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A boring night turns exciting for two young boys when they hookup in a car in the middle of the night.
- MARCH 15, 2018 -

One day, I was on a dating/social app. I wasn't really looking for hookups or dates, just someone to shoot the shit with, you know? Admittedly, I hadn't ever hooked up with anyone at that point. I had kissed a few girls, had my dick rubbed through my pants, etc, but nothing "extreme". Well, later that day I found another young boy who was close to my age who invited people to add him on Snapchat. So, without hesitation, I opened my Snapchat, typed his name in on the "add friend" bar, and added him.

About an hour or two later, I got a notification from Snapchat saying, "Seth has added you as a friend." Not but about a minute or two later, I received a message from him.


"Hey," he said.


"Hi," I responded.


Little did I know, this was the very beginning to something exciting that I had never experienced before.


"What's up?" he asked.


"Not much. Just sitting here watching YouTube videos. Bored out of my mind, lol." I quickly sent back.


"What about you?" I asked in return.


"Not much either. I just had a birthday." he responded.


"Oh, awesome! Happy Birthday!" I said.


"Thanks. I just turned 16." he said.


"Oh nice. That's a milestone. Congratulations!" I replied.


"Thank you. And yeah it's pretty great." he said.


Neither of us said anything for about a minute until the silence was broken with a question and a statement that was nothing short of interesting.


"And you know what the best part of being 16 is?" he asked.


Before I could respond, he quickly followed it with:


"The age of consent."


I didn't really know what to say. This was clearly moving in a slightly different direction than I initially anticipated.


"Lol, yeah that's pretty great." I said, not knowing what else to respond with.


"How old are you?" he asked me.


"17. I'll be turning 18 this September." I responded.


"Oh, nice!" he exclaimed.


- APRIL 12, 2018 -

Skipping forward to April, we had been talking for a few weeks now. Nothing crazy or interesting, just life stuff. However, close to the beginning of April is when things get really interesting.


"So, are you a virgin?" he asked.


This didn't come off as too weird since we had been talking for awhile about sex and other similar things, so I wasn't really thrown off by this question.


"Yeah," I said shamefully.

"What about you?" I asked.


"Nah. I lost my virginity awhile back." he said, I'm assuming proudly.


My curiosity started to get the better of me as I contemplated whether or not to ask a question.

After a few minutes of contemplating, I decided to just ask.


"Was it with a boy or girl?" I asked nervously.


To my delight, he didn't seem put off by my question and quickly responded back.


"A girl. I've never hooked up with a boy before, though I kinda want to." he said.


It became very apparent as to where the conversation was about to go at this point. We had already been talking about sex and things alike, now he just told me he wants to hookup with a boy.


"This is about to get interesting." I thought to myself.


Before I could begin typing again, he asked me something that kinda took me by surprise.


"Would you be down to trade pics?" he asked calmly.


I didn't fully know what he meant by pics, even though I had a pretty good idea what he was meaning.


"Like face pics or dic pics?" I asked.


"Both." he replied.


I wasn't really sure whether or not I should, since I'm not really gay or bi-sexual, but I figured it'd be fun and it's not like we're about to fuck or anything, so why not?


"Umm, sure. I guess so." I said very hesitantly.


About a minute after I gave the go ahead, my phone dinged.

"Seth has sent a snap." it read.

A small part of me, and I don't mean my dick, got a little excited.


"Are we really doing this?" I thought.


I eventually opened the snap, and sure enough, we were.

When I opened the snap, it was a picture of his dick. Admittedly, I was pretty turned on by it. It was clean shaven, fairly large in length and girth, with a few small veins running vertically up his shaft.


"Damn!" I responded.


"Lol, thanks." he said.

"Now your turn."


I was a little nervous at first, but eventually gave in and matched his picture.


"Wow, that's hot." he said.


"Lol, thanks." I replied, thinking he was just returning a similar compliment.


"I kinda wanna suck it, tbh." he said.


I took a second to gather what he just told me, as I'd never had someone openly tell me they want to suck my dick.


"Really?" I asked, truly interested to know if he was just joking or not.


"Yeah." he replied.


