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“I never in my life expected to feel something like that with you. Maybe mom and dad are smarter than we think.”
It was 4 months after my 16th birthday when my older sister and I were told to sit for a family meeting. Family meetings were common and most of the time were some form of educational session. My parents were survivalists and we lived in the deep woods of Canada for three or four months at a time, preparing for life after Armageddon. We had normal city lives too but even then we were closer as a family than to friends. Our family meetings usually heralded some important event.

We sat at the table across from our parents, my dad looked at us “Have either of you two had sex yet?” My heart clunked almost to a stop and I felt my face blanch. What the hell kind of a question was that? You don't ask a teenager straight out if he's fucked a girl, especially with his mom and sister sitting next to him. I glanced at my sister Tina and saw her face bloom red as her eyes widened in surprise, I knew by her reaction Tina was thinking the same thing. We both knew the details of sex, how it was supposed to work, that the ultimate goal of sex was reproduction but was supposed to be fun and exciting too. Our parents had educated us about it and it was something I was looking forward to but I hadn't been able to convince a girl to experiment with me yet. My hand was the only sex partner I enjoyed.

Mom looked at her daughter, “Well, Tina, answer your father. Have you been with a boy yet?” My sister looked like she wanted to bolt from the room, to hide for the next 23 years. She dropped her astonished gaze from our mother and whispered “Marty and I tried it last month,” she raised her head again, almost pleading forgiveness, “but it was only twice mama and I didn't like it, it hurt.” Marty was one of the few friends we had our own age. My sister's admission didn't surprise me; we knew from our early years that our parents could catch us in a lie every time we tried so Tina didn't even try to deny having sex.

Dad's only reaction was to say “Marty huh, okay. Don't worry, it won't always hurt Sweetie, I should think you will begin to enjoy it soon enough.” He turned from her to me, “What about you Von? Have you boffed a girl yet?”

Even though I hadn't I didn't want to answer the question, it was far too intimate for the surroundings. I moved my eyes from my sister to mom then dad, “No, not really. I'm still too young.” By throwing that line in I hoped they would agree with me and praise me for being so wise.

Dad answered “No, you're not too young, you are physically matured so if you get an opportunity to bed a young lady before we leave for the North, you should take it.”

Mom spoke to me, “What about Lena? I know you see her and she would be a nice girl to have sex with.” I answered her by hanging my head and staring at the table top until we moved onto something else in our preparation to go into the woods for the next few months. Dad said we needed to build more on the doomsday home and learn how to grow food in the short summer months. We would be leaving in five days.

The next day mom took off with Tina and went somewhere while dad and I packed for our extended stay. We stored traps, hunting weapons, ammunition, food items with decade’s long shelf lives and a bunch of other stuff we thought would be useful when we had to move to the woods permanently. With Iran building bombs, China and North Korea getting bigger and stronger armies and murder crazy terrorists killing anybody and everybody, we wanted to be ready to survive if our city was attacked. Hell, even the political system in our own country was breaking down and there were a lot of heavily armed nut cases running around loose.

That afternoon when Tina came back I asked her where they had been. She didn't answer me directly; she just shook her head and said “Not now, maybe later.”

It took two days of steady driving to get to our emergency home. The one night on the road was spent in a tent; we cooked on a campfire, ate fish caught in a river and some plants growing around us. We were practicing our survival skills even on the trip north. We slept in one big tent, the four of us side by side. It was a routine trip, one we had done many times before.

When we arrived at our remote haven, we went to work immediately cleaning up a few months of neglect and storing our new supplies. That night as the mosquitoes buzzed nosily around us dad told Tina and me we would stay in the shed next to the main cabin. Before we had always slept in the main room on cots near our parents but now he was telling us that we would be apart, he and mom in the cabin, Tina and me in the shed. Neither of us were too annoyed by his announcement, the shed was actually nice and cozy and there was plenty of room to turn it into a split bedroom.

It was what mom next said that changed the rest of our lives.

“Tina, Von, listen carefully, your dad and I have been talking this over and we think that it would be a good idea if you two shared a bed, to become intimate. You’re both old enough and by being together you will be able to avoid the turmoil and unrest that happens to sexually mature people when they don't have physical outlets. That's why you will be in the shed this trip, for the privacy.”

