I stopped watching when I saw Apollon’s ass hole open up. However Caros's ensuing sob filled whimpering along with sound of her gagging on the excrement that dropped into her open mouth painted enough of a picture that I would never forget it.



Granted both Apollon and I were doubtful if Caros would ever forget this no matter how much we were sure she wanted to. Though once it came time for her to use her tongue to clean Apollon we could tell this action had produced the desired results. We were then able to finish questioning Caros between sobbing fits and got most of the answers we wanted before Apollon’s knot finally released Artimos.



Of course then I ended up having to wait until after Artimos dutifully cleaned Apollon’s cock before I could get my own instructions. However when I did leave it was with the satisfaction of witnessing one goddess broken by her master and thus turned into the obedient bitch she was truly destined to be.



Still once my consciousness returned to my body little of that mattered. My focus for now was to be only learning everything I could about not only this fortress but the oracles themselves. After that only the incidents in the other realm related to the mission were of importance to me. I knew it was best not to be distracted by irrelevant matters given the risks I was facing.



The danger I faced began with getting inside of not this fortified way station but the tunnels beneath it. Next I needed to gain access to the oracles themselves. Besides getting access to the oracles I wanted to actually observe them using their abilities.



I had gotten the idea of disguising myself as an worshiper of Pallus. We had seen several already making the pilgrimage to worship at the Main Temple. Given my own history I already had enough experience to be able to pull off the deception easily enough. Though to be truthful I was wishing not to having to resort to this tactic partly out of pride and partly due to another personal reason.



Still since these reasons were over shadowed by the importance of the cause they were pushed aside as I began to prepare first mentally. Of course while I was making these preparations I continued to scout the tunnels with the seeing crystal. Since I wouldn’t be able to do anything else until the next day anyway it was decidedly going to be the best use of my time.



The next day however was a different story. I put my plan in motion just before the Dawn and began chanting several different spells. As they entered-mingled and merged together my form changed into that of an old man. Then I chanted my next spell and transported myself several miles away to an empty section of road. After casting a final spell to disguise my staff as a walking stick I began slowly walking as the horizon began to brighten.



Midday I stood at the bridge across the canyon. After paying a silver coin for safe passage I started to walk across while my eyes search all around me. While most of my attention was definitely on the bowmen that were positioned all around me I still looked for signs of other military activity.



What really surprised me when I finally got across the bridge was that the solders manning this outpost were mostly those loyal to Pallus but there were solders from the domains of the neighboring goddesses as well. In particular there were also a few loyal to Vestus roaming around. However there were also a few from the domain of Proseron in the central trading post within the fortress.



While I was definitely curious about the different solders I knew those answers would have to wait. My first concern was a customs station just inside of the gates. This required the casting of the first of many spells I had prepared in advance. Only once they were in place could I let down my guard some and worry about other matters.



My next stop was to the only tavern in the outpost for a quick meal and to put another part of the plan in motion. On my way I began to chant under my breath in the sacred tongue. Even as I was going through the door the incantation was completed but wouldn’t take effect until I spoke a final word of command. This word wasn’t to be spoken until I was finally inside and then I could go safely to work on completing my objective.



Not even a half hour later I was now moving unseen throughout the outpost. Once inside of the tavern I had ordered a meal and quietly eaten in peace. Then once I had finished eating and paid my bill I activated the spell. As everyone in the outpost suddenly began to have the memory of me erased I quickly dismissed my disguise and cast an invisibility spell over myself. I then began to roam about the outpost searching out any thing of importance.



This ranged from closely examining the outpost's defenses to looking for intelligence. Still my primary focus was finding the entrance to the tunnels. I also was casting a few special spells as I moved about. Soon I was walking around the top of the walls when I put a final spell in place as I looked down into the compound and decided to stop waiting to check the correctness of my theory about where I could access the tunnels.



The first place I looked was around the outpost’s food stores. A quickly cast spell allowed me to follow several ghostly images of the last few people that accessed the stored supplies. I ended up going through the process a couple of times before I found the secret entrance but it also had an additional benefit. I now knew exactly when someone would be opening the entrance and didn’t have to take the risk of blindly opening it. Unfortunately it also now meant that I was stuck waiting for several hours until I could safely attempt to enter myself. To kill time I decided on doing some more scouting and look to put in place a few more surprises.



That night I was waiting by the backside of the trading post when a man began pushing a cartload of supplies towards the building. I waited patiently as he began to knock on the wall where I knew a camouflaged door was hidden. As the door began opening I was moving towards it. I slipped around the two men as they began to move the cart through the door.



Once inside I immediately saw I had made a mistake by rushing through the door the way I had. The room I was in was barely big enough to hold the two men plus the cart and the only other door was sealed closed. Fearing my discovery eminent I cursed myself for taking such foolish risk.



While the invisibility spell would prevent them from seeing me I could still be discovered should either of the two men or the cart bumped into me. My left hand gripped my dagger as I squeezed myself into a corner in an last ditch effort to avoid discovery. A silent prayer to Apollon briefly crossed my lips I pressed myself tighter against the wall to avoid the cart bumping into me. As I moved to the cart’s side my luck almost gave out and one of it’s wheels got caught on my foot.



Thankfully it was a case of me pushing my luck and not it running out completely as the cart was quickly pulled out and pushed back in again. This time I was able to shift my foot out of the way as the men cursed about rocks lodging the wheels of the cart again. I was able to quickly realize that the thought of running into an invisible intruder was probably unheard to these two and they had quickly jumped to a more rational explanation for what just happened.



Any relief I felt at that moment was overshadowed by the knowledge I was now helpless should I be actually discovered. I was now trapped in the narrow slot between the wall and the cart. My left side was against another wall rendering that arm unusable able. While my right arm suffered the same fate thanks to the fact I was using that hand to hold my staff.



Preparing myself for the worst I held my breath as each of the men began to squeeze themselves into the small room. I struggled not to move a muscle or make a sound when one of them ended up not even an inch from touching me. I was desperately thinking of an escape plan as the other man pressed a panel in the wall and the outer door started to close plunging us all into darkness.



The next thing I knew I heard the click of a latch being released followed by a grating sound. Slowly another door began to open restoring my ability to see. Still fearing discovery at any second I pressed myself tighter against the wall behind me as the two men started pushing the cart forward.



It was solely through dumb luck neither of the men or the cart brushed against me as they left the room. Yet at that moment I would of accepted any sort of positive outcome and didn’t care. All I did care about in that moment is being able to breathe a sigh of relief as I moved to fallow behind the men. Only now I was moving with a newfound sense of caution a vowed never to take such a stupid risk again.



Even though the immediate danger had passed the lesson of the experience effected the way I moved from then on. Before I went through any door now I would first look around then act. I hugged walls and stepped lightly as I moved as consciously as possible. I even paid attention not to make the slightest sound as I moved. This new mantra was put in place the moment I followed the men from the room.



Looking through the room I saw them pushing the cart towards spiraling ramp. While I definitely wasn’t rushing I also didn’t want to lose sight of them. So I did my best to keep up with them as they descended farther and farther down the ramp. Before I knew it I came to the doorway of another room. This room was easily the size of a troop barracks.



In fact at first glance that’s exactly what I thought it was. However this room was just a drop off spot for supplies. While I had expected to be following the men through one of the doorways at the other end of the room. They instead placed the cart against one of the long walls and move across the room to where several empty carts rested against the opposite wall. They then took one of these carts and headed back up the ramp for another load of supplies.



Now alone I looked closer at the room as a made my way to the doorways at the other end. As I said before the room was large enough to house a platoon or two of solders with a large corridor between the rows of bunks. Yet instead of beds this room only held a couple of tables and the cart’s used to haul supplies. With my recent lesson still fresh I moved to look through the doorways.



