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Something happened at the Ball. But unlike Cinderella it wasn't a slipper they were looking for next morning. It was a cock.Something happened at the Ball. But it wasn't a slipper they were looking for next morning. It was a cock.
Not exactly Cinderella

It was just a chance encounter.

I was at the autumn ball, the last one before Christmas. The palace ball room was decorated with a dazzling array of glittering, shimmering crystal set off by a thousand candles. The orchestra played beautifully, and the guests danced beautifully. No I lie, some danced beautifully, others lumbered around like drunken oxen but I hope you get the idea of the scene.

The King and Queen looked on anxiously. Their eldest daughter Princess Victoria, Eleana, Katerina, Phoebe, Santa Maria, of Sax Coburg Wisenstein, usually known simply as “Maria” possibly the most pampered, obnoxious little princess in recent history was becoming a problem. Usually heiresses to the throne were married off as soon as possible after leaving finishing school but Maria was still firmly on the shelf at twenty one.

The kingdom was not the largest or most influential, probably about number ninety seven in the top one hundred kingdoms, somewhere between Basutoland and the Isle of Wight in area, but it had its virtues, being too mountainous and not rich enough for anyone to want to invade was the main virtue, but there was some decent skiing and the fishing was not too bad, and the new railway meant we could get fresh food and not have to exist on Beef and Museli as our forefathers had.

But I digress. I am I suppose a minor nobleman, father was a Baron but please don’t get too excited, we didn’t exactly have a fortune, just a run down castle which I hoped to turn into a Casino and a few farms which clung to the mountainsides except when we had avalanches at which point they slid down into the rivers, and on the downside I had to attend the seasonal balls at the royal palace.

This ball was different. Suddenly Princess Maria was different. She smiled. She danced like an angel, it was as if she was a different person. Chaps queued up to dance with her instead of hiding in the bar for fear of having their toes crushed with her spiked stiletto heels.

I kept away. I waltzed with Carla, did a two step with Guilia and stomped around for an unpronounceable Hungarian square dance with Lizabet.

It was the waltz which did the damage. Holding Carla close, her perfume, the swell of her breasts, looking down her cleavage, ooohh. I had an enormous and very embarrassing hard on.

She giggled and pressed herself against it. I struggled to avoid disgracing myself in my breeches and as soon as the waltz ended I made my excuses and left the ballroom as rapidly as decorum and a woody like a tent pole allowed.

I needed relief and as chance would have it almost at once I found a serving wench loitering and looking wistfully at the dancers through a partly opened door leading from the kitchen passage way to ball room.

She was no child, a full grown woman. No great beauty, but comely enough for my purposes.

“Excuse me,” I asked politely, “I wonder if you could do me a small service?”

I indicated my discomfort. She looked discomforted. “Ugh?” she stammered.

“I am in need of relief, I will pay,” I explained, “Handsomly.”

“I do not fuck,” she said awkwardly.

“No, nor I,” I agreed, “I just need to cum.”

“Yes, very well,” she agreed and she sank to her knees and began to unbutton my breeches.

I was surprised and pleased for I merely expected her to take me in hand and extract the seed of life with her fingers, but instead she extracted my member and aimed him at her sweet mouth.

Her tongue upon my sensitive glans was like the kiss of an angel, he swelled to his greatest extent ever and taking a deep breath my angel swallowed his entire length and having so done she began to caress my balls with the tip of her tongue.

I held my hands behind her neck as I began to gently fuck her face. The sweetest sensations raced through my whole being and then all too soon seed began leaping and pumping into her mouth and throat. She coughed and choked but she swallowed every drop.

“That was divine, I don’t suppose you would consider taking a job with us would you?” I asked wistfully, before continuing, “Of course not, it must be much more exciting here at the palace. I reached in my purse as she dutifully cleaned my member with a cloth, and handed her a gold coin, maybe three months worth of wages for a maid but in my mind well worth it.

I returned to the ball room sated, I remember little of the rest of the evening but thought of the maid several times that night as I enjoyed the company of my own serving maids Helga and Gerta.

I was most particular. My maids were pure when I first plucked them and from that moment they wore my chastity device every moment when I was not with them. I was determined that they should accept no member but mine. Of course I should have to make arrangements if they fell for a child but thus far I had escaped this particular predicament.

Gerta’s tongue was no match for the maid at the palace and while very pleasant Helga’s womb was not one to inspire any exceptional passion so while far from unpleasant my night was not in any way memorable and I spent more time dreaming of the palace maid than I did taking the pleasures my maids offered.

