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This story is really all about the various lies that we have to live with sometimes, and the various truths that can come out at the damnedest times.
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Blacked and Betrayed

by rat_race

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CHAPTER 4 - To Pee, or Not to Pee

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Before I continue relating my part in this sordid little story to you, I need to give you some crucial background information that Sally later confessed to me. So here goes nothing, as they say...

It was on a Tuesday at 11:15 AM when Sally unexpectedly showed up on the doorstep of her Uncle Jerry's apartment. She was crying her heart out so much that she was barely able to see through all the tears.

She knocked on the dead-bolted entry door several times, and waited for it to open.

When it finally did, Sally was looking down at the small concrete entryway porch, trying her best to hide the jet-black eye makeup that was streaming down her cheeks on either side of her face, as she automatically launched into her litany, pouring her heart out, with the words coming out of her mouth in short, quick phrases, between her big sobs, "Uncle Jerry, I've got a big problem. I just found out I'm pregnant! And it's not with your baby, either. It happened last month in that God damn hotel room! And now I don't know what I'm gonna do."

At this point Sally finally stopped crying and whining just enough to look up and notice that her Uncle Jerry wasn't the person who had answered the door of the apartment.

"What the fuck are you doin' here?" Sally said to the very familiar young lady who was standing in the now-open doorway.

"Good morning, to you too, Sis," Sally's older sister, Cindy, replied. "But since I just happen to live here now, I believe the more pertinent question is, 'What the fuck are you doin' here?'"

"Well, are you gonna let me in, or not?" Sally asked right back.

"Sure. Come on in. Uncle Jerry's not here right now. He's out gettin' the brakes fixed on his truck. Why don't we go in the kitchen and talk," Cindy said, and then made her way to the small kitchen table, with Sally on her heels the whole way. Then both women sat down at the modest, well-worn table, facing each other.

Cindy got back up for just a moment, and pulled a few facial tissues out of the small cardboard box on the kitchen counter, before sitting back down at the table, and offering the wad of tissues to Sally, telling her, "Here. Wipe your face off. You look like a fucking racoon, or a clown, or a zombie. It's kind of hard to tell."

"I love you too, Sis!" Sally sarcastically replied, as she was wiping the black makeup off her cheek bones. "So you're Uncle Jerry's roommate now, huh? I'll bet you don't pay him any rent, other than lettin' him dick you whenever he wants to."

"Look who's talkin'. The last time I saw you, you were buck-naked and fuckin' some Mexican dude right in front of your own husband."

"Wow! Like you're not a slut for fucking my husband that night, and 'doing it' right in front of me, without even asking my permission. And by the way, he's not just some 'Mexican dude', as you call him. His name is Rico. And I'm head over heels in love with that man. I can't help it. He turns me on like you wouldn't believe!"

"Oh, I believe it alright. You two were sure carrying on that night. It was like you were joined at the hip, or something."

"And that's 'cuz we literally were. Remember? And that's what got me in trouble. It turns out that Rico got me pregnant that night. I just took a home pregnancy test this morning, and it confirmed my suspicions. And by the way, Rico had already fucked me two times, before you ever got there."

"Really?" Cindy remarked, trying to act interested, but not really giving a shit.

"Yeah. But I actually felt it happen during the very first time that Rico fucked me, which was also the first time that he ever had sex with me. And he 'did it' from behind, doggie-style, while I was standing up with my legs spread apart, and leaning over the bed, because that's what he had told me to do.

"He treated me like an animal that very first time. It was like I was his little bitch in heat, or something. And believe it or not, that really turned me on a lot, and got my pussy sopping wet! You can call me crazy if you want, but I just had 'a strong feeling' that Rico was actually gettin' me pregnant, while he was breeding me from behind like that. I could feel the head of his dick pressed right up against my cervix, while he was givin' it a liberal coating of his Mexican sperm. And once again, you can call me crazy if you wish, but just a few minutes after Rico had pulled out of me, I instinctively sensed it, when one of Rico's swimming sperm cells was penetrating into my egg cell to get me pregnant."

"Have you told Carl yet?"

"Hell no! I can't go up to my husband and say, 'Guess what. I'm pregnant with Rico's baby. Oh, and by the way, I'm in love with him too.' Keep in mind that Carl can't stand Rico. What am I gonna do? I've got myself in a real mess this time."

"The way I see it, Sis," Cindy said, "there's only one solution to your problem that makes any sense to me. You'll just have to divorce Carl and marry Rico."

"But Carl would never forgive me for that."

"He doesn't have to 'forgive' you. He just has to accept that you're an adult, and that you've decided to spend the rest of your life with a different guy."

"Or 'guys'. I kind of wanna keep fuckin' Henry too. And maybe even Uncle Jerry once in a while--that is, if you don't mind."

"God, you are one slutty little sister, aren't you!" said Cindy.

"Hey, if the dick fits, wear it. That's what I always say," Sally proudly barked back, which made both sisters laugh hard for a little while.

"Well, I don't mind you fuckin' Jerry, if you don't mind me fuckin' you soon-to-be ex-husband. Because that's what I've been doin' behind your back, at least two or three times a week, ever since that wonderful night at your hotel room."

"Okay. So who's the slutty sister now?" Sally asked.

"I guess we both are," Cindy replied. "I'm sorry, Sis. I didn't mean to carry on a secret affair with your husband. But about a week or so after that first night in the hotel room, he came over here one evening, and he told me that you wouldn't let him make love to you anymore. And I really felt sorry for him. He's such a nice guy. And so one thing led to another, and before I knew it, I found myself flat on my back, with him humping away. And I sure as hell wasn't gonna stop him at that point."

"That's okay, Cindy. Carl really is a very sweet person. It's just that he also happens to be a cuckold."

"Really?" Cindy said, acting surprised by this piece of news.

But the real truth is that Cindy already knew that Carl was a cuckold, thanks to her Uncle Jerry's loose lips. In fact, that was one of the major reasons why Cindy found Carl to be so attractive. She had been looking for a live-in lover who wouldn't mind the idea of her getting some "strange dick" on the side, from time to time. And her ex-husband had been very possessive of her, whereas Carl was the complete opposite. Cindy found that to be very refreshing, and very freeing, at the same time. She knew that one man--regardless of who that man was--would never be enough to keep her sexually satisfied. Being a ginger, she naturally had an extremely high libido. And so, from Cindy's perspective, Carl was an ideal mate.

"Yeah, really. My husband's the one who set up that entire hotel room situation that night, when he paid Rico to come over to our hotel room, and fuck me. What Carl didn't plan on, was that Rico would bring his black friend, Henry, over with him; and that all three men would end up taking turns gang-banging me, one right after another. First Rico, and then Henry, and then Carl. Once again, that happened before you ever got there that night."

"Wow! That's intense!"

"You're telling me? Heck, I've never had so much sperm in my pussy at one time. Three men, one right after the other. Just imagine what that's like."

"I honestly don't think I can, Sis. I've never been gang-banged."

"Neither had I. Up until that night in the hotel room.

"Well anyways," Sally said, continuing on with her story, "Rico had just finished fucking me for the second time that night, when my best friend, Linda, had walked in on our not-so-pleasant situation. And I was proud of her, too. She dealt with that 'delicate situation' very well. But she ended up having to let Henry fuck her.

"I think she sensed that, if she didn't willingly cooperate with Henry, he was probably gonna force himself on her, and rape her anyway. I honestly believe that Rico would have raped me that very first time, if I hadn't cooperated with him. He's definitely got an 'edge' to him.

"But that second time with Rico was a totally different story. We made love that time. Face-to-face and mouth-to-mouth. It was awesome! I couldn't believe that I was actually making love to the same man who was ready to forcibly rape me, if he had to, that first time that he fucked me.

"What you witnessed was the third time that Rico fucked me that night."

"Wow! I don't know what else to say."

"You don't have to say anything, Sis. But just know that in order to keep a man like Carl interested in you, you're gonna have to let other men fuck you, right in front of him. That's just the way things are, when you've got a cuckold for a lover."

"You're right."

"Right about what?"

"About me paying my room and board by letting Uncle Jerry 'dick me'. It's just that Carl doesn't know a thing about that," Cindy said, believing that she had just told the truth to her younger sister.

But the real truth of the matter was that Carl already knew all about Cindy's "pay the rent" sexual encounters with her Uncle Jerry, because Carl and Jerry were still jack-off buddies. And Jerry still loved making hidden videos in his bedroom, featuring him having sex with one woman or another. And then he would proudly show those raw, unedited sex videos to Carl, to help both of them to quickly "get in the mood", whenever Carl came over to participate in one of their secret jack-off sessions together. And naturally, the most recent homemade sex videos all showed Jerry performing different types of sexual acts with Cindy.

"Well, you've simply got to tell him then," Sally insisted. "In fact, you've got to let him watch you and Jerry 'go at it' once in a while. That's one way you can help Carl to stay interested in you over the long haul. Another way, is to let him watch you pee from time to time. I know that sounds weird, but it's just another one of his fetishes. It turns Carl on a lot to watch women pee. He also gets off on women watching him pee."

"Gee, Sis. Thanks for the advice," Cindy graciously said, realizing that Sally had just managed to tell her something that she didn't know yet about Carl. Although she already knew that Carl was into cuckolding, Cindy had no idea that Carl was also into the whole "golden showers" thing. But she figured that that was just a harmless fetish that she could definitely live with. At least, Carl wasn't into feet, or pantyhose, or bondage, or diapers, or something super-weird like that.

Cindy hadn't told Carl yet about her sexual "arrangement" with Jerry, because she thought that Carl might get mad at her for using her pussy to pay her share of the rent. Of course, Cindy's fears were completely unfounded, because nothing could have been further from the truth. Carl was much more open-minded than that. He actually admired Cindy for her ingenuity. He thought of her as being a true survivor.

"I'm only giving that advice to you," Sally continued, "Because I want Carl to want to leave me, so that he can shack up with you and Uncle Jerry here at the apartment, and so that I can shack up with Rico at my house.

"Oh, and by the way, Uncle Jerry has been 'dicking me' too, for a long time, just in case you weren't aware of it."

At this point, Cindy couldn't help but think to herself, Of course, I'm aware of it! It seems like all Uncle Jerry ever does, is tell me how great it was having sex with you, and how much he misses it.

Meanwhile Sally was continuing on, "And Carl already knows all about my secret sexual relationship with Uncle Jerry, too. So he shouldn't be too surprised to find out about yours. I'm just letting you know."

"Well, thank you for all the information," said Cindy, with a forced, Stepford Wives smile on her face. "But I have one question for you. Why did you come over here to Uncle Jerry's apartment this morning?"

"Do you want the truth, or a lie."

"How about the truth?"

"I came over, hoping that Uncle Jerry would end up sticking that nice, fat, beer-can dick of his inside my pregnant pussy, and make me cum my ass off, like he always used to. How's that for being truthful?"

"I think I can top that, believe it or not," said Cindy.

"Oh yeah? Well go ahead and try," Sally challenged.

"I've always wanted to have sex with you, Little Sis."

Cindy could hardly believe that those words had just come out of her own mouth. And now that the gates of her emotional dam had finally been opened, the rest of the emotional water just started flooding out, as Cindy openly confessed to Sally, "The whole time that we were growing up together, I just wanted to molest your beautiful young body. But I was always too afraid to act on my desires. Up until now. That is, if you'll have me."

Cindy pushed her chair away from the table, and stood up, still facing Sally. Then she bravely untied the cloth belt around her housecoat, letting it fall open to each side, revealing that she was totally naked underneath it. Cindy's large, pale-nippled, milk-white breasts literally shimmered in the brightly-lit kitchen, against the background of her dark blue housecoat lining.

Sally just sat there in shock for a moment, and didn't say or do anything.

That made Cindy feel like a fool, and she quickly started to close up her housecoat, apologizing to Sally, "I'm sorry, Sis. I didn't mean to 'come on' to you like that. I mean, if you're not interested, then you're not interested, and--"

"I didn't say I wasn't interested," Sally blurted out, rudely cutting Cindy off. "Now open that God damn housecoat back up, Girl! And show me those awesome boobies, and that lovely orange-haired pussy of yours! You ought to be proud of that little fucker down between your legs. You know it? You gingers are truly a rare breed. And I'm glad you had a different father than I did. You don't realize how much you pussy turns me on, do you?"

"I guess I don't."

"Well, then let me show you," Sally said, standing up and walking over to stand in front of Cindy, to look her straight in the eye. Then Sally shoved her right hand up under Cindy's bare, hairy crotch, and she started fingering Cindy's pussy with incredible finesse. The kind of finesse, that only another woman could master.

Then Sally suddenly grabbed a handful of Cindy's pubic hair, and yanked on it hard, and without letting up, said to Cindy, "I've heard you gingers can tolerate a lot of pain. Is that true?"

"God damn it, Sally! You're hurting me! Why are you doin' this to me?" Cindy screamed out, as she was wincing, from the persistent pain in her crotch area.

"Because I'm pissed at you for running off with your boyfriend, and leaving me all alone in that big house, with my father," Sally answered. And that was a total lie on her part.

There were actually two very different reasons why Sally was pissed at Cindy:

1) Sally had a sadistic streak in her, which she normally exercised through the intentional mental torture that she so often put her husband through. But this time, Sally had chosen to derive her sadistic pleasure from physically torturing for her older sister, instead of fucking with her mind.

2) Sally had a bad case of "pussy envy". Her older half-sister just happened to have the kind of pussy that Sally had always wished for. As far as Sally was concerned, Cindy had been blessed with an attractive-looking, light-pinkish colored, "innie" type of pussy, that looked just like a miniature butt, from the front. And in its natural state, Cindy's whole crotch area was super-feminine-looking, with only a light smattering of orangish-red pubic hair. Sally, on the other hand, had a much-darker-skinned pussy, with overly-large discolored inner labia hanging quite a ways down out of her crack. Sally hated the way that her whole vulva looked--especially when she left it in its natural state. She had a super-thick patch of dark-brown pubic hair that looked like it should have a dick sticking out of it, and balls hanging down underneath. At least, that was what Sally thought about it. And that's why she had always preferred to keep her pussy shaved baby-bare.

"Do you know what happened to me after you moved out of the house?" Sally asked Cindy.


"Do you remember how I used to like to sleep with Dad, after our mother died?"

"Yes. You were definitely a daddy's girl."

"You can say that again. One night, I was fast asleep, and next thing I knew Dad was on top of me, raping me!"

"Oh my God!" Cindy immediately reacted.

"That's exactly how I felt, too. Dad just shoved that big, fat dick of his up inside my little virgin pussy, and started goin' to town. But you know what's really weird? I orgasmed my butt off while that mother fucker was raping me. Can you believe that?"

"Wow! That's horrible! But could you please let go of my pubes now? Pretty please?" Cindy pleaded, and then breathed a big sigh of relief when Sally's hand finally relaxed its firm grip on her pubic hair, and went back to gently fingering her pussy crack.

"And then the very next night," Sally continued on with her story, "Dad rolled over on top of me and raped me again. And I orgasmed my butt off again. Are you startin' to see a pattern here? Dad just kept on raping me over and over again, night after night, until it really wasn't rape anymore, because I was the one who was wanting Dad to 'do me'. In fact, I would literally beg him to stick his 'special finger'--that's what he liked to call it--in my 'big hole' every night, just like a young child begging her parent for an ice cream. Now that's fucked up, if you ask me!"

"I'm sorry, Sis. I didn't know," Cindy said, and then asked, "But you actually called it your 'big hole'?"

"Yeah. Back then, I didn't know what else to call it. Let's face it. 'Naive' was my middle name back in those days. I just knew that I had this big hole at the rear of my 'peepee', and that it always felt really good to me, whenever I'd stick things up inside it, and then move 'em all around. Like my fingers, for instance."

"Gosh. Why didn't you come to me back then, and let me know what was happening to you?" asked Cindy.

"You had already moved out of the house by then. And I really didn't want to burden you with my problems. Besides, I was way too ashamed and embarrassed about what I was doing with Dad every night. Did you know that the other girls at school always used to make fun of me for still being a virgin? That's pretty ironic, isn't it? And all I could really do was put up with their bullshit harassment. I mean, what was I gonna tell 'em? I certainly wasn't gonna tell 'em the truth. That my own father had taken my virginity. And that he had done it by raping me. And that he was now my lover. Because that's exactly what he became, Cindy."

Sally felt bad after she had just finished lying to her sister about the "father raping her" part of her story. But even though Sally wanted to finally "come clean" with Cindy about the fact that she and her deceased father had been lovers, she just couldn't bring herself to confess to her older sister that she had really been the one who had seduced her own father into having sex with her that very first time, as well as all the times after that.

"Wow! I still don't know what to say," Cindy remarked.

"But you wanna know what's even more fucked up than that?" Sally trudged on with her story, "Dad got me pregnant several months later. And he never came inside me the whole time. Not even once. He'd always pull out of me at the very last minute, and jack himself off. Frankly, I don't know how the man did it. He could steadily hump away at my pussy for a good 15 or 20 minutes, and then suddenly pull out, and cum all over my lower abdomen. Later on, once I had learned a lot more about 'the birds and the bees', I managed to put 2 and 2 together, and realized that Dad had been intentionally using the withdrawal method of birth control, and that it had to be some of his pre-cum that had gotten me pregnant with Jordan."

