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Adel has her hands full
Young Fern Part Six


Adel has her hands full


Alice and Fern stayed with me for the next two days while Tom repaired Adel’s house. We were all sleeping in my big bed now usually little Willow slept atop me with Fern on one side of me and Alice on the other. I knew I had to be careful with Willow and not stick my dick in her as she wasn’t protected. Fern treated it as her and my room and invited the other two to join in. She’s so cute. She even started mothering Willow and instructing her on how to dress and put on makeup and Willow blossomed. You could see her gaining more and more confidence each day. Her mother had sent money to my account and I was astonished at the amount, I could put down a deposit on a house with this much money. I wondered just how long she thought Willow was going to stay with me.

On the last day that Alice would be staying with me we woke with Willow lying on my chest and kissing me, “good morning,” she said and wriggling on top of me and giggling. I looked at her growing breasts in aw she had almost no areoles topped by light pink, tiny nipples that appeared to be erect. Fern had Willows legs spread and my cock sticking straight up between her legs. She was sucking my knob and pressing my shaft back against her pussy lips and bum. Fern was getting very good at sucking cock, teasing the head and licking along the shaft. As Willow came she clamped her legs hard around my cock and made me cum. I looked down over Willows shoulder and saw Fern hold up my cock up so that it was sticking straight up and a fountain of cum shot up in the air and landed across Willows small backside. Alice and Fern cleaned her up by licking her cute bum and giving Willow small after cums as they did.

We were all so comfortable with each other now we didn’t wear cloths inside the house and only bikinis and my Speedos outside. Willow had been with me for a week now and had settled in enjoying the freedom she didn’t get at home and the new friends she had made not to mention the sex. She loved to be eaten out and said that Fern was the best then Alice then me. She said she would let me practice on her every day if I wanted and that it was OK and that she didn’t mind. I sighed and said, “Well OK if that’s what you really want I’ll do my best.” We were still laughing when Fern and Alice came back from their showers naked and drying their hair with a towel.

“I’m going to start breakfast now and you two need to take a shower” said Fern.

Willow jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I just sat up and pointed to her cute bum as she passed. “Energizer bunny,” I said to Fern and Alice. They laughed at Willows new nick name. The shower with Willow was very intimate. After soaping each other I just clung to her and let the spray wash away the soap. She moved my cock so that it was pointing up between our bodies and stroked it, not to bring me off but she said she liked to see it hard.

Breakfast was eaten in the kitchen as the day had started out dull and overcast. Lately watching these three cuties scamper about I was always hard if not sporting a chubby. We were always cuddling and fondling each other. I always had the smell of ripe young pussy on my fingers and the girls were always wet. All this sexual activity had had an effect on my body I had lost some weight and my abs had returned, not that they were far away just hidden under a layer of male tubby tummy. The girls had noticed and said that we should all do a workout on the terrace each day to stay fit. It started out fine and with good intentions with Alice holding down my feet while I did some sit-ups and Fern and Willow were doing a sit-up and touch exercise where they had their ankles locked and they would sit –up and slap their hands together in a clap but it soon turned into the two of them doing a scissor action and rubbing their pussy’s together in a hot and sweaty twosome. Alice and I got into a reverse cow girl position and I’m sure I heard us all come at the same time.

The constant ringing of the phone is what finally made me stir and go inside. It was Tom.

“Do you want to come out to the rental and we’ll meet you there. I want to check that there is no storm damage. Bring all the girls and we’ll have a camp-out Fern will show you were we keep the sleeping bags it’ll be fun. Can you put Fern on please?”

While Fern and her Dad talked I was playing with her pussy and tweaking her nipples. “What’s up? You sound distracted.” I heard Tom say over the phone.

“Oh it’s just Uncle Mike is um tickling me and its becoming harder to talk.” ‘Giggle’

“Ha. You don’t say. I’ve got the same problem here Adel is um tickling me as we speak and it’s hard…hard to speak.” Tom was quiet for a bit then started to speak again.

Fern said. “I’ve cum to the same conclusion; we both had a good weekend then.”

Fern was quiet for a bit then said. “Yes OK, I’ll tell him by.”