The next morning there was a tremendous commotion, soldiers banging on the door, “You are arrested and must accompany us to the Palace forthwith,” the Sergeant insisted when my idiot Butler invited them in.

“Bugger off and come back at a decent hour,” I yawned, “Go and hassle someone else,” I suggested, “What am I supposed to have done?”

The Sergeant seemed to be having difficulty keeping a straight face.

“Someone fucked Princess Maria last night and she doesn’t know who!” he blurted out, “She’is having an identity parade!” A tear ran down his cheek as he chuckled, “She thinks she can identify his cock!”

“She thinks I fucked her?” I asked incredulously.

“No we have to arrest everyone who was at the Ball,” the Sergeant laughed, “All the men anyway!”

The soldiers thought it was hilarious, I didn’t.

“How about you come back later?” I suggested proffering a few silver coins.

“Are you trying to bribe us sir?” the Sergeant enquired.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Would four of the clock after the noon be convenient?” he offered and they turned and wandered off in the direction of the ale house.

I went to the Palace around two hours past mid day. There was a line of gentlemen queuing by the door to Princess Maria’s private quarters and every few minutes a dishevelled gentleman emerged and strode angrily away.

I saw my frient Bertie, “Hey what happened?” I asked.

“She had me drop my pants,” he said, “And she laughed at my cock, the bitch, laughed!”

“My commiserations,” I replied, “Better than hung for rape.”

“Rape be damned, she wants to marry the chap,” he exclaimed, “She’s quite mad!”

Another chap emerged, “She’s mad, quite mad, she asked me to fuk her, spread her legs pulled her gown up, exposed herself and when I went to mount her the guards dragged me off and threw me out of the room with me breeches down and me member at full mast displayed for all to see, bloody limit that woman.”

I commiserated with him and waited patiently, finally I was invited in.

Princess Maria was as imperious as ever, She sat on a large arm chair at the end of a small ante room with a dozen soldiers lining the way from the door to where she sat.

A maid in a maids smock stood to her left, an aged clerk sat to her right recording who had attended.

“Name?" the clerk asked. I told him, name , rank, date of my birth.

“Just the name will do," he said.

Lord knows how the other chaps got excited enough to try to mount her for she did nothing to rouse me.

The princess stared at me disconcertingly. “Drop your breeches, let me see your member,” she whined.

I did as she requested and my member shrank to a fraction of its usual size.

“Ah a man’s man,” the clerk said knowingly.

“Very much the contrary,” I countered, as I stood there feeling more than a trifle uncomfortable with my parts under intense scrutiny.

“Go rouse him or we will be here all night,” the Princess ordered the maid.

The maid simply pulled up her smock and inserted her thumb into her womb.

My member swelled instantly.

“That’s much better,” the Princess cooed, “Nicely proportioned, not too large,” she sort of shuffled in her chair, “Would you like to fuck me?”

“Frankly after you fucked half the men in the kingdom no!” I replied to her evident surprise, “Lord knows what disease I might catch.”

“And you, what diseases have you?” she asked.

“None, for I pluck none but virgins and keep them in a chastity belt thereafter until I discard them,” I explained.

“And decent maids permit this?” she demanded.

“Good lord no, I only fuk serving maids,” I explained, “There are other safer ways to achieve relief.”

“I shall re phrase the instruction, Fuk me.” she said and looked me right in the eye. She stood and opened her gown to show her shapely breasts and a neat triangle of soft down around her woman’s parts for beneath the gown she was entirely naked.

“Go on, get on with it,” a soldier growled, “We ent got all day.”

There was a long soft upholstered bench along the side of the room and the princess moved across to it as the soldier prodded me with a bayonet towards it.

She sat on the edge with her lags splayed. I approached, knelt and on an impulse grabbed her head and forced it down towards my cock.

She gasped in shock and in an instant my cock had filled her mouth and the tip thereof was well down her throat.

She gestured to the soldiers and I thrust hard as I expected to be dragged off in a second but no. She started to suck me. Her tongue flicked over my balls. It was like heaven.

I held her head firm against me and started to fuck her face, hard. Like I would with a paid whore thinking of naught but my pleasure and expecting to be dragged away at any instant, but no, she waved the soldiers away and concentrated on bringing me off.

Quite suddenly I shot my bolt in a cataclysm of ecstasy.

