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Tina and her brother are on their own with the mob after them. To keep them safe, Tina agrees to work in her sadistic bosses new gentleman's club in exchange for room, board, a place to hide, and support for her to help her little brother enter high school and have a "normal life".

Things degenerate quickly as her sadistic boss forces her to new levels of depravity and explores various taboo topics with each show! Look for Tina to continue losing her innocence with each passing day. taboo t

I wake up Saturday morning to the smell of bacon and coffee. When I walk into the kitchen I see Eddie flipping bacon on the stove while Toby sets the table. It is so wrong after last evening that I want to scream and throw Eddie out of the apartment but I know I can’t. I am irrationally angry as I go over to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice. How dare Eddie come over to my personal space and play “happy little family” after what he’s done to me!

“Happy birthday Teenster!” Eddie greets me with a smile and a motion to have a seat at the table. “I thought that after all you’ve been through you could use a home cooked breakfast and the morning off! Silv, Toby, and I will clean up the club and get ready for tonight. Why don’t you enjoy a good country breakfast and then go for a run. It will help you feel better.”

I don’t know what to say. It’s a nice gesture and more than I expected but I’m still angry. When someone has their employee rape you on stage they should have the decency not to show up for breakfast!

Not knowing what else to do I stammer a “thank you” and settle in and have breakfast. Whatever else I think about him, Eddie is a pretty good cook and the food is warm and delicious. By the time I finish I am thinking that a nice long run might be just the thing to take my mind away…

“Ok Teenster! Enjoy your morning off but make sure you’re at the club by 5:00. Tobes and I have work to do to get the joint back in shape for our Saturday night crowd.”

Feeling like I should say something or show some gratitude I manage a meek “Thank you Eddie.” After all, breakfast was awesome and I am looking forward to a run and maybe some reading before work.


Eddie can’t believe his luck. They have already molested and violated Tina beyond his wildest dreams and yet she is hanging in there. Just thinking about the innocent and naïve teen cumming under Bobby last night is enough to get him rock hard before he and Toby step off the porch. If he wasn’t trying so hard to keep Tina this side of a meltdown he would have probably gotten a quick suck before he left for the morning! Thinking through all this gives Eddie his next brainstorm.

“Hey Tobster, did you get your sis anything for her birthday?” Eddie asks.

Toby looks over surprised. “Not yet sir… I’m still thinking what to get but I’m planning to get her something with the money I’m getting from working and besides it’s not her real birthday yet.”

Eddie gives a big smile. “Don’t you dare Toby. You put that money away for your college. But we do need to make sure she gets a couple things from Silv, you, and I to open along some of the more bawdy gifts she’ll no doubt get from the club and her customers…” “what’s say you and I do a little shopping before we hit the club. Do you know what kind of books your sister likes to read?”


At 4:45 I entered the club feeling refreshed despite heavy apprehension. The weekend crowds tend to be worse than the week nights and I have no doubt that Eddie will have something up his sleeve.

I walk into the dressing room to see what kind of humiliating uniform is in store for me tonight.

“A one-two-three, Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Tina, happy birthday to you!”

I stop in surprise. The dressing room is packed with Eddie, Toby, Silvia, and Phil crowded around a cupcake with a candle and a pile of presents. I stare stupidly at the homely little celebration and all I can think about is that it’s not even my real birthday…

“We hope you had a special day Tina and I thought that with you turning 18 and getting new IDs and all its only right that we get you some real birthday presents too.” Eddie says. “Toby helped us pick out some things he thought you might like.”

It’s so absurd but I can’t help but feeling a kind of warm comradery. “Thanks guys. That’s really nice of you,” I say and somehow I even mean it.

I blow out the candle, eat the cupcake, and open the presents which include the Harry Potter box set of novels, some new running shoes and work-out clothes. Toby really did do a good job of helping them pick out gifts.

“Ok, Tina, we have to get back to work. I think for a uniform tonight you and I will be roller-girls again. Why don’t you pick out some panties and a top and get your skates on.” Silvia says. “oh, and just so you’re prepared… we thought you should get some normal presents on your birthday but tonight you’ll also get to open up some presents from our customers and the club and you can probably imagine they’ll likely be a little less innocent.”

