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Based on my experiences traveling with my high school soccer team when I was a freshman. Changed a little bit of it up so it won’t reflect my life too closely.
My name is Noah, and I have always struggled with my sexuality, especially when I was a young teenager. This was an especially major concern of mine when I finally reached high school and joined the soccer team. Being on the boy’s soccer team, I was around a lot of other teenaged boys, playing and sweating together. During this time, I really began to wonder whether I liked boys rather than girls.

It all began when soccer season did. Being on the team, I was obliged to travel with the other boys for matches, juggling my school work on top of daily practice and my match schedule. But despite that, each one of us on the team made sure to train extremely hard, and because of that, we just kept winning our matches.

Unfortunately though, that also meant that we had to keep traveling further and further out as we continued winning and made a beeline toward nationals. Before long, we were spending whole weekends away from home, practicing against other teams and playing matches while staying at random hotels out in the Californian desert.

This, combined with the pressure of schoolwork, was almost too much for most of the boys on the team, and it showed in many different ways. Fights broke out in the hotels, and arguments were had on the bus before big games. Often, the occupants of the hotels we stayed at would make several noise complaints, as boys roughhoused in their rooms and ran up and down the corridors in the wee hours of the night.

That was not the only way the boys vented their stress, however. Being in the road, far away from girls our own age, sexual tensions reached a breaking point as the stress from trainings and matches threatened to crack us.

I still remember the first night it happened. As we often did, there was a couple of us just hanging out together in the same room even though only two boys shared a room with each other. That night, there was Isaac, a junior, Josh, a sophomore, and the two owners of the room, me and Logan, both freshmen.

Since Logan and I often bunked together in the same room while traveling, I had come to learn quite a bit about him. Apparently, he’d been playing soccer all his life and was quite the star player in middle school. Unfortunately, his transition to high school soccer hadn’t been quite smooth, and he was now arguing with the sophomore, Josh, about a missed shot he made during the last match.

“Shut up,” Logan was telling Josh. “Just because you hang out with the seniors all the time doesn’t mean you can talk to me like that!”

“Actually, I can, and I’ll treat you however I want.” Josh smirked. “Maybe if you stop missing wide open kicks then the team would finally stop treating you like the loser you are!”

Logan jumped to his feet, eyes wide with anger at the comment. He wasn’t afraid of Josh, I knew that. Logan’s skin was tanned from countless hours under the sun, and his lanky frame was leanly built with a thin layer of firm muscle from the endless drilling he’d been subjected to since he was just a child.

Josh, meanwhile, was a sophomore, and wasn’t about to let a freshman punk him like that. He too got to his feet, and stared defiantly at Logan. Immediately, I knew that if nothing was done, the two would break out into a fight. I didn’t want that; Logan was my friend, and if he got hurt, it would be my fault for not trying to stop him.

“Hey, maybe let’s just calm down for a bit.” I cut in, standing between the two. “Maybe we’re all just tired from practice today. Why don’t we chill out for a bit and do something instead?”

“Good idea.” Isaac said from across the room. He was laying on the bed, my bed, idly playing with his phone. “I’m bored as fuck, lets all watch some TV instead or something.”

With a temporary truce having been formed, both Josh and Logan returned to the bed sitting down on opposite corners as I squeezed up next to Isaac, who had picked up the TV remote.

“Alright, lets see what’s on TV.”

Turning on the TV, it only took Isaac a couple of minutes of flicking through the channels before we finally stumbled upon one of those late night TV channels.


Both mine and Logan’s mouth must’ve dropped open as a gorgeous set of tits appeared on the screen. The upperclassmen, meanwhile, were cheering and whooping happily.

“That’s what I’m talking about!” Isaac laughed and clapped his hands.

“S-Should we be watching this?” I nervously stammered.

“Yeah.” Logan added. “What i-if coach decides to check on us and he catches us watching... this?”

“Don’t be such a fucking wuss.” Josh snickered, obviously happy to take a shot at Logan after their earlier argument. “What, you telling me you both don’t like pussy?”

