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As I sit invigilating the mid-term exam and scanning the room, Georgia is sitting almost directly in front of me, in the front row. Her head is down as she reads. Her thumb touches her lower lip subconsciously as she concentrates. She sucks the tip so briefly, her full lips enveloping then releasing the fleshy tip. Such a naturally sensuous movement. My pulse quickens as I watch her. I imagine her sucking my tip, hard and erect. Those soft wet lips caressing it so tenderly.
My crazy student

As I sit invigilating the mid-term exam and scanning the room, Georgia is sitting almost directly in front of me, in the front row.

Her head is down as she reads. Her thumb touches her lower lip subconsciously as she concentrates. She sucks the tip so briefly, her full lips enveloping then releasing the fleshy tip. Such a naturally sensuous movement.

My pulse quickens as I watch her. I imagine her sucking my tip, hard and erect. Those soft wet lips caressing it so tenderly.

She licks a finger now, and turns a page, and I feel a stirring in my groin.

Her beautiful face is calm and relaxed. No hint of stress despite the situation. Her black cotton top hugs her body, accentuating her full, generous breasts. Her long dark-blonde hair is tied in a ponytail. It hangs forward, draped over one shoulder and covering one breast.

I can almost hear her hair teasing me: “come and sweep me back over Georgia’s shoulder, letting your fingertips graze across her breast. Or maybe you could let your fingers linger there, cupping her breast in the palm of your hand. You know you want to”.

Yes. I do want to. She’s mouthing her thumb again, and I can feel my growing erection straining to be free. I want to unzip my trousers and let her mouth me instead. I want to feel myself erupting in her mouth and exploding across her face. I know I shouldn’t feel this way about my students, but I’m a man and Georgia is… exceptional.

She’s totally oblivious to my fantasies, her mind focused entirely on answering the exam paper…

The exam is over now, and all the students have left. I’ve collected in all the papers and I’m completing a post-exam invigilator’s form before returning to my office to begin marking them. I hear a sound and look towards the door.

Georgia is leaning against the door frame, the angle of her slight repose emphasising her shapely curves. Her gaze is fixed on me. Her expression is demure, but somehow loaded with invitation. I get up and walk towards her. She watches me all the way. When I’m almost close enough to touch her, she turns away into the corridor. I follow her, watching her hips sway, unsure whether she is exaggerating her movement a little to tantalise me. it certainly arouses me.

At the door to the ladies’ bathroom she pauses and glances back at me, a Mona Lisa hint of a smile on her lips. Then she slips inside.

I arrive at the door just moments later, and check both ways before following her inside.

She’s stood facing me with her hands on her hips and I can’t stop my gaze roaming over her body. I approach her, stopping just inches from her, and our eyes meet.

A male member of staff going into the ladies’ bathroom would require some explanation, but I could probably think of something; I heard a noise and was concerned but didn’t want to raise the alarm without investigating.

More importantly, I haven’t yet touched a female student. I’ve not yet crossed the line, except in my mind. Now is the moment to be sensible and walk away. My career, my marriage, and possibly even my liberty are at risk here.

She’s gazing up at me, her face just inches from mine, so close I can feel her sweet breath, and I notice she’s breathing a little harder now. This is her crisis moment too. She faces expulsion if she gets caught with a member of staff.

Slowly, she reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck, leaning into me, and closing her eyes. Suddenly, we are kissing passionately, and my hands are all over her. I feel her unbuttoning my shirt and unfastening my belt.

We separate to catch our breath, and she drags me into a cubicle. With a clumsy shuffle we get the door closed and locked.

She drops her jeans and pants and sits down, then unzips my trousers and pulls my briefs down. I’m already semi-erect as she takes me in hand. She watches my erection quickly grow and leans forward to take me in her mouth.

The sensation is as exquisite as I imagined, and then some. She drives me wild with her lips and tongue, and I realise she is pleasuring herself too, moaning softly as she works on me.

After a few minutes, she stands and turns her back to me, bending at the waist with her hands on the wall. She arches her back, thrusting her firm round butt towards me. Running my hands over her exposed curves I feel her strong young muscles beneath her soft warm skin. My fingertips travel down and find her cleft, her moist lips parting willingly as I ease one finger inside her. She moans softly.

She’s wet enough for me to take her already, and I guide myself to her opening. As soon as she feels me, she pushes her hips towards me, taking me smoothly inside her before I can penetrate her, and begins thrusting against me. With my hands on her hips, I match her rhythm, plunging myself deep inside her. She is hot, wet and tight, and I know I’m not going to last long.