I didn't really know what to say. I was pretty turned on by this, which was shocking. I started to become increasingly hornier. Even though I'm not gay or bi, this was still pretty fun to discuss.


"I've been wanting to see what it's like to suck a dick, but don't know anyone who's willing to let me try." he stated.


"Hmm," I thought to myself.

"This could be a perfect opportunity to finally get some head and see just how good it feels while also letting someone else get their share of first time experience."


After considering what he said, I finally decided to say what I thought I'd never say in my entire life.


"Well, if you want, I would let you suck mine." I said hesitantly.


"Really?" he asked.


"Yeah, why not?" I said.


"Have you ever gotten head before?" he asked.


"Nah, unfortunately not." I replied.


At this point I was SUPER turned on and didn't really care how far this conversation went.


"So, if we met... what all would you wanna do?" I asked, anxious to see what he'd say in return.


Without hesitating, he replied.


"I'd suck and jerk you off til you cum in my mouth."


The mere sentence itself sent chills down my legs as my dick grew harder and larger.


"What about fucking?" I asked.


"What do you mean?" he replied.


"Are you interested in fucking, or do you just want to suck me off?" I said, worried I may of taken it too far.


"Oh, yeah. We can fuck too, but I'm gonna have to prepare myself ahead of time." he said.


My dick was as hard as it has ever been. Even though I'm not gay or bi, the excitement I felt sure as hell made me appear as such.


"Do you have a car?" he asked.


"Yeah." I simply responded.


"What type of car?" he asked.


"A 2004 Mustang GT" I replied.


"Oh, nice." he said.


"What about you? You have a car?" I asked.


"Nah, not yet." he responded.


We didn't talk for the rest of the night, as it was pretty late.

- APRIL 13, 2018 -

The next night, I got a message from Seth.


"Hey." it read.


It was great to see that he was still interested in talking to me and that our conversation the night before wasn't just fueled by the erections we both likely had.

Anyways, I was quick to respond back.




"What's up?" he asked.


"Not much. Wbu?" I asked.


"Same." he replied.


After a few short seconds of silence, he sent me something that both concerned me and made me excited at the same time.


"So, I have this friend. We made promises to each other that we'd both be each other's first at sucking dick. It's my mistake, but I totally forgot."


"Well isn't this just fucking typical." I thought to myself.

"Is my luck just this goddamn bad?" I kept thinking.


Eventually, after a few seconds of bitching and moaning in my head, I finally sent him back a reply.


"Oh ok." I said, trying to hide my true expressions.


"Yeah, it's my bad." he said.


"Nah, it's good. Don't worry about it." I said, clearly lying.


"But here's the thing..." he started.

"He wants you to join in."


"WOAH!" I thought to myself.

"Is this fucking real? There's no way my luck is this good right now."


"For real?" I asked.


"Yeah. It'll be a threesome. You just have to sit out the first go-round while we do our thing and then when we've cum, we'll start the threesome." he explained.


"HOLY FUCK. That has got to be the sexiest, most exciting thing he's said so far." I thought over and over.


At this point, I honestly felt gay. Despite the fact that I like pussy and would've much rather this whole ordeal been with a girl on the other end, it was still a

thrilling experience.


"That's hot, but okay." I responded.


"Is that okay?" he asked, probably concerned.


"Yeah, of course. I could just sit back and watch y'all go at it while I jerk off and get my erection up." I replied.


"That's hot." he said.


The conversation was short lived due to how late it had once again become, so we decided to call it a night.

- APRIL 14, 2018 -

It's the next night. It's 1 AM and I'm up in my bedroom watching YouTube videos.


I look down at my phone and it's a message from Seth.


"Hey, what's up?" he asked.


"Hey. Not much, again. Still just sitting here watching YouTube." I replied.

"What about you?" I asked in return.


"Not much either. Just listening to music." he said.


We began talking about our future plans to meet up and how/where we'd do it at.


"Can I see your dick again?" he asked.


I was pleased with how interested he was in my dick. For reference, my dick is about 6.5 inches erect, with a fairly pink head and a small vein that runs

horizontally towards the top.


"Sure." I said.


