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When we woke the next morning...
The Chauffeur (#36) The FBI


Copyright 2019


As we all woke the next morning, the agent in charge assured us that there were no issues throughout the night. He let me know that the FBI was reducing the number of agents by half starting today. While that made Jill a bit nervous, I felt fine with it.

We began to open the security shutters and allow the morning daylight to enter the house. I asked John to go back to finding a company to replace all the windows in the house with bullet-resistant, hurricane proof windows. He told me that he had a company already in mind. I gave him the ‘go ahead’ to get the project back on track.

Throughout the night, my mind kept thinking about how we reacted to protecting the family, all the family including the pool house group. Jill and I headed down to the kitchen after I removed my phone from the charger. Jill kissed me, grabbed a cup of coffee and headed to the office to log onto her computer. I drank a glass of pineapple juice and just sat at the kitchen table. Sammy asked what I wanted for breakfast as they were preparing to make omelets. I asked for just a basic cheese omelet, which they said would be ready in about 5 minutes.

My darlings Amy and Dakota both came padding out to the kitchen. Each one kissed me and they both put a smooch on the cheek of Bobby and Sammy.

Out of the blue, Mom and Fred came into the kitchen as well. Mom kissed me and Fred shook my hand.

“Wild night eh?” Fred asked.

“Yep, that’s an understatement,” I replied.

With his tablet in his hand, John came into the kitchen asking if he could get an omelet fully loaded except for hot peppers. Bobby smiled and said it would be fine, he would have it to eat in about 15 minutes.

I smelled fried potatoes and onions.

“Bobby, do I smell fried onions and potatoes?” I ask.

“Yes, would you like some of them as well?” Bobby asked smiling.

“No, I think that I would like to just sit here and smell them. I mean, why eat them, they are probably delicious,” I say smiling.

After a few minutes pretty much the rest of the household started coming into the kitchen. All the women kissed me and thanked me for ensuring their safety last night.

“Oh no ladies, you need to thank John, Marcus, Bobby, Sammy, Fred, Fred’s nephews and all of the FBI agents that took care of us,” I said to all the ladies.

I heard several of the ladies saying thank you to the guys. Mom kept thanking Fred, who in turn pointed at me telling Mom, “Oh, I participated in last night, but you need to thank David. He led the whole house. He coordinated with the FBI, he made sure we all had assigned duties, and he wanted all the family to be safe. He is the real hero,” Fred tells Mom.

Mom gets up and comes over to me and kisses me and thanks me for keeping both her and Fred safe. All I could do was smile.

Bobby and Sammy began handing out omelets. I had to admit, John’s breakfast looked as if the omelet weighted 50 lbs. yet he began eating it as soon as he had a fork. It only took him about 3 or 4 minutes to finish the whole thing asking for a second one.

“John, dude, if you keep eating like that, you’ll be bigger than any of the pregnant ladies, slow down a bit and at least enjoy your food,” I say to him smiling. He just smiles back and asks to have some of the fried potatoes and onions with this omelet. We all chuckle feeling the tension from last night now over.

Jennifer leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I think you owe Sharon and I some play time and I would guess that the other ladies BJ and Danni will feel the same way,” she said to me giggling in my ear.

“Well, I think that I’m good for it, so put it on my tab. You know I’ll pay up,” I say smiling at her.

As everyone is getting their omelet order into Bobby and Sammy, I can feel the tension gone. Everyone is smiling, giggling, laughing, telling jokes, poking at each other. In a word, we are back to normal.

I see people eating and ask everyone to go back to their normal routine. Those who are supposed to be at their jobs, to go there today as if we didn’t have a security issue. I ask Dakota to go speak to the agent outside our front door to see if we may feel the other agent’s breakfast. She gets up and heads to the front door.

The CG boys are putting the security shutters up on the back side of the house and the porn twins and Belinda are sitting and eating, but they have indicated that they will be heading back over to their pool home. Allison tells me that Justin Case already left, but he was happy to see that I acted to ensure everyone’s safety. She tells me that he felt safe here as well.

I remind everyone that this coming Saturday we will be having a large BBQ and will have lots of members of the FBI and their families (children included) coming to this party that we are throwing. I ask that every lady we have please at some point today or tonight to put on their bathing suit and let me look. John, of course, offers his services as my wingman. We all just giggle at his ‘volunteering’.

The porn twins and Belinda tell me to sit tight as they will go change right now. I remember seeing the porn twins in a bikini at one point, but I just want to make sure that it is family friendly.

Allison tells me that she doesn’t have a bathing suit at all. She usually just swam naked as we have the pools that are not available to anyone outside of our gates to see in. I tell her that we will put together a swimsuit shopping trip this weekend. She smiles and comes over to me and kisses me. She whispers in my ear, “How did I get so lucky to find someone that takes such good care of me?” I just smile and pat her on the rump.

Dakota, Diane, and Jill all say that they need to buy new swimsuits as well, so now that makes at least four ladies needing new suits.

Jokingly I ask if we should make a run to Target or Walmart for the new suits. I feel three playful slaps on the back of my head. This causes Bobby and Sammy to laugh out loud.

“David, I don’t think you chose the right stores,” Sammy says laughing.

As people finish up their omelets, they head off to get ready for work. Dakota tells Bobby and Sammy that the agents are in the process of shift change and the ones that have been on all night are heading home. The ones coming on already ate before they came here.

I decide to dial up Special Agent Fernandez.

“Special Agent Fernandez, good morning,” I say to him.

“David, you do understand that you don’t have to call me Special Agent Fernandez every time? Don’t you? Just call me Jose, I do respond to that,” He tells me.

“OK, Jose, a couple of questions. First, how many agents will be here? I’ve got my group heading back to work and resuming their normal routines unless you have an objection,” I tell him.

“No, no objection. Getting back to your normal life only pisses off the criminals that they didn’t affect your life. We’re only going to have a total of 4 agents at your residence. My boss, the one I told you about, has made some labor cuts as he is getting pressure from his bosses, which is normal in the FBI. His bosses are saying that since you have enormous wealth, you certainly can afford to pay for your own protection,” Fernandez tells me.

“Jose, the bosses are absolutely right. Let’s send even the four agents back to the office and I’ll take care of our security. I’m sure there are more important cases that these agents could be working on instead of babysitting my group. Please thank the bosses for allowing your agents to protect me and my family,” I tell Jose.

“You said you have a second question,” Fernandez says to me.

“Um, oh yeah, is there an estimated headcount coming to Saturday’s shindig?” I ask.

“Um, well, I’m kind of embarrassed to say, but almost 100. 61 agents plus family,” he says sheepishly.

