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More problems arise for Ephus.
Greek Gods


Zeus - King of the Greek gods

Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister and wife of Zeus

Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus

Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus

Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus

Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality

Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity

Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill.

Ares - Son of Zeus and Hera, god of war

Apollo - Son of Zeus and Leto - god of the sun and light, music and poetry, healing and plagues, prophecy and knowledge, order and beauty, archery and agriculture.

Dionysus - Son of Zeus and Semele - God of the vine, grape-harvest, wine-making, wine, fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, theatre

Hephaetus - Son of Zeus and Hera - god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture.

Hermes - Son of Zeus and Maia - Messenger of the gods, god of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, border crossings, guide to the Underworld

Eris - Daughter of Zeus and Hera - minor goddess of discord and strife

Deimos - son of Ares, twin of Phobos - god of dread

Phobos - son of Ares, twin of Deimos - god of fear


Ephus - the godling man with an unusual power.

Dr. Quinn - human wife of Ephus


Egyptian Goddesses and wives to Ephus


Bast - Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love

Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance

Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music and fertility.

Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites

Maat - Goddess of Truth and Justice

Tefnut - Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water


Brothers of Bast and Sekhmet


Thoth - God of knowledge

Sobek - God of the Nile, the Army, military, fertility and of crocodiles

Anhur - God of war and the sky bearer - Full brother of Bast and Sekhmet

Horus - Ancient God of the sky and kingship

Min - God of fertility

Khonshu - God of the Moon

Apophis - God of Chaos and darkness

Shu - God of the wind and air


Ephus sat with a thud again, the three extra bonds that he'd ripped loose had been a drain. Like before though, he found that his power was rapidly rebuilding.

A smile slowly crossed his face as he thought of how pissed off Ares was going to be when he found out. At least Eris was a bit freer, though Ephus felt, there was far more of her power tied to Ares.

According to Serket what he'd done to free the five bonds on Eris was rare. Well, rare or unheard of to say the least. Obviously, he was going to have to have more information on this before he tried anything more.

Making Eris more comfortable Ephus sat at the table to think this through. He'd only been at it for a short time when he felt a huge surge of power outside his door. Nodding his head two of the three powers he felt he knew. This last though was completely unknown to him.

Reaching out he felt this third power was far older than the other two. Shit he thought, now who was getting involved?

Ephus was even more surprised when there was a knock on the door, ok now THAT was different. Opening in a slight smile crossed his face when he saw both younger looking Aphrodite and Athena standing there. Looking behind them, he saw an older slightly nervous female.

"We know you have much that you are doing" Aphrodite started.

"We also know that you are having problems with our half-brother Ares." Athena stated.

Ephus nodded never taking his eyes off the older female. "Yes, all that is true. As is the fact that I am more than frustrated with your realm. Aphrodite you and Athena are the only ones I have found that even deserve consideration to be saved. The rest," here Ephus shook his head. "The rest I could really care less about."

A gasp from the older female caught Ephus's attention. "How could he be so cruel." He heard her whisper to Athena. Athena bent to whisper to the older female whose eyes got large then she nodded. "He really acted that way toward him? I should have done more than shout at him." Walking forward the older female slightly bowed to Ephus, "I regret that you were treated the way you were. Especially by my husband."

This last sentence had Ephus confused a moment as he looked at both Aphrodite and Athena.

"She is referring to our father Zeus, also her brother." Athena stated a small smirk now on her lips. "Hera came to us saying that she wished to end the hostilities between us. I am still finding it a load of crap, though many things she said did make sense. It's the only reason I agreed to bring her here to you."

Now a smirk was etched on Ephus's face. He'd heard a lot of the conflicts that could have been avoided were in fact spurred on by Hera. Looking the older female over, he could see why, with the beauty she posed. Much like Aphrodite she had an uncommon beauty.

"Much has been written about you, mostly your distrust and disdain of most humans. Don't make the mistake thinking I am still human, though I still think like one. I'm not sure if there is much I can do for the Olympus realm. I have had trouble with almost all the sons of Zeus, including your son Ares." Ephus told Hera.

Here Hera's mouth dropped open almost all? Ares she could understand but the others? "I am hoping that with our assistance things will go far easier for you."

Ephus looked at Hera hard, making her shudder a moment, then stated. "We shall see, don't forget I am still human in thought. I do not nor will I forgive betrayal."