Isaac chuckled, rubbing the front of his shorts as his eyes fixed on the screen. “Huh, sounds about virgin to me.”

“Or gay.”

The two older boys laughed as I felt my heart skip a beat. At this point, I often struggled with my own sexuality, and found some boys cute as I nursed innocent crushes on them. I always wished to be rid of this strange attraction I often had, however, and never wanted anyone else to find out about it, let alone the older boys on my soccer team. And so, I kept my mouth shut. Logan, meanwhile, was fuming quietly, too distracted watching the steamy sex scene onscreen to come up with anything smart or witty to fire back against the upperclassmen.

“Ohhh...” The girl on TV moaned as a man kissed her pink, erect nipples tenderly.

I was spellbound. While I had obviously seen my share of pornography before on the internet, seeing something like this on TV with your friends was a whole new experience, and I was lost in a hypnotic trance as I watched the man begin to fuck the woman on TV, who at this point was screaming in pleasure.

The sound of rustling clothes finally broke me out of my trance, and I turned to look to the two older boys beside me, who were now completely naked on the bed and playing with their fully erect cock.

“Isaac!” I gasped in shock. “Josh!”

“What?” The two said in unison, slightly irritated.

I wasn’t able to answer. The porn on TV, and now the sight of my teammates naked on the bed right next to me was too much, and I could only open and close my mouth as if trying to mouth words. Logan, meanwhile, who was sitting next to me, was slightly less shocked but still silent.

“What, never seen another boy naked before?” Josh scoffed, shaking his hips up toward both me and Logan. His erect cock flipped and flopped back and forth. “Don’t worry boys, if you stay on the team you’ll be seeing a lot more of me real soon.”

“Don’t be a fucking prude man,” Isaac laughed, giving me a playful push and pat on the crotch. “I mean it’s not like you can say you aren’t turned on too.”

I looked down at the tent at my own crotch, and for the first time realized that I too was sporting a huge stiffy in my shorts.

“Ohhh, I bet it was her tits that did it huh!” Josh laughed, making slurping noises with his tongue. “Does someone want to suck on titties tonight?”

Taking his attention away from my crotch, Josh turned to Logan and spotted the boner Logan was hiding with a pillow.

“You too, Logan? Wow.” He winked at Logan, half encouraging, half teasing. “We all know you want to so just take it out, let’s see it.”

Logan’s face had turned extremely red by now, and so had mine. Of course, we were embarrassed, both at being teased and because what Josh and Isaac were saying was true. I really did want to do this, and I knew Logan did too. How long had it been since I last came? School, practice, and traveling had kept us all so busy that I hadn’t realized how long I haven’t had time to myself to masturbate.

Not wanting to be embarrassed even further by the two older boys, and realizing that this was the perfect moment to finally spend some of that accumulated sexual energy that had been stored up for weeks in my little teenaged body, I finally decided to just pull down my shorts and get it over with.

“That’s what I’m talking about! Now the shirt has to come of too! Trust me, it feels better like that!”

Hands grabbed at my shirt and I relented, allowing them to pull my shirt off. Now completely naked, I turned to look at Logan, now the only clothed on in the room.

Finally giving in to the pressure, Logan swallowed nervously as he too stripped off his clothes. When his boner popped out, I found myself eyeing it a little. It was a good looking cock, if there ever was one, nice and trimmed, not too skinny and not too fat. It stood about six inches, and was as tanned as the rest of his body.

Mine, meanwhile, was just a little short of six inches, as pale as my own skin, and skinny. Gripping it, I managed to stop myself staring at Logan before anyone made a snarky comment about it, and turned to the porno TV as I joined the others in beginning to pump my cock.

It didn’t take long for us all to finish. Whether it was because we were watching the same porn and sped up our strokes during the porno’s climax, or whether it was because we had become so turned on at the sounds of each other cumming that we were pushed past the point of no return, we each climaxed at approximately the same time.

“U-Ugh!” I shuddered violently, my body involuntarily curling forward as the load I had saved up for weeks shot out of me in long, thick streams of cum.

