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I met this really cute 18 year old and introduced her to Bigboy.
This small restaurant where I ate most of my meals hired a new server on her name tag it read "Candy".. Candy was a very cute 4'11" and about 90lb teen.. Although she was small she was well shaped, even in her work uniform I could tell she would probably look really hot out of it but then she looked to be very young so finding out would not be possible..

Over the next few weeks we became good friends.. She always greeted me with a big smiling hello and brought me my usual coffee..

When she wasn't busy she would stand by my booth and chat with me, Even at times sitting with me.. One day while we were chatting I said "Look Candy you appear to be Very young just how old are you?" She kind of laughed and said "Yes I get that a lot but I'm actually 18" "Wow no way" so she went to her purse and brought her ID to prove it and sure enough she was, I could hardly believe it.. "wow Candy you sure had me fooled" "That's quiet ok I don't mind proving things to you at all.. After all if we're going to be friend's you needed to know for sure because I understand the possible complications that could arise should we get to be really close, If you know what I mean" "Just what do you mean Candy?" "I mean an older man having relations with an underage girl could get him in a world of shit" "Exactly, That's why I needed to know" "Are you saying that more intimate relations could be in the future" "What I'm saying is that me now knowing should the opportunity arise I wouldn't pass it up for sure." "I was hoping you would say that because I really do like you.. I know that being single you probably don't have many home cooked meals and I'm off on Saturday and Sunday so I would love to cook you a good meal on Saturday.. I am a pretty good cook even if I do say so." "How could I possibly turn down an offer like that, It's a date."

Candy was a good cook. After I helped her clean up the kitchen we sat on the sofa and had a couple of beers while we chatted more openly.. She said "Look Bo I'm going to tell you a very personal secret that no one else knows..

I'm from a small town just outside Chicago.. But left home a couple years ago because my dad was sexually abusing me and had been quiet a while, I finally had enough and went to Chicago thinking I could get a job and support myself.. That wasn't possible because I was so young.. I ended up shacking up with this older man and the same thing continued until I was able to get a job and save enough money to buy a junk car, loaded what I could in it and put the rest in storage then headed south to here.

My job isn't that great but thanks to good customers like you I make enough to afford my own place and my independence.. My only problem now is that I do miss the sex, Even though I was repulsed I did like the feeling of a big cock."

"My god Candy I had no idea.. You have had a rough life girl." "Yes but I'm a better person because of it and I now get to choose my lover. I hope I don't scare you off but I choose you if you're willing I think I would really like being with you from time to time.. No strings attached just fuck buddies."

"Shit this is like the dinner invitation how could I turn down an offer like this, He'll yes I would love that" She just jumped up turned and sat across my lap and kissed me really hard and passionately.. Pulling away she said "looks like you are going to find out what I look like out of my uniform after all." Got up took me by the hand and said come with me please" and led me to the bedroom where she slowly undressed sayin "Is it what you thought it would be?"

"Oh my god yes girl you are beautiful" She then lay back on the bed and said "Ok your turn, I have been wondering too" I undressed and she said "Wow nice cock there Bo, I think I'm going to enjoy this more than I thought.." "we fucked for about 2 hours and she was like a wild woman.. Early next morning I told her that I had to go let the dog out but if she wanted I would come back.. She said "Oh hell yes I want more of that wonderful cock."

When I got back she had put on fresh makeup and fixed her hair with an really sexy gown and high heels.. Damn she looked even hotter.. She also had breakfast ready.. When we started cleaning up the kitchen she whispered in my ear "Would you lift my gown and fuck me while I wash dishes?" I didn't have to be asked twice.. We fucked most of the rest of the day with me saying around 3pm that I needed to go home and let Bigboy out and do my laundry." She said "yes and I need to do mine also. I hope you know that I have really enjoyed this weekend. You re welcome back any time." "Thank you candy, I will take you up on that offer I assure you."

Next morning when I went into the restaurant she already had my coffee on the table standing there with a huge smile on her face and for the fist time since I knew her had fresh make up on.. "Good morning Bo, It's awfully good to see you this morning, You want the usual?" "Yes please and may I say that you look exceptionally good this morning Candy."

I ate my food and was having another cup of coffee when she leaned over and whispers. "dinner at my pace tonight? I smiled and said "absolutely yes" I handed her a 50 and said "If you're gonna feed me the least I can do is help with the groceries."

