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After surprising my wife Amanda with a skimpy little black dress, I convince her to wear it during a night out... without panties !!! As I show her off, we discover that she enjoys coyly playing the role of exhibitionist.
“I have a surprise for you, Mandy.”

My beautiful wife looked up from the book she was reading. “What is it?”

“It’s in our bedroom. I’ve been waiting to give it to you.”

Her face lit up with excitement.

I held out my hand. “Come on, let me show you.”

Amanda took it and followed me to the bedroom door.

“Close your, eyes, Mandy.”

She giggled and played along. I carefully guided her inside.

“Ok, you can look.”

Amanda opened her eyes. Carefully laid out on our bed was the black minidress that I purchased for her nearly 2 weeks ago. Composed of a very soft and stretchy material, I knew it would hug every curve of her body. It was strapless and sleeveless with an extremely low neckline and scalloped back. The bottom of the minidress would also be equally as revealing since it wouldn’t reach even halfway down my wife’s thighs.

Her expression was unreadable as she looked from the dress to me then back at the dress. She picked it up, eying it clinically.

“Do you like it?” I asked hopefully.

“Babe, it’s a sexy dress. But it’s so skimpy! I’d be too embarrassed to wear it in public.”

I gazed adoringly at my wife. She was easily the most beautiful thing I had ever---and would ever---lay eyes on. Standing at 5’6, she possessed silky straight black silk hair that ran to her hips and constantly smelled like fresh flowers. Running 10+ miles a week may have given Amanda an athletic physique, toned legs, and rock-hard abs that I could sharpen a knife on, but it didn’t take away from her feminine curves. Any man---and many women--- within eyesight couldn’t helped but be mesmerized by her perfect 34C breasts and sculpted ass. Even in the middle of a harsh winter, Amanda’s skin still showed off a natural bronze tan. Her almond-shaped brown eyes gave her a decidedly exotic countenance, and always seemed to be twinkling with some sort of naughtiness or inside joke that only she was aware of. However, my wife’s adorable freckles were perhaps her sexiest physical trait of all.

But all of that paled in comparison to her intelligence and personality.

Amanda and I graduated from the same college, and she had attained an advanced Master’s Degree in Green Design Architecture by her mid-20’s. Now 30, she was quickly rising through the ranks at her workplace. However, although Amanda possessed model-like good looks and superior intellect, it was her gentle kind-heartedness that always won me over. There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for those she cared about, and she made me the center of her universe just like my entire existence revolved around her.

I loved my wife more than anything, and I adored the very ground that she walked on.

“You have that weird look on your face again.”

I snapped out of my reverie. “Sorry, Mandy. I was just imaging how sexy you’d look in that dress.”

“A hand towel would cover me more than this thing,” she stated bluntly.

“Here, feel it. It’s got that nice soft, stretchy material that I like.”

“Why don’t you wear it, then?”

“I have a confession to make. I made special dinner plans for us tonight, and I was REALLY hoping that you’d wear the outfit.”

“What? Where are we going?”

“The Oceanside Cafe.”

My wife exclaimed, “The Oceanside Cafe!” It was a 5-star restaurant situated on the waterfront in Center City. Amanda and I had been meaning to dine there for years.

I decided to rectify that.

“I wanted to surprise you with something different, and taking you to Center City immediately popped into my head.”

I could tell Amanda was happy since we didn’t venture there often. That, in turn, made me a thousand times happier. “I’d love to spend the evening there!”

“Weekend,” I corrected her. “I also booked reservations for a hotel.”

It was her turn to give me an odd look. “How long have you been planning this?”

“Only for about a month,” I deadpanned. “Once I found the dress, I knew I had to take you somewhere special. And you wouldn’t believe how difficult it was to coordinate reservations at both places!”

Amanda smiled, but there was still suspicion in her voice. “What’s the reason?”

“There isn’t one. I wanted to surprise you with something fun and unexpected, that’s all.”

She regarded me stoically for a moment. Then her eyes suddenly brimmed, and she was in my arms. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too, Mandy.” I stepped back and grinned impudently at her. “So, getting back to the dress…”

“Do you really want me to wear it?”

“Of course! I mean, I’ve been waiting almost 2 weeks to see you in it!” In a much more serious tone, I added, “Seriously, Mandy. I don’t know why you’re so embarrassed. You’re going to look so fucking hot, everyone within a 50 foot radius will be staring at you!”

My wife sighed and shook her head helplessly. “Omigod, babe. You’re crazy, do you know that?”

“Your fault,” I replied laconically.

“Well,” Amanda began hesitantly. “It DOES look like a fun dress to wear… and I do have the perfect heels to go with it. Now I just gotta figure out the right makeup and---“

“No makeup.”


“No makeup,” I repeated. “Go natural, you’re perfect just the way you are. Makeup is a downgrade for you.”

She beamed at the compliment. “So you want me to wear this dress, and go without any makeup. Are there any other rules and regulations that I should be aware of?” Her tone was mocking.

I actually did have another idea in mind that would make the night even more memorable, but kept it to myself. “You’ll see,” was all I said.

Amanda let that go. “So what time is our dinner reservation?”

“6:30pm. If we hurry up and leave soon, we can check into the hotel first and get dressed there. It’s only a few blocks from the restaurant.”

Amanda smiled, and I realized that she was more delighted with my surprise that she had been letting on.

My ultimate plan was beginning to take form.


Approximately 2 hours later, we arrived at the hotel in downtown Center City. As I pulled our car to the lobby entrance, a very well-dressed valet immediately hurried out and opened the door for Amanda, assisting her out.

