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The trip to Seattle was fun and exciting.
The Chauffeur (#45) John and Dallas


Copyright 2019


The trip to Seattle was fun and exciting. It’s not that I wanted to get the three district managers to quit, but I was very glad to have plan B ready to go at a moment’s notice. Now, I’m going to head to Dallas once again. Plan B needs to be ready as their numbers have not improved since Jill and I were there before. I also checked the Pinetree that we stayed in, the one that I had met the President of that division. I don’t see very many district manager reports on visiting other Pinetree’s in the area. Something that I had asked for, yet apparently it isn’t a big issue, something that I will fix with this trip.

Dakota’s idea of John acting as my assistant made me smile. I don’t know if John can pull this off, but I want to give him the opportunity to at least try.

When I woke up, I did my usual morning ritual, but this morning I decided that I’m going to stay home and start the whole process of John being my assistant for a day before we head towards Dallas.

After I head out to the kitchen, I see John eating yet another bowl of cereal. This time he’s eating the end of the Froot Loops.

“John, I have a favor to ask of you. Care to hear it?” I say to him.

“Um, is it about me handling you for a week as your assistant?” he asks me. This really stunned me. I know only one person must have told him this, but I’m OK with it as I really want him to show me what he has learned from Dakota.

“Well, I guess that favor is blown all to hell,” I say to him.

“No, it’s not. Dakota prepped me to start thinking about what you will need. She mentioned that you might be wanting to take me to Dallas,” he tells me.

“Well, she’s right. Dallas is still doing poorly, even though I met with the President of the Pinetree as well as the district managers of the restaurant group,” I tell him.

“When would you like to go?” John asks.

“How about tomorrow, we’ll take the jet, but bring an overnight change of clothes just to be safe,” I tell him. Although he never looks up from his cereal, I know that he heard me and is thinking about what needs to be done.

I like working from home. I tend to work at a leisurely pace, but more importantly I sit around in a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. Of course, my little Dakota will wear one of my white tee shirts and no panties and tease me repeatedly, which always makes me smile. She and I had a delightful time on a quick trip to Seattle.

“John, I’m going to stay here and work from the house today, so feel free to wear some shorts and a tee shirt if you want,” I tell him. I see him smile as I know, he likes being like me and wearing shorts makes him more relaxed.

I take my laptop out of my bag and open it up at the kitchen table. John pours me a glass of pineapple juice, which feels a bit weird as usually, it is Dakota or one of the ladies who take care of that for me.

When I log on to the email portal, I see an email from the guy I promoted in Tampa asking where I want him to travel next. I take a few minutes and look at the top 1% of the restaurant group. I like what I’m seeing out of the Boston group and send him there for the next couple of weeks. I tell him in the email, that I would like him to visit three or four restaurants there and pick one that might be a good candidate for the project. I also asked him to stay at a Pinetree and give me his opinion of the stay.

I see another email from Roger. He once again wants me to hire the four guys from the Secret Service to act as a protection detail when Jill or I are out of the Chateau. Roger knows that the windows have all been replaced because John sent him pictures of the work. I told Roger that when I return from Dallas, I’ll have a sit down with them.

John interrupts me.

“David, since we are going to Dallas, should I set up a meeting for you with the tire recappers? The plant is just outside of Dallas, and I thought you might like to see it,” John tells me. I like the idea and tell him to make the arrangements, but don’t list a specific time as I’m not sure how long firing several district managers will take. Although, the young lady that we promoted last time I was there was doing well. Her numbers were not stellar, but they were much better than the entire rest of the market in Dallas. Looking at the Dallas numbers, made me think about the Las Vegas restaurant. Their numbers were doing well, not at the top of the chain, but certainly still in the top 10%. I shot them a short email noting to them that I was still proud of their work.

The more I thought about the tire visit, made me smile. John had anticipated a need of mine and took care of it. As I was sitting at the kitchen table, I could hear cursing and swearing coming from upstairs. I left the laptop open on the table and headed upstairs. I followed the voices to the office. Jill and BJ were frustrated, mostly with the federal codes put forth by the SEC. When I peeked my head into the office, I got just a hand up telling me to ‘mind my own business’. I blew Jill a kiss and headed back down to the kitchen.

When I got to the kitchen, Sammy asked if I had any ideas about what I would like to have for lunch and then for dinner.

“How about just some BLT sandwiches for lunch and maybe some grilled steaks for dinner, but with a salad available for the ladies please,” I tell him.

“Would you prefer a couple of my cakes or something else for dessert?”

“Your cakes are delicious, feel free to make a couple of them, please,” I say to him. He just smiles and goes back to work. Amy comes into the kitchen. I ask her about how running the house is going now that we have Patrick’s service handling many of the issues. She tells me that things around the house are so much easier now that we have a service to handle such things as laundry and cleaning.

I see John on his tablet, which makes me smile.

I go back to working on my laptop. As usual, I eliminate the duplicate emails which reduce the total number down by about 25%, but there are still several ‘read-only’ emails which I dread.

Looking over the group of my emails, I see one from Tina. She wanted to thank me for hiring her and her Mom as they could certainly use the income. She sent me a couple of email attachments one about the dial building and some suggestions about how to make it a bit more appealing. The other attachment was showing the progress of the building under construction. Tina’s Mom mentioned that Phoenix has a rich history and some of it should be incorporated on the inside of the lobby. I liked the idea and sent a reply email asking for some artwork that they think would be nice choices.

