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The campaign to enslave the Goddess Arisia
Chapter 06



A warning to readers.



This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on.



Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be considered under eighteen years of age. With a story of this nature I will not be able to list the ages of every character or make specific notations regarding ages of groups. Please do not read something into the story that wasn't intended by the author.



Chapter 06

A hard fought victory and the violations of the final goddesses



The fighting at the front was horrendous. Arisia's forces would just not back down. Her solders just kept throwing themselves at us regardless of their losses. As the army inched forward I was shocked by the dead we were leaving behind. Yet even as we advanced over the bodies of their comrades more of Arisia's troops threw themselves at the army.



Looking at the the other side of the battlefield I could see Pallus's forces were in a similar situation. Regardless of how many of Arisia's troops they killed more just kept coming. Their situation was made the more perilous by the fact they had been engaged in battle since yesterday. While our forces on joined to battle this morning.



With our army now fighting a second enemy exhaustion. I couldn't even take satisfaction in Doinus and Dionus now kneeling at Apollon's feet in collars and shackles. For if this battle couldn't be won then nothing else mattered. Still fresh troops had began a flanking maneuver on both sides of the battlefield and I had my own surprises left.



Looking once more at Apollon watching the battle with all but one of his sisters on leashes. I turned my horse and headed towards were my brother waited. Moving quickly through the trees concealing his men I began preparing the spells. This had been practiced repeatedly by his whole division. Yet this would still be the first time we had done it with the actual spells being involved.



I could see I wasn't the only one nervous about this plan as I watched the first regiment marching into the rectangle layed out with target crystals. Still as soon as they were in position I activated the spell and watched them disappear. As soon as they were gone the next regiment began taking their place as I waited for the signal to transport them behind the enemy's lines. Looking towards the hill behind us I saw the signal flags waving and activated the spell again.



As my brother joined his last regiment in the rectangle I knew it was now my turn to go into harm's way. Taking a breath I stepped into the rectangle with them and waited for the flag man to signal the men were clear on the other side. As the flag waved a final time the spell activated and we were now committed to the path in a flash of light.



We came out of the transport one of the Wolf Scouts was moving target crystals out of the way before silently signaling the men forward. As they men left the rectangle on this side we saw the other regiments waiting in formation. While the final regiment joined the others me and my brother were briefed on the enemy's movement on this side of the lines.



They had two divisions of light infantry in reserve on the other side of the hill in front of us. They seamed to just standing in formation waiting to be sent in to the fray. More importantly the Wolf Scouts had found the Queen's headquarters was directly between those two divisions and us.



Looking at our archers I asked if there were any solders on the hill. Both my brother and the Captain of the Wolf Scouts quickly realized what I had in mind. As I told them what I had in mind for the coming battle the few sentries were quietly eliminated.



I then laid out the rest of my plan. While the archers took up position on the hill the rest of the division would spit in two and go around the hill. They would then engage the enemy from both sides. Once that happened the archers would open fire on the center of their forces hitting them from three directions.



Just before that me and the Wolf Scouts would attack the Queen's headquarters in a diversionary move. This should have the two divisions moving to face us and allow my brother's division to hit them from behind. With luck the two divisions would be so distracted by having to defend their queen from the Wolf Scouts and me then the attack of our division they wouldn't realize they outnumber us.



Plus even if we weren't successful in taking the queen. She would be forced to pull troops from the main battlefield to protect herself. This would give our main forces the opportunity to punch through the lines. Wishing my brother luck we each set out on our own missions.



This also gave me a moment to think about how we ended up at this place. When word of what Fortunus had done reached Arisia she was furious. She immediately ordered her full military to mass in one location. This was so they could conquer the Domains of Doinus, Dionus, and Pallus before we could. The problem was we were informed of this gathering of her military and had our own army waiting.



As Arisia's forces engaged those of her sisters' we struck Arisia's flank. This was also when Doinus and Dionus were given a choice by Pallus. After Pallus revealed she was Apollon's slave her sisters were informed of the situation at their capital.



They were told in no certain terms they would be wearing collars and be Apollon's bitches. They just got to decide to do it willingly like Caros, Pallus, and Fortunus had chosen to. Or they could take after Artimos, Porseron, and Vestus and end up suffering greater humiliation and torment while resisting an unavoidable fate.



An hour later both bitches had been branded then thoroughly raped by both Apollon and Pallus. They were made to kneel alongside their sisters at Apollon's feet as they watched the battlefield from a hillside. It was quite the sight seeing those two on their knees between Caros and Porseron. While almost identically dressed Pallus and Fortunus stood slightly behind Apollon's thrown holding Artimos's and Vestus's leashes.



In fact the only difference between Pallus's and Fortunus's outfits were the color of them. Pallus's was dressed in her usual black leather and Fortunus's was dressed in white leather. As with the similar skintight leather outfits the two had similar authority over their sisters. Though Pallus had the higher rank amongst the two and had authority over Fortunus as well.



They also shared the different location for their brands. While all their sisters were branded on the sides of their ass cheeks. With the only ones having them on different sides of their asses being Doinus and Dionus so they could be told apart.



Pallus and Fortunus on the other hand had asked for something different to recognize their different status then their sisters. Pallus and Fortunus had the letter "S" seared into the flesh of their pubic mounds. It was more painful and meant they could never cover their pussies but they also felt both these made serve as excellent examples for the cause of female subjugation.



Alas I couldn't think about any of that for a while. While I would've loved to think about Fortunus's first rape as Apollon's bitch. Or Vestus being made Fortunus's personal play thing. I needed to focus on crawling unnoticed through this ditch running behind the tent housing the Queen's headquarters.



Perhaps once this royal bitch is in a collar then I could think about the goddesses' enslavement more. Right now there's at least two dozen Royal Guards to deal with first. Plus any in the tent with the three generals who's flags I can see flying outside.



Those flags gave me an idea as directed the Wolf Scouts to strike on the other side of the tent. Waiting a few minutes as they worked their way farther away from me I began preparing several spells. Seeing the Wolf Scouts were in position I looked up at the hill and saw the archers spreading out. I then spread my awareness to check on my brother's progress.



Once I knew everyone was as ready as we could get I took several deep breaths to calm my nerves. Making a final note of the positions of the Royal Guards I rushed out of the ditch. My first act was to throw a lightning spell that took out three guards standing by the door of the tent. Next I blocked the sword of another guard with my staff. Before bringing the other end of the staff around and braking his neck.



Looking back at the two divisions I see them start advancing on me. Quickly chanting in the sacred tongue I press the end of my staff into the ground angled towards the advancing troops. Two low ridges rise out of the ground in front of them leaving a narrow gap in the center for them to get through. As they get slowed by this I have to avoid another sword swung at me.



I twisted around to dodge a second sword before knocking the first one away with my staff while the first guard backed up to pull his dagger I brought my staff back around to block the blade of the second guard's sword. I had to shift to the side quickly to avoid the dagger thrust towards my chest by the first guard as I brought staff up between his legs.



Of course he had been castrated but a simple command in the sacred tongue took care of him. As the first guard burst into flames I blocked another slash from the second one. A sudden gesture of my hand sent him flying into the first guard rolling on the ground trying to put the flames out.



As the second guard hit the first the spell spread enveloping him in fire as well. A quick look back at the two divisions behind me showed them fighting our forces on both sides. While a constant rain of arrows fell on them. With them distracted I turned my attention to the remaining Royal Guards now charging me.



Another lightning spell took out six closing on me. While I deflected another sword with my staff. Bringing the staff back around knocked the guard's legs out from under him. Three quickly thrown fire balls took out two more guards while a gesture of my hand sent another flying.



The guard I knocked down was just getting back to his feet after rolling away from me. This distance gave me the opportunity to throw him into three more guards rushing towards me with another gesture of my hand. A lightning spell then ended the threat from all four of them.



I could hear blades clashing from the other side of the tent as I began to advance on the three guards in defensive positions in front of the door. Looking over my shoulder at the fighting behind me I absently threw another lightning spell at the troops trying to get through the gap to help the Royal Guards. As lightning shot between the blades of the solders' weapons I made a sweeping gesture of my towards the Royal Guards that sent them flying.



Before could get any closer to the tent several officers and the queen came running out the door. Looking around for their guards and troops they instead saw me and the battle going on behind he. While one officer moved to block my advice the others started leading the queen towards their main army. The officer in front of me never got the chance to do anything when several Wolf Scouts came out of the tent and knocked her out from behind.



A gesture from me had the queen and the remaining officers floating back towards me. A quick chant in the sacred tongue opened several holes in the ground. The queen and officers were then placed in each hole. Another spell quickly sealed the holes leaving only the bitches' heads above ground.



Looking back behind me I could see my brother's men had taken out most of the two divisions of enemy soldiers. The few that remained were being taken care of by the archers. As much as I wanted to rest there was still another battle going on that we needed to help with.



Once my brother had met up with me I pointed to where the rest of our army was still engaged in fierce fighting. My brother quickly reformed his surviving solders. While at the same time ordering some of the ones with the least amount of injuries to care for their more injured comrades and guard our prisoners. We then set out in a charge towards a line of enemy archers.



Before they had chance to fire any arrows at us we were upon them. Once they had all fallen or fled we were picking up their bows and arrows. Taking quick aim we started letting loose several volleys into the backs of the solders fighting our troops. As the enemy turned to face us our troops began to cut them down creating a gap in their lines.



Grabbing as many arrows as we could carry we moved to follow our troops as they started surging though the gap. Our forces quickly split and began attacking the enemy from behind. We moved ahead of our forces on one side and did our part with several more volleys of arrows.



Eventually the few remaining enemy soldiers launched a suicide attack on us that we put down with our last few arrows and a lightning spell from me. Looking around the only enemy soldiers not dead or dying were a few officers that were fleeing the battlefield. Only a few were successful before they were captured my our men.



As the captured enemy officers were put in chains that left one group to take care of. At her cammand Pallus's forces surrendered to us and collars started being placed on the few officers not previously enslaved. We then returned to where I had secured the queen.



A quick spell had the ground spitting them out into the waiting arms of our solders. They frantically pleaded to be let go of by our solders. However the soldiers just ignored them before stripping them naked then fitting them with slave collars and shackles. As the last of the enemy bitches were put in chains I finally allowed myself to sit down against a tree and rest. A familiar voice brought me out of my slumber thirty minutes later.



"As much as you had earned the nap you need to get up Antealie. Both Lord Apollon and King Edward are looking for you big brother."



Having a bad feeling I was in for more spell casting I slowly stood up. Looking around I could see the troops reformed into defensive positions and looked to see where King Edward had set up his headquarters. My brother realized what I was looking for and told me to fallow him.



As we walked I saw the bandage around his arm and asked him how many men did he loose. I was told a quarter of his men were either injured or dead. Plus the Wolf Scouts had lost ten men including the Captain. Who was hit in the chest by an arrow as they charged the Queen's tent. He also informed me most of the other units had suffered losses ranging from a third of their strength all the way to over a half. Though Pallus's forces fared the best with under twenty five percent losses all around.



Once we were at the King's tent we were met by the surviving Wolf Scouts. I could see their sadness at our fallen friends and comrades. All of whom had been together since I freed them from the Wolf Witch's control. While I felt the same loss I knew this wasn't done yet. We still had to take Arisia's mountain top stronghold then could we properly honor our dead.



As I got to the doorway of the tent I saw the other's were going to wait outside. Stoping in the doorway I nodded for the Wolf Scouts and my brother to follow me. I would personally deal with any one that said they shouldn't be there. We had been through enough together and they deserved to be there as we planned to end this.