“Good evening, madam. Sir. And welcome.” The valet was around our age, I surmised.

“Thank you,” my wife replied, staring at the luxurious hotel behind him.

Another attendant, this one much older, approached with a luggage cart. “That’s ok,” Amanda told him. “We just have overnight bags.”

“It’ll be my pleasure to transport them inside for you.”

“Thank you, but we can manage them on our own.”

The luggage attended actually appeared crestfallen, but he simply nodded and wheeled the cart away.

Amanda and I entered the hotel lobby as the valet parked our car. Once inside, her eyes took in the opulent surroundings. Giant crystal chandeliers hung from the vaulted ceilings, and the marble floor gleamed pristinely. Everyone around us, including the hotel employees, were sharply dressed.

“Uh, babe. Are sure that we’re in the right hotel?”

“Of course. I wasn’t going to wine and dine you at a fancy restaurant only to sleep in a fleabag motel. Tonight, we’re going 5-star all the way!”

My wife was ecstatic, but blushed self-consciously. “God, I feel so underdressed here.”

I grinned impishly. “Then you better hurry up and change!”

We quickly checked in and took the elevator up to the 25th floor. I opened the door to our suite and led my wife inside. The suite was felt as though it was almost the size of our entire house, and everything was immaculate and plush. The entire interior felt sterile, as if it had been cleaned and re-cleaned several times.

Situated at the far end of the suite were 3 huge windows that ran from floor to ceiling, and were set together at slight angles like half of a hexagon. We set our bags down at looked out. From our vantage point, we had a clear, unobstructed view of the Atlantic Ocean as well as the heart of downtown. The windows were closed, and hustle and bustle of the Center City was silent to us.

I had made sure that we were staying in the finest hotel possible.

Amanda turned to me. Dressed for comfort in my grungy concert t-shirt, yoga pants, and sneakers with her hair hastily tied in a ponytail, she looked as beautiful as ever. “Thank you. This is… amazing.”

“I should be the one thanking you for allowing me to be part of your life. Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

“Only about 10 times on the way here.”

“Then let me make it 11.”

I was on her instantly, my mouth and body pressed against hers. Her breasts felt firm against my chest which, in turn, induced my cock to bulge. She felt it, smiling and murmuring into my lips. We made out before the uncovered window, and the idea that the world was watching us excited me even more.

However, my lust was too overwhelming, and I began dragging Amanda to the bed as I continued to kiss and touch her all over. We fell onto it together. The thick, plush blanket smelled fresh and newly laundered, and it felt like we were laying on a thick layer of soft cotton balls.

I couldn’t stop kissing her, but she pulled away. “Stop,” Amanda whispered reluctantly. “We’re going to be late.”

“I don’t care. I want you right now.”

“You didn’t spend weeks planning this just to make us late for dinner!”

She did have a point. “What about just a quickie?” I pleaded desperately.

Amanda laughed, slapped me on the shoulder, and rolled off the bed. “You’re such a guy! Come on, get up and get dressed.” Her expression suddenly became sly. “Who knows, if you play your cards right, maybe I’ll show you my appreciation later.”

I quickly jumped out of bed.

It took me less than 10 minutes to put on my dress shirt, necktie, and khakis, and comb my hair. The necktie was probably overdoing it, but I wanted to go all out tonight. I turned around to watch Amanda get dressed. Aside from wearing thin, silk panties, she was completely naked and holding the minidress in her hands. She lowered it to the floor and stepped into it, drawing it up her legs like a pair of pants. She pulled it up past her midsection, then stretched the material over her trunk. Amanda tugged at the fabric to straighten it out, pulling the skirt down her legs as far as she could and pulling the neckline up over hear breasts.

“How do I look?”

I was actually speechless as I gaped at my stunning wife. The material was so thin and form-fitting that it appeared as though it was merely a painted on her! Her cavernous cleavage was on full display and left little to the imagination. The front of the dress may have been low, but the back was even lower, plunging down to her lower back. The skirt portion rode tantalizing high, showing off Amanda’s perfect runner’s legs.

The minidress fit her like a glove. No, more than a glove… it was like another layer of skin.

I continued to stare in awe. The minidress was strapless and sleeveless, and no one would be able to not notice how it exposed her smooth neck, or her toned arms and shoulders. Amanda’s hair was still tied in a ponytail, calling attention her picture-perfect face, including her poignant cheekbones, sparkling eyes, and adorable freckles.

I actually felt a lump in my throat. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen… and I’ve never seen you more beautiful than you are right now.”

I had to be honest: staring at wife made me harder than ever, and I wanted to fuck her right here and now, reservation at the 5-star restaurant be damned.

“Are you just saying that?” Amanda quavered. She studied herself in the mirror, first examining one profile and then the other as she smoothed the material. Lastly, she turned completely around and studied her backside.

“Does this dress make me look fat?”

The question was so comical that I couldn’t tell if my wife was serious or not.

Her look was austere.

I shook my head. I always found it ironic that Amanda fretted so much about her appearance when she could give lingerie models a run for their money.

“Mandy, I’m serious. There’s aren’t enough superlatives to describe how sensational you look.”

That made her blush. “This dress is so tight, I can barely breathe. I think it’s cutting off my circulation in certain areas.”

“It DOES look rather snug on you, but I don’t think the Oceanside Cafe will seat us if you change back into your t-shirt and yoga pants.”

We burst out laughing, and I knew at that precise moment that this night was going to be one to be remembered.

“Ok, just let me do my hair, and I’ll be ready to go.”