"Oh my God! So Jordan's really my half-sister?"

"Actually, it's a little more complicated than that. She's your niece, and also your half-sister. But she doesn't know anything about the half-sister part, because she still assumes that Carl is her father. And for all intents and purposes, he is. And things are gonna stay that way, if I have anything to do with it. It would really fuck Jordan up mentally to find out that her grandfather is really her biological father."

"I agree with you, Sis. You shouldn't ever tell her. So what happened between you and Dad, once he found out that you were pregnant?"

"He was shocked. Just like I was. But Dad still kept on fucking me, just about every night. The big difference was that he stopped pulling out of me at the last minute, and started letting himself go ahead and cum inside me. And God, I loved that! I had no idea what I had been missing out on. To this day, I always insist on my man cumming inside me. The last thing I want in my pussy is one of those stupid condoms, or a diaphragm."

"Here, here! You're preachin' to the choir now, Sister," Cindy said, trying her best to lighten up the mood a little bit.

"Well, Sis. What're you waitin' for? Undo my pants, reach down inside my panties, and start playin' with my pussy. That's what you've been wantin', isn't it?"

Cindy didn't say a word. She just reached across, quickly undid Sally's pants and pulled them down--right along with her panties--to expose her younger sister's shaved-bare pussy mound. And Cindy began diddling away at Sally's clit and her inner pussy parts, just like Sally was already doing to her pussy.

And then, while they were busy adeptly masturbating each other, they passionately French-kissed for a little while, before shedding the rest of their clothing. And they finally ended up making love on the carpeted living room floor.

At first, the two sisters took turns licking and sucking each other's breasts, and then later moved on to eating each other's pussies. But eventually, they decided to 'get down to business', and they began rubbing their bare pussies together, while they were both reveling in their lesbian-style substitute for sexual intercourse.

Sally was so busy scissoring with her older sister, that neither woman noticed it, when there was a sound of keys being softly jingled against the lock of the apartment's front door. And then a person walked right into the living room, totally unannounced.

"Carl?" Sally said in an overly-loud voice, as her pelvic thrusting came to an abrupt halt.

"Oh shit!" was all that Cindy could say under her breath, in response to Sally's vocal warning.

* * * * *

Okay, okay. Enough third-person narrative. This is Carl. And it's time to abruptly shift viewpoints from third person to first person, because this is where my part in this little sordid tale continues...

"Yeah, it's me," I announced to Sally and Cindy.

"How did you get in here?" Sally asked frantically.

"Jerry gave me a key to his apartment," I said, lying to Sally. Cindy was the one who had actually given the key to me.

"So what are you doin' here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Sally asked, still obviously very upset by my mere presence in the room.

"It's my lunch break right now. And I decided that I wanted to come over to visit with Jerry for a few minutes," I explained to Sally, once again lying to her face. My real reason for coming by Jerry's apartment, was that I was hoping to have a lunchtime "quickie" with Cindy. "So what are you guys doing anyway?"

"What does it look like we're doing, Carl?" Sally sarcastically asked back, as she slowly resumed her humping of Cindy's vulva.


"Yes, Carl. Cindy and I are tribbing. So what are you gonna do about it?" Sally asked, as she quickly increased the speed of her pussy-to-pussy humping.

"Watch. Hopefully. That is, if you two guys don't mind. I'll just sit over here and quietly masturbate," I stated, heading straight for an easy chair in the room, plopping myself down into it, and pulling my dick out of my pants.

"You see?" Sally said to Cindy, while she kept energetically humping away at Cindy's pussy, "What did I tell you? Carl really is a cuckold. And he gets off on this kind of shit. So let's put on a really nice show for him. What do ya say?"

By this point, Sally was humping away at Cindy's pussy, as fast as she could.

"I don't have to...'put on a show', Sis....And that's ''re makin' me...cum right now!" Cindy admitted, panting so hard that she was only barely able to get out short phrases, between her labored breaths. Then she closed her eyes, to ride out her orgasmic wave.

"That's it, Baby," Sally, who was also panting pretty hard, coaxed Cindy, using short phrases between pants, as she was relentlessly slamming her vulva up against Cindy's. "Let it all out...I know you need it...just as much as I do...This one's for you, Baby Girl!...Oh fuck yeeeees!" And Sally came hard, squirting all over Cindy's pussy, looking like she was peeing on it, in short repetitive bursts.

Cindy couldn't help but let out several loud squeals of pure excitement, when she felt her little sister's warm sexual wetness coating her whole pussy mound. This had turned out better than anything that Cindy could have ever imagined happening between her and her sister.

"So, did that turn you on, Carl?" Sally asked, when she finally came back down to earth, and looked over at me. I was still sitting in the easy chair. But now I was naked from the waist down, and actively jacking myself off, hand-pumping up and down on the shaft of my blood-engorged penis, in a steady and deliberate manner.

"You bet it did!" I admitted to Sally, and then asked, "But what would your best friend, Linda, think about this little 'show' you guys just put on for me?"

"Carl, you wouldn't!" Sally said.

"Oh, come on, Sally. You know me better than that. My discretion is going to cost you something. Either that, or I'll give Linda a call right now," I said, letting go of my dick, and then fumbling around to get to the cell phone that was in the back pocket of my pants, which were lying in a crumpled-up pile beside the easy chair.

"God damn it, Carl! Put that fucking phone down already! I'll do whatever you want me to. Just promise me that you'll never tell Linda about any of this. She won't understand."

"Sally, it's very obvious to me that you haven't been letting me have sex with you lately. But right now, you're gonna let me fuck you. And if you do that, I promise you that I won't tell Linda about what I witnessed here today."

"Let me get this straight," Sally said. "You want to fuck me right now, in front of my older sister?"

"Yes. That's exactly what I want to do."

"Well, what are you waitin' for. Let's do it!" Sally said to me, and as she was getting up off of Cindy's soaked pelvis, she added, "But I don't want you to just fuck me in a plain, old, boring missionary position. I really want you to 'do me' doggie-style, and treat me like your little bitch, just like you did that night in the hotel room. Is that cool with you?"

"You bet!" I enthusiastically agreed, and then quickly moved in behind Sally, who was still down on the floor. But now she on all fours, with her butt now up in the air, assuming the classic doggie-style position.

Then Sally added another condition to our "verbal sex agreement" when she demanded, "And you're gonna have to let me eat Cindy's sexy pussy, while you're dicking me from behind. It's the least I can do for her, while you're busy getting your rocks off inside me. Deal?"

"Deal," I answered again, as I was rubbing my dick-head up and down along Sally's wet pussy crack, and preparing to penetrate her baby-making hole, so that I could start thrusting away at it, in my quest to build up to an orgasm.

Meanwhile, Sally just kept licking and sucking on Cindy's wet pussy mound, until she sensed that I was just about to cum inside her. She had been married to me so long, that she could inevitably tell when I was on the verge of ejaculating during intercourse. Sally claimed that there was always a noticeable change in my penis-thrusting--automatically accompanied by a drastic increase in the size and firmness of my dick-head--right before I started to orgasm.

When Sally felt that change take place inside her vagina, she lifted her head up out of Cindy's bare crotch, and told me, very matter-of-factly, "I just want you know that Rico actually got me pregnant in that hotel room last month. And it happened that very first time, while he was fucking me from behind, just like you are right now. And I'm in love him, Carl. I wanna marry him!"

"Oh shit! God damn it! Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuuuuck!" I yelled out, as my sperm was squirting out deep inside of Sally's vagina. And I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this would be the very last time that my penis would ever get to enter into my wife's vagina. I just knew that our marriage was over for good. And I wondered where else I was going to find a woman who would do the sexual stuff that Sally did, as far as the cuckolding, and the pissing, and so on.

When I pulled out of Sally, I felt truly rejected in every way. And very upset too, as I was just staring at her butt, and at the sperm that was now oozing out of her vagina, and falling down onto the living room floor.

Without any warning, I hauled off and gave Sally a single, open-palmed slap on her butt; one that was so forceful, that it left a red impression on her right butt-cheek for several minutes, and made Sally scream out in both pain and surprise.

Throughout our entire marriage, I had never slapped Sally before. Nor had I ever laid a hand on her. Violent behavior towards women just wasn't my thing. And that's what caught Sally totally off-guard.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" Sally demanded.

"I did that because you let yourself get knocked up by a fucking stranger! That's why. And if it's okay for Rico to slap your butt, then it should be okay for me too."

"Hey, that's no fair. It was all your fault, you know?"

"No, it wasn't. And you know it. I only asked you to fuck other men in front of me. Not to get impregnated by them. You're the one who decided that it was a 'smart thing' to quit taking your birth control pills several months ago, so that there would be absolutely nothing to keep you from getting pregnant. And you're the one who intentionally timed our special week at the hotel, so that it would take place during your unsafe days. During the very time when you knew that you would be ovulating. You have only yourself to blame, Sally Camden, for this fucking mess that you've gotten yourself into. And I really feel sorry for you. I just hope you're happy with a low-life, Hispanic guy who's at least ten years younger than you."

"You know what? Fuck you, Carl!" Sally yelled at me, throwing me the finger, as she scrunched up her nose, and bared her front teeth at me.

"Yeah. Well, fuck you too, you God damn slut!" I yelled right back at her, and then stood up and turned around, looking for all my clothing, so that I could get dressed, and get back to work.

But before I could start getting dressed, Cindy, who was still nude, came over to me, gently pressed her big boobs against my back, while giving me a bear hug, and then planted a tender kiss on the side of my neck, just under my earlobe. She whispered in my ear, "Sweetie, don't let my little sister get you all bent out of shape. She can be a real bitch sometimes. But I'm not like that. Tell you what. Do you wanna go into the bathroom with me right now and watch me pee?"

"Sure," I said, with my attitude almost-instantly taking a 180-degree turn, as Cindy gently took my hand in hers, and led me into the main bathroom with her, before closing and locking the door behind her.

Cindy sat down on the toilet seat ring, and spread her legs apart. She placed a hand on each side of her vulva, pulled it wide open, and held it that way, so that I could plainly see her urethral opening. Then she began pissing into the toilet bowl directly beneath her, as she made her private confession to me. I was now kneeling down in front of her at the commode as she was telling me, "Sally told me that you really like this a lot. And do you wanna know something else? I've been letting Uncle Jerry 'dick me' to pay for the rent. Would you like to watch Uncle Jerry have sex with me? You could even fuck me afterwards, if you want. I mean, if you don't mind 'sloppy seconds'. Either that, or you could fuck me right before Uncle Jerry does. It's your choice."

"Pussy!" was all I could say, as I was reaching across, between Cindy's spread thighs to feel and play with her warm urine stream.

After Cindy was done emptying her bladder, I said to her, "I need to piss, too. Do you wanna watch me?"

"Sure," Cindy said.

I stood up, and moved over in front of the bathroom sink, facing the vanity and the mirror that was mounted directly over the sink.

"Carl, you bad boy! You're not actually gonna do that, are you?" Cindy asked in disbelief.

"Sure. Why not?" I replied, as the yellow-tinged urine began freely flowing out of my penis, directly into the bathroom sink basin below. "Would you like to hold my dick while I'm pissing?"

Cindy nodded, and then got up off the toilet. She moved over beside me, wrapped her right hand around the semi-soft shaft of my urinating penis, and held the open palm of her left hand underneath the head of my dick, so that my warm urine would splat up against the palm of her hand, before falling into the sink basin. And she giggled like a little girl the whole time that she was doing that.

"Have you ever watched your Uncle Jerry pee?" I asked Cindy, as I was finally getting down to my last few spurts of urine, which were getting harder and harder to squirt out, because my penis was well on its way to becoming erect again, despite the fact that I had just finished releasing a wad of sperm inside my wife's pregnant pussy.

"No. Why would I do something like that?" Cindy asked, still squeezing and feeling the shaft of my dick.

"Why not? You only live once, you know. And I'm sure your Uncle Jerry would be more than happy to let you watch him pee."

"But how do you know that?" Cindy asked, acting truly perplexed by my statement.

"Well, let's just call it a 'hunch'. Okay?" I cryptically replied, as a huge grin broke out on my face.

Then, without any warning, I reached down between Cindy's legs, and I began diddling her clitoris with the tip of my middle finger.

"Ooh, Baby. My little love button feels so good when you rub it like that," Cindy quietly said, with her mouth very close to my ear, as she began to slowly hand-pump my rapidly-growing penis. Cindy immediately started planting a series of butterfly-kisses up and down the side of my neck, right below the ear that she had just whispered into.

And then there was an unexpected loud knock at the bathroom door, and a familiar feminine voice cried out, "God damn it! Hurry up, you two. I need to pee like a racehorse!"

"I'm not gonna let you in, unless you pee right in front of your sister and me both," I yelled back at the bathroom door, meaning every word of it. "Deal?"

"Deal! Now open up the fucking door already! Before I piss all over the God damn floor!" Sally threatened.

I quickly leaned over, and whispered in Cindy's ear, "So do you want me to fuck you in front of your sister? Right here in the bathroom, while she's taking a piss?"

* * * * *

Hi there. Carl here again. I hope you have enjoyed reading this little saga so far. But I have to step out of this story once again right here, and switch back to a third-person narrative, because the upcoming events in this torrid tale took place while I wasn't there to actually witness them...

Later that same day, at around 7:30 PM, Sally was polishing her nails, getting ready for her hot date with Rico. They were supposed to spend the evening dancing at a local Salsa night club. It was early in the week, and so Sally was hoping that she and Rico would pretty much have the club to themselves.

Sally's cell phone rang, and she put down the small nail polish bottle, so that she could see who was calling her, and then decide whether or not to answer the call. It was her sister, Cindy. And so Sally went ahead and answered the phone, being very careful not to smudge her freshly-painted, dark purple nails.

"What's up, Sis?" Sally asked.

"Sally, I need to talk to you," Cindy replied, in a dead-serious tone of voice.

"Why? What's the matter? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm just fine," Cindy said. "You're the one I'm worried about."

"Well, you don't have worry about me, Sis. I'm madly in love with the man of my dreams, and we're gettin' ready to go out dancin' tonight."

"Sally, please don't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because Rico's not the man you think he is. He's bad news! Trust me on this one. I know what I'm talkin' about."

"Oh, come on, Cindy. I know Rico's a little rough around the edges, but he can't be that bad."

"Oh yes he can. Remember when you asked me today what I thought you should do about your current situation. And I told you that you should go ahead and divorce Carl, and marry Rico?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"Well, I only said that, because I knew you were torn up emotionally, and that you needed for me to support you, by telling you what you wanted to hear. But I simply can't live with my conscience if I don't go ahead and tell you the real truth about Rico."

"And what's that exactly?"

"Remember that night in the hotel room? Well, after Linda left, and then Jerry left with Henry, you were sleeping in the bed with Rico, and I was sleeping with Carl on the floor, right next to the bed."

"So, what's that got to do with anything? We were both sleeping with the men that we had just got done 'sleeping with'," Sally remarked very sarcastically.

"Please don't joke right now?" Cindy pleaded with her younger half-sister.

"Okay. So what did Rico do that's so bad?" Sally asked.

"Well, I'll tell you, if you promise not to interrupt me until I'm finished with my story."

"I promise. I'll just sit here and listen."

"Okay. So here's what happened later that night, while you and Carl were fast asleep:

"I got up around 4 o'clock in the morning to go to the bathroom. And when I turned around to close the bathroom door, there was Rico standing right there, with his finger across his lips, letting me know that he didn't want me to make a sound. And I'm standing there in my bra and panties, and feeling pretty confused at first.

"Then Rico steps into the bathroom with me, and carefully closes the door behind him. And the next thing I know, Rico pulls a knife on me. He must have had the knife stuck in the waistband of his boxers, 'cuz that's all he was wearing.

"And I'm not gonna go into all the lurid details. But what you need to know is that Rico humiliated me first. He actually forced me to pee my panties, right in front of him, believe it or not.

"And then that son of a bitch raped me. He 'did me' in the ass first. And then he 'did' my pussy, until he came inside me. And that really scared me. And it also disgusted the crap out of me. 'Cuz I could see little flecks of my fecal matter all over Rico's penis, as he was shoving it up into my vagina.

"When he was finally 'finished with me', he warned me not to tell another living soul about him raping me in the bathroom. He said that if I ever did, he'd hurt me, or my family. And that's you, Sis. Or Uncle Jerry. Or Carl. And I couldn't bear to see any of you get hurt because of me. Rico also told me to get dressed, and leave the hotel room as quickly as I could.

"Then that mother fucker left the bathroom, and I saw him crawl right back into bed with you, as if nothing had happened. And I was so pissed off by the whole situation that I couldn't see straight.

"But I just walked back into the hotel room, found the rest of my clothes, and got dressed as fast as I could, so that I could sneak out of that hotel room, without waking up Carl, or you.