Since there were four of us in the room, we made a real mess. Cum was shot everywhere, but I considerately aimed away from anyone else and shot onto the bedroom floor and bed. Logan has shot entirely into the sheets and drenched them. Meanwhile, the two upperclassmen had not been as considerate as us freshmen, and didn’t even bother aiming away, ending up getting cum on both me and Logan.

“Isaac!” I yelped as I felt the first of the thick ropes of cum splatter against my bare, skinny back.

“Fuck, you got some on me!” Logan yelled as he wiped the cum off his butt immediately.

As usual, the two older boys couldn’t see what we were so upset about, and instead merely laughed it off. It took Logan quite some minutes of scrubbing in the bathroom before he felt clean and manly again, but I didn’t really seem to be that bothered by it. In fact, the experience only piqued my curiosity even more, and that night I dreamt about the warm touch of another boy’s cum on my skin.


At this point in time, I didn’t want to think of myself as gay or sexually attracted to guys, but I did have crushes on my classmates sometimes. Unsurprisingly, Logan was one of those crushes I had, and my heart often raced when talking to him.

Immediately after that experience in the hotel room, I found myself hoping for it to happen again. I didn’t want to do anything sexual with another boy, though, as doing so would only prove once and for all that I was gay in my own mind. I did want to be around Logan in a sexual way, and just being in his presence while we both masturbated to a porn flick seemed to be just perfect. Thankfully, both Isaac and Josh didn’t think it was weird to jerk off together, because they’d both already done it in previous years with past members of the team.

Before long, jerking off together to porno became a routine activity between me, Logan, Isaac, and Josh whenever we stayed in hotels for our matches, and I began looking forward to nights away from home where it’ll be just us pals hanging out together, stressed and horny as hell.

One of those nights though, Isaac suggested something new that was both thrilling but mortifying to me. We were in the middle of another session of jerking off in the same room when Isaac suggested it.

“Josh, remember when one of the seniors showed us that thing during your freshman year?”

“Huh?” Josh stopped jerking for a moment, as if trying to remember, before chuckling. “Oh, you mean what we did last November?”

“Yeah.” Isaac smirked deviously. “Maybe we should try that.”

Had I not been as tired as I was, I would’ve been curious as to what the upperclassmen were talking about. However, we had just played a match earlier that afternoon, and I was exhausted, barely able to focus even on the porn on the TV. Logan, however, wasn’t as tired as me apparently, and proceeded to ask.

“What are you guys talking about?”

“Well, it’s this thing that we do to spice things up sometimes and make things more exciting.” Isaac explained with a gleeful smile. “It always feels much better than doing it yourself, and trust me, even though you won’t want to do it at first, jerking off would never be the same after feeling what this feels like.”

At this, I finally turned around and gave them a curious look. “What are you saying?”

Josh grinned. “Okay, get this: we’re gonna jerk each other off.”

My mouth nearly dropped open, and I looked to Logan, who was similarly as shocked as I was.

“Yeah, you heard that right. Jerk each other off.”

“As in, hands on the next guy’s dick, pumping them till they cum all over your hand.” Isaac added.

“N-No way.” I was the first to break the silence, laughing. “T-That’s not right, we can’t do that.”

“Can’t?” Josh repeated with a raised brow.

“I-I mean, we shouldn’t, shouldn’t touch each other.” I tried explaining myself. I glanced at Logan for a split second and immediately felt butterflies in my stomach at the thought of him touching my cock.

“Well, why not?” Josh challenged. “Who says we can’t touch each other? I mean, unless you’re a fag, or something.”

Isaac laughed as I swallowed hard. “I’m sure we’re all into girls here, right?”

I nodded my head almost reflexively, afraid that my friends would see right through me.

Inside, my heart was racing with excitement, screaming at me to say yes, to jump at this opportunity to have another boy touch me intimately. But even though I was horny as fuck right now, there was still a part of me that was warning me that if I crossed this line, if I did let another boy jack me off, there was no going back. I would essentially be surrendering the fight that was going on inside of me and admitting to myself that I did indeed like other boys.