“Don’t worry about your hair, it looks perfect just the way it is.”

“But it’s in a ponytail!” My wife sounded horrified.

I sighed patiently. “Natural look. Perfect.” I spoke haltingly to tease her.

Amanda threw her hands up in defeat. “Fine, if you say so! You’ll at least let me wear heels, right?”

“Definitely ‘yes’ to the heels.”

Her black high heels truly completed the sexy ensemble. More so than ever, Amanda looked like she belonged in the pages of a magazine or immortalized on a painting in an art gallery.

We were soon ready to leave our suite. As Amanda reached out for the door handle, I glanced at her ass. The fabric of the minidress was so thin that the outline of her underwear easily detectable.

I stopped her before she could open the door. “One last thing, Mandy.”

“Uh oh…”

I swallowed hard; this was the moment I had been waiting for.

“I don’t want you to wear panties tonight.”

My wife started to chuckle, but when I didn’t budge and kept my expression rigid, her jaw almost hit the floor. “Babe,” she began slowly as if she were talking to a small child or an imbecile, “a napkin would cover my body more than this tiny little dress. The bottom is already riding halfway up my ass. If I walk out of this room without any underwear, people will notice.”

I grinned wolfishly. “That’s kinda the point.” Without waiting for permission, I dropped to my knees, reached up her skirt, and began pulling her panties down.

“What are you doing? Stop!” She attempted to slap my hand away in shock.

I stopped and looked up at her solemnly. “If it makes you uncomfortable, then of course I won’t force you to do it. But I’ve been thinking about this night for so long. Everything… the dress you’re wearing… Oceanside Cafe… this hotel… what I’m asking you to do now… it’s all been part of the grand scheme of things. I know I'm being fucked up and perverted, but… I guess I’m still asking you to do this. For me.”

There was a myriad of emotions etched on Amanda’s face. The barely-there minidress had already tested her resolve, but now my additional request was really pushing her to her limit, as I had expected. Consternation was noticeable in Amanda’s eyes, but the more I pleaded with her, the more evident her conflict became.

I knew my wife better than she knew herself. The sexual depravity was there, just below the surface of her awareness. The difference between us was that I felt comfortable and confident enough to reveal that side of myself to her, while she was still too embarrassed to admit it, especially to herself.

And that had always been part of my masterplan for tonight: playing on those suppressed feelings to draw Amanda out of her shell and make this night something unexpected, something we would never....EVER… forget.

The corner of her lips slowly curved upward, and mirth began creeping in to her expression. But there was something else there as well.


I was still kneeling before Amanda when she nodded at me once. Without comment, I finished drawing the panties down her legs, and gently helped her step out of them. I stood up and returned her sly smile as I neatly folded her panties and tucked them in my pocket.

My wife’s widened and her smile was downright naughty.

We headed down to the lobby.


The elevator doors opened, and Amanda and I stepped out hand-in-hand.

There was a fair amount of people present in the hotel lobby, and virtually every one of them stopped what they were doing and stared admiringly at my wife. She kept her head high and back erect, and while she pretended not to notice all the heads turning as we strode past them, her bright red cheeks indicated otherwise.

I was having trouble containing myself, as well, as I practically grinned from ear to ear. It was such a sexy thing to observe Amanda be the object of everyone’s attention, and even more so to know that her confidence was growing exponentially by the second. And, as superficial and childish as it was, I was supremely proud to show her off.

As we marched out onto the busy street and down the sidewalk, and it was more of the same. Men and women alike turned to stare at Amanda. At first, I relished the looks the passersby were giving my wife. After 2 blocks, however, the open leers and catcalls thrown her way made me feel uncomfortable, if not unsafe. I even noticed a man furtively taking a cellphone picture of Amanda through the corner of my eye, but when I turned to confront him, he had slithered among the crowd.

Things definitely felt much more exposed out here than they did in the confines of the hotel lobby. I suddenly wondered if I had gone too far and placed Amanda in a dangerous situation. Maybe dressing her up so provocatively wasn’t such a great idea, after all.

I glanced at her. My wife may have been pretending to be oblivious to the way people were reacting to her appearance, but I knew Amanda better than that.

Her smile was more confident and radiant than ever.

I chuckled inwardly, and wrapped my arms protectively around Amanda’s shoulders, holding her close.

The restaurant was still a block away.


“Hello. We’re here for our 6:30 dinner reservation.”

The host immediately looked up. We made initial eye contact, but his focus quickly shifted to Amanda when he noticed her standing next to me. He quickly recovered to turn his attention back to me, but I couldn’t help but grin.

The host blushed guiltily, knowing that he had been caught, but he coolly continued on, verifying the reservation and then asking us to wait.

Amanda and I remained in a nearby alcove and as our table was prepared. Next to us was a huge saltwater aquarium built into the wall that contained exotic sea life. As Amanda peered into it, I looked around. The entire length of the far wall was an open glass window that provided a beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean. A huge fountain was situated at the opposite end, and seated next to that was a string quartet. Dressed formally in black, they strummed their instruments softly, adding a perfect ambience to the atmosphere.

Amanda slid behind me and wrapped herself around my arm. “This place is magnificent.”

Our host returned a moment later and led us to our table. It was nestled in a corner between the long window and wall, which met at a 90 degree angle. The table was made of sturdy oak and shined with a varnished gloss. Elegant dinnerware was situated formally on the tabletop.

The host politely pulled the seat facing the wall out for Amanda.

“Mandy, why don’t you go on the inside, and I’ll sit over here?” I suggested mildly.