"I had to call a taxi from the hotel lobby, because Uncle Jerry had already taken the car and left with Henry. And I didn't want to bother them, because there was no telling what those two were up to.

"But when I got back to Uncle Jerry's apartment, I went to the guest room, and threw myself on the bed, and I cried like a little baby. I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't tell anyone. Especially you, or Carl, or Uncle Jerry. And unlike you, I had never been raped before. I felt like such a filthy whore. But the weirdest thing was that I didn't take a shower. I just went straight to bed with all my clothes on. Are you crying, Sis?"

"No, I'm laughing my ass off!" Sally exclaimed sarcastically. "What do you think I'm doin'? Of course, I'm cryin'. I just found out that the man I'm in love with secretly raped my own sister on the same day that he raped me. Talk about poppin' someone's bubble..."

"I'm sorry, Sis. I didn't mean to do that to you."

"But I'm damn glad you did! And by the way, Rico was the first person who ever raped me. All that stuff I told you earlier today about my father was a lie. I was the one who seduced Dad into fucking me. Even the very first time that he fucked me. It really wasn't his fault. I'm not gonna get into all the details, but I pretty much made him do it. The rest of the story is absolutely true, though. Dad didn't let himself cum inside me during intercourse until after he found out that I had gotten pregnant from his pre-cum."

"So what are you gonna do, Sis? You've got to get rid of Rico somehow. You can't have a man like that around your kids. But you also can't tell him that you know that he raped me. Or you'll put us all in danger."

"Don't worry, Sis. I'll come up with something. I always do. But right now, I've got to go dancing with that son of a bitch, so he doesn't get suspicious. I hope he likes gettin' his feet stepped on. That's all I can say. And who knows? I might even accidentally knee him in the nuts a couple of times."

And both sisters laughed, because they both knew that Sally wasn't joking about the "stepping on Rico's feet" part, or about the "kneeing Rico in the nuts" part.

Meanwhile, Rico had no idea the lengths that a woman like Sally would go, to get back at him for what he did that night in the hotel room.

Rico was now the one in danger.

* * * * *

CHAPTER 5 - All the Lurid Details

* * * * *

Cindy's rape experience with Rico in the bathroom of the hotel that night was much more traumatic than what she had described to her younger sister, Sally, over the phone.

Here's what really happened that fateful night:

Rico was awake, lying in bed, and secretly fondling himself through his boxer shorts, when he saw Cindy getting up off the floor, next to the bed, and then heading straight for the bathroom. Rico hadn't been paying any attention to Carl's quick conversation with Jerry at the hotel room entry door earlier that night. And so he had no idea that Cindy was Sally's sister. Rico assumed that Cindy was just someone that Jerry knew, and had brought over with him to the hotel room to have "a little fun". And of course, Rico had no idea who Jerry was, either.

One thing that Sally didn't know about Rico was that he just happened to have "a thing" for gingers. And fortunately for Rico, Sally was sound asleep beside him, and snoring away. So Rico grabbed his closed switchblade knife, and shoved it down inside the elastic waistband at the rear of his boxers. And then he curiously and very stealthily followed Sally's red-headed sister to the bathroom. He was bound and determined to get him some of that ginger pussy, one way or another.

When Cindy turned to close the bathroom door behind her, Rico put his finger across his pursed lips, and made a soft "Shhhhhhhhh" sound, as he was stepping into the bathroom with her, and forcing her to back up far enough, to let him in. And then he closed the bathroom door behind him, turning the little flattened-out nipple on the door knob to lock the two of them in the bathroom together.

When Rico turned around, he pulled the closed switchblade out of waistband at the rear of his satin boxer shorts, and pushed the button on it to instantly release the long, thin, spring-loaded blade. It popped into position, and locked with a high-pitched, metallic-sounding click. Rico quietly said, "Say hello to my little friend." And then he slowly waved the knife from side-to-side as he added, "God, I loved that movie. Have you seen it?"

Cindy flipped out at the sight of the slender, double-edged, silver-colored knife blade. Her eyes were bugged wide-open, and her heart was racing and felt like was going to come right up her throat any second. She just quickly shook her head in response to Rico's unexpected question.

"Please don't hurt me," Cindy pleaded. "I'll do whatever you want. But I really need to pee right now. Please let me pee first, okay?"

"Sure. But you're gonna do it my way, esé," Rico said, as he pointed the tip of the knife right at her camel-toed panty-crotch. "Or I can't be responsible for what my little friend here does to your 'panocha'. He's got a mind of his own, you know."

"Whatever you say," Cindy quietly told Rico, and then moved over in front of the toilet, lifted up the toilet seat lid, turned around and quickly bent over to pull her panties down, so that she could sit down on the toilet seat ring, just like a woman would normally sit to urinate.

"What are you doing?" Rico asked, the minute that he saw Cindy pulling her panties down her thighs. "Pull your panties back up. You're gonna leave 'em on this time. And you're gonna pee standing over the toilet. So lift up the toilet seat."

Cindy lifted up the toilet seat, and carefully straddled the porcelain toilet bowl, with one leg on each side. And then she began urinating with her panties on.

"Stop!" Rico ordered in a forced whisper, as he pushed the pointed tip of the switchblade against Cindy's left butt-cheek, which naturally caused her urine-stream to come to an abrupt halt. "I want you to turn around the other way, so I can see your 'panocha'. Not your butt."

Cindy backed herself out, and turned around to face Rico. And then, while looking down toward the floor the whole time, she carefully shimmied backward, with one leg on each side of the toilet, until her vulva was positioned directly over the middle of the toilet bowl.

Then she started pissing her panties again, while she continued looking down at the front of her own crotch. The yellow-tinged urine from her soaked-through panty-crotch was steadily streaming down into the toilet bowl. But some of the urine was also leaking through the edges of the panty leg-holes, and dribbling down the insides of her thighs. Cindy saw the shiny knife blade, as Rico was rubbing the flat sides of it up and down the insides of her thighs to both tease and intimidate her.

After Cindy had finally finished taking her much-needed piss, she asked Rico, "What do you want me to do now?"

"Nothing. Just stand there," Rico said to her. And he proceeded to stick the blade of the sharp knife up inside one of Cindy's panty leg-holes. He made an upward motion to slice completely through the panty material, and separate the panties at the waistband. Then Rico did the same thing on the other side of panties, causing the front-panel of the panties to fall downward, totally exposing Cindy's red-haired pussy to him. Then he grabbed hold of the hanging front-panel, and yanked downward on it to completely remove her urine-soaked panties, and drop them into the toilet bowl, directly underneath.

Rico looked down at Cindy's bare feet, and while staring at them, remarked to her, "You've got very nice-looking feet, Chica. I like how you painted little flowers on your toe nails. That really turns me on."

"Well, thank you," Cindy replied, not really knowing how to take Rico's comment about her feet.

The next thing Cindy saw was the flat side of Rico's knife being placed directly up against the left side of her bare vulva.

"Does this turn you on, esé?"

Cindy didn't respond to Rico's question.

"Well, it better," Rico said, "'Cuz you're gonna make love to my little friend right now."

"Rico, please don't hurt me," Cindy pleaded.

"I'm not here to hurt you, Chica. I'm here to make you cum," Rico stated, as he carefully used the sharp blade of the knife to spread her inner labia apart.

And when Rico saw the glans of Cindy's clitoris peaking out from under its hood, he said to her, "You know, in the Middle East, I hear they cut this part off their women." Then Rico carefully touched the very tip of the knife blade to the pea-size head of Cindy's clit, which made her fidget around nervously. "Careful, Chica, or I might accidentally cut yours off, esé. And you definitely wouldn't want that, would you?"

At this point Cindy was shaking her head from side-to-side, and begged, "No. Please don't cut my clit off. I'll be a good girl. I promise. I'll go ahead and cum for you. Okay?"

"Don't cum for me," Rico said. "Cum for my little friend here. He's gonna fuck you right now."

"Oh God, help me!" Cindy remarked under her breath, as she was visualizing the long, sharp blade of Rico's knife being inserted up deep into her vagina, and then being shoved in and out, possibly slicing up her insides, and causing her to bleed to death from her vaginal opening, while standing over a toilet in the bathroom at a hotel. Cindy closed her eyes, and the tears began streaming down the sides of her face, as she was bracing herself for the worst.

But Rico really didn't have any intention of physically hurting Cindy. He pushed the button on the switchblade handle to cause the blade to automatically retract back into the handle. Then he flipped the handle around, and while holding the part of the handle where the blade would pop out, he inserted the smooth oval end of the handle up into Cindy's vaginal opening, and began frigging her pussy with it, thrusting away at her vagina as if the knife handle were a skinny, hard penis.

"Doesn't that feel good, Chica?" Rico asked.

"Uh huh," Cindy hummed back, nodding her head rapidly. And then she realized, that the knife handle didn't feel bad to her vagina at all. In fact, it actually felt good to her. Not that much different from a hairbrush handle, or a hard-plastic vibrator, whenever she would frig herself with those types of things during her own masturbation.

"Well, that's good. 'Cuz my little friend here is gonna keep on fucking you until he makes you cum."

Rico didn't have to worry about that. His relentless and energetic frigging of her vagina with the handle of his switchblade was automatically causing Cindy's level of sexual excitement to skyrocket, until she found herself involuntarily rocking her pelvis back and forth to intentionally meet each inward thrust of Rico's knife handle.

And at that point, Cindy also found herself not wanting Rico to stop, because it just felt too good to her. And she was on the verge of not just cumming, but orgasming her ass off. And that's exactly what happened next.

Cindy closed her eyes, threw her head back, started to cry out as her orgasm hit with a vengeance.

Rico quickly reacted by throwing the curved palm of his left hand over Cindy's mouth and nose, which caused her eyes to pop wide-open in surprise, as he sternly warned her in a strong whisper, "What the fuck are you doing, Chica? Shut up, God damn it! Or you'll wake everyone up." Meanwhile, Rico's right hand was still pistoning the handle of the switchblade in and out of Cindy's vagina, at a rapid-but-steady pace.

Then a toothy grin broke out on Rico's face, as he added, "You're cumming right now, aren't you, Chica?"

Cindy quickly nodded her head, shut her eyes again, and her whole body shuddered, as one orgasmic wave after another washed over her, turning her legs into jelly underneath her. And she started to fall over to one-side, against the edge of the bathroom vanity.

"You should be proud of yourself, esé. You made my little friend very happy," Rico said, and then finally removed the knife handle from Cindy's vagina, and stuck it back down inside the waistband at the rear of his boxers. "Now, its time for you to make me happy."

"Okay," Cindy said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Move over here, and bend over, and spread your legs apart."

Cindy didn't say a word. She quit straddling the toilet bowl, and moved over in front of the bathroom vanity. Then she leaned over the sink, and spread her legs apart, just as Rico had "requested". Cindy's face was now just inches away from the mirror that was mounted over the sink, and she could see every move that Rico was making behind her.

She watched him pull his fully-erect penis out of his left boxer leg-hole, and then saw him move right up behind her butt. She felt him press the tip of his firm dick-head against her ass-hole, and she knew exactly what he was getting ready to do next. And the last thing she wanted was for Rico to hurt her--or worse yet, rip up her anal sphincter muscle--while he was attempting to butt-fuck her with his bone-dry penis.

"Wait a minute!" Cindy barked out at Rico in a exaggerated forced whisper that made him stop his "forward progress" for just a moment. And she immediately reached down between her spread legs, grabbed hold of Rico's dick-shaft, quickly rubbed the end of his dick back and forth along her wet pussy crack a few times (in all-out effort to get the tip of Rico's uncircumcised penis well-lubricated), before she placed the tip of Rico's dick back up against her anus, and told him, "Okay. Go ahead, Sweetie."

Cindy couldn't believe that she had just called Rico "Sweetie". She had no idea why that word had so naturally flowed out of her mouth while she was talking to a man who was getting ready to forcibly rape her in the ass.

Rico shoved his dick all the way up to the hilt, in a single strong thrust, which made Cindy suck in bunch of air, during one quick inhale, with her mouth wide-open. And Rico assumed that he was now punishing the hell out of Cindy, by butt-fucking her. The irony was that nothing could have been further from the truth.

Cindy was one of those rare women who just happened to have an anal fixation. And she had been that way throughout her entire life. During her masturbations, she would inevitably end up inserting something up into her own rectum, even if that "something" turned out to be her own fingers. And over the years, she had stuck just about every type of cylindrical object imaginable up into her own poop chute, and actively used that foreign object as a masturbation aid. Sometimes, if Cindy just happened to be feeling exceptionally horny, these cylindrical anal masturbation objects could include some pretty weird things, like wooden bed posts and chair legs.

But of course, Rico didn't know that Cindy was an "anal queen" who had an affinity for butt plugs. And so once he got into a rhythm, and was steadily humping away at her rectum, her reaction came as a total surprise to him. She didn't start freaking out and crying, or beg Rico to stop, or anything like he had expected her to do.

Instead, Cindy seemed to enjoy getting butt-fucked by him. In fact, while Rico was humping away at her butt-hole, Cindy reached down between her legs with her right hand, and began fingering her own clit. And as a result, it didn't take long at all before she felt herself on the verge of another orgasm.

But just as she was getting ready to "go over the top", Rico abruptly pulled out of her ass-hole, and told her, "Turn around, and spread your legs apart."

It took a few moments for Cindy to mentally come back down to earth from her orgasmic near-miss. But once she did, she pushed her torso up off of the vanity, turned around to face Rico, and then spread her legs apart. She was now in a standing position, leaning slightly back, with her butt right up against the edge of the vanity counter top, and with her pelvis intentionally rocked all the way forward, in a teasing "come and get it" kind of pose.

"Now, pull it open for me, Chica," Rico ordered, gesturing towards her pussy, as he was closing in on her, face-to-face.

And of course, Cindy knew exactly what Rico was wanting her to do. While she was staring down at her own crotch the entire time, Cindy carefully placed a hand on each side of her vulva, slowly pulled her pussy crack as wide-open as it would go, and then just held it that way.

Rico guided his dick up under her pussy mound, and stuck the end of it into her held-open pussy crack, while Cindy was watching this all take place down between her spread-apart thighs.

She could see that Rico's entire penis was smattered with little brownish flecks here and there. And she could only assume that these flecks were her own fecal matter.

At this point, any "normal" woman would have been scared that she might get a serious vaginal infection from Rico's shit-covered dick. But not Cindy. The fact that Rico was now intentionally contaminating her pussy, only served to mentally turn her on even more than she already was. Cindy had done the exact same thing to herself on numerous occasions in the past, and had never suffered any consequences from her having done so, other than making her pussy a little bit stinky.

As she felt the end of Rico's penis being rubbed back and forth against her pussy crack and her clit, Cindy was still turned-on by Rico's anal intercourse with her that had brought her to the very brink of orgasm, just before he had unexpectedly pulled out of her. And the more she thought about what he had done, and about how he had just denied her the one thing that was helping her to deal with this whole situation, the more pissed off she got at him. And then, her anger just came bubbling up out of her mouth, in a single sarcastic question to Rico, "You think you can make me cum this time, before you pull out?"

Cindy couldn't believe she had just said that to her attacker. She had just questioned his very manhood, which is something that one should never do to a Hispanic man, thanks to the existence of the whole "Machismo" thing. But it was too late now. Cindy couldn't take back what she had said.

"Oh, so you wanna cum, huh?" Rico said, obviously very pissed-off by Cindy's tongue-lashing. "Tell you what. Maybe my little friend will help you cum better, Bitch!"

"No, Rico. Please don't. I'll cooperate," Cindy pleaded.

And Rico reacted to Cindy's pleas by reaching around his back, pulling his switchblade out of his boxer shorts, punching the little button to extend the knife blade, and then pressing the tip of the blade against her sternum, right between and below her two bra cups.

Then, he inserted the long blade up under the material between her two bra cups, and between the crack in her ample cleavage. And he made an upward sawing motion, as he cut the two bra cups apart, so that they fell to each side, exposing Cindy's large breasts, with their barely-visible, super-pale, drastically puffed-out aureolas.

And Rico said to Cindy, "You're damn right, you're gonna cooperate! Now play with your big, milk cow titties, while I'm fucking you."

Cindy couldn't believe that she had just made matters even worse than they already were. Now Rico had that damn knife out again, waving it all around. And now she was being forced to fondle her own breasts in front of Rico, while she was letting him fuck her pussy with his filthy, shit-covered dick.

And letting Rico see her bare breasts was something that Cindy really didn't want to do. Let's just say that she was less than thrilled with the weird-nippled breasts that God had chosen to bless her with. And so Cindy had always preferred to leave her top--or at least her bra--on whenever she was having sex with another person.

Cindy thought to herself, Don't say another fucking word, you stupid idiot! What were you thinking? Just shut up and ride it out.

Rico shoved his dick up into Cindy's baby-making hole, and he began humping away at it. They were both still standing up, face-to-face. And she had one hand on each of her breasts, repeatedly squeezing and manipulating them both; while at the same time, trying to keep her overly-large nipples covered up with her hands, as much as possible, so that Rico wouldn't stare at them so much.

But all of her efforts were truly in vain, because Rico still kept staring at her bare boobs anyway.