She worked hard to swallow my seed and peered up at me as she finished, “And how many pieces of silver will you offer me this time?” she asked.

“I don’t understand,” I said awkwardly.

“It was you was it not?” she asked, “Who had me serve you?” I looked blank, “When I dressed as a maid and had my lady in waiting dress in my clothes at the ball.”

“Oh my,” I apologised, “I had no idea.”

“Fortunately I know how the maids please my father so I was able to avoid being ravished,” she explained, “Or otherwise you would certainly have hung by now.”

“How can I apologise, it was done in good faith and I offered money and a post in my home,” I explained.

“Thinking I were a maid and not a princess,” she smirked, “No one has ever done that before, so if you offer I shall accept your offer of marriage.”

“Hey hold on,” I protested, “You will be the next queen like as not, I don’t want to follow you round like a spare part.”

“Marry me or hang!” she insisted.

“Can I have a bit of time to think it over?” I asked hopefully as I planned my escape, “After all I did not actually ravish you.”

“You only ravish virgins?” she asked as she stood before me, “So kneel.”

I did as she said and she raised the hem of her skirts, “Am I not intact?”

I peered at her womb lips, they appeared brand new and unsullied, then she gently spread them apart revealing the tattered remains of her maidenhead hanging by a thread.

“You are indeed, my apologies,” I stammered.

“Then fuk me and marry me or die,” she wailed.

“Its a big decision,” I protested.

“Agghhhh,” she shouted and she thrust three of her fingers deep inside her, “Now are you satisfied, do you want to die happy?”

“Yes but fifty years hence,” I explained.

“Guards seize him!” she shouted and with that I was thrown upon a couch, and pinned there with my breeches around my ankles.

My member drooped but in a moment the princess’s maid was upon me, her mouth around me, flicking her tongue around the tip of my member.

He swelled again instantly. She gripped my now hardened shaft and stepped back. I was confused but before I could react Princess Maria had approached me and with the maid guiding my shaft the Princess simply flopped down and impaled herself upon my cock.

“Ow that hurts,” she protested.

“It always does first time,” I suggested, “It will soon ease especially when I shoot my cream deep inside you.”

“Best stop before he does that Madam or you might fall for a child,” the maid suggested.

“Stop?” she queried, “ I have waited twenty years for this, where else am I to find a nobleman without numerous diseases.”

At that point the King wandered in, “What on earth are you doing,” he demanded though it should have been quite obvious.

“Testing prospective husbands daddy.” she answered.

“And your verdict?” he asked.

“Not bad, a bit surly perhaps but definitely has potential.” she replied without missing a single thrust.

“And you sir, have you made my daughter an offer?” he demanded.

“Er no your majesty, I need time to think it over.” I insisted.

“What marry my daughter or be beheaded for ravishing her?” he queried.

“Indeed,” I agreed.

“Not an easy choice, a swift death or a living hell,” the King agreed, “How long do you need to decide?”

“Daddy!” Princess Maria snapped, “How dare you!”

“No my girl how dare you,” the King snapped, “I am the King and you will do as I say, in fact I hereby pronounce you man and wife so take her away sir, I am done with you.”

“Don’t worry he will calm down,” I reassured Maria.

“No I won’t,” he chuckled, “I think I just saved a fortune on a state wedding.” and he wandered off.

“Daddy!” Maria protested, “Don’t be so stupid, why commemorative mug sales alone will cover most of the cost of a wedding!”

“Good point,” I agreed.

“Now you come to mention it,” the King agreed, “I think we need to plan something before you start swelling up with child.”

“What about what I want?” I demanded.

“Irrelevant, Maria always gets what she wants,” the King admitted, “But she’s your problem now so I shall see you in the morning.”

“Your last chance,” I cautioned Maria, “For I own I shall shoot my load directly.”

“Shoot away sir for I am ready,” she agreed and with that my member convulsed and my seed coursed forth to flood her parts.

“Mmmmm, that was nice,” she agreed. “When can we do it again?”

“Shortly,” I agreed, “Let us find a nice soft bed first, before my back is completely ruined.”

“Yes, we have a hundred or so in the Castle so there shouldn’t be a problem.” she agreed.

“And gargle with red wine your mouth tastes of cock,” I advised as she kissed me.

“You do not tell me what to do!” she snapped.

“Your choice, gargle or kiss,” I advised.

“Neither I want to fuck again!” she insisted as she took me by the hand and led me to her big four poster bed in the adjoining room.
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