And what would that mean for me? Would that mean that I was gay? Would the others see right through me the moment I crossed that line, and begin laughing at me for liking other boys? Would I then become an outsider, shunned and outcast from all of my friends?

“I...” Logan had begun saying, snapping me out of my thoughts. “I don’t know if we should do this.” He glanced at me, as if unsure. “I mean, I’ve never... never...”

“Aww, the kids are scared.” Josh teased before Logan could finish. “What, nobody besides your mom ever touched your dick before?”

Isaac laughed. “Hey, what about we do this?” He turned to me, scooting over closer so that he sat next to me on the bed. “If you’re not sure about doing it to us, fine, but let us jack you off for a bit. Just close your eyes and pretend a hot girl’s doing it, and when you realize how good it feels, maybe you won’t think it’s such a bad idea after all. Alright?”


“Come on, you want it!” Josh was saying, as he moved over to Logan. The sophomore found delight in teasing him, and so it wasn’t surprising that he began playfully stroking the freshman’s thighs, before Logan quickly swatted it away.

“Stop it.”

Logan was breathing heavily, and was only able to barely resist Josh’s next assault, slowly pushing away the older boy’s hand when it wandered up and down his lower abdomen, very close to his crotch. But when Josh finally went for the kill, grabbing the freshman’s wrists with one hand so that he couldn’t stop him, and then holding his cock with the other, Logan’s defenses crumbled. Immediately, a sigh of pleasure and relief escaped from his mouth.

“He likes it!” Isaac laughed incredulously, bouncing up and down the bed next to me. “Quick, start stroking him before he changes his mind!”

I looked at Josh and watched as he did as he was told, gliding his hand up and down my roommate’s throbbing cock. Even though his wrists were still being held, Logan had stopped resisting by now and had his eyes closed, sighing pleasurably. Obviously, there was no way that Logan would pull away now, even if Josh stopped holding his wrists.

“I told you it’d feel good.” Josh said softly, smiling devilishly as he looked to me and Isaac. “Now it’s your turn.”

“Yeah,” Isaac said. “Come on, lemme do it for you.”

I had still been in a trance, watching Logan being jerked off by the older boy when the firm touch of Isaac’s strong hands shook me back into reality. I turned around to find the bigger and older boy leering at me as he looked down at my cock, which was now harder than ever.

Obviously, I wanted this. To have another boy touch my cock, and possibly being able to touch another boy’s cock later would really be a dream come true for me. Unfortunately, I knew I could not let that happen. To do so would be allowing this “gayness” inside of me that I so despised to win, and I would not allow that.

“No,” I began to say, trying to move away. “I think I’m just fine-“

But as I continually tried to refuse, Isaac also continued talking, speaking over me as he held my shoulders in place firmly. Not forcefully, but firmly.

“-Bro, chill.” Isaac said, brushing my hands aside as I tried to stop him as he reached for my cock. I tried to say something else again as he moved in closer to me but Isaac kept interrupting every word that my mouth managed to form, not allowing me to speak. “Just chill, chill.”

Trying to get away from him, I began to struggle with Isaac’s hands forcing me in place. I never did have an athletic background, and since I was new to the soccer team, my muscles hadn’t yet been given the time to develop, and my softer, skinnier frame was no match for the veteran athlete that Isaac was. I ended up on my back on the bed and Isaac on top of me.

Helpless and at his mercy now, I could only look up at the older boy as he reached down and grasped my cock. Immediately, an indescribable shiver of pleasure ran through my young body, and I let out a soft groan of pleasure.

“See? Pretty good right?” Isaac said as he begun stroking, sending powerful waves of ecstasy through my body. “I told you.” He glanced back at Logan. Logan had watched Isaac force me down, but wasn’t sure if he should have stopped it as he too was also being jacked off by Josh. “All you had to do was chill for a little. There’s nothing gay about it.”

The mention of “gay” finally brought me back to my senses, and I quickly looked down in horror as I watched Isaac’s hand slide up and down my shaft.

