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Misty Mollie, Sara and Shey take it one step further
In the several weeks following her rather embarrassing and humiliating meeting with Sara, Mollie managed to keep her girlfriend Misty and her forever absent husband from knowing she was also involved sexually with Sara and Sara’s dog, Herman.

Naturally Roo, Misty’s dog, was well aware that she was straying but he lacked the communication skills to pass this information on to his owner. Clawed, on the other hand, took a slightly more phlegmatic approach, insisting that he fuck her if she reeked of another dog, which she did now, often. This led to him covering his straying bitch far more frequently than any human male ever could or would want to.

Mollie’s new addiction or over-indulgence had created a slight body modification. Simply put – to purposely, over an extended period of time, have many large hard objects of differing sizes and shapes frequently pressing against the tight confines of her vagina over and over again, sometimes more than five times a day, led to her pussy remodeling itself. It was no longer nearly as tight as she had once prided herself of possessing. Mother Nature apparently demanded that if she insisted on regularly inserting a dog’s knot – which when expanded could become the size of a baseball – inside the narrow confines of her vaginal channel, that muscular tunnel would have to be enlarged. Not that her husband would notice much, seeing as how his favorite sex act involved her still tight ass.

On the other hand, this lack of tightness was amply compensated for by an almost unnatural increase in feeling and sensation. Even while walking, the action of her vaginal lips rubbing against each other kept her in a permanent state of semi-arousal. She’d actually experienced an orgasm when running to catch an elevator. She’d blushed profusely during this occurrence. The occupants of the elevator might not have heard her low moan, but they saw her sudden blush and embarrassed smile as she gripped the side of the elevator to prevent falling down due to her weakened, wobbly knees.

On the very few occasions Mollie found herself home alone, she and Clawed mated. Well, that’s not exactly the case. They fucked! Very regularly, often four or five times a night. He was happy that his owner’s once tight pussy had become loose and sloppy. With her cunt having lost its original tightness, he found it far easier to fuck and knot with her. So did the other dogs, Roo and Herman, and, in time, Nanook.

During this time, Mollie came to a decision. She didn’t need her husband, Desmond, any longer. Her trust fund, wisely invested, would supply her financial needs for the rest of her life. Her emotional needs were truly being taken care of for the first time in her life. She realized how shallow and shabbily her husband had treated her for all these years. She was going to send him an email about her decision, since he never answered his cell phone when she tried calling him. She discovered that he’d neglected to sign out of his account on the laptop they shared. Curious, she open his email folder and was shocked to find intimate, sexy, scandalous messages by someone named Dolores. Included were some pornographic selfies that hussy had sent him! Furious, she had the house locks changed that day, and gave a copy of the new keys to Misty and Sara, along with an electronic fob to open the gates. Mollie’s life was changing in oh so many ways.

When Misty and Shey were temporarily recalled to the Phoenix Head office, Mollie had been designated puppy sitter. This basically meant visiting their respective apartments twice a day, to let the dogs out to romp in the nearby park and clean and refresh their feed and water bowls, checking on the dogs as she found the time. Naturally, her addiction had made it necessary for her to spend more than a hour, much of it on her knees, every time she visited Shey’s or Misty’s apartment.

She found herself spending half the night in each apartment, and driving home before dawn to have a quick romp with Clawed before leaving for Misty’s apartment building again. She purposely played one dog against the other, knowing the current dog could never leave her alone if she was exuding the scent of some other dog’s cum. Shey’s dog, Nanook, was by far the wildest. Mollie’s ribs and belly had vivid scratches and her calves were bruised by the dog’s back feet tromping on her widespread legs as he almost mercilessly thrust his cock and knot into her ever receptive cunt, as she screamed from the erotic sensations he created in her body.

Mollie’s body had become one enormous erogenous zone. After years of spousal neglect, during which her husband’s mediocre cock occasionally slid into her anal passage, only to gush in what seemed like seconds before he turned onto his back, snoring, Mollie’s life had radically changed. Her current situation had helped her blossom into a sexually insatiable woman. Even before Misty had been recalled to Phoenix, when her human lover was at work or working late, and Sara’d completed her shift, she’d give Sara a call. More times than not, they’d hook up, spending the night at her gated and walled, sumptuous, multi-story home. During these trysts, every one of Mollie’s sexual cavities were explored by Sara, or she’d find her pussy filled by a fist or nine inches of canine penis and expanded by a rock hard knot into her now permanently widened vaginal channel till she squealed in ecstasy.

On this particular morning, Mollie sat on a stool in front of her mirror in her over-sized bedroom. Clawed was resting, satiated, at her feet, licking his flaccid but still protruding cock. Moments before, he’d licked the rivulets of their mixed juices that had flowed from her distended pussy, and now lay, lazily licking himself. Mollie applied foundation to the slightly saggy bags under her eyes. She’d spent most of the last two evenings and nights in bed with Sara after checking on Roo and Nanook. During that time, she was either on the bed or with her shoulder and pert breasts pressed into the soft lambs’ fur rug beside it. In that latter pose, Herman mounted, pummeled and knotted her, while Mollie kept her head down between Sara’s thighs, performing a passionate cunnilingus, and slurping down the fluids that resulted from it.

The night before, Sara and Herman had to be present for a very early predawn drug bust, and had left Mollie deliciously sore, but sexually satisfied, at about nine PM. Once the cop and her dog had departed, Clawed had naturally taken exception to his bitch reeking from another dog’s scent and had been aggressive in insisting that he fuck her to rectify the situation. He’d mounted her without any pretense or puppy-like foreplay, taking her in a manner akin to rape! Not just once. He did it five times in less than an hour, before allowing her to fall, almost comatose, onto the silk sheets of her king-sized bed.

The very next morning, he proceeded to wake her up just before dawn with a need to ‘do his business’ outside. Mollie had groggily stumbled naked downstairs to open the patio sliding door to let Clawed out. He returned after relieving himself, and had taken the opportunity to once again forcefully fuck his bitch while the two of them faced the sliding door. From where she knelt, Mollie had a view of the patio, lawn and crystal blue swimming pool, before a forceful orgasm caused her eyeballs to roll up in their sockets.

