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As the rest of the week wore on, Mom went into high gear
The Chauffeur (#37) Time for A Party


Copyright 2019


As the rest of the week wore on, Mom went into high gear prepping for our FBI party on Saturday. She had both Bobby and Sammy sitting down multiple times with her going over the food list, making changes each time she sat with them. At some point, I just told them privately that it’s her first west coast party and she wants it to be a big success. The chefs were both cool about the whole thing saying that they completely understood.

Anita showed up at the office every day with a smile on her face. We didn’t play anymore since her first day, but it was nice to see the change from someone who felt like life was kicking the heck out of her to someone that was again enjoying life.

I had Dakota drive me back home one day and we made a small detour to drive past Anita’s home. We saw a lawn service outside mowing, trimming, edging and generally cleaning up her yard. Her new car was parked safely in her carport with a cover on it. I just smiled knowing that because of Dr. Ronda I was able to help someone that could use a bit of sunshine in their life.

Back at the Chateau, it appeared to me that both CG boys seemed to be smitten with the porn twins. If the four of them weren’t coming back from being out together, they were over at the pool house with them. Allison, on the other hand, was working like a woman possessed. Virtually every time that she was at the house, Allison had the studio running, no matter if it was early morning, afternoon, evening or even middle of the night. One evening at dinner time, I went over to the studio to find a frazzled Allison.

“Darling, why don’t you come into the house and have dinner with all of us. Your presence is missed,” I say to her.

“No, I’ve got to get this shot done and then I’ll come inside,” she tells me in a manner that makes me wonder if maybe I have put too much on her with our financial dealings.

I put a call into Agent Fernandez’s boss about the guest list. After we chatted for about a half hour, he gave me a more realistic guest list number….215. I thanked him and let him know that I expected him, his wife and ALL his grandchildren to be at the house, with their swim attire for one heck of a party.

I passed on the new number to Mom, Sammy, and Bobby. Their reactions were as I suspected that the huge increase of the number meant more grocery shopping, although I felt that 65 pounds of ribs should handle the guests, alas I’m not planning the whole thing.

Daily a couple of ladies had their way with me, not that I was complaining. Dakota encouraged Anita that first night with Sharon handling me in follow-up duties. The next day BJ and Danni collected their ‘rain check’ taking me to orgasm-town repeatedly. In my mind at least, BJ seemed much more relaxed about Danni being there. John and I couldn’t get over the resemblance to that of our lovely Tina.

I called our lovely Tina to check on her. She’s doing fine. She’s progressing through classes at Arizona State University. She’s taking care of her Mother and she is seeing someone from school who Mom approves of, which made me smile. I passed on the information to Dakota, John/Diane, Jennifer, and Amy all of whom was happy to hear that she is doing so well.

Out of the blue, when I came home one evening Amy tells me that there’s a gift in my bedroom for me. Of course, I was thinking that she meant a gift, like something that I would unwrap and like and put on a shelf. However, was I sandbagged. Waiting for me was Dr. Ronda to collect payment on my tab. Oh, she wanted to be unwrapped and after an hour or so of playing, Amy came in and joined us. Something about horny women wanting you right when you get home that really can make a bad day wonderful.

On Thursday night, Mom sent Fred to pick up a super-stretch limo. She collected all the ladies who declared that they needed a new swimsuit, including my wife. Fred drove the chattering group. First, he took them to an upscale shop on Rodeo Drive, nothing for them there. After that he took them to 4 other upscale shops, no one liked anything they offered. Finally, Fred suggested a quaint boutique out towards Pasadena. They all agreed and off he went. The drive took nearly an hour as he was at the end of going home traffic. When he arrived at the shop, he pulled up and everyone got out and went inside. Every single lady found a swimsuit that they liked. Of course, all with Mom’s approval. Much to my own liking Jill, Jennifer, Sharon, and Belinda all picked out very skimpy bikinis. Dakota chose a more conservative one piece as did Diane. BJ and Danni both chose bikinis but nowhere as skimpy as the other ladies. Amy was the wildcard of the group. She bought a conservative one piece; however, it really wasn’t that conservative as in the right light you could see through it. Mom did pick out a second suit for her just in case I didn’t approve for the Saturday festivities, but Amy was determined to keep the first suit anyways.

I wasn’t sure why, but neither Kim nor Kay participated. Maybe it was because I let Mark Newberg go since he never found his way to the Hawk to work as I had asked repeatedly. Before the end of the week, Kim and Kay had moved out of the Chateau. They still came to work, but clearly, there was a separation of thought.

All the ladies were very happy with their new swimsuit choices. Once again, Fred came to the rescue!

When they returned home, it was like Christmas morning and all the kids were clamoring about how happy they were with their new prize.

I happily accepted kisses from every woman on the trip, many also kissed Fred. Allison didn’t attend the shopping, once again telling everyone that she had work to finish. I made my way over to the studio. She was viewing lots of films and didn’t even realize that I was standing in front of her she was so engrossed in her work.

“Allison, what’s going on here? You’re working like a woman possessed,” I say to her.

“I need to make sure that I can pay the rent,” she tells me sounding quite frazzled.

“Darling, you’re not enjoying doing this. Maybe I’ve put too much stress on you by expecting you to pay rent. Let’s change our deal. How about you go to rent-free for one year. At the end of that year, we will revisit our agreement and you and I will come to a more amicable agreement,” I say to her.

She erupts with a litany of tears.

“But I didn’t want you to think that I can’t do this,” she says.

“Why would you think that? Clearly, you are hardworking, industrious, and now you’re not enjoying what you are doing. Do you even realize that you missed a shopping trip for a new swimsuit with all the other ladies? They wanted new suits for the Saturday party,” I say to her.

She just sobs on my shoulder.

“David, I was just going to work through the Saturday party,” Allison says between the tears.

“Darling, I wouldn’t have allowed you to work when the FBI and all their families, including children, we're going to be here. It just wouldn’t look good to have a porn studio working when lots of children were here. Now, c’mon let’s pack it up for the day and come back inside the house with me,” I tell her. She looks defeated. I kiss her and gently tug her towards the front door of the studio.

We walk hand in hand back to the main house. I stop, go back and check the front door, which she left unlocked. I reach around the door and lock it, pulling it tightly closed. I check it to make sure it is locked, which it is. Allison begins to object, but I won’t hear of it. She is done working until next week.

We go inside and Sammy has his tasty fresh fish spread on Ritz crackers. Bobby has lasagna in the oven. The entire house smells wonderful. All the ladies are buzzing around chattering about their swimsuits. I see Allison smile, but not participate in the conversation.

“Allison, darling, do you have a swimsuit for Saturday?” Jill asks.

“Um, no not one that David and you would approve of. I guess I should have joined everyone, but……never mind……. I just missed the trip,” she says in a defeated tone to Jill.

“Then come with me,” she tells Allison.

They head out to the garage, get in Jill’s Mercedes and head out. Before she leaves the courtyard, she texts me that she is taking Allison swimsuit shopping.

I see John getting a salad for Diane, along with a bottle of water. He also gets a plate of salad for Dakota as well, which garners him a smooch on the cheek.

I really see a different John from just a few months ago. He has matured, he is mindful, and he really is showing care and concern for our pregnant ladies which makes me smile.


Jill and Allison are gone for about three hours. When they returned, I saw a different Allison. They had gone back to the shop that Fred took them to. Allison had picked out two different suits. One was a conservative one piece for the Saturday party. The other was a very small, skimpy bikini that she bought to wear just for me.

Friday also brought another shopping trip. This time Amy took her car to Sam’s club to get large amounts of items needed. Jill also joined in heading to Costco for their large amounts of items. Dakota took Bobby to a specific butcher shop to get another 50 pounds of meat. Sammy ordered a third grill along with grill utensils. When the grill was delivered on Friday, he had it put next to another grill against the house.

Work during the week was mundane. Although, Rob our IT guy called me saying that he received a FedEx envelope that had stock certificates of Jaxson, Inc. stock. He was shocked and began to tell me that he was unsure why he got such a bonus. I dismissed his reasoning and told him that Jill and I appreciated all that he has done for us and the company.

