In a fantasy medieval world, civil war rages on across the Kingdoms of Ellyria. The Jade Empress has arrived from the Far East with her armies, intent on uniting the realm. The Kings of Ellyria are divided on this; some refuse to serve under the conquering sorceress, while others see it as a why to maintain lasting peace. A young boys’s life will forever be changed by the ensuing wars.
“Let the guilty step forward.”
Chains hung from Cameron’s shackled wrists and ankles, clanging against each other as his body trembled. His formerly longer and well groomed blonde hair had been cropped to no more than a crew cut style, and his clothes were dirty and torn from his imprisonment. His face was also smudged with dirt and scrapes, which made his bright blue eyes stand out much more.
“Go on then,” The gruff guard behind him grunted, pushing him forward. “It’s time to face justice.”
Stepping out of the shadows and into the light of the courthouse, the young boy was immediately met with jeers and boos from the crowd awaiting his sentencing. Stones were thrown his way, most missing, but some finding its mark. A stone struck him square on the chest as he walked, knocking the air out of him, and another clipped his forehead as he tried to resume his approach, sending the boy sprawling to the ground as a gash appeared on his temple.
“Get up!” A guard yelled, yanking him up to his feet mercilessly and shoving him forward before Cameron had properly regained his balance. “Your King awaits you!”
Stumbling forward, Cameron groggily continued his approach as blood trickled down onto his eyes, blinding his vision in one eye. Managing to make it to the center of the courtroom without being pelted by more stones, Cameron stood before his accusers. Looking up at his judges seated at the high table, Cameron felt a wave of despair and hopelessness rushing over him. There was no way these men would go easy on him, even if he had committed no crimes.
“Lord Cameron Eveur,” King Edwin thundered with his bellowing voice. “You have been found guilty of treason and conspiring against your liege. The council has been gathered today to decide on the appropriate punishment for you.”
“I say we strip him of his lordship!” One of the eleven Dukes under King Edwin sneered. “House Eveur is a small and relatively new house. It does not have the history of older houses like ours and will not be missed. Strip him of his titles and grant it to another noble family.”
“It is done.” King Edwin’s loud voice came. “Lord Cameron Eveur, I hereby strip you and your family of all of your titles and lands, and any provision that may come upon you through your formerly noble name.”
Guards stepped forward as Cameron began to cry in despair. Unsympathetically, they roughly stripped him of his clothes, revealing the bruises that he had received from his captors over the past month. The shirt that bore the sigil of House Eveur and his trousers that bore the noble colors of his family were torn, stripped off the last surviving member of House Eveur. Left in only plain white undergarments, the young boy collapsed to his knees in tears and shame.
“House Eveur is no more.” King Edwin declared. “Let this be a warning to anyone who would dare think of raising their banners against their King.”
“My King,” Another Duke chimed in. “Raising banners against you is one thing, but the late Duke Eveur did align himself also with the loyalist faction under the Jade Empress.”
“That is beyond treason.” Agreed a fat Duke. “Not only did that action threaten our Kingdom, but also all the Kingdoms of Ellyria. If the Jade Empress is successful, hundreds of years of independence and sovereignty would be destroyed! The Eveur boy deserves punishment for his father’s dealings with that sorceress. Hang him or behead him, death is the only suitable punishment for treason.”
The crowd roared in approval at that suggestion, and Cameron whimpered. Death was not something the young boy was ready for. Not yet.
“This is a sentencing.” The King said. “Surely we have all gathered here today knowing that death is the punishment suitable for our Lord Eveur’s crimes. The question is, how should this boy die?”
“A quick death is too good for the son of a traitor.” One old Duke laughed. “Feed him to the wolves and lions, or let the elephants trample him!”
“Or even better,” The fat Duke looked pleased. “We could break little lord on the wheel. I’m sure many will enjoy hearing his brittle bones crack when we smash his small body.”
“Please...” Cameron begged, voice hoarse as he sniffled. “Have mercy.”