Later, sitting at her mirror, Mollie estimated she had at least half a quart of inky smelling dog cum in her slightly distended womb. She could swear that each movement of her body caused a shift in her center of gravity, accompanied by a sloshing sound. She loved that feeling.

Convinced that foundation camouflaged her tired looking eyes, she pulled a cheeky charcoal Maje silver check mini dress off its hanger, and selected a pair of Gianvito Rossi leather Aramis mules that matched the Maje mini perfectly. First she pulled a semi sheer metallic Missone tank top over her elfin short dark curly hair and stepped into her minidress before slipping her small elegant feet into her leather mules. She applied a subtle layer of ‘Fuck-me’ red lipstick and completed her look with blush, eye shadow and eyeliner.

She let Clawed out into the well secured yard before sliding into the red leather of her Mercedes coupe. After making good progress through the morning traffic, she found she had time to spare. Parking her car beside a small hanger a short distance from the main airport hangers at Amarillo’s Rick Husband Airport, she enjoyed the warm Texas sun on her skin.

A sleek Citation made its way to the hanger, and stopped. A crew member pushed out the door which doubled for stairs, saluting as Misty and her deputy deplaned. Misty’s long strawberry blond hair swayed in the slight breeze as she and Shey made their way towards Mollie’s sleek car. Misty noticed a problem the moment they stowed their bags in the Mercedes’ small trunk. The beautiful automobile only had two very comfortable leather seats. But even after counting about a dozen times, there were still three passengers. Mollie grinned, “You and Shey can share. If we’re stopped, I have a friend in the Police Department.”

With Mollie behind the wheel, and Shey perched on Misty’s lap, Mollie’s radial tires spat gravel as the wheels spun, finally obtaining traction when they reached the concrete of the highway. The concrete under Mollie’s tires was smooth except for the thump across an occasional built-in expansion gap. As Mollie accelerated, Shey began squirming in her peripheral vision.

Mollie took her eyes off the road for a brief moment to observe that Misty’s hand was up under the short skirt that Alice insisted all her ‘girls’ wore, as Shey was obediently doing. By the time Mollie had parked her sleek sports car alongside Misty’s luxury G7, Shey was way past just squirming – she was panting like a bitch in heat. She staggered once she was off Misty’s lap. Against logic, Mollie found herself fuming, as ready as a trod on rattlesnake to strike at anything, even though she herself was riding a broad line of infidelity.

Once they were all in the safe confines of the elevator, Misty switched gears. She pulled Mollie to her, planting kisses all over every exposed millimeter of her skin. Mollie herself squirmed as Misty’s hand pulled up the front of her uber cute designer skirt and closed over her sex in a display of total control and ownership. Misty whispered into Mollie’s ear, “You’re mine, bitch.” She squeezed the hand covering Mollie’s sex harder, tighter. The pain became exquisite and absolute. “This is mine too! You two-timing cunt! Everything you are is mine!”

Mollie’s jaw dropped. She uttered no sound as Misty’s hand squeezed her vagina while the woman kissed her passionately. Misty’s fist scrunched her already tender pussy. Mollie’s relief was instant the moment Misty released her red hot vagina. Then the throb began as blood flowed back into the tortured skin.

The elevator door ping’d open and the trio were met by Roo. As was his wont, he was bristling in defense mode since Misty’s shoes were his to protect. True, he recognized the mixed scents of Misty, Mollie, Shey, Nanook and Clawed. But Mollie exuded other more alarming scents – that of another dog and another woman; Sara and Herman. He tried to convey this information to his bitch by growling. But Misty bent down and cuddled him while he was still bristling. “It’s OK, Roo. I know all about it,” she cooed.

Roo canted his head, almost as if he understood every word Misty spoke (in reality, he probably did) before his scent receptors became aware that another bitch was exuding the ‘I need sex now’ scent. He wagged his tail as he sidled towards Shey, who’d managed to stumble into a kneeling position on the seat of the nearest leather couch in the sitting room, facing its back cushion. As Roo approached her, she opened her knees automatically. Pulling up her micro mini, she scooted her naked butt towards the edge of the seat and spread her knees wide apart just as Roo reared.

Shey’s greedy hands guided Roo’s cock towards her aching pussy, even though her own dog was a few meters away, downstairs in her own apartment. Her need to be fucked overrode all decorum and sanity. Roo’s haunches began to thrust the moment he reared. He felt Shey’s hands guiding his burgeoning cock towards the heat and drooling moisture of her deliciously smelling cunt. Their combined aim was perfect. He began to thrust wildly as his knot began to swell. There were soft wet squishes for a full minute as Shey arched her back letting the dog thrust and have his way with her.

The squishes stopped with a soft ‘shuff’ as the knot expanded to maximum, blocking off the entrance. Moments later, his massive organ began to pump cum. The temperature of dog cum is far higher than human cum, and Roo had a plentiful supply. He was quite happy to oblige this needy bitch. He stood rampant over Shey as she slowly slid her knees down to the floor, stretching out her torso on the couch seat. Woman and dog were still locked together as she began recovering from her second orgasm in as many minutes. Gradually, Roo’s knot softened. As it did so, he edged back out of her. First one side of the knot pulled free, then the other slid free lubricated by at least a cup of fragrant, slippery cum.

During all this, Misty kept hold of Mollie. She didn’t bother to undress her lover as she pulled her toward the sofa facing the windows. Seating herself, Misty spread her thighs as wide as her short skirt allowed. At the same time, she forced Mollie onto her knees in front of the sofa, and pulled Mollie’s head between her thighs. As Misty sprawled back on the sofa, Mollie’s nose came to rest on Misty’s clit. Her tongue automatically began licking, drawing in the moisture flowing from the building heat between Misty’s thighs. Mollie would never get tired of how Misty tasted. Her mouth sucked as she slowly began to shake her head, effectively squishing Misty’s clit from side to side, grinding it against her mound. Misty bucked, squealing, as her first orgasm set her nerves aflame.