Thankfully, our lady Aurora had her cleaning service arrive. She had a total of 16 people come to the house to scrub, vacuum, do windows and make the house look and smell pretty. The did all the laundry using both sets of washer/dryers. They kicked Bobby and Sammy out of the kitchens for a couple of hours so they could be scrubbed from top to bottom.

I called Aurora and thanked her for sending the ‘troops’ to clean the house for tomorrow’s party. I invited her. She said she would ‘try’ to make it. I was curious as to what she meant, but I was way too engrossed in getting everything ready for tomorrow

Mom was in overdrive. She made list after list of food and times she wanted things ready. I sat down with her asking her to try to relax as a Mom having a stroke was not what anyone wanted. Fred agreed. Mom tried to settle down a bit, but she did say that she gets that way when she gets into party planning mode.

It dawned on me that I didn’t think that we had enough bbq people. If Bobby and Sammy were going to be inside in the kitchens doing their thing, who was going to handle all the BBQ? At first, I thought that John could take care of it, but with all the new meat being added to the equation, we needed some help.

“Hey Bobby, is there anyone you guys know of that I can hire for tomorrow’s party that can handle the BBQ? We have three grills and only John who can handle one of them,” I ask.

I know of several guys that can handle all the grilling that we need to be done. Let’s let your guy John have the day off and not spend it working hard and grilling all that meat. Let me make some phone calls. What time would you like them here?” He asks me.

“Well, maybe by 10 am. I want to make sure that the grills are all primed and up to temperature. Do you and Sammy need any pans to marinate any of the ribs or other meat that you guys just bought?” I ask.

“I’ll make the calls and have them all here by 10 am. Sammy already bought all the big tinfoil pans to marinate in. We’ve made several different types of BBQ sauce, we have a Jamaican marinade, we have two Asian marinades, and two of our ‘secret’ bbq marinades. We’ll be putting all of this in the empty refrigerator in the big kitchen and if we need additional room, we’ll incorporate the third kitchen as there is no food in either of the two refrigerators in that kitchen,” he tells me.

“Any idea what they will cost? I want to make sure they are well compensated for their hard work,” I say to Bobby.

“No worries, they will probably work for about 12-15 dollars an hour,” he tells me.

“On a side note, can you and Sammy make tons of macaroni salad and potato salad? I love both of them and when I grew up they were both staples to any outdoor event my family had,” I say.

“We already have that working. If you look in the big refrigerator in the big kitchen, you’ll find several bowls of macaroni salad, potato salad, and coleslaw. We also have several large pots ready to make corn on the cob and baked beans. We have three different salads for our pregnant trio along with any of the wives or teenage daughters who prefer salad. I’m thankful you got a more realistic number of expected guests. We had to have several cases of soft drinks and water delivered yesterday. Dakota ordered us a refrigerated truck full of ice, as we have no idea how many bags we will consume, but we think it will be a whole lot,” he explains to me.

Bobby went on to say, “John ordered about 30 large coolers to put soda and water into and cover with ice. He said he would take care of all of that early in the morning.”

“Bobby please make the calls to the guys you know that can handle the grilling. I agree with you that John doesn’t need to be handling the cooking, he needs to just needs to learn how to be a good host,” I tell Bobby.

At this point, I felt like the train was on the right tracks and it was chugging down the line towards its destination.

My phone buzzed. It was Special Agent Fernandez.

“Hey Jose, what’s up?” I say in a cheerful manner.

“I’m just checking in with you to see if I can help in any way,” he tells me.

“Just bring your wife Mariana and your ass here about noon tomorrow. Oh, and I spoke with your boss, he gave me a much, much larger number than what they had you telling me. The new number is now 215. This is more the number that I anticipated,” I tell him.

“Um, well it’s grown since you chatted with my boss. It’s now closer to 250. Unfortunately, when law enforcement hears of free food they become like ants to a picnic,” he tells me.

“Jose, no worries. I have a high society lady planning everything. I have two chefs that already are expecting close to 300 guests. I have three guys showing up tomorrow morning to start grilling ribs and steaks. We have over 30 coolers that will be filled with soda and water. There will be a large ice truck parked in the courtyard and we have nearly 200 pounds of ribs and another 150 pounds of steaks. No chicken, no pork, unless you tell me that we need to have some chicken,” I say to him.

While I was chatting with him, it dawned on me that we might have to plan for trash and trash disposal. When I went from the living room to the dining room, I see Sammy and John moving the table out away from the wall. They are also moving all the dining chairs to line the walls of the living room and the TV room. It made me wonder how we are going to display all the food. However, Mom had already addressed that, and she had several foldup tables already purchased and stored in the garage. John began carrying them in and Mom was directing where she wanted them. Many of them she wanted outside. Several of them she had lining the two pool houses. She chatted with the porn twins and the CG boys to make sure that they locked their door and it stayed locked during the party. She suggested that they put an overnight bag together and pick a bedroom, so they won’t be tempted to go back into their pool house while the guests were here.

I pulled up the local weather to check on tomorrow’s forecast. It was supposed to be low 70’s, virtually no humidity, and a gentle breeze out of the west. All in all, a perfect forecast.

Oddly, I saw both Kim and Kay leaving with a couple of overnight bags.

“Hey, are you guys leaving?” I ask them.

“Yeah, we’re going to spend the weekend with a couple of friends. David, we thank you for the career opportunity, but we are going to move out after the weekend, we don’t want to interrupt your party. We will still be working for you, but we won’t be living with you any longer,” Kay tells me.

“Well, ladies I’m sorry to see you go, but you’re both adult women and you need to do what you feel is in your best interest. I do thank you for not moving out during the party,” I tell them. Although they do good work, I’m certain in my mind that letting Mark Newberg, their uncle, go pushed this agenda.

I realized that I was hungry. I called Sharon over and asked if she would like to go out for dinner.

“Who else is going?” She asked expecting me to list a litany of women.

“No, just you and I. We haven’t talked much lately so I thought that I would ask,” I tell her.

“Give me five minutes and I’ll be ready,” she says heading down the hall to her bedroom.

Sure enough, five minutes later she’s standing in front of me looking quite sexy. She’s wearing a slender pair of jeans and a guy’s white long-sleeved dress shirt that is knotted at the waistline. She’s wearing a pair of white Ked’s sneakers.

I let Jill know we’re heading out to dinner. I do ask if she would like to join, but she declines to say she has too much work that needs to be done before Monday.

We get into her car and she heads out. I ask if she has a restaurant in mind.

“Would Longhorn be OK? Or would you prefer Outback?” She asks.

“Longhorn would be wonderful,” I tell her. She accelerates through traffic and it only takes about 20 minutes to get to Longhorn.

We were lucky to find a parking spot only steps from the front entrance door.

She clutches my arm as we head inside. We tell the hostess a table for two, she takes us to a quaint little table close to the back of the dining room.

I hold the chair out for Sharon and seat myself next to her but not before she gently grabs my hand and kisses me. I respond in kind.

“Darling, why did you want to go out to dinner with me? There are lots of beautiful ladies at your home that would most certainly go out to dinner with you, starting with your gal Dakota,” Sharon says to me.

“What, am I not allowed to go out with you and have a great meal and nice conversation?” I ask.

“Of course, you do, but I worry that you’re getting bored of seeing me all the time. You see me at work, then when we get home you see me some more,” she says.

“Well, at work I only get to see you with your clothes on,” I say smiling.

She playfully slaps my shoulder.

“Wouldn’t that raise some eyebrows, you are having your way with me either on my desk or on a conference room table with the blinds open,” she says to me smiling as well.

“When would you like to try it?” I playfully ask her.

Again, she playfully slaps my shoulder, but this time she leans in and follows it up with a kiss.

I feel her hand caressing my leg under the table. I also feel my cock beginning to stir.

“Darling, if you keep doing that, we won’t make it to dessert,” I say to her feeling her hand now caressing my cock through my pants.

“Mmmm, thinking of you being dessert gets me wet,” she says to me licking her lips.

“You just want me to have a wet spot on my pants as we leave, don’t you?” I ask smiling and feeling her hand continuing to stroke my cock through my pants.

She asks again, “Why did you want to have dinner with me?”