There were three in total. Two across from each other against the side walls and the third directly in line with the ramp up to the entrance. The two across from each other turned out to be storage rooms with nothing but shelves full of supplies in them. Looking through the third doorway I saw a staircase descending deeper beneath the outpost above. While I knew that the staircase was where I was eventually going to need to go sometime about one of the storerooms bothered me.



While the one had shelves lining all the walls and was full of supplies. The other one still had a bare wall on to the left of the doorway. Also unlike the other one which had additional supplies stacked on the floor in front of the shelves this one only had a few supplies stacked on the shelves and nothing on the floor. More over all the supplies in the suspicious room were either spoiled or on the verge of spoiling creating a foul smell that was trying to drive me from the room.



Still despite the smell something about the bare wall seamed to draw my attention. Knowing I probably didn’t have time to investigate I did a quick examination of the wall. This was when I saw the scratches on the floor. This lead to a closer look at the wall and another disturbing discovery.



Once I looked close enough I was able to make out the out outline of the hidden doorway. I also found the hidden latch shortly afterwards. Unfortunately I realized that there was another foul odor coming from the other side that I could recognize barely escaping along the seams of the doorway. Even knowing what the smell was I pressed the latch and watched as the door opened followed by being almost over whelmed the odor of death and decay.



The smell was almost crippling as I began chanting in the sacred tongue. As the chant concluded brought my left hand up to my right shoulder. After a downwards sweeping gesture towards my left side the smell quickly disappeared. Knowing I had little time I slowly entered the hidden room.



The first thing I saw was several dead bodies thrown against the opposite wall. A another look and I could see they wore the same uniforms of the men guarding the outpost. I also could see these men hadn’t died from natural causes. Realizing that while still intriguing it was also a distraction from my real objective. As the sound of the men returning with a loaded cart I left the room closing the door behind me with a gesture of my staff.



Deciding against exploring farther while the men were roaming around I waited in the store room. While I watched the men drop off a loaded cart and leave with another one I thought about the bodies I had seen. Mostly I was thinking about an explanation why they would murder guards then hide their bodies.



I had first thought that the guards had to be aware of the network of tunnels and what was happening in them. However now I believe the situation was quite different. While I still believed a few key guards did know at least something was going on down here. The rank and file of the guards were unaware. This implied the dead ones were killed to protect the secret.



With at least a plausible explanation in my mind I slipped from the supply room and made my way towards the stairs as soon as I was alone again. My mind was fully on the danger I faced as I carefully took each step down. While I didn’t expect boobytraps or anything I was still mindful of running into anyone coming up the stairway cut into the surrounding rock. Finally after a few long minutes that felt more like hours I reached the bottom and found myself in slightly smaller room then the one above.



This room was left vacant except for several doorways with curtains hung in them and one that held a locked metal door that looked similar to those in a dungeon. Looking through the bars on this door I could see another stairwell carved into the rock. While this one door did interest me the most I decided to check the others first.



The first one turned out to be another store room. Completely full of supplies. The next was a small set of sleeping quarters with a couple of beds inside of it and the few personal belongings of the men from upstairs. The third doorway was another stairwell down only it spiraled down while the other one went straight down before turning to the side. I also saw this staircase was more frequently used based on how this one didn’t have the same layer of dust on it like the one secured with the metal door did.



The fact I could see the first stairwell hadn’t been used for a while made me ignore it and go down the second one. Granted I technically didn’t really ignore it. Just before I headed towards the other stairwell I cast a spell on the door and sent the seeing crystal down. Just as I had before I moved with caution as I took each step listening for the slightest sound while at the same time part of my attention was on what the seeing crystal was showing me. Unfortunately dividing my attention between the seeing crystal and traversing the stairs proved to difficult for me. So I halted the seeing crystal until I was off of the stairs.



Only once I stood on a balcony did I even think about using the seeing crystal again. Unfortunately once I was on the balcony did I realize that I recognized the room below from my earlier scouting with the seeing crystal. This was a cavernness room with a large platform along the far wall. Each corner of the platform held bowls full of burning oil. Then there was an offering plate positioned off the side of it’s front. The room was also currently occupied by several people many of whom I recognized.



The first was one of the bitches I had seen from the bathing room. She was kneeling in the center of the platform doing sort of a swaying dance with her arms over her head. Even as her body was swaying side to side white smoke or possibly clouds of steam was rising all around her.



The next person I recognized was several of the eunuchs I had seen before. They knelt in prayer around the oracle preforming her dance. I quietly looked down upon the ritual being preformed and was able to recognize the chanting I was hearing. Wanting a closer look I saw an another stairwell.



Traversing the winding stairway I found myself behind some of the fabric I had seen lining the walls. Certain those I had seen from above were distracted by the ritual slowly slipped around the fabric concealing the doorway. As I entered the room I realized I was correct about who the other bitch a had seen was.



While I actually had never seen her before I could still easily recognize the High Priestess of the Temple of Pallus any day. I had to admit she was a highly desirable bitch that I was tempted to claim on that very spot She had brown hair with perfect breasts and shapely hips topping off finely sculpted legs. Then her ass almost begged to bend her over the nearest convenient surface and pound her into submission.



If not for the fact I could see her six personal guards between her and me I would have had her wearing a collar in a heart beat on any other day. Yet as I started to plot her enslavement my earlier lesson in acting rashly came to mind and I remembered the true reason I was here. Still I decided it wasn’t to big of a risk to tag her with a control jewel as I started to carefully creep up behind her.



Slipping past her guards was actually pretty easy. Considering they were being distracted by the swaying body of the oracle and the chanting of the eunuchs they paid little attention to the bitch they were supposed to be protecting. Yet at the last second I felt something different about her as I abandoned the plan and retreated to the shadows off to the side of the platform.



Putting the control jewel I was holding away I silently cast a spell that expanded my perception. As the spell took effect I could clearly see a second aura encompassing her own and realized that I was also in the presence of Pallus herself. Knowing that even though I was concealed from the eyes of mortals there was still the possibility of being seen by the Goddess I ducked behind a pillar and waited. I also summoned the seeing crystal to allow me to see what ever I couldn’t as I took more traditional steps to conceal myself.



Mostly I was keeping the massive stone pillars holding up the ceiling between me and Pallus. I could only hope the stone pillars between us would block my own aura from being visible to Pallus. Yet at the same time I stayed where I could see both the oracle and the eunuchs while I waited for the arrival of the seeing crystal. I watched and waited nervously as the oracle’s dance began to grind to it’s concussion.



I was actually thankful when the images from the seeing crystal showed Pallus watching the oracle and not where I was hiding. Still there was one glance in my direction that worried me just before the oracle’s dance finished. With the seeing crystal now in place I quickly used it to capture images of first to oracle, eunuchs, then of Pallus concealed within the body of her High Priestess knowing Apollon would be seeing it as well as the Wolf Scouts. I next watched as the smoke began clearing around the oracle.



As the last wisps of the clouds surrounding her body disappeared the oracle collapsed exhausted to the platform. She then began rapidly speaking in the sacred tongue to one of the eunuchs that had knelt next to her. While I was shocked by what I could hear the oracle was saying I wasn’t the only one. The expression on the eunuch’s face took was one of disbelief until his face took on a look of deception.



I realized that he was actually trying to deceive Pallus in order to benefit himself as he spoke of the oracle’s prediction. He told she said the domain of Pallus would fall and not only would Pallus end up in chains but so would all of her followers. While this part of the prediction was the same as what the oracle said he then began shifting the oracle’s words around in order to better benefit himself. In the process creating the most convincing of lies one that is base upon the truth.



He truthfully told of how the other goddesses and their followers couldn’t be trusted. Then that the other goddesses would take the opportunity to enslave Pallus themselves once she was weakened in battle with Apollon. Again this was the same thing I had heard the oracle say herself. However from this point on the eunuch only said lies to advance his own agenda.