“That’s not enough people. 61 agents plus one takes us to 122, plus kids, we should be closer to 160-175. How are we so low?” I ask.

“Well, that’s what I was told,” Fernandez tells me.

“Give me someone to speak to about this then,” I tell him.

“Well, Captain Monahan. He’s kind of the one scheduling the whole thing, making sure no one who is needed will be going to the party when they should be working,” Fernandez tells me.

“Do you have a direct dial number for me to reach out to him today?” I ask.

“Yeah, I’ll text it to you this morning after we hang up.” He tells me.

“Ok, Jose. I look forward to seeing you and your lovely wife this Saturday. Oh, by the way, what is your wife’s name?”

“Mariana,” He tells me.

“Well, I’m looking forward to meeting Mariana on Saturday,” I tell him as we end the phone call.

In just a couple of minutes, I get a text from Fernandez with Captain Monahan’s direct dial number and a note to not admit where I got the number from. I text back, “Got what number?”

Jill urges me to get ready for work. I take my phone and head to the bedroom. I plug my phone back into the charger and strip down heading into the shower. Since no one tried to join me in the shower, it only took about 5 minutes. I decide to skip shaving as the five o’clock shadow looks pretty good on me, at least I think so.


I decide that we don’t need to take a limo. We certainly have enough cars to get to work. I ask Sharon to give me a ride to the Hawk. She giggles and tells me that she’ll ‘ride me anywhere’. I laugh as well.

In just a short time, people are coming out of their bedroom all ready for work. Mom has nowhere to go today so she and Fred stay in her bedroom. Paula is all dressed and heads to the Happy, Happee Limo to do her job.

Jennifer and Diane are all dressed and head to the Hawk. John and I join Sharon in her car and head to the Hawk as well.

Allison, the porn twins, and Belinda all head to the studio to begin their day.

Dakota takes her car and drives BJ and Danni to the Hawk following Sharon’s car.

Marcus and Donna head to the call center.

At the Chateau, that left Amy, Sammy, Bobby, the CG boys, Mom and Fred, and Jill, who decided that she would work from the office in the house.

Amy texts me saying that Mom and Fred are planning on going shopping as Mom doesn’t have a bathing suit for Saturday. She wants to know if she should order a car from the Black Car Limo company for them. I tell her to do so as Fred is armed and will take good care of Mom, plus I was sure that Mom, being her age wasn’t looking for a bikini. After all, she’s a lady of society and wearing a bikini at her age would not be something that she would do. I guessed that she wanted her own shopping trip for her suit but may join the rest of the ladies to offer support and fashion commentary.

On the way to work, I look up where Jaxson, Inc. stock closed yesterday and where it seemed to be going today. It closed down $2.85 and today it was only up $0.35. I turned on Sharon’s channel to listen to Squawk Box and our ‘friend’ Jim Cramer. He was discussing the Hilton Hotel group. Their stock was at $75.75 and was seeing positive growth for the year.

My phone buzzed. It was Dr. Ronda.

“Hello, darling, what’s up?” I ask.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING DAVID?” I get from a very emotional Dr. Ronda.

“Um, I’m not sure what you mean. Please explain,” I tell her.

“You’re on the damn news again. What the hell David. Your people killed a carful of Mexican kids?” she says in a very worried tone.

“Where did you see this?” I asked.

“Local news, channel 23,” she tells me.

Sharon chimes in while driving, “Doc, they’ve got it all wrong. David had all of us safely inside the house. Everyone who has a carry permit had their gun strapped to their hip. However, it was the FBI who shot and killed the carload of Mexicans. And Doc, they weren’t kids either they were all 19-21 years old. They were trying to hurt either David or the family,” Sharon said with emotion.

“Really? Is that true David?” Dr. Ronda asked.

“Yes, my dear, it’s true, every word she said is true,” I tell Dr. Ronda.

“David, you need both a PR firm and a press secretary, and you need them right now,” she says to me.

“Do you know anyone to suggest?” I ask.

“Well, I ah….” Her voice trails off without answering my question.

“C’mon, I know you have someone in mind. Spill it my darling,” I direct her.

“OK, her name is Anita. She was an investigative reporter and weekend anchor on the local news. When she got pregnant with her first child and had lots of medical complications, and thus the station didn’t renew her contract. She lost the baby and her husband divorced her. There were no rumors on infidelity, and I don’t know that she’s dating anyone, but I’m not telling you to add her to your playgroup David,” Dr. Ronda said.

“Text me her contact information then please,” I say to Ronda.

“Do you have any idea what she was making before the station didn’t renew her contract?” I ask.

“Um, probably in the neighborhood of $150,000 to $200,000,” she says.

“And how much is she making now?” I ask.

“ZERO. She’s really struggling. The lawyers took most of her savings in the divorce. The ex-husband works but wants more alimony as he really didn’t work during their marriage. Now, with virtually no savings left and no income she’s heading down a deep dark hole. I took her grocery shopping just this past week to make sure she had food in the house,” Ronda tells me.

“Darling, when I hang up, send me her phone number and her address,” I tell her.

We end the call. It isn’t but three or four minutes before my phone buzzes with the information that Ronda was supposed to send me. I see the address and ask Sharon to drive me over to Anita’s house.

“Oh, won’t you just be who she wants to see unexpectedly this early in the morning,” Sharon teases me.

I put Anita’s address in the car’s GPS, and it directs Sharon to this lady’s address. It only takes about 10 minutes before we are in front of her house.

I get out of the car and walk up to the front door. Her grass is unmowed, not completely out of control, but it’s been a couple of weeks since it has been mowed.

I ring the doorbell. I wait for a couple of minutes before I ring it again. Finally, I hear someone stirring and stomping towards the door.

The door opens a crack. I see a gold chain that extends from the frame to the door with a woman’s face hiding half behind the door.

“Hello Ma’am. I’m David Greene. I’m a friend of Dr. Ronda’s. May I speak to you for a couple of minutes?” I say to her.

“Who are you?” she asks.

“David Greene. My friend Dr. Ronda gave me your address and since I wasn’t far away, I thought I might stop by and chat with you for a couple of minutes or make an appointment to see you at another time. If you are worried about me, call Ronda. She knows who I am,” I say to her trying to be as gentle and unthreatening as possible.

“Hold on,” she tells me.

She pushes the door closed. I hear the chain being taken off the door and it opens so that I can see her fully. She’s clearly not been up. Her hair is a mess. She’s wearing a housecoat and slippers. She has not one drop of makeup on her face. A wedding band still sits on her third finger on her left hand.

