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The continuing adventures
I woke up Wednesday morning, Feeling stiff, with the girls on my arms I hadn't been able to move all night. I was stiff in another way, a combination of a full bladder and morning wood. I nudged Jill to wake her. When her eyes managed to focus, She smiled and stretched.

“Deja vu all over again?” I asked softly.

She grinned and jumped out of bed, headed to the bath. The motion of the bed woke Claudia. She was one of those people who need coffee before they can function in the morning. She grumbled her way out of bed and stumbled toward the bath as Jill came out. I pointed at Claudia and mouthed the word 'coffee' to Jill, who nodded and headed for the kitchen. Soon I was able to get to the toilet. Claudia was still dressing as I came out. I dressed quickly and went out to the kitchen, and got cups out while waiting impatiently for the pot to finish. Jill ran off to get dressed. The pot finished it's cycle and I poured three cups, setting them on the table as Jill steered Claudia to a chair We sipped our coffee in silence, watching Claudia slowly come to life. Claudia had to leave, almost at once, to get changed for her classes, Jill had a little time and had clothes here to wear today. Claudia ran out to a beat up Volkswagen I hadn't noticed and buzzed off down the road. Jill and I got ourselves together and were soon on our way to the campus.

Today's class and lab session were moderately interesting and passed quickly. By 1:00 I was back at the house. Conner was there, stringing a temporary phone line from the house to the shed. I had to make the request for the new phone lines, managing to get an installation date on Monday. About 2:30, a car I didn't know pulled up. Jill and Lisa piled out and the car disappeared down the street.

We went inside and were soon working. I thought the proposed game would take at least three computers, on for the player, one for the backgrounds, and one for the NPCs that the player would interact with. Conner considered this for a moment.

“The better game consoles have multiple processors,” he finally said, “we might have to restrict the game to those. Folks that like to use their computers might get left out.”

“Yeah, and the bandwidth requirements would rule out running the whole thing on remote servers.” I observed.

We were still kicking ideas around when Claudia walked in, said 'hi' to everyone and went to her desk, she pulled out a notebook, checked the phone for dial tone, and started making calls. She spoke briefly to each one, occasionally making notes. I had Conner lay between the scanner panels, and had him identify the various sights and sounds from the past weekend. I did the same with Lisa. I had Jill lay down and asked Conner to show her a series of pictures I'd printed while I told Lisa to keep herself busy, facing away from them. When they finished, I had Lisa lay down again, with her eyes closed. I asked her to identify each image as she 'saw' it. All of the pictures were of well known landmarks. I started playing Jill's scan and Lisa started declaring what she saw. Conner went through the pictures, as Lisa named them, nodding slightly to himself at each correct answer. When it ended, Lisa sat up.

“What was all that?” asked Lisa

Conner handed her the pictures

“You were ten for ten.” said Conner.

“What are you guys doing?” asked Claudia, finished with her calls for the moment.

“It's a kind of computer/brain interface,” I said, do you have a textbook for one of your classes that gives you trouble?”

“Don't we all?” she answered.

“What is it?” I asked.

“This pile of crap.” she dug in her bad and produced a thick volume titled 'Studies in Marketing', this thing is so badly written, it would put anyone to sleep.”

I looked at Conner and nodded, he sat at another desk and rattled keys for a moment, studied the screen briefly and rattled keys again. A few seconds later, he handed me a thumb drive. I had Claudia replace Lisa, and told her to close her eyes and relax. I hit her with the sleep program, then played the thumb drive through Jabberwocky. This would take a bit over an hour. While we waited, we had coffee and talked. About an hour later the computer dinged.

“Three minute warning.” I said, “Jill, could you get her a cup of coffee?”

Claudia's eyes snapped open and she immediately went into her wake up grouch phase. She smelled the coffee, and reached eagerly for the cup.

“What did you do to me?” she demanded, “I never go to sleep like that.”

“Well,” I said, “I put you to sleep, and we helped you.”


“How far are you in that book in class?” I asked.

“Maybe a third of the way in.” she answered.

I grabbed the book and opened it at random in the back half, flipped acoupe of pages and read the section title aloud. Claudia began to speak, reciting the first two paragraphs before I stopped her.

“What the . . .?” she trailed off.

“You now have this book memorized,” I told her. “this is how we all have so much free time.”

“And you can do this for any class?” she asked.

“Except for classes that are based on physical skills,” I said, “this wouldn't do for fencing, for instance.”

“Can you do this for all my classes?” she asked

“Bring me digital copies of all your text books and transcribed lectures,” I said, “and you could challenge all of your classes by next week.”

“Wow,” Claudia breathed, “What else can you do?”

