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When I woke the day after Christmas, I was pleasantly surprised to find both Jill and Dakota in bed with me.
The Chauffeur (#50) New Year’s Eve


Copyright 2019


When I woke the day after Christmas, I was pleasantly surprised to find both Jill and Dakota in bed with me. As usual, Jill had her back to me and faced away from me. Whereas Dakota had her delicate body backed into my body. She had pulled my arm over her body and she was soundly sleeping. As I laid there, I felt my manhood growing against Dakota. The growth must have disturbed Dakota’s sleep as I felt her cute little ass wiggle against me.

Since none of us had any clothes on, I reached down and lifted Dakota’s leg allowing my cock access to her sweet and very wet pussy. I reached around to the front of her and positioned my manhood at her sex entrance. In one svelte movement, I entered her. I heard her moan as I gently thrust in and out of her. I kissed her on her neck, and I fondled her breasts. As I kept up the thrusting, I began to play with her clit. As quietly as possible, I heard her moan.

I thought I was fucking Dakota slowly and gently putting my manhood as deep into her as I could get.

“Do I get some of that?” Jill whispered into my ear.

“As always darling, you can have anything you want with me,” I said.

I felt Jill’s hands reach between my legs and cup my balls as I was still thrusting into Dakota. From behind, I felt Jill kissing me on the neck. She reached around me and began to play with my nipples.

Jill pulled me back from being inside Dakota and she began playing with my cock rubbing her hand tightly up and down the shaft. At that point, I decided that it would just be easier to roll onto my back and let the ladies have their way with me. Dakota moved her body so that she mounted me whereas Jill got up and squatted over my face and waiting tongue.

I grabbed her hips and pulled her wet pussy down on my face. As I licked her repeatedly, I heard Jill begin to moan. At first, the moan was intermittent but after several minutes it became one long moan. I felt her pussy spasm on my tongue as I kept flicking her clit.

I licked up every drop that my mouth could get from Jill’s womanhood. After a few minutes, she was dripping into my mouth. As that was going on, Dakota was now moaning quite loudly as she thrust her sweet delicate pussy on my cock. I could feel the walls of her pussy clamp down on my manhood. I felt her lean forward into Jill. They began a long sensual kiss. Just for fun I reached up and tweaked nipples of both Jill and Dakota. As I was giggling to myself, I suddenly felt a pair of hands squeezing my balls. Curiously, I didn’t find it quite as funny any longer.

As Dakota reached an orgasmic peak, she removed herself from my cock and pulled Jill over my cock. Jill began to thrust herself up and down on my cock with a purpose. I could feel Jill’s sweet pussy also spasming on me. As I felt Jill reach an orgasmic crescendo my pelvis became suddenly wet from her pussy juice.

We continued like that for more than an hour before the ladies finally focused on me. Both of them began licking and sucking my cock and balls. Every now and then they would stop and have an erotic kiss with me watching then go back to sucking my cock. It wasn’t too long before I finally reached my own orgasmic pinnacle, but when I did, I spewed the contents of my balls down Dakota’s throat. She swallowed every drop of my man juice.

When it seemed as if we were at a stopping point, the three of us got up and headed into the bathroom to shower. Once again, the ladies took real good care of me inside the shower. They soaped up my body from head to toe. They shampooed my hair letting it sit for a couple of minutes before shampooing my hair a second time. Finally, when they felt that I was sufficiently clean, they put my underneath the shower and let the hot water cascade down my body and onto the shower floor.

In return, I began to soap up each lady taking care to be gentle. As I had Jill’s body all soaped up, I put Dakota’s head under the shower and got her hair wet for me to put a bit of shampoo into her hair. I scrubbed and scrubbed. When I had her hair with enough shampoo I went back to Jill and rinsed her off. Once the soap was off her body, I then shampooed her hair.

As Jill was waiting for her hair to be rinsed, I moved Dakota underneath the shower and rinsed her hair before soaping up her body. Finally, I got both ladies washed and rinsed. We turned off the shower and the three of us stepped back outside.

I took two clean fluffy towels and put one on each of the ladies. As I was gladly drying off my two ladies, I remembered the two Christmas presents that I still had for both of them. As I finished drying them off, we went back into the bedroom to dress and once again, Dakota had to go to her room to get dressed.

Since the office was closed, I still had to log onto the laptop and do some work. I put on a pair of shorts and a white tee shirt like I usually do. Jill put on a cute pair of daisy duke shorts and a tight tee shirt of her own to wear. Once Jill and I were dressed we tapped on Dakota’s door and let her know that we were heading to the kitchen for breakfast. It only took about a minute or two for her to open her door and join us going to the kitchen.

As we were walking down the hallway, Mom’s door opened and Fred and she stepped out. They too were heading to the kitchen.

As the five of us got to the kitchen, Dakota made a beeline for the coffee pot. After she poured herself a cup, I opened a small package of a peppermint candy cane and broke it in half and dropped it and a Hershey kiss into her coffee cup. She smiled at me and kissed me before taking a big sip of coffee. Jill followed suit pouring herself a cup of coffee as well.

Fred, still being the gentleman, poured Mom a cup of coffee and himself a cup. Before I even reached into the fridge Sammy had poured me a glass of pineapple juice. The five of us sat down at the kitchen table chatting about Christmas and how wonderful it was being drama-free.

I heard the TV on in the tv room. I peeked around the corner to see Amy sitting and watching some gossip show when suddenly my face appeared on the screen. They had several pictures of Ronda and me acting like a boyfriend/girlfriend from our trip together. They had a banner at the bottom of the picture titled ‘Jaxson’s playboy’. I really couldn’t be mad. Ronda and I did make like we were boyfriend/girlfriend.