Hera shuddered again then nodded, "As I said before I am here to end the hostilities not start them anew. You might also find it interesting to know that our brothers Poseidon and Hades, along with our sister Demeter? Aren't very pleased with him either. I am sure that anything you want he will soon readily agree to."

The shock on Ephus's face made Hera smile, perhaps the godling could use this to his advantage. Strangely enough Ephus was actually thinking almost those exact thoughts. With the three of them on his side was there a way to actually force Zeus's hand? He'd have to visit them to find out.

"An interesting thought Hera, though I am having a hard time trusting you. Too often it has been written that you betrayed far too many trusts. No, I'd have to have something that I'd know you wouldn't betray me with." Ephus stated looking at Hera accusingly.

Hera hung her head, damn that was true. She'd held so many at arm’s length for so long, she wasn't sure she could truly trust again.

A large smile grew on Athena’s lips as she blurted out, "You know you could just bond with him." When Hera had a shocked look on her face Athena continued. "Oh please! As many as you have lain with, I am sure with this godling would be no different. What? After all this time you have developed a human conscious? Give me a break! You and father never thought like that before, why start now?"

Hera's shocked look slowly faded as she turned to look at Ephus, really look at him. A sudden stirring within her caught her by surprise. "That would be acceptable, though would he want to? Especially after what he's said."

Both Athena and Aphrodite gave each other knowing looks, then took Ephus's shades off. Hera looked at Ephus again as an overwhelming want for him started to climb higher within her. "I don't think that will be a problem." Aphrodite said as she and her sister watched as Hera started to shred her clothes.

"I know not what this power is, all I know is that I must have you!" An almost desperate sounding Hera stated. Ephus looked at the sisters then nodded as he started to remove his clothes. "Take me Ephus! Make me yours, I give you all my body to use."

Laying Hera down, Ephus slowly started to kiss her lips drawing deep sighs from within. Grabbing her breast, he gently started to caress it then her other. This caused several groans to issue from Hera's throat. Even slower, he started to kiss his way around her neck across her shoulders to her chest.

Her breathing becoming erratic, Hera, was at a loss for words. This was unlike anything she'd felt in so very long. That was 'til Ephus reached the first peak of her breast taking it in deep. Her mouth opened to scream though to her astonishment, nothing came out. The same was true when Ephus switched to the other lavishing it with sucking kisses.

Then she felt a new sensation as Ephus's hand slowly reached lower to her sex. She could swear that the muscles in her stomach were fluttering. Then again, to her great astonishment, Ephus reached the junction of her legs. Gently caressing her sex, Ephus had to hold on as her body started to convulse. Hera felt as if her mind was shutting down, all she could concentrate on was the feeling of pleasure Ephus was giving her.

Ephus had to smile, though he was a little disappointed that none of the goddesses had experienced this from their mates. Though he was sure that Hera would appreciate what he was doing, would she still want to help after? It was then that Hera screamed out her pleasure Ephus having barely brushed the top of her sex.

To her amazement she had not one but several waves of pleasure wash over her. By all the power! They hadn't really done anything yet, could she survive what she was sure to be unlimited pleasure? At the moment she didn't really care though she did want to find out.

Both Athena and Aphrodite whispered as they left the room, "We told you he was unique." Hera tried to answer only to find that her voice was silent.

Suddenly everything stopped as she heard Ephus ask, "I can stop this if you want Hera. Or shall I continue? If, as you say you can help in all this? Then I hope this is a worthy payment."

Hera's eyes were large as she gasp out, "Please continue! I haven't felt anything like this in a very long time!"

Smiling Ephus nodded as he continued to stroke Hera's sex. Moving into position Ephus slowly began to slide himself into her wet sheath. Then to his amazement, he felt her legs lock on his back and pull him in all the way.

They both let out an oomph as Ephus bottomed out in her. Hera felt so good this went far beyond anything that Athena and Aphrodite had described. Screaming out she was amazed at the feelings she was having. Had Zeus even been half this good, she'd never gone to another lover. Perhaps Ephus could teach? Then all thought was lost as Ephus began to move within her.

By all the realms! This godling was going to drive her mad with this slow filling of her sex. "Ephus I need you please! Take me it has been far too long!"

