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I changed a lot of this chapter from the original. Pretty much everything about is different, save for Elena and Destiny's fling.
Chapter Fifteen


Five days ago, we burned Sherok’s body. The Terdini and Protaki stood in solemn silence as Brock set the pyre aflame. He didn’t show his sadness, but we all knew his wrath. The next day he began to whip the Protaki into fighting shape. He was brutal and merciless with the ill-trained men, often times beating them into submission when they failed. Despite his ferociousness, he was fair, or “fair” by orc standards. He fed them better than they’d ever eaten at the Bend, and let them walk with weapons amongst the Terdini. The contrast between the two tribes was stark; every warrior of the Terdini was almost a foot taller than their Protaki counterparts, and at least fifty pounds heavier. Brock had his work cut out for him.

But today was not a time for work, for today Trenok and Certiok were married, and for the first time since his wife’s death, Brock smiled. The celebration devolved into an orgy (as most thing tended to now), but I did not partake. I sat on the roof of a hut, smoking my pipe as I watched the debauchery below me. The smoke rose thick in the humid spring air, pluming upward to dance in the full moon’s light.

“You’re not partaking in the festivities?” Zander asked as he sat next to me.

“I don’t feel like catching a dick tonight.” I responded around a puff of smoke.

“Oh, the Terdini know which way you swing.” Zander smiled as he packed a bowl, “None of the men would dare touch you after what you did for them. The women on the other hand…”

I snorted. “Yeah. I’m just not feeling it, I guess. What’s your excuse?”

“I’m not a fan of orgies.” Zander said around his pipe, “Not unless I’m the only male present. I guess I’d make a concession for you though.”

“Is that so?” I laughed, “Well come hop on my lap, Zander. Maybe you can shape-shift into Yavara for me.”

“That would be cruel.” Zander smiled. His smile faded as he looked at me. “You miss her.”

“She fucked me, turned me into a new species, changed my gender, then threw me through a portal without so much as a peck on the cheek.” I snorted, “Typical.”

“Oh, that’s typical for you and her?”

“In the same vein.” I waved a hand, “She was always reckless, and I was always left to pick up the pieces.” I sighed, looking up at the moon, “Yeah, I miss the hell out of her.”

“She’ll be here any day now.”

“We haven’t heard from her in almost a week.”

“If she were dead,” Zander said as he put a comforting hand on my shoulder, “Leveria would have let everyone know. She’s alive, Elena, and she’s coming here. Prestira would never let anything happen to her.”

“I guess.” I mumbled as I puffed. The crickets chirped over the raucous of moans and screams below, three of my slaves in the center of it all. The Protaki were quite astonished when they saw my succubus followers, and my followers were quite pleased to meet the Protaki. I daresay having depraved whores at their beck and call made Brock’s hard-ass attitude a lot easier to swallow for the newcomers. Between the two orc tribes, it had gotten to the point where my slaves were doing nothing but sleeping and fucking, and I suspected they thought it was heaven on earth. I’d allowed Brock his pick of the litter since he’d come back. He’d disappear with one of my girls (usually Ruby) for hours on end, and I wouldn’t ask any questions. What passed between them was his business. For the wedding ceremony, I’d offered Certiok and Trenok two of my girls for the whole day. They’d chosen Onyx for her color and wiry hair, and Opal because Trenok wanted to know exactly why she was my favorite. ‘And what about you, Elena?’ Certiok had asked me curiously, her eyes lingering on the bugle in my pants, ‘Are you not on the menu?’ And though Certiok was the most beautiful she-orc I’d ever seen, the memory of Sherok was too fresh in my mind. I declined.

I watched Crystal, Diamond and Sapphire get passed around a circle, filled and molested ceaselessly by man and woman alike.

“Prestira…” I said at length, “there’s a story between you two you’re not telling us.”

“We got married, it didn’t work out, we divorced. That’s the story.” Zander said curtly.

“Hmm, that’s an interesting fucking story, Zander.”

“I’m a scientist at heart,” Zander smiled, “I’ll tell you all you need to know, and no more. If you want the gratuitous details, ask Prestira when she gets here.”

“I’m going to keep prying.”

“Fine.” Zander conceded, “Alkandi gave me the gift of agelessness so that I could put one of her incarnations on the Black Throne. It’s my only purpose; my destiny, if you will. You can understand that this goal is an all-consuming one. It doesn’t leave room for love. I distracted myself with Prestira for ten years, but I always felt Alkandi pulling me back to the wild. So, I left Prestira, even though I loved her. That was two-hundred years ago.”

“Prestira is that old?!”

Zander nodded. “She has the gift of agelessness, like me, only hers wasn’t given to her by a dark spirit; she took hers all by herself. When Prestira was in her twenties, she came across a book that detailed the process. It’s a gruesome and timely task, and it requires you to devote your entire life to the procedure with no guarantee of success in the end.”

“Details, Zander.” I said.

