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I live in a shit East-European country and need money. Working in a red room is well paid and I am starting to love work.
This story is the third part and the continuation of the second part 'My work in the red room'. It's not necessary to read the parts before, but it would make it more easy to understand. Like before: sorry for my not perfect English, but this story happened in East-Europe where I lived.

It was Sunday morning while my phone waked me up. It was Adam: 'Hi Dimitri, can you come to the bar at 8pm? It's urgent'. I replied 'yes, sure, See you!’ It seems that now - I'm in the club of the company - and finally hoped to deserve some big money. Otherwise, I realized that for his money I will have to torture and kill again, but there was no return. Of course once I must find a solution to stop this, but first I want to have enough money to immigrate and leave this shit-hole here. Meanwhile I had to keep my stupid job in the iron shop and don't show to other people that I have a lot of money because I did not want that the cops should begin to ask questions. I knew that 'the company' pays them, but I just wanted to be sure ... So, I took my time for relaxing and preparing myself again to the cruel conversations I will have this evening.

Before I did this job, I wanted to go out to chase girls, but now I'm not in for this anymore. It’s logic because in the job I have now there is no need to seduce girls: I can do things a lot that men can only fantasize about it! But, maybe this feeling will come back when all this is just routine and I would like to find true love again. I wonder if the normal love will still be possible because now it becomes normal for me to torture nice girls instead of just making love...

Sunday, 8pm in the bar. I felt a tick on my shoulder and there he was again: Adam. Still with the same dark glasses and in dark blue suit. I noticed his Rolex watch on. He ordered two beers and we took place in a secluded corner of the window. "And Dimitri, you know you were successful in the test; how was it and are you ready for real work? ' I took a deep breath and started to talk freely. 'Well, Adam, you are the only person who I feel comfortable speaking freely about this, so thank you to letting me speak free'. The smile on Adam's face told me that he liked this. He was a criminal (like me now) but also a very good communicator; some kind of - human re courses manager - like a recruiter for personnel in a normal company. In this kind of job, it's necessary... 'Thanks Dimitri. Of course: like in every job you need to feel good in it and to be loyal to your employer. My job is to detect problems, to assist psychological (if necessary) and to prepare the personnel for a new assignment. Now tell me: do you have nightmares or the opposite: enjoyment after?'

I took my time to answer because I really needed somebody to make my confession. ‘Well, Adam to be honest, I had two feelings: one of terrible horror, but also one of an incredible satisfaction to cross a moral limit. I mean: we all are raised with the knowledge: what is good, and what is bad. This is a criminal act of torture and murder so I know I'm a criminal and about the things that I did: they were not actually human. Once I will feel the effects of it. This is the dark feeling. Regarding the opposite feeling: I felt an incredible kick of enjoyment to cross the line of moral compassion. I enjoyed myself with the perfect beauty of a nice young girl, all this without limits. The power I can really do this without limits gave me a kick. The view of her, stretched, tied body which I could undress, of the perfect breast and pussy was wonderful. To realize that I really could do things to this magnificent body which cross all normal limits was really the top of excitement. I also discovered my horrible sadistic feelings. This because I started to enjoy the view of her beautiful face full of suffering. I even came in a girl’s mouth while she was slowly choking so I became an animal, I know...'

Adam waited a few moments, I saw him preparing his answer. ‘Hear me Dimitri, never think you are the only monster among people. Believe me: every man and woman have a dark fantasy, but because of our education about moral rules we suppress that. You know: I'm an Afghanistan-veteran and compared with the things I saw there, our company is just a playground. Of course our soldiers raped like hell, but the enemy: they raped and tortured thousands of girls just to impress the enemy or for their own pleasure. See us more like bank robbers: so many more people just want to make money. I admit, we make victims, but compared to soldiers in war we are pussy's! About for our pleasure: When a guy sees a nice girl, he starts to imagine how she would look naked and how she would be in bed. Others fantasy how it would be to strip her, and more extreme guys imagine a hard rape or to see her suffer, but it does not matter: every normal, healthy guy has some kinds of fantasy! You are a lucky guy who can make a fantasy real, its organized and well paid. Now about the first dark feeling: can I give you some advice? 'The answer from Adam was direct to the point. And he was right, I'm well paid to do things a lot of men can only dream about it. And if they do it for real, they go to jail because they just do things without thinking or protection. ‘Of course Adam, I can always use a good advice' I smiled. 'Dimitri, it's like ‘everybody likes to eat a steak, but no one wants to look into the eyes of the cow. You can like your horse, cat or whatever, but never want to hurt them. So: you don't know these girls, have no connection with them so consider them as a consumer product for your own pleasure and work, nothing more! Ow, and one correction: you cannot do what you want with these girls, the director is the boss ... Like you know: what is left is for the personnel!'

'look Adam, first sorry: I know the director is the boss. Now: every act from me in the room will be more realistic when I start to find more and more pleasure in the things I do. So, do you have a new mission for me?' I saw that my answer pleasured Adam. He took a big sip of his beer and started to talk about the new mission. 'Dimitri, I'm glad you are more into it because we have a very important mission to do, but first: I have some very, very important news which will change your position here.' Now I became very curious, what kind of news this could be, maybe another job ... He started to talk: 'you know Nicolaï and kasper, the two assistants?' Of course I knew these stupid guys... 'Yep Adam, I call them Beavis and Butt-head in my mind'. Adam started to laugh very loud: 'now this is funny, but you are right, they really look like those two figures! Anyway: they have left our company for another challenge so for the next session we will all count on you and a newbie ... This means: you will become the senior-assistant now…' This was weird because I taught it would be impossible to leave this kinds of jobs. 'Sorry Adam, it's not my business, but did they choose to stop or what? ' I had the feeling Adam could read my mind, he answered quiet: 'no Dimitri, they choose for more money in another company: less payment, but more numbers of assignments. There is also concurrence in what we do. We have a good reputation because we do for 100% what the customer wants like in the description: the look of the victim, used attributes, etc …: a personal service and we take our time for it! You know: Brazil is - the Mekka - for red rooms. They have something like factory's there: no directors. They just kidnap girls and deliver them to a bunch of sadists with, for a few hundred dollars, do what a common lurker wants to see: whipping, burning, rape and cutting. They have a name for it, they call it - blood sport -. For example, they never use the Indian scarf because this takes too long. It's almost like band-work in a factory! We are not like this, we are on a higher level; high-class and personal service.'Adam continued with his news: ‘Nikolaï and Kasper are two sadists without any style.

When a victim is left over, they begged us to have her, and in a few minutes she is cut in pieces or looks like a barbecue. They have no style. Anyway: Nikolaï began to learn Portuguese, he told us that he was not happy here and asked for something with more girls, faster sessions and more freedom in his acts. Of course we have our connections so we contacted our Brazilian relations. There every day gangs kidnap victims from the Favellas to work with. They film the actions and it goes directly online. After the session, they sell the movies for big money as - snuff -. They are always in for more helpers so: a big gang in the city of Maceio agreed to accept him. Nicolaï gets a hard dick when he smells burned pussy's and tits so when he heard this, he started to prepare himself. In Maceio he can do to four girls a day from every age, he wanted to leave as soon as possible. When Kasper heard this, he also began to study Portuguese to follow Nicolaï to Maceio. I'ts a knife-man and his greatest pleasure is to cut off nipples, tits, public lips: no style! So Dimitri, this means we are counting on you to replace them with -another newbie - . In other words: for the moment we have no assistants except you!'

