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Suburban mom Heather is tired of her best friend's college-aged daughter flaunting her youth around
Heather lay in wait, concealed from the little dirt trail by a stand of bushes. A black ski-mask covered her wide smile as he heard the patter of footsteps drawing near. Just minutes earlier her friend Melissa had texted Heather saying how happy she was to have her daughter, Kelly, home from college for the summer. Heather knew Kelly enjoyed jogs on this trail at night, and now that she was quickly approaching, each soft footfall made Heather wetter and wetter. Heather had been watching Kelly grow up for years, but now she couldn’t make it another day without taking the young collegiate for herself. Finally, after minutes of dripping with anticipation, Heather watched as Kelly rounded the bend into view. A long blonde ponytail bounced back and forth as the slim girl bounded down the trail, a contented smile painted on her pretty lips. If only she knew. Heather watched with wicked satisfaction as the breasts she had watched grow year by year bounced within the tight blue sports bra. It was almost enough to shove her hand into her black sweatpants and simply watch, but no, she needed more. Finally, it was time. Now or never. Heather grabbed the kitchen knife lying next to her and sprung suddenly from the bushes.

“C’mon, gimme your money, bitch!” She commanded, lowering her voice to a gruff octave she hoped Kelly wouldn’t recognize. She may not have recognized Heather, but Kelly recognized the knifed pointed dangerously at her and let out a small shriek.

“N-no! I don’t-“ She stammered as she backpedaled, face frozen in terror. Heather charged at her quickly, and Kelly chose the smart option; turning and running. Just as Heather planned. She gave chase momentarily, simply to sell the illusion, before breaking off to the right back into the thick forest. She knew the trail well, and knew that if she kept going off this direction she would intercept the beginning of the trail, hopefully before Kelly could get there. Once she was far enough out of sight, Heather threw the knife as far as she could, and stripped her black clothing, revealing running clothes of her own. Her long brown hair cascaded from the mask if a frizzy mess as she pulled it from her head. She was 40 this year, and though her friends jokingly called her a cougar, it seemed like every day she found another grey hair and watched her once-reddish brown locks fade. Maybe that’s why she was doing this, she thought as she pulled her hair into a ponytail of her own. Maybe she was jealous, and wanted to steal some youth for herself. Whatever the reason, she didn’t have time for introspection when she ran back into Kelly. She saw Kelly’s face flash in recognition and relief at the sight of her. Now it was her time to shine as an actress.

“Kelly! What’s the matter? Are you okay?” She put her arms on the young girl’s sweat-covered shoulders as the nearly ran into her. Kelly was nearly in hysterics, and tears were falling fast from her reddened eyes.

“There was- They had a knife-“ The girl cried into Heather’s shoulder, looking back in the direction she had come.

“Oh my god! Okay, honey. Just come with me. I don’t see anyone. I don’t live far from here. We’ll get you safe; you’re okay, honey.” Kelly just nodded and let herself be led away by the older woman.

Only minutes later, Heather shut the door to her house with a dull thump. The pair’s running shoes made dull sounds as Heather led her prey to the plush couch in the living room. She sat Kelly down and took a place next to her, draping her arm caringly around her.

“Are you hurt, dear?” Heather asked, knowing the answer. She wouldn’t have hurt Kelly, not yet at least.

“No...” She trailed off, looking around warily. “Ms. Reynolds, would you make sure all the doors are locked? Please?” She plead weakly.

“Of course, honey.” Heather said, standing, “And you can call me Heather, darling. I’ve known you since you were a little girl.” Kelly only nodded slightly at this, but just saying the sentence made Heather flush slightly. She quickly padded off to lock the remaining doors and prepare herself. Soon all the doors were locked, but one final step needed preparing. She opened up a cabinet in her room and withdrew a small syringe. It was a fast acting tranquilizer, essential for getting control of the younger woman who, as even Heather would admit, was in much better shape physically than she herself.

Slipping the syringe into the pocket, she quickly made her way back to Kelly. The pretty blonde was still shaking, holding her knees to her chest, but had stopped crying. She looked up over her knees as Heather approached.

“Have you called the police yet, Ms.- I mean, Heather?”

“Oh, not yet, darling.” Heather replied, sitting back down next to the scared girl. “Why don’t you tell me what happened so I can give a good report to them.”

“Okay... Well, I was running on the Twin Trees path, and all of a sudden someone with a-“ She sputtered, holding back tears, “With a knife, and she, she wanted....” Kelly trailed off slowly. She hadn’t even noticed Heather’s syringe move to her neck before the needle had pierced her soft flesh and delivered its payload. Her pretty green eyes, locked with Heather’s in fear, slowly began to glaze over and roll back. Heather just smiled wickedly as the tranquilizer delivered Kelly into unconsciousness.