Cindy couldn't help but smile, as she thought about the fact that Rico was actually getting "sloppy seconds" right now, because she already had a couple of wads of Carl's semen deep inside her vagina, from her earlier lovemaking this evening.

After about a minute or so, Rico looked upward from her tits, to lock his eyes on hers, and he told Cindy, "Well, cum God damn it! What the fuck are you waitin' for? And don't try to fake it, either. I can tell when it's real, and when it's not."

"I'm almost there, Baby," Cindy said truthfully, as she was looking deep into Rico's eyes, returning his steady gaze, just like two lovers might do. And then she added, "I just need you to do one more thing for me, okay?"

"What's that?" Rico asked.

"I need your little friend to fuck me in the ass, while you're fucking my pussy. Do you think he'd like that?"

"Oh, fuck yes!" Rico agreed, and retracted the blade of the knife back into the handle, so that he could flip the handle around, and stick up into Cindy's ass-hole, and then begin frigging her rectum with it, while he continued to thrust away at her vagina with his dick.

And that "did the trick" for Cindy. It took her right over the top, and she began to orgasm strongly.

"Oh, fuck yes, Rico! That's it. You're makin' me cum!" Cindy announced in a breathy, excited whisper right into Rico's left ear.

And Rico could tell that Cindy wasn't lying about her orgasm either. Because he could feel the walls of her vagina become noticeably wetter all around his penis, and he could also feel the muscles at the entrance of her vagina, as they repeatedly gripped and then released the base of his dickshaft.

"Come on, Rico. Give me your sperm, God damn it!" Cindy cheered him on. "What fuck are you waitin' for?" she added, egging him on, using his own words against him.

And the next thing she knew, Cindy breathed a big sigh of relief when she felt Rico's pulsating penis, as it took on a life of its own, and was busy ejaculating his Hispanic man-seed inside her vagina. And she realized this whole ordeal was nearly over with.

But, unfortunately for Cindy, Rico had one last surprise for her.

He yanked the switchblade handle out of her ass-hole, and backed away from her, to pull his penis out of her vagina, and then away from her vulva entirely.

"Get down on your knees, and clean up my dick with your mouth, Puta!" Rico ordered, calling Cindy a "whore" in Spanish.

"Do I have to?" Cindy automatically balked at what Rico was asking her to do. "God, that's just so gross!"

"No, of course you don't have to do what I say. But if you decide not to cooperate with me, then I might decide to call my homie, and arrange for a not so small accident to happen to someone you love. Maybe a relative, or a good friend of yours. Who knows? So what's it gonna be, Chica? Are you gonna cooperate with Rico, or not?"

Cindy hesitantly knelt down in front of Rico, and stuck the head of his stinky dick in her mouth, which grossed her out so much that it triggered her gag reflex.

"Oh, by the way, my little friend here needs his dick cleaned too," Rico said, rubbing the end of the knife handle up against Cindy's cheek, and then inserting it into one corner of her mouth, along side his own dick, which she was already sucking away on.

Cindy thought to herself, My God! When is this ever going to end? If I had a gun right now, I'd shoot this son of a bitch!

After Cindy had finished licking Rico's dick clean--as well as the handle of his precious switchblade--she looked up at Rico and asked, "Are you finished with me yet? Can I leave this fucking bathroom now?"

"Yes, Chica. You've been a good girl tonight. But don't you go telling anyone else about what just happened here, or I might have to arrange an accident for one of your loved ones, like I told you."

"Don't worry, Rico. Your secret's safe with me."

Rico turned around, unlocked and opened the bathroom door, and walked straight to the bed, to lie down next to Sally, who was still fast asleep.

Cindy just stayed in the bathroom for several minutes. She was shaking from the whole experience, and felt like she was going to puke at any moment. But she didn't.

Instead, she slowly regained her composure, and then finally walked out into the hotel room to find and gather up her clothing.

She walked back into the bathroom, pulled her emergency travel-size toothbrush and toothpaste out of her purse, and thoroughly brushed her teeth. Then she stuffed her destroyed bra down into her purse, along with her toothbrush and toothpaste. Finally, she flushed her panties and her urine down the toilet, and then put her blouse, her pants, and her sandals back on, so that she could sneak out of the hotel room.

It was a horrible ending for a night that had started out so wonderfully. And Cindy felt really bad about leaving Carl like that, without even telling him goodbye. But she just couldn't bring herself to stay in the same hotel room with Rico any longer than she had to. And if that meant that Carl would end up becoming a one-night stand for her, then so be it.

But most of all, Cindy worried about her kid sister being "in lust" with a vicious rapist like Rico.

Once Cindy finally got back to her Uncle Jerry's apartment, she went straight to the guest room, threw herself down on top of the bed, and cried like a little baby.

But she wasn't crying for the reasons that one would normally assume. Cindy was crying because she finally realized what a true slut she really was, deep down inside. She realized that she had actually enjoyed getting forcibly raped by Rico in that bathroom--except for that very last "stinky dick-sucking" part, that is. She had even gotten turned-on while peeing her panties in front of him, which most women would have found to be a degrading experience.

However, Cindy was not "most women". Just like many other gingers out there in the real world, Cindy had been bullied throughout her entire life, thanks to her reddish-orange hair and her super-pale, freckled skin. The girls at school used to call her a "freak" behind her back. And they were always putting her down every chance they got, and treating her like a second-class citizen.

And Cindy had always just quietly sat there--or stood there, as the case may be--and taken her classmates' abuse, because she didn't have a mean bone in her body. In fact, Cindy had always felt sorry for her attackers.

And after being subjected to so much bullying and verbal abuse over the course of many years, Cindy eventually became a full-blown masochist. And so when it came to boyfriends, she found herself naturally gravitating towards guys who were sadistic and cruel to her.

And the real truth of the matter was that Rico wasn't Cindy's "first rodeo". In other words, he wasn't the first guy to ever forcibly rape her.

Cindy lost her virginity when her very first true boyfriend in high school raped her in the back seat of his car, while they were making out at the drive-in movies. It was only their second date together, and Cindy had begged and pleaded with Sam not to fuck her that night. But all her pleas fell on deaf ears, as Sam went ahead and shoved his fully-erect dick up inside her virgin baby-making hole, and then came inside her within less than 30 seconds after his initial penetration.

The ironic part was that when Sam started ejaculating inside her, Cindy began orgasming right along with him. And afterwards, she begged him to stay coupled-up with her, and to not pull out. And that was because Sam had managed to unintentionally give Cindy one of the strongest orgasms that Cindy had ever experienced in her young life. And naturally, she wanted those awesome after-glow sensations to last as long as possible.

But Sam unceremoniously pulled out of her anyway. And then he called her a filthy slut, and laughed right in her face, telling her that a guy would be crazy to have a "freak" like her (there was that horrible word again) for a girlfriend, and that he was only going out with her so that he could get some "easy pussy".

And Cindy realized that Sam had been truthful with her, for the most part. Being a ginger, she naturally had a super-high libido, and was always ready and willing to make out with just about any guy who would have her. And she was always game to make out with a guy just about anywhere that the two of them could get some privacy for just a few moments.

But once Sam had taken her virginity, and unexpectedly plunged her into the world of adult-style sexual intercourse, Cindy was hooked. And she was no longer content to just make out with guys. Instead, she was always secretly wanting them to forcefully "take her" and "have their way" with her.

And Cindy became a true cock-tease after that, always hoping that her next "boyfriend" would finally get pissed-off at her, and frustrated enough to go ahead and date-rape her. And that was primarily because Cindy thought of herself as basically being "a good girl", and that was the only way that she could justify to herself the idea of letting a guy have sexual intercourse with her.

And that date-rape stuff ended up happening to Cindy more often than one would think. Usually in the back seat of the guy's car. And always with Cindy intentionally using no form of birth control, other than sheer luck. And that was the way that Cindy liked it. She loved playing the role of the innocent victim. And she was literally addicted to the danger that she always put herself in. And in the end, she had ended up paying for that addiction with her uterus and her ovaries.

It happened during the summer after Cindy's high school graduation, when she picked up this good-looking stranger at a night club one evening.

She intentionally cock-teased the shit out of him all night long, while he was dancing with her and buying her drinks. Of course, Cindy was underage, and wasn't supposed to be in that nightclub that night. But her authentic-looking fake ID card had gotten her through the front door of the club, just like it always did.

Right before closing time, her handsome, young stranger ended up raping Cindy on the concrete floor of the deserted ladies restroom at the night club, all the while holding the jagged end of a broken beer bottle up to her throat.

Cindy was so drunk at the time that she didn't remember much about the rape itself, other than the fact that, for some strange reason, she couldn't help but say the phrase "Fuck me!" over and over again to herself, while that good-looking stranger was force-fertilizing her totally-unprotected vagina and uterus.

She didn't even know the man's name, but that didn't stop him from giving her one hell of a vaginal infection that just wouldn't go away, no matter how many trips to the doctor that Cindy later took.

And so she was eventually left with no other choice but to get a hysterectomy. And that's how Cindy's cock-teasing was quickly "cured".

That, and having to explain to her young husband at the time exactly how she had gotten that vaginal infection from hell!

She really couldn't blame her husband for walking out on her, like he did. She had been cheating on him regularly anyway, for quite some time. After all, once she had gotten married to him, Cindy had realized pretty quickly that one man's dick would never be enough to keep a slutty, over-sexed nymph like her sexually satisfied. And now, she couldn't have kids anymore, and so she was no longer "wife material", as far as her husband was concerned.

But for Cindy, that was all water under the bridge now. It was another lifetime ago.

And so while she was lying in bed in Uncle Jerry's guest room, crying her heart out, Cindy was wondering what the fuck was wrong with her? Why she was so fucked up in the head to think that it was "okay" for men to use her like that? And why she had used terms of endearment with Rico, like "Sweetie" and "Baby", while he was raping her against her will?

Or was it really against her will? Cindy wasn't completely sure of that either, because she knew she would have most-likely gone ahead and allowed Rico to secretly have sex with her in that bathroom, without him ever having to pull out his switchblade and threaten her with it. After all, Rico was a pretty good-looking young guy. And he had a nice, long dick on him too. And a real six-pack of abs to go along with it. What more could a girl want in a sex partner?

Before Cindy knew it, her tears were all gone. And she started getting turned-on again, while thinking about--and mentally reliving--everything that had just happened to her in that hotel room bathroom. She thought about Rico's large biceps, and his toned abdominal muscles, and his sexy-looking dick, and his pendulous ball-sack. And it didn't take long before she had stripped off all her clothing, and was lying on top of the guest bed on her back, with her legs spread apart, as she was busy diddling away at her creampied pussy. The same pussy that had a fresh wad of Rico's sperm inside it.

And that last thought really got her super-excited, despite the fact that Cindy had undergone that supra-cervical hysterectomy years before, and no longer had any eggs for Rico's sperm to fertilize. Heck, she didn't even have a womb anymore. Just a cervix poking through into her vaginal canal. But the upside to all this was that Cindy could fuck whenever she wanted to--since she also didn't have menstrual periods anymore--and she never had to worry about getting pregnant.

Eventually, Cindy stopped masturbating just long enough to frantically search through the drawers of the two night stands on either side of the bed. And then she finally said out-loud to herself, "Damn it! Where's my fucking butt plug at?"

"I'm using it right now," Uncle Jerry's voice unexpectedly called out loudly from his bedroom on the other side of the apartment. And after pausing a beat, Jerry added, "On Henry."

"I didn't know you were home," Cindy yelled back, as she was envisioning her Uncle Jerry inserting her 3-inch-wide butt plug up into his young black friend's rectum. "You guys are really quiet."

"Yeah, I guess we are. Aren't we?" Jerry called back. "So do you wanna join us?"

"Sure," Cindy yelled back to him, "but you gotta let me use the butt plug. Okay?"

"How 'bout I just plug your butt with my fat dick?" Uncle Jerry replied, and Cindy heard the two men laughing in the other bedroom.

"That'll work too," Cindy called back loudly, with a big smile on her face, as she got up out of the bed to start heading across the common area of the apartment towards Jerry's bedroom. Using the sexiest-sounding voice she could muster, Cindy called out, "Hey Henry, have you ever fucked a ginger before?"

"No," Henry yelled right back at her, as she was approaching the wide-open doorway of Jerry's bedroom, and then walking right in on the two men who were both naked from the waist down, and busy jacking off each other's penises, while they were sitting beside each other at the edge of Jerry's bed.

"Good! Well, I've never fucked a black man, either," Cindy said to Henry, lying through her teeth. "And I'm not using any birth control right now," she added, telling him the absolute truth. "So how would you like to try to make a cute, little mulatto baby with me?"

"Oh shit!" Henry cried out, "You're making me cum, Girl!"

"That's the idea!" Cindy coyly replied, as she spread her legs slightly apart, reached down into her own bare crotch, and began actively fingering her orange-haired pussy and diddling her clit, right in front of Henry.

And then she saw the thick, milk-white sperm immediately start shooting out of the end of Henry's large black penis, in 2 to 3-foot-long streamers that seemed like they were never going to stop.

Even though Cindy couldn't see it, she knew that Henry had to be sitting on her butt plug, with it inserted all the way up into his rectum. And thanks to the direct stimulation that it was providing to his prostate gland and his anal sphincter muscle, which was able to squeeze down around the more-narrow end of the butt plug to firmly hold it in place, Henry's orgasm and ejaculation was quite a bit stronger and more intense than it would have been, without the butt plug inserted up his ass.

"Wow!" was all Cindy to say, in response to this almost-surreal sight that she was witnessing with her own eyes.

"God damn it, Cindy!" her Uncle Jerry remarked, right over the top of her "Wow!" exclamation. "You're makin' me cum too!"

And that made Cindy look away from Henry's still-ejaculating penis, to look over into her uncle's lap, just in time to see the sperm start freely flowing out of her Uncle Jerry's short, fat dick.

"Shit! I can't leave you two boys alone. Can I?" Cindy said out loud, still slowly shaking her head. "Now I've got to get you both hard again, before we can do anything," Cindy complained sarcastically, and then let out a big, fake sigh. "The least you can do is give me the God damn butt plug, so I can make myself cum, just like you guys did!"

"Only if you promise to masturbate in front of us," Jerry insisted to Cindy.

"Of course! I'm already doing it, aren't I?" Cindy stated, briefly glancing down at her own pussy-diddling hand, and then back up at the two spent men sitting on the bed. "And I wouldn't want it any other way."

* * * * *

CHAPTER 6 - Raping Rico

* * * * *

Rico woke up very woozy, and not quite all there. But at least he could feel his consciousness slowly filling in the previous void.

He found himself lying flat on his back, buck naked, on top of a large metal table. He couldn't move his arms or his legs, because they were tautly bound, and pulled apart from his body in a spread-eagle fashion. It looked just like he was being prepared to get drawn and quartered.

Upon further inspection, Rico realized that he had been tied up with four different pairs of pantyhose, one tied around each wrist, and one tied around each ankle. The four elongated pantyhose "ropes" were each tied to the nearest table leg at each corner of the industrial-quality, metal table that he was lying on top of.

The metal table itself reminded Rico of the embalmers tables that one might find at a morgue. He had seen his share of those special "death tables" in the movies.

And Rico was in a large room of an old, abandoned warehouse, somewhere in a rundown part of town. He couldn't tell where.

Rico immediately started screaming for help. But no one came to help him after several minutes, and his voice started getting horse. And so he eventually stopped calling out like that.

"What's the matter, Sweetie?" Sally's voice yelled out from somewhere else in the large warehouse room. "Cat got your tongue?"

"What the fuck are you doin' to me?" Rico demanded loudly.

"Relax. I'm just gettin' ready to have some fun. That's all. Just like you had with my older sister in the bathroom, while I was asleep."

"I didn't know she was your sister. I swear," Rico yelled back to Sally.

"Oh, so you thought that since she was just my friend--and not my sister--that if would be okay if you raped her in the bathroom at knife point?"

"It's not what you think. She was wanting it that night," Rico tried to defend himself.

"Oh yeah? Hey, Sis, were you wanting Rico to rape you that night?" Sally's voice asked out loud.

"No. Definitely not!" Cindy's voice answered, in no uncertain terms, as Sally finally approached the metal table, to stand at Rico's right side.

"I made her cum, and everything, esé," Rico said to Sally. "I was good to her that night, and I didn't do nothin' to hurt her. So why are you all up in my face right now?"

"Because you pulled a knife on my older sister, and made her have freaky sex with you against her will. That's why," Sally answered. "And now it's time to pay for your past transgressions."

"What do you mean by that?" Rico asked Sally, very concerned.

"I'm talking about all those other women and girls that you raped in the past. I did a little research on you. And I actually met with several of those women you raped. They all hate you for what you did to them, and they all have nightmares because of it. But they're all too scared to do anything about it. On the other hand, I'm not. And neither is my sister."

"How did I get here?" Rico asked.

"I roofied you at the night club, while we were out dancing. And then, once you were unconscious, I had Carl and Jerry help us bring you over here, and tie you up. Carl wanted to use rope. But the pantyhose were my idea."

