Our German Panzer unit had been in the field in Russia
for months, living and existing in our Tiger Tanks.
None of the unit had seen any leave since the previous
year before the Eastern Campaign had started. We were a
support unit consisting of five tanks and some
auxiliary vehicles for re-supplying us with fuel,
ammunition and rations.
Our main roll was to be available to support infantry
units, which meant that we were the ones who went in
when the grunts got themselves bogged down under heavy
enemy fire. We were also used to clear out villages and
buildings, usually by just flattening them under our
heavy vehicles, although this was a dangerous task, as
you never knew when their was someone with an antitank
weapon hiding in the rubble.
Our other main use was for Recce Patrols, where we
could get in fast, look around and get out again. It
was during one of these patrols that we came across a
small unit of women Russian soldiers also out on a
recce. We had driven to a small valley and camouflaged
the tanks in the trees just after dusk. Leaving two men
from each of the five vehicles on guard, the other
fifteen of us headed out on our recce.
We followed the river valley for about an hour before
coming across the old wooden barn next to a derelict
farmhouse. As we slowly moved in, we made out the
shadowy outlines of two figures in Russian uniforms
keeping watch. We only noticed them, as they were
moving around in some form of sentry duty. Not very
clever of them when in a war zone, where the best way
to keep watch was to stay concealed and use your ears
as well as your eyes.
Still their mistake was to our advantage; we dropped
down and silently moved in on their positions. We were
only a few feet away from them when we stopped and
waited. Two of our best men had made a detour and were
silently sneaking up to their positions from the sides
of the barn.
When we were all in position, the commander waited
until the two guards had both moved to the two ends of
the barn and gave a soft bird like whistle. Both
figures turned in his direction at the sound, as the
two men came out of the shadows and clamped big strong
hands around their mouths from behind, At the same time
they yanked the heads of the figures heads violently
backwards, making them instinctively throw their hands
up to their necks.
The man on the left of the barn as we watched, used his
bayonet to slash the Russian figures neck from ear to
ear, then slowly lowered the body silently to the
ground and dragged it around the corner out of sight.
The man on the right hand side of the barn stuck his
bayonet against the struggling figures chest, as he did
so the figures fur cap fell off to expose the long hair
of a young female. The female Russian was dead within
seconds when the bayonet cut through her breasts and
entered her heart; the man lowered her body silently to
the ground, and also dragged it around the corner of
the barn out of sight.
We started to move forwards again to check out the
barn, as we reached the very edge of the undergrowth,
where the dirt area surrounding the barn started, we
froze as the door opened and a figure stepped into the
entrance. As she stopped in the area bathed in light
from inside the barn and turned so speak to those
inside, we were able to clearly see her form.
The girl could not of been more than nineteen years of
age with shoulder length blonde hair, she was slim
wearing a pair of Russian army trousers tucked into her
boots. Her uniform shirt could not hide the swellings
of her breasts as she turned in profile in the light of
the barn. She seemed to be relaxed and strangely not
carrying her weapon, totally out of order during
wartime, when you ate, slept and made love with your
weapon within easy reach. It seemed as if the enemy
inside the barn were being far to lapse for their own
A roar of female laughter came from inside the barn,
and the girl came out closing the door behind, her
laughing out aloud as she did so to some shared joke or
other. She started to walk across the dirt directly in
my direction. As she did so, she started to unbuckle
her belt and undo the buttons on her trousers. On
reaching the undergrowth where I was in hiding, she
turned around to face the barn and dropped her trousers
to her ankles.
Squatting down in front of me and lifting her shirt up
to just under her breasts, she started to urinate onto
the ground. I was no more than two feet away from that
naked arse as the stream of yellow pee started to
splash on the ground. I was fascinated by the scene, I
had never been as close as this to a woman having a
pee, I could make out the lips of her cunt between the
valley of her shapely arse as she lent forwards, and
her expanding pee hole as it opened to let out the
stream of liquid. I was so worked up that I wanted to
reach out and fondle her cheeks and cunt in my hand.
Biting my lips to contain my sexual thoughts, at any
second she might realise that the two guards were
missing from their posts and raise the alarm. So far
she had been so engrossed with the joke she had been
party to and the task of relieving her bladder
functions that she was totally unaware that they were
missing. Slowly and silently I shifted my weight ready
to pounce and drew my own bayonet from its sheaf.