“Dad asked if we could meet them out there at say twelve and that he’d have the BBQ going by then. I’ll go over and get the sleeping bags and be right back.”

We spent the rest of the morning packing up the SUV with all the sleeping bags and gear that we thought we might need for an overnight stay including snacks and drinks. The girls dressed in shorts and halter tops with flip flops on their feet. There was so much long leg and so much cute bottom hidden behind such tight shorts. I had a hard cock before we left the driveway.

When we got there Tom was up a ladder hammering away on the roof. I walked over to him while the girls ran inside “what’s up with the roof?” I asked.

“Oh just a couple of loose shingles I’m lucky that that’s all that happened, a neighbor told me that they had ferocious winds out this way at the peak of the storm the other night. He had his chook shed blown clean over and lost the lot. I’ll be down in a minute.”

“I’ll unload the car and meet you inside.” It took no time to dump all the gear in the living room and put the drinks in the chiller then I went to find everyone else.

They were out on the back verandah setting up a folding table. I could smell the meat cooking on the Grill so I went and turned the burgers and franks till they were ready. The girls had everything else set up on the table, plates, drinks and buttered bread.

Tom returned up and we all tucked in. Adel had some minor damage to her roof from the storm and a broken window that had let in some water which did most of the damage to the carpet and curtains.

“Tom was my hero” Adel said “he even read a story to the little ones when they were too scared to sleep.”

“Once they were all tucked in and asleep we went around and assessed the damage” said Tom.” Minor stuff, but getting replacements and the cleanup took some time. By the time I had gone up and fixed the roof I was saturated and cold, fortunately Adel had a towel waiting for me when I got down even had a robe waiting for me and got my wet cloths and put them in the dryer.”

I glanced at Adel when Tom said that as that was exactly what I had done when Adel was wet last week. She blushed and wouldn’t look at me.

“Come on gentlemen help a girl out and carry this into the kitchen where we can clean it all up.”Adel said. “You girls go and arrange the sleeping bags for tonight.”

As Tom and I collected the dishes and drink cups Tom said “I managed to get some Army surplus mattresses and I’ve stored them in the garage, we’ll get them out later I need a cold beer.

After the cleanup Adel said she was going to check on the kids so Tom and I went out to the garage and retrieved the mattresses. Tom said “that was a wild night Mike and I don’t just mean the storm. Once the repairs were done to a standard that would do until morning and I was sure the little ones were asleep I had a chance to talk to Adel we sat on the lounge and talked about everything she’s real nice and what a body.” He blushed but went on “we kissed and cuddled on the lounge and eventually spent the night together. We were in bed in the morning when the kids came running in and joined us in bed. They just cuddled up to us both and we were totally naked. Adel just said to go with it, they’re not upset or angry that you’re here, so I did and cuddled them back. They got real curious about how hairy I am and touched me everywhere, and I mean everywhere.”

“Well you’re both adults so enjoy your selves.” I said “Let’s get these inside and we can relax and watch the sun go down.”

We went out the back and of course they were all sitting with their feet dangling in the water of the Hot Tub.

“I’ll go and turn on the power to the tub, I’ll be right back” said Tom.

Even the little ones sat on the edge in shorts and t-shirts. Adel had on a sky blue bikini and looked happy to see us all. The trouble started with one girl kicking her feet and splashing the water then they were all doing it and laughing and shouting soon they were all wet, with dripping, hair, cloths and all.

Fern and Alice were so wet I could see their pink Areola showing through their shirts. Willow was nearly as bad she had held her hands up over her breasts but her lower half was as see through and showed the outline of her pussy and panties.

Adel got up, the only one in a bikini and said “give me those wet cloths I’ll hang them up to dry out the back. You may as well all jump in the tub you can’t get any wetter. Squealing the girls quickly stripped off and piled their damp cloths beside the tub. “Alice you keep an eye on the little ones while I hang these out please.”

“I’ll watch them Adel” I said.

I was hoping you would jump in the tub too.” She said. “I would but I didn’t bring my Speedos with me.”

“Oh go on and strip off. Tom and I will join you in a bit. I’ll just hang these out and be right back.”