“W-What? No!” I nearly yelled as I jumped to my feet, finally managing to push Isaac away from me.

Oh no. What had I done? I couldn’t do this, I couldn’t let this urge inside of me win. Afraid and overwhelmed at how good Isaac’s touch felt, even for a few seconds, I knew that I had to get out of here.

“Hey chill out man, we’re all just having some fun.” Josh, who was still jerking Logan, tried to say, but I wasn’t having it. I was fuming, and I quickly made for the door.

Isaac had other plans however, and quickly pounced on me.

“Isaac’ What are you-“

Pushed to the ground, I was dragged across the room to the study desk that every hotel room had.

“Where did you think you were going?” He asked sarcastically, pulling out the chair from the desk.

Lifting me up with his strong arms, Isaac set me down hard on the seat, and pinned me there with one hand against my chest as he grabbed the discarded clothes I was wearing earlier.

“Here, use this too.” Josh called as he tossed Isaac his clothes too, excited to watch what happens next.

I was helpless to physically resist Isaac’s strength, and could do nothing as he used the clothes to tie my legs to each chair leg and bound my wrists together. Logan, meanwhile, did seem concerned, but like me earlier, his gaze was transfixed on me as if in a trance.

“You didn’t want to just sit still, did you?” Isaac asked with a devilish smirk. “You thought you were too good to be touched or something. Just had to force us to do it the hard way.” He paused momentarily as he watched me struggle against my binds. “Well, who knows. You might actually enjoy it better being tied up.”

“Kinky.” Josh snickered.

“Let me go Isaac!” I yelled, trying to wiggle my way out of the shirts and shorts that tied me to the chair. “This isn’t funny anymore!”

“Oh,” Isaac said, ignoring me. “I almost forgot this.”

Quickly grabbing the underwear he was using from ground, Isaac returned and stuffed it into my mouth before I could scream some more.

“There, all done.”

I tried to scream again, but my words were muffled by the underwear stuffed in my mouth. There was no way anyone would hear me now, and I was trapped, tied down to the chair with no hope of escape. But even in this situation, I noticed that I was actually getting even more turned on. My erection had become far stronger and stiffer than before, and I felt my heart race with nervous excitement. Was Isaac right? Did I really like it better this way, and did I want this?

Did it even matter?

“Now, let’s begin.”

My muffled screaming turned into sighs of pleasure the moment Isaac began to stroke my cock again, and even with the underwear stuffed in my mouth, it was audible to everyone in the room that I liked it.

“There we go.” Isaac smirked as everyone laughed.

I couldn’t help myself. I knew this was wrong, and that I had to stop, but it all just felt so good. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I just gave in this one time? After all, I did actually try to leave earlier, only to be forcibly tied down by Isaac. It’s not like this was my fault or anything.

After only about a minute, I knew that I was close. As a teenaged boy with daily practice, Isaac knew his way around a cock, and knew just what to do to make it feel good. He fondled and caressed my balls with one hand while his other hand gently touched and massaged the shaft, focusing on the tip. Even though I did not want to, I couldn’t help but buck my hips upward as I began to feel the familiar pressure of orgasm building up inside me.

“Wait, don’t let him cum yet!” Josh yelled, laughing as he watched me buck my hips. “Make the little shit earn it, after all the trouble he made is go through. Make him admit that he likes it!”

Isaac looked at me with a mischievous smile as he heard that. “Good idea.”

This entire time I was being jerked off, I had begun to suck on Isaac’s used underwear in my mouth without realizing it, liking how it tasted in my mouth as he stroked me. So when Isaac stopped jerking me to remove his underwear, I was surprised to find myself actually disappointed.

“You heard him.” Isaac said, dangling the underwear in front of my nose. “Admit it, and then I’ll let you cum.”

I grimaced. Being tied up and jerked to climax on a chair was embarrassing enough, and liking it was even worse. But actually having to admit it? Now that was just torture, and I couldn’t see why Isaac and Josh were doing this to me.

“P-Please...” I gasped, out of breath as my throbbing cock begged for more. “You... You know I do...”