Now came the fun part. Heather knew she had only about 15 minutes to get set up before the dosage she had administered should wear off. She moved quickly, carrying her prey to her bedroom and setting her down gently on the bed. She grabbed a roll of strong tape and bound Kelly’s hands and feet tightly, before placing another strip over her mouth. With Kelly now immobile, Heather could move onto to what she was truly looking forward to. She took a large knife from her bedside table and began cutting the girl’s clothing off. She started with the straps of her tight blue sports bra. Each fell free with a small snipping sound. Then she placed the tip of the knife under the bottom of the bra, between Kelly’s large breasts. She thought for a moment about turning the knife downward and plunging it into her chest. She thought about how it would feel as the blood pumped out of the girl and onto her hands. Her mind wandered and she imagined herself flicking her clit with Kelly’s blood smeared over her, and how good it could feel, but it wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted, no, needed Kelly to be there for it when she finally stole her youth away from her. She drew the knife upward in one swift motion, slicing the garment down the middle and freeing Kelly’s milky, youthful breasts. She remembered when her breasts used to look like that, and she grabbed one between her fingers, pinching and rolling the flesh and teasing the light pink tip. She had attracted attention too in her youth, but now, her breasts had begun to sag slightly and her face had a few more wrinkles. The truth was that she still drew attention, but any time that some younger guy came on to her, all she could think about was whether or not she was some dare of “Cougar Hunting” or some such fratboy shit. She withdrew her hand from Kelly’s breast, watching it jiggle enticingly as she did, and brought her knife to the girl’s waist. She quickly sliced the plain black running shorts from her victim. To her surprise, Kelly wasn’t wearing panties, and the girl’s pink, hairless slit stared at her. She looked tight, and Heather slowly forced a saliva-soaked finger into her. Good god, she was. She must have been popular, just like Heather was before kids; before time weakened her muscles. She withdrew her finger with a wet sound and brought it to her mouth. Her little victim tasted delightful, so much so she wanted to eat her out right here, but this wasn’t about Kelly’s pleasure. She stood from the bed, taking Kelly’s shredded clothes and tossing them away. She quickly began undressing herself as she waited on her victim to come to.

Finally, Kelly’s eyes fluttered open slowly and a small muffled cry came from behind the tape. Her eyes shot to Heather, and finding her nude sitting next to her, she began struggling with her binds and crying louder through the tape.

“Shh shh shh, darling...” Heather placed her hand on the soft skin of Kelly’ stomach. “You’re going to be fine. Just do what you’re supposed to.” She caressed Kelly’s face gently as she spoke. She jerked her head away from Heather’s touch. “This is how it’s going to work, Kelly:” Heather’s expression turned to a scowl at the girl’s rebellion, “You’re going to make me feel good, and when I’ve cum all over your pretty little face, you can go home.” She placed a hand on the tape covering Kelly’s mouth, ready to remove it. “But,” She paused, “If you scream, I’m going to stab you until the screaming stops.” She waved the knife in front of Kelly’s terrified face, “Understand?” A short moment passed before Kelly slowly nodded in the affirmative. At that, Heather pulled the tape from her mouth painfully. “Good girl.”

Heather stood and positioned herself kneeling over the fearful girl. The situation had Heather dripping and as she knelt over Kelly she heard her whimper as a long string of arousal fell onto her chin. This was the most turned on that Heather had been in years. Even when she would humor some young stud and let him fuck her, she never felt like she did kneeling over her best friend’s daughter. She reached down and scooped the drip off of Kelly’s chin, and pressed her finger between the girl’s lips.

“Hope you like the taste, darling. There’s a lot more. Now lick.” She commanded as she let her pussy settle onto Kelly’s waiting lips. Kelly wriggled a little beneath her, as if seeing if she could escape, but after another, harsher, demand Heather felt the girl’s lips open and her tongue snake out into her dark pink folds. A moan escaped from deep within her as her best friend’s daughter began dutifully lapping at her dripping, sloppy slit. “Ffffuck...” she exclaimed softly as Kelly worked. “I see you’ve been experimenting at college, huh?” Heather teased as Kelly’s tongue pleasured her. No one had ever made Heather feel this good, even in her youth, and she knew that it wouldn’t be long before she came at this rate. Suddenly, right as she was about to let herself be swept away in pleasure, her phone began to ring. She almost let it go, but she glanced over and saw that it was a video call from Mellissa, Kelly’s mother. The temptation was just too much to resist. She quickly pulled her discarded tank top on and grabbed he phone.

“Don’t you dare stop.” Heather commanded as she swiped over to answer the call. “Hey, girl. How’s it going?” She asked cheerfully, talking through the pleasure. She held the phone to where only her shoulders up could be seen.