I was so worried about what kind of humiliating uniform I would be wearing that dealing with raunchy gifts doesn’t seem so bad. Besides I really kind of like skating around the club!

The evening starts out as normal as an evening waitressing in a skimpy uniform at Eddie’s club can. I skate from table to table and serve beer and appetizers to folks. I notice immediately that Eddie has invested in some kind of technology because each table has a little touchscreen monitor but they all seem to be turned off so it must not be working yet. Probably some kind of interactive quiz or electronic ordering thing I assume. The club must be making money!

Around 7:00 with nothing more than a couple of indecent slaps to my bottom I see Eddie stroll up to the stage. I feel myself tense up knowing that whatever comes next will be some sort of entertainment at my expense.

“Well folks,” Eddie starts, “those of you lucky enough to have been here to help Tina celebrate big # 18 last night know that the poor girl was too busy to open any presents!”

The patrons laugh and catcall as I blush thinking about Bobby having sex with me on stage. My blush goes bright red when I hear Eddie follow up with “and for those of you that missed last night’s show we’ll get the replay up on the screens in a little bit!” I shouldn’t be surprised that my rape was caught on camera but somehow I keep finding myself hoping that there is some line Eddie won’t cross.

“Now skate your cute little butt up here Teenster so you can see what you got to celebrate turning legal!”

Bowing to the inevitable I skate up and crawl up on stage to where Silvia is carrying presents out to a table at center stage.

I sit down self-consciously on the table facing the crowd and force myself to give a good nature wave and smile. Off course the entire club is focused on me, keen to see what humiliation is coming my way. In spite of it all I can feel myself getting a little turned on, probably by all the thoughts of the naughty things that have already happened to me and if I’m honest with myself, maybe by all the horny men staring at me in anticipation.

Silvia hands the first present. “I think you better open this one first hon,” she pronounces loud enough for the crowd to hear.

I tear open the package which contains 5 jars of “lover’s lubricant”. I look at them a little confused at why there would be so many and see they have different labels. The first one just says “KY personal lubricant.” The second one says “KY warming sensations”. The 3rd one says “KY cooling touch”. Then the last 2 seem to have homemade labels. One says “Icy Hot” and the 2nd one says “extra spicy”.

“Hold it up Teenster and show your fans what you got!” Eddie instructs and I obediently hold the box up and tip it so the crowd can see what is inside. “At a place called The Stuffed Pussy we figured we better keep plenty of lubrication on hand.”

It’s not possible for me to blush any deeper. I can already feel my pulse pounding up by my temples as Silvia hands me the next present. This one opens to reveal a bunch of round spheres with wires extending from them. The package calls them “vibrating eggs”. There are about a dozen of them of all different sizes and colors. I can guess where these will be going but again I can’t understand why Eddie bought so many of them…

Eddie reaches in and picks up a small pink one and a matching pink remote control. “Heya Teenster, why don’t you try this one on so we can see how you like it! From what I can see you won’t be needing to try any of your lubricants just yet!”

I know what he wants and I know that he’s right… somehow I’m horny and getting wet from opening the sex toys. I stand up and take the pink egg from Eddie and pull my panties aside. The egg is smooth and hard but when I slide it to my entrance it slides inside with no resistance. I use a finger push it past the entrance of my pussy and slide my panties back in place. The little wire is left hanging out the side of my panties.

“Thatta gurl Tina. Let’s fire your little friend up and then you can tell us how it feels nice and snug in that hot pussy of yours!” With that Eddie hits a button on the remote and I feel the little egg vibrate to life inside me. It is a slow deliberate vibration and it makes me give a little gasp and lean back against the table.

“That looks like it’s doing a good job of setting the mood. Why don’t you tell your fans how you like your new vibrating friend!”

Eddie pushes the microphone in my face just as I give a little “Oh!” Again hoping that playing along will keep things from elevating out of hand I speak into the microphone “it feels good Eddie. It’s making me… horny.” I know that’s lamer than what Eddie is hoping for after the naughty stuff he made me say yesterday but he doesn’t seem to mind.