I was very glad to hear from Tina. Hopefully, putting her and her Mother on salary, will help them and give me two sets of eyes watching the two buildings that we acquired there.

There was an email from our casino general manager in Oklahoma. He tells me that he has had to contact the Treasury Department as they have had several thousand dollars of counterfeit bills. I copied the email to the other three casinos to be on the lookout for bogus bills.

As usual, all the ladies were dressed and headed towards the garage to take their vehicles to work. I thought a bit about taking John’s vehicle out of the mix for today’s ride to the Hawk. However, none of the ladies seemed to mind.

Many of the ladies gave me a kiss on the cheek as they poured themselves a cup of coffee to take for the trip. Just to be cute, Dakota came over and plopped herself down on my lap.

“Good morning Daddy. Did you sleep well?” she asks.

“Yes, my darling I slept very well. How about you?” I ask her.

“Well, I didn’t sleep with my Daddy, but it was OK,” she says smiling at me before she leans in and kisses me.

As usual, my Dakota wasn’t wearing any panties and she kept wiggling her ass on my lap, knowing what it does to me. When Sammy had a new pot of coffee ready, she got off my lap, poured herself a cup and headed out to the TV room, where someone had left the TV on to the morning news. Dakota asked me if I had seen the stock price at close yesterday. When I told her no, she giggled her cute little giggle and told me that our stock price broke $300 for the first time ever. I began to consider maybe a 2 for 1 split sometime after Jill does the stock conversion.

Dakota changed the channel to something that she wanted to watch. John went into the TV room and checked on her just to make sure she was OK.

Continuing to look over my emails, I began to read the ‘read-only’ ones to eliminate them. It took me a couple of hours before I managed to clear out several of them from the group. I did notice an email about bonus checks. I read the email that was addressed to me and pondered what it had said. I replied that I wanted all the bonus checks of my group sent to me and not Jill as she was tied up on a project and didn’t need to be disturbed.

There was an attachment to the email. I opened it to see some of the bonus totals. The one that amazed me the most was the two for Jill and I. Because of Mom, Jill and I have made quite the bonus for this year. I scanned down the list and found Jennifer’s name. She had a bonus of more than $120,000. She got the $10K for each of the six towers she arranged for us to purchase, but where she really made her money was the disposal of all the small district offices in Tampa, Washington DC, Toronto, and of course here in LA. Bonus checks got me to thinking about who else needs to be compensated for their hard work.

I went through my group. Amy, of course. Diane, naturally. Sharon, by far. Maddie, yes. Paula, yes. Donna, yes as well. Then I thought about the great job that Sammy and Bobby have done for me at the house. From there, I thought about my darling Tina and her Mother. They have done a great job for me and I need to send them a bonus check as well. Then it hit me, there are lots of people in my group that need to be financially rewarded, such as Fred. Of course, in my head, he’s getting a bonus practically nightly with him and Mom playing together.

In my head, I thought that maybe putting the bonus checks into something would be a nice idea. However, I couldn’t even believe the number that was attached to my name or Jill’s name. Thinking about Jill, also made me think about BJ and Danni as well.

I saw another email from Roger Johnson. He wanted to let me know that he would be in Detroit for about two weeks working on a couple of Pinetree locations that needed severe upgrading on security.

John told me that he has notified the jet crew that we would be heading to Dallas tomorrow, early in the morning. I was thankful that he took care of that for me.

I realize that Dakota is here, but I haven’t seen him go near her as if he was asking her advice on what to do. So far, he seems to have risen to the task, but then again, we are still home.

John is making phone calls, for what I don’t know. I summon him over to me and ask what phone calls he is making.

“I’m setting up interviews for you with the four Secret Service guys. I think that Roger is probably right in that you and Jill need two of these guys to go with you when you leave the house,” John says to me.

“Thank you,” I tell him.

I see Dakota watching to make sure that everything is going smoothly, which it is. So far John and I are expecting to head to Dallas. I am all set with Plan B for the Dallas group just as we had for the Seattle group. John asked me if it would be an overnight stay or a turn around in Dallas. I let him know that I expected that the trip is just a turnaround. He grabbed his bag and set it by the front door. I went down the hallway and grabbed my bag as well.

John tells me that the limo is here, complete with Fred driving. I picked up my bag and headed out to the limo, where Fred took my bag and put it in the trunk. John came out of the house with his own bag, which Fred put in the trunk. We got into the car and Fred took us for a ride towards the airport.

When we arrived at our jet, Fred retrieved our bags from the trunk. Each of us went up to the steps into the jet ready to travel to Dallas.

Once we were inside the plane, both John and I retrieved a set of earbuds to watch a movie. I chose Seabiscuit with Tobey Maguire. It’s a nice movie, one of my wife’s favorites.

Up to this point, John has been a good assistant. He listens, he contemplates things and so far he has anticipated my needs. As the jet roars down the runway, I think about Heidi and Patrick. Hopefully, they will really hit it off. Of course, bringing them over to the house, for a play session, seems like a good idea, at least in my head.

