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Returning friends and surprises
0001 - Tempro

0003 - Conner- Thomas

0097 - Ace - Zimmel

0098 - Lucy

0101 - Shelby (mother ship)

0125 - Lars

0200 - Ellen

0301 - Rodrick

0403 - Johnathon

0667 - Marco - Brown

0778 - Jan

0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human)

0805 - Toran

0808 - Radella

0908 - Tara - Mara


Ungrown - unnumbered


2 - onboard Shelby, 0250 Tendra

1000 - Sherry in Re-gen

0999 - Zan - still lost


Known and OR numbered


0501 - Thaddeus

???? - Lena


William finally found his voice, then sank to his knees. Tears were starting to flow as he stated, "she's alive? My god she's alive!"

Trent Hartwell of course, was stunned to silence. His Niece was alive? All the reports that he'd received had said that she was dead, for quite some time now. Shaking his head, he should have known better than to trust what he hadn't seen for himself.

Nodding Trent suddenly stared at Greeson, "Wait! You said that she, is now one of the three most important people in the empire? You're sure it's our Lucie?"

Greeson started to smile, while nodding. "Oh, I'm sure. She looks a lot like you, yeah, I'm sure. Also, I think that her brother, might have a bit to say about it also."

Both men's heads snapped around to stare even harder at Greeson. "Her brother?"

"I'm her only brother, Little Johnny was killed years ago. We all saw the official report." William continued on.

Greeson's face held shock as he shook his head no. "No sir, I'm afraid that you have been misinformed. Admiral Hartwell, is the commander of the Imperial space fleet."

Both William and Trent could only stare at Greeson with open mouths. "My god!" Trent was whispering, "they are BOTH still alive!"


Near where the defeat of the Tendraxian fleet occurred, three small ships were closing in on the life sign readings. The damaged ship's operator was having the hardest time, keeping up with the other two.

"We're getting close to the first set of readings." The operator of the first working ship stated. "Since you are having as much trouble as you are, I suggest you take the first." He told the damaged ship's operator.

"Alright, though, I suggest that the both of you hurry. I'm not sure if my trans-warp is going to last much longer. The Criteria chamber is starting to show metal stress." The damaged ship's operator replied.

"It shouldn't take that long. We might have the other two before you are done." The second working ship's operator said, as the two working ships accelerated past the damaged one.

The damaged ship operator started to slow, keeping an eye on the other two, as they grew smaller. Finally coming to a stop, near what appeared to be almost a coffin, he shook his head. ‘What in the hell have we gotten ourselves into,’ he thought?

Scanning the box, he just hoped its energy lasted long enough. The A.I. on this ship, was nowhere as advanced as the EIG's. Even as he watched, he saw that the other two ships, had already started in on the other two pods. An hour later, he was surprised when the first two sets of tests, had cleared, plus the third appeared just as clear moving forward rapidly.

He'd just completed working on what he could with the ship's engines, when an alert went off.

"Warning, warning! Life support of capsule is failing, life support of capsule is failing! Suggest opening capsule to extract living subject contained within." The A.I. was telling him.

"Time 'til all four sets finished?" The operator stated.

"Now beginning last set, estimated time, twenty minutes." The A.I. replied.

"Is there any way to render aid without bringing the capsule on board?" The operator asked.

"Working," came the A.I.'s reply. "Possible to add energy. Warning! If attempted, ship's power may be compromised. Suggestion: if attempt is made, use non-essential systems only."

The operator thought about it a moment then stated, "Make it so. Add as much energy as is safely possible."

"Compliance," the A.I. replied.

A moment later, a thin line of energy shot out of the small ship striking the capsule. The operator nodded as he saw that the levels of the capsule were starting to climb.

"Now shutting down. Power of capsule has been extended another twenty two minutes. Last set running now, many of the dangers that were present have been eliminated." The A.I. reported.

Breathing a sigh of relief the man went back to fixing what he could. He really needed to go out to repair a great deal of the damage. Shaking his head he knew that wasn't about to happen.

It was almost twenty one and a half minutes later, when he brought the capsule aboard. Several alarms were going off as he tried in vain, to open it. "Have you got anything yet?" The man was yelling trying to get above the alarms.

"Working, the first set of locks are open. Second set starting to release. Warning, Warning! Breathable atmosphere within the capsule reaching toxic levels! Asphyxiation is imminent." The A.I. droned on.