Jill and Dakota both watched the snippet and rolled their eyes at it. The piece on tv made me wonder should I call Ronda or just leave things alone. I had been given advice to just leave things alone and she will come back around. So far, I have followed that advice, but my brain tells me that I should call her but what would I say? So, for now, I’ll just leave things alone.

I didn’t see Mom and Fred looking over my shoulder when the gossip show was on but Mom laughed out loud telling all of us how many times she would be out to the country club and they would take pictures of her having lunch with another couple and the show would gossip about her having an affair with some lady’s husband just because she wasn’t there. Fred, always being the gentleman just shook his head and smiled.

As I was finishing up my glass of pineapple juice, Sammy asked me if he could prepare something for me to eat for breakfast. I asked him for one of his delicious omelets which he said he would have ready in about 10 minutes. Jill and Dakota both said that I should hurry before John wakes up.

Just as Sammy was beginning to prepare my omelet, John and Diane came out to the kitchen. Jill joked that my timing was perfect. John asked perfectly for what and she told him me ordering an omelet before he came out. Everyone laughed.

John asked for his ‘everything’ omelet. Dakota chimed in to add the kitchen sink as well so maybe John will be full on the first omelet. Once again everyone chuckled, including John and Diane.

While my breakfast was cooking, I went upstairs to the office and collected my laptop. I brought it down to the dining room table. I plugged it into the wall socket and turned it on. Dakota sauntered over and whispered in my ear how much she loves me and as usual just let her know if I need her to take care of anything. I kissed her passionately and gave her a little swat on her pantiless ass. She wiggled it at me and giggled as she walked away from me.

The gossip thing on TV still had me chuckling. As usual, the press gets it wrong about 90% of the time.

Jennifer came over to me and straddled my lap. For some reason, with her, it doesn’t take much for me to get hard. She began kissing me and rubbing herself up and down my body. She made me think that she was an unwrapped Christmas present. Actually, I think that this was the first time she had to try to repay me for the large bonus check. I know that it is the biggest amount of money she has had at one time.

One of the things that I think about with her is being a single parent. Now, John that I know now is much different from John just a few years ago. He had a scholarship to USC, but he screwed around and lost it. From there he applied to community college which he finished just as he came to work for me. Now he is married with a baby on the way. As I thought back to the night that I met John when I was dating Tina and we were at that IHOP. I remember that they were about $20 short and this rude waitress kept threatening them on calling the police. Finally, I covered their shortage and a couple of months later Diane showed up at my door offering to pay me back. I was quite impressed that she wanted to make the debt right again.

John has really matured from that guy who used the word Fuck all the time to the man he is now. Married now with a baby on the way. He works really hard trying to become a mini David, which I like.

Oh, he’ll never be Dakota, but he is a fine replacement at least for a short while. I was happy with him on the Dallas trip, he did a fine job acting as my assistant.

I’ve been thinking about the three ladies all lined up to have their baby. Diane in June, Dakota in July, and Jill either the end of August or around Labor Day in September. I understand why Jill is trying to use BJ as much as possible to assist her.


When I opened my laptop, I logged into the work email portal and once again was inundated with an unbelievable amount of emails. 811 of them to be exact and I knew it was going to take quite a while to get through them all.

As usual, I began with eliminating duplicate emails, that took me down to 645. I scanned for unique emails to start with. One of those came from Ms. Burger in Dallas. She tells me that her district is up by 12% year over year in sales. She also talks about how she met with all of her managers and challenged them. She set the goal to be 20% growth year over year. She has met with each manager individually and they have each created a game plan to work from. She knew it was near the end of the year so she anticipated that I would want an end of the year update, which I do.

She also went on to tell me that all of the new district managers are working together to make their restaurants better. I looked at their financials and indeed every district in Dallas is now making money and showing positive sales growth. Although Dallas is far from being fixed, I liked the direction it is moving. I made a mental note that I wanted to reward Ms. Burger for her hard work and dedication to helping the other district managers.

I sent the entire district team in Dallas a big thank you for working so hard and making Dallas a much better market.

I received another email from one of the trucking managers. He is really proud of selling the truck tires and reordering them at quite the pace. They are working their way through the list of private haul drivers who wanted the opportunity to purchase the high-quality tires at the largely discounted pricing. He even went on to say that the recap tires for the trailers are hard to keep in stock. As soon as they get a trailer full of recaps, they are sold within 48-72 hours.

I sent the managers a big thank you for making this project so successful. Again, I made a mental note of taking care of the trucking managers.

I saw an email from Rob, our IT guy. He was very thankful for the bonus that I sent him. He has been working diligently on the ID verification project. Every time he comes across someone who doesn’t belong on the company’s payroll, he double checks and usually ends up eliminating them. So far, he as eliminated 143 people off the payroll, something that I will address after the first of the year. I sent Rob a great big thank you for all the hard work he has put in over the past few months. I also sent Jill an email to ask her to double check that we have paid Rob all monies that we owe him.

I noticed an email from Roger Johnson. He began by telling me that there have been a disturbing number of violent crimes at many of our Pinetree hotels. He has been working with local vendors to install higher quality video so it could be passed along to the local law enforcement. He also said in the email that he will be spending quite a bit of money in Chicago, Detroit, Boston, and St. Louis as those four markets are virtually unprotected.

Roger also went on to say thank you for the bonus check being sent to him via overnight. He made mention that he has been seeing someone and the money will come in handy so he could buy her something nice.

There was an email from the security camera company. They made mention that I wanted them to come back out and put high-end security cameras at the back gate, which I do. I emailed them to call Amy and make an appointment so we can get this taken care of before the first of the year.

There were several Christmas emails thanking the companies for giving them business and then paying their bill quickly. One of the things that Jill and I agree on is to make sure all of our vendors are paid within 30 days of receiving their bill. We don’t want any of our vendors to have to wait a long time to get paid.