What I didn't expect was Kathleen rushing over to immediately after I entered the tent. While my bitch clung to me my brother was soon in the similar grasp of Samantha. Once we both were able to free ourselves from our worried bitches I heard laughter from Apollon and King Edward.



My brother and the Wolf Scouts were to chairs set up in the back. While I sat down to between Apollon and King Edward. As Kathleen knelt at my feet I noticed that the only bitches of Apollon's present were Pallus and Fortunus. Looking at the table I then saw a map of Arisia's mountaintop stronghold and temple.



This was when I asked about the situation so far and was given more information. Our advance forces had taken the city at the base of the mountain. The princess was now a slave and Prince Daniel had control of the roads leading up the mountain. Besides the princess they had hundreds of bitches in chains including all remaining sisters of Junus and most of the officers in Arisia's army. Unfortunately that was the limit of the good news.



Arisia's remaining forces had burned the two bridges that would allow us to reach the fortress. Looking at the map I began thinking of a way around the bridges but nothing came to mind at the moment. I then looked at the two devine bitches and asked them if they knew of any hidden ways into the mountain.



Not surprising they both had one but they would only work for a few people. Reaching into my satchel I pulled out two small boxes. Handing both to the Wolf Scouts I asked them to go gather the target crystals. I next began looking for an appropriate place for deployment of the receiving target crystals in the transportation bridge.



It took a while but finally Pallus pointed out an area that while not perfect would work. I now needed a way to buy some time to get the gates open. Then get appropriate sized attack force across the burned bridges. Thinking back to our successful conquests a plan started to form.



I had enough sentry jewels left to deal with the gate guards. As for the bridges I could use a similar spell to the one I used in the recent battle to raise the ground up where the bridges were. My crystal birds and fireflies would give the advance force an accurate map of the fortress. They also would give these sneaking in to place the target crystals advance warning of any ambushes and traps.



The only problem was due me being needed to work the target crystals and the spells for the bridges I couldn't go in myself. Plus I would be pushing the limits of my powers just to do the spells for the bridges. So I would be running on empty once I did get inside and wouldn't be much help if there were any problems.



I began to pull other boxes from my satchel and producing the items I needed. Next the crystal birds and fireflies were sent on their way while the remaining Wolf Scouts went to get some rest. My brother did the same after being sure his men got some sleep for tomorrow mornings activity.



I on the other other hand needed to go to the bridges and get the spells cast. Once they were in place I could hopefully get a few hours sleep. Though there was still the sentry jewels to handle placing. Each of them would be put in place just before dark by the crystal birds before a spell activated and concealed them from the guards inside the fortress.



Once the sentry jewels were in place I returned to my tent. I could see Kathleen curled up in her cage sleeping peacefully. As much as I want to sleep it had been two days since raped any of my bitches. Shaking the cage I called for Kathleen to crawl out to me as let my robes fall to the floor.



Kathleen knew instantly what I wanted and was in position on her hands and knees in next to no time. Saying a quick prayer for the blessings and good fortune of everyone in battle tomorrow I initiated the breeding ritual. As the green glow spread through the tent I transformed. For the next thirty minutes I gave Kathleen's sweet pussy the brutal violation she loved best.



Finally after I put a second helping of my semen into her pussy I locked Kathleen back in her cage. Only then did I head towards my bed and lay down. As soon as my head hit my pillow I was out cold sleeping in an exhausted slumber.



Three hours later I was woken up by a solder from one of my brother's regiments. Dressing quickly I grabbed my satchel and staff and I was out the door. Looking up at both moons in the sky made thankful we shouldn't need lights to see. Still this also meant the enemy didn't either.



With nothing I could do about that now I quickly caught up with my brother. I found him as his regiment studied the images from the crystal birds. Another image they had up showed the Wolf Scouts moving into position. Even as the Wolf Scouts began setting up the target crystals my brother had his regiment in position for transport. Wishing him luck I watched as my brother disappeared.



Grabbing the viewing crystals I then moved to my own position and waited. I watched as my brother's regiment split in two. With the Wolf Scouts guiding each group they silently moved through the fortress. Any unfortunate solder that crossed their path died quickly and silently. Until both groups were positioned near the gates.



At the same time they transported into the fortress Prince Daniel sent his forces up the roads headed towards it. As the various groups moved to their positions I began channeling my power into my staff. Once I felt enough power was in place I activated the sentry jewels.



The Wolf Scouts and my brother's men quickly moved to the gates. While part of them opened the gates the others eliminated the guards. As soon as I saw the gates opening I activated the second spell. A wall of sand flowed across the gaps left by the missing bridges. Chanting in the sacred tongue I cast the third spell.



Just Prince Daniel's men got to them the sand bridges started turning to stone. I pushed as much energy as I could into the spell to quicken the process. But still it was talking to long. As Prince Daniel's forces waited an alarm sounded.



Then while I redoubled my efforts I watched as my brother's men were attacked. Letting out a curse I began pushing my life energy into the spell as I hoped they could hold out a little longer. Growing dizzy I watched as the spell was finally complete and Prince Daniel's men charged the fortress.



I could see our forces going through the gates and felt a great sense of relief fall over me. Given the spells effects over me and the fact the situation wasn't as dire I felt it was appropriate to sit down and rest. Looking back at the fortress I could see our troops moving smoothly through the city with some opposition. Though it looked like the fiercest opposition had been at the gates. Still they hadn't gotten near the central citadel housing the temple. So it was possible the fiercest of the opposition was still to come.



Letting out a sigh I knew that I couldn't sit there watching while others fought and died completing something I started. Thinking about all that I've gone through since that day in the Wolf Witch's layer I felt I needed to be at the temple when this ended. I wouldn't be able to do anything but at least would be present instead of sitting on my ass on the side of a mountain. Rising on unsteady legs I looked at my horse and began to make my way to the fortress.



It almost felt like getting to my horse took almost as much effort as climbing a mountain. Though there was no comparison in my opinion when came time to actually get on the horse. I still have no idea how I managed it in my condition. Once I was in the saddle it felt like the greatest accomplishment of my life. At least till I looked towards the fortress and realized I had helped reshape the world and here I'm actually comparing it to climbing on a horse.



Riding through the Fortress was uneventful at least until I got closer to the central citadel. Here our solders were engaging in chaotic fighting with Arisia's forces. I could already see several of Arisia's officers had been enslaved once all of their men were killed launching suicide charges leaving them alone and at our mercy. Still Arisia's surviving solders were fanatical in their defense. Either fighting to the last man or committing suicide rather than surrender.



Thankfully their bitch officers were more realistic and would surrender once their men were dead. They probably would end up suffering less if they chose death. For this treatment of the men under their command had angered our entire army and they would end up suffering greatly for this. This was made most noticeable by the bruises covering many of the bitches bodies. Though I could tell our men weren't going to be satisfied with bitches being just beaten they wanted a more lasting suffering. While I had a plan these bitches weren't going to like I wanted to talk to Apollon to improve upon it some.



I was also confused by them actually surrendering in the first place. It wasn't exactly unknown by now what we did to the officer bitches we captured. Yet these particular bitches do everything in their power to waste their own mens' lives kill our solders pointlessly then place themselves at our mercy something was going on there I needed to find out.



As I found the king I saw an opportunity for my answers. They had just finished stripping a captured general out of her clothes and was preparing to collar her. Calling for them to wait I produced one of the shrunken boxes from my satchel. Once it was full sized this box held some of my specially prepared shackles and collars for just such occasions. Each set were organized in their own special compartments marked with colored glyphs only I could read.



Directing the men to the set marked by a silver lightning bolt shaped Glyph surrounded by a red border I told the men what to do. Once this bitch was wearing the collar and shackles I had the men retrieve a jewel from a secondary compartment within the first. Telling the men to press the jewel to the bitch's collar I watched in satisfaction as the spells activated. The bitch was on the ground writhing in agony the moment the jewel touched the collar.



While we let the bitch suffer for a while I had the men take a two foot long rod out a slot in the box's lid. I then told the men to press the jewel against the end of the rod where it would attach almost instantly. Once the jewel was in place I told the man holding the rod to press the jewel into the side of the bitch's ass.



The bitch let out a louder scream then I thought possible and began thrashing around more frantically. Yet in doing so exposed her pussy that quickly had the jewel pressed against it. This set a pattern the bitch would scream and thrash around then the jewel would be pressed against a different part of her body. Until finally the bitch stopped screaming and start pleading for mercy.



The man holding the rod wasn't in the mood to grant her mercy and neither was any of the rest of us. Yet after the jewel was pressed against her a few more times I halted the bitch's torment. Though technically it wasn't going to be stopping any time soon. I was just going to add a new element to it the bitch's humiliation. Looking at the bitch frantically thanking me repeatedly I started telling her what I wanted from her to get the agony to stop.



"You want this to stop BITCH then you need to show us how obedient of a slave you will be. Otherwise then the only thing that your good for BITCH is to torment. Now you have five seconds to decide either we get to listen to you scream or you do exactly as I tell you."



First you will kneel before us and proclaim you are nothing but a inferior bitch that's only purpose is to provide pleasure to her superior male masters. You then will beg to make amends for your part in the suffering our brave solders have endured within this strong hold."



"You then will ask for one final shock from the pain stick. This shock will be from the pain stick being literally shoved up your ass hole. However provided your obedient and obay all commands afterwards the only pain you will haft to endure until you are sold is your branding."



"Now decide bitch suffer more agony until you eventually die screaming. Or start begging to be a good BITCH and plead to have that rod shoved up your ass."



Neither me or anyone else actually expected her to do what we asked. We all expected her just to start pleading for anything but that before the torment started again. Personally I think most of the men were actually hoping for this. Though to all of our shock this bitch was on her knees almost the moment I stopped speaking and started to plead between sobs just as I told her.



"I, sob, am, sob, nothing, but, sob, sob, an, SOB, SOB, SOB, inferior, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, bitch, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, that SOB, SOB, SOB, only, SOB, SOB, exists, SOB, SOB, to, SOB, SOB, SOB, provide, SOB, SOB, SOB, pleasure, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, to, SOB, SOB, SOB, my, SOB, SOB, SOB, superior, SOB, SOB, SOB, male, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, masters. SOB, SOB, SOB, Please, SOB, SOB, SOB, allow, SOB, SOB, me, SOB, to, SOB, make, SOB, amends, SOB for, SOB, the, SOB, suffering, SOB, of your, SOB, SOB, SOB, brave solders, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, by, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, having, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, the, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, pain, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, stick, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, shoved, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, up, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, my SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, ASS, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB, SOB!!!!"



Granted the way she was sobbing it was hard to tell if it wasn't word for word what I had told her. Still it was close enough so I told her to lean forward until her shoulders were on the ground. She was to be sure her ass was raised as high as she could. She then was to reach back with both hands and spread her ass cheeks. Then we it was done we wouldn't cause her any pain if she did everything we told her.



I said before I hadn't thought a bitch could scream any louder. Yet once the rod went up her ass hole I was proven wrong. Her scream was deafing before she lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground twitching. She would still be twitching as the rod was removed and a different set of collars and shackles were placed on her from my box of torments.



This set designed to signal us when she lied while any truthfull statements were met with unbelievable pleasure. We then started to interrogate the bitch as the first set of shackles and collar were fitted to another captured officer. Even before the first officer had chance to answer a question the screams of the second officer could be heard. This would serve as a reminder that we would only tolerate her telling us the truth. Otherwise it would be her screams we would be listening to again and this time her agony wouldn't stop until she died.



The first thing we wanted to know was the troop strength at the temple. Including how many officers and men then the number of temple guards. Then came the questions about special defenses put in place. We already knew the temple was part of the inner citadel of the fortress and our advance had been stalled at it's walls. Yet we would get past this soon enough and needed to know what else was waiting for us.