He told how the only hope that Pallus had was to shower him and his brothers in offerings. They would then could use the predictions of the oracles to not only gain victory over the forces of Apollon but the forces of the other goddesses as well.



Thus he was saying only with the oracles or more correctly the eunuchs that control the oracles making every decision could Pallus hope to win the coming war. These decisions including moving Pallus's seat of power to the outpost above. Plus turning over control of her temple to the eunuchs. The daring of these men both impressed and angered me as I listened to their deception.



Granted thought Pallus accepting what the eunuchs were proposing was more likely then what the oracle had actually said. Still to be truthful even I still didn’t believe what I had heard the oracle say was true. Let alone had the slightest chance of ever happing. Truthfully I was still believing that while I had first believed the oracle was speaking in the sacred tongue while in fact it was actually a language only the eunuchs could understand like I’d been told.



Regardless of whether or not what I heard was true or not what I needed to do was plain as day. I couldn’t allow an alliance between Pallus and these men. If such a union took place the results would be disastrous to us. There was just one problem I faced at the moment and that was Pallus herself.



I didn’t have a chance of doing anything with her there. With the possible exception of eliminating a few of the oracles and that would be a useless gesture on my part. For the only way to truly remove the threat was the elimination of all the eunuchs. For without them the oracles were then just voiceless bitches.



I could then transport them all back to the kingdom. We then could put the other information I gotten from Caros to use. After one or two violations these bitches would not only no longer be a threat. But would also probably end up being good breeding stock. Though yet again I knew this wasn’t going to happen as long as Pallus was here.



I felt even more helpless now then during the incident in the entrance to the tunnels. Granted unlike then I would be able to fight ultimately it would end in the same result. I would just end up throwing my life away and accomplishing nothing in the end. So once again I was left with the only one true option of waiting to see what happened next.



I was certain that my fate had been decided as I watched Pallus eyes shifting towards my location as she responded to the eunuch through her High Priestess. However I also saw her face take on a look of disgust whenever she looked at any of the eunuchs. So she may not of been looking at me after all. Still it wasn’t until she told the eunuchs she had to commune with the goddess before giving them an answer that I realized that the eunuchs and me weren’t the only ones cancelling their objectives.



Pallus had to have another agenda then to have the oracle tell her about the future. If that was the case then even if she was aware of my presence she possibly couldn’t let it be known. Otherwise she risked whatever objective she was wanting to accomplish with her current deception. Though I did find the look of satisfaction on her face after the last time her eyes shot to my location worry some.



Regardless of if my theory was correct or not I was sure I wasn’t safe. Even as her party was escorted from the room I kept watch on her with the seeing crystal. Even when she was taken back to the other secret passage that had brought her into the tunnels I would be watching. If for no other reason than to have a little warning should she sound the alarm on me. Though a small part of me also was hoping a another opportunity to tag her High Priestess with a control jewel would present itself.



I was also hit with the same problem I faced earlier. That was keeping my focus on both what I was doing and the seeing crystal. Thankfully this time I wasn’t trying to go down one set of stairs while looking at another set at the same time. However it would still require me moving consciously just to be safe and doing everything in my power to avoid getting distracted.



Of course avoiding distractions was definitely going to be a problem for me as I watched the eunuchs taking the oracle from the room. Once Pallus and her party had left one of the eunuchs grabbed ahold of the oracle’s hair and start to literally dragging the bitch across the floor. Her pleading in the sacred tongue eventually got the eunuchs to allow her to walk behind them. Yet they still kept ahold of her hair.



Thankfully it wasn’t necessary to keep them in sight as I followed behind. The pleading of the terrified oracle made it easy to keep track of which turns they made. Along with the location of the stairwell they went down.



At least until they shoved her through the door of the sleeping quarters. At this point it became harder to follow them. Yet I needed to keep track of the eunuchs as I waited for the opportunity to act. Their cruelty was yet again my ally for once they deposited the first oracle with the others they took another to torment.



This bitch’s pleading would once again allow me to safely follow behind. Yet once again I would be struggling with another distraction as I noticed there was a difference about this bitch.



For while the first oracle seamed to only be able to talk in the sacred tongue. This other one was pleading away in the common language spoken by almost everyone. They were also being even crueler to this one. Her pleading was being frequently interrupted by the sounds of them striking her and her screams. Throw in her sobbing and it was easy to see this bitch held no interest to the eunuchs other than to satisfy their sadistic desires.



Finally I couldn’t take the strain from splitting my focus on two locations any longer. Pallus’s party had returned to their lodging and seemed to be either ignoring or not aware of my presence. Feeling it was an unnecessary expenditure of my energy towards something that seamed to be a distraction from the real danger I actually faced. I made a choice about what my priority should be.



So I ended my observation of them and transported the seeing crystal back to me. Only once it was back in my pocket I began to close on the screaming oracle. What I found instead was something I would’ve never expected.



As I descended the stairwell the eunuchs had gone down I came face to face with Pallus herself. I quickly realized that she had left the body of her High Priestess and returned here for some reason. There was also no mistake that this time she was fully aware of my presence as she stood looking me over with a curious expression on her face.



This expression darkened when we heard the oracle scream again and both of us began following the sounds. As we stepped from the stairwell I could feel the anger just boiling beneath her calm exterior. Yet I was also seeing something else in her expression that I found unexpected as we found the oracle curled up in a ball whimpering in fear.



I was feeling a fair share of both emotions myself. Yet surprisingly like my new divine companion we had the source of both in common. I later learned she was just as afraid of me as I was off her. Then we also shared the same anger and hatred of the eunuchs. Granted there was still a definite differences to be sure.



Still the both of us didn’t hesitate to act. Though once she saw me cast the spell on the eunuchs Pallus’s own action against them was stopped as she went back to watching me. I on the other hand began chanting a healing spell for the whimpering bitch curled up at the feet of the eunuchs. As the spell took affect I could see the shock on the Oracle's face as she saw the eunuchs frozen in place as if time had just stopped for them.



Her confusion about what was happening was only enhanced by the fact that she could see neither me or Pallus. At least until I decided to find out what Pallus was up to and revealed myself. The whimpering bitch on the floor quickly retreated towards the nearest corner as first me then Pallus suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I saw even more confusion come to the fear stricken face of the bitch as I spoke to Pallus in the sacred tongue.



I could see that the only word the bitch could understand was the name Pallus. This made wonder if this bitch was even an oracle in the first place. Yet my real concern was the answer to the two questions I just asked Pallus.



Instead of an answer to why she was there and why she wasn’t treating me as the threat I was. I got a statement about how she could see how Apollon had chosen me as his High Priest. Only unlike me she said it in the common tongue. She even referred to Apollon as her brother which I could see only farther confused the bitch in the corner.



While now she could understand what was being said she still couldn’t understand what we were talking about. Let alone what was going on around her. I would later learn she actually was starting to long for the situation she was in before we got involved. Mostly due to the fact that while she was still suffering greatly she at least knew what was going on. Here she was suffering greater terror of an uncertain future.



Not that I myself didn’t understand what she was feeling at that moment I was feeling a similar terror. Only instead of cowering in fear I chose to confront it head on. As I once again spoke to Pallus only this time my statement was short sweet and to the point. Only this time I said it in the common tongue.


“You may as well quit playing whatever game this is and get on with whatever you came here for Pallus.”



Her response in the sacred tongue was almost flirtatious. While at the same time really infuriating. I really didn’t care about a bitch needing to keep a little mystery in a relationship to keep things from getting boring. I mostly was growing tired of the waiting and decided to see if I could provoke whatever she had planned by giving a truthful response to her statement. Though having grown tired of this game of switching back and forth between the two languages I decided to stick with the common tongue. If for no other reason than to show her I thought of her as nothing more than just another bitch no different than the one in the corner or those back home being bred at the will of their masters.