I snapped a pic of my dick and sent it to him.


"Fuck, I want to suck your dick so bad!" he exclaimed.


"Lmao, thanks." I replied.


After a few minutes of silence, he finally sent another message.


"I'd ask if you want to meet up now, but I made that promise to my friend." he said.


"Yeah. I'd totally be down to meetup tonight if you decide you want to. Just saying." I replied.


"It's really tempting." he said.


"I mean, if you want to then let's go for it. We could always hookup with your friend another night if you want." I explained.


"Yeah, but I'm just not sure. He's gonna be mad." he said.


"Well have you heard from him lately?" I asked.


"No, not for about a week or two." he replied.


"Well then why not meetup tonight? If he hasn't messaged you in about a week or two, who knows how long it'll take y'all to meetup?" I said.


"That's true." he said.


"So would you like to meetup tonight?" I asked.


"I don't know yet." he said.


After a few quiet minutes, he finally made up his mind.


"Sure. Come on over." he said.


"Holy shit, this is actually happening?" I asked myself.


"What's your address?" I asked, not having been to his house yet.


He told me his address which turned out to be only about a 30-40 minute drive from my house.


"Just let me know when you leave." he said.


"Alright, will do." I replied.


I gathered a couple of condoms and some lube in case we were to fuck, and then headed out the door.

I got in my car and started it up.


"On my way now." I said.


While driving down the deserted, dark, dimly lit interstate, I began to feel very anxious. Not necessarily the good type of anxious, but rather the nervous type of anxious.


"This is, after all, a complete stranger to me. I've never personally met this guy. For all I know, he could have other plans for tonight. None of which will end with orgasms, moaning, etc." I thought to myself.


After what felt like forever, I finally arrived outside of his house.

As I pulled up to his house, I noticed someone standing outside.

All I could see was a dimly lit silhouette of a person standing in the front yard.

When I pulled up to the curb and put my car in park, the silhouette began walking over to the car.

I unlocked the door and he got in.


"Hey, man." I said to him.


"Hey. I was wondering when you'd get here." he said.


My mind was RACING with thoughts at this point. Not with bad thoughts either, but rather thoughts about what we might end up doing in 2 minutes.


"I'm gonna be honest, I'm pretty nervous." he said.


"Don't worry, I am too." I replied.

"I've never done anything like this before" I said.


After a second of thinking, I decided to try and make him more comfortable with the situation.


"If you wanna wait for your friend, we can. It's whatever you wanna do, man. I don't want you to be nervous or uncomfortable." I told him.


"Nah, you're already here. It's okay." he said.

"I guess just take your shirt and pants off." he said soon after.


As I began removing my clothes, my heart began racing and I could feel the blood rushing to my dick.

I stripped down and threw all my clothes in the back seat while he sat and watched, still fully clothed.

After I threw my clothes in the back, I pulled the handle on the side of my seat to recline back as I rested my arms behind my head.

He gently grabbed my still flaccid dick and began to stroke it.


"Holy fucking hell! This is actually happening." I thought.


As he was stroking my dick, he fixed his eyes on mine.

My erection becoming harder and longer with each stroke.

He turned his attention back to my increasingly growing dick.

Without any warning, he placed my warn, throbbing dick in his moist, hot mouth.

I let out a small moan.


"Ah, fuck." I moaned.


His eyes once again fixed on mine.

My dick gradually growing harder and larger inside his hot, wet mouth.


"This slurping sound is so hot!" I thought to myself, as he continued to stroke and suck my now fully erected dick.


"You like this?" he asked.


"Mm-hmm" I moaned.


After a couple of minutes of sucking, he took my dick out of his mouth, spit on the head of it, and then proceeded to jerk me off while he made constant eye-



"Oh my God, this feels so fucking INCREDIBLE!!" I thought.


After about a minute of jerking me off, he then wrapped his wet, pink lips around the head of my dick and began sucking while he jerked the shaft of my dick.

This time, I let out a slightly louder moan.


"Mmmm" I moaned.


As soon as I let out my moan, he began jerking faster; my moaning clearly being a type of fuel for him.