Misty opened her eyes, her heart beating in time with the throb in her temple and her ragged breathing. Roo had pulled free of Shey and was hunched over, looking almost apologetic as he began to lick his drooping dripping penis. Using her thighs, Misty kept Mollie’s head trapped. She cooed to Roo quietly. “Come here, Roo,” she called softly. Roo responded to Misty, moving toward her. “Does Roo want to fuck?” she asked. Roo made a soft whine as if answering.

Misty bent forward while still seated, keeping Mollie’s head trapped between her thighs. She gripped Roo’s paws, lifting him and directing him to move behind where Mollie knelt in front of the sofa. She pulled Roo up, and his rear haunches brushed against Mollie’s bare ass, which had been covered with a dress that normally barely concealed her naked ass, and now completely failed to do so, bent over as she was. Roo responded as would any male near a receptive female. His semi-hard penis homed-in on the warmth between the soft globes of her ass.

Misty tugged Roo’s front paws a little more towards herself, as she scooted closer to the edge of the seat, all the while keeping Mollie’s head trapped between her thighs. Roo began to hump, his penis stiffening even more. He sought the wide wetness of Mollie’s gaping cunt, but Misty tugged him every time he was about to slide into that wetness. Her actions, a lifting movement, changed where his hard cock was slamming. His haunches shunted and the tip of his cock slid wetly along the cleft of Mollie’s ass and began stabbing at another, tighter opening.

Mollie clenched her ass in reflex. Misty’s thighs kept her mouth and nose against the wet wonderful warmth of her lover’s pussy. She felt Roo mounting her and she tried to arch her back and lift her ass a little higher so he didn’t accidentally penetrate her ass hole. But as she lifted, so did the dog! Instinctively, she’d widened her knees as the dog brushed against her and began to mount. But now, suddenly, Roo’s blunt penis began to stab the tight bud of her anus! His ardor increased and he began to jackhammer at that opening! Almost immediately, Mollie’s body responded, betraying her. The muscles she had clenched went into relaxation, and Roo’s rigid penis speared her ass, the bulky knot slamming against her nether entrance!

Roo felt a dry tightness gripping his cock. The heat, while less than a dog’s, was more than enough to excite him. This tightness drove him even more wild than usual. His response was to thrust harder and faster into that tightness, his precum lubricating Mollie’s normally dry ass. However, the kneeling woman’s body once again betrayed her. Feeling a large cylindrical object lodged in the opening induced the muscles in her ass to cycle, slackening and clenching, trying to push that cylinder out of her ass. This stimulation naturally added to Roo’s already heightened ardor.

He growled and pressed himself harder against Mollie. Mollie’s body finally reached a fever pitch from that strange friction. She began to produce mucus, secreting it in an attempt to lubricate her ass tunnel. During one of her muscles’ cycles of slackening, this proved to be her undoing. Suddenly, with an audible plop, his knot slotted home in her ass! The pain was instantaneous, but so was the pleasure.

Mollie’s body submitted. Her pussy was lubricating madly now, sending rivulets of her natural lube down her inner thighs. Roo’s cock had penetrated her ass, and his knot was firmly planted inside her. His knot was being gripped tightly by the inner muscles of her ass. Roo was experiencing what would be a female bitch’s clamp, during which the female dog’s vagina clamps over the dog’s swollen knot.

Mollie was clamping around his knot so well that he could enjoy her now in an ass to ass position. Formerly, this bitch’s cunt used to be so tight that he could enjoy her ass to ass on a regular basis. But over time, her cunt had, as had Misty’s, grown less tight and far more lubricated. Instinctively, Roo began to lift one leg and twist, his body turning until he and the bitch stood facing opposite directions. Ass to ass!

Misty gripped his tail and tugged. Roo shunted backwards as he was tugged like that, driving his pulsing cock deeper up Mollie’s ass! Misty then relaxed her pull, and Roo leaned forward, only to be tugged back again. Each movement sent a wave of pain through Mollie’s core. Her eyes teared up from this painful ass fucking. Finally, Roo released his jizz, spurting deep inside Mollie’s ass. She felt the heated cum deep in her core. It felt like a river of hot oil coursing along her sensitive tissues. She imagined she could actually feel it flowing along her lower intestine as his massive balls shuddered with each spurt. During this, Shey had managed to stand and had moved in front of Roo. She widened her legs and Roo began to lick the cum dribbling out of the cunt he had filled not so long ago. Shey was doubly excited by the licking, since it was accompanied by the muffled sounds of moaning that Mollie was making into Misty’s cunt from the pain and humiliation of this punishment for her infidelity.

When Roo’s knot finally deflated enough to allow his cock to tug free from Mollie’s ass hole, both dog and woman yelped briefly. Misty pulled the teary woman up into her lap, cuddling and soothing her now. “You know why I did that?” Misty asked, rhetorically. “It wasn’t because you’re having sex with Sara. Hell, that woman turns me on too, now that we’re all friends. It was because you felt you had to keep a secret from me. Like you had to sneak around behind my back.” She raised Mollie’s chin to look into her eyes. “Woman, you’re mine, and I love you. I also know that I don’t have nearly enough hours in the day to give you enough sex to make up for all those years you were denied what you needed. So, Sara can help, Shey can help, all of our dogs can help – all with my blessing. But no more sneaking around. Hear me?”

Mollie sniffed back her tears. “Yes, love. I hear you, and I’m sorry. I love you too. And thank you for awakening all this inside me.” She forced a tiny smile onto her face. “Even a canine ass fucking.”

Misty laughed. “You want him to do it again?”

Reflexively, Mollies hands flew back to protect her ass hole. “Not right away, please, darling.” That led to full-fledged hugs and kisses. Even Shey joined them on the sofa, cuddling and kissing. Things were progressing well, until Mollie’s phone rang.