That night as we were laying in bed I said "Look you said you have some things in storage" "Yes" "Well I have a pickup so how about we go get them this weekend?" "Gosh that would be great, I was wondering how I was going to get them here." "Just tell them at work that you have to go out of town this weekend and may not get back until Tuesday, I'm sure they can arrange for someone to cover your shift." "We will leave Friday night and get there early Saturday morning, Load your things and get a motel for Saturday night and head back early Sunday morning" "I will tell them tomorrow morning"

We fucked every night until Friday and I went home and loaded Bigboy in the truck then went to pick up Candy.. When she opened the truck door and saw Bigboy she said "Oh I didn't know you were bringing a dog" "You don't like dogs" "oh I love dogs I just wasn't expecting one, What kind is he anyway" "he's a black and tan blue tick mix hunting dog but he's my stable mate so to speak and a real cuddly bug, He loves anyone who will pet him and scratch his ears." "Well hello Bigboy nice to meet you" and patted him on the head then got in. We got on the interstate and after driving about an hour she and Bigboy were becoming buddies with him siting in the floor and rested up on her lap while she scratched his ears.. After a bit she said "Bigboy must be horny, he now has my panties soaking wet with the precum he's spurting right on my crotch" "LOL well dogs aren't like humans in that they only get to fuck maybe twice a year if they're lucky, So yes I'm sure he's horny..

The only way to keep your panties from getting wetter is to take them off." "Are you serious?" "Sure, I don't mind and I'm sure he won't either." She just lifted her skirt and lifted her butt and pulled her panties off.. Sure enough they were sopping wet. "lay them out on the seat so they will dry" She did then leaned back in the seat.. A couple of min later Bigboy was again reared up on her and a couple min later she said "Well the panties off resolved one problem but now there's another" "What's that?" "Now he has the tip of his cock inside me and it's hot as a firecracker" Oh I'm sorry" "Well I'm not it happens to feel really good and after all it's not hurting anything" "good, I'm sure he's enjoying the feeling.. "No more than me I assume you, In fact I'm just about to cum"

"If you scoot forward so he can get closer I'm sure you will" She scooted forward and Bigboy began jackhammering her.. "ahhh yes that did it, I'm Cumming my ass off as she scooted yet further down and he went deeper After she finished her cum she said "Wow I see where he got his name now, He has a bigger cock than I have ever felt... What's that's bumping against my pussy?" "That's called a knot, it's what when he gets it in it swells so that his bitch can't get away from him until he's finished "

Why would anyone want to get away from a cock that feels this good." well if his knot is bumping your pussy you now have a full 11" inside you" "Really wow no wonder it feels so good" "yep he has fucked several women and got his knot in all of them which they loved, With his knot in he has every bit of 13" of hard meat and has been known to fuck as many as four times before he comes out" "My god there is no way I can get his knot in me." "Oh no he has to go all the way in before the knot swells then once inside it will swell and lock you to him until he's finished.. "Well would you think me bad if I said that I wanted all of him?" "Not at all, But you will have to let him relax a bit so that the knot will shrink then he will be ready again but this time you need to be really far down on the seat so he can get to you better" "Oh shit he's Cumming and it feels like scalding water" "Good now when he comes out he will lay down and lick himself and because he wasn't tied with you he will think that he hasn't accomplished his goal of breading his bitch and be ready again in no time" "Good because I really do want that"

After he pulled out and lay down she leaned over so she could see and said "My god his cock is as big as my wrist, No wonder he felt good"

About thirty min later Bigboy was back up in he lap.. She immediately scooted so far down she was laying down Bigboy was ready.. Once he felt her opening he thrust all the way in which brought a grunt from her.. Immediately he began hammering hard and fast. She said "Oh damn he's deep" next thing you know she said "Yes he's beginning to swell getting bigger and bigger.. That knot's swelling too and I feels really good.. "Oh my god it's so big now it hurts but feels good at the same time" She's so small that when he thrust back he actually is dragging her to and fro .. "Bo this feels so good I'm about to go crazy" then he comes driving her over the edge also.. Afterward she just relaxes and says "Wow that was intense"