He took the head out and gave it an extra layer of spit while he continued to jerk me off.


"Oh, man." I said, slightly moaning.


"Feel good?" he asked.


"Fuck yeah, man." I replied.


He swapped hands as he wrapped his lips around my shaft.

He began moving his head up and down, sliding his moist lips and tongue from the middle of my shaft, down to base, then all the way back up to the head. He

repeated this in a slow and very smooth manner.


"Fuck..." I moaned, this time a little louder.


He continued to suck my dick for about 5 to 10 minutes, occasionally swapping hands and removing his mouth so he could add a little more spit.

After about 12 minutes of pure, intense pleasure, we decided to change into a more comfortable position.


"Hey?" he said, as he removed his mouth from around my now throbbing, soaked cock.


"Yeah, what's up?" I said, trying to hold back a moan long enough to finish my sentence.


"Do you mind if you scoot over here and put your legs out the door so I can have a better angle?"


"Yeah, sure." I replied.


I moved over to the passenger seat as he climbed out.

I sat down in the passenger seat with both of my legs hanging out the door.


"Like this?" I asked.


"Perfect." he said, as he knelt down in front of me, spreading my legs apart and placing himself between them.


He grabbed my still fully erect, rock solid cock and shoved it in his warm, moist, mouth, sucking and jerking as it slides between his wet, pink lips.

The sound of him slurping my dick was nothing sort of amazing. It only made my erection grow harder.

Which btw, remember when I said, "My dick was as hard as it has ever been"? Yeah, well NOW it's as hard as it's ever been.


"Fuck, Seth. This feels so good." I said, as he turns his glistening blue eyes towards mine.


"This is so fucking hot." I thought to myself.

"I can't believe this is actually happening. This is, so far, the greatest day of my entire life." I continued to think.


He continued to suck and jerk me off, never being greedy with his wet, warm spit.


"Just let me know when you're about to cum." he said.


"Are you gonna let me cum in your mouth?" I asked.


"Well, yeah." he said, as if it was obvious.


He stopped sucking me for a few minutes and just kept jerking me off, hardly ever breaking eye-contact.


"Come on now." he said, urging me to cum.


I let out another moan.


"Are you close?" he asked.


"Not just yet." I replied.

"Just keep going." I said.


He continued to jerk my dick at a constant rate, occasionally stopping for a brief moment to either swap hands or apply more spit.


"Ahh, fuck." I said, sounding nearly out of breath.

"This feels so good." I moaned out loud as I let my head fall backwards and my eyes shut.


He began to lick the shaft of my dick. Each lick making my dick twitch in delight.

I picked my head back up and made eye-contact with him once more as he continued to lick up and down the back side of my dick.


"Come on now." he said, again urging me to cum.


He began moving his tongue from the bottom half of my shaft, up towards the head of my dick. Each slight movement making my dick twitch with pleasure.

I let out yet another moan.


"Mmmm, fuck." I moaned, still making eye-contact with him.


About 30-45 minutes later, he again asked:


"Are you getting close? Cause I really need to get back inside before my uncle wakes up and finds out I'm gone."


"Oh, okay. But no, not yet." I replied, as I laid my head back again to relax.


"Are you relaxing your dick or are you tensing it?" he asked.


"I'm relaxing it." I moaned.


"Well try tensing it like you would if you were trying not to pee." he explained.


"FUCK." I thought.

"This is gonna be it. I don't want this to be over yet. It feels so fucking good."


"Okay, I will." I said under my breath, still moaning.


I began tensing my dick as he began to suck me harder and faster, the head of my dick now growing in size due to me tensing.


"Ahhh..." I moaned.


"I'm getting close." I said while moaning.


"Mm-hm." he hummed while sucking my dick.


The vibrations of him humming that felt so good as well.


"Are you about to cum?" he asked, taking my soaked dick out of his mouth.


"I'm getting closer, but I'm not quite there yet." I said.


He put my dick back into his mouth.

I started to get the urge for him to deep throat it, so I asked him if it'd be okay for me to work his head up and down on my dick while he deep throats it. To my

delight, he agreed.