As has been said, earlier that same morning, Sara and her dog, Herman, had left to participate in a pre-dawn drug raid. That early morning raid on the dealer’s house had gone as expected. The dealer was caught without a fight and, with Sara and Herman’s help, his stash was discovered in about 5 specially built secret caches within his home. The raid and search still took all of the morning, and most of the afternoon.

Once she’d gotten home, Sara’d cranked up the air conditioner, and serviced her impatient Herman, who felt that since he’d done a good job, he deserved release by fucking his bitch. In her post-orgasmic blissful haze, Sara now lazed semi naked on her bed, her voluminous panties still gummed with a mixture of her own and Herman’s recent secretions. Herman had plopped down beneath a window, panting and licking himself lazily in the warm Texas sun.

This quiet interlude was interrupted as Sara’s phone, beside the bed at this moment and never far from her anyway, began to ring. The ringtone was not Mollie’s nor her parent’s, but a jarring sound, signaling it was work calling. With a sigh, she rolled over and scooped up her phone, her forefinger swiping across the answer icon. “This is Sara,” she yawned into the phone.

The voice on the other end was the mid-shift dispatcher. Originally she had been introduced to the department as Tammy. However, 5 pregnancies in the 5 years she’d been with the Department – each baby having a different policeman as the father – called for a nickname modification. She was about 8 months along with the fifth baby now, and had been renamed ‘Tummy’ by everyone in the department.

“Hi Sara,” Tummy began.

“I’m off duty, Tummy, ’sup?” Sara responded.

Tummy replied. “Well, as you know, there’s a cougar terrorizing the suburbs, right?”

“Oh, yeah, I think I heard mention of it. Why?” Sara asked.

“Um, well, with everyone in Animal Control patrolling for the cougar we’ve just received a call from a man who’s cornered by a rabid dog, and he can’t move or get into his house, because the keys aren’t fitting. Now in all likelihood, the rabid dog is his wife’s purse Chihuahua. The address is near to your house, and since you’re our resident canine specialist the Sarge is hoping you could take a short drive and swiftly put a leash on the ‘rabid hound’ and diffuse the situation until the poor guy’s wife gets home. The address is in the Gated Community Indian Foothills, 2196 Blackbear Boulevard. Can you check it out for us?”

Sara sat bolt upright. She knew that address. “OK, Tummy. I’ll swing by, permission for Code 2 on this 11-59?” she responded. Since she was being asked to work when off duty, it had to be considered an emergency.

Tummy’s response was straight out of a controller’s text book. “No unit SO 12. You are cleared for speed but no lights or sirens. This is not an 11-59 National Emergency. Control standing by. Please report once you are on the scene. Out!”

“You’re not a radio host, Tumtum”, Sara chided playfully. “OK, lemme go save the world! Standby for update once this unit is dressed and enroute.”

Sara, still in her rather unglamorous passionless pink, soiled ‘granny’ panties, swiftly snapped a clean bra into place. Pulling on a freshly starched uniform shirt and trousers, she laced up her boots, picked up Herman’s leash and made for the door. “Herman, shehr!” she commanded, as she swung her belt around her slim waist, scooped up her phone and holstered her Glock 19 Compact, with it’s slightly protruding +2 magazine holding 19 rounds of 9mm Parabellum.

The moment Sara opened the door of her squad car, Herman hopped in and nimbly laid himself down, filling most of the back seat. Emblazoned on the doors of the car were the City’s Coat of Arms, K9 Unit and a slightly confusing number of 6456. This was Sara’s ‘office’ – in other words, her Police Department issued 2018 V6 black and white Ford Explorer. The police tuned 3.5 L Ti Vct V6 twin cam motor had all its 290 horses purring moments after she keyed the ignition. While not quite having the same power as a Police Interceptor or even Mollie’s Silver Mercedes 450 AMG GT Roadster Coupe , her vehicle was extremely fast. She pressed a hand free knob on her steering wheel intoning, “Unit SO 12 10-1; 10-6.” (responding to call… stand by)

Tummy’s response was immediate, as Sara reversed. “Roger SO 12. Confirming enroute and Control is standing by. Control out!”

As she sped toward Mollie’s house, Sara wondered what she’d encounter. The only dog that should be there was Clawed, and he was certainly not rabid. However, if he was in his ‘guard dog’ mode, she imagined the man he was facing would see sharp teeth as Clawed snarled and barked at this intruder in his domain. Since the man had said it was ‘his house’ that jerk had to be Mollie’s errant husband, Desmond. Yes, Sara knew about Desmond’s mistress, Dolores. Mollie had explained everything when she’d presented Sara with a new house key.

When she approached the gate, Sara depressed the fob that Mollie had given her and sped through the gap as the gate smoothly slid open. Skidding to a stop near the house, Sara informed Tummy, “10-3” (on scene), and received a ‘Roger’ in acknowledgment.

Leaving Herman in the car for the moment, Sara walked toward the front door, hitching up her belt authoritatively. What she saw was a pathetic looking, sub-par example of the male of the species, who was pinned against the door, with Clawed, hackles fully raised, snarling and menacing him. Desmond was frantically babbling on his cell phone, calling Mollie for help. He looked even more pitiful since his pants showed a huge wet streak from his crotch downward, since he’d pissed himself from fright.

Seeing the officer approach, Desmond yelled, “Officer, this dog is rabid! Shoot him! Shoot him! Shoot him!” as he was disconnecting from Mollie.

Sara commanded, “Clawed, auff!!” Clawed slowly backed up a couple of paces. “Clawed, zitz!!” Clawed sat on his haunches. “Clawed, leiben!!” Clawed laid himself down, but continued to fix eyes with Desmond, and still showed his teeth as he growled. Clawed had not heard any command that this was a friend, and he should stop, so his hackles stayed raised.

“Put that phone away now and talk to me, Sir. What’s going on here?” Sara ordered and asked.

“M… m… my name is Desmond Jones, officer. And I live here.”

“Oh, is that so? I need to see some ID, Sir.”