In the mix of emails, I found one from our girl Maddie who ran the Blue Jay (Toronto) she said she had a wonderful time with us and looks forward to seeing us again this coming year.

As I looked at the financials, our recording studio was losing money. I think that it is time to part ways from that business. I know that Mike Booker is running it so maybe he can find someone to purchase the business.

Oddly, I didn’t have any financials for the vineyards that we own and in fact, I still haven’t found out who put the vineyards in Jaxson, Inc. name with the Department of Business.

As I couldn’t find any further unique emails to read, I began the long trudging task of reading the ‘read-only’ emails. Once I read them, I deleted them. When I started reading them, I was down to 303 and it took a couple of hours for me to get that number under 100.

I received an email from our national project manager who is on point to the project of upgrading the Pinetree hotels. He said that he has been getting some resistance from general manages as they don’t want to be inconvenienced. I thanked him for the information and assured him that I will be addressing that with the general managers.

As the emails got down to 25, it dawned on me that I didn’t give Dakota nor Jill their Christmas present. Now I felt like a piece of crap. Hopefully, I will be forgiven.

I close up the laptop and take it back upstairs to the office. Once it was in the office, I headed down to my bedroom to get the two delicately wrapped packages.

I brought them to the dining room table and ask Dakota and Jill to join me. They sat where they usually sit, and I handed each lady a specially wrapped package. One of the ribbons was a cobalt blue and the other one was emerald green. Dakota opened hers first. She gently pulled the ribbon to unwrap it from the present. As the ribbon fell away from the package, Dakota gently took the paper off the package. Now we were down to just a rectangular flat jewelry box. Dakota opened the box to find a 3-carat diamond necklace which caused her to gasp. At the same time, Jill opened her present only to find a similar 4-carat diamond necklace.

Both Jill and Dakota leaped into my arms and kissed me profusely. As I was being mauled by kisses the front door had someone knocking at it. Jennifer went over to the door and opened it carefully. There stood Ronda asking if she could come in. Jennifer leaned back and yelled at me that I have a guest at the front door. I untangled myself from Jill and Dakota to turn and see Ronda, I waved her to come in.

Jill and Dakota both got up and said almost simultaneously that they are here for me if I need them. I kissed each one and got up to go greet Ronda at the front door.

“Can we talk somewhere privately, please?” Ronda asks in a serious manner.

“Absolutely. Is my bedroom private enough for you?” I asked.

“That would be fine,” she says to me.

She takes me by the hand and leads me down the hall to my own bedroom. Once we are in there she pauses at the door and shuts it behind me. Something in my brain told me that this wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation. I went over to one of the play beds and sat down. She followed me and sat next to me.

I just sat there not saying a word. I let her lead.

“David, I owe you a huge apology and you don’t even know why,” she says to me.

She was right, I had no idea why she dropped the check on the table and got up and left that day.

“What are you apologizing for?” I asked.

“Cheating on you,” she says.

“How did you cheat on me?” I ask her. There is a big pause of silence before I realize her eyes are tearing up. I really don’t know what to do. I put my arms around her and pull her into me. She puts her head on my shoulder and just leaves it there.

“Darling, how did you cheat on me?” I ask again.

“Well, after we got back from the trip, you know that I went to my house to get some clothes and such. Well, an old boyfriend was at my house waiting for me. He had brought a bottle of wine with him. We had a few glasses of wine and I began feeling quite tipsy. He kept trying to be charming, but I was trying to push him away, but after several attempts by him I caved and I slept with him,” Ronda tells me.

I’m a bit stunned, but I’m not mad as we are not married, we were just trying to make a baby together.

“Darling, I don’t know what to say. I mean, I guess I understand that since you slept with your old boyfriend you didn’t need me around. But that is where I’m lost. All you had to do was tell me and I would have been fine with it. You’re a grown woman who is beautiful and desired. Sleeping with an old boyfriend isn’t cheating as I see it. I thought that I had done something wrong when you dropped the check on the kitchen table, got up and left without saying a word. Did I do something wrong there that made you do that?” I asked her.

“No, in fact just the opposite. When I opened that beautiful envelope with that gorgeous writing on it my conscious came into play. I felt like such a heel sleeping with someone else when I asked you to help me make a baby. When I woke up the next morning, I cried for two hours. My ex just got up took a shower and left without saying a word. I’m nervous that we may have made a baby and he’s the last person I want to make a baby with, as he is such an ass,” Ronda tells me.

“Then why did you sleep with him?” I ask.

“Haven’t you ever made a mistake? After three glasses of wine on an empty stomach I succumbed to his ways to get in my pants and just like it used to be he was quite the ass,” Ronda tells me.

I sit there thinking about what she just told me. I know that I’ve been down that road not too long ago. We all make mistakes. I ask, “Did he hurt you at all?”

“No, he’s not overt with his ways, he likes to act as I came onto him when in fact it was the other way around. I’m such a fool, David. I ask you to do something that is very important to me and then I go and sleep with someone else. I would understand if you never wanted to see me again,” Ronda tells me. I pull her in tighter and kiss her.

“Darling, I love you. However, since there is a question about that guy and you create a baby, I’m not going to sleep with you until you find out for sure that you two didn’t make a baby. I hope you understand how I have come to this position,” I tell her before I lean in and kiss her again.

Ronda looks down at the floor as if she’s defeated.

“Ronda, my feelings have not changed for you. I still am willing to make a baby with you. I just want to make sure that if your pregnant, it is by me and not him. I don’t want you to end up carrying a baby that you don’t want. I will ask something from you. Don’t sleep with him again. Don’t have a bottle of wine with him, don’t let him worm his way into your pants. If you need wine, I have 16000 bottles of it here. If you need love and affection, you know that I am at your disposal. All you have to do is take my hand and hug and kiss me. I’m pretty easy,” I tell her.