Tina bolted up from where she was sitting and looked down at her, “What!? You want me and Von to have sex? Mama, he's my brother, he's younger than me, we shouldn't be doing that!” I sat there too stunned to move or say anything so I let my sister vent our like-minded objections.

Mom looked at dad to take over, “Tina, you have both grown into strong, healthy young adults. That the man is younger than the woman has no place in the sex act, that's not a valid argument. As far as being brother and sister, out here that won't matter; once you get over that little hiccup we think you will find that sex can be just as satisfying as with a non-related person. The only thing you have to be careful of is having a baby and that shouldn't happen, that's why your mother took you to get birth control last week. It wasn't because of Marty; it was because we know that you two are ready for this final phase of growing up. When we have to move out here permanently we want you to be fully prepared, to be able to stay here alone if you have to and not antagonize each other in sexual frustration. We don't want you two to be afraid of each other or of being alone together. There may not be anyone else around to trust for some time.”

Tina and I were both too staggered to say anything as our mother took over, “We aren't going to force you two to couple, we suspect that will happen naturally once you get used to the idea. I can see that neither of you want to do this, but from now until we go back home you have the shed, what you do in there is up to you. Goodnight kids, dad and I are going to bed.” Seconds later I was alone with my sister beside the campfire.

I looked at Tina “What are we going to do?” I asked bleakly.

She started kicking dirt on the fire and shot back angrily, “Nothing, we aren’t going to do a goddamn thing, there is no fucking way I will ever have sex with you.” She was raging mad; I knew it wasn't aimed at me but mom and dad. I wasn't mad but I was shaking with doubt and insecurity, I didn't understand why they would do or say something like what they just did.

I was first in the shed; Tina came in right behind me. I stopped just inside the door so fast that she bumped into me forcing me to take two more steps into the dim room. “What the hell?” I turned to Tina, “There's only one bed.” She peered around me to look at the sleeping arrangements. Our parents had set up a double wide air mattress made up with blankets and two pillows; the bed took up half the floor space.

Tina looked at me, “We'll keep our clothes on.” She kicked off her shoes and laid down on the right side of the bed, I took the left. We were back to back with as much distance between us as we could get without falling off the mattress. It had been a long hard day and in spite of the sleeping arrangements and the scandalous intentions of our parents, I crashed into a deep sleep. Tina conked out as quickly as I did.

It was cold, I woke up shivering, my toes felt like ice cubes at the end of my feet. I sat up and pulled off the useless jacket and crawled under the thick down quilt. It wasn't until I was settled did I realize my butt was bumping against my sister who had gotten under the covers too. “Tina?” I whispered. She didn't answer so as my feet warmed I drifted off again.

Daylight comes early in the Canadian north so around 5 the sun streaming through the one little window flooded my eyes with wakefulness. I had an erection. It was jammed hard and tight in my jeans and my nuts were pinched in the bunched-up clothing. I could feel my sister behind me but she wasn’t on the far side of the bed. She had rolled to face me and had one arm over my waist, her soft even breath wafted across my neck. I broke away from her and stood painfully. I tried to rearrange my hard cock but only succeeded in pressing on my full bladder. I escaped into the wilderness to pee on a tree and take the pressure off my aching nuts. Once I got comfortable again I went to the front of the cabin and found my parents cooking breakfast on the fire pit. Dad smiled, “Good morning son, slept in your clothes did you?” Mom smirked as dad winked at me, Tina joined us a few minutes later.

Nobody asked or talked about how we spent the night but plans were made for the day. The rest of the day passed in our normal routine of work and survival, it was late and dark when we made ready to go to bed again. We kept our clothes on but that time we both got under the quilt. After she turned down the gas lantern Tina and I started talking. For a half an hour we shared our thoughts on the day, that we missed the city and what we would be doing the next day. We avoided talking about being in the same bed together and what mom and dad were expecting us to do. That was the night my sister and I got comfortable lying beside each other under the blankets.

