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It felt odd when I opened y eyes.
The Chauffeur (#52) Time to Reset


Copyright 2019


It felt odd when I opened my eyes on January 2nd. All the ladies and I spent the entire night on the sheets, and comforters, and pillows in the TV room. We played with each other, we loved each other, and we essentially had a wonderful loving time.

It had been quite a while for all of us to get together and play as one group. I’m not quite sure when it happened, but John and Diane joined the party as well.

Jennifer, Donna, and Paula all played with each other and with me. It was delightful to feel their bodies on mine. We spent lots of time on the sheets, comforters, and pillows. Sharon, BJ, and Danni also participated in loving each other and then included me. As the night progressed, Jill and Dakota played with each other before dragging my tired ass into the mix.

One thing that I noticed was when Jill and Dakota began to play with me, it seems as if all the other ladies left me alone for them. I don’t know that was particularly true, but it’s kind of felt that way. When Jill and Dakota played with me, it ended with them all snuggled up onto my chest. I truly love my women and they are the peak of my life.

As I was playing with all the ladies, Ronda kept popping into my brain. I worried about her and how this ex-boyfriend wormed his way into her pants with a bottle of wine and charming musings. However, she told me that he was still the ass that he has always been. Only looking out for his own wants and not caring one little bit about her needs and wants. I know that I made the right decision to put her on hold until the evidence shows that she was not pregnant by this ass, nor did he pass any STDs to her.

The morning was met with the usual, the chefs making breakfast. I stumbled all the way to the bedroom to put on a pair of shorts and my usual white tee shirt. Dakota and Jill both followed me so they could get dressed as well.

Most of the ladies headed to their bedroom to dress when Bobby and Sammy began making food for everyone to have for breakfast. I’m sure in the chef’s heads, they were happy seeing all the nakedness roaming around the house.

Before John stumbled to their bedroom, he stood at the entrance to the kitchen and asked if he could have a couple of fried egg sandwiches. Once he made his order, he took Diane by the hand and they went to their bedroom.

As the two ladies were getting dressed, I asked them both about their feeling for Dr. Ronda.

Jill, of course, being a Marine and a dear friend to Ronda, defended her. She again reverberated what I was already believing, that she just let her guard down and he became the opportunist and took full advantage. Jill told me that she was going to call her today and check on her. I went over to Jill and kissed her for looking out for her friend and me.

Dakota, on the other side of the equation, took the position that she has a history with this fucker, and she should have done a better job in defending herself from this snake in the grass. It was Dakota’s position that she never should have had even one glass from this fucker. I certainly could understand Dakota’s position on the matter. She even went on to say that she would rather I get Tina pregnant than Ronda. However, I didn’t think that sat very well with Jill.

As the three of us were finished getting dressed, Jill took us by the hand and dragged us down the hall to the kitchen. She was truly hungry asking Sammy if there were any of the delicious ribs still available. He laughed and told her we still had several entire racks of ribs, she only needed to tell him how many ribs that she wanted. She chose one entire rack with a second one on standby. I guess being pregnant was now affecting her hunger.

When the three of us got back to the kitchen, Sammy had made me a couple of fried egg sandwiches. While John told him that he wanted fried egg sandwiches, Sammy thought that I would enjoy a couple of them as well. He was right; however, he made some fried potatoes to go along with the sandwiches. They used one of the fryers to make the French-fried potatoes.

Dakota went out to the TV room and gathered up all the sheets and blankets, and comforters. Jill started collecting pillows taking them back to the different bedrooms. We knew that Patrick’s cleaning service would be here about 9:30 am as they have usually been.

In my head, the NYE party was less than stellar. Oh, it might have been wonderful for the kids that showed up, but for me and our family, not so much. It was highlighted by my son showing up and making himself such an ass that the Secret Service 6 hogtied him and carried him out of the house. In my head, I felt two emotions. First, he got what he deserved for acting like an ass. Second, he did try to tell me that his Mother, my ex-wife, had passed away and maybe that is the way he grieves.

As everyone came back to the kitchen, Bobby and Sammy were asking everyone what they wanted for breakfast. John and Diane showed up with John looking for a couple of the fried egg sandwiches. I teased him by telling him that I confiscated his breakfast. At first, he looked a bit stunned, then he saw more fried egg sandwiches on the counter. I just chuckled at him. Diane asked if she could get a single scrambled egg as she wasn’t feeling well at all. I looked at her and to me, she didn’t look like the blood was in her face.