“We both know the only mystery that matters to you. Is when you’re going to be finally kneeling on all fours before your master getting bred like the bitch you are.”



As the last word left my lips I was anticipating the killing blow to quickly follow. Yet I watched as Pallus actually trembled slightly as her eyes shot to the the bitch in the corner. This left me wondering if it wasn’t just my bluntness but also what I had heard the oracle predict that had her struggling for a response. This also left me wondering about the signs of her being afraid I’d been seeing since she showed up.



Seeing a way to seize an advantage or at least shake up her resolve. I decided to use the oracle’s prediction to my advantage. Looking at the bitch in the corner with a smile and a look of satisfaction I told her how shortly not only would she be on her knees begging for the privilege of being used for the pleasure of her master. But so would the rest of the bitches within her domain.



Sure I knew I was probably playing with fire as I advanced on her as confidentiality as I could after shooting another look at the bitch in the corner. Yet to not only my shock but even the bitch in the corner Pallus began to back away from me. Thoroughly shaken Pallus couldn’t even look me in the eyes as her attention began to focus more on the bitch in the corner then me. So uncertain was she Pallus actually spoke the following question in the common tongue to the shock of not only me but the again the other bitch in the room.



“Perhaps maybe it would be possible for you to help me and my brother come to a mutually beneficial arrangement between us?”



While I was definitely in shock at what she just asked it didn’t change my handling of the situation. I advanced closer to her until I was standing right in front of her. Then as she began to look down submissively I reached for her chin. Lifting her face so I could look in her fear filled eyes I told Pallus the following.



“The only sort of mutually beneficial arrangement a bitch like you could hope for would start with you not only offering yourself to Apollon to use however he wished. But also every other bitch within your domain. However I’ll make myself perfectly clear to you bitch. Regardless of whatever privileges Apollon should possibly wish to grant you can expect only one outcome. That is you kneeling at his feet wearing a collar with the cum from frequent breedings leaking from your pussy.”



I actually saw a tear run from her eye as a look of defeat overtook her face. Then to my shock she fell to her knees. With obvious humiliation at being defeated without a physical battle in her voice. Pallus asked, “When and where should she present herself and the others for enslavement by Apollon.”



Having been expecting my death at any moment I was caught totally unprepared by what looked like victory. Still I had to be mindful of a trap as I began to form a plan. Granted I was also still trying to grasp what just happened so that wasn’t an easy task in it’s own right. After all I just had the second most powerful of the goddesses offer her unconditional surrender to me.



To top it off all it took was a oracle who I wasn’t even sure actually could predict the future. That said she would end up being enslaved regardless of any action she took and her best course of action was surrendering and pleading for preferential treatment. Along with a lot of reckless bravado on my part as I figured I had nothing to loose. Then now I stood trying to decide how best to handle the enslavement of Pallus while at the same time protecting myself and Apollon.



While I would have definitely loved having longer to think about what I would of liked to do. I ended up coming up with a simple solution with minimal risk involved. This solution not only took care of the possibility of a trap but also allow me to deal with the reason I had came here in the first place. This plan would also allow me to converse with Apollon so we could best take advantage of the situation. Only then did I start telling Pallus what I wanted her to do.



Three nights later I was using the seeing crystal to watch the entrance to the tunnels I had discovered after the oracle made her prediction. I was actually surprised to see only the people I was expecting making their way towards their destination. I was equally surprised to see that as far as I could tell my instructions had been followed completely. Still as a final precaution I was no where near where I knew the people were going.



At least until I was curtain my instructions were carried out to one particular point. Then from that moment on Pallus’s fate would be decided and there would be nothing she could do about it. Until then I had one other issue of concern to worry about.



That was several of the eunuchs had managed to escape while I was having my confrontation with Pallus. To make matters worse I know at least one of them was able to see the final part of the encounter. I did get lucky and they just grabbed valuables of the monetary variety before they fled. So I ended up with the oracles in the end like I wanted.



However them being loose with the knowledge they possess was still a problem. This knowledge was something that was decided that we didn’t want known. At least not at a moment we were as vulnerable as we were right now. To this end not only were the Wolf Scouts hunting for them but Apollon himself.



Me on the other hand was now having to deal with my visitors while hoping against outside interference. Namely those within the outpost that I suspected were in league with the eunuchs. If they were able to interfere at the wrong time then what I had accomplished the night before would loose most of it’s value.



Still I could only see the eight cloaked people I was expecting step on to the oracle’s platform. As I watched from the balcony above I saw the cloaks being removed and recognized them all from last night’s activities.



The eight were Pallus, her High Priestess, and the six bodyguards that had been there last night. As I had instructed all of them but Pallus seamed confused about what was happening. That gave me some relief that Pallus wasn’t trying to pull some sort of trick. Still I did a quick check of the passage leading to them with the seeing crystal to be certain.



Certain that they had no fallowing them I turned my attention to what was happening on the pedestal below. Pallus was now standing in the center of the pedestal with her High Priestess right beside her and the bodyguards split up along both sides of them. Both the High Priestess and bodyguards' attention keep shifting from Pallus and the two collars and sets of shackles laying on the pedestal in front of them. I can see the High Priestess becoming scared as she looks upon the symbols of enslavement and I know their presence is worrisome at best for her.



However it’s Pallus herself that interests me the most. Even though as far as she or any of the others know they are alone. I could see she was totally humiliated by not only what she about to do herself but what she knows will happen afterwards. Yet she doesn’t hesitate to give the commands to the bodyguards just as I had instructed.



“The moment I finish speaking YOU WILL do the following acts. Two of YOU WILL take hold of both my arms as tightly as you can. While at the same time two more of YOU WILL tightly take hold of the arm’s of the High Priestess. At this point the remaining two of YOU WILL rip the clothing from our bodies. Once we both are naked YOU WILL then place the collars and shackles around our necks, wrists, and ankles. YOU WILL be certain that the golden set is placed on me. YOU WILL then shackle our arms behind our backs before forcing us to kneel. Finally one of YOU WILL hold us both in place by our hair.”



Even with the absolute loyalty expected from them the bodyguards briefly hesitated. During this moment of hesitation I got the satisfaction of watching the High Priestess looking at Pallus with an expression of shock and betrayal. This looked turned to terror as her arms were restrained. Followed immediately by the satisfying sounds of screaming and ripping fabric filling the air.



By the time she is finally kneeling the High Priestess is sobbing as she pleads to Pallus to understand what is happening. Pallus on the other hand orders both of their hair to be pulled until the High Priestess is silent. She adds the additional order that he is to be sure it was as painful as possible for both of them.



Almost immediately I hear two different bitches screams fill the air. Until finally the only sound is the few sobs that the High Priestess can’t contain. With the silence needed for her next task Pallus began giving the necessary orders and explanations to the bodyguards.



Finally she finished giving orders to her now shocked bodyguards. Before taking a moment to prepare herself mentally for what she knew was coming. She also shot an apologetic look towards her High Priestess before making the announcement I’d commended her to do.



“I the Goddess Pallus here and now surrender control of myself and all of the women within my domain along with complete control of the domain it self to the all powerful God Apollon. From this moment on I except that I am the property of my brother to be used however and whenever he wishes regardless of how I feel about such use. Let also be known that I enter into slavery with no want, desire, or expectation of preferential treatment for myself or those joining me in subjugation. To mark the beginning of my subjugation and to show my obedience to my new master I now offer my body to be used a bitch for the soul purpose of my existence from this moment on the pleasure of superior males.”



As Pallus finishes her pledge of servitude the bodyguard releases her hair and pulls the High Priestess off to the side more. While the bodyguard holding the High Priestess forces her to watch as the others began to advance on Pallus. Almost immediately hands grab ahold of Pallus and began exploring her body. Her breasts in particular garner most the attention. As they are squeezed and her nipples are painfully twisted.