"Well, Rico, are you ready for the 'fun and games' to begin?" Cindy's voice said, as she was approaching the metal table, to stand at Rico's left side.

"Fun and games? What the hell are you talkin' about, Chica?" Rico asked Cindy.

"My name's Cindy! Not Chica!" Cindy screamed full-force, right in Rico's face. "And that one's really gonna cost you," Cindy calmly and quietly warned Rico, before she called out loudly over her shoulder. "Carl would you mind giving Rico here a little bit of your 'special champagne', so that he can toast with us, before we get started?"

* * * * *

Hi again. Carl here. This is where I come back into this story and abruptly shift everything over to first-person narrative...

"Coming right up," I replied, as I was sauntering over towards Cindy, to stand at the end of the metal table, between Rico's spread legs.

Cindy handed me an empty plastic champagne glass. Then she picked up a champagne bottle off the floor beside her, popped the cork out of the bottle, and then began pouring half-full plastic glasses of champagne. She gave the first glass to Sally, and then gave the second glass to her Uncle Jerry, who was still positioned where Rico couldn't actually see him. Then she gave me the third glass of champagne, which I immediately sat down on the metal table, between Rico's spread ankles, as I continued holding the empty glass that Cindy had already given to me. And of course, the fourth glass of champagne she poured for herself, and then lifting it upward into air, she said, "Okay, everybody. It's almost time to toast. Just as soon as Rico gets his champagne."

I unzipped my pants, pulled out my penis, and began urinating into the plastic champagne glass, making sure that Rico could see everything that I was doing, until I had managed to fill the plastic cup almost to the rim. Then I moved around the metal table, to where Rico's head was, and I lifted the cup up over Rico's head, towards his mouth, and said to him, "Okay, Rico. It's time for you to toast with us. Are you ready?"

Rico began freaking out like crazy, and struggling against his bound wrists and ankles, jerking his head from side-to-side, as he said, "You don't expect me to drink your piss, do you?"

"Yes, Rico. I do, as a matter of fact," I sternly replied. "I expect you to drink every last drop of it."

"Well, fuck you, you son of a bitch!" Rico screamed out at me, in pure defiance.

"No, Rico. You've got it all wrong," I corrected him. "You're the one who's about to get fucked here. Actually, 'raped' is a much more appropriate term for it. Now open up your fucking mouth, and drink my 'special champagne', as Cindy likes to call it."

"No way, man! You can't make me do that," Rico insisted.

"I may not be able to. But Cindy definitely can," I calmly replied.

"Either you drink that wonderful glass of urine that Carl personally 'poured' for you, or I'm gonna cut your dick off with your own switchblade while you watch," Cindy warned, as she flashed Rico's switchblade in front of his face, and pushed the little button to release the spring-loaded blade, so that it could fly out of the handle, and then lock into position.

"You wouldn't actually do that. Would you?" Rico asked, with a very worried look on his face.

"Just try me, Mother Fucker! I've been wantin' to bobbitize you, ever since that night you raped me in the bathroom. Now open up your fucking mouth, and drink the God damn urine already!"

Rico didn't know what the word "bobbitize" meant. And so he simply assumed that Cindy has just pronounced the word "baptize" in a very strange way. But he was very familiar with the word "urine". And consequently, he was still refusing to open his mouth, keeping his lips pressed tightly together.

And so Cindy teasingly ran the tip of the knife blade down the middle of Rico's six-pack abs and lower abdomen, through his thick patch of dark-brown pubic hair, and then stopped just short of his penis.

"Okay, okay. I'll cooperate," Rico finally said, as he opened his mouth, and closed his eyes at the same time.

"Down the hatch," I said sarcastically, as I slowly-but-steadily poured my still-warm urine from the champagne glass directly into Rico's wide-open mouth.

Rico start gagging on the horrible-tasting urine. And I stopped pouring for just a moment to warn him, "I'd drink every bit of it, if I were you. Cindy's not in a very good mood right now. And you really don't want to piss her off with that knife right up against your dick, do you?"

Rico forced himself to swallow, gulp-after-gulp, until I was letting the last few drops of urine drip down onto Rico's tongue.

"That's a good boy," I praised Rico as if he were a pet dog, and then raised my own glass of real champagne up into the air to make the toast, "Here's to Rico! May he suffer greatly, but not die!"

And the other three participants in this bizarre "game" quickly lifted their own champagne glasses up high, chanting in unison, "Here, here!"

Then we all took small sips of our champagne, before putting our respective plastic glasses back down, being careful to move them out of the way, so that they wouldn't interfere with the evening's "planned festivities".

"Jerry," I said, "Would you come over here, and kick things off for us?"

"Why I'd be honored," Jerry said, as he walked over to the side of the metal table, standing right next to Sally, and then motioned for Cindy to remove her knife from Rico's crotch, so that he could reach over and begin fondling Rico's limp dick, and his balls.

"Hang on. I've got to get a video of this," Sally told Jerry, as she went and retrieved her cell phone from her purse, then came back to the side of the metal table and began creating a digital video recording of everything that Jerry was doing to Rico.

I'm sure that Rico was totally disgusted by the very idea of having sex with another man. It was obvious from his whole demeanor that he viewed himself as being purely heterosexual.

But unfortunately for Rico, Jerry had been around the block a few times, and knew exactly how to handle another man's dick and balls, as if they were his own.

"Oh shit! God damn it!" Rico said to himself under his breath, in reaction to the fact that his own penis was betraying him, as it was automatically starting to become erect, thanks to Jerry's adept manipulation of it. And of course, Rico realized that all of this was being captured live on Sally's cell phone.

"We'll get that 'little son of a bitch' hard yet," Jerry remarked, as he swooped down onto Rico's penis, to wrap his mouth around the head of it, and then suck on it.

"Fuck! This just isn't right!" Rico complained loudly.

"Neither was raping me in the bathroom that night, you piece of shit!" Cindy jumped in, screaming at the top of her lungs, right into Rico's face, spraying him with her saliva in the process.

And then Cindy stopped to take a deep breath, before she calmed herself back down and told Rico in a low-key, measured voice, talking just like a prosecutor who was giving her closing arguments at a trial, "But you still went ahead and did it anyway. Didn't you?"

Cindy waited a couple of seconds for an answer from Rico, but none came. He just glared at her. So Cindy finally prodded him, still playing the prosecutor, "Well, didn't you?"

"Yes. But this is different. I'm not a fucking queer," Rico explained to Cindy.

"Well, it sure looks to me like you are," Cindy said to Rico, gesturing down towards his now-fully-erect penis.

Then Cindy leaned over to the side of Rico's face, acting like he was whispering something directly in his ear, before she stood back up and announced, "Hey, Jerry. Rico just told to me that he wants to fuck you in the ass."

Jerry pulled his mouth up off of Rico's dick-head, and replied, "Well, it's about time! His little dick's nice and wet right now. It'll go in real easy."

Jerry got naked from the waist down. And then he got up on top of the metal table, and squatted down over Rico's blood-engorged penis, with his backside towards Rico's face.

And, as expected, Rico was totally disgusted and grossed out by what he was now experiencing first-hand. He could plainly see Jerry's large, scarred-up butt-cheeks, and his hairy shoulder blades, as Jerry slowly lowered his pelvic area down onto Rico's dick, while he was holding Rico's dick-shaft in his hand, and carefully guiding it to make sure that it reached its "target" on the very first try.

Then Jerry dropped his large, overweight body down onto Rico's pelvis, making Rico scream out in surprise, as his dick plunged all the way up into Jerry's rectum.

And after a short pause, Jerry began thrusting away at Rico's penis, to slide it in and out of his well-worn rectum.

Rico was in tears at this point. He was in total shock, and could barely believe what was happening to him. And he knew that there was absolutely nothing that he could do about it. All he could really do was to endure Jerry's unwanted sexual abuse, just like the women that he had raped in the past had done with him.

After a couple of minutes had passed, Cindy asked sarcastically, "So, Rico, are you ready to cum yet? 'Cuz I need you to warn me before you do."

"Why's that?" Rico asked, very confused by what Cindy has just said to him.

"Because you're not supposed to cum inside my Uncle Jerry's ass. That's why," Cindy answered. "If you do, then he's gonna beat the living shit out you afterwards. He can't stand to have sperm in his ass. Comprende?"

Of course, that was a total lie on Cindy's part, because Jerry absolutely loved getting his rectum "fertilized" by another man. However, Jerry had agreed to play along with Cindy, for the sake of the "bigger picture" that was quickly unfolding.

"Okay, okay," Rico said frantically to Jerry. "Get up off my dick, esé. Or I'm gonna cum in your ass."

"Sure, Rico. Whatever you want," Jerry said, as he ever-so-slowly unmounted Rico's penis, raising himself up just a little bit at a time. Then he jumped down off the metal table, leaned over the side of the table, and picked up a filthy, old rag off the concrete floor. Jerry quickly--and very roughly--wiped all the little flecks of shit off the shaft and head of Rico's dick, dropped the filthy rag back down onto the floor, and then began jacking Rico off, right in front of everyone.

"Come on, Rico," Sally said, "Let's see how 'macho' you really are. Show us how much sperm you can squirt out."

"Jerry, I think you need to pump a little bit faster," Sally said to her uncle.

"Oh, fuuuuuuuck!" Rico cried out, as he orgasmed, and began squirting sperm up into the air, and getting it all over his own abdomen and chest.

"Yeah, that's it," Jerry patronized Rico, and then added the obviously-memorized line, "I knew I could make you cum. Now it's your turn to make me cum."

Cindy was hoping that Rico would realize that that line sounded very familiar. He had used a very similar line on Cindy in the bathroom that night at the hotel.

"What do you mean by that?" Rico asked Jerry, even though he was afraid to hear the answer.

Jerry busted out laughing, and then finally told Rico, "Oh, you'll find out soon enough, Boy."

"Wait a minute, Uncle Jerry," Cindy said, "I want to see Rico do something else first."

It was obvious to all of us that Rico was horrified by the way that Cindy was talking about him, as if he were a pet dog that was doing tricks to amuse its master.

"And what's that, Sweetie?" Jerry asked his niece.

"I wanna watch him pee," Cindy said to her uncle. "I know you guys always like to do that after you cum."

"You heard the young lady," Jerry said to Rico. "I'd start peein' if I were you."

"Yeah, Rico," Cindy said, placing the sharp blade of Rico's double-edged knife right up across the topside of Rico's dick-shaft, and making a slicing motion with it, as she added, "You'd better start peeing right now, or I'm gonna chop it off. I swear!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" was all Rico keep saying over and over again, while he was desperately struggling to start urinating through his still-partially-erect penis, but only managing to leak out a few drops from the tip of his piss-hole slit.

"I warned you," Cindy said sternly to Rico, as she playfully and repeatedly poked the sharp tip of the knife blade up against various locations on the head of his penis, accidentally drawing a tiny droplet of blood in the process.

"No!" Rico screamed out in sheer terror. "Don't you dare do that, you fucking bitch!"

"Who's the fucking bitch here? I'd say you're my bitch right now, Rico," Cindy said. "And you'd better start performing if you want to keep your manhood intact."

"God damn it! Shit! I can't piss right now, with everyone watching me," Rico complained.

"That's funny. You didn't seem to have any problem with making me piss in front of you in the bathroom that night."

"But that was different," Rico said. "I was only playing games with you."

"Well, right now, I'm only playing games with you, too," Cindy explained. "But this game is dead-serious. And it could cost you your dick if you don't 'play nice'. So fucking piss already, God damn it!"

"Okay, okay," Rico said, and then breathed a big sigh of relief, when he discovered that, thanks in part to Cindy's repeated poking at his dick-head with the sharp tip of the switchblade, his penis had finally softened up enough to allow him to urinate. And that's exactly what he did.

Rico pissed all over himself. The urine stream flew out, and made an arc in the air, landing on his chest, and his abdomen. Some of Rico's urine even landed right on his face and mouth.

Meanwhile, everyone else in the room was laughing out loud, and making rude comments about Rico peeing himself.

By the time that Rico had nearly finished emptying his bladder, and was releasing his last few sporadic squirts of urine, Cindy leaned over, and said to him in a patronizing manner, treating him as if he were a small child, "Now that wasn't so bad, was it? I mean, you're used to this kind of stuff, aren't you? At least, that's what your mother told me when I was talking to her on the phone the other day. She said you used to wet the bed all the time, back when you were a kid. And she told me that you used to just sleep in that puddle of urine all night long, and that you didn't stop wetting the bed until you were almost a teenager."

"I'll fucking kill you, Bitch!" Rico threatened Cindy, finally playing his hidden ace. His last ditch effort at defiance.

"Oh, I don't think you will, Rico," Cindy calmly replied, slowly shaking her head from side-to-side. "You see, if anything bad happens to me--or to anyone else that I love--and I find out that you're responsible for it, the video that Sally's been busy making on her cell phone will be shared out on the Internet, for all the world to see. And it should go viral pretty fast."

"And I'll make sure of that," Sally chimed in, supporting her sister's statement. "Then one of us is gonna hunt you down, like the animal that you truly are. And I guarantee you that that person will chop off your dick, stick it in your mouth, gag you, and bury you alive!"

Upon finishing her verbal threat, Sally gave Rico a forced, evil-looking mad scientist smile, just to emphasize that she was dead serious about everything that she had just told him.

"So are you gonna 'play nice' and cooperate with us?" Cindy asked, holding the tip of the switchblade up against Rico's scrotum now.

"Yes, yes. I'll cooperate with you. I promise. Just don't cut my dick off. Okay?" Rico pleaded.

"That's all up to you. Not me. The future of your dick is in your own hands," Cindy said to Rico, and then turned to us two men and said, "Okay, you can go ahead and flip him over now."

Using Rico's precious switchblade, Cindy cut through the pantyhose that were bound around his ankles. And then Jerry and I each took a leg and forcibly twisted Rico's naked body around 180 degrees, so that his butt was now up in the air, with his torso twisted at the waist, in a very uncomfortable position. Then Jerry and I each re-tied the pantyhose around Rico's ankles again, with the opposite ends of the pantyhose still left tied around the legs of the metal table.

Rico was screaming out in pain by the time that the Jerry and I moved to the head of the table, and then Cindy cut off the pantyhose that were tied around Rico's right wrist. Jerry immediately slapped a pair of police regulation handcuffs over Rico's right wrist, and held on tightly to the other, still-open handcuff. Cindy cut off the pantyhose from Rico's left wrist, and Jerry quickly swooped down to lock the open handcuff down on Rico's left wrist, so that his wrists were now handcuffed together in front of him.

"Get up on your knees, Boy!" Jerry ordered.

"Why? What are you gonna do to me?" Rico asked.

"Remember how I told you that it's your turn to make me cum?"

"Yeah. And?" Rico said, being a smart-ass.

"Well, since we can't risk letting you jack me off, or suck my dick, we just turned you over, so I can fuck you in the butt with my big, fat dick," Jerry said, gesturing towards his bare crotch.

Rico was freaking out at that point. His heart was racing, and he could barely catch his breath.

"Don't worry. It'll only hurt for a few moments, when it first goes in. But then I think you'll really take a liking to it," Jerry sarcastically assured Rico, as he began fondling his own dick, to get it fully-erect.

"God damn it, Sally! I thought you loved me!" Rico pleaded with Sally, as she was watching the numerous beads of sweat that were running down his temples and cheeks.

"That's great, Rico. You're one hell of an actor. You know it? And yes, I do love you," Sally affirmed. "And that's why I have to do this to you. Maybe someday you'll understand. But it really doesn't matter. Just as long as you quit raping and degrading women. And I'm pretty sure we're gonna cure you of that sickness tonight. So now it's time to man up, Rico, and take your medicine."

"But his dick's gigantic!" Rico said to Sally, with his eyes bugged out, at the sight of Jerry fully-erect penis.

"Yeah, I know. I've had that 'human beer can' of his in my butt many times. And so has Cindy. And now it's your turn. So get up on your knees, and relax as much as you can. Or it's really gonna hurt!"

Of course, that wasn't what Rico wanted to hear, as he was hesitantly raising himself up on his knees, with his butt stuck up in the air. And he definitely freaked out when Jerry climbed up onto the metal table behind him and began poking his short, fat dick up against Rico's butt-crack, and slapping Rico's butt-cheeks hard with the open palm of his hand.

"Why don't you go ahead and 'do it' already? Let's just get this over with," Rico said to Jerry.

"Can't a fellow have a little bit of fun at your expense?" Jerry asked sarcastically. "I mean, you're always havin' fun at the expense of the women you rape," Jerry added, as he was spitting into the palm of his right hand, and rubbing the saliva all over the massive flared-out head of his penis to get it lubricated.

Rico turned towards Cindy and said, "You promised me you wouldn't tell anyone about what happened in that bathroom between us that night."

"Yeah. Well, I lied," Cindy admitted. "And I really like to lie. Especially when it benefits me. And I can't begin to tell you how much joy I'm gettin' out of this right now. Seein' a perverted rapist like you get his just reward. Man, there's nothin' better on this planet, as far as I'm concerned! Except for maybe gettin' to chop off your little dick."