I grabbed my phone out of my shorts and dialed up Dr. Ronda.

“This is Ronda,” she said to me.

“Ronda, this is David. John’s wife, Diane is feeling out of sorts this morning and I must tell you that she looks as if the blood has left her face entirely. Can I bring her to you somewhere, or will you come here to look at her for me?” I ask.

“Darling, of course, I’ll come there. I’ll see you in about 30-40 minutes. Will that be OK?” she asks me.

“That will be fine, thank you, darling,” I said to her.

I was getting a look from Dakota for calling Ronda, but I didn’t care. It was important to have Diane looked at and she will do favors for us by coming to the house.

This issue with Diane, made me get up and get three bottles of water out of the fridge. I handed one to each of the ladies, Diane, Jill, and Dakota. I did see that both Dakota and Jill had cups of coffee already in their cute little hands.

As we all sat at the dining room table, both Bobby and Sammy brought out lots of fried egg sandwiches. Everyone was grabbing at least two sandwiches. He also brought out some of the left-over potato salad, trying to get it used up before it spoils.

As we were all eating, my phone buzzed. It was Ronda. She was at the outer gate and asked to be let in. I got up from the table and poked the necessary buttons to make the gate open. When she was past it, I poked more buttons to make the outer one close. When her car got to the inner gate, I poked the necessary buttons to have that gate open as well. She pulled into the courtyard and parked in front of one of the garage doors.

She got out and walked confidently to our front door. I opened it and gave her a passionate kiss when she came into the house. I took her by the hand and walked her over to Diane. Ronda took her stethoscope out of her doctor bag and started using it to get some vital signs.

John sat right next to Diane. When Ronda suggested that Diane get checked into the hospital to give her more fluids. John literally ran upstairs and put an overnight bag together for her. He came sprinting down to help her to his truck. He gently got Diane up and walked her to the garage. Ronda told him and me that she would meet them at the Emergency room.

Before Ronda went out the front door, she handed me a piece of paper. It was the results of a full panel blood test on her. I sat there looking at it. The first thing that I read was that she was NOT pregnant. She also had no STDs of any type. Her blood cholesterol was a smidge high but not critical. Most of her other vitals in this test showed her to be in great health.

Now, I was excited. Ronda was free and clear of being pregnant and having any STDs. In my mind, it was GAME ON with her now.

I asked Jill if we should head down to the hospital, she thought that this was one of those moments to let John be the adult and me not take the role as his Father. That certainly seems to make sense, so I texted John to let us know how Diane is doing and if we need to come to be with him and her at the hospital. He just used Dakota’s text reply ‘K’, which made me smile.

John texted me when he and Diane reached the ER. Dr. Ronda was just moments away texting me that she was pulling into the ER and saw John’s truck there with him helping Diane out of the truck.

Bobby and Sammy started collecting paper plates and tossing them away. It occurred to me that we spend a whole lot of money on paper plates, I thought that maybe I need to discuss this with the chefs sometime soon.

John got Diane to the ER. Dr. Ronda arrived just minutes later. She followed them to the exam room that they were directed towards when they checked in. Ronda had her white coat on and her stethoscope draped over her neck. When she started checking Diane’s vitals, she had the nurse start an IV for at least one bag of fluids.

John stood out of the way but watched intently as Ronda performed her magic on Diane.

Once the nurse had the IV going and a bag of fluids attached, Ronda was checking other vital signs. Once everything was calmer, Ronda had Diane check in and sent to the maternity ward. John followed behind the bed that Diane was in. He didn’t ask any questions. Ronda explained that she was admitting Diane to keep her on fluids which in turn would keep the baby safe.

John texted me that Diane was being admitted to the hospital. I wanted to get up and head towards the hospital, but Jill kept me grounded telling me to just stay here at the house until he tells me that he needs me down at the hospital.

Jill went to our office and brought down an enormous amount of paperwork. She decided that we could begin on the stock project. She had a long list of names that needed to be sent to an accounting firm such as Charles Schwab or the such. As we were sorting stock to be in piles to be sent to all the financial institutions for all the people that they hold the stock.

We started first by sorting into piles for each of the companies that held stock for individuals. I was surprised at how many institutions held stock for people. Jill had us working on the domestic ones first. She told us that there are many international financial institutions that we will be working on later.