“David, did you say 16000 bottles of wine? How the hell did you get that much wine?” She asks me.

“Well, it turns out that I now own not one, not two, but three vineyards. They delivered 1500 cases of the label called Sierra. You wouldn’t believe it but the picture on the bottle looks exactly like Dakota,” I tell her causing her to giggle.

I pull her in tightly and tell her that I love her. She is getting all teary-eyed, but I just hold her giving her time to gather her emotions. I feel a bit better than I had not done something to cause her to leave.

“So, what are you going to do with the check?” I ask. She shrugs her shoulders not really saying anything.

“What do you think I should do with the check?”

“Well, if you really don’t want the money, then donate it to a charity of your choice. However, I would suggest that you just put it in your bank account that way you have emergency money should you need any,” I say to her. I see her thinking and though she doesn’t say no to the idea of donating the money, I think that she made the decision to keep the money just in case.


Ronda and I held each other for more than an hour. We laid down on the play bed, but our clothes remained on our bodies. After a while, Jill came into the room. She asked if everything was OK. I told her it was and that we worked everything out. Jill seemed relieved about that. After Jill chatted with us, we got up and headed back out to the kitchen. By this time Sammy and Bobby were cooking dinner.

Dinner consisted of homemade chicken potpies. Each one was in a white ramekin to cook. It came with a bottom crust, a cream filling and lots of vegetables along with a shredded couple of rotisserie chickens and of course a top crust. I had never smelled homemade potpies, but they smelled delicious.

As I was sitting at the kitchen table, Tina’s Mother Deloris came over and sat down in the chair next to me.

“David, may I have a few minutes of your time please?” she asks.

“Of course. What can I do for you, Deloris?” I ask.

“When I agreed to come here, I was certain that you were this predator because Tina told me of all the young ladies that live here with you. However, watching you over the past two days I see that it is not that at all. I see you working hard on your laptop. I see you hugging and kissing your wife Jill. I hear you encouraging the ladies to make smart choices and I’ve chatted at length with Melanie who thinks so highly of you that she nearly calls you her son. You treat her with respect but you’ve brought her here to the west coast rather than her living her life in a stuffy old mansion on the east coast. You’ve instilled life into her. My opinion of you has changed completely and I just wanted you to know that” Deloris tells me in a straightforward manner.

“Well Deloris, that is very nice of you. I will ask something from you. Please keep pushing Tina to finish her studies at college. I have a job waiting for her when she’s graduated. I think she would be a wonderful project manager for me, but not until she has graduated. Can you do that for me, Deloris?” I ask her.

“David, you have a deal. I am glad to have met you and seen you in action. Now, when will someone take me back home?” Deloris asks which causes me to laugh a bit. Deloris was pretty much out of sight, but I did see her sit with several of the ladies and chat with them. I saw her talk to Jennifer for a couple of hours on Christmas day. I know that she loves her daughter, as we do also. I think that Tina going back to live with her Mother for a while was something that Tina needed.

“Deloris, when would you like to head back to Phoenix?” I ask her.

“As soon as possible. I know that Tina wants to stay here a bit, so you can send her along the day after your big party on New Year’s Eve,” she says to me making me smile.

Before I even say anything, Dakota is already on the phone with the plane group. Melanie and Fred offer to escort her to the jet and then to get her home. I thank them for being such good people. Fred is the one that continues to amaze me with his stoic ways and yet he seems to always have the right answer at the right time.

I get up and take a seat on one of the couches in the TV room. Ronda sits right next to me and puts her head on my shoulder. I caress her back making her feel more at home with me. Again, there is a knock at the front door. Once again Jennifer carefully answers it. This time it is Patrick and Heidi. They came over to say hello and tell me how well things are going with them.

I pull them into the TV room, and they sit together, holding hands on the love seat. Patrick begins by telling me that they have really been enjoying each other since I put them together in my hokey blind date. I laughed and said something to Jill who smiled and commented that they shouldn’t encourage me. We all laughed about it.

I asked Patrick and Heidi to stay for dinner, but they already had dinner plans with Patrick’s Mother who lives out on the beach. As they got up, I wished them well and told them to not be strangers as they are welcome here. I get a peck on the cheek from Heidi and thankfully just a handshake from Patrick.

John is now starting to pace. When he gets hungry, he is like a shark circling a lone swimmer. You can almost hear the Jaws music from the movie. I hear John ask Bobby how long until the potpies are ready, he gets told about 20 more minutes. John says thank you and goes to sit by his wife.

Once again, I look around to see if anyone is missing and to me, I don’t know where Belinda or Allison is. So, I get up and casually walk over to the pool house and knock on the door. I knock a second time and then a third. No one answers. From there I walk over to the studio and knock on that door. I hear movement inside. I turn the knob and walk in. Once again, there is Allison holding a camera and Belinda giving some well-endowed guy a blowjob. I just stand there watching and listening to Allison giving direction.

As the two actors reach their anticipated conclusion, the guy gets up and goes to put his clothes back on. Belinda gets up, uses a towel to wipe off before she heads to the shower. Allison is checking the video footage before she realizes that I’m even in the studio. When she sees me, she hangs her head as if I’m going to scold her.

“What am I to do with you my darling?” I ask Allison.

“I’m sorry. I had this one already scheduled before you altered our agreement,” she tells me.

“Are there any more scheduled or is this the last one?” I ask her. She hangs her head and tells me that there is one more scheduled tomorrow.

“Darling, you know that I want to make your life better, not harder, right?” I ask.

She nods that she understands. I reach out to her and put my arms around her and then I hear something that causes me to snap my head around.