I think about Heidi’s slender body and wonder if she wants to enjoy our playgroup. I think about Patrick, how he is a big strong guy. I’m sure that he has already thought about seeing Heidi naked. Something that I would enjoy seeing as well. In our playgroup, I’m sure there would be no shortage of women to ride that stallion.


John and I chat a bit as the plane flies towards Dallas. In my bag, I have a list of Plan B people. I remember the last time I was there; we promoted a lady to become a district manager, Donna Burger.

The flight was only a couple of hours. When we landed, once again we had the limo driver standing and waiting for us.

John was hungry and so was I. I suggested stopping at a Village Inn once again. The chauffeur took John and me to the nearest one from the jet. I could see in John’s eyes that he was ready to eat, which wasn’t a real surprise for him.

I decided to have a 2-2-2 breakfast. This breakfast was 2 eggs, 2 bacon strips, and 2 pancakes. John had the same as me.

So far, John has done a fine job being my assistant. Although, I did miss Dakota. After breakfast, we headed towards the restaurant group’s district office. Once again, there was still no receptionist. I just stood by the front door, waiting for someone to come greet me, which didn’t happen.

I went over to a guy’s desk and asked if we could gather in the conference room once again. He shrugged his shoulders and went from desk to desk asking everyone to meet in the conference room. Several members headed towards a conference room leaving me standing out in the center of the office.

The conference room was filled to capacity.

“Good Afternoon, many of you already know me, but just in case you don’t, I’m David Greene, CEO of Jaxson, Inc,” I say to them.

“Is this another of your crappy shit shows trying to make us believe that we’re not doing well enough,” one guy says to me.

“No, no shit shows. However, I ask the same question today that I asked last time I was here, How're your numbers?”

One guy speaks up, “They’re fine. Maybe not where you would like them to be, but they are just fine,” one guy tells me.

“Really? Shall we look at your district’s numbers?” I ask. There’s a stunned silence in the room.

“It says here that you are next to last among district managers. Care to explain why that is?” I ask.

“Roadwork,” he tells me.

“OH, C’mon, that’s the same excuse all you district managers gave me last time. Don’t you have anything new?”

“Well, it does have to do with the roadwork that the DOT of Dallas has going on,” one guy says to me.

“And that’s the only reason? I find that very hard to believe,” I say to them.

“Here, we go. He doesn’t work for a living, and yet he wants to blame us,” another guy says.

“Is that what you think? That I’m not working?” I say to them. I look around the room and see the young lady that I promoted the last time that I was here, Donna Burger.

“Miss Burger, how is your district doing?” I ask.

“Well, it could be better. Guest check averages are up, employee turnover is holding steady. We’re not short on managers, but we could use a couple more,” Miss Burger says to me.

“This is stupid, we all know our numbers, we don’t have to answer to the likes of you,” he says to me. I look at John, who is getting annoyed with these fools.

I look around the room and decide.

“With the exception of Miss Burger, you are all fired,” I say to them causing silence to fall over the room. Several of the district managers pull their keys out of their pockets and toss them onto the table. John begins to collect the keys. I watch Ms. Burger and see her sitting in her seat with her mouth open. One of the things that I did notice was that no one said a word to Ms. Burger as they left.

I asked Ms. Burger where I could find all my Plan B people. She was stunned that I came prepared to let the district managers go and replace them right away. Ms. Burger went around the room tapping people on the shoulder and sending them to the conference room.

I was ready for Plan B, and it looks as if my thoughts on the matter were spot on.

“As you all know, I’m David Greene. I’m the CEO of Jaxson, Inc. You are all here because I just fired all the district managers,” I tell them.

“All of them?” Someone asks.

“Yep, all of them,” I replied.

I went on to say, “However, there are going to be some changes here. Everyone will work a 45-hour week, with one Saturday a month being replaced with a Tuesday,” I say to the group.

“You are all district managers and I expect everyone to work when the rest of the world plays,” I say to them.

We chat for nearly two hours before I end the session. From the district office, John shuffles me into the limo as we head towards the tire recapping location. When we get there, the manager comes out to meet me. He tells us that the sheer number of tires that are waiting to be recapped, have put this business back in the black. I start to consider if buying this plant would be a good idea, something to check on at another time.

The manager takes us on a tour of the facility. I see several trailers of tires just waiting to be recapped. When the tour is over, I am happy to see trailer-loads of tires already recapped and will be sent to our locations. He thanks me for the business as it saved many jobs here at the recapping plant.

I ask him if he would recommend a nice local place for an early dinner before we head back to LA. He recommends this mom and pop Mexican restaurant that is two blocks down the road. He tells me that they have a buffet from 1 until 6 pm during the week, and from noon until 6 on the weekends. I see John already licking his lips, the idea of a Mexican buffet was very exciting to him.

With the personnel changed at the restaurant district office, I am guessing that the new people will realize that they are under a microscope and should work harder at being more successful. However, I kept thinking about Ms. Burger. She is young, she is beautiful, and she puts in more time than anyone else, or at least anyone that I just fired.

While John was eating from the Mexican buffet, I texted Dakota to let her know that John has kept me on point today, so far, so good. I got her usual text reply “K”.As I sat there watching John shovel food into his mouth, my mind went towards trying to reward Ms. Burger in some way since she was doing exactly what I asked her to do, work hard and know what is going on in your group restaurants.