“Anita, if you would like to meet me somewhere else or at another time, I’m happy to do so,” I say to her.

“No, just come in if you going to,” she says.

I step inside and she shuts the door behind me.

She points to a couch for me to sit on. I look around. The house isn’t dirty, but it’s not overly clean. Clearly, she’s struggling. There are no indications of any animals like dogs or cats.

I take a seat on the couch. She sits in a straight back chair.

“OK, I got your name. It’s David Greene, but who are you?” she says to me.

“I’m the CEO of Jaxson, Inc,” I say to her answering her question.

“Uh huh. I’m supposed to believe that the CEO of a multi-national corporation just shows up on my door at what….8:44 am in the morning. Yeah, I get that all the time,” she says to me in a very sarcastic manner.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial-up Dr. Ronda.

“Hey Ronda, I’m sitting here in front of Anita, at her house. She doesn’t believe I am who I say I am,” I tell her.

I put the phone on speaker so we both can hear Ronda.

“David, I didn’t give you her contact information so you can ambush her. Geeze, she’s going through enough. Couldn’t you have just called her?” Dr. Ronda says to me, not knowing that she’s on speakerphone.

“Um, Ronda, its Anita. You’re on speaker phone,” she tells the doctor.

“Ronda, could you verify to her that I am exactly who I say I am,” I ask the Doc.

“OK, but you owe me and you know that I will expect to collect,” she says making me smile.

“Anita, he is David Greene, CEO of Jaxson Inc. He’s looking for a press secretary and I thought of you immediately. I think that you would be the perfect candidate for him and his company,” She tells Anita.

“Why do you think I would be good for that. You saw me last week, I’m a wreck,” she says.

“No, you’re just going through a small patch of stormy weather. I’m offering you a small bit of help. David’s a good guy and I know that you’ll enjoy working for him. And, if you let him into your house in what I’m sure is you in your housecoat and slippers, you clearly trust him just a little bit,” she says about me to Anita.

“Well, he is cute,” Anita says with a small smile crossing her lips.

“Anita, I know that I ambushed you. Why don’t I send a car for you at about 11:30 this morning. It will bring you to my office at the Hawk downtown. We’ll go have lunch and you can tell me about yourself. I’ll tell you about me and my wife and the company. We’ll have a wonderful meal and then maybe, just maybe we can come to some arrangement for you to come work for me. Do you like Italian? I know of a wonderful Italian restaurant,” I say to her.

Finally, a smile crosses her lips, not just the hint of a smile, but an actual ear to ear smile. I put my hand out to shake her hand and I stand up thanking both Anita and Dr. Ronda and head out.

I walk down the walkway to the car where Sharon and John sat patiently.

“Well, you weren’t in there long enough to play with her. Is she coming over to the house tonight?” Sharon asks me being all cheeky.

“No smarty pants. I have not asked her to come to the house to play tonight,” I say smiling. I see John in the back seat smiling a big smile. He suspects what I’m up to.

“We’re going to have lunch at the Italian Restaurant that Fred taught us all about,” I tell them both as Sharon drives towards the office.

When we get there, Sharon parks on the second floor. We walk through the crossover from the parking garage to the office building. I say hello to the security guard and the three of us get into the elevator and head up to the top floor.

Sharon gives me a smooch on the cheek before the elevator doors open. When the doors do open, both John and I wait for Sharon to exit the elevator.

“Boss, what would you like me to do today. Originally, I was going to have that company come over and give us an estimation on the window replacements, but you directed me to come to work,” he tells me. I had not thought about him needing to be at the Chateau for the window guys.

“John, why don’t you Uber back to the house. I completely forgot that you were supposed to do that today. I know that I told you to resume this project only this morning, but my directive was meant for everyone else,” I tell him. He shakes my hand and gets back on the elevator. I summon Dakota over to me and ask her to get Uber to pick up John out front and have them take him back to the Chateau.

I also ask Dakota to have a limo pick me up here and take me to Anita’s house to get her for lunch and then onto Fred’s Italian restaurant. Dakota makes the necessary phone calls for me.


The rest of the morning was routine and boring. Jennifer came over to me and we had a quick meeting. She has found three more 40+ story office towers that are for sale. The three are all located in the South. One in Atlanta, one in Dallas, and the third in Phoenix. All three are being sold because the realty company that owns them has financial needs and is willing to part with them for a total of $88,000,000 which is less per unit than the first five. I tell her to do the deal, but same things apply: they pay for all the transfers, we get every piece of paper regarding all zonings, all maintenance, copies of all contracts, information about parking and parking structures, information about security, cleaning crews, occupancy rates, and the salary of all employees along with their employee files.

She tells me that she thinks that if they will agree to it, we could probably close the deal in a week to ten days. I smile thinking about how much this company will be making once we rid ourselves of all the ridiculous district offices that just cost us money.

Talking about the three new buildings makes me think of the district office that I went into and promoted Donna Burger and met with the President of the Pinetree, Roy Miller. I dial up Ms. Burger.

“Hello Ms. Burger, it’s me, David Greene. I thought that I’d just check in on you to see how things are going?” I tell her.

“Well, um, I guess OK sir. I’ve been given a whole lot more restaurants to oversee as we have had three district managers just quit with no notice. The guy you left in charge, Mr. Kendall has been redistributing all the restaurants to everyone since the HR people say that there is a hiring freeze on per your request,” She tells me.

“A hiring freeze?” I ask.

“That’s what they say,” she tells me.

“Well, I know nothing of any hiring freeze. I’ll look into this. However, tell me is there a couple of people you would recommend that are ready to be promoted right now?” I ask.

“Um, I don’t know if I am qualified to make that decision,” she says.

“I’m not asking you to make any decisions. I’m only asking for your opinion on who you might think is ready to be promoted,” I tell her.

“Well, then Don Scott and Beth Rayburn. Both turn in great numbers consistently. Both are wonderful trainers and develop people consistently. Both are fairly young, maybe in their early 30’s and both have a can-do attitude,” she tells me.

I thank her for her candid opinion and end the call. I dial up the HR people for the restaurant group that handles the Dallas district.

“Hello, I’m looking for the people that handle the HR for our Dallas restaurant group,” I tell the lady that answers the phone, wrong, but answers.

“Um, let me look, hold on a moment. Before I had the chance to say it was OK to put me on hold, I was listening to music and crappy music at that.

It takes a while before a gruff sounding lady picks up the phone. “Who are you holding for?” I’m asked.

“The HR person for our restaurant group in Dallas,” I tell her.

“We don’t give out that type of information,” she tells me.

