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Warnings, other then the labels, this is a Vore fanfic story. Tags should inform you as to what to expect.

It was inspired by art I saw on Deviant art, from creator called Ninjartist. Links I add in the comments will lead to pics of Rey and the Rathar.

A long tentacle slid rapidly across the wall of the brightly lit hallway. Suckers at the end of the bonelss limb were eager and wet, as they slid closer to the creatures prey. It knew it had to be careful, because this human was especially dangerous. And Rathtars always worked much better in packs. But it was hunger encarnate, a mindless eating machine. Patience wasn't even a concept to it. And today it knew a feast was coming.


The constant quiet drone of the hyperdrive was normally comforting to Rey. But today she was on a mission, "You pervert!," she screamed at BB-8 as she half ran down the hallway. The android had her clothes gripped tightly in it's mechanical claw. All she had managed to grab was the skimpy cloth wrap she liked to wear over her shirt and pants. To say it didn't cover much was an understatement.

The young woman couldn't fathom what had possessed the little ball of bolts to burst in on her in the bathroom. And the BB unit was fast. She didn't have a chance to even begin to grab her clothes off of the floor, before BB had grabbed them and taken off. Rey just barely managed to tug her cloth wrap free from BB-8's grasp. Quickly Rey dressed as well as she could. Her belt kind of kept the cloth in place. But even so, no part of her stunning athletic body was left to the imagination, as she ran after her fleeing clothes.

With all this going on, she didn't notice the tentacle until it was nearly too late. Rey caught movement from the corner of her eye, and ducked just in time to avoid one tentacle. But a second one whipped forward and wrapped around her right foot.

She fell to her hands and knees fast, and let out a bloodcurdling scream as she looked over her shoulder at the creature. It walked around the corner of the hallway, and used it's tentacles as legs, like some slimy massive spider with way too many limbs. It's round body was covered in yellowish orbs. Like puss pockets about to burst. And at the center of its maroon body was a massive round hole, lined with rows of razor sharp teeth.

Desprately she pushed out her right hand palm toward the Rathtar. But nothing happened. Panick seized her and she kicked at the tenctacles that had wrapped around her boots. Her desperate screams echoed in the Milennium falcon. But there was no one there to hear her.

The grating of the hallway floor bit into her bottom as the Rathtar turned her on her back. Then it dragged her. Slowly. The Jedi just kept screaming. She grabbed desprately at the grating, trying anything to avoid the circular rows of teeth that she was being dragged towards. It's mouth dripped with saliva in eager anticipation. Only to be met with a mouthfull of clothes.

BB-8 was back, and she was ready to fight. The robot whipped out it's tiny shock rod and zapped the Rathtar's tentacles. The beast srceeched in pain. And so did Rey. "I'm stil attached to that freaking monster you moron!" Rey screamed as soon as her body stopped convoulsing on the floor.

But she didn't get to be mad for long. Because the Rathar quickly grabbed BB-8 and ttossed her down it's throat. Rey just stared in horror. "There's nothing I can do," she said as dread even worse then before washed over her. Never had she felt so helpless, the force had left her. BB-8 was now gone. And she had no weapons. All she could do was scream.

And so she did, non stop as the Rathtar wrapped a tentacle around her neck. Non stop as she was lifted into the air. Non stop screams of guttural terror as she kicked and flailed. What little clothes she had on got caught on the grate floor, and as she was raised off of her feet, they quickly fell to the ground. And on and on she screamed, until the beast gripped her neck tight enough that she couldn't breath. She clawed at the red tentacle that was choking her. Her large breasts heaved as she struggled to breathe. Sweat trickled down her cleavage towards her bellyboutton. Clawing and kcicking was all she could do. She was completely naked and helpless.

Her vision started to go, and she started seeing spots. But still she fought desperate for this to not be the end. 'Not here, please not like this,' Rey thought as she kept on fighting, 'I wont die naked in some beasts...' Suddenly her left arm was yanked back as the Rathtar angrily grabbed her with a second tentacle.

Finally she was able to catch a breath, since it loosened its grip on her neck. She gasped. And gasped again, sucking in massive gulps of air. And then she devolved in to a fit of coughs that shook her whole body. Until she just hung there for a second. Her body glistened with sweat, it dripped from her nipples, and ran down her back. Legs dangled as the Rathtar stared at her with it's dozens of eyes. If you could even call the orbs covering it's body eyes. But just as quickly as the voilence had ended, it started right back up.

The Rathtar walked back the way Rey had come, around the corner of the hallway. And she saw her chance. With her free right hand she grabbed at the corner of the hallway and fought to escape again. It was a long straight hallway after this corner. And she knew it was taking her to it's pack. Thoughts of being ripped limb from limb flooded her mind. In a Rathtar feeding frenzy nothing was wasted. Not even a bone.