I needed a few minutes to answer, but Adam was quit and gave me the time. 'Thank you Adam that you think of me to replace Kasper and Nicolaï, but if this means I must do what they did: all the cameras will be focused on me and I do not have so much experience. I hope I would be able to satisfy the Director. Adam, did I hear you say there is another newbie as well?' Adam laughed and began to answer: 'don't worry Dimitri: You are much more clever, controlled and have a bigger psychological impact to the victim then these two simple physical sadists. I'm sure your way of acting will give more visible fear and horror to the victims and this is why we choose you: to please the customer! Now, about the other very important thing: indeed, you will have a new colleague but …. ‘ Suddenly he stopped and started to laugh loud. His laughter was contagious so I started also to laugh. I think the whole café noticed that he told a very funny joke. After a few minutes he became relaxed and said: ‘Dimitiri, the new assistant is a girl!'

What a strange surprise ... So this means I have to torture and kill a girl while another girl is standing next to me to assist me. Now this is very weird! We men, have some connection with each other considering girls, we all share the same feeling about this, but to do this with another girl: this is a strange situation. So, I took a big smile and replied to Adam: 'now that is strange!' Adam found this so amusing because he started to laugh again. After a minute: 'Yep Dimitri, I know its weird, but it's more weird if I tell you she is a sexy thing, not some old Russian hammer but: a sexy lady! However: Tough as a stone; she had a military training, does not doubt to kill someone and the finest thing.... She is the 100 % lesbian! So the enjoyment men have to rape or to enjoy the absolute power over a girl is the same for her! Of course rape will be difficult for her, (laughs again) but I'm sure she will ask you to do a lot of things that she wants to do because her kick is to see girls suffering: that gives her a wet pussy. She convinced us by saying she was a nymphomaniac, lesbian sadistic killer, but most important just like you: she needs money … We think the Director or lurkers will have no problem when they see a girl among the crews. And besides this: we will never ask you to do a session for gay clients because we know you would be disgusted and will do your job not well. So it's the same for this female assistant: we proposed to her for the man-session, but she refused, she wanted the girls so she will be motivated. But, don't worry: pure lesbian girls are rare, they always have bisexual feelings and by the way: her name is Davina.'

This was a very strange story. It's so difficult to accept that a girl gets exited from seeing another girl getting tortured. I would be disgusted to strip a man and to do sexual things to him: no way; it would be a torture for me as well! But, OK that girls are not men and in some way it's exciting because. I never saw sex things among girls so OK, why not. 'Deal Adam', and I raised out my hand. I saw that my answer really pleased him. 'I knew you would accept it, thanks! Now you will not only get a girl as present, but also another victim girl which you can train and see what she does to the other, you lucky guy! Now concretely. the next session will be very special and very hard, but it pays well: € 12.000. You will have to work with Davina, but only like we did with you first: she has to be tested on a fresh victim. So after this important session we will look out for an exercise victim so you can train/test her just like Yvan did with you.

'Wow, thanks Adam, that's a lot of money. And I will test Davina with pleasure on another victim. However, why will this session be harder then the others? Now Adam became serious. 'Dimitri, this client is an old Billionaire and needs to look at extreme things to get a hard dick and come. He can only come by observing extreme torture among girls and loves the sounds of their cries and begging while their sexual organs are destroyed. Why it will be harder: it's a session with two girlfriends. You must torture two girls while they are looking at each other. Can you handle this?' Ofcourse it did not make any sense to say no. Even I realized indeed it will be very hard to torture a girl in front of the eyes of her girlfriend. ' Ok Adam, but I have no idea how to handle the situation, I mean: can somebody give me instructions during the session?'

'I understand what you mean' answered Adam with a quiet voice. 'Briefly spoken: Because of our experiences before with this client, we know he does not want to see things like whippings or rape. What he likes is that they see each other from close: they will each be tied on a chair, very close to each other so they can look in each other eyes. The expressions of fear and horror on their faces in combinations with their cries gives him a hard dick. Don't worry: Yvan will instruct or advise you both, but this client is open for creative things so there is some freedom in your acts but: it must be so cruel as possible and with a lot of screams so cover your ears ... Concretely: during a few days our K-team has spotted two girlfriends about 19 years old who walk daily from school to home. Every day about the same time they go alone through some field road. This week they will catch them and transport them across the border to here. So, I guess they will be here and ready for on Saturday evening. Note: you know we never kidnap our own girls for security reasons, but always cross the border. Anyway: I know you speak Russian. ' I let out a deep sigh and smiled to Adam: 'Now I need to drink something!' Adam took his glass and drank it empty. 'Good Dimitri, it was a long time since I have a laughed so hard, but it was funny to see your face full of curiosity and amazement. Can we finish this funny evening? Normally I will contact you Sunday before 1pm and you know the drill to get into the room.'Adam stood up, reached out his hand hand with a big smile and said: 'soon you will have €12000 more. And of course an incredible kick!'’ I stood up also, shook his hand and replied: 'thanks Adam for the advice and nice conversations. I hope to see you soon again'. And he was gone ... I drank the rest of my beer, tried to process the information while realizing that torturing and killing became a normal thing for me. But, for big money there are not many limits and about the kick: he is right, it's every man fantasies to do with a girl what he wants. For me it's real.

Sunday, 11am, the message from Adam: ‘it for his evening Dimitri, at 6pm at the corner. Prepare yourself for a very special evening’! I texted him back: ‘Thx Adam, it will be something special. Thanks!’ I got up and filled the few hours before I left with shopping and a good meal. To come into the shops now was pleasant because with all the money that is waiting for me. I also look at girls in a different way now and this is a bit scary. Before I did this job, I had the fantasy how she would look without clothes. Now I undress them with my eyes and imagine how she would look all tied up and what I would do to her. A dangerous evolution, but I hope I can handle it to separate work from private. I went back home and tried to sleep for an hour before the extreme evening starts. And there it is: 5:30pm, time to leave.. I went to the corner and waited for the black Mercedes. At punctual 6pm he arrived. I opened the door and saw the same guy like always: a bold man who seems not to can say a word. I got in, he drove to the old paint factory and left.

I was a bit surprised because there I was, all alone and there was no one to welcome me. So, I went to the big iron gate and saw a videophone. I pushed the button and saw the camera leds lighting up. 'Ah Dimitri, welcome again. I will open the gate, come in and you know the way to my office. Once you are inside I will open the cellar door.' That was Sergeï. It seems they trusted me now because I could go alone without someone else to guide me. This gave me more confidence, but still, they are killers so I must be careful. Anyway, it seems I'm a killer also and even more, a torturer, but I may not think about this, it's just a job ... The big iron gate opened, I went inside. The gate closeted. Once it was closed, I heard the zoom sound from the cellar door. I pushed opened and went downstairs to the corridor and now I stood in front of Sergeïs door, all alone. I heard voices, it seems my - colleagues - were there. I knocked and Sergeî opened the door with a friendly face: 'come on in Dimitri. This mission was so special and so important that we have a briefing first'. I came into Yvan's office and the whole team was already there. Yvan, the red-room boss - Nerdie the IT-man, the two cameramen and there she was: Davina. It was indeed a beautiful appearance: long brown/red hair, not too fat, normal boobs and a friendly looking face with green eyes. It's so weird to know that this normal looking girl is a sadistic lesbian killer. Sergeï gave me sign to sit down and began to talk. 'Hello everybody. I see the team is complete so listen how we are going to work today. At first: we have a new team player as you can see. I know, it's a girl ... Anyway: this may not make any difference concerning the work we do. Like always we must all wear a cap. You notice we have a female assistant now so this is the second new thing: mandatory work clothes!'