“I don’t, actually.” Isaac retorted with a grin. “For all I know you may run straight to coach after this and snitch on us.” He teased me by running his fingertip along my shaft, causing me to shiver. “I don’t wanna get in trouble, so maybe I should just stop now.”

“No! Don’t!” I yelled desperately before I could even stop myself, causing the two upperclassmen to laugh. Was this really what I had been reduced to? A queer fag who had to beg to be finished while tied to a chair against his will? Where had my dignity gone?

“Please...” I found myself saying, even as I scolded myself for wanting it. “I like it, Isaac.”

“What do you like? Tell me what you like, and want me to do.”

“I like being jerked off by you.” The shame was red on my face. “And I want you to let me cum.”

“Oh, so you like being touched by other guys?”


“Say it, tell me you like being played with by other guys!”

His finger was on my tip now, circling the glans as I shuddered in anticipation of my long awaited climax. I had to say it, I had no choice. But...

Looking to Logan, I saw that he was still watching me, watching me beg for more as I was tied up on the chair. He hadn’t said anything the entire time, and it was no wonder why. Logan was still being jerked off by Josh also, but unlike me, he wasn’t being embarrassed in front of the entire room. Why would he risk being targeted next if he was actually enjoying himself, and perhaps even loving what he was seeing? While I’m sure he didn’t like to see me tortured like this, there was no question that watching me had made him even hornier than before.

Realizing that I was truly helpless, and knowing that I had no choice, my face turned even redder as I realized how I would have to beg Isaac in front of Logan.

“I like being touched by other guys...” I finally said softly, on the verge of tears now.

“What?” Isaac said, his hands beginning to grasp my shaft again. “Louder!”

The pleasure was immense, just having Isaac’s hand return to my cock, and I knew then that I could never let this go until I came. Shutting my eyes tightly, I threw back my head and decided to let it all out.

“I said I love being touched by other guys! I love being jerked off, and I want you to let me cum!”

“Then beg for it!” Isaac ordered, his hands sliding up and down my shaft quickly. “Beg like a bitch!”

“I want to cum, Isaac! Please, let me cum, please!”

“Damn,” Josh laughed. “What a bitch.”

“That’s right,” Isaac agreed. “Noah’s a fucking bitch boy.”

His stroking sped up, pushing me over the edge immediately. I grunted, biting down hard on my lip as my cock erupted, sending thick ropes of white semen everywhere. Logan, who had been watching also the entire time, began to spasm in euphoria as Josh jerked him faster too, reaching his own orgasm while watching me cum.

“Ah!” Both Logan and I moaned.

“Holy shit!” Josh muttered with a smile as Logan’s cum shot up all over his hand.

Even though I had cum, Isaac’s strokes hadn’t slowed down, and I began to spasm against my restraints on the chair as his hands rubbed up and down on my now hyper sensitive tip.

“Ow, s-stop!” I cried out as Isaac chuckled.

“Fuck,” Josh said, standing up. “I think it’s safe to say these two freshmen liked what happened. They came at the same time!”

“And shot a whole fucking lot of cum.” Isaac noted, smirking as he finally took his hands off my cock. He looked at me with suddenly serious, piercing eyes. “So it’s safe to say that you won’t be blabbing to coach, right?”

I shook my head vigorously, still nervous at the power the older and stronger boy wielded over me while I was tied up to this chair.

“I won’t, I swear.”

“And Logan wouldn’t either,” Josh said as he walked over to the room’s bathroom to wash his hands. “Or else he’d have to admit that he let me jerk him off too. Right?”

Logan’s face went extremely red, but he didn’t say anything, offering only a small, barely detectable nod.

“Nice.” Isaac said, and turned to me to untie me. Before long, I was free again, and tentatively got to my feet, rubbing my wrists. “So we’re cool right?”

I swallowed hard and nodded. “Yeah. Cool.”

“Great.” Isaac laughed, giving my naked ass a friendly slap. “See you in the morning then, bitch boy.”

I grimaced. It looked like I had a new nickname now.
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