“Well that’s good Teenster. We’ll make sure we help you out with that before the night is through. Why don’t you hop back up on the table and we’ll get the rest of these packages opened up so you can go back to serving beer and making me money!”

And so it goes. I open a bunch more packages most of which are incomprehensible to me. The whole while my world is slightly clouded by the steady vibrations inside my puss. Some of the presents include:

An assortment of dildos or vibrators some of them obnoxious looking

Weird clothes and harnesses with rings and straps on them

What looks like a red ball with straps on it

Something called nipple clamps

A menacing looking package with gold lettering that declares it is “The Original Pussy Whip”

An assortment of costume tails (playboy bunny, cat, horse, etc)

And finally a new pair of “The Stuffed Pussy” panties and halter top. This one is white again with the saucy looking cat embroidered on the crotch. However, this one also sports LED lights on the crotch and a pink dildo sticking up.

“Why don’t you try on your new uniform Teenster… this one has some new features that I’m sure you’re going to love!”

Somehow it is still embarrassing to undress in front of the audience even with all I’ve been put through but there is nothing for it but to swap uniforms on stage. I quickly pull my top over my head exposing my tits to the crowd. The new top fits snug and has some kind of push-up bra inside it that supports my boobs but doesn’t seem to have anything but shiny thin fabric over my nipples which are very pronounced through the top.

“Looking good Tina! We thought we’d give your knockers a little support and it looks like Silv did a good job on sizing you.” Eddie keeps up with his commentary while I consider the best way to discretely impale myself on the dildo panties. My “vibrating friend” is still doing a number on me so I decide to start with removing that thing. I pull the crotch of my panties out and pull on the little wire causing the vibrating egg to slide out of my puss. It sends shivers of pleasure up into my tummy when it slides past the entrance of my puss and then I have it in my hand buzzing softly at the end of it’s wire.

“I guess we better turn that guy off so it doesn’t buzz away when you set it down.” Eddie reaches down on the remote and pushes a button and the little egg goes silent.

I put the egg down on the table next to the others and then pull my panties off. “Give us a show Tina, work your new friend along that hot puss of yours and make sure the audience can see you slide it into its new home!”

I slide the new panties up my legs but I follow Eddie’s instructions (more like orders) and lean back against the table with my legs spread apart so I can work the dildo along my moist slit. I even give a theatrical moan as I slide the dildo past my entrance and up into my puss.

The dildo is about 5 inches long and 1 inch thick with a slightly bulbous head. It is also curved so the tip slides along the front inside of my puss. I am not worried about its size after experiencing Bobby’s cock the night before. It actually feels pretty damn good when it slides in.

I then slowly slide the panties up into place hoping I am done being the main attraction. I am surprised by a hard rubber ridge inside the panties that go from the dildo up to my clit where I feel some rubbery nubs.

“Looking good Tina”. “Now to show that the Stuffed Pussy has kept up with the times I should do a quick introduction to our new interactive gaming and ordering system. If you gentleman will take a look at the screens on your tables you’ll see that you have a number of options. You can call a waitress, place an order, play trivia, in some cases participate in an interactive game.” “So now, just for demonstration purposes why don’t a couple of you that are ready for some cold ones place your order or call a waitress!”

I see people start messing with their screens and then my panties wake up with a series of short bursts of vibrations along my slit and on the head of the dildo. I look down and see that the LEDs on the front of my crotch are flashing in time with the bursts of vibration and then I hear Eddie start to explain.

“As you folks can see we have made ordering more interactive for Tina and our customers. When you place your order Tina’s new uniform informs her with a quick burst of vibration along her slit and in her new dildo. A light on your table will also light up green meaning you have entered an order. If you call the waitress, Tina will get a different vibration in her hot little puss and your light will turn on red showing her which table she needs to attend to.” “Now unfortunately Tina can’t cover all the tables so when we are busy Silvia or one of the guys might need to handle some of the red or green lights but never fear, Tina will always receive your message if you know what I mean!”

I am feeling more vibration bursts and then I get a couple of long triple vibration rhythms and I see some red lights go on. All the activity has me panting and gasping a little bit but then the toys go silent.

“So our new system has one more feature that I think Tina will be especially interested in. See when we think the time is right for our hot little attraction to get some release and put on a little show your screen will buzz and then you’ll see an interactive game come up.”