I pause, take a drink of water and begin, “Sharon, we just lost Mark Newberg. He refused to come to the Hawk to work and thus I had to let him go. His nieces Kim and Kay are moving out of the Chateau after this weekend’s party. I hear you bought a new swimsuit for, I’m anxious to see you in it, and who knows, maybe after the party see you out of it,” I say to her smiling.

She continues to rub my cock underneath the table. The waitress comes over and asks for our order. I order my usual cheesy shrimp. Sharon orders the Red Rock Shrimp with steamed broccoli. I order the exact same thing only I want my broccoli intentionally overcooked with a squeeze of lemon on it. The waitress thanks us and leaves the table.

The entire time the waitress was taking our order, Sharon had her hand massaging me. The waitress gave us an odd little smile. I wasn’t sure if she knew what Sharon’s hand was doing or if she was just trying to be polite. I guess the former as waitresses don’t usually miss much and most have some wild tales of what they have seen in their years of serving customers.

“Sharon, my darling, I’m going to have to depend on you to help Rob our IT guy out on this massive project that I’ve given him. It turns out that there are people on the Jaxson, Inc. payroll that no longer work for us. Someone either singular or plural have not eliminated terminated people. The one that brought attention to me and Rob was someone that quit in Dallas at our restaurant district office. Unknown to me he was dating one of our HR ladies in Dallas and she never terminated him in our system. Rob and I don’t think that this is a one-time case. We both believe that there are more, possibly many more. However, we have over 65,000 employees amongst all the brands so we will need an army of people that we can trust to help verify each employee that we pay,” I explain to her.

“WOW, and here I thought you just wanted me for my body…haha,” she says giggling to me trying to lighten the mood a bit.

She adds, “Well, it’s a good thing that you sold off the horse tracks then. They should be easy to verify that they have been removed from the payroll,” telling me in a serious manner.

“See! That’s great thinking. I had not even considered the employees of the horse tracks that we no longer own,” I say to her. I pause the conversation for a moment to text Rob about Sharon’s comment.

My text to Rob reads: “Before you get too deep into this project, it has come to my attention that we should match-up the current payroll records with all the employees of the multiple horse tracks that we have sold to make sure all of those former employees have been terminated from our system”

As I make the text to Rob, our appetizer arrives. Sharon digs right in taking a couple of the cheesy shrimp. In my head, I hoped that she would leave me a couple as this is one of my favorite appetizers. As I finish with the text, I push three cheesy shrimp onto my appetizer plate. Sharon takes one of her cheesy shrimps and playfully feeds it to me. I smile and gladly open my mouth for the forkful.

As I’m finishing the shrimp, my phone buzzes with a text: “Don’t you ever sleep? It’s nearly midnight here in NY. I’ll begin checking when I get up tomorrow, which means you’ll be paying me OT. Hope that’s OK. GOODNIGHT!”

I texted back: “OT approved. Goodnight.”

I put my phone back in my pocket. “I’m sorry about that darling. I wanted to text Rob what you said. Unfortunately, I forget that he’s on NY time and here I am in California on West Coast time. He was in bed trying to sleep and I woke him.

“OH, he must be really happy with you about now,” Sharon says to me giggling a bit.

“Can we talk some more business before you tell me about this exciting new swimsuit you got for yourself?” I ask her.

“Sure. You know you can have anything you want with me,” she says smiling her beautiful smile. She is still rubbing my cock, which is now hard as a rock with her delightful fingers stroking it through my pants. Thankfully, I have dark pants on.

“Sharon, this verification project will take some time. Maybe as long as a month. With the group that I put on the project yesterday, Rob will still need at least another 25-30 people that we can trust. That’s the key, they must be people that we can trust. I know that we have lots of people in our employ, but we need to seek out the most reputable employees to help make this project work,” I say to her in a serious manner, even though she continues to rub my cock.

“What about the auditing department. Maybe there are a couple we could pirate away for this project. Or, how about any brand-new employees, ones that started this week. They wouldn’t know anyone, so to make sure they are doing a good job, they would be thorough,” Sharon suggests.

“WOW am I glad I took you to dinner. Those are wonderful ideas!” I say to her.

I pull out my phone but then put it back in my pocket remembering that Rob was trying to get some sleep.

As I lean in and kiss Sharon, our dinner arrives. I look down at my appetizer plate and wonder where all my cheesy shrimp went. Sharon’s plate was empty as well. How the heck did we eat our appetizer and not remember it? I only remember eating the one that Sharon stuffed into my mouth, but apparently, I ate more while I was peering into Sharon’s beautiful eyes.

One of the things that I love about their Red Rock shrimp is the garlic butter that comes along to dip the shrimp into. However, I usually ask for a second one to pour over the bed of rice that the shrimp sit on top of. I order one for Sharon as well. When the server leaves the table, I tell her that when the server brings the second one, to pour it over the bed of rice and the rice will go from OK to delicious. Sharon smiles at me and continues to rub my cock.

Thankfully, Sharon takes her hand off my cock to pick up her utensils and eat her dinner. This will give my cock a few minutes of respite.

“David, you know how I feel about you. But I’ve been trying to figure out how to say something to you that’s important to me,” she says in a serious manner. This statement makes me a bit nervous.

“Sharon, just say it,” I tell her.

“How would you feel if I started to see someone? Would that bother you? Would you make me move out of the Chateau?” Sharon asks obviously nervous.

“Darling, you should be dating. I’m married, so other than work and being part of the playgroup, what is our future? Of course, I do not want you to think that you are to move out of the house. I do want to protect you; may I ask you some questions about this guy?” I say in a serious manner.

Sharon takes a drink of her water and a deep breath before she answers me, “Well, I’ve been chatting with one of the FBI agents that were assigned to cover the house the past few days. His name is Don. He seems nice. So far we have only talked. We haven’t gone out yet, we haven’t kissed, heck we haven’t done anything except chat through text and email,” she tells me. Clearly, she is smitten with this guy and being that he’s been guarding the Chateau he must have a good reputation with Special Agent Fernandez

“Should I assume that Don will be at the party tomorrow?” I ask.

“Yes, well I hope so anyway,” She says with a smile.

“Darling, I hope that he turns out to be a gentleman and will make you happy,” I say to her. She leans into and kisses me before whispering in my ear, “I think that he may be a candidate to join the playgroup. He told me that a couple of girlfriends ago he played around in the swinger lifestyle. He felt the need to tell me so that I wouldn’t be surprised nor mad when I found out,” Sharon says smiling.

“Really? I guess he’s good at keeping secrets then, working for the FBI and having an agent that used to live the swing lifestyle, nice!” I say to Sharon.

We both eat our dinner and continue the conversation. Just listening to her and imagining her being naked later tonight is making my cock hard again.

As we finish our main course, the server returns asking if we want dessert or the bill. Sharon says that I will be her dessert tonight causing the server to smile and leave the bill in one of those little booklets.

I pull out my credit card and put it in the top half of the book and set it out for the server to take.

She comes by, takes the book and returns in just a couple of minutes with everything totaled out and waiting for the tip, the total, and my signature.

As I sign the receipt, I notice that my copy of the receipt has some writing on the back of it. I turn it over and it says Missy Jones and lists her phone number. I show it to Sharon who just laughs and says that she’ll say something to the server.

“Excuse me, Miss Jones. May I have a moment with you,” Sharon says to our server.

“Yes Ma’am,” she says

“Did you leave this message on the back of our receipt?” She asks.

Nervously, our server admits she did leave the message.

“Was it for him or me or both of us?” Sharon asks now smiling.

“Well….kind of for both of you. I’ve never been this bold before. I think that both of you are sexy and with you stroking him under the table all through the meal, well that just made me horny and want to get to know you guys more. I hope it wasn’t too forward of me?” Our server asks.

“What time do you get off work?” Sharon asks.

“In about 10 minutes,” Missy tells us.

I pipe in, “You have some side work to do before leaving?”

“Yes, I have to roll a box of silverware. Usually takes me about 8-10 minutes. Why do you ask?” Missy inquires.

“Well, we would like to invite you home with us, but I have to warn you, we have lots of players in David’s home,” Sharon says causing Missy to be confused.

“Just do you side work and we’ll take you to my house,” I say to her.

