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The long awaited spring break comes an Mrs. Logan helps us out.
Chapter 15 Spring Break

As I have said Spring break started on Saturday March 30. We spent most of the first two days, Saturday and Sunday, with the Logans and some time with mother. It seemed like any other week because both mother and Mr. Logan had to work Monday through Friday. On Monday, after dropping mother at work, I went to Andrea's. Mary Logan, in powder blue sweatshirt and pants, greeted me with her usual hug and kiss on the cheek. This hug lasted a little longer than usual and instead of holding her body back she pressed her full body to me. She was not petite like Andrea. She was full bodied and easily five foot eight inches tall. I was five ten, so we matched up quite nicely. Her breasts pressed into my chest and I know she felt the bulge in my slacks with her mound as it pressed against me. The look in her deep blue eyes, that looked exactly like Andrea's, told me she knew what she was doing.

"The little ones are off to bible school till afternoon and Andy is sound asleep so why don't we talk," Mary said as she led me by the hand to the breakfast counter.

As I sat on a stool, she prepared coffee for each of us. "Cream, no sugar, right?" she asked. Almost not giving me time to answer she said, "You and Andy are spending a lot of time together and I have encouraged it, but I worry things will happen." Not knowing where this was headed, I chose to only nod rather than say anything. "You know, there you are...ah all ah...all hot and bothered and the next thing you've impregnated her. What would you do next?"

"Well, Mrs. Logan..."

She interrupted me, "Call me Mary."

"Mary, that isn't happening," I insisted.

"John, I'm sure that most couples who wind up pregnant said, 'That isn't happening.' But if it did would you and Andy come to me...speak to me immediately?"

She seemed so earnest so, I said, "Yes Mary, if anything goes wrong, I will come to you. I would feel far more comfortable talking to you than your husband."

Looking down into her coffee cup she said, almost to herself, "That's a given." Looking into my eyes she said, "Tell me honestly, if Andy said it was okay, would you..." She hesitated as if she was searching for an acceptable word. "Would you screw her?"

Without hesitation I said, "If Andrea wanted, yes."

"Then she could get pregnant," she said.

"I'm prepared for the day she says okay. I have a rubber," I said with pride.

"A rubber? Oh, a condom." She appeared a little flustered. " have one with you now?"

"Yes, just in case, you know."

Anxiously she said, "Show it to me." Then added, "I've never seen one." The look in those dark blue eyes was like a little girl asking to play with a new doll. I pulled out my nearly empty wallet and lifted the packet out. The expression on her face changed to that of puzzlement. "That's a condom? Open me."

"I..." I wanted to say, I only opened one if I was using it, but I tore the packet and pulled the rubber out, holding it up for her to see.

With a renewed sparkle in her dark blue eyes as she focused them on the rubber, she said, "Doesn't look like much. Do you think I...ah...could see it on..." She glanced to my crotch, up to my eyes, and back to the rubber.

I asked myself, did she ask me to put it on. I decided to not even ask if that was what she meant. Long silent moments passed as she stared at the rubber in my hand. Then a shiver of excitement went through me as I thought of her watching me put it on my rock-hard dick. I could not hide my nervousness. I lowered my hand to rest it on the table to prevent it from shaking. Her eyes followed. The look in her eyes said to me she was sexually aroused, just as aroused as I was.

Barely above a whisper she said, "John...put it on, I can"

No, I am not showing my girlfriend's mother my dick, I said to myself. Instead I stuck up my left thumb and rolled the rubber down over it.

Disappointment appeared on her face. "Does it fit tight?" she asked.


She sat her coffee down, stood and walked around the end of the counter to stand beside me. I looked up into her eyes and saw a renewed sparkle. She asked, "Tight enough so it doesn't slip off?"

"Yes," I said, feeling quite uncomfortable with her standing so close.

"Your...ah...thing must be bigger than your thumb." She reached for my fly, but I swiveled on the stool, stood and moved a couple of steps away from her. She moved with me, went down on her knees, and grasped my belt buckle. I gave up, decided not to resist. With little effort she had my slacks and shorts down around my ankles. Standing only a fraction of an inch away from my stomach, my dick was as hard and standing as proud as it had ever been. "Put it on!" she commanded, with a big smile.

I slipped the rubber over the head and rolled it expertly down nearly to the base.

"It does fit," she said. She pulled on the nipple end of the rubber and it did not slip off. She added, "Nice and tight."

"Mom!" Andrea's called.

Startled, we both turned to see Andrea standing at the foot of the stairs. Being caught by my girlfriend with my dick hanging out in front of her mother nearly caused me to pass out, but Mary Logan, still kneeling before me, said, "I was making sure that he was protected when you let know, do it to you."