Most of Arisia's Army was dead or taken as bitches. Leaving a just over two and a half regiments of solders, around a dozen officers, and the entirety of the temple guards. But there was also something that halted all of our efforts. Arisia had another sorceress as her High Priestesses and she wanted me dead personally for what I had done to her younger sister the Wolf Witch.



This new revelation made me realize we needed to wait until my powers had recovered. While the troops, officers and temple guards our solders could handle with little or no problem. It was the information that would soon be verified by the second and third officers once they recovered from having the pain stick shoved up their asses. The High Priestess being a sorceress was something only I could handle. Though this also gave me an idea I just needed a item brought to me from the new capital. I also needed a bitch to rape to help my powers recover faster. Thankfully I had three willing to do anything to avoid any more torture right in front of me.



While I took turns raping the three officers Prince Daniel and my brother traveled to the new capital using the target crystals. Thankfully do I had finally got the transportation charm to work right a few weeks ago. By the time they got back I had already raped all three of the enemy officers once and was starting on their second violation. By the time I finished with the now whimpering officers I had a third of my powers restored and was just needing the equivalent of a nights sleep to get another third back.



Meanwhile Apollon who had arrived with Prince Daniel and my brother and brought the means to restore the rest. While the army began to make preparations for the assault on the citadel I would sleep. Then once I woke I would sample Fortunus's unwilling body. Namely her tight ass hole that Apollon said makes you want spend eternity raping the bitch. The last part of the plan involved the whimpering form knelling on all fours with Prince Daniel's dogs.



The next day i had just finished with Fortunus and while I could attest to Apollon's assessment of raping her ass hole. Me violating her ass hole didn't make her scream the way her High Priestess did when I took her ass hole. I was also disappointed that I couldn't leave her a whimpering wreak the way I could Porseron or Vestus when I raped their asses. Granted Fortunus was still a delight to be able to rape though now there was another bitch requiring my attention.



Going through my trunks I quickly began gathering supplies. Next I began the walk to the gates of the citadel. I could see a bunch of solders on top of the walls watching me as I began walking around in circles. For all intensive purposes it looked like I was examining the citadel's defenses however I was actually placing a few surprises in place.



Next I was seen by these solders retreating from the area after attempting to examine the gates themselves. Of course to them it also looked like all those arrows they shot at me was the reason I left but in truth I had finished what I wanted to do and now I needed to get some one's attention. For this I repositioned myself on a rooftop out of bow range but still easily visible from the citadel and just stood waiting.



When I saw a familiar looking bitch watching me I put my plan in motion. A quick gesture was all it took to transport myself back to the citadel's gates. Next I signaled Fortunus to bring my first surprise for my observer on the walls. I would've loved to have seen the High Priestess's face when she saw the Wolf Witch crawling ahead of Fortunus. Yet based on what did happen I would have a pretty good idea of of what she looked like. There was more to tell before we got to that part of the story.



Now from the outside the Wolf Witch hadn't changed much since I gave her to Prince Daniel to do with whatever he wanted. Of course the modifications to her body was still in place from the missing fingers and the legs removed below her knees. She even still had the markings over her eye and nose. Though it was on the inside that she had really changed based on the way she'd been treated. The modifications had started this change but it wasn't until I had given her to Prince Daniel that she truly started thinking of herself as a actual dog in every sense.



At first she had been used to terrorize newly captured bitches in the slave pens. Getting paraded around on a leash and occasionally raped in front of the new bitches. Then she spent some time as a barracks bitch. Yet after the surrender of Caros she was quickly replaced for that task. Now Prince Daniel could of just put her down but he wanted her life to be long and arduous. So he decreed she was no longer fit for human use and given her to his dogs as their own slave.



After being reduced to the slave of a half dozen dogs there was nothing left of either the arrogant sorceress or the whimpering bitch I had created. Instead she was now the willing the sexual play thing of six dogs eagerly waiting for the next opportunity to pleasure her masters. That opportunity I was tempted to have witnessed by her sister on the citadel's walls.



I began walking her around I circles while letting an occasional item fall to the ground in places I had planned during my earlier exploration. Yet it was to display the modifications to the Wolf Witch that was my primary objective. Once my display of the Wolf Witch was completed I cast the same spell as at Fortunus's city. This was the spell that allowed the people on the walls to hear what was being said where I was. This is when I started to ask her a bunch of normally humiliating questions that she answered with 'barks' and 'yips'.



"Is our little bitch like showing what a good dog she is? 'Bark Yip Bark.' Oh you do. 'Yip Bark Bark.' Oh your sad to be out here. Do you not want the people watching you. 'Bark Bark Bark Yip.' Oh you want these people to see how happy you are with your masters. 'Yip Yip Yip.' Well since your masters traveled with you so you'd have some one to rape you. We can bring them out for our audience to see. 'YIP YIP YIP!'"



With just a nod of my head I gave the signal to Fortunus. She began to lead Prince Daniel's dogs into view and I could of sworn I heard a gasp from the walls regarding the dogs' size. While not the size of Apollon in his canine form still all three were huge animals that were easily twice the size of the Wolf Witch. They were so big that even Fortunus was having a hard time restraining them once they saw their bitch kneeling in front of me. Though as I started to talk to the Wolf Witch again Fortunus began leading the dogs away.



"I know you're disappointed that the people watching can't see how much you enjoy being raped by your masters. But if you're a good bitch and follow Fortunus they can give you the brutal violation you desire just for the entertainment of our troops."



As I watched the Wolf Witch rush after Fortunus I could hear the sounds of the citadel's gates being unbarred. A loud creaking sound soon fallowed as they began to open. Looking towards several of the buildings around me I could see our solders waiting for my signal to attack. Though I wasn't going to give that signal until I was sure my plan lure out the High Priestess had failed. Thankfully seeing what I had done to her sister with her own eyes was all the encouragement she needed to throw caution to the wind and face me on ground of my choosing.



Once the gates opened fully a lone figure stood in the opening. As she walked towards me I could instantly tell she was the Wolf Witch's sister. They looked almost identical save for one noticeable difference. While the Wolf Witch had long black hair the High Priestess's hair was solid white. Other than that their faces and bodies looked to be mirror images.



The High Priestess didn't even look any older than the Wolf Witch. Even though there were several years between them. Based on other things I'd heard the High Priestess shared a few more traits with her sister. These were mostly personality traits that would be stripped from her the same as her sister once I was done with her. In fact given Apollon's plans for Arisia she wasn't going to be needing priestesses any more so this bitch would probably be sharing her sister's fate.



Still it wasn't those plans I needed to contemplate at the moment. These plans were long term big picture considerations. It was only once the battle was over that I should be even thinking of these plans. It was the short term angry bitch with mystical powers out to make me suffer before destroying me that I was focused on at the moment.



This priority was brought into sharp focus when the High Priestess without saying a word sent a ball of mystical energy flying towards me. Back when I faced her sister I wouldn't of been able to do anything to defend against this sort attack except dodge it. Yet now my training had been long completed and my experience further increased my abilities. Deflecting the attack with my staff was easy to accomplish. As she watched me send her attack flying harmlessly into the sky I began putting my own strategy into effect.



First was to launch a similar ball of energy at her myself. Right behind this attack would be a minor shock wave. While the High Priestess should be able to easily block or deflect the ball of energy the shock wave would be another story. That knocked her down and created a cloud of dust that concealed me temporarily.



This time was spent placing several items about our personal little battlefield. Three target crystals were rolled into positions surrounding her. Along with about a dozen smaller crystal orbs. The last thing I threw out there were a handful of crystal shards before I moved to the next part of my plan.



This was to immediately use the target crystals to transport myself out of the way of the ball of energy that suddenly came flying out of the cloud of dust right at me. Reappearing behind her I hit her with another shockwave by driving the end of my staff into the ground. Sending her flying into the ground once more and once again concealing myself in a cloud of dust. Another handful of crystal shards were thrown around her before I transported myself out of the way of her next attack. reappearing off to her side this time I safely watch as her ball of energy strikes the citadel's gates blowing a large hole into them.



While the High Priestess is distracted by this mistake I press the end of my staff into the ground again. The High Priestess quickly recognizes this move and moves to defend herself from the shock wave. Only there is no shock wave this time as I intentionally only used half of the spell. Only the cloud of dust rises up to conceal myself as handful of small crystal spheres are thrown around her. Followed almost immediately by the flash of light from me transporting myself again.



Even before the dust clears the High Priestess is searching all around herself for where I transported myself to. Only to be shocked to find herself surrounded by a dozen projections of my image coming from the crystal orbs. As the High Priestess targets each projection hoping to hit the real me I start chanting in the sacred tongue. The High Priestess quickly recognizes my chant and realizes the crystal shards are glowing. Knowing there is no defense to my spell the High Priestess tries to get away from the shards. Only to be immediately stopped as the crystal spheres create a barrier surrounding her.



The High Priestess's face takes on a look of pure terror as my spell goes into effect. Her body is suddenly surrounded by bolts of electricity as she screams in agony each time one hits her. A glowing sphere soon surrounds her body giving the bolts of electricity nowhere to strike but the High Priestess. Tears fill the High Priestess's eyes as the true effects of the spell begins to be felt by her. The High Priestess manages to cry out the word "NO" before the is unable to do anything but scream in agony as her powers start to drain.



The High Priestess's screams only grow louder as she feels her powers being painfully drained from her body. Her body begins writhing in agony as more and more of her power is drained. The pain is only intensifies as her power is ripped from her body. Her power practically gone the High Priestess watches as the barriers confining her begin to fade away. Until finally the spell is complete and she collapses to her knees sobbing over her power being gone.



As she realizes she is now just another helpless bitch at my mercy she begins shooting fearful glances at the projections of me and the hole in the gate. The High Priestess's a dash towards the gates wasn't unexpected. This where my previously left surprises came into play. Stepping from where I'd concealed myself I gestured with my staff. Another barrier suddenly blocks her escape as I started to chant again. The High Priestess's terror only reaches new heights as each word of the sacred tongue flow from my lips.



A tendril shoots from the ground and wraps around her waist. As the High Priestess is lifted into the air screaming other tendrils start appearing. Each tendril seeks out a different part of the the High Priestess's body to grab ahold of. Each her arms and legs have tendrils wrapping around them. While another wraps around the High Priestess's neck as several more wrap around her body.



Taking a breath I look from the terrified High Priestess to the people watching from the walls of the citadel. Knowing that making an example of the High Priestess may prevent more fighting. Though for this to get the bitches to willingly surrender themselves knowing they will be brutally raped required demonstrating an even worse fate awaiting them. Looking back at the High Priestess and thinking about what Arisia did to Junus an idea forms. Reactivating my earlier spell my voice was soon traveling to those on the walls.



"Bitches within the citadel watch what fate awaits you if you do not surrender immediately to your superior male masters."



Pressing my staff into the ground I take control of the tendrils wrapped around the High Priestess. Soon more tendrils started to come out of the ground as the others began repositioning the High Priestess's body. Her arms were raised over her head and her torso bent backwards slightly. Though it was when her legs were spread wide as possible that my intentions became known to the High Priestess. For the original purpose of this spell was to rip a victim limb from limb. However I also found this spell could be used differently with a female victim.



This new purpose wasn't lost on the High Priestess as several tendrils moved beneath her gown and began rubbing against her breast. Though as tendrils began ripping her clothing apart the High Priestess was almost wishing for the spells original purpose. Especially when a tendril began to rub against her now exposed pussy. With a tendril gliding over it's surface and along her ass crack we heard her pleading not to be raped. Everyone could now hear her pleading with me as couple other tendrils began to rub her nipples. Yet as she felt one more tendril moving around her pussy that I actually heard the High Priestess plead for me to rape her myself.