Hearing his pathetic cries for mercy, the crowd only cheered louder and became more frenzied. Cameron knew it was hopeless, and yet he pleaded. Neither the people nor the lords saw reason, and the only thing that would sate them was seeing the blood of the traitor’s son.
But suddenly, one of the eleven Dukes stood up, raising his hand to shush the screaming crowd. Cameron knew who he was right away, and watched as the tears flowed down his cheek as the shrewd and cunning Lord Remington cleared his throat.
“I think we should all calm down.” Lord Remington was an older gentleman, thin figured and cleanly shaven. “We cannot let blind rage obscure our vision, we must stay rational.”
Cameron felt suddenly that there was just a tiny glimmer of hope for him now, and he listened expectantly to every word that left Lord Remington’s mouth.
“The crimes of his father were horrendous , yes.” Lord Remington continued to say. He had quite a lot of influence and was revered as smart man, so the other Dukes did also listen. “But can we really blame a son for who his father was?”
Some of the other Dukes began nodding in agreement. “A son does not get to pick his father.”
“That is exactly right.” Lord Remington replied, looking straight into Cameron’s suddenly hopeful eyes. “Even if his father were the most vile and dishonorable man I have ever met, I can not place any blame on this young boy with a clear conscience.”
For as long as he had remembered, his father was the most upstanding and noble man Cameron had ever known. The other lords respected him and came to him for advice, until the day he decided to ally himself with the Jade Empress’s vision for a united and single Ellyria. Ever since then, his father had only been talked about as a lewd man who fell for the Jade Empress’s unnatural charms. And normally, the slights and attacks on his father would have made the young boy angry, but Cameron was too afraid now to feel anything but hopeful for his life.
“Lord Remington is wise and speaks the truth.” King Edwin noted. “The boy is still young, and throwing his life away would be a waste. Tell me boy, how old are you?”
Cameron let his gaze fall to the ground. “Thirteen years, your highness.” His birthday had come and gone during his days in the dungeon, very surely his worst birthday ever.
“Only thirteen.” King Edwin mused. “Lord Remington is right, we will not kill you.” He looked to the thin Duke and they exchanged nods. “But at the same time, we cannot simply allow treason to get off lightly.”
The large king hammered his fist onto the high table, shocking Cameron.
“With his lands and titles stripped off him,” King Edwin bellowed. “I proclaim you, Cameron, cast out from the Kingdom of Osailia! You must go into exile, no longer will you enjoy the hospitality of the Kingdom your family has betrayed. You will roam the land, with nothing to your name and not a penny to save you from thirst or hunger. Go now, and get out of my sight.”
Cameron was stunned. When he realized that he wouldn’t be executed, the young boy thought that he would at least be able to live a life similar to the one he has been living as a Duke’s only son, perhaps as a ward with another Lord or Count somewhere in the Kingdom. But exile, exile was a death sentence, though it would just take longer, much much longer.
Guards grabbed at his arms and dragged the boy away as the court was dismissed. Cameron had been too much in shock to pay any particular attention to anything, and everything around him seemed to go by in a blur. Soon however, Cameron quickly realized that he had not yet been dragged off in a caravan to be dropped off outside the Kingdom’s borders, but was alone in someone’s private chambers.
Observing his surroundings, Cameron realized that this had to have been one of the courthouse’s many fancy accommodations, as the Dukes often had to gather for more than one day to deliberate on certain matters. His father used to do that, and had he not been stripped of his titles, Cameron would have done it too.
“Hello, little Lord Eveur. How do you feel?”
The door to the chambers opened and then closed behind the boy, startling him. Lord Remington entered the room and had on a smile that spread across his thin lips.
“I-I feel fine, m-my Lord.” Cameron managed a short bow. “A-And I’m not a lord, not anymore.”
He heard often in his household how Lord Remington was a cunning snake and not to be trusted, and had even heard rumors that it was he who betrayed his father during that final battle. Lord Eveur, his wife, and daughter had died that day, and with the uprising put down, the new lord, Cameron Eveur, was captured and imprisoned.
And yet, Lord Remington had been the one to save his life. If the rumors were true, that did not make sense. Cameron, unsure of whether to trust his gut, decided that perhaps some rumors are just that after all: rumors.