“But I have my own car. If you give me your address or want to wait, I’ll do the side work as fast as I have ever done and can follow you home if that’s OK with both of you,” Missy says.

In my head, I sense threesome. I just smile and tell her to get cracking on that side work. True to her word, it only takes 7 minutes to roll an entire tray of silverware.

She comes over to the table and tells us to ‘lead the way’ as the three of us leave the restaurant together.

I see Missy head over to a fairly new Ford Fiesta. She gets in and pulls up next to Sharon’s car and we all head off towards the house.


On the way to the house, I call Jill to let her know about Missy and what happened at the restaurant.

“Only you my darling, could go to a restaurant with one beautiful lady and another one wants to come home with both of you,” Jill says laughing the whole time.

“Well, we will be home shortly. I just wanted to give you a head’s up,” I tell Jill.

“See you soon with your new gal,” Jill says giggling still.

While I was on the phone with Jill, Missy and Sharon chatted about where the house is located giving Missy the address in case, she loses us due to a traffic light.

We head out towards the house with Missy right behind us. Sharon doesn’t push any yellow lights like she normally would. Finally, we turn down our street and stop at the gate. Sharon puts in the code and the gate opens allowing Sharon to scoot through and Missy as well before it shuts behind her car.

I was glad to see Missy understood that she needed to be right on Sharon’s bumper or the gate would close on her car.

Sharon parks her car in the garage as usual. Missy follows us into the garage and parks next to Sharon’s car.

We all get out of our vehicles. Sharon goes over to Missy and kisses her. A surprised Missy responds immediately. Sharon pushes Missy back onto the hood of her Fiesta and begins to take her blouse off of her. I reach around from behind Sharon and begin to remove her blouse as well. Sharon expertly unhooks Missy’s bra letting it lay next to her on the hood of the car.

I unhook Sharon’s bra letting it fall to the garage floor. Sharon begins the process of removing Missy’s pants and panties. I mirror the process on Sharon, again letting the pants and panties fall to the garage floor. In just moments, I’m the only one with any clothes on, but my cock is rock hard waiting to get to Sharon after she teased it all through dinner.

Sharon puts her tongue inside of Missy’s accepting mouth. I begin to take my own clothes off since neither lady is really paying any attention to me. I don’t take long as my cock is aching to get to Sharon. I begin to kiss Sharon on the back of her neck. By this time Sharon has moved down to Missy’s C-cup breasts that are topped with a beautiful brown areola and nipple.

She begins sucking one then the other. She feels my hard cock as it rubs up against her delightful ass. I push her face down onto Missy. I reach down and rub my cock between Sharon’s legs lining it up with her glorious love hole.

Missy is now writing underneath Sharon’s talented tongue. I also see that Sharon has inserted two fingers into Missy’s pussy. She is thrusting in and out of her causing Missy to orgasm repeatedly.

As she is doing that, I insert myself into Sharon, who stops for just a second to tell me that I feel wonderful. She turns to Missy and tells her that she will so happy when I fuck her as well. Missy just smiles as she is really enjoying Sharon and her thrusting fingers.

Sharon inserts a third finger causing Missy to yelp a bit. I whisper into Sharon’s ear, “Is she tight?” Sharon just gives me a moan of yes.

I am thrusting into Sharon. Sharon is thrusting into Missy and she is now cumming copious amounts of lady juice all over the hood of her own car. I feel Sharon’s body shudder as I continue to fuck her.

“OH GAWD DAVID, I’M CUMMING SO HARD ON YOUR BEAUTIFUL COCK, PLEASE DON’T STOP, PLEASE,” she says as I feel my cock, balls, and thighs getting wet from Sharon.

Missy reaches her first huge orgasm, “OH FUCK ME, THIS IS WHAT I WAS HOPING WOULD HAPPEN. OH FUCK, I’M CUMMING AGAIN,” she says as I see her eyes begin to roll to the back of her head while Sharon continues to thrust her fingers in and out of Missy.

Sharon hits another big orgasm, “DAVID, OH MY GAWD, DAVID I LOVE YOU SO DAMN MUCH,” she says as I feel her body spasm on my cock. As she begins to regain her senses, I withdraw my cock from Sharon and step around her to Missy. Sharon takes my still hard, but very wet cock and guides it into Missy.

I slowly enter her, not wanting to hurt her. She gasps a bit as she feels my girth enter her wet but tight pussy. Sharon turns my head and kisses me passionately. I feel her fingers caressing my ass, which feels wonderful as I am now fully into Missy.

Gently fucking Missy, she keeps writhing and spasming underneath me. I keep pushing my cock into her as deep as I can get, causing her to make sounds as if she’s having one long orgasm.

I have to be a bit careful as I feel the pool of cum dripping off her car bumper at my feet. Sharon directs me, “Oh, David fuck her, fuck her good. Make her join the club,” she says. I hear that and just smile for Missy has no idea what Sharon is talking about, but quite frankly I’m not sure she is even coherent enough to care.

I pick up my pace thrusting my manhood into her repeatedly. I hear the distinct sound of her breathing changing. I am thrusting harder and harder.

And then it happens, just as Sharon wanted. Missy’s whole body goes completely limp. There is no breathing and no response from her name being called. However, before I can adjust to slap her awake, Sharon takes care of it. Missy takes in a huge gulp of air. Her eyes open and clearly, she is in a state of bewilderment as to what just happened to her.

“Darling, welcome to the club,” Sharon says to Missy.

“What club?” she asks.

“The Fucked Unconscious Club,” she tells Missy.

“What happened? I passed out?” She asks.

Sharon explains, “No darling, David fucked you unconscious. He fucked you so that you orgasmed so hard that you ended up going unconscious. You didn’t pass out, you went unconscious,” smiling as she tells Missy.

“Is that why I feel so amazing?” Missy asks.

“Oh yes dear, you’ll want to feel that way every time you have sex, no matter who you are fucking,” Sharon tells Missy. Missy puts her arms around my neck and pulls her face up to be even with mine and kisses me very passionately. I respond, but I still have my cock inside of her.

I break from the kiss.

“Darling, I’m about to cum. Should I pull out?” I ask Missy.

“No need, I’m on birth control,” she says to me in a soft voice.

She tells me that just in the nick of time as my body begins its own orgasm.

“OH, GAWD DAMN MISSY, YOU FEEL SO WONDERFUL, I say as I shoot cum deep inside of her. It takes a couple of minutes but as I regain my senses and pull out of Missy, Sharon leans over and licks my cock clean. She purrs at the taste of me and Missy all mixed on my manhood.

Missy just lays back on her hood enjoying what just happened.

“Should I go now?” she asks.

“GO? Hell no, you haven’t even met everyone and played with anyone except Sharon and me,” I say to her. She seems a bit confused. I put my hand out and help her off the hood. Sharon begins to put her own clothes back on. Missy takes the cue and begins to redress as well. I put my boxers and pants back on but leave my shirt off. The three of us walk towards the door to get us inside the house.

As we step inside the house, Sharon is grinning from ear to ear. “Missy, how did you like joining the club?” She says to Missy as they walk hand in hand with me following them.

“Oh, my goodness, I think he just wrecked me. I want that now every time I’m with someone. Um, what did you say your name is?” She asks turning around to look at me.

“David. David Greene,” I say to her.

“No way. You’re not the David Greene I see on the TV, are you?” Missy asks.

“Well, I’m not an actor or movie star if that’s what you're referring to,” I say even though I know what she’s talking about. I’m just trying to be a bit cheesy.

“No. I’ve seen you on those business financial shows during the day. You even were on with that crazy guy, John, no, Jim something,” she says to me.

“Oh, you mean Jim Cramer. Yes, I was on his show,” I tell her as we finally make it to the kitchen. Bobby and Sammy are working hard preparing for tomorrow.

Sammy tells me that they have arranged for 6 guys to come to handle the grilling. The reason for 6 is because there is so much meat that they will be working in pairs. This way they will be much more efficient, plus if there are any special requests, such as really rare or well-done steaks they can be handled without causing any issues.

Both John and Diane are in the kitchen, eating something that one of the chefs prepared. John’s plate was about half empty and Diane’s plate was about 75% full.