With a shaking hand, he reached toward his back pocket. Clawed’s growls got slightly more menacing when Desmond started moving. Slowly, and carefully, he pulled his wallet from his back pocket. Thankfully, it was not soaked with his urine. “Sir. Do not make eye contact with the dog. He’ll see that as a challenge. Just keep looking at me.” As he tried to hand her the entire wallet, she said, “Just hand me your driver’s license, Sir. Hang on to the rest of your wallet.”

After looking over the license carefully, Sara compared the image on the license to the man standing at the front door. She also read the vital statistics. “So this is you, Sir?”

“Y… yes… of course it’s me,” he whined.

“You seem to have lost quite a bit of hair, Sir. And perhaps put on fifty pounds or so?”

Desmond looked indignant. “Now see here, Officer!” he began. But Clawed’s growl increased in both volume and savagery. Desmond squeaked in fear. “Yes. Yes, I have, Officer,’ he stated with a much quieter tone, before turning towards Clawed. “Quiet Claude!” he yelled as Clawed growled. The Weimeraner bared his teeth even more.

“Clawed, bleib!!” Sara commanded. “I suggest not antagonizing the dog sir. Clawed has shown remarkable self control for an animal, but I suspect he doesn’t have any more patience,” she commented and began walking to her car.

“Where are you going? Wait. Wait!” the man pleaded.

“It’s fine, Sir. I told the dog to ‘stay’ and I’m just running your data through the system. It’ll only be a few minutes.” She was following routine, but she was also waiting for Mollie’s arrival. Not very long after that, she heard the growl of a turbocharged V8 as Mollie gunned her car up the winding driveway, followed by the screech of tires as Mollie’s silver Benz skidded to a halt. Two car doors slammed as Mollie and Misty strode purposefully toward where her dog still kept her husband cornered.

“You moron!” Mollie screamed. “Shoot him? Shoot him? Shoot my dog? Are you insane?” Hearing her voice, Clawed lowered his hackles and thumped his tail, but his eyes never left Desmond.

“We have a dog?” Desmond asked, mystified.

“No! I have a dog! It has nothing to do with you,” she rebutted.

“But honey, I thought he was attacking me, and I couldn’t get into the house. My key’s not working. Why didn’t you tell me about the dog, and the new locks?”

Mollie was livid as she yelled, “You never answer your damn phone when I call you! So I had no fucking idea when you’d return! The locks are changed because you don’t live here any more, idiot! Remember? The house is in my name!” With a strange expression on her face, she added, “I suppose your lawyer had no idea where to send the divorce papers.”

Desmond sputtered. “B… But baby, why are you doing this?”

Mollie looked ready to spit. “I’m not your baby. Maybe Dolores is your baby. Crawl back to her!”

At the mention of her name, Desmond went pale, and looked like he might faint. His jaw flapped several times, but no words emerged, since he had no defense.

Mollie drove the point home. “It’s over, jerk! Get lost!”

Sara watched this interchange with amusement, but kept her ‘all business’ cop expression on her face as she watched Desmond wilt. She cleared her throat and asked, “Would you like me to escort him off your property, Ma’am?”

“Yes, Officer. I’d appreciate that. If he’s near the police station, he can get a hotel, or take a taxi to the train, bus, or airport. I don’t know how he’ll get to where this Dolores lives. If you could get her address from him, so we know where to find him to serve the papers, that would be helpful.”

Sara looked coolly at Desmond. “Umm… can you get him a fresh pair of pants, Ma’am… I’d prefer not to have the stench of urine in my car.”

“Certainly, Officer. Anything to speed his removal.” Mollie went into the house and was back with a pair of his jeans almost immediately.

Seeing no alternative, Desmond took off his pants, and stood there in pee-stained Tighty-Whities, looking abashed. “Underwear too, Sir,” Sara instructed him.

Desmond looked down at the ground and mumbled, “Mollie, can I have some fresh underpants?”

Her eyes gleaming, she said, “No. Go commando, Mr. I-have-a-secret-mistress, you two-timing asshole. Remember, I have our laptop, and everything on it.”

Sara almost laughed, since Mollie herself had her own illicit suitors. She watched, amused as Desmond tried to hide his genitalia as he stripped off the sodden underpants and squeezed into the jeans, transferring the items from one set of pants to the other. He had to be extra careful with the zipper, she noted.

As she led Desmond to her police car, she opened the rear door and said, “Herman, hinteren!!” Her wonderful dog immediately leaped over the rear seat back into the cargo area. Turning to Desmond, she reminded him, “Do not make eye contact with my dog, either, and don’t try to speak to him. Get into the back seat, buckle in slowly, and stay extremely still and quiet, for your own safety, sir.” A now trembling Desmond eased himself in, facing strictly forward. He looked stiff as a crash dummy, but his hand shook so badly he had difficulty fastening his seat belt without looking down.

Sara went back to Mollie with a clipboard, supposedly to get her signature on the report. Mollie took the opportunity to whisper to her, “Misty and I would like you to contact us as soon as Desmond is out of your hair.”

Sara nodded her understanding, climbed back into the car, and reported to Control, “Code 1; 10-10,” which meant, ‘situation under control’ and ‘completed and returning to base’ in their lingo.

Tummy responded, “Roger. Control Out.”

As they pulled away, Desmond turned his head slowly and took a last look at Mollie. She was petting the dog that had menaced him – her smiling, and the dog wagging his tail happily as she praised him. Sara was thoughtful as she dropped Desmond off downtown, wondering what her two friends had in mind.

Sara was still curious what Misty and Mollie wanted to talk about as she pulled up behind her own aging Honda sedan. Somehow seeing Desmond like that had shattered her illusions about high powered oil executives. Then again, her life had changed in many not so subtle ways since she’d joined this police force, and especially after the fateful day she’d pulled over Mollie Jones for speeding. Before, one of her fantasies had been going down on an oil tycoon, merely for the thrill of it. Before Mollie, she’d never had sex with a woman, and while she still didn’t consider herself a lesbian, she knew now that she’s definitely bisexual. And of course, her partner, Herman really changed her outlook on life. In the cool of her now parked police car, she leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes, remembering the first time Herman had shown he was far more than a canine police officer.