Now Yvan went to a closet, opened it and took a stack of clothes. There were black and looked more like an overall like car mechanics wear. Then, he took other stacks which were the masks: they had the model like a ku klux klan cap, but here completely in black. 'I hope they will fit: try them'. We approached his desk and tried to find the best size for us. I saw how Davina left the office, strange that a deadly girl like her is afraid to change clothes among men. The rest of our team began to undress, Sergeï's office looked like a dressing room for sport guys now! But, they seem to be comfortable, you could move very easily with it. It looked more professional now; our team completely in black. Now Davina came in and it was true: because of the overall you could see it's a girl even if she wears a cap. Sergeï began to smile and said: 'nicely, it looks like a professional team now. And this is good because for our special client this is an improvement. Like before he paid for a private session only for him, and also the fee for 400 lurkers! This means he spent a lot of money and double because we will use two girls in one session!’

Now Sergeï opened the slider from his desk and took out electronic things: they looked like headsets. 'Now look: from now on everybody must wear such headset: it's easy to wear it under the hats. With this headset everybody can communicate with Yvan our each other's, but only Yvan controlls the system. So what the client wants, you will hear from Yvan and vice versa. Let's test it: put a thing on your head and raise your hand when you hear my voice.' Yvan strummed on his tablet, made some moves on it and said 'Da!'. Davina raised her hand. Sergeï saved it. Then, I heard 'Da' loud and clear, raised my hand, he saved it, and so he programmed every headset in the team. 'Good', said Sergeï. 'Dimitri, Davina: because you must work together we will communicate simultaneous. What also is new: from the moment you talk, the system will automatically mute your voice, also in de mikes from the cam. This a big technical progress because we can talk freely and give orders to the victims if necessary. The Clients will never hear what comes through our headset. So, they still can enjoy the sounds of the victim without hearing our voices, great!'. Everybody agreed that this is truly great, freedom of speaking now and the client cannot hear us! Sergeï continued: now Yvan will take over the meeting because he is the red-room-boss, just do what you have to do without thinking and become rich!'

Yvan stood up, raised his voice and started to talk: 'now listen well what the scenario will be this time: when we come in the room, you will see two girls tied on a chair, placed opposite each other so close together that they knees touch each other. Our friends from the k-team prepared them very well for us'. He smiled a bit when he said that. ‘This client is very old and is not in for brutal force and he is not so interested in sexual things, only in viewing their reactions among each other while they see their girlfriends tortured. I expect he will let the whole session pass while the girls our staying in their chairs or standing on their places during their torturing until they are dead both. An absolute demand is that they stay very close to each other. Cam men: focus on their faces, he likes a lot to see the expressions of pain and fear! The session starts while they are still in normal clothes so they mus be stripped on their chairs, but even this is not necessary: if they can be tortured in clothes it's also OK for him. Dimitri: do the things quiet, slowly with limited movements. I mean: no whips, punches, canes or whatever, but sharp or hot things everywhere are OK. Be creative! Blood, puke, urine is OK, but don't cut limbs: we never do such things and clients know this. This client is only satisfied when the two girls are gone. So it can take a long time, depending from the things they have to undergo and how strong they are. And don't worry: I will advise you and of course: inspirations are welcome; this client likes good ideas. Davina: your first job will bet to force the girls to watch. Do it your way: whisper things in their ears to increase her fear and play with their minds, hold them firmly by their hair or whatever. This also counts for you Dimitri: thanks to our new intercom system you can talk during the session: scare them! We start in fifteen minutes ... Clear? Questions?'

Davina, just sat and looked, a bit surprised. It's a heavy session for her first time. No one said anything, it seemed we were ready. I felt some uncertainty because this was the first mission on my shoulder. But, I proved to myself I could torture the - exercise girls - so it must work again. Of course this is different: two girlfriends at the same time is hard. ' Ok let's go' said Yvan. He stood up and left Sergeïs office, we followed him. Again I was on my way to the horrible red room. I walked through the corridors behind Yvan, followed by Davina. We came at the red door: Yvan opened it and immediately we heard loud cries and begging. Once in the room, we saw the two girlfriends, tied to a chair under the tackle, on the opposite of each other. Their ankles were clipped to the legs of the chair with handcuffs, their hands together at the back of the seat of the chair. They wore no shoes and were barefoot while sitting so close that their knees were touching each other. One girl looked tall, had long black curled hair, had a nice face, green eyes, big earrings, was dressed in a white T-shirt and jeans pants and made a mess of cries. Under her T-shirt I did not see any boobs so she must have a very small cup. She was more the athletic type. Her girlfriend was wearing a blue T-shirt and also a jeans pant, looked much smaller, her face was more round with short, dark blond with grey eyes and she had a small mouth. I suppose she was a bit chubby because I noticed two big forms under her T-shirt: big boobs. Just like her girlfriend, her face was covered with tears and her beggings to let her go were terrible.

Davina approached the victims and with a big smile; she held the head of the athletic girl by her hair and began to lick the sweat and tears of the victim’s face like a dog! I heard the men laughing, but in the headset I heard Yvan commanding to stop this because the client wants to see fresh victims! Davina stopped immediately. The more chubby girl was shaking like a leaf and cried like a baby that she wants to go home. Now I felt some compassion because I knew she would be tortured and killed. And it twill be by my hands, except if the client does the finishing touch. But there is no way return: I just have to do it and after the session I will go home with 12000 euro. On the screen I saw how the cam guys were testing their equipment and – Nerdie – was busy working on his computer. The cam men were approaching the girls and placed a few camera’s on a tripod: one aimed on the faces of the girl, one at 2 on each side aimed on the chair and one behind every chair. On the screen we saw the images switching which the client could choose for: their faces full of sweat and fear, focussing on their feet and ankles which were attached to the chair with old, rusty cuffs just like their hands which were attached together behind their backs. We could clearly see the damage on their ankles and wrists because of the attempts to get loose. Suddenly Yvan clapped his hands and yelled: ‘in five minutes we start: put on your hats!’ Yelling was necessary because the sounds the girls were making went trough marrow and leg. Everybody put on his hat; it was a funny view to see the whole team dressed in black with a black Klux hat. We took a few steps backwards so the cam men could do their job. The nerd was working hard on his computers, Yvan was busy with his tablet while the two girlfriends were hysterical crying to let them go. Suddenly Yvan clapped his hands again and started the countdown from ‘ ten-nine, eight, …. on-line!’…. Nobody said anything, did not make a move. All we heard were two hysteric girls. I think they realised their situations. We saw on the screens how the client was switching the images from face to face, sometimes their cuffed hands and feet. We heard Yvan in the headset: ‘do nothing, the client wants to enjoy the view of the girls what they are now!’ Minutes were passing by: he really took his time to enjoy the tied girlfriends!

After six minutes waiting I saw that Yvan got a message on his tablet. We heard his voice: Ok Dimitri: go to the girls and squeeze their tits as hard as you can. Give it a few minutes, then go get a –steak knife – in the store room to tear up their outer garments’. I saw he said something to Davina also but could not hear what. Anyway: I went and she did not follow. I suppose she had to stay out of the image. I returned to the back of the chair of the more chubby girl, laid my hands on her boobs and started to move them. It felt so good: the feeling was heavenly! They felt warm, a good form, soft. I saw the disgust in the eyes of the athletic girl and when I started to squeeze them hard, I saw on the screen how her face expressed images of pain and made heavy noise. When I squeezed her nipples she cried louder so – this a girl with very sensitive breasts-. Because I could talk to the victims now I could scare them more so I said: ‘I feel you have magnificent boobs…...’ She just cried with a mix of – no please no - in her voice... Now I heard girlfriend saying: ‘don’t worry Jana, it will be OK’. So this means her name was Jana and her girlfriend wanted to comfort her. To say this is a way to give some consolation to her girlfriend, a nice gesture. Now I took place on the backside of her girlfriend, the athletic type. When I lay my hands on her small boobs, she tried to resist firmly: she was a fighter-type! I tried to feel some tits, but all I could feel I was a small hill and two big nipples, she must have a very small size… To scare her I said to her: ‘with such little tits we will not have a lot of work to cut them off’. Her reaction was surprising because she yelled back: ‘do what you want with me, but please let my girlfriend go. She is just a sweet, innocent and sensible girl. Please let her go home and I will also do what you want’. Her girlfriend Jana reacted to this by saying: ‘thank you Samarta but you don’t have to suffer for me’. Now I knew the name of the athletic girl: Samarta, but I did not know how to react to this. Then I heard Yvan’s voice In the headset: Dimitri, don’t react, never go In conversation with victims! Just ignore what they say and continue to do what you must do but like I said: yo can scare them by whispering in her ear!’ I replied ‘ok’ and I went to the store room to get a suitable knife to destroy their clothes. In the store room I saw in the high metal closet a bent, thin, narrow serrated steak knife like they give in the restaurants. It looks simple but very effective and cuts through everything like a small saw. With this thing, it's possible to cut off fingers or whatever, but such things are not my style. Anyway: this knife had to be practical to tear up their clothes, so I choose these instead of a big hunting knife.

