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A medical futuristic chastity belt story where both the girlfriend and boyfriend are locked in a device, with the guys best friend as the keyholder.
Collecting his drink from the barista, Cole sat down at a table near the door and waited for Zara to arrive. It had only been four months since she had dumped him for his longest friend, and he still thought about ripping her pants off and thrusting himself into her every day.

As he waited, he thought about why she had called the meeting. Did she want to get back together? Was she pregnant? Or both, maybe?

After waiting for thirty minutes, he was almost ready to get up and leave, when his tall, blonde ex-partner walked through the door. She instantly locked eyes on him and waved, then made her way to the counter to order a coffee.

Cole's kept his eyes fixed on her, and remembered the last time they had a hot night of sex. He felt his cock grow hard under the table, as he stared at her tight ass propped up by her tight blue jeans. As she walked towards his table holding her drink, he quickly cleared his mind to reduce his erection.

Standing up, he stuttered out "Hello," as Zara looked down at the obvious bulge in his pants. He quickly sat back down and blushed. "It's so good to see you again, is everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, things are good. I want to get straight to the point Cole. I've been missing playing with you, and wanted to know if you're seeing anyone?" she said.

Gobsmacked, Cole was lost for words. He finally mumbled out "Oh, so you want to get back together? I'm so glad you came back, I knew it wouldn't work out with David, he must be a shit boyfriend, just like he is a shit friend."

"No, no, David's great. His cock makes me quiver for hours on end. We had sex last night, and I can still feel him inside me," she explained.

"I'm confused. So you want to cheat on him?" asked Cole.

"No, he knows I'm here. While he's a great lover, he doesn't have much of a kinky side. I remember you were always asking to tie me up and put it in my ass. Well, David's quite vanilla, but he's happy for me to get my kinks off somewhere else. The only rule is no vaginal penetration. That's reserved only for him. But that means you can do me anally and I can give you oral," she explained.

Coles cock was fully erect, thinking about penetrating her ass and seeing her beautiful naked body again. "But, you were never into any of that when we were going out," he said. "Are you sure you want to be tied up, and take it anally?" he whispered, looking around the shop for people nearby.

With a cheeky smile on her face, Zara nodded her head and stood up, holding out her hand, then leading them both outside. She hailed a taxi for them both to share.

"So, David's really okay with this? I'll still not forgive him for what he did to me," said Cole.

"You don't have to forgive him, or even see him. I'm taking you to a place we can hang out, where he won't get in our way," she said while giving the driver the location.

After a fifteen minute drive, the taxi pulled over, and they both left after Zara paid. As the car pulled away, Cole realised he was standing outside a doctors surgery. "Come on, follow me," said Zara, walking inside and through to a room with Reception written on the door.

"Good morning, do you have an appointment?" said the receptionist.

"Yes, it's for Zara and Cole," she said.

The receptionist confirmed the booking on her computer, then said: "You'll be in room seven, just down the hall to the right."

Taking Cole's hand, Zara led him down the hall and opened the door to their booked room.

"What is this place?" asked Cole.

"I guess you could call it a dungeon, for kinky folk. But it's brighter and more modern," she explained. "Basically, we can book a room and use any of the toys we want for the next couple of hours."

Cole's cock was rock hard seeing this new side to his ex-partner. She had never opened up to him like this when they were going out, and his mind started playing over all the fantasies he could finally act out with her. As Zara opened the door, he saw what looked like a surgery, with a dental chair in the centre of the room. All around the room stood drawers and cupboards, then a small door with the word "Bathroom" printed.

Taking off his shirt, Cole pulled Zara towards the chair and lent in to kiss her. Zara ran her hands over his chest, then rubbed over his pants feeling his hard cock. He pulled down his pants and removed his socks and shoes, then stood naked in front of Zara, ready to play.

"I really want to give you a blowjob," said Zara stroking his cock with her fingers, and licking her lips.

Cole jumped up onto the chair, letting Zara bend over to suck his cock. Her wet tongue slid over the shaft of his cock, working from his balls to his cock head. She opened her mouth, and worked his cock down her throat, picking up speed as she thrust.

"Cole, let me tie you up first, then you can do me," said Zara. Without thinking, Cole complied, lying back on the chair and holding his hands out above his head. Zara fastened his wrists to the chair with some leather straps, then did the same to his ankles. She then took another large belt and secured his waist to the chair, preventing him from thrusting his hips.