While I would of loved to use my own cock to show this bitch her place I felt she didn't deserve the honor. In fact I wasn't going to touch any of Arisia's priestesses. Their rapes would performed by the troops but they would never have the privilege of being raped by me. The High Priestess on the other hand wouldn't even be allowed to service the troops. In fact I doubted the High Priestess would never earn the privilege of servicing humans male or female let alone Prince Daniel's dogs like her sister.



So the tendrils positioning themselves at her pussy and ass hole was going to be the how she would receive her violation. I was just waiting for the right moment for her rape to begin. A moment where I couldn't just disgrace her from the rape but also humiliate her by making her enjoy it in the process. So besides the tendrils rubbing against her pussy and clit I had them working over her breasts and nipples.



Slowly the attention of the tendrils began taking affect. I could hear the High Priestess began letting out subtle moans and her hips began to move in harmony with the tendril rubbing against her pussy. More importantly I noticed that her pussy was growing wetter with each movement of the tendril. Realizing that she was at the point where I wanted her I sent the command to the tendril at her pussy to reposition itself.



The High Priestess seamed almost disappointed when the tendril stopped rubbing against her pussy. Though I could see the fear in her eyes when she saw where the tendril had moved to. She began frantically shaking her head side to side and pleading as the tendril pointed right at her pussy. Taking a moment to savor the High Priestess's fear and terror. I couldn't help letting the satisfaction of another bitch's pending violation show on my face. With large grin on my face I began slowly moving the tip of the tendril until it was touching her pussy.



With but a good gesture from me the bends in the tendril suddenly straightened forcing the tendril completely into the High Priestess's pussy. A blood curtailing scream filled the air as the tendril tore through the High Priestess's maidenhoods then slammed painfully into her cervix. Just as suddenly as it was thrust into her pussy the tendril began moving in and out. Between the pain from her torn maidenhood and the repeated blows against her cervix the High Priestess was in agony. Though she had no idea this was just the beginning. For another tendril had positioned itself at her ass hole.



The High Priestess futile pleas for mercy were suddenly interrupted by her scream as the tendril plunged up her ass hole. Within seconds she was just a sobbing wreak as the tendril in her ass hole began moving in harmony with the one violating her pussy. Eventually this rape proved to much for her emotionally and the High Priestess lost consciousness. I would've loved to have loved to just let the tendrils continue raping her until she died. However even though I had decided this bitch wasn't worthy of being raped by humans death would still spare her years of torment she rightfully deserved.



Looking back at her limp body still being raped by the tendrils I decided it was time to put a collar in this bitch. Before lowering her I stopped the tendrils violating her pussy and ass hole. Though as the other tendrils lowered her to the ground I kept those two in place within her pussy and ass hole. I also decided that I wouldn't lower her completely to the ground. Instead I let her body hang limply by her ankles and had all of the other tendrils release her except of course the ones in her pussy and ass hole.



Once the High Priestess was hanging in front of me I proceeded to wake her. I did this by expanding the sections of the two tendrils within her pussy and ass hole and letting them temporarily support her weight. As soon as she started screaming I had the tendril around her ankles take over the task of holding her up. However I left just enough tension on the ones in her pussy and ass so it still felt like they were supporting her.



A quick gesture and collar floated towards her exposed neck. Another gesture sent a set of shackles to each of her wrists hanging limply beneath her. I briefly considered not placing a set of shackles around her ankles due to my plans for her. However as with the shackles on her wrists the ones on her ankles would provide better control over this bitch. Especially since I hadn't yet permanently removed her mystical abilities. Only once she was reduced to the same helpless state as her sister would it be safe for her controlled by the complete combination of the collar and shackles.



Granted I had other matters to deal with at the moment so my plans for her was pushed aside. I instead focused on this moment in time as the tendril moved out of the way and the shackles were placed on each ankle. Once the High Priestess had the collar and shackles on her I let her drop the rest of the way to the ground. I then let all but two of the tendrils disappear back into the ground.



These two tendrils were the ones in the High Priestess's pussy and ass hole. While I used the collar and shackles to prevent the High Priestess from using her mystical abilities the tendrils served a far better purpose. This was providing both a humiliating and degrading way of controlling the High Priestess. By expanding and forcing the tendrils deeper into the High Priestess's pussy and ass hole I was able to get instant obedience to my every command.



Something that I saw had the bitches watching from the walls of the citadel terrified. I would then expand on this terror by announcing every bitch within the citadel would suffer even worse if they didn't surrender immediately. A threat made more real by the sudden screams gave off by the High Priestess when the section of tendril within her ass hole expanded to three times it's exterior size and then gave a sudden pull. I soon not only had the High Priestess frantically pleading for the others to surrender. But even more satisfactory had her begging to be raped by the same dogs as her sister.



I then gave the occupants of the citadel five minutes to comply before I resummoned the tendrils for the rest of them. A threat I suddenly worsened by drastically reducing the time first to three minutes then to two minutes. Before almost immediately afterwards saying their time was up and I was summoning the tendrils to go after them so I could listen to their screams alongside the High Priestess's.



Even as I started chanting in the sacred tongue the gates were thrown open. As several more tendrils rose out of the ground the remaining officers came out pleading for mercy as they tried to surrender. An act I was quick to inform them wouldn't be accepted while they still had a single piece of clothing on their bodies. Not giving these bitches a chance to think about my demand I started summoning more tendrils.



Several more tendrils appearing was all the encouragement necessary to have them all naked and on their knees in front of me in less than a minute. I even had each of them beg to become our slaves and while I didn't try to get them to beg to be raped by the troops. I did have them pleading for other humiliations. These included being marched before our people naked and in chains. Along with loudly proclaiming their new status as slave bitches.



Though like making them please to be raped I wasn't going to try several other things to humiliate them. I would've loved to hear them plead to be sold into prostitution. I also would've got great enjoyment out of listening to them plead to pleasure each other for our entertainment. Even the little I was able to degrade these bitches without putting them in collars and shackles was satisfying. This was almost as satisfying as once they were all in collars and shackles and we had started to rape them like we normally did with captured bitches.



Not that I had much time to do much more to them but those few humiliations. For I was well aware that only the officers had surrendered and none of their solders or the other Priestesses or any the Temple Guards. With all of these people unaccounted for I couldn't afford to take any unnecessary risks. So I quickly summoned collars and shackles for all the the bitches and turned my focus back on those still in the citadel.



What was left of the gates after my battle with the High Priestess was wide open. Yet I was reluctant to send the troops I had hidden in the surrounding buildings through them. Something just didn't seam right to me and I was thinking they may be setting a trap for us. Taking a look at the scared and whimpering bitches making their way to the rear I had an realization. I already had the means to deal with whatever they had planned for us.



First thing I did was immediately stop my torment of the High Priestess by removing the tendrils from her pussy and ass hole. Next I cast several spells that first created a chastity belt on her. Then ones that created several leather straps that hog-tied her. The final spell made her float along behind me as I began walking towards the citadel.



As I got within bow range several arrows were fired at me. A quick gesture and the tendrils rose our of the ground to surround me. While the arrows harmlessly struck the tendrils protecting me other shot out of the ground towards the bowmen. Each of them were screaming as tendrils either pierced their chests or pulled them over the wall.



Even as the tendrils were killing the defenders on the walls I saw others were frantically trying to close the gates. Thankfully due to the damage they were having a hard time accomplishing what would normally be an easy task. Still I needed to put a stop to this before they managed to get the gates closed. Using the tendrils surrounding me these men were quickly delt with and the gates were ripped from their hinges. With the gates now gone the only left to worry about was the portcullis.



Several tendrils shot forward and preventing it from being dropped fully. Then a short chant in the sacred tongue and a gesture of my arm had the portcullis bursting into flames. More tendrils slammed against the portcullis bending it out of shape. Until finally the portcullis was totally and unrecognizable let alone unusable to bar any form of entry into the citadel. Soon I was advancing towards the citadel faster only now I wasn't alone.



The troops had left their hiding places and we're rushing to catch up with me. As I went through the gates the troops passed me. While I let them deal with any defenders on the ground with us I used the tendrils to kill any bowmen on the walls. This included smashing an Archer's Perch above the gate into rubble.



This was a message being sent not only by me but for those who had fallen in battle with these actions. While I'd been avoiding sending this sort of message to those opposed to our agenda recent events had shown this necessary. We weren't going to be fighting any more long drawn out battles anymore. We would brutally smash any resistance rather then sacrifice anymore of our men fighting pointless battles.



As we moved I used the tendrils to tare apart any defensive structures or barricades in our path. All the while our solders engaged any enemy soldiers that dared to attack us. Still the enemy fought fanatically despite the fact any hope of defending the citadel was gone. Yet soon we started seeing less and less resistance as we got closer to the temple.



If recent history was to be a in indication of what we were facing then a counter attack was coming. I quickly ordered our troops to pull back behind me and I slowed our advance. As we crept along the troops went into a chevron shaped defensive phalanx. Solders with Spears and shields formed the front of the phalanx. While many of our men in center readied the few bows as we slowly moved.



With each step we took I was doing everything in my power to feel ahead. With my senses extended I saw the rush of enemy soldiers before they came into view of the others. With just a gesture twenty tendrils reached out and began striking those leading the advancing troops. Those not impelled by tendrils were knocked down or back as a gap in the shields quickly opened in our formation. I quickly moved back through this gap to the center of the formation before shields were moved back into place sealing the gap.



The few of those that got through the tendrils were soon taken down by arrows. While others that made it to the phalanx were finished off with spear thrusts. A few of our men broke formation to use their swords to cut down a few attacking enemy soldiers. Until at last their advance faltered and the few remaining solders were quickly finished off by well placed arrows.



As those enemies died a second wave came into view and we quickly reformed the phalanx. As before I sent the tendrils brake up the enemy while arrows took down others. Those that managed to get close fell from spears and swords. Though we all knew the strength of enemy's ability to counter attack was now broken. As the last few fell the need for restraining our advance was gone.



The temple was now in sight and the few remaining enemy solders were no longer a threat. The enemy no longer had the forces necessary to stop us. Let alone to offer up anything but a token resistance. Arrows and spears quickly ended the last gasps of this token resistance. The few remaining enemy soldiers not killed by us died by their own hands.



We halted our advance at the entrance of Arisia's temple grounds. Knowing that almost all of the enemy soldiers were either dead or have been enslaved made it tempting to proceed. Yet none of the men we had faced to this point none were temple guards. That told me we still had a force that could cause problems. Then there was another threat I could now sense as close as we were.



What I could now sense was the presence of a powerful devine being. Namely I was feeling powers of one of the Goddesses from within the temple. At first I wasn't sure if it was Arisia or Junus I was sensing. So while a messenger was sent to inform the rest of our forces we had reached the temple and I was sensing one of the Goddesses inside I widened my focus. I needed to be sure if I was feeling the presence of Junus trapped in the power jewel or of Arisia waiting to unleash her wrath upon us.



Once I got to focusing on the powers I was sensing noticed several things that gave me some answers. First off I knew that the power jewel with Junus in it was supposedly being kept in a chamber beneath the temple. Yet the powers I was feeling was coming from within the upper part of the temple. Now Apollon or any of the other Goddesses hadn't actually known where their mother was being kept by Arisia. So this information about her being beneath the temple could be wrong.