I introduce Missy to everyone. Both chefs just nod and politely tell her that they are extremely busy right now or they would properly welcome her. She just smiles and tells them that there is no problem.

I see Jennifer and Allison sitting and chatting at the dining room table. I walk Missy over to them and make introductions with Jennifer making a joke directed towards me, “David, only you go with one lady and come back with two. How does that happen? Do you have a magic wand or something?” She says smiling.

“Oh, he’s got a magic wand alright,” both Sharon and Allison say in unison.

Jill comes around the corner wearing only her cute lacy blue panties and one of my white tee shirts.

“Hey, look it's my slut of a husband ha, ha,” she says smiling and giggling.

Jill comes over and kisses me passionately. When we break from the kiss, she sticks her hand out and introduces herself to Missy who replies, “Of course I know who you are. You’ve been on TV a couple of times as well. You look even more beautiful in person than you do on TV,” Missy says to Jill, causing Jill to smile even larger.

“Have you three played already?” Jennifer asks.

Sharon answers, “Yep, in the garage and we have a new member of the club,” she says smiling. Missy is a bit red-faced. She’s still a bit unsure of being a member of the club.

Allison and Jennifer both get up off the dining room chairs that they were sitting on and begin lightly touching Missy, who isn’t sure what is going on. Sharon leans into Missy’s ear and says, “Just go with it, you’ll enjoy both of them,” smiling as she is telling this to Missy.

Allison begins to slowly undress Missy. Jennifer begins a deep passionate kiss and Missy responds, although I’m sure she never had a glimpse of an idea that she would have a threesome on the hood of her car nor be undressed in a dining room of someone’s house.

Jill leans into my ear and asks, “Well, how was she?”

“Delightful. You should see the puddle in front of her car in the garage. I think we may have a new addition to the playgroup,” I say to Jill who is rubbing my cock through my pants. Sharon reaches around me and unclasps my pants letting them just fall to the floor.

Jill kneels in front of me taking my hard cock into her wet mouth. I feel her gag just a little bit as my cock touches her uvula. Sharon now joins Jill in front of me and begins to help Jill give me a delightful blowjob.

I see Allison and Jennifer gently put Missy on her back on the dining room table. Sammy accidentally bumps into me. I ask both ladies to stand up and move this to our bedroom to allow Sammy and Bobby to work.

As we pass the ladies in the dining room, Jill grabs Jennifer’s hand and tells her for the three of them to follow us.

Allison and Missy follow a step behind Jennifer who is tickling Sharon’s cute ass as we all head towards Jill and my bedroom.

As we all step inside, I hear Missy gasp. She follows it up with, “This is bigger than my whole apartment, and it is just your bedroom?” She stops at the doorway before Allison pulls her into the room and pushes her down on her back on one of the play beds.

Jill and Sharon tell me to lay on my back so they can get to my hard cock and my tongues with little to no effort. Jill climbs onto my hard cock and impales herself. Sharon climbs on top of my face lowering her womanhood to my waiting tongue. As I’m licking on Sharon, Jill is rocking back and forth on my manhood. We stay like that for several minutes. Sharon coats my face and tongue with her sweet woman juice. I feel several small orgasms from Jill, but I know that a large orgasm is just right around the corner.

Over on the other play bed, I hear Missy announcing her large orgasm. “OH MY GAWD, I DON’T REMEMBER YOU NAMES BUT YOU TWO ARE MAKING ME CUM OVER AND OVER AGAIN. FUCK MEEEEEE!” She says loudly.

I keep licking and sucking on Sharon who reaches her own large orgasm, “OH DAVID, I LOVE IT WHEN YOU LICK ME TO AN ORGASM. KEEP GOING, DON’T STOP, PLEASE, PLEASE DON’T STOP!” Sharon begs.

Jill just keeps rocking back and forth on my cock. I feel her pussy clamp around my cock and spasm again and again, yet no large orgasm erupts just yet.

Without being able to see, I hear Allison reach a pinnacle as well, “OH GAWD DAMN NEW GIRL, YOU HAVE A TALENTED TONGUE,” she announces to the room. Although I can’t see her reaching her peak, I know that face she has when she does reach a large orgasm. Hearing all of the cummings, I just smile and keep my licking and sucking of Sharon causing her to repeatedly orgasm and splash my face with her sweet tasting woman juice.

Jill finally reaches her own peak riding my cock telling everyone in the room how much she loves us all. She rolls through not one, not two, but three huge orgasms back to back to back. When she finally stops her orgasming, she unplugs herself from me and just takes a position lying next to me and gently rubbing my chest. With Jill no longer on my cock, Sharon moves off of my face and impales herself on my still hard cock. She is much more aggressive in fucking me than Jill was. Using her knees, she lifts her body up and drops it back down on my cock. She repeats this over and over for quite the while. She also has multiple orgasms fucking me. After what seems like quite a while, she too is sated and also rolls off of me and lays on the other side of my body with her head resting on my chest.

Jennifer, Missy, and Allison have all cum multiple times. I look over towards them and see all the beautiful ladies entangled in each other and all three asleep. My own two play partners have also fallen asleep, although Sharon has moved her head off my chest and onto a pillow. Gently, I ease myself out of bed, put on some shorts and a tee shirt and leave the room.

I head to the kitchen where I see Sammy and Bobby working furiously. They even have recruited John to carry trays of food to the third kitchen to stock the refrigerators there. I am proud of John and begin to wonder what to get him for Christmas. I have an idea for Jill and absolutely no idea for Dakota. Most everyone else I have some ideas about what to get. John and Dakota are my big question marks in my head.

“Hey guys, can you work and talk to me at the same time, or would I be upsetting your rhythm?” I ask.

“No, we’re fine David, fire away,” Sammy tells me.

“Is there anything that you need help with for tomorrow? We have a houseful of people ready to help if you need some hands,” I start with.

“No, we’re fine. John really came to our aid moving trays to the third kitchen allowing us to continue on making things,” Sammy tells me.

I just smile knowing that John saw that they needed another set of hands and he just jumped in to help.

“So, tell me a bit about the six guys you got for grilling. With over 200 people coming, 6 more cars will be a tough fit to find parking for,” I say to them.

“Sir, you need not worry. Miss Dakota has a couple of town cars picking them up tomorrow morning and bringing them here by 10,” Sammy tells me.

Again, Dakota taking care of things without even making an issue about it. Once again, my mind goes back to wondering what to get her for Christmas.

“Is everything set up outside, the coolers, the tables, the grills?” I ask.

“All set up boss. You don’t have to worry; this should be a wonderful afternoon. Just sit back and relax and enjoy your first big party,” Bobby tells me as John comes back into the kitchen to get the final couple of trays to put in the third kitchen.

I look at the clock it’s nearly 9 pm. Bobby and Sammy both wash their hands and shed their aprons.

I thank them both and head up to my office to do a couple of hours of work since tomorrow will be an event.

In my office, I turn on my laptop and see that the number of emails hasn’t gone too far out of whack. It’s sitting at a mere 650. Of course, the first thing I do is eliminate repeated emails of the same topic, that takes out about 175 bringing me down to 475. I scan through them and don’t really see anything that requires an immediate response, just lots of ‘read-only’ emails. So I begin the arduous task of working my way through them and then deleting them.

When I finally get less than 75 emails left, I rub my eyes and shut the computer off. I notice that my back is a bit sore, but I don’t know if its from all the play or if it’s from the crappy chair. I look online and find a couple of wonderful looking chairs at an office supply store. I order them, one for me and one for Jill. I realize that I don’t have my wallet and must put the whole thing on hold until I get my credit card. I get up and head back to the bedroom to retrieve my card.

When I return to the computer, it tells me that I’ve ‘timed out’, which annoys me. So, I begin again. I go to the website, load it up, select the two chairs that I want and pay for the chairs and their stupid delivery fee and set up the delivery for early next week. The delivery fee makes me think about the hotel group. Charging for small things, such as extra personal items, more towels, valet service and the such makes me think about how we might be just annoying our customers over things that really don’t bring the company any money. I send Jill an email asking her to investigate how much the add-on items bring in moneywise in the Pinetree chain. In my head, I was betting that it was a relatively small amount.