After a bit she begins to thrust against him until she cums again really hard and almost immediately he start hammering her hard again.. This time she wraps her arms and legs around him and hollers "OH YES FUCK ME DOGGY" This time when they cum she passed out cold. When she woke she said "Shit that's scary but I want more" again she started humping him and again almost immediately after she cum he started jackhammering her.. He lasted longer this time and I said "BTW he loves getting blowjobs too" She never let on that she heard me but when he finished that time he was finished for a while and shortly slipped out.. She simply slid down in the floor and took him in her mouth and was giving him a super blowjob which evidently he liked because he began fucking her mouth the same as her pussy until he dumped his load right down her throat.. She swallowed most of it but some escaped.. She got back up in the seat and he lay in the floor.. She looked at me with cum running down her chin and said "Bo that has to be the best fuck of my life, I have never passed out before.. You think that he will be up to it again?" "I'm sure that before we get to Chicago he will do that again several times as long as you let him" "I hope you don't think I'm a slut but I will let him as many times as he wants to."

They fucked off and on all the way to Chicago.. We loaded the truck and got a room and something to eat for us and Bigboy.. next morning after breakfast we loaded up with her placing he panties in he purse saying "I have a feeling I won't be needing these and smiled" They again fucked off and on all the way home.. When we arrived she said "I'm sorry the trip is over" "Well next weekend you will have to come out to my place" "Oh god can I, I would love that"

The next Friday when I went in for breakfast she ask "Could you pick me up on your way home and bring me back Sunday night?" "Sure why not, You're anxious aren't you?"

"Oh hell yes, like a kid at Christmas, I can hardly wait" That evening when I knocked on her door she opened it, Took me by the hand and pulled me inside turned her back to me and lifted her skirt revealing her pantiles ass and said "Please fuck me I'm dying here." She was Cumming before I was all the way in and then went completely wild.. After I cum she turned and said smiling "I'm ready now. Thanks for taking the edge off." When we got to my place she almost ran to the door, As soon as it was opened Bigboy was standing there wagging his tail.. She dropped to her knees hugging his head close to her saying "Hello stud, I have something for you." With that she went on in spying the sofa, Lifted her skirt and sat down instantly scooting forward to the edge.. Bigboy needed no further invitation and reared up on her hitting his mark on the first try and went in fully in one stroke.. He began his jackhammer fucking and she was Cumming immediately with her arms wrapped around his neck saying "Oh yes fuck me lover, god I have missed you so much." After he cum the third time she simply slid down and took him in her mouth where he again fucked it like he did her pussy.. When he was finished she got up and said "Damn I wish you didn't have to wait to fuck me again" I said I'll be right back and went to get Prince.. When he came in she was again sitting on the sofa.. When she saw him she said "Oh my god there's two of him" "Actually this is Prince, one of his nephews." "ONE OF?" "Yes, There's another" "Wow I must be in heaven, Does he like to fuck also?" without answering her he was up on her and thrusting for all he was worth.. "Oh hell yes that's the answer I was hoping for, Now I won't have to wait" Prince followed suit of his uncle and after the third time he slipped out and she like with Bigboy slid down and took him in her mouth.. She could only take about half of Bigboy but Prince wasn't as thick so when he began thrusting her he went knot deep and dumped a load. When he finished she looked up at me smiling and said "Well I liked fucking Bigboy more because he's bigger but Prince fucked my throat fully for the first time and I absolutely loved it.. The ultimate would be to fuck Bigboy and suck Prince at the same time." "Well since Prince is younger he recovers much quicker so maybe next time you can take Bigboy doggy style and I'm sure Prince won't need much coaxing for him to mount your head and fuck your throat.." "Come here and let me suck your cock then get me a beer to wash all you guys cum down. You know dog cum really taste good." When she finished I got us a beer and we sat at the dining table and chatted.. "You know Bo I never dreamed of fucking a dog but god it's great as you may have noticed." "Well it happens a lot more than you can imagine.. I guarantee you when you see a woman walking a big dog with his nuts in tact that she is fucking him crazy." "My god you really think so?" I know so honey.. You are not the first lady that has fucked my dogs, In fact I have had several dogs before Bigboy and his nephews that fucked women.. I must have helped 25 or 30 women and they always liked it as much as you do." Candy fucked all three dogs all weekend and really didn't want to leave Sunday night.. We continued to fuck at her place and she came to mine every weekend for a couple of years..


2021-04-19 12:38:24
oh god this story was so hot that i came right at the end

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