My wife shot me a look. I knew what she was thinking: her dress was already dangerously short. With her back against the wall, she’d be facing the entire restaurant, and if someone was lucky enough to get a peek up her skirt…

“I prefer the outside seat, thank you very much.”

The host nodded and courteously gestured for her to sit.

“No, seriously, Mandy. I’d rather be on the outside. There’s a reason why I chose this particular table.”

My wife understood what I was referring to, and her expression became even more baleful. Amanda and I went back and forth a few more times before she finally relented in exasperation.

“You’re a jerk!” she hissed as our host left, most likely wondering why we were having such a seemingly inconsequential argument.

I grinned impudently. “Remember, this is all part of my evil plan.”

Our waiter soon arrived. He was young and handsome, probably in his mid-20’s, and stood at attention like a soldier as he spoke to us. Amanda beamed him a devastating smile when he introduced himself, and I hid my grin as he blushed profusely. As he diligently took our orders, I noticed he periodically stole glances at my wife, no doubt mesmerized by her otherworldly beauty.

In another time and place, I would’ve called him out and probably picked fight with him. But as things stood now, I merely sat back and indulged myself, pretending like I was still pouring over the menu.

Amanda wore an amused expression on her face; she was smart and observant.

We soon found ourselves enjoying a glass of wine. My wife was talking to me as we waited patiently for our appetizers, but I stared at her thoughtfully, captivated for the billionth time by her unparalleled splendor…

Amanda kicked me in the shin.

“Did you hear anything I just said?” she demanded.

I was about deadpan a glib response, but went with the truth. “I’m sorry, Mandy. I was trying to figure out how it’s possible that you can look even more amazing tonight than you normally do.”

Amanda bit back a sarcastic response and sighed. “Sometimes, I don’t know if I should punch you or kiss you.”

I suddenly thought of an idea, and grinned.

“Uh, oh. Now what?”

I took her napkin and tossed it onto the floor away from our table. “I was wondering if you’d pick that up for me?” I asked conversationally.

Amanda regarded me in confusion. But I knew that if she squatted down or bent over to pick it, everyone in the restaurant would be treated to a wonderful view that they would never forget.

Her brows furrowed as realization hit her.

My smile was angelic. Amanda, however, sipped her wineglass as she glared at me. “I don’t think so.”

“Oh? Why not?”

Amanda didn’t responded but continued staring daggers at me.

Unfortunately, a random waitress happened to walk by at that moment, and scooped up the napkin. “Here, ma’am. Let me get a new one for you.”

“Thank you so much.” As the she left, Amanda smirked triumphantly at me.

I asked her, “Would you have done it?”

“I guess you’ll never know now, will we?”

We looked at each other and burst out laughing.


Amanda and I were holding hands on the tabletop and staring onto the ocean when our waiter returned to serve our appetizers. Amanda had orders chilled crabmeat, while I had ordered a combination of steamed clams and crab-stuffed mushrooms.

“Omigod,” she muttered between bites. “This is the best crabmeat I’ve ever tasted.”

“Slow down,” I teased her. “This is just the appetizer.”

Amanda looked at me like a predator stalking its prey. “Yes. Yes, it is.”

The sexual innuendo made me hard.

Our young waiter reappeared once again. He furtively peered down my wife’s ample cleavage as he cleared the dishes before returning to the kitchen.

“I swear, that boy is going to poke someone in the eye and injury someone with his hard-on. And I’m pretty sure he wants to bend you over this table and bang the hell out of you until next week.”

“Shut up. You’d probably like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I would. Especially if I could watch with everyone else.”

Amanda shook her head helplessly.

We had been directly across from each other, but I suddenly moved my seat next to her.

“What are you doing?” she demanded, instinctively crossing her legs.

“What? Can’t a man sit next to the woman he loves?”

“Get back over there!” Her tone was strangled.

She was still positioned with her back to the wall, but now I was no longer shielding her from view. There was also no tablecloth to provide any cover, so Amanda was on full display to everyone in the restaurant.

If anyone happened to notice her obscenely short skirt and sexy legs, they’d most likely catch a glimpse of something else, as well.

“Move back before someone sees!”

“Sees what?” I asked innocently, loud enough to be hear by the neighboring tables.

Amanda’s expression was a mixture of terror, amusement, and anger.

“Fine, I’ll move my chair back. But under one condition.”


“Spread your legs open, and hold them there until I tell you to stop.”

Amanda narrowed her eyes challengingly. “You know I can just get up and walk out at any time, right?”

“I know. But you won’t.”

“And how do you know that, genius?”

“Because I think you’re enjoying this as much as I am; because I think the risk of getting caught excites you as much as it excites me. And…”

My wife waited for me to finish.

“… because you love me.”

Amanda sighed. “That’s not fair.”

I chuckled evilly.

“You really are a pervert, babe, you know that?”

“I think we’ve already agreed on that. That’s why you love me right?”


“Or was it because of my boyish good looks and self-deprecating humor?”

My wife stamped her feet and demanded, “Are we going to do this or not?”

My mouth began to water and I felt a surge in my pants. “Ok, I’m going to count to three. Then you spread ‘em wide until I tell you to stop. Understand? Good. Here we go. One…”

Amanda shifted nervously in her chair and looked around.


She took a drink from her wineglass.


Amanda took a deep breath and spread her legs.

I sat back with an indescribable exhilaration. “I love you, Mandy.”

“I know, babe. I love you, too.”

“Did you shave your pussy tonight?”

“You know I did!”

“Good. Then open your cunt wider, I want to be able to drive a truck through it. Let’s give people an eyeful, and send ‘em home happy tonight.”