I shut off the computer, picked up my credit card, turned off the light and locked the door so no one has access to Jill and my computer while we are busy with the party. This makes me think that I should check the doors that no one needs to be in tomorrow. I head back to the bedroom, put my credit card back into my wallet, which I plan on having all the lady’s purses and all of Jill’s and my valuables in the safe in the closet. Don’t want someone pilfering. In my head, I chuckle that I wouldn’t expect anyone from the FBI to pilfer, but you never know with the kids. I grabbed my master key and the red door key and started upstairs. I left the video game room open, for obvious reasons. I made sure that the red door room was locked, which it was. I left the black door room open, since some may want to play some billiards. I locked down every other room upstairs. Coming downstairs, I again left the video game room open. I thought about all the bedrooms and decided that in the morning, I would lock down anyone’s room, such as Kim and Kay’s room that won’t be at the party. I didn’t want anyone snooping around in their room with them not here.

Once I had gotten to the level of locked doors that I felt comfortable with, I saw that Bobby and Sammy had finished and they had headed off to bed. John was sitting alone in the kitchen having a glass of something, which I assumed was probably pineapple juice. I decided to sit down with him and chat before heading to bed for the night.

“Hey John, do you think we are ready for tomorrow?” I ask.

“Yep. I think this will be a delightful afternoon. I know that it will be all the FBI agents and their families, but I think that your home will be a hit and the party will be talked about for quite a while,” John says to me.

“Well, I hope it is a success,”

“Hey boss, may I ask you something?”

“Of course, John, fire away,” I tell him.

“Diane tells me that we’re losing Kim and Kay because you fired Mark Newberg their uncle. Is that true?”

“Well, it appears so. I had asked Mark to start working out of the Hawk and he just ignored me and continued to do as he pleased. Now, John, you know that I try to be reasonable and he never made a case as to why it was easier to work from his home rather than the office,” I tell him.

“Well, he’s not going to make the kind of money that he would have made here working for you. I don’t think he’s thought that through just yet,” John says.

“What can I say, John? Sometimes people get all butt-hurt over stupid things and let their hurt feelings dictate their actions. I wish him well, but he’s not going to make the same sick money he would have made here with us. I guess I need to ask your Mom if she has anyone else she can recommend to replace Mark,”

“She does. He’s an old friend who just moved back to LA after being in Tampa, I think, he and Mom used to date a bit but then he went and fell in love with a lady that was much younger than him. He was a great husband, at least according to Mom, but she was busy whoring around on him when he was working and thus they got a divorce about a year ago. Luckily, they had no children as she really didn’t like kids,” John explains to me.

In my head, I was thinking about how Tampa came up once again. I have a restaurant manager that I need to put in charge of my project for the restaurant chain. We just bought a large office tower and need to move the district offices to it and shed all the other building and leases consolidating them. Tampa just might be my East Coast version of Los Angeles.

“John, I’m going to head off to bed. Kiss your wife for me and get some sleep yourself. Tomorrow will be an exciting yet amped up day,” I tell him.

“Hey now, we’re not husband and wife just yet,” John says smiling.

“Have you set a date yet?”

“What do you think of Christmas Eve?” John asks.

“Well, I love it, but then again, I’m a bit of a romantic. What does Diane think of it?”

“She doesn’t know yet. I haven’t asked her,” He says.

“Well, maybe that would be something you two could discuss tomorrow when you’re sitting at the pool enjoying the sun and the party,” I say to him. He gives me a quizzical look. Clearly, he didn’t think that discussing a wedding at the party would be a good idea.

I pat him on the shoulder and head off to bed. As I turn the corner to head down the hall, I see it get darker as John turns off the kitchen light.

When I push the bedroom door open, I see Jill in our sleep bed. I see Sharon and Jennifer all tangled up on one of the play beds and Allison is gone. I guessed that Allison had just moved to her own bedroom.

I climbed into bed with Jill, kissed her and snuggled up to her. She whispered that I missed a great threesome of her, Jennifer, and Sharon for a couple of hours. I just smiled and kissed her again. Clearly, she was worn out from all the play tonight.

Although my mind was thinking about tomorrow, I fell asleep rather quickly.


My eyes popped open about 7:30, Sharon and Jennifer were gone from the room. Jill was still sleeping peacefully next to me, although she had turned during the night and was now facing away from me.

I got up and headed into the shower. Once again, it makes me chuckle how fast it goes when you’re alone in the shower to get all cleaned up. I decided to shave before getting into the shower, as I wanted to look decent and not like some sort of homeless guy.

When I came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me, Jill was still sleeping. I put on my swim trunks and a white tee shirt and went over to my sleeping Queen.

“Jill honey, it’s time to get up,” I say as I’m gently shaking her.

“No, I’m not done with sleeping,” she says to me.

“C’mon darling, don’t make me tickle you to get you up,” I say to her knowing that the threat of a tickle will get her moving, which it does. She reluctantly sits up in bed, playfully slaps my shoulder and gets out of bed, heading into the bathroom.

I think about our bedroom. I put my wallet and Jill’s purse and her jewelry box in our safe in the closet. I double check the door on the safe to make sure it is locked tightly, which it was.

I lean into the bathroom and say, “Darling, I have put your purse and your jewelry box in the safe along with my wallet. Anything else you think should go in the safe to be secure?” I ask.

“Um, nothing comes to mind, although you might want to ask all the other ladies if they would like to use the safe in our office to secure their valuables,” she says to me.

“I already had that in mind, but I hadn’t thought of the safe in the office. That’s a great idea. I went through the house locking doors that I didn’t want anyone in such as the Red door room and several of the upstairs bedrooms. I left both gaming rooms open as well as the black door room. Our office will be locked, of course,” I say to her.

“That sounds wonderful Darling. Are the chefs making us breakfast or are they still working on food for the party?” She asks.

“I believe that they are all set for the party, so I hope they are making breakfast. If not, you know that John will be pouting,” I say to her laughing, which in turn causes her to giggle as well.

I give her a smooch through the air and leave her to do the arduous task of washing her hair.

I pick up my master key and put it in the small pocket in my swim trunks. I further secure it by slipping the pull tie string of my suit through the hole of the key. I put my phone in the big pocket of the suit and head out towards the kitchen. I hear laughing and giggling as I approach the kitchen.

Sharon, Jennifer, BJ, Allison, Diane, and John are all sitting at the dining room table eating. Sammy was making a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs (one pan with cheese mixed in and the other one just eggs) both bacon and sausage with toast if you wanted.

“Hey, boss, what would you like for breakfast. Eggs with or without cheese?” Bobby asks.

“Without, some bacon and about two slices of toast and butter,” I say to him. As I sit down at the head of the table, Jennifer pops up and pours me a glass of pineapple juice.

“Don’t want you to miss out on keeping yourself as tasty as you already are,” she says to me as she hands me the glass of juice before kissing me.

I look around and ask, “Where’s the new girl?”

“Still sleeping. Apparently, she’s not used to several hours of fabulous sex. She told me last night that her last boyfriend was a 5-minute man,” causing all the ladies at the table as well as both chefs to laugh.

“Wow, a whole five minutes, or was that spread out over the whole day?” I asked sarcastically, which drew more giggles from the ladies.

As Sammy puts a plate in front of me, a sleepy Missy scuffs into the dining room.

She looks a mess. Her hair is all tussled. She has her clothes on but clearly no underwear and nothing on her feet. Yep, this Philly has been rode hard, and put away wet, whatever that means since I’m a city boy and have little to no knowledge of horses.

Sharon gets up and directs Missy to a chair. She tells Missy that she felt the same exact way the first time she came to play. She just caressed Missy’s back and told her to sit tight and she will get her a plate of food. Missy asks if there is any coffee.

“Coffee in this house, of course, there’s coffee. David may rule the roost, but Dakota demands coffee, so as long as there’s a Dakota there will be coffee or there will be blood,” Sharon says to Missy.

“Um, who’s Dakota?” Missy asks.

That caused everyone to go silent. Missy looked around the room wondering what she had said.

“Darling, I’m not sure you even met my personal assistant last night, Dakota,” I said to Missy.

Everyone looks at each other and just shrugs their shoulders.

Just as I say that Dakota and Amy come around the corner. Everyone breaks into laughter, all except Missy.