And when Rico heard the word "dick" come out of Cindy's mouth, Jerry was busy steadily pushing and forcing the giant head of his own fat, stiff penis up into Rico's rectum.

"Oh shit! Shit! Shit! It hurts, God damn it! Mother fucker!" Rico screamed out, crying like a little baby.

"Don't worry," Jerry said, "You'll get used to it in a minute or two."

"Yeah, it'll start feelin' pretty good after that," Sally chimed in.

"Who the fuck are you people?" Rico remarked.

"Well, I was hopin' that I would become your wife," Sally confessed. "But that's not gonna happen now. And I was really hopin' that you would be a good father for our baby."

"What baby?" Rico asked, very confused, and still wincing a little on each of Jerry's inward anal thrusts.

"The one that's growin' inside me right now," Sally said, placing the palms of both hands on her lower abdomen. "The one that you made with me that night in our hotel room. It happened the very first time that you fucked me that night. You know? While I was bent over the bed, and you were fucking me from behind. You got me pregnant, Rico."

"But how do you know that it's not Henry's baby. Or Carl's. They both fucked you that night, just like I did."

"Yep. They sure did. But they didn't get me pregnant, Rico. You did. I've always been able to sense that kind of stuff. And you may think I'm crazy, but I felt it when your little sperm cells 'swam' their way up into my uterus, and one of 'em entered my egg cell. And that happened before Henry ever started fucking me. Don't you remember right after you finished fucking me that night, and I was begging Carl to help me get your sperm out of my pussy?"

"Yeah, I thought you were just acting crazy," Rico said to Sally, as he was starting to enjoy the feeling of having his prostate massaged by Jerry's firm, fat dick-head.

"I was. But there was a damn good reason for it. I knew that you had just gotten me pregnant. And you were the last person in that room that night that I wanted to have a baby with."

"Is that what this is all about?" Rico asked. "You're mad 'cuz I got you pregnant?"

"No. You still don't get it,do you? I love you, Rico! Remember when we made love the rest of that night? Well, I don't know how you felt about it, but that was real for me. And that's why I've been datin' you all this time, and hopin' that you'd be happy to become my husband, and a father to our child.

"But now, there's no way I want you to ever be around my baby. And yes, you just heard me right. I said my baby. And that's 'cuz it's not your baby anymore, Rico. You're nothin' but a fucking low-life rapist who gets pleasure out of degradin' women, just like Jerry's degradin' you right now to give you a small taste of your own medicine.

"The ironic thing is, you're really startin' to enjoy gettin' butt-fucked, aren't you? I mean, you're gettin' another hard-on, for Christ's sake."

"I can't help it," Rico admitted, feeling totally emasculated. "It feels really good, just like you said it would."

"Carl," Sally called out, "Would you please come over here, and jack off this young man, so he can get some relief."

"Sure. I'd be more than happy to oblige," I said, stepping over to the side of the metal table, and reaching across to grab hold of Rico's blood-engorged dick-shaft, so that I could begin hand-pumping up and down on it, while Jerry continued to relentlessly pound away at Rico's rectum with his super-wide penis.

Oh fuck! I'm gettin' ready to cum!" Jerry proudly announced to everyone. "Hold on tight there, Rico. This bronco's about to buck!"

And then Rico felt the warm jets of Jerry's sperm inside his rectum, and the pulsating head of Jerry penis throbbing up against his prostate gland. And with Jerry riding his butt like a bucking bronco, and me jacking him off at the same time, Rico just couldn't take it anymore. And he began squirting his sperm all over the metal table top underneath him.

Sally moved the still-recording cell phone in for a close-up shot of Rico's ejaculating penis, and then panned the phone away to show Jerry's penis finally being pulled out of Rico's butt-hole. And then she moved the cell phone in again for a close-up of Jerry's sperm that was oozing out of Rico's still-relaxed, and stretched-wide-open asshole.

Jerry jumped off the metal table, and said, "Boy, you were one hell of a fuck! I'll give you that. And it was my privilege to rape you just now. I love my nieces. And I'll do anything for 'em. Even if it means fucking a low-life like you in the ass."

"Well, Rico," Cindy said. "I hope you've learned something from all this today."

"I have," Rico said, feeling thoroughly degraded and used.

"Good!" Cindy said, closing Rico's switchblade knife back up, and then throwing it at him from just a couple feet away, as hard as she could, hitting him right in the dick with it, and making him scream out in pain.

Then Cindy turned around, with a huge smile on her face, and walked away.

As Sally was following her older sister out of the abandoned warehouse, she glanced back over her shoulder, and called out to Rico, "Good riddance, Pendejo!" as she stooped down to Rico's level for just a moment to call him an "asshole" in Spanish, as the very last word that he would ever hear coming out of her mouth.

Jerry and I each took our time, cutting off one of the pantyhose bindings from Rico's ankles (using our own pocket knives, that we had brought along with us), and then left the dilapidated warehouse, to join the girls who were already sitting out in the gold Ford Windstar minivan.

On the way out, Jerry and I were chatting away like magpies. We were both very excited, because we had big plans for the night. And best part was that both Cindy and Sally were already on board with everything. Basically, Jerry was going to fuck Sally, while I was having sex with Cindy at the same time, and in the same bed. And then, both sisters had agreed to put on a lesbian "sex show" for us men during our refractory periods; after which I was going to have "sloppy seconds" with my own wife, Sally, while Jerry was busy doing the same thing with Cindy.

I jumped into the minivan's driver seat, with Cindy in the front seat beside me. And Jerry climbed into the short bench seat in the middle, right behind the driver and passenger seats, to sit next to Sally.

"So, are you guys ready to go have some more fun now?" I asked everyone in the minivan.

"Hell yes!" Jerry said loudly. "But I want some pussy this time."

"Don't worry, Sweetie," Sally said, gently squeezing Jerry's hand in hers, "My pussy's all yours tonight."

"Hey, that's no fair!" I quickly piped up. "You're supposed to share your pussy with both of us tonight. Remember?"

"Yeah. But Jerry's got first dibs on it. So why don't you quit worryin' about me, and focus on that hot little ginger sittin' next to you? You prefer her pussy over mine, anyway."

"Is it that obvious?" I asked.

"Well, duh!" Sally sarcastically replied. "All you ever seem to want to do lately is watch other men fuck me." And then she leaned over to give her Uncle Jerry a long, passionate French-kiss.

"Well, so what? You prefer Jerry's dick over mine," I shot back.

"You're damn right I do!" Sally enthusiastically agreed, "But at least, I'm not afraid to admit it."

And then Sally went right back to French-kissing Jerry, while she was reaching down into his crotch with her hand, and grabbing hold of the perpetual bulge at the front of his pants.

Jerry pulled away from her mouth just long enough to say, "Whoa there, Little Lady! Not so fast. I've gotta get cleaned up first."

"Tell ya what. I'll go back inside, and get that dirty old rag for you," Sally said with a straight face, and then they both broke out laughing at her witty remark.

"Like hell you will!" Jerry chided her, still chuckling a little, and then quickly resumed trading saliva with Sally in the middle-row bench seat of the minivan.

Cindy reached over, took my right hand, and placed it between her legs, right onto her pants-covered vulva, saying to me, "Babe, I've got your pussy right here. And I'm so horny right now, I can't see straight. So what are we waitin' for? Let's get out of here."

Upon hearing that, I stomped on the accelerator pedal, squealing the minivan's tires in the process, as it lurched out onto the road, heading straight for Jerry's apartment.

Meanwhile, Rico was still on top of the metal table, buck naked, covered in urine and semen, with both hands securely handcuffed together, as he heard the minivan drive away outside the warehouse, when I'm sure the horrible realization had to have hit him like a rock, that he was going to have to get himself out of this unsavory predicament somehow.

And although my family never heard from Rico again, he eventually ended up becoming one of the most notorious rapists in the Austin, Texas area. What made him so notorious was that, after that session with us in the old warehouse, Rico stopped raping women, and abruptly switched over to raping men. More specifically, he preyed on older heterosexual Latino men. The Hispanic community gave him the nickname of "El Puto", which roughly translates from Spanish to mean "The Male Whore".

According to the Austin police detective who finally captured him, Rico liked to cross-dress, and was quite convincing at playing the role of a woman--albeit a flat-chested one--thanks to his God-given effeminate facial features and slender body type. So Rico would go out to the bars, while dressed as a woman, and troll for inebriated Hispanic men.

After he would pick up an elderly male victim at a bar, Rico would take that man miles away from the city, to a dilapidated barn that was located on his uncle's sprawling, 120-acre hunting lease property. And he would tie his victim's ankles down with women's pantyhose. And then Rico would urinate on his victim while making that poor man jack off in front of him, before he would forcefully butt-fuck the crap out of him (without using any type of lubricant--not even saliva), and finally force his victim to suck his feces-and-blood covered dick until he came inside the poor guy's mouth, all the while threatening to cut off his victim's penis with his switchblade knife if that victim didn't cooperate with him completely. And even though Rico's male victims would inevitably scream and carry on, it didn't really matter, because they were so far out in the country that no one was around to notice their desperate calls for help.

Mind you, this was the very same man that my wife had fallen head-over-heels in love with, after Rico had gotten her pregnant while raping her in a hotel room, right in front of me. Go figure...

But I guess I really shouldn't complain about that too much, because I still feel guilty about the fact that I ended up raping my own wife too in that hotel room, right after Rico and Henry did. Frankly, I don't know what got into me, but at the time, gang-banging my wife with two other guys in that hotel room just felt like the right thing to do.

And to this day, Sally doesn't hold it against me either. My wife understands male sexuality--and what makes men "tick"--much better than the vast majority of women out there do. And I should know, because I have been the direct beneficiary of that "understanding" on many occasions in the past.

Not only that, but Sally later confessed to me that her getting forcibly gang-banged in the hotel room that night had ended up being a real turn-on for her, because it had allowed her to live out one of her most-exciting, life-long rape fantasies. Once again, go figure...

* * * * *

CHAPTER 7 - The Linda Factor

* * * * *

I just happened to be in the kitchen with Sally helping her round up all the ingredients for her yummy lasagna when Linda called her that Wednesday evening at around 6:00 PM. As far as I knew, Sally hadn't heard from her best friend, Linda, since Linda's bad experience in the hotel room, a little over a month before. And I understood why. Sally had kind of blown off her best friend, towards the end of the night, in favor of Rico and his passionate Latin lovemaking--which frankly, shocked and surprised just about everyone in the hotel room that night, including yours truly.

Here's a quick recap of what took place that fateful night in the hotel room:

Henry had fucked Linda, and then Sally had "fucked" Linda, by putting on a lesbian "tribbing show" for all three of us guys in the hotel room, which included Henry, Rico, and me, at that point.

During that impromptu lesbian "tribbing show", Rico had rudely pushed my wife, Sally, off the top of Linda. And while he was "getting it on" with Sally, Linda had just stayed there on top of the bed for a little while, right beside the amorous couple, not knowing exactly what was going to happen next, but assuming all along that I was going to be fucking her for the second time that same day.

At my wife's insistence, I had already fertilized Linda's black pussy several hours earlier, and had done it right in front of Sally. It was an intentional attempt on my part and Sally's to help Linda get pregnant, so that she could later have a mulatto baby, and pass it off as being her white husband's child.

But then Jerry had unexpectedly arrived with his niece, Cindy, in-tow. And instead of me fucking Linda again, like she had been hoping and waiting for, I had decided to make the super-attractive ginger, Cindy, my sex partner for the rest of the night.

And that meant that there was no one left in the hotel room that was wanting to--or offering to--have sex with Linda. Naturally, that made her feel like a 5th wheel, even though technically, she was a 7th wheel in this particular situation.

Linda was still feeling so horny at the time, that she had even been willing to let a much older man, like Jerry, have sex with her. But unfortunately for her, Jerry had been all wrapped up in his quest to have gay sex with Henry, from the moment that he had walked into that hotel room and caught his first glimpse of Henry's large, fully-erect, dark-skinned penis.

And so Linda had finally gotten up out of the bed, and put her clothes back on, trying not to disturb any of us coupling couples. And then she had left the hotel room, without even saying goodbye to anyone. But that didn't really matter, because we were all too "preoccupied" to even pay attention to Linda's departure.

And now, here was Linda on the phone with Sally, after she hadn't heard from Linda in over a month. And so Sally took her face away from her cell phone just long enough to tell me to go ahead and start baking the lasagna, before she rushed up the stairs to our bedroom to get some privacy,so that she could continue with what she probably assumed would be a very-personal phone call.

And at this point, our story trudges onward (in third-person narrative, since I wasn't actually present with Sally, when the following events took place):

"What's up stranger?" Sally asked Linda over the phone, as she was closing and locking the bedroom door behind her.

"I'm sorry I haven't exactly kept in touch. But that night really traumatized me. I guess, I just wasn't ready for what happened."

"Neither was I. But you gotta admit, it was one hell of a night!" Sally remarked.

"That it was!" Linda whole-heartedly agreed with Sally, thinking about how wonderful it had felt to her, when she was having sexual intercourse with Henry that night in the hotel room.

"So what do you need, Girlfriend? I know there's gotta be a reason why you called me after bein' away for so long."

"There is," Linda confessed. "I'm in a lot of trouble. With Pete, of course. And I really need to talk to you, as soon as possible."

"Oh, it can't be that bad," Sally said, trying to calm Linda down a little bit.

"Oh, yes it can. Tell ya what. Can you meet me for lunch tomorrow at the Olive Garden down the street? I'm buying. Let's meet there sometime around 11:00, right after the restaurant opens, so we can beat the lunch crowd, and get a booth back in the corner somewhere, away from all the people. Okay?"

"Sure, Sweetie," Sally said. "I'll see you there tomorrow."

"Good!" Linda said, "I'll see you there."

And Sally could hear the relief in Linda's voice.

Then Linda mentioned to Sally, "By the way, I'm gonna be wearing that pretty dress you like."

"With, or without panties?" Sally asked, being coy.

"Guess," Linda remarked, right as she hung up the phone, before Sally had time to answer her.

The next day Sally met Linda at the Olive Garden restaurant at the appointed time, and the hostess sat them in a booth at the very rear of the restaurant, sitting across from each other.

Linda had indeed worn her white cotton sun dress, with the colorful embroidered flowers all over it. Sally was in her standard spaghetti-strapped top, shorts and deck shoes summer outfit.

After the waitress took their drink orders, Linda told Sally, "It's great seeing you again."

"It's great seeing you too," Sally replied, as she secretly dropped one of her deck shoes off her right foot, and then straightened her right leg out to stuck her bare foot up under the table, and up underneath Linda's above-the-knee-length dress.

When Linda felt Sally's bare foot coming up between her thighs, she let out a little gasp of surprise. But then she automatically spread her thighs apart for Sally, so that Sally could press her toes and the ball of her foot right up against Linda's camel toe. This "footsie under the table" stuff was something that Sally had done to Linda many times in the past, and always when they were at public places together, most often at restaurants.

"Panties it is, then," Sally remarked.

"Yes. Believe it or not, I'm not here to try to make love to you after lunch, or else I would've gone the 'no panties' route," Linda admitted.

"So then, what's up, Sweetie?" Sally asked, removing her foot from Linda's panty-covered pudendum.

At that point, the waitress brought the two women their drinks, and took their lunch orders. And only after the waitress left did the conversation continued.

"I really screwed up this time!" Linda said. "And you won't believe what I did. Heck, I don't even believe it. But it's too late now."

"Come on, Girl. Spill the beans. I'm always here for you. And you know I won't judge you," Sally assured Linda.

"Pete and I were making love the night before last. And while he was humping away at me, I was fantasizing about Carl fertilizing me right in front of you that afternoon in the hotel room. And by the way, thinking about that always gets me really turned-on. I can't help it. Anyways, just as Pete was getting ready to cum inside me, I accidentally called him 'Carl', while I was talking to him in his ear, and cheering him on."

"Oh, shit! That's bad!" Sally instantly agreed.

"You're tellin' me? Pete flipped right out. And he immediately stopped humping me and asked me who the hell Carl was. And I don't know what came over me, but like a big dummy, I told him the whole truth. I told him that Carl was your husband, and that I had secretly let Carl fuck me in a hotel room, in my effort to try to get pregnant. And I told him that you were there, and that you watched the whole thing take place. I even told him that is was your idea, and not mine."

"Gee. Thanks a lot! With friends like you, who needs enemies?" Sally commented sarcastically, feeling totally betrayed by her best friend.

"Of course, that didn't stop Pete from cumming inside me. In fact, it only seemed to get him even more excited. I mean, it's always hard to tell with guys, since they don't usually cry out or anything like that while they're cumming. But it sure seemed like Pete squirted a lot more sperm inside me than he normally does.

"But afterwards, he got furious with me. And I thought he might even hit me, or slap me. But he didn't.

"Instead, he calmed back down, and he asked me if I could ask you to let him 'do it' with you, in front of me and your husband. Pete went on to confess to me that he had always had the hots for you. But that he had never made a move on you, because he was married--and so were you, for that matter--and he was trying to stay faithful to me.