“We were patrolling that highway,” she remembered. “Herman and I were employed by the Panhandle Counties of Potter, Randall and Swisher and as such our duties were split by the three Counties. Out of convenience, we were based in Amarillo, but we’d get called out to the other municipalities and police departments as needed, not just the jurisdiction of Amarillo.”

She sighed and signaled to her canine partner to come forward into the passenger seat so she could pet him as she recalled that special day. She thought, “Consequently, as a County official I patrolled a section of HW 27 and 87 when I wasn’t involved in my capacity as a Canine Officer.”

She rubbed his ears saying, “Remember, boy? We pulled routine traffic and highway duties. That particular day we patrolled the sixty miles between Amarillo and Lubbock, bypassing the quaint towns of Canyon, Happy and Tulia.”

Herman panted a little, happy to be getting this ear rub. Sara giggled, and looked at him. “Yes! You remember! That elderly Ford Explorer patrol vehicle’s air conditioning had stopped working and the vehicle was like an oven. They’d promised us a newer squad car for over a year, but I swear that all the County mechanic did was keep the elderly vehicle running with chewing gum and chicken wire!”

She scratched Herman behind his ears lovingly, and he panted louder. “Yep, even with the driver’s window open, and with all the other windows cranked half down we were still baking. Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this, Herman, but when we passed the turnoff to the pretty town of Canyon, I was pondering buying a home there, but the Amarillo PD’s Canyon Sub-Office’s main duties involved policing the West Texas A&M University students.” She stopped scratching him and said, “But that would mean I be parted from you, and I’d never ever ever do that!” Herman licked her cheek.

Sara smiled. “I swear you understand every word I say, don’t you? Anyway, our ‘beat’ was the section of 87 and 27 until it reached the sixty mile marker to Plainsview, and the turn off to Tulia. Remember that big billboard advising motorists not to drink and drive? That marked the end of our designated patrol. I knew I had to cool us off, so I pulled in behind the huge roadside billboard, and that sand dune we used to hide us from the view of passing motorists and truckers. When we’d parked I opened the door and let the slight Texas breeze cool us. You, my friend and companion, were panting so loud that day, with your tongue lolling so far out of your mouth that I wondered where all the extra length came from!”

Sara chucked Herman under his chin, focusing his attention on the most important part of this reminiscence. “I’d been holding back an urgent need to pee for the last 40 minutes. I’d informed the radio controller I was going 10-12 (off duty) for thirty minutes but would stand by in case of an emergency. Once I was out of the car, I quickly unbuckled my weapon belt and pulled down and removed my uniform pants and panties, so I wouldn’t get them wet. Bare assed, I squatted down and oh, the relief as I began emptying my overfilled bladder.” She sighed, recalling that moment.

“And you,” she began, addressing Herman, “can you imagine my surprise?” Herman cocked his head, inquiring. She giggled and grinned, “Yes, I said my surprise. As I was squatting, I had no clue that you’d jumped out of the car behind me. When you pressed your cool wet nose into the cleft of my ass cheeks, I almost shrieked! And when your tongue…” Herman cocked his head to the other side, listening. “Yes… just try to look innocent. It was your tongue that licked at the yellow stream passing between my vaginal lips. My training at Texas Rapid Response K9 in Le Grange TX had given me no instructions for this particular set of circumstances, so I did what came naturally… I shrieked! But I couldn’t stop my pissing until I was empty. And when I was empty, you just kept licking and licking, and I shrieked again… but in bliss!” She gave Herman a tender kiss on his nose. “And that, partner, was the beginning of a brand new way of life for the both of us!”

She looked at her watch. “Oh, we’d better get ready, and go see what Mollie and Misty want.”

When they arrived Sara managed to find a parking spot nearby, about 100 meters from Misty’s apartment building. She clipped a leash to Herman’s leather collar, leaving off the ‘choke chain’, thus informing Herman that it was not a duty call. (Police dogs on duty have a leather – Kevlar – collar and stainless steel choke chain clipped on a single leash – when the dog is ‘duty clipped’, he will only respond to his handler and will be aggressive if touched by anyone else, friend or foe.)

Sara commanded, “Herman, shehr!” He trotted slightly behind Sara’s left leg a half meter behind her heel. She and Herman strode through the door and up to the bank of elevators. She pressed the button marked ‘P’ and was instantly whisked to the top floor. The elevator stood idle for less than a minute. The red light for the camera blinked a few seconds, and the door opened with a welcoming ‘ping’ sound. Sara approved these security precautions, of course.

Herman followed Sara still in ‘heel’ position. They were greeted by both Roo and Clawed. The dogs performed their customary sniffing ritual on Sara, both Roo and Clawed using their snout to sniff her crotch and ass. Ritual complete, she commanded Herman to ‘zitz’ and unclipped the leash, while being greeted by Mollie, who seemed intent on giving Sara an intimate French kiss and pawing her breasts. At a slight distance, Misty stood smiling, and watching.

After the kiss, Sara was asked to follow Misty and Mollie to the sumptuous sitting room, while the dogs sniffed and playfully growled and generally behaved like dogs. Misty sat alone on a white leather chair that in all likelihood represented a month’s salary to Sara. Mollie pulled her down on the matching love-seat, and held onto her hand. After a bit, the silence became uncomfortable.

Sitting squarely in her chair almost as if it was a throne, Misty cleared her throat and spoke. “We’ve invited you here for two reasons, Sara. The first one, I think, is like an ‘elephant-in-the-room’ so let’s get it out of the way first, if you don’t mind?”

Sara twitched slightly, and her gulp was almost audible. “OK. What’s on your mind, Misty?”

“You!” Misty pointed an accusatory finger at both Mollie and Sara. “You’re fucking each other, as well as each other’s dogs.”