“Well,” I said again, “our current goal is to include a full tactile experience for gamers. But among ourselves we've been sharing sexual experiences.”

“You mean, like, talking about it?” she asked.

“Lay back down while I find something . . . appropriate,” I said, “ no sleep this time.”

Conner suggested Lisa's scan from last Sunday. I did a quick edit and warned Claudia that it would feel like someone was touching her, but to just accept what she was feeling. I started the sequence. Claudia jumped like we all had the first time, and settled down. Soon she was writhing about and humming and gasping. Lisa was on Conner's lap, obviously aroused. Jill was on my lap, beginning to breathe a little faster as I idly stroked one of her breasts. After about twenty minutes, Claudia spasmed and screeched through clenched teeth. It took her a few moments to catch her breath.

“Wow.” she said, “I could sell the hell out of that! But it was weird.”

“How so?” I asked.

“Well,” she began, “all through that I could have sworn Conner was doing me, but I know that Conner wont fit. We tried back when he was a freshman.”

“What you felt was Lisa with Conner from last Sunday,” I told her, “it was a 'raw' recording, with all the personal overtones left in. It takes a few hours work to clean those out.”

We talked a few hours and Claudia left, citing a morning class, Conner and Lisa left shortly and Jill dragged me into the house claiming a case of terminal sexual frustration and demanded I do something about it.

We climbed into bed and I dealt with her problem until well after midnight.

Thursday morning I was back at it, comparing specific parts from the recordings I had. I needed to collect more scans to help identify specific stimuli for various reactions. I also wanted more scans of myself to avoid violating my friends privacy with my research. Claudia showed up early, handing me half a dozen

CDs of her textbooks and lectures, sidetracking me into setting them up in Jabberwocky. She went to her desk and was busy creating cover art and descriptions for Conner's games and, as ever, making phone calls. I spent some time rigging cameras and microphones around the lounger to help me match physical reactions to the scan data. We took a break for lunch, and a short shopping trip for materials I wanted.

Back in the shed, I began assembling tubing frames for curtains to surround the lounger. When Claudia finished her phone work she asked about it. I told her that some subjects might desire privacy during a scan, especially if they weren't part of our group. I mentioned my desire of more scans to further my research.

“That sounds like fun,” she chirped, and began to climb into my lap again.

I stopped her, while I set up the system with the new cameras and microphones. When it was ready I saw her sitting on the lounger, naked. I grinned at her and quickly shed my own clothes. I had to make her slow down, explaining that there was no need to rush.

“But why?” she almost cried, “I want it now!”

“Look,” I said, “to me, and probably to most people, the foreplay is as much part of the experience as the actual coupling.”

“But . . .”

“And I want, and need, the data,” I cut her off, “just be thankful I don't need to wire you up like a Christmas tree.”

I lay back on the lounger while she climbed up and straddled me. I pulled her down to kiss her. I stroked her back and squeezed the tight globes of her ass. I pushed her back upright and caressed her small firm breasts and lightly trailed my fingers across her stomach. She leaned back down for another kiss, running her fingers through my hair and tentatively stroking my face. We spent several minutes exploring each other's bodies. I slid a hand between us and ran a finger gently along her pussy lips. She shivered and started to purr. I grabbed her ass again and pulled her up to lick at her pussy, barely penetrating, and lap at her clit. She grabbed handfuls of my hair, holding me against her pussy. After a moment I pushed her back down for more kissing and then toward my cock. She started to suck me aggressively, but I made her slow down again. I gently held her head, controlling the pace, and guiding her to lick the shaft. After a few moments, I pulled her back onto my chest kissing her and stroking her body.

She was trembling with her want, I lifted her hips and guided her over my cock. She tried to slam herself down on me like before, but I held her and with a little guidance from her small hands, lowered her slowly onto my cock. She gasped as entered her. She tried, as before to start bouncing on my cock as soon as I was all the way in. I held her hips as still as I could, holding her down tightly over my cock. She moaned and growled in frustration as I forced her into slow stroking. She soon accepted what I was trying to do, slowly raising and lowering her hips while I stroked and teased her tits and nipples. Her breath was coming faster and her hips began to move faster, but not the rapid demanding way they had the last time. Amid her purring, moaning, gasping, arousal I gently placed a finger on her clit and rubbed in small circles. She went briefly ridged, and with a moaning grunt dropped down on me. Her pussy milked at my cock as she lay on my chest, trying to catch her breath.