I went back to the girls, the knife good visible in my hands. When Chubby Jana saw this, she became really scared and in panic. ‘No, no please let me go’ and full of tears. Her athletic girlfriend Samarta still tried to comfort her again by saying: don’t worry Jana, I’m with you.’ Now it’s clear that the chubby girl is an innocent; sensible weak thing and the athletic is a fighter. I must use this knowledge in the session. But I felt compassion with chubby Jana. She’s a sweet, sensible girl. Horrible feeling, but what could I do. Now I took place to the left of athletic Samarta, I whisped in her ear: ‘soon i will stick this knife through your girlsfrieds nice tits’ while I pulled her T-shirt to the front and put the knife through it. It went so easily! I made some small sawing movements: the steak knife tore her shirt very easily apart. With both hands, I tore the rest of the pieces apart: I saw a red bra with small breasts and a tight, muscular belly. She looked at me, but of course she only saw a black cap with two holes in it: her eyes looked angry and scared at the same time. She said: ‘do what you want with me, begging is not my style but please let my innocent girlfriend go’! I did not answered and turned myself to the frightened Jana. When I pulled her T-shirt to the front and started to destroy her T-shirt with the steak knife, she started trembling. I could not resist it to say: ‘I think you have wonderful boobs, let’s see them’. Indeed: when I tore the rest of her T-shirt apart: I saw a black bra with magnificent boobs in it, followed by a slightly undulating belly! I could not wait to see them: I hooked my fingers under her bra between her breasts and in a movement I pulled her bra broken: I saw two perfect shaped boobs a little after moving. They were so beautiful I could not resist to touch them, squeeze a bit, pulling her nipples: just perfect! To tease I put the point of the steak knife under her left tit, and they both began to yell: ‘no don’t do this please!’. Of course it was only to tease, but then I heard Yvan in the headset saying: ‘the client likes her tits, he wants you to stick the steak knife completely through her tit: in one side and out he other side. Leave the knife in it fort he rest of the session and go get another in the store room!’ Now that a new command for me, I never did such things and the girl was so sweet anw wit hso nice boobs. I just wanted to fuck this pretty thing… I could not help myself first to go back to the skinny Samartha, I held the knife in front of her face and said: ‘look bitch how I will stab that knife completely through your girlfriend’s nice tit and afterwards I wil cut off her beatiful nipples!’ The bitch reacted angrily: ‘don’t do it, do it with me but not to her!’ I did not answer and returned to the poor Jana. I loved this girl, but still whispered in her ear: ‘sorry but now I’ll put this knife completely trough your lovely tit. I like you but this is my job’. I could’nt resist excusing myself because I realy liked this girl. Jana started to cry like hell, on the screen I could see how the cam men zoomed in on the face full of tears and her trembling tits. I said ‘ok, her we go’: I grabbed her left tit and squeezed it as hard as I could. They were both crying like hell. I pushed the tip of the knife against the left side of her beautiful left breast, but because it was so sharp I felt how the point was already penetrating into her tit, followed by a a small kreek of blood. I heard Yvan’s voice in the headphone: ‘excellent, now push it slowly completely in it so it comes out from the other side!’ I did my job and started tu push the knife: it went very easy, like butter, so soft! I also expected more blood to come, but maybe this would come. Now I saw how the point of the knife was pushing against the other side of her left tit. I stopped for a moment and saw how the cam men were taking closeups like crazy I pushed the knife further into her beautiful breast and suddenly the point came through on the other side just in the middle between her breasts. I kept pushing until the knife went all the way through: the blood formed a stream between her breasts. Jana slammed her head backwards and screamed while her girlfriend yelled: ‘top this, please, let her go and take me!’. While the poor Jana was in shock and the cam men were filming like crazy this once so beautiful tit, now pierced with a steak knife completely trough it, I went tot he bitch. I said in her ear: ‘don’t worry, she still has another boob but now let’ see how to destroy your little titties’ and with one movement I hooked my fingers under her bra between her tits and broke it: I saw 2 little titties, but with very big, brown nipples and a great areola. She became angry now and said: ‘are you satisfied now asshole? Do what you want with me, but let her go!’ I heard Yvan’s voice again, saying: Dimitri, the client likes the view of pierced tits: give her the same treatment; get more knives and start to cut some nipples also!’

It seems this client loves the view of pierced, bleeding tits. Not really my style, but his wish is my command. I went back to the store room and took a few of these steak-knives. There were simply models like they serve you in a restaurant, but sharp as hell! I returned to the girls and when they saw the knives they became more hysteric. I placed my knife under the bitch’s small right tit: she began to tremble like a leaf just saying: ‘stop this! I answered: ‘ say goodbye to your tities end nipples’ and slowly I started to push up the knife and felt how the little teeth started to go in into the soft flesh. Blood is coming and just like Jana she threw her head backwards. I kept pushing and pushing, because het tit was so small that after a few inches pushing I already saw the point coming through the skin from the other site, followed by a creek of blood. It was a weird view to see this little tit, completely pierced with a steak knife while a little stream of blood was coming out which made a stream on her belly. With my left hand, I grabbed the bitch’s head by her hair and pulled it forward saying: ‘look at your little tits now!’ To scare her more I grabbed the handle of the knife saying: ‘Shall I turn the knife to remove your whole tit?’ This was an option because her tit was so small and the knife was working like a little saw so in one small movement her tit would come off completely! She just trembled terrible, saying: ‘do what you want, but just let her go’. I heard Yvan saying in the headset: don’t cut her tits off now, Davina has an excellent idea: I'll send her to you’. Meanwhile the cam men were filming like crazy: they even lay on the ground just to make good shots.

Davina approached the bitch from behind and laid her hand around her neck She said: ‘look Dimitri, during my military training I learned an easy method to force somebody to open their mouth. By pressing some nerves, they feel enormous pain except they open their mouth so they do it automatically, it always works, just look: she pressed with a few fingers on the bitch’s neck and indeed; her mouth opened completely! When she released her hands I‘ve noticed that it was a painful trick, but it’s perfect to force somebody to open their mouth in an easy way. Suddenly I heard Yvan’s voice again: ‘listen Dimitri, because this bitch likes her girlfriend so much, Davina gave the idea to cut off a nipple of her girlfriend and let it swallow by the bitch. I know it's weird: take another knife, lay it on her girlfriend’s nipple and wait. Then I will ask the client if he likes this or not!’ Now this is awful: this Jana has such lovely breaths: I just wanted to fuck her with undamaged tits… But I had to follow orders so if client says: cut off a nipple, I must do it! Now I heard Yvan's voice: 'do it!' I took place after Jana and started to squeeze her undamaged right tit of the sweet Jana. She really became in a panic, begging like hell to stop this and to let her go. The bitch was also yelling to let her go.