Sara opened her mouth to answer, but closed it as Mollie gripped her hand tighter. Misty continued before she could put together any words for their combined defense. “Please, my girl Mollie has already confirmed it, and has been punished for this transgression,” Misty continued. “Now, I’m a few years younger than you, but I’m so not into cuckolding.” She winked at Mollie, adding, “My name isn’t Desmond, after all.”

Mollie chortled at that statement. Misty continued after winking at Mollie with a slightly crooked smile, and poking out her tongue, playfully. “Neither am I here to lay any blame, since I can’t say that I’m the innocent one here. I have a long time, albeit distant, Mistress whom I’ve served for the last four years, in every way, including sexually. I’m also in a non-exclusive relationship with my assistant, the girl who lives on the next floor down.” She pointed at the floor.

Misty canted her head and swept back her long strawberry hair with her fingers, a sign of nervousness not lost on Sara, who’d been trained to read a perpetrator’s body language. “I don’t see why you two need to hide your relationship. But if it continues, I’d prefer you did it in the open.” There was a slight hesitation before she continued, “And I’d appreciate it if you both included me. I love Mollie, but I realize I can’t always be there for her, given my demanding career. Also, since I’m already involved in more than one sexual relationship, it’s not fair to her for me to restrict her affairs. Moreover, Sara, I have to admit I’m attracted to you. I’m hoping we can go forward with this, all three of us. Oops. I almost forgot Shey. I mean all four of us.”

Sara reeled in her seat. She felt like jumping up in protest, but her legs felt like limp spaghetti. For a minute or two, her thoughts raced wildly as she tried to formulate a reply. Finally, she uttered, “I’m not used to sloppy seconds, and I’ve never ever been with any woman other than Mollie. I’m not a lesbian.”

Misty countered, “No one is asking you to accept ‘sloppy seconds’ and no one in this room is a lesbian. I most certainly am not. Mollie was married to a man, although she’s now divorcing him. I know Shey’s having sex with a resort manager. So this would be just us doing what we enjoy, with no recriminations or hard feelings. Most people have misconceptions about people like us – bisexuals. I’ve had the experience of being looked down on by every other sexual community except for dog fuckers. So over and above asking you to accept Mollie’s and my proposition, I’m now going to offer you the opportunity to join the most exclusive club in the world.”

She paused, watching Sara become more alert and focused. “It will involve us,” Misty continued, pointing to herself and Mollie, “and those three.” She pointed to the three dogs who had figured out that they should pretend to behave and were giving great impressions of ordinary, worshipful dogs. “And a select group of individuals who likewise are intimate with their dogs.”

Sara flicked her short fringe from her forehead, “Misty, you know I’ve been with all three of our dogs already – yours just that one night. I think he took me five times, or maybe that’s how many times I came. It was a bit of a blur. And then again far, far more than once with Clawed, so why are you making this sound like some big deal?” she asked, slightly puzzled.

“To join this select society, the initiation involves the candidate being fucked by three different dogs, and the proof of that being sent to the person who controls the group,” Misty replied.

Sara frowned. “What kind of proof?” she demanded, suspiciously.

“Since she cannot observe this in person, an encrypted uploaded stream needs to be sent to the person who controls the group. This person will call you when you’re done, and confirm not only your membership, but also that the evidence has been destroyed.” She raised her hand to forestall Sara’s possible protest. “I totally get that you’re concerned that any photo evidence or uploaded stream could be used to blackmail you. You have my and Mollie’s word, as well as the person who will watch, that all evidence will be destroyed, once your membership is confirmed. So, do you wish to join us?”

Sara looked over at Mollie, who was nodding vigorously as her eyes pleaded for her to accept. Sara’s heart seemed to be hammering in her throat as she wrestled with her decision. But not only did she love Mollie – she trusted her. And therefore, she felt she could also trust Misty. Squaring her shoulders, she replied, “Yes. I accept.”

“Excellent choice. We have the three dogs handy, so let me check if she’s available right now.” Misty pulled out her phone and swiped an icon on the glowing screen. They didn’t have long to wait. “Hi, Alice,” she spoke softly into the phone. “Yes, I’ve confronted both Mollie and Sara, and it’s as you suspected. Sara has agreed to join us, so I’ll induct her right now, if it’s OK with you. Of course, of course. Here, you can speak to her directly.” She handed her phone to Sara.

Sara took the phone Misty offered her. The slim phone resembled an ordinary phone but she could immediately see that it wasn’t ordinary at all. It had no logo and the apps and icons were far different from any cellular phone she had ever seen. It was also heavier. “Hello, this is Sara,” she said into it.

A female voice at the other end came through as clear as if the person was less than a block away. “Hello Lieutenant. I’m looking forward to witnessing your induction. You have my word that what is streamed to me will be destroyed, and your secret will remain my secret.”

“With respect, Ma’am, I’m the equivalent of a Sergeant, not a Lieutenant,” Sara countered.

“Ahh. That would be because I’ve just spoken to the Governor. Your County Commissioners have not yet heard it from me to let your direct superiors know. Even if you don’t wish to belong to our group, Privilege, the promotion, salary increase and additional benefits are confirmed and ratified.”

Sara shivered, finding the woman’s voice silky smooth but the undertone diamond hard. “I accept your word about keeping my secret, Ma’am.”

“There’s no need to Ma’am me, Sara. My name is Alice, and I look forward to watching your induction, and meeting you in person sometime in the future. Now give Misty back her phone,” Alice commanded.

Sara gasped, this was ‘the’ Alice, who not only owned groups of banks, including the one Misty managed, but also shipping lines. She was rumored to have holdings and Real Estate in just about every country in the world. Her reputation for ruthlessness was legendary. And this woman was now her benefactor? Sara handed the phone back to Misty, looking a little dazed.

Misty took her phone and spoke briefly to Alice. “We’re ready, Sara. You may begin.” She and Mollie watched as Sara tugged off her shirt and pulled down her pants. Misty aimed the phone’s camera at Sara, now clad in only her ridiculously ugly granny panties.