“Do it.”

I reached beneath the table and squeezed her knee, and I could tell that my wife definitely had her legs spread far apart!

“Ah, yes. Now hold it there for just a little while longer.” I contemplated slipping my fingers into her pussy, which I suspected was wet and needy. It was an outrageous if not a dangerous thought, but my mind was completely in the gutter.

I was so aroused and focused that I didn’t hear our waiter approach. I nearly jumped out of my seat as he informed us that our food was almost ready. Amanda reactively flinched as the waiter stood scant inches from us, but I maintained a firm hand on her knee to keep it from recoiling.

I thanked the young man and he left, oblivious to the game my wife and I were playing.

“Oh god, I think that old man 3 tables over just noticed us!”

I was tempted to look up and seek out the person whom Amanda was referring to, but I kept my eyes locked on her. “In that case, don’t close your legs yet. Fuck, Mandy. You just love keeping your legs open for every man in the world, don’t you?”

What I was doing to my wife was obscene and perhaps even cruel, but I was thoroughly enjoying myself. Amanda wasn’t resisting anymore, which didn’t surprised me. I slowly removed my hand from her knee, but her legs remained were they were.

Slowly, I looked up and scanned the restaurant for the old man. He was precisely where she said he was, seated 3 tables away from us with 5 other people. The old man, who was appeared in his late 60’s or early 70’s, kept glancing in Amanda’s direction. He was attempting to be subtle, but he bore a wild look of disbelief that he was doing a poor job of hiding. Clearly, he wondering if his eyes were deceiving him.

Finally, I said, “Ok, Mandy. You better close up shop before you give that poor dude a heart attack.”

Amanda turned to me with a hard expression, and casually reached below. Her chair was pulled close to the table’s edge so I couldn’t see what she was doing, but my wife momentarily closed her eyes and rolled her head back, a soft sigh escaping from her lips.

I was shellshocked. “Did you just---“

Her hand reappeared a moment later, and she held up her middle three fingers. Now it was my turn to question what I was seeing because in the dim lighting, it appeared as though her fingertips were covered in wetness…

“Open your mouth,” Amanda commanded. My mouth dropped open, and she slid her fingers in. “Now suck me.”

Her actions were words were deliberate, and it brought to my mind a wonderful imagery, which was undoubtedly my wife’s intention. As I sucked her digits clean, the gelatin-like wetness was salty and thick on my tongue, and very familiar; I tasted it every time I ate Amanda’s pussy.

Amanda withdrew her fingers from my mouth, much to my dismay. “Good boy.”

Just when I thought I possessed the advantage, Amanda turned the tables on me like she always did. She never ceased to amaze or surprise me.

We stared at each other lovingly for a long time without saying anything. Suddenly, I remembered the old man, and looked over at him. But his table was empty, and there was a busboy already clearing it.

“I hope we sent him home happy,” Amanda said smugly as she took another sip of wine.


Dining a 5-star restaurants wasn’t a usual occurrence for us, so when our main course finally arrived, Amanda and I held off on playing further sex games and enjoyed our meal. She ordered a double lobster tail dish that was drenched in butter and accompanied by the most glorious-looking side salad I had ever seen. I chose king crab legs along with clam chowder that arrived in an enormous bread bowl.

It was easily the most magnificent meal I had ever eaten, and made better by the fact that I was able to share this experience with my wife. We took our time and savored the food, and managed to polish off an entire bottle of wine between the two of us. By the end of the night, we were extremely happy and buzzed.

“I need to make a pit stop at the ladies room before we leave.”

“Ok, I’ll wait for you here.”

My wife stood up, surreptitiously tugged the bottom of her skirt down, and headed towards the restroom. I could tell she was feeling slightly tipsy.


She stopped and turned back to me, and time seemed to freeze. As I sat back and stared dumbly at my wife, I appreciated yet again how provocatively the skimpy minidress graced her body. And perhaps it was a trick of the light or just my imagination, but I thought I noticed the ridges of her 6-pack abs rippling through the thin fabric.

Her exquisite form and ethereal beauty made me warm and heavy all over.

“Babe!” Amanda snapped for perhaps the second or third time, bringing me out of my reverie as she attempted to keep her voice low.

I grinned at her sheepishly. She appeared about to make a caustic remark, but instead closed her eyes, shook her head in exasperation, and hurried off to the ladies’ restroom.

My eyes weren’t the only ones that trailed after Amanda as she disappeared.

“Your girl is HOT!” I turned to the sound of the voice, a well-dress man approximately my age who was smiling lewdly.

I felt proud and chuckled. “Thanks. She’s my wife. And I appreciate the compliment.”

He appeared on the verge of saying more, but quickly closed his mouth as a woman who I surmised to be his significant other approached. His expression changed from lecherous to guilty to pretend nonchalance within the blink of an eye. The woman strode past him, and he fell in step with her and left without another comment or look back.

Amanda returned a few minutes later and immediately noticed my amusement.

“What?” she asked suspiciously.

“Some dude was commenting on how hot you look.”

“Oh really?” She raised an eyebrow. “Was he cute?”

I couldn’t tell if her piqued interest was genuine, or feigned to instigate me. I quickly decided it was the latter, and decided to give my wife some of her own medicine.

“Yea, he was your type, for sure. Young and good-looking. Oh, and there was another guy who commented on your dress. In fact, he was so turned on by you that he asked if he could have your panties.”


I reached into my pocket and pulled it out. I was tempted to stretch it by the waistband and hold Amanda’s sexy underwear up for all to see, but instead clutched it against my chest.