As she walked slowly toward us Andrea asked, "Don't you think that is my responsibility?"

"If I am going to approve of him doing it to you, it is my responsibility too," her mother said.

Andrea reached out and gave the rubber a little tug. "Does fit tight," she commented.

Still kneeling in front of me, her mother said, "I was about to send him up to wake you."

"With this?" Andrea asked, giving the rubber a harder tug.

"If that is what you want, Andy."

"Mom, I decided to keep my virginity longer than you did."

"That is your choice, Andy. Oh wait, you turn seventeen in three months."

"Yes, I do, in about three and a half months," she said as she squeezed between her mother and me. She put her arms around my neck and pulled me down to press her lips against mine. I felt her tongue against my lips. I opened my mouth and our tongues danced. I lifted her up off her feet and held her close to me with our mouths locked together like a pair of suction cups. She was in her house robe which my dick easily parted and found himself nestled between her thighs. I stepped toward the stool with the intent of sitting on it with Andrea straddling me on my lap. I had forgotten about the slacks around my ankles. To keep from falling I sat Andrea on the stool and went to my knees in front of her. With her bare knees on either side of my head, it looked like I was headed to her pussy for a snack.

I looked up to see Andrea's smiling dark blue eyes looking down at me, and almost right there beside and above her were Mary's smiling dark blue eyes. I looked from one to the other and their expressions did not change. Then I felt the toes of both of Andrea's feet stroking my dick. I dove in for a taste. She was too far back on the stool for me to do a proper job, so I moved her toward me. She was flooded with pussy juice which I laved up with my tongue.

Her mother was speaking. What I heard was, "Andy, I said for you and John to take that to your room right now."

Although I was happy to do it anywhere, I decided to comply. I stood and pulled up my shorts and trousers. Andrea swiveled on the stool, picked up my coffee and drank it down. She sat the cup down saying, "Okay mom." She swiveled back to face me and launched herself into my arms. I carried Andrea to the stairs. With a final glance at Mary, I saw she had her right hand down inside her powder blue sweatpants.

When in Andrea's room I turned to lock the door, she said, "Don't lock it." I shrugged, turned and sat her on her bed. As she flipped her house robe off, she said, "I don't think she will, but just in case she wants to watch, she can come in. Thinking about her watching will make me hotter." By this time, I was totally naked. Pointing at my rubber covered dick she said, "Get that thing off."

I rolled the rubber off and tossed it in the nearly empty wastebasket by her small study desk. "Are you throwing it away?"

"Once it is out of the package it doesn't keep. I have more at home."

"Just so you have one on June 17," she said as she moved into her usual position on the bed.

"The day you turn 17 years old," I said as I crawled onto the bed to get into the side way 69 position.

"Yes, we will do it in the evening so I can say I kept my cherry longer than mom, 'cause dad first screwed her in the morning of her 17th birthday," she said as she lay her head on my thigh and stroked my dick with both of her hands.

She was flowing with so much pussy juice that I spent a lot of time just lapping it up and swallowing it. I suddenly realized I was about to blow a load in Andrea's mouth. I shoved a couple of fingers in her pussy and went to her clit with my mouth. She was farther along than I thought because she immediately tensed the way she usually did when she orgasmed. The first surge of my cum caught her by surprise but each of the next five or so surges she timed her swallow of the head of my dick so that they went down her throat.

The first thing I thought of after I caught my breath I asked about, "Did your mother come to watch?"

"Don't think so," she said between sucks on my dick to make sure she got every last drop. She then asked, "Do you know when I came down the stairs, mom was just unbuckling your belt? I did not know anything about the rubber. I thought she was giving you a blow job."

"You did?"

"If she had, I would have watched and said nothing until she was done."


"Yes, she has said she wanted to taste your cum to see if it tastes the same as dad's."

I stopped myself before I said that my mother said my cum was sweeter than my dad's. I told myself I had to not think things like that because I have said my thoughts aloud without meaning to do so. I told myself to not think of my mother. Andrea and her mother were of whom I would think. "Your mom can taste me anytime she wants," I said.

"What do you want to do now?" she asked as she sat up and reached for a brush to brush out the tangles in her hair. I thought of the many things we could do as I watched her brush her hair. It was long and the color of dry straw without the hint of a curl. Because of her small size it seemed longer that it was.

I sat up to face her. I wondered about trying things we had not yet done. "We can do anything you want. Your choice," I said.