Suddenly I heard Yvan's voice saying: ' wait Dimitri, I know it's annoying for you, but the client wants to see how you force her to suck your cock and come in her mouth! Here is no rapist and remember your first training victim. Just stand before her, get your dick out, give her a few faceslabs and tell her to suck you or you will cut off her tits!' Oops this was terrible because everybody will look at me. But I have to go through it, they count on me. Just doing it without thinking. And Jana was such such a sweet girl…I replied 'OK Yvan, I'll start with it' and took place in front of Jana. I said: ‘look sweet girl, I really must do my job, but so you must suck my dick, if you don’t I must cut off your tits so if you want to avoid this please do this’. Withut further thought I opened my pants and took my willy out of it. I saw the disgust on Jana’s face. I gave her a few very hard face slabs, pulled her hair firmly and said: ‘suck’! I hoped that with this threat she will do it good an not hurt me because it's always a bit dangerous: she can really bite off my dick! I pushed my dick against her mouth and I felt and incredible trembling head. As expected, she opened her mouth with fright. I grabbed her hair and began to move her head back and forth. The cam men came closer to making closeups. I tried to think of nothing and just wanted to concentrate me on the nice, warm feeling of her mouth. I felt my dick growing. Now I heard Yvan: 'Dimitri, the client wants that if your dick is hard enough, you pull it out and slab her face a bit wit hit and come in her mouth. After this wring her mouth open so they can film the sperm in it!'

I felt myself terrible because it's such a sweet girl, but duty calls. When I looked down I saw her beautiful hair moving from front to back. Her shaking, trembling body full of fear gave some special effect. I really started to enjoy the feeling of her warm mouth, the feeling of my dick against her sweet tongue. I felt my dick swell up and making ready to spray into her throat. But then I remember Yvan's command and in one movement I pulled my dick back; the cam men began to film Jana's trembling face full of fear and disgust. I gave her a few face slabs with my hard dick, pulled very hard on her hair so that the tears came out and even posed with my dick into her beautiful eyes. I shouted: 'suck harder' and pushed my dick against her mouth again. I felt how she began to realise it's all over and gave up the fight and supplications to stop. I know this evolution. Anyway, horror or not: it felt incredibly good because there were no limits. I moved her beautiful head brutal like crazy, so I could feel her nice warm mouth from all sites: it was such a wonderful feeling. Suddenly I felt my charge loading and there it was: the whole stock into her mouth.

In a quick movement I pulled my dick back and lifted her head up. I opened her mouth brutally with my other hand and the cam men started to film it. When I released it, her head fell down and some sperm came out of her mouth. She had lost her resistance completely. I heard the skinny bitch crying and yelling and supposed now it will be her turn to suffer. But no, I heard Yvan again: ''Dimitri', sorry, but the client wants a special treatment of this beautiful face. He wants you to pull her tongue out of her mouth, and put needles trough it until her mouth is covered by a hanging bleedy tonque! Do it!' Now that was weird and cruel! This will destroy the view of her so sexy face completely. But what must happen, must happen so I put my thing back in my pants and went to the store room to get a package of needles. When I returned I saw how the poor Jana's head was hanging down, but she was still conscious. I lifted her head up, with my left hand, I forced her mouth open and stuck my right thumb and forefinger into her mouth. I never did this, it was a weird feeling to grab her tongue, each time my fingers shoved off her tongue. It was irritating me so now I grabbed her tongue and squeezed as hard as I could and pulled her tongue out. Now with my left hand, I took a needle and slowly pierced her tongue from the top until it came out along below. I took another needle and pierced it from the bottom until it came out from the top. And another, and another... Now diagonally from top to bottom, and another and another. Thereafter a few more on the side, more from top to bottom, etc... At lead 20 long needles were pierced into her violently bleeding, drooping tongue: this was not a pleasant view. The cam men were filming as crazy. Suddenly Yvan said: well done, but now you must get out your dick again because the client wants to see you piss on her eyes. I hope you drunk enough!' Another unexpected thing! Good that I drank a beer before, but anyway, I did not like this. The beautiful girl was so sweet to suck me off, I destroyed her heavenly tongue and now I must piss in her eyes, she must suffer terribly! But the job is a job: without thinking I opened my pants again and took my dick out. Again I lifted her head upward; terrible view with this bleeding tongue hanging out full of needles. While I concentrated me to pee, the cam men were filming her destroyed face. I grabbed her face and held her eyes open with my thumbs. I feed my pee coming: I started to spray it on her face and began to aim at her eyes. She tried to close them, but because I speared, her eyes open it was imossible. I even felt how my pissing dick touched her eyes. My pee was floating all over her face from her eyes over her bleeding tongue into her open mouth. For a moment I realised the terrible torture of this, but I had to go on. Again the same double-sided feelings came into my head. one of disgust and compassion, another was excitement and fun to see how I could do anything I want with these beautiful creatures and kick of slowly destroying them. When I was without pee, I heard 'excellent' in my ears. I pulled my dick back and looked at the close up the cam men made: her swollen eyes full of my urine, her bleeding tongue full of needles hanging out; a mix of sperm, urine and blood was streaming out over her throat to her breasts.

Now Yvan gave the next orders: 'Ok Dimitri, now let's do Davina's plan: cut of a nipple, Davina will open the mouth of the skinny one and force her to swallow it!

So be it: I returned to my place after her and pinched the nipple of Jana's right beautiful tit between my fingers and pulled it forwards. I held the knife under it, ready to cut. I saw how Jana had no more energy, she just waited until it's all over. Now I was just waiting for Yvan’s command to do it. I said ‘say bye bye to you sweet nipple sweety’. . The skinny bitch became hysterical, but Jana was powerless. Trough all this noise I heard Yvan’s voice saying: the client founds this an excellent idea and really wants to see how these girls are swallowing each others nipples! This is new: do it!’ Davina heard this also, grabbed the hair firmly of the bitch and pushed her head forwards, only a few inches from the right tit from Jana. I said: ‘look bitch how I’m gonna cut off her nipple and after this you will eat it!’ They both became in panic, I saw that Davina needed all her strength to keep the bitch’s head close to Jana’s nipple which was ready to be cut off. So for the first thing in my life I started to do such horrible thing to an innocent girl. And yes, I had compassion because I liked this sweet girl! But duty calls: I started to pull the knife backwards and saw how the teeth began to cut into her areola, deeper and deeper: I saw how a creek of blood began to stream out of her beautiful tit. The Poor Jana was terrible trembling and held her head completely backwards, maybe she will come in shock and will be soon passed out. Now I felt how the sweet nipple came loos from her tit, one moment later her tit felled down, a lot of blood was coming out of her areola and between my fingers I really felt her nipple, I did it… Jana did not make any sound, she kept her head backwards and was breathing incredible fast.

In one movement Daviana pulled the bitch’s head backwards. She was also a little bit in shock and her face was full of tears. Yvan said: ‘great, client really likes it, now let her swallow her girlfriend’s nipple!’ I showed the nipple to the bitch saying: ‘you like your sweet innocent girlfriend, now eat her nipple!’ Davina grabbed her neck again in a special grip; I saw some pain on her face while she opened her mouth. I saw on the screens how the cam men zoomed in on the cutted nipple. The bitch was closing her eyes like crazy. I held the nipple over her opened mouth, opened my fingers and let it fall in her mouth. When Davina solved her grip, I hurried myself to hold her mouth closed. For a few minutes long we held her head still to force her to swallow her girlfriends nipple, but it was no use: when we let go of her head she started to cough and spat out the nipple. I heard Yvan says: ‘client is a bit disappointed because she did not swallow it. Because of this now he wants you to toast the big boob girl's holes. Find some toys and start with it!’. This was a terrible command, but I had to do it. I whispered in the bitch her ears: ‘because you did not want to swallow her nipple, you can now watch how we are frying her ass ad pussy!’ The bitch screamed back: dirty sadists you will burn in hell!I did not react because …. because she was right…. for me a reason to enjoy more while I still can….