Amanda’s jaw almost hit the floor. “Did someone REALLY ask you that?”

I tried to keep a straight face, but began chortling.

She exclaimed, “You’re a jerk!” and punched me in the shoulder with moderate force.

Several patrons glanced curiously at us.

“I WAS serious about the first guy, though. Maybe we should leave your panties on the table as a tip for our waiter!”


We soon found ourselves half walking, half stumbling hand-in-hand back to the hotel. After a splitting a bottle of wine, Amanda was somewhat clumsy in her high heels, but I held onto her tightly.

I would never let her fall.

It took us longer to return to the hotel than it did to make it to the restaurant, and after entering the lobby we made a beeline for the elevator. The doors opened and we stepped inside. Amanda was about to press the button for the 25th floor, but I stopped her.

“Wait. There’s something I want to show you first.”

I withdrew a special keycard from my breast pocket, which not all hotel guests were privy to, and slid it into a slot in the wall panel. A faint “ping” emitted, and I punched the button for the top floor.

Amanda asked, “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

The elevator quickly ascended to the 40th. When the doors opened again, we stepped outside.

We found ourselves alone on the open rooftop. The air was cool, crisp, and clear, and the stars twinkled brightly above us. As we approached the edge which was encircled by a tall railing, we gazed at the view, which included the ocean on one end, mountains in the far distance already shrouded in darkness, and the romantic skyline of Center City nestled in between. It was well beyond dusk, and the heart of the city was lit up by enormous skyscrapers that reached high to the heavens, as well as by the vehicles that crawled through the city streets like ants.

Amanda smiled in dreamy appreciation as she absorbed the panorama. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed. Then she turned towards me. “Thank you for planning this.”

A strong wind blew. Amanda had undone her ponytail on our way back to the hotel, and now her silky hair billowed across her face.

I didn’t notice the ocean or the city lights or the mountains, all of which were worthy enough to be pictured on a postcard or in a magazine.

All I noticed was my wife.

I stared at her in complete and utter worship, and her eyes mirrored my emotions.

“Let’s go clean up,” Amanda whispered. That had always been her code for something much, much more fun.

We returned to our hotel suite.


Amanda and I were already on each other before we shut the door. We had mastered the art of undressing each other while making out. I peeled the minidress from her body, appreciating, again, just how tightly it clung to her body. Once we finished stripping each other out of our clothes, she followed me into the bathroom and into the shower.

I pulled Amanda close as the warm water cascaded on us. There weren’t many things in life that made me happier than being wet and naked with my wife.

We took turns soaping each other down. I poured a copious amount of shampoo into my hand and lathered it into Amanda’s hair while I stood behind her. As my fingertips gently worked her scalp, my male anatomy became fully erect. I pressed it against her and slowly rotated my hips side to side, stimulating my erection as it slid back and forth on the small of her slick back.

I soon finished washing Amanda’s hair, and I eagerly proceeded to her body. Remaining behind her, I took a bar of soap and began rubbing it all over the front of her toned form. I started at her neck and shoulders, then spent an exorbitant amount of time soaping her breasts. They felt firm and slippery, causing my hard-on to ache even more.

I glided the soap over her tummy, the bar bumping on the ridges of her chiseled abdominal muscles.

I worked my hands even lower, rubbing the soap between her legs, cause my wife to murmur and shift on her toes.

Amanda’s backside was next, and it wasn’t long before my soapy hands were all over her ass. I couldn’t help myself and bent slightly at the knees, laying the underside of my shaft along her vertical crease. My arms encircled her body as I reached for her tits and fondled them again.

As if on cue, Amanda began to slowly undulate her bottom. I moaned and squeezed her chest hard as she gave me a sensational assjob. Normally, I would’ve gladly ejaculated all over her butt, but the timing didn’t seem right. I spoke softly in her ear, “Not yet.”

Amanda turned around and smiled, rising up on her tiptoes to kiss me on the lips. She coolly took the bar of soap from my hand. “Fine. My turn, then.”

She began soaping my cock.

Amanda immediately ran one slippery hand up and down the full length of my erection while she cupped my scrotum and massaged it in a slow, circular motion with the other.

Amanda had gone from giving me an assjob to a handjob, both equally as glorious.

“Can you guess what comes next?” she asked me wickedly, knowing full well what I craved.

Assjob. Handjob.


“Fuck, yes.”

She released her grip on me. “Let’s head to the bedroom.”

“Why not do it here? We can be as messy as we wanna be!”

“Because I have something in mind, too.” Amanda grinned slyly as she turned the tables on me once more.

I shut off the water and retrieved 2 towels. We hurriedly dried each other then rushed out of bathroom. I went directly to the bed, but Amanda veered to the wall switch to turn off the lights. The suite was suddenly engulfed in complete darkness, save for some light trickling in from the 3 huge windows, setting the mood perfectly.

I knew Amanda intended to blow me and loved her for it, but a better idea popped into my head; her happiness always came before mine.

“Put the dress back on,” I commanded.

Amanda protested, “But I want to make you happy!”

“You’ll make me happy if you put back on the dress.” I paused, then quickly added, “And the high heels, too. Definitely need the high heels!”

My wife regarded me with a bemused expression, but consented. She pulled the soft, stretchy material over her body once more. Her movements were slow and sensual, and I stood rooted in place, captivated by her sexy performance. After slipping into her heels, Amanda dutifully approached me.