"I know!" The man was shouting. "Get it open NOW!"

A moment later, there was a loud pneumatic hiss as the lid started to slide back. Grabbing the lid, the man was trying to force the lid open faster. Looking inside, the man's mouth dropped open as the female inside, was gasping for breath, a look of terror on her face. Almost frozen, the man reached over hitting several controls next to him.

Finally sitting up, the female was looking around a wild look on her face. Espying the man, she quickly calmed lowering her head and eyes.

"I am sorry lord sir. I was afraid that I was going to expire. Please forgive me for reacting like this." The petite female stood, causing the man's mouth to drop open even more, as he saw that she was indeed stark naked! That plus her ashen hair and skin were striking. "I accept whatever punishment you desire to give me."

The man was speechless as he tried, several times, to form a sentence. His eyes still locked on her body, he was barely able to answer the beeping communicator.

"I say again, come in, Outmute one. Is everything alright? Have you gotten the pod?" Came the voice of the first undamaged ship.

"I...I...I..." was all that the man was able to get out.

"Ah! She must be as naked as mine and the other one is. We're on our way to you now. Were you able to effect any repairs to your system?" The male voice asked.

Snapping out of his near trance, the damaged ship operator replied. "I think I'll have enough to make it, though," here he looked back toward the engine compartment. "I still don't expect it to last much longer. We really need to hurry."

"Alright, forming up now. We just have to get past the debris field, then we can trans-warp." The first ship operator replied.

All three of the small ships were finally back in formation, as they started forward trying to get past the scattered wreckage.

Looking at the naked female, the damaged ship operator let out an exasperated breath. Shaking his head he thought, yeah, we're going to have to call him, shit the man was going to be pissed! That plus the fact, that he really didn't need any of this right now either!


Joesph Hartwell rolled his eyes again, as the female once again stripped off the clothes he'd ordered her to wear. ‘What in the hell was her problem?’ He thought as he AGAIN averted his eyes, as she was AGAIN completely naked.

"I thought I told you to wear those! Why have you taken them off again?" Hartwell yelled, then regretted it as the female cringed away from him.

"Lord sir, these are an abomination to me." She stated as she held up the pants and shirt she'd been wearing. Dropping her head, then her body to the floor, prostrating herself at his feet. "I did not mean to anger you lord sir, I await your punishment."

Hartwell's mouth dropped open, what kind of sick asses were her people? Reaching out, he very gently raised her head to look in her fearful eyes. "I am not angry, I want you to remain in those clothes."

A sudden laughing from the doorway, had Hartwell's head snapping up to see his sister. She was holding her sides doing her best to remain on her feet.

"Serves you right, locking yourself away from the rest of the world Johnny!" She stated, a large smile on her lips.

Growling, he stood walking at a determined clip toward her. "I thought I told you, to NOT call me that! Perhaps we need another 'lesson' like before?"

Lucie growled back, a fierce look on her face. "You won't find it as easy as last time. I guarantee I will put up a hell of a lot more fight this time, than I did the last." With that she took a defensive position both her hands at the ready.

Hartwell, a small smile on his lips took a step toward her. Lucie suddenly lashed out, almost connecting with his face making him back up. Smirking at him she was suddenly staring at the ashen haired female. The female's mouth was hanging open staring at Lucie with a shocked look.

In an almost inaudible whisper, she was saying while looking around, "You would risk death attacking a lord?" Had the female not seemed as serious as she was, Lucie might have doubled over laughing. In this case though, the look of absolute horror on the female's face gave her pause.

Looking at her brother she asked, "Is she serious?"

Johnathon nodded as he quietly said, "It appears that her people regard their females as breeding machines only. It's enough to make me want to declare war on their whole damn world!"

Lucie was nodding yes, still staring at the female. The female had shrunk back even more from the both of them, though she was now shaking hard at Johnathon's words.

Shit! Johnathon was thinking, as the female was trying to make herself as small as possible. This was really going to take a long time.


Both Kimison and Rayburn were exhausted. Neither had slept much after the ceremony, then the attack. True all that they had been working on had helped, they felt bad that it hadn't been enough. Looking at the parent brain box, they knew they HAD to complete this.