After she left I asked the girls “do you want me to join you in the tub?” There was a chorus of yes and sure so I stripped off and lowered myself into the water that was starting to get warm. I pushed the button on the side of the tub and the bubbles started. All the girls squealed.

Tom and Adel returned at the same time and Adel asked Tom if he was going to join in the fun. Without another word they both stripped off and got in. Willow’s eyes were big as she looked at Toms thickening cock, this being only the second one she had ever seen. Alice looked away until Tom was covered by the bubbles in the water.

There wasn’t that much room now and Adel sat one twin on her lap and Tom sat the other on his. We were all quite until Tom said that he had seen the real estate girl and she was having trouble finding someone to rent the place as it was so far out from town. The good news is that she put a value on it twice as much as I paid for it. We all started to relax as Tom talked about holding on to the place and maybe trying to rent it furnished as an incentive to selling it.

The twins were getting restless and Adel passed her girl on to me and Tom passed his charge onto Fern. I sat there with one arm around her waist and the other beside me on the seat. Adel’s hand touched mine under the water and she moved it till it was resting on her leg she casually spoke to her little daughter and told her to sit still or they would all have to get out. Fern stretched out her legs and stuck them out of the water in front of her soon all of the girls were doing it and they wriggled their feet until their toes were touching. All this wriggling had its effect on my cock and it started to grow forcing its way between the girl’s legs. Alice saw the look on my face and guessed what the problem might be. “Ok I’ll take her back now and she reached over and in doing so had a stroke of my cock. The girl didn’t want to move and leant back against my chest. Adel kept stroking me under the water and said “alright but just for a little while.” I looked around and the girls were all chatting amongst themselves only Tom had an unusual look on his face and I suspected he was getting the same treatment as I was. The girl on my lap reached up and put her hands behind my neck and asked if I would be her Uncle Mike too. “Of course I would.” I said as I came on Adel’s hand. She then turned to Tom and whispered in his ear till he made a grunt and slid further down into the water. Just then the bubbles stopped and everyone was able to see Tom’s big cock under the surface spewing his Jizz into the water. The twins in particular were impressed and were giggling behind their hands held over their mouths.

Adel smiled and said “time to get out girls you’ll look like prunes if you stay in any longer. Reluctantly they all got out and sat on the edge of the decking facing down the back yard and the afternoon sun to dry off. None of them bothered to get dressed or towel off they were too busy whispering amongst themselves to care.

Adel turned to Tom and said “you came a lot this time I’m impressed” and kissed him.

“The dam bubbles would pick that time to stop. Oh well can’t reverse what happened now.”

“Oh don’t be upset their all growing up and have good attitude towards sex and their bodies it isn’t going to hurt them. I wish I had had such an impressive demonstration as you gave when I was a girl.” and she kissed him again and he returned the kiss.

That afternoon we all sat in the nude on the back verandah and sunned ourselves until we were all dry and then put our cloths back on. The girls explored the block and Tom and Adel talked about furnishing the house. I prepared some sandwiches for light tea as we all thought we were still feeling full from such a big lunch. The girls came back and said how they had gone right down to the stream and watched some fish in the water.

It was getting dark and after we ate Tom and I paired up two of the four sleeping bags and placed them on the mattresses. Tom told all the girls about his life growing up on a farm and I told them a scary bedtime story that had a dragon, a princess and a handsome prince in it.

Not surprising Tom and Adel went into the major bedroom and the rest of us settled into the sleeping bags, Fern, Alice and I in one and Willow and the two littlies in the other.

Fern and I made love and then Alice revived me and had her turn. Partway through the night Willow joined me in my bed and we had a 69. I was wiped, that is why I never noticed it when both the littlies got in bed with me. I woke to find them both resting their heads on my shoulders and their fingers playing with the hair on my chest and abs. My morning wood was right there calling out to me but I refused to listen to him instead I asked the girls if they were ready to get up ”no we want to stay here where its warm Uncle Mike” and hey cuddled closer and moved there top legs over my hips nestling against my balls.