I decided first to prepare her so the guys can film her parts while I look for toys. Davina also heard Yvan’s orders and was already behind Jana to loosen her hancuffs. I pushed the – down- button from the tackle until it was hanging between the two hysteric girls. Davina clicked Jana’s handcuffs loose and brought her arms forward. I saw she had no power to fight anymore. I put the chains on the cuffs over the hood of the tackle an pushed the –up- button. The tackle raised her hands, arms and forced her body to stand up. I stopped the tackle when her body was stretched out. Because she had no power anymore to stand on her own, it looked like she hung by her arms on the tackle. Her feet were still tied open to the legs of the chair so she could not move them.

While the poor Jana was standing up, the cam men were filming her like crazy. I saw on the screens how they focussed on her face full of tears, her hanging bloody tongue pierced with needles and her boobs: the left stabbed with a steak knife and the right without a nipple. The bloodstream, which came out of her areola formed a stream and made her jeans wet. I opened the burden from her jeans pants and slowly the zipper. I felt some harder trembling, but not more loud crying and resistance: she came in the fase of accepting and hope to pass out and die soon. Her zipper was in front of the face of the pitch, which was still saying – leave her alone you psycho’s- . I really had so much desire to punish and torture her, but to see her girlfriend tortured is also a punishment. When Jana’s jeans pants was open, I used another steak knife to cut the jeans from back to front and I pulled the trouser legs down... It felt was so wet.. it was full of pee! It seems she peed in her pants, I think because of the stress and fear! Now she stood there with her beautiful buttocks in her panties full of pee: it was a white one with a blue flower on her pussy. Somewhere it was sexy. Suddenly I got an excellent idea: I hurried myself to the store room to find a piece of rope. When I was back, I grabbed the steak knife and from both sides I cut it loose. I grabbed the sexy, wet panties and felt her warm pee on it. When I pulled it away, I saw a real paradise! Her pussy was covered with a lot of dark blond hair, a real little wood, but so sexy. When I stood behind her, I saw an incredible sexy ass: so nice buttocks, but fucking is impossible: I had to go on.

I went tot the store room to find some things to fry Jana’s cunt. In a low cupboard I saw the collection of dildo’s. Because the client wanted to see if she is still a virgin I decided to use one without sharp things in it. Suddenly my eyes saw a very good combination: it was a double Dildo on the form of a small horseshoe, but with one long side and a flat surface in the curve so it could stand. So when the victim sits on it, the small side goes in the ass while the longing goes into the vagina. But beside this: in the longer side where holes in it with sharp nails which you could push from outside and return. If you push the nail from outside, the sharp point comes out from the other side. So if the victim sits on it, you could push the nails one by one so they will start puncturing the pussy.. There was also some metal ring on the outside: I guess it was to connect a wire to electrify her pussy while she was sitting on it. This was the perfect toy to use!

I went back to the girls, but also took a normal dildo with me to satisfy the client who wanted to find out if she is still a virgin. I showed the double dildo to the girls: the bitch was shaking her head heavy. Poor Yana could only stumble some words: her power was gone… The virgin test: I took place for her beautiful butt, opened her soft buttocks and slowly I pushed the dildo through her little wood into her vagina. I felt a lot of resistance in her vagina and suddenly the feeling that something snapped. Indeed: I saw a little stream of blood coming out so I told to Yvan: ‘tell the client indeed she was still a virgin!’. After a minute Yvan replied: ‘client likes it so much, now toast that virgin pussy and ass!’ I removed the dildo out of her tight, hairy pussy and came next to her with the double dildo. I saw her fighting was completely gone, soon she will pass out. I placed the double dildo on the chair, in front of the bitch’s face, which was shaking her head like hell. Davina took the remote control from the tackle while I prepared myself to lower Jana so that she sits on the terrible double dildo. She pushed the button: the body of the poor Yana sank down, she stopped when her pussy lips were touching the longest side. I held the double dildo right underneath it, inch by inch Davina lowered her body. I raised my hand to stop and went to the back.

I saw trough the chair how the small side of the dildo was under her nice sphincter. I gave a sign to Davina to push the button again: the small side of the dildo disappeared into the nice ass of the poor girl. Yana now made a terrible cry: it had to be very painful in her ass. Now went back to stand next to her and saw the nails on the long side of the dildo, ready to be pushed in. I started with the lowest: I could push it very easy because it was nearly touching her hairy pussy. When I pushed the second, higher nail, I saw on Yana’s reaction that the sharp point touched her labia: she made a shrill sound and moved her head. This was worse when I pushed the third nail in it: blood came out, I think this nail had to pierce somewhere in or around her clitoris but because of all that hair I could not see it…. The third nail was on the level of the middle of her pubic hair. When I pushed it, I felt a lot of resistance, but I went trough. Jana made a shrill sound and I saw to the movements of her head she still felt it. The fifth nail came out above her pubic hair so I hesitated to push it. The cam men were filming every detail, on the big screens I saw how her pussy and started to bleed also. Suddenly I heard Yvan: ‘Dimitri, the client likes the view of bleeding pussy and belly: go on’. So I did it: I pushed the fifth nail and felt how it went into her lower abdomen until I could feel I could not push anymore because the point had reached her Pubis. So I pushed the higher Sixt nail en the last seventh, which was really stabbing in her lower abdomen, followed by the creeks of blood. Her once so beautiful public hair was now coloring red because of the nails. The bitch was only shaking her head, but but apparently no longer had a voice to scream. I saw the suffering on Jana’s face and the creeks of blood everywhere: the cut in her left tit, her right tit without a nipple, her pubic hair full of blood from her lower belly and on the screens I even saw on her backside blood out of her ass because of the dildo she was sitting on. But she was still on conscious.

In the headset I heard the next instructions: ‘Good work Dimitri, the client now wants you to finish the big boob girl. Go and get some electrical things: you know he can do this by himself’. I replied: ‘OK Yvan, I still remember this indeed’ and I went to the store room. In the high metal closet, I saw the equipment: the electrical thing, connected with some wifi rotor and with firm clamps. Nerdie must connect it to his network, then the client will see a controll panel on his screen to control theelectrocution device. I plugged the long wire into the socket and went back to the girls. I put the equipment on the ground: the bitch was still reacting heavy and from her movements and expressions on her face I could see she realized what will happen. The poor, bleeding Jana was so in shock that she did not react normal anymore. I Just heard some terrible moans and her eyes were looking at the ceiling. Soon she will pass out now and leave this world, but not by me: the client will do it himself, that was a little comfort for me. I connected one clamp to the ring of the dido which she was sitting on and his was in meantime full of blood coming out of her pussy and lower belly because of the sharp nails in it. So if the client lets her move heavy because of the electroshocks, the nails will make a lot more wounds. The other clamp I connected to her only one left nipple. I went away from the chair, pushed the power button on the equipment and went away from the girls. I saw a red led lighting to the equipment and Nerdie was working firmly on his computers. Suddenly I saw the led changing into green and on the screens two slide switches appeared: one big green to activate and one slide switch from zero to 380 Volts. I saw how the client choose for 100 Volts and the cursor was on the green button, ready to activate. The cam men were filming every detail: her face, the bleeding pussy, tits and ass, belly, tied feet too, the chair. Suddenly I heard a vibrating sound and saw how the poor Jana was vibrating terribly. The entire chair vibrated with; her head was shaking so hard, her eyes were without a pupil. The client moved the slide switch upwards to a maximum: 380 V and the effect were horrible: her body went up and down, it gave a strong humming, beating, vibrating sound. He left it for a few minutes and switched it out. Poor Yana’s body collapsed like a bag: her belly was full of blood, which was coming from her tits, her lower belly and pussy was completely torn because of the nails in the dildo. There was so much blood coming out everywhere that it even reached the floor now. Suddenly the client activated it again for maximum: a huge shock went through her body but her movements started to reduce. Client switched it out/on again, but the vibrations were stopping: I think her hart gave it up. Under the chair I saw a lot of urine, which was coming from the hair. I think she started to piss again because of the electroshocks. I heard Yvan in the headset: clients want to be sure she’s gone. Remove the electrodes, loosen her and go get a rope, put it around her neck and pull it up on until she’s stretched out, tones a bit from the ground’. So this client really wants to see her hang but I’m happy she’s probably dead already so it will not hurt her. I went to the store room again to look for a strong rope. Davina came to help: she had already she had turned off the electrical device and removed the electrodes. Yana was completely out now, but the bitch not: her face was one mess and full of tears … I released the cuffs of the poor Yana, Davina her feet. Her body was sitting in chair like a bag: completely collapsed. I did the rope around the tackle; the other side around Jana’s neck and made a loop. I loosened her hands and tied them behind her back.