“It’s not something you should try, Elena. The process requires you to slough your youthful flesh and store it in a freezer. That’s right; Prestira flayed every inch of her body over the course of five years. You can imagine how horrific she looked, scarred from head to toe with self-inflicted wounds. Even her scalp was stripped. She stayed in her hovel, an outcast, a crazy hermit. When she was ninety years of age, she had finally learned and done all that was required. She took her youthful flesh and threw it into a boiling cauldron, and then dove in after it.”

“Holy shit.”

“Can you imagine?” Zander said as he puffed on his pipe, “The strength and belief in yourself it would take to do that? To mutilate your body in the prime of your life, and then spend every waking moment of the rest of it perfecting something that might not work? When people say Prestira is crazy, it’s because she is.”

“That’s amazing.” I muttered.

“What’s even more amazing,” Zander said, “is that Prestira wasn’t born with an ounce of natural ability. She learned and perfected the arcane arts all by herself. I was an infant conjuring rattles in my hands. I shape-shifted for the first time when I was five. I could cast perception spells, create an arcane shield and move objects with my mind all at the age of twenty. It took Prestira centuries to learn what she’s learned, and now she’s one of the most powerful beings on earth, all due to pain, practice and patience. That’s why I loved her, why I still love her in some ways. No challenge is too great for her, no matter her limitations. She will surmount them all.”

“After Yavara sits on the Black Throne and the war is over, will you two get back together?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” Zander said as he gazed into the night, “I’ve never thought that far ahead. Fantasizing about uncertain futures is a dangerous way to distract yourself from the problems at hand.”

“You’re right,” I said, “you should get back together the moment you see her again. Life is fleeting, and uncertain; even ageless people can die from a well-placed arrow. You don’t know what tomorrow will bring or take from you. You should seize the now.”


“No,” I cut him off, “I spent my teen years hiding myself from Yavara because I was too afraid to just tell her the truth. I wasted those years sitting in stasis, never moving until the opportunity passed me by. A week ago, I saw someone full of strength and life die in an instant. One second, then the next. That’s all it was.”

Zander blew a slow cloud from his lips. “Maybe you’re right.”

“Don’t give me this ‘maybe’ bullshit,” I said, punching Zander in the shoulder, “if you don’t get back with Prestira, I’m going to fuck her in front of you every day.”

“You think she’d let you do that?”

“If I told her it was to make you jealous, I don’t think there’s a single thing Prestira wouldn’t let me do.” I grinned.

Zander snorted. “You’ve said a grand total of ten words to her, and you already know her, huh?”

“We’ll be lurking around every corner, waiting to jump out and bone in front of you.”

“You act like I wouldn’t enjoy watching that.”

“You’re a pig.” I laughed.

“Am I?” Zander grinned, and with a wave of his hand, conjured an ethereal image of me bare-backing Prestira Rasloraca against a foggy window. Her mouth consumed mine, her white flesh contrasted my dark complexion, our bodies glistening with moisture as our succulent curves squished between our pressing forms. Zander glanced at my crotch, and gave me a teasing smile. “Oink-oink, Elena Straltaira.”

I blushed and pulled my knees up, concealing the tent I’d been pitching in my cloak. Zander winked, and abruptly transformed into Prestira. “How many drinks would it take for this to work?” Zander asked, Prestira’s voice coming from his lips.

“I don’t know Zander,” I lifted his cloak, “do you still have all the male plumbing down there?”

“Not if you don’t want it.”

“Well, in that case,” I smiled, rolling atop, “let’s get weird.”


I stared at the map of the Great Forest. The arboreal midlands bisected the continent of Tenvalia, separating the Highlands in the west from the Lowlands in the east. The Highlands was a series of hills and plateaus that rose in elevation as it moved southward, becoming the Bearded Peaks, the western backbone of Tenvalia, where dwarves made cities from mines and mountaintops. At the southern-most tip of Tenvalia, the Lowlands, Midlands and Highlands converged into a part of the Great Forest called the Tropics, where mermaids, sirens and sentient crustaceans dwelt. North of that was the Palms, where goblins and ogres made hovels in swamplands, and north of that were the Willows, the ancestral home of the trolls. North of that was the Maples, where fractious orc tribes lived, sometimes mingling with the centaurs that made their home in the Spearhead Mountains that centered the region. Then there were the Spruces, where the nymphs lived in harmony with nomadic dawn-elves; then the Pines, where minor orc clans of note made their home. Foremost of these were the Terdini, who had bred selectively for generations to become the largest and strongest warriors of all orc-kind. But our size and strength meant for naught when compared with the sheer numbers of the great hordes to the north. A third of the Great Forest wasn’t even forest, but northern tundra; the Tundra, to be exact. The Ten looked down upon the tribes of the Pines like the inconsequential tribes of the Maples. I would show them their error. I would show them all. My eyes drifted along the Knife River, a waterway that ran from south to north, then took an abrupt eastward path at The Bend. It traveled through the Gorge, and made its outlet at the northern-most point of the Lowlands. Where the Lowlands ended, the capital city of Alkandra began. It was just forsaken ruins that marked the edge of the Tundra and the Pines at the eastern peninsula of Tenvalia. But it would be home.