"Zara, I really never knew you had this side to you. You're sexier than I ever remembered," said Cole, breathless and she continued to stroke his cock with her hand.

She smiled as she looked into his eyes and stopped stroking his cock. He struggled in the restraints, failing to thrust his body as his hard cock stood erect into the air. "Okay, you can come in now," she called.

Cole heard the bathroom door from behind him open, and some footsteps walk towards him until David appeared wearing a black suit and tie.

"What the fuck David, get out," said Cole struggling in his restraints.

"I'm sorry Cole, but he really wants to speak to you, and you wouldn't return his calls," said Zara.

David pulled a chair over from the side of the room and sat down in front of Cole who was still struggling.

"Cole, I know you're angry at me, but please hear me out," said David. But Cole kept shouting and struggling, not willing to listen to anything. They waited until Cole had exhausted himself and realised he could not escape. "Now if you're ready to listen. I know Zara said she left you for me four months ago, but this wasn't entirely true. She had been talking to me for a while about how you never make her orgasm, and how she finds the sex with you boring. But she still wants to be with you, but it was just tough for her," he started.

"You slept with my girlfriend, I will never forgive you," shouted Cole.

"No, I didn't. We have never slept together. Zara, undress for him," said David.

Starting with her white t-shirt, she undressed, revealing her perfect round breasts and flat stomach. Pulling off her shoes, she was able to pull down her jeans, and pants, until she stood naked in front of the two men wearing nothing but a small metal cup attached to her genitals.

"David took me to this same place we are in now, and he gave me an offer. They have a treatment plan here which allows you to have the biggest, pleasurable orgasms you'll ever experience. It took some convincing but eventually, he booked me an appointment, and I had a small operation. After the surgery I played with myself on that very chair you're strapped to until I came harder than you or anybody had ever made me before. It was over a hundred times stronger than when I masturbated before," explained Zara.

"Wait, so you two haven't actually had sex? But you are a couple, no?" asked Cole, getting very confused.

"No, I have not had sex with your ex. That would make me a pretty shitty friend. But I want to help you both out. Cole, I can do the same for you, as I have done for Zara. You two can have the most amazing sex, bringing you both to an exploding orgasm every time," said David.

"Well it sucks that Zara couldn't orgasm, but I have no problem with that. So I don't really see the point," said Cole.

"I know, and it's hard to explain until you've actually experienced it yourself. But imagine the orgasm you have when you jerk off. It lasts for a few seconds, right? Maybe ten at the most? Well with this operation, your orgasm can last hours, and feel magnitudes better," said David.

"It does sound interesting, but I'm still so confused. Did you or did you not steal my girlfriend?" said Cole angrily.

"No, he didn't steal me, Cole. You weren't doing it for me anymore, and he offered me a solution. He did it for us, because he's your friend and because I confided in him about our problems," said Zara.

Starting to feel a little better, Cole calmed down although was still feeling vulnerable being exposed and tied to the chair. "But David, I know you. You aren't a doctor or surgeon, what is all this about? Some new invention?" he asked.

"No, of course not, don't be silly. There's a properly qualified surgeon here who will meet us for the appointment in five minutes, should you agree to go ahead," said David.

"He's excellent Cole, he did my operation. It doesn't hurt at all, and the feeling is out of this world. I want us to be together again, and this is the only way I can see it working," said Zara.

After a few more questions Cole was slowly coming around to the idea, but still wanted to know more. "Look, can you untie me, and we can talk about this properly. What exactly does this operation do? Is it safe?" asked Cole.

"Sorry, if we untie you then you're chance for the operation and to be with Zara disappears. This is a one time offer, your choice is we let you go now, and live without ever getting to have sex with Zara again. Or stay and get the operation, allowing you to be a couple again," said David.

Before Cole could ask his next question, the main door opened and a man wearing a green pair of scrubs entered the room. "Hello, I'm Dr Adams. I see you are prepared already?" he said.

"No, not quite. He still has some more questions, maybe you can help explain," said David.

Dr Adams picked up a leaflet from a table on the side of the room and sat down beside Cole, who's cock was now flaccid from the embarrassment of being exposed to all these people. "Okay, basically the operation consists of two parts. The first is a small biochip that attaches to your prostate. It can intercept and amplify hormones that your body produces. It can do things like give you a stronger erection, increase the amount of ejaculation produced, increase the length of an orgasm and much more. It has a tiny computer onboard which can be remotely accessed by your phone, giving you important information about your health and the status of the device. It can even detect and help prevent certain types of prostate cancer too."