With no hesitation, Sara slid the panties down and off while calling to Clawed. “Come here, Clawed,” she cooed. In her mind, she’d decided to make this ‘induction’ ceremony a very special event, given the status of the powerful woman who’d be watching it.

Seeing the bitch had removed her clothes and summoned him first, Clawed wagged his tail and moved forward, pushing his nose into the junction between her thighs. He sniffed, filling his scent receptors with the undeniable scent of a lusty bitch.

He canted his head as Sara knelt softly and pushed him down onto his side. She rolled him over onto his back, squatting astride him. Her hand reached back and she began to stroke his penis. Within seconds his pink pointed tip emerged from its sheath. Her knowing hands pumped and manipulated him faster and faster until his knot began to swell. Sara expertly slid backwards pressing him into her gaping pussy. She half rose as the dog’s cock slotted home with a soft gush. She lowered herself muttering, “Good boy, Clawed, good boy!”

The camera got a lovely view as Sara hovered above Clawed, his knot slotting into a customary position below her clit. His balls contracted as his seed began spurting up, joining his precum inside the bitch. Sara half whispered as she hissed, “Herman, komst hier!” The agitated dog’s haunches were already humping air, since he wasn’t happy to see his bitch being fucked by another, albeit by a dog he knew. Sara looked up at Mollie. “Mollie, I need him my ass. See if you can guide him,” she half sobbed.

Mollie rose and gripped Herman, twisting him to the opposite direction and pulling him over Sara. The excited dog’s cock was already spurting his precum as he humped her hand. She lifted the dog’s tail, pulling his leg over Sara and tugged him down as his slippery cock shot precum over Sara’s back. Herman’s cock was so alive in Mollie’s hands that she was having difficulty controlling it.

Crouched beside Sara, she pressed Herman’s haunches down, and while he was lustily thrusting aimlessly, she managed to guide his stiff penis towards Sara’s lifted up ass. Herman’s haunches thrust anew, and the tip of his cock slammed the tight rosette of Sara’s ass. After about twenty seconds of these impacts, the anal ring seemed to soften. Herman’s cock slid into Sara’s ass inch after inch as he continued to thrust. His rear paws slid and slipped across the hardwood of the apartment floor as he strained. Misty moved to a better vantage point, and captured the moment when her ass hole dilated almost grotesquely, allowing his knot to slide into her ass. The camera wasn’t pointing at Sara’s face just then, but her loud gasp was probably easily heard by Alice.

Now Sara began to mumble as if she was talking in tongues, her eyes had rolled back and only the eerie whites were visible. She mumbled coherently for a second, “Mollie… Roo… mouth”, before another orgasm shook her, making any further rational thought impossible.

Mollie, whose pussy had begun to leak rivulets of her own vaginal secretions, managed to crawl to Roo, whose tail was wagging with excitement. She tugged the excited dog over to Sara. Once he was positioned, Mollie furiously pumped at Roo’s cock, masturbating him and teasing the two vein like bones behind his knot. Her skilled hands prevailed. His knot came forth from his sheath and he was humping her hand, as fast as he could. Mollie twisted his cock, pulling it under and behind him. She eased the dog backwards toward Sara who was moaning and sobbing. Mollie slid one hand along Roo’s engorged cock, while her other lowered Sara’s torso until her mouth was roughly level with Roo’s precum spitting penis. She guided them together.

Sara was expecting the cock, but she still gagged as Roo’s cock slid wetly into her mouth. The angle of her neck, with her head thrown back in a rictus of orgasm was perfect. Roo scampered backwards, and his cock slid into the tight confines of Sara’s throat. Her lips closed softly over the iron hard knot. Roo, feeling his knot in the warmth of what felt like a pussy, began to spurt his seed.

All three dogs ultimately emptied themselves inside Sara. The Weimeraner was first. He squirmed under Sara trying to get up, only to be growled at by Herman who was still encapsulated in the tight confines of his handler’s ass. Roo’s cock was being massaged by Sara’s gag reflexes and he was the first to pull free, with his last spurt spraying like a fountain as the tip slid free of her mouth.

Herman, seeing the dog in front of him spray Sara’s face with cum, growled and sprang forward ripping his deeply embedded knot from Sara’s ass. Her primal squeal rose three octaves when the long suffering Clawed wriggled on his back and twisted under her. Once his paws were firmly on the wooden floor he began to stand, which ripped his softening knot from the cloying wetness of her cunt.

The sudden withdrawal of three fist sized knots from all three of her orifices virtually simultaneously was documented by Misty, whose own knees had splayed almost unnaturally wide. Her body screamed its need. While she held her phone in one hand, her right hand surreptitiously massaged her clit. Her own orgasm coincided with the squeal Sara gave.

Mollie plucked the phone from Misty’s shaking hands before the orgasming woman could drop it. She gave Alice detailed views of Sara’s mouth, ass, and pussy. The rear two orifices were still grossly dilated and disgorging globs of canine semen. Sara’s eyeballs had rotated to a more normal alignment, but it was obvious that they were out of focus. Her body was still quivering as her tongue emerged to lick at whatever dog cum it could reach.

Mollie pointed the phone’s camera at Misty, whose hand was clenching and massaging her sopping pussy as her tits quivered invitingly. Mollie began licking the rest of Roo’s semen off Sara’s face. Gradually, Sara recovered enough to give Mollie a kiss and sink down flat on the floor, spent.

Mollie heard Alice’s voice. “Mollie, move the phone closer to Sara’s ear.” As she did so, all three women heard Alice’s next words. “Welcome to Privilege, Sara. You performed admirably. As promised, I will destroy the evidence.” Her tone of voice then took on a tone of steely reserve. “I expect the same from you, Sara… We’ll never mention this again. You belong to Misty now, and Misty vouches for you. I wish happiness to all four of you, and will see you all at the next major event.” As the call ended, Misty and Mollie stripped and got down on the floor on either side of Sara to embrace her. They snuggled closely, and soon felt the fur of their canine lovers pressed warmly against their bare skin.
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