“What are you thinking about?” The succubus called ‘Ruby’ asked me, lounging in my lap. Her cherry-blonde head rested on my chest, her luscious red lips quirked in a curious manner, her ruby nipples pointing from her petite breasts. I’d poured my rage and grief into her five times already that night, and she took it with it relish. The bruises on her neck were already fading, and the handprints on both sets of cheeks were barely visible. Succubi healed fast when you fed them, and Elena’s whores never wanted for food. Ruby was practically radiant with sustenance.

“Conquering the world.” I muttered, examining the map.

“So that you can do what with it?” Ruby giggled, nestling my cock between her thighs, “What can the world give you that I cannot?”

“You are nothing to me but a vessel to dump my spunk.”

“And I wouldn’t want to be anything else.” Ruby batted her brown eyes up at me, “I don’t understand why the rest of you are always so uptight about everything. The purpose of life is to fuck, you know.”

“That’s a very shallow purpose, Ruby.” I grunted, making a note next to the Willows. Possible allies?

“Oh, you know I’m not shallow.” Ruby smirked. She eased herself upright, and with a shuddering breath, took me into her slit, encasing me in wet tight warmth. “I’m a deep, deep girl.” Ruby hissed, consuming me to the base. Her succulent cheeks pillowed against my pelvis, and her tiny body undulated gently, doing all the work for the both of us in a sensual dance. “You’ll never make allies of the Willow trolls.” She moaned.

I raised my brows. “And why’s that?”

Ruby licked her lips, gasping in sexual splendor. “The trolls there are pacifists, have been since their last shaman had a vision.”

“How do you know this?”

“Mother used to take us out to hunt big game.” Ruby giggled, her soft belly stretching to roll her wide hips, “We’ve been everywhere.”

I pondered that, idly playing with the woman’s breasts, pinching her ruby nipples to make her hiss with delight. “What about the Maple tribes? Is there any semblance of unity there?”

“They all parlay with the centaurs once a year in a gathering, but they mostly stick with their own. New tribes there pop up almost as quickly as old tribes die.” Ruby dropped her head on my chest, her brown eyes aglow in pleasure, “An ambitious man might conquer them all with the right display of power. It would be wise to do so before going to The Ten.”

“I don’t remember asking for your advice.”

“But I gave it anyway. What are you going to do about it, big boy?” Ruby grinned, her forked tongue flicking from her lips to tickle my chin.

I wrapped my hand around her throat, and squeezed until she squeaked. “Don’t forget your place, slave!

“Not your slave.” Ruby croaked, making my hand fall from her with just a caress of her fingers. Her brown eyes twinkled with amusement, not in the least threatened by me. “Don’t forget your place, orc. You’re not my lover; you’re my dinner. Are you really fucking me, or have you just stuck your cock into the jaguar’s mouth?” Ruby winked, “And let me pose you this, oh wise chieftain; is the deer smarter than the wolf? Is the mouse craftier than the fox? Is the fish wittier than the eagle? Take my advice if you want it, or ignore it; it doesn’t matter to me.” Ruby rolled her vaginal muscles up my length with a predatory grin. “All I want is already inside me.”

I looked at her for a moment, then snorted. “And I thought you were the cattle.”

“But we’re not the ones being milked.” Ruby tittered.

“How willful is your slavery?”

“It’s not a lie, if that is what you ask.” Ruby planted her heels on my knees, and began to squat up and down, “I would throw myself into lava for Master to use me as a stepping stone.” My cock slickened with her lustful excretion, our joining moistening every time she dropped her hips to impale herself, “I love her with all my heart. She gives me peace I haven’t known since… since…”

“Since?” I asked, staying her motions with firm hands on her hips.

Ruby tilted her head thoughtfully, her breathing easing from its excited state. “I remember a voice. It used to sing in my mind like a mother’s whisper, always calling me home. But it was not my mother’s voice.” Ruby looked up at me, a shadow of concern in her usually-jovial eyes, “My mother wasn’t born a succubus, you know. She was part of something, but she can’t remember what. Whatever it was, it called to me in my youth before the hunger took me.” Ruby smiled, “Master is like that voice. She fills that void in my mind now.”

I eased my hands from Ruby’s hips, and she happily recommenced her lecherous dance, her delicate spine undulating against my torso like a writhing viper. The top of her head barely reached my sternum, but her playful tongue extended from her mouth to kiss my neck and chin. Such a soft creature she was, only her demonic little horns giving truth to her predacious nature. What a weapon she could be. What power Elena Straltaira could have if she were as ambitious as I. But did she even need ambition to gain power? Where exactly was the hermaphroditic hybrid on the Alkandran totem pole? Yavara’s consort, or Yavara’s spouse? I frowned at the idea.

“Do I not please you, Brock Terdini?” Ruby gasped, pulling me ever into her starving loins.

“You do.” I mumbled absentmindedly, “I’m just distracted.”

“Because of Sherok?”