“Well, I’m David Greene, the CEO of Jaxson, Inc. Who are you?” I ask.

Suddenly the phone goes dead and I’m listening to a dial tone.

“What the fuck?” I say. That remark snaps a couple of heads around.

“Dakota, I need you right now!” I say at an elevated voice.

Dakota comes into the office asking what I need.

“Darling, I need the name and direct dial number of the HR people in our Dallas office for the restaurant group. I want to know every single person that works in the HR there as soon as you can put that information together,” I tell her as I get up from my desk and decide to walk around the office.

I look over at Mark Newberg’s desk and see that it is still empty, and it clearly hasn’t been ever used, which annoys me even further. I go around the corner and see both Kim and Kay’s desks.

“Where’s Mark?” I ask them.

Neither one has an answer. “Please find your uncle and have him show up here today or have him call me directly on my cell phone before the end of today,” I tell them very sternly. I know that I’m a pretty easygoing boss, but when I give direction, I do expect it to be followed unless there are prearranged conditions that are agreed to.

Dakota comes up behind me and says, “I have your information. I left it on your desk,” she tells me.

I look out the window at the wonderful view before I head back to my office.

Picking up the paperwork, I scan the names. There are only 12 names. 9 ladies names and 3 men.

I decided to start at the top and direct dial the ladies one at a time.

The first one gets me a voicemail, but it is not the voice of the lady I spoke to that hung up on me.

Neither the second nor the third voicemails were the correct voices either.

On the fourth and fifth calls, I got the actual HR employee and neither of them was the correct voice.

Not until the sixth call did, I get the proper person. “Hello Suzanne Royal, it’s David Greene again,” I say to her smiling now that I know her name.

“Oh sir, I’m sorry we got disconnected, but I didn’t know how to call you back,” she says to me in a very nervous tone.

“Well, OK. I can understand that. Out of curiosity, who made the decision to put a hiring freeze in place in Dallas?” I ask her.

“Well, you did,” she tells me.

“Um, No. I have not put any hiring freeze on. In fact, I think we need more people, not less. Do you have an email or some sort of verified way for me to track down who might have put this bad idea out there,” I ask

She tells me that the memo was sent out by a D. McKenzie.

“Don McKenzie? When was the memo dated?” I say to her.

“Um, let’s see. Two weeks ago,” she tells me.

I dial up Rob, our IT guy in NY on my office phone as I put Ms. Royal on hold.

“Hey, Rob. In the restaurant group, we had someone quit out of our district office in Dallas several weeks ago and yet they still have access to our system. How can this be?” I ask him.

“Well, it sounds like HR never notified us that he had been terminated,” he tells me.

“Rob, please look up a Don McKenzie and tell me what you see about him,”

I hear keyboard keys being clicked away.

“Well, he is still receiving a paycheck. He hasn’t been terminated. It looks as if a memo came through but was overridden by an HR person, a Suzanne Royal.” He tells me.

“Rob, immediately terminate both Don McKenzie and request our legal team to send a request to him for repayment of overpaid wages. Also, I’m terminating Suzanne Royal this very minute. Also, I want to begin an extensive matchup of all employees in all of our brands. Now I know that this is a massive undertaking, how many more people do you need to conduct this?”

“Well boss, maybe a dozen?” he says hesitantly.

“Do we need to hire them or shift them off of other projects?”

“I think we can shift most of those we need, but maybe hire like four or five. They don’t have to be here in NY, they can be anywhere,” he tells me.

I let him know that I’m going to set him up with enough people to make this a less daunting task. I thank him and hang up and go back to Ms. Royal.

“Hey Suzanne, sorry about that,” I say to her.

“No problem. Did you find the memo that I talked about?” she asks me.

“Yes, I did. Hey, tell me. What is Don McKenzie doing these days?”

“Um, what makes you think that I know anything that he may be doing these days,” she says.

“Well, because you kept him on our payroll and kept him with access to our system even though he quit. Do you and he have some sort of affair going on?” I say to her.


“Well, Ms. Royal effective immediately, you are being terminated. Please gather your personal belongings and leave the premises. We have already called the Police and they will be issuing a trespass so you may not return to any of our properties ever again,” I say to her even though we haven’t called the Police.

The phone goes silent. I dial up Rob once again.

“Rob, its David Greene again. Can you please dial into the security camera for the HR office of the restaurant group in Dallas? I need to make sure that Ms. Royal is taking her personal property and leaving the property,” I tell him.

I hear the keyboard clicking once again. It only takes a couple of minutes before I see on my screen Ms. Royal talking to someone. Her hands are moving clearly indicating that she is mad. She picks up her purse and heads out the door tossing her keys on a chair by the front door. I see her through the windows get in her car and speed off.

“Rob, please set up the door to that office to have their locks changed either today or tomorrow. I want to make sure no one has access to this office,” I tell him. He says he will have someone take care of it in a couple of hours. I thank him for his hard work.

I put in a call to Jill asking her to direct 500 shares of Jaxson, Inc. stock to Rob our IT guy in NYC. She agrees and says it will be done and that he should get the envelope by Monday at the latest.

Dakota comes into the office and tells me that the limo is waiting for me at the front door. I put my phone in my pocket and turn off my computer and head down the elevator.

As I get downstairs, the security guard stops me for a second.

“Mr. Greene, I’m sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if your Director of Security is still looking for people for his security team. I ask because my nephew is leaving the Air Force after being an MP for the past 6 years,” He says to me.

I write down Roger Johnson’s number and tell him to call Roger today. He thanks me and I head out to the limo. The driver is waiting with the door open.

He already knows the address before I even give it to him. Once again, Dakota has taken care of everything that I need.

We dive through traffic. I notice that this driver knows his way around and bypasses some difficult intersections.

When we get to Anita’s house, I get out and go back to the front door. I ring the bell again and this time a delightful woman wearing a conservative top and skirt with conservative blue low heel shoes. Her hair is completely different from what I saw this morning. She has makeup on and looks marvelous.

I put my arm out. She takes hold of it and picks up her purse as we leave her house. She locks the door behind her, and we walk arm in arm down to the limo. The driver is standing there with the door open waiting for us. Anita gets in first then me.

We head to Fred’s favorite Italian restaurant. Again, the driver opens the door for us, and we head into the restaurant. The owner sees me and comes over asking where Fred was. I explained that he was on a personal adventure with my bosses’ wife. The owner laughed out loud, one of those big belly laughs.

I held the chair out for Anita. She sat down acting nervous as if we were on a first date and not just having lunch.