Pallus’s ass is the next area on her body that catches the interest of her rapists/former bodyguards. One of them takes turns between fondling and slapping her ass cheeks. Soon he swaps positions with one of the others and moves aside to remove his clothes. The others not currently fondling Pallus’s breasts and ass or the one holding the High Priestess soon start undressing as well.



Realizing the moment I had been waiting for had arrived I release the spell of concealment I’d put in place. My staff suddenly appears right in front of Pallus as I start chanting. With how often I’ve done this now it’s next to no time until the familiar green glow of the breeding ritual covers the platform and it’s occupants. Then the effects start to be known as the bodyguard that had shown such interest in Pallus’s ass started to transform into his canine form for the first time.



Once the transformation is complete he rushes towards Pallus as the others move out of his way as quickly as possible. There is no hesitation as the transformed bodyguard violently grabs Pallus by her hips and pulls her under him. Gradually Pallus’s ass gets closer and closer to his wildly thrusting hindquarters. His growls fill the air until he plunges his cock violently into Pallus’s pussy.



Upon her pussy's violently painful penetration Pallus screams and starts begging for her rape to stop. However the effects of the ritual are now fully in affect. So there will be no stopping the men until the ritual it had run it course. Granted by then she would have been reduced to just another whimpering bitch.



To be truthful I also lost interest at this time. I had watched countless bitches being taken during the ritual by this point and Pallus so far looked to be one of the more boring ones I had seen. Besides I tend to prefer to be a participant then in the audience. I would sample her myself later and see if I found her more interesting than. Instead I busied myself with making plans how best to use the gains from this mission but I did decide to check in with them periodically.



The first time I was pulled from my plotting by the frantic pleading of Pallus. Looking down I saw the first bodyguard was knotted her and turned ass to ass. I next saw why she was pleading so frantically. Another one of the bodyguards had transformed then climbed on to her back. Only with her pussy currently occupied this one’s cock had only one place to go.



Realizing what was about to happen Pallus began to frantically beg in vain for him to use her mouth instead. Pallus’s pleading had then gotten my attention just in time to see her ass hole receive the first of much poundings to come. Unfortunately Pallus soon learned that her pleas for the use of her mouth hadn’t gone unheard.



A third bodyguard had transformed shortly after the second one. Then while Pallus’s pleas turned to screams from her violated ass hole the third one focused his attention on the hole she had so recently begged to have filled. Her tear filled eyes clamped tightly shut as her lips parted to allow the violation of her mouth and throat to commence.



With my interest in the claiming of Pallus as a Bitch restored I looked at the other bitch present. The High Priestess was watching Pallus’s rape in abject terror. As Pallus’s ordeal began to intensify I could see the High Priestess had only one question on her mind. That was would her own violation start immediately following Pallus’s or was she going to be left waiting in terror for the day it finally happened?



I personally decided to answer her question as I headed for the stairwell down to there. It had been weeks since I had taken a bitch and I was tired of waiting. Especially since I’ve been wanting to personally take that bitch for almost a week now and now nothing would stop me from giving her the brutal claiming she had coming.



As I reached the floor the remaining three bodyguards not yet participating in Pallus’s gang rape noticed my approach. They went on guard until I was close enough to see I was the one Pallus told would take possession of her. While my appearance was sooner then expected they quickly calmed and asked if I had any instructions for them.



While I hadn’t instructed her to do it I was pleased that Pallus had told them that my authority superseded her own. I told the once the bitch had finished cleaning the cocks of the others they were to take their first turns. In the meantime I would handle informing the other bitch of her new duties within the temple. While I handled that they should start preparing themselves for their turns with Pallus.



Once I was holding the High Priestess we both watched as the three remaining bodyguards went through the transformation and started circling Pallus. With a voice full menace I began whispering in the High Priestess’s ear. I held nothing back from my sobbing captive as I described everything I was going to be doing to her shortly. At the same time I was making certain that she watched as well as understood what her Goddess was enduring.



I explained that the knots at the base of the cocks in Pallus’s pussy and ass had expanded to the point they were now trapped inside of her. I next pointed out once the knot was locked in place they would start filling the bitch full of semen. Then I explained about how the ritual was making all of the bodyguards’ balls refill as fast as they emptied and that was why Pallus’s stomach was now expanding the way it was.



She was told at one point the volume of cum inside of her would keep rising until the pressure forces something to give way. I told how with a mortal bitch like the High Priestess if this pressure gets high enough the bitch's stomach eventually explodes leaving cum spraying everywhere from the gaping opening. However since Pallus was a Goddess the pressure will rise until several things happen we called the forced release of cum.



The first type of forced release is the pressure builds until it actually makes the pussy and or ass hole expand to the point that the cock or cocks within them are shot out in an explosion of cum. Usually however they only expand enough to send massive volumes of cum spraying out around the cocks. Though this could actually be an precursor to the first type of forced release.



The next type of forced release happens mostly during ass fuckings of bitches. In that type the build up of pressure actually causes cum to work it’s way completely back through the body. Until the bitch actually ends up with semen spraying from her mouth and nose. I then mentioned I’d seen that happen several times to both Artimos and Caros when Apollon ass fucks them.



I told her “The final forced release was what we were likely to see with Pallus. The pressure inside of her is going to build until it both works it way back through her body leaving cum spraying out of her mouth and nose. But the cum will also force it’s way around the cocks in her ass and pussy. So at any moment we should see cum start spraying at high pressure from all of Pallus’s orifices.”



I admit I was lying my ass off about the whole forced release of cum. Though the lie was to serve the important purpose to farther terrify her before I raped her. Yet shortly afterwards it almost looked like it was telling the truth. As massive amounts of cum started flowing from Pallus’s mouth and nose. Shortly after it looked like the walls of her pussy gave way. Amongst looking like it shot the cock from it and left a river of cum flowing on to the floor.



In truth the cum that came from Pallus’s mouth and nose was actually from the cock that had been face fucking her. Just as what happened at her other end was actually something more mundane. The knot in her pussy had just finally shrunk enough to allow the cock to be pulled free. Without the knot or cock blocking it the cum was then able to flow freely from Pallus’s pussy. The same thing would then happen with her ass hole once the cock was pulled from it. Only in that case the “plop” sound the cock made as it was pulled free was louder.



My focus then shifted to another thing to torment the High Priestess with. That was a bitch's required duty of sucking clean any cock that just fucked her. I made watch as Pallus’s mouth began working as hard as it could to clean each cock presented to her.



Of course by the time Pallus was cleaning the cock from her ass the first bodyguard from the second group was already pounding away at her pussy. As the cycle of fucking started over for Pallus I’d had enough of watching.



The High Priestess watched with terror filled eyes and started sobbing as my robes fell to the floor. She then started wildly pleading when I began transforming. By the time the transformation was completed she was almost a inconsolable wreck. Yet as I advanced on her I saw she had been perfectly prepared for her first violation.



She let out the most delectable set pleas intermixed with sobbing as I grabbed ahold of her hips. Her pleas and sobbing gained a little more seasoning of terror as my cock began brushing against her pubic mound. When my cock ripped through her maidenhood it added the garnishing sheer agony to the delicacy that was her fear and terror. I kept her terror simmering through a series of angry growls let out right next her ear.



This added the succulence of some whimpering that tickled the taste buds. As my knot started to expanding I tasted the lusciousness of her sporadic weeping. Leading to a me howling over the scrumptiousness of her ultimate helplessness at being knotted. My earlier marinade of fear and terror shown in her full-fledged panic over my sperm filling her womb.



Her pleading about the pain from her expanding stomach gave an additional sweetness to my ingestion of her derogation. My cock finally pulling free was a signal the most succulent morsel was ready for my consumption. This was a light repast of her disgust at licking my cock clean. Before my light desert of her curled up sobbing in shame and humiliation concluded my special feast of braking in a new bitch.