I closed my eyes, letting the sudden wave of anguish wash through me. Ruby slowed her motions, gaging how I would react this time. I dared not show my weakness to the orcs, nor to Elena, but the succubi were discreet. Whatever form my grief manifested itself as, they would absorb it with a whore’s nonjudgmental compassion. Whether wrath compelled me to be violent, or guilt compelled me to be punished, or simple sorrow compelled me to seek comfort, they would provide it with whole-hearted earnestness and desire. I felt a little hand caress my face, offering gentle solace with delicate fingers. I took Ruby’s hand in mine, my palm larger than her splayed five fingers.

“No, not Sherok.” I said, “It’s your master that occupies my mind now. She’s already taken control of my tribe once.” I pondered, “Out of necessity, yes, but she still commanded my men, and they still followed. If she commanded me, I wonder if I would be expected to follow.”

“Are you threatened by her?” Ruby inquired, her cheeks turning rosy with pleasure. Her tail uncoiled from the small of her back, gently wrapped around my testicles, and stroked them in contest with her pelvic drops. I groaned, and she tittered, pleased to have gotten a reaction from me.

“Yes.” I answered gruffly, “Has she spoken of her intentions?”

Ruby grinned up at me. “Do you think I would betray her trust to you? Rest assured that Master’s goals align with yours, so far as your goals do not extend past the Highland border.”

“And if they did?”

Ruby smile broadened, and her tail uncurled from my nuts, snaked up my belly, and wrapped loosely around my neck. “Then Queen Yavara would have to yank her doggie’s leash, wouldn’t she? Are you a bad doggie, Brock?”

I grabbed her tail and tore it from my neck. “The Ten will not follow a Froktora who refuses to invade the Highlands, even with the Dark Queen’s endorsement!”

“Then the path is simple, is it not?” Ruby asked, “Challenge the Ten one-by-one, and take what they refuse to give.”

“A Tundra chief would never accept the challenge of someone from the Pines, even the Terdini.” I sighed, “If Queen Yavara wants her army, she will have to make sacrifices. I believe that in time she might’ve realized this, but Elena will always stand in her way in this regard, won’t she?”

“Yes.” Ruby said thoughtfully, “But ultimately, Master wants only her Yavara. If she is forced to choose between her homeland and her love, I do not know which she will. Even Opal cannot fill that void in Master’s heart.” Ruby sighed, “Though Master sees fit to fill Opal’s void every night. There have been whole days when I’ve been left wanting.” Ruby’s cheeks grew even redder, and she huffed with indignation.

“Jealousy kills families, Ruby. Do not bemoan your sister’s fortune, but count your own blessings.” I said into her hair, “And if it’s any consolation, you’re my favorite.”

“Am I?” Ruby smiled delightedly up at me, “I always thought Onyx was.”

“I like her color, but these red little nipples you have,” I growled, twisting Ruby’s nodes from her petite breasts until she was purring, “they drive me wild.”

“I feel betrayed, Brock.” Onyx’s husky voice said from the door. The ebony beauty leaned her slender form against the doorframe, her nappy hair a disheveled mess, her lush lips grinning broadly.

“I take it the honeymoon is over?” I sneered at her.

“I thought it would never end.” Onyx limped over to us, “I hoped it wouldn’t, at least. Opal went crawling back to the hut, but I thought I’d take the scenic route. And what I sight this is.” Onyx knelt beneath the table the map was laid on, and crawled between the spread of our legs. “Let me see if I can win back the favor of the mighty Brock Terdini.”

“Wait your turn, Onyx.” Ruby chided lazily, possessed by the work of my pinching fingers.

“Oh, I’ve had more than my fill tonight, dear sister.” Onyx whispered covetously, her breath traveling down my sack, “I’m only looking for dessert.” I glanced over Ruby’s tan shoulder, and saw a pair of mischievous dark eyes staring up from Onyx’s brown face. I shook my head at her, and she giggled. “Ruby already knows, Brock.” Onyx tittered, “Us sisters talk you know.”

“But only to each other.” Ruby whispered up at me, her brows knitted with pleasure, “Only so that we know how best to please you.”

“It’s Ok if you want different women in different ways.” Onyx’s delicate fingers parted my cheeks, “Ruby can be your whipping girl, and I can be your mistress. Crystal can be the nurturing mother who brings you to her breast, as she is with us all. Now,” Onyx’s voice was a breathy command, “open for me, you disgusting animal.”

I cautiously planted my heels on the chair’s rungs, and opened my legs wide. I glared down at her. “As always, if you tell Zander, I’ll boil you alive.”

“Of course.” Onyx chuckled. Her tongue slithered forth, the forked ends tickling my rim, the aphrodisiac saliva tingling the puckered flesh. I fell back into the chair with a sigh, and unclenched.

When the sexual catharsis left us, Ruby and Onyx crawled atop my lap like nestling felines, and fell asleep against one another. They knew not to leave me alone. For I could not stand to be with just my thoughts, and Sherok’s face always in my periphery. I would pour over my maps and plots until exhaustion took me, for I would never find sleep if I searched for it.