“Um, Mr. Greene, I have to apologize for the way I looked this morning. I don’t even know why you came back to get me for lunch. I must have looked like a hurricane hit me,” she says.

“Well, first it’s David, not Mr. Greene, that is my deceased Father. Second, who sits in their home that early in the morning expecting the CEO of a large corporation will be knocking on their door. I’m just happy that you answered and let me in,” I tell her.

“OK, ‘David’ why did you seek me out?” Anita asks.

The waitress arrives with a basket of garlic bread and two glasses of water. She is looking to take our lunch order.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll just order for the both of us,” I say to Anita.

“That’s fine with me,” she replies.

“Ma’am, we’ll have our usual two plates of spaghetti and meat sauce with several meatballs and a glass of Chianti for the lady,” I order.

Anita smiles and cracks her first joke, “Are you trying to get me drunk ordering wine this early in the day? I thought this was lunch, not a date,” she says smiling and giggling a bit.

I smile and chuckle a bit as well. It was nice to finally see her smile. She has a beautiful smile, although I suspect that she hasn’t had much reason to smile lately.

“Anita, this isn’t a date, although I’m sure that Ronda would challenge that. No, this is just a conversation with maybe a job offer at the end of it,” I tell her.

“Job offer?”

“Yeah, Ronda thinks you might be able to do the job that I’m in need of,” I tell her.

“What job is that?”

“I’m in need of a press secretary,” I tell her being straightforward.

“Well, I’m sure there are lots of more qualified people out there than me,” she says.

“Yeah, maybe, but none that come with Ronda’s approval. She’s got a lot of faith in you. She tells me that you’ve had a string of bad luck and you feel like a dark cloud has settled over your life. Well, I’m hoping that I can be a ray of sunshine for you,” I say.

Anita sits quietly eating a slice of garlic bread. The waitress brings her the glass of wine and sets it down in front of her.

“Ronda tells me that you used to be a top investigative reporter and the weekend anchor for the local news channel. She also told me that you got pregnant and unfortunately during all the complications, you lost the baby. The station didn’t renew your contract and that led to you and your husband getting divorced. She also told me that your divorce had nothing with either of you having any sort of extramarital affair, it was just an end to a tumultuous marriage,” I say trying to be as serious to her as I can be.

“Damn David, did she also tell you my maiden name as well? She sure didn’t leave much out of the storyline,” Anita says.

“No, she didn’t tell me your maiden name. Come to think of it, she didn’t tell me your last name at all,” I say to her.

“My last name is still my married name, Foster. However, at some point, I would like to change it back to my maiden name of Black. But that costs money, so that will have to wait,” she tells me.

“Anita, when you worked for the station, what was your contract salary?” I ask.

“Well sir, I’m not sure you can get anywhere near that amount. But I made $165,000 a year. However, when they didn’t renew my contract that just felt like they were casting me aside for a younger woman who didn’t want to have children,” Anita says to me.

“WOW, 165K?” I say.

She looks beaten as if I’m going to not offer her something close to that money.

“Well, how about this then and I’m making this offer good only until the end of the meal. How about I offer you a 5-year contract at a flat $200,000 per year. You’ll get a new car since I didn’t see a car in your driveway and there was no garage at your house only a carport. Oh, and you will of course travel with my team when we go anywhere. You will have the usual boring stuff, medical/dental/vision insurance, a corporate credit card to charge things on as I don’t want you paying for any company stuff out of your personal money and I want you to smile more, much more,” I say to her smiling.

Her eyes brighten up. I think that if John was here, he would be smiling from ear to ear seeing me pull the ole switch-a-roo.

Anita practically knocks her wine glass over leaping into my arms and kissing me on the cheek and thanking me.

“Anita, Anita, Anita…. hold on. I know you’re happy. I need an answer,” I say smiling as she keeps kissing my cheek.

“YES, YES, YES,” she shouts.

People now think that I have proposed to her. The owner of the restaurant came to the table ready to talk about love and marriage. I had to stop him telling him that I just offered her a job, not a marriage proposal. He laughed out loud once again.

“So, she’s going to be your work wife,” he says laughing.

“Um, sure. We’ll call it that,” I say smiling.

Anita finally settles down as the plates of spaghetti arrive. They look and smell delicious. I wait for Anita to gather herself and begin to eat before I take even one forkful of food.

She is gobbling the food down and taking big gulps of her Chianti in between bites.

I just stay silent waiting for the usual questions that would normally follow, but either she was too excited or too hungry as she stayed silent and just ate her food. I signaled the waitress to bring her a second glass of wine, which she did.

The rest of the meal went well. I had to ask Anita to send me her attorney’s contact information so I may send the contract over to be reviewed. She asked for my phone and entered it directly. I texted Jill to call this person and let the law firm know that we have offered Anita Foster a job as our new press secretary. She replied her usual “K” which made me smile.

After the lunch ended, we walked back to the limo with her clutching my elbow the whole way.

“I hope you realize that you may be jumping into the deep end of the pool,” I tell her.

She just replies, “Uh huh,” as the driver takes her home.

“May I come to see the office?” she asks.

“Of course. Mr. Driver, instead of taking Miss Anita home, could you take both of us to the office instead?” I ask.

The chauffeur changes direction and heads towards downtown.


When the driver arrives at the Hawk, the car is pulled up at the front doors and we get out. The security guard says hi to the both of us as we head to the elevators.

I can feel Anita is both nervous and excited at the same time.

We ride up to the top in silence, but she is clutching my arm tightly. I look at her, she is both smiling and has a bit of a worried look on her face.

When the elevator bell dings and the doors open, I let her step out first.

John is standing right here. I swear that he can sense when I’m nearby. He extends his hand and introduces himself and offers to take Anita around the office and meet everyone. She agrees, now clutching his elbow.

Sharon comes over to me with a smile and says, “New member of the playgroup, or does she have an actual job?” giggling a bit.

“She’s our new press secretary smarty pants,” I say giggling.

“And thus, you put her with John who I’m sure he’s thinking ‘how do I recruit this lady to the playgroup’?” Sharon says to me still giggling.

“Well, are you getting jealous? It kind of sounds like you are. No, I’m just joking. Actually, she comes to us through Dr. Ronda,” I say to her.

“Another beautiful woman who wants to play with you. Darling, your playgroup seems to be growing almost daily,” Sharon says to me.

“Well, when you are looking for good people, you always have to be out there recruiting,” I say to her with a big smile on my face. She just giggles some more, kisses me and heads back to her desk.

I see John laughing and Anita giggling as they tour the floor with John stopping and introducing her to each person.