It was also the night I had a wet dream about Lena playing with my cock. I woke up with a sticky fucking mess in my pants, embarrassed to hell with myself. I sneaked out of the shed and changed in the dark cold night. I was highly pissed because I couldn't just throw my dirty underwear into the laundry, our stuff was all hand washed in a little lake near the cabin. I stuffed my rapidly stiffening briefs under a mossy log until I could clean them. When I eased under the blanket again my sister turned to me in the dark, “Where did you go?”

“I had to piss.”

“Oh,” she murmured sleepily, “keep me warm” then rested her head on my pillow next to my cheek, put an arm over my chest and snuggled against my side. Her hair was tickling my face, the hand on my chest was causing a hot spot over my heart and my prick started growing again. As I lay there with Tina sleeping next to me I realized she smelled good. Delicate scents from her hair and skin sent sensual messages that tickled my balls, my cock swelled fatter, my heart was thudding. It seemed like it took hours to go back to sleep.

On the third day Tina was more relaxed, she was more enjoyable to be around as we worked and played together. We started treating our parents as parents, not as strange and hateful deviants. The thought of what they proposed transmuted in my mind from the demands of perverted sadistic pimps to just another stage of our survival training. It wasn't something Tina and I would do, but I was beginning to understand there was no malice or lewdness in their suggestion. It was parental concern driving their motives. Time stretched into infinity that day and the longer the day got, the more I was looking forward to going to bed. I had fun talking to my sister the night before and enjoyed the privacy, the intimacy of our talk before I went to sleep. I was looking forward to another few minutes of sharing; I also remembered the feel of her hair on my face, the scent of her skin.

That night Tina and I decided it would be okay to change out of our clothes and put on night wear. I stood in the darkest corner of the room and changed into my flannel pajamas while she quickly stripped off her shirt, pulled a soft cuddly night shift over her bra covered tits then dropped her pants and slipped the gown over her underwear. I tried not to look at her but I caught a glimpse of her firm round butt and long shapely legs while she had her back to me. She struggled briefly with the bra then pulled it down from under the night gown. When we got into bed we were both careful to keep a respectful distance between us but we laid on our sides facing each other again, talking about the day and our lives. Tina and I were raised to be truthful and straight forward so as we talked a question formed in my mind about what she had said at the last family meeting. As I built up the courage to open a new line of talk, I could feel my nuts pulling up tight and my prick filling with hot blood. I looked her into her pretty brown eyes as she cradled on her pillow, “What was it like when you let Marty have sex with you?”

She paused for a few seconds, listening to the question echo in her mind then answered “I didn't like it. It hurt when we did it and I bled like a broken nose for a long time. The next night we tried it again but I was really sore and it still hurt. After that I told him we would have to wait until I felt better but we came here before we did it again.”

My cock expanded even more, “Did he finish? Did he squirt his sperm in you?”

In the dim moonlight drifting through the small window I could see the memory flash through her eyes, she fidgeted then admitted hesitantly, “Yeah, he did, three times.”

“Were you turned on? I mean if you let him you must have wanted to.”

“I did. I was excited and wanted him and I was ready but then it hurt. I only let him finish because I didn't want him to hurt too. The next night I thought it would be better and we did it two times but it still bothered me. I was sore for over a week. God, I can't imagine how a virgin bride must feel if her new husband takes her every day.”

My cock was a full-grown erection and I felt my pajamas getting wet from the goo pulsing from the end of it. My heart was hammering, my head spinning. I moved back slightly from my sister to get some cool air. “When are you going to do it again?”

She looked uncomfortable as she answered “I don't know. I don't think it will hurt again but it will be a long time before we get back to the city.”

I couldn’t look at her anymore. She was lying just inches away from me with the blanket pulled up to her chin looking directly into my eyes. A thrill surged from my chest to my nuts as my mind’s eye focused on the memory of her butt and legs before her nightgown fell over them. I had to get her out of my head so I mumbled “Good night” and rolled away. I was shaking so hard the mattress was vibrating under me; my cock stretched so tight it hurt.