"Oh okay, that doesn't sound so bad. So it's basically like a health monitor that has the benefit of a better sex life?" asked Cole.

"Exactly, now the second part is a small device that..." continued the doctor until he was interrupted.

"And Zara, this means you want to get back together. If we do this today?" asked Cole.

"Yeah, well get back together thanks to David, and can pick up where we left off," said Zara.

"Okay but Cole, the second part of the operation is a small metal device..." continued the doctor, but he was interrupted again.

"No need for any more explanation, I'll do it," said Cole, actually excited by the idea. "What do we do next?"

The doctor untied one of Coles' hands and handed him a long contract to sign, which he did so without reading. David then signed the contract too and offered to pay for the device, which Cole was extremely thankful for. Finally, the doctor secured Cole's hand back to the chair via the strap, then went to the sink to wash his hands. When he returned, he had put on some surgical gloves and quickly placed a small, mildly painful injecting under Cole's ass.

"Lie back and try to relax. I've given you a strong local anaesthetic, so you shouldn't feel any pain," said the doctor as he pressed a button on the chair that forced Cole down on his back.

After a few minutes, Cole lost all feeling of his pubic region, and the doctor began the surgery. He attached a clean needle, biochip and camera to a metal snake arm beside the chair and applied a generous amount of lube to the device and Cole's anus. Inserting the metal arm, a camera above the chair showed the inside of his rectum as the doctor made his way beside his prostate.

Once he was beside the prostate, he rubbed the metal arm for several minutes to find the exact spot. This rubbing had the unintended consequence of releasing a small about of precum from Cole's cock. Zara and David noticed this, but Cole couldn't feel or see a thing.

The doctor was happy with the position, he made a small incision then inserted the biochip into his prostate. Using tiny movements with the metal arm, he was able to stitch up the entrance and pull the arm out of his anus. The operation only took thirty minutes, and the doctor was ready to clean up and perform the second part.

While Cole was laid back, trying not to think about the prodding that was happening, the doctor started the next stage of the surgery. He prepped the pubic region using an antiseptic cleaning wipe, then massaged a solution with iodine over his skin. Using a fresh incision tool, he made an opening under the skin of his pubic region. After picking up an oval stainless steel round ring with a slight curve, from a sterile package, he detached it into two halves and inserted the first under Cole's pubic skin. He made a second incision on the other side of his pubis, and inserted the other half, connecting them both to form a circle that wrapped around his cock and testicles.

The doctor then took another curved ring and placed it on top of the pubic skin, in the same position as the one under his skin. Using a small surgical drill, he inserted six sterile screws through the external device, piercing his skin, then connecting to the bottom device under his skin.

The end result was a thin and light stainless steel plate that was attached to the skin circling Coles genitals. The doctor wiped away the blood and wiped down the metal device with a sterile wipe, and applied some antiseptic ointment.

The last piercings occurred just below the head of his penis, one on either side. The doctor picked up a stainless steel tube and placed it beside Cole's penis. Two wires peaked out from inside the tube, which the doctor took and attached to the new piercings below the penis head. He took the penis and inserted it straight into the tube then mounted it tightly to the metal plate around his genitals.

Finally, he picked out a cup, similar to the one Zara was wearing and placed it over the plate, completely covering Cole's cock and balls. He removed his gloves and asked David to initialise the device.

David picked up his phone and opened an app. The home screen showed Zara's name, with a status of "Locked since 29 days." He clicked the "Pair new device" option, which scanned the room. Immediately a new device was shown, which David paired with, taking ownership of the metal cage. Once paired and setup, he clicked the Lock button, which instantly bonded the cup surrounding Cole's cock and balls, to the metal plate on his skin.

Walking over to the chair, David grabbed the cup locking Cole's genitals, confirming it was secure and impossible to remove.

"What's going on David? I can't feel a thing," asked Cole uncomfortable at his friend being so near to his privates.

"Just checking everything is working as planned," said David.

"Oh Cole, thank you for agreeing to this. I'm so glad we get to be a couple again," said Zara, running over to him to give him a kiss on the lips.

Cole smiled, thinking how pleased he was they were together again, and how excited he was to try out the new device. The doctor removed his restraints as Cole struggled to sit up, with the anaesthetic still in effect. He was able to stand up after a few minutes, and find a mirror to admire the new device.