I want to double check that we have ordered our IT guy, Rob the shares of Jaxson, Inc. stock. I text Jill who replies, “see prior text my darling,” I read the answer and just smile.

I text Dr. Ronda that I took Anita out to lunch and offered her a job as my press secretary and she accepted.

Ronda replies, “Guess I’ll have to put that debt on your tab then, ha ha ha,” I just smile. I know in my heart that I love her and thank her for the many times she has taken care of all the family.

I get a text from Roger Johnson thanking me for sending yet another quality candidate for his security group. The nephew is getting out of the Air Force and currently lives in Washington DC, which makes it easy to put him at the new building ‘The Eagle’.

I walk around the office floor and tap 18 people on the shoulder and ask them to join me in a conference room.

When everyone is in the conference room, I address all of them, “Well, I have asked each one of you to join a major project that I have assigned to our IT guy Rob. I want him to lead a group that will verify that everyone in every brand is properly active and the photo we have on file matches up with the person we are employing. In addition, we are to speak to each individual to ensure that they are actively working for us,” I tell the group.

“Sir, how are we to match up the picture we have on file with the person we have on the phone?” I’m asked.

“Great question! When you reach the person, you will turn on their camera on their laptop and verify what you see matches the picture we have on file. Because I trust each of you, access will be given to this entire team to our personnel records. Furthermore, if you have some doubts ask some personal questions such as their date of birth, who is their current boss, in what department did they start with the company, things like that,” I tell them.

“Sir, why are we doing this?” A different person asks.

“Another good question,” I say.

“We discovered that an employee that had quit our company several weeks ago was still being paid their salary. It turns out that the employee that quit started dating one of our HR people who kept that person on the books and being paid. Personally, I don’t care who you date, just as long as it doesn’t affect our company,” I tell all of them.

I hear some rumblings, but no one comes right out and says anything.

“Rob will assign everyone a team to be on. Most of you will be first line investigators, but some of you will be assigned to follow-up people. We have more than 65,000 people employed at Jaxson, Inc. We need to ensure that those being paid are the ones that are actually the ones employed by us,” I continue.

“Let me call Rob and let him know that he’s got the cavalry here ready to work,” I tell the group. I dial up Rob on the phone in the conference room.

“Rob, I have a wonderful group here with me eager to join your team and help do the verifications,” I tell him on speakerphone.

“Boss, I think I have found a hornet’s nest. Do you remember several months ago when we closed that restaurant in Western Michigan? Well, apparently, we never terminated any of the hourly employees, nor any of the managers, nor the district manager. All in all, it appears that we have been paying all of these people money every payday for the past 4 months. How we’ve been doing that baffles me.” Rob tells me in front of the group.

“Boss, do you have me on speakerphone? I ask because I can hear my own voice coming back to me,” Rob says.

“Yes Rob, I’m sorry about that. I wanted to let you know that I have 15 trusted employees here in the conference room with me ready to get to work and I just wanted you to say Hi,” I tell him.

“Hey Boss, it’s great. I do think we may have stumbled onto something that will save us money,” Rob tells me.

“Do you think with this 15 you have enough, or should I get you more?” I ask.

“More sir. If you can,” he tells me, which really tells me we may have a major problem.

“Not to worry, I’ll send you an email with each of the 15 that are here and how to reach them with direct dial numbers and email addresses. When I put more together, I will call you again to let you say hi to that group, fair enough?” I ask.

“You got it, boss,” Rob says before disconnecting.

I see people looking around the room at each other.

“Now you see why this project is a top priority. Let me ask anyone here, do you think that it’s fair that you have had to work as hard as you do for your paycheck and others are getting their paycheck without even doing one moment of work?” I ask the group.

I get several people at the same time say, “HELL NO!” which is just what I wanted to hear.

I toss a yellow legal pad on the table asking everyone to print their name, their direct dial number, and their email address and to please be neat.

“Out of curiosity, does anyone know where the company’s stock price is right now?” I ask.

One guy and Asian guy named Tao raised his hand, “Sir, it closed an hour ago at $277.50 up $2.50 from yesterday’s close,” He tells me. I reach into my pocket and pull out a $100 bill and slide it across the table to him. He smiles a big smile as he takes the money and puts it into his shirt pocket.

“That’s great! Thank you for making me feel good about my selection of all of you. You work hard for this company and I appreciate all of your hard work,” I tell everyone.

The yellow legal pad makes it back around to me. I look at it, someone had taken the time to add some straight lines creating columns.

“OK everyone, head back to your desk and please do whatever you can to bring whatever you’re currently working on to a stopping point. If you can’t then let your immediate supervisor know you’ve been tapped by me for a new and immediate project,” I tell the group as I dismiss them.

I head out to Sharon with the yellow legal pad in hand.

“Sharon, my darling, I need you for a couple of minutes,” I say to her.

She smiles and pulls a chair from the empty desk behind her for me to sit in.

“What can I do for you?” She asks.

“I need you to input all of these people into a spreadsheet and send it to Rob our IT guy in New York. I have him leading a big project. But I also need another 20-25 people that I can trust to work on this project, but things here still need to progress as normal. Maybe we have some we can trust in another tower?” I ask Sharon.

“Let me make some phone calls and I’ll let you know when I have a group for you,” she tells me.

“Hey, try the Tampa group. I have a guy down there that I want to speak to anyways,” I suggest to her.

I let her get back to her work and I push the chair back into the desk behind her.

John finishes with Anita’s tour. They are laughing and joking as if they have known each other for a long time, not just a couple of hours. I smile thinking that he’s really becoming a very mature man.

The rest of the day is fairly routine. When the end of the day is near, John deposits Anita in my office.

“So, how did your tour go with my protégé?” I ask.

“John? Oh, he’s delightful and such the gentleman,” she tells me.

“So, how about we go get you a new car?” I ask.

“Um, but I haven’t signed your contract,” she tells me.

“You’re going to sign it right?” I ask.

“Of course,” she says.

“Then let's get you a car now,” I say.

I call Dakota over to me. “Darling, Anita and I need a ride to a car dealership,” I tell her. She smiles at me, she knows this routine from before.

I look at Anita and say, “What type of car do you want?”

“Um, am I allowed to get a Ford Flex?” Anita asks hesitantly.

“Certainly, let’s go to the Ford dealership then,” I say to Dakota. However, before I go I head over to Jill’s desk to take a check from the checkbook that is locked in her desk. I write in the comment section “New car for Anita” and put the book back under lock and key. I fold the check up and put it in my pocket.