However there was one thing I felt that gave me the answer of which of the two I was sensing. Regardless of if the information on where Junus was kept was correct or not. They all knew she was being held within the power jewel. That meant if I was sensing her the power I felt would be coming from one stationary location. So unless the power jewel was being moved around within the temple there was no way I was sensing Junus.



I could definitely feel the presence was moving around and that meant it had to be Arisia. While I knew she would be in the temple with us eventually I didn't like the fact Arisia seamed to be waiting for us. I briefly considered having our forces fall back to a safer location while we waited for reinforcements. At least until I noticed that Arisia seamed to be staying within a confined area. In particular it felt like she was within the private sanctum of the Priestesses.



Looking at the rest of the temple grounds we could see no other signs of life. We couldn't see any defenses put in place. Or anyone moving around at all. We not even could see anyone watching from windows. It almost looked like the temple was abandoned.



With the knowledge I needed to keep my powers reserved should we run into Arisia we slowly entered the temple grounds. With each step we took we were anticipating being attacked at any moment. Spears were thrust through any bushes we passed. While bows were aimed towards the doors or windows we passed. Yet not a single enemy was encountered.



Farther adding to the confusion was the fact Arisia hadn't attempted to leave the sanctum. I began to wonder if the enemy had escaped the temple. While I seriously doubted that Arisia would risk herself to protect any mortal including her Priestesses. I still had to take the possibility seriously. Though I also couldn't go rushing into a trap and needed a way to draw Arisia to me.



Entering the temple I thought of a plan that should draw Arisia to us. After securing the High Priestess to a pillar or next to the door leading to the sanctum of the Priestesses I began pulling a few surprises from my satchel. At the same time most of the men took up defensive positions should the guards show up. While rest of the men began securing ropes to what was the largest of the statues of the Goddesses and was known as a source of pride for Arisia. As massive as the statue was they then had to weaken it's base before they started pulling on the ropes.



At first it didn't appear as if they were having any effect and they doubled their efforts. Then we started hearing sounds of marble cracking as the first signs of movement could be seen from the statue. This cracking sounds would grow louder as we saw the statue start to move even more. Until finally the statue reached it's tipping point. As we all quickly moved out of the way as the statue crashed to the floor.



Between the noise and the fact that the temple shuttered from the force of the statue hitting the floor Arisia should be coming to investigate shortly. If not her at least someone else would be coming soon to see what we had done. So I had placed crystal orbs to make a barrier at each doorway but the one I knew Arisia would use and another as a means of escape. I sent the men out of that doorway as I felt the approach of a devine being.



My next act was to toss crystal shards in front of the door I knew this devine being would have to pass through. These were the same shards I used to fight both the High Priestess and the Wolf Witch. However I wasn't planning to use them the same way this time. For they couldn't actually drain the powers of a devine being. Still they could be used for the different purpose of draining energy from mystical attacks. Something that could possibly save my life before this was done.



Chanting in the sacred tongue I began moving towards a safer location. All the while I was moving around I tossed more and more of the shards. As my chant reached it's conclusion I had completely covered the floor where I knew Arisia would have to walk over with the shards. Positioning myself with the broken remains of the statue between myself and that door I waited to trigger the spells.



I didn't have long to wait as a now extremely angry Arisia walked through the door. I had little time to react as she immediately began throwing a balls of fire at me without saying a word. I could only dive out of the way and roll behind several large chunks of the statue. Flames seamed to move around the block of stone towards me. As rolled away from the flames I was given no choice but to trigger the spells.



As I knew would happen the shards didn't effect Arisia's power itself. They were however able to disrupt the way the power within her attacks flowed as I was able get to my feet and face her. Soon many fire balls began to disappear after traveling a few feet through the air. Those that didn't were so weakened that I was easily able to block or deflect them with my staff.



With her first way of attacking me rendered ineffective Arisia began moving towards me in an attempt to get clear of the shards. Knowing that the only thing giving me a chance was her being in the shards I couldn't allow this. Summoning as much power I could in a hurry I directed an energy blast at Arisia. While she was easily able to deflect the blast. She also had to stop moving to do it.



Before she had a chance to move again I sent a similar attack towards Arisia. This appeared to be a mistake since she sent it back towards me and I had to defend myself from my own attack. Yet to Arisia's shock I deflected the attack back at her with my staff. Almost immediately afterwards I sent a slightly more powerful blast after it.



Neither of these blasts were powerful enough to seriously harm Arisia. They were still enough to knock her to the ground and into the shards. A look of uncontrollable rage was on Arisia's face as she rose back to her feet and charged me. I could only send a few weak blasts at her as the distance between us narrowed. These blasts did little but to slow as Arisia either deflected them or they harmlessly stuck her.



With a look of satisfaction on Arisia's face it appeared as if nothing could stop her. The strength of my attacks were barely even slowing her down and it looked like my end was near. I could see Arisia imagining my head on a pole the closer she got to me. With the last of my power sent a final blast that Arisia easily deflected. Yet when it looked like nothing could stop her Arisia was stuck by a extremely powerful ball of energy.



This ball of energy looked like was full of lightning bolts. As it surrounded Arisia's body each of the lightning bolts struck her from all directions. Arisia screamed in agony with each impact of the lightning bolts to her body. Even before the last of the lightning bolts had struck her another energy attack was headed towards Arisia. As Arisia was thrown against the back wall of the temple I saw Apollon standing in the doorway.



Even though the danger I faced had drastically lessened I allowed myself to take a deep breath. As was able to relax some I thought about what had really been happening during my fight with Arisia. I had sensed Apollon's approach shortly before I began the battle with Arisia. My whole plan had been not the impossible task of defeating her. But the possibility of distracting her to Apollon's presence until he was ready to attack. I had kept her so angry and focused on killing me that she couldn't see the real danger she faced until it was too late.



Now Arisia was left with no choice but to fight Apollon on grounds of our choosing and thanks my actions she had lost her greatest advantage. For the shards that she was lying in and we're covering her body didn't just disrupt the flow of the mystical energy within her own attacks. They also disrupt the flow of the mystical energy she receives from Junus. Thus making her have to face Apollon with only her own power giving him the advantage. An advantage Apollon was quick to exploit as he launched a devastating series of attacks that even I couldn't follow.



Though to be truthful I was busy dodging the stones from the collapsing ceiling of the temple. So it was hard to pay attention to the various energy blasts that were being thrown at a disoriented Arisia. I barely even saw her being knocked through several of the pillars and a wall. Only as the last stone fell and the dust cleared did I have a chance to see what was happening.



Apparently after Arisia went through the wall Apollon followed her. Before Arisia had a chance to even get her feet Apollon grabbed her by the hair and started to swing her around. Until finally he released her hair sending her flying towards another wall During the ensuing impact with the wall Arisia was knocked nearly unconscious. While she was disoriented Apollon struck her with several powerful blows that shook the vary ground itself and obscured them both from view.



When the two of them became visible again the fight appeared to be over with and looked like Apollon had won. For Arisia was laying face down with her limbs spread out in every direction in the center of a crater. Apollon was standing over her with his foot resting on her back and was reaching for her hair again. Apollon gasp a handful of Arisia's hair and turned her face towards him. I was surprised that Arisia was even alive let alone still conscious given the force required to drive her into the ground like that.



Yet as Apollon lifted her head Arisia's left was open and she let out whimper of pain from her hair being pulled. Now her right eye had been blackened and was swelling up. While it looked like her nose had been broken and was bleeding. Blood flowed not only from her nose but also from a split lip. Her face and body also looked to be covered with bruises.



Yet despite the injuries she'd suffered Arisia appeared to be struggling to move. Her arms weakly tried to lift herself up before collapsing under the strain Apollon was placing on her back. As Arisia made another weak attempt to lift herself off of the ground Apollon removed the foot from her back and suddenly jerked her up to her knees by her hair. Quickly his right hand had reached out to grasp Arisia by her throat and started lifting her off of her knees. I could see Arisia was choking as Apollon spoke to her



"I'm seriously tempted to just kill you now sister and consider this done. Unfortunately even as much as you've been beaten neither you or our other treacherous siblings have suffered enough for what you did to our father and mother in my opinion. So I will be letting you live a while longer so you can learn what real suffering is."



With his statement finished his left fist slammed into Arisia's head knocking her out. Even before she had collapsed unconscious to the ground Apollon had pulled something from a pouch on his belt. I soon realized it was the shrunken box he had me make him just for this occasion. Knowing Arisia would soon be wearing a collar and shackles I turned my focus to my surroundings. Mostly to the High Priestess who I was surprised wasn't buried in all the rubble surrounding me.



Somehow the pillar she'd been chained to was in the one corner of the temple that was still standing. Other than that section the entire building had around us had been reduced to nothing but rubble. To even reach the High Priestess I had to climb over and around massive chunks of marble blocks. Yet as reached her location I could see that section was actually on the verge of collapse. I was barely able to get her unchained and both of us out of the way before the section of wall finally fell taking the pillar with it.



Looking around at the broken remains of the temple I was struck by the realization of not only how lucky she was but also how lucky I was. The High Priestess being in that exposed position and unable to move was completely unscathed whatsoever. Then given what I went through during first the fight between Arisia and myself then the fight between Apollon and Arisia I was barely touched. During the course of the battle not only had I only received a few small burns but I had somehow managed to avoid being crushed by some massive blocks of stone. Let alone getting only few bruises and no other injuries but a small cut over my left eye.



This was a pretty good outcome considering everything that just happened. I was present for a massive battle between two angry devine beings. Both of which wanted each other either dead or to suffer horribly and would stop at almost anything to accomplish this. Then on top of that I fought one of then myself I survived to tell the story. So I wasn't regretting anything about this outcome and couldn't think of a thing I would've done differently.



With the exception of to things I should have thought about in advance. One I shouldn't have had the High Priestess in the temple during the battle. I wished I had actually sent her out with my men instead of having her hanging there to help anger Arisia. Second I wished I had thought to have a target crystal ready. That way once the fight between Apollon and Arisia had started I could've got out of the temple quickly. In both cases neither of us then wouldn't have had to risk being crushed by falling debris when the temple collapsed around us.



Granted I also didn't have any sort of advance knowledge that would've indicated the battle would result in such damage. I had been told Arisia tricked Apollon to inprison him. Then she had murdered Junos in his sleep. Then Apollon had only fought Artimos and Porseron before this and while I had thought those battles were bad he had restrained himself drastically in comparison. Since those battles resulted in hardly any damages to the temples they took place in.



So there actually wasn't anything available to tell me what to expect before this started. I couldn't really be upset I missed the one warning sign that I shouldn't have been there when they fought. That was when Apollon said that it didn't matter if the temple survived. He just wanted Arisia taken care of regardless of what it took or how it was done. So as with the other lessons I have learned I would pass the knowledge on so those that came afterwards would know better.



I was pulled from my thoughts by several of our solders calling out to me. Looking around I could see several had ventured into the remains of the temple to see what happened. When they saw me just standing next to the High Priestess they knew it was probably safe enough to call out to me. I knew they probably wanted to know if I was alright based on the fact I was covered from head to toe in white dust and was just standing there staring off into space.



They told me if not for the blood from the cut over my eye they almost thought I was a statue. Given I thought the High Priestess also looked like a statue I didn't think they were far off with the deion. Still I really didn't have time to think about such things. There were still matters left to handle. From finding the other Priestesses to the fact we still hadn't found a single temple guard. Then there was the matter of Junus to deal with.



We had to gain access to the tunnels beneath the ruins of the temple. We also needed to figure out where the other Priestesses were. Then there was the threat of these unaccounted guards and any surviving enemy solders we needed to deal with. I just wondered if my precautionary move regarding the escape tunnel we found had been more successful with these issues then we were.