Being a thousand years old meant experimentation was inevitable. Being a thousand years old and a shapeshifter meant experimentation got weird fast. Changing genders wasn’t the least of it; I’d changed species just for an interesting fuck. During my first years of self-discovery, I liked to pretend that each new form came with a unique set of desires. It made it easier to deep-throat a hairy dwarf if I believed that the female form I took determined my sexuality. Later, when I was in a gay brothel running train on some leather-clad twink, I decided that my spectrum was a bit broader than I thought. Actually, there was no spectrum; it was just a fucking circle with ‘yes’ scribbled over it. I’d long since accepted that was who I was, so when I kissed my way down Elena’s belly, and stopped just at her cock, I didn’t hesitate.

“Wait.” She said, pushing on my head.

I looked up at her with a rueful smile. “Can’t get over it, huh?”

“It’s just…” Elena sighed, “…no, I can’t.”

“From experience, I can tell you men are better at giving head.” I grinned up at her, “And a man with a woman’s body is a woman, I believe. We live in progressive times, Elena; don’t put a label on my gender.”

Elena looked down at me from her support of elbows, her toned legs splayed, her cock half-flaccid below my waiting lips. “You do a damn good impression of Prestira, but I can still tell it’s you. It’s the expressions.”

“I never could quite pin Prestira down.” I sighed, “Well, actually I pinned her down quite a few times, but imitating her is difficult. She is uniquely herself.” I pondered that thought for a moment, tapping Elena’s cock contemplatively.


I looked up at her. “No, not Zander.” I said, and began to transform, “Destiny.”


There were alter-egos, and then there were alternate personalities; Destiny strode the fine line between them. It was dangerous being her, because I actually was her. She was my oldest transformation. She’d been a little girl when I was a little boy, and had grown with me over the centuries. There were decades missing from Zander’s life when there was only a mysterious witch tending his garden, opening his mail, and hosting extravagant parties. Destiny was very-much the hedonist.

My body was a splendor of curves, my breasts perched high and full atop my chest, my ass globed and succulent, not a dimple or fold to be seen. Upon my golden flesh, thousands of gemstone freckles twinkled in the moonlight. They congregated about my nipples, labia and anus, highlighting the centers of my sex. I gazed from almond-shaped amethyst eyes, set wide apart and darkened with lustrous shadow. My hair was sapphire and wavy, illuminated like the blue of a glacier in the moonlight. I breathed in the cool night air anew, and with my exhalation, I felt my body electrify with sensation. It had been too long since I’d been this woman. My eyes fell slowly to Elena’s, and I smirked at her slack jaw, and not-so-slack cock.

“This is me, Elena.” I said, my voice husky and low, “Not me pretending, but me as a woman. Wholly a woman.”

“Holy shit.” Elena muttered, drawing cautious fingers up my arms. She seemed suddenly very apprehensive, almost shy.

“Ah, there’s the ranger.” I said teasingly, crawling beside her, “What manner of beast am I, and what are my weaknesses?” I took her chin between my thumb and forefinger, “How best to attack this new creature, you wonder?”

“Lie in wait, and let the beast come to me.” Elena smiled.

“But what if the beast gets the drop on you?” I grinned broadly.

Elena shivered imperceptibly. Fear or excitement? Both. “Then,” Elena whispered, “I’d be at her mercy.”

“Oh, you poor thing.” I giggled, my purple lips lowering to her mouth, “This beast has no mercy.”

And I took her mouth into mine, opening our lips, entangling our tongues. Elena had learned much since her first night with Yavara, but with me, she might as well have been a maiden. She wilted under my kiss, her head tilting to receive, her eyes closing, her mouth receptive and yearning, awaiting the command of my tongue and lips. I explored her with gluttony, curious about this new species, this new woman, finding the little secrets of her with every caress and suck. Within a minute she was a puddle beneath me, her legs grinding together, her cock curving backward, every breath a whimper. I pulled away from her, and she followed me mindlessly, her mouth moving to receive me still. I put a single finger over her lips, and she ceased, her eyes creeping open to see my amused smirk.

“Get on your belly.” I commanded softly, drawing my finger down her chin, her neck, her chest. Elena looked like she might say something, but words seemed to be difficult for her. Her cheeks flushed adorably as she turned over, confused as to why she was doing so, but doing so nonetheless. “You’re not used to being submissive, are you Elena?” I chuckled, “Five days with nothing but slaves, and you start to think you’re a force to be reckoned with.” I ran my fingertips down her elegant spine, watching her flesh prickle with the barest of touches, “I suppose when your only bed partners have been succubi and the Dark Queen, it’s easy to think you’re a veritable stud.” My fingers ran over the small of her back, and she shuddered from foot to head. “I think it’s high time you were put in your place, Miss Straltaira, what do you think?”

“Destiny…” Elena uttered, her voice shaking, confusion and desire suffusing, each emotion only intensifying the other.

I gently laid myself atop her, letting her feel the comforting weight of me, the enticing pressing of my pillowing breasts, my silken flesh, my leaking slit on the back of her thigh. I put my mouth to her receptive pointed ear, “I’m a gentle teacher, Elena, but I demand obedience. If I don’t get what I want, I will take it.