I head to Sharon’s desk to tell her that Dakota, Anita, and myself are riding with Dakota to the Ford dealership. I get a small peck on the cheek and a whisper in my ear about how nice it was to be at work after last night. I kiss her back and head to the elevators.

When the doors to the elevator open, the ladies get on first then me. We ride down stopping twice to let other people on as they apparently are calling it a day as well.

When we get to the second floor, we get off and make the crossover to the parking garage. Dakota had a nice prime spot only steps from the crossover.

When we got to the car, I held Anita’s door open for her then ran around to hold Dakota’s door open, which got me a deep passionate kiss from Dakota. Anita’s eyes grew big watching Dakota and me in a lip lock.

“Um, David, aren’t you married?” Anita asks.

“Yes, I am, why?” I ask knowing the question that is coming before she even asks.

“Well, this beautiful lady isn’t your wife correct?” she asks.

“Yep, that’s right, she’s not,” I say to her.

“No, he’s my Daddy!” Dakota added making Anita even more confused.


“Yeppers, David is the Father of my baby. His wife shares him all the time with the women in our playgroup,” she tells Anita who now looks even more confused with the new information.

“Um, David, I’m lost,” Anita tells me.

“Well, let me see if I can clear things up a bit for you,” I begin.

“Jill, my wife and I have what you might call a swinger’s type marriage. We share each other with those we completely trust in our playgroup. Dakota wanted to have a child, but she decided that I had the qualities that she wanted to be the Father. She came to Jill and me and asked if I could get her pregnant. My wife Jill said yes and well nature took its course and she’s pregnant. My wife Jill is also now pregnant, by me as well,” I tell her.

“What about this Diane lady that I met today that works for Jennifer. She’s pregnant as well, is that one yours also?” Anita asks.

“No, that one belongs to your tour guide John,” I tell her.

She sits silent trying to absorb what we have just told her as Dakota turns into the Ford dealership

“Oh, look at that one. All blue. That’s beautiful,” She says to me.

“Let’s find the newest salesperson and take it for a test drive,” I tell her.

“Excuse me, who is the newest salesperson that is here currently?” I ask this nice young lady.

“That would be me. This is my second day here,” she says to us.

“Well, we would like to take that blue Ford Flex for a test drive. Here are our licenses,” I tell her as we both hand her our driver’s licenses.

It takes the salesperson a couple of minutes before she has the keys to the Flex. We all get in and the salesperson starts it up and heads down the road. She finds a side street, gets out and Anita moves over to the driver’s seat. When the salesperson gets in and buckles up she hands the keys to Anita.

Anita put the car in drive and off we go.

“Ma’am, I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Kitty Creamers. And you two are?” she asks.

“The lady driving is Anita and I’m her boss, David Greene,” I tell her.

“Um, David Greene, I know that I’ve heard that name before. Would I know you from MSNBC? My husband and I watch that all the time. We’re always looking for companies to invest in, although we are teeny tiny investors. We also love Jim Cramer’s Mad Money. That man is non-stop!” She says to us.

“Well, you got me. Yes, I’m the CEO of Jaxson, Inc. and this beautiful lady is my new press secretary. I also enjoy Jim Cramer. He’s a Wildman. I was on his show a couple of weeks ago and it was fun!” I say to her.

“YOU WERE? OMG, my husband will flip out,” she says.

Anita pulls into the parking lot of the Ford dealership and smiles. I know what that smile means.

“Kitty, here’s how I like to work. Dinner will be served in just a short while, so what I’m after is your very best ‘out the door’ price that you can give me. I have no interest in the haggling process. If you give me a great price, I will write a check for the entire amount now and we should be out of here in less than an hour,” I tell her.

Kitty gets up and heads straight to her boss the finance manager. They discuss for about 10 minutes. Kitty returns with a filled-out contract. The bottom-line price is $30,161. The MSRP for this Flex is $33,065 plus all the taxes and tag fees. I ask Anita once again if this is what she absolutely wants, and she tells me yes. I tell Kitty that we will take the deal. However, there is one glitch, since Anita has no car, she has no active car insurance. I offer to pay for one year of full coverage insurance, which makes Kitty smile since she was able to ‘add on’ to the sale another $3500.

I write out the check for $33,661, sign the check and give it to Kitty. Anita is so antsy that she can hardly sit still. In just a few minutes, the sales manager comes over to us and introduces himself. “Mr. and Mrs. Greene, you’re buying a great vehicle,” he says to us.

“Um, we’re not Mr. and Mrs. Anything. I’m David Greene the one paying for it, and this is my press secretary Anita. We promised her a new car when we hired her and I’m fulfilling the obligation,” I tell him.

“Sir, I’m sorry. I heard that you are a real somebody according to Kitty. She said she recognized you from her favorite show on MSNBC,” he tells me.

“Well, she did. You have an amazing salesperson there. She didn’t hound us, and she didn’t try to hard sell us. I certainly will keep this place in mind if I have any further employees that I must buy new vehicles for. Out of curiosity, could there be a better discount if we were to buy additional vehicles? I have a couple of others that I think need a new vehicle,” I ask of him.

“Absolutely sir. We could probably put you under our fleet program if you were to buy more than THREE vehicles all total,” he tells me. I like what he’s saying. I’m thinking to myself that John could probably use a truck, Bobby and Sammy some sort of vehicle each and I haven’t made up my mind about Danni, Marcus, or Donna.

It dawned on me that I never saw Mark Newberg at the office today. Guess he’s not willing to make real money, he just wants to make nickels and dimes when he could be making thousands of dollars.

The Flex returns from new car get ready. Kitty comes out with a folder and all the paperwork neatly inside along with Kitty’s business card, one for each of us. The sales manager gave me his card with an account number on the back to begin the process of fleet purchases.

“Well, my darling, will you give me a ride home or should I call an Uber?” I say to her smiling. She just shakes her head.

We get up and I hold the driver’s door open for her. She kisses me on the cheek and gets in and buckles up. I go around to the other side and get in.

She has no idea where I live so I put my address into the vehicle’s GPS. She heads off, but of course, it's now close to 6:45 pm traffic is crappy. Obviously, Anita doesn’t know any shortcuts, so we travel very slowly to the Chateau.

When we turn down the private street, I hear the usual gasp when she sees my home. The gate opens as one of the FBI recognize me. I thank them and Anita pulls the car close to the front door. “Here you go sir, carlot to front door service, Thank you for the car, it’s so wonderful,” she tells me giving me another kiss on the cheek.

“Would you like to come in and meet the family?” I ask.

“OH, I don’t want to be any trouble,” she says.

“There’s no trouble, you might even recognize some of the family,” I say smiling at her. I see her look of confusion once again. I reach over and poke the button that turns the engine off.