Now I pushed the –up- button from the tackle: I saw the rope tightening around her neck and lifting up her body. The rope pulled her body up by her head, I did not like this vieuw, her tonque full of blood and nails hanging out of her mouth, eyes wide open but not any movement. Now her body began to so stretch out, I kept pushing the – up – button and saw, how her tones came from the ground: she was really hung now with only a rope around her neck. I pushed the –stop- button. I released the wire from the dildo. Her body began to turn around very slowly: it was a horrible view, not sexy: a lot of blood and urine were still coming out of her holes and was running along her legs on the ground. Because her body was stretched out, the nails in the dildo tore her pubic area and lower abdomen; big creeks of blood were comig out. Now the bitch became hysteric and started to scream like hell. I heard Yvan in the headset: ‘client is happy and told me he got a very hard dick from the view of the hanging virgin bitch with destroyed tits and pussy. But he is fed up with the other: go to the store room and get a mouth gag to keep her silent, cut of these small tits and let her eat them while the client fries her holes until she’s gone’. .

Now that was a good idea because she yelled like crazy. I went to the store room and came back with a mouth gag. ‘When I returned, Davina had already grabbed her hair and pulled her head down so she could see what happens. I whispered in her ear: ‘look bitch how we will cut your small tits and you can taste how it tastes!’ The bitch was resisting herself like hell but she could not do anything. I picked up the knife from the ground, which was full of blood and urine from Yana, squeezed her left tit as hard as I could until it became almost red. The cam men were zooming in like crazy. I put the teeth of the steak knife above her little left tit, but because they are so small there will be not much left if I cut off her nipple. Very slowly I pulled the knife back: I felt how the teeth of the steak knife began to cut: a lot of blood began to flow and after a few sawing movements I saw her nipple to fall down, her whole breast became red. I pinched her nipple between my fingers and before I realized it, I held her nipple and a peace of her tit between my fingers! A a lot of blood came out of what was left from her tit. I saw how Davina needed all her strength to keep her head in a grip. I heard Yvan again: ‘nice, now the other one: now stuff her tits in her mouth and with some luck, she suffocates in it!’ I did not like this; I’m not a cutter. It was one bloody mess but duty calls. I put the bloody nipple on her knee so she could see this well and squeezed her right chest as hard as I could until it became almost red. The cam men were zooming in like crazy. Again, I put the teeth of the steak knife on top of her little tit and started to saw very slowly. I felt how the teeth of the steak knife began to cut: a lot of blood began to flow and all most half of her small breast began to sag. A few seconds later: her nipple began to point down. I grabbed it and now I really had her nipple and all most half of her small tit between my fingers. Her chest was one red mess, which the cam men were filming like crazy..

I heard Yvan: ‘good work Dimitri but the client want to see her finish as soon as possible: throw her nipples in her mout hand shut her mouth, then put a rope around her neck, let her stand and put this dildo in her ass so he can fry her until she hangs herself!’That was a clear command, I began to know the preferences of this client: he gets a hard dick from cut nipples, fried pussy’s and hanged girls. I was happy it’s the client who ends the girls, not me.

Davina started her technics: she pulled hard on the bitch's hair until her head fell back; she placed some fingers on some places: it worked again because the bitch opened her mouth completely . In each hand I piched her nipples between 2 vingers and showed it tot the bitch. I said: ‘eat your nipples bitch!’ and threw her own bloody nipples in her moth, followed by the mouth gag. Davina made the straps firmly at the back of the bitch’ head: finally silence! The face of the bitch was unrecognizable because of the tears, the mouth gag and expressions of horror: she still had her own nipple in her mouth also. The only sound she could make was no more than some moans.

Yvan talked through the headset for the new instructions: ‘client wants to see her hang also but do it slow and let her move while she suffocates. Just an idea: put a rope around her neck and tie her hands on her back. Lift her up slowly until she touches the ground with her towns and strip her. Then go into the storage room: in the metal closet there is soldering iron which works on gas. If you use this it becomes very hot and it's easy to handle. Touch her body everywhere with this soldering iron: she will move like hell. So every time she minimizes the strength in her tones she will hang herself more and more’. I answered: ‘OK Yvan, we will do like you said’, meanwhile I saw Davina smiling so she liked the prospects. I went to the storeroom and indeed: in the metal closet, I found the soldering iron. It was blue, about 5 inches and very light. I opened the fantail and heard the gas, I took a lighter and it ignited. At the half was another controller to regulate the flame strength and the strength of the flame.. I regulated it so that the point was almost completely over the flame so the metal will become very hot at the point. I returned to the bitch: the poor Yana was still hanging very close to her. We decided to let her down so we could use the tackle for the bitch. I laid the soldering on the ground, took the remote control and pushed the down-button. Yana’s body collapsed, when it was laying on the ground like a bag I stopped, loosened the body and pushed the up button again to prepare the tackle for the bitch. When I put the noose around the bitch’s neck, she realised what would happen: I never saw somebody making so heavy movements with the head like her.

I asked Davia for assistance when I untie her hands because I expected heavy reactions. We took each one hand and untie the cuffs from the chair. Indeed, we needed all our strength to wring her hand behind her back. We cuffed her hands together, I put the rope around her neck and pushed the up button from the tackle again. When the rope started to pull her neck up, she had to stand up. A moment later she was standing up, hands cuffed around her neck, but feet still cuffed around the legs of the chair. Davina  uncuffed her feet and removed the chair to have some space. She was still in pants, but her jeans were full of blood, saliva and sweat. Her small tits were still bleeding like hell: her tits without nipples and her left with a deep cut in from the steak knife. I took place in front of her, loosened the button of her jeans pants and slowly pulled it down but she was moving her legs so hard I could not do it comfortably. So I pushed the up button again: she had to follow the rope around her neck which was shoking her otherwise. Now I saw how she had to stand on her tones not to shoke; I pushed the stop button: she was standing completele streched out, fighting with the noose around her neck and standing on her tones with her hands cuffed around her back. Now it was the moment to lower her pants because she could not resist anymore. So I did and what I saw was a big wad of black pubic hair. It was sexy, this black spot! Het ass was not thick, but its normal; an athletic type!