Gradually my body relaxed enough that I fell into a restless sleep, I was rolling and tossing, looking for a comfortable position and each time I did I roused to semi-consciousness. I don’t know what time it was when I roused for the third or fourth time but as I slowly came out of a dream I felt a hot pressure on my stomach and legs, my rigid cock was forced against my stomach by Tina’s ass. I was lying against her like a spoon in a drawer, an arm over her waist, my erection jammed against the crack of her butt. My eyes snapped open as my cock jerked, my balls felt like hot cannon shot. Tina was moving her hips slightly, pressing against me even more, rubbing her butt against me. I moved my hand off her waist to the hem of the night gown and pulled on it, she lifted her weight a little to let it move up her legs until it was bunched at her hips. I moved the hand to pull my pajama pants to my knees. Her bare legs were chafing against mine in small rubbing movements. When I put a hand on the warm smooth skin of her thigh I heard her sip a breath of air. She was shaking as much as I was.

Tina put her hand over mine then moved my fingers to the band of her panties. I hooked two fingers under the elastic and tugged. Again she raised her hips as I pulled the underwear down and off her legs. She kicked out of the panties then bent to put more pressure on the hard prick against her ass. I quickly worked my briefs half way down my thighs then Tina felt behind her, wrapped her fingers around my cock then guided me to the entrance of her body. I put my hand on her hip and held her in place while she put the end of my erection where she wanted it. When her fingers left me I clenched my ass to push into my sister’s hot, tender center. She rolled her hips which forced me to slide out part way out then back into her. The natural movement of her body set my own into motion and I started fucking her. I was barely aware that I had just lost my virginity because the feelings streaming through me overwhelmed my mind. I could feel my heart hammering; the warm soft velvet of my sister's sex as I pumped in and out of her. I stopped moving, lying still with only the end of my erection in her opening. She flexed her hips lightly then I plunged back into her until our bodies slapped. Tina gasped and rolled her head as she grabbed my butt and bowed her back then breathed out a soft moan. The sound of her pleasure, the feel of her body against mine and the incredible feeling of her body surrounding my erection overloaded my balls. My cock cramped and pulsed as I came in long deep thrusts into her. It felt like the end of my prick had blown apart but it was an exquisite, delicious pain. I reached for her thigh and held her tight against me while my balls convulsed. Tina Marie Watson, my sister fifteen and a half months older than me, had just become my first sexual adventure.

Tina heaved and humped against me until I completely relaxed behind her. I rolled away; awed that sex was so incredible. I didn't have any experience to compare but I knew what we just did was awesome. She flipped to her side facing me, a shadow of worry in her eyes, “We shouldn't have done that, I don't know, I just woke up and ---”

“Shsss – I'm not going to complain if that's what you think, I didn't know it would feel that good.”

She smiled cautiously then admitted, “That was a lot better than Marty, you didn't hurt.” Her smile got larger.

She sat up, pulled off the night gown then dug through a pile of towels and folded one under her butt so the bed wouldn't get messed up. While she was doing that I pulled the blanket off my waist and inspected my cock. It was still mostly stiff and had gobs of cum clinging around the head. Tina watched me finger myself then she took over. She wrapped her fingers around the shaft and pumped it up and down while looking at it intently. The touch of her fingers started blood flowing again and she was rewarded with the feeling of it regaining strength. She looked back into my face, “Let's do it again.”

Tina fell back and opened her legs wide. We were both beginners, new to sex, so we didn't know about petting or foreplay. I got up and over, slipped my cock back into her and started hammering her body with wild unskilled enthusiasm. She bounced under me, but we were out of sync and I kept slipping out. After stabbing the bed between her legs a few times, I stopped slamming her. She looked up at me, a hint of frustration in her eyes, “It felt better the first time” she said.

I didn't say anything but I folded my elbows to my side, held her by the hips and rolled over, taking her with me. Tina ended up lying over me, her body resting on mine from legs to chest. Her tits were soft and warm on my skin, her stomach and thighs pleasantly pressing me into the bed. She widened her legs across my hips and let my cock rub on her crack. I reached over her butt then held it still while she shifted her body; my erection slid into her again. I stayed still while my sister set her own pace for getting fucked. She pushed up until she was half way sitting on my lap and rolled her hips, causing her sex to slip and slide on the shaft in her.