I looked her up and down. In her eagerness, she had donned minidress so haphazardly that her breasts were practically spilling out, but that didn’t matter. I placed my hands on her hips then grabbed at the fabric---which was actually more difficult than I was anticipating since it hugged her skin so closely--- and peeled it upward until everything below my wife’s waist was exposed.

We had just showered, but the powerful aroma of her sex wafted to my nostrils. I didn’t need to finger her cunt to know that Amanda was already wet.

I immediately dropped to my knees.

“Wait, it’s my turn to---“

I buried my face into her pussy.

She groaned a loud “Oh!” and bowed her legs, gaping her hole to allow me greater access. Her slit rubbed against my mouth and tongue as she bounced up and down on the balls of her feet. I pressed my face forward, alternating between penetrating her with my tongue and licking her smoothly shaven clit. I burrowed so hard that I momentarily threw Amanda off balance. To keep her from stumbling, I cupped her ass with my palms, giving both buttcheeks an affectionate squeeze.

At this point, I was sucking and slurping loudly As my wife gyrated her crotch on my face, I drilled the middle 3 fingers of my right hand into her pussy all the way to the knuckles... rotating my wrist to roll inside of her… crooking my fingers to scrape along her inner walls… and probing deeply. She whimpered as I easily found her g-spot, and begged for more

Amanda’s pussy was a wet mess. The essence of her sex initially tasted thin and salty, but was now taking on a much thicker texture and metallic taste as it always did when she was fully aroused.

Her juice tasted like nectar from above.

I lapped between her legs for a long while, content to feed, and make her moan and squirm against my face. After a while, I drove my fingers in my wife’s hole again, and they slid in so easily that I added my pinky. I watched in fascination her vagina engulfed four fifths of my hand, and arrived at the obscene conclusion that I could easily fist Amanda’s cunt right now if she’d allow me to.

Amanda suddenly tore herself away from me, much to my dismay. My lips and chin were glazed as she stumbled back toward the windows, and I was still extremely hungry.

“Get back over here,” I commanded. “I’m not finished with you yet!”

My wife was breathing hard, and she took a moment to compose herself. “I told you, babe. It’s my turn.” She summoned me over to her with a curt movement of her head. “Stand in front of the window.”

I did as I was told, liking where this was leading. As I stood before her, Amanda turned me so I faced parallel to the center window. Then she reached down and gave my erection a playful tug.

“I’m going to give you the best blowjob of your life.”

We both knew that our room was too dark and too high up for anyone to see us---probably, anyway--- but the mere fantasy was immeasurably thrilling, all the same.

This time, Amanda dropped to her knees and opened her mouth.

And with that, she began blowing me in earnest.

“Show me how far down you can take me,” I whispered.

My wife deepthroated me effortlessly.

An explosive breath escaped my lips. “Oh fuck…”

There was no resistance as Amanda impaled her head on my cock. She kept her face pressed to the front of my hips for a long while, as if to show off her oral skills. I could feel her entire body relax as she remained still, save for her throat muscles reflexively clenching around the length of my cock. My wife, the expert cocksucker that she was, inhibited her gag reflex and breathed easily through her nostrils, her chest and shoulders rising and falling in rhythm.

I slid one hand down beneath the front of her minidress and squeezed her firm breast. In response, Amanda murmured and sucked hard, jerking her head back as she did so. Her little maneuver sent a wonderful sensation surging through the lower half of my body, causing me to twitch and moan all over again.

Veins were threatening to burst out of my cock when Amanda finally slid me out of her mouth. Looking up at me angelically, she wiped a thick trail of slime off her chin. I expected her to pause and collect herself, but she swallowed me again instantly. Amanda latched onto my hips, as much for support as to hold me still, and I was content to let her do all the work.

I grinned as I looked out of our window. 25 floors below, I could discern pedestrians milling about, oblivious to what was occurring in our darkened room. But in my mind, I imagined a throng of spectators had gathered and were watching us perform.

Amanda was blowing me so incredibly that I wasn’t going to last much longer.

As amazing as our sex life was, there were still some things that Amanda absolutely refused to do or let me try. Sadly, anal sex was at the top of the list. However, if that was 1A, then 1B was prohibiting me from cumming in her mouth, on her face, or in her hair. Everything above her neck was what we comically referred to as the “no fly zone”.

Before I could commit the ultimate mistake, I frantically tapped Amanda on the shoulder. She automatically understood my warning and detached herself from me. The “no fly zone” may have still been in effect, but the rest of her body was fair game. Creaming her tits and tummy--- or her ass, if we were in the correct position--- was never a bad consolation prize.

Amanda wrapped both hands around my girth and jerked furiously. I howled like a wolf, not caring who could hear or who I might disturb as she jacked me all over herself. She cackled as I desecrated her, and I always found it unbelievably erotic when my wife reacted so gleefully during a lewd act. Her response combined with the sweet surging sensation caused me to shudder. I rose onto my tiptoes and arched my spine backwards while spunk continued to stream of my cockhead. It was one of the hardest orgasms I could remember.

After I spurted my last drop, I looked down. The lights of the city trickling in through the windows casted a muted glow on my wife’s kneeling form. Even in the dimness, semen glistened clearly all over her body.

And all over her minidress.

Already my penis was getting hard again. “Oh fuck, Mandy. That’s so hot. That is so fucking hot!” I was so awed and excited by her filthy appearance that I babbled like an idiot.

My wife giggled, which made me even hotter for her. She slumped onto the carpet and rested her back against the window. “I had a feeling you’d like that,” she admitted proudly.

“And you accuse me of being a pervert!”

“Well,” Amanda began drily, “I know how much you love this dress!”