"I drank most of your coffee, but I think I would like some breakfast," she said as she finished with her hair. We both stood and she slipped into her house robe while I began looking for my undershorts. "I should get you a robe, so you do not have to dress," she said as she scurried out of the room. She was back by the time I had put on my under shorts and t-shirt. I put on the purple robe she handed me.

"This your dad's?" I asked.

"No, it was my older brother's. He is called Roy though his name is Royal," she said as she went to the door.

Bare foot like her, I followed Andrea to the kitchen where we found her mother preparing blueberry pancakes. Looking up from her cooking she said, "For a moment I saw two of my children coming to breakfast. Andy, did you go in Roy's room to get that?"

"I thought it would be okay," Andrea said.

"It is...just...never mind. It's okay," Mary said as she returned to the breakfast preparation.

I looked at Andrea with a questioning look and she said, "Dad declared Roy's room off limits after he caught Roy and his then girlfriend, now wife, screwing in there."

"I did not know you knew all about it," her mother said without looking up from turning the pancakes on the griddle.

"How could I not with dad, Roy, and Queeny all screaming the night dad kicked them out," Andrea said.

"Roy's wife is named Queeny?" I asked.

"No, that is just what everyone calls her since she is married to a Royal. By the way, we cannot talk about them when dad is around, and I know mom sneaks off sometimes to see her grandkids. But these are all secrets I should not be sharing," Andrea said, looking to her mother.

Mary said, "No Andy, I think we can trust John. Just remember, what your dad doesn’t know..." Her words trailed off as she served us each three blueberry pancakes.

I noted that the mood had turned bluer than the blueberries. I racked my brain to think of something to say to lighten the mood. All I could come up with was, "You know, the only blue thing we eat is blueberries."

"I think you are right about that, John," Mary said. The silence again descended over us. I thought sure I was witnessing the Logan family's blues. I finished off my pancakes and sipped some coffee. Then Mary said, "I should not have sent you to your room before. I was acting like you dad."

"No, you weren't. Dad would have sent us out of the house," Andrea said before she ate the last bite of her pancakes.

"Your right and dad's not here and until three this afternoon there are no children around to be corrupted so we can do anything we want to do," her mother decreed.

"You really mean anything, mom?" Andrea asked.

"Yes, anything you want," her mother insisted.

"I know you want to see John and I do a 69,"

"Is that okay with you John?" Mary asked.

"Fine with me," I said enthusiastically.

"Goody! In the living room!" Andrea called over her shoulder as she rushed up the stairs. A minute later, Mary and I stood watching Andrea spread a large beach towel out on the carpeted living room floor. Sitting on the towel she looked up at us and said, "I think you need a towel too, mom." She was pointing at her mother’s crotch. Mary looked down at the very wet crotch of her powder blue sweatpants, as her daughter said, "God mom, you must be horny as hell."

Mary rushed off up the stairs. Andrea asked me, "Would you want to do my mom?"

"Sure, if she wants."

Andrea jump up and ran after her mother. I wondered, by do does she mean eat or fuck. Oh well, I will just go along. A few minutes later the two came down the stairs side by side both wearing identical white house robes, although of different sizes since Andrea was 16 inches shorter. I was sitting cross legged on the towel. They walked right up to me and Andrea said, "Mom, show him what you look like under the robe."

"Don't rush me," her mother said.

"You know you want to," her daughter insisted.

"Yes, but I have never ever done..."

Andrea interrupted saying, "You said we could do anything we wanted, and I know you want this."

"I do, I do," she said as she flipped her house robe off and it fell to the floor behind her. Looking up, all my eyes could focus on was the thick carpet of pussy hair that covered her lower abdomen. It actually looked more like soft blond velvet. Then I noted her inner thighs were dripping wet from the copious pussy juice leaking from her pussy. I could smell her sweetness even before she stepped right up to me.

"Eat her, eat her," Andrea chanted.

Tilting my head back, I looked up fist at her jutting tits that had erect brown nipples. Then I saw her big dark blue eyes smiling down at me. With the slightest lean forward my mouth met her wet pussy lips. I sucked in some of her juice. I savored the taste, pulled back, and announced, "Tastes like you Andrea."

"I know," I heard her say as I felt her behind me pushing my head forward and pulling my robe down off my shoulders. As I lapped at this very wet pussy I thought, not only do they taste alike but they flowed alike. I could drink at either fountain of love and never grow thirsty. Andrea was groping at me trying to get past my shorts to get to my dick. She said, "You guys have to lay down if I'm going to get any dick."

"I know I can't stand much longer," Mary said as she stepped back. I stood to give her room to lay down. As she sat, she said, "You for an inch, in for a mile."