I watched Tina's face as we screwed. Her features softened, became more sensual as the activity between her legs sent shivers of pleasure through her. She closed her eyes, lifted her head toward the roof as whispers of sound escaped her lips. Each time she stroked my cock with her pussy she uttered softly “uh!” I was still for a while, letting Tina take what she wanted the way she wanted but I couldn't hold back the need to fuck her too. I started flexing my ass, meeting her movement with my own, careful to keep from pulling out of her. She dropped her eyes to mine and pulled me into her stare as our bodies meshed and bonded. I put my hands on her hips and began to lift her then pull her down on me with more energy. I felt the slit I was deep into getting hotter, slicker and softer as we gained more confidence in what we were doing. I could hear the slip-squish of my cock sliding through the opening of her sex. I lifted Tina up until my erection was standing free, alone, then pulled her hard back down on me. As her butt crunched my balls her eyes flew wide and she gasped “Oh!” Watching and hearing her reaction pumped me up even more so I did it again. Tina's eyes went out of focus and she started to convulse. She bent at the waist, butting her head against my shoulder and groaned in my ear “Uhh! Uhhhhhh!” She was shaking while slamming her cunt on my cock. I went over the top and started spewing a second load into her.

She was completely spent, lying on my body, her chest heaving as she sucked in cooling air. After a moment of silence she lifted her head and looked at me. “I never in my life expected to feel something like that with you. Maybe mom and dad are smarter than we think.” We went to sleep with her lying at my side, her body pressed against mine while I held her close with an arm.

The sky was pale blue when she woke me with kiss on the cheek and her nose pressed against my neck. “Hey Von, we have to get up, I hear them outside.” Not only was she nuzzling my neck, she had captured my morning erection in her hand and was stroking it lightly. I tried to push her to her back but she spurned me by saying “Not now, we can't stay in here that long.” I got my first full look at my sister's nudity when she got out of the bed to get dressed, my erection thumped with aching lust as I watched her legs and ass.

Mom and dad had to have seen the change in dynamics between Tina and me. She and I flirted like high school sweethearts as we worked through the day. There were whispered promises, stolen pinches and caresses. By the time the sun went behind the mountains I was ready to fuck my sister all night. I was a little surprised at how fast I stopped being timid. I stripped naked in front of her and willed her to look at my long thick erection. She peeled to bare skin then stood in front of me, lifted her arms wide then turned in a circle, showing me what I was about to take to bed. It was too cold to play in the open air so we sprinted for the bed and clung to each other to warm up while giggling and bouncing under the quilt.

I tried to get over her, to stick my rock-solid shaft into her but she held me at bay, smiling, “Not yet, we have lots of time.” Tina made me slow down; she made me appreciate having her near. She told me how to touch her and play with her body while exploring mine. After a few minutes paying attention to her breasts Tina pushed me to my back, leaned over my face then kissed me for the first time. I wasn't a complete stranger to girls; I had made out often and hard with Lena so in seconds my sister and I were lip locked to each other while our internal fires built even higher. The next time I pushed her over she didn't protest, she opened up for me and I slipped my cock into the tender hot environment she was offering. Tina and I fucked three times that night, each time we learned more and more about how to pleasure and enjoy the other.

It took only those first two nights for Tina and me to overcome the circumstance of our sibling relationship and enter into weeks of intense sexual adventure. The first time I put my mouth between her legs my sister yowled loud enough our mom made an amused comment the next morning about her outburst. My sister was so embarrassed she vowed never to make a sound during sex again; she managed to keep her vow for about an hour. I thought she would puke out the first time I shot her mouth full but after her initial grimace she swallowed, once her mouth was clear she leaped on me and made me kiss her with tongue. That turned into playful wrestling match and another long fuck.

Two months later our stay at the survival home was over and my sister were long over our reluctance to screw each other. When we got back to the city the first thing I did was call Lena. I had learned a few things and was confident I could seduce her; Tina went back to Marty. Mom and dad never said anything to us but I could tell they were satisfied that their children had taken the final steps to adulthood and learned even more about surviving the coming holocaust.

Dirty SamoneReport 

2019-07-28 19:38:15
I like to read of ass fuckin. They need to try it all. Give me some ass fuckin.


2019-07-25 03:38:47
That was what I expected and not what I expected. You did a great job making both of them sweet and their early experiences sexy and tender at the same time. I hope there will be more.

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