"Interesting, so how does this all work? What's with the metal cup?" asked Cole, trying to pull at the cup.

"Let me explain Cole," said David. "The operation you have just had is part of a plan to give the greatest more pleasurable orgasms in the world. To make sure you don't become addicted and spend your entire life masturbating, the cup is covering a tube that fits snuggly around your cock. The whole device is attached to your skin and impossible to remove. It communicates with the biochip in your prostate, to prevent erections and control arousal levels via hormones in your body."

"What? Are you serious? But how do I remove it? How will we have sex Zara?" asked Cole.

"Don't worry Cole. You are Zara will have sex. I'll just keep the app on my phone and when you guys want sex, just ask, and I'll enable it," said David.

"But, I don't want to have to ask you every time we have sex," said Cole.

"It's worth it Cole," said Zara.

Cole was unsure, but know he badly wanted to be with Zara again. They both got dressed and left the surgery. David could feel the hesitance from Cole, so he opened his phone and tapped a few buttons.

"Look, I know it seems a bit strange right now, but I promise you it'll be worth it in the end. Go home and relax, let that anaesthetic wear off. Why don't both of you come around to mine tomorrow, and I'll leave you alone to try the device," said David. "In the meantime, I have put the hormones to increase your arousal level. You should start to feel a bit hornier and excited now, which should ease your concerns."

Reluctantly Cole agreed and went back to his apartment. The entire ride home he couldn't take his mind of sex. Once home, and sweating from arousal, he thought about the blowjob Zara gave him, even if it did only last a few seconds. He became aroused by the idea of having his cock controlled by his friend and Zara. It was crazy, he knew the whole situation was bizarre, but yet couldn't help but be turned on by the entire thing.

He stripped off all his clothes and lay on his bed ready to jerk off. But of course, as he placed his hands on his genitals, he was blocked by the metal cup. He pulled and tugged at the cup, trying to remove it, with no luck. It was securely stuck onto his skin. There was no way his cock could escape, and no way he could give himself any pleasure.

He also realised that while he was incredibly horny, he didn't seem to be capable of getting an erection. Even though his cock was trapped in the tube and cup, he couldn't feel his cock get hard at all. It just stayed flaccid in the cage, no matter how horny his mind became.

After failing to pleasure himself, he went to bed naked and frustrated, eager for the next day to start. He slept pretty well, although every dream he had was of having sex or performing sexual acts with Zara and other women. Eventually, his alarm clock rang, and it was time for him to get out of bed.

Needed to pee, he went to the bathroom almost forgetting about the device trapping his cock. He panicked for a moment, wondering how he could use the toilet with the device attached to him. But he couldn't hold it, so he had no choice but to sit on the toilet and hope for the best.

He was pleasantly surprised his pee came out from a hole in the device. As he finished up, he thought about how every morning he would wake up with an erection. But today he could feel his cock flaccid and static in the tube.

Once he was finished, he had a shower, attempting to use the water head to gain some pleasure in his cock. But he quickly gave up on that idea realising it was impossible. He cleaned himself, got dried and dressed, then headed to David's to meet for the demonstration of the device.

Cole was the first to arrive at Davids, who welcomed him into his flat and gave him a cup of coffee. "So how was your first night in the device?" asked David.

"I'm so horny, it's unreal. I've never felt this much need to have sex, but it's so frustrating being locked in this tube and cup thing. Can you remove it now?" asked Cole.

"Yeah Zara was the same for the first few weeks, but it does get better. We'll try out the device today when she gets here," said David.

"If it's so good, how come you don't have one? Are you going to have the surgery too?" asked Cole.

David smugged and said, "No, it's not really for people like me."

Unsure of what he meant by that, Cole was about to ask him, but the doorbell rang, and Zara entered the living room. She gave Cole a passionate kiss on the lips, then stripped off her clothes, wearing only the metal cup covering her genitals.

Cole became acutely aware of his cock and balls and for the first time his prostate. He watched his gorgeous girlfriend's slim body undress and instinctively did the same, stripping down to his underwear. He stopped feeling slightly uncomfortable being naked in front of David.

"Go on, you can remove your underwear," said David, but Cole was too embarrassed. David unlocked his phone and clicked on some buttons. "Let's see if this helps you get over your anxiety. I've increased the hormones again, adding to your arousal level."