For unless we heard from my brother and the Wolf Scouts then our only answers would have to come from Arisia. Unfortunately since Apollon was currently raping her it could be days before he was finished. Sadly even the High Priestess was useless regarding information about the where bouts of her fellow Priestesses due to how I had captured her. Still she could possibly know how we could find Junus. So I at least I now had a reason to torment her while I waited.



Having several of the men get reinforcements to secure the area surrounding the temple grounds I turned my attention to getting answers from the bitch in front of me. Minutes later the reinforcements had began a thorough search of the grounds and the High Priestess was screaming in agony for no reason but I wanted to make her suffer. I also had some answers most of which I had already knew.



The only access to get to Junus was buried under rubble but we now knew it's general location. The High Priestess didn't know where the other Priestesses where as I had figured. Neither did she know the location of the temple guards again as I expected. We still hadn't heard anything from my brother and the Wolf Scouts. Given our losses in the recent battles I was starting to worry about them and I was taking out my frustration on the High Priestess.



At least until I heard my name being called over the High Priestess's screams. Looking at who was calling me I saw my brother and the Wolf Scouts. Then behind them were all the other Priestesses in chains. Several of the Wolf Scouts were injured but only one was missing. I soon learned that one of the Wolf Scouts wasn't there because he was more heavenly injured then the others but would be alright. I also learned the reason we never saw the temple guards or the other Priestesses.



When Arisia rushed to face us after the destruction of her statue. The temple guards made the Priestesses flee through the escape tunnel. Once they got to the end of the tunnel the temple guards found my brother and the Wolf Scouts waiting. The temple guards fought to the last man in a vain attempt to allow the Priestesses to escape. Unfortunately for the Priestesses about the same time the last of their guards fell Apollon destroyed the temple.



With the exit out of the tunnel blocked by our people the Priestesses fled back they way they came. Unfortunately with the destruction of the temple the entrance to the tunnel was gone and the Priestesses were then trapped. They then tried to get out through one of the diversionary tunnels but again they couldn't get past our men. With no where left to run the Priestesses were then quickly put in chains.



After they had captured the Priestesses the Wolf Scouts had to take care of their injured man. Plus with them not knowing if we had prevailed against Arisia they had held their position in the tunnel. This was mostly as a precautionary measure so they weren't caught in a indefensible position with both wounded and captives amongst them. At least until they knew it was safe to bring out the wounded and the captives.



It was only once we had the temple grounds secured that they knew they could come out. As to why they didn't send a message they couldn't spare a man to send one. With both the wounded and the captives everyone of them was needed to ensure the Priestesses got back to the temple without incident. Especially with the chaos surrounding the battle between Apollon and Arisia streets were blocked and it took them a long time to get to the temple.



With my three main concerns taken care of I was able to relax some. While I went to clean myself up I had men began clearing rubble. At the same time my brother offered to take the High Priestess and secure her and the other Priestesses with all of the bitches captured during the campaign. Before he did so I removed the chastity belt from the High Priestess. I then told him, the Wolf Scouts, and the other men who had fought alongside me to take turns raping all of them.



As they began dividing the bitches up I gave a quick look towards where Apollon was. As I expected he was still brutally raping Arisia. Based the way Arisia was screaming I figured Apollon's cock was probably up her ass hole. Still as with the battle beforehand Apollon was releasing his rage upon Arisia. So with the brutality of her violation there was no telling how Arisia was being raped.



I did make it a point to warn the others not to approach the two of them until Apollon had finished raping Arisia. I had already been up close to a devine being releasing their wrath upon someone and didn't want to see it again. Especially this soon after barely surviving such of an encounter. So I explained this devine bitch was different than the others we had encountered and it was best to leave Apollon alone while he delt with her if they valued their lives.



Strangely I expected to be left alone as I washed. However as I made my way to the only building still standing on the temple grounds I was met by King Edward, Prince Daniel, then surprisingly Kathleen, and Samantha. Since I wasn't actually seeking solitude I took the two bitches with me after explaining the current situation to the King. As we headed to the barracks of the temple guards King Edward told me he would keep an eye on those clearing rubble. He would also keep everyone away from Apollon and Arisia so I could get the rest I needed.



I was quite thankful to have the two bitches with me. While I would've been able wash all of the dust off of me by myself. It was always more enjoyable to be cleaned by a pair of naked bitches. Especially while they rubbed their naked bodies over mine in the process. Of course once I was clean I required a different service from Kathleen.



I did have to refrain from using Samantha any other way then drying the two of us. She was my brother's personal bitch after all and I didn't have permission to rape his property. Still I enjoyed watching her masturbate while I raped Kathleen. The sight of her fingers up her pussy gave me the added encouragement to give Kathleen the hard pounding she had come to prefer. I did do something different I had never done with Kathleen before once I had filled her pussy with my semen.



For the first time since I had enslaved her at King Edward's castle years ago. I actually allowed Kathleen to sleep in the bed with me. Normally I would either lock her in a cage or make her sleep on the floor at the foot of my bed. Yet with the loyalty she had shown me and all that had happened recently I was feeling generous. I was feeling so generous that I even let Samantha sleep in the bed next to mine. After placing my dagger under the pillow my arms wrapped around my favorite bitch and I allowed myself to drift off to sleep.



A couple of hours later I woke briefly when I heard someone enter the building. My hand immediately moved towards the dagger until I saw it was my brother. He told me Apollon and the men were still raping the bitches but work clearing the rubble had stopped. It had gotten to dark to see anything so King Edward told the men to find a bitch to rape then go to sleep. After having some of the captured bitches brought up to the temple King Edward told the men they could resume searching tomorrow.



My brother had just finished raping the High Priestess when this order came down. He was then told I had Samantha with me and was a bit surprised she wasn't in bed with me and Kathleen. I told him I didn't have his permission to use his bitch so I refrained from doing anything with her but having her wash me. Though I didn't mention allowing her to masturbate while I raped Kathleen. Thankfully Kathleen was still asleep during the next part of the conversation.



I knew Kathleen would have panicked if she heard I faced Arisia by myself. She was being overprotective enough before and after I went to see Fortunus. So knowing I went into battle alone with a Goddess would only unnecessary worry her. Something I didn't really want as my brother told me in his opinion after facing a Goddess by myself entitled me to use any bitch I wanted even Samantha.



So in the future if I wanted to use her I had his permission. Though he was reluctant to except when I returned the offer with all of my bitches. I was even willing to have Kathleen give him a bath the same way Samantha had done for me. He of course politely refused saying he preferred to let me go back to sleep and moving Kathleen would farther disturb my comfort. He then woke Samantha and took her to the bathing room for his own bath.



Unfortunately I had a harder time getting back to sleep a little while later. For shortly after my brother left several of the troops brought in a bunch of subbing bitches. Thankfully most of the bitches had already been raped before hand. So they were not as loud as bitches getting raped for the first time. Still they were loud enough to wake Kathleen and bring my angry brother out of the bathing room.



I stopped my brother before he could say anything to the men. The fighting the last several days had been pretty extreme and they deserved a reward. So instead of ordering the men to rape the bitches quietly I sent a command to all of the bitches' collars. For the rest of the night they lost the ability to speak so I didn't have to listen to any screaming. I then told the men to enjoy their bitches and went back to sleep.



Even with their ability to speak temporarily removed the bitches still made a fair amount of noise while they were raped. Thankfully this was just sobbing along with some grunting. Still I was tired enough that I was able to sleep through all of the bitches' violations. I even slept through my brother raping Samantha. Though he chose to rape his bitch in the bathing room and not in the bed next to mine.



I was surprised by the fact my cock was up Kathleen's ass hole when I woke up. Apparently with the sounds of the other bitches being raped around me along with having Kathleen's ass pressed against it my cock responded by getting hard. Kathleen had woken at some point during the night and then felt my hard cock pressing against her ass. Being the obedient bitch she was Kathleen felt the only proper place for a hard cock up the first available orifice of the nearest bitch. Since her ass hole was the first available orifice and she was the nearest bitch the rest was then self explanatory.



Samantha's giggling at Kathleen's explanation told me something else. I was pretty certain whenever Samantha shared my brother's bed from now on he would be waking with his cock up her ass also. Not that I was upset with either of those two bitches. Whenever they showed how innovative they could be at degrading themselves for their Master's pleasure it gave me great satisfaction. I got so much satisfaction that I felt Kathleen deserved a reward.



I rolled Kathleen into her stomach and climb on top of of her. Once she was beneath me I shoved my cock back up her ass hole. I then proceeded to reward her dedication to her duty by giving her a brutal ass rape. Even as I pounded my bitch's ass hole I saw my brother on top of his bitch. Soon both bitches were getting rewarded by an ass rape first thing in the morning.



After we finished raping the bitches we took them to the bathing room. After they washed us both we then let the bitches wash each other. Of course when two bitches wash each other it is a requirement they use their tongues to clean pussies and ass holes. So we almost ended up raping them again but managed to restrain ourselves. We did make a vow the first chance we got today we would give them the violation they deserved.



To avoid anymore temptation we both dressed quickly in clean clothing. Though I had to use a spell to clean all of the dust from my weapons belt, the weapons themselves, my satchel, and a lot of it's contents. Thankfully the shrunken trunk with my spare robes wasn't one of the things needing cleaning. My brother's spare uniforms in his pack fared a lot better. Though several did have blood stains my spell ended up taking care of.



Hooking leashes to our bitches' collars we set out to complete our mission. For we still had one more Goddess to take care of before we could leave this place. While now we had Arisia in chains our goals weren't complete unless we Junus also. I just hoped we wouldn't have to be digging for the next two weeks to find her. Especially since there was still a lot more that needed taken care of once we left this place.



Arriving back at the ruins of the temple me and my brother weren't surprised we were the only ones searching. Though as with the men last night I wasn't really upset either. Like I said before as hard fought as this campaign had been and given our losses the men could take several days off as far as I was concerned. Especially since I saw the Priestesses were still being raped the same as Arisia. I would normally be still raping the bitches myself at this point after a campaign. In fact the only reason I wasn't was I had sworn not to rape any of Arisia's Priestesses and I never spent much time with the other bitches after we captured them.



So without bitches that peeked my interest I was more inclined to rest after yesterday's battle instead of spending my time raping any available bitch. Granted being rested also gave me the benefit of having my powers restored. Technically I could handle searching alone for a while if I had to and was probably best if I didn't have a large group around me. For moving rubble wasn't as big of a challenge given how I had trained. The real challenge was moving it while not worrying about dropping a heavy block on someone.



Still I was thankful for my brother helping me out with the search. While I used my powers to move the larger rubble he could be shifting the smaller stuff out of the way. The biggest challenge was working around where Apollon was still raping Arisia. Their battle had finished right in the center of the the sanctum and he didn't bother to move her before starting to rape her. Unfortunately this was also the area where the now buried entrance to the tunnels was supposed to be.



Still working from the outside of the ruins I had the larger remains of two of the walls cleared within several hours. We then got additional help from Kathleen and Samantha as they wanted to help. We had them moving bucket loads of the smallest rubble and dust out of the way. While I dealt with the larger blocks with my powers and my brother took care of the intermediate sized rubble. Surprisingly it was actually Kathleen and Samantha who stumbled on the the entrance.



With the location found then we had the area around it cleared within an hour. The real difficulty started once we got into the tunnel. For it passed right under where Apollon had driven Arisia into the ground. This not only created the crater Apollon was still raping Arisia in. Unfortunately it also collapsed the tunnel directly beneath the crater.



This made it even more difficult to clear a passage and I was reluctant to even start working until Apollon had finished. Still I decided to proceed at least until it became too dangerous to go any further. I was able to work for another hour before I had no choice but to stop. Even though the cave in was a good distance below Apollon and his new bitch. It was to risky to move anymore debris without the danger of the ground collapsing beneath them.