Nodding, Ephus increased his speed feeling Hera suddenly stop then scream out her pleasure. Ephus had to hold on again as she nearly threw him off with her thrashing. Then he felt her tighten up around him making him groan from the added heat.

Hardly able to move Ephus knew he wasn't going to last much longer. He also swore that Hera's pleasure was going on and on far longer than he thought she would. Just when he thought she was done, she'd re-tighten, beginning again.

Finally, after what seemed an hour, Hera started to relax as Ephus began his rhythm again. This time they both were breathing hard when he filled her with his semen moments later. Hera's eyes were large as she felt the hot liquid fill her, setting her off once again.

Ephus held her as she rode out he latest wave of pleasure. Finally finished, Ephus laid next to a panting Hera, the both of them recovering.

Out of the corner of his eyes Ephus saw both Aphrodite and Athena re-enter the room. Both had huge smiles on their faces as they watched a still panting Hera.

Finally noticing them Hera stated, "Your descriptions paled in comparison to the real thing."

Both females nodded, "I tried to get as close as I could, then again it is pretty indescribable." Athena stated.

"That," Hera panted out, "is by far the biggest understatement ever!"

Both Aphrodite and Athena nodded with huge smiles remembering their time with Ephus. Ephus could only sit back shaking his head as the females started chatting away as if he wasn't there.

A slight moaning from where Eris was, was the only thing that caused a momentary silence in the room. Looking around, Eris shrank back from the other three females. Though, she also looked on surprised when, the three females continued on as if she wasn't there also.

Looking over to Ephus, he could only shrug as they went on another few minutes. Finally finished with their discussion all three turned to Ephus.

"I realize that you really don't want to help the others." Hera started. "Though, I know the realm needs all of us, the males included. I not sure what has happened since they fought you, though I hope now that they know who you are they can make amends."

Ephus could only stare at Hera as if she were crazy. Make amends? No, they should, perhaps even have to, beg him to help them. Right now, he was really in no mood to do a damn thing for them.

"We will see Hera; I might need quite a bit of time before I will feel like doing a thing for them. Though, I must say that you coming here today, has helped improve things somewhat." Ephus told Hera honestly.

Hera bowed slightly to Ephus causing Aphrodite and Athena both to gasp, then also bow slightly.

Ephus smiled as he reached out to Hera placing a hand on her arm. At first Hera smiled, then her mouth dropped open. Then more, as her skin started to glow a bit. Releasing her, Ephus stepped back.

Even as they all watched Hera's appearance started to grow younger. Looking at herself, then Ephus, Hera's mouth dropped open even more.

"Here I thought it was only a story. By all the realms, I feel almost normal again! Never will I be able to repay you," here Hera slightly blushed. "For any of the things you have done today."

This time it was Ephus's mouth that dropped open as Hera, Athena and Aphrodite all fell to the floor prostrate. Ephus was actually blushing himself at this.

"Please! I am just a simple man or godling, whatever I am. I am also uncomfortable when you do this." A shocked Ephus stated.

Still not raising her head Hera stated, "Ephus, godling, you are more than any simple being. You are the savior of races. Please never forget that." Turning Hera embraced both Aphrodite and Athena shocking the both of them. "I must go and try to salvage this situation." Kissing Ephus softly, she then vanished.

Athena was standing stock still her mouth wide open. This of course had Aphrodite giggling. Both turned to Ephus astonishment on their faces.

Taking a deep breath Athena started. "For Hera to have such a change, is in itself something none thought to ever see."

"The simple fact that it was you who has facilitated this change. Well," Aphrodite stated. "That is another thing none thought to ever be seen. You truly have saved us, at least the females and father. Though for how long I have no idea. Ares must be even now, plotting to destroy all that you have done."

"You might also want to take care of Artemis. I know she is still waiting for her turn. You saw her temper; you might not want to wait too long." Athena advised.

Ephus was nodding his head, she did have a temper at that. "I will have to bond with her soon, even with the three of you I fear it won't be enough." Turning he then looked at Eris. "Now then what am I do with you? I have removed five of the bonds though only one was a major one."

Eris was staring at Ephus as if he'd lost his mind, five... Reaching in she was shocked to see that yes, five of the bonds were gone. Though none more important than the direct link to her thoughts. Her mouth open she turned astounded toward Ephus.

