"Abduction" it maybe not what you want
But you have to accept what is served
And if you harbor dark fancies
My words are what you deserve .....
I’ve written my “abduction” story
In a format not to every-ones taste
But if you decide to continue
Grab a tissue, you know, just in case
My words are for one special person
A woman I completely adored
And although my feelings still linger
She moved on and I moved abroad
Anyway, back to my story
And to give an initial insight
It tells of her part in a works-outing
Where alcohol flowed freely all night
When briefly away from her workmates
A meathead had made a crude play
Saying she looked to be open
To “rough justice” being dispensed her way
Speechless, she re-joined her comrades
Who told her about his intent
He picks up and takes away women
With or without their consent
They said he’s an insatiable monster
The committer of “marathon” rapes
And some were said to last hours
Involving a whole bunch of his mates
Her friends tell her more wicked stories
Of all manner of things that they do
To the women he takes with him
And insist that the stories are true
They said he’s never arrested
And immune from conviction for life
He has a crown-judge in his pocket
Having filmed a “long night” with his wife
They said the first night that he “took” her
He didn’t know she’s the wife of a beak
But after her long night of “attention”
For months, she “attended” each week
The news spread throughout her hi-circles
Other wives felt a need to “attend”
> But that’s a whole different story
You’ll find there’s a link at the end…. <
Her friends say that some who go with him
Were never seen or heard from again
They were branded and taken to auction
And sold off to unscrupulous men
She knows her friends were just joking
And the tease was at her expense
‘Cos getting away with such outrage
Just wouldn’t have made any sense
But they say if she goes the next Friday
She’d better prepare in advance
To spend her life as a sex slave
If she falls prey to his sly verbal dance
They say he’s always “recruiting”
And was in every Friday night
They said to come back and confront him
And she drunkenly says she just might.
“Come alone next week, then, we dare you”
Her friends urge her all in one voice
“But if you allow him to take you away
He’ll use you for hours .. no choice”.
Later, as they all were dispersing
She glanced back over her shoulder
And wondered if he’d be “recruiting”
Next week like her friends had all told her.
The guy had looked fearsome and brutish
The type who controls and commands
No doubt he could do what he wanted
To those who fell into his hands
But for now she’s too tipsy to ponder
About coming back the next week
All she wants to do at that moment
Is go home and get loads of sleep.
Two nights later, recalling the stories
Her dark fancies begin to hold sway
An unwholesome tingle starts building
At thoughts of kidnap and carnal foul play
Remembering what her friends told her
She scrolls through some sickening scenes
Is that what she’ll get if ‘he’ picks her up?
Her fingers know just what that means
They start to touch where they shouldn’t
At visions of being taken away
And as they take on a life of their own
She can’t stop them having their way
After four long nights of more touching
His ‘influence’ is starting to fade
But as Friday sun hangs low in the sky
Decisions now have to be made
Just then her phone pings a message
Unnerving, it almost rings true
It’s from a friend who had dared her
“Are you dreading tonight’s rendezvous?
But I bet that you still end up going
Dressed sexy to give the green light
To his designs to abduct you
And get yourself gang-raped all night”
Dismissing this unthinkable notion
She’s still drawn like a moth to a flame.
And as her instincts scream “just stay away”
She decides to front all the same.
This time around she flies solo
No back-up or friendly support
She knows of his grim reputation
And what she’ll get if she gets herself ‘caught’
………….. so
Swearing she’s not out for “adventure”
But just fancies a couple of wines.
She preps and preens in close detail.
And vamps herself up to the nines
She’d been told he has a cruel ‘hit list’
With its targets of wanton design
But she doesn’t know it’s a short-list of one.
And tonight she is head of the line
The bar is a heady arena
And her heart thumps hard in her chest
Coursing hot blood through her body
Causing improper unrest
At first he just seems to ignore her
And throws a mere quick fleeting glance
But it tells him she’s kept her appointment
With his treacherous, sly game of chance
Nervous, but strangely excited
She drinks more wine than she should
Praying he doesn’t come over
But secretly hoping he would
He watches her drink herself dizzy
He ensures no-one else intervenes
Patient, he sharpens his talons
He’s going to pick her apart at the seams.
Just when she thinks she’s been let off the hook
And his previous pitch was all bluster
He sidles up-side when she goes to the bar
To discharge his cruel plans to abduct her
His silver spiel is entrancing.
A well-practiced, seductive game plan.