I wrapped an arm around her and rolled us over. I started slowly stroking into her pussy, with long strokes, almost pulling out then slowly pushing back into her. She seemed surprised that was still hard. She raised her hips to me, grunting on each stroke, matching my rhythm. I slowly picked up the pace, driving my cock in faster, slapping our bodies together as she made mewing sounds. She wrapper her legs around my waist to get more leverage as she raised to each stroke. I was soon slamming my cock into her, butting up against her cervix. I felt my balls tighten. I leaned down to kiss her as I drove my cock as deep as possible. Something seemed to give way inside her. Her arms went around my neck as her legs tightened on my waist. She stiffened, driving her hips up against me as she screamed out her orgasm into my mouth. My cock twitched an I blew my load into her.

I carefully held my weight off of her as she shuddered through her orgasm. She released me and dropped to the lounger. I rolled to one side as she wriggled herself to the other. We finally settled facing each other on our sides. I gave her a tight one armed hug. She was staring at me, her eyes wide open and her mouth held in a tight 'O' of astonishment.

“Do you always . . .” she stopped, looking for words.

“Is it always like that for you guys?” she finally asked.

“Pretty much,” I admitted, “We all really like sex, a lot, and we all Like each other, a lot. We work at each other's pleasure. I guess the best way to put it is, we see sex as giving, not taking”

“Every guy I've ever been with, she said, “seemed to just want to get his rocks off. I'm pretty much on a hair trigger all the time, so 'quick' worked okay for me, most of the time.”

“Never settle for 'quick' unless its just the beginnig of something more.” I told her.

“Just so you know,” she started, “that was possibly the best sex I've ever had and I've never had two orgasms like that before either.”

“Stick around,” I told her, “with a little patience and some careful work, you might be able to find out how good Conner is, eventually.”

We cuddled for a bit then got up and dressed.

Working with the scans just taken I noted a curious spike that occurred almost simultaneously in both of or traces. The same spike occurred slightly earlier a second time in her trace, but at a slightly smaller amplitude. Cross referencing with earlier scans, I saw the same spike in all of them. Curiosity got the better of me. I isolated the spike from my own scan and, at the lowest power available, played it back on my headset. I immediately ejaculated in my pants!

As I tried to catch my breath, Claudia shot me a questioning look. I held up a finger, signaling I needed a minute. I quickly processed the smaller spike from her scan .

“Come here,” I asked her, “I want you to try something.”

I sat Claudia down and put the headset on her head.

“This is from the scan we just made,” I told her, “it's less than a second long and when it's over, I want you to tell me what you felt. Okay?”

She agreed, cautiously, and I hit play. She yelped, arching her back while her hands spasmodically flew to her crotch. After a second or so, she collapsed back onto the chair, gasping. I gave he a couple of minutes to recover.

“How did . . . ?” she gasped out, “I may have a hair trigger, but even I need a little build up before I cum.”

“So, an orgasm?” I asked.

“Yeah, a small one.” she replied.

“Other than the rather sudden onset,” I asked, “how was it?”

“Well,” she began, “I told you I have a somewhat overactive libido. I usually have to take some time between classes to rub one out, two or three times a day, to let me concentrate on my classes. This was like the small orgasms I get doing that.”

“Any negative effects?” I asked.

“I don't think so.” she said, “I was surprised, but, all in all, it felt pretty good.”

“I tried the same spike from my own scan,” I told her, “now I need to go change my underwear.”

She giggled as I went back to the house to clean up. Shortly after I returned, Conner showed up with Lisa and Jill. I talked about what I had discovered, they all wanted to try it, so I set up Jill first. When I hit the button, she let out a surprised squeak and flopped back on the chair, much as Claudia had. I moved the headset to Lisa and got essentially the same result. Before I gave Conner the headset, I handed him a couple of paper towels explaining briefly, why I had to change my underwear. When I hit the button for him, he grunted, bucking himself almost off the chair. While they were recovering, Claudia came back to me, begging for a second 'treatment'. I obliged and waited on them all for few minutes.

“That was . . . intense.” Conner finally managed to get out.

“I'm thinking this could be a little dangerous.” I told them all,”

“How?” demanded Jill, that was great.

“Well,” I said, “suppose someone restrained you so you couldn't pull off the headset and hit that button about forty or fifty times over a couple of minutes.”

Jill's eager look dissolved into a look of horror.

“I think I'd go nuts pretty quickly,” she said, “I think the most I've ever had were four orgasms in a row and I had to stop the guy, it was too much stimulation.”

Conner was nodding, “I think my heart would explode.” he said

Lisa nodded too, Claudia insisted that it would help her to not be late for classes, repeating her earlier confession. We kicked the idea around for a while. We all realized the potential addictive nature of the instant orgasm. I finally suggested that, in portable device, the 'cum spike' be kept in volatile memory with a minimum delay of one hour between activations, to avoid quick repeats and prevent a reboot from bypassing the timer. Everyone agreed with the idea, acknowledging Claudia's requirements. We talked for a while and remembered Claudia's textbook CDs. She identified one she would need the next day, I quickly set up Jabberwocky and we moved to the sofas to talk quietly while Claudia absorbed the book and lectures.