Around the club I see everyone looking at their screens which is a surprising change since typically everyone’s eyes are fixed on me when I am on the stage.

“This particularly game is pretty simple… on the screen you’ll see a picture of Tina’s wet puss. Like the instructions say, play with Tina’s hot little pussy” by swiping across it. The more intensely you folks swipe the more intensely Tina’s toys go to work!”

I am not listening anymore. My panties have roared to life. All across the bar customers are swiping their screens and my panties have gone from the leisurely buzzing that accompanies an order to an intense roar. I am leaning back on the table with my hands behind me supporting myself and panting in earnest. I know I am going to cum soon just like Eddie intended.

Impossibly the vibrating goes up another notch and now my pelvis is making little thrusting motions as I mindlessly hump the air. I close my eyes and let out a long moan. There is nothing theatrical about this one as I feel my orgasm getting close.

“Ahhhhhh ahhhhhh yessss gawd!!!!”

And then I am finishing. Lewdly thrusting my hips at the audience as my orgasm overtakes me. The little shudders and trembles that accompany my orgasms are still wracking my body and I am worried that the vibrators aren’t going to stop but all of a sudden they do despite some of the customer’s best efforts to keep swiping their screens.

I can smell my scent strongly now as I slowly stand up.

“Woohoo! Now that’s what I call a good use of technology, Great show Teenster! So, now that we have your pussy filled up nice and snug, what do you say that you and Silv go fill some customer orders and make me some money!”

“And a one, two, one, two three, four Happy Birthday to you….”

Eddie gives the audience 2 more games during the course of the night and makes me cum each time. The games seem to consist of either swiping your finger across my privates using pictures of me masturbating in my bedroom or on the stage as background or thrusting a fake looking penis or dildo into my mouth or pussy on the screen. The more energetic the swiping or thrusting the faster and more areas of my costume vibrate. By the time I am cumming for the 3rd time my puss is so swollen that it almost hurts to have my panties tight against it and I almost scream when customers place orders or call me to their table. Thankfully bar time comes and brings an end to another trying Saturday before Eddie decides to let the crowd play another game.

I am not real surprised to see Eddie sitting on my bed when I get out of the shower at home. I was smart enough to throw on a pair of boxers and a t-shirt before coming out of the bathroom. It’s 3:00 in the morning but no doubt watching me come all over his club got him all sexed up. “let’s get this over with so I can get to bed”. I instantly regret my snide tone when I see Eddie’s expression turn serious and he raises an eye at me. I decide I better make amends so I walk over and drop to my knees between his legs, open his fly, and start to suck on his cock.

After about a minute of bobbing up and down on Eddi’s cock, he pulls my face up off of his lap and stands up, removing his jeans. I realize he is expecting more than a blowjob tonight and I turn to look him in the face and plead “please Eddie, don’t fuck me tonight… my puss is still sore from all the things you did to it tonight”.

Eddie grins evilly at me and sneers “well you said you wanted to get this over with so…” Without warning Eddie grabs me by the shoulders and throws me face forward down on the bed. I feel his hands grab my boxers and drag them down and off my legs. I start to struggle to my feet but the next thing I know Eddie is on top of me humping his cock down between my butt and forcing me down into the mattress. I squeal and squirm and pound my fists into the mattress as Eddie lewdly humps against my bottom. Then I feel him stop and shift his weight. I think he might be getting up to let me turn over but instead he thrusts forward again spearing his cock into my pussy. I am pinned, face down to the bed as Eddie uses his knees to spread my thighs wide apart. Eddie starts to thrust in earnest and his cock is sliding in and out of my puss with his pelvis slamming into my butt at the end of each thrust.

I squirm and wiggle ineffectually as Eddie’s thrust build in speed until with a grunt he buries himself as deep as he can in me and I feel his cock start to spew cum inside my puss.

“There...!” Eddie declares. “I hope I met your expectations and “got this over with. Maybe next time if you show a little more appreciate, then so will I.”

With that Eddie walks out of my bedroom and leaves me lying on the bed sobbing into the sheets.

*****************************End of chapter 6*********************
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