Cole felt a heat wave rise throughout his body. His cock was still flaccid, but he could feel almost a build-up of cum sitting at the back of his cock.

"Let's disable the erection blocker slight, letting some blood flow to your cock," said David.

"Erection blocker? What do you mean?" asked Cole, as his legs quivered in frustration.

"Haven't you noticed, you haven't had an erection in a day? The device can block erections, making less strain on your cage," explained David.

"Yes, actually I was getting concerned," said Cole as he felt some blood thicked his cock.

"Please David, can you remove the devices now?" begged Cole.

"No trust me, okay you two. Sit down in front of each other with your legs crossed," directed David.

Cole removed his underwear, now oblivious to any embarrassment and just wanting to have sex with Zara. He sat on the floor and crossed his legs, facing Zara who had done the same.

"Now I'm going to run a small electrical stimulation through your cock Cole, and your clitoris Zara. Can you feel that?" asked David.

Slowly, Cole started to feel a pulsating hit the head of his penis. It felt perfect, almost as good as rubbing his cock. Zara moaned as she slowly thrust against the floor.

"I'm just doubling your hormone levels too, so you should feel a big spike of arousal hit your any second now," said David adjusting his phone.

Suddenly a huge new wave of sexual fantasies entered Cole and Zara's mind. Cole instinctively bent down to kiss Zara's boob's, and Zara ran her hands over Cole's thighs.

"Oh fuck," screamed Cole, thrusting into the air, rubbing at this device.

"Yeah, oh yeah, come on, come on," screamed Zara, throwing herself onto Cole. They rolled about on the floor for thirty minutes, both feeling they were going to cum any second now. Their lips attached to each other, as their hands explored their bodies.

After another hour had passed, they were exhausted and covered in sweat, but still holding each other, feeling they would cum in a second. But the orgasm never arrived.

"Please, oh David, please remove the device," begged Cole.

"Why would you want the device removed? It wouldn't feel as good without it?" explained David.

"I just want to cum? I need to cum? Please," begged Cole.

"Oh if you want to cum, you should have just said so. Zara are you ready too?" asked David.

"Oh yes, yes, please let me cum," screamed Zara, rubbing over Coles metal cup, and down to his legs.

"Okay, here it goes," said David, clicking a button to enable an intensified orgasm.

The electrical stimulation began stronger and firmed for both Cole and Zara, as their sexual desire caused them to lose control of their surroundings and just focus on each other.

Suddenly, Zara screamed out "Oh here it comes, oh baby, yes, yes, YES!" as she lay back and rubbed her legs in pure pleasure.

"Oh yeah, fuck, it's coming, I can feel it," screamed Cole as a burst of heat shot up from his toes to her head. A slow stream of ejaculation left his cock, as he lay quivering on the floor as the strongest orgasm entered his body. The cum trickled out of the hole in how metal cup and lay in a small puddle on the floor.

The couple both lay, rolling left and right as their orgasm lasted for five minutes each. Finally, the arousal started to fade, and they calmed down, kissing each other and lay beside each other catching their breath.

"Looks like you two had fun?" asked David sarcastically.

"Shit, David, I almost forgot you were here. Did you see all that?" said Cole.

"Sure did, I'm glad you had fun. Now, are you glad I got this device for you?" asked David.

"Fuck yeah, that was the best experience of my life. I can still feel my cock throbbing," said Cole.

"Oh yes, of course. Let me help with that, I'll enable the erection blockers again," said David tapping on his phone. Cole felt his cock soften and Zara could feel her clitoris return to normal. Their minds became more rational again as the hormones were reduced and they cleaned up the mess they made and put their clothes on again.

"David, thanks for the device. That really was amazing," said Cole. "But we can't keep asking you every time we want sex."

"Of course you can. I don't mind," said David.

"Yeah, but come on, it's not really practical if we are going to have a relationship," said Cole.

"The way I see it, the three of us are in a special relationship," said David.

Cole was uncomfortable. He didn't want to be in a three-way relationship, he just wanted Zara. But he was too exhausted to fight and was still enjoying the after feeling of his alternative sex session.

"Come on, let's go back to mine," said Zara holding Coles' hand.

"Thanks again David," said Cole, as they left the flat and went back to Zara's home as a couple.

When they got back, they spent the rest of the day talking about their relationship, the experience they had with the device, and their lust for each other. They slept in the same bed that night and had the best sleep of their lives.
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