The cam men were filming like crazy, on the screens we saw her nice black spot in close up, her damaged, bleeding tits and face with a terrible expression fighting against choking with in het mouth her own bloody nipples. We heard yvan again in the headste: ‘client wants you to let her asshole and pussy smoke, do it before she passed out and hangs herself. If she is still fichting with burned pussy and ass, use her tones so she must lower her body to choke!’. Davina smiled and she opened the thighs from the stretched bitch: we could see a black hairy spot from her pussy and her little brown sphincter. I choose for the wish of the client: I took the soldering iron and in one movement I lay the hot point on her sphincter, pushed it into it, waited 2 seconds and pulled it back: it was horrible! It was really the smell of burned meat, the soldering iron was smoking because peaces of meat were still on it, her cypher was one ugly mutilated burned spot. But she was still standing on her tones! She could not make any sound, but her face was one expression of pain, even her pupils had no color anymore. Davina said: now its pussy time. First I teased her by giving her burned spots into her black pussy hair. I saw how she shook her body, but could not move a lot. Again, I choose for one movement: I opened her labia and in one movement I pushed the hot soldering iron in it. She started to tremble like hell, I heard a terrible hissing sound and really smelled burned flesh. I wanted to pull it back, but it felt like it was melted in her vagina. When I used a lot more of strength it came out, full of gunk and with a terrible smell. Her body became in shock, she was trembling extremely hard and in her eyes her pupils were almost white. But she kept fighting against suffocation, but it would not take long anymore.

Yvan talked in the headset again: ‘client wants you to finish it and wants to see her hang like her girlfriend’. I agreed and went on my knees to destroy her only focal point on the ground. I putted the hot soldering on her tones of her right foot: she tried to pull her foot away, but this lowered her body so more choking. I decided to repeat this action constantly: I started continuously to place the hot soldering iron alternately at her right and left foot, between her tones, under her feet without stopping, Because of the terrible pain she made all effort to avoid the iron but more and more her energy flew away and I saw how the movements became slower. Now she began to lower her knees, I looked her face and saw how she could still barely breathe. Now I pushed the hot iron against her belly; she still reacted to it but with low energy. I decide to go away so that he cam men could zoom in. Now she collapsed completely: the spot on the floor was gone, she was only hanging like a bag with her head in the noose, her movements were gone also: she passed out and was maybe already dead. I heard Yvan saying: ‘step away further for a few minutes, so the cam men can do their work!’. Davina and I removed us from the girls. The cam men began to shoot closeups. On the screen we saw every detail: the bloodlines on her body, tits without nipples and one stabbed, her burned pussy and ass, but the most ugly was her face which was completely unrecognizable because of the ball gag and the noosearound her neck. In her eyes, I saw no more pupils.

Yvan started to talk again: ‘Dimitri listens: you did a good job, now you must do only one thing and then you can stop and we will have some coffee. The client wants to see them both hang high from the ground against each other, every client has his own wishes. So what I ask you to do: lower the tackle, tie the rope from the other girl again around the tackle hook and lift it up so they will both rise, will it work?’ I answered: ‘OK Yvan, I will do it’. I went to the remote and pushed the down button. The bitch collapsed, a few minutes later she was lying like a bag on the floor. Davina came to help me: together we dragged the poor Yana near by. We heard Yvan saying: ‘I forget to say that the client wants to see them hang back against back!’ We tied the rope from Yana’s head around the hook from the tackle. I stood up an pushed the up button. The ropes started to tighten and their heads came up. After a few seconds I stopped so that Davina could lay the bodies to lift up back to back. I lifted the tackle higher and higher: their heads were lifted up and their bodies followed. Now there were stretched out and I stopped; Yvan said: ‘Dimitri: on maximum height, let their bodies move and leave, the cam men will do the rest’. I answered ‘OK, thanks’ because indeed: I did not like this to play with dead girl bodies, it's not my style. I guess this client was a bit necro. I pushed the up button again and held it until the tackle was on maximum height. Now the girls were hanging with only a noose around their neck, back against back, their feet about 3 feet from the ground. From their tones I saw blood and urine dripping. Davina made a sign to let their bodies move. I grabbed the thighs of Yana and made a turning movement. Then gave a big push on the bitch’s ass: both bodies were turning and swinged. This was really not my style: I like the living things, this was over my limit!

Luckily I heard Yvan’s voice: ‘its ok now, let the cam men do their work: let’s go’. I saw how he opened the door from the room. Davina and I left the horrible room, I did not want to look back to the swinging bodies. When the door was closed, we removed our hats and headsets in the corridor, my head was sweating like an ox. Yvan gave me a quiet pat on my shoulder saying: ‘well done’, let’s have some coffee’. Davina did not look so surprised, rather more satisfied! Yvan stuck his thumb up to her and went to Segeï’s office.

When we came in Sergei's office, he said: ‘ very well! Davina: how was it for your first time?’ With a smile she said: the beginning was nice, but to go on when they were all ready death was not so pleasant.’ ‘I know’, he said, ‘but this kind of client is really an exception!’ He pointed to his screen and we saw how the cam men still were filmed like crazy around their bodies but I did not want to look at it anymore. ‘But anyway: here is your reward’ while giving us an envelope. It felt like there was a lot of money in it. I opened it and indeed: a whole pack of banknotes of €100! So I’m € 12000 more rich! I saw how Davina made a very big smile and said: ‘I really thank you for this nice job and money!’ Yvan smiled, gave us a coffee while saying: ‘we all know that what we do is not normal and dangerous, but you know our motto is: - if we don’t do it, somebody else will – because there will always be a market for such activities. I think Sergeï is the big boss there, but he is nice. Of course, it’s a gangster, but the people who don’t know him will think he is somekind of manager. He said: ‘Ok, I understand it was a heavy day. You will have to work with each other more in the future, will it work?’ We noted – yes – while smiling to each other. ‘Good, but before Daviana is a a full-fledged employee, you know she must use a victim until the end like you did. The good news: we allready have the victim so the test will be for next week. Sorry for you both, but just like Yvan did this for free with Dimitri, you will not be payed for this: it’s a training. Otherwise, we offer you a fresh woman, which you can amuse yourself with without limits. Millions of men (and women with a big smile) have this kind of dream, you get this for free. One thing is a pity: of course we do noy use our expensive objects for training. The K-team had to kidnap a young guy but because of the situation on that moment they could not help it to take the mother with them also. The guy is allready used, the mother you can have. But I heard she’s around forty and still has a nice body. Is this a problem?’ Davina was the first to answer: ‘oh no Sergeï: I thank you so much for this. Indeed, this was always my ultimate dream to torture and kill a woman of that age! I will do my best!’ When he looked at me, I answered: I agree Sergeï. Yvan did the same for me: this training is necessary because on-line we cannot make any mistake or show any doubt. I’m sure she will do her job well!’ Yvan looked happy. ‘Great, now drink your coffee and then go to the room next door. We transformed it into some kind of dressing room. Put on your normal clothes again, then Davina will do the same. Good’ I said. I placed the empty coffee cup on the desk, stood up and went to the dressing room where I saw my clothes. I removed the black clothes -; there were full with blood and gunk. I returned to Sergeïs office, Davina crossed me on her way to the dressing room. Sergeï said: ‘OK Dimitri: the driver is already waiting. Just go home, rest a bit and enjoy your money. Adam will let you know the moment to destroy the woman and train Davina well! Thanks and see you next time’! I replied: ‘OK Sergeï, I will do my best to train her well.’ I left his office, went to the corridor, upon the iron stairs, opened the big metal door and there he stood again: the black Mercedes with the bald guy in it who does not speak. I opened the door and I was back on my way home….

When I came into my apartment, the first thing I did was to hide my €12000 in the hidden place, undress myself and hurried me under the shower. I was so tired that I did not put any clothes on but hurried me on my bed to sleep. But I kept seeing the images of the sweet, beautiful Yana which I tortured and hung. I hope my moral will stay strong enough to keep it going….

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