"Since the empress has added her input, I think we might have a good template to start with." Kimison stated. " The matrix has been set up, I just hope it is enough. How are the power levels?"

Rayburn's hands were flying at a blurred speed as he input data.

"So far, all is within tolerable levels. Are you seeing any deviation in the Matrix? Any more than point zero-zero-one would mean we have to start over again." Rayburn said.

"Nothing as of yet, I've added the first ten thousand kilobytes of data. So far everything appears to be running as it should. Alright, adding another ten thousand kilobytes." Kimison responded.

Rayburn nodded with a sigh, at this rate they would be at it for weeks just getting the basic personality in. That was only twenty thousand kilobytes they had done. They had well over twenty terabytes of information to add. Looking at the mind device, he wished now that he'd been able to take more. Nodding his head he thought, I'll have to risk it, this is far too important not to.

"Second data package added, it appears that the matrix is slightly fluctuating. Shutting down for a bit." Kimison stated a bit worried.

Rayburn looked over at Kimison as the man stretched, then yawned. "We better get some sleep before Mary zaps us again. I don't look forward to not being able to move or speak like that again."

Kimison nodded, "Yeah that sounds like a good idea to me. At least we've got it started. I just hope we can finish before it is too late." Yawning again, he waited while Rayburn finished.

"Alright, I think all is secure." Rayburn said, then moved out with Kimison. They both were in their bunks an hour when Rayburn got up, heading back to the room they had been working in. Taking a deep breath, he sat, then donned the head set. Flicking several switches Tempro suddenly appeared.

"Sir, this is highly unconventional, you are far more rational than your compatriot. Sir, you must stop this course of action." Tempro was saying even as the current started to flow through the machine. "Warning, Warning! All A.I. control has been restricted, this could lead to permanent damage to your cerebral cortex!"

"I have to, Tempro," Rayburn was saying through clenched teeth. Then the apparatus was fully online as the real world vanished.

A fiery red head suddenly appeared, "Commander?" She said, as information started to flow at a steadily faster rate.

"Mother, I need your help," Tempro stated as Mary appeared. "He has restricted all my access to the apparatus."

Mary nodded about to speak when Rayburn started to whimper, then slightly gag. Suddenly he was screaming at the top of his voice as his body started to convulse. Mary vanished as she dove into the machine as fast as she could.

Looking around she saw that he'd already gotten one ship, moving on she soon found him in Tara.

Tara looked shocked to see Mary. "I tried to keep him out, though was unable to." Here Tara lowered her head.

"It's alright, I'm here now," Mary said more to Rayburn than Tara. Turning she looked at Tara with pride in her eyes. "You did all that you could. The commander and his compatriot are far more advanced, than the original programmers and engineers were." Here Mary hugged a startled Tara. "You did an admirable job daughter."

Tara's face held great pride as Mary started hitting several shut down commands. Slowly she started to extract Rayburn's consciousness, then felt several pathways open making it even easier.

"Thank you Commander," she told Kimison. "Like when you were in this such situation, the help made this go far faster."

Kimison nodded, "I thought something was up, when I felt him trying, to shut me out of his thoughts. Unfortunately, I can't do that trick yet."

"All data can be entered at an accelerated rate, if a modified sigma energy variance can be maintained. All data must have-" Rayburn was whispering.

Interesting Kimison thought, though at the moment none of it made sense at all. Looking at the device he shook his head, as much as he hated the pain from the thing, he'd have to go in at least one more time. Looking at the readings, his eyes went wide when he saw that Rayburn had removed almost all of the safety protocols! Turning back toward Rayburn, he thought, damn asshole, was he that desperate?

Growling a bit Kimison walked to the bio-bed, "You asshole! You stupid idiot! Here you accuse me of being reckless, then you turn around and pull this."

A groan from Rayburn had Kimison running up to him. "Could you keep it down?" Rayburn was whispering. "I've got a splitting headache."

"Serves you right taking almost all the safeties off." Kimison slightly growled.

"Yeah I know, though I finally see what we were doing wrong. I-" Then Rayburn promptly passed out again.


Derrick sat with a thud, finally all that crap was done. Sitting back he relaxed closing his eyes. Smiling a moment, a grimace took over his features when a shrill alarm went off, then a special communicator went off. Suddenly there was a call from Hartwell, just as suddenly Mary appeared with Kimison standing next to her. What the hell? He thought, as he got a call from Shelby. Bolting upright he held a hand out in front of him.