I texted Jill if she could send 100 shares of our stock to Ms. Burger. I got a testy reply, “I’ll get to it shortly.”

As I watched John go up for his third plateful, I laughed to myself that this restaurant won’t be making any profit on John. When he sat down with his third plateful, he began to ask me some questions.

“David, am I doing OK so far?”

“You’re doing just fine John,”

“Are we going to stay the night, or head home when we have finished our visits?”

“We’ll head back home,” I tell him. He smiles. I’m sure that was the answer he was hoping for.

“Now, I’ve got a question for you. What present are you going to get Dakota for being such a good teacher?”

“Oh no. I have to get her a present?” John says in a bit of a panicked voice.

“Well yeah, she did a great job at teaching you and it shows,” I say to him.

“Fuck me…. oh, wait, damn it. I have to figure out what to get her?” John says. I laugh at his mistake, but I felt the same way trying to figure out what to get her for Christmas.

“John, have you decided on what to get Diane for Christmas?” I ask him.

“No, and I have no idea what to get her. I love her, but you just bought her a new truck, how can I compete with that?” He asks me.

“John, it’s not a competition. Hey, you could bring back a tee shirt that has one of those corny sayings like “Someone went to Dallas and all I got was this lousy tee shirt,” John looked at me as if I was speaking a different language. I knew in my heart that would NOT be the item to get either one of the ladies.

“How about we stop at a jewelry shop and take a look,” I say to him. He shrugs his shoulders. I pay the bill, which I was happy that we weren’t charged by the plate with John finally eating four plates of food. I discovered that he loves tamales, he ate 9 of them.

“John, before we head towards the jet, I want to visit one of the Pinetree locations where I had asked for some things to be fixed and since I’m here in Dallas, I want to take a quick check,” I say to him. I pass him the address of the Pinetree location that I want to visit.

When I get the bill back, I put a 25% tip on it. I would like this nice little restaurant to stay in business.

Heading outside, I see the limo parked across the parking lot. As we started walking towards it, the driver starts the car and drives over to meet us in the middle of the parking lot. Once John and I were inside, I rolled the privacy window down as I had questions for the chauffeur.

“Excuse me, I have a couple of questions for you? I say to the chauffeur.

“I’ll be happy to answer them if I can,” I’m told by the driver.

“Do you slow down in the two weeks before Christmas, and if you do, what do the managers do here to keep all the chauffeurs working?” I ask.

“Well, yes. We slow way, way down. However, we do a Christmas lights tour that runs every night of the week from December 5th until December 29th. We take December 30th off preparing for the bull rush of limo requests for New Year’s Eve,” The chauffeur says to me.

“Do you have other things that go on when you hit a slow time of the year?” I ask.

“Well, we offer a two-fer during the summer months. Use us for graduation parties, and we will give you a second night for free, but the free night cannot be used on a Friday or Saturday night. We also have deals with several of the upscale hotels that if a customer needs a limo for anything then we will be the preferred limo of choice. The customer gets a limo for a flat fee and we add up the number of limo rides we get from the hotel if it exceeded 20 we give the front desk people dinner from the restaurant of their choice as Texas doesn’t allow any sort of monetary reimbursement,” I’m told.

“Interesting,” I say.

“Why? Are you thinking of starting a limo service?” the driver asks.

“Nope, I already own three. Two in LA and one in Las Vegas,” I say.

“Really? Three? Are you looking for any managers? I have a brother in LA. I could move there and move in with him for a while until I get myself set up,”

I write Paula’s phone number on the back of my business card that John hands me.

“Here you go, call the lady that I wrote on the back and let her know that I sent you,” I say.

“Thank you. Please don’t get me wrong, but I’ve lived in Dallas for many years and I would like to go somewhere else to live and work,” the chauffeur says to me.

I think about the driver not knowing LA all that well, but with GPS on most phones, you don’t need to really know the layout of LA. I considered him to be a candidate to run the limo team that takes customers from hotels to the airport. The driver pulls up to the Pinetree that I want to visit.

The first thing that I notice is that there is a bellman along with four luggage carts. When the limo pulls up to the front door, the bellman opens the back door letting John and myself out. I step inside the hotel. I hear the driver tell the bellman that we are just visiting and that there is no luggage to take.

Once inside, I looked around. The restaurants were both open, which was a sore spot for me when I was here last. I sat in the lobby and just watched. People came in, were greeted warmly, and checked for a reservation. A large cowboy type with boots, jeans, and a large black cowboy hat strode into the hotel. He was greeted quickly. The cowboy asked for the best room which he was offered the 15th floor, at a walk-in rate of $1500 a night. I was very happy to see the 15th floor being rented out.

I asked John for a pen and one of my business cards. On the back of my card, I wrote “GREAT JOB, a nice improvement since the last time I was here.”

I walked the card to the front desk and asked for the manager in charge. A polite lady came to the front desk. I handed her my card and thanked her for her teams’ hard work in transforming this unit.