I explore her breasts through her clothing with both hands, before trailing one hand down between her thighs. Finding her swollen clitoris, I massage her gently.

As we gather pace and our breathing quickens, she begins to moan, quietly at first then more loudly and urgently, and I worry someone will hear us, but I’m too far gone to stop now.

Suddenly she reaches her peak and cries out. I feel her whole body shaking and trembling as she orgasms. I hold her up as I continue thrusting into her until her orgasm finally subsides, and we slow to a stop.

She turns and sits down, taking me into her mouth again. I wonder if she likes tasting herself on me. I wonder what she tastes like.

Using her fingers as well as her lips and tongue this time, she rapidly brings me to my own shuddering orgasm, and I choke off my urge to cry out loud as I explode in her mouth. She looks up and watches the expression on my face, her lips firmly enveloping me, patiently waiting as I release several thick spurts into her mouth. When I’m done, she swallows and opens her mouth wide to show me it’s empty, then grins up at me in obvious triumphant pleasure.

We almost bang heads as I bend to retrieve my briefs and trousers from around my ankles, and it makes us laugh. Then we manage another awkward shuffle around the door and out of the cubicle.

As I finish re-dressing, she breezes past me, and looks into my eyes with that Mona Lisa hint of a smile on her lips again. “Just in case I needed to earn a few extra marks to pass that exam,” she whispers, and then she’s gone.

A pass is guaranteed. Failing her would be career suicide, but that performance deserves a distinction anyway…

I glance up at the clock on the exam room wall and loudly announce “you have ten minutes remaining”. The students ignore me and keep writing. I should do my last walk around the room now, but I can’t move until the bulge in my trousers has subsided.

I look at Georgia again as she also continues to write. Her expression is still calm and focused. She has no idea how much pleasure she gives me just by being present in the same room, or how often I fantasise about her. How could she know? She can’t read my mind.

Then she glances up at me and catches me watching her. She holds my gaze for a second or two longer than normal, and that Mona Lisa smile appears again. She knows. Somehow, she knows.

At the end of the exam I collect in all the papers and let the students go. They all make for the door, eager to escape, all chattering about the paper. I complete my post-exam paperwork and glance over at the door. She’s not there, obviously. With a sigh, I gather up the papers and head towards my office, not looking forward to the long and dreary task of marking them.

I grab a coffee and settle in at my desk to begin marking the first paper. I’ve pulled Georgia’s to the top, as I’m curious to find out how she’s done. She’s a good student anyway, and should get a comfortable pass, if not a merit, sadly without any extra-curricular input whatsoever…

It’s been a few weeks since the mid-term exams now, and Georgia did indeed get a merit. Not everyone faired so well though, and I’ve arranged to speak to each one that failed.

I’m sitting in my office late one afternoon, waiting for my next appointment. Most of the students and teachers have already left for the day. There’s a timid knock at the door and I call “come in”.

It’s Zuzanna (pronounced ‘Susannah’), a Polish student who is struggling because of the language barrier. Her spoken English is nearly fluent with a mild accent, but she really struggles with written ‘technical’ English, and she’s in danger of failing my subject. It’s the most linguistically challenging for her. She knows that if she does fail, her family will insist that she returns to Poland, and she really doesn’t want to go.

We’ve had several chats about it over the year, often quite tearful, as she’s doing the best she can. If English was her first language, she would be fine. She has asked me a few times if I can make allowances for her, but the rules are strict. Everyone’s answers must make sense, so even though I know what she is trying to say, I can’t give her the marks if she isn’t expressing it correctly.

She has also asked me if there is anything extra she can do to increase her marks each time she has been faced with a re-sit. I’ve always just advised her to keep working on her written English skills.

Now here she is, in my office again, and looking close to tears. She failed my mid-term by just three percent. I look at her as she stands there. She’s a good-looking young woman. A petite blonde, with a nice figure in those tight jeans and close-fitting tee-shirt. She’s clever, and always very polite and respectful. I feel sorry for her.

I can talk her through where she went wrong, but that’s mainly just her written English, so I’m not sure how I can really help her. All she can do is take the re-sit and hope she does better, but she’s losing confidence.

She sits next to me at my desk as I talk her through her errors, and she makes careful notes. She tells me again, in tears, how important it is for her to pass. I’m conscious that she has pulled her chair up very close to me, and I’m very aware of her physical presence. Our legs and arms are almost touching. I can smell her perfume, and almost feel her body heat. I feel more than a little aroused.

When she stands up to leave, she walks to the door then turns to look at me. She swallows, as if summoning up courage to speak.

She smiles nervously. “Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to make sure I pass my re-sit?”