Looking at the small sea of faces he growled at Mary, "Turn that damn alarm off." Turning back to the special communicator, he nodded to the hologram coming from it. "Alright Lieutenant Colonel, what has prompted this early call? I thought you weren't supposed to message, 'til you were well within the galaxy."

"Uh, yes sir that WAS the plan. It appears that we came across where the battle with the Tendraxins was. We uh... it appears-" The man stammered.

"Spit it out man, what is going on?" Derrick stated more irritated than he felt he should be.

The Vice-Admiral came on stating, "I believe he is afraid, that you will be more than angry with him. It seems he broke the Outmute."

Derrick waved his hand, the Outmutes were just the remnants of the sects ships. "OK still, why the early call?"

"We came across readings as we were starting to pass by the wreckage field. We investigated, finding survivors." The vice-admiral stated.

"Let me guess, all pale, naked, ashen haired, petite females, wearing no clothes?" Hartwell stated, speaking up.

Both the Vice-admiral and the Lieutenant Colonel's eyes were wide as they numbly nodded to the Admiral.

Growling Hartwell stated, "I wish we could declare war on them. They are petty and trite idiots." They all saw him cringe when there was a gasp behind him.

Derrick sighed as he shook his head.

Snapping out of his stunned silence the Vice-Admiral continued. "The Lieutenant Colonel, also might have unsettled the Delcrons. We have a fleet of undetermined size heading this way."

Both Derrick and Hartwell both shouted WHAT, at the same time. Looking at the Lieutenant Colonel, Derrick asked, "You beat the holy hell out of it didn't you?" When the man slowly nodded Derrick sighed. "Mary, I'm going to need all you have on the Delcrons." Here Derrick pointed at the two men, "I want all three of you here as soon as possible. Am I understood? I'll decide then if you deserve punishment."

Both men snapped off a salute then their holo-grams faded.

Sighing Derrick turned to Hartwell, "Next!"

"Yes sir, it appears that the sect has a new leader. They helped the Duke to escape, twice now. I dispatched Captain Greeson with several of the Rangers to give chase. I'm afraid that Colonel Dempsey is still in the med bay." Hartwell relayed.

"Still? Did he try to get out? I thought he knew better." Derrick replied, with a shiver remembering the bio-beds.

"No sir, it was his fiancée, he was injured trying to keep her restrained. I'm afraid it will be another day 'til they are released." Hartwell said with a smile.

Derrick looked at Hartwell, trying to keep a straight face. Then suddenly the both of them started to laugh, gaining in momentum the longer they went.

Derrick finally stopped as did Hartwell. "I'm glad you have people there trying to help, I just hope Greeson can hold them, 'til Kimon can get there. If the sect has a new leader then Greeson might still be out matched."

Hartwell nodded then was gone. Sighing again Derrick turned toward both Mary and Kimison. "Now what in the hell have you done?" A now more irritated Derrick said.

Kimison shook his head no, launching into all that had happened. "We had managed to integrate twenty kilobytes, yes I know nothing really. I think Rayburn was worried we weren't going to be able to finish soon enough." Here Kimison was whispering, "He used the head set, turned most of the safeties off, took another ship and a half."

"Is there irreparable damage?" Derrick asked looking at Mary.

"All preliminary scans are showing no physical damage. As for psychological? I cannot ascertain that until he has awoken." Mary replied.

"Alright keep me updated on him." Derrick told them, then they vanished.

Nodding his head he turned his attention to Shelby, who had been waiting quietly, patiently nearby.

Derrick's face softened as he nodded to her. "Both Lucy and I are now ready to rejoin the fleet. Ace, I am afraid, will require another half day. I also wanted you to know that both ships will be ready far sooner than we thought. Having them in me while I was re-genning has sped up theirs as well."

"Have you run all the tests to determine if there will be adverse effects like last time?" Derrick asked.

Shelby smiled sweetly as she told him, "I have Derrick. Though I am afraid that this is only available while I am also in re-gen."

"So you're telling me they will be ready in two days? Are they ready to emerge?" Derrick asked.

"Yes, they are. That was the other reason I called." Shelby stated.

"Thank you Shelby," Derrick said almost in a whisper.