I was thinking more of a ‘thank goodness’ eating those fried egg sandwiches as the time flew by. We worked all morning and into an early afternoon before Sammy interrupted us by offering us grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup for lunch.

When we stopped for the soup and sandwiches, there seemed to be a collective sigh of relief.

I checked my phone but there was nothing from John.

As we all were eating the delicious soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, I tested Ronda hoping that she would respond. It wasn’t but 10 minutes or so, but Ronda responded that Diane was severely dehydrated once again, and she needs at least 4-5 bags of fluid to get her and the baby back to safe levels.

I thanked her and ended the text.

I looked around at my family. All the beautiful women that reside with me. Sharon who runs the Hawk for me. Jennifer who handles the real estate division. Something about having Tina home just felt right. Paula running the two limo companies. Donna working the reservation call center.

As I was finishing my soup, my phone buzzed. It was John updating me on Diane.

The text read: They admitted Diane. They’re worried about how dehydrated she was. They have started an IV and have a bag of fluids attached to it. He asks me if it is OK for him to stay at the hospital.

I texted him back that he needs to be there watching over and taking care of Diane. No need to ask me if it is OK for him to stay at the hospital. I didn’t get a response from him.


We spent the rest of the day working on Jill’s stock project. We had lots of stack of stock in piles on the dining room table. As we saw Bobby and Sammy begin to work on dinner, Jill called an end to the day. She had Amy go upstairs to the office and bring down as many unfolded boxes as she could carry.

As she went up to the office, Jennifer followed behind her to help bring the boxes down to the dining room table.

Sammy and Bobby decided that we were going to have ribs for dinner. They took out three pans of ribs and turned the oven on to heat them up.

“Sammy, did your chef friends enjoy working here the day of the party?” I asked.

“They sure did, they also wanted me to thank you for increasing their pay,” Sammy says to me.

“Well, they did a great job. Too bad that party turned out to be less than what we anticipated. The kids were all like locust. They came, they ate, and they left. I think it may be a while before we try to hold another party like that,” I say to Sammy.

“Well, the chefs are ready for your next party,” Sammy tells me. I smile, because even though the party was a bit of a dud, Now knowing that the chefs are willing to come back in the future make me happy.

The house was full of those wonderful BBQ ribs. Sammy made a salad for the ladies.

I took a chair at the kitchen table. I just sat down and stared at the work that Bobby and Sammy were doing. It didn’t take long, but I ended up with a darling person sitting in my lap. Of course, it was Dakota, she was just wiggling her ass on me. As Tina tried to walk by, Dakota pulled her into me hugging us all.

“You know, we all love you and miss you here,” I say to Tina. She smiles at me and kisses me.

“Daddy, you know that I love you. Right now, I’m focusing on finishing my degree and who knows, maybe you’ll even hire me,” she says to me before she leans in and kisses me.

The delicious smell of the ribs permeated the whole house. Bobby got out the remainder of the potato salad so we could eat that up and there would be nothing to spoil.

I knew that the next day everyone went back to work. The office would be open once again. The call center would be back at full capacity. Paula would be having all the limos serviced as many of them are due for their mechanical servicing. Since the NYE was over, it was time to reset.

When I went down the hall, I saw several stacks of clean laundry sitting on the sleep bed. I picked them up and put them away in the dresser drawers. There was also a stack of clean towels. I moved them to the bathroom and put them away in the bathroom closet. Since I was in there, I decided to go ahead and take a shower.

I shed my clothes and stepped into the shower. I turned it on feeling the hot water cascade over my body. Suddenly, I felt the cold air from outside the shower stall as Dakota opened the door and stepped inside. She put her arms around me and pulled me down to her. We kissed as if we were teenagers once again.

Jokingly, I pushed Dakota’s head underneath the shower head to get her hair all wet. When she came out from underneath the shower, she looked more like a drown puppy. She is so beautiful and so very smart. She takes great care in being my assistant and she truly anticipates all my needs.

As she emerges from the hot water of the showerhead, I pull her into me to begin shampooing her hair. Once I had that completed, I worked on her body. I soaped it up and rinsed it off. I took great care in cleaning her. When I was done with her, she took over cleaning me.

The first thing she did was shampoo my hair, just as I did with her. I took the bar of soap and lathered her up. Once she was completely soaped up, I pushed her underneath the shower head to rinse her off. When she was finally soap free, we turned off the water and stepped out into the cold air of the bathroom.