One thing that I did notice was that there still was no concierge and thus the front desk had to handle all the questions. I suggested getting a concierge to work all 7 days a week. She thanked me for my comments and then turned over my business card and read my name and title on the front of the card. She politely told me that getting anything done around here didn’t happen until I showed up and had the President of the company show up to meet you the following morning. I thanked her for the information and politely left. After we left the hotel, I ask the driver to stop at a jewelry store, which we did. John and I went inside and looked around at the options. I suggested him getting Diane a nice bracelet. When I saw the necklaces, I knew exactly what to get Dakota. I remember seeing her in a conservative dress that needed a necklace.

Both John and I looked at jewelry. John selected a nice simple diamond bracelet, complete with over 2 carats of high-grade diamonds. I, in turn, asked to see this two-carat solitaire diamond neckless. The salesperson handed me her jeweler’s eye to look at the diamond. Since I didn’t see any inclusions, I decided to purchase the diamond. Just to make things interesting, I told the salesperson to put John’s purchase on my sale. Before John could even object, I handed the salesperson my AMEX.

The salesperson wrapped each of the pieces of jewelry for us to take home.

John reviewed his notes in his assistant’s notebook after we got into the limo. We headed back towards the jet. When we got there, I tipped the chauffeur five $100 bills. John and I got on the jet and buckled in.

Before we started moving, my phone rang. It was from Sharon.

“David, did you invite someone to the office and not tell me?” Sharon asks.

“Um, not that I remember. Who is there waiting for me to not show up?” I said laughing a bit.

“Tony Stewart,” she tells me.

“Tony Stewart, the NASCAR driver, and car owner?” I ask.

“Yep, that would be the one,” she says to me.

“Please apologize to him for me and if possible, reschedule a meeting with him for tomorrow, sometime around 11 am, if that works for him. If it doesn’t let him pick the time and we’ll just figure things out,” I tell her.

“Don’t worry boss, I’ll take care of it. But now you owe me,” she says before we hang up.

The flight home was boring. John and I chatted about Christmas presents, but the usual things like the jewelry that we just bought didn’t seem personal like Christmas presents are supposed to be.

I asked how things with his Mother are, since hiring her for the real estate division she works hard and I often wonder if it puts a strain on Jennifer and John’s relationship, but then again Jennifer is soon to be a grandmother.

I looked through my phone thinking that maybe I put something on my calendar, but alas, there was nothing. Why Tony Stewart would show up at the office intrigued me.

When we landed at LAX, I was surprised to see so many private jets, way more than I usually see. It was John that reminded me that the LA Rams had a home game against the San Francisco 49ers. Thankfully, since I pay a sort of rental fee, they had a spot for us to park the jet. It took Fred a couple of minutes to get over to us. I saw several of the Black car limos and even two Happy, Happee Limos. I thought to myself that I should ask Paula if the Congressman and his wife were still clients or do, they even still use our service.

As usual, when I am out of touch for whatever reason, my phone usually gets lit up once we land and today was no different. I had a dozen text messages and 6 missed phone calls.

The very first one that I called was Sharon. I wanted to find out what time he wanted to reschedule.

“Sharon darling, did Tony Stewart reschedule and if so, when?” I ask her.

“He took you up on your 11 am tomorrow. He knows that he didn’t have an appointment, but he was in the building with another client and took a gamble that you might be here,” she tells me.

“Well, that’s great news!” I say to her.

“Oh, and you have a delivery coming to your house. It is 500 cases of that wine from the winery that you own,” she tells me in a deadpan manner.

“I own a winery. When did I buy it?” I ask.

“Well, I looked it up and you acquired it in the Happy, Happee limo deal. And you don’t own just one, you actually own three,” Sharon tells me.

“Are they all in California?” I ask.

“Yep, all three are in Northern California,” she says.

“Oh, do tell,” I say.

“The smallest one is in Napa Valley, the other two are the same size but are in Sonoma and Mendocino. Apparently, the people who sold you Happy Limo didn’t mention these three vineyards. But, according to Sacramento Jaxson, Inc. owns all three. I’ve got Jennifer investigating as well as checking other states for property in Jaxson, Inc. name or even in your name,” Sharon tells me.

“Well, that’s a good idea. We keep finding the other things that we now own. However, I wonder who is making the transfers as none of our corporate attorneys would do that without notifying me,” I tell Sharon.

“Hey, before you hang up have Amy go down into the wine cellar and give me a count of how many bottles we have there. I don’t need a breakdown, at least not yet. I just would like to know how many bottles we already have before we get this 500-case order,” I ask her to take care of for me.


As we got into the limo, Fred was already laughing since the delivery company called the Chateau to set up the delivery time. Teasing, I told him that if he’s not careful, I’ll put Mom in charge of the whole thing.

“Fred, I want to make some phone calls tomorrow regarding this 500-case delivery. A delivery that large would most likely come via tractor-trailer, which would have to back down the private road. How we were going to put it all away baffled me,” I tell him as we are driving slowly through afternoon traffic.

John piped up, “I can call some of my college friends. You already know that they will work cheap. You pay them $10/hour and feed them, and you’ll have an army of college people helping you out. I’ll make some calls in just a couple of minutes, all I need to know is how many would you like. Oh, and they don’t have to dress up, just be clean looking, right?” John asks me.

I’m really impressed, this is the very first thing that he anticipated my needs and took action.

“John, how about at least 10 people. 500 cases are a whole lot of wine to move. It will probably arrive in a tractor trailer,” I tell him.