My wife had no clue how her spunkiness and sense of humor drove me insane during these moments. She made my cock hard again without even trying.

I stood over her and looked down at her exhausted form.


I yanked Amanda to her feet. The pungent aroma of my semen smeared all over her was overpowering, but it enflamed me even more. I spun her around until she was facing the window, and drew the bottom of the dress up even higher.

Amanda let out a surprised yelp as I bent her over. She was several inches shorter than me, but, luckily, she was still wearing her high heels, which put her vagina at the perfect height and enabled me to easily penetrate her from behind. The force of my momentum would’ve been hard enough to slam her head against the window, but she reactively extended her arms against the glass to stabilize herself.

I grabbed onto Amanda’s hips and began fucking her with all the pent up sexual aggression that had been building up since I started planning this night. I had fantasized about making love to her as she wore the minidress--- I have to admit, I even masturbated to that thought several times--- but obviously nothing could compare to the real thing. And the high heels were the perfect accessory to my fetish.

As I continued to drill my wife, l slid my hands up her trunk, from her hips to her chest. Blindly reaching for the neckline, I peeled it back until the entire minidress was wrapped only around her midsection. Her perfect breasts were now free, and I groped them harshly.

“Play with them harder!” she gasped. “Pinch and pull my nipples!”

I gave a guttural response as I squeezed and tweaked with a vulgar brutality that Amanda desperately encouraged. I was pumping into her so violently now that the sound of skin slapping against skin cracked through the air as my balls bounced on her bare clit.

Without warning, I suddenly pushed forward with my hips, focusing all my energy and momentum in to Amanda’s vagina. She emitted a high-pitched whimper as I impaled her and kept pushing. Her arms quickly gave way as she stood up to full height, but I continued driving my forward. Amanda turned her face as I propelled her gently but firmly into the glass.

I remained rooted inside Amanda but kept her pinned against the window. The flat of her palms pressed against the glass, and I placed mine over them, blanketing her entire body with mine, and, for a brief moment, making her feel completely trapped and dominated. I teasingly licked the back of her ear, nuzzled her neck, and ---very gently--- bit her on the shoulder.

“You’re mine tonight,” I declared softly in her ear.

She whispered back, “I love it when you’re like this.”

Slowly, I began pumping my hips once more, savoring the wonderful friction as my cock slid in and out of my wife’s pussy. Despite the interior darkness, had anyone on the street below looked up at that precise moment, they would’ve been treated to the sight of Amanda’s breasts and cheek mashed against the window.

The risk of getting caught, however slim, was such a powerful additive.

“Imagine all those people down there staring up at you, Mandy. Looking at your tits… lusting after you while they watch me fuck you. Maybe I should invite them all up to our room… would you like that? Yea… I thought you would. Filthy slut, you have no shame. Should I let them take turns with you… or do you want to gangbang them all together?”

Amanda murmured her response.

“Mmmm… that’s my girl!”

Her warm body felt smooth and rock-solid as usual, and she happily absorbed the loving abuse I bestowed upon her. I pummeled her pussy more viciously now, wondering in morbid amusement if we might break the glass and fall to our deaths below.

Grabbing Amanda by the scruff of her neck, I half-pushed, half-steered her toward the huge bed. She bounced onto the mattress, and as she rolled onto her back, I climbed on top of her. She made the pretense of struggling and trying to squirm away, which she was well aware would only magnify my arousal. I laughed, grabbing her ankles and throwing them over my shoulders. Stuffing my needy cock back into her pussy, I rolled over her until Amanda’s knees were pressed into her chest. Just to make her feel even more helpless, I interlocked my fingers with hers and pinned them over her head.

“My favorite position!” she panted.

“I know,” I sneered as I began to fuck her with wanton abandon. Her legs flailed overhead and her mouth hung wide open as she whimpered and moaned, attempting to suppress a shrill scream. I thrusted into her hard enough each time that her firm tits jiggled. I looked back and forth between the rapturous expression adorning her face and the mesmerizing sway of her chest; those, by themselves, would’ve been enough to send me over the edge.

I began to moan spasmodically.

Amanda knew the telltale signs of my orgasm, and she shook her hands from my grasp. Nimbly sliding her ankles from my shoulders, she wrapped her legs around my waist and encircled my neck with her arms, pulling me against her.

Belly to belly, face to face.

“I love you,” she whispered.

With those words, Amanda brought me to climax as we gazed into each other’s eyes. The surge between my legs with arguably the greatest and most fulfilling that I had ever experienced. I remained draped on her even after I had exploded in her womb, savoring the feel of her vaginal muscles still pulsating around me. The reflexive response of her body maintained my hardness inside of her for much longer than usual. A powerful warmth emanated from her flush body that was both comforting and sensual.

Amanda’s legs dropped from my waist due to fatigue, but her arms remained around me.

“Mmmm… I don’t want us to leave this position. Ever”

“I know, Mandy. I feel the same way. I wish this night could last forever.”

I lay on top of my wife for a while longer, our hearts beating against each other. Eventually, when I felt myself finally growing flaccid inside of her, I carefully rolled. Amanda sighed mournfully as my penis slid out, and her vagina spewed cum like a volcano overflowing with lava.

“You know, Mandy, you really ought to go out pantyless more often.”

We laughed and pressed our foreheads together, our personal sign of affection that had originated long ago. Then I spooned her and snuggled against her as she turned onto her side.

There was a content look on Amanda’s face as she closed her eyes, smiling. Gathering her into my arms, I held her close.

We fell asleep together, warm and naked.
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