I took my time drying her cute little delicate body. Once we were done drying each other, she took me by the hand, out to the bedroom. She pushed me down onto the sleep bed and she, as usual, she climbed in and backed up into me. I kissed her neck and her cute ears. It wasn’t long before we both drifted off to sleep.

At some point, I opened my eyes having to head to the bathroom to pee. I noticed that Jill was all snuggled up into me as usual. As I stand there at the toilet doing my business, I begin to think about some of the people that have come into my life. Kitty popped into my mind, specifically since I’ve now bought 6 cars from her. It dawned on me that we haven’t seen nor heard from Nadia and James.

Missy popped into my head, the one that Sharon and I picked up at Longhorn Steak house.

As I finished up peeing, I washed my hands and headed back to bed. I had to figure a way to get into bed without waking either Dakota or Jill. I decided to crawl up from the foot of the bed to end up between Jill and Dakota. I turned to face Dakota, as usual but wiggled my ass at Jill. I heard an “I love you” from Jill as I was snuggling up into Dakota.

I put an arm around Dakota and pulled her into me tightly. I whispered into her ear how much I loved her. She wiggled her cute ass at me and the three of us drifted back to sleep.

When my eyes opened once again, I heard the shower already running. In front of me was Dakota, but I didn’t feel Jill behind me. I got up and went into the bathroom to check on the shower. When Jill saw me, she waved me into the shower stall. I stepped into the shower and was greeted by a nice hot blast of water. Jill shampooed my hair rinsing it a couple of minutes later. Once that was done, she began to wash my body. She took care to make sure that I was clean from head to toe.

As I got all rinsed off, Jill turned the water off and took me back outside into the bathroom to dry me off. We both took a towel and dried each other off. Just as we were throwing the towels into the hamper, Dakota came into the bathroom and she frowned that we had already finished our shower. I kissed her and swatted her cute little ass, which she wiggled at me as she stepped into the shower.

Today was a workday so both Jill and I put on clothes to go to the office. While we were dressing, our cute little Dakota came into our bedroom to head to her own bedroom to dress for work.

Once Jill and I were dressed for work, we went down to the kitchen. I decided to have a bowl of cereal and Jill decided to join me also having a bowl of cereal. I grabbed the Frosted Flakes, but Jill took the Froot Loops box. We both poured a bowl splashed on milk and began to eat.

As we were eating, Sammy was offering the other ladies’ breakfast. A couple of them asked for eggs, which Sammy and Bobby cooked quickly since we had to all go to work this morning.

I saw Paula and Donna both leave. Jill, Dakota, Jennifer, and Sharon all looked beautiful. I worried about Jennifer not having Diane, but as per my wife’s suggestion, I just let John handle things until he needs our help. Both BJ and Danni were dressed wonderfully before we all headed to the office.

I saw one of the Secret Service 6 and asked him if I needed to let them know when I would be heading to work and if they would be riding with me or following in another vehicle. He told me that as often as possible they would like to have my schedule so they can plan things. I told him that Jill and I would be heading into the office today and for the balance of the week.

He told me that usually one of the agents would take the passenger seat up front, thus not disturbing anything I was doing business or otherwise. Fred came out of Mom’s room ready to drive us. He started the limo that was in our garage and let all the ladies plus Jill, Dakota, and me get into the back. Each of the ladies asked how Diane was doing. I told them that I had not heard from John yet this morning.

More and more having the Secret Service 6 made me feel a bit safer and watching them hogtie Michael made me feel much better about how they handle security. I sent a text to Roger letting him know that I hired all 4 of the guys he sent me from the Secret Service, but I also hired two female agents for Jill. He texted back that it was a good move on my part.

When we got to the office, Fred parked the limo on the second floor of the parking garage and let us all out. He then took the limo over to Happy, Happee Limo to get this one serviced.

All the ladies, plus I took the elevator up to the top floor. When we got there, it felt as if we hadn’t been there in weeks.

Sharon, of course, went straight to her desk. Jennifer went to her desk but to me no Diane had me worrying. BJ followed Jill to her office. Danni took over being the receptionist. Dakota came with me to my office. I logged onto my computer. Once again there was more than 300 email waiting for me.

Finally, I caved and called John. He updated me. Diane had a good night, they have her on her 8th bag of fluids. John made it a point to say how bad hospital food is and how much he misses Bobby and Sammy. He asked if it would be OK for him to stay at the hospital and keep an eye on Diane. Once again, I told him that he doesn’t need to ask me, he’s taking care of his family.