"How? I was told that the bonds couldn't be broken nor severed. At least not 'til he released me." Eris stated in almost none belief.

With a smirk on her face Athena stated, "I am sure you noticed that Ephus is a very uncommon godling. Apparently there are a lot of "other" things he can do that none other can."

Eris was nodding her head vigorously, "As I have seen, I tend to completely agree with you. I am still mostly under his power I am afraid. I only have a small part of my self free of him. At least now he can't know what I am thinking, though knowing him he will have other ways in place."

Ephus was agreeing with that statement completely. He had already started looking at Eris when she had started talking. He had to agree, when he came to the bond he'd severed. Gently he reached to several around the severed mind bond. With a small smile he began to severe more minor bonds further out from it.

Ephus smile grew larger when he saw that, obviously Ares was more concerned with something else to notice. A moment later Ephus noticed that with only five minor bonds gone, the hold around the major ones seemed to grow slightly weaker. Finally, at ten minor bonds severed, he heard Eris gasp then the protection snap up.

Withdrawing rapidly Ephus saw that Eris was staring at him her mouth open. She had a hand to her forehead her eyes starting to grow wide.

Dropping to her knees before Ephus, Eris whispered, "If you continue to free my bonds like this, I will serve you master!"

Both Aphrodite and Athena gasped as they turned to stare at Ephus. They had a new found respect and perhaps awe on their faces.

In a whisper he heard Athena say, "This is unprecedented! I have never heard of a god nor godling that could sever bonds. You are truly unlike any that has been before."

Ephus could only shake his head. What he was doing he thought all the gods could do. For him it was a simple thing he thought, with all their powers, it would be to most of the gods also. Looking at the shock on Athena and Aphrodite's face he guessed he'd been wrong.

Turning to look at Eris he thought a moment, had she called him master? Oh boy, this was going to take a bit of work to get used... Shaking his head he had to stop thinking like that. He didn't need a slave. It was bad enough that he had seven wives, six of them Egyptian goddesses.

Sitting with a thud Ephus could only shake his head. How in the hell was he going to get through all this? In the Egyptian realm it had been so simple. Here, there were so much underhanded dealings it was taking all he could do to deal with it.

A slight whoosh, then a hissing drew his attention across the room to Bast. "Husband, why are they at your feet? I will not allow them to worship you. I can destroy them if you wish!"

Ephus had to jump up moving to Bast, he put his arm around her, her hands had already started to manifest her power. "No, my Bast." Ephus stated kissing Bast, causing her to seem to melt in his arms. "All is fine my Bast. They are amazed that I can severe bonds that were placed on Eris."

Bast's face held momentary shock as she looked at Eris then back to Ephus. "Truly husband? You can do this?"

"I thought you knew my Bast. I thought you knew about all of me." Ephus almost whispered to her."

"No husband," she whispered back. “Please reveal this to no others. Such a power would be a threat to many of the gods in different realms." Bast warned.

Ephus, a shocked look on his face, nodded as he stated, "I will do as you suggest my Bast. I am not a full god I am sure there are many that are far stronger than I am."

"Yes husband. Be careful, many of your wives wish a second child." Leaning closer she whispered lower. "Much as I am already with our second." With that she kissed Ephus then vanished.

"It appears that you are a very busy godling after all." The voice of Athena said shocking him a moment. "We both need to go and assist Hera in case she has problems. Though knowing her she shouldn't have much trouble with father."

Both Athena and Aphrodite bowed again to Ephus then they were gone. Turning with a sigh he looked at Eris still prone on the floor. "Now I just have to figure what I am to do with you." He said more to himself than her.

These words of course caused Eris to start trembling. True she wasn't free of Ares; she could feel more of herself than she had in many years. "I promise to serve you to the best of my power." She stated hoping to placate his apparent anger.

"I don't want you as a slave." Ephus said regretting it as Eris threw herself at Ephus's feet.

"I will not fail you master," she cried out. Shit Ephus thought, reaching down he tried to get Eris to her feet. Still she refused to move. ‘How in the hell am I going to get around this?’ Bending down he whispered in her ear. This caused her to immediately spring to her feet a wide smile on her face.

Seeing her enthusiastic response had to give Ephus pause, now what had he done?


2019-06-18 01:10:19
That list of characters is getting longer, could almost have a page of it's own, still in the multiverse I see.

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