“Thank you for saving my life today, Lord Remington.” Cameron said again as the man walked in, past him, and sat himself down on the ornate bed at the head of the room. “I-I know our families haven’t always agreed in the past, but I cannot deny that today I am indebted to you.”
“Think not about it, my good boy. I did nothing but do what I thought was right.” He extended a hand and beckoned Cameron to approach. “Come, little Cameron. Let me take a good look at you.”
Hesitating for a second, Cameron decided that he should listen to the older man for now. Lord Remington did save his life after all. Stepping forward, Cameron stopped when he was standing just in front of the old man, a foot away from his wooden bed frame. The young boy was still naked save for his undergarments and his body still bore the bruises and scrapes from his imprisonment. On his head, the gash had stopped bleeding but the blood was dried over, and so were the tears on his cheeks.
Standing there, Cameron let Lord Remington’s hands hold his little bruised body as the older man looked closely at him.
“Oh, my boy. See how they have hurt you.” His hands caressed Cameron’s face tenderly. “Cameron... Your father used to call you Leo. Can I call you that?”
It wasn’t only his father; all the servants and courtiers back in his castle had called him by that name. They called him that because of how brave everyone would say he’d grow up to be, which was fitting of his House’s sigil. Only those who had watched him grow up called him that, and it felt weird hearing a stranger call him that. Nevertheless, everyone he knew were all surely dead by now, and so Cameron nodded, giving the old man permission to call him by his childhood nickname.
“Little Leo,” Lord Remington continued to say, his hands suddenly beginning to wander around the young boy’s bare torso, caressing each and every inch of his smooth skin. “The King has ordered you into exile. I had tried to help you escape death before, but it seems his highness was very determined to see you dead, which is something I cannot allow to happen.”
The old man’s hands had drifted downward, now gently caressing Cameron’s lower back and abdomen.
“And that is why I have called you here, to tell you that I have made special arrangements for you. Tonight, you leave the Kingdom of Osailia not bound and gagged in a caravan, but in my own royal carriage. I will be traveling to the Kingdom of Xeca for official business, you will travel there with me. There, you will enter into the service of House Darcy, one of the largest and most powerful duchies that region.”
Cameron thought about that and frowned. It was good news, of course, but the young boy was now suspicious of good fortune. “W-Will I be safe there?”
“You will.” Lord Remington’s hands hovered at the waistband of his undergarments as he smiled crookedly. “Do not worry, I have made deals that will ensure your safety.”
At those words, Cameron was relieved. “Thank you, Lord Remington. I will never forget this.”
“Gratitude is shown, not told.” Lord Remington began to say as his fingers began to hook onto the waistband of Cameron’s undergarments. “And I’m sure there is some way you can show me your gratitude, isn’t that right little Leo?”
Before Cameron could even respond, Lord Remington pulled down his undergarments, letting it drop down to his ankles. Now fully nude and exposed, Cameron simply stood there with his mouth open, unsure of what to do. The older man’s eyes meanwhile had grown wide with lust and lechery, savoring each and every detail of Cameron’s barely pubescent cock.
“You truly are something, aren’t you?” He muttered softly under his breath, as his hands went around back to grasp firmly on Cameron’s tight round butt.
The boy nearly jumped in surprise when he felt those clammy old hands on his bare butt, but he knew he couldn’t stop Lord Remington. And so, he let the old man fondle his now naked body, standing there awkwardly and unsure of what to do. Sure, he knew what sex was, and that it would feel good if a woman touched him in his privates. But was it supposed to feel good too when a man touched him there? Doubts continued to cloud and occupy the young boy’s mind, at least until Lord Remington’s hands finally reached his genitalia.
Cameron let out a soft moan of pleasure as a sweet sensation nipped at his penis, and suddenly all the uncertainty and doubts that was on his mind disappeared. No longer was Cameron unsure of what was going on; he just didn’t care anymore. Now all he wanted was for Lord Remington not to stop.