Once we hung up, I dialed up Sammy and asked him to put together a doggy bag for John that I was going to come to the house and get and take to the hospital. Sammy suggested that we send him three racks of ribs along with a large container of Cole Slaw.

Sammy offered to foil wrap the ribs and put them into a lunchbox type container. I asked Dakota to have them send me Fred as I needed to run an errand. When Dakota got off the phone, she told me that Fred had already exchanged limos and was on the way back to the Hawk.

Dakota told BJ that her and I were heading to the hospital and to let Jill know. Fred called to let me know he was in the parking garage with a new limo. Dakota and I took the elevator down to the second floor to take the crossover to the parking garage. Once we got into the parking garage, we easily found Fred. When we got into the limo, I asked Fred to take us to the Chateau as I needed to pick up something for John and take us to the hospital.

I asked Dakota how much water she has drunk so far today. She told me she hasn’t had any water. I made the decision to get her a bottle or two of water when I pick up John’s care package.

It took a few extra minutes as morning traffic was brutal today. When we got to the Chateau, Fred poked a button and the outer gate opened. It closed behind the vehicle. He poked a second button and the inner gate to the courtyard allowed him access. He parked in front of the door to the house. I asked Dakota to stay in the car as I went inside the house to get John’s care package.

As I got to the kitchen, Sammy had it all ready for me to take. He had three racks of ribs all wrapped up, but not in tinfoil as I expected. He had cut the slabs of ribs into big sections and put each section into a gallon sized Ziploc bag. The idea was for John to find a microwave and heat up one baggie of ribs. Of course, he didn’t need to heat the Cole Slaw, it would be refrigerated. Once I had everything, I went back out to the limo and asked Fred to take us to the hospital.

Once again, the traffic was brutal, and it took nearly an hour to get to the hospital. I was holding on to John’s care package like a running back holds a football. Just as Fred was pulling the limo into the hospital parking lot, my phone buzzed. It was Jill.

“Hey, Darling, what’s up?” I ask hoping not to get yelled at.

“Um, why are you at the hospital instead of you being at your desk?” she asked me.

“Well, I just couldn’t take not seeing John or Diane,” I told her.

“Uh huh. And the care package for John what’s that all about?” she asks me.

“Well, you and I both know how lousy hospital food is and I thought he would enjoy a little care package from the house instead of having to eat that lousy hospital food,” I tell her. There’s a long pause.

“Well, tell him we all miss him and Diane,” Jill says as she ends the phone call. In my mind, that call went much better than I had anticipated.

Fred dropped Dakota and me off at the front door. we went inside and stopped at the security desk asking were Diane’s room was. He big, round, security guard gave us a room number and a paper map that was just above paper airplane material.

We walked down the corridors to find Diane’s room. It took a few minutes and a couple of hallways, but finally, we found her room. I stopped at the nurse’s desk to ask about Diane’s condition. The charge nurse told me that she and her baby are doing fine. She also said that John hasn’t left her side since she was checked in.

I also asked where the nearest microwave was located. She gave me a funny look but directed me to a room at the end of the hallway. I thanked her and headed inside to see John and Diane.

John was sitting in this vinyl chair that looked uncomfortable. Diane saw Dakota and me first and yelled my name out

“Daddy!” she squeaked as we walked into the room.

Dakota went over to her and hugged Diane first. I followed with a big hug for Diane.

John looked a bit like a lost puppy. He smiled, but I wasn’t sure he was cognizant of where he was or what was going on. I walked over to him and handed him the care package. He opened it and saw what a delightful package it was. Of course, his first question to me as if I knew where there was a microwave. I directed him to the end of the hallway, last door on the left. John kissed Diane and took off down the hall to heat up some of the ribs to eat while Dakota and I were here at the hospital.

We asked Diane how she was feeling and how well the hospital was treating her. She agreed with John that the food sucked. As we were visiting with Diane, Dr. Ronda appeared. She came up behind me and put her hands over my eyes asking, “guess who”. I knew it was Ronda by two things, first, she always wears the same perfume, and second, I know her voice.

Ronda, being in her doctor mode, took some vitals on Diane and paid me no attention. She did, however, say hello to Dakota.

Ronda asked Dakota what did we bring that made John go running down the hallway. Dakota explained that we brought John a care package from the two chefs at the house, three slabs of ribs and a large container of Cole Slaw. Ronda giggled as she knows John’s appetite.