“Allison dear, I didn’t know that your Father came to your shoots,” causing Allison to laugh out loud as that comment was completely out of the blue and caught me by surprise. I thought about what the guy said and he’s right. I am about old enough to be her Father, however, I like her a lot and just want her to make smart choices.

“Darling, can you call the actor tomorrow and cancel?” I ask. She says she will try to contact him right now which I am glad she does.

It takes her a couple of tries, but she finally gets ahold of the male actor and he is happy that the shoot is canceled so he can head up to San Francisco to see a couple of friends.

I take Allison by the hand and sit her down on the couch in the studio.

“Darling, do you feel you still need to continue trying to make money shooting porn?” I ask her.

“Well, I don’t know what else to do,” she says to me. I put my arms around her and pull her into me and just hold her.

“Darling, I don’t want you to do anything. We have a big party coming up in a couple of days and I will need your help hosting it,” I say to her. She looks puzzled when I tell her that I want her to help hosting the party.

“Who is coming to this party?” Allison asks me.

“Lots and lots of your friends from college. We’re expecting about 800+. Who knows you might even find a guy to bring on as your boyfriend. I haven’t played with you in quite a while, but I would like to right now if you're horny enough,” I say to her.

I lean in and begin kissing her. As we are lip locked, I let my hands begin to roam over her body. I hear her moan into my mouth. I start unbuttoning her blouse and letting it fall to the floor. I feel her hands on my belt. She’s unbuckling my pants. I, in turn, unbutton her jean shorts and pull them down to the floor as well. She has cute little black panties which I pull off of her as well.

I stand up and let my shorts fall off of me to the floor allowing my cock to be free. Allison begins to lick up and down the shaft. She wraps her lips around the head of my cock. I begin thrusting in and out of her mouth causing her to gag as my cock keeps touching the back of her mouth. She is producing copious amounts of spittle.

Once I feel my cock is wet enough, I lay Allison back on the couch and put her ankles over my shoulders. I feel the opening to her sex and gently thrust into her. “Oh, gawd David, I haven’t felt you in so long. Fuck me hard make me your bitch right now,” she tells me.

With her ankles over my shoulders, it gave me much deeper access to her tight college pussy. I keep pounding it as hard as I can possibly thrust. She is moaning and begging for more. I take my thumb and put it into her mouth making her suck my thumb as my cock is mercilessly slamming in and out of her very wet pussy.

With my other hand, I begin to tweak her nipples. First one then the other twisting and pulling on them making her squeal from the pain. I kept increasing my fucking of her young pussy. In my head, I know that if John was here he could continue to fuck her into submission. I kept fucking her and increasing my speed. Soon I was approaching Sasha mode with my fucking of her tender pussy. She was begging me to let her cum as she took on the persona of Penny, her submissive alter ego.

I kept telling her that she wasn't allowed to cum until I told her it was OK. She began to beg more and more to allow her to cum. I just kept fucking her and ignoring her pleas.

I saw fear in her face. I decided to allow her to cum.

“Ok, Penny you may cum now,” I tell her. It was almost as if her pussy heard the words because she began cumming so hard that I could feel all the wetness her pussy was producing on my pelvis. I kept up the Sasha level of fucking her sweet little pussy.

“Penny, do you want to cum again?” I ask as I’m just hammering away at her womanhood.

“OH, GAWD YES, PLEASE DADDY LET ME CUM AGAIN,” she begs. I thrust one final time into her and just hold my cock as deep into her as it could get. While it was deep in her, I reached down and began playing and pinching her clit which just sent her over the edge once again.

“OH, GAWD DADDY, I LOVE HOW YOU MAKE ME CUM SO HARD. NO ONE HAVE EVER MADE ME CUM AS MUCH OR AS HARD AS YOU DO,” she says to me making me smile. There is just something erotic having total control over her body. She willingly accepts all the cum that I want to put into her. She will do anything that I want from her and she shows me all the affection that she can.

My mind decides that I should be a bit devious with her body. I pull out of her pussy and with virtually no warning I force my cock into her ass. She just lets out one long groan as she cums repeatedly. I keep fucking her ass until I finally feel my own pinnacle approach.

“Penny, here I cum, you need to beg me for all my cum,” I say to her.

“OH, GAWD DADDY, PLEASE GIVE ME ALL YOUR CUM. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, PLEASE, PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR CUM. MAKE ME YOUR BITCH,” she says to me. Once I hear the words bitch, I begin to shoot all the cum I have into her ass.


“OH YES DADDY. FILL ME, I AM YOUR SLUT,” she says as I’m dumping all I have into her. It’s been a while since I’ve fucked anyone with this much force, but it is a nice treat to hear her beg me for all that I have.

As I look over her shoulder, I see Belinda standing there. She is playing with herself as I’m fucking Allison. I look at her and command, “Get over here and clean my cum out of her,”

Belinda responds and gets down on her knees to begin sucking my cum out of poor Allison. I pull my cock out of Allison and wait for Belinda to clean it off. I reach down and pull Belinda’s legs over my shoulders as well. I push my cock into her pussy with virtually no preparation. Belinda holds her pussy lips apart as my cock goes deep into her.


“OH, GAWD YES. FUCK ME, HARD DADDY. I’M YOUR WILLING SLUT,” she says to me as I begin to fuck her pussy just as hard as I was fucking Allison’s young pussy.

I’m thrusting in and out of her repeatedly. I hear her cum once, then again, and finally a third time.

“Now clean Daddy up. Take your baby making juices off my cock,” I say to her. She uncouples herself from me and slides down the couch to put my cock into her mouth. She begins to suck and lick all my shaft cleaning up our mixed cum off of me. Allison drops down and begins to suck the cum out of Belinda. Watching Allison lick the cum out of Belinda and watching Belinda clean my cock was just an unbelievably sexy thing to see.