“Missy, may I introduce you to my beautiful assistant, Dakota. Standing next to her is the beautiful Amy, who runs the house. Ladies, this is Missy. Sharon and I brought her home last night after dinner,” I say.

All three ladies say hi to each other. I feel an exhale in the room.

Since I have a lot of my group here, I tell everyone my plans for safety.

“OK, I have a plan for the party and I need everyone to listen a moment. First, Jill suggested that everyone put their wallets and purses and any valuables in the safe in our office. I will lock the safe and lock the office to ensure none of the kids have sticky fingers. They may be the children of the FBI, but they’re still kids,” I tell everyone. I see several nods of an agreement which makes me feel better.

I continue on, “Second, if you would like, you can put a change of clothes in my bedroom/bathroom and we can lock your bedroom door. I don’t want anything that is personal or valuable to you to be damaged even by accident,” Again getting nods of approval. Dakota offers up her room as well to hold changes of clothing. Amy also suggests one of the hallway closets as well.

About that time, Mom comes into the dining room.

Dakota asks, “Mom, where’s Fred?”

“Still asleep. I done wore his ass out last night, again in the middle of the night, and twice this morning,” she says to us with a big smile on her face.

I just chuckle to myself. It’s so nice seeing Mom enjoying her life again. I think for a moment how nice it is for Mom to have sold the Hampton house which she didn’t have fond memories of anyways.

John and Marcus come in from outside.

“All the tables are set up boss,” he tells me.

“Great Job guys, thank you for your hard work,” I tell them.

I look at the clock. It’s 9:00 am on the nose.

“OK everyone, this is your final call to get ready for the party. Anyone who wants their purse, wallet, or other valuables put in the safe in my office, get your stuff and meet me in my office in 5 minutes,” I tell everyone. I see all the ladies get up and make their way to their bedrooms. John just reaches into his swimsuit and hands me his wallet as does Marcus.

I carry them to my office and open the safe. I had grabbed a box of gallon sized Ziploc bags to put each wallet into and then write the owner’s name on the outside of the bag. As I was finishing that up with John and Marcus’ wallets several of the ladies showed up with their jewelry boxes and their purses. Since none of the purses looked alike, I put the jewelry box in first and set the matching purse on top of it. Thankfully, a couple of the ladies only brought their purse telling me that they only had costume jewelry in the box and whatever valuable jewelry they had the moved to their purse.

When the last lady gave me their purse, I shut the safe, spun the dial and put it on 12 just to make it look like it was on some random number in case some kid got in here trying to snoop around. I figured that they wouldn’t put it back on 12, maybe zero but not 12.

I realized that I had seen none of the porn twins, the CG boys, Belinda nor Allison. So, I went looking for them, locking the office door behind me.

I started with Allison’s room, where I found Allison still sleeping. I gently woke her up. She didn’t realize what time it was already. She kissed me and headed to a bathroom.

I kept looking around but didn’t find any of the other five. I headed outside to the pool house. I knocked on the door and Belinda answered.

“Hey darling, it’s time to button things up. The guests will start arriving shortly and I want this house locked down so no nosey kids snoop around in your home,” I tell Belinda. She gives me the one finger ‘hold on a second’ sign and steps back into the house. I hear her calling for the porn twins telling them that it’s time to put on their swimsuits and lock the house down. I hear agreement from the ladies at first, then the two CG boys chime in as well.

Belinda comes back to the door telling me thanks for letting them know as they all had lost track of time. In my head, I was debating about the whole CG boys staying overnight in the pool house with the porn twins. On one hand, the ladies had made an agreement with me not to have overnight guests. However, on the other hand, the boys lived in the main house. For now, I just dismissed the whole thing, thinking that I’m just overthinking it all.

When I went back inside, I asked both Jennifer and Amy to make sure everyone was up and either ready or getting ready for the party.

John and Marcus had gone to filling all the coolers with soda, juice boxes, and water. They asked me if there was any beer, which I told them that we had purposely not bought any alcohol as I wanted this to be a family friendly event.

As it approached 10, there was a knock at the front door. I opened it to find 6 good looking guys all in black colored chefs’ attire. I was happy to see them looking professional.

“Hello gentlemen come on in,” I tell them. I see six pairs of eyes looking in amazement at the sheer size of the house.

I walk to the first kitchen. They all knew Bobby and Sammy and lots of pleasantries were exchanged.

Bobby asked John to show three of the grill guys where the other two kitchens are so they can get whatever they needed to start the process of cooking.

One guy asked, “Um, Bobby, did you say THREE kitchens?”

Both Bobby and Sammy smiled and nodded their head yes. The guy who asked followed John wanting to see more of the Chateau. Bobby took the other three outside to the three grills showed them that all their utensils were all on one table and to pick up whatever they needed. The grill guys went right to work getting a set of grill forks, grill tongs, and a grill spatula each.

The other three that followed John returned several minutes later with trays of ribs that had been marinating overnight.

John asked Sammy when should the bowls of potato salad, macaroni salad, and coleslaw come out. He said probably not until around noon and that they will take care of it. He thanked John for all his assistance.


The first guest to arrive was not the one I expected to be first, Special Agent Fernandez with a stunningly beautiful woman, his wife Mariana. She clearly was of Hispanic origin. She was olive skinned, black hair, brown eyes. She stood about 5’6” and was slenderly built with not a blemish on her that I could see.

“Agent Fernandez, it is so very nice to see you. I’m guessing this is your beautiful wife Mariana,” I say to him. Mariana blushes a bit but does smile a perfectly white smile.

“Hey, remember I’m Jose. There will be so many FBI agents that if you say Agent or Special Agent a dozen people will think that you are talking to them,” He says laughing a bit.

I invite them into the house. Mariana’s eyes get bigger looking at the enormous size of the Chateau.

I put my arm around Fernandez and quietly ask him about the door agent, Don. He tells me that Don is one of the hardest working agents and will think outside the box trying to outsmart the bad guys. Then he asked me if I’m trying to recruit him.

“No, one of my dear ladies and Don have been talking and I think they might be smitten with each other. I wanted to make sure he’s a good guy so I can not worry about him,” I say to Fernandez.

“Oh no, he’s fabulous. Wouldn’t you agree Mariana?” He asks his wife.

“Absolutely! Don is a gentleman. He’s well-liked in the agency and I think he may be up for a promotion soon,” She tells me.

Jose shushes her to not tell everyone since Don doesn’t know yet that he’s being considered for a promotion. I just smile. I know how that works when someone inadvertently blabs.

I see Paula and introduce her to Fernandez. I see more of my group buzzing around trying to get last minute things taken care of.

“David, would it be alright if someone was to give my wife a tour of the house. She’s never seen on this big ever before,” Fernandez asks.

I summon Diane over and ask her to give Fernandez’s a tour. She cheerfully agrees. I warn her that most of the upstairs rooms are locked.

Mariana asks me about how I came to afford such a grand house. I told her the story that I would have thought Fernandez must have told his wife, but apparently did not.

“Well, I acquired the house through a business acquisition. I bought a limousine company called Happy, Happee Limo. The lady who ran the company, Sasha was about as shady as they come. She was in cahoots with some of the Russian Mafia, the Bratva. When I acquired the limo company, I discovered that Sasha had hidden lots of their other companies underneath the umbrella of Happy, Happee Limo. It was your husband here who pointed out that they held several horse-racing tracks, a recording studio, a pharmacy group, a second limo company, and this house. So, I acquired this house for ZERO dollars, quite the find,” I tell Mariana.

Mariana was just stunned that we got home this large for nothing.

“Honey, why can’t you find deals like this. Huge home for nothing,” she says to Jose smiling and giggling.

“Can you tell me a bit about the house? I sell real estate, but I only have a couple of listings as I’ve only been selling a couple of years,” Mariana says to me.

“Well, it’s 28,000 square feet. It has 20 bedrooms and 31 bathrooms. It has a large TV room, two state of the art video gaming rooms, a billiards room, three kitchens, two pools each with a waterfall hot tub attached, two pool houses that are rented out, several rooms that we haven’t even designated what they are going to be used for, a large office, and three master suites. The garage holds 20 cars or so and the outside courtyard can hold up to another 30 cars, depending on the size,” I tell her.