Underhanded. Erotic. Tenacious.
He won’t quit ‘til she’s inside his van.
As he sweet-talks her, smooth and seductive.
Her defenses melt away, one by one.
If he can chip away all resistance,
Her arousal will tip her undone
He breathes more words of flirtation
Soft and sensuous into her ear
Saying she’s sure to enjoy it
And that she has nothing to fear.
He says he’ll be kind, slow and gentle
That he’ll make it erotic and fun
And as his fingers sneak up through her hair
Her capture has already begun
When his fingers caress the nape of her neck,
It’s talons which brush light on her skin.
And she thrills to the thought of abduction
As her dark fancies kick in.
Her subversive and growing arousal
Draws her deeper under his spell.
Allowing her back-stabbing demons
To sleep-walk her into sex hell.
She’ll be like a lamb to the slaughter,
If her worst nightmare comes true.
But as her resistance slips slowly away,
Her comeuppance is now over-due
He asks if she’d like to come with him
Willing, and of free accord
To where they could get to be friendly
And where avenues could be explored
She knows wicked deeds could befall her
And she knows she has to decline
But it’s hard to give “No” as an answer
When she’s horny and heady with wine
He can see that she’s started to waver
So he swings into action plan “B”
A cute little game he has up his sleeve
Involving handcuffs, a dare and a key
Her eyes open wide as if saucers
When he drops his ‘cuffs on the bar
She immediately senses her peril
And knows this could go way too far
“Go on, I know that you want to”
As he waves a key in the air
“I’ll buy you a drink if you try them,
Come on, it’s only a dare.”
“Oh no! You’ve got to be joking”
She says with a reddening flush.
But she can’t take her eyes off the handcuffs
Or deny that they gave her a rush
He wheedles his fingers high into her hair
As he places a key on the bar
“I know that you’re dying to try them
And to feel how thrilling they are”
Despite her gut feeling, and still shaking her head
The temptation proves hard to resist
And she disturbingly hears herself saying
“OK, but only one wrist.”
Her flush is now goose-bumps as he picks up the ‘cuffs
And clicks one end to her wrist
“Now swing your arms round behind you” he says
“Go on.. please.. I insist”
In a play-act she’s taking no further
Her arms swing around to comply
But an accomplice has slinked up behind her
And wrist two gets clicked high and dry
“Hey, let me go, this isn’t part of the deal”
She immediately starts to protest
“Oh no, you’re right, I’m sorry” he says
“I didn’t mean to make you distressed”.
“Here”, he says “You take the key”
As he pulls at the waist of her slacks
Then dropping the key straight down the front
He laughs as her panic attacks
“Hey, how can I possibly reach it
Now that you’ve dropped it down there?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get it for you” he says
“Even if it’s in your underwear.
But you’d better behave and be silent.
In your interest, don’t make a scene
‘cos this bar is full of drunk horn-dogs
And you’re in handcuffs…. know what I mean?”
His fingers then snake where they shouldn’t
In search of his devious prize
He can see this is just what she wanted
He can tell by the look in her eyes
Her legs start feeling like jelly
And she leans on the bar for support
Which offers a stance more obliging
Free rein for his treacherous sport.
As his fingers keep slowly advancing
She lets out a desperate moan
She knows she is slick with arousal
And implications have finally hit home
His fingers slip down ever lower
Her arms are cuffed at her back
She’s bent over with legs all akimbo
And can’t stop his sordid attack
A finger alight on its target
Then massages slow up and down
And just to compound her torment
His thumb circles slow round and round
As he explores even further
Her legs begin to give way
But he continues his finger dance magic
And their brazen and claiming ballet
A finger now gaining full trespass
Another one slides by its side
Working her ever more firmly
Working her ever more wide
Three fingers then round out her torment
Three fingers which do what they will
Three fingers now slick with her juices
Three fingers which just fit the bill
She hates him for being such a bastard
She hates him for being so uncouth
She hates him for saying she’d like it
She hates him for knowing the truth.
He tells her that he could now have her
Bent over, right now and right here
And that no-one would step in to help her
In fact, they would probably cheer.
She knows she can’t let that happen
Drunk horn-dogs were sure to join in
“Oh no, not now, not here”, She pleads.
“Where then?” he scoffs “Let’s go and begin.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it”
Annoyed that he’d twisted her words
“Too late, I’m taking you with me,” he says,
“To meet some horny jail-birds”.