I asked Ronda how Diane was doing and when she might be released.

“Well, it will take me about an hour, but I think she can get released now, however, she must promise me that she cuts down on the coffee and increases her water intake dramatically,” Ronda says.

Diane hangs her head as if she caused all this worry over her. I assured her that we all are worried about her and don’t want anything to happen to her or her baby.

I texted Jill telling her about the good news regarding Diane. Dakota decided to go find John and let him know that Dr. Ronda is releasing Diane and that she can go home in about an hour or so.

While Dakota was out of the room looking for John, I got up and put my arms around Diane. As I broke from the hug, I poured her a cup of water from that silly water pitcher that was on her bed table. She looked at it like it had two heads.

“Darling, you need to drink more water. The doctor said so and you promised that you would. So, let’s start right here with this small cup of water,” I say to her.

She takes a big sip and then gulps the rest of it down. As she hands me her empty cup, I notice that Dr. Ronda has left the room. I excuse myself from Diane and head out into the hallway to the nurse’s area. There is where I find Ronda.

She sees me approaching. She finishes whatever she was saying to the charge nurse before she addressed me.

“Hey you,” she says.

“Hey, you back. I read your paper that you left with me,” I say to her.

“Well, I thought you would want to know,” she says to me in a serious tone.

“Of course, I wanted to know. It takes that guy out of the picture for us,” I say to her trying to make her happier, which doesn’t seem to be working.

“So, what? Now you want to schedule some time with me?” Ronda says.

“Um, did I do something to piss you off here?” I ask.

“No, I’m sorry. It’s been a long day and out of the blue, you show up. I am happy to see you, but my day has been miserable so far,” she says to me.

“You know, you don’t need to make an appointment, all you need to do is show up at the Chateau. This way we work around your schedule,” I say to her. That gets a small smile from her. I lean over and give her a kiss and a nice big romantic hug, which the other nurses were watching us closely.

Ronda spends the next hour doing release paperwork for Diane. It occurred to me that HIPPA was supposed to help lighten the load with medical paperwork, but it really hasn’t. My mind went back to Bob’s diary. I remember that I circled his retail medical equipment idea. I look around here in the hospital and see wheelchairs, walkers, oxygen tanks, and literally hundreds of other medical devices, all of which need to be sold.

John’s doggie bag from the chefs must have gone over well with John. After about a half hour, I saw him come out of the room where he was eating the ribs. He carried one of the baggies eating ribs as he walked back down the hallway.

I was very happy that Ronda was releasing Diane. Once we get the paperwork done, we are going to take John and Diane back to the Chateau. I joked with John telling him that we had decided to order up a couple of hospital trays to take home. John was stunned, but Dakota and I laughed. I wanted Diane to take a couple of extra days off. The baby is very important, and she needs to be careful and drink lots more water, which she promises to do.

After a while, Dr. Ronda comes back into the room with the paperwork in her hand. I walk over to her and put my arms around her and pull her in tightly for a romantic kiss.

John is sitting by Diane and holding her hand, which makes me feel better. The male nurse shows up to Diane’s room with a wheelchair. We gently get Diane out of bed and put her into the chair. The orderly begins to take Diane out of the room; however, John grabs her overnight bag and hangs it on the back of the chair.

Dakota sends a text to Fred telling him that we are working our way out towards the front door. After several minutes, we all get to the front door of the hospital. Fred has pulled the limo under the portiere.

Dakota takes a couple of minutes to text Jill letting her know that Diane is being released from the hospital and we are taking her and John home to the Chateau.


As usual, Fred has the door open for all of us to get into the back of the limo. I see that John has eaten almost all the ribs that Bobby and Sammy sent him. I too have been in the hospital a couple of times before and seeing John load up on the ribs made me happy.

Once we got Diane into the limo, the orderly closed the limo door and off we went. The traffic was still crappy, but Fred took his time to get us back to the Chateau.

John and Diane sat together on one side of the limo. Dakota and I sat on the other side. John asked me what he needed to do today, I told him to just get Diane into the house and let’s have her take it easy.

I asked John and Diane if they had any preferences for dinner. John was full and said he wouldn’t worry about dinner for a while. Diane asked if maybe the chefs would make some shepherd’s pie. She likes it and it seems to be rather easy on her tummy.