“When we get to the Chateau, I’ll make calls and put together a group that will handle all this. I’ll also look at the easiest way to get this from outside to into the wine cellar. If my math is correct, this will be 6,000 bottles of wine,” John tells me.

“I’ll also get Bobby and Sammy involved as well. One of them could be directing the flow from their door by the kitchen,” John tells me.

It felt good to be home. Dallas has been a sore spot with me so far, much like having a small pebble in your shoe that you can’t seem to get rid of. Hopefully, Ms. Burger will take charge of the new group of district managers.

“Fred, can you take us to a high-end curio shop? I would like to check something,” I tell him.

“What do you have in mind boss?” John asks.

“I have an idea about what to get Dakota for a small gift,” I tell him.

Fred only takes about 10 minutes to get us to this very high-end curio shop on Rodeo Drive. He pulls up the limo out front and we step out and step into the shop. We are greeted by a nice lady that is probably 55 or so. The shop is quaint, but it has lots of nice curio pieces. Of course, there were also several curio cabinets which I had no interest in looking at. I saw this cute little piece that looked like a miner complete with a pickax and wearing a miner’s hat. Something in my head told me she would like this little piece. There was a matching miner that I also got, that one would be from John.

It took a few minutes, but the sales lady had both pieces bubble wrapped then put into a box and had each box wrapped in gold foil paper. I chose a dark blue ribbon and John selected an emerald green ribbon. The lady wrapped each box up before making a bow. I paid for the two pieces. I was so happy that I now had a wonderful piece of jewelry for her for Christmas and John and I had these little figurines. Yes, both John and I were happy with our purchases for Dakota.

Being back home just seemed natural. The trip having John as my assistant went better than I anticipated. He thought things out before he made any decisions. Now I had to think about taking care of him. I know that he wants a Christmas Eve wedding, but for some bizarre reason, Diane wants their wedding to be New Year's Eve. That idea just seemed ridiculous; it must be her youth I thought. Maybe I should have a discussion with Jennifer since she loves both of them.

My phone started buzzing, it was a call from Dr. Ronda.

“Hello beautiful,” I said.

“Your women are all in trouble with me,” she replies right from the start.

“Um, could you clue me into what happened before I get yelled at?”

“All three of them missed their appointments with me yesterday,” she tells me. I know that she’s not actually mad, but she is concerned. Diane was supposed to have an ultrasound, Jill was supposed to have some bloodwork, and Dakota was also supposed to have some bloodwork as well.

“Darling, not to worry, I’ll take care of it,” I tell her.

“When do I get to put my hands on you again lover?” Ronda asks.

“All you have to do is come to the house, you should know that by now,” I tell her smiling the whole time. John is looking at me wondering whom I’m talking to.

We say our goodbyes and hang up.

“Fred, have you thought about what you’re going to get Mom for Christmas?”

“Oh yes, Melanie wants this nice Noritake tea set. I don’t know why, but all she has to do is point something out and that’s what I will get her,” he tells me. I think to myself how he is from a different era than most of the chauffeurs that we hire today. To most of them, being a chauffeur is just a part-time job, but with Fred, it’s more like a lifestyle.

Knowing that Fred is getting Mom this exclusive tea set, made me think about getting her some of the best tea that I can find anywhere, but then again it didn’t seem personal like I want it to be.

“Hey John, put a call into either Bobby or Sammy, I think if we can swing it, I would like to have a nice steak with sautéed mushrooms and onions, glazed carrots, and a fat baked potato,” I tell him. He smiles and gladly makes the call.

I get a text from Jill; she sent the stock shares to Ms. Burger.

When we pull into the courtyard, there are three box trucks parked. Fred has no idea what they are all about. He pulls up to the front door and we get out. It dawns on me that I haven’t tipped Fred in quite a while. I take 7 $100 bills out of my pocket, fold them in half and as he’s holding the door open, I stuff them into his shirt pocket. He tries to politely object but as usual, I won’t hear of it.

The box trucks have me curious. I walk over to one of the drivers and ask what they are bringing. He tells me that it is high-end furniture. As soon as the driver told me it was high-end stuff, I knew that Melanie was behind this.

I went inside and was greeted by some rather excited ladies. I saw my wife sitting at the dining room table eating a sandwich. She actually looked exhausted. I went over and kissed her and began to massage her shoulders. I could feel all the tension in her neck and shoulders.

“Darling, why don’t you go put your bathing suit on and go sit in the hot tub. Your back and neck would feel much better,” I say to her. She ponders what I have said and decides to finish her sandwich first then go change. I’m just happy she is not growling at me.

I go to sit at the kitchen table. Dakota comes and sits on my lap. She is still a beautiful young lady.

“Daddy has a present for you,” I tell her.

“Yum, is it something that I can put in my mouth?” she asks giggling.

“No smarty-pants, it isn’t what you think it might be. It is an actual present,” I tell her.

I see her face show signs of curiosity.

“Well Daddy, when are you going to give me my present?” She asks.

“Would you like it now?”

“Right here in front of everyone?” She asks me.

“But of course, you’re not suddenly shy, are you?” I ask, knowing she thinks the present is entirely something else.

“You know me, Daddy, I’m really not shy about anything,” she tells me.