His heavy arm then swings around her
Effectively sealing her fate
A cape is flung over her shoulders
And now it’s too late to escape
The cape hides the ‘cuffs that control her
His arm guides her out through the door
She’s marched to a van which is waiting
A van she has been in before
Last time the driver was friendly
A mate she thought she knew well
But he knows all about her dark fancies
Of abduction into lawless sex-hell
So this ride is not a conveyance
Where the driver is sweet and obliging
He’s taking her to her worst nightmare
And dark forces are doing the driving
If you continue on reading
It’s you who has taken the bait
You’ve gone and exposed your own penchant
So keep reading to witness your fate.
The stories about your abductor
Have almost hit on the nail
He has a clandestine contract
With a rough and tough local jail.
He goes to the pub every Friday
Exploiting the deep secrets within
Those who harbor dark fancies
And your penchant has seen you sucked in.
So now you’ve been tricked into handcuffs
You’ve been frog-marched out to his van
You know you should really stop reading
But if you’re horny, I doubt that you can
Exploiting dark thoughts of abduction
The “recruiter” has sucked you right in
You only have yourself to blame
As you let your nightmare begin
The door to his van slides wide open
Two henchmen then haul you inside
The door slams shut causing darkness
Now there’s nowhere to run or to hide
Hands then twist you and turn you
This way and that, who knows where
Manhandled with uncaring roughness
You’re pushed into some kind of chair
“We’re all wearing night-vision goggles,”
You hear a growling voice say
“We know you’re unable to see us
But we can see you, plain as day.”
A smelly old rag is then pushed in your mouth
A tie-band then holds it in place
Then an explosion of blinding white stars
As a hand slaps you hard in your face
“Now listen up close little girly”
As a hand grips you firm on your chin
“If you would like to see morning
Then you’d better relax and give in”
“Do you want to make this thing easy
Or go down the hard route instead?”
Knowing there now seems no option
You give a slight nod of your head
“Good girl, you gave the right answer
We also want you to have fun
And not have knife-cuts and bruises
Before the game’s even begun
But I’m here to give you fair warning
I’m not gonna lie and pretend
There might be red wealds on your ankles and wrists
By the time we get to the end”
You give a dry gulp and a shiver
At the thought of what lay ahead
But your mind goes blank with another hard slap
As a hood then encases your head
The hood has some kind of hemming
Which seems to encircle your neck
You feel its buckle being latched into place
Your luck has just cashed a bad cheque
You then sense some kind of motion
Your trip is now underway
They fiddle about with your handcuffs
And you feel them being taken away
As hands start tugging the sides of your top
You feel it being slowly removed
Your racy new bra then comes into view
A wolf-whistle shows it’s been approved
By reflex you automatically lift up your arms
As your top slides up over your head
You want to drop your arms down again
But rough hands hold them high up instead
You hear the tink-chinkle of handcuffs
And your wrists are ensnared once again
But this time you can’t get your arms down
They’ve be hung up on some kind of chain
Hands then pull hard on your ankles
Stretching you out by your feet
Your whole body just seems to go airborne
Pulling you out of your seat
You feel you’re at a mad angle
Your arms are still up in the air
You’re being stretched out like a hammock
The strain on your wrists hard to bear
Some kind of table slides under your back
Supporting the weight of your body
Releasing the strain of the handcuffs
Which briefly had been quite ungodly
Now laid on your back horizontal
Hands pull at the heels of your shoes
“Tonight there’ll be no more walking
So, don’t worry, you’ve nothing to lose”
Hands then pull at your leggings
You’re being relieved of your slacks
“We’re just making sure you are ready”
As your thigh get a couple of smacks
Already relieved of your footwear
Your feet are raised, one at a time
You feel them being wiped with warm liquid
It’s bizarre, but feels quite sublime.
“I bet you can’t guess what we’re doing”
A voice coos, unnervingly sweet
“Tonight, there’s no music for dancing
But you’ll swing to an alternative beat.“
You feel some kind of hard stockings
Being eased into place on your feet
The warm liquid has furnished them slippery
So your “socks” fit you tight, snug and neat
“These are for when we suspend you
When you’re naked and hung upside down
Ready to meet your dance tutor
Who will really whip you around.”
Oh no! Those words weren’t expected
A terrifying turn of events
“But the deal is,” he adds “co-operate,
“And we could dispense with taking such lengths.”