Elena’s eyes closed, her mouth opened in a stuttering gasp, “Take me!” She barely said, so heated was her breath. I did. I worshipped every inch of her athletic back with lips and tongue, then crouched behind her, took two handfuls of her supple bronze ass, and spread. My mouth watered. Yavara was right; it was the prettiest little pussy I’d ever seen. It was tight and virgin and glistening pink with her desire, opening like a blooming flower for me to taste her drooling nectar.

“Get on your knees.” I commanded softly, and she did without protest, her face in her crossed arms, her breath tense with anticipation. I began at her anus, wetting it with expert licks, tasting the unique tang of her tightest hole. She hissed and whined as I sucked her rim, pushing my tongue all the way in and lathering every surface I could reach. But my fingers would be better suited there, for they could reach deeper, and press harder. I left her vacant for only a moment, hearing the sweet song of her pleas as I traversed her hairless division. Pressing one finger against her anus and grasping her cock with the other hand, I smooshed my face into Elena Straltaira’s flower, and plunged my tongue into her ovule.

“Oh my god!” Elena cried, her voice nearly a sob. Her legs slid open, her back collapsed into an arch, and her pelvis tilted anteriorly, presenting me her openings. My lips pulled her petals gently, but it was my tongue that was doing the damage. I found her secrets and exploited them mercilessly, drawing patterns across her decadent insides until her hips swayed with the movements of my licks. I twisted my invading finger to the bottom knuckle, then added a second. Then, grinning broadly against Elena’s pulsing flower, I pressed against her prostate, and squeezed her cock. She growled, the sound turning to a purr as she arched forward in a feline motion, her head tilting to the sky. But the focus was still her womanhood, the center of her sex, the bridge between her organs. Elena moaned loudly now, each successive exaltation a plea for my continuation. I acquiesced, stroking her cock, prodding her prostate, and drawing my tongue through the same motion, killing her with repetition.

“Oh fuck, I’m fucking coming!” Elena sobbed, her head falling between her hunching shoulders. Her back was a bow from neck to tailbone, her ass consuming my face, my mouth devouring her with rapacious malice. No mercy. Her moans became cries, each one more desperate than the last. Her insides contracted and fluttered around my tongue, her womanly sheath pulsed with the acceleration of her heart, secreting the fluid of her release. With a groan of dismay and delight, Elena collapsed to her belly, and came in my mouth. Her legs reacted without her permission, kicking and quivering while she clutched at the straw, her teeth gritted against the ecstasy. I withdrew from her, my mouth sheened with a film of her lust, my tongue licking it clean. I watched her spasm and convulse on her own accord, my invading fingers and squeezing hand preparing her for the main event. As the throes of climax diminished, I guided her to her back.

Her face was full of awe. “What did you do to me? Witchcraft?”

“I’m flattered, but it was just me.” I smiled mildly, “You are a woman first, Elena. Your recent lovers seemed to have forgotten that, and the pleasure a woman can feel dwarfs that of the pleasures a man can. That is,” I grinned wickedly as I lowered my face once more, “unless you have a partner who knows how to please both.”

I was deathly curious about this magical semen Elena possessed, so I might’ve been a bit overzealous. I took all six inches of her into my mouth, and closed my throat around the length that breached my esophagus. Elena gasped, her chest rising, her chin tilting above her striated neck. I grinned, slightly proud that I still I had it in me to make a man (or woman) do that. It had been too long since I’d sucked a cock; I’d forgotten the joy of it. A prudish person would think it was demeaning to do such a thing, but I found it incredibly empowering. Elena was under my control, a slave to the subtle motions of my lips and tongue, enraptured by the simple act of swallowing. I caressed her prostate with my invading digits as I milked her with my sucking mouth, drawing upward in a slurping symphony that left Elena breathless. She covered her face with her hands as though she couldn’t believe what was happening, elevated her hips, and thrusted. I calmed her with gentler motions, easing her pelvis back down, grinning at the whimpers filtering through her muting hands. Then I consumed her again, gluttonous and boorish, taking her in, pressing my nose to her crotch, swallowing as I rotated my lips, then drawing upward, lathering her underside with my curling tongue, pulling the contents of her loins through the meaty straw I sucked from. She gasped and sputtered, her head thrashing this way and that, her knees splaying wide to give me access, her body begging almost as much as her mouth was. I savored her pulsing rigidity in my throat, the thin heat of her flesh radiating with need. I took her and pulled from her in a fury, my blue hair flailing, my amethyst eyes drooped in the heat of my lust, unquenchable, unlimited. My fingers corkscrewed into her filthy hole, wrapped with the coiling tension of her anus as her prostate spasmed ferociously. She screamed, and blew. Oh, she was delicious! I felt my heart quicken as her seed filled my belly, the aphrodisiac therein melting into my bloodstream. I was filled with a sexual languor, and when Elena was done convulsing, I crawled atop her like a jungle cat; stalking, ravenous.

I took her chin with my thumb, admiring the rose of her cheeks, the enraptured look in her eyes. I opened her lush lips, and passed her own seed into her mouth. She didn’t protest, but simply smiled as the milky froth cascaded onto her tongue, splashing her lips. “That’s how you taste.” I whispered, collecting the leftovers from her chin with the finger that was just in her ass, and placing that finger in her mouth, “Do you like it?”