Dakota snuggled into me putting her arms around me and laying her head on my chest. I wanted her to take it easy as well.

I heard my phone buzz, it was Jill. She asked if Diane was feeling better and was John still eating. I laughed at the reference to John still eating. I told Jill that we were headed back to the house to let John and Diane go take a rest. Jill was happy we were doing that.

Jill also went on to tell me that the day at the office was rather boring and not much needed to get done.

After that call ended, I got another one from the truck stop managers. They let me know that they ordered another round of tires to be sent from BF Goodrich to several of the truck stops. The list of trucks that were waiting to get new tires were getting smaller.

Fred got the limo back to the house to allow John and Diane to go inside and relax. I asked Diane to please start drinking water as soon as she got inside. She promised to do so.

After Diane and John went inside, Fred pulled the limo around and headed back towards the office. Of course, Dakota texted Jill that we were on our way back to the office. I pulled Dakota into me and told her how much I loved her. She just smiled and laid her head on my chest once again.

Dr. Ronda texted me that she was happy to get Diane out of the hospital and get her home to the Chateau. I texted her back and agreed with her. Just like before, it took nearly an hour to get back to the office. Once we were there, Fred parked the limo on the second floor of the parking garage. Dakota and I got out and crossed over to the elevators and up to the top floor.

When Dakota and stepped off the elevator, I headed to my office to start working on the computer. Dakota went and got herself a bottle of water, which made me smile.

I looked at my emails and just shook my head with the sheer number of them. As usual, I started with all the duplicate emails trying to get rid of them quickly. I started once again with all the ‘read only’ emails and as usual, once I read them, I deleted them.

Jill walked over to my office and gave me a nice passionate kiss. She told me that she was happy that John and Diane were back at the house. I told Jill that Diane asked for Sheppard’s pie for supper. Jill agreed with Diane saying that she liked it as well.

Later, I received a phone call from UCLA. They wanted to know if I was paying for the porn twins schooling. I assured them that I was handling their tuition. They thanked me and hung up. I found that phone call a bit odd. I called UCLA back and asked them what prompted the earlier call. They assured me that they were just doing some follow up calls on students.

I called Tina. She seemed happy to hear from me. I asked her how her Mother was doing. She assured me that Mom was happy to be back in Phoenix. I told Tina that all of us missed having her at the house. She told me that after this semester, she would be back at the Chateau and that she would be hanging out with all of us.

I thought about Tina’s Mom. She was gorgeous and quite smart. Paying them a salary was a great idea. Mom and Tina needed the money and putting them on salary worked out for both them and Jaxson, Inc.

I managed to get back to the computer to get through many of the emails. Dakota took up a spot next to me trying to help get rid of emails that were just sitting in my computer.

After about two hours, Jill came into my office. It was delightful to feel her put her arms around me. She kissed me several times pulling me into her.

I had been working diligently trying to get my email load down to a more manageable number. I did manage to take the emails from 300+ down to less than 150. It was important to me to keep reducing the email number. Dakota again helped me in the office reducing my computer workload.

Jill, along with BJ went back to working on the stock certificate project. As the day progressed, I saw that our day had dwindled down and it was getting close to the time to load everyone up and head back to the house.

I went around the office telling everyone that it was time to call it a day and to turn off your computer. When I got around to Sharon, I gave her a light kiss and had her also turn off her computer. Jill, Dakota, Jennifer, BJ, and Danni all turned off their computers and gathered by the elevator doors.

The day was easy and enjoyable for me. We all got onto the elevator and headed down to the second floor. Once the elevator doors opened, we all got off and headed into the parking garage. Dakota had texted Fred who was, as usual, waiting for us.

We all got into the limo and Fred closed the door. He took us out of the garage and headed back to the Chateau. Fred asked all of us if we wanted to stop at the Italian restaurant, but I let him know that the chefs were making Sheppard’s pie which drew moans from the ladies in the limo.

Once again, traffic was horrible, and we moved along at what seemed like a snail’s pace. Finally, we got moving and Fred did a wonderful job weaving in and out of the traffic to get us closer to home.

Dakota put her head on my chest as we headed towards home. I just put my arms around her and pulled her into me. I felt her moan a little moan as she reached a simple orgasm on my chest. I whispered into her ear that I loved her. She smiled at me and then kissed me passionately.

As we continued to drive, the skies opened, and we ended up in a downpour. I just shook my head knowing that driving through the rain will add a substantial amount of time to get back to the Chateau.