Knowing the regenerative effects of the ritualistic violation of a goddess would probably have the bodyguards raping Pallus for the next couple of days. Along with the fact that I was no longer needed now that the High Priestess’s first violation completed I decided to rest for awhile. Bidding my farewells to the slave initiation still in it’s initial stages. Then grabbing the newest slave bitch created during the crusade I departed the room.



The next morning I was gradually making my way through the tunnels on my way to check on Pallus. I was currently wondering how long the bodyguards had been raping her for last night until they passed out. I knew the Wolf Scouts could go at a bitch for over forty-eight hours before having to rest during the ritual. However none of the bitches they’ve had a go at were a goddess either. So for all I knew they were still raping Pallus.



The High Priestess on the other hand was a lot more fortunate. She just got raped two more times before I chained her collar to a wall and went to sleep. Granted I don’t think she felt that fortunate having my cock shoved up her ass or down her throat. At least I only transformed for her ass rape. Face fucking a bitch is always more brutal in canine form and few can actually handle it.



Again I had my doubts she would’ve considered taking my knot up her ass was a blessing either. Especially they way she was screaming the whole time. While raping virgin bitches is definitely satisfying. I’ve yet to ass rape one without my ears hurting afterwards from all the screaming. Still listening to them whimpering for hours if not sometimes days afterwards is definitely worth the ringing ears.



The High Priestess was proving to be no exception to the rule. Even as she crawled in front of me on her leash she was whimpering away like a scared little puppy. Seeing yet another High Priestess crawling like this gave me almost as much enjoyment as when I fucked them. Though I knew while her suffering this humiliation was horrible for her it wouldn’t compare to what she would feel when she saw her goddess after a night of being gang raped non-stop once we got back to the main temple.



That was definitely a sight to behold. Pallus was knelling still knotted with one of bodyguards ass to ass. A quick look showed that he had tied with Pallus's ass hole leaving me to believe that the others curled up sleeping had probably just finished with awhile ago. Pallus herself was almost unrecognizable with her entire body and her hair coated in semen. We could see that her stomach bulging from all the sperm still trapped inside of her with even more running out of her pussy to the massive puddle formed beneath her.



Still Pallus had endured this quite well. While she did look to be a little breathless and fatigued I could see Pallus could still take handle more. In fact I could actually see a glimmer of satisfaction in her eyes as if she’d enjoyed this experience. Based on what I’d heard about some of the Goddesses' secret rituals it wasn’t hard to believe Pallus could’ve enjoyed this. I made a mental note to check on this theory should I get an appropriate opportunity.



Sadly that moment wasn’t appropriate for I had other matters to attend to. In particular the bitch now knelling at my feet looking at her goddess in shock and disbelief. I was certain the High Priestess was wondering how someone as powerful as Pallus has been rendered totally helpless and was now completely at our mercy as if she was just another mortal bitch the same as the High Priestess.



I would’ve loved to tell her that Pallus was technically as helpless as mortal right now. In fact the only divine ability she actually had was her regenerative and most of that was being transferred to her sexual partners. Everything else was now being transferred to Apollon by her collar and shackles. Though instead of telling her this I decided to give the High Priestess a glimpse into her own future and torment her a little more in the process.



Pulling the High Priestess to her feet I held her against me with a hand cupping her pussy. While the other hand gripped her chin making sure she was looking at Pallus. Placing my lips right next to her ear a calmly starting talking.



“Take a good look at your beloved goddess. She had just shown you what you will be looking like. Only this will be a more common occurrence for you and your fellow priestesses. But don’t worry Apollon will share his bitch from time to time with his followers. So then like now you can watch Pallus get her pounding then lick all the cum from her body.”



I then shoved the High Priestess towards Pallus sending her collapsing to her hands and knees right next to the defiled deity. The High Priestess looked up at me in shock as she suddenly realized what I was wanting her to do. Yet it was the words that came from Pallus that caused the true shock and dismay for the High Priestess.



“Ingrid you must do as your master says now that you’re his slave. Just as I must now that I’m Apollon's slave. I know it’s feels terrifying and humiliating beyond imagining but as horrible as what’s happening seams it’s still far preferable to the alternatives.”



To farther spur her into action I make my own authority known I was suddenly moving. As my face took on a scowl I roughly grabbed the High Priestess by her hair. I next yanked her on to her knees before shoving her against Pallus. As the High Priestess clutched Pallus in terror I forcibly said the fallowing.



“Listen Bitch if you’re tongue isn’t lapping up all that cum coating Pallus’s body in thirty seconds the fallowing things are going to happen. First I’m going to give you to the bodyguards with the condition they only rape your ass for the first five hours. Next I take you back home and throw you to our troops to rape until they tire of you. Should you survive you’ll be locked in a set of stocks within the city square. You will then be used by any passing man that desires to fuck your worn out orifices for the remainder of your short life.”



With new found enthusiasm from the sudden realization her very life now depended on her obedience the High Priestess began licking the cum from Pallus’s cheek. Once one section of flesh was clear she quickly moved to another sperm covered section. Until she had completely cleaned Pallus’s face and started working on other sections of her body.



Skin on Pallus’s neck and shoulders were the next to become visible. While I would’ve actually preferred her to take more time on them Pallus’s breasts were the next to be cleaned. Granted even as brief as it was the High Priestess’s tongue swirling around Pallus’s nipples seeking out every last drop of cum was still arousing to see. Yet as much as I wanted her to slow down her enthusiasm to finish quickly was actually blessing in disguise.



Even though the degradation of the two bitches was still of importance. There was still other matters of greater importance to handle at the moment. So just as the High Priestess’s tongue began probing Pallus’s belly button I called a stop to her cleaning activities.



Then as the bodyguard knotted in Pallus’s ass pulled free causing her to collapse to the floor. As I looked at Pallus laying there face down with her ass still raised as high as possible a thought came to mind. I got an idea for one final degradation before we moved on. Directing the High Priestess’s attention to the cum now running freely from Pallus’s gaping ass hole. Even before I starting giving her my orders the High Priestess was sobbing.



“You will go collect two large mouth full of that sperm flowing from Pallus’s ass. The first mouthful is going to be yours. Just think of it as your receiving same special blessing provided by Pallus to the males of this world. You are to swallow it then collect another one so Pallus herself then has the chance to sample the blessings she’d been bestowing upon the superior males of the world. Now Get on with it bitch.”



With the disgust about what she had to do along with plenty of fear plainly one her face the High Priestess moved behind Pallus. Setting of her hands on Pallus’s ass cheeks the High Priestess looked up at me with a look of pleading. My angry glair provided the necessary encouragement for her to proceed.



She lowered her face into Pallus’s ass crack. At the same time she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue the High Priestess’s tear filled eyes closed tightly. When I saw her take the first of the cum into her mouth I felt an additional order was necessary.



“Bitch before you swallow you will look me in the eye. Only then will you let the cum flow down your throat and into your stomach.”



The High Priestess never opened her eyes or moved her head in the slightest. Yet the shiver that ran down her body told me she had not only heard my order but understood it as well. I had my doubts she would obey me without extra encouragement. At least until she looked up at me with that pitiful expression on her face and then opened her mouth to show me it’s contents.



Attempting to keep a satisfied expression from coming to my own face I nodded for her to continue. As the High Priestess let out a whimper as she was beginning to swallow I couldn’t hide my satisfaction about her humiliation. With this damage to her dignity completed I pointed my finger towards Pallus’s ass hole then shifted where I was pointing towards her face. The High Priestess quickly had her mouth to Pallus’s ass hole again and surprisingly seamed to be actually trying to collect an even larger mouthful of cum.