“Hi, Heather.” Kelly’s tongue stopped, and Heather heard a gasp as the girl recognized her mother’s voice. With her free hand, Heather grasped at the young girl’s nipple and painfully gripped it, pressing herself down harder to mute her at the same time. “Have you seen Kelly? She went out jogging earlier and hasn’t come back yet. I’m starting to get a bit nervous.” Heather grabbed the knife and pressed it threateningly between Kelly’s breasts to keep her quiet.

“No, hun, I haven’t seen her a-anywhere.” She stammered slightly as Melissa’s daughter kept dutifully lapping at her. “I’m sure she’s just fine though. She’s probably nearby though. Maybe she just found some friends to eat out with.” She smiled inwardly at her pun. The concern on Melissa’s face combined with her daughter’s tongue was making her quiver. Her friend, however, didn’t seem to notice the little tremors running through Heather’s body or the pleasured sighs forcing their way through Heather’s outward appearance. Melissa was still talking, having moved on from her daughter to mundane occurrences in her life, but Heather wasn’t listening anymore. She could feel herself reaching the point of no return. She could feel every ridge and bump on Kelly’s tongue as it slipped back and forth over Heather’s twitching clit. Finally, the not-so-metaphorical floodgates broke, and Heather came, a small squirt splashing off of Kelly’s lips. It took everything Heather had not to double over and scream in pleasure, but she managed to hold it together, all while Melissa talked about how a recent date had gone. Little did she know that her missing daughter was buried between Heather’s thighs. Waves of pleasure were still cascading through Heather’s body, but she was finally able to regain control of herself. She knew it was now or never. If it was revealed that she didn’t plan on keeping her promise, Kelly would likely start making a fuss. Even as Kelly was still slowly licking her spasming cunt, and Melissa kept obliviously talking away, she raised the knife to Kelly’s throat. She felt the licking stop and felt a small gasp against her asshole as Kelly realized what was happening, but before she could scream Heather slashed across the girl’s soft throat. A thin spray of arterial blood splashed Heather’s pussy and thighs, and the busty girl began writhing in pain and panic beneath her. It was just the sight that Heather had known she wanted since she first saw Kelly developing, and she felt another small orgasm roll through her as she watched the dark crimson blood flow between Kelly’s pale breasts.

“...can’t believe it. She said the salad I brought was wilted. Can you imagine?” Melissa prattled on, unaware that her daughter lie twitching and bleeding out under her friend.

“I uh... I just can’t imagine that to be true.” Heather panted, rejoining the conversation as best as she could. She tried to keep eye contact with Melissa, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from watching Kelly’s twitches get weaker and weaker.

“Are you okay, Heather?” The question snapped Heather’s lust-filled eyes back to Melissa.

“Yeah, yeah. Just a little distracted tonight. Sorry.” She covered.

“Oh, I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” Melissa asked, seeming sincere.

“Well, if you don’t mind, I do have a bit of cleaning I need to do, so can I talk to you later?”

“Oh, of course! Don’t let me keep you. Just let me know if you run across Kelly, okay?”

“No problem, Mel. I’m sure she hasn’t gotten off too far.”

The two said their goodbyes and signed off of the video call. As soon as Melissa’s image had gone away, Heather let out a long, sensual sigh that she had been holding in. She tossed her phone off to the side and looked down at her handiwork. Her plaything finally lay still in a dark crimson pool, the small kicks and thrashes had only subsided a minute or so ago. She greedily squeezed Kelly’s full breasts; she was still warm. If she ignored the gash across her slender neck, it was almost as if she were sleeping. Heather shifted herself, the plastic lining she had arranged under the sheets creaking, so that she straddled Kelly’s midriff, facing the girl’s upper body. Her eyes were open, frozen in fear, and her lips were smeared with Heather’s cum and a trickle of her own blood. Absolutely beautiful; Heather thought so, at least. Curious, Heather brought her fingers to the gash in Kelly’s neck. She dipped her fingers in the exsanguinated blood and brought it slowly to her lips. The thick coppery fluid coated her tongue, and she could swear she could almost taste Kelly’s youth as she reveled in her bloodthirst. She smeared her hands in Kelly’s scarlet life-blood before touching herself to yet another orgasm. Finally, after her blood-drenched climax had subsided, she stood, admiring the girl whose youth she had just stolen. She knew deep down that she wouldn’t step out of the shower in a moment looking 25 again, but she couldn’t find any regret in her. She showered the blood and cum off of her, enjoying the warm water. After a while, she poured herself a glass of wine before returning to the gruesome scene in the bedroom. She had a lot of work to do.
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