Alice woke and looked over at me and smiled. I mouthed the words ‘help me’ and she just giggled but eventually got out of her sleeping bag without disturbing Fern and Willow and crawled over to me. “Make room for me girls I’m cold and need a cuddle.” She lay on top of me and slipped her knickers to the side and slid her pussy down onto my rock hard cock and just lay there enjoying being filled. She would work her pussy muscles while talking to her little sisters and milk my cock. She kissed me and that started them all wanting a kiss. With all the kissing and wriggling she managed to bring me off and her two little sisters were none the wiser.

Adel came into the room as everybody started to wake she had on a T-shirt and from my position on the floor I noticed no knickers giving me just a glimpse of a glistening pussy. She smiled when she saw me sleeping with all her daughters she asked all the girls to use the bathroom and take a shower if they needed it. With some grumbling they all trouped down the hall some naked like the two little ones. Fern just had on a T-shirt like Alice and Willow “Hurry up now I’ll be down in a minute to have a shower myself so don’t use all the hot water. Fern could you pop in and tell your father that it’s time to get up I had hard time getting him to wake this morning.”

Adel looked at me and tilted her head to the side I sat up in my sleeping bag with the bag still covering my cock. She stepped closer; my eyes were now level with her wet pussy just a foot away. “I got up through the night to check on my girls and found you and Alice together kissing with Fern watching. I hope that you do the right thing and don’t hurt them, as a mother I worry that’s all. OK?”

“I love them both and would do anything for them we’ve bonded over the month I’ve known them and I’m sure they’ll tell you that they have had the best time and their friendship with Willow has brought her out of her shell and she has matured into a lovely young lady.”

“OK then hop up and bring these sleeping bags and mattresses outside and I want to air them on the rear verandah. She said

“I’m naked under here, I sleep like this.”

“Tom does too and I saw it all yesterday remember in the hot tub?”

I stood up and she took a long look, I struck a muscle builders pose and she laughed. She walked to my side and held my still damp cock from her daughter’s pussy and said “Come on help me lug these mattresses outside before I’m tempted to help you with this. She stroked it a few times and sighed, “It won’t take long and then we can dress and fix breakfast.”

We dressed in time just as Tom and Fern came in to the kitchen and girls finished their shower and we all sat down to cornflakes and coffee. I went to have a shower then and so did Fern. We both hopped in and soaped each other as if we did this every day which we did at home but it felt different here more natural more open.

Later that morning Adel and her girls left for home and I took Fern back with me while Tom had a few last minute things to do around the house. Fern was excited to tell me that she had spoken with her dad that morning and he wanted to go away with Adel for a weekend.

“It’s so romantic.” she said. “I’ve never seen him so happy, this morning when I went into wake him up he was already awake and stroking his morning wood. He was startled but didn’t stop when he saw that it was me. He held his arms out and I cuddled into his side. We both held his cock as he told me of his feelings for Adel and hers for him. I think I might end up with Alice as my step sister. What do you think?”

“I think they are made for each other.” I said. “They are both mature people who can see a future together. I’m happy for them.”

Fern went on to tell me how Alice and her had talked about Adel and her father that had been much older than her mum and died not too long after the twins were born. How Adel didn’t have to work but was going to look for a part time job next year. Probably at the library as she had previous experience in that field. She spoke about the twins Lilly and Lexy and how they were fascinated by how hairy Tom was and took every opportunity to spy on him in the shower. How in the mornings they would cuddle up to him and their mum and run their hands through his hairy chest and body. Fern and Alice thought it was so funny when the twins said that he was always hard in the mornings so they encouraged them to touch him especially his cock. I’m glad the girls talk so freely to each other about absolutely everything, I’m learning so much. Ha.

The divorce between my sister and her husband Philip hadn’t gone well for my sister. She had been found to have cheated with the same lawyer that was representing her and so had lost custardy of Willow. She would move in with her Dad and Stacy would get limited visitation rights.

Willow was going to be a senior in H.S. now but a different H.S. than Alice and Fern.

Peter her Dad came to pick her up and we talked about the changes that this would mean to Willow and he said that he wanted to make it easier for he to settle in and that if she wanted to come and visit with her friends he would drop her here every weekend if she wanted to. The girls all hugged and kissed but eventually they had to go. With promises to come back soon we watched Willow go. I knew we’d see her again; she’d grown so independent, so mature.

She was starting a new chapter in her life with her Dad and I wished them well.

To be continued

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