Dakota stretched out putting her feet in my lap. Instinctively, I began to massage them for her. She just smiled and laid her head back on the armrest of the door. Thankfully, Fred had the doors locked so no one would fall out of the back.

As I kept massaging Dakota’s feet, I hear her moaning and felt her cute little feet wiggling.

I kept massaging Dakota’s feet when my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pants pocket and looked at the message. It was from Dr. Ronda. It read “I love you and will most likely make a visit to the Chateau to see you. Please make sure Jill, Dakota, and Diane are all drinking plenty of water.”

I just texted back that I would have them drinking plenty of water. Thank goodness, Fred was taking it carefully as he was driving through the traffic towards home. The drive through the rainstorm added about an hour to an hour and a half. When we got to the outer gate, Fred poked the necessary buttons to open the outer gate. Once we were inside that gate, he poked more buttons to close that gate and open the inner gate. He put the limo next to the front door so we could all get out and get inside quickly. Fred poked more buttons and opened one of the garage doors. He put the limo inside the garage.

All of us got out of the limo and headed inside the house. I could smell Sheppard’s pie as soon as I got inside the house.

I went down the hallway to my bedroom. There I shed my clothes and headed into the shower. This time, Jennifer was the one who joined me in the shower. I had the hot water running and steaming up the bathroom. Jennifer stepped into the shower stall with me and we began to get ourselves all wet. I playfully pushed Jennifer’s head underneath the shower head. She laughed at me as I put shampoo into her hair and scrubbed it thoroughly.

From there, Jennifer did the same to me. She made sure that my head was thoroughly wet before she slathered the shampoo in my hair. After scrubbing my scalp for a few minutes, she pulled me underneath the flowing water to rinse my hair off.

After that, we soaped each other up and made sure we had all of our body parts clean. Jennifer pushed me against the shower wall and kissed me passionately. I gladly returned the kiss. Our bodies worked in unison.

Jennifer and I said our declarations of love for each other as we were inside the shower getting clean. Once we both were clean, we stepped out of the shower and began to dry each other off. It took nearly 25 minutes to get each other dry. Once we were completely dry, she took me by the hand and led me out into my bedroom.

I could smell the Sheppard’s Pie and it smelled wonderful. Jennifer took me by the hand and led me down the hallway to the dining room table. She pulled out a chair fr me and told me to sit my ass in the chair, which of course made me smile.

Sammy put some food on a paper plate. I gladly accepted it and put it down in front of me.

I was also poured a glass of Coke to go along with the Sheppard’s Pie. AT this point, I just began eating and was liking every bite. Jennifer got herself a paper plate as did Dakota.

Everyone managed to fix themselves a plate of food. This turned out to be a nice meal for everyone. I saw that John was taking good care of Diane. He sat next to her and playfully fed her bite after bite of the Sheppard’s Pie. I know that it is important that the three ladies all drink more water, which they were doing.

As I was just sitting there eating dinner, I head a knock at the front door. I turned around to see that it was Dr. Ronda. I smiled and waved her in and over to me. She came right over and kissed me and sat her cute ass in my lap. I could tell that she was ready for us to have some play time and I was ready as well.

As I finished up my meal, Ronda took me by the hand and lead me down to the bedroom. She pushed me onto one of the play beds and shed her clothes and climbed in next to me. I put my arms around her and pulled her in tightly.

It wasn’t very long before Dr. Ronda kissed me and declared her love for me. I just told her how much I loved her before we made passionate love for a couple of hours. We were finished by the time that Jill arrived home. She shed her clothes and put on a tee shirt and shorts before she headed out to the kitchen to have Sheppard’s Pie.



2019-07-20 20:03:11
I would vote but i reached my limit fir today


2019-06-28 04:22:51
I am not sure why less than 1 % of the readers of this very popular series . Are the only voters on this chapter ? And then a micro % give a written response . Especially since you so politely encourage commenting .
I for one would be concerned that this lack of response to this incredible series . Might give the author a false perception of lack of interest .
But more likely he is not deterred by the crickets . And is creating away 3 more intriguing chapters . Knowing his works are held in very high respect . Despite the silence .


2019-06-27 21:58:46
great story!


2019-06-18 16:51:38
more more


2019-06-18 03:34:12
Another great chapter! Glad nothing serious was wrong with Diane! Can't wait for the next ones to come out! I have a feeling Michael will be making another appearance soon!

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