While the girl was still in full stream, I moved
forwards and clamped my hand over her mouth and dragged
her backwards so that she fell on her arse with her
knees spread wide open. The move was so unexpected; the
girl's stream of urine shot up in the air from between
her legs and soaked the trousers around her ankles.
Pulling her body back tightly into mine so that she
couldn't struggle loose, I placed the point of my
bayonet against the skin on her uncovered right ribs.
Her beautiful eyes grew to the size of golf balls as
they looked at the blade and begged for mercy.
I used the tip to feel for the gaps between her rib
bones. Finding the right spot, I slowly pushed the
point home, cutting through the skin and muscle until
it entered her right lung. I could feel her tense and
fight for breath as the lung collapsed. Angling the
bayonet so that it was pointing in a line with her
beating heart, slicing the lung and ribcage open as I
did so, I pushed the blade slowly forwards until it
ripped into her life-giving pump. She died as the heart
organ shredded and ceased to function. I held onto her
for a few minutes until her blood starved brain had
ceased to function.
Again the sexual thoughts had started to return as I
looked down on her young shapely body. Naked from her
blood soaked ribs down to her trouser wrapped ankles,
her knees splayed wide apart, displaying the blonde
hairy mound of her pussy. While I waited for her to
completely expire, I slid the hand that had destroyed
her life to push up her top and grabbed her breast.
They felt great, so firm and soft. As her body relaxed I
moved my other had that was covering her mouth down
to that mound and stroked her teenage
cunt, slipping a couple of fingers into her pussy, I
found to my surprise that she was a virgin. What a
waste, still that was war. Slowing sliding my fingers
n and out of that wet pussy I was getting worked upped.
But when I saw the others moving into position I had to snap out of it.
The others had started to move forward again, so I
dragged her body back into the bushes and also stared
to move forwards. As we stopped to listen at the side
of the barn, and we could hear female voices laughing
and joking on the inside. As one, all fifteen of us
burst into the barn with our weapons cocked and ready.
There were nine females sitting around in a circle,
their own weapons were piled up in one corner of the
barn out of reach. A simple glance told us why they had
been so lapse in security, some of the girls were
holding half empty bottles of vodka, and other bottles,
both empty and unopened were spread out on the floor.
Only one of the females seemed to be even aware of our
presence to start with, a big non commissioned officer
made a move to reach their weapons and was cut down by
gun fire from two of our men before she had got two
yards, bullets ripped into the layers of fat around her
guts and chest and she was dead before her great bulk
hit the ground.
The sound of the gunfire in the confines of the barn
seemed to bring the other females to their senses, and
they all swung around in our direction, to face looking
down the barrels of our weapons. As their predicament
sank in, they started to raise their hands into the
air. With some of us keeping the eight remaining
Russians covered, some of the men stepped forward and
bound their hands together and gagged them. They were
then dragged over to the pillars supporting the barn
roof and tied to the pillars with their arms still
raised above their heads, ropes were passed around
their ankles and tied to the base of the pillars as
When they were secured, we searched the barn and all
their equipment for intelligence, such as maps papers
and personal documents, we also pocketed things like
cigarettes, lighters and money if we found them. The
girls themselves squirmed as we unceremoniously
searched their pockets for ID cards and pay books, I
suppose more than one girl would have got her nipples
squeezed through her shirt, as her breast pockets were
checked, or her pussy stroked through the material of
her trouser pockets, I know when I slid my hands down a girls
trousers looking for hidden items I felt around her crotch region,
her young, wet and warm pussy was explored. i even managed to
slide a finger in. The girl tried to resist only to receive a slap across her face.
We handed everything we found to our commander, who had
sat down where the girls had been sitting. As he looked
through the papers, a couple of us reached for the
bottles of vodka discarded by the girls. He stopped us
immediately and instructed us to stack them in a couple
of the girl's packs, to take with us for later. Two of
the men were detailed to go outside on watch.
While waiting for the commander we were eyeing up the
eight girls, all were in Russian army uniform trousers
and shirts, their tunic coats having been discarded
over near their weapons. With their arms tied up high
above their heads, their breasts were being thrust
upwards against the material of their shirts. It was
impossible to make out the form of their legs in those
baggy uniform trousers, but if the hidden legs were
anything like the rest of their bodies, they would be
pretty attractive.