“You like that don’t you?” The older man asked as he began to stroke up and down on Cameron’s shaft, sending tingles of pleasure through the boy’s body every time his fingers rubbed the glans. “I can see that. Here, let me make it even better.”
By now, Cameron’s little penis had grown hard to its full length of barely five inches, throbbing hard with all the teenaged vigor only young men knew of. Leaning forward, Lord Remington opened his mouth and took the full length of Cameron’s hard cock into his mouth. It was a warm, wet, and sloppy feeling. The young boy didn’t quite know how to describe it, but the warm tongue slurping against his barely adolescent dick did feel quite good, so Cameron did not resist.
After a few minutes of this, Cameron felt a weird sensation building at the base of his penis, and as Lord Remington suckled him while holding him close and tight, Cameron felt the sensations of ecstasy erupt from his dick. It was a dry orgasm, since Cameron did not yet produce semen. The boy shuddered in pleasure as his hips began to instinctively thrust forward into the older man’s mouth, moaning in pleasure as he did so.
Taking his mouth off the boy’s penis, Lord Remington licked his lips and raised a brow up at Jason. “Not old enough yet, huh?”
Cameron felt a little embarrassed by this and felt his face turn red. “Not yet, my Lord.”
“That’s okay, child.” He said as a wicked smile spread across his thin lips. “But now, I think there’s something you can do for me to make me feel really good.”
Lord Remington pulled down his trousers and revealed his own hard shaft. It wasn’t all that big, perhaps only a inch bigger than Cameron’s own. But unlike the young boy’s Lord Remington’s member was a fully developed and adult cock, which was both veiny and thick unlike Cameron’s own. His testicles too had descended fully, and his scrotum was saggy and wrinkly.
Prompted by Lord Remington, Cameron got down to his knees as the old man spread his legs apart, giving the boy more access to the throbbing cock. “Suck it,” commanded Lord Remington, and while Cameron felt moderately repulsed by the sight of the old man’s erect penis, the young boy knew that he really should do as the old Lord said if he really cared for his own well-being. After all, Lord Remington was the sole reason Cameron was alive right now. If he displeased the older man in any way, Lord Remington could always withdraw his support for Cameron and the young boy would quickly find his head on a pike.
Trying not to seem uncomfortable, Cameron lowered his head and took the old cock into his mouth. His first thoughts was that it tasted quite salty and nauseating than he could have ever expected. And yet, Cameron fought against his own revulsion and continued to swallow the cock into his mouth, until he felt the very tip touching the back of his throat.
Initially, learning to suck cock was hell for Cameron. He found himself gagging every time the tip pressed against his throat, and he was also having difficulty coordinating his breathing through the nose while a man’s cock remained lodged firmly inside his mouth. Luckily for him, however, Lord Remington was slow to anger and kind enough to guide the young boy step by step through his first time sucking a man’s cock, until Cameron no longer felt as uncomfortable as before.
In just a few minutes, Cameron was expertly bobbing his head up and down on Lord Remington’s throbbing shaft, his young pink lips enveloping every inch of the old man’s cock with its warm, wet kiss. And before long, the old Lord soon began to become lost in pleasure and ecstasy as he began to thrust upward into Cameron’s mouth, becoming increasingly more frantic with his thrusting until finally, the old man came.
Cameron had never tasted semen before, let alone see it with his own two eyes. And yet without warning him, Lord Remington erupted into the depths of the boy’s mouth. Thick, sticky ropes of cum came spurting up into his throat, causing the boy to reflexively pull away and begin coughing to try to get it all out.
“Are you okay?” Lord Remington asked with a half laugh. “Perhaps I should have warned you. It is your first time after all.”
“I’m fine.” Cameron gasped. Though he was kind of sickened, and perhaps disgusted, Cameron once again knew better than to say it out loud to Lord Remington.
“Next time, try swallowing.” The old Lord said as he put away his softening erection back into his trousers, winking at the boy. “It works much better than coughing it all up.”
Swallowing? Now that sounded really bad. But nevertheless, Cameron managed a smile and merely nodded.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Lord Remington got to his feet.