After several minutes we all settle down. I kiss each of my play partners. In my head, I was excited to play with Allison. I know that Belinda is seeing someone but, in my head, I think the guy is an idiot. But that is yet to be proved.

I collapse onto the couch. Both Allison and Belinda put their heads on my chest. I begin to just caress their backs telling them how much they mean to me. I find myself strangely attracted to Allison. I don’t know if it is because she’s a willing submissive to me or that she is so young and beautiful with an amazing body. No matter what the reason, I find myself attracted to her.

After the three of us lay together on the couch for a while, I get up and the two ladies follow me back to the main house. I ask Belinda to lock the studio. She turns around and locks the door from the inside and pulls it tight.

The three of us go inside the main house. Tina comes over to me to tell me that her Mother, Deloris, had left but to tell me that she really enjoyed the Christmas here.

Once the three of us were inside, I knew I let time get away from me as John was eating his third chicken potpie. I leaned into Dakota and Diane and asked them what they thought about the meal. Both ladies said that they enjoyed the home-made potpie. I went over to the fridge and pulled out three bottles of water and handed one each to Jill, Dakota, and Diane. They all smiled and graciously accepted the bottle.

I sat down at the dining room table and Sammy gave me a plate with not one but two potpies. I guess he pulled a couple aside for me to eat. As I ate them, they were by far the best potpies that I have ever had. I thanked Bobby and Sammy for the delightful dinner. We still had plenty of left-over wedding cake. Everyone was taking large slices of cake after they were finished with the main course.

The next couple of days proved to be quiet, which suited me just fine because I knew the madness that was approaching.


The eve of NYE was a day that made me nervous. Everything had to be in place. We had to make call after call to ensure things were going to arrive that day. Coke told us that they would have a truck drop off the 100 cases late in the afternoon, which annoyed me.

The butcher that was delivering all the ribs and chicken showed up early in the morning at about 9 am, which was perfect. Bobby and Sammy called the 6 chefs to arrive about that same time. Sammy really took over. He divided the 6 chefs into 3 teams of 2. For about 90 minutes one of each pair would be outside grilling ribs while the other one was inside helping make side dishes.

Bobby was making gallon after gallon of BBQ sauce. Sammy was par-cooking the ribs to make that much meat easier to cook. When they had the ribs cooked, they put them into tinfoil pans and covered them to keep anything off the meat. Sammy had cleared out the three professional-grade refrigerators in the big kitchen. He even moved the sides, such as potato salad, macaroni salad, Cole slaw, and beans in gallon containers to the two refrigerators in the third kitchen.

About 11 am we received a notice that someone was at the outer gate wanting access. We looked and saw that it was the produce people that Bobby requested. Amy took control of directing where the big truck was to be until all their contents were removed and put inside the house.

Bobby had ordered 20 bushels of corn on the cob. He figured that with 50 ears in each bushel we would probably have just enough corn. The size pots that Bobby and Sammy produced just amazed me. I know that I spent many years in the restaurant business, but when you move all that professional stuff to a private house it makes things look different.

As the BBQ chefs outside rotated with their partner inside the meat was getting cooked and outside just smelled delicious. I had to keep both myself and John from just grabbing a slab of ribs and sitting down and eating.

All the ladies had jobs assigned to them. Jennifer, Donna, and Paula were assigned to shucking the corn and cutting it into about 4” pieces. BJ and Danni were responsible for washing and peeling potatoes. Sammy had ordered nearly 200 pounds of potatoes from the produce company. Allison’s job was to open can after can of Bush’s baked beans. The chefs had bought the #10 size can. Once the can was open, the contents were dumped into a large plastic container to hold the beans to wait for heating on NYE.

When Coke finally showed up Amy had them roll case after case through the house to out back. It became John’s job to put the sodas into the coolers and cover them with ice. The ice company joked with us to try not to shoot up another truck, but they were serious about how nice it was that we got their truck fixed in less than 10 days.

I had ordered Budweiser and Bud Light to have about 50 cases of each. Which ended up having to send Tina and John to the store to buy 30 more coolers. John drove his truck and Tina borrowed Jennifer’s truck.

The security company showed up double checking that we still wanted them to provide lots of security both inside and outside the house. I also asked for three officers to patrol the parking lot until about 9 pm as I didn’t want them to miss out on NYE. The people who were going to patrol inside the house would be here until 2 am.

We all discussed that there actually would be 4 NYE midnights. Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific. The sanitation company delivered nearly 75 large Rubbermaid trash containers. They parked a truck outside in the courtyard so as we got loaded up with trash bags, we could empty the container and zip tie the bags and take them out to the truck.

The pool guys stopped by and put a large dose of chlorine in each pool to sanitize it ahead of time. They suggested that soon we change from freshwater pool to saltwater pool. I told them that today was not the day to try and pitch that to me but contact me about mid-month and we’ll talk.

Jill, Mom, and Fred got assigned to shredding cabbage for the Cole slaw. They shredded nearly 500 heads of white cabbage and 75 heads of red cabbage. There were many cases of restaurant grade mayonnaise to make the slaw, the potato salad, and the macaroni salad.

The chefs that rotated inside were boiling potatoes and macaroni to make the salad mixes.

I leaned into Dakota’s ear and asked if we have Patrick’s group scheduled for cleanup on New Year’s Day. She said it was all set up, they were to arrive with 50 people about 9 am. Dakota also said that Amy went to the store and bought 80 boxes of garbage bags.

While things were going on, I asked everyone if they would just like to have pizza for dinner. It was a unanimous yes! I called Pizza Hut and ordered 60 large pizzas. 15 cheese, 25 pepperonis, and 10 Meatlover and 10 Supreme. They told me it would be close to two hours, but I didn’t care we would have dinner made for us.