Straightening up, the commander announced that he had
enough intelligence information on the girls units and
positions for the recce, and instructed us to kill the
girls and relax for a few hours. We would be moving out
again a couple of hours before dawn, to head back to
our Tigers. We always killed any captives during recce
patrols to hide our presence; because we had tanks, we
would not be able to transport prisoners back to our
At his instructions we all looked back over at the
girls, and then at each other, the same thing was going
on in each of our minds. Finally the corporal voiced
our thoughts to the commander, and he reluctantly
allowed us to have some fun with the girls before we
disposed of them. He ordered that the guard was doubled
to four men and that we rostered ourselves to allow
those on watch to de able to come in for their share.
The commander was of the old school of soldiers, who
looked down on any impropriety, but he was also well
aware of how frustrated his men had got over the last
few months without female company. These women as far
as he was concerned were the enemy, and would kill him
and his men at any opportunity. He had already ordered
their deaths, and so they were now just living corpses
anyway, if his men wanted to use their bodies first,
that was fine by him.
The corporal ordered two more men outside on guard
duty, leaving myself and nine other men in the barn, as
well as the commander, who was going to take no part in
the fun and went and curled up in the corner for a
rest. The corporal himself although frustrated and
wanting some of the action decided to wait until the
guard changed to keep his eye on things, one of the
older guys also decided to wait with him.
The eight of us approached the tied up girls with
anticipation. The look in their eyes told us that they
knew they were in for trouble. All of the girls were
aged between about eighteen and twenty-five, and
although there were no raving beauties amongst them,
they were all fairly attractive, especially to our
frustrated minds.
We were all eager to see these girls in all their
natural glory. With their up-thrust breasts sticking
out prominently against their shirts, it was natural
for us to make these the first focus of our attentions.
We opened the fronts of their shirts and tugged them
out of their trouser waistbands, all but one of the
girls were wearing bras, these we quickly unhooked and
tore off their bodies to give us free access to their
Our eager hands reached out and caressed their naked
magnificent chest puppies, rubbing and squeezing those
glorious mounds and savouring the feel of their tender
flesh in our fingers. Massaging and squeezing the
nipples until they swelled up under the touch of our
fingers, then pinching the swollen buds to bring a
mixture of cries from under the girl's gags. It had
been so long since we had been able to do this that we
buried our faces in their bosoms and kissed them all
over, sucking and biting the nipples as if it was
nectar food from the gods.
Even though this was a glorious exercise we needed
more, and soon our hands were dropping to the girl's
waists to grope at their belts and buttons. Whether it
was as a result of the vodka that the girls had been
drinking, the thought that co-operating with us would
save their lives, or even that they were genuinely
getting sexually worked up, the girls were responding
to our caresses. The girl I was with was moaning to my
mouth manipulations of her breasts, and thrusting her
hips forward to assist my thumbling attempts to remove
of her trousers.
Finally I had the front of her trousers open and
started to push them down her legs, her knickers, if
any, had gone down with them and I started to feel
around the junction of her legs. She had a big thick
carpet of curly hair nesting down there and I ran my
fingers through the forest, sliding them down to the
crease below where there seemed to be the heat of a
fire burning.
As I slid my fingers along the crease, she thrust her
hips forwards against my fingers, causing my digits to
slide inside her hot passage of sex. As I glorified in
the sensations, she started to fuck my fingers. God, I
was really ready for a fuck, big time, and so it seemed
were my other mates, who were having similar
experiences with their girls.
Forcing ourselves to let go of the girls and pull away,
we were able to take our first real good look at their
naked bodies, all were worthy of a real good fucking,
and we intended to make sure that is just what they
got. Although we were gasping for it, and needed to
sink our cocks into these females urgently, we didn't
forget that they were enemy prisoners and couldn't be
trusted. So we only released them one at a time.
Leaving their gags on, we released the ropes around
their ankles and lifted their legs to remove their
boots and trousers completely; next we untied their
hands and slipped off their shirts before retying their
arms tightly behind their backs, lashing their forearms
together so that their arms were secured in the middle
of their backs. They were each moved to another part of
the barn where they could be secured on their backs and
their legs spread wide open and secured.
The girl I had been with, was laid down on the floor
between two of the pillars, ropes were attached to her
ankles again and tied to the two pillars about three
feet off the ground and pulled tight. This caused her
wide spread legs to form a really wide V shape with her
gapping wet pussy at the point, with total access.