We went our separate ways, With Jill, as usual, accompanying me into the house. Whether from the unexpected orgasm earlier or pure lust, Jill was horny as hell. When I walked out of the bath, she was on the bed on her knees, shoulders down and ass in the air, waving a tube of lube at me. I thoroughly lubed her ass, spending time to carefully stretch her, as she gasped and moaned. I took some time to rub my well lubed fingers along her pussy and clit, bringing forth more gasps and moans. She wad wiggleing her ass and thrusting back against my hand.

When I finally pressed my cock against her ass hole, she rocked forward, away from me, until I had the head of my cock in her ass, then as I started what was meant to be my first slow penetration, she slammed her ass back burying my cock in her ass. She shrieked as my balls slapped against her pussy, clenching down on my cock. She rode out that first, minor orgasm and began to drive her ass into each thrust. Almost screaming, she demanded harder and faster. I held her hips and began to pump my cock into her ass, driving deep into her on each thrust. I was worried that I might hurt her, but every time I began to slow down, she would pound her ass back at me. She screamed and moaned, grunting with each hard thrust, demanding more when she shrieked and collapsed under me. Unprepared, I fell on top of her as I shot my cum deep into her ass. We lay there for a long moment until with a little bump from her hips she let me know to get off her.

I rolled to my left and she to hers. She looked at me, her eyes crazed with lust, breathing in great gasps.

“Go get that thing of yours!” she demanded, as one hand went down to roughly massage her clit, “I want to cum more!”

I pulled on my pants and ran to the shed, grabbing the small tablet and headset. I ran back in, just in time to see her buck her hips off the bed, as she started driving her fingers into her pussy.

I'd never seen her like this, and I worried, but did what she wanted, and placed the headset over her head and hit the button. She screeched through clenched teeth, arching her back, supported only by her head and heels. After a moment, she demanded more, I hit the button again and she screeched again flopping around on the bed, gasping for air. Her eyes fixated on the tablet, wrenching it from my hands, she hit the button herself, three times in quick succession, screaming and convulsing each time.

She collapsed onto the bed, chest heaving and eyes wide. The tablet slipped from her limp fingers. There was nothing I knew to do, I just watched her as she slowly caught her breath. Her eyes focused ann she turned her head to me.

“Go wash yourself.” she said calmly.

I went into the bath, discarded my soiled pants and quickly washed my cock. When I went back, she was partially sat up, braced on one arm. She motioned me to the bed and laid me down on my back. Chest still heaving, she straddled my legs and took my cock into her mouth. She quickly sucked me to hardness, then drove her mouth down on my cock, taking me deep into her throat. She pulled back until her teeth were jut behind the head then drove her mouth down again. She grabbed my balls and squeezed then gently as she took and held me deep in her throat. I could feel her throat muscles working as I blasted cum down her throat. She kept me there for a long moment while her throat milked every drop of cum I had out of me. The sensation was actually getting painful when she finally released me and rolled onto her back. We lay there for several minutes, both gasping for air.

She rolled toward me and sprawled with her tits squashed against my chest, looking deep into my eyes.

“I'm not Jennifer,” she said, “when you take me to bed, I expect to be fucked well and proper. These last two nights of your slow gentle sex were driving me crazy!”

“But I . . .” I started.

“Look,” she said, “what you and Jennifer do together is fine for you and Jennifer, but it's not what flips my switch. When it's all three of us, you manage to satisfy me and her without hurting her or being to gentle with me. But, you've been treating like her, and I wont stand for that.”

“I understand,” I said, “or at least I think I do.”

“You laid Claudia this afternoon, right?” She asked.

“Well, of course,” I said, “That's where the scans came from.”

“Would you do Jennifer the way you did Claudia?”

“No, but . . .”

“No 'buts' about it, you know Claudia is not Jennifer and you treat her like Claudia.”


“And you better get it fixed in your skull that I am not Jennifer either.”

“Your pissed at me, aren't you?”

“Ah! The light comes on! There's hope for you yet.”

“Jill, I'm sorry . . .”

“Nothing to be sorry about, you were missing Jennifer and wanted me to fill in.”

“I suppose, that's true.”

“she was your first, wasn't she?” Jill said in a much gentler voice, “first girl, first sex, first love.”

“Yes, she was.” I answered quietly.

“Well, for now, Jill wants to be held while she sleeps, I may fuck you half to death in the morning, but for now, just hold me while we sleep.”

We got the blankets pulled up, I wrapped her in my arms, and we slept.
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