The terror was nearly tangible. She could taste it on her tounge. Feel it in her fingers as she strained to hold on to anything that could save her. Then a tentacle grabbed her right leg, wrapped itself around her thigh and that was the last straw. She thrashed and screamed and finally pissed herself in fear. Some of the urine splashed onto the tentacle that was wrapped around her thigh.

In response the Rathtar let go of her leg and stuck it's tentacle right up into her urinating vagina. As if Rey was a leaky faucet. Her eyes widedned in absolute horror. But she didn't, couldn't, stop. Piss went everywhere as a result. All over her legs and boots, and some even managed to splash onto her lower butt cheeks. Finally her bladder was empty and she found that she was so distracted and humiliated by the tentacle stuffing her vagina, that she had let go of the corner.

And it was stuffed as far as it could go. Her pussy was streached further then she thought possible, and it hurt. It trobbed, the skin tightened as it streached to accomidate the f***oreign*** object. 'It's inside of me', Rey thought in horror. She felt it twitching in her vagina, it felt like it went way too far into her.

Then it twiched again, but this time she let out an involuntary moan. Her legs twitched in pleasure and her boots fell off. 'Being eaten wasn't enough was it?' she thought to herself. 'I'm going to be raped as well now. And my body is liking it too. I can't even con-' She stopped herself at that thought. Unwilling to even finish it. And tears sprang from her eyes. She just cried as she was raised above the carnivore's mouth. Her body swung limply in it's grasp. She had given up finally.

But she was still terrified of what was to come. So as she was lowered head first into it's mouth she just screamed. Her breasts dangled nearly hitting her in the chin as the was turned upside down. She screamed and kicked as it held her by her waist. And she saw with wide open eyes, the rows and rows of teeth coming up to meet her. Instinctively she raised her arms to protect her face, and realized she could grab it's mouth.

"My arms are free!" She exclaimed and grabbed the Rathtar's jaws to push back against her doom. It shoved her harder and harder, and her long brown hair got caught in it's teeth. She stopped screaming to conserve energy and pushed back as hard as she could. Legs kicked, Muscles strained, but she was losing anyway.

Finally in a fit of frustration the Rathtar took two of it's tentacles and shoved one up her pussy again, but the second went right up her asshole. She let out a massive scream and her head was shoved right into it's mouth. Her arms were pinned to her sides as she slid past it's teeth. The wet throat pressed against her face. Sharp teeth scraped along her soft breasts, and nicked her right nipple. The taste of blood mad the beast salivate even more, and she turned her head trying to get a last glimps of light as she got slowly swallowed alive.

She couldn't scream because the Rathtar's throat was pressing up against her nose and mouth. But she reached her right hand out trying to grab at anything. She kicked her legs trying to get a perch desprately. So she could pull herself out. Her pert little ass wiggled as she kicked, her butt cheeks spread out to accomidate the tentacle in her asshole. She pissed again, a little squirt that wasn't noticed among the saliva and tencacles that were filling her vagina at that moment.

She slid down more, now her abdomen was past the teeth and only her toned muscular legs and ass stuck out of the Rathtar's mouth. It's throat contracted, squeezing her along the way. Her butt now felt the creatures rows of sharp teeth. The teeth pressed into her skin but never actually punctured her.

Long past cognitive thought, Rey was just a mess. Unable to hold onto a single thought she just felt. Felt fear, felt her racing heart. Felt the slime of the Rathtar's saliva covering all of her skin. Felt the tentacles still wriggling in her ass and pussy.

Then they slipped out of her, but at that point she didn't care. Or even really notice. She just smelt it's putrid breath, and tasted the beasts bitter saliva on her tounge. The saliva was already starting to digest her. She could feel the burning on her breasts. Her legs she realized were now fully in it's mouth. And the last glimmer of light dissapered as it closed it's mouth around her feet.

She was in darkness now. Wet, hot, burning darkness. She wiggled and struggled to turn around even though she was in the beasts throat. And was being swallowed. The throat muscles forced her down along its gullet. Her naked fleshy body slid along the path. She breathed heavily as she tried anything to make herself too big to swallow. Not thinking but acting on instinct.

But the bigger she made herself the more the throat moved to accomidate her. She finally suddenly fell. And landed with a splash into the stomach. Coughing she sat up, but wasn't able to sit striaght because the stomach was too small. So she sat there hunched. Fleshy bits of the creature, like stubby inner tentacles, poked at her. And squirted viscous fluids all over her breasts. She felt the slime dripping off of her tits and onto her stomach. The cut on her nipple burned from the acid.

Rey was then blasted in the face with the stuff, soaking her already soaked face and hiar. "Bee--" Rey heard, and realized that BB was in there still. But only the head was left. She slid a bit down, sitting in a growing pool of digestive fluids. The stuff seeped into her every orafice, and burned the entire time. BB-8 activated a light on it's dome and Rey squinted at the sudden brightness. As she looked around she just cried. Hugging her arms to herself, she knew there was no way out. And she was now waiting to die an incredibly painful death. She hugged her legs and just sat.
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