“Okay, time to get yourself cleaned up,” He ordered. “I have new clothes, fresh clothes all laid out for you in the drawers. Stay in this room and don’t leave for any reason until I come back to get you. I have some business to attend to before we leave.”
And so, the former Lord Cameron Eveur, last of his dishonored House, watched the old Lord Remington leave. A bath had been drawn for him, and as he stepped over to the bath and touched the water, he found that it was warm, just like it used to be before all of this happened.
The young boy hadn’t had a bath in a whole month, since he had been imprisoned, and so he eagerly jumped in the warm water to wash all the dirt of his body. The water felt terrific on his body, and he knew he should really get himself cleaned up if he was going to be traveling to another kingdom. Especially if he was going to be serving another House there.
Serving wasn’t something that the former boy lord was used to doing; it was in fact he who’d have dozens of servants tending to him. But if it was what he’d have to do to avoid dying a terrible death, then Cameron would take it.
For the past month, Cameron had been kept in a constant state of uncertainty about his fate, as his captors had kept him in chains inside the depths of their dungeons. Chained and beaten, the boy feared for his life every single day and never once stopped being scared. His father was dead, his dead body paraded around, and his sisters were deflowered, raped and beaten to death before his very eyes. Cameron remembered locking eyes with one of his sisters as the men raped her, and he had been very certain that at that moment, she was already dead from the blunt force trauma inflicted on her. And yet, those men just kept on pounding away at her virgin pussy.
It had been terrifying, feeling like you were all alone in this world. The only people that Cameron knew he could trust was his family, and they were all gone. His servants must’ve been slaughtered too when the soldiers came rushing in, and for all he knew, no one that Cameron knew was still alive. The loneliness and fear was paralyzing.
But now, with the shrewd Lord Remington on his side and looking only for what was best for him, it felt like Cameron wasn’t all alone anymore. There was still someone out there watching out for him, someone on his side who he could put his faith in and trust. And that was not something Cameron wanted to lose, not ever, no matter what the old Lord wanted him to do.
“How do you feel?” Lord Remington asked as they sat inside the plush and well furnished carriage.
After Cameron had cleaned himself up while waiting in Lord Remington’s room, he had taken a few minutes to look at himself naked in a mirror. He considered what Lord Remington had done to him, sucking on his privates, and how it had felt. And then he thought about how the old Lord, who could have any of the most beautiful women in the kingdom if he so desired, was attracted to him and seemed to really want him.
It was almost like having a sudden sexual awakening or an epiphany of some sort. Before, Cameron had never thought of himself as attractive, not as he was now. Men were supposed to be big and strong, whereas Cameron was smaller and only packed a lean muscular frame at the very most. But apparently, there was an appeal to that, as evident by how Lord Remington tenderly caressed his firm body and cupped his small butt cheeks.
Cameron went to sleep after that. The very thought that his boyish looks could be appealing to older men made him giddy, and he was only awakened by Lord Remington much later in the evening when he told the boy that it was time to go. And so, Cameron quickly dressed himself in the garments of a page boy that was laid out for him, and hurried to follow Lord Remington to the awaiting carriage.
“I feel fine.” Cameron finally said, smiling as he looked around him.
The inside of the carriage was large, probably the largest carriage Cameron had ever been in before. His family was a small and insignificant one compared to Lord Remington’s ancient House, and so his father never did ride around in fancy carriages like this one, where there was a whole mattress that could fit four or five people easily to sleep on.
“Do you like it?” Lord Remington asked, noticing the young boy marveling at his carriage.
Cameron nodded. “Yes. I’ve never been in one as nice as this before.”
Lord Remington laughed and set himself down on the mattress, patting the spot beside him to invite the young boy to sit next to him. “Come on, you don’t want to be standing when we start moving. It can get rather bumpy.”
And so Cameron heeded the old Lord’s warning and sat down beside him. But the moment he sat down next to Lord Remington, the old man put one arm around the youth, ruffling his short golden hairs as he inched closer to the boy.
“You know, you’re going to have to start getting used to talking to people differently. You’re not Duke Eveur anymore, you’re a page named Cameron whose parents sold you into servitude under me. No last names, nothing about your past life.”