"But now that he knows that I wasn't faithful to him, and that you don't have any problem with letting your husband 'do the dirty deed' with another woman, right in front of you, Pete wants in on 'the action'. That's what he called it. He wants us to try the 'swinger thing' with you and Carl. And frankly, I support him on this. I'd love to watch my husband 'do you'. And I wouldn't mind having another go at your husband's package, either. So what do you think? Are you game?"

"Sweetie," Sally answered, "You know I'm always game for just about anything."

"What about Carl?" Linda asked. "Do you think he'll go along with it?"

"Oh, please. My husband would be thrilled to watch me 'do it' with a different man. That's exactly what he gets off on. Did you tell Pete about us too?"

"No. I was very careful not to bring up the whole bisexual, lesbian-style love affair thing. Pete might have blown a gasket, if I had."

"Or he might have gotten totally turned-on to find out that you 'swing both ways'. Who knows?" Sally remarked.

"Yeah. Who knows?" Linda parroted back. "Okay. So when and where do you wanna do it? I'd suggest our house, 'cuz we don't have any kids."

"Good idea! How about Saturday night at around 8:00?"

"That'd be great!"

"You know Pete's a very good-looking guy. Boy, I can't wait to have your husband inside me."

"He can't wait, either," Linda added, and both women laughed, just as their endless salad and bread sticks were being served.

"By the way, you didn't tell Pete I was pregnant, did you?" Sally asked.

"You're pregnant?" Linda replied. "Congratulations! When did that happen?"

"That night in the hotel room, when I was with Rico. I'm carrying his baby, as a matter of fact."

"Wow! That must be cool!"

"Oh yeah, it's 'cool' alright. If you call puking your guts out, just about every morning 'cool'."

"Well, be that as it may, I still wish I were pregnant, just like you."

"Well, what's important is that you don't tell Pete that I'm pregnant, until sometime after he 'does it' with me. That way he'll think that he could possibly fertilize me, and get me pregnant--especially when I tell him, right before we start, that I'm not using any birth control--and that type of thing really seems to turn men on a lot. Yeah, I know he's shootin' blanks, from what you told me. But that won't matter at all in the heat of the passion. You do want me to actually make love to your husband, right? I mean, you don't just want me to lie there, and let him 'do me', do you?"

"No. I definitely want you to treat Pete in bed as if he were your own husband, because I intend to be do the same thing with Carl. That is, if that's okay with you."

"I'm not the one you need to convince, my dear. Carl is. He's the one who decided to be so 'clinical' with you the last time. I thought it was quite amusing, to be totally honest with you. 'Cuz that's just not Carl's style at all. He tends to be very passionate about everything. But I think he was feelin' embarrassed about 'doing you' in front of me. And so he was holdin' back his emotions."

"Would you please talk with him about that, and let him know that it's okay with you if he gets passionate with me."

"Sure, Sweetie. Anything for my favorite black girl."

After both women had finished their lunches, and were walking back to their respective cars in the restaurant parking lot, Linda stopped Sally for a moment to say, "There's one last thing I've gotta warn you about. Pete's nowhere near as big as Carl is 'down there', if you know what I mean."

"That's perfectly okay. I'm sure I can live with it. I'll just have to make do as best as I can."

"Yeah. That's exactly what I've been doin' for the last 12 1/2 years," Linda sarcastically replied.

"Oh, it can't be that bad, can it?"

"Oh yeah? See ya Saturday night, Girlfriend," Linda said. "And I'll make sure not to wear any panties that night. In fact, why don't we both put on our old high school cheer leading outfits--sans panties, of course--and give the guys a real thrill?"

"Wow, that's an awesome idea! I can't wait!" Sally said, as both women exchanged Hollywood-style fake kisses, one on each cheek, and then headed for their respective cars to leave.

As she was driving back to her house, Sally was wondering if she could still fit into her old cheer leader outfit. So she rummaged through the boxes in her closet, found the outfit, and put it on, just to see if it still fit her. And it fit like a glove. A tight glove, to be sure. But a glove, nevertheless.

* * * * *

Okay, gang. This is Carl joining you once again, and shifting this whole narrative to first-person in the process...

Sally and I arrived at Pete and Linda's home just a few minutes after 8:00 PM on Saturday, as planned. As we were pulling up to the house, to park the car out at the front curb, Sally had made me promise not to let Pete know that she was pregnant. She said that she wanted him to get maximum pleasure from their first-ever intercourse together. And she said that, for a guy, that meant letting him think that there was a chance that he could impregnate her that night. She also admitted to me that she was going to tell Pete that she wasn't using any birth control, just to "spice things up a little more for him".

I immediately thought to myself, You're assuming that Pete having his dick inside of a foreign pussy for the first time ever isn't enough to automatically make him orgasm his ass off! I would imagine that he'd still do that, even if you told him that your were already pregnant. I know I would. But hey, I'll play it however you want me to, Sweetie."

Pete met us at the front door and ushered me into the living room. Meanwhile, Linda took Sally by the hand and led her to the upstairs bedroom, so that both women could secretly change into their high school cheer leader outfits. Of course, I didn't find that part out until later.

"So, Carl," Pete said to me, as we were sitting down on the sofa in the living room. "Before we get started here, are you sure you're okay with me fucking your wife while you watch?"

"Sure. Just as long as you're okay with me fucking your wife while you watch," I answered bluntly.

"Be my guest. I can't seem to get her pregnant anyway," Pete admitted to me. "And we've been trying for a long time to start a family."

"Yeah, I know. That's what Sally told me."

"So how was it? You know? That very first time with my wife?"

"Very clinical, actually. I pretty much slipped my penis up into Linda's vagina, moved it in and out a few times, and then fertilized her. And Sally was there the whole time, watching everything take place. So I didn't actually 'make love' to Linda, per se. I mean, there wasn't any kissing, or hugging, or anything like that going on between us. Like I said, it was all very clinical."

"But would you like to passionately 'make love' to Linda tonight? You know? With all the kissing, and stuff?"

"Oh hell yes! That is, if you don't mind."

"Of course, I don't mind. Just as long as you don't mind me making mad, passionate love to Sally tonight, right there in the same room with you."

"I don't know if Linda told you, but I'm actually a cuckold. I thoroughly enjoy watching my wife have sex with other men," I confessed.

"Well, after tonight, who knows? I just might become a cuckold, too," Pete admitted.

At that moment, the two women came bounding down the staircase from the upstairs bedroom, and energetically ran into the living room, jumping up and down in front of Pete and me. We were seated on opposite ends of the large sofa. And the unexpected, middle-age 'cheer leaders' were waving their pompoms in the air, and performing high kicks every so often, just to tease us men, and also to let us see that they didn't have any panties on underneath their extremely-short, pleated cheer leader skirts.

Sally and Linda immediately went right into one of their old high school cheer routines. And at the very end of the routine, they both turned around, bent over at the waist, and flipped the rear of their pleated skirts up over their backs, to show Pet and me their bare pussies and butts for just a few moments, before they turned back around, facing us, and launched right into another cheer routine.

It seemed to me that Pete was uncomfortable with the situation. More specifically, about me getting an eyeful of his wife's bare, kinky-haired pussy, and her butt. So I tried to break the ice, by unzipping my pants, pulling my dick out, and fondling it, right in front of Pete.

Even though he seemed intimidated by what I was doing, Pete went ahead and unzipped his pants too. But instead of pulling his dick out, like I had done, he reached down inside the front of his underwear waistband, and began fondling himself. It was like he was ashamed to show me his penis, once he was looking at mine. And that seemed very strange to me at the time.

Then the two 'girls' quit cheering. And Pete and I both clapped for them, and wolf-whistled at them, as they were teasingly and very slowly removing their cheer leader outfits to eventually get naked in front of us.

At that point, both women began fondling their own bare breasts, as well as reaching down in their crotches, and teasingly finger-tweaking their own pussies from time to time, indicating that they were both ready for the "games" to begin.

I stood up, removed all my clothing, and then sat back down on the sofa, with my rock-hard penis jutting out from my crotch.

Linda moved over to stand in front of me, with her pussy right in my face. Then she leaned over, grabbed hold of my dick-shaft, and began squeezing it and feeling it, while she was hungrily licking her lips, and staring into my eyes, with that "come fuck me" look.

I looked over at Pete to see what his reaction was to his wife now fondling my bare dick. And he wasn't even paying any attention to me at all.

Instead, Pete had his eyes locked on Sally's shaved, baby-bare pussy mound, as she was standing right in front of him, with her legs spread apart, and her pelvis tilted forward. And she was teasingly pulling her pussy crack wide-open for him, so that he could get a good look at it. And then Sally said to him, "Well, come on, Big Boy. Is this the pussy you've been wantin' to fuck for so long?"

"You bet it is!" Pete said to Sally, and then stood up and began taking off his clothes, starting with his shirt.

When Pete, took off his shirt that night, I was truly impressed. I found out later that Pete was a fireman by profession. And his only real hobby was going to the gym religiously. Consequently, he had a rock-hard, overly-muscular body, that no heterosexual woman in her right mind would ever find unattractive. Add to that his 6' 1" height, and his large powder blue eyes, framed by his dark brown hair, and you've pretty much got "God's gift to womankind". A true GQ kind of guy who could have easily been a Chippendales dancer. At least, that was my initial impression of Pete.

On the other hand, I realized that I was nothing to write home about, as far as physical appearance went. Sure, I guess I was cute, in my own way. At least, that's what Sally was always telling me. But I wasn't even in Pete's league, looks-wise.

However, that still didn't stop Sally from loving me deeply. At least, I assumed that she still did, despite all the shit that had recently gone down between her and her previous Latin lover, Rico. I mean Sally and I were living together in the same house again. And I was willing to let bygones be bygones, in order to help Sally get through her pregnancy, so that she could hopefully go on to deliver a healthy half-Anglo/half-Hispanic baby.

Of course, Sally was still pretty mean to me, and loved to mentally torture me, every chance she got. After all, she did have a sadistic streak in her. But let's face it. I was no angel, either. To be totally honest with you, I derived great pleasure and satisfaction from mentally torturing and teasing my wife, too. And so for Sally and me, things tended to work out most of the time, because it was usually tit-for-tat, and it was truly one of those matches made in hell. Let's just say that we were the perfect candidates for the wife-swapping lifestyle. And we both knew it.

And now Sally found herself on the verge of "getting it on" with her best friend's husband, who just happened to be a true Adonis of a man. And I'm sure Sally was tingling all over with anticipation--that is, until Pete finally took his pants off, and removed his jockey shorts, to finally expose his package to all of us.

Pete's package turned out to be extremely unimpressive, to say the least. He had what looked like a small dick-head--and nothing but the head of a penis--poking out from his thick patch of surrounding pubic hair. Actually his fully-erect penis was about two and a half inches long, from base to tip. However, the head of his penis made up nearly two thirds of that length, and the thick patch of dark pubic hair, effectively hid his short shaft from view. And now I understood why Pete wasn't on board with letting me see his non-erect penis, when he had begun fondling it inside his underwear.

And although I was able to see a small, puffed-out skin-pouch underneath where Pete's dick-head was poking out, I couldn't tell (just by looking) if there were actually any testicles inside that underdeveloped scrotum. Of course, my logical mind told me that there had to be two balls--albeit very small ones--somewhere inside that little ball-sack of Pete's. So basically, except for the thick patch of pubic hair immediately above and surrounding his penis, Pete's genitals looked like they could have easily belonged to a 7 or 8-year-old, prepubescent boy.

I immediately thought to myself, I was dead wrong. This guy's really 'God's sick joke to womankind'. No wonder this poor mother fucker's shootin' blanks. You gotta have balls first, before you can make sperm! And this guy's just barely got a dick on him!

And then I thought about how disappointed and shocked that Linda had to have been years ago, when she and Pete were petting heavily for the first time ever, and she had finally taken things to the next level, as she had bravely reached down into his crotch to discover his diminuative package. And I knew that Linda had to have already been madly in love with Pete. And looks-wise, he had to have already been the man of her dreams, too. But for Linda, there was just one small problem: 1 very small penis + 2 tiny testicles = 1 long-term male lover that no heterosexual woman in her right mind would ever desire.

My next thought was, Linda, you've gotta be a real saint to put up with this for so many years. I would have left Pete years ago, if I were you. Thank God, I've got a nice, big dick on me! I mean big, for a white guy of course. Mine doesn't hold a candle to Henry's.

And when I thought about Henry's penis, I remembered how Linda had acted while he had it shoved deep inside her vagina, and was fucking her that night in the hotel room. Considering how small her husband's dick was, it was no wonder that Linda was so excited about finally having a super-long dick like Henry's inside her pussy. A dick that could easily fill her up, and then some.

And now I knew why Linda also found my dick to be so exciting and attractive to her. And that was because I could do something with my dick during intercourse, that Pete would never be able to do with his. You see, my erect penis was long enough, so that I could firmly press the tip of my dick-head right up against Linda's cervix, and then ejaculate all over it, which is something that Sally claims is always a big turn-on for women. Well I've got news for you, Sally. It's a big turn-on for men, too. At least, is for me.

Pete put his arms around Sally, and they began French-kissing in a standing position, in front of the sofa. His hands were busy, as he was playing with her small tits and her pert nipples, and also reaching down to grab her boyish-looking butt-cheeks every so often.

And she was massaging his bare chest, and grabbing handfuls of his muscular butt-cheeks, as well. But most importantly, there was no space between their pressed-together pelvises. And that told me that Sally was very comfortable with the idea of letting Pete have sex with her.

Meanwhile, Linda knelt down in front of the sofa, and began giving me a superb blowjob, while she kept squeezing and massaging her huge breasts with her own hands.

Finally, I said to her, "If you keep sucking my dick like that you're gonna make me cum. And I don't wanna do that right now. Tell ya what. Why don't you let me play with your pussy for a little while?"

Linda lifted her mouth up of my dick, and said, "Sure, if that's what you want."

She stood back up in front of me, and spread her legs apart, to give me access to her pussy.

I stuck my finger right up into her pussy crack, pulled my finger back out, and then teasingly licked it in front of her.

"My God! You're already sopping-wet," I remarked to her. "Have you been orgasming this whole time?"

"Yes. Ever since I started feeling out your wonderful cock," Linda admitted.

And I continued to finger her pussy for an extended period of time as I was watching Sally and Pete "go at it".

By this point, Sally and Pete were still standing-up in a bear hug and French-kissing like crazy. But now, they each had their right hands stuck down into each other's crotches, and were feeling out each other's bare genitals, while they were passionately kissing.

The next thing I knew, Sally laid down on her back on the rug in front of the sofa, and spread her legs apart. And Pete quickly laid down on top of her, as they kept on kissing, like two lovers. And I knew that Pete was maneuvering this small dick into the innermost folds of Sally's pussy, and was attempting to insert his penis up into her vagina.

And from the way that Sally was reacting, I could tell that Pete had actually managed to penetrate her. But he still wasn't thrusting away at her vagina yet.

Then Pete all of the sudden cried out, "Oh shit! Shit! Shit! God damn it! Fuck! I'm so sorry, Sally. I didn't mean to do that."

And I instantly knew exactly what had happened. It was obvious that Pete had become so mentally excited, that he had spontaneously shot his wad into Sally's pussy, just moments after he had entered her. Can you say "premature ejaculation"?

And at this point, I really felt sorry for the guy. That's a humiliating and very humbling experience, to say the least. I know. Because I had done it before, myself.

And ironically, it happened to me the very first time that I ever attempted to have sexual intercourse with Sally. And it all happened just like it did with Pete. I carefully eased the head of my penis up in Sally's baby-making hole, and just started ejaculating, from the sheer mental excitement of the whole situation. But unlike Pete, I was a virgin, back when that took place. And that was how I lost my virginity to Sally.

The good thing is that Sally can be very understanding in these types of embarrassing situations. She may be sadistic and cruel, but she can also be very kind and empathetic, whenever she wants to be.

So she comforted Pete as best as she could, considering the circumstances, as she softly and soothingly said to him, "That's okay, Tiger. I understand perfectly. I just excited you a little bit too much. That's all. Why don't you just relax, and let me give you a nice back and neck massage. And don't worry about anything. Everything's gonna turn out just fine. You'll see..."

"Come on, Baby," Linda quietly told me. "I'm definitely wet enough now. It's our turn."

And Pete's wife turned her butt towards me, and carefully sat down on my hard-on, while holding the shaft of it in her hand, to guide it into her own vaginal entrance. And then she began eagerly humping away at my dick, like a woman on mission to pump my sperm out into her womb as quickly as she possibly could. It was as if she were reacting to the fact that since Sally already had Pete's sperm in her pussy, now Linda was wanting my sperm in her own pussy A.S.A.P.

And all that hard humping worked. It didn't take long before I was just about ready to shoot my wad, when I heard Sally say to Pete, "Oh look, Sweetie, my husband's just about to fertilize your wife' pussy. Do you wanna watch?"

"Sure," I heard Pete's voice answer her, as I closed my eyes, orgasmed my ass off, and ejaculated deep inside of Linda's pussy, while she was intentionally grinding her butt down against my pelvis, to get the head of my pulsating penis as deep inside her fuck-hole as possible.