“Then before I give you your present, please tell me why you missed your appointment with Dr. Ronda,” I say in a stern voice.

“Well, I didn’t feel well. I took a nap and before I knew it my appointment time had passed,”

“I’m going to set another appointment and if I have to, I will take you there personally,” I say to her.

“You’re not mad at me are you Daddy?” she asks.

“I’m not mad. I just worry about you and the baby, got it?” I tell her. She puts her arms around my neck and snuggles her head onto my chest. “I’m sorry Daddy,” she says to me in a sincere voice. I kiss her and hug her back.

I pull out the little wrapped box for her and ask for a kiss before she gets the present. Gladly she kisses me passionately. While we are kissing, she reaches down and begins to play with my cock causing it to stir and harden in her hand. Being the tease, she is, she unzips my pants and puts her hand inside and starts stroking me until I’m fully erect.

“Darling, do you want your present or do you want me to fuck your brains out?” I say smiling at her.

“Can’t I have both?”

“You know with me you can practically have anything you want,” I tell her.

“OK, then how about I take the present you bought me first, then I get to have my way with you as my second present. We have enough time before dinner for you to make me cum several times Daddy,” she says with lust in her eyes.

I reach into my backpack and pull out the little beautifully wrapped box and hand it to her. John sees me handing Dakota my gift and he goes to get his gift for her as well.

Once she has both gifts, I tell her to open John’s gift first. Dakota takes her gentle hands and begins to undo the bow carefully. After the bow is undone, she gently removes the ribbon taking caution to not destroy the beautiful decoration. Using one of her fingernails, she cuts the clear tape that holds the paper. Once the paper is loose, she carefully removes the box. I see the anticipation in her eyes. She carefully opens the box to find something bubble wrapped. Once again, she uses one of her fingernails to cut the clear tape that is holding it together. In a move like a surgeon, she takes the figurine out of the box and unwraps it. When she sees the little porcelain piece, she nearly tears up. She loves the gift and jumps up and kisses John.

“Dakota, your Daddy told me I was supposed to get you a small gift for training me. I was just going to get you one of those tee shirts that said ‘someone went to Dallas and all I got was this tee shirt”. Dakota playfully punches him in the shoulder but then kisses him and I could barely hear her say thank you. He just smiled that she liked the gift.

Once she released John from her embrace, she turned her attention to me. She picked up my box and began the process of opening it much like a surgeon. Her skill and attentiveness to detail of unwrapping the box was nice to watch. In my head, I was thinking about how long it would be for her to unwrap Christmas presents.

Again, she carefully removed the bow, then the ribbon, and finally loosened the paper by cutting the clear tape that held it together. Once it was loose, she carefully took the box out of the paper. Again, she cut more clear tape with her fingernail and opened the box. For a second time, she found a little figurine wrapped inside the box. She took it out and gently unwrapped it. When she saw it was a match to the other one, she almost broke the darn thing as she lept into my arms and wiggled her cute ass on my nearly hard cock. I felt, as usual, that she didn’t have panties on. She put both figurines together and I saw her eyes tear up.

“Darling, there’s no need to cry. This is supposed to make you happy, not sad,” I say to her.

“Daddy, this does make me happy. Do you know that for Christmas last year from Bob and Melanie, I got a $25 gift card to Sears? I can’t even use that because the stupid store is out of business. Can you believe that?”

“Should I even ask what you got for your birthday? Maybe a gift card to McDonald's?” I asked hoping I was wrong.

“No, I didn’t get anything from them for my birthday. I’m sure Melanie wanted to give me something, but Bob was a real cheap-ass,” Dakota says.

“What the fuck?” John says causing both Dakota and me to smile. However, I understood the sentiment. Yes, we play it fairly free with the money here, but we also watch each other’s back, and front, and every other part of their body.

I pull Dakota into me and put my arms around her. I begin to kiss her passionately and she responds. Her tongue goes into my mouth and begins to wrestle with my own tongue. As I’m kissing her, my mind wonders just what kind of horses-ass Bob really was. It was no wonder why the house staff happily left their employ to work somewhere else, anywhere else. I know that Bob expected sex from Dakota and yet he couldn’t even give her a reasonable gift. Hell, I’m not having sex (well not recently) with Diane, but I bought her a new truck. I didn’t expect anything in return, but apparently at Christmas with Bob you get a gift card. Are you kidding me? That is just ridiculous.

“Dakota darling, I just want to make sure that you are happy here. You don’t feel like either Jill or I am forcing you to do anything,” I say to her.

“Daddy, are you kidding me? I’ve never been so happy in my entire life. You pay me more money than I even know what to do with. I get to live in a mansion that is larger than I have ever seen. You and Jill treat me with respect and care about me...and love me. Your wife willingly shares you with me anytime I want you. She is the most unjealous person that I have ever met. When we have sex, sometimes it’s us making love and sometimes it's you just pleasing me. I hope you know that I’m yours forever. Having your baby fulfills one of my greatest fantasies. I was sure while I was working for Bob and Melanie that I would never have a baby because I certainly didn’t want one with Bob. But, with you, I rub my tummy and feel our baby every morning. Daddy, when I tell you that I love you, it’s not just a saying I truly do love you with all my heart and soul,” Dakota tells me.