I went upstairs and locked the office door. I went down the hall and made sure the Red Door was locked tight and it was. I spoke with Amy asking her to check on everyone’s vehicle making sure it was safely in the garage and that the garage was securely locked down.

It dawned on me that we probably needed towels for the people who would be using the pool. I called Target, Walmart, and JC Penney’s to order a total of 1200 towels. 400 from each, unfortunately, Penney’s couldn’t fulfill the order. I called Target and Walmart back and they both told me that they would have all the towels here by 11 am tomorrow morning. I gave each of them my credit card to pay for it all.

As promised, two hours later three Pizza Hut drivers showed up with all the pizza. I had them bring the pizzas into the dining room and lay them out. I signed the receipt and gave each driver a $100 bill. They all expressed their appreciation.

I told everyone as they come to a stopping point to come get some pizza. Surprisingly, John was the first one but what was nice to see was him getting Diane pizza before himself.

I went outside to the chefs that were on the grills and told them that we had pizza delivered so there was food for everyone to eat. They thanked me and went inside to get a couple of slices each.

Jill stopped shredding cabbage to ask me if we had enough plastic forks. I told her that we have nearly 3500 plastic forks and that I believe that we have plenty. She giggled, kissed me and went back to her cabbage.

Mom and Fred were so cute shredding cabbage. I really don’t think that Mom has worked that hard in many years, but she seemed to be enjoying it. She would poke poor Fred in the ribs and then kiss him on the cheek.

I asked Dakota about the DJ and the music. She said it was all set up and to not worry my little head about it. Dakota always anticipates my needs and does a great job taking care of me. As the afternoon rolled around the DJ showed up. Amy showed him where he was to set up outside. He just kept saying that the house was larger than most clubs that he worked in. That made me feel good.

I met with the DJ and chatted with him about his music selection. He had everything worked out. I called Dakota, Diane, and John over to look over the list of music to make sure we were going to be a hit with music. I reminded the DJ that we will be having 4 NYE midnight celebrations and we need to be aware of the time, so we don’t miss any of them. He assured me he knew what he was doing.

Jennifer stopped preparing corn to come to ask me how we were fixed for butter for the corn. I was without an answer. I looked at Bobby and Sammy. They told me that they had 250 pounds of butter in one of the fridges in the third kitchen. I thanked them for taking care of that. What a huge issue it would have been if we had 1000 ears of corn and absolutely no butter.

I asked Sammy if they were going to make any desserts or just skip it. Sammy said that he already had 25 gallons of banana pudding made. Of course, I had to ask about spoons, once again I was told to not worry that it was covered.

Diane came over to me and asked if some of the people could bring fireworks. I told her not. I didn’t want drunk college kids burning my house down because they didn’t know how to properly use the fireworks. Besides California had a firework ban to prevent any fires from starting.

As the cabbage three finished, I moved them over to help BJ and Danni to wash and prepare potatoes for cooking.

The DJ came over to me asking if he could have a beer or two tomorrow night. I told him that I’m OK with him having a beer or two, but please keep it under control. I did not want a drunk DJ. He promised that he wouldn’t get drunk. I also asked if we could get some Bruno Mars, someone that I liked. The DJ was amazed that someone my age even knew who Bruno Mars even was.

I went around to all my family. I asked them for their gun as I wanted to lock them up in the gun safes. I didn’t want anyone to have access of any kind to our firearms. Each person went to their bedroom and got me their weapon. I asked John to help me carry the firearms to the safes to keep them locked down.

As most of the preparation was coming to an end, I retreated to my bedroom. I pulled several thousand dollars out of a safe and started putting it in envelopes that I wrote people’s names on. I figured that tomorrow morning when the person arrived, I would give them their pay in advance, so they didn’t have to find me to get paid as NYE was over.

As the ribs were being finished up, I grabbed John and a slab of ribs and sat outside on the edge of one of the pools to eat some ribs. John and I were in guy heaven. There were 11 ribs on the slab. I took 5 and gave him 6. We just sat there like a couple of kids figuring out a way to stuff our faces with BBQ ribs. Dakota and Diane both came outside to the pools and kissed us. We made sure that their faces were covered in BBQ sauce. They sat down next to us and looked exhausted. For the next couple of hours, everyone finished up their assignment and came out to the pool. Jennifer and Paula didn’t take no for an answer when they asked for a rib. John and I weren’t going to share, so they just reached over us and took a rib each. All John and I could do was laugh. Even Mom and Fred laughed seeing the ladies not taking no for an answer.

Of course, Dakota went inside and grabbed another slab of ribs and brought it out to the pool. She went around to everyone cutting off a rib or two but purposely ignoring John and me.

All the ladies were having a hoot of time watching John and me getting ignored by Dakota. Once all the ribs were dealt out to everyone, I pulled Dakota in tightly and then tossed her cute little ass into the pool. That she didn’t expect, but it made everyone laugh loud.

I got up and thanked everyone for their hard work. I promised that this party will be epic and all of the college co-eds would be talking about this party for years to come. As I walked around the pool, I thanked everyone individually. Just as I leaned down to kiss Jill, someone came up from behind me and pushed my ass into the pool as well. When I came up from underneath the water, everyone was laughing at me and I saw my darling Dakota standing there with her hands on her hips laughing at me.

I told everyone to get to bed early as the day tomorrow would be long but fun.

After my speech, everyone got up and went inside. I grabbed Dakota and jokingly threatened to toss her back into the pool, but I didn’t. Instead, I kissed her passionately. I whispered into her ear that I loved her and want her to be safe tomorrow. She said she would not be too far from me the entire day.