"God, that is so sexy!" Sally remarked, as she was seeing all the excess sperm that was oozing out from around the base of my dick-shaft, and running down my balls, to land on the sofa cushion, between my legs.

"Do you think he just got her pregnant?" Pete asked Sally.

"Who knows?" Sally replied. "But I think it's time for you to put another load of your sexy sperm inside my little pussy. Don't you?"

Sally took Pete's hand and placed it on her pussy mound, as she added, "Maybe you can get me pregnant tonight. I'm not using any birth control. And I'm pretty sure I'm fertile right now."

"Is your husband okay with all this?" Pete asked Sally, while he was busy feeling out her freshly-spermed pussy.

"Don't you think you should have asked that question before you went ahead and put a load of sperm in my pussy?" Sally asked Pete.

"That's not what I meant. I mean is your husband okay with the idea of me possibly getting you pregnant tonight?"

"Of course he is," Sally said to Pete, reaching down between Pete's legs, to begin fondling his little dick and his equally-small balls. "My God, Carl just got done fucking your wife a few minutes ago. And she's not on any birth control. Is she? And you know he wasn't using a rubber. So go ahead and fuck me already. And don't worry about it. But I wanna be on top, this time."

Then Sally shifted her attention to Carl and asked him point-blank, "Do you mind if Pete gets me pregnant tonight?"

"Is that what you want?" Carl asked Sally back.

"Yep, I sure do."

"Then I'm fine with it," Carl replied.

"You see, Pete," Sally said, "Carl's fine with it. So let's fuck again, Dude. This time I'm sure it'll be a lot better. You'll see."

Sally maneuvered out from underneath Pete's body, and got him to roll over onto his back, so that she could mount him cowgirl-style, and control all the humping, just like she always preferred to do, whenever she was tribbing with Linda.

Pete still didn't have a full-blown hard-on yet, but that didn't really matter, considering the diminutive size of his penis. Basically, Sally began actively "tribbing" against Pete's little dick, just like she would have done against Linda's clit and pussy mound.

It was quite an erotic thing to watch. And I could tell that Pete was really enjoying what Sally was doing to his penis.

And it was easy to tell that Sally was really enjoying herself too, now that she was the one in control of their intercourse. Because within about 30 seconds or so, she began squirting out little spurts of her sexual fluid all over Pete's genitals, similar to what I had seen her do to Linda's pussy while they were tribbing with each other in the hotel room.

"Does that turn you on? When I'm 'peeing' on you like that?" Sally asked Pete.

"Hell, yes! God, I wish Linda would do that," Pete replied, so wrapped up in Sally's "magical pissing pussy" that he forgot for a moment that Linda was right there in the same room with him.

"Well, why don't you ask her yourself? She's right here," Sally suggested.

"Baby," Pete turned his attention to Linda, "I wish you would do what Sally's doing to me right now."

"No problem. I just never thought that you would ever want me on top? Or want me to piss on you like that. So I guess I've learned something new about you tonight."

Linda looked over at Sally and said, "Thank you, Sally. With your help, Pete and I might just be able to keep our marriage together yet."

"And with your help," Sally said to Pete, "I might just be able to get pregnant tonight. So come on, Tiger. What are you waitin' for? I want you to fertilize me, right in front of Linda. I need your sperm inside me right now, God damn it! Come on, Fucker! Fuck me! Yeah, that's it. Let it all out, Baby.

"Do it for you wife!" Sally added, as she looked over at Linda, and caught her fingering the heck out of her own clit, while she was staring at Sally's expert "tribbing" of her husband's tiny penis.

Sally had managed to get Pete's little dick up inside of her vaginal entrance, right before he had begun to ejaculate. And Sally was grinding her pelvis down on his, just to make sure that his dick stayed inserted, throughout his entire sperm release.

"Now that was much better, wasn't it?" Sally asked Pete afterwards.

"Yes, ma'am," Pete said.

"Tell ya what," Sally suggested, "Why don't we both watch my husband fertilize your wife again? Carl? Linda? Are you guys up to it?"

"Sure," I said.

"Are you kidding me?" Linda said to Sally, lying down on the rug in front of the sofa, and then shifted her attention over to me, "Carl, come here and fuck my little black pussy again! Make me a fucking baby this time, God damn it!"

And she spread her legs apart and waited for me to mount her.

I thought myself, Boy, Linda can get real demanding once she has a few orgasms under her belt. I wonder if Pete ever even tries to make her orgasm. Or if he just rolls over on top of her all the time, and does a 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am' on her.

I got down on the floor, between Linda's spread thighs, as if I were going to mount her in a missionary position. But I was still in my refractory phase, and my penis was limp as a wet noodle.

So I lay my torso on top of hers, and we just passionately French-kissed for several minutes, while she reached down between our two pelvic areas, and fondled my penis, until it finally became erect enough, so that she could insert it up into her own vagina.

And then Linda and I fucked our brains out in front of our respective spouses. And we were doing it passionately too. We were kissing and grabbing each other's butts and boobs, and everything else. And this time, our intercourse actually lasted about 10 minutes or so, before I finally built up enough excitement, so that I could orgasm and ejaculate inside Linda for the second time that evening.

"Bravo!" Sally said, in response to my orgasm. "That was a wonderful show! Didn't you think so, Tiger?"

"Yeah, fucking wonderful!" Pete said sarcastically to Carl and Linda, before turning to say to Sally, "I just can't believe that I watched your husband fuck my wife for the second time tonight."

"Don't be that way, Sweetie," Sally said to Pete. "You knew what was gonna happen. And you agreed to it. Besides, you should always look on the bright side. You just got finished fucking me for the second time tonight. Now, wasn't that worth it?"

"Yes. Of course it was. I didn't mean it like that," Pete admitted.

"Well then, let's do it again sometime. How about next Saturday night? What do ya say?" Sally asked, looking right at Pete.

"How about tomorrow night?" Pete suggested.

"Sure," Sally said, "Is that okay with you, Linda?"

"I'll defer to Carl on that one. Carl, would you like to 'do me' again tomorrow night?"

"I'd love to, Linda. Really I would. But I can't. I've already got plans," I said, alluding to the fact that Sally's Uncle Jerry was expecting me to join him tomorrow night at his apartment for our weekly threesome with Sally's older sister, Cindy. "But I know someone who would be happy to take my place tomorrow night. His name's Henry. And he's a wonderful, well-mannered, young black college student from Ethiopia, I believe. Would that be okay with you, Pete?"

"Sure. If Linda's okay with it," Pete answered.

"Is he good-looking?" Linda asked me, pretending not to know who Henry was.

"You bet!" I replied. "And I'm sure he'll find you attractive, as well. And he's got a delightful British accent."

"Okay then. I mean, you only live once. So I guess I'll give it a shot," Linda said, trying not to sound too enthusiastic in front of her husband.

"That a girl!" Sally said to Linda. "Try it. You just might like it."

"I also might get impregnated by it," Linda said sarcastically.

"Pete, are you okay with Linda getting fertilized by a black guy?" Sally bluntly asked Pete.

"At this point, the truth is I'm okay with her getting fertilized by any guy," Pete admitted. "I just want us to start a family. That's all. And since I can't seem to get Linda pregnant, no matter how hard I try, someone else is going to have to do that part for me. And if that 'someone else' turns out to be a black guy, then so be it!"

"I love you, Honey!" Linda said, throwing her arms around Pete, and giving him a big hug, before adding, "Even if you did just fuck my best friend. Twice!" And they both laughed at Linda's witty comment.

"Well, I'm outta here," I said as I was getting dressed, so that I could leave.

"Do you wanna try for three times?" Sally asked Pete, as she group-hugged with him and his wife. "I'm only kidding, of course. Come on, Carl. Let's go home, so you can roll over on top of me later tonight, and rape me in my sleep."

"If that's what you wish, Dear," I automatically replied as I was waiting for Sally to get dressed, so that we could leave Pete and Linda's house.

It struck me strange that Sally had put her cheer leading uniform back on, and was now carrying the clothes that she had originally worn on our way over to Linda's house.

When Sally and I finally got back into our minivan, and were fixing to leave, Sally remarked to me, "That poor man. I'll swear Linda's clit is nearly as big as that super-tiny dick of his."

"Yeah, I noticed that too," I said, agreeing with Sally, by stating the obvious. "But I think I feel more sorry for Linda."

"I do too," Sally admitted. "By the way, I was serious about the 'raping me in my sleep' part. But this time, why don't you see if you can do it without waking me up, so that I can leave my eyes closed, and fantasize that you're Henry. You have my permission to fantasize that I'm Cindy, while you're 'doing it with me' tonight. Deal?"

"I've got a better idea. Why don't you fantasize that I'm Rico, instead?" I asked, just to stir up the hornet's nest a little bit.

"You just had to bring that up. Didn't you? Go fuck yourself, you piece of shit! You're sleepin' on the couch tonight," Sally cussed at me, with the back of her raised fist towards me, and her middle finger stuck straight up in the air.

"Hey, I didn't mean for you to overreact like that," I explained, lying through my teeth. "I was just saying that you sure fell head over heals for that scumbag."

"Yeah? Well, I fell head over heals for you, back when we were both young. And you were a bad boy too, just like Rico," Sally said.

"Maybe I was. But unlike Rico, at least my heart was in the right place."

"Where? In the head of your dick? 'Cuz that's where your heart was at, as far as I could tell back then. And I loved that about you, believe it or not. You used to be so exciting and dangerous. Just like Rico.

"Now you're nothing but middle-age and boring. Just like me. And that's why we both feel that we have to resort to all these sexual shenanigans, just to try to get our rocks off better, and bring some excitement back into our marriage again. It's a crying shame, if you ask me. And it's why we've got such a fucked up relationship right now!"

"You may not like the fact that I'm no longer the bad boy that I used to be," I said to Sally. "But you sure don't seem to mind all the money I give you, thanks to my nice, boring, and lucrative job.

"And I don't think our relationship is 'fucked up', as you just put it. To me, it's the best it's ever been. We've never been more open and honest with each other. And we've never reveled in our sexuality, like we've done, ever since our first night in that hotel room with Henry.

"And just think about what we just finished doing. I just got done fucking your best friend. And not just once, but twice. And you just got done letting your best friend's husband fuck you. And we did every bit of that right in front of each other. How many couples ever get to experience something as special and unique as that?"

"You're absolutely right," Sally finally confessed. "I've just been pulling your chain. That's all. The truth is I like you much better as a middle-age, cuckold husband, than I ever did as a bad boy. And by the way, I lied to you when I told you I didn't want you to wake me up tonight, while you're raping me."

"Just for that, I'm not gonna cum inside you," I threatened her.

"I'll believe that when I see it," Sally said, as she flipped the front of her cheer leader skirt up to show me that she didn't have any panties on, spread her legs apart, reached down into her crotch, and began teasing me, by openly massaging and fingering her pussy mound.

"Damn it, Sally! What are you tryin' to do? Give me a hard-on? I really do need to start this van up sometime."

"I've got a better idea. Why don't you and I go behind the bushes over there, and have a doggie-style quickie, with our clothes on?" Sally suggested, as she was gesturing towards the large bush at the front left corner of Pete and Linda's house.

"You are one horny little bitch! Aren't you?" I said in a forced whisper, as Sally and I were getting out of the minivan.

"That's what I keep tellin' you," Sally whispered back, as she took me by the hand, and led me back behind the large bush, while she kept nervously looking up and down the neighborhood street, to make sure that no one was watching us.

Then Sally squatted down in front of me, pulled down the zipper at the front of my pants, pulled my dick out of my underwear, and gave me a very-quick-but-effective blowjob that made my penis rapidly become erect.

While she was doing that, I heard a soft, splashing noise. And I immediately suspected that Sally was peeing on the lawn, between her two spread-apart feet, while she was sucking my dick.

"Are you peeing right now?" I asked in a whisper, just to confirm my suspicions. And Sally just nodded her head, as she kept on sucking away on the head of my dick, and pumping up and down on my shaft with her hand.

She also kept on pissing, until she had finally managed to empty her bladder.

"Be careful. Don't step in the puddle!" Sally warned me, as she stood up, took a couple steps away from her own urine puddle, and turned around to face the wall of the house. Then she spread her legs apart, and bent over at the waist, with both of her arms straightened-out, and the palms of her hands pressed up against the brick siding of the house for support.

I took a wide step back from where I thought Sally's urine puddle was--it was so dark outside, that I could barely make it out--and I moved in to stand behind her. Then I pressed the tip of my dick up against the middle of her baby-bare vulva, and her wet slit naturally gave way, to allow my dick to slide up inside her creampied baby-making hole. And I began humping away at Sally's already-pregnant pussy like a madman, as I was intentionally trying to make myself cum inside her pussy as quickly as I possibly could. After all, Sally herself had asked for a "quickie". And so that was exactly what I was attempting to give her.

I was on the verge of orgasming, when I heard a strange female voice call out from the sidewalk, in front of the house, "Hey! What're you two kids doin' other there?"

My vaginal thrusting came to an abrupt halt, and I looked over towards the street to see who was talking to us. It was an older lady, who was out walking her small dog, late at night.

"Nothing, Ma'am. My boyfriend and I are just havin' a little harmless fun. That's all," Sally called back, intentionally using a variation of her "little girl" voice.

At the same time that Sally was talking to the stranger on the sidewalk, I could feel her repeatedly clamping down the muscles surrounding her vaginal entrance, to try to squeeze the sperm out of my now-stationary penis. She had also tilted her pelvis farther back, and was gently rocking her hips from side-to-side, as she was bearing down on her lower abdominal muscles in such a way, so as to repeatedly rub the firm, protruding neck of her uterus across the blood-engorged head of my dick.

And Sally's efforts worked. My dick began pulsating deep inside her, giving her cervix a liberal coating of my sperm, as I heard the older lady say, "Well don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Don't worry. We won't. You have a wonderful evening, Ma'am," Sally called back, still using that higher-pitched "young girl" voice of hers, as the dog-walking lady continued on her merry way down the sidewalk.

"Same to you," the dog-walking lady called back, over her shoulder.

While we were still coupled-up doggie-style, with my sperm-release finally coming to an end, Sally and I both started giggling away uncontrollably, like two small kids, who had just gotten caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Then, all of the sudden, Sally began to spontaneously orgasm her ass off, flooding my still-inserted penis with her warm orgasmic juices, in the process.

And while she was doing that, she cried out in a very long, high-pitched, nasally-sounding squeal. It was an orgasmic vocalization that I had never heard come out of Sally's mouth before, and one that I thought was going to eventually wake up the whole neighborhood.

Afterwards, Sally looked around at me, and said in a forced whisper, "Now tell me that wasn't fucking awesome! Did I sound like a cat that was gettin' fucked out in the bushes?"

"Oh hell yes! You scared me to death. I thought something was wrong with you. But now that you mention it, you did sound exactly like a female cat does when she's letting a male cat make babies with her," I whispered back, as I was finally pulling my dick out of her fuck-hole, and then pulling my pants back up.

"And I'll tell you something right now, Sweetie," said Sally, standing up to face me, and then straightening out the large pleats on her short skirt with her hands. "I don't care how good-looking Pete is, he doesn't hold a candle to you, when it comes to sex."

And as I was walking back to the minivan with Sally's hand in mine, I thought to myself, Yeah. And I don't hold a candle to Henry. Or to your Uncle Jerry. But at least, I know where I stand with you. I just have to be careful not to step in the puddle. That's all.

And that's when a big smile broke out on my face. And, at that very moment, as far as I was concerned, life was as good as it gets.

"I've gotta pee like a racehorse," I told Sally, as I was pulling the van away from the curb and getting ready to drive off down the street.

"It's a little late for that now, isn't it?" Sally remarked. "You should've gone ahead and done it, back behind the bushes, just like I did."

"I couldn't. You had your mouth wrapped around my dick. Remember?"

"So? That shouldn't have stopped you."

"But I've never pissed in your mouth before."

"No, you haven't. Have you," Sally agreed, and then asked me point blank, "But would you like to sometime? 'Cuz, just in case you're wondering, the taste of urine doesn't really bother me at all. In fact, it kind of turns me on. At least, Linda's urine does."

"God, you are one kinky little bitch! Aren't you?"

"No more kinky than you are, Sweetheart. And that's 'cuz it's impossible to eat out a girl's pussy, without tasting her urine. And just think about how many times you've eaten my little pussy out over the last decade. It's mind-boggling, isn't it? So yes. You have my explicit permission to go ahead and pee in my mouth next time. All I ask is that you warn me first, before you start peeing. Deal?"

"Deal," I automatically replied, thought about it for a moment, and then asked Sally, "Would you like to pee in my mouth sometime?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Sally chirped right back enthusiastically.

And then Sally quickly switched over to using her "little girl" voice, as she went on to confess to me, "I used to tinkle in my daddy's mouth. He really liked that a lot. And so did my Uncle Jerry. I've been such a naughty little girl. Maybe you ought to spank me, when we get home."

"Maybe I should..."

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