I’m a little confused. That’s what we’ve just been talking about for the last half hour. She turns the key in my office door, and I hear the lock click home. She puts her bag down and peels off her tee-shirt. She looks good in her bra and jeans, but my mind is racing. “Oh shit,” I’m thinking. “How do I get out of this unscathed? This could go wrong in so many ways.”

She walks over to me and unhooks her bra, dropping it to the floor. Her breasts are pert and firm. Her nipples are stiffening, and they look very appealing. I can imagine sucking on them.

I’m still sat down, facing her in my swivel chair. She reaches for my hands and places them on her breasts. I should resist, but I don’t. instead, I massage them gently, feeling her nipples stiffen a little more.

She drops to her knees between my legs, and unfastens my trousers. I lift my weight so she can pull down my briefs. She begins to massage her breasts, tugging on her nipples, and watching me.

“Do you like this? Do you want me?” Her face and voice are fraught with anxiety. She’s taking an enormous risk, but I can’t deny how I’m feeling. My rapidly growing erection speaks for itself. She grins and relaxes a little. I’m expecting her to reach out and begin playing with me, but she continues her little show, biting and licking her lower lip, and smiling coyly. She soon gets the desired reaction. I’m ramrod hard already. She stands up and turns her back. She bends forward as she slowly removes her jeans and pants.

She is fully on display, just inches away, and my resistance crumbles. I reach out and stroke her cleft, gently probing until a finger slides between her rapidly moistening lips, and she coos in pleasure. I lean forward and lick her slowly, from clitoris to perineum and back again, over and over, more and more quickly. She gasps and moans. She spreads her legs and shuffles back towards me. Reaching between her thighs she takes my erection in her hand, and squats over me.

She gently lowers herself down until she has impaled herself on me. She is tight, and wet, and feels heavenly, as she begins to grind her hips rhythmically. Sitting with her back to me she is still playing with her breasts and nipples. I just hold her tiny waist and let her do as she pleases.

“Turn around,” I tell her after a few minutes, and she obliges. Facing me now, she lowers herself onto me again, and I enjoy massaging her breasts and nipples as she rolls her hips, moaning softly. She leans forward and we kiss, her tongue exploring my mouth. Then she leans back, supporting herself with one hand on my knee. Arching her back, she begins to ride me more aggressively, masturbating with her free hand as I squeeze her breasts and pinch her nipples until she cums hard, her breath ragged and panting, but thankfully almost silent.

We kiss again for a couple of minutes, and I’m still hard inside her. I can feel her teasing me with her inner muscles and it feels good. Eventually she slides onto the floor between my knees and with a firm grip she begins to masturbate me vigorously. I soon feel the tell-tale throbbing of my own impending orgasm.

Just as she gets me really close to cumming I hear footsteps in the corridor, and someone tries to open my door. “Thank fuck she locked it,” I think as I tense up my whole body, trying desperately to stave off my imminent orgasm until the danger has passed. I grab her hand to stop her and she leans forward taking me in her mouth and sucking hard, her head bobbing at a phenomenal speed.

My visitor knocks at the door and calls my name. My whole body is rigid and I hold my breath, praying I can hang on until they’ve gone. This girl’s crazy! Is she trying to get us caught?

Thankfully, I hear the visitor retreating from my door and I finally relax, releasing the air from my lungs in a rush. Zuzanna is still sucking on me like her future depends on it, and the moment I let go, a huge orgasm rips through me. I grit my teeth to stay quiet as I cum hard in her mouth. It catches her off-guard and she chokes for a moment, then swallows and continues sucking hard.

Several massive spurts later, I tell her to stop. She stands up, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand and grinning down at me.

“You liked that, didn’t you?” she giggles. “I could tell.”

“Fuck, yes,” is my breathless reply.

“Can I have a pass now, please?”

“Well, you still have to do the re-sit, but I’m sure we can make that happen, yes.” I realise she has put me in a position where I can’t refuse without the risk of her reporting me.

“Oh, thank you!” she squeals, and sits on me again, with her arms round my neck. We kiss and cuddle for several minutes, before we finally come up for air. “Let’s do this again,” she suggests enthusiastically. “A lot! I like it.”

I realise she’s being sincere. She really does want to do it again, and not just to pass my course. Once would be enough to ensure that. I want to do it again, too. She’s hot, and mad keen, so why wouldn’t I?

I’ll be making more late afternoon appointments with this student, I think. No need to fantasise about Georgia anymore when I’ve got crazy Zuzanna fucking and sucking my brains out!


2021-04-11 09:59:13
Zuzanna isn't crazy - she's a a whore!

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