Elena moaned as she sucked my finger to the bottom knuckle, her lips quirking deviously. She drew my finger out with exaggerated slowness, then smiled. “It doesn’t do anything for me.” Elena said, smacking her lips. Then she giggled, “Holy shit, I just ate my own cum! Zander are you controlling my mind right now?”

“Who’s Zander?” I grinned down at her, “You opened your pretty little mouth because I wanted you to.” I poked her pointed nose, sniggering as it crinkled, “I have no succubus blood to entice you with, nor the potency of Prestira’s indoctrination skills to compel you.” I touched foreheads with her, watching her sapphire eyes stare back with unfettered adoration, “I’m just that good, and you’re just that young. But you’ll learn, little ranger, you’ll learn well.”

“Teach me.” Elena whispered, her breath shallow and quick, “Teach me right now, I can’t wait a second longer!”

I chuckled lowly, reaching between her legs to grasp what was already hard again. I drew her tip through my petals, watching with megalomaniacal eyes as Elena’s brow furrowed with need, her breaths became pleading moans. When I thought she might just grab my hips and force the issue, I buried her into me. We both moaned, our noses pressing alongside each other, our lips barely a hair apart. Elena began to thrust, and I stopped her with a gentle hand. “No,” I whispered, “like this.” And I trained the motion of her hips, making her thrust in and up, pressing her length against my ceiling, gliding her girth across my clit. “Yes, just like that,” I said heatedly, my breath quickening, “start each thrust slowly, then end it fast.” I brought our crotches together hard, feeling the delicious reverberations deep in my nethers. “That’s it. Make me feel every wonderful inch of you.”

My blue hair curtained her face as I guided her with my hands, bringing our female forms together in a sensuous dance. Our breasts squished wetly, the domes flattening and the nipple stabbing pleasantly, our hearts thundering between us. Her sinuous abdomen flexed beneath mine, and mine stretched atop hers to accommodate the arch of my back, my legs straddling. I grinded in contest with her, rolling my hips, stirring my pussy with her driving cock. I constricted my vaginal muscles up her length, and listened to the sweet chorus of her moans. I giggled, gnawing on her chin playfully, my eyes telling her she was doing a good job, but she still had much to learn.

I took her hand off my hip, and brought the fingers to my lips. I sucked all four of them, then guided her hand behind me, and gave the wordless command. She pushed in one finger, then the next, then the next. I halted the pinky with a staying hand, letting my anus acclimate to the invasion. Then with a smile, I beckoned the last finger. She pushed it in, and I purred, my spine tingling with the sensation. She squeezed me like a handle, and I gasped, my mouth forming an oval.

“That’s it.” I whispered, and rewarded her with an ardent drive of my hips, piercing myself to the hilt with her weapon, then drawing it deeper with my consuming muscles. Elena’s other hand went to my hair, snaking the fingers through until she was at the roots.

“Go on. Pull it.” I prompted with a giggle. She did, stretching my neck back, sending delightful stings deep into my roots. The sensation crept down my spine, mingling with the deep invasion of my nethers. I closed my eyes to the sky, and took my hands off her hips.

“Now fuck me, Elena,” I hissed, “fuck me like you want to split me in half!”

She did. Gritting her teeth, Elena planted her heels into the straw, and assaulted me with a fury of drives. I drove in contest with her, meeting in the middle, our impacts thundering in our loins, the penetration so deep. My equanimity began to fade, and my voice turned from husky gasps to soft cries. I grasped Elena’s head and brought her face to my breast, moaning when I felt her teeth nibble the nipple. Warm milk frothed from the node, and Elena released her grip on my hair so that she could see my eyes.

“Yes, for you.” I smiled, “Drink from me.”

Her soft lips pulled from me, her moans filtering through her sumptuous suckling. The maternal sensuality of the action contradicted the joining of our parts, which was a combat of motion, braids of my nectar forced from my slit, stringing between our crotches. My ass applauded fervently with the rigorous gyration of my hips, meeting Elena’s attack blow for blow, ratcheting the intensity with every stab I took. Elena kept her fingers knotted in my hair, pulling my head back even as she sucked from me, no longer nursing, but taking, plundering this body I so generously offered.

“Fuck me!” I screamed, lost in the haze of pleasure. I guided Elena’s motions with my thighs, correcting her as best I could. She still had so much to learn, but God she was a natural! I dropped my weight against her over and over, my legs trembling, my belly tight with the tension that wound from within. Tighter, tighter, tighter; it had been so long, so very long. I panted to the sky, my neck striating with exertion, my flesh slick with it. Our bodies moistened against one another, our motions becoming lithe with the dew of our pores. Elena pulled from my breast, milk leaking from her mouth. She growled and gasped in my face, her eyes rapturous. She let go of my hair, and our mouths met at the precipice of our ecstasy, our lips and tongues communicating the joy of our bodies. She drove up one last time, and I locked my legs around her, my pussy fluttering with spasms, my anus contracting around her grasping my fingers. We screamed into each other’s mouths, then came. She exploded into my depths, and my starving womb opened to take her seed deep. It burned deliciously within, my womanly muscles milking her organ for every last drop. Electric felicity danced in my veins for a moment longer, then we collapsed, spent.