I grabbed the back of his head and pushed down as his mouth slid all the way to the base. I could feel the back of his throat on the head of my dick.


"AHHH!" I moaned loudly, as I lifted his head up and pushed it back down again.


I could hear the gulping sounds of his spit each time my dick pressed against the back of his throat.

I lifted his head up and off my dick for a quick second to make sure he was okay.


"Are you okay?" I asked.


"Y-yeah." he said, out of breath.


He took another deep breath and placed his mouth around the head of my cock, which is now slathered in saliva and slick to the touch.

I firmly grabbed the back of his head and began pushing down again. This time with a little more force.

As my rock hard dick made contact with the back of his throat, he gagged.

I let out a quick but powerful moan and then lifted his head up to ensure he was okay and to give him some air.

When I lifted his head up, strings of saliva were attached to my dick, leading to his mouth.


"You good?" I asked.


"Y-yeah, I'm... I'm good." he replied, again out of breath.


"Are you close?" he asked.


"Yeah." I chuckled.

"I'm getting closer."


He began using the saliva from a few moments ago as more lubrication in order to begin jerking me off.

He began jerking me off in a way where he moved his hand up and down my dick, but while also twisting his hand. This made me let out another loud moan. I

tried keeping it muffled since we were half inside, half outside of a car at night, in a dense neighborhood.


"Mmmmmm..." I moaned, as he kept using his jerking technique.


"Come on now..." he said, once again urging me to cum.


Finally, after about an hour of him sucking, jerking, and deep throating my dick, I could finally feel the intense, overwhelming sensation of the long awaited



"Mmmm.... I-I'm-I'm gonna cum... mmmm... I'm gonna cum..." I began moaning louder and louder.


He quickly wrapped his mouth around my dick and began jerking while he continued to stroke my cock in a twisting motion.


"Mmmm..." I moaned, while rapidly having the breath taken away from me.


"Faster.." I said, while making eye-contact with him.


"Hmm?" he hummed, sending a wave of vibrations onto my dick which was still immersed inside his wet, hot mouth.


"Ahhh, go faster..." I moaned, while still trying to be clearer with what I said.


He finally heard my request over the sounds of gulping, slurping, and moaning, and immediately acknowledged it by stroking at a much quicker rate.


"Ohhh, fuuuck..." I moaned, this time much louder as the slurping sounds continued.


"Ahh... here it.... mmmmm.... here it cooommmesss...." I moaned, this time louder than I had before.


I began feeling the pressure and movement of cum rushing through my shaft as I let out one final moan.


"Ahhhh, mmmm...!" I moaned, letting my head fly back as my eyes shut tight with the intense pleasure I was experiencing.


As soon as the cum began to spurt out, Seth, who was still sucking and jerking me, moved his mouth further down my shaft, letting the spurts of cum, blasting from my now pulsating cock, hit the back of his throat.

With each spurt, my cock would pulsate and twitch, forcing a soft but long moan out of me each time.

I begged him to keep going, even after I had finished cumming, and to my delight, he did.

He continued to jerk and suck me off til my dick became so sensitive that my legs began to twitch and one final spurt of my gooey, warm, cum blasted out and into his mouth.

After I shot my last load, he took my still pulsating cock from his mouth and swallowed my ten spurts of cum I gave him. He then licked the remaining cum that managed to gather at the tip of my dick.

After it was all said and done, he stood up, wiped his mouth, and we said our goodbyes for the night.

After he walked back into his house, I just sat in my car, gathering my thoughts about what just happened as my dick continued to pulsate, pushing more little droplets of cum out each time. I took some napkins from my glove compartment and proceeded to dry my dick, which was still soaked in saliva. After I cleaned up what was left, I put all my clothes back on and drove away. During the 30-45 minute drive back, all I could think about was what I just experienced and how incredible it was. My dick was still pushing firm against my boxers and shorts. It wasn't til I got back home and settled into bed when my dick finally went back to being flaccid. A part of me was a little disappointed, though. Don't get me wrong, the experience was absolutely FANTASTIC and I would definitely be down to go back, but I'm still disappointed that I didn't get the chance to use the condoms and lube I brought along that night.

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