“Well, I’m glad to hear that. I love you too my darling. You will make a wonderful Mother to our baby. I can just see you as one of the soccer Moms carrying the team to the Dairy Queen after the soccer game. You’ll be the cool Mom that all the kids want to hang out with,” I say to her. She smiles and kisses me once again.

As Dakota and I are kissing, these furniture guys keep bringing in more stuff and walking it down to Mom’s room.

“Dakota, any idea where Mom is right now?” I ask.

“She’s in her room. I think she has the furniture movers putting her new furniture wherever she wants and has them moving the old furniture around to look respectable in her room,” Dakota says to me.

I notice that no furniture is coming out just going into her room. Clear she spent some time shopping for this stuff. It occurred to me that I should put Mom in charge of decorating inside the Chateau for Christmas. With her high society taste, she could make this house the best in southern California.

As I’m sitting with my Dakota on my lap, Jill brings me a letter from the city. I open it and find it is their official offer to me to purchase the property across the service road. It’s a little high, but I’m just happy to have control over it. I dial up the lawyer that we use and tell him that I want to purchase the property across the road from the house. I tell him that I will fax him the letter and to just pay for the purchase and do not try to counteroffer.

I also ask him how to find whom might have put three vineyards in Jaxson, Inc. name without me or them knowing about it. He assures me he will put his best paralegal on it to find out the information. I thank him and end the call.

I see John making lots of phone calls. At first, I didn’t know who he was calling, but then I remembered the 500-case delivery of wine tomorrow. I was glad to take good care of his friends with money and food, but since I now know how much of a bonus Jill and I are getting I’m going to pay these kids more than they expect.

It dawns on me that I haven’t seen the security guy in a while. While I feel our front is covered well, our back-door entrance gate is complete without any cameras. I would like to see who is coming and going. I know that Allison has been working very hard and her monthly payments have been right on time. The three porn ladies also have been giving me their money orders and I give them the cash just so there is a trail in case someone makes a stink about having three porn stars living here.

“Hey John, can you come in here for a moment? I just had a thought,” I say to him.

John gets up and comes into the kitchen and sits down at the table with me.

“John, when I first met you it was at that IHOP when I was dating Tina, do you remember back then?” I ask him.

“Of course, I do. That was one of those epic nights,” he says smiling at me.

“Well, I’m not sure I would call it epic, but thank you for the compliment. However, if you remember you were kind of the oddball in Diane’s group. You and she were not dating at that point and most of her gang were college friends from the college she was going to. My thought is that maybe you should have her make some phone calls and get some people to help with the wine delivery tomorrow. What do you think?” I ask him. I see him thinking about what I just said.

“That’s a great fucking idea. I had completely forgotten that I was kind of the tagalong with her group,” he says to me.

“Then go get her and get to dialing. I’m pretty sure it will make your job much easier,” I say to him.

John gets up and puts a call into Diane. I hear his voice sound a bit less stressed about putting together a group to help us tomorrow. I sat there and thought about what’s on the schedule for tomorrow......Tony Stewart. I am both excited and very curious about why he showed up at the office looking for me.

I start to consider how John did with me. While it wasn’t the level of Dakota, she did do a wonderful job training him. I now feel comfortable that when she has my baby, John will be able to handle me until she is able to work again. However, since she lives at the Chateau, she really is available anytime that either John or I need her assistance.

I get up and take Dakota by the hand and lead her down the hallway to my bedroom. Once we are inside, I put my arms around her and begin to kiss her passionately. She leaps up on me and wraps her legs around me and holds onto me like a monkey up in a coconut tree. While she has her legs wrapped around me, I walk her over to one of the play beds and gently lay her down. I shed my clothes and climb into bed with her. I gently take her clothes off as well.

She pushes me onto my back and slides down licking and sucking my cock. She has such a talent with her oral skills that I just lay my head back and enjoy the oral ride. It takes several minutes before I feel that wonderful urge to explode in her mouth, which I do.

As my manhood settles down from all the cum that I just put into her mouth and throat, I pull her up to me. I kiss her passionately before I slide down her body and begin my own oral skills on her sweet tasting pussy. I lick and suck hearing her moan over and over.

I nibble on her clit and thrust my tongue into her as deep as I can get it to go. Her womanly juices coat my face and tongue. I lick and suck all that I can get into my mouth. Gladly I swallow every drop she shares with me. As she calms down, I move my body up so that my cock is resting at the entrance of her pussy. Slowly I push myself into her. She wraps her legs around me and crosses her ankles. Once she has done that, she pulls me tightly into her as deep as I can get.

I begin to thrust in and out of her. She keeps telling me how much she loves me as I feel her body spasm on my manhood. As we both find ourselves in the same rhythm of making love, we both come together declaring our love over and over towards each other.

I know that my life changed for the better the day that I was a chauffeur and Jill was my trainer. With both Dakota and Jill pregnant by me, I feel so loved.



2019-05-21 22:35:07
great story!


2019-05-19 03:43:11
So happy John is going to be a great assistant to David.
!! Anxiously awaiting the next chapter as always!!!!


2019-05-18 03:50:27
love it keep going


2019-05-17 21:33:26
Another GR8 chapter . Being the best current ongoing series anywhere .

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