I get out and walk around opening her door. She hesitantly gets out. I take her by the hand and lead her into the house. Once inside, she sees John immediately. She sees both Dakota and Sharon next and of course Diane and Jennifer as well. She is completely floored.

“Um, does everyone that works for you also live with you?” she asks.

“No, not everyone, but several do. I have a huge home, as you see, and I like to have the people that I trust close by. We’re a friendly group. And, as you heard earlier, we tend to share each other,” I say to her. She looks nervous.

“Anita, there’s nothing here for you to be nervous about. I’m not trying to recruit you to my playgroup. I’m just introducing you to everyone, that’s all that’s going on here,” I say to her.

Bobby comes out to me and tells me that he made a large ham with scalloped potatoes and sweet carrots and a salad with a homemade vinaigrette dressing.

“I expect you to at least stay for dinner since I ambushed you this morning,” I tell her. She shrugs her shoulders before John and Diane take her by the hand into the kitchen to fill her a plate with food.

Jill, Dakota, and Amy all come over to me and kiss me, each one on the lips. I give each one a hug and a squeeze on the ass causing Dakota and Amy to squeal a bit.

Once a plate of food is made for Anita, she is directed to the dining table where she finds a seat about the middle. John sits on one side of her and Sharon sits on the other side. They all begin talking as if they’ve been friends for years.

“Hey, where are Mom and Fred?” I ask.

“Head to your bedroom,” Jennifer tells me.

I head down the hallway only to find Mom on a play bed by herself Fred nowhere in sight.

I walk over to Mom. “Hey, fancy meeting you in here. Where’s Fred?” I ask her.

“Sleeping in my bedroom. I done wore his ass out,” she says smiling to me.

“And I’m guessing you have erotic intentions for me?” I say smiling.

“Of course, I do sexy,” she says.

I lean down and begin to kiss her. She pulls me into the bed. I roll her on her back and begin to lap at her womanhood. While she is an older lady, she still has a wonderful body. I taste her woman juice as she begins to moan and squirm as I am licking and sucking on her pussy and clit.

Mom puts her hands on my head and pushes my face further into her wetness. I lap up all that I can get into my mouth. I feel her wetness growing exponentially.


After just a few minutes I feel her blast my face with a steady stream of lady juice. She is now moaning loudly. She keeps pushing my face into her womanhood as hard as she can. I begin to nibble on her clit which makes her jump.

I surprise her by sliding two fingers into her pussy. She jumps again, not expecting this. I thrust the two fingers in and out of her. She keeps getting wetter as the thrusting of my fingers continue.

“Fuck me, David,” she says in my ear.

I withdraw my hand, unbuckle my pants and let them fall to the floor. I take off my shirt and my boxers and am now fully naked, just as naked as she is.

I slide myself between her parted legs. I line myself up with her love hole and gently thrust myself into her. We begin thrusting in unison. I feel my cock passing her cervix. I increase my thrusting and she increases her volume of moaning and thrusting back at me.

I lift her legs up over my shoulders to get better penetration. Now, I begin to increase my thrusting into her. She is now talking gibberish as I’m thrusting with both speed and force into her pussy.

“OH GAWD DAVID, I’M CUMMING, OH MY GAWD, I’M CUMMING SO DAMN HARD,” she says to me as I feel her wetness coat my cock, balls, and pelvis.

I continue to fuck her.

She cums a second time, “OH HOLY HELL, DAVID I’M CUMMING AGAIN. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DO TO ME TO MAKE ME CUM THIS HARD?” she asks me before she rolls into orgasm number three.

“OH, MY GAWD, HERE I CUM AGAIN,” she says as her eyes roll to the back of her head and her body just keeps spasming over and over on my cock.

Finally, after three big orgasms, I feel my own approaching. Something catches my eye just as I’m about to cum. I see Dakota holding Anita’s hand and they both are standing in my doorway smiling. I hear Dakota say, “See, I told you so,” making Anita smile even more.

“OH, GAWD MOM, HERE I CUM,” I say as I shoot rope after rope into her wonderful pussy. It takes me a couple of minutes to collect myself. As I do, Dakota brings Anita over to me and tells me that once I have recovered, she wants Anita to get a turn. I just smile, guess Sharon was right after all.

I roll off Mom. Dakota takes Anita over to the other play bed and playfully pushes her onto the bed. I get up and walk over to Anita and ask, “Are you sure. I’m not trying to force anything on you, besides what goes on here is just for us. It has nothing to do with your job,”

“Shut up and just fuck me, boss,” she says smiling the whole time. I begin to slide down to begin lapping at her womanhood, but she blocks me and tells me she just wants to be fucked.

I change positions and put my cock at the entrance to her womanhood. I slowly slide in inch by inch allowing her body to adjust to my size. Almost immediately, she begins to moan and spasm underneath me. I put her ankles on my shoulders and begin to thrust myself into her repeatedly. She begins to tell me to fuck her harder and harder. I keep increasing my thrusts until I reach Sasha-mode. She is writhing and thrusting into me as hard as she can. I lean down and kiss her passionately. She slips my tongue into my mouth.

I feel her teeth gently grab my bottom lip.


I keep fucking her hard and she rolls into orgasm number two, “FUCK ME. HOLY HELL, THIS IS AMAZING,” as she spasms underneath me again.

I feel my own body begin to mark its own orgasm. “Darling, should I pull out?” I ask.

“No, I can’t have babies anymore, so cum all you want in me,” she says almost out of breath.

I feel my orgasm moments away, “OH HELL, ANITA YOU FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD,” I say to her.

We both kiss as I thrust all I have into her. It feels as if I’m shooting a gallon of man juice into her. After I finish my orgasm, she kisses me passionately and puts her arms around me and pulls me in tightly to her.

We lay in each other’s arms for quite a while. Finally, she gets up and heads into the bathroom to clean up. I hear her say, “Oh my goodness, this is the largest bathroom that I’ve ever seen,” I just smile and get up to join her in the shower where we have another round of sex albeit a bit less forceful this time as we needed to be careful not to slip and fall in the shower.

When we were done, we dried each other off and headed back into the bedroom where I found Sharon waiting for me. I just smiled as Anita left the bedroom, which I thought she was probably heading to her new car to drive home.

Sharon pulls me to a play bed and says, “I just knew you wouldn’t’ be able to keep your hands off of her,” she says smiling at me before she pushes me on my back and mounts me for some great sex.

Life for me has been great since I became a chauffeur with Jill that night.



2019-04-13 03:12:57
great story!

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