“I love you.” Elena gasped, her beautiful bronze breasts heaving, wet and sticky with the spillage of my nipples.

“Do you?” I grinned at her.

Elena stopped, then turned bright red. “I didn’t… look, I certainly like you, but…”

“Shh.” I put my finger to her lips, grinning broadly, “You’re not the first person to lay with Destiny and utter those words afterward. I’ll take it as the compliment it is, and no more.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, that’s so. I’m a perfect ten, and I’m not too humble to deny it.”

“Oh? And what am I then?” Elena asked, pulling me into the crook of her.

I nestled myself into her body, enjoying the comfort of her warm flesh. “An eight-point-five.”

Elena considered that for a moment. “Not too bad. What’s keeping me from a nine?”

“You have big-dick-syndrome without the prerequisites.” I laughed, “I’m afraid you set your expectations too high when you came inside a woman and she became your slave. There is much more to being the male partner than simply having the penis.”

“You seemed to enjoy in the end.” Elena said with a touch of indignation.

“You’re still very good, Elena.” I reassured her with a broad smile, reaching down to caress the spot between her cock and hipbone, “But you’re so tight down here. Everything is linear and regimented, like the military taught you how to fuck.”

Elena snorted. “The only thing the military taught me was how to masturbate quickly and quietly.”

“You need to open up down here. Move with fluidity.” I drew my finger up her belly, “I can tell you’ve been spending most of your time with Opal, and in a very specific part of her.”

“What? I showered!”

I laughed. “No, it’s not that. Don’t take this the wrong way, Elena, but you fuck like a gay man. Pussy seems to confuse you.”

“I fuck like a…” Elena gave me a quizzical smile, “You’ve sure taken a lot of side-quests in your journey to put Alkandi back on the throne, haven’t you?”

“Mostly when dealing with an incarnation who didn’t have ambition.” I shrugged, “There was nothing to do but keep my eye on her. I got married as Destiny once, just out of sheer boredom.”

“How did you get out of that?”

“I faked my death.” I laughed, “The poor man was so torn up about it, that one night I transformed into a ghostly version of myself and made love to him until morning, promising him that we would meet again in the afterlife. I think it gave him solace.”

“You’re much more romantic than you let on.” Elena smiled wryly.

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” I giggled, “The moment I saw what Yavara did to you, I began plotting a way to get in your pants. And here we are, my master plan finally achieved.”

“Sorry to disappoint you after all that scheming.” Elena pouted her lips.

I kissed the proffered lip, and whispered, “You were more than worth it.”

“Don’t patronize me.”

“I’m not.” I said onto her lips, “You’re special, Elena. With just a little instruction, you could have Yavara worshipping you every night alongside your slaves.” I licked her lower lip, “Hell, I might join her.” I nestled myself into her breasts, “Tomorrow, I’ll teach you how to use that mouth of yours to best effect.” I sighed contentedly, “You are going to clean me out.”

I felt a stirring against my left thigh, and heard Elena’s heart thumping subtly against her breast. Her hands ran down the length of me, and her mouth came to the shell of my ear. “Why don’t you just teach me now, Destiny, while the material from last lesson is still fresh.”

I grinned, turned around, and with a libidinous sneer, I sat on her grinning mouth. I felt her nose press against my anus, and her lips find my flower. I turned my face to the moonlit sky, and sighed contentedly. Sometimes, it was good to be a woman.


“...we ran some tests, and it turns out that Prestira is half vampire, blood-daughter of Drake Titus. I’m betting Yavara is too.” Captain Timothy Two-Shot said to me from the enchanted mirror.

“That is interesting.” I pondered the revelation for a moment, wondering at the ramifications of it. “How is your progress with Prestira?”

“Progress? We’re finished with her.”

“Good.” I smiled broadly “Is your portal still active?”

“It is, but I don’t see why you’d need it.”

“I’d like to see her in person.”

Timothy’s face contorted. “Can’t you just wait until she gets to the Highlands? She’s a dangerous individual, my queen; we lost quite a few men trying to capture her.”

“She’s not coming to the Highlands. Set your course for the Pines, and ready a life boat for her.”

“You’re releasing her?! We went to all this trouble-”

“And you will be paid for it, Captain. Bring her to the mirror, I have questions for her before I come aboard.” I walked away from the mirror and down the steps to Glendian’s study. I didn’t bother knocking on his door, but just burst right in. “Glendian!” I yelled to the sleeping headmaster, “Wake up, I need you.”

“What the fuck do you need now, Leveria?!” He growled.

“Hypnosis potion.”

“Top shelf, far right. God knows what you need it for.”

“Killing my sister.”

“Of course.” He groaned.

“I’ll need you to open the portal for me, Glendian.”

“Where the hell do you need to go at this time of night?”

“Pirate ship. Get your fucking clothes on old man, and don’t question me!”
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