Some of the college kids began arriving at about 1 pm. The chefs arrived once again at 11 am. I gave each of them their pay envelope and thanked them for their hard work so far and what is yet to come. One of the guys opened his envelope and asked me why the change in the agreed amount of pay.

“Well, I know that all of you have worked so hard so far and will work hard again tonight that I felt it proper to increase your pay,” I tell them. They all thank me for the increase in money.

Amy took a position at the front door. As people arrived, she handed them a tag and a black marker. They had to write their name on the tag and hand her their keys. She put the two together and put them in a box. They asked when they could get their keys back, Amy explained that no one will get their keys back before 10 am tomorrow which seemed to disappoint a couple of people.

One thing that I noticed was that the house was filled with a delicious smell of BBQ ribs. Sammy and Bobby were laying out pans of food. Ribs, beans, potato salad, macaroni salad, and grilled chicken.

I thought about locking the three master suites to keep snoopy people out of them. I went down the hall and locked each bedroom. I found Jill, Dakota, and Mom to let them all know that I locked all three of the bedrooms, but I have a set of keys if they need to get into one of the bedrooms.

I asked Jill if our surprise guest was still coming. She said she hadn’t heard anything to change that.

I went over to our DJ and asked to play some Pitbull and some Havana Brown. Once again, the DJ was floored that I even knew the names. He promised that he would be playing some of them as the night kept going. I asked if all his equipment was set up and ready to go. He assured me that everything was ready, and it would start jumping in about an hour or so. I was now getting excited.

For the first time in a long, long time I popped open a Bud Light and took a big swallow. John came over to me and asked who I was as the David Greene that he knew hasn’t touched a drop if he knew him. I just smiled and put my arm around my protégé and told him that tonight would be epic. As far as John was concerned, it already was epic.

John reached into the Bud Light cooler and grabbed one as well. The beer made me think of something. I went over to Amy and asked her to check IDs and put a big black X on people’s hands that weren’t old enough to drink.

As people started arriving in bunches, I sent BJ and Danni over to the front door to help Amy. I also sent two 5-gallon buckets as the box she had was filling up fast. When the guest wrote their name on the ID card, Amy would collect their keys and zip tie them together and toss them into the box, or now one of the buckets. As the guests were writing their name on the cards, she gave the same speech to each group that they would get their keys back tomorrow about 10 am and not before. They are welcome to UBER home tonight, but no keys would be given back out until tomorrow.

I felt my phone buzz. I opened it and saw that it was Patrick and Heidi. I wished them a happy New Years and they said the same to me. I invited them to the party, however, I heard a giant pause. I laughed and told them that they were welcome to come to see 800+ screaming partying college co-eds. Once they heard that they thanked me for the invitation but declined to laugh.

I saw group after group arrives at the front door and Amy give the same speech repeatedly about the keys. BJ and Danni helped but they didn’t give any speeches.

By 7 pm food was flowing well, we had plenty of ribs and sides. The DJ had the house jumpin’ and everyone seemed happy. I did see one of the guys keep on with Dakota. She kept pushing the guy away and try to walk away but he kept after her. This caused me to come to her aid.

“Is there an issue here?” I asked.

Dakota stepped behind me.

“No worries ‘pops, I was just having a good time with the girl,”

“Well, I don’t think she was having a good time with you. Right now, you have two choices. Number one, apologize to the young lady and act more like a gentleman. Number two, leave. There is no option three,” I say to him.

He stands there for a couple of minutes. Then he says, “Ma’am I apologize for bothering you,”

Dakota replies, “You’re forgiven, just don’t do it again,” as she turns and walks away. He was ready to say something at her, but he didn’t get the opportunity. I reached into the beer cooler and popped open a beer and told him to enjoy the party.

Jill came over to me and told me that our special guest was here. I went towards the front door. Amy was still giving the speech to people when she stopped and lost her breath. She couldn’t say a word. I went over to the door and welcomed our guest. Someone in the crowd yelled out that Pitbull was here. The whole room stopped.

Now Pitbull was a delightful guy and very personable. He went over to the DJ and asked if he could use his equipment. The DJ gladly handed it over to our guest. Pitbull put the headphones to his ears as he began the song. It only took about 30 seconds and the entire population of the house was jumping to the music that was being played. I saw lots of phones come out to take pictures of our musical guest. After five songs, I went over to Pitbull and thanked him we did the man hug thing. The DJ was completely floored with the level of guest that we had. Pitbull was quite the gentleman. He posed for many pictures before he left.

As we approached the east coast midnight, the countdown had everyone hugging and kissing. When the east coast hit midnight, our house went nuts. The DJ had everyone jumping once again.

The next hour, the Central time zone brought the house down once again. I heard several splashes in the pool but overall it was just more celebration. I walked around and kissed all my family. I kept Dakota and Jill close by. The guy that I had an issue with earlier never gave us issue again.

When we hit the Mountain midnight, the house was jumping once again. However, I noticed that many of the girls clothing became more and more scarce. I really didn’t care as they were all adults, but at least they were looking for unused bedrooms in with to fornicate in. I just laughed.

When we reached the West coast midnight, there was a huge silence before we rang that bell for a New Year’s. I kissed all my family that I could get to and wished them a happy new year’s.

I roamed around the house just enjoying the party. We had kids eating. We had kids drinking, and we had most of them jumping to the music. I sat down at the dining room table and made myself a plate of food. As I was eating a couple of ribs, Jennifer came over to me and leaned into me and whispered if I knew a Michael Greene.

“Yeah, that’s my son,” I said to her.

She said that I needed to turn around then. When I looked at the front door, there stood my son Michael.



2019-06-13 04:38:41
As always, an excellent chapter!! Can't wait to see what's going to happen after the party and with Dr Ronda!!


2019-06-13 02:04:25
WOW ! What a party . And a surprise visit from junior . GR8 chapter .

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