She is stunned.

I add, “Mariana, you say you sell residential real estate?” I ask thinking that I may have found Mark’s replacement already.

“Yes, I do, but we don’t attend church. My only source of clients are the ones that the FBI gives me when they transfer an agent either to or from LA,” she says to me.

“Can you make your license active in all 50 states?” I ask.

“Um, well yes and no. Some states will automatically reciprocate if you just pay their fee and some want you to take a test to ensure you have the knowledge to sell in their state. Why do you ask?” Mariana asks.

“Well, my company needs someone who can help people who are moving in my company to LA to find a house and those who are here leaving for another part of the country to sell their home. In addition, when we move someone here from another part of the country, our agent would arrange a referral fee for themselves when the house sells somewhere else in the US,” I say to her.

“Um, how many employees do you move around?” She asks.

“Well, let me think a minute. We have 64,000 employees. I just closed our auditing facility in Montana and have 12-15 employees taking us up on helping them move to LA, we have another 25 that are moving from Montana to other offices in the company in other states. Do you think you could handle something like that? And, if you could, how long would it take you to get your license in as many states as possible?” I ask her.

“Well, may I get back to you on Monday or Tuesday. I need to do some checking,” she says.

Now, I’m getting a bit excited. I know that I can trust Mariana to be above board and honest. I choose not to discuss any money until our talk next week.

As I turn the Fernandez over to Diane for the tour of the house, there’s a knock on the door. When Paula opens the door, there’s a whole heard of people. Men, women, and children of all ages. Paula invites all of them into the house, which many of them gasp at the enormous size of the Chateau.

Sharon, Jennifer, BJ, Danni, Donna, and Jill all spring into action introducing themselves to everyone else. I see John and Marcus beginning to put platters outside on the tables. Amy comes over to me and asks if there is anything, I need her to do. I suggest that she check in with Bobby and Sammy.

She gives me a kiss on the cheek and heads into the kitchen.

Mom and Fred move to the dining room area as another 30 or 40 people arrive. Paula has stationed herself at the front door, introducing herself and inviting everyone inside getting lots of gasps at the enormous size of the Chateau.

The next knock was the ice truck. He asked Paula if where he parked would be OK, I nodded my head yes. The truck driver said he would be back tomorrow to pick up the truck. He handed Paula the keys and said that his ride was out in the street waiting for him. He thanked us for our business and left.

I summoned John and Marcus to begin bringing in bags of ice to cover all the drinks. The recruited Fred to help as well. Mike Booker showed up unexpectedly and I put him to work helping with the ice as well.

Special Agent Fernandez and his wife became assistant hosts and hostesses. They knew all the agents and wives but had to be introduced to all the children.

Over the next hour to an hour and a half, the entire invited roster of agents and wives and kids arrived. The whole party was really in full swing. You could smell the BBQ as the grill guys were working their asses off. A few of the teenage girls kept circling these poor guys like sharks’ circle swimmers. Of course, the girls were maybe 14 or 15 and the grill guys were clearly 30, but all of them were single. I even heard BJ and Danni tell Dakota how cute a couple of the grill guys were. Dakota shrugged her shoulders and just replied, “Well, they aren’t as cute as Daddy,” and walked away smiling and shaking her cute ass at me.

Although it took about 2 hours, everyone showed up. The grill guys swapped off to give the cooking guys some rest inside with the air conditioning. I glanced at the security monitor and saw a car drive up the road, make a U-turn twice. Normally a car making a U-turn wouldn’t’ really make me wonder, but seeing it twice made me question things.

I saw Special Agent Fernandez and asked him to come over. I showed him the video. He turned and tapped 5 guys and took them all outside.

There is a bit of shouting before gunfire erupts. This prompts several other agents to retrieve their weapons from their wives’ purses and head outside.

Both chefs open their drawer and hand their weapons to John and Fred. Marcus begins to move everyone inside. Jill, Donna, Amy, Dakota and the porn twins all begin to drop the security shutters protecting everyone inside. Belinda and Allison begin to drop the ones in the back. Marcus goes into the garage and locks the doors once again.

Three more agents go outside armed as well. One of the agents came back inside and took my phone to dial 911.

As he was speaking to the Emergency Operator, he said that there are multiple wounded including the perpetrators who are probably dead.

John drags Diane and Fred moves Mom into Jill and my bedroom.

I ask everyone to just take a seat on the floor as the house is in lockdown and no one is allowed outside except for the agents.

I step over a couple of people and get to the door. I see agent Don, the one that Sharon likes sitting on the ground with blood coming out of his left shoulder. Another agent is putting pressure on the wound.

A couple of the wives come over to me telling me that they are nurses. I ask the agent at the door if they would be safe going outside to assist, he tells me yes. I let them out. I see Sharon coming to the door. I stop her and tell her that Don has been shot, but it looks to be in the left shoulder, and she needs to just stay inside as there is nothing, she can do now but get in the way. Reluctantly, she agrees to stay inside.

Both CG boys have their weapon on their hip. John has Sammy’s gun and Marcus has Bobby’s. I see in the faces that every spouse, every child, and all my group are wondering what is going on outside. In just a few minutes, a heard of sirens come to the house. Police, fire department paramedics, ambulances and even a couple of on-duty FBI agents show up. I tell John to stay here at the front door and don’t let anyone outside.

I step out and look for Special Agent Fernandez. I see several bodies laying on the ground with other agents over them trying to help with their wounds. Across the street, I see another crappy car that has about a dozen bullet holes in it and it looks as if another 4 guys have sacrificed their lives stupidly by attacking the house while it is full of armed agents.

Both Bobby and Sammy go outside the back and tell the grill guys that the incident is all over and to keep cooking. They take several platters for them to put the meat on as it gets finished.

I come back inside and tell everyone who was shot outside and reassure everyone that there are no agents killed or critically wounded. I hear a collective sigh of relief. John goes around and begins to put the security shutters back up, starting with the rear ones. Marcus begins helping as well.

I asked that the front windows remain down for a while so loved ones don’t see their family laying on the ground in the courtyard.

As the ambulance people begin loading stretchers, I step back outside and ask which hospital everyone will be taken to for treatment. They tell me and I go back inside with a list of names of agents that are being taken to the hospital. No one gets hysterical, but there are some tears being shed. The family of agents that are not shot are hugging and sympathizing with those who have an injured agent.

For the next hour or hour and a half, all the agents that were wounded are put into ambulances and taken to the hospital. The wives and children head outside, get into their cars and head to the hospital as well.

Oddly, a thought about house safety comes to my mind. Since the private road is only to my house, maybe I need to put a second gate back down at the beginning of the street or maybe I need to just buy the street from the city and turn it into a private road. Both scenarios will be discussed further down the road.

A few of the families try to put a smile on their face and go back outside to swim and get ready to eat. Sammy and Bobby are getting the bowls of potato salad, macaroni salad, and coleslaw and carrying them outside and setting them up on the tables. The porn twins also begin to help but carrying out the trays of appetizers that Sammy made, including his delightful fish spread over Ritz crackers.

Special Agent Fernandez walks back into the house. When I saw him, I exhaled knowing that he was OK. He hugged Mariana and a couple of the other wives telling everyone that all are fine. He told everyone to get up and go back to the party. Reluctantly, everyone did as he suggested.

He came over to me and told me that Don would be fine as the bullet went all the way through on the outside edge of his left shoulder. I saw Sharon listening intently. I called Sharon over to me and gave her a hug. She wanted to go to the hospital, but Fernandez told her that the hospital would only allow family today. She would have to wait until tomorrow. She put on her sad pouty face, apparently, Dakota had taught her how to do that very well.

I thought again how choosing to become a chauffeur and meet and marry Jill really set my life on a different course. Now, however, I had to worry about the agents that were hurt outside, on a day that should have been a delight to them and their families.

The party resumed although it was much less happy and frivolous than before, still, I believe that everyone had a reasonably good time.



2021-03-10 19:18:26


2019-04-13 08:33:56
Another great chapter!!! I'm a huge fan of this series and can't wait for the next chapters to come out!!! Great job and love how this story has been developing!!!


2019-04-13 03:59:01
great story!

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