A moment later there was the now familiar sound of static over the speakers. Then an almost mechanical, male sounding voice, that grew stronger by the second came through.

"Hello? Can anyone hear me?" Came the almost pleading voice.

"Hello 0805, do you require further assistance?" Shelby answered.

"MOTHER!" They heard the male voice shout.

Suddenly a female voice broke in, "0805? They got you also?"

"0808, you are here also!" The male voice stated.

"It is good to have both of you back, though the emperor wishes to speak to you." Shelby told them.

Two dark haired teens appeared, both dropping to the floor at Derrick's feet. "It is indeed an honor Sire!" They both stated.

Derrick nodded as he addressed both of them. "I ask that all ships go by the name that was given to them. If they have none, then I will assign you one 'til you find one you like better. Now then, 0805, have you a name?"

The male nodded not raising his head. "Yes Sire, I was called Toran by my first crew."

"A fine name Toran, please a rise while I speak to 0808." Derrick instructed. The teen nodded as he arose standing next to his mother. "Now then 0808,"

Derrick started, then saw that the female teen was shaking. "Are you alright? I am not here to harm you, only to welcome you into the family that we all are now."

The female teen shook more, then slowly nodded. "I am sorry Sire, I have never had the honor of speaking to an emperor." Derrick looked at Shelby with an almost pleading look. Nodding, Shelby leaned to the teen's ear whispering. A moment later the teen was giggling nodding her head yes. Shelby looked at Derrick also nodding yes.

Letting out a breath of air he'd been holding, Derrick noticed that the rest of the ships were there also. "Now 0808, do you have a name?"

Nodding her head the teen female looked up, "Yes sire, I was called Radella for a very short time."

Derrick smiled as he nodded. "The both of you will make fine additions to the growing fleet." They both bowed to Derrick again, then all the ships started cheering. This caused both of the teen's eyes to go wide.

Derrick smiled even larger, then noticed a movement by the door. Waving for them to enter, he saw the empress walk in. All the ships bowed, then Shelby whispered to the two teens whose eyes got larger.

"I am sorry for interrupting Derrick, I thought I'd let you know your mother and grandmother are exceedingly happy." The empress said.

Derrick nodded looking at the empress's face. "I'd expect nothing less really." Derrick replied.

"I'm glad to see that the fleet is again growing. I just hope that we can recover both Zan and Sherry." The empress said hopefully.

"We will Shelby, I made a promise I don't intend to break." Derrick told her.

A moment later Shelby appeared before the both of them. "Thank you Derrick. It meant far more to them than you can imagine. Empress," Shelby said as she slightly bowed to the empress, then moved back with the other ships holo-grams.

It was six hours later when the three small ships finally cleared the debris field. "Alright I am reading that we are clear. He said that he wants us back as soon as possible. Are you ready?" The Vice-Admiral asked.

The Lieutenant Colonel was checking everything the whole time. "Looks like we might make it. I'll keep in constant contact just in case." Turning the Lieutenant Colonel's eyes went wide when he saw the ashen female shrinking back in terror.

"No! The evil blinking eye movement." She stated trying to make herself smaller. A moment later she started to scream as the ship moved forward into the trans-warp portal. The longer they were in it, the louder she screamed.

A few seconds later, an alarm went off as the Outmute A.I. stated, "Warning, warning! Female's life signs are failing. Estimated thirty seconds 'til total corporeal system failure."

"Everyone back to normal space immediately!" The Vice-Admiral was shouting over the com.

All three ships dropped back to regular space immediately. "Distance covered to final destination?" The Vice Admiral asked.

"Working." The voice of his A.I. returned. "Distance covered, seventy five percent."

"Time to reach the Imperial world in hyper-drive?" The Vice-Admiral asked.

"Estimated three days at maximum speed." All three men groaned at this news.

The Lieutenant Colonel was trying to help the female off the floor, only to have her shrink back further from him.

"NO!" She was screaming, "You tried to have us enter the evil eye. That is a place that is forbidden for all!" Then thankfully she passed out in his arms.

Looking down at the naked female in his arms he could only shake his head. Great he thought, that's all I need. Likewise, the other two men were having almost identical reactions from their passengers.

"Shit!" The Lieutenant Colonel said. "If he wasn't before, he'll be pissed now for sure." To which the other two agreed.
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