Cameron looked up at the old Lord’s dark eyes and nodded seriously. He knew that things would be different from now on, and he wanted Lord Remington to know that he understood the implications of that.
“And that means you’re going to have to learn to start calling people by their appropriate titles. Like when you talk to me, you say ‘Yes, my Lord’, or ‘No, my Lord’. Understand?”
“Oh.” Cameron suddenly realized that he indeed wasn’t a Lord anymore, and had no right to talk to one in such a casual manner. “O-Of course, my Lord.” He bowed his head, breaking eye contact with Lord Remington. “My apologies.”
“Ah, there’s no need for any of that now,” Lord Remington smiled. “I was just letting you know so you’ll understand how things have to be not to blow your cover from now on. When there are people around, of course you’ll have to address me as a Lord, as all page boys have to address Dukes.” He squeezed his arm around Cameron affectionately. “But when we’re alone together, little Leo, you can call me anything you’d like. First names even.”
Cameron smiled back at the sight of Lord Remington’s smile. The young boy had almost forgotten this feeling, of what it felt like to have someone he could trust, a close friend he knew wouldn’t betray him and would keep him safe.
Lord Remington’s hand had come up to Cameron’s cheek by now, and he was softly stroking the boy’s smooth, milky skin as he gazed into his sapphire blue eyes. There was something in those eyes that Cameron saw, a want, a desire, and Cameron knew that it was he that the old Lord wanted. As if to let Lord Remington know it was okay, Cameron smiled at him and nodded.
At once, the old man’s eyes had closed, the black pupils disappearing behind his eyelids, and he leaned forward. Cameron by now understood what was happening, and though he was nervous and didn’t know much how to respond to the Lord’s advances, decided to allow Lord Remington to have his way. It was the least he could do for his savior and benefactor.
Both the old man’s hands held his face as their lips met, and Lord Remington’s kiss became increasingly passionate as he attempted to force his tongue into the boy’s mouth. Cameron, meanwhile, who was totally inexperienced with such adult matters, merely sat still on the mattress, eyes wide open. He did not know how to respond or react, or how to even kiss back.
After a few moments of this, Lord Remington finally broke apart from the kiss and opened his eyes. Cameron was a little stunned and perhaps overwhelmed by the passionate kiss still smiled invitingly, however, encouraging the older Lord that he was alright with it. After some thought, Lord Remington finally spoke again.
“Lay down and take off your clothes.” He instructed as he got to his feet and unfastened his buckle. “We won’t need it, not tonight.”
Knowing what the Duke wanted, Cameron slipped off his new page’s attire until he was left in only his undergarments, and then grinned as he made eye contact with the older man as he slowly pulled it off to reveal his nudity. Lord Remington had by now taken off his plaid shirt and lowered his trousers too, but the older Lord was unable to take his eyes off the boy’s bared body the entire time.
Cameron smirked a little as he saw that Lord Remington’s erection was already at full attention. He was now suddenly finding himself quite enjoying the boyish appeal that he had on older men, and couldn’t wait to see what he wanted from him.
“Lay back on the bed.” Lord Remington said, and Cameron did as told.
He watched as Lord Remington got on the mattress, a hungry look on his face as Cameron laid sprawled out under him, looking up at the old Lord with a curious look and nervous grin. If the boy had to be honest, he was nervous, unsure of what was going to happen. And yet, when he looked up at the old man who towered over him on the bed, he knew it would all be alright.
“Just relax.” He said again. “You trust me, right?”
Cameron looked up at him with his innocent blue eyes, sparkling and gleaming with all the trust of a child. “Yes.”
A gleeful smile came over Lord Remington’s face as he straddled the young boy’s body. Cameron simply laid back and let him grab his thin calves, raising them up to rest over his shoulders. This movement of his legs spread his small butt cheeks open slightly, revealing the boy’s puckered hole.
“This may be a little uncomfortable at first.” Lord Remington said, as one hand caressed Cameron’s smooth, slim thigh. His other hand was gripping the base of his erect cock as he took aim. “But it ’ll feel good after you get used to it. I promise.”