Three other girls were tied up in a similar fashion
between pillars. Two girls were tied lying on their
backs on benches, with their hands and feet tied
together underneath, with one leg on each side of the
bench they couldn't have closed their legs if they had
wanted to. The last two girls were tied in a similar
fashion on top of two hay bales, with the ropes holding
their ankles to each side being passed under the bales
As soon as they were all secured we got stuck in, I
decided to use the same girl as before and knelt down
between her wide spread legs, dropping my pants to my
knees, I rammed my swollen cock straight into her pussy
as far as it would go and started to pump it rigorously
in and out.
Leaning forward between her legs as I fucked her, I
again started to play with those gorgeous firm breasts,
this time sucking on them and biting on her nipples. She
squirmed a bit in response and I pulled my face to her
face and kissed her. She struggled to pull away but I forced it on.
Before long she was bucking underneath me, trying to
raise her hips to meet my thrusts into her cunt. It
didn't take long for my frustrations to catch up with
me and I felt myself swelling in her belly. Slamming my
cock into her as far as I could, I exploded my cum deep
into her womb.
After withdrawing I could see that the others were all
finishing off with their girls and moving away. The
corporal gave us all a few minutes to get over our
exertions before he detailed four more men to go
outside and relieve the other guards. I was one of
those picked so I checked my weapon and headed out with
the others. We sat silently in the dark, unlike the
stupid female Russian guards; we were well away from
the barn concealed in the undergrowth. We sat for what
seemed hours before we ourselves were relieved,
although it was in fact only about an hour when the new
guards arrived.
When we went back in, the corporal and former sentries
were sitting around relaxing, the girls were all still
tied up, as they had been when we went outside. As we
started to cross over to them the commander sat up and
informed us we had about an hour left before we moved
out. He instructed us that he wanted all the girls
moved and tied up kneeling across the two benches
ready, and that once it was done we could take them
again if we wanted before he disposed of them.
First we untied the two girls who were lying on their
backs on the benches and forced them to kneel down
facing them, we attached a rope to one knee then forced
them to lean forwards with their bellies on the bench.
We then passed the rope under the bench, looped it
around their necks once, and then passed it back under
the bench to tie it off on their other knee, thus
holding them securely with their arses hanging over one
side of the bench and their tits over the other.
All the other girls were also then moved and tied up
the same way so that there were four girls secured side
by side on each bench. As a final touch each girls
knees were tied to the girls knees next to her, the
girls at the ends had their outside knees roped to the
bench legs. From the rear we could now clearly see
their pussies and arses as their legs were being held
slightly parted. The two benches were facing each other
so each of the four girls could see the other four.
The commander nodded his satisfaction and pointed to
his watch, making it clear that time was running out
for the females. So without further hesitation we once
again started to play with the girls. This time I chose
one of the youngest girls, a slim brunette with a
really trim tight butt to have a bit of fun with.
Reaching over her back to fondle her hanging tits, I
started to gentle rub my semi-swollen cock in one hand
until it once again began to get hard. I rubbed the
bell end up and down the crack of her cunt to get it
wet before slamming it forwards into her pussy. Once
again I could feel the hot sheaf of a woman gripping my
cock as I pumped her sex box.
As I pumped into her pussy I noticed that the man next
to me was pumping his cock into to his girls tight
arse. I had heard of this but had never had the
experience myself. Deciding that I would never get a
better opportunity to savour the delights of screwing a
woman's arse, I pulled my sticky swollen cock out of
her cunt and placed its head against her tight puckered
anus. At first I couldn't get it in as the hole was so
small and I had to put my hand around my cock to stop
it bending and sliding away from the opening.
Eventually by using my hand to guide my penis and
continuing to thrust my hips forwards, I began to feel
the muscles around her anus give and my bell end
stretching her opening to gain purchase. I thought to
myself, this is another battle the Germans are going to
win. As the tip of my cock entered her hot arse, I
could feel the girl really squirming at the pain of my
entry as she screamed into her gag. The sensations of
her bucking in agony as my cock slipped deeper into her
butt hole were fantastic on my sensitive bell end. This
was no girl responding to sex like my last fuck, this
was a pure vicious rape of her body.
When my cock was buried up to the hilt in her tight
rear passage, I started to pummel her body on the
insides with my swollen member, drawing it partially
out and ramming it back in again until my ball sack
crashed against her cunt lips below. This was the best
fuck of my life, every part of my cock seemed to be
gripped by the girls tight back passage, it was like a
thousand fingers gripping onto my dick at the same time
to wank me off.