You’re relieved to hear an escape-route
He studies you close for response
You nod your head like a demon
It’s exactly just what he wants
“So you do want a taste of the bull-whip
To feel the warm glow of its kiss
To dance to its hypnotic rhythm
And come to welcome the sound of its hiss?
His words make you writhe in a panic
Frantic “MmmmMMmMmm”s emit from your hood
“Don’t worry, the tutor’s an expert,” he mocks
“You’ll dance well when he’s whipping you good.
But I’m sure he’ll be kind and extract your gag
Before extracting your screams
Your cavorting will cause the gang’s passions to rise
You’ll be the red-hot girl of their dreams”
Your mind is a maelstrom in meltdown
Straight thinking now torn up in shreds
It consumes and diverts your attention
You don’t notice they’re spreading your legs
Your “socks” have neat little eye-hooks
The van has bars either side
The tension is steadily building
Tight ropes hold your legs open wide
Then hands with intent of wrong-doing
Pull down on the base of your thong
You feel a hard foreign object
Probing where it don’t belong
Unable to stop its intrusion
It relentlessly slides into place
A click starts a steady low buzzing
You flush as your heart starts to race
Still wet from your “enforced” arousal
And despite your degrading mistreat
The buzzing sends you unrelenting
To the brink of wholesale defeat
The vibrations are wholly consuming
The waves coming fast and intense
They break down your final resistance
They breach your last line of defence
In a haze of orgasmic deflection
Which lasts for … you don’t know how long
A sudden sharp pain jolts you back down to earth
If you thought they were done … you were wrong
The pain is a scratch … a sting on your breast
Causing “MMmmmMmm”s which you quickly regret
“My, my, you seem to enjoy that,” he laughs
“That’s for later, babe, not quite yet.”
“I suppose you should know where we’re going”
There’s a sinister tone to his voice
“It’s to meet some sex-hungry convicts
If you want to ….. Oh, sorry …… no choice”
You feel a dull point slowly tracing
Some definite lines on your skin
“Don’t worry, it’s just an ink marker
With a message, before we begin
.It’s to the aforementioned convicts
You’re about to go “entertain”
It says “I’m here for your pleasure”
I think that should make it quite plain
But some of the thugs are illiterate
So there’s arrows pointing this way and that
To offer a full set of options
As, in turn, they go in to bat.
So let me explain what will happen
When you’re served on a plate to this crew.
They’ve been champing with sexed-up aggression.
And can’t wait to get their rough hands on you
Violation, degradation and sexual abuse
Not to mention being repeatedly raped
But there’s something we’ve kept as a secret ..…
Your ordeal will be video-taped.
But it won’t reveal any shackles.
Nor whips. Nor tight masking tape
Or how you’ll spend the next hour
Being “tutored” and licked into shape
It’ll record you orgasmed freely
Convulsing and bucking away
Implying you loved every moment
An abandoned and wanton display
Without any proof of wrong-doing
The gang will be gifted free rein
They can come anytime and abduct you
And they will do …. again and again
And there’s nothing you can do to stop them
Blackmailed by a video tape
So when you’re dark fancies come knocking
They’ll be fully in charge of your fate
They’ll sneak up behind you and grab you
You’ll be stripped and gag masking taped
You’ll be thrown on a dirty old mattress
Then held down and repeatedly raped
So if you’re now hot from my story
And my words have brought you undone
Make your own fingers now have you
And don’t stop ‘till they’ve made you cum.
All the above, you brought on yourself
When you let your secret on purpose escape
I know you love your dark fancies
But I hope non ever really take place
Now, what of this woman who was inside my van
The one I just took for a ride?
Well, she still has her underwear on
But the vibrator still buzzes inside
I scoop up all her belonging
And place them inside a big bag
I ensure that nothing is missing,
Then remove her hood and her gag
Releasing the ‘cuff rope which held her
I stand her up on my hi-top van floor
I fix a blindfold to cover her eyes
Then set her free outside her front door
It’s cold and it’s three in the morning
Her belonging and house key in hand
The van and its driver do a runner
Her “abduction” was fully pre-planned
She anxiously rips off her blind-fold
She’s in underwear and outdoors alone
Her eyes adjust into focus
She sees she’s outside her own home
She feels the vibe is still buzzing
“Smart-asses, that’s just real cute”
She anxiously looks down at her squelchy wet feet
On each foot there’s a wellington boot
I know she loves her dark fancies
But not to let them bring her undone
She knows I can write bawdy poems
So I’ve gave her one ……. Just for fun.
xxx mu
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