Before long she had that task completed and was starting to crawl around to where Pallus’s head rested in the puddle of semen. The High Priestess lifted Pallus up. Then while supporting the exhausted Pallus in an embrace the High Priestess carefully opened Pallus’s mouth before bringing her own to it in a kiss. I saw both Pallus accepting the cum while they kissed and consider one final humiliation.



However as much as I’d enjoy watching the both of them rolling around in the puddle of cum we still had other things to do. I needed to get Pallus cleaned up and ready to be present herself to Apollon. Then I had to deal with the bodyguards as well. So once the bitches finally broke the kiss I started giving more orders.



I ordered the High Priestess to help Pallus to her feet. Then as the bodyguards followed behind the two bitches I started to lead the way through the tunnels. At the living quarters for the eunuchs told the bodyguards where they could clean up and find some food. Then following behind the High Priestess as she had to practically carry Pallus we headed towards the oracles' quarters.



Only when we reached the bathing room did we stop. I was tempted to leave them alone to wash. Or at least let them think I left them alone so I could ease drop on what they were saying. However I held off on that idea for the moment.



Instead I detected the bitches to a section of wall that had cold water flowing out of several holes near the ceiling. After throwing them some soap and a rag I watched as the High Priestess started washing the remaining cum from Pallus’s body. I even used a spell to create a spray of water up from the floor so she could clean Pallus’s pussy and ass hole out. Before she leaned Pallus against the wall and I finally let the High Priestess clean herself of.



For a reward I then let the two now shivering bitches soak in a warm tub. As the two bitches held each other I ordered Pallus to explain not only the true history of the world but why she was surrendering. At the same time I sent a command to her collar to ensure her truthfulness.



Her High Priestess wasn't the only one shocked by the words from the divine bitch's mouth. While the High Priestess's was about the whole story mine was focused more around the end of the explanation. In particular to one of the reasons for Pallus's surrender and why she had stayed behind last night to see me.



Still it help convince the High Priestess of the helplessness of her situation and of the importance of her obedience not only to her own survival but to her fellow priestesses. Especially as I saw way to make this situation even more beneficial to our ultimate agenda. While at the same time granting Pallus's own desire for revenge against Artimos. I just hoped Apollon would agree with my idea.



Part two

The fall of a goddess



I stood looking upon the capital of the domain of Proseron. While she wasn't the most powerful of her sisters this campaign was critical to both my and Apollon's plans. To this end we have delayed several other plans by sending raiding parties into the domains of several of the goddesses. However Proseron's domain was the primary focus.



Unfortunately due to these raids I was on my own for a change. I wasn't to concerned about not having the Wolf Scouts with me. It's not like I was incapable of doing this job. Plus they were necessary to the raids in Vestus's domain if the plan was to work.



Besides based on what we had learned from Artimos's network of spies taking this city wasn't going to be that hard. I just needed to confirm a few things then it was a matter of moving on to the Proseron's border with Arisia's domain. Now that task was going to require more effort on my part.



The biggest thing I needed to do is avoid distractions. Sadly that was easier said than done. The bitches in this domain seamed to love walking around practically naked much like Proseron herself was known for. Alas if things worked out I wouldn't need to restrain myself and I'd have a whimpering bitch beneath me soon enough. Possibly even one of those brunettes that were walking ahead of me.



Right now I needed to look into that information then see about the best routes for the army to get to the temple and palace. Next I wanted to cast a few spells on the walls and possibly one or two of the gates. Then I needed to set out for the border. For the spells needed for that part of the campaign were going to be difficult in the limited time I had.



Three days of chanting in the sacred tongue and we were ready to move. Thank goodness it wouldn't be necessary to use any spells until we got to the capital for I could barely walk now. Though this was going to be necessary in the big picture. Yet at that moment all that I cared about was the horse Prince Daniel was holding for me.



Within a couple hours most of our advance forces were across the border with the rest waiting to cross at another point. We had even managed to cut off two cities from evacuating their populations to the capital. This proved a benefit to myself for we were able to capture quite a few bitches attempting to flee towards the capital.



As we set up camp for the night I began to examine the selection of bitches. Strangely I had a hard time choosing one. Not due to the fact that there wasn't that many attractive bitches amongst them but because I've developed a particular preference in the bitches I raped. I finally settled on this Calvary Captain that had been leading a bunch of merchants.



While most of the other were cowering in terror this one was putting up a show of brovado to keep the others from panicking. I knew this couldn't stand so I gave the command for several trips to strip the bitch. I then had them hold the bitch in place as I started the ritual.



I always loved how these military bitches suddenly drop the pretense of dignity as soon as one of us transforms. As the men held this bitch in place she was no different. Begging for another bitch to be raped instead of her. She even was volunteering the other escape routes to the capital.



Unfortunately for her I didn't care for any of that at the moment. The only thing that mattered to me was getting ahold of her hips. That and the scream she let out when my cock was forced into her pussy. Her ensuing sobs with each corresponding trust of my dick was almost as good.



Though my knot being forced into her pussy was always the best part of taking a new bitch. Granted for this particular bitch she was to be subject to another humiliation. Before we finished with her. That was to expose her male subordinates to the transformitve properties of the ritual. Then watch as they then took turns raping her themselves.



This left them mostly converted to our cause. Though we preferred to have new recruits take several bitches before we could truly count on them. Thankfully between the bitches they were escorting and those in command of their unit they had several to go through. Meanwhile her and the other bitches were left as whimpering slave bitches practically ready for the auction block.



Plus I was then able to benefit from the regenerative effects of the ritual. So now I would now be able to make the trip to the capital with my powers available for emergencies. Which may be necessary sooner or later. Though even then it could be days before they were completely restored. Thankfully it would still be two days to the capital and we would probably intercept some more bitches along the way.



The Goddess Proseron wasn't happy about being summoned to this gathering by her sister Arisia. Granted she was definitely wanting to have the opportunity to speak with her other sisters regarding the problem facing all their domains and to seek some help from them. However it was Arisia she least wanted to ask.



This problem had been mostly ignored by all of them when it started a little over a year ago. Yet the between what happened to her sisters Artimos and Caros and the raids happening in her domain she couldn't ignore the threat any longer. Her brother Apollon had escaped his prison and now both her and her followers were his next targets. Even as she was waiting for the arrival of her other siblings she knew that his forces could start the full-scale invasion of her domain any day now instead of just raiding the out laying settlements for plunder and new slaves.



Regardless of how she looked at the way situation was going to it always ended the same way. Given Apollon's strength her people would have no choice but to fall back to the defenses of the capital. Where after a protractive siege her forces are soundly defeated. Then her and the other women of her domain are lead away in chains.



She had already given the order for the people to take shelter behind the capital's walls. Mostly to buy some time. Meanwhile she would try and get the support of one of her more powerful sisters. Hopefully this support wouldn't cost her to greatly in the end. For she dreaded her and her followers becoming slaves to one of her sisters just as much as Apollon.



She was still waiting as the her High Priestess informed her Apollon's forces had crossed the border quickly taking several cities. While the distraction provided by these cities falling would benefit those fleeing to the capital. Proseron didn't like to think about what was happening to the people of these cities. Though the greatest loss was of the military units that would now be turned against her.



Proseron's worrying was finally interrupted by the appearance of several of her sisters. She was tempted to began begging once the first few showed up. Yet she knew that would farther weaken her position amongst them. Let alone in a position subservience to one of them. After all she knew it didn't do herself or her followers any good to avoid being on her brother's leash only to end up on the leash of one of her sisters. Instead Proseron was stuck waiting and hoping as one by one each of her sisters began showing up.