"What do you mean by that, mom," Andrea asked.

Mary leaned back, spread her legs wide, exposing her open pussy to me, and said, "I mean that all I wanted was to be eaten but then now what I want is to be...yes, I can say it...fucked." She opened her pussy with the fingers of both hands and almost shouted, "Will you fuck me John?"

I looked questioningly at Andrea who said, "Do it. I have always wanted to watch mom and... watch mom get fucked"

"We'll need that rubber," her mother said.

"I threw it away," I said. My mind raced, it will take me less than ten minutes to go to my house, pick up a rubber, and be back, but I'll have to get dressed. My clothes are in Andrea's room.

"I'll get it," Andrea said as she darted up the stairs.

I looked back at that wide-open pussy. Creamy juice filled it to overflowing. The voice attached to it said, "Eat a little till you are ready to fuck me." I slurped in a mouthful and swallowed. I continued to lap up the sweet salty juice even after Andrea struggled to move me into a position so she could roll the rubber down over my dick.

"There, how's that?" I heard Andrea ask. I did not want to stop drinking at this fountain of love, but Andrea tugged at me. I sat up and inspected her work. It was installed correctly. She repeated, "How's that."

I thought, better than the first one I tried to put one on. "Perfect," I said as I moved up over Mary. I looked into her sparkling dark blue eyes and thought, I could pretend this was her daughter, but no look at those big tits. I went for one and sucked in almost enough tit flesh to choke on. These were much bigger tits than her daughter's. I could never pretend this was Andrea.

"Put it in," I heard Andrea saying.

"Don't rush him, girl," her mother said, adding, "I think he knows how to make love, not just screw." So, she wants me to make love, I thought, then I will take my time, making sure she enjoys this. I worked over one tit, sucking, licking and nibbling it. Then I did the same to the other. I went to the valley between her tits and licked and nibbled my way to her navel.

Andrea said, "Come on John. I want to see you fuck her."

I decided, for her I would speed this up. I went to Mary's clit. I did not have to search for it in any fold of skin like all others I had licked. Hers was hard and sticking out like a tiny dick. That thought stopped me for a moment. No, she is only a very excited woman, I thought. I sucked in that clit and swirled my tongue around it. She appeared to shiver and cry out, "Oh! Johnny!"

"It is time to fuck her. I want to see her fucked," Andrea insisted.

With my mouth still on Mary's clit, I looked to see Andrea, sitting on the edge of the couch, but all I could see were her hands furryestly working on her pussy. I gave a gentle nibble to Màry's clit. That caused her to squeal. I raised up and moved between her legs. I aimed my rubber covered dick at her juicy pussy and moved forward to enter her.

"Oh ya! Fuck her!" Andrea called out.

I drove my dick deep into the pussy that had given birth to my sweet little girlfriend who continued to tell me to fuck her mother. I knew this was because she had for a long time wanted to see her parents fucking but knew there was no way her father would accept that. This was the next best thing in her mind, maybe even better. I was trying to do a good job of it, for her. That meant full long quick thrust in and out. Mary was meeting me with thrusts of her own. I thought, what a good example this mother was for her daughter. I knew Andrea, my love, would be as good as her mother, who was the best I had ever had. Mary's legs wrapped around me as she moaned out her pleasure. Her legs gripped me so tightly that my strokes were shortened and became more rapid.

I noted that Andrea had moved. I could no longer see her. I imagined she was kneeling behind me, watching my nuts slap against her mother's ass. That thought caused me to go over the edge and I pumped surge after surge of cum into Mary's pussy. Of course, I knew I was not actually dumping my cum into her pussy. I was only filling the rubber.

Mary's legs relaxed and slid down beside mine. I rolled off her to my back. Andrea moved to sit on my thighs. She grasped my half hard dick, saying, "Look mom, it stayed on and its full of cum."

"That's semen," Mary said.

"I know mom, but we call it cum," Andrea said, as she looked at me and asked, "Can I take it off now?" I nodded and she began to peal it off carefully trying not to spill any. She said, "That was great watching you fuck my mom. I have so wanted to see her fucked. I think ever since I realized they, locked their door to keep us kids from seeing the fucking." She laughed as she held the half-filled rubber up as if it was a prize. "You know, now you are my mother fucker."

All of us laughed at that and Mary said, "You sure have turned into a potty mouth."

"I know, isnt it fucking great," Andrea said as she sniffed of the cum in the rubber. "I hope the rubber didn't change the taste," she said before she sucked the cum out of the rubber. She swirled it around in her mouth and swallowed it. She smacked her lips with sounds of pleasure.