A couple of soldiers on the opposite bench had shot
their loads into their girls and withdrew. As they
stood up and did up their trousers, the commander
looked at his watch and then crossed the room to where
the girls were. He drew his long knife and without
speaking approached the first naked bound girl. She saw
him coming but failed to realise the significance of
his actions. None of the girls had spoken German so
they were totally unaware of their planned fate up
until this time.
From where I was, fucking into my girls arse, I could
see the girls stretched neck and the fall of her two
enormous hanging tits with big swollen nipples hanging
over the side of the bench. The Commander stopped in front of the big
tited girl and started to play with her enormous breasts. He then undid his
trousers and forced his cock into the girl’s mouth. He viciously faced fucked her
until he grunted and pull out. The commander grabbed the girl's hair
in his hand and forced her head up so far that her neck
was stretched taught. The girl with cum dripping out of he mouth
barely had time to process what was going on. Then the commander looked into
the girl's eyes, which turned to sheer terror as she
finally realised what was about to happen. While I
continued to pump my cock into my girls arse, I watched
as the commander placed his knife against the girl's
neck, near her left ear and drew the blade deeply
across her exposed throat until he reached her right
ear. A gaping hole appeared which suddenly started to
pump out bright red blood. As the commander let her
head drop down, a pool of blood started to form on the
floor below her, as her lifeblood ebbed away mixing with
the cum still dripping from her mouth. The commander then
zipped up his trousers and continued on.
As the commander stepped up to the second girl and
grabbed her hair, I also grabbed the hair of the girl I
was butt fucking with both hands; I hauled her head up
to face the other bench, forcing her to watch as the
second girls throat was cut open. I held her head there
and used it to pull myself further and further into her
arse. The commander didn't wait for the man to finish
with the third girl.
While she was being fucked between the legs from the
rear, he pulled her head up and slashed her throat open
with his knife. As he let her head drop down again, the
man fucking her exploded his seed deep into the
lifeless girls womb. The fourth girl on the opposite
bench was also slaughtered while being fucked up the
arse by her man, who again shot his load deep into her
bowels as she died.
I let go of my girl's head and continued to pump my
cock into her anus as the commander disposed of a girl
next to us. My girl was in absolute terrified hysterics
by now, and her body was shaking and bucking underneath
me, sending wonderful sensations from her body into the
swollen head of my cock in her arse as I fucked her.
I felt her stiffen as the commander yanked her head up
by her hair, her arsehole seemed to clamp tightly
around my cock taking me to new heights of sensations.
Her body seemed to tremble and shake as the knife was
drawn slowly across her throat cutting deep into her
windpipe and arteries. As her body fought a losing
battle for life it shook and spasmed, transferring
these sensations to her arse and my cock buried deep
inside. I grabbed her breasts and squeezed hard wanting to
feel her whole body shuttering in her death throws. I felt myself
expand to enormous proportions as
I fired my hot seed deep into the dying girls bowels,
shot after shot of my hot sperm blasted deep inside of
her now lifeless form before I started to shrink and
withdraw. “Thank you for that” I whispered to her now dead face.
The commander disposed of the remaining two girls,
including the one I had been fucking earlier; I was
somehow pleased that she had died while she was being
fucked in her pussy by one of the lads, and wondered if
her body had given him the same sort of feelings that I
had experienced as she died. I walked over to her dead
corpse and rubbed her large breasts one last time.
“What a waste of a good bed warmer, you could have stayed home
and pleasured a man for years. But you chose to take up arms against us.
Well, at least you provide pleasure to me before you are wasted.” I said my goodbyes
and walked away. The last girl had already
been fucked, and had to wait for her executioner to
approach her now used body, terrified at what was going
to be the inevitable outcome of his slicing knife.
We dumped the bodies of all twelve females down an old
well outside the barn, along with all their equipment
and weapons, and then covered it over with the debris
from an old wooden hut. Then we got properly dressed
and prepared to leave. We picked up our weapons and the
two Russian packs containing the girl's vodka and
headed out of the door.
Collecting the four lads on guard duty on the way, we
headed back along the valley towards where we had
concealed the Tigers. We reached our own lines in the
tanks just as the dawn was breaking and spent most of
the day catching up with some much needed sleep.
That night we sat around a campfire with the captured
vodka and recited the story of our night's events to
the ten lads who had missed out guarding the Tigers. We
were all wondering if we would meet up with any more
Russian women soldiers during this war.
The End
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