I then made the decision to to take a break while I thought about how I could work around this issue. Besides I hadn't eaten anything but dried rations in over a day and my body needed more nourishment given all the the bitches I'd raped during that time. With nothing I could do for the moment it wasn't going to hurt anything while I waited. Besides I figured after eating something I could think of a solution to the problem.



The solution actually came to me a lot sooner then I had thought. I had just sat down with a plate of food when one of the men eating by me said something about the bridges into the fortress. I then realized the same spell could be used to reinforce the tunnel. All it required was shaping the sand the right way. I could transform it into stone the same way I did with the bridges.



Only this time I could work in sections and wasn't under the time restraints. It would also not be as great of a burden on my power like that was. Due to create both bridges at the same time I had to channel my power over a greater distance then if I had to create just a single one. The combination of the distance and creating two bridges at once was the reason the spell had weakened me so badly.



Quickly finishing my food I began thinking of what I need to do. Mostly it was deciding between shaping the support structure as a pyramid or as an arch. I eventually decided on a combination of them both. The outside would be shaped like a pyramid. While the inside was rounded in an arch.



Once back inside of the tunnel I went into a meditative trance. I then started to feel within the debris filled section of tunnel with my energy. My focus turned to the loose sand and dirt filling the gaps within the larger debris. I began to channel my energy into the very core of this material. Gasping the desired material I slowly began to shift it out from between the larger debris being sure that it was moved towards the top and sides of the tunnel. Once in position I began to mold the material into the desired shape.



This was done by forming a thin barrier with my energy. This helped keep the desired material separate from the debris I wanted to remain loose. With the material placed the way I wanted I began chanting the required words in the sacred tongue. As the desired material started it's transformation I began to channel extra energy to complete the spell. I knew the transformation was completed when the pressure against the barrier disappeared.



Letting the barrier fade I slowly removed the top layer of debris. While it looked to be supporting the ground above that section of tunnel. I felt it would be better if I created a thicker sleeve within the tunnel. To create this thicker layer I had bring more material from outside the tunnel. After repeating the same process with the new material I completely cleared the debris from the first few feet. I was able to truly examine my work at this point and could be certain if it was safe to proceed further.



At this point I saw everything was looking good so far. Yet I felt it would be safer if I made the support sleeve a little thicker. I also extend it back into the tunnel the way I came as an additional precaution. Unfortunately it would make moving through the tunnel harder. Yet having to crawl for a dozen feet or so was better then the ceiling falling on me.



It would take me the rest of the day to clear a passage and as I expected crawling was necessary for a most of the distance. Yet the tunnel was useable again to gain access to the caves beneath the ruins of the temple. While I wanted to rest once I had finished the urge to explore was almost as great. I was able to suppress the urge long enough to get myself out of the tunnel. While I wanted nothing more then to venture into the tunnel and see what was down there I decided to wait until the morning.



Coming to the surface I was surprised to see the temple grounds had been filled with tents. Though when I saw King Edward's cammand tent in the center of the others it made sense. The king must of set up his headquarters here and of course that meant the other cammanders and officers followed. After using a quick spell to clean us all up I led my brother and the two bitches to King Edward's tent. Looking around I first saw that Apollon was still busy raping Arisia as I had expected. Of course my brother and Samantha were surprised by this until me and Kathleen told them how long Vestus's first rape as Apollon's bitch lasted.



Unsurprisingly the Priestesses were still being raped also. Though the ferocity of their rape had drastically slowed and they now we're locked in pillories with the Queen and Princess with with them. Right in their field of view was the Wolf Witch getting raped by several dogs Now based on the sobbing coming from many of the tents other bitches were also getting raped. I also saw few bitches on leashes kneeling next solders several of which were sucking cocks.



I was happy to see hardly any bitches were being spared from being raped. Part of this was based on how costly the battle had been. Yet this was also due to Apollon's and my orders regarding every bitch we captured. We wanted every enslaved woman from Arisia's domain to be so heavily used so when they were sold it would be for a ridiculously low price as an insult. Basically we wanted them considered the lowest quality bitches available when they were on the auction block so they would only be used for menial labor or if they were extremely lucky low-end prostitutes.



The only exceptions were the descendants of the Sisters of Junus and those females to young to become bitches yet. Though even the females who were to young would have similar futures once they came of age. Even the Royals and Priestesses wouldn't be spared this fate. With what was being planned for Arisia there would be no need for her to have Priestesses. So for the first time during one of our conquests the Queen, Princess, and the Priestesses would be sold at the auction with the other bitches.



The High Priestess would also be an exception and not be auctioned off like the other bitches. While I was clearing out the tunnel I had reached a decision regarding her. I had decided given her mystical abilities it was to dangerous to keep her body intact. So she would definitely be sharing her sister's fate and having her body modified. This meant that she was going to be useless as an menial labuor or a low end prostitute like the other bitches.



There was still a lot to do before that happened. We still had to enslave all the bitches within the domains of Pallus, Fortunus, Doinus, and Dionus. Now Pallus's domain was basically ours we just needed to round up the bitches. The domain of Doinus and Dionus was pretty much ours as well. Though we would probably have to more work into taking the domain then Pallus's. Due to us only having control over the capital's defenses but not the leadership of the city.



Fortunus's domain is the problem that I'll probably have deal with. While Fortunus had surrendered herself and her Priestesses to us. None of the other bitches within her domain have been enslaved yet. I also have serious doubts they would willingly surrender themselves to us. So I needed a way to get around the city's defenses. Preferably without the losses we have already suffered.



Then there was the more immediate problem I was facing regarding Junus. While I was certain we could get to her there was still a possible issue. I didn't know how we would get her out of the cave. As tight as the passage I made was it was unlikely we could get her back out that way. If the power jewel she was inprisoned within was as big as thought it definitely wouldn't fit through the passage. I also didn't know if there was another way out of the cave.



I also didn't know about using the target crystals with her. Until I actually got to see how mystical power flowed within and around the jewel I wouldn't use any of my powers or tools. I wasn't going to try to transport it or even levitate it with my powers. I wasn't even going have my staff or any of my mystical tools within close proximity to the power jewel until I knew it was safe.



I wasn't even sure about letting Apollon close yet. While working on the passage I saw that it wasn't completely filled in because of the battle collapsing it. Farther down it had been intentionally filled in by Arisia but I didn't know why. For all I knew the jewel was dangerous to devine beings close to it and could completely drain his powers. A worse possibly was the jewel could suck him into it like Junus. Again I needed to examine it before Apollon could get anywhere close to it.



As I got to King Edward's tent I knew it possibly could be another day or two before Apollon finished raping Arisia or sometime within the next few minutes. It looked like the brutality he was showing her hadn't been reduced very much. Though he had switched back to raping her pussy again. So he must've lost interest with her ass hole. Considering Apollon was sodomizing her the last time we came out of the tunnel.



As King Edward's guards let us enter his tent I had my report pretty much ready to go. Some details were left out like the specific details of how I reinforced the collapsed sections of the tunnel. With things like that all that need told was I used my power to do it and the reinforcement would hold. I did include my concerns regarding anyone but me getting to close to the power jewel until I've been able to examine it closely. I also included the precautionary measures I was waiting to put in place.



Thankfully when it came to mystical issues neither King Edward or Prince Daniel ever second guessed any of my decisions. They knew when it came to matters regarding devine beings and their powers I had the greater knowledge. I was also the one with the better knowledge about the possible safeguards and other precautions that could have been put in place. They also knew my knowledge combined with my own mystical abilities me the qualified to deal with any issues so they left all decisions up to me. Though they both wanted to see Junus as soon as I was sure it was safe.



Leaving King Edward's tent I headed towards my own tent to both make a few preparations and get some rest. Granted after I got done gathering a few necessary supplies I had to violate Kathleen before I could sleep. Then I violated her again just a little while before before the sun started coming up. As soon as finished giving Kathleen the brutal violation I got up to head to the tunnel. I shouldn't have not been surprised when Kathleen pleaded to come with me even though she would had to crawl after how hard I raped her that morning.



Even with the delay of raping a bitch it was still mostly dark out when I arrived at the tunnel's entrance with Kathleen crawling in front of me on a leash. I also shouldn't have been surprised to find my brother waiting for me with a recently raped Samantha at the entrance. While I really didn't want to risk any of them Kathleen had made a sound argument about why it would be best if I didn't go alone. Knowing it would be pointless to argue with them I did make them agree to my conditions before we entered the tunnel.



I would go first into the tunnel with them following a short distance behind me. Each of them would carry their own target crystal encase of a cave in or we got separated. Periodically I would make them wait while I felt ahead for anything disruptive to the flow of mystical energy. While they waited my brother would be taking care of both my satchel of supplies and my staff. This way I had both available in case of an emergency.



Now getting through the sections I had repaired was a bit of a challenge. The tunnel roof was so low in spots it was impossible to stand up completely. It was also next to impossible to crawl on our hands and knees down the steps. The best deion of how we ended up going down the steps through these sections was like like crabs. Instead of crawling face down we crawled face up giving us better control as we went down the steps.



Making my way through these passages I was reminded of something I had realized about being underground back when I was stuck in the labyrinth in Vestus's domain. Then again when I was injured during our little deception leading up to my reunion with my brother. That was how much I hated being in underground caves and tunnels. Including how this current tunnel was definitely the one I hated the most of all.



With only a few inches of separation around me and the tunnel walls, floor, and ceiling it seamed to take forever to get through each section. The time only seamed to go even slower as we watched and listened for any signs of the tunnel getting ready to collapse. It felt like it took hours to move through the tight passage. Until finally we finally reached the undamaged section of the tunnel. Breathing a sigh of relief at being able to finally stand I began making preparations for the next stage of the exploration.



We would start moving in stages with me exploring by myself for a short distance. Once I was certain it would be safe the others would move forward to my location. They then would wait for me to call our it was safe after starting another short exploration. While I moved ahead alone using only a torch to see by my brother would wait with the two bitches until I saw it was. Yet his most difficult task was to keep Kathleen from following before I called as it began to take longer and longer between us separating and me calling back it was safe.



Soon I reached the exit of the tunnel and began a detailed examination of the chamber connected to the end of the tunnel. With limited visibility provided by the torch I focused on my primary concern first thing. I created a colored cloud of mystical energy and sent it into the chamber. Seeing the nothing effecting the cloud i knew it was safe to use my powers. Now I was able to focus on more physical dangers as I created a light spell to better see with.



Looking around the chamber I was able to see it was a round room carved into the surrounding rock and not the natural cavern I'd been expecting. I looked to be over fifty feet in diameter with no other visible entrances or exits. But most importantly there was no sign of the power jewel containing Junus. There was two large green jewels on the ceiling and floor in the center of the room. Along with murals carved on the walls and ceiling of the room.



Looking for signs of traps I slowly stepped into the room. Details that I looked first were any raised or recessed tiles on the floor and any small holes in the ceiling, floor, and walls. I then looked at the construction of the floor and ceiling in relation to the walls looking for anything that could be a threat. With nothing looking like a trap I began examining the the images on the walls. I also began examining the thin stone pedestal the jewel on the floor rested on



As I expected the murals were about the greatness of Arisia. And other then a few lines on the pedestal about how powerful Arisia was thanks to this place there was no other writing on it. However there was one mural that showed Arisia in the room and this gave me a theory about the purpose of the jewels. These were how Arisia channeled power from Junus into herself. With the purpose of the room understood I began searching for a hidden passage but I knew I needed help. As I called for the others to join me I began looking closer at the scenes depicted in the murals.