Immediately Cameron felt pressure against his anal opening as the old Lord pressed his tip against his small hole. It was too tight, however, his opening was too small for entry, and the young boy began to grimace ever so slightly as his sphincter pushed back against the intruding object.
“Just relax.” Lord Remington reminded. “Don’t fight it.”
“I... I don’t think it fits.” Cameron said softly, grunting with every thrust of Lord Remington’s hips.
“It will if you let it. Just stop pushing back.”
“I-I’m trying.”
Several more minutes passed with no success, and Cameron now found himself wincing as the old Lord pushed hard against his opening. The sharp pain against his rectum has now increased and was beginning to really bother the boy.
“It’s starting to hurt.” Cameron decided to speak up hesitantly, trying his best not to sound like a whiny kid.
Lord Remington, though, did not let up, and continued to press his penis head against Cameron’s small hole. “Just hold on for a while more, little Leo. It’ll feel good soon.”
Cameron let out a yelp as the Duke thrusted his hips forward hard, causing his tip to almost barely slide inside of him. There was no way they were going to get anywhere like this, but for some reason, the old Lord did seem to be enjoying himself even if he were just rubbing his penis against the boy’s hairless and smooth hole.
“It just won’t fit.” Cameron tried to say again. “You’re too big.”
He saw the expression on the old Duke’s face change, and for a second Cameron thought he had actually managed to convince Lord Remington to stop trying to penetrate him. The pressure against anus eased up for a second, which gave Cameron some time to breathe. But in truth, Lord Remington was only taking this time to get a better hold on the boy to thrust into him. Cameron felt the Duke’s hands go to his shoulders, holding him in place, before thrusting his hips forward in one hard push.
Cameron’s eyes widened as he felt the erect shaft slip inside of him. He couldn’t even yelp or scream, the boy was too surprised by the sudden entry and could only open his mouth in a silent gasp.
Never before had he thought that a foreign object would enter his body sexually; that happened only to women, and the feeling of having something so intrusive lodged inside of him so suddenly felt like nothing he could describe.
The Duke seemed pleased however, smiling down at him and stroking his cheek as he muttered something about Cameron being really tight. Before long, Lord Remington’s hips had begun to move again, rocking back and forth as he drove his penis in and out of Cameron.
Once again, the feeling of the foreign object inserted into his body sliding in and then out continuously was indescribable, and Cameron could only lay back on the bed, panting as Lord Remington had his way with him. It did not take very long for the old Lord’s thrusting to speed up suddenly, and before he knew it, Lord Remington had reached orgasm.
Cameron felt string after string of cum shoot inside of his anal canal, filling and flooding his small hole with adult semen as the Duke pumped his entire load straight into the boy’s butt. It felt... warm, and intimate. Semen from inside of the old Lord had just been deposited straight inside of Cameron’s own asshole,and as they remained there joined together as one for several moments in the aftermath of Lord Remington’s orgasm, Cameron knew he had never felt closer to anyone before, not like this.
“Cameron...” Lord Remington whispered as he pulled out of the boy, collapsing down on the bed next to him.
The blonde haired boy remained there on the bed, looking back at the old Duke as cum oozed out of his stretched anal opening. He had just been used, taken like a toy by this man, and yet Cameron did not feel angry or ashamed. How could the boy be angry at Lord Remington, the only one he had left in this world?
And so they lay together on the bed, naked and panting from their rather vigorous exertions. While the older Lord slept soundly, glowing in his post orgasmic euphoria, Cameron could not find a way to close his eyes, to stop the thoughts from racing in his mind. Was doing this right? Letting the old Duke have his way with him like that? He loved the old Lord now, of course, but did Lord Remington care for him the same way too? Or was he just the man’s plaything?
Cameron eventually managed to stem the constant flow of thoughts in his mind, finding that seeing Lord Remington so happy was worth it, and what they did wasn’t so bad. And so, Cameron finally allowed himself to close his eyes and drift off to sleep on the plush mattress bed while the carriage continued traveling through the night.