"You should have let me have a taste. Guess I'll have to see if there is any left in here," Mary said as she went down on my limp dick.

I looked to Andrea who was watching her mother. Her gaze met mine. Her smile was too large for her face. Her beautiful dark blue eyes sparkled. "Isn't it wonderful having a mom like her."

Saying only, "Yes," but I thought, so like my mother.

Laying on my back with Mary sucking on my dick, I looked up at Andrea looking down at us. Her dark blue eyes sparkled as she said, "You look hungry. Want some pussy?" She put a foot on either side of my head and squatted. I looked up to see her sweet pussy coming down toward my face. Its outer lips were open wide, exposing the red blood engorged inner lips that were drenched with pussy juice. It was not especially well lit, but my eyes could see every detail during the few moments that it took for that beautiful pussy to descend to my mouth. During those moments I developed an extreme thirst for sweet salty pussy juice. And at the same time, I felt my dick growing hard once again.

Although I did not realize it, I had raised my head and extended my tongue to hasten contact. With contact made, I tasted the wonderfully sweet salty juice that flowed onto my tongue. I eased my head back to the floor as Andrea gently lowered her weight down on my mouth. She held some of her weight on her legs, but she pressed heavily on my face. I could still breath through my nose, because she had perfectly placed herself. I could do very little except flick my tongue in and out of her puss and drink in her abundant, wonderful pussy juice.

After a short while she leaned forward to whisper to her mother. I did not hear what she said but the action moved her clitoris to my mouth. I flicked my tongue over it, and she moaned. She adjusted her position enough to cause my teeth to lightly rake over her clit. She moaned louder. Increasing the pressure, she again raked her clit over my teeth. She nearly screeched in pain and raised up. "Too hard," I said into her pussy.

"Sorry mom. I did not mean to scream in your ear," Andrea said as she kept her clit within reach of my tongue but was no longer racking it over my teeth.

For her part, Mary was in a rhythm, swallowing the head of my dick, holding, pulling off, breathing, and repeating just like she had taught her daughter to do with bananas during Christmas break. It was working like usual. I could feel the pressure beginning to build. Hoping to hold off my cum for a few minutes, I concentrated my attention on Andrea's clitoris. I changed from an open mouth, to a pucker to suck gently on her clit. This elicited a moan. I sucked a little harder which caused a louder moan. I flicked my tongue over her clit while sucking. This added a vibrato to her moan. I decided she really must enjoy that, so I kept it up.

Andrea experienced several orgasms and I was about to experience one of my own. I knew I could not hold it off forever. I was sure Mary had enough experience that I did not have to warn her, but just in case I thrust with the first surge, so that it went down her throat instead of into her mouth. I allowed her to pull off just enough so that she took the remaining surges in her mouth.

Andrea continued holding her pussy in place, even after my tongue stopped stimulating her. Her pussy juice continued to flow, filling my mouth. I swallowed and wondered if I would ever get enough to satisfy me. I heard Andrea say, "Give me some momma." They both moved off me to my side. I looked to see them locked in an open mouth embrace, like lovers. Being nearly two feet taller than her daughter, Mary looked almost like a magnified mirror image of Andrea. I was in love, in love with Andrea and in love with Mary. Maybe I loved the mother a little more because she allowed me to screw her. As I watched them hug and kiss, I wondered if we could continue to screw like this.

Suddenly Mary broke the embrace and looked to me, "John, does it bother you to see two girls making out?"

Feeling I had been asked something I was not prepared to answer but also feeling content, I said, "No, not really." I thought about it a little more as she returned to kissing her daughter and added, "It would if I had not eaten one and screwed the other."

Andrea pulled away from the kiss and asked, "Whose pussy do you like best?"

I thought for a moment and said, "I never met a pussy I did not like. The one I like most is the one I'm eating."

Andrea had another question. "Which do you like better, eating pussy or fucking pussy."

"This is beginning to feel like school," I said to try to evade the question, but with Andrea still waiting for the answer, I said, "Eating pussy is like preparation, but as long as I can get off in your mouth it is satisfying. But, you know, fucking is the ultimate."

It would take another four chapters to describe what happened in the next four days but suffice it to say that the three of us were busy in similar ways.

Chapter 16 Two Mother's Concern

On Friday April 5th I picked mother up at work at five as usual and the first thing she said to me was, "You look exhausted. You look like you need a vacation from you vacation."

I did tell her I was tired. I wanted to say more, like, my dick is so tired I was not sure it could ever get hard again or that my balls were so empty I was not sure they could ever produce kum again.
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