When I had Kathleen with me we began studying the murals together. I could've probably done this myself. Yet I also knew Kathleen's value wasn't just the use of her body. I would be wasting a valuable resource if I didn't take advantage of her knowledge and experience. The combination of both of our knowledge we began to figure out what the murals were saying.



With Kathleen focusing primarily on the murals my attention was divided between the murals and looking for any other signs of a hidden passage. Yet as hard as I looked I saw no signs of a hidden door. Then there was nothing about the murals that could point towards a hidden passage. As I had first thought the murals only were there to feed Arisia's vanity whenever she came to acquire power from Junus. Yet I was convinced there was a way to get to Junus from this room.



Realizing that the jewels may be the key to finding what I was seeking I focused my attention on them. In particular I focused on the way the mystical energy flowed within them. At first the jewel on the ground was my focus until I noticed I was looking in the wrong place. This jewel only served to redirect energy from the one above it. It was once I then examined that jewel I realized how blind I had been to what was in front of me the entire time.



The jewel in the ceiling was actually larger then it appeared. It wasn't a similar size as the jewel on the pedestal as I first believed it to be. In fact only a small portion of the jewel actually protruded from the ceiling. Knowing this I focused on the mystical energy flowing through it I realized this jewel wasn't just any mystical item but had even greater significance. The easily identifiable mystical energy told me this jewel's significance was as the actual power jewel in which Junus was inprisoned within.



Now that I knew where Junus was this laid to rest the doubts and concerns. These had suddenly appeared when I couldn't find any concealed doors in the chamber. Unfortunately with these concerns gone new ones suddenly appeared. I immediately took my staff and satchel from my brother and had him take Kathleen and Samantha back to the surface. I also gave him a message for King Edward. This was that we found Junus and I was currently figuring how to get her out of the chamber.



While technically it wasn't necessary to report to King Edward at this point. Let alone it being necessary for my brother to take both bitches with him when he left. As I watched them heading back up the tunnel the real reason I was sending them all away was on my mind. For what I was planning was extremely risky and it required complete concentration. Not only for it to work but also for me to survive the strain it would place on my mind and body.



Sitting down on the floor I began preparing myself with several breathing exercises to help calm myself. During this I focused on relaxing my mind and body almost into a meditative state. The biggest thing all of this did was allowed me to let go of any doubts and fears I had. Letting out a final deep breath I began a particularly dangerous chant in the sacred tongue. With each phrase spoken I could feel the effects of the spell taking hold of my mind and body until at last the spell was completed.



My body collapsed limply to the floor once the spell took effect. At the same time I found my consciousness floating above it. Looking up at the power jewel I knew what I needed to do. It took absolute concentration to control myself as my consciousness floated through the ceiling. I almost expected it to hurt passing through a solid object let the real difficulty was holding myself together until I emerged on the other side.



I was half way through when I saw there was a second chamber carved right above the first one. But more important then this discovery was another that Arisia probably didn't want known. For this wasn't just the place she kept her mother inprisoned but it was a mass grave for her enemies. For spread all about this chamber we hundreds of skeletons of both Junos's and Apollon's Priests.



Amongst the skeletons I could see numerous picks and hammers along other mining tools. Telling me these men had been forced to dig this chamber. Yet I couldn't see any signs of how they died until I moved around the chamber fully. It was actually when I found the majority of the skeletons by the caved in passage leading to the one below when the sickening truth became known to me. They had all been sealed inside of this hole and left to either starve to death or suffocate in total darkness.



Pushing aside my thoughts about how these fellow servants of the gods had suffered I focused on more important matters. First I began to thoroughly examine the chamber. I found this chamber was quite larger then the one below. Though only a small portion was actually over the other one. The rest extend off to the far end of the lower chamber away from the tunnel to the surface.



Yet other than some crudely carved curses on the walls directed primarily towards Arisia I saw little of importance. I instead returned to the collapsed passage and braced myself for what was required next. Slowly I began to move my consciousness through all the fallen rock. Within a few feet I saw it would be highly difficult to restore the passage to a usable state. Let alone as a means to move the power jewel from the chamber.



Regardless I didn't let this stop me as I reemerged within the lower chamber. Taking note of where exactly the passage had originally been I moved back to where my body was currently laying. With precious little time remaining until my consciousness permanently broke apart I drifted back into my body. I was barely being able to hold my consciousness together after moving through so much solid material. It took every bit of my concentration and strength to do what was required next.



It was so tempting to just let go and fade away as I struggled to assert control over my body in my current state. Yet the sight of what had happened to my predecessors had given me newfound determination. With what felt like nearly monumental effort I compelled my body to start chanting in the sacred tongue. Slowly my consciousness reconnected to my body and the strain of holding myself together began to lessen. Until at last I found myself laying on the ground feeling weaker then I ever felt before.



This was more mental then physical. Due to the mental strain involved in holding my consciousness together outside of my body for so long. Still trying to even move my arms was a struggle. It felt like I had thousands of pounds of rocks on my back as I crawled towards to tunnel out of the chamber. I barely reached the tunnel before I realized I wasn't going to make it through the passage in that state.



With the last of my strength I found a comfortable place to sit down next to the entrance. As sat back against the nearest wall I was tempted to fall asleep. However I knew it wouldn't be the best thing at the moment. While I could definitely use the rest I also needed to figure out a solution to my remaining problems. Looking from the section of the wall where I knew the entrance to the second chamber was to the power jewel I still didn't know what to do.



They had done a even better job of collapsing that passage then Apollon had the one behind me. More over most of the stones blocking the way were so large they wouldn't even fit in the second chamber let alone this one. If they wouldn't fit in either of the chambers then there was no way of getting them through the passage and out of the way. I was thinking about how it was easier moving through the ceiling separated from my body then then trying to dig out the collapsed passage when I had the realization.



I had suddenly remembered a simple lesson I learned as a child. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. I didn't actually have to dig out the passage since it wasn't the shortest distance to the chamber above. That was actually adding unnecessary work when shortest distance was actually through the ceiling itself. It was a far simpler task to brake a hole big enough to get through then trying to go through the collapsed passage.



Now I had that figured out the rest would be even easier. Getting the power jewel out could be done with target crystals. We then didn't need to worry about the passage to the surface. So with the logistics figured out I focused on what I saw when I examined the power jewel.



I had been told that it was hard to actually see Junus within the power jewel. Mostly due to a spell Arisia used to keep her sisters from being able to see how their mother was suffering. However either due to this spell being removed at some point or my own state at the time I could clearly see Junus within the jewel. While I definitely wanted to know which was the case I wouldn't pursue answers at that moment. Instead I focused on Junus herself.



Like with her daughter's Junus looked almost identical to her Priestesses. In this case Junus looked almost identical to Kita. Save for the glow given off by her divine powers making her skin take on a almost golden sheen common for all devine beings. Now the expected the similarity to Kita aside it was what else was with Junus within the power jewel I needed to point out.



For she was inprisoned in the power jewel with a creature called a Gorgus. This creature was hard to describe due to it having no recognizible form. This wasn't uncommon for all of the stories about the Gorgus only agreed about a few things. The first was they would rape any female they came across. The second was they had multiple tentacle like cocks they used to not only violate their victims but also render them helpless before hand.



Now none of the stories agreed about how many tentacles they had. But at least one of the stories said a single Gorgus could restrain all the limbs and violate every orifice of a half dozen victims at the same time and still have enough tentacles free to rape another victim. Seeing a Gorgus actually raping it's victim made me start wandering what was right and wrong about the stories. Based on what I saw the two things I mentioned were definitely true but I wondered what else was was true.



I had already mentioned how a Gorgus used their tentacles to restrain it's victims. Junus had tentacles wrapped around both arms and legs. Besides those holding her limbs there were several tentacles around various parts her body including one around her neck. Bringing to mind the stories about how a Gorgus wouldn't release it's victim until it either had found another one or the previous one expired.



Just as I had mentioned them using the tentacles to violate every available orifice and this Gorgus wasn't ignoring any of Junus's orifices. Junus had one tentacle shoved down her throat. While at the same time Junus had a tentacle frantically moving in and out of her pussy. Then a third tentacle was brutally sodomizing her. Though it also was apparent that the Gorgus could and would violate other parts of it's victim's body.



Both of Junus's hands were being used to pleasure the tentacles restraining her arms. While each of the ends of the tentacles restraining her legs were rubbing against the soles of her feet. Then there was what was happening with Junus's breasts. The Gorgus was using two tentacles to press Junus's breasts together around to tentacle that was being used to violate her mouth and throat. Granted like with the the tentacles restraining her arms and legs those pressing Junus's breasts together had a secondary wall of violating her.



While the Gorgus used the inner portion of the tentacles to pressing Junus's breasts together around the other tentacle violating her mouth. While the ends of the two tentacles pressing her breasts together were free to be used for a different purpose. This purpose was the stimulation of Junus's nipples. This stimulation was a combination of occasionally pulling on or twisting her nipples. To just rubbing against them between Junus's constant orgasms.



This constant orgasms was the area the stories about the Gorgus varied the most. Some stories said a Gorgus fed on the life energy of it's victims. In particular during the moment it's victim's orgasm the Gorgus was able to began draining life energy away from them. Now depending on the different stores this ranged from a small portion of of the victim's life energy was drained. While other stories said the victim's life energy was completely drained killing the victim



There was also a third story regarding the Gorgus draining the life energy of it's victims that bridged the two main reasons their victims were raped by them. The first was feeding on the life energy of it's victims. While the second reason was that a Gorgus rapes women so it can literally breed it's victims. Then the victim eventually ends up giving birth to another Gorgus.



Now as with all these stories what happens to the victim varies. Some the Gorgus growing within them completely drains the victim's life energy before emerging from the victim's lifeless body. Others say the victim is killed when they give birth to the baby Gorgus. As the baby Gorgus rips it's way out of the mother's body.



While others say the victim survives the birth but is killed by the baby Gorgus afterwards. For these stories said the Gorgus is capable of raping a victim immediately after birth. Of course the mother is the new born Gorgus's first victim. To make matters worse since the mother hasn't had sufficient recovery time between giving birth and the almost immediate rape afterwards means she is killed during the violation.



Yet other stories say something even different. The Gorgus forces eggs into it's victims body. Now depending on the story the eggs are either forced up the victim's pussy or her ass hole and a few say both orifices. The eggs then gestate within the victim until they are ready to hatch. At this point the eggs are all painfully expelled from the victims body.



Once expelled from the victim's body the eggs immediately hatch. Then as in the before mentioned stories each baby Gorgus goes seeking out their first available victims to rape. Unfortunately for the victim that had just painfully expelled the eggs from her body she is the first available victim and ends up suffering an agonizingly painful death.



I myself didn't know what to believe about these stories other than what I had already observed. That was the Gorgus had numerous tentacles that they used to rape it's victims. Beyond that I couldn't count on the accuracy of anything else in the stories. Though neither Apollon or myself were going to take the stories for granted. So we would be sure only Junus was freed from the power jewel.



For we definitely didn't want to release the Gorgus when we released Junus. We also would take steps to ensure she wasn't carrying any Gorgus young. While unlikely given for devine beings to get pregnant required special rituals. Yet both Apollon and myself had to consider it possible since several stories did say a Gorgus could breed with any female and that's why Junos ended up killing them all but this one.



Thankfully our immediate concern was just getting the power jewel out of these chambers and I had everything worked out. We could start putting precautions in place while we tied up the remaining loose ends within the various domains. For now I was going to relax and get some well deserved rest. Only after I was recovered from the recent activity would I start worrying about the problems we still faced.
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