Eventually the only ones missing were Vestus, Pallus, Arisia, and of course Artimos and Caros. Though they all knew those two weren't going to show. Still their empty seats would garner a fair share of attention as finally the other three showed up almost one after the other. Strangely Pallus showed up only slightly before Arisia. Which was almost totally uncharacteristic of her given she was usually one of the first to arrive to these meetings. Though Apollon's forces were almost as active along her domain as with Proseron's own. So this in tardiness was probably do to her having her own problems.



Still Proseron couldn't help but notice something off with Pallus. Though as the meeting progressed Proseron noticed Pallus seamed almost hostile to all of Arisia's views. Arisia on the other hand was offering whatever assistance she could. However both Pallus and Vestus seamed to believe she had ulterior motives. In fact all of these suspicions was having the effect of driving their other siblings away from Arisia's offers of assistance.



Especially when it was pointed out that the areas friendly towards Arisia had been bypassed by the raiders. Or in several cases ignored completely in favor for more heavily defended areas not supporting the followers of Arisia. Vestus even leveled suspicions that Arisia was actually working with Apollon. This was made even more credible by the fact that the raids within her domain had most fit that profile.



Mostly due to access the areas they had been raiding Apollon's forces had pass through Arisia's domain. While possible to get a force through prior to the raids it shouldn't be possible to get the force through afterwards. Let alone with the captives they were bringing back with them. In several cases they were seen leading away almost a hundred women. Yet somehow they passed unopposed through the domain of Arisia with that many women behind them in chains.



This left even Proseron reluctant to trust Arisia as she thought about the situation in her domain. A preliminary strike force had come from the domain of Arisia and then somehow encircled the forces guarding the border. With the border defenders either enslaved or joining Apollon's followers the enemy was able to cross in mass unopposed. Yet the simple fact that they had somehow first crossed Arisia's domain without either being confronted by Arisia's forces or attacking a single village or town had Proseron siding with her other sisters on this issue.



It didn't help that just prior to these accusations Arisia had made serious demands from the others in exchange for her help. This included the surrendering of territory. Along with her followers receiving important positions of power within each of their domains. There was even a suggestion to receive any support would require several of them entering into a subservient sexual relationship with Arisia.



Granted fairly common for them to end up on their knees between Arisia's legs whenever they needed a favor. In fact any favors Proseron had received in the past had first required giving Arisia's pussy multiple vigorous tongue baths. While it wasn't something they were normally opposed to with these accusations floating around none of them were now willing to chance being turned over to Apollon without a fight. An accusation that was quickly leveled by Pallus as the argument began to heat up.



The meeting progressed was brought to a sudden end when Arisia suddenly admit there was at least some truth in the accusations. When she said it was still preferable being her slave instead of Apollon's. However this sent Pallus into a rage. As she said she'd be more willing to surrender herself to Apollon under the most severe conditions he could come up with rather than giving Arisia the satisfaction of submitting to being her plaything.



Vestus went one step farther and suggested the fears currently on Proseron's mind. That was once any of them did submit to Arisia they would then be turned over to Apollon. Most likely after Arisia had grown board with them they would then find themselves at Apollon's mercy.



A final accusation from Arisia herself soon had all of them not knowing who to trust. This one claimed that Vestus was actually the one of the goddesses in league with Apollon. Due the fact Apollon's High Priest was once one of her temple guards.



Vestus herself responded by pointing out only those within King Edward's inner circle or those enslaved by them could possibly know who that man was. So unless Arisia was part of the inner circle or somehow had escaped enslavement then she was making a baseless claim while trying to shift suspicion away from herself.



Then Pallus added that Arisia could only know either aspect of her claim is by being in contact with Apollon's forces and having spies in Vestus's temple. After all both the identity of temple guards and who Apollon's High Priest was were kept secret. As with Vestus's response before the the only way any of them could actually know who the man they simply referred to as the Priest was by being trusted by the enemy.



A few more accusations were then leveled before both Pallus and Vestus stormed from the meeting. Yet the damage had been done. For once those two left most of the others quickly followed leaving only Proseron and Arisia. Proseron herself would soon follow her sisters since she was reluctant to pay the price that Arisia would want for her help.



A day later she would reconsider with the news that Apollon's forces had the capital surrounded. With no way out of this situation on her own she was left with no choice and journeyed to meet privately with Arisia. Yet when she went for the help she needed she was shocked by who was with Arisia. For when she entered Arisia's private chambers she was presented with the sight of two of her sisters knelling at Arisia's feet and Apollon holding their leashes.



Granted both Artimos and Caros had hoods covering their faces and we're naked as the day they were born. Still it wasn't the first time Proseron had seen them nake so recognizing her two enslaved sisters wasn't that hard. Though it was the fact that they both had been effectively cowered by Apollon that stuck a note Proseron.



Of course Proseron's real focus was first on the fact that Apollon and Arisia weren't locked in battle. But instead in a heated discussion. Granted she dared not get close enough to hear what they were saying. Proseron instead fled Arisia's chambers before Apollon could notice her presence and get a warning to her other siblings that Arisia couldn't be trusted.



Unfortunately none of her other sisters were available to help. So Proseron was left standing alone following her encounter with her brother. Choosing to stand with her priestesses when the time came Poseron watched in horror as a section of the capital's wall fell.



Her forces bravely met the solders storming through the gap. However they were quickly overwhelmed. Poseron wished she could cry like the other women of her domain as they were rounded up by Apollon's forces. Just Poseron wish she could've fled to safety.



Only she knew there was no where to flee to. Apollon had defeated her and torn her world down. The only thing left was to watch as his forces advanced on the temple. Poseron could only brace herself for what she knew her fate would be as she watched the approaching mob led by the shackled queen and princesses.



Not even an hour later she would be in chains herself. She would then watch as each of her priestesses were violated. Then her own violation would began. Finally concluding with Apollon's knot being forced into her pussy and her enslavement completed.



Only then would Proseron be lead way to the other realm in chains. There her torment would continue just that of her followers would. Until finally she would be broken as her sisters before her were by her new master. Only then would she learned the truth of her downfall.



What Proseron didn't know when she saw Apollon with Arisia was that little show was actually put on for her benefit. While she did actually see her enslaved sisters and Apollon in Arisia's chambers. Arisia herself wasn't actually there. It turned out Arisia was actually in her temple taking part in a special ceremony involving the decendants of her mother's priestesses. Just as another truth became known about her downfall.



Apollon's forces had been ignoring Arisia's followers to spread distrust between the goddesses. They also had been using a system of tunnels avoid detection by Arisia's forces. He even had been watching Proseron and knew she would try and contact Arisia for assistance just as her pride would require her to make a secret visit with her sister.




About the only thing that wasn't explained to her was how Apollon got unnoticed into Arisia's private chambers just before Proseron's arrival. Or how he got an illusion of Arisia in place that was good enough to fool Proseron. Yet the plan had it's desired effects. Within the hour Proseron had told several of her sisters what she had seen and the seeds of distrust had been planted.



Of course by the time it was truly in effect Proseron's domain had fallen and she'd been enslaved. It was just after her first violation in Apollon's relm that she learned the truth. Including the fact that Arisia wasn't the traitor hiding amongst her siblings she'd been made our to be. Instead Proseron found herself pleasuring Pallus in a vain attempt to avoid the whip she was holding. Thankfully for Proseron Artimos seamed to be a bigger focus for Pallus's wrath.



I myself would have loved to seen Proseron's face as Pallus violated her the first time. However I the important task of violating her followers. While I couldn't take pleasure from a goddess's ongoing torment I did get plenty from her priestesses. So their whimpering while we raped them made up for not being able to witness Porseron getting repeatedly raped and tortured by Apollon and Pallus.



Besides there were better things to celebrate other than being able to watch the degragration of a single goddess. Not only did we have another goddess and her disciples in chains. We also now had one of the goddesses actively helping us not only enslave her sisters but train them. So I was going to